cvs lecture 02

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  • 7/27/2019 CVS lecture 02



    Dr CO LarsonDr CO Larson


    Electrical activity of the heartElectrical activity of the heart

    Diagrams: ADAM: Thomas Nosek 2000;

    Martini and Nath:Anatomy and Physiology. 2009

    MIS264MIS264Learning outcomes

    I. Clinical importance ofECG.

    II. Features (elements) of normal electrocardiogram and their relationship to electrical

    events in heart.

    Assessment criteria:

    1. Cardiac electrical conduction system.

    2. Functions of components of cardiac electrical conduction system.

    3. Differences inaction potential between slow and fast fibres.

    4. Influence of autonomic nervous system on heart.

    5. Terms "electrocardiogram" and "electrocardiograph".

    6. Annotated diagram ofa normal lead ECG.

    7. Features of normal electrocardiogram and their relationship to electrical events in

    heart, with the normal time parameters.

    8. Calculate electricalaxis ofheart.

    9. Main elements of ECGinterpretation.

    10.Terms "lead" and "axis of a lead".

    11.12 different ECG leads: 6 precordial (chest)/unipolar leads and 6 frontal/bipolar

    leads(3 standard and 3 augmented leads)

    Heart: mechanical pump

    under electrical control,

    that requires adequate

    blood supply itself.

    CVS function: transport (gases, hormones, nutrients, wastes).

    Cardiovascular disorders: leading cause of morbidity and

    mortality in developed world.

    I. ECG: clinical importanceI. ECG: clinical importance

    Assists in diagnosis (and follow-up evaluation) of:

    1. Abnormal cardiac excitation2. Arrhythmias

    3. Conduction defects

    4. Myocardial damage (e.g. due to myocardialischaemia or necrosis)

    5. Cardiac enlargement

    Clinical disorders where an ECGmay be of diagnostic value:

    1.Acute chest pain at rest

    Acute coronary syndrome:

    ECGwith up- or downward ST deflection

    ECGwith T wave inversion

    Normal ECG

    2. Heart palpitations Ectopic beats (supra-ventricular/ventricular)


    Atrial fibrillation

    3. Extreme tiredness or syncope

    Heart block: first, second or third degree; bundle branch block

    4. Cardiovascular collapse

    Asystole (cardiac arrest)

    Ventricular fibrillation

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    1 and 2: Cardiac electrical conduction

    system and functions of components

    After stimulation sudden increase in

    membrane permeability (depolarization)

    positive ions, mainly sodium enter the cell

    depolarized tissue with a relatively negative

    external field next to polarized muscle. A

    potential difference now exists between theareas.

    An electrical current is created that flows from

    the positive to the negatively charged fibre.

    The dynamic boundary between the polarized

    and depolarized muscle moves along the fibre

    from the point of excitation.

    Inherently excitable tissue: cellmembranes semi-permeable to ions.Contractile cells are polarized duringcardiac diastole. (Anions andcations on opposite sides of themembrane and an electrodeimmersed in this polarized volumeconductor will register a flat or iso-electric line)





    can initiate


    Others conduct



    Posterior wall of RAbelow opening of SVC

    Spread of depolarization

    Begins in SA node P wave

    (upright in II; inverted in aVR)

    AV node (delay)

    His bundle


    Ventricles (QRS complex)

    SA node overdrive suppresses all


    Atrial foci (inherent rate: 60-80/min)

    Junctional foci (inherent rate: 40-


    Ventricular foci (inherent rate: 20-


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    AV junction: part or all of

    region comprising

    atrioventricular node and

    bundle of His (excluding

    bundle branches).

    Contains potential automaticity



    slows down in

    AV node, but


    again through

    His bundle andPurkinje system

    What are the

    functions of the



    3. Slow and fast fibres: differences in

    action potential

    Distinction: slope of depolarization phase

    Ordinary (fast type) myocytes (like myocytes elsewhere in body):

    resting voltage potential difference across plasmalemma is

    approximately -90 mV. Include parts of conducting tissues. At

    rest very few sodium ion channels are open, although many

    potassium ion channels are open. The few open sodium ion

    channels allow a slow leak of sodium, but sodium potassium

    ATPase pump counteracts this, so that resting membrane potential

    is stable.

    Fast fibres: absolute and relative refractory


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    Slow fibres (in SA and AV nodes): resting membrane

    potential is -50 to -60 mV. Intrinsic rate of impulse

    generation of SA node ("primary pacemaker") is

    approximately 60/min compared to that of AV node

    ("secondary pacemaker"): 25 to 55 /min

    4. Influence of ANS on heart

    Sympathetic stimulation makes slope of

    depolarization phase steeper (mainly due to an

    increase in sodium ion influx in slow fibres)

    Parasympathetic nervous stimulation makes slope of

    depolarization more gradual in slow fibres, by mainly

    increasing potassium ion efflux.

    LeadsDr Willem

    Einthoven assigned

    certain polarities to

    the attachments of

    three leads, which

    form the sides of anequilateral triangle.

    Most ECG

    information is

    provided by these

    three standard limb


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    Chest (precordial)

    leads mainly



    regardinglocalization of


    abnormalities (e.g.

    ischaemia, necrosis

    or calcification).

    The frontal plane leads (I, II, and III and aVF,

    aVR and aVL) register the magnitude,

    direction and duration of voltage changes in a

    frontal plane.

    Horizontal plane leads (V1 to V6)

    Electrical wave spreads throughseptum from left to right.Then from right to left through LVand simultaneously through rightventricle from left to right.Repolarization (T wave:asymmetric; is normally inverted inIII, aVR and V1)

    5. Terms "electrocardiogram" and



    standardized two


    representation of

    vectors, that differs

    from lead to lead due

    to orientation

    (perspective) of leads.


    Volt- / galvanometer

    (electrical apparatus)

    that registers



    Graphic registration of electrical potentials

    generated by heart.

    Registers immediate differences in electricalpotential between electrodes.

    Represents a complex spatial summation of

    electrical potentials from many myocardial

    cells that are conducted from surface of heart.

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    galvanometer/electromagnet that detects thechanging potential of the electrical field aroundthe heart.

    Has positive and negative poles to whichelectrodes are connected.The two electrodes constitute a lead which isplaced in any three dimensional relationship tothe heart.The lead detects changes in electrical potentialbetween the electrodes.

    Net electromagnetic force directed toward

    positive electrode of a lead: ECG records a

    positive deflection.

    A negative deflection recorded when the net

    force is deflected away from positive pole.

    Electromagnetic force is a vector, i.e. has

    magnitude and direction.

    6, 7 and 9: normal electrocardiogram: features

    and their relationship to electrical events in heart,

    with normal time parameters.

    The electrocardiogram (ECG)The electrocardiogram (ECG)

    Martini andMartini and NathNath

    FigureFigure 202014b14b

    ECG characteristic

    P wave

    QRS complex

    T wave

    P-R (P-Q) interval (PR because

    Q wave may be absent)

    R-R interval

    Q-T interval

    ST segment

    U wave

    Electrical activity

    Atrial depolarization

    Ventricular depolarization

    Late ventricular repolarization

    AV conduction time

    Time between successive QRS

    complexes (cardiac cycle length)

    Ventricular depolarization and


    Plateau phase (Phase 2 of action


    Repolarization of ventricular

    papillary muscle

    8. Calculate cardiac (mean ventricular)

    electrical axis

    (Guyton pages 134-135)

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    Determination of mean ventricular electrical


    The dominant direction of the sum of all the

    instantaneous QRS vectorsNormal: 0 to +90 (must establish cause if it

    lies outside these boundaries)

    Left and right deviation

    Left deviation: endomorphs, obesity and


    9. ECG interpretation: main elements

    Rhythm and rate

    PR interval

    P wave abnormalities

    Rhythm abnormalities

    QRS complex


    Mean QRS vector (mean electrical axis)


    ST segment and T wave

    J point


    QT interval

    ECG standardization

    ECG paper: each small block = 0,04 seconds

    2 vertical big blocks = 10 mm = 1 mV

    Determination of heart rate

    300 divided by the number of large blocks

    between 2 QRS complexes

    Sinus rhythm: criteria

    Sinus rhythm

    1. P wave before every QRS complex and everyQRS complex preceded by a P wave and they arerelated

    P waves must be upright in I, II and aVF; if theyare absent or abnormal: supra-ventriculararrhythmiaSome books: upright P waves in I and aVF or Iand II3. Normal and constant PR interval (regardingtime)4. Rate constant between 60 and 100 beats

    Criteria: P waves constant and upright in leads I, II and AVF

    Each P wave followed by a QRS complex and each QRS

    complex preceded by a P wave.

    Normal, constant PR interval

    Regular rate between 60 (50 in fit persons) and 100 beats/min

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    10. Terms "lead" and "axis of a lead" 11. 12 ECG leads:

    6 precordial (chest) /unipolar leads (registerelectrical potential differences in horizontal


    6 frontal leads (3 standard bipolar and 3augmented unipolar leads that register potentialdifferences in frontal plane)

    (Refer to Guyton and ECG practical notes)

    MIS264 Session 3MIS264 Session 3

    Diagrams: ADAM: Thomas Nosek 2000;

    Martini and Nath:Anatomy and Physiology.


    Learning outcomes:

    1. Terms "sinus arrhythmia, "extrasystole" ,"ventricular escape" ,"current ofinjury" and"re-entry phenomenon" anda fewcommoncauses thereof.

    2. Mechanisms by whichcommon cardiacarrythmias occur.

    3. ECGchanges dueto sinus tachycardia, sinus bradycardia, a sino-atrial block;atrial, AV nodal, AV bundle, and ventricular premature beats, atrio-ventricularconduction blocks, acute and chronic myocardial ischaemia and myocardialinfarction, atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia andventricular fibrillation, a cardiac arrest.

    4. Physiological factors and/ or medicaldisordersthatinfluence :

    duration (length) of PR interval

    height (voltage) of QRS complexes.

    duration (length) of QRS complexes

    shape(conformation/configuration)of QRS complexes

    cardiac rate

    cardiac rhythm

    size andconfiguration of T wave

    positionof J point andST segment

    directionof mean ventricular axis

    5. Causes of atrial fibrillation or flutter, ventricular fibrillation and cardiacarrest.

    1. Terms "Sinus arrhythmia"

    = misnomer

    Inspiration: increase in heart rate Expiration: decrease in heart rate

    Postulated mechanisms: circulatorymechanisms that alter strengths of sympatheticand parasympathetic nerve signals to sinusnode e.g. respiratory type (see Guyton andHall)

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    Premature contraction / beat or ectopic beat

    Most premature contractions caused by ectopicfoci

    Common causes of ectopic foci: ischaemia,

    calcified plaques, toxins (drugs, nicotine,


    "Ventricular escape"

    Response of an atrial, junctional (AV junction) orventricular automaticity focus to a pause inpacemaker activity.

    Automaticity focus escapes overdrive suppressiontransiently to cause one beat or for long periods tocause an escape rhythm.

    If SA node pacing stops, automaticity focusescapes to pace at its intrinsic rate, causing anescape rhythm.

    "Current of injury" (Guyton and Hall p. 138)

    Part of heart remains partially or totally

    depolarized) all the time (because potassium ion

    channels most susceptible to ischaemic injury)

    so that current flows between pathologically

    depolarized and normally polarized areas, even

    between heart beats

    Common causes: trauma, infections, coronary


    "Re-entry phenomenon" and predisposingconditions (Guyton and Hall page 149)


    Central inexcitable region around which re-entrantimpulse can circulate

    Impulse delayed at one point so that tissues infront of impulse can recover fromrefractoriness

    A zone ofunidirectional block: conduction stillpossible in another direction

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    2. Mechanisms by which common cardiac

    arrythmias occur.


    Abnormal impulse formation

    (abnormal automaticity) and/or

    conduction (re-entry)

    All parts of conduction system:

    spontaneous phase 4 depolarization,

    therefore are latent pacemakers

    Impulse conduction disorders include:

    Three degrees of AV conduction block

    WPW syndrome

    Some arrhythmias can occur due to

    abnormal impulse formation or


    Sino-atrial node paces heart at highest frequency

    (60/70 -80 beats/min) therefore it causes overdrive

    suppression of pacemaking by AV node (40/50-60

    beats/min) or Purkinje fibres (20/30 to 40 beats/min).

    Ischaemia, hypokalaemia, fibre stretch or local

    catecholamine release can increase automaticity in

    these latent pacemakers, which can override SA nodal


    If their membrane potential is sufficiently depolarized

    (e.g. due to ischaemia), atrial and ventricular muscle

    cells can initiate impulses.

    Atrial or junctional foci become irritable due to

    Adrenaline released by adrenal medullae

    Increased sympathetic nervous stimulation

    Caffeine, amphetamines, cocaine or other beta 1

    adrenergic receptor stimulants Excess digitalis, some toxins, occasionally ethanol




    (Source: Dale Dubin:Rapid Interpretation of EKG's, 2000 page123)

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    Triggered automaticityTriggered automaticity

    Caused by afterdepolarizations which occur during

    repolarization (early afterdepolarizations) or afterrepolarization (delayed afterdepolarizations).

    Potentials that reach threshold initiate premature action

    potentials and heart beats.

    Afterdepolarization magnitude is influenced by changes

    in heart rate, catecholamines and decrease in

    parasympathetic input.

    Early afterdepolarizations

    During terminal plateau or repolarization phase

    Purkinje fibres most susceptible

    Predisposing factors

    Agents that prolong action potential and

    increase inward sodium ion movement or block

    potassium ion outflow.


    Delayed afterdepolarizations

    Caused by excessive increase in [Ca++] in

    myocytes e.g. digitalis toxicity or

    catecholamines that increase Ca++ influx

    through L-type Ca++ channels.

    Abnormal impulse conduction (re-entry)

    An impulse delayed in one region re-excites adjacent

    areas more than once.


    1. Central (anatomical/functional) inexcitable region

    around which re-entrant impulse can circulate

    2. Impulse delayed at one point so that tissues in

    front of impulse can recover from refractoriness

    3. A zone of unidirectional block: conduction still

    possible in another direction

    Slowed conduction

    Slope of phase 0 depolarization more gradual

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    Important abnormal ECG patterns that you mustrecognize:

    Four main types of atrial tachycardia:

    sinus tachycardia, PAT

    atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation

    Sinus bradycardia

    Ventricular tachycardia

    Ventricular fibrillation

    Premature cardiac beats - atrial, nodal and ventricular

    Conduction blocks: Atrioventricular (three degrees)

    Intraventricular LBBB en RBBB

    Fascicular block

    Myocardial ischaemia and -infarct


    I. 4 main types of atrial tachycardia

    1. Sinus tachycardia (due to sympathetic

    nervous stimulation)

    2. Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia

    (Cause: an ectopic atrial pacemaker due to inter

    alia caffeine, nicotine, excessive alcohol)

    Treatment: carotid sinus massage ( Vagal tone) Sinus tachycardia

    Absent or inverted P waves, because

    atria activated in an abnormal way,

    usually due to an atrial ectopic


    3. Atrial flutter

    (Cause: single re-entry/ectopic focus in atrium

    (usually R.A): usually regular pulse rate

    4. Atrial fibrillation

    (Cause: multiple atrial re-entry circuits/ectopic

    foci usually in L.A.). Often triggered by mitral

    stenosis, hyperthyroidism or IHD.

    Irregular pulse rate, -rhythm or force

    Prolonged atrial fibrillation HF and atrial

    thrombosis with pulmonary/systemic emboli

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    Normal SA nodal impulses reach AV node while

    it is refractory after it is depolarized by the

    premature impulse from the ventricle.

    Long compensatory pause, because normalimpulse is not conducted to the ventricles.

    Cause: especially IHD, which increases the

    excitability of the conduction system and

    myocardium.A single random ectopic ventricular


    Conduction block


    1. Rare: SA node (= sick sinus syndrome)

    Loses one entire cardiac beats. Heart starts to

    pump again after an interval of less than two

    complete cardiac cycles

    2. AV node/ His bundle: three degrees

    3. R/LBBB: prolonged QRS time (see later in

    course: semester five)

    Prolonged, but constant PR interval,

    usually due to myocardial ischaemia

    or drugs.

    Mobitz type II block: PR interval

    lengthened but of equal length and some

    QRS complexes missing

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