cp ap 3, 2012 feel for the space within it

CONSCIOUSNESS PLAYGROUND RECORDING TRANSCRIPT April 3, 2012 "FEEL FOR THE SPACE WITHIN IT!" By Wendy Down Hello there. This is Wendy Down with your Consciousness Playground recording for Tuesday, April the 3rd 2012. If you're a longstanding member of the Consciousness Playground, I want to say "Hi, it's great to be with you again and to continue on the work that we've been doing in exploring the quantum nature of reality and the astounding and amazing things that we are capable of when we tap into and tune into that aspect, that underlying aspect of who we are.” Or if you are a brand new member I want to say "Welcome, and I trust that there is something here that will support you on your journey to discovering more of who you are as well.” In recent months here in the Playground we've devoted our explorations in these recordings to working on a quantum level with our physical bodies. A while back we finished up a several months exploration of what I've called “Quantum Body Sculpting” which is the ability to reshape matter - including your body - with consciousness alone. And more recently we just finished up a “Quantum Health” exploration in which we allowed ourselves to become pioneers in bringing in the “New Era of Quantum Health Care” that's ahead of us. If you aren’t familiar with those explorations because you're new, I'll let you know that they will be available for you at some point in the not too distant future. So stay tuned. It's been really enjoyable for me, and hopefully for you, to have had some longer “Feel for the Space Within It” Recording Transcript, April 3, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

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Hello there.

This is Wendy Down with your Consciousness Playground recording for Tuesday, April the 3rd 2012.

If you're a longstanding member of the Consciousness Playground, I want to say "Hi, it's great to be with you again and to continue on the work that we've been doing in exploring the quantum nature of reality and the astounding and amazing things that we are capable of when we tap into and tune into that aspect, that underlying aspect of who we are.”

Or if you are a brand new member I want to say "Welcome, and I trust that there is something here that will support you on your journey to discovering more of who you are as well.”

In recent months here in the Playground we've devoted our explorations in these recordings to working on a quantum level with our physical bodies.

A while back we finished up a several months exploration of what I've called “Quantum Body Sculpting” which is the ability to reshape matter - including your body - with consciousness alone.

And more recently we just finished up a “Quantum Health” exploration in which we allowed ourselves to become pioneers in bringing in the “New Era of Quantum Health Care” that's ahead of us.

If you aren’t familiar with those explorations because you're new, I'll let you know that they will be available for you at some point in the not too distant future. So stay tuned.

It's been really enjoyable for me, and hopefully for you, to have had some longer

“Feel for the Space Within It” Recording Transcript, April 3, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

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term themes that we've explored over a series of months and I was anticipating that perhaps as we've finished up the Quantum Health series and started with this next period of time in the Playground that a new theme would appear.

But as of today that's not the case.

What has shown up instead is a very focused and perhaps very simple recording that I'm going to share with you now.

One concept that I really want to impress upon you during the time that we have right now is the one that’s the title of this recording which is "Feel for the Space Within It".

So the title of this Consciousness Playground recording for today is "Feel for the Space Within It".

And this is a really simple and straight forward piece of guidance, whether you are brand new to working on the quantum realm or exploring quantumness or whether you've been doing it for a really long time and you want a short hand to use when you are immersed in something in life that you would like to experience from a broader perspective or your more quantum nature. A simple profound way to direct your attention to see what kind of change you can effect within it.

So let me introduce some background information about that topic and then I'm going to guide you to apply it directly to a situation that's going on in your life right now.

So if you like, as you're listening to me talk for the next two or three minutes you might think about what situation or what scenario in your life you'd love to play with. It could be something related to your health; it could be related to work; it could be related to anything that you'd just love to have changed in your life.

Let me say too that if you're a real beginner to this this will be a great introduction to you.

And if you've been playing with the impact of consciousness and the interplay of

“Feel for the Space Within It” Recording Transcript, April 3, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

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your consciousness on the reality that you experienced for a while there's something new for you here as well.

I'm going to save that last piece to the end but know now that for those of you that are really used to feeling into and experiencing the moment, each present moment from a very open Quantum State, there's a brand new vibration, feeling, state of being that has been really present for me for the last week or so that I really want to share with you.

When I experience it, it's a whole new ground of being, if I can put it that way, to interact with especially pertaining to your physical body.

So I'm going to lay that down here on the recording for you now to feel into but also, I’ll point your attention to it later in the recording.

And if that doesn't make any sense to you if you're listening to this perhaps for the first time, that's o.k.. We're going to leave that towards the end and we'll start from a different place now that will be more suited for where you're at right now.

Ok, I promised some background thoughts and information and concepts to frame this experience you’re about to have...

For most of us, especially those of us living in the Western world, most of our lives have been experienced through our senses and our identity, our sense of ourselves, mostly coming from our thoughts.

Most of us grew up and have mostly experienced life through thinking and in fact almost have completely collapsed our sense of who we are into our minds and our thoughts and experiencing everything that we have go on in our lives by thinking about it.

And that's starting to change.

You only need to look at how many people are starting to do meditation and yoga and other practices that get them out of their heads and more into "other dimension" stuff, shall we say, in the human experience to show us that there's a real hunger and thirst to move beyond that really limited understanding and definition and experience of ourselves as what occurs in our minds and in our

“Feel for the Space Within It” Recording Transcript, April 3, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

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A really important principle I want to lay as ground work for today is that when you think about something, thinking about something is like taking a fluid changing potential; like water and freezing it into ice.

So, thinking locks us in.

Thinking locks the quantum nature of reality into a particular form.

So when we spend a lot of time living in our thoughts, reality becomes and is experienced as being extremely solid, extremely firm, extremely difficult to manipulate.

And life can be really hard.

Problems are difficult to solve.

It takes a lot of action and a lot of energy to make changes happen.

But there's another level at which reality exists which each of us no matter where we're at in our explorations of ourselves and our place in the Universe have the capacity to tune into and live more and more from.

And the flip side of living in a reality that's been locked into place by our interpretations and our thoughts and our thinking about it, the flip side of that is what we explore here in the Consciousness Playground, which is our quantum nature.

And this concept you would have been introduced to in physics class; that there isn't actually anything that's solid and in fact that even your body is - there's nothing about it that’s solid.

Every atom really is comprised only of space and swirling potential.

That electrons which we previously thought were tiny particles are more like waves or potentials that are then collapsed into expression over and over and over again and then uncollapsed.

“Feel for the Space Within It” Recording Transcript, April 3, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

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And so while that's a really strange concept to try and grasp and use in daily life, it becomes really really useful.

And that's where we're going to go today.

One of the huge excitements about discovering and working with the quantumness of the Universe and the quantumness of yourself is that you start to get a peek behind the fabric of reality and you start to have a completely different sense and understanding of your place in it.

As well, you start understanding that no matter what situation is going on in your life and no matter how long it's been going on there's actually not a whole lot holding that scenario in place.

And on the most fundamental level it's actually blinking in and out of existence at a really rapid rate.

In fact, it's possible to hone in on the place within yourself that creates whatever blinks into form and then blinks out of form so that you can get in there and change what shows up in physical reality.

And if you've been here for a while you already know what I am talking about and have probably experienced this on many different occasions.

For example, perhaps old feelings that were really pervasive for a long period of time just are no longer anywhere to be found within you.

Old habits that ran you for perhaps many many years you see as no longer being relevant and you can't even remember what they were like.

Perhaps physical changes have occurred that you never thought could have occurred and you certainly will have more understandings about where you fit, as I said, into the fabric of reality in terms of shaping it than you ever did before.

It's a very exciting adventure that pushes us up against all the places within ourselves where we created borders and barriers and limits that were intended and are intended to give us a focused experience as a human being in physical

“Feel for the Space Within It” Recording Transcript, April 3, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

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reality. Limits which, now as we're starting to understand that we are way more than just a human being, we can actually bring into conscious awareness all those unconscious habits, patterns, limits, borders, assumptions that we put into place and choose or reshape those to serve us in different ways.

And in recent weeks and months, as those of you here in the Consciousness Playground have shared and posts and emails and all sorts of ways that you communicated with other members and myself, many of you are starting to discover that life is starting to become much more malleable.

That situations you've worked with you now have much greater sense of detachment from. Engagement in but also detachment from and even your very physical body feels less solid, feels much more malleable.

To the extent that the whole experience of being human is starting to change for you in ways that are thrilling, exciting, illuminating and hold tremendous excitement for what lies ahead.

But not just for you or I but for all of us as a species because we're on the brink of a huge transformation, a huge quantum leap in understanding what it means to be human and how - and the powers, abilities, connections that we have that we have just not been aware that we have.

So, just something really practical now that I want to bring in after that somewhat esoteric description.

A practical thought I want to share with you that lays the foundation of what we're going to do in the exercise that you're about to experience with me now is this:

When we think, we solidify... we create form.

When we feel, we make fluid... we make formless, we make fluid our reality.

And today, this is the the basic position within that I am going to guide you to learn to flip within yourself.

And I want to say that a little bit more clearly.

“Feel for the Space Within It” Recording Transcript, April 3, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

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In recent years in the personal development world and even in the work world there's been a lot of talk about emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence maybe has been defined as a lot of different things, but for me, emotional intelligence is an ability to be extremely present to the feelings, emotions and sensations that convey huge amounts of information to us from within ourselves.

And this is distinct from what used to be really highly valued, which was intellectual intelligence, or the ability to be smart and to reason and remember facts.

In terms of our consciousness and who we really are only about, let's say 1% of what is possible for us to know is available to us intellectually.

While bout 99% of what's available for us to know on any subject is available to us emotionally.

Or to use different words to describe that same thing only about 1% of information can be retrieved through thinking and about 99% or even more can be retrieved through feeling.

And feeling is the doorway to your quantum nature.

Thinking is one dimension of yourself, is one dimension of human experience.Feeling or quantumness is another dimension.

And as I said many of us have spent most of our lives completely consumed and focused into the thinking dimension and now there's a huge explosion on the planet of folks being drawn to move more into the feeling or quantum dimension.

And any time that you are involved in an experience, (which is all the time that you are awake and conscious), you can start to sort of step outside the experience that you're having and notice whether you are mostly engaged in that experience from a thinking perspective or a feeling perspective.

The main underlying invitation here on the Consciousness Playground and all the explorations that we take part in is really an invitation to spend more and more

“Feel for the Space Within It” Recording Transcript, April 3, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

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and more of your time focused into the feeling dimension of yourself as a human being or, more accurately, a quantum being.

And this recording is going to give you a really simple but powerful way to make the choice to feel, to move into quantumness in any moment that you think to do so, in any scenario that you're involved in, in any problem that you might have in front of you.

And that's why I’ve called the recording "Feel for the Space within it".

So let me just stop for a second and see if there's anything more I wanted to give you in terms of background before we go into this experience.

Ok, I don't think so. So for the moment I think we're good there for now, later more description may come.

But to get right into the exercise I want to take you through, now would be a good time to bring to mind a scenario that's going on in your life that you would love to experience differently.

Perhaps because it's causing you some trouble or some anxiousness or just because it's a situation that you've always experienced from one point of view, from one perspective, It's always shown up the same way and now you want to experience it differently.

Not only so you can experience that situation differently but because you can experience yourself differently as a result of it.

And the most wonderful thing as I was saying earlier about moving from thinking into feeling or moving from form into quantum's - or moving from matter or particle into wave - which is another way of saying to move from thinking into feeling, one of the advantages of that is that when you feel, when you start to live from a place of real feeling and being present in your body, you start to find the place in you that is one with everything.

The mind always creates an experience of separation and differentiation and your quantum mature which is as I said, lead you through your emotions, your feelings, your sensing, always leads to connection.

“Feel for the Space Within It” Recording Transcript, April 3, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

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And again this is a huge theme on the planet right now, is an integration or growing sense of us all being one.

It's very easy and natural to actually find that within yourself.

And when you do it brings tremendous healing, peace, moment-by-moment calm, joy, and exhilaration to your daily experience as well as allowing you to tap into knowledge, guidance and information that's far beyond anything that we can access through the small portion of us that is focused in the mental or thinking dimension.

So, if you've got your scenario or your situation, you might want to write it down.

Mostly because later on I will send you a reminder, that'll be in three days, I'll send you a reminder to check back in on what, how you're experiencing that scenario now.

So if you need to stop the recording do that and just jot down the scenario or situation or problem that you want to work with me now.

And you want to be in a situation now where you can probably close your eyes, a setting where your attention isn't required to do anything else but really turn inwards and pay attention to what's going on within you as my voice guides you to “Feel for the Space within it“.

And let me just be quiet for a moment while I feel for where I want to go and “Feel for the Space Within” this recording as well.


So you've got your scenario in mind and the first thing that I want you to do is to take your awareness into your body, into your emotions, into your physical body and not think about but simply feel for the sensation that arises in you as you think about that scenario.

Our bodies are incredible instruments that play music in the form of sensations.

“Feel for the Space Within It” Recording Transcript, April 3, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

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Mostly of which we interpret as emotions.

When they are on the high end of the scale they feel like good emotions, when on the low end of the scale they feel like uncomfortable emotions.

But we have this incredible instrument, finely finely tuned instrument within us that allows us to interpret the music of the Universe by feeling for the notes that are struck within us as chords that resonate with experiences that occur to us.

And as you feel for any feeling that's present in you as I say that, this may be the first time you've done that or it may be something that you do so regularly now that it's just where you come from.

But the thing I want to say is that you have unlimited capacity to feel chords, to feel notes, to feel emotions, to feel vibrations deep within your body, the instrument of your body in your emotional apparatus that can be so finely tuned, that can pick up the most subtle variation.

And I am not just talking about emotions that you know, the typically ones would be described as human sadness, grief, anxiety, joy.

But also degrees of vibration or sensation or information that allow us to speak directly the language of the Universe.

And we can learn to project feeling.

We can learn to hold a space of a particular feeling.

And we can learn to vibrate or feel deeply at rest... through conscious focus regardless of anything that's going on in our experience.

And this capacity to have mastery over our inner nature, our inner language is so important these days.

I spent the past years refining my ability to tune into this dimension within myself and learning how it projects outward as the experience that's showing up in my life. And also undoing old patterns of emotion that no longer serve me.

“Feel for the Space Within It” Recording Transcript, April 3, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

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And it's quite likely if you're here listening to this that you are on a similar path.

Whether you're way down that path or beginning. It's a fascinating, fascinating opening up of dimensions, of control, command and mastery that we're just starting to access as human beings.

Another fascinating thing about it is that in the quantum dimension I and you actually can feel what each other are feeling.

We start to realize that our inner experience, our deepest inner most feeling level experience is not restricted to us.

And so as I sit here making this recording I can actually feel, not understand, but feel what those of you who are listening to this are feeling in this moment.

And on that level of Oneness, quantumness, we actually are able to influence each other through feeling.

Mentally this is a very strange thought because the mind separates, but on a feeling level quantumness is a field of Oneness and connection.

And so as you keep your attention on the feeling or the sensation that's brought up in you, whether it's very intense or very very subtle, I invite you to just to continue to do that.

And you may notice that that sensation, that that vibration or emotion or wave is exactly the way it was when you started or it may have started to change.

And I want you just to be interested in that.

You're not trying to control it.

You really are just an observer of it.

You're picking up music from the Universe that's playing chords, tones that reveal information to you, not just about the situation that you're focused upon but on background layers of beliefs that you hold, ideas you hold and understandings

“Feel for the Space Within It” Recording Transcript, April 3, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

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you had up until now about the frame work that holds you as a physical being in reality.

And right now, maybe not consciously but on an unconscious level, you're starting to become willing and aware of letting those forms, those feelings or thoughts are forms, beliefs are forms, you're starting to let those soften a little bit.

This is not going to happen at a pace that's any more rapid for you than any you are ready and willing for.

But to the degree that you're willing and interested.

I invite you just to keep your attention focused inward and whatever you notice, whether it's feeling, emotional or physical or whether it's thoughts that are repeating themselves in your mind.

Or whether it's objections or words of caution or habits of distraction or even noises that are occurring around you.

What I invite you to do now is whatever form is upper most in your awareness, rather than put your attention on the form, in other words the feeling, the thought, the habit, the objection, the sound, I want you to do something different which is to feel for the space within it.

Again, we understand from physics that any form whether it's a blade of grass or a rock or an apple pie or more subtle form, a thought or feeling, behind the form is space within which that form exists.

That form exists only temporarily as a flash within the vast background space within which it is briefly produced and then reverts back to pure space, pure potential again so quickly it happens billions of times a second. A speed which is beyond our mental ability to understand.

But when you feel for the space within that thought, feeling, emotion, pattern, whatever, you start to bring to the forefront the spaciousness, the “behind the scenes experience” out of which the fabric of reality on every level is created.

“Feel for the Space Within It” Recording Transcript, April 3, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

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And when you focus into the space, again some of the structures of your personality may start to object or create an emotional or mental barrier like "Oh, this is strange" or as you start to feel something dissolve, you unconsciously clutch for it.

And if that happens just notice what is occurring within you and feel for the space within that as well.

It can kind of be like layers of an onion that as you feel into the space of the first thing that presents itself it starts to dissolve and then the next layer starts to appear.

And all you need to do is keep your attention focused inward.

Notice what form shows up inside, in form of a thought, a feeling, an objection, a sensation, distraction. Put your attention on that and then feel for the space within it.

And always always when you feel for the space within any form, inner form or external form, because you can do this with a tree or another person or a relationship or a dollar bill, when you make a practice feeling for the space within it, you enter the dimension in which all form, including that particular form becomes fluid.

You become one with the forces of nature.

You become one with the consciousness, the intelligence out of which that form was created in the first place.

And you begin to be able to consciously interact and reshape that form in a way that reflects your intentions.

And it leads to this tremendous expansion of understanding who you are and what you are capable of.

When you work not separate from but in inner coherence with Oneness, with universal intelligence.

“Feel for the Space Within It” Recording Transcript, April 3, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

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It's like plugging your computer into the internet.

Plugging into the internet...the World Wide Web. Feeling for the space within something is like plugging your awareness into the Cosmic Wide Web.

And as you stay plugged into that source and continue to feel for the space within it, inspirational thoughts come, impulses come, ideas come.

Broad understandings can get downloaded like a program that your conscious mind, your mental mind would have no capacity to put together.

And this is where we are as human beings (or seemingly human beings) in our evolution.

We're learning that we can plug into that Cosmic Wide Web where solutions, innovations, inventions, quantum leaps, instant healings, spontaneous manifestations of physical things, all those potentials reside.

And it comes from continually practicing the habit of when you experience a form, especially one that's not to your liking, rather than focusing on the form instead feeling for the space within it.

And our minds often don't like to do that because our minds get bored.

Space doesn't feel like a whole lot, doesn't say a whole lot at first.

But there's a great spiritual teacher, I can't remember who it was that said“Beyond boredom lies deep peace and infinite intelligence“.

And if you're interested and if you’ve listened this far I am sure you are you can discover this for yourself.

Each of us have this capacity to access unlimited resources from within as a built-in hardware and we're only starting to click on that icon (to use the computer analogy) and use it.

So that's really the very simple and practical application of this information that I want you or invite you to apply as many times a day as you think of it.

“Feel for the Space Within It” Recording Transcript, April 3, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

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When you look at any form, when you look at any problem, when you feel anything occur in your body, whether it's a physical sensation or an emotional triggered response, say, “I am not going to think about it instead I am going to feel for the space within it.”

And in fact you might want to write that phrase "Feel for the Space Within It" on a post-it note and keep it on the dashboard of your car or the screen saver of your computer or on your desk at work.

Keep it in front of you and the more you practice it, the more you remember to do that the more magical you become and the more magical your life becomes.

And now remember at the beginning I had promised that for those of you that want to I would share a new beautiful vibration that I've discovered and been playing with for the last few weeks within myself?

For those of you that are sensitive and familiar with working on the quantum level and have learned to feel different nuances, different vibrations within yourself, for me it’s like having discovered a new color.

It's a flavor that's unlike any I felt before and it’s distinct.

And I’ll put it into words as best as I can now so if you want to, you can feel free in your own way because in the electro-magnetics of your being it may reverberate a little differently than it does for me.

But what I understand it to be is a new, a new field of energy, if I can put it that way, a new feeling, a new awakening that cells of our body are starting to play like a musical note.

Its related to self-healing... A self-rejuvenating, highly refined consciousness that our body cells are starting to speak.

Which you can pick up in your body just by turning your attention to your body and feeling for it.

If it helps you might put your hand over your heart because putting your hand over your heart sort of reminds you to feel rather than think.

“Feel for the Space Within It” Recording Transcript, April 3, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

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This is actually a good practice to use as well to remind yourself to feel for the space within any form, just to put your hand over your heart.

But right now I am going to convey this incredible body-transforming energy that's now flowing from within the DNA from ourselves, shall I say.

And I know from experience that these recordings pick up states I’m experiencing in the quantum field and are able to transmit it to you. Because this state doesn't actually exist on the form of the recording; it exists within the quantum space that you and I share as One.

You don't have to work for this, but you can just actually say to your body, "Show me what this state feels like."

At first, you may just get a slight hint.

It may feel like in some way what you'd describe like peace or calm or relaxation.

Or, it's possible by now you're completely conked out because your mind can't follow and is trying to track this and it's better for your body just to absorb it rather than trying to interpret and understand it.

My nickname for this new state I’m sharing here is "Plasma" and I remind myself to and I accessed it and brings it up into my body when I just say "Where is the Plasma?"

And I've been able to walk around as it and feeling my body as this energy for the last couple of weeks And I know, I know, know, know that it's all part of the work that we've put in place through the Youthening Program, the Body Sculpting Program, the Quantum Health Program that these concepts that we've worked here in the Consciousness Playground in recent months.

And certainly had some experiences of these and this “Plasma”, (just my word), I don’t really know what it is, is like a foundational piece that's now coming into the collective consciousness of humanity because so many of us are saying “We're ready“.

And so always because we're in physical bodies, things that we're ready for start

“Feel for the Space Within It” Recording Transcript, April 3, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

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to come into form, right? Because form is the medium that we live in physical reality so that the first form that this “Plasma“, this energy field is taking is in a very subtle, at least subtle to me felt sensation or vibration within my physical body, within my cells which also of course is within yours as well to the degree that you are ready and open and want to experience that.

So that brings us to the end of this recording.

I certainly look forward to any comments or experiences that you want to share.You can just leave them on the blog page where you find this posted.

You can absolutely share this page with friends, family member, coworkers.

And I look forward to our ongoing exploration with this and other aspects of exploring our Quantum Nature here with you in the Consciousness Playground.

And like I said I will send you a follow-up email in just three days and then two weeks from now you'll get the newest recording that I'll make for you.

Thanks so much and bye for now.


“Feel for the Space Within It” Recording Transcript, April 3, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012