critically evaluate the claim that irenaeus’ polemic against heresy played a major role in its...

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  • 8/13/2019 Critically evaluate the claim that Irenaeus’ polemic against heresy played a major role in its defeat


    Critically evaluate the claim that Irenaeus’ polemic against heresy played

    a major role in its defeat [20]

    Irenaeus was instrumental in the Church’s struggle against heresy. His famous book

    was a five-volume work against Gnosticism, usually known as ‘Against Heresies’ andwas based on research into some 20 distinct Gnostic Sects. This demonstrates

    Irenaeus’ determination and commitment to defeating heresies in the Early Church.

    Although he tried to refute heresies his success in playing a major role in their defeat

    is still questionable.

    Irenaeus argued that there should be an agreed list of Christian writings in order to

    show the truth about Jesus and these should have authority within the Church. This

    was important because there were a number of false Gnostic Gospels in circulation

    such as the Gospel of Truth. Irenaeus asserted strongly that only the Gospel of

    Matthew, Mark, Luke and John should have authority in the Church. Soon afterIrenaeus the Church in Rome produced the Muratorian Canon in response to

    Marcionism. The creation of a set list of Christian Scripture was useful in

    undermining heretical groups as it outlined true teaching and, therefore, any

    heretical teaching, which did not fit with what was said in the scriptures, could be

    easily identified.

    Another prominent contribution made by Irenaeus in the fight against heresy was his

    rule of faith. Irenaeus was one of the first fathers to understand the value of having

    a clearly defined list of true Christian (apostolic) teachings. He called this the rule of

    faith because it acted like a measuring stick for truth. If anyone disagreed with a

    teaching from this rule of faith they could be condemned as a heretic. This idea

    formed the basis for later creeds such as the Apostles Creed and made the

    identification of heretical beliefs easier.

    Many Gnostic leaders claimed that their secret knowledge came from Christ and had

    been passed to them by the apostles. Irenaeus disputes this highlighting that the

    apostles passed on the truth of Christ to the bishops they appointed and so this

    information would be found within the Church and not within the Gnostics. The

    strong argument of apostolic succession is particularly persuasive in refuting

    heretical beliefs and so could be seen to be a significant contribution.

    However, there were some flaws in Irenaeus’ polemic against heresy which could be

    seen to be detrimental to him contributing a major role to their defeat. Regarding

    apostolic succession many scholars would argue that there was no single Bishop of

    Rome in the first two centuries, instead many churches were run by a team ministry.

    Therefore, this weakens Irenaeus’ argument and makes it more debatable, meaning

    it probably didn’t play a major role in the defeat of heresy.

    Also the Church had many different ways of dealing with heresy, Irenaeus’ role was

    not the major single contributing factor in its defeat. Other methods included

    alternative Christian writers such as Tertullian against Marcion. Furthermore, the

    Church met in councils to deal with heresy, for example the Council of

  • 8/13/2019 Critically evaluate the claim that Irenaeus’ polemic against heresy played a major role in its defeat


    Constantinople in 381AD where it was agreed not to recognise Montanists as

    Christians. Finally the development of the hierarchical church government by

    Ignatius was vitally important in the fight against heresy, as the Church leaders were

    able to unite their followers and guard against the pervasion of heresy. This

    demonstrates that in relation to other aspects, whilst Irenaeus’ contribution to the

    fight against heresy was important, it probably was not the major role. Other factors

    were equally, if not more important.

    Overall, Irenaeus’ polemic against heresy was effective, however a negative side

    does exist. In trying to refute heretics the Church became a persecuting Church, for

    example Maximilla said she was driven like a wolf from the sheep. Irenaeus was also

    mainly concerned with the Gnostic heresy as this was the major problem for the

    Church at that time. Therefore, it may be more accurate to say that Irenaeus’ role

    was in fighting Gnosticism more specifically than heresy. Futhermore, heresy did not

    end at the end of the life of Irenaeus, Irenaeus died in 200AD but in the early 5th


    century Theodoret of Cyrrhus claimed he had eradicated Marcionism from eightvillages and people would claim heresy is still present in modern times. This shows

    that Irenaeus couldn’t have played a role in the defeat of heresy as it still existed. He

    may have contributed to its later demise but I do not think that he played a major
