customer purchasing insights for school management software


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Post on 11-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Customer Purchasing Insights for School Management Software

SoftwareSuggest Unveils its first research report on School

Management Software

SoftwareSuggest is India’s largest software discovery & recommendation platform. We provide

free consultation on software, and help SMEs them select the right software. As a part of our

business, we collect customer requirements, which when analysed can serve the industry with deep insights.

Keeping the same in context, we are introducing SoftwareSuggest insights. In our first research,

we have profiled the school management software industry and have answered the following questions based on our data.

What features buyers look for in school software?

What is the budget of school management software buyers?

Preferable type of software- web based VS the installation based?

Geographical spread of school management software buyer?

Who is the decision maker?

Spread of software purchases over the year?

What were the features customers looked at while purchasing the school management


There are several important factors which prospective buyers investigate for a smart school

management software decision. Here are some of the top factors considered while purchasing school management software-

Page 2: Customer Purchasing Insights for School Management Software

First Time Buyers Vs Customer Upgrading their Software

20% of the customers were existing users and were looking for an upgrade. We found following

reasons for upgrading the software

Customers were not satisfied with the service from smaller players and wanted to move

to software companies focused on school management software

Their software did not have the latest features, and wanted to move to complete ERP


80% of the customers were the first generation buyers looking to solve a long-standing problem

with new technology.

Web Based VS Installation Based Software Currently, there are more installation based users then web based. For new purchased, we found

59% were indifferent between web based or installation software, whereas 11% of users wanted

to go with SaaS based software and 20% with installation based software. Here is an

infographic to help you select the right the right school management software.

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What is the budget ?

Schools and Institutes who go with installation based software look at spending between Rs

10,000 to Rs 2,00,000 . Majority of buyers (60%) preferred the budget upto Rs 50,000.

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For the SaaS, budget flows from Rs 7/student/month to Rs 15 student/month. Buyer’s found SaaS

as cost efficient and user friendly. Majority of SaaS based users – 42% prefer the budget upto


Size of School in terms of number of students

Largest group of software buyer where school with around 1000 students. They formed 32% of

the requirements we received. The table shows the strength of school in terms of students that

came looking for school software.

Number of students Software buyers (%)

Below 200 12

200 – 500 27

500 – 1000 32

1000 – 2000 16

2000 – 5000 9

5000 + 4

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Software Buyer’s Geographical Spread:

Maharashtra is the state with maximum number of buyers (12%) for school software management

software. The other stages with higher number of software buyer were Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka

and Rajasthan.

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Do Seasonal time affect?

The answer is yes, it does effect. The software sales are around the time of admissions.

Eventually it decreases during midterms and then starts increasing during final terms.

As we know school admissions generally takes place from June & July but for the sake of better

precautions school do buy the software from earlier stage i.e. from the end terms (March). You

can see the highest purchase rate of buying school management software in March. Also the sales goes down around October.

Who’s shopping for School Management Software?

We found mainly three types of people who are generally involved in taking the decision to

purchase the School Management Software- Management, Principals and IT In charge or administrators.

The report has been generated from the data collected by my team, do write us comments or

email us with suggestions on the report.

Find the list of top school management software with software demo video, comparison reports,

screenshots, features and many more available to help you select the right software.
