correlation spectroscopy of surfaces, thin films, and nanostructures (berakdar:correl.spectros....

11 Coincident Studies on Electronic Interaction Mecha- nisms during Scattering of Fast Atoms from a LiF(001) Surface Helmut Winter The electronic interaction mechanisms during grazing scattering of hyper-thermal hydrogen atoms from a LiF(001) surface are studied via projectile-electron coincidences. This type of translation energy spectroscopy applied to atom–surface scattering allows one to investigate in detail the relevant electronic processes. It turns out that the transient formation of negative ions during the scattering process is the precursor for electronic excitations of the solid as well as for electron emission to vacuum. The specific nature of electron transfer in terms of a local capture event from the anion sites of the ionic crystal plays a decisive role in the efficient formation of negative ions. Our studies unravel the complete reaction paths during the scattering process and provide a consistent interpretation for the, at first glance, surprisingly large total electron emission yields for impact of atoms/ions on the surface of ionic crystals. 11.1 Introduction Insulator surfaces play an important role in the efficient conversion of energy of microscopic projectiles to electron emission. Total electron emission yields for bombardment of solid surfaces by electrons of some 100 eV show clearly higher yields for oxidized targets than their clean-metal counterpart [1]. Similar results were observed with fast atoms and ions [2,3]. Here we mention, in particular, relatively high total electron yields and low kinetic thresholds for ion/atom impact on surfaces of ionic crystals [4, 5]. As a recent example of this feature we show in Figure 11.1 total electron yields as a function of projectile velocity for grazing scattering of fast hydrogen atoms from a clean and flat LiF(001) (full circles) and an Al(111) surface (open circles). Details of the measurements will be outlined below. Despite clearly higher binding energies of electrons in LiF available for emission and charge transfer, one finds higher total electron emission yields for impact on LiF than for the metal target. Also a kinetic threshold occurs at smaller energies for the ionic crystal than for the metal. For an estimate of electron emission from a solid target we consider the maximum in energy which can be transferred to an electron of kinetic energy E e and mass m e in a classical binary collision with an atomic projectile of mass M . From conservation of momentum and energy, one finds for an electronic binding energy with respect to vacuum E b a threshold for Correlation Spectroscopy of Surfaces, Thin Films, and Nanostructures. Edited by Jamal Berakdar, Jürgen Kirschner Copyright c 2004 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ISBN: 3-527-40477-5

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11 Coincident Studies on Electronic Interaction Mecha-nisms during Scattering of Fast Atoms from a LiF(001)Surface

Helmut Winter

The electronic interaction mechanisms during grazing scattering of hyper-thermal hydrogenatoms from a LiF(001) surface are studied via projectile-electron coincidences. This type oftranslation energy spectroscopy applied to atom–surface scattering allows one to investigatein detail the relevant electronic processes. It turns out that the transient formation of negativeions during the scattering process is the precursor for electronic excitations of the solid aswell as for electron emission to vacuum. The specific nature of electron transfer in termsof a local capture event from the anion sites of the ionic crystal plays a decisive role in theefficient formation of negative ions. Our studies unravel the complete reaction paths during thescattering process and provide a consistent interpretation for the, at first glance, surprisinglylarge total electron emission yields for impact of atoms/ions on the surface of ionic crystals.

11.1 Introduction

Insulator surfaces play an important role in the efficient conversion of energy of microscopicprojectiles to electron emission. Total electron emission yields for bombardment of solidsurfaces by electrons of some 100 eV show clearly higher yields for oxidized targets thantheir clean-metal counterpart [1]. Similar results were observed with fast atoms and ions [2,3].Here we mention, in particular, relatively high total electron yields and low kinetic thresholdsfor ion/atom impact on surfaces of ionic crystals [4, 5]. As a recent example of this featurewe show in Figure 11.1 total electron yields as a function of projectile velocity for grazingscattering of fast hydrogen atoms from a clean and flat LiF(001) (full circles) and an Al(111)surface (open circles). Details of the measurements will be outlined below. Despite clearlyhigher binding energies of electrons in LiF available for emission and charge transfer, onefinds higher total electron emission yields for impact on LiF than for the metal target. Also akinetic threshold occurs at smaller energies for the ionic crystal than for the metal.

For an estimate of electron emission from a solid target we consider the maximum inenergy which can be transferred to an electron of kinetic energy Ee and mass me in a classicalbinary collision with an atomic projectile of mass M . From conservation of momentum andenergy, one finds for an electronic binding energy with respect to vacuum Eb a threshold for

Correlation Spectroscopy of Surfaces, Thin Films, and Nanostructures. Edited by Jamal Berakdar, Jürgen Kirschner

Copyright c© 2004 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

ISBN: 3-527-40477-5

11.2 Experimental Developments 145

the projectile energy [6]

Eth =M

2 me

(Ee −

√Ee (Ee + Eb) +




This amounts for collisions of H atoms with an Al surface (Ee = 10.6 eV = Fermi energy,Eb = W = 4.3 eV = work function) to Eth = 168 eV (vth = 0.082 a.u.; a.u. = atomicunit), whereas for LiF (Ee ≈ 4 eV = width of F2p valence band, Eb = 12 eV) we findEth = 1836 eV (vth = 0.271 a.u.). The resulting Eth for the insulator is about one order ofmagnitude higher than for the metal surface which is in sheer contrast with the experimentalfindings.

Figure 11.1: Total electron emission yields as a function of projectile velocity for scattering ofhydrogen atoms from LiF(001) (upper curve) and Al(111) (lower curve) under a grazing angleof incidence Φin = 1.8◦. See also color figure on page 232.

In the following we will discuss recent developments in the study of electronic excitationand emission processes induced by impact of atomic projectiles on an insulator surface. Wewill show that the coincident detection of the energy loss of scattered projectiles with thenumber of emitted electrons provides specific information on the electronic interaction mech-anisms. On the basis of these experiments a consistent interpretation of the high total electronemission yields can be derived in terms of a reaction scheme, where the transient formation ofnegative ions in local electron capture events from anion sites plays a key role.

11.2 Experimental Developments

In Figure 11.2 we give a sketch of the experimental setup which was used for the investigationdiscussed here. In an UHV chamber at a base pressure of some 10−11 mbar H atoms arescattered under a grazing angle of incidence Φin of typically 1◦ from a clean and flat LiF(001)

146 11 Coincident Studies on Electronic Interaction Mechanisms during Scattering of Fast Atoms

target. The fast H atoms with energies ranging from some 100 eV to some 10 keV are producedvia (near-resonant) charge exchange in a gas target operated with Kr atoms. Three sets of slitsprovide a collimation of the projectile beam in the sub-mrad regime and are, furthermore, usedas components of two differential pumping stages. Before entering the gas target, the ions aredeflected by a pair of electric field plates, biased with voltages of rise times in the ns-domain.This device is used as beam chopper for time-of-flight (TOF) measurements with an overalltime resolution of some ns (see below).

The LiF(001) target was mechanically polished and prepared in UHV by a fair number ofcycles of grazing sputtering with Ar+ ions at temperatures of about 300 ◦C and subsequentheating to about 400 ◦C. Angular distributions of scattered projectiles are recorded by meansof a channeltron detector, and a channelplate is used as start detector for the TOF-device.

Electrons emitted during projectile impact at the target are recorded by a surface barrierdetector (SBD), kept on a potential of about 25 kV. A highly transparent grid (transmissionabout 98%) is biased to some 10 V for collection of electrons from the target region andto shield the high potential from the target surface. After electrons have passed the grid,they are accelerated and focused on the entrance of the SBD and generate a pulse with aheight proportional to the energy of all incident electrons. Since the overall time resolutionof this detector is poor (about µs), a pile up of pulses from electrons which stem from thesame emission event takes place; then the pulse heights of the detector are proportional to thenumber of electrons emitted during the scattering of individual projectiles [7–10].

An interesting feature of the setup shown in Figure 11.2 is the combination of the TOF-device with the SBD, i.e. the coincident combination of translation energy spectroscopy withthe number of emitted electrons. This technique allows one to relate the overall electronicexcitations during the scattering event to the emission of a specific number of electrons.

Figure 11.2: Sketch of experimental setup for coincident TOF-electron number studies.

11.2 Experimental Developments 147

11.2.1 Energy Loss Spectroscopy via Time-of-Flight

A main issue for our studies is the use of neutral atomic projectiles, i.e. H atoms here. Sinceions may give rise to potential emission (PE) of electrons, possibly affected by kinematiceffects, one should select neutral ground state atoms for studies on kinetic emission (KE)of electrons. A further reason for using neutral particles in the incidence and exit channel isrelated to the experimental condition of a biasing electric field for collection of electrons at thetarget surface. In the grazing incidence collision geometry, such a field would deflect chargedprojectile beams from the target surface in a manner difficult to control.

Figure 11.3 shows spectra for He+ ions and He0 atoms of 2 keV energy where the atomsare produced in the gas target operated with He via resonant charge transfer. The spectraare recorded with a standard TOF design with an overall time resolution of about 5 ns. Thisrelates to a half width of the energy of about 5 eV. Note that the atoms lose typically 5 eVof energy in the neutralization process owing to transfer of energy to target atoms in the gasphase collisions. The spectrum shows, furthermore, that excitations to excited states of Heatoms (excitation energies of metastable 2s levels amount to about 20 eV) cannot be resolvedwithin the sensitivity level of detection. We will show below that a good energy resolutionis essential for studies on electronic excitations of insulators during grazing ion/atom surfacescattering.

Figure 11.3: TOF spectra for 2 keV He0 (open symbols) and He+ (full symbols) projectiles.Atoms are produced in the gas target in the beam line operated with He atoms.

11.2.2 Electron Number Spectra

The number of emitted electrons for impact of an atom/ion on the target surface is recordedby means of a SBD biased with a voltage of about 25 kV with respect to ground. As anexample we display in Figure 11.4 a spectrum of the SBD for scattering of 16 keV He atoms

148 11 Coincident Studies on Electronic Interaction Mechanisms during Scattering of Fast Atoms

from an Al(111) surface under Φin = 1.6◦. In the spectrum (logarithmic scale) peaks due to aspecific number of emitted electrons are clearly identified (upper trace), however, at low pulseheights substantial noise is present as demonstrated by a spectrum (lower trace) recorded forno bombardment of the target. This method of electron detection allows one to investigatethe electron emission statistics and to obtain precise total electron emission yields γ frommeasured probabilities Wn for a specific number n of emitted electrons [10] via

γ =∞∑0

n Wn

/ ∞∑0

Wn (11.2)

Figure 11.4: Non-coincident pulse height spectra of SBD referred to electron number for scat-tering of 16 keV He0 from Al(111) under Φin = 1.9◦ (upper trace). Lower trace: backgroundsignal. See also color figure on page 232.

For low γ Wo will dominate the electron number spectrum. Since with a free runningSBD an information on the emission of no electrons cannot be obtained (low peak heightsstem from detector noise), the determination of total yields in this regime of operating thedetector can only be obtained indirectly. A coincident detection with scattered projectiles,however, can solve this problem. Figure 11.5 shows the SBD spectrum from Figure 11.4 aftersubtraction of a background signal for low n which causes problems within the noise level ofthe detector (note that difference does not cancel to zero at low peak heights).

The lower trace in Figure 11.5 represents data for recording the SBD pulse in coincidencewith scattered projectiles. In order to directly relate events of scattered projectiles at the chan-nelplate with emitted electrons, one has to gate the SBD signal in a specific time window,equivalent to the flight time of projectiles from target to channelplate, i.e. one has to apply atime-of-flight (TOF) method. The “trigger” for the TOF studies has to be independent of elec-tron detection, since otherwise events related to the emission of no electrons will be missed.As a consequence, an independent TOF branch with beam copper is installed which is oper-ated as a gate control for the SBD detector. Then each event recorded in the TOF setup will

11.3 Coincident TOF and Electron Number Spectra 149

be related to SBD detector peak heights, where heights equivalent to the noise level of thedetector can be ascribed to events without emission of an electron. The coincident SBD pulseheight spectrum (cf. Figure 11.5) is free from noise and shows a peak around zero (note smalloffset owing to small bias voltage at detector output). From such spectra reliable total electronyields can be derived [11].

For grazing scattering this type of electron detection has a further crucial advantage overconventional methods (current measurements). This is based on the feature that yields arederived from single impact events which is widely independent of the beam-target geometry.Yields derived from current measurements are affected by the target geometry which canintroduce uncertainties owing to the small projection of the effective target surface onto theplane normal to the incident projectile beam. In particular, at small grazing angles of incidencethis feature is important and can easily introduce considerable uncertainties for γ.

Figure 11.5: Coincident (lower trace) and non-coincident (upper trace) electron number spectrafor scattering of 16 keV He0 from Al(111) under Φin = 1.9◦. See also color figure on page 233.

11.3 Coincident TOF and Electron Number Spectra

With the setup shown in Figure 11.2 we recorded TOF spectra in coincidence with the electronchannel, where a specific discriminator interval for the SBD pulses was used to separate con-tributions related to the emission of a selected number of electrons. As an example, we show inFigure 11.6 TOF spectra for the scattering of 1 keV H atoms scattered from a LiF(001) surfaceunder a glancing angle of incidence Φin = 1.6◦. The TOF spectra are characterized by discretepeaks which reflect the discrete projectile energy loss due to the effect of the wide band gapof LiF (about 14 eV) on electronic excitations. For the spectrum related to the emission of noelectron (noise level of SBD) one observes a prominent peak ascribed to elastic scattering ofprojectiles with surface atoms. Recently we have studied this so called “nuclear energy loss”

150 11 Coincident Studies on Electronic Interaction Mechanisms during Scattering of Fast Atoms

under surface channeling conditions [12] with Ne atoms and estimate a contribution of lessthan 1 eV for the present case.

An at first glance surprising feature is the second peak in this spectrum, since it cannotbe related to the emission of an electron. In similar studies, Roncin et al. [13] have identifiedthis peak as due to an internal excitation of the target surface, a surface exciton, i.e. a localelectron hole pair formation at anion lattice sites (F− here). The third peak in this spectrumstems from the excitation of a further surface exciton, etc.

The TOF spectrum related to the emission of one electron shows the expected offset withrespect to its first peak, since for the emission of an electron from the valence band of LiFat least the binding energy of 12 eV has to be transferred from the projectile to an electron.We find a mean energy of 14 eV which is consistent with a width of the valence band of afew eV and a finite energy of the emitted electron. Note the clear shift in energy between thetwo peaks related to emission of an electron and excitation of a surface exciton (12 eV). Thefurther peaks observed in the TOF spectrum for one electron are ascribed to the productionof additional excitons. The spectrum for the emission of two electrons shows a further shifttowards a higher energy loss, since two electrons have to be lifted from the valence band ofLiF to vacuum.

Figure 11.6: TOF spectra (converted to energy loss) coincident with number of emitted elec-trons for scattering of 1 keV hydrogen atoms from LiF(001) under Φin = 1.8◦. For details seetext. See also color figure on page 234.

This version of translation energy spectroscopy [14] allows one to investigate the relevantelectronic excitation phenomena during projectile impact. The coincident detection of elec-trons provides, furthermore, information on the fraction of inelastic processes that lead to theemission of electrons. In order to analyze the data in this respect, it is favorable to handle thespectra irrespective of the settings of discriminator levels (cf. Figure 11.6). An experimentalsolution in this respect is the recording of the full TOF and SBD spectra in terms of a 2Darray. In Figure 11.7 we show a resulting 2D plot of spectra as discussed for selected SBDpulse heights in Figure 11.6.

11.3 Coincident TOF and Electron Number Spectra 151

These 2D spectra provide a profound basis for the identification of the excitation mech-anisms and evaluation of data. Peaks in the left column (0 electrons) can be ascribed toelastically scattered projectiles, production of one exciton, two excitons; second column (1electron): emission of one electron, emission of one electron plus production of one exciton,etc.; third column (2 electrons): emission of two electrons, emission of two electrons plusproduction of one exciton, etc. Note that, in particular, for the signals related to the emis-sion of more than one electron weak peaks appear in the spectra for energy losses necessary toemit one electron. This “crosstalk” might be caused by additional spurious electrons producedwithin the vacuum chamber and by a small portion of pulses of the chopped projectile beamwhich contains more than one fast atom. It turns out that this problem limits the application ofthis new powerful method in studies on threshold effects for electron emission. Nevertheless,we will show below that this coincident detection provides reliable total electron emissionyields down to the sub-permille domain. For specific cases yields as low as some 10−6 havebeen detected by this method [15].

Figure 11.7: 2D plot of coincident TOF (vertical axis, “energy loss”) and SBD spectra (hor-izontal axis, “electron number”) for scattering of 1 keV hydrogen atoms from LiF(001) underΦin = 1.8 deg.

In Figure 11.8 we show the result of an analysis of data from Figure 11.7 in terms ofrelative peaks heights for emission of 0, 1 and 2 electrons and production of a number ofexcitons. The full bars represent the experimental data, the open bars result from a descriptionof data on the basis of a model outlined in Section 11.4.

11.3.1 Studies on Near-Threshold Behavior

In the previous section we have already mentioned that the coincident detection of TOF andelectron number spectra provides, in addition to a free-running SBD, direct information on

152 11 Coincident Studies on Electronic Interaction Mechanisms during Scattering of Fast Atoms

Figure 11.8: Bar graph of intensities for spectra shown in Figure 11.7 for emission of a specificnumber of electrons and production of excitons (number at bar). Full bars: experiment, openbars: analysis of data in terms of binomial statistics with parameters derived from interactionmodel.

the probability Wo for the emission of no electrons. This makes this technique an ideal toolfor studies of low total electron emission yields γ and, in particular, for investigations nearrespective thresholds.

Figure 11.9: 2D plot of coincident TOF and SBD spectra for scattering of 400 eV (left) and800 eV (right) hydrogen atoms from LiF(001) under Φin = 1.8◦. See also color figure onpage 234.

In Figure 11.9 we show 2D spectra for H atoms of energy 400 eV (left panel) and 800 eV(right panel) scattered from LiF(001). A qualitative comparison of the spectra displayed inFigures 11.7 and 11.9 indicates clearly that the probabilities for electronic excitations arestrongly reduced for decreasing projectile energy. At 400 eV the spectrum is dominated bythe peak stemming from elastically scattered projectiles, only a small portion of excitons are

11.4 Model for Electronic Excitation and Capture Processes during Scattering of Atoms 153

produced and the signal from emission of electrons is extremely weak and close to the noiselevel of detection.

Figure 11.10: Exciton (full circles), electron (full triangles), and H− fractions (full squares) asa function of projectiles energy for scattering of hydrogen atoms from LiF(001) with constantnormal energy Ez = 0.6 eV.

The probabilities for exciton production (full circles) and electron emission (full triangles)derived from 2D spectra are displayed in Figure 11.10 as a function of projectile velocity withconstant normal energy Ez = 0.6 eV. We plot also the fractions of negative H− ions in thescattered beam as measured with an additional channeltron detector positioned about 50 cmbehind the target and electric field plates in order to disperse the beam with respect to charge.

The probabilities are generally small (< 0.1) and decay with decreasing projectile energy(velocity). The solid curves represent results from an analysis of the data in terms of a modelfor the electronic interaction mechanisms described in the following section.

11.4 Model for Electronic Excitation and CaptureProcesses during Scattering of Atoms from InsulatorSurfaces

The flat valence band of an alkali metal halide crystal is formed by electrons from the ionicbond which are fairly located at halogen lattice sites. Binding energies and band gaps amountto typically 10 eV. An important development for understanding the processes studied herewas the experimental finding of fairly large negative ion fractions after the scattering of reac-tive atoms from alkali metal halide surfaces under glancing angles of incidence [16,17]. Theseresults were explained by a local capture process of electrons from anion sites (“active sites”concerning charge transfer), where the large energy defect between initial and final states in a

154 11 Coincident Studies on Electronic Interaction Mechanisms during Scattering of Fast Atoms

binary type of collision is reduced by the effect of the crystal lattice [18]. Electrons interact-ing with active sites are affected by the Madelung potential so that the low binding energies ofnegative ions (typically eV) are substantially increased. This interaction scenario is sketchedin Figure 11.11.

Figure 11.11: Sketch of the projectile trajectory (upper part) and the interaction model (lowerpart) comprising potential energy curves for scattering of hydrogen atoms from LiF(001) undergrazing angle of incidence.

At active sites the formation of a negative ion may take place mediated by the confluenceof levels for the two collision partners (labeled “A” in the sketch of the potential energy curvesin Figure 11.11). The probability of a transition in this binary collision can be estimated fromDemkov theory [19]

Pbin =12

sec h2

(π α ∆E

2 v


with 1/α = (E1/21 + E

1/22 )/21/2, E1, E2 being the electron binding energies of the collision

partners and ∆E the effective energy difference between potential curves (energy defect).After formation of a negative ion and escape from an active site the diabatic potential curve

for (H− + F0) crosses the exciton level (H0 + F−∗). For this case the transition probability canbe derived from Landau–Zener theory [20]

PLZ = exp(

π ∆ε2x

2 (dV/dR)x v


11.4 Model for Electronic Excitation and Capture Processes during Scattering of Atoms 155

with ∆εx being the energy gap of the adiabatic and (dV/dR)x the difference in the slopesat the diabatic crossing point of the diabatic potential energy curves. Negative ions that havesurvived the crossing with probability PLZ may detach thereafter with probability Pdet beforethe next active site is reached. A complete reaction scheme is presented in Figure 11.12.

Figure 11.12: Reactionscheme for electronic in-teractions of hydrogenatoms with LiF. See alsoFigure 11.11.

Based on the reaction scheme given in Figure 11.12, the modified (n′o and n′

min) occupationof a neutral atom no and negative ion nmin (normalization no +nmin = 1) after one interactionsequence is

n′o = no (1 − Pbin) + noPbin [(1 − PLZ) + PLZPdet] + nminPdet (11.5)

n′min = noPbinPLZ (1 − Pdet) + nmin(1 − Pdet ) (11.6)

For this sequence, the probability for emission of an electron ne and production of a surfaceexciton nex is given by

ne = noPbinPLZPdet + nminPdet (11.7)

nex = noPbin (1 − PLZ) (11.8)

The reaction products observed in our experiments are analyzed in terms of Eqs. (11.4)–(11.7).The final occupations and yields for electron emission and production of excitons are obtainedfrom the iteration over Ncoll effective collisions (number of active sites of the crystal beingpassed by the projectiles). Since complete potential energy curves for the present system anddetails on the detachment mechanisms are still a matter of debate, we used the relevant quanti-ties for the description of probabilities as free parameters, i.e. α∆E, β = π∆ε2

x/2(dV/dR)x,and Pdet.

For a glancing angle of incidence Φin the motion of projectiles parallel to the surface(x-axis) proceeds with energy Ex = E cos2(Φin) ≈ E, the normal motion with Ez =E sin2(Φin). The trajectory length is ∆s = ∆z/ sin(Φin) ≈ vz∆t/Φin(∆z = vz∆t is intervalalong z that relates to ∆s) and for a constant normal velocity component vz = v sin(Φin) tra-jectory lengths scale as 1/Φin ∼ v/vz ∼ (E/Ez)1/2. This feature is important for a variationof the projectile velocity v (energy E) where the normal velocity component vz (energy Ez)is kept constant via an appropriate tuning of the angle of incidence Φin.

The solid curves in Figure 11.10 represent best (correlated) fits to the data usingEqs. (11.4)–(11.7), where the functional form of Pbin and PLZ is taken from Eqs. (11.3) and(11.4). Pdet is considered as constant for these projectile energies. The number of effectivecollisions Ncoll is adjusted to the trajectory length. Variation of Ncoll yields lowest χ2 forabout 10 collisions, furthermore we find α ∆E = 0.22 a.u., β = 0.21 a.u., and Pdet = 0.50.

156 11 Coincident Studies on Electronic Interaction Mechanisms during Scattering of Fast Atoms

With these parameters, the data in Figure 11.9 are fairly well reproduced. This holds also forthe description of the statistical analysis of data presented in Figure 11.8.

Further information on the electron detachment can be derived from the fractions of nega-tive ions in the scattered beam. In Figure 11.13 we show negative ion fractions for the presentcase as a function of projectile velocity (v = 0.2 a.u. corresponds to a projectile energy of1 keV). A kinematic resonance structure is observed with a maximum for negative ions ofabout 7%.

Figure 11.13: Negative ion fractions for grazing scattering of hydrogen atoms from LiF. Ex-periment: full circles; model with Pdet = 0.5 (solid curve); model with Pdet adjusted in order tomatch experimental data (dashed curve), cf. Figure 11.14.

The solid curve in the figure shows the negative ion fractions calculated from the modelwith the parameters given above. These calculations clearly give too large ion fractions forvelocities v > 0.3 a.u. (projectile energies > 2 keV). Such an increase with projectile velocityis observed for the formation of negative ions with higher affinity energies than hydrogenduring scattering from LiF (O−, Cl−, F−, etc. [17]). We interpret the data by enhanceddetachment probabilities. The experimental H− fractions can be reproduced by an adjustmentof Pdet as a function of projectile velocity as shown by the solid curve in Figure 11.14.

The increase in Pdet with velocity is the origin for the peaked structure of the experimentalnegative ion fractions shown in Figure 11.13. Whereas Pbin and PLZ as given by Eqs. (11.3)and (11.4) approach 1 in the high velocity limit, i.e. complete formation of negative ions, theincreasing Pdet will reduce the fractions of surviving ions. Large Pdet for negative hydrogenions explains the relatively small negative ion fractions in the scattered beam in comparison toother reactive atoms, where larger affinity energies lead to smaller Pdet and higher yields fornegative ions (e.g., 80% for F− formation for scattering from LiF [17]).

Borisov and Gauyacq [21] have investigated electron detachment for H− ions in front ofa LiF surface with a wave-packet-propagation method. In Figure 11.14 we show electron lossrates as a function of projectile velocity at z = 2.5 a.u. and different azimuthal directions.Despite the fact that a quantitative comparison is beyond the scope here, since the interaction

11.5 Summary and Conclusions 157

Figure 11.14: Detachment probability Pdet as a function of projectile velocity adjusted in orderto match the data in Figure 11.13. Dashed curve: theoretical loss rate for H−-LiF at distancez = 2.5 a.u. along <100> above rows; dashed-dotted curve: between rows; dot-dot-dashedcurve: along <110> above F− rows.

scenario has to be followed over complete trajectories, the theoretical loss rates show about thesame kinematic dependence as the detachment probabilities derived from the analysis of theexperiments. The main mechanism for electron detachment is attributed to binary interactionsbetween projectiles and adjacent F− sites of the crystal lattice.

11.5 Summary and Conclusions

In this chapter we have demonstrated that the coincident combination of translation energyspectroscopy with the number of emitted electrons allows one to obtain detailed informationon the electronic excitation and emission mechanisms for (grazing) impact of atomic projec-tiles on solid surfaces. The application of this method to the scattering of hydrogen atomsfrom a LiF surface (wide-band-gap insulator) has led to a basic understanding of the interac-tion processes for electron emission, internal excitations of the target (surface excitons), andformation of negative ions. A basic feature is the (transient) formation of negative ions inlocal capture events of electrons from anion sites as the dominant precursor for the electronicexcitations. Furthermore, the wide band gap will affect transport of electrons within the bulkand at the surface of ionic crystals.

This interaction mechanism is clearly different from the transfer of projectile energy indirect atom-electron encounters which is the dominant mechanism for electron emission frommetal surfaces near threshold [22]. Coming back to our introductory statements, the fairlyefficient mechanisms for electronic excitations in atom collisions with insulators provide anatural explanation for higher electron yields observed for insulators in comparison to metaltargets.

158 11 Coincident Studies on Electronic Interaction Mechanisms during Scattering of Fast Atoms


The contributions to the work presented here from S. Lederer (HU Berlin) and the fruitfulcollaboration with Professors F. Aumayr and HP. Winter (TU Vienna) is gratefully acknowl-edged. The studies were supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) undercontract Wi1336/5 and Austrian FWF (project 14337-PHY).


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