customizing construction in 3d

Customizing Construction in 3D 3D modeling and animation services have dramatically evolved in the past couple of decades. What was once the realm of only a few domains has today widespread applications. Why has 3D animation inundated numerous global territories today? While functionality is one of the biggest reasons to industries around the world adopting 3-dimensional animation, Customization is the real advantage. In today’s world where options are several in every domain, choices in constructing and designing your home or office space are no different.

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Post on 10-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Customizing Construction in 3D

Customizing Construction in 3D

3D modeling and animation services have dramatically evolved in the

past couple of decades. What was once the realm of only a few domains

has today widespread applications. Why has 3D animation inundated

numerous global territories today? While functionality is one of the

biggest reasons to industries around the world adopting 3-dimensional

animation, Customization is the real advantage. In today’s world where

options are several in every domain, choices in constructing and

designing your home or office space are no different.

Page 2: Customizing Construction in 3D

2D to 3D

The world of Real Estate and

Architecture has been until

recently and even today the

domain of 2D drawings. While all

details are necessarily captured

in these drawings, it was very difficult for people other than architects

and designers to understand what exactly the drawings mean and how

the finished home or apartment or condo will look like. This made buying

decisions difficult and contributed to massive delays and poor revenues.

However, the face of 2D architectural drawings has been replaced by 3D

architectural rendering as an integral part of the 3D modeling and

animation services.

Customization in Real Estate

3D visualization plays an important role in Customization. Personalizing

has emerged as an important need in every domain today and Real

estate is no exception to this role.

Page 3: Customizing Construction in 3D

When customers view a product or project in its entirety before

construction, they can make modifications and adjustments. This process

of effecting changes is referred to as customization and is made possible

only with 3D. Space consumption, changes in doors, windows and other

interior design elements, entrances and many other details can be

carefully customized as per the preferences and needs of customer.

Customization is the biggest advantage of 3D modeling and animation

services. It has the power to influence the purchase decision positively

and quickly. This indicates production efficiency for the Real estate

developer, minimal wastage and reducing unnecessary expenses to the

highest extent possible. Customers also get to enjoy the benefits of a

home that they have made beautiful with their preferences and


Page 4: Customizing Construction in 3D

3D animation is hence a win-win for both the parties to a project and

hence the success rates of a project that uses 3D technology far exceeds

one that doesn’t.