core revision booklet 09

Tuesday 12th May 2009 (PM) Units to revise: Science and Religion Medical Ethics Peace and Justice (Wealth and Poverty) - - The GCSE RE site - Bitesize—You need your login and password for this. If you loose it please e -mail Mrs Emmerson - look at both the ‘main site’ and the ‘issues’ area Name and Form: __________________________________________

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Tuesday 12th May 2009 (PM)

Units to revise:

• Science and Religion • Medical Ethics

• Peace and Justice • (Wealth and Poverty) - - The GCSE RE site - Bitesize—You need your login and password for this. If you loose it please e-mail Mrs Emmerson - look at both the ‘main site’ and the ‘issues’ area

Name and Form: __________________________________________

Page 2: Core Revision Booklet 09
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During the Sermon on the Mount Jesus told people; -not to be violent “An eye for an eye” -that the meek (gentle) will be rewarded in heaven

Jesus used parables to help explain his teachings. You need to know;

• The Good Samaritan • The Sheep and the Goats • The Rich Man and Lazarus

Look them up if your not sure!

“Do to others what you want them to do for you”

- Jesus in Matthew 7:12

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The Exam Always answer the

Christianity question which will be the first one on each page. You have to answer 4 units (4 topics). Each Question has three parts.. Part a) [8 marks] you need to give lots of information about what Christians believe. Part b) [7 marks] is about the effect these beliefs have on a Christian. Try to think of as many different Christian opin-ions as you can. Liberal Christians have very easy going views, they are not extreme and tolerate other views. Fundamentalist Christians are the opposite to Liberal Christians, they have extreme views about things. They think the Bible is absolutely true and only Christians go to Heaven. Roman Catholics have very strong views against abortion, euthanasia, contraception etc. Methodists and Quakers of-ten very tolerant when it comes to moral issues such as abor-tion, euthanasia, contraception etc. The Church of England will often have a mix of opinions and will often be somewhere in-between the others. Part c) [5 marks] This section is always in the form of a quote. (eg “There must be life after death.”) It then tells you how to answer the question so follow the instructions. · Do you agree? · Give reasons for your answer · and show that you have thought about different points of view. · You must refer to Christianity in your answer.

Unit 7 Medical Ethics Sanctity of Life = Life is sacred and special given by God and must be pre-served. Abortion SCS life starts when the sperm meets the egg so abortion is a sin (Roman Catholics think this) SCS that life begins when the soul enters the body at about 20 weeks so abortion after this is wrong. SCS that in some circumstances it may be the more loving thing to do to prevent suffering. (Love your neighbour) SCS that if a mother’s life is in danger abortion should be allowed. Fertility treatment SCS that you shouldn't interfere with human life so fertility treatment is wrong. (Roman Catholics) SCS that if it is the loving thing to do then it can be justified. SCS it is wrong to discard unwanted foetuses as this is murder.

Euthanasia Passive euthanasia is when you turn off a life support machine and a person dies from their injuries. Active euthanasia is when you kill someone tom end their suffering eg. with a lethal injection. SCS that euthanasia is wrong that God has a plan for every life it is sacred. SCS that it is sometimes the most loving thing to do so is acceptable. (Love your neighbour) Medical research on animals SCS that animals are God’s creation so we should treat them with respect SCS that animals have no soul so we can do what we like with them SCS that people are more important than animals so we can experiment on them but perhaps not for shampoo and makeup.

Unit 3 Religion and Science The Origins (Start) of the world The Bible says that God made the world in 6 days and that man was created at the end. Man was special and given domination over all of the plants and creatures. SCS that the Bible is completely true so the worlds is 5000 years old, made in 6 days No evolution No Big Bang. They reject lots of Scientific discovery. SCS that the ‘days’ of Genesis are long periods and that the universe is very old but still made by God, they might reject evolution. SCS that the bible is a religious book not a scientific manual so they believe that God made everything but they also accept scientific theories such as evolution and the Big Bang. People and Animals Most Christians agree that animals have no souls so we can use them as we like but we must be responsible for them. SCS that the Bible says that God cares for all the birds of the air and lilies of the field so we should look after everything. Stewardship and the Environment SCS Christians believe that God created the world so we must look after it. SCS that we should love our neighbour which means that we shouldn’t damage the environment because it causes suffering in developing countries and for future generations. SCS we should work to improve the environment by recycling, protesting, campaigning and by supporting green causes.

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Unit 9 Wealth and Poverty (Long exam only) The Bible says… • “Love your neighbour as yourself” • “Blessed are the poor - for the Kingdom of heaven is

yours” • “It is easier for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God

than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle” • The parable of the Good Samaritan shows that we should

help everyone

Causes of Poverty • Natural causes include famine, drought, earthquakes etc. • Human causes include war, corrupt governments, unfair


Concern for the Poor Jesus spent most time with those people on the edges of society so Christians might try to do the same. Mother Teresa, Salvation Army and Christian Aid are all examples of people and groups who have tried to do this

Giving to Charity This can happen in lots of different ways—not all of them involved money • Tithe—10% of income into church collection • Donate money (emergency appeals, tins) • Donate clothes and objects to shops • Volunteering with a local group • Working with an organisation like Christian Aid • Remember the widow who only put in a penny in

the collection whilst other put in more? - Jesus was pleased with her as she gave all she had

Moral and Immoral Occupations Most Christians will choose to earn money in ways that keep the 10 commandments, i.e. not killing, stealing or lying.

Unit 10 Peace and Justice War SCS that War is always wrong because Jesus said, “Love your neighbour” and “Turn the other cheek” SCS that violence is necessary only in extreme circumstances A Just War is a war that some Christians be-lieve can be justified under certain conditions… 1.The War is started by the proper authority (e.g. Democratic governments or the U.N) 2.There must be a just reason to go to war. 3.The war must produce good and not evil. 4.The war must be a last resort everything else must have been tried. 5.There should be no more force used than is necessary. Pacifism Some Christians are pacifists they refuse to use violence. Martin Luther King was a Christian who refuse to use violence to fight against op-pression. The Bible says… “If you live by the sword you will die by the sword” “Turn your swords into ploughshares and your spears into pruning hooks” “Love your enemies and pray for those who per-secute you.” Punishment There are 4 aims of punishment. •Reform—changing a person •Protection—protecting society •Retribution—making them pay for their crime •Deterrence—acting as a warning to put people off. Christians are in favour of any punishment that involves love and forgiveness. They might work

Previous questions for ‘Wealth and Poverty’ (LONG EXAM ONLY) 2008 A) Describe Christian beliefs about the right use of money B) Explain why Christians might help the poor C) ‘Poverty is caused by God’ - Do you agree? 2007 A) Describe Christian teaching about the treatment of the poor and needy B) Explain why Christians might think that some charities are more important than others C) ‘Gambling is always wrong’ - Do you agree? 2006 A) Describe Christian teachings about moral and immoral occupations B) Explain Christian attitudes towards the use of money C) ‘It is better to be poor than to ignore religious teachings’ - Do you agree? 2005 A) Describe Christian teachings about the use of money B) Explain how Christian beliefs might affect a person’s choice of career C) ‘It does not matter how you get you money, as long as you look after your family’ - Do you


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Previous questions for ‘Science and Religion’ 2008 A) Describe scientific beliefs about the origins of the world and of humanity B) Explain why some Christians might not agree with these scientific ideas C) “Humans were created for a reason” Do you agree? 2007 A) Describe Christian teaching about people and their responsibility for the planet B) Explain why some Christians might believe that humans are the most important part

of creation C) “It is the responsibility of every Christian to care for the planet” Do you agree? 2006 A) Describe Christian beliefs about the origins of humanity B) Explain why Christians might believe that they should care for animals C) “Human beings are not capable of caring for the environment” Do you agree? 2005 A) Describe Christian beliefs about the origins of the world B) Explain how these ideas differ from scientific theories about the origins of the world C) “Science is right so religion is wrong” Do you agree? 2004 A) Describe Christian teachings about caring for the environment B) Explain why some Christians might believe that humans are more important than

animals C) “Christians have a special duty to care for the planet” Do you agree?

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Previous questions for ‘Medical Ethics’ 2008 A) Describe Christian attitudes towards the use of animals in medical research B) Explain Christian beliefs about abortion C) ‘The use of fertility treatment is wrong because it interferes with God’s plan’ - Do

you agree? 2007 A) Describe Christian attitudes towards fertility treatment B) Explain why Christians might have different views about abortion C) ‘Every unborn baby has the right to live’ - Do you agree? 2006 A) Describe Christian teachings about euthanasia B) Explain why different Christians might have different views about euthanasia C) ‘People in great pain should be allowed to die if they want to’ - Do you agree? 2005 A) Describe Christian attitudes towards fertility treatment B) Explain Christian attitudes to the use of animals in medical research C) ‘Every woman has the right to have a baby’ - Do you agree? 2004 A) Describe Christian teaching about euthanasia B) Explain why Christians might be opposed to suicide C) ‘All life is worth living’ - Do you agree?

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Previous questions for ‘Peace and Justice’ 2008 A) Describe Christian beliefs about Pacifism B) Explain how Christians might respond to war C) ‘It is better to accept injustice than to use violence 2007 A) Describe Christian attitudes towards pacifism B) Explain why Christians might believe that war is sometimes necessary C) ‘Justice is more important than peace’ - Do you agree? 2006 A) Describe Christian teachings about the use of violence B) Explain how Christians might act during a war C) ‘Violence is always wrong’ - Do you agree? 2005 A) Describe Christian teachings about the treatment of criminals B) Explain how Christians might respond to injustice C) ‘Religious people should never use violence’ - Do you agree? 2004 A) Describe Christian teachings about ‘Just War’ B) Explain Christian attitudes towards pacifism C) ‘Violence is always wrong’ - Do you agree?