core combat training syllabus - carl cestari

The Core Combat Training Course™ Official Syllabus ( by Carl Cestari – ) Tools Needed: Training Dummy Shirt/ Pair of Boots Belt Egg Timer Brick Cinder Block Sand paper belts House Sponge (about 5 X 8”) Carpenters or woodworking sponge (about 3 X 5”) Duct Tape Any truly practical approach to personal survival in the context of real-world violent assault must assume certain fundamental “base lines”. These are in essence the “measuring sticks” used to validate and/or prioritize training, tactics and so-called “techniques”. One MUST assume that the ANY pragmatic training doctrine should ALWAYS START with “worst case” scenarios. Anything less is just plain foolishness. These mandates include: 1. More than ONE aggressor (whether you see more than one aggressor or not). 2. ALL aggressor’s are ARMED (whether you see a weapon or not). 3. ANY aggressor you may face is a SUPERIOR fighter (in terms of size, strength, fitness, youth, experience and skill). 4. ANY aggressor willing to lay a hand on you, or even verbally threaten you is FULLY capable of KILLING YOU! 5. NO potentially violent situation can be “defused” or “de-escalated”. NEVER EVER assume that it CAN! 6. NO stranger OR potential threat should EVER be allowed to enter your personal safety zone without being CHALLENGED (to reveal intent) or STOPPED IMMEDIATELY(if within touching distance) – ANY approach from the REARWARD 180 degree circumference MUST be FORCEFULLY and IMMEDIATELY DEALT WITH! 7. ANY and ALL tactics, training and “technique” must be “workable” under conditions of poor visibility, poor terrain, obstacle strewn and unfamiliar environment, physical distress, injury, exhaustion and while having to protect others. To sum up in the SIMPLEST of terms – Consider how VERY, VERY “bad” it can get……………….triple that…………………then “plan” accordingly. And then realize that whatever you plan…………………….at first contact it will go right down the crapper! In terms of TRAINING and “technique”, three important factors must be present: 1. Speed

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Page 1: Core Combat Training Syllabus - Carl Cestari

The Core Combat Training Course™ Official Syllabus

( by Carl Cestari – )

Tools Needed: Training Dummy Shirt/ Pair of Boots Belt Egg Timer Brick Cinder Block Sand paper belts House Sponge (about 5 X 8”) Carpenters or woodworking sponge (about 3 X 5”) Duct Tape

Any truly practical approach to personal survival in the context of real-world violent assault must assume certain fundamental “base lines”. These are in essence the “measuring sticks” used to validate and/or prioritize training, tactics and so-called “techniques”.

One MUST assume that the ANY pragmatic training doctrine should ALWAYS START with “worst case” scenarios. Anything less is just plain foolishness. These mandates include:

1. More than ONE aggressor (whether you see more than one aggressor or not). 2. ALL aggressor’s are ARMED (whether you see a weapon or not). 3. ANY aggressor you may face is a SUPERIOR fighter (in terms of size, strength, fitness, youth, experience and skill). 4. ANY aggressor willing to lay a hand on you, or even verbally threaten you is FULLY capable of KILLING YOU! 5. NO potentially violent situation can be “defused” or “de-escalated”. NEVER EVER assume that it CAN! 6. NO stranger OR potential threat should EVER be allowed to enter your personal safety zone without being CHALLENGED (to reveal intent) or STOPPED IMMEDIATELY(if within touching distance) – ANY approach from the REARWARD 180 degree circumference MUST be FORCEFULLY and IMMEDIATELY DEALT WITH! 7. ANY and ALL tactics, training and “technique” must be “workable” under conditions of poor visibility, poor terrain, obstacle strewn and unfamiliar environment, physical distress, injury, exhaustion and while having to protect others.

To sum up in the SIMPLEST of terms – Consider how VERY, VERY “bad” it can get……………….triple that…………………then “plan” accordingly. And then realize that whatever you plan…………………….at first contact it will go right down the crapper!

In terms of TRAINING and “technique”, three important factors must be present:

1. Speed

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2. Power 3. Accuracy

SLOW reactions/actions are USELESS! WEAK reactions/actions are USELESS! INACCURATE reactions/actions are USELESS!

In order to BEST fulfill the above requirements and avoid the USELESS the trainee should choose the SIMPLEST, most mechanically efficient and OVERALL pragmatic attacks.


Training the TIGER-CLAW/CHIN-JAB/HEEL of HAND blow would mandate that these LINEAR type attacks be PRACTICED in TWO ways:


So a training combination USING JUST a “Tiger-Claw” could simply be a FAST NON-TELEGRAPHED “Cobra-like” whip to the face EMPHASIZING SPEED(your opening “gambit”)…………………..then a POWER SHOT “Tiger-Claw” using recoil, body English and follow through with the INTENT of blasting the assailants head right off his shoulders! REMEMBER the BOXING ADAGE……………………….LEAD WITH SPEED – FOLLOW with POWER!

Now consider ALL the possibilities with JUST THIS ONE ATTACK.

1. Double right hand 2. Double left hand 3. Left lead – Right follow thru 4. Right lead – Left follow thru 5. Direct to the FRONT (using all of the above) 6. Angled attack 45 degrees to the left front(using all of the above 1-4) 7. Angled attack 45 degrees to the right front(using all of the above 1-4) 8. Left side flanking attack 9. Right side flanking attack 10. Angled attack 45 degrees to the right rear 11. Angled attack 45 degrees to the left rear 12. Rear attack turning right 13. Rear attack turning left

These are ENOUGH DRILLS to work on for WEEKS if not months!

NOW!!!!!!!! Do the same for edge of hand blows, hammerfist smashes, cradle-blows, finger-jabs, punches, elbows, forearms, knees and kicks. Not to mention training various headbutts, shoulder slams, and hip-checks.

Then you start to COMBINE all the various blows and combinations.

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Concentrate on developing SPEED, then POWER and ALWAYS ACCURACY!

STUDY the mechanics of each blow, strike and kick. This is VERY IMPORTANT! FULLY understand HOW the ”technique” should work……then let YOUR body teach you the BEST way for YOU to do it!

The use of MAN-LIKE dummies is ESSENTIAL! Heavy-bags can be used, but to reap full benefit from these drills man-like training dummies are the BEST!

YOU START with a regimented by-rote LEARNING process! You have to learn to crawl before you walk and so forth.

THEN you train with INTENT, EMOTION and FULL AGGRESSIVE DRIVE………………………………and REMEMBER THIS – a street ASSAULT is NOT a “sparring” match! No parity, no willing participation, no acknowledgement of the skills of the opposition, no referees, no time limits, no “time” to “train up”, no KNOWN qualifiers AT ALL, and NO RULES……………which means you are JUST as likely to get stabbed right thru your eye socket with a rusty shank, have your innards blown out by a sawn-off or be set upon by a gang of ruthless “thrill” killers as you are to be cold-cocked in the jaw or kicked right in the balls………………….NO RULES in the street REALLY MEANS “NO HOLDS BARRED”.

FORGET PIN-POINT ACCURACY! It AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN! “COMBAT” accuracy means the ability to hit GENERALLY VITAL targets!


1. The entire area from the BRIDGE of the NOSE to the BASE of the THROAT. 2. The entire area from the TEMPLE to the BASE of the SIDE of NECK. 3. The CENTER LINE AXIS…….a three inch strip that wraps around the body’s center line and contains a NUMBER of damaging target areas.

Some training drill ideas:

Here are some very basic, but EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD training drills that are VERY simple and very effective-

1. For SPEED: Place a child’s rubber ball, handball or similar small BOUNCING type ball under the armpit of your striking hand. With your hands and arms at your side and the ball firmly under the attacking arms armpit……………….ATTACK with your weapon of choice and STRIKE as many times as possible BEFORE the rubber ball hits the deck and bounces once! Then use COMBINATIONS right and left. 2. For POWER: Use RUBBER TUBING to place resistance in ANY type of attack maneuver. Your imagination is the limit here!

The above two drills added to the actual full bore fighting drills are ENOUGH for ANYONE to increase their speed and power. Using the man-dummy will work the accuracy.

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This is another great way to employ your man-dummy. Take ANY hand blow and at the POINT of NATURAL contact with the target perform a series of isometric-type contractions as you attempt to power thru the target. Remember to use the ENTIRE body and really feel the muscular lock from he feet thru the legs and hips up the torso to the shoulders and thru the arms to the striking weapon.


For the average individual interest in training has its peaks and valleys just like any other endeavor in life. Rather than giving the trainee a specific series of drills (which the trainee can and should develop for themselves), it is better to address TRAINING MOTIVATION/

Breaking your workouts up into smaller specific routines directed at a specific “technique” and goal will help you get over “training” doldrums keep you focused on a specific short=term goal or accomplishment. So when you get stale in your overall training routine, pick out ONE single “technique” and ONE single specific goal, i.e. “speed” – “power” or “accuracy”. Maintain the discipline to train that abbreviated and focused goal daily until you feel energized again and return to a fuller training regimen.

JUST DON’T STOP TRAINING! Five minutes a day is better than NO minutes a day!

Below are some Sample Training Routines to get you started. Each work out is designed to happen on different days. Work each routine as frequently as every day or as infrequently as every 3 days. Make sure to take every 5th day off. You can also integrate each workout into your current training regiment. Repetitions will vary for individual. But below you should have enough to last you a very long time.

Work out 1

Edge of Hand Short and Long

A. Facing the Training Dummy (Remember to assumer the appropriate angle on his center line) 1. Double right hand (2 Short Edge of hands 25 times) 2. Double left hand (2 Short Edge of hands 25 times) 3. Left lead – Right follow thru (Short Edge of Hand and Long Edge of Hand 25 times) 4. Right lead – Left follow thru Right follow thru (Short Edge of Hand and Long Edge of Hand 25 times)

B. Angled attacks to the front- Position your self so that the dummy is 45 degrees to the right or left of you 1. Angle to the right: Repeat 1 through 4. 2. Angle to the left: Repeat 1-4

C. Flanking Attacks- Position yourself so that the dummy is directly on either side of you. 1. Left side flanking attack: Repeat 1-4 2. Right side flanking attack: Repeat 1-4

D. Angled Attacks to the rear

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1. Angled attack 45 degrees to the right rear: Repeat 1-4 2. Angled attack 45 degrees to the left rear: Repeat 1-4

E. Rear Attacks 1. Rear attack turning right: Repeat 1-4 2. Rear attack turning left: Repeat 1-4

F. Burst Drills: Get your Egg time and do 10 sets of 15 or 30 second bursts

Replace the edge of hand with, hammer-fist smashes, cradle-blows (hand yoke/web of hand), finger-jabs, punches, elbows, forearms, knees and kicks. Not to mention training various head-butts, shoulder slams, and hip-checks. **Do techniques by themselves and in combinations. Simply, practice the combinations in the above manner. Examples: 1. Short edge of hand, long edge of hand, chin jab with post. 2. Short edge of hand, web of hand throat, knee to testicles 3. Tiger claw, edge of hand head, edge of hand body, rear elbow smash the chest. 4. Shoulder stop, edge of hand chin jab/ no post. 5. Drop step shoulder stop with lead hand, 2 short horizontal edge of hands to side of target’s head, rear vertical edge of hand to targets collar bone, long horizontal edge of hand with same across targets head.

6. Drop Step Tiger claw with your lead hand, Short edge of hand with the same hand and post/Chin jab- Dig the fingers in and push the neck back.

Work out 2 Strength conditioning and Hand Conditioning

This can be done for the: edge of hand, heel of hand, web of hand, finger jab and punch

Rotate the techniques. One work out, just do the edge of hand. The next work out just do the heel of hand and so forth.

A. Strength Conditioning Edge of hand as Example

1. 5 to 12- 10 second holds with each hand. Only do one set of each with each hand. Edge of hand- whole body Edge of hand- shoulder only

B. Hand Conditioning

Place the house sponge on the cinder block and place the brick with the carpenter’s sponge, sand paper and duct tape on top of the sponge. 1. Edge of hand 50 to 100 each hand. Go lightly at first and then add intensity. Adjust the number of reps as needed.

Work out 3

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Strangles and Grappling Rear Naked, Front, Japanese and Basic Collar Strangle

Strength Conditioning

1. Strangles from the rear Each Strangle is done 5 sets of 5 to 12 second lock outs.

Rear Naked 5 sets Front 5 sets Japanese 5 sets Basic Collar 5 sets

2. Strangles from the closed guard/ do jime (make sure to lock the feet out)

Rear Naked 5 sets Front 5 sets Japanese 5 sets Basic Collar 5 sets

3. Chain Drill. 5 sets of 30 seconds in duration Move from one strangle to the other (like Carl Does on Ground fighting). Move from each strangle to dislocation. Rest until you feel good enough to do another set.

4. Striking on the Ground. Do the patter as illustrated in the video by Damian. Do from both the top and bottom. 5 sets, 30 seconds bursts from the top 5 sets, 30 second bursts from the bottom

Work out 4. Technically this last one isn’t a “work out”. In your spare time, while your watching t.v. sitting about, stalking a former girlfriend or boyfriend, sitting on a stake out, or waiting for that federal witness to stick their head out of a safe house. Practice with your Brick.

Squeeze it, hit it, strangle it, do it until you’re bored and then find something else to torture.

Remember times and repetitions can and should be altered. Pay attention to your body. Things will be uncomfortable, but use common sense. As always consult a physician before undertaking ANY strenuous activity. Stay safe and God Bless.