customer focused-success can be yours


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Post on 10-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Customer focused-success can be yours
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Tell my story from rock bottom…
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Today’s Format

Open forum for discussion on how you approach Quality and Customer Service issues

Please participate, ask questions and think about it not only from the employee standpoint, but also put yourself in the position of the client.

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Why do we lose Customers? 1. Customer dies – 1%

3. Customer has a friend doing the same thing – 5%

2. Customer moves away – 3%

4. Competition takes them – 9%

5. Customer becomes dissatisfied with your product or service – 14%

68% of customer defection takes place because customers feel poorly treated or not cared for

6. Customer feels you just don’t care – 68%

The key: Turn customers into partners(mutual benefit) and proactively seek input rather than waiting for/reacting to feedback after problems occur

• Organization should measure success based on customer retention (not customer satisfaction)

• Satisfaction important to retention but satisfied customers not always retained- more to it than that!

• Customers leave even though satisfied

– Curiosity of competition– Variety

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- James Wall

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Customer Service & Quality Managementwithin a services oriented business

88% of employees would rather have someone else solve a customer problem than do it themselves. –AP poll

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Tell the story about….
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What I really want to talk about today is Leading a Customer Focused Organization. My qualifications – But that’s not my strongest experience… I am a customer and will be for the rest of my life!
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It’s been said that the only thing constant, is that things WILL change… Tell the story about…
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What is Customer Service ?

The Perception of the customer is as important as the reality!

Consistently meeting the customer’s expectations

What makes good customer service?

• Consistency • Listening• Don’t try to be all things to all

people• Golden Rule

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Customer service is more than saying “I’m sorry…” Tell your story…
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It’s about people, not technology… Rule number one in the system’s culture insists: “Nobody said it was going to be fair!” Money is just a by-product of your relationship with people. For those who really want to reach the top rung of the ladder, no sacrifice is too great. Fluency is the ability to communicate and fit into an environment without conscious thought. In order to advance, you must be fluent in the next level’s language. P.I.E.: There are three elements important to players who want to fine tune their skills and move up in their profession. They must: • Perform exceptionally well. • Cultivate proper image. • Manage their exposure so the right people will know them. • Performance = 10% • Image = 30% • Exposure = 60% Organizations pay for performance but tend to promote based on potential. Your performance objectives should be very clear to you—written, discussed and reviewed often. Understand that your performance must be top-notch, because you can be replaced, but also understand that there’s a lot more to career advancement than doing an outstanding job. Get an agreement as to what she feels constitutes an outstanding performance and what help you might need from her. All performance plans should contain provision for accomplishing specific tasks in a given time frame, at a specified quality level and a minimum standard needed to meet these levels. If there are valid reasons for not performing your job, make certain that your manager is informed and agrees with them. Respond to your manager as if she were the company president. Image is an important tie-breaker when senior management reaches into the pool of excellent performers to promote the next candidate. Just as the three P.I.E. elements are weighted by importance, so are the three communication areas below: Non-verbal = 70% Verbal = 20% Tone = 10% The best way to be a truly successful leader is by example: Actions must support the words spoken. Serious players dress at least one level above their present position on the pyramid.
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Few things scream unprofessionalism like blaming others… Story time
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Of all that I will cover today, this slide should be the foundation of customer support…
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Here are the values I expect my staff to live by…
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So far we’ve discussed Incompetence: you can’t just keep saying “I’m Sorry”… Integrity: the blame game… This last one is like diabetes to an organization. In our world of less money, more mission, and constant chaos, everyone is vulnerable to the silent killer of indifference…
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Tell the story about fitting in…
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Is Customer Service a discriminator for us?

• Is every employee here committed to customer service?• Are our customer’s successes our successes?• Is high customer service part of our company Culture?• Are employees empowered to do what it takes to accommodate their customers?• Do we really put Customers First?

Satisfied vs. Loyal Customers

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Satisfied customers: Will continue doing business until something better comes along, whether better location,�better price or better variety. No relationship formed. No personal interaction. Sees business as impersonal, only doing business with a company, not with a person. �Loyal customer: Forgives and understands minor problems. Not price sensitive. Will help sell the business with word-of-mouth advertising. Will not jump at the next “pretty face”.
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Tell the story about…
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We can’t be everything to everyone, but we can provide acceptable service to meet the mission that is professional and timely. Good – Fast – Cheap: You only get to pick two…
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What is Quality Management?

Is quality management different in a services vs. manufacturing environment?

A comprehensive and fundamental rule or belief, for leading and operating an organization, aimed at continually improving performance over the long term by focusing on customers while addressing the needs of all stakeholders.

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8 Principles of Quality Management

1. Customer Focused Organization2. Leadership3. Involvement of People4. Process Approach5. System Approach to Management6. Continual Improvement7. Factual Approach to Decision Making8. Mutually Beneficial Supplier


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Customer-Focused Organization Assure conformance to defined customer requirements. Ensure effective response to customer feedback. Understand current and future customer needs and expectations. Address customer loyalty. Measure customer satisfaction and act on it. Leadership Set and deploy policy and verifiable objectives, provide resources and establish an environment for Quality. Establish vision, direction and shared values. Set challenging goals and implement strategies to achieve them. Coach, facilitate, and empower people. Involvement of People Establish competency levels, train and qualify personnel. Provide clear authority and responsibility. Create personal ownership of an organizations goals, by using it's peoples knowledge and experience, and through education achieve involvement in operational decisions and process improvement. Process Approach Establish, control and maintain documented processes. Explicitly identify internal/external customers and suppliers of processes. Focus on use of resources in process activities, leading to effective use of people, equipment, methods and materials. System Approach to Management Establish and maintain a suitable and effective documented Quality Management System. Identify a set of processes in a system. Understand their interdependencies. Align the processes with the organizations goals. Measure results against key objectives. Continual Improvement Through management review, internal/external audits and corrective/preventive actions, continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System. Set realistic and challenging improvement goals, provide resources and give people the tools, opportunities and encouragement to contribute to continual improvement of processes. Factual Approach to Decision Making Management decisions and actions on the Quality Management Systems are based on the analysis of factual data and information gained from reports on audits, corrective action, nonconforming products, customer complaints and other resources. Decisions and actions are based on the analysis of data and information to maximize productivity and to minimize waste and rework. Effort is placed minimizing cost, improving performance and market share through the use of suitable tools and technology. Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationships Adequately define and document requirements to be met by sub-contractors. Review and evaluate their performance to control the supply of quality products and services. Establish strategic alliances or partnerships, ensuring early involvement and participation defining the requirements for joint development and improvement of products, processes and systems. Develop mutual trust, respect and commitment to customer satisfaction and continual improvement.
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Rule number one in the system’s culture insists: “Nobody said it was going to be fair!” Money is just a by-product of your relationship with people. For those who really want to reach the top rung of the ladder, no sacrifice is too great. Fluency is the ability to communicate and fit into an environment without conscious thought. In order to advance, you must be fluent in the next level’s language. P.I.E.: There are three elements important to players who want to fine tune their skills and move up in their profession. They must: • Perform exceptionally well. • Cultivate proper image. • Manage their exposure so the right people will know them. • Performance = 10% • Image = 30% • Exposure = 60% Organizations pay for performance but tend to promote based on potential. Your performance objectives should be very clear to you—written, discussed and reviewed often. Understand that your performance must be top-notch, because you can be replaced, but also understand that there’s a lot more to career advancement than doing an outstanding job. Get an agreement as to what she feels constitutes an outstanding performance and what help you might need from her. All performance plans should contain provision for accomplishing specific tasks in a given time frame, at a specified quality level and a minimum standard needed to meet these levels. If there are valid reasons for not performing your job, make certain that your manager is informed and agrees with them. Respond to your manager as if she were the company president. Image is an important tie-breaker when senior management reaches into the pool of excellent performers to promote the next candidate. Just as the three P.I.E. elements are weighted by importance, so are the three communication areas below: Non-verbal = 70% Verbal = 20% Tone = 10% The best way to be a truly successful leader is by example: Actions must support the words spoken. Serious players dress at least one level above their present position on the pyramid.
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Measuring Service Quality

Key Metrics for understanding quality of service:

Tangibles Reliability/Consistency Responsiveness Competence Courtesy Credibility Security Access Communication Understanding the Customer

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Samples of questions to ask Tangibles:�Appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, printed and visual materials Are facilities attractive? Are staff dressed appropriately? Are written materials easy to understand? Does technology look modern? Reliability:�Ability to perform promised service dependably and accurately If a response is promised in a certain time, does it happen? Are exact specifications of client followed? Are statements or reports free of error? Is service performed right the first time? Is level of service same at all times of day and for all members of staff? Responsiveness:�Willingness to help customers to provide prompt service When there is a problem, does organization respond to it quickly? Are staff willing to answer client questions? Are specific times for service accomplishments given to client? Are public situations treated with care and seriousness? Competence:�Possession of required skill and knowledge to perform servide Can staff provide service without fumbling around? Are materials provided appropriate and up to date? Can staff use the technology quickly and skillfully? Does staff appear to know what they are doing? Courtesy:�Politeness, respect, consideration and friendliness of contact personnel Does staff member have a pleasant demeanor? Does staff refrain from acting busy or being rude when clients ask questions? Are those who answer the telephone considerate and polite? Do staff observe consideration of the property and values of clients? Credibility:�Trustworthiness, believability, honesty of the service provider Does service organization have a good reputation? Do staff members refrain from pressuring the client? Are responses given accurate and consistent with other reliable sources? Does the organization guarantee its services? Security:�Freedom from danger, risk, or doubt Is it safe to enter the premises and to use the equipment? Are documents and other information provided for the client held securely? Are use records of clients safe from unauthorized use? Can client be confident that service provided was done correctly? Access:�Approachability and ease of contact. How easy is it to talk to knowledgeable staff member when client has a problem? Is it easy to reach the appropriate staff person in person? by telephone? by email? Are service access points conveniently located? Communication:�Listening to customers and acknowledging their comments; Keeping customers informed in a language they can understand. When client contacts service point, will staff person listen to their problem and demonstrate understanding and concern? Can staff explain clearly the various options available to a particular query? Do staff avoid using technical jargon when speaking with clients? Does staff member call if a scheduled appointment will be missed? Understanding the Customer:�Making the effort to know customers and their needs. Does someone on staff recognize each regular client and address them by name? Do staff try to determine what client's specific objectives are? Is level of service and cost of service consistent with what client requires and can afford? Are service providers flexible enough to accommodate to client's schedule? Adapted from SERVQUAL, an instrument for measuring quality service developed by Zeithaml, Parasuraman & Berry and described in their book, Delivering Quality Service; Balancing Customer Perceptions and Expectations, Free Press, 1990.
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Developing people is far more important then cutting edge technology… Empowered people will become innovative people…
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Story time…
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Infusing Quality and Customer Service into our company Culture

• Establish Standards• Establish Metrics• Solicit Feedback – Customers, Employees, Management, Peers• Customer Quality Review Process• Employee Training / Mentoring Program• Reward Customer Service• Hire the Right People• Corporate “War” Stories

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• Customer service is a moving target and you have to continually adjust to the needs of others

• Approach customer service as a part of your everyday must do’s

• Great customer service is no accident, it takes employees and management to keep the energy going

• You have the skills, knowledge and experience necessary to master the art of quality customer service.

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