cpe dc active shooter in your workplace: how do your people respond

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Bo Mitchell 911 Consulting President Police Commissioner (Ret.) Certified Emergency Manager CEM, CPP, CBCP, CHCM, CHSP, CHS-V, CHEP CSHM, CFC, CIPS, CSSM, CSC, CAS, TFCT3, CERT, CMC


CPE DC Active Shooter In Your Workplace: How Do Your People Respond Bo Mitchell 911 Consulting President Police Commissioner (Ret.) Certified Emergency Manager CEM, CPP, CBCP, CHCM, CHSP, CHS-V, CHEP CSHM, CFC, CIPS, CSSM, CSC, CAS, TFCT3, CERT, CMC Expert Consultant Landmark Legal Cases Expected Settlements: $1 Billion Each Failure to Plan Failure to Train 911 Consulting Clients GE HQ Subway HQ Hyatt HQ MasterCard HQ Swiss Army HQ Waldorf=Astoria NY, NY 911 Consulting Clients 4 Colleges & Universities 25 Secondary Conducted Many Active Shooter Exercises Exercises Trained & Certified FEMA HSEEP 24 Hour Course TTX Standard HSEEP Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program Previous TTXs WCSU CCSU HCC 7WTC 1 WTC 7 WTC CPE DC Active Shooter In Your Workplace: How Do Your People Respond Todays Goal Focus Your Readiness Ground Rules Lots of Data Ground Rules Lots of Data No Insights Insight Complicated & Difficult Insight Complicated & Difficult No One Size Fits All. Insight Complicated & Difficult No One Size Fits All. Every Site: Different Responses Insight Complicated & Difficult No One Size Fits All. Every Site: Different Responses So, Plans, Training, Systems: Different & Used Differently. Insight Complicated & Difficult No One Size Fits All. Every Site: Different Responses So, Plans, Training, Systems: Different & Used Differently. HQ Plan Used Everywhere Insight Complicated & Difficult No One Size Fits All. Every Site: Different Responses So, Plans, Training, Systems: Different & Used Differently. HQ Plan Used Everywhere Insight Complicated & Difficult No One Size Fits All. Every Site: Different Responses So, Plans, Training, Systems: Different & Used Differently. HQ Plan Used Everywhere Cut & Paste Insight Complicated & Difficult No One Size Fits All. Every Site: Different Responses So, Plans, Training, Systems: Different & Used Differently. HQ Plan Used Everywhere Cut & Paste Insight Complicated & Difficult No One Size Fits All. Every Site: Different Responses So, Plans, Training, Systems: Different & Used Differently. HQ Plan Used Everywhere Cut & Paste Landlord Insight Complicated & Difficult No One Size Fits All. Every Site: Different Responses So, Plans, Training, Systems: Different & Used Differently. HQ Plan Used Everywhere Cut & Paste Landlord Insight Your Plan, Training & Systems Shall Be Site Specific. Insight Your Plan, Training & Systems Shall Be Site Specific. No Generic Planning & Training Will Make You Legal or Safe. Stats Active Shooters Banner Years Active Shooters US AG 5-Yr Ave US AG 1/Mo. 5-Yr Ave US AG-FBI-NYPD 1/Wk Lessons Learned Definition DHS: Actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area Description Profile? Description Profile? NYPD: Active Shooter Analysis Cases Nationwide All American NYPD: Active Shooter Analysis Male 96% Age: 10-64! NYPD: Active Shooter Analysis Alone 98% Plans: Y & N Familiar: 78% Emps: Current + Fired NYPD: Active Shooter Analysis Deaths: 3.0 Ave Injured: 3.6 Ave NYPD: Active Shooter Analysis Campuses: Other Workplaces: NYPD: Active Shooter Analysis Campuses: 29% Other Workplaces: NYPD: Active Shooter Analysis Campuses: 29% Other Wkplces: 71% NYPD: Active Shooter Analysis Weapons: 36% Multiple NYPD: Active Shooter Analysis Force: 46% Suicide: 40% Arrested: 14% This Is Not Just About Campuses This Is Not Just About Campuses Its About All Workplaces in America 18x More Likely to Have Violence than a Fire at Work DOJ & NFPA CDC WPV Epidemic Threats 2 million Workplace Violence Annually DOJ Threats Every Day: 2 People Murdered Every Hour 26 Rapes DOJ Lessons Learned Individuals Employer Lessons Learned Individuals Run Hide Fight Generalities: Dangerous Run Hide Fight Generalities: Dangerous Make Specific to: Your People Your Site Run Hide Fight Training Lessons Learned Individuals Employer Run Hide Fight Run Hide Lockdown Lockdown Lock Doors Lockdown Lock Doors Barricade Lockdown Lock Doors Barricade Silence People Devices Fight Last Resort Fight Last Resort Gang Up Fight Last Resort Gang Up Alone: Surprise Hard Fast Whats Missing Here??? Almost All Shootings: Over in < 8 Minutes So, Police Probably Cant Help Police /Fire /EMTs are not the 1 st responders Police /Fire /EMTs are not the 1 st responders Employees are the 1st responders So, Employees Shall Be Organized Into An Emergency Team By Federal Law Why We Plan OSHA is not a town in Wisconsin. OSHA 29 CFR Sections through apply to workplaces in general industry except mobile workplaces such as vehicles or vessels Mandatory OSHA Regulations 29 CFR /.39 Emergency Action Plan Fire Prevention Plan Employer Shall Have A Plan & Training By Law Employee Training Required By Federal Law Training Required Annually At Hire All Employees When Plan Changes By Qualified Trainer No Plan & Training Run Hide Fight = Failure In Workplace Youre Not Alone Everyones Response Impacts Your Response We Hang Together, or We Hang Together, or We Hang Separately Workplace No Planning + No Training = Chaos CCC Command Control Communications Workplace Emergency: Must: Someone In Overall Command Workplace Emergency: Control Using a Team Of Employees Workplace Emergency: We All Have To Communicate If We Can Command Control Communicate = A Good Day If We Cant Command Control Communicate = A Bad Day Workplace Emergency: Must: Someone In Overall Command Command = Chain of Command: Enough Commanders To Cover Absences, Shifts, Total Headcount Control = Enough Employees To Cover All Space & Total Headcount Communications = If You Cant Communicate, You Cant Respond Communications PA Communications PA Cell Communications PA Cell Landlines Communications PA Cell Landlines Text Communications PA Cell Landlines Text Communications PA Cell Landlines Text2-Way Radios Communications PA Cell Landlines Text2-Way Radios Digital Signs Communications PA Cell Landlines Text2-Way Radios Digital Signs Satellite Phone Isnt That Duplicative??? In Emergencies Redundancy Is a Beautiful Thing In Emergencies Redundancy Is a Beautiful Thing In Emergencies Redundancy Is a Beautiful Thing Cell/Txt/ = ENS Emergency Notification System ENS: Best/Only Way Reach Everyone ENS: Best/Only Way Reach Everyone Fast ENS: Best/Only Way Reach Everyone Fast Keep Communicating ENS: Only/Way to Start Run Hide Fight ENS Only Way to Communicate In Seconds + Minutes Communications Cell Text Only Way CCC Happens Planning Only Way CCC Happens Planning Training Only Way CCC Happens Planning Training Drills Only Way CCC Happens Planning Training Drills Exercises Planning Planning = Req by Fed Law Planning = Req by Fed Law All Emps w/o Exception Planning = Req by Fed Law All Emps w/o Exception All Hazards Planning = Req by Fed Law All Emps w/o Exception All Hazards Creates Team Planning = Req by Fed Law All Emps w/o Exception All Hazards Creates Team Chain of Command Your Workplace Emergency Plan Active Shooter Protocol Active Shooter Protocol Your PDs Procedure for Responding to Your Workplace Active Shooter Protocol Find Shooter Active Shooter Protocol Find Shooter Neutralize Him Active Shooter Protocol No 1 st Aid Active Shooter Protocol No 1 st Aid No Hand Holding Active Shooter Protocol No 1 st Aid No Hand Holding No Clearing Rooms Active Shooter Protocol No 1 st Aid No Hand Holding No Clearing Rooms Dont Scream + Point Active Shooter Protocol No 1 st Aid No Hand Holding No Clearing Rooms Dont Scream + Point Engage Only If You have Important 411 Active Shooter Protocol Active Shooter Protocol and Your Workplace Emergency Plan Your Workplace Emergency Plan Must Be Coord w. Your PD Your Workplace Emergency Plan Must Be Coord w. Your PD Every PD Does This Differently Your Workplace Emergency Plan Must Be Coord w. Your PD Every PD Does This Differently Ex: Curtains Closed? Opened? Your Workplace Emergency Plan IFF Identify Friend From Foe Training All Emps Training All Emps Annually Training All Emps Annually At Hire Training All Emps Annually At Hire In Classroom Training All Emps Annually At Hire In Classroom All Hazards Training All Emps Annually At Hire In Classroom All Hazards Qualified Trainer Drills Req by St & Lcl Law Drills Req by St & Lcl Law Defined by Law By Law Drills Training By Law Training Drills By Law False Alarms Drills or Training Responsible Officer? Responsible Party? CEO SCOTUS CEO: Responsible Party Civilly CEO: Responsible Party Civilly Personally CEO: Responsible Party Civilly Personally Criminally CEO = Resp Officer 1.Does Your CEO Know This? CEO = Resp Officer 1.Does Your CEO Know This? 2.Shouldnt They? CEO = Resp Officer 1.Does Your CEO Know This? 2.Shouldnt They? 3.Wouldnt You? Exercises NOT Req by Law Exercises NOT Req by Law Best Way to Test Exercises NOT Req by Law Best Way to Test Effectiveness: Planning Training Drills Communications Must Be Practiced Communications Practiced Planning Training Drills Exercises Communications Practiced Cell TextPA Landlines 2-Way Radios Digital Signs Satellite Phone Communications Practiced Cell TextPA Landlines 2-Way Radios Digital Signs Satellite Phone ENS Degraded No 100% Enrolled ENS Degraded No 100% Enrolled Practice: Drills & Exercises ENS Degraded No 100% Enrolled Practice: Drills & Exercises Constant Practice Practice Means Training Why We Plan & Train Great plans are a smart thing Why We Plan & Train Great plans are a smart thing Training is everything. Training is Everything 737 Canada Fiery Crash Evacuation No Fatalities 737 Greek Fiery Crash 55/137 Fatalities Training is Everything Difference? Non-Fatal Crash: 75% were frequent business flyers 55 Fatalities: Almost 100% were 1 st -time flyers Hudson River Survival was not the result of a miracle Hudson River Survival was the result of training. Training Mandatory: OSHA Training Mandatory: OSHA Train All Personnel Training Mandatory: OSHA Train All Personnel In Classroom Training Mandatory: OSHA Train All Personnel In Classroom Annually & At Hire Training Mandatory: OSHA Train All Personnel In Classroom Annually & At Hire Qualified Trainer (by Exp, Trng) On-Screen Training Can Supplement On-Screen Training Can Supplement Can Never Substitute Employees Hate This Stuff! National Research 85% Safety: MOST Important Issue at Work National Research 85% Safety: MOST Important Issue at Work More Imp than: Wages Leave Sick Days Overtime Union Training Trained 24,000 Employees Training Trained 24,000 Employees 98.5% Loved it 98.5% Appreciation Took Scary out of Discussion 98.5% Appreciation Took Scary out of Discussion Made Everyone Comfortable 98.5% Appreciation Took Scary out of Discussion Made Everyone Comfortable Empowered All Ironic 98.5% Love Training Why Didnt You Do This Before? Can We Train More Than Annually? We Dont Rise to the Occasion We Dont Rise to the Occasion. We Sink to Our Level of Our Training Communications Practiced Cell TextPA Landlines 2-Way Radios Digital Signs Satellite Phone Common Mistakes No Headcounts Employee Headcounts Required by Federal Law Employee Headcounts Required by Federal Law Real Process Employee Headcounts Required by Federal Law Real Process Vital to Safety Four Fire Fighters who died were caught in roof collapse searching for people who had already escaped (31May13) How Do We Conduct A Headcount? Headcount Impossible! Headcount Use Your ENS Headcount Use Your ENS Headcount Use Your ENS 2-Way Radios Headcount Make This Work! Safe Lives Insights Complicated & Difficult No One Size Fits All. Every Site: Different Responses So, Plans, Training, Systems: Different & Used Differently. HQ Plan Used Everywhere Cut & Paste Landlord Insight Your Plan, Training & Systems Shall Be Site Specific. No Generic Planning & Training Will Make You Legal or Safe. Insights 10 Insights:10 1.WPV Is Epidemic CDC WPV Epidemic Insights:10 1.WPV Is Epidemic 2.No Profile Insights:10 1.WPV Is Epidemic 2.No Profile 3.Active Shooter Protocol: PD Go Into Building. Go Into Building. Find the Guy. Go Into Building. Find the Guy. Kill Him. Go Into Building. Find the Guy. Kill Him. Every PD Does This Differently. Insights:10 1.WPV Is Epidemic 2.No Profile 3.Active Shooter Protocol: PD 4. 8 Minutes! So, Police Probably Cant Help Insights:10 1.WPV Is Epidemic 2.No Profile 3.Active Shooter Protocol: PD 4.8 Minutes! 5.Emps Are First Responders Police /Fire /EMTs are not the 1 st responders Police /Fire /EMTs are not the 1 st responders Employees are the 1st responders Insights:10 1.WPV Is Epidemic 2.No Profile 3.Active Shooter Protocol: PD 4.8 Minutes! 5.Emps Are First Responders 6.Run/Hide/ Fight Run-Hide-Fight Generalities: Dangerous Run-Hide-Fight Generalities: Dangerous Every Workplace Different Insights:10 1.WPV Is Epidemic 2.No Profile 3.Active Shooter Protocol: PD 4.8 Minutes! 5.Emps Are First Responders 6.Run/Hide/Fight 7.Workplace Shall: Plan, Train, Drill Exercise Required by Federal Law Responsible Party? CEO SCOTUS CEO: Responsible Party Civilly Personally Criminally Insights:10 1.WPV Is Epidemic 2.No Profile 3.Active Shooter Protocol: PD 4.8 Minutes! 5.Emps Are First Responders 6.Run/Hide/Fight 7.Workplace Shall: Plan, Train, Drill, Exercise 8.Site Specific Insights:10 1.WPV Is Epidemic 2.No Profile 3.Active Shooter Protocol: PD 4.8 Minutes! 5.Emps Are First Responders 6.Run/Hide/Fight 7.Workplace Shall: Plan, Train, Drill Exercise 8.Site Specific 9.Command, Control, Communications Insights:10 1.WPV Is Epidemic 2.No Profile 3.Active Shooter Protocol: PD 4.8 Minutes! 5.Emps Are First Responders 6.Run/Hide/Fight 7.Workplace Shall: Plan, Train, Drill Exercise 8.Site Specific 9.Command, Control, Communications 10.If You Cant Communicate, You Cant Respond Communications PA Cell Landlines Text2-Way Radios Digital Signs Satellite Phone Communications ENS Vital Redundancy Insights:10 1.WPV Is Epidemic 2.No Profile 3.Active Shooter Protocol: PD 4.8 Minutes! 5.Emps Are First Responders 6.Run/Hide/Fight 7.Workplace Shall: Plan, Train, Drill Exercise 8.Site Specific 9.Command, Control, Communications 10.If You Cant Communicate, You Cant Respond Recommendations Professional Expert: Authentic to Mgmt, Board, Jury. Recommendations Professional Expert: Authentic to Mgmt, Board, Jury Robust Command, Control, Communications for Rapid Mass Emergency Notification Todays Expert Bo Mitchell, President, 911 Consulting 30-Minute Consulting Phone Call at No Charge Exclusively for You in this Webinar. CPE DC Active Shooter In Your Workplace: How Do Your People Respond