cross and crown 2 edition completely revised

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  • 8/6/2019 Cross and Crown 2 Edition Completely Revised


    To my God, Sri Krishna; my spiritual master, Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayan Maharaj; Sad Guru; Jesus

    Christos; my family, especially my father, who gave me this task; and my mother, without whose work,

    enthusiasm, editing, and spiritual energy I could not have completed this volume today.


    Hare Krishna,

    F. Trejos Vinokuroff

  • 8/6/2019 Cross and Crown 2 Edition Completely Revised



    These poems may be read in almost any way due to their openness. They contain many open

    polyhedric symbols in order to help us awaken, stay alive, and remain well built. These poems are likeprayers in that they evoke things greater than the here and now, yet they arise from the present. The

    sentences are not particularly absolute or definite; rather, they should be used as ties or sneakerspart

    of life. They come from an individual way to acquire and become wisdom and life in an organic andplayful way.

    Surrealism and symbolism play an important part in the appreciation of these poems. The poems are

    surreal in that they exhibit a shift of ideas into living things and they convey nonlinear logic. Itssymbols are like paintings, saying things indirectlyexplaining ideas by showing their inseams, like

    Huidobro (the Chilean avant-garde poet) said, by not saying that the flowers bloom but instead making

    them bloom in the poem.

    So we pursue of these immediate relations to the Things in themselves, the nous inside.There is deep pathos, mental and emotional: a lack of and longing for love, spiritual darkness and

    desolation (and, later, enlightenment and redemption), questions, aches, and, with all this, the sowing of

    spirituality (very much Catholic Christian, as well as other Indian notions concerning heightened

    awareness, freedom, and bliss).So, this is a sort of catalogue of the stages of spiritual and magical seeking for life in a most total way,

    with belief and experience of the Absolute; it is an inclusive spirituality of the seeking and lost

    wandering of young souls in the modern and postmodern worlds, and like bread crumbs, the poemslead to something on one of the many paths that has no name yet is real and personal.

  • 8/6/2019 Cross and Crown 2 Edition Completely Revised



    by Ana Vinokurova

    A man in search of himself, of his integrity and identity in a dispossessed world of spiritual and moralvalues, where his way is a labyrinth and infinite spiral of fears, stalking, and voracious violence in the

    fight for life and the victory of the strongest.

    Whoever does not share this language or accepts this mode of behavior is not seen, is a carcass, with notime or space.

    He is devoured by the hungry jungle of life and society.

    The spirits grace, hopethe smile of the innocents who envision a world better than it was that hasbeen lost. Its the struggle of opposites that shines through this poetic creation, that plants another kind

    of revolution in the search for the truth.

    It is a reflection on the ever-searching soul for joy and peace, sense, love, acceptance, and company.

    A desperate scream for salvation from pain, the unchangeable, indifference and all the disintegration,the false promises, nontheless not loosing the true promise one behind. Against its solitude,

    nothingness, and madness.

    No limits, no masks, guilt, or shameeverywhere are lies that point to no cross or crown.A surreal and symbolic chant to hope and life, always in deadly battle with ethereal forcesduality and

    affliction, the somberto finally achieve the real, the truth, and the life.

    The poetry is filled with airs of hope and victory, as well as pain, tribulation, and solitude (ever presentand in the way).

    Its badge is silence after every uttered word. Also, irony at the crossroads of words and the absurd,

    leading to renunciation.Also, we have the unforeseen and ineffable baffles of endless questions and eternity to take it all in

    all part of the human precondition.

    Here, many gifts of the spirit given by the Highest of the High flow endlessly.

    Pains meaning sprouts edification, where all the feelings of impotence, indefinition, and inadequacyare part of todays psyche, one and all to some degree, in this time and space, many times invisible yet

    partly found.

  • 8/6/2019 Cross and Crown 2 Edition Completely Revised


    The Cross & The Crown

    COLLECTED POEMS 19972010


    Wordless voice I hear youO, great beyond

    Flux of joints

    Snapshots of things.

    Before the birth of their meaning.

    I am before everything & everything is in me

    PossibilityO, negative patience

    Formless Mother superior of Forms

    Humming forever the trance of waves, come!

    Some softly, some silent,

    Some furious;

    O, silent harmony,

    Let me be finally eaten

    Please dont deny me


    Motherly swallow


    Consuming all thoughts, feelings, moods

    To a somersault halt

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    O, Slowness, become me.

    Man of stories

    My knees of power

    The grace & elegance

    Gypsy bash

    Trembling gash.

    You lazy, industrious vagabond,

    Finder, gazer, groove catcher

    Find the angles & the looseness

    So that It may come to you.

    Still eyes give!

    Power and grace

    And true Salvation

    Nevermore fixations

    Traps for & by me.

    Forgetful bliss

    Dreamy ease

    Nothing is really

    True or serious

    Something always finds you.

    I took my cane to discover the world in my broken balcony

    And the world came and it was bright & straight

    Mind portrait

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  • 8/6/2019 Cross and Crown 2 Edition Completely Revised


    Aje ne que pais of the sickening thingIn the air; is it just me?

    What triggers certain smiles, feelings, gestures:

    A sad face,

    A jubilant one next to the other.

    Strange meanness I fear

    A straight, tight, dark face

    Aliens to this world

    File down green and white.

    A very kind smile, so many hues

    A calibration of lies

    A kidding grace

    Shifts fast mirror like.

    A passing gesture & sigh comes along

    Straight on the line.

    A fortune cookie

    A random mathematical equationThe pleasure of surprise.


    Gum sole shoes

    Sly, soft, smooth screech

    Another side of beauty

    An inner inseam becomes visible

    A certain soft pop freedom

    A kid at heartor fully?


    Thinness of air

    Inside & out

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    The architect foundation of a face

    Of facing It

    A pale trembling thinness

    The heart quivers mightily

    What is weak can become nobleWhat is strong blind

    What hand did trace those lines, shadows

    Memory, deeds

    What pale hand disappears?

    A mess, a cruelty?

    Is all just a mystery

    This is no playground

    Our faces neither grim nor straight

    Or twisted joyfully

    Just forgetfulness,

    Almost nothing

    A confused idea

    What is clear my friend?What is certain that cannot be put down in just years, centuries,


    Home in the storm

    The city eats, moans, and groans.

    Poets are hungry forever for life & freedom, or something else

    Room, making sense, relocating grand alchemyAll written everywhere, wall & face

    Shall I tremble in joy or fear?

    O, white sublime things.

    Eating in silence

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    The bitterness and grudge

    Muffles & grumbles & munching & fumbles

    Moments die in silence before birth.

    Shaking, seemingly sweaty handsSeems like hes from the river

    Solitude, magical

    Why come out?

    Where is it darker?

    Death does not part

    Only lack of love

    Abjection, pain, power

    Negative capability

    The fiery navel crosses solemnly.


    Open connection

    Blank slates make the best masterpieces.

    Misery, mighty lonely, mighty selfish

    Seeing everyone inside

    The shadow, the curse.

    Shining afloat in the gearing

    Most blessed empty hands raised up high.

    Why bring a child to this world of painImpossible to live & love this!

    A cripple brown paper bag for holy figs

    What is all the fuss?

    Turn on your window and see

    How little you know

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    Corpses filing up and down in illusion and fashion

    So much a tragedy of mistakes

    All this

    Just, then, why?

    Musts & side street crossings

    Urgencies, things impossible

    Freedom of open skies & its weights

    The swift, severe pace, character

    Abe Lincolns melancholy

    Broken dreams like a frozen flower.

    The wind black iron brazen

    All can see in any hue

    Now dark, lonely, severe

    Any day, for any one can be

    Genesis or Apocalypse

    & no one can choose.

    Two ways, free will

    The trembling hand

    The pounding heart

    A wild blinding eye

    Is the living a death becoming?

    Time shrinks & expandsWith joy and pain

    Clocks melt softly

    & everything else too

    Can relativity reach all time & space?

    Lord let me reach the absolute integration

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    Pain is red

    Lack of love, & so she bled

    Bled black, red, & blue blood

    all the ills they goAnd the goods too,

    Till ol miserable life went away,

    Unmasked and ashamed.

    Old frames, old brown severe

    Wood works

    An ancient man full of tales as of hay

    Music & silenceno noises, no names;

    No errors, converted.

    Blessed in accommodations

    Jigsaws hee-ho

    The eye that sees not too much

    Staring intent, a little

    The mad craving

    The everlasting aches,The wrong moves & wrecks

    And in order to survive, belief in resurrection.

    Mind lost in the haze & the wind

    A blurry image

    Eased up borders.

    A conversation of memories

    Drunken out of time conjectures

    A way out

    A smile with no weight.

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    Bitter dry taste of despair

    Gone with bitter ale & its forgetfulness.

    An olden placedark wood

    Oaken smoke, bitter dreams of dry, & tasty true paradisiacal fruitsLeaden pain longing and giving fruits unknown.

    A dark portrait

    Black all over

    Pain hidden

    True feeling

    Both sides



    Never look deep or twiceOwn yourself

    & God appears

    Devil is the belly, eating itself endlessly,

    And all mirrors shall turn and turn in play

    So the sad game will end in all smiles & tears as grains of sand

    & skies gems.

    Nothing is really despairing or lasts too longGrace

    Whatever comes in the ethics of freedom


    See through


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    Breathe & rule

    Its a show

    Read it

    Lose it kindlyKnow then forget

    Wait on Him & Her,

    On Their works,

    Cause were here to live, overflow, and rave in holiness

    Never stay behind the shadows out there

    O, edgeful one

    Heights friend

    Dare ahead and never fear

    In your noble strangeness

    Master & feel it

    Surrender & surface the grand discovery,

    Sinking all the way through the Arcane seas, the sands are so sweet

    The angles and the visions: so open, so free in the peripheries of the




    I love the simplest of wonders

    Like a silent seat upon an endless end

    Just a landscape of a promised land

    & truly Im satisfiedThere I hunger or thirst no more

    I long, Lord

    I reach out and wait.

    May I never lose my mind or my ground or feet

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    Dear God: what can I do?

    Until when will I disjoint my bones to dust?

    One day Ill forget all the pollution and fade away

    O, wasted dreams, a cloud of sighs follows me downMay I touch the ends firmament and texture and be swallowed


    May my feet

    Walk & pound

    O, what lovely

    Grave sounds.

    Once I tried to stitch my fingers in a knot

    Then hum to keep the bees away

    Then Id straightened my back so as to die with some dignity

    Like new angels in the joints of time

    Wave catchers, high flyers

    Have at last found Places to be & new rumors whisper in the streets

    As I walk like a lion,King of cats,

    In gum soles,

    Beat, bubble gum pop,

    Street bop,

    Rhymes beauteous

    Walking poetry

    So I go long and roll my eyes in timeNot to miss it

    & never look straight into it

    & crooked joint hop

    Mantra jazz jokerbox

    Gour Gour Gour Hari Bol!

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    I now remember the right words, the place where everything is NEWperpetually.

    I smiled, she laughed.

    Sadness falls & smiles

    Fadesyet an inner glow of triumph so godly

    Solitary satisfaction

    The man I never was

    The strong, proud, brave & fixed hero of the times

    Yet I tried & loved everything

    Perhaps too much

    Too much silence

    The fireworks of heaven light my wayAs a certain love did always warm me

    Though being a crooked, cripple, shining soul,

    Too happy, too old.

    A promised road shines ahead,

    Precious deadly.

    Ill stare my piercing eyes almost blind

    My fearsome bellies sucking life

    & go pray & hope & look

    To the sky, where my help comes from

    Perfect and well timed

    For He knows you too well.

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    Strip yourself of lead my friend,

    Grow out your last truth to a new one,

    & beauty from alien moss

    By not searching and forgetting

    I have become, from dying, despairing, disappearing, silentlyglorifying the highest of the high, waiting

    Head down in hood, rained upon,

    hands stretched out

    Beginning to live

    Endless fires of desire,

    Earthquakes of grace,

    Famine, flood, thunder

    The scared child wants to play

    Yet is weak and dying

    Restlessly fed

    Is it sad? Or interesting?

    Only the witness shall know and say

    For mystery & impossible things are spoken of It that burns good &

    ills webs

    By fire & spiritHigher than high

    Human essences, old in wisdom

    A nexus silence slants.

    Humbled before it all,

    The powers that control my desperate gestures & jests

    Like the innocent inclinations of a forgotten doll & music aroundfades like smoke

    I dream of giving form to all this:

    Autonomous and perfectly controlled, yet perfectly formed

    so as to achieve an end, with dignity.

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    I think I was born for this peace, so hard to reach yet free

    Unattained with leaden feet and adamant desires.

    Today I kiss the walls of the great labyrinth

    I hear echoes of immemorial beautySnake charms and shadows of ideas too tired, too ill.

    Sinking is the ship of celebrations, of the descent so gleeful and


    Self-explanatory self

    My pay and wanton solitude that makes things out of void.

    Days of weary toil and nights of dreams of rebellion against my

    prisms, prisons

    And I go happily to a warm grave in the corner of corners

    vermillion velvet.

    So he comes, the Fisher King wet and new,

    No cross, no reign

    Yet oh-so-kind and blue,

    Yet a definite tragedyWhen good takes ill for good and knows it

    The maidens wave hello in homecoming.

    What is this thing we live in, humming all around

    A dreamy mind makes it better

    A little less strain, force, or longing.

    Like when ones eyes open

    to all sides & begin to arriveWhats this life?

    That turns & screws & tangles so many knots, patterns, figures

    Who can help me understand?

    Is it so brief and full and confusing?

    I believe I must dwell in perpetual forgetfulness

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    Just hearing whispers and echoes

    Of some hazy Gods lullabies,

    Or even the shriek of the darkest hour.

    So I get that its just keeping your seat,

    Clinging to bright and lovely sightsGardens once filled with innocence

    That surely old mans experience will one day, with the wretched



    Look now to this my death,

    Overflowing eyes, mad with fury, consumed, red & white.

    The flame is stillWho can withstand?

    Is it real, is it real?

    Is this really It?

    Astoundingly it was

    So lost that all is alienNo touch or charm

    Or alm or calm

    My lips are dry,

    The deserts jealous,

    & the memory runs the blood in blaze.

    I proceed to stall so estranged

    & fear does frostbite my guts

    & some grace & some despair

    Black eyes, white disappearance

    His silence makes it easier

    Was he ever Here?

    Oh yes indeed

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    The rules of verse

    Distraction, little effort, quotidian stuff, surprise, magic, vitality,wonder, between asleep and awake, a little close, a little far,

    commotion, truth, beauty, here-there-everywhere, many tongues of

    fire and the great silence, juxtaposition and cleanliness, noise, the

    unbearable, any careless charm, sound, beat, bipolar, and always

    ever-changing etceteras.

    A rubber soul yogiAt the right time

    Wise beyond any known

    clues & suggestions, union and timing

    For to be is to see

    Silence, space

    Using all exhaust pipes

    For as one did say, the path of excess leads to the tower of

    fascination, comes from curiosity,

    And oh, lad, leads to the bottomless pit

    Dont worry, many ways to go and things to meet and see

    Never expected

    Flow more randomly angel

    Woe your wonderful fascination

    A lock and a key! Aho!Move, cycle, replenish your steam,

    So many strange flowers and fruits grow

    Get high on Spirit with the Highest of the High,

    No need fury, will, or excess,

    For Jacobs ladder is bent,

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    Begin to learn to see things go on, the living scriptures & theater so


    For wisdom is a daily thing, feeling of flow & godly, peaceful might

    to rule,

    So silent & elegant, a doveWell measured & timed

    Give, welcome, forgive, so beautiful what we can project through

    So I finally say hum & say go chew my own branded gum,

    In the art of losing & gaining all

    Of all your dead, lost places, thoughts, trains, or dreams

    Even seas bigger than

    Keep your eyes on high watch, no clocks tonight

    A solitary kiss,

    This is for you: all seers of the endless and instant

    We are birds, so sing, let us fly

    We go as cats, sly and slender

    With no goodbyes

    He was a strange walking man

    To you theres no endDo mirrors tell of strangeness in lines and shadows

    Well he seems so full of stories like flocking fairy stock

    He creeps, he stalks

    Ideas and situations

    Positively dramatic

    As seems to me every individual is that same strange walking man,

    With fabrics cut or not to fashions day.

    There are dark black womens socks

    Tight, stern, surreal

    They walk as of a certain clan (just looking knee-foot)

    Shes pounding on

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    Theres a need for conversation, noise, coughs

    fear of nothingnessabsurd

    Absurd dark ancient motivation

    Fears desiresThe creeping craving

    Self-eating self.

    Yet nothing remains.

    Black, glassy, steely, creepy eyes

    A controlled raving

    Blue-eyed madness.


    Water in the eyes, drunken hell,

    The ol big belly eats you up.

    Sweet musician percussion, precision,

    Hitting notes, pre-thoughts.

    O, spirit of adventure

    With the fire of a flaring chimera

    I chased just about everything & nothing in particular

    Everythings lost & nothings nothing

    I remember the 4 winds & yet keep lost

    All is noise

    God!I head out again ever again with airy soles

    Dont mind bleeding, thats what Im here for

    Or cry, cause its for something

    I imagine then I just can reach the other side of morning

    But forever

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    Ill be an oil painting in trance

    Ill be another

    Ill be nothing


    Now with hunch & cane I roam

    Free & joyfully lost!

    My faith may be dying of hunger.

    In love, life, and the world

    Im definitely no human

    Not that I ever was

    But just look a little strange and inspire fear

    Oh, what have I become!

    O, you object of lost love, recognize me in the crowds

    Just something like a form

    Something human and speakable

    Its just that my continent has been divided and I dont know which

    band to turnTis but the civil war of the hemispheres

    Is just that Im too far, forget that and its cold

    If I go is for I must & become invisible

    Like a confused noise

    Like what just crossed your shoulder

    With all your intent now youll furiously see thatAll is frenzy, a vision forced through & quickly forgotten

    And, yeah, youll rave!

    Our dear friend, Sisyphus

    Lighting his pipe of self-denial

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    And, so beat, he tells the truth

    Of the ark, the loss, & the waking hour_

    Teach us oh, please, to forget like you so joyfully,

    He sighs, then shrugs, then goes down the valley to disappear.

    Your double is always near, your dear Ka, praying, whispering,

    inspiring with angels, fairies, demons

    He just knows a little more

    Learn to hear & self-know;

    Youll blow yourself away.

    The man with long fingers sat at his piano, which was really just a


    A tool of bridges,

    He quickly and quietly shakes

    He begins to grow (this chordful, mechanic shattering of nerves)

    He wants to blow the layers, and outrageous playing all the high &

    the low.

    But its all just fantasy, magic, phantasmagoria:

    Purple delights.

    Dissolve into the night

    Dissolve all skins

    For now its quiet and blissful and safe

    A time for joyful, child-like surrendering

    Fun, play, rest.


    Gone away movement

    Protected and astray

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    Theres lots of fear in the way

    I think Im donefor the day

    Or for goodstill a light

    Shines through mercifully.

    God is everywhereGod I trust


    My dearest

    I long for you

    God, I fear this valley

    I fear this changing, turning, churning wheel

    I tremble & grieve in silence

    Hoping, gasping, praying for an end

    To error & accident & the drastic

    I love & love happiness

    Happy endings

    I fear more than I can bear

    I try now to forget

    God take me, Im yours.

    Nerves strumming guitars

    All the walks of the mighty damned

    Of desire, craving, & need.

    Trembling leaves, tremblings, and also knees

    Breathing heavy, eyes moving

    Sternly she takes her violin caseAnd walks away

    In silence & into mystery

    One I might never know

    Under the sun & blinding moon.

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    She danced so elegantly alone

    Eyes turned inward

    Free from others a truest of joys, the solitary.

    He was cool, calm, it seemed,But, then, a deepness in certain spaces of speech and breath,

    Much different, so true, so cool, what does it all mean? So, so human

    stillWOW!!!!A writer & a human or, better, a wounded poet and yet is held

    together by God knows what threads!

    Memory black

    I sway with awe, longing

    A pale hurray

    But my hand sweats in the trigger of a clock

    Fading images: long time friend & enemy pursuing consensus,

    sense, perfection

    Burning trains go away

    I find myself swimming in black rivers

    Then wake up to gigantic plainsOf people and their skins

    Up with mold

    & still I search for the clock

    Now handless

    I give up!

    Ding dong, dread!Here it comes againThe ghosts of soul asylums

    Repetition, longings, fears

    Of losing in the night

    We wrestle toward the future.

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    In games or in fights

    & the universe conspires the music in all its channels

    To reach, cut out, mend, put together the twisted strings of the braids

    I lay down & watch this time factory go aboutAs if watching a toy, a dull city, a crazy mirror

    I try not to mind anything at all

    So that I can survive & breathe it all in, thoroughly and


    The green door

    Is there a hidden pixie among us?

    The lucky, musical, little Irish lads,

    Dance and smile like some dream, shouting ji-yaBut all thats inside

    I just watch the door to see if it belongs to me, to enter and frolic

    With such dear company

    On a pale afternoon, end of winter, spring breezes soft, a greenish

    perfume.The door opens & they lure me in.

    May the children roam free


    Like mass running mighty & upstream


    How together, what insightWhat wonderful fright

    The instances so fiery & eyes so flash

    Burn within

    Like a kite flying one

    Like a majesty unveiled, like pure forms flower and fold

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    Fair & foul

    I gently die again today

    To complete a movementIt takes a movement to burn to ashes, black out a whole circle,


    Fights, struggles, intermezzos, and keys! Keys! Keys!

    To the next, a painful counter position, a powerful collision;

    The face grows red, green, or pale

    And rips the veil

    And toss & turn for their pleasureTheyve gained!

    So that you can come back again

    To your desire, your space inside

    The empty music box

    The time expands, it shrinks,

    It fits in your angry fists

    As you fight against the weights of the planets,The purging,

    The wailing

    Till your eyes are violently open

    And surprise!

    All anger transforms,

    A mold, a karma, a fixed or unfixed space

    As well as time in its gears

    Jumps you into cosmic time

    Listening to things, some old, some new,

    Others forgotten

    What may be happening in the eye of the symphony

    You must get sick, whimper, bless, curse, & die

    You must turn you into you

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    Purple as days ends sky

    Lose to retrieve

    Become becoming into being

    Do not get tangled with many heavy things growing on you.

    For the music is turning lovely, so is the danceTo complete you must delete

    To rejoice in fullness die in dryness

    And not be anyone, yet be one

    For all that goes on for you each day

    All the movies of your dreams, desires, fears, nightmares

    All this old groan is going on for,

    If you help beauty & fortune

    Might surrender a tear for you begetting today or tomorrows eve

    And so the final fatal strokes

    Making quiver in the night

    And quieter delight

    As the moments fade, the piper, the marks, smokes, days, memories,


    Awaken again to the bell in the key.

    The children smile as if about to break

    From a trance or dream of playfulness

    Like a hungry reality,

    But, then again, never mind, we can always forget and start over.

    Wild birds

    With a glow & a halo & dangerous air

    Arrive with flashing eye

    The terror keeps & prays

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    They come like omens

    Wildend cries

    A warlocks legion in disguise

    They come hungry for something

    They search and ravageThey look deep for prey

    Now excited, feathering away, feathers everywhere,

    They move & move from inside my head

    Cries, cries,

    Reds & blacks & bloody orange

    Shadow specks, all over the place

    Now a hundred psychic crows and owls rip my clothes & skin

    & claws dig deep to take me to the mountain peak

    For a midnight death atonement

    I lie awake in silence deadly

    The birds are all quiet watching me

    Waiting for me to die of fear

    Theyre dead still, staring

    I shake & try to speak

    But tongue tiedIve been here too long

    I surrender to die heroically, perhaps, in somebodys eyes

    They come and eat me gently and I in poetic sigh reply with a smile,

    no pain,

    This is glory, not tragedy.

    Part IV

    Tea revisited

    United in a beat and hum

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    Coughing throat roughing

    The rightness of place

    Silent tea peace

    Empty fullness

    True levityThe sounds & glow;

    A homecoming celebration has come

    Cheer leading the unseen world

    Gracing & toasting all things forgotten

    Random collection of the free fruits and roots

    Playing the mathematical equations to open the lotus gates!

    Rejoice! Be merry! Hear the bells!

    BETA(A villanelle for a very special girl)

    Piercing Angel1 When seen alive and brimming with

    2 A life so far and deep

    3 In realms of courteous enchantment I can hardly bear & see

    4 What and how and if

    5 My blood is wine my heart coal

    6 When seen alive and brimming with

    7 Was it this or that I heard

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    8 The muse once and then I prayed

    9 In realms of courteous enchantment I can hardly bear

    10 Yes its you and me all hand-in-hand with mirth

    11 Through storms and magic and adrift

    12 When seen alive and brimming with

    13 Come with me, take this stroll in moonlit airs

    14 Come, Come you, fairies, angels, what may

    15 In realms of courteous enchantment I can hardly bear16 And I know I dont belong to the heath

    17 And love black tied to the end with flares

    18 When seen alive and brimming with

    19 In realms of courteous enchantment I can hardly bear

    For VessieVessie Vessie so madly beautiful soul a charming

    in a world of make-believe everything goes

    so pure and so strange, no rules are needed, no chance

    of breaking the milk of paradise

    which now flows when we clean our eyes and see THE ETERNAL

    to which I humbly invoke in every deed & thought

    so as to learn to make love as virgins to everything that surrounds

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    and amuses us, me

    & also no one loses, for it is beyond decay, remorse, hopeless

    darkness: self-effulgent

    yes, my sister, that is faith and hope killing shame and despair, driedto death in their ghost-filled deserts

    I now go into this sort of promised land &, even if I die on the way,

    its mere existence makes me sigh and therefore live

    When the wind of change does whistleYour merry tunes of drunken jingles

    And you smile with the autumn

    As angels sigh with tears and frown

    O sweetest child of life, shining so brave and so free

    Can I stay on your side and make you a melody

    When your voice does falter and taint

    With the tremor of heaven and purple intent

    And your dreams do take their due heights

    Wailers do remember and sing with delight

    O sweetest child of life, shining so brave and so free

    Can I stay on your side and make you a melody

    Aho! behold something is born!

    Tween her silken heart beauty does bud

    A pearl of hope for the helpless wanderer, astray on her shore

    For innocence so forsaken is now the maiden of the promised lore

    O, sweetest child of life, shining so brave and so free

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    Can I stay on your side and make you a melody?

    Oh! If one should stand by her pale fire in slow burn

    If one should be found true and worthy of that miraculous sight!

    And grace that is rapt in her flare,Ecstasy, surprise, mystre

    O, sweetest child of life, shining so brave and so free

    Can I stay on your side and make you a melody?

    Tales of old, the moons child and despair

    Silver rings, the promising and careless sidelong glance

    The poisoned pangs of dreams of air

    And stars shall twinkle forever

    O, sweetest child of life, shining so brave and so free

    Can I stay on your side and make you a melody?

    There is something hidden that can be seen from any side

    There is a heart that nurtures the once-barren lands

    Feel it all, reflect its soulCatch it, touch it, and make it Alive, as only you can

    O, sweetest child of life, shining so brave and so free

    Can I stay on your side and make you a melody?

    If one day this pierced heart shall run ashore

    Castaway from the world, void of formSettle, work, play, come of age, and grow old

    A treasure house of holy beauties far and widewe shall share and


    O, sweetest child of life, shining so brave and so free

    Can I stay on your side and make you a melody?

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    Yes, Aho YeaWhen the sky is grayAnd all life has vanished,

    I tell you stay higher

    Than it.

    For all Ive learned

    Through mystic whispers,

    Let it be raised to hear some desolate calling

    Born to the endlessAnd senseless untangle.

    Long lost counsel and soothsayers

    At the end of your weary days,

    Lets go, smitten brethren,

    For hope isnt vain.

    Brazen fiery flames of confusion

    Strengthen the brave.Stages for the survivors,

    Dressed in white and ever tortured,

    Now wailing does ease, and loves remembrance


    Peace is longed for, with the revealing Grace

    Its toll, burden, and strong hold face

    Wholly in the end.Jesuss words do slide through the ears;

    Both sadness or desolation do adore the Prophecy.

    Time is sleepless on guard

    In the immovable;

    Nevermore pains mindful reign.

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    Wonder, the Fruit of TruthOur hearts moan for the lost balance and cry for the confusion.

    Alienated from our architectural thought by ruthless occasions,Death and drought as the midday sands,

    Dew that is love hardens before the stepping Fear.

    Thick eternizing each day of limitless elevation,

    Depressions stand back,

    For the purified soul condenses with no despair

    Good does always come

    Tween roots and courage,The inner covenants of the Great Feeler

    As a seed of the Earth shall grow

    Come to see

    The clear dawning of angelic life,

    Untouched and Holy.

    Many deaths toll to many lives,

    Almost always misunderstood

    The Tribulation and Endurance of the

    Saved Chosen OneIf so Nature decrees,

    And the journeys start losing wise forethoughts,

    There must rise a royalty in this mystic coherency,

    And the long awaited and doubtless answer will come:

    Lets wait with it, bear it through;

    Faith will bring clairvoyance.

    More certain than experience,

    Seed of the endless fruits


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    And thou shalt go on without a sensed existence,

    And this war cry is for any thoughtful, sound person,

    Any smitten and foggy receiver.

    No key is at last found

    The Masked Treason of the Innocent


    The time became matter seconds before arrival,

    Something shook the tremor,Someone scared Fear herself.

    From the day I knew Him, the Truth did reveal

    Sublime yet obscene.

    Oh! How close can we be!

    The holy of holies,

    Great cleansing tribulationBeyond its angst and grief haze

    Has the tool that forged me!

    The food that I receive,

    Not even in the ancient oasis.

    I was lost in dreams;

    May it be a scary storm sign

    And never carry the mountains of Promethean despair

    In a sad and chain-clad myriad woes.

    Double moon and stars of prophecy,

    The winds do silence, and He does guide,

    Appears at midday as the day he parted.

    The sea does swell as joy

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    Of those who feel near the Promised Land,

    And it shall appear from the horizon.

    Now everything will relentlessly change.

    Experience, Observation, Meditation

    Choosing a golden door,

    Flying without feeling the arrival

    To a kingdom more than awaited

    Thickening the test in a slave chain

    The expression in the stare

    Coming to live 64 moonsThe vision is at hand for the fortunes soldier

    God and soul merging

    Life and stillness

    The soul-grazing fleets

    Melting over time over the fields

    Of the universal

    Fascination does shine over the cold damp air

    Magic does awaken the silence in the ears;

    The old earth is a living theater

    Magic men and wise ones do meditate for destinys sake

    Clear and cloudy where there orbit

    The lentils of the infinite soulGladly, thank you, my sad woman

    This bitterness will turn into honey

    Running and dashing blindly

    When will you know that soon enough Ill dry up

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    Vast our superior,

    Love as tender as fantasy

    Nothing more free

    Engraved is the scenery in possibilities

    With always some railway from which to catch your freightTime to tune up

    To triumph and flower within breaths of ideal nature.

    Regret or forget in heaven or in hell

    Changes behold chances that revolve

    Possibility makes the truths unfold:All that is beyond must never be fore-drawn.

    Told as the mysteries which the keys hold

    A fantasy gliding upon my ever-learning soul.

    Screaming is plenty

    To which the season denies

    Cry at the gates but remember youd be there

    Shine yourself against the windy skyAcross the morning star,

    Cast out by the fire.

    Sing now for the retired sire

    Time alone will yell your name

    In heaven or in hell.

    The guilty are marked

    Time is constantly lost

    Following behind a mad rabbit

    That mindlessly suggests

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    Pursuing those impossible findings

    Enlightenment is a lonely candle

    In the windy days of mans life

    Never fear.

    The desirea reminder

    Who will ever wish to run headlong into harm

    Ancient fool

    Smoking in his forgotten realm of lost things

    Some new land and horizons do shine their lights

    They suddenly blacken and madden

    Terrors become mighty

    The song does resound

    Neon all around

    Make your own history and finish the unending show.

    Primitive serpentine

    Seers of uncertainty

    Without one to guide them

    Hungry poverty is at the end of the day.

    Otherworldly saviors far away smile sadly

    Tis the meal of the earthly slave

    The accord of high pitch screams

    Desperations symphony

    Troubling dangerLife long lost

    Clear as air

    Achilles heel for insatiable titans

    Yet I thirst deadly for timely knowledge

    Many fools in asylums

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    Tried to control minds razor,

    And bled to the last drop.

    Melodic caressThe lost color of your soul does shine in my ear

    The mermaid screams captive

    And in touch the dissolving sensation

    Face of memories make one recall empty accords

    Loves soothing from oneself

    Endow softly clouds as garments

    O children of air!

    Laughing sweetens perplexity

    Filling our cups with olden liquor.

    Fixing up pollen to the tuned souls

    Prolonged vibrations

    Love and its deadly spade

    Ecstatic music does swing into diamond lapsus

    May this trance never decay!

    The Tribulation and Endurance of the Saved

    Chosen OneIf so nature decrees

    And the journeys start losing wise forethoughts

    There must rise royalty in this mystic coherency

    And the long-awaited and doubtless answer will come

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    Lets wait, bear it through

    Faith will bring clairvoyance.

    More certain than experience

    Seed of the endless fruits


    And thou shalt go on without sensed existence

    And this war cry is for any thoughtful, sound one

    Smitten and foggy receiver

    No key is at last found

    In the eyelids of some elsewhere dimension

    Briefly comes and swells


    In the mystery of the dance and the wind

    Its the instant, the fleeting

    Intangible and parallel constellations

    Everything trembles and falls into place

    Growing deeply and elated

    Takes my spirit to a freedom soulscapeUnconscious harmonies of the eternal cascades

    There is no clarity

    In my being hope to understand

    Turbulence that I cant know their reasons

    Come and go dancing in the great dark

    I appease my mind and hallow my Father

    Holy air, stay by my side one more day

    For love has granted a lighted guide to my troubled mind

    Confusion has been cleared,

    Illusions burnt

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    My heart is now a still well

    Reality in duality and yet unified

    Wave after wave, the river sways to the sea

    Radiant and reactive, everything manifests in oneness

    Animated and limitless it can free itself form its bound instinctForgetful of its essence

    Examines and observes the untrodden secret tracks

    That in this gray jungle the devils are loose

    But, aho!

    The pure heart is the redemption,

    Gods eye, and the candle of salvation!

    Both?One? Changes with no conceptionbirthunderstanding

    Twisted and reassembled woodworks

    Precepts and perception

    The fragile existence of my heart-glass

    You are very big and yet weak

    Void and disillusionedThe light and love

    Endless forces

    The magic kingdoms of song

    A glimpse of Life

    In your happy day you are what you are

    Dont lose and forget even a tad of your holy love

    The soul sings delighted

    Burns in fiery airs chainless

    I sing in tears because I feel

    And dont lament my endless sufferings

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    Here I am and will survive

    For truth is why I am here for

    The Father and the Son are my foundations

    Tireless soul and bright waking thoughts

    For there shall be harmony in the prophets wayEven fire burnt and messageless

    And we must keep on crossing rivers so as not to fall into delirium

    For the truth can be found

    I beg to the dry ones:

    Give me confidence

    Rootless, no one can hear me

    The space between is broad

    Whoever seeks,

    Grow and suffer,

    Death crouches round

    I remember and moan when my breath did leave me

    Lonely my soul is exiled and dethronedNo light or appeasement

    O my agonizing void!

    Lord, forgive my lost footsteps

    Sin burdens me with death

    Desperate, I search for the blinding lost sun

    Countless wounds, sorrows, and solitudes drown me

    Jah does blow a lively airAnd from the sheol I rise once again

    Here I come to say

    Some words of trust and honesty

    Heartly confessions

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    To make us feel together the sweetness of truth,

    Yes, freedom!

    I walk life endlessly.

    Simple rings

    The pupil does shine, stained and adorned.

    Look here where we look,

    And our minds that do give you life

    Silent waterfall in the cautious night:

    Wise and piouswealthy and beautiful


    Another long night in the rocking ship

    Waiting in doubt

    How shall I kiss the smiling morning?

    If I could crown her

    The kingdom of the awaiting gates

    Give to the infatuated landscape green and golden lights;

    But that is, go swim mindfully,

    That it might seduce and poison,

    Hanging not knowing the delicate vineyard of birthing,

    Oh, but how much to lose or make appear?

    if only I could crown the randomness of learning

    For them to begin to know

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    Foreign roaming

    Feel the soul in a garden:

    Soft, delicate, with a birthmark and a gaze.Feeling isnt maddening

    Wise and prodigious lying in the flesh

    Plays with the uncertain mind

    Being loyal and never understanding

    Breaking loose for its ever-new sunshine,

    And smoked in the vapors of imagination

    Bursting the visions

    And its dark again.

    Between acts

    Tween the steps of the crossroads

    Unfriendly grounds in which we survive

    And Life wont let us sink deeper.Integritya fleeting hope

    That will see us through

    Beyond battered fear and decaying sadness

    The curtain of the times

    makes it all hard to tell

    Yet the seasons do compose melodies,

    To see the notes that hold it together

    Pain and suffering do clean the walls of thought

    Taking angst to new understanding

    For one brief moment alone

    To die for approximation

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    I am that I am

    Do you know that unconsciousness does own us?

    The need for euphoria or a different sensationTerrorizes minds new lands

    Able to devour its suitors.

    Birthing sun and too many rays over the mind.

    I dash this persistent notion

    And conquer the here and now.

    There is no other obstacle

    For the avenging currents of the mind

    Behold the ancestors and their deepnessThe masters and their lonely holy breaths

    Forever this story does let go its secret flake

    Dreamy milk does rain from heaven in this desolate, quiet storm.

    Souls tied by their choosing

    Each look: a flower garden of hopes

    That the heart dilutes and asks for more of

    Like a train fixed on a track

    What must God wait for?

    Splinters, leaves, and birds of a feather

    Will does have power over destiny,

    Faith, and sacrifice.

    SailorReading creeds, infinite mirrors: far away

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    Pioneers we all sail some sea or other

    The waves, the shores, lucky elsewhere

    The spirit open to space and blooming, evolving

    Jumping revolutions toward drying

    Forgetful in the diversions of playChildish vineyard, departing a masked ambush

    Into night

    Sickening creativity

    Keys to the intuitions.

    Consequence and prophecy

    Forgotten sex so lost in void

    Each time you can think

    Crying in redeeming an ancient punishment

    For disrespecting the truth

    Now 100 walls do waste darkness and spleen

    Over your deadly pit.

    How many fears are begotten as flowers with no prairie to pray?Always do these mirrors disguise love with levitations

    From dueling with the never-ending

    High from fear

    Ghosts do crowd and liven the sunset

    In the dying schools of yesteryear.

    Invoking the possessed trance

    Comfortably laying over rugs and pipe burning

    Turning in the dry and lost hill over yonder

    Opposing the wound from where wisdom does bleed

    Meditate a moment and discover your day.


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    Erected in late howl

    Behind where he had appeared

    Unhappy forgetting

    Where have I been lost?

    Observation confounded by brightened sensitivity;

    Oh, where to search for the lost treasures?

    More than a world

    Scarce are the sources of this abstract sacrament.

    Its sap does flow toward the horizon,

    Bursts the roots of the mount

    Rotting by ignorance

    And misunderstood time.

    It budded and will burst,

    Multiply, and devour

    Softly the hours do dry.

    Without the house of delights

    Captivate its word tween ambient and other houses

    Refuge without abandoning

    Other emblems will madden and head toward the cities

    Songless trees will awaken the puppets to delight

    Long are always the detours of dominions of no-mans-land!Eyes are numbered

    Clinging to its roads shall swim over hallucinations,

    Are you mind or marbles?

    I see the whistling papyrus string,

    Inspiration that I no longer admire

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    A humid delirious twist of fate

    As a stray deadly shot

    The delight is not present

    Only the ghostly thread, captive as love amid hatredNo means or elaborate plans

    Just sinking in abundant sands

    No walkers shall appear without blindness

    In white, bright-lighted minds.

    FreeUntie the far away charm

    In ancient face

    Young as the dew in childrens souls

    Sincere seed of grace

    Tears of sublime intensity do flood

    The colors of illusionFortune plants deep precision in the murals of the heart

    Open hands, song of harmony

    And genuine joy

    Stellar magic, millenary beyond

    Life does knit answers to the troubles youve found

    Searching, waiting, floating

    Tend oneself on fertile fields of gold

    To engender ones perfection

    In idle sights to behold.

    The regions of lightning

    How bright is melted joy!

    Running through crystal caverns

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    A stroll through other realitys realms

    Its here and its now!

    And panic is steps closer every hour

    How beautiful yet bizarre

    This subtle presenceA web spread so far

    Take one look and be stoned to death!

    The emptiness did invade the springtime

    A kiss

    Nameless energy

    Through music did the rainbow return

    There at the beginning

    Kingdom of abundance and rejoicing

    The spirit does shine in the heart

    As the moon on the suns dreams

    Dance, for youre alive

    May no one take your calm

    Awaken!Journey far to the heights so you can breathe!

    And savor the void reflected after sound

    The ears of silence

    Rays of inspiration

    Returning to the old road made anew in ecstasy

    Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare

    HareHare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare!