creating customer acquisition and retention by means of permission based email marketing

Creating Customer Acquisition and Retention by means of Permission Based Email Marketing

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Post on 23-Dec-2015




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Creating Customer Acquisition and Retention  by means of Permission Based Email Marketing

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1) Why Email Marketing?

2) Email Is the Best Medium For...

-Permission Marketing-Retention Marketing-Database Marketing

3) Email Marketing Advanced Concepts

-Personalization & Targeting -Testing & Optimization-Tracking Results-SPAM & Email Deliverability

4) Q & A

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The Days of “Dumb Email” Are Over!

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Email Marketing Is Growing Quickly

Source: Forrester Research, 2002

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Consumers Trust Email Newsletters

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Email Versus Phone

In you were without e-mail service or phone service for five days, which would cause the greatest difficulty?

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Email Marketing Works

Compared to traditional media, email is…

-fast-cost effective-personal-interactive -and measurable!

McKinsey – “Harnessing the Power of Email” reports that email…

-drives responses of 15% vs. 1% for direct mail -costs 3-10 cents per email vs. $2 for direct mail-generates 80% of responses within 48 hours

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Permission Marketing

Anticipated – people look forward to hearing from youPersonal – message is directly related to the individualRelevant – content is something they are interested in

“Permission Marketing encourages clients to participate in a long-term interactive marketing campaign in which they are rewarded in some way for paying attention to increasingly relevant messages.”

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Retention Marketing

Email is most effective for retention!

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Retention Marketing

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Retention vs. Acquisition



New Customer3rd YearCustomer

Monthly Revenue

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Retention vs. Acquisition

• 80% of your business comes from 20% of your customers

• It is significantly more difficult and expensive to recruit a new customer vs. retaining an existing customer

• On average, US small businesses lose 50% or more of their customers each year

• Every company suffers from defections • Most of them don’t monetize these losses

• If a valuable piece of physical inventory were missing, we would turn the place upside-down looking for it

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Retention vs. Acquisition

Retention rates go up over time











Percentage Retained

from Previous


1 2 3 4 5

Years as a customer

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Retention vs. Acquisition

Sanders Cleaners South Meridian Store

Facts:•In 1998 there were three competitors within 3 miles. Today there are 11

•New customers down by 40%*

•Loyal % increased from 11% to 39%

•Store revenue has grown 40%

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Database Marketing: True One to One

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Smarter Marketing

Email enables…

marketers and business owners to deliver on the promise of true one-to-one marketing.

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Personalization & Targeting

How can you break through the

Increasing Inbox Competition?

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Personalization & Targeting

Personalize for Increased Response Email Response Rates by Number of Personalization Elements

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Personalization & Targeting – First Stage

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Personalization & Targeting – Second Stage

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Personalization & Targeting – Third Stage

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Indianapolis Colts Example

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Home Depot Example

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Testing & Optimization

Leverage the Three T’s of Email Marketing

Testing-Test one element at a time -Each email is a chance to learn

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Lower Price Point - Test! Test! Test!

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Lower Price Point - Mail Best Offer to Entire List

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Testing & Optimization

Leverage the Three T’s of Email Marketing

Testing-Test one element at a time -Each email is a chance to learn

Timing-When is your audience receptive?

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Testing & Optimization – Timing of Delivery

When is your audience most receptive?

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Testing & Optimization

Leverage the Three T’s of Email Marketing

Testing-Test one element at a time -Each email is a chance to learn

Timing-When is your audience receptive? -How often is appropriate?

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Testing & Optimization

Leverage the Three T’s of Email Marketing

Testing-Test one element at a time -Each email is a chance to learn

Timing-When is your audience receptive? -How often is appropriate?

Tracking-What metrics are most important? -How do you react to the data? -Test, fire, adjust!

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Tracking Results

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Tracking Results - Surveys

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Tracking Results - Surveys

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Email Metrics – Open Rates

Open Rates: Average Range is 40 – 60%

To Increase Open Rates:

-Reduce Frequency -Improve Permission (Evaluate Name Capture) -Improve Subject Lines -Evaluate “Preview Window” Look and Feel -Evaluate Content vs. Expectations -Modify Content to Reduce Impact of Spam Filtering

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Email Metrics – Click-Through Rates

Click-through Rates: Average Range is 5 – 15%

What if Click-through rates are low? -Evaluate “Preview Window” Look and Feel -Evaluate “Call to Action” -Test Offers -Provide Incentives -Relevant Descriptions

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SPAM & Email Deliverability

Increase in Spam Filtering

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Opportunity:Help Clients Maximize Delivery

Help them Understand:

- Content Filtering

- Volume Filtering

- IP Filtering (Blacklisting & Whitelisting)

- List Quality Filtering

SPAM & Email Deliverability

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SPAM & Email Deliverability

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How To Get Started?

Step 1: Determine your objective

A. Sell Product –often B to C and B to B lower cost products, low touch.

B. Educate, Generate Leads & Enhance Credibility–often B to B product and service solutions or B to C higher margin products or services, high touch.

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How To Get Started?

Step 2: Build your list

A. Start with your customer database -export out of contact database -call clients to fill in email address

B. Capture email addresses through web site-offer incentives for sign-up-use other media to drive people to sign-up page

C. Leverage forward to friend to grow list-reward your advocates-send great content: humor, articles, case studies, etc

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How To Get Started?

Step 3: Test and adjust

A. Objective: To Sell Product

-how much did you sell, does the ROI work?

B. Objective: Educate, Generate Leads & Enhance Credibility

–what business or service offerings are generating most interest, track individual activity, etc