creative routes to regeneration - melanie smith and james kennell

Dr Melanie Smith & James Kennell Budapest Business School & University of Greenwich Business School Email: [email protected] Creative Routes to Regeneration: Are we on the right track?

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Page 1: Creative routes to regeneration - Melanie Smith and James Kennell

Dr Melanie Smith & James KennellBudapest Business School &

University of Greenwich Business SchoolEmail: [email protected]

Creative Routes to Regeneration: Are we on the right track?

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All we need is a Modern Art Museum……

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All we need is a Waterfront Development…..

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All we need is a big Sporting Event….

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All we need is a Capital of Culture......

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All we need is a ‘Starchitect’......

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All we need is some Public Art….

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We think that we wanted all of this.....

But are we sure we wanted what we got......??

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Maybe what we really need is this.....

More ‘grass-roots’, bottom-up, community-led initiatives

More focus on intangible elements of culture

More emphasis on alternative or fringe culture

Increased promotion of everyday life

The creation of ‘playful’, interactive, experiential spaces

Some ad hoc, organic development outside planning

More visitor freedom & creativity to be a co-creator

„The word citizen has to do with cities, and the ideal city is organized around citizenship -- around participation in public life.”

(Rebecca Solnit, 2001)

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Bottom-up cultural activity

Small-scale approaches

Community-led development

Entrepreneur-led development?

And maybe all we can afford is....

(Kennell 2013)

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But what do tourists want?

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The Shift from Cultural to Creative

Key Elements of Creativity

Creative people/class Creative process/activities Creative products/attractions Creative environments/clusters

(Richards, 2011)

Everyday Creativity Craft Cultural refinement Self-expressive creativity Interpersonal creativity Sophisticated media consumption

(Ivcevic & Mayer, 2009)

Visitor Experience of Creativity

From passive to active and interactive experiences

(Smith, 2009)

‘Experiential’ and ‘existential’ dimensions of creativity

(Nelson & Rawlings, 2009)

Cultural creatives in Western Society also looking for ‘green’ experiences

(Ray & Anderson, 2000)

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Creative TourismBut also:

„Exploring and expressing one’s creative potential whilst on holiday. The activities and the relationship to the self are the primary focus. Context or setting is secondary”

„Enjoying attractions and activities which are linked to the creative industries, and which tend to be interactive or experiential in nature”

(Smith, 2009)

„Creativity can either be the central motivation for tourism, as with the more formalised provision, or else a more peripheral experience in which the creativity of people and places adds ‘atmosphere’ and animation to the general tourist experience of places”

(Richards, 2012)

Creative tourism as authentic, educational, participative engagement with local people & places

(Richards & Raymond, 2000; UNESCO, 2006)

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The Creative Visitor Economy

Experiences can be spontaneous not only designed & paid for!

Visitors are more demanding, sophisticated, experienced

Visitors cannot easily be typologised (but we may still need to understand differences between Gen X, Y & Z & different nationality groups etc)

Need for customization, tailoring, uniqueness

Visitors as co-creators of their own experience

‘Tactical tourists’ want to actively engage in real activities with local people

Visitors as indistinguishable from locals

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Creative tourism and economic development

Small scale– Limited growth

potential– Specialist market

Often off-radar

Draws on local resources

Can add uniqueness to the visitor offer

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Next steps for creative tourism and economic development

Networking Mapping Fine grained policy

approaches Business finance

key issue

Joint promotional activity

Advocacy Creative tourism as

part of the local economic mix

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Are we too late?

“Harnessing the creative energies of the consumer becomes increasingly important as some of the existing spaces developed for heritage or cultural tourism seem to be losing their competitive edge. These problems are particularly acute in the UK…” (Richards and Wilson, 2006).