coughs bronchitis

26 Homeopathic Remedies for the Common Cough Many of the following remedies are found in home-use kits. Aconite napellus (Acon.) The sudden onset of a cough after exposure to a dry cold wind or from getting chilled. There is a suffocative feeling with a constant, short, dry cough and chest. Aconite is for the early stages of croup and croup coughs, and also night- time coughs, accompanied by shortness of breath and agitation. In the case of croup, Aconite may need to be followed by Hepar-sulph as the symptoms develop. Antimonium tartaricum (Ant-t.) A rattling, choking, chesty cough with negligible expectoration and where the patient has to sit up in order to breathe. The patient sounds like they are drowning in mucus and there are suffocative paroxysms of coughing, with sweat (see Ipecac) Arsenicum album (Ars.) An asthmatic cough with wheezing and frothy expectoration. There is burning expectoration or sensation, with constricted airways, making breathing difficult. The patient is very chilly, restless, anxious and may be sweaty, with marked exhaustion. The patient feels worse after midnight and is sensitive to cold. Belladonna (Bell.) A short, dry tickling cough, with sudden onset and worse at night. The cough lubricates the throat a little, but it dries out again and causes sudden violent spasms of coughing. There is tickling, burning or a scraped sensation in the throat. Belladonna symptoms are aggressive and can

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Coughs Bronchitis homeoapthy


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Homeopathic Remedies for the Common Cough

Many of the following remedies are found in home-use kits.

Aconite napellus (Acon.)

The sudden onset of a cough after exposure to a dry cold wind or from getting chilled. There is a suffocative feeling with a constant, short, dry cough and chest. Aconite is for the early stages of croup and croup coughs, and also night-time coughs, accompanied by shortness of breath and agitation. In the case of croup, Aconite may need to be followed by Hepar-sulph as the symptoms develop.

Antimonium tartaricum (Ant-t.)

A rattling, choking, chesty cough with negligible expectoration and where the patient has to sit up in order to breathe. The patient sounds like they are drowning in mucus and there are suffocative paroxysms of coughing, with sweat (see Ipecac)

Arsenicum album (Ars.)

An asthmatic cough with wheezing and frothy expectoration. There is burning expectoration or sensation, with constricted airways, making breathing difficult. The patient is very chilly, restless, anxious and may be sweaty, with marked exhaustion. The patient feels worse after midnight and is sensitive to cold.

Belladonna (Bell.)

A short, dry tickling cough, with sudden onset and worse at night. The cough lubricates the throat a little, but it dries out again and causes sudden violent spasms of coughing. There is tickling, burning or a scraped sensation in the throat. Belladonna symptoms are aggressive and can include high temperatures with a flushed face, staring eyes, swollen glands and red or inflamed membranes.

Bryonia alba (Bry.)

A hard dry cough with soreness in the chest, where the patient clutches at their chest to ease the stitching pains caused by coughing. Bryonia symptoms are clearly better for hard pressure and keeping still. All symptoms are accompanied by dryness and are worse for any motion (including eating or drinking). Warm air aggravates and entering a room can trigger a bout of coughing. The patient wants to take a deep breath and sigh, but this is too painful and they are irritable, thirsty and want to be left alone. The cough may be caused by exposure to cold dry winds and builds up slowly over a few days. Always wants to lie on the painful side.

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Calcarea carbonica (Calc.)

Tickling cough, dry at night and loose in the morning with easy expectoration. Cough aggravated by various activities like eating or playing. Will suit the chubby, sweaty Calc-carb type of patient.

Drosera (Dros.)

[REDACTED]. Spasmodic cough ending in retching and even vomiting. Cough from deep in the chest forcing the patient to clutch their abdomen on coughing. A choking cough with bouts following each other so rapidly that it is difficult to breathe. Cough is triggered by tickling in the throat and wakes patient from sleep. Worse lying down, after midnight, after getting warm in bed (see Ip, Ant-t).

Ferrum phosphoricum (Ferr-p.)

The early stage of a respiratory infection, or colds which head rapidly for the chest and ear resulting in bronchitis or otitis. A very common remedy in children’s coughs which start with a fever and flushed face, followed by a short painful tickling cough with soreness over the sternum. Blood-streaked sputum or nosebleeds may be reported. Also covers croupy coughs.

Hepar sulphuricum (Hepar.)

Croup from cold, dry winds or cold air. Cough is triggered by any part of the body being exposed. Choking spells of coughing. The Hepar patient is very sensitive to cold air, or cold in any form, and is especially irritably, although they are much better for warmth or humid weather. This is an important croup remedy in children.

Ignatia amara (Ign.)

Dry, hacking, spasmodic cough, where the more the patient coughs, the more the irritation.  [REDACTED] (see Dros). They are unable to take a full breath and sigh frequently.

Ipecacuahna (Ip.)

Suffocative coughs,  [REDACTED], coughs with choking or gagging (compare Antim tart, Drosera). Cough incessant and violent with each breath. Stiff and blue in the face with choking cough. Rattling cough with very little expectoration. Coughs accompanied by nausea or nosebleed. Wheezing coughs that recur annually.

Kali bichromicum (Kali-bi.)

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A barking, hacking cough with rales of white sticky or ropy mucus, the consistency of egg-white, and hoarseness. A croupy cough with tickling in the throat and accumulation of tough mucus. It may be triggered by undressing.

Lycopodium clavatum (Lyc.)

A tickling cough, with shortness of breath and fan-like motion of nostrils at each intake. Tickling cough accompanied a throbbing headache with each bout of coughing.

Nux vomica (Nux.)

A dry teasing cough with a sore chest, where colds usually settle. An immobile, feverish patient who is very sensitive to being uncovered. There is a spasmodic cough, with retching, which causes a headache and a bruised sensation around the navel. The patient is oversensitive, irritable and is worse in cold, dry, windy weather.

Phosphorus (Phos.)

An exhausting and violent, dry and tickling cough with irritation deep in the throat. The cough may be triggered by laughing, talking or by a change in temperature, e.g. going out or coming in. There is a bursting pain in the head, a tight painful chest and pain may spread to abdomen. The patient may clutch their head, chest or abdomen on coughing. They can’t lie on their left side and are usually anxious, seek reassurance and feel chilly, but want cold drinks.

Pulsatilla pratensis (Puls.)

This is a gagging, choking cough that comes and goes. It is dry at night and loose in the morning, worse and night and on lying down, causing the patient to sit up or use extra pillows. The chest feels sore, they can’t lie on their left side and there may be spurts of urine passed with coughing. The cough is triggered by coming into a warm room or by breathing in. This patient needs reassurance or sympathy and a child will be weepy and clingy. Fresh air helps, while a closed room aggravates symptoms.

Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus-t.)

A dry teasing cough from tickling in the chest, which is triggered by uncovering the smallest part, even a hand. It is a dry, night cough with a bloody taste, although no blood is seen. The patient must move about as it is worse at rest and from cold, wet weather.

Sepia (Sep.)

A violent cough with thick, yellow expectoration, with retching and gagging, that is worse on rising. The expectoration is only at night or only in the morning and the patient is tired and indifferent.

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Sulphur (Sulph.)

A strong desire for fresh air accompanies this suffocative cough which is worse at night with the rush of blood to head and chest. There is a burning feeling on the face and chest, with red lips and eyelids. The patient feels worse after a bath and has burning feet which are stuck out of the end of the bed.

Many of the above remedies can be found in home-use kits.

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WINTER ALERTHelios Home - Return to e-mail Newsletter

At Helios we are busy preparing for winter and hope you find the following information useful with regards to homeopathic remedies, vitamin and mineral supplements, herbal remedies and skin care products aimed at keeping you and your family in the best of health this winter.

Coughs, colds, flu, sore throats etc are most prevalent during the winter and below are some commonly prescribed remedies for these complaints. Depending on your complaint match your symptoms as closely as possible to the most appropriate remedy listed. If you do not find a suitable remedy please contact us for help.

Dosage: 1 pill three times daily until symptoms improve. Take away from food or drink because strong tasting substances can stop the remedies working. If your symptoms fail to improve after 5 or 6 doses of a remedy then look again, it may be that you do not have the right remedy.

To order the remedy which fits your symptoms, please click on the remedy name.


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Aconite 30c - No. 1 Remedy for nipping colds in the bud. Useful in the early stages of colds, fevers, sore throats and the inflammatory stage of other illnesses. Sudden onset

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often after exposure to cold. Much sneezing with pain at root of nose. Dry mucous membranes. Worse: evening or night and for touch. Better: fresh air and rest.

Allium Cepa 30c - Common feverish cold with streaming eyes and nose. Profuse watery nasal discharge which burns upper lip. Red, running eyes with bland discharge. Headache worse in warm room. Worse: evening and stuffy rooms. Better: open air and cold room.

Arsenicum Alb 30c. - Catches cold easily, burning, watery nasal discharge alternating with dryness. Frequent sneezing without relief. Very chilly and shivery. Nostrils become sore and red and nose feels blocked alternating with watery discharge. Worse: change of temperature, cold, damp and after midnight. Better: heat and warm applications, hot drinks.

AGE 30c Arsenicum-iod/Gelsemium/Eupatorium in combination which is very useful for covering typical flu symptoms.

Euphrasia 30c Profuse bland nasal discharge, running red eyes with burning tears and frequent sneezing. Burning sore throat and eyes sensitive to light. Worse: light, in the evening. Better: during the day when up and about.

Eupatorium perf.30c - Chill followed by heat and sweating. Intense aching of bones as if broken or bruised. Great thirst for cold drinks. Worse: movement, cold, open air. Better; Resting, warmth, sweating.

Ferrum Phos 30c - Tired and weary not feeling quite right. First signs of a cold or flu. Red inflamed eyes. Chill with shivering and fever with flushed face. Hot, burning, gritty eyes. Worse: quick movements, cold air. Better: rest, cold applications.

Gelsemium 30c - No 1 remedy for flu. Dull, sluggish with heavy looking eyes and dull headache usually at the back of the neck. Chills and shivering up and down the spine. Aching muscles in limbs and back. Burning throat. Colds and flu usually comes on gradually. Worse cold, damp weather. Better: after urination.

Nux Vomica 30c - Colds and flu with extreme chilliness just cannot get warm. Blocked up nose at night, runs during the day or much sneezing alternating with blocked nose, sides can alternate. Sore or raw throat and teeth may ache. Thirsty and Irritable. Worse: early morning, eating, cold air. Better: heat, lying down, sleep.

Pulsatilla 30c Chilliness even in a warm room, nasal catarrh, bland and thick. Dry mouth with no thirst. Painful headache with changing, shifting symptoms. Worse in a warm room, after lying down. Better: in the open air.

Rhus Tox 30c - Very restless with aching in all muscles and stiffness. Just cannot get comfortable. Heat alternating with chills, pain in head and eyes with red face. Worse: night, first movement. Better: warmth

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Combination Sinus Remedy - Ferr-p/Kali-m/Kali-s/Nat-m 6x


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Aconite 30c - Sudden onset of sore throat after exposure to cold or cold dry winds. High fever, flushed face with restlessness or anxiety. Pharynx and tonsils bright red without pus, burning and mildly swollen. Painful swallowing though intensely thirsty for cold drinks.

Apis 30c - Redness and swelling of mucous membranes. Dirty grey covering of throat with or without ulcers on tonsils. Swelling of uvula. Stinging or stitching pains. Worse: warmth and warm drinks. Better: cold applications

Belladonna 30c - No 1 remedy for sore throats with sudden onset. Bright red, inflamed angry looking throat. Swollen glands. Dry burning heat, flushed face with fever. Burning with pain extending to right ear when swallowing. Neck tender to touch. Worse: swallowing, talking, cold air, touch. Better: sitting up in bed.

Hepar Sulph 30c - Pain spreading to ear when not swallowing. Swollen ulcerated tonsils with offensive breath and much saliva. Splinter like pains or, sore, raw and burning. Worse: cold air and drinks. Better: warmth of bed and wrapping up head and throat.

Lachesis 30c - Sore throat starts on LEFT side. Dry, intensely swollen with a sensation of a lump in the throat. Throat dusky, purplish dry with a constant desire to swallow. Worse: left side, pressure and constriction. Better: swallowing solids.

Lycopodium 30c - Sore throat starts on RIGHT side and extends to the left. Throat membrane is grey/white with ulcers. Dryness without thirst. Burning sore , rawness. Worse: swallowing, in the afternoon from 4-8. Better: warm drinks and food.

Merc Viv 30c - Ulcerated throat, tonsillitis. Offensive breath with profuse saliva especially at night. Swollen glands. May have bitter metallic taste in mouth. Sore, raw burning pains or splinter like pains that shoot into ear or neck on swallowing. Worse: night, swallowing, heat or cold. Better: moderate temperature.

Nitric Acid 30c - Horrible pain, often stitching or Òlike a fish boneÓ in the throat. Dark red tonsils and pharynx with ulceration. Pain may extend to ears on swallowing. Worse: cold air, swallowing must lower head to swallow.

Phytolacca 30c - Throat is dark red, dry and rough. May have white or grey spots on sides of throat. Cannot swallow anything hot. Very painful swollen glands. Pain shoots in both ears on swallowing and pain felt at base of tongue when sticking it out of mouth. Worse: hot drinks and hot food. Better: cold drinks

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Aconite 30c- Sudden onset often after exposure to cold air. Dry croupy cough with runny nose and sneezing. Irritation of respiratory tract, hoarseness/dryness of throat. Worse: cold dry winds, talking and deep breathing. Better: lying on back.

Ant Tart 30c - Noisy, rattling, loose cough as if chest full of mucus. Young children or elderly with cough too weak to expel the mucus. Worse: night, especially from 10 pm until after midnight, lying flat, eating. Better sitting up and after expectoration

Bryonia 30c - Dry hacking cough in the evening and night without sputum. Spasmodic cough shaking the whole body, pain in the head an abdomen from coughing, better for holding the painful part. Dryness of all air passages with thirst. Worse: movement, deep breathing, lying in bed. Better: fresh air and for pressure of painful part.

Causticum 30c - Cough with raw, sore feeling in chest. Hollow, hard, dry cough from tickling in throat pit. Expectoration not easy to cough up and slips back down the throat. Worse: lying down, talking and bending head forward. Better: cold drinks

Coccus Cacti 30c - Paroxysmal, hard, short hacking cough ending in copious thick, ropes of mucus. Worse: 6-7 am or after 11.00 pm, becoming heated, warm rooms. Better: cold, open air, cold drinks.

Drosera 30c - Spasmodic, dry irritating coughs like whooping cough. Barking cough which is dry in the evening and loose in the morning. Sputum is yellow/green, bitter or offensive, bloody or pus like. Retching after spasmodic cough. Worse: after midnight, lying down, singing, laughing and drinking. Better: holding chest.

Hepar Sulph 30c - Productive cough with thick, yellow mucus. Also dry, croupy cough. Worse: slightest drafts, uncovering, cold dry air Better: warmth, from expectoration.

Ipecacuanha 30c - Almost always totally dry cough which comes in paroxysms causing choking, gagging or vomiting. Worse: night, deep inspiration especially in morning while lying in bed, warm room. Better: after expectoration and cold drinks. A good children's cough remedy if the symptoms fit.

Phosphorous 30c - Cough may be dry or loose, (useful in the early stages of bronchitis/pneumonia) Every cold descends to the chest. Burning in the chest with raw larynx and feeling of tightness. Scratchy sensation in the throat, tickling cough. Worse: change from warm air to cold air, talking, laughing. Better: heat, sleep and lying on right side

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Pulsatilla 30c - Catarrhal cough with copious yellow/green lumpy mucus. Dry cough at night, loose in the morning. Worse: warm stuffy rooms, lying down, becoming warm in bed. Better: fresh air, gentle walking, sitting up in bed.

Rumex 30c - Main remedy for tickling irritated coughs. Incessant, violent, tickling cough with scant expectoration. Intense tickling in the larynx and trachea , worse cold air. Covers mouth when goes out in the cold air. Teasing cough preventing sleep. Worse: slightest inspiration of cold air, going from warm room to cold, talking. Better: warm air

Spongia 30c - Barking, dry croupy cough with wheezing and rasping. Great dryness of all air passages. Scanty expectoration tasting salty, looser in the morning but no mucous rattle in the chest. Cough sounds like a saw being driven through a pine board. Sensation as if had to breath through a dry sponge. Worse: warm room, talking before midnight. Better: swallowing, especially warm drinks, sitting up and bending forward.

The following cough syrups and elixir may be taken along side the appropriate remedy.

Weleda Herb and Honey Elixir - A traditional herbal remedy for symptomatic relief of dry or irritating coughs. 100ml £4.50

Weleda Cough Elixir Expectorant - Natural herbal expectorant for the symptomatic relief of 'chesty' or productive coughs, made with natural expectorants such as thyme, aniseed, horehound and demulcent marshmallow root. Also contains homeopathic potencies of Ipecac, Pulsatilla and Drosera. 100ml £4.50

Catarrh Combination Remedy - Kali Bich/Hydrastis/Pulsatilla 30c - very useful for stubborn catarrh.

Homeopathic Remedies for Bronchitis

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Bronchitis occurs when the mucous membranes that line the upper breathing tubes become inflamed. Acute bronchitis often follows a viral illness such as a cold or flu, and can last for several weeks. Chronic bronchitis may develop if a person has repeated bouts of illness that are not well cared for, or if other factors such as smoking, exposure to polluted air, and allergies have lowered the person’s resistance and made the lungs susceptible. Homeopathic remedies may help relieve discomfort caused by coughing and help the body overcome infection. Serious or prolonged bronchitis requires a physician’s attention.

For dosage information, please read the information at the end of this section. See also “Using Homeopathy With Professional Guidance” in What Is Homeopathy?

Antimonium tartaricum: This remedy is indicated when the person has a feeling of wet mucus in the chest, and breathing makes a bubbly, rattling sound. The cough takes effort and is often not quite strong enough to bring the mucus up, although burping and spitting may be of help. The person may feel drowsy or dizzy, and feel better when lying on the right side or sitting up.

Bryonia: This remedy is often indicated when a cough is dry and very painful. The person feels worse from any movement, and may even need to hold his or her sides or press against the chest to keep it still. The cough can make the stomach hurt, and digestion may be upset. A very dry mouth is common, and the person may be thirsty. A person who wants to be left alone when ill, and not talked to or disturbed, is likely to need Bryonia.

Calcarea carbonica: This remedy is often indicated for bronchitis after a cold. The cough can be troublesome and tickling, worse from lying down or stooping forward, worse from getting cold, and worse at night. Children may have fever, sweaty heads while sleeping, and be very tired. Adults may feel more chilly and have clammy hands and feet, breathing problems when walking up slopes or climbing stairs, and generally poor stamina.

Causticum: Bronchitis with a deep, hard, racking cough can indicate a need for this remedy. The person fees that mucus is stuck in the throat and upper chest, and may cough continually to try to loosen it. A feeling of rawness and soreness can develop, or a sensation as if a rock is stuck inside. Chills can occur along with fever. Exposure to cool air aggravates the cough, but drinking something cold can help. The person may feel worse when days are cold and clear, and better in wet weather.

Dulcamara: When a person easily gets ill after being wet and chilled (or when the weather changes from warm and dry to wet and cool) this remedy may be indicated. The cough can be tickly, hoarse, and loose, and worse from physical exertion. Tendencies toward allergies (cats, pollen, etc.) may increase the person’s susceptibility to bronchitis.

Hepar sulphuris calcareum: The cough that fits this remedy is usually hoarse and rattling, with yellow mucus coming up. The person can be extremely sensitive to cold—

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even a minor draft or sticking an arm out from under the covers may set off jags of coughing. Cold food or drink can make things worse. A person who needs this remedy feels vulnerable both physically and emotionally, and may act extremely irritable and out of sorts.

Kali bichromicum: A metallic, brassy, hacking cough that starts with a troublesome tickling in the upper air-tubes and brings up strings of sticky yellow mucus can indicate this remedy. A sensation of coldness may be felt inside the chest, and coughing can lead to pain behind the breastbone or extending to the shoulders. Breathing may make a rattling sound when the person sleeps. Problems are typically worse in the early morning, after eating and drinking, and from exposure to open air. The person feels best just lying in bed and keeping warm.

Pulsatilla: Bronchitis with a feeling of weight in the chest, and a cough with choking and gagging that brings up thick yellow mucus, may respond to this remedy. The cough tends to be dry and tight at night, and loose in the morning. The fever may be worse in the evening and at night. Feeling too warm or being in a stuffy room tends to make the person worse, and open air brings improvement. Thirst is usually low. A person who needs this remedy often is moody and emotional and wants attention and sympathy. (This remedy is often helpful to children who are tearful when not feeling well and want to be held and comforted.)

Silicea (also called Silica): A person who needs this remedy can have bronchitis for weeks at a stretch, or even all winter long. The cough takes effort and may bring up yellow or greenish mucus, or little granules that have an offensive smell. Stitching pains may be felt in the back when the person is coughing. Chills are felt more than heat during fever, and the person is likely to sweat at night. A person who needs this remedy is usually sensitive and nervous, with low stamina, swollen lymph nodes, and poor resistance to infection.

Sulphur: This remedy can be indicated when a person has had many bouts of bronchitis (sometimes the resistance has been weakened by taking antibiotics too often for minor complaints). The cough feels irritating, burning, and painful; yellow or greenish mucus may be produced. Problems can be worse if the person gets too warm in bed, and breathing problems at night may wake the person up. Redness of the eyes and mucous membranes, and foul-smelling breath and perspiration are often seen when a person needs this remedy.

(See also Homeopathic Remedies for Cough and Asthma.)

Homeopathic Remedies for Cough

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Coughing is the body’s way of removing irritating substances, excess secretions, and foreign objects from air passages. This is important, both as a protective mechanism and for the healing process—which is why a cough should not be artificially suppressed with drugs. When a cough is painful, too intense, or prevents good rest, the use of remedies can gently relieve discomfort and help with recovery. Coughing can accompany a wide variety of illnesses or conditions. If a person has serious difficulty breathing, coughs up blood or abnormal discharge, or seems very ill in other ways, professional help should be sought.

For dosage information, please read the information at the end of this section. See also “Using Homeopathy With Professional Guidance” in What Is Homeopathy?

Aconitum napellus: This remedy is indicated when a cough has come on suddenly—often from exposure to cold wind, or after a traumatic experience. The cough is likely to be sharp, short, dry, and constant. It may begin during sleep and wake the person up, or can start when the person goes from a cool place into a warmer one. Restlessness and fear are typical when this remedy is needed. It is often used in early stages of croup and asthma.

Belladonna: A cough that comes on suddenly, often with the feeling of a speck or tickle in the throat, is a strong indication for this remedy. The cough is intense and nagging and the person may feel as if the head is about to burst. Sensations of heat, a reddened face, and dilated pupils are often seen when this remedy is needed.

Bryonia: This remedy is indicated when a cold goes into the chest and the cough is very painful and dry. The person feels worse from any movement, and may even need to hold his or her sides or press against the chest to keep it still. The cough can also make the head or stomach hurt, and digestion may be upset. The mouth can be dry and the person may be thirsty. If someone is very grumpy when ill and wants to be left alone, not talked to or disturbed, Bryonia is likely to be the remedy.

Chamomilla: A dry, hard, irritating cough that starts after being exposed to wind, or after being overexcited and angry, can indicate this remedy. The cough is often worse

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around nine in the evening and may continue into the night. The nervous system is hypersensitive, and the person can be extremely irritable and agitated. (Children may even shriek and hit, though they often calm down if someone carries them.) This remedy is also useful in asthma attacks, especially those brought on by anger.

Ferrum phosphoricum: This is an excellent remedy for the early stages of many inflammatory conditions, especially colds and allergy attacks. The cough is typically short and tickling, and may be painful. Things are worse in cold air, at night, and in the early morning. The person feels weary, and often has a moderate fever and lightly flushed cheeks.

Hepar sulphuris calcareum: This remedy is very helpful when a cough is loose, rattling and gagging, and brings up yellow mucus. It also relieves long, dry coughing jags. Extreme sensitivity to all sensations—especially cold—suggests a need for this remedy. Cold in any form (even food or drink) can set off a bout of coughing, and make the person feel more ill. A person who needs this remedy feels both physically and emotionally vulnerable, and can be irritable and touchy. This remedy is often indicated in bronchitis and croup.

Ipecacuanha: A violent cough that comes with every breath, and long spasmodic bouts of coughing that end in gagging or vomiting, are indications for this remedy. The person may have a clean, uncoated tongue and experience tightness in the throat and chest, or an aggravating tickle. Warm, humid air or changes in the weather tend to make problems worse. Ipecacuanha is often used during asthma attacks.

Nux vomica: Indications for this remedy include a tight sensation in the chest with a dry, hacking, teasing cough—often causing soreness or a feeling that something has been torn inside. Long coughing jags can end in stomach pain and retching, and may make the person’s head ache. A person who needs this remedy is likely to be impatient, irritable, and oversensitive to everything. A feeling of chilliness is typical, and problems are often worse from exertion (both mental and physical) and worse in the morning.

Phosphorus: This remedy is indicated when a person experiences hoarseness and a tickly cough that hurts the throat, or a cold that travels quickly to the chest. The cough can be aggravated by talking, laughing, and exposure to cold air. The person may feel heaviness or tightness. A thirst for cold drinks (that may cause nausea after warming up in the stomach) is another indication for Phosphorus. A person who needs this remedy is typically imaginative and fearful, and likes the company of others, but tires very easily. This remedy is often used for loss of the voice and laryngitis.

Pulsatilla: Coughs that are dry in the evening and loose in the morning, worse in a stuffy room or when the person feels too warm, and improved in open air may indicate this remedy. The chest usually has a feeling of pressure and soreness, and thick yellow mucus may be coughed up with gagging and choking. A person who needs this remedy usually likes attention and company. It is often given to children who tend toward tears when ill and want to be held and comforted.

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Rumex crispus: A teasing, hacking cough that is triggered by a tickle in the pit of the throat is a strong indication for this remedy; even touching the base of the throat can set off coughing. The cough is often dry, but frothy or stringy mucus may come up. Coughing may begin when the person goes outside or changes from a warm place to a cool one. The cough can keep the person from sleeping, and the center and left side of the chest are likely to be sore.

Spongia tosta: This remedy is indicated when a cough is loud, harsh, dry, and sounds like barking or sawing wood. The person may wake up feeling suffocated, as if the throat is plugged or the breathing passages are dry. Problems are usually made worse from being in a room that is too warm, or from lying down with the head too low. Talking aggravates the cough, and so does exposure to cold air and smoke. Sitting up usually helps, and drinking something warm or eating small amounts brings some relief. This remedy is often helpful during croup and asthma.

Sulphur: This remedy is indicated for burning, irritating coughs that get worse at night in bed, as well as for breathing problems during sleep. It can also be useful when a mild cough drags on for a week or more without getting worse, but without much improvement. Burning sensations, redness of eyes and mucous membranes, foul odors, and an aggravation from bathing are often seen in a person who needs this remedy.

Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma

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People suffering from asthma often have allergic tendencies; a genetic predisposition is common. Constitutional homeopathic care (with the guidance of an experienced professional) can help to improve a person’s general health on deeper levels and possibly reduce the tendency toward asthma. Correctly-chosen remedies can help reduce distress during asthma attacks; however, emergency medical care must be sought in any serious attack. If a person has great difficulty breathing, looks very pale, has bluish lips, or seems to be very weak or in danger of losing consciousness, seek a doctor’s help immediately.

For dosage information, please read the information at the end of this section. See also “Using Homeopathy With Professional Guidance” in What Is Homeopathy?

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Arsenicum album: A person needing this remedy can feel exhausted, yet be very restless and anxious. Breathing problems tend to be worse while lying down, better when sitting up, and may begin, or be the most intense, between midnight and two a.m. Dry wheezing may progress to a cough that brings up frothy whitish fluid. The person can be thirsty, taking frequent tiny sips. General chilliness is usually seen, with burning pains in the chest and heat in the head. Warmth often brings improvement.

Carbo vegetabilis: This remedy may be indicated when a person feels weak or faint with a hollow sensation in the chest. Coughing jags can lead to gagging. The person may be very cold (especially hands and feet), yet feel a need for moving air, wanting to sit beside a fan or open window. Gas and digestive upset are also likely, and sitting up and burping offers some relief. Feeling worse in the evening, and worse from talking, eating, or lying down are other indications for this remedy.

Chamomilla: Asthma with a dry, hard, irritating cough that starts after being exposed to moving air, or after becoming overexcited and angry, may be helped with this remedy. The cough is often worse around nine p.m., and may continue into the night. The person seems hypersensitive and may be extremely irritable and agitated. (Children may even shriek and hit, though they often calm down if someone carries them.)

Ipecacuanha: Coughing spasms that lead to retching or vomiting strongly indicate this remedy. Wheezing can come on suddenly with a feeling of suffocation and heaviness in the chest. Mucus collects in breathing tubes, but the person has difficulty coughing much out. The person may sweat a lot and feel clammy or nauseous, be worse from motion, and sometimes worse from warmth.

Natrum sulphuricum: This remedy is sometimes indicated when asthma attacks are brought on by exposure to mold and dampness. The person may hold the chest while coughing, because it feels so weak. Wheezing and breathing difficulties are aggravated by exertion, and episodes tend to be worse in the very early morning.

Nux vomica: Indications for this remedy include a tense, constricted feeling in the chest during asthma attacks, with pressure in the stomach. Problems are often worse in the morning. Overindulgence in stimulants, alcohol, sweets, or strong spicy food can bring on or aggravate an episode. Both physical effort and mental exertion can make things worse, and warmth and sleep often bring relief. A person needing this remedy is typically very irritable and impatient, with a general feeling of chilliness.

Pulsatilla: Wheezing that starts when a person gets too warm (especially in a stuffy room), or after eating rich food, can indicate this remedy. Coughing brings up yellow-colored mucus, with gagging and choking. Tightness in the chest tends to be worse in the evening and at night, and is relieved by cool fresh air. A person who needs this remedy is likely to be changeable and emotional, wanting a lot of attention and comforting. (Pulsatilla is often useful in children’s illnesses.)

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Spongia tosta: A hard or “barking” cough during an asthma attack is a strong indication for this remedy. Breathing can be labored, with a sawing sound, and not much mucus is produced. The person may feel best when sitting up and tilting the head back, or when leaning forward. Warm drinks may be helpful. The problems often start while the person is asleep (typically before midnight). Spongia is often used in croup, as well.

Bronchitis There are two types of bronchitis: Acute and chronic.  Acute bronchitis is caused when the bronchial tubes become infected by one of many viruses. It occurs after an influenza, or flu which persists and leads to a stubborn cough, fever, and burning chest pain. Bronchitis may last two to three weeks. If it persists longer than that, it may develop into a chronic infection. The possible complications are pneumoni a and sinus infection. Chronic bronchitis is a persistent inflammation of the bronchial tubes characterized by thick mucus and secretions. It can last from several months to years. It is caused by repeated infection of the bronchial tubes to cigarette smoking, exposure to dust, and chemical vapors. The most common symptoms are convulsive coughing, difficult breathing, yellow, or green mucus and phlegm difficult to expectorate. Homeopathic Treatment for Bronchitis Coughing is the body's natural method of getting rid of excessive accumulation of mucus secretions in the bronchial tubes. Do not suppress the body's natural ability to heal itself. Do not take a cough suppressant. Doing so, may lead to lung disease. Leading Remedies in Homeopathy  Aconitum treats bronchitis that comes suddenly after exposure tocold air. Symptoms include a short, dry cough, chills, andfever. Theperson has great anxiety. Belladonna treats acute bronchitis.Symptoms include a dry cough,headache, fever, and profuse perspiration. The condition isworse after 3 a.m. The throat is red and sore. Bryonia treats chronic bronchitis with possible complication of broncho-pneumonia or pleurisy. The cough is accompanied with a sore throat withdifficulty swallowing The chest feels as if its going to burst with every movement (breathing). A desire to be left alone and not to be disturbed. Kalium bichromicum treats the hyper production of mucus. It helps bring out phlegm. Indicated for both acute and chronic bronchitis. Rhino-pharyngitis with nasal obstruction of very thick stringy mucus.

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Ulceration of the mucous membrane. Antimonium tartaricum treats chronic bronchitis, inflammation of the airways, and pulmonary edema. Symptoms include a convulsive cough, thick green mucus, and little expectoration. Chamomilla treats acute bronchitis. An intolerable cough with chest pain, worse around 9 p.m. The person is impatient, nervous, and angry. Ipeca treats acute bronchitis. It fluidifies bronchial secretion and helps with expectoration. The person has a convulsive cough that ends in gagging or vomit.  Hydrastis treats chronic bronchitis with a running nose, a viscous, foul, nasal catarrh, a thick, stringy, yellow discharge, and ulceration ofthe nostrils. Grindelia treats a loose, productive cough. It helps remove excess mucus. The person feels as if suffocating upon falling asleep. Kalium iodatum treats bronchitis, laryngitis, coryza, and asthma.Symptoms include are a runny nose, sneezing, and loss of smell. The condition gets worse in the evening. Kreosotum treats a smoker's cough. All secretions are acrid and corrosive. Pertussin is a nosode prepared from the pertussin bacterium. Symptoms include flu like symptoms, a red face, sneezing, and coughing spells. Argentum nitricum relieves irritation of the larynx. The remedy is indicated formorning hoarseness of singers and orators. The person can't talk or singwithout coughing. Ammonium carbonicum is a remedy for people who eliminate toxins poorly. It treats bronchopneumonia. A hard-to-shake cough, shallow breathing, and chest pain. The nose bleeds after washing the face. Arsenicum iodatum relieves an obstruction in the respiratory tract; mucus hard to expel. Phosphorus triiodatus is indicated in the treatment of flu complications; bronchitis, laryngitis, bronchopneumonia, and pulmonary congestions. Arum triphyllum treats acute bronchitis. The discharge from the nose is excoriating, and the corners of the mouth are cracked. Indicated also for a repetitious dry cough that is caused by tobacco. Causticum treats chronic bronchitis of the elderly 55 yrs and older. A cough withinvoluntary discharge of urine. It also treats a morning smoker's cough.  Drosera is indicated in the treatment of acute bronchitis. A dry spasmodic coughwith difficulty breathing, an inclination to vomit. The person has a sore throat and

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isunable to take solids. Stannum treats a respiratory infection. There is great accumulation of mucusin the trachea, shortness of breath, and a violent cough. Spongia tosta treats bronchitis with an oppressive and suffocating cough, a sensation as if breathing through a sponge. The thyroid glands are swollen and hard. Bronchitis according to modalities (> refers to worse,> refers to better) Bryonia is > at 9 p.m., or after eating a meal, and < from pressure to the chest <="" font=""> Stannum is > talking, laughing, or drinking, and < coughing or expectorating Lachesis is > on rising, and < in the evening Kali Bich is > between 4 and 5 p.m., and < in bed Pulsatilla is > in a closed room, and < in the open air Kalium carbonicum is > from indoor heat, and < bending over Psorinum is < kneeling with the head touching the floor Home Remedies for Bronchitis Avoid going out in the cold, fog, or rain.  Avoid mucus-forming foods.  Avoid foods rich in saturated fats.  Consume plenty of yellow and green fruits and vegetables. Make yourself hot lemonade, for vitamin C  Put a few drops of eucalyptus oil in a humidifier.  Drink plenty of warm fluids to keep secretions loose.  Apply a mustard poultice to the chest.  Stop smoking .Supplements for Bronchitis Echinacea is recommended at the first sign of a bacterial or viral infection. Lobelia extract is used as an expectorant. It stimulates the

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respiratory system.  Eucalyptus oil helps relieve bronchial congestion.  Vitamin C increases the body's resistant to infection.  Zinc lozenges reduce the duration of bronchitis.  Ester C helps heal inflammation.  about bronchitis

How To Use Homeopathy:Drops (alcohol-based liquid) - ten drops under the tongue 1/2 hr before each (3)

meal or two hrs after

Granules - 4 pellets under the tongue 1/2 hr before each (3) meal or two hrs after

Tablets (lactose) - 4 pellets under the tongue 3 times a dayDose - unitary intake 1/2 hr before breakfast or 2 hrs after

Mother tincture - 10 drops in 1/2 cup of waterOintment - external use - 3 applications per daySuppositories - 1 suppository morning & night

 For Babies:

Dissolve 2 pellets in a tsp of water