cryptology basics

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  • 8/7/2019 cryptology basics



    Cryptography is the practice and study of hiding information .modern day

    cryptography includes disciplines of mathematics, computer science and


    Encryption is the science of changing data so that it is unrecognisable and

    useless to an unauthorized person. Decryption is changing it back to its

    original form. The most secure techniques use a mathematical algorithm

    and a variable value known as a key.

    This is the basis of the protection.... if the key (sometimes called a

    password) is only known by authorized individual(s), the data cannot be

    exposed to other parties.

    The three main fields of cryptography are CIPHERS, STEGNOGRAPHY, and




    The key is such that each alphabetic character of plaintext is mapped to a

    unique alphabetic character in the cipher text.

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    The examples include:

    a)SHIFT CIPHER : this is the most simplest form of encryption .the

    characters of plaintext are replaced by characters obtained after shifting

    by fixed number in the cipher text .

    Also referred to as Caesars cipher as Julius Caesar is supposed to have

    used this cipher for military dispatches he wished to keep secret!!!!!

    In mathematical terms it can be represented by

    Ek(x) =(x+k) mod 26

    Dk(x) =(y-k) mod 26 where (x, y belongs toZ26)

    It can be seen that x=D k (Ek(x))

    For example shifting by 3: plaintext A B C D.......

    Cipher text D E F G........

    So there can be only 25 possible shift ciphers as shifting by 26 will

    amount to same text and shifting by 27 will be same as shifting by 1 and

    so on.


    The key is any permutation of letters; need not be a shift, for example

    plaintext A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    cipher text C V B N M X Z A S D F G H J K L Q W E R T Y U I O P

    So that a b c>> c v b

    There can be 26! Different substitution ciphers!!

    Examples are Caesars cipher (mentioned above), at bash cipher in which

    alphabets are simply reversed a>>z, b >> y, c>> x and so on....


    Mathematically it can be represented as

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  • 8/7/2019 cryptology basics


    The basic principal in all polyalphabetic cipher is the use of multiple but

    different mono alphabetic substitution techniques. In vigenere cipher,

    each letter key value will denote the shift to be done for that particular

    letter i.e. the n in the shift n cipher.

    It will be clearer by an example:

    let key = a b cPlaintext= x y z

    Cipher text = x z b (shift of 0, 1, 2 respectively)

    Another example: key =ad

    Plaintext= a b c d

    Cipher text = a e c g (shift of 0, 3, 0, 3)

    The second example shows us an important technique, if the key is of a

    lesser length than the plaintext, then use the key repeatedly till whole

    length of the plaintext is traversed.


    Hill cipher is a polygraphic substitution cipher based on linear algebra

    invented by Lester .S.Hill in 1929.

    Each letter is first encoded as a number. Often the simplest scheme isused: A = 0, B =1...Z=25, but this is not an essential feature of the cipher.A block ofn letters is then considered as a vector of n dimensions, andmultiplied by an n n matrix, modulo 26.For example

    Consider the message 'ACT', and the key below (or GYBNQKURP in


    Since 'A' is 0, 'C' is 2 and 'T' is 19, the message is the vector:

    Thus the enciphered vector is given by:

    Which corresponds to a cipher text POH.

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    In order to decrypt, we turn the cipher text back into a vector, then

    simply multiply by the inverse matrix of the key matrix (IFKVIVVMI in



    The permutation cipher is a transposition cipher in which the key is a

    permutation. A random permutation of size e is generated. (The larger

    the value of e more secure is the cipher).the plaintext is then broken

    into segments of size e and the letters within the segment are

    permuted according to this key. Because the cipher doesnt changes any

    of the characters, the cipher text will have exactly the same letter

    frequency as the underlying plaintext .there is a limitation that the

    plaintext has to have a length which is in multiple of e.


    Let e = 3.Key = 2 1 3

    Plaintext: CRYPTOGRAPHY

    Breaking the text: CRY PTO GRA PHY

    Cipher text: RCY TPO RGA HPY i.e. RCYTPORGAHP


    The most important symmetric (meaning the same key is used for both

    encryption and decryption ) algorithms are block ciphers .the general

    operation of all the block ciphers is the same a given number of bits of

    plaintext (a block) is encrypted into a block of cipher text of the same

    size. This is in contrast to stream ciphers which encrypt one bit at a time.

    There are several modes for block encryption:

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    It is the simplest mode of operation for a block cipher. The input data is

    padded out to a multiple of the block size, broken into a integer number

    of blocks, each of which is encrypted independently using the key. In

    addition to simplicity, ECB has the advantage of allowing any block to bedecrypted independently of the others. Thus, lost data blocks do not

    affect the decryption of other blocks. The disadvantage of ECB is that it

    aids known-plaintext attacks. If the same block of plaintext is encrypted

    twice with ECB, the two resulting blocks of cipher text will be the same.




    CBC is the most commonly used mode of operation for a block cipher.

    Prior to encryption, each block of plaintext is XOR-ed with the prior block

    of cipher text. After decryption, the output of the cipher must then be

    XOR-ed with the previous cipher text to recover the original plaintext.

    The first block of plaintext is XOR-ed with an initialization vector (IV),

    which is usually a block of random bits transmitted in the clear. CBC is

    more secure than ECB because it effectively scrambles the plaintext prior

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    to each encryption step. Since the cipher text is constantly changing, two

    identical blocks of plaintext will encrypt to two different blocks of cipher

    text. The disadvantage of CBC is that the encryption of a data block

    becomes dependent on all the blocks prior to it. A lost block of data will

    also prevent decoding of the next block of data.

    [XOR is bitwise exclusive or operator. It takes two bit pattern of equal

    length and performs the logical XOR operation on each pair of

    corresponding bits. The result is each position is 1, if the two bits are

    different, and 0 if they are the same. ]


    The distinguishing technique used in public key cryptography is the use

    ofasymmetric key algorithms, where the key used to encrypt a message

    is not the same as the key used to decrypt it. Each user has a pair

    of cryptographic keys a public key and a private key. The private key is

    kept secret, whilst the public key may be widely distributed. Messages

  • 8/7/2019 cryptology basics




    eyandcanonl bedecrypted

    iththecorrespondingpri ate



    eysarerelated athematically,



    i.e., inactual orprojected

    practice)deri ed romthepublic

    ey. t






    eycryptography isafundamental and


    orld, and istheapproach






    ), PGPandGPG


    eyencryptionscheme, anyonecanencryptmessages


    ey, butonlytheholderofthepairedprivate


    decrypt. ecuritydependsonthesecrecyofthatprivate



    Acryptographicattack isamethodforcircumventingthesecurityofa

    cryptographicsystembyfindingaeakness inacode,

    cipher, cryptographicprotocol orkeymanagementscheme.


    isalsocalled "cryptanalysis .

  • 8/7/2019 cryptology basics



    Known Plaintext and Cipher text Only Attacks: A known plaintext

    attack is an attack where a cryptanalyst has access to a plaintext and the

    corresponding cipher text and seeks to discover a correlation between

    the two.

    A cipher text-only attack is an attack where a cryptanalyst has access to a

    cipher text but does not have access to corresponding plaintext. With

    simple ciphers, such as the Caesar Cipher, frequency analysis can be used

    to break the cipher.

    Chosen Plaintext and Chosen Cipher text Attacks: A chosen

    plaintext attack is an attack where a cryptanalyst can encrypt a plaintext

    of his choosing and study the resulting cipher text. This is most commonagainst asymmetric cryptography, where a cryptanalyst has access to a

    public key.

    A chosen cipher text attack is an attack where a cryptanalyst chooses a

    cipher text and attempts to find a matching plaintext. This can be done

    with a decryption oracle (a machine that decrypts without exposing the

    key). This is also often performed on attacks versus public key

    encryption; it begins with a cipher text and searches for matching

    publicly-posted plaintext data.

    Brute Force Attacks: A brute force attack systematically attempts everypossible key. It is most often used in a known plaintext or cipher text-

    only attack.

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    Steganography is the science of hiding information. Whereas the goal of

    cryptography is to make the data unreadable by a third party, the role of

    steganography is to hide the data from a third party. in Greek it means

    covered writing .There are a large number of steganographic methods ,

    ranging from invisible ink and microdots to secreting a hidden message in

    the second letter of each word of a large body of text and spread

    spectrum radio communication.

    LEAST SIGNIFICANT BIT (LSB) INSERTION:The simplest approach to hiding data within an image file is called least

    significant bit (LSB) insertion. In this method, we can take the binary

    representation of the hidden data and overwrite the LSB of each byte

    within the cover image. If we are using 24-bit colour, the amount of

    change will be minimal and indiscernible to the human eye. As an

    example, suppose that we have three adjacent pixels (nine bytes) with

    the following RGB encoding:

    10010101 00001101 11001001

    10010110 00001111 11001010

    10011111 00010000 11001011

    Now suppose we want to hide the following 9 bits of data (the hidden

    data is usually compressed prior to being hidden): 101101101. If we

    overlay these 9 bits over the LSB of the 9 bytes above, we get the

    following (where bits in bold have been changed):

    10010101 00001100 1100100110010111 00001110 11001011

    10011111 00010000 11001011

    Note that we have successfully hidden 9 bits but at a cost of only

    changing 4, or roughly 50%, of the LSBs.

    This description is meant only as a high-level overview. Similar methods

    can be applied to 8-bit colour but the changes, as the reader might

    imagine, are more dramatic. Gray-scale images, too, are very useful for

    steganographic purposes

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    Genome steganography - encoding a hidden message in a strand of

    human DNA.

    Hiding in Text - information hidden in documents by manipulating the

    positions of lines and words, hiding the data in html files

    Hiding in Disk Space - hiding the data in unused or reserved space.

    Hiding the Data in Software and Circuitry - data can be hidden in the

    layout of the code distributed in a program or the layout of the electronic

    circuit on a board.

    Information Hiding in Images - ranges from least significant bit insertion

    to masking and filtering to applying more sophisticated image processing


    Hiding in Network Packets - hidden in packets transmitted through the
