curlett cannon galbell flyer

 AUSTRALIAN CUSTOMS DUTY REFUND $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Important Inormation or Business Owners, Directors, Financial Controllers, Logistic Managers, & Importers Q Have you ever considered that you might be paying more Customs Duty than is required?  A It is commercially prudent to have an outside expert analyse your customs duty payments Many importers see customs duty as being a complex issue and accept it as the unavoidable cost o sourcing products rom overseas. However, it is possible to validate these costs like any other, and recover overp aid duty, going back as ar as our years. Unlike other costs, duty rates are not very oten scrutinised. I the products you are importing are incorrectly assessed and classied or i tari concessions have been missed, you are either overpaying duty or risk a customs ne. Solution: We at Curlett, Cannon & Galbell Pty Ltd can assist you by conducting anon-intrusiveand strictlycondentialC ustomsDutyRefundAud it. How will you beneft rom a Customs Duty Reund Audit? Y ou have an excellent risk-free opportunit y to make duty savings and potentially gain duty reunds I t allows you the opportunity to pay the lowest legally available duties in compliance within the Australian Customs laws and regulations into the uture Wi th our assi stance, you can potent iall y recov er consider able sums or reinvestment in your business Y ou wi ll have a dedicate d team of customs exp erts working on your behal  On completion, you will receive a detailed report on the ndings o the audit and its recommendations Why choose Curlett, Cannon & Galbell? We at Cur lett, Cannon & Ga lb el l have succes sf ul ly pr ovided an extensive range o customs advisory services representing retailers, wholesalers and manuactures or over 35 years We have exp er ience working with many mul ti -national s as well as small and medium enterprises. We have the essential skills and a successful record of accomplishment in recovering incorrectly or overpaid customs duties We work on a “no reunds identifed, no-charge” basis Curlett, Cannon & Galbell Pty. Ltd. Corporate Licensed Customs B rokers, Tarif and Trade Advisers Head Ofce 16 Lindaway Place P.O. Box 145  Tullamarine , VIC 3043 Australia Phone: +61 3 9330 2122 Fax:+61393302565 Email: ino@ccgp Web:

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Important Inormation or Business Owners, Directors,

Financial Controllers, Logistic Managers, & Importers

Q Have you ever considered that you might be paying more Customs

Duty than is required? 

  A It is commercially prudent to have an outside expert analyse your customs duty payments

Many importers see customs duty as being a complex issue and

accept it as the unavoidable cost o sourcing products rom overseas.

However, it is possible to validate these costs like any other, and

recover overpaid duty, going back as ar as our years.

Unlike other costs, duty rates are not very oten scrutinised. I the

products you are importing are incorrectly assessed and classied or

i tari concessions have been missed, you are either overpaying dutyor risk a customs ne.


We at Curlett, Cannon & Galbell Pty Ltd can assist you by conducting


How will you beneft rom a Customs Duty Reund Audit?

• You have an excellent risk-free opportunity to make dutysavings and potentially gain duty reunds

• It allows you the opportunity to pay the lowest legally

available duties in compliance within the Australian Customs

laws and regulations into the uture

• Withourassistance,youcan potentiallyrecover considerable

sums or reinvestment in your business

• You will have adedicated team of customsexperts working

on your behal 

• On completion, you will receive a detailed report on the

ndings o the audit and its recommendations

Why choose Curlett, Cannon & Galbell?

• We at Curlett, Cannon & Galbell have successfully provided

an extensive range o customs advisory services representing

retailers, wholesalers and manuactures or over 35 years

• We have experience working with many multi-nationals as

well as small and medium enterprises.

• We have the essential skills and a successful record of

accomplishment in recovering incorrectly or overpaid customs


• Weworkona“no reunds identifed, no-charge” basis

Curlett, Cannon &

Galbell Pty. Ltd.Corporate Licensed Customs B rokers,

Tarif and Trade Advisers

Head Ofce16 Lindaway Place

P.O. Box 145

 Tullamarine, VIC 3043Australia

Phone: +61 3 9330 2122Fax:+61393302565

Email: [email protected]:

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Curlett, Cannon & Galbell Pty Ltd. is a corporate licensed customs brokerage rm that was

established in 1976. As well providing customs clearance, reight orwarding, and associatedservices, we have assembled a team o experienced and motivated proessionals to provide aCustoms Duty Refund Auditing service. This service involves auditing past shipping les dating back up to 4 years, to veriy that the duty rates charged are the lowest legally payable.

Our company continues to be privately owned withthe directors actively involved in the day-to-daybusiness. We are proud o our reputation or integrityand our success rate.


Curlett Cannon & Galbell will endeavour to ensurethat the lowest legally available import duties arepaid within the laws and regulations o the AustralianCustomsDepartment.

 The audit can be undertaken at your premises and weonly require a desk space and the availability o importles. We claim any over-payments that we indentiy,so that your company can go orward, knowing thatuture imports o the same product can be correctlyassessed.

Naturally, we carry ull Proessional Indemnity and arewillingtoenterintoaDeedofCondentialityshouldyou so desire.


  The service we provide involves a physicalexamination o your import les, scrutinisingthe ollowing:

• values/valuationforcustomsduty• commissions• deductions• currency/exchangerates• classication• origins/preferences/dutyrates• tariconcessions• inlandfreightdeduction











• Customerprovidesshippingles 


• Scrutinise&validateeachentry 

forlowestlegalduty&over  payments

• Challengeentry&seeklatest 

customsrulings&concessions  asapplicable

• Lodgerefunds-entercorrections


•MonitorCustomsprogress  &paymentstocustomers 


• Presentndings,refunds  andrecommendations

• SchedulenextCutomsDuty 










Non Intrusive

Customs Duty Reund Audit Process

Customs Duty Reund Audit 


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Curlett Cannon & Galbell provide an ecient customs and clearance

service or all types o products by airreight and seareight. Shipping

goods and clearing customs is a complex process.

We oer our resources to help your business to be successul and

keep you updated on the important things you need to know. We

highly recommend that you seek our advice and inormation on a

range o import/export issues that may be aecting your business.

We can make a ormal application or tari advice to conrm tari 

item and concession eligibility. We can also assist in the preparation

o applications or Enhanced Project By-Law Scheme (EPBL/EPBS) that

is available (or some industries) or imported items with a project

value in excess o A$10 million.

Our licensed custom brokers are highly skilled in the interpretation

o legal requirements that can reduce or remove duties and taxes on

imported goods.

With a ull knowledge o the Australian system, our brokers are amiliar

with systems in other nations with whom we trade. Our experienced

brokers are ready to assist with your classication, tari concession

and GST issues.

What we do to minimise client costs:

• Determinethe appropriateclassication for theproduct that

attracts the lowest amount o customs duty

• Providetariandshippingadviceonrequest

• PrepareandlodgetariconcessionapplicationsandEPBLs

• FacilitateAustralianCustomsandQuarantinerequirements

• Prepareandlodgedrawbacksanddutyrefundsasrequired

Our experienced customs specialists ofer a variety o brokerage

 services to meet the changing needs o importers and exporters

Curlett, Cannon &

Galbell Pty. Ltd.Corporate Licensed Customs B rokers,

Tarif and Trade Advisers

Head Ofce16 Lindaway Place

P.O. Box 145

 Tullamarine, VIC 3043Australia

Phone: +61 3 9330 2122Fax:+61393302565

Email: [email protected]:

Customs Brokerage

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International Logistics Solutions or Importers and Exporters

Freight Forwarding

Curlett Cannon & Galbell (CCG) was established in 1976 as aproessional Customs Brokerage rm. We quickly realised that by

introducing a premium orwarding service by both ocean and air

to our strong client base, we would provide or a total international

logistical solution to importer and exporter alike.

Having identied mainstream markets, CCG set about selecting

partners in countries and areas that encompassed the major industrial

centres o the world. These partners were not only procient in

acilitating movements o cargo in all modes; they also understooda provision o cost eciencies in these movements would mean

signicant increases in business in these important trade lanes.

Whether it isby oceans, LCLorFCL, byair, importorexport, CCG

provides ull logistical solutions at very competitive prices or your

product. Our experienced sta can assist you with every ormality

and understand the discerning clients’ needs.

Curlett Cannon & Galbell will tailor make a service that suits all your

requirements. We thoroughly investigate all avenues o the logistical

cycle to ensure your product arrives at its destination in a timely,

ecient and economical manner.

Curlett Cannon & Galbell has close ties with all major shipping

lines, airlines and overseas partners. We also realise that prompt

communication is the key to a successul client/service provider


For your convenience, we accept Visa or MasterCard credit cardpayment via our BPay acility.

Curlett, Cannon &

Galbell Pty. Ltd.Corporate Licensed Customs B rokers,

Tarif and Trade Advisers

Head Ofce16 Lindaway Place

P.O. Box 145

 Tullamarine, VIC 3043Australia

Phone: +61 3 9330 2122Fax:+61393302565

Email: [email protected]:

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 Assisting our clients to minimise the cost and stress

Logistics - Warehouse, Pick N Pack, Distribution

Curlett Cannon & Galbell specialise in warehousing, order ullment,Pick N Pack, and transportation. We provide a cost eective third

party logistics solution or small to medium sized wholesale and retail

businesses rom industrial and automotive parts to gitware.

We have taken the initiative to make warehousing and distribution

a more integrated piece o the supply chain. We are committed to

providing warehousing, order ullment services by devising cost

eective solutions through value added services.

We at Curlett, Cannon & Galbell understand that traditional pallet-in

and pallet-out service does not meet the needs o many manuacturers

and suppliers.

We will tailor an operation to meet your specic needs.

Some o the value added services we provide are:

• PickNPack

• ProductLabelling&BarCoding

• KittingandAssembly

• Bundling

• ProductInspection

• Rework  

• OrderProcessing

• InventoryManagement

• EDI/Scanpackingservices

• Transport/Distribution

Our storage, Pick N Pack, ullment and inventory management

services are ideal or start-up companies who need fexible and cost

eective storage and distribution solutions rom a service provider

with a proven record o accomplishment.Curlett, Cannon &

Galbell Pty. Ltd.Corporate Licensed Customs B rokers,

Tarif and Trade Advisers

Head Ofce16 Lindaway Place

P.O. Box 145

 Tullamarine, VIC 3043Australia

Phone: +61 3 9330 2122Fax:+61393302565

Email: [email protected]: