d0u6las keuy - nys historic...

Page T«re GATSKHX. MOONTAIN McWk leitditicHi of “Anastasia” Pa- tHda Numann for “Mary Second priz» were awarded to Antha Munseli for “Ghandi, Man of God” and Constance Meade, who gave “Our Town.” Third prize went to the only boy of the group, Peter Fusscas, who gave “The Big Parade." Roxbury PTA Elects, Holds Prize Speaking: Roxbury, M ay 26.—^ITie final P a re n t - TeachCTS association of the s e ^ n featured election of officers and the annual student prize-making contest. Officers are: President, Linden ^G ^oiy; vice-president, Winfidd Gilham; secretary, Mrs. James Sweeney; treuurer, Kenneth Kel- lethouse. The junior prom was announced for May 30 and two student teadi- IVBss Nancy Kinney in fifth grade and Miss Katherine Connol- ley, in second, introduced. Two first prizes were awarded: Graham, Mrs. Gwrge lUieder and To Heather McDonald for her | Mrs. Kenneth Preston. ' Keyhole Mfeuiy Students Received MoiiOrs At Amual MCS Activities Dinner By Carol Fredenburgh The ninth annual MCS activity The judg^ were James | ^jjmer wjis held last week Wednes- day night at 6:30 in the cafeteria. Bostock Sweeney, Rev. Gerald and William Luhrs. While the judges were out, there were two musical selections. TTie m e^ was prepared by the cafeteria staff. Mrs. Sawyer an alto clarinet solo by Sylvia, supervised the serving, which was Lutz and a trumpet solo by Joan Rettmeier. Following the program, <^p- cakes and orffee were served in the cafeteria by Mrs. W ^am Pheasants - M allard D ucks Capons - Fryers AKNUSn GAME FARM Phone 8-2611 Lake Delaware Delhi, N. T CHICKEN ROAST D ecoration Day, M ay 30 at ANDES HOTEL ANDES, N. Y. done. by junior and senior high school girls. Dr. Huggins gave a speech to tell how important extra-curricular activities are. Miss Hawkins entertained with color slides she took while in Europe. Since there was not time to show all of them, we saw the ones from- Yugoslavia and the Netherlands. Awards for activities were given out following the color slides. They were as follows: Dramatics, Lmiis Hamway and Regis Sulli- van; I&yhole, Nathalie Duboveck; Megaphone, Muriel Scott, Justine Sullivan and Ann Glendening; Log, Carolyn Davis and Janet Taylor; cheerleading, Ann Glen- dening, Justine Sullivan and Liz LaPorte; music, Katherine Terry and Carolyn Fau-baim; FFA Mary E31en Scudder. The following seniors i;eceived certificates: Darrell Atkin, Caro- lyn Davis, Frank Duggan, Carolyn Fairbaim, Lee Fix, Louis Ham- way, Gene Snyder, Regis Sullivan, Janet Taylor, Katherine Terry and Richard Vining. Athletic awards went to the following: Soccer, Darrell Atkin, Arthur Ballard, Frank Duggan, Frank DiDonato, Lee Fix, Norman Maender, Charles Shultis and Wyliis Van Keuren; basketball, Darrell Atkin, FVank Duggan, Fred Fairbaim, Roy George, Nor- man MaeMer, Steve Miller, Charles Shultis, Gene . Snyder, Wyliis Van Keuren and Richard Vining: baseball, Darrell Atkin, Arthur BaUa^, Frank Duggan, B>«d Fairbaim', Lee Norman Madder, Willis Van keuren. school golf, next year. We hope to continue Atides lit* V - t i; > jnp \ Adults $1.75 Children $1.00 SERVING FROM 12 NOON TO 8 P. M. staff Editor: Nathalie Duboveck Typists: Ruth Barber, Barbara Ackerly, Esther Hillriegel Advisor: Mrs. Ilai^fey Laywence TU B ELESS DeLuxe Super-Cushions co^t iio mdi*e than standard tires and tubes Events of Interest By* P a t F re y May 29—Junior prtrni, 9 to 1, Ray Kelly’s orchestra. May 30—No school. Memorial day. Jime 6—12:30, Moving Up day in auditorium. The public is in- vited. Jime 6 — Sophomore round and square dance, 8 to 12. Far ^ year ’round peifonnance, cfaaage over to tubeless now. Chedc your size . . . diedc the price . . . and conle in todayl Siz* Tubeless* BlodcwaU Tubeless* Whitewan 670 X 15 $18.S5 122.75 7.10x15 a035 25.20 7.40 X 15 . 22.55 ir .6 o 8.00x15 25.05 30.75 diaftor - The Lo^ have arrived antf. were {daced on sale Monday. The senior name cards and announce- ments for graduation also came this week. The seniors will end up with writers’ cramp signing yearbooks and writing mes^ges on senior cards for a multitude of friends. The jimiors had their share of ^citement. Their class rings arrived. Tlie commercial stu- dents were pleasantly surprised this week when they discovered a new adding machine in the typing room. It has been placed there on trial. We are happy to welcome Mr. Bailey back after his con- valescence. He certainly was missed. *AII Prices Plus Tax ond Recoppoble Tke AS LOW AS 9WAWEEK DAVIDSON’S SHELL SERVICE Fhone li$ l Golfers Lose first Match By Lee Fix T^e MCS golf team was defeat- ed by Roscoe CS at Roscoe May 13 by the score of 8% to 6% The team consisted of Regis SuUiv^, Lee PTx, Gene Snyder, Joe Dug- gan and Frank Duggan. The scoring of a golf match is one point for match play on each nine holes and one point for low total score. Margaretville’s scoring is as follows: F. Duggan, 2%; Sulli- van, 2; Fix, 2; Snyder, 0; J. Dug- gan, 0. Margaretville played Roscoe at K ^ Country club May 27 in a retum match. This is. Margaret- ville’s first year in competitive Mran June 2-6 Monday: Macaroni and tomatoes, Vienna bread and butter, fruit salad, cookies and milk. Cream of chicken soup. Tuesday: Sliced ham, candied sweet potatoes, buttered peas, choice of fruit, and milk. Vege- table soup. Wednesday: Hot meat ball sand- wich, tossed vegetable salad, buttered green beans, cherry cobbler with whiK>ed cream, and milk. Beef noodle soup. Thursday: Creamed dried beef on biscuit, pineapple salad, buttered vegetable, chocolate cake with white idng, milk. C^cken rice soup. Friday: Tunafish saleid sandwicdi, fruit jello salad, potato chips or pickles, ice cream, and milk. Tomato or dam chowder soup. Pleasant Valley By Mrs. -EUen VanSteCTbarg Pleasant Valley, May 26 Mr. and Mrs. Ed VanDeusen of Walton were in town Sunday. Carl Brannen visited in Bing- hamton, Ithaca and Poughkeepsie last week. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Morse were business callers at Cannons- ville Monday. Leo Morse of Roxbury spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wel- don Morse. P<nne On Forloagh Sgt. Gerald DeSilva of West- over Air Force base, Mass., speiit a 15-day furlough with his family here. Marcus Christian and son, John, were at Walton Sund^. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burrage of White Plains spent a few days at their summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. George Terry spent Saturday with their children in Sidney. Mr. and Mrs. John Eckert and two daughters of Scotch mountain visited Mr. and Mrs. George Fir- ment Sunday. Margareta Farrow of Astoria, L. I., spent over the weekrad with her father and brother. Mr. and Mrs. William D arl^ of Fall.Clove wi^.cftH&rs in Aiyert- Shaver of Walton lq>eat Sunday in town. Mr. and Mrs. Thonas liddle, Andy emd Shirle^ 'liddle and Loretta Fleury spent Satui^y at Cranbeny lake in the Adiron- dack. / Miss Nancy Smith of Roxbury and Edward-X>iscoe Jr. .of Albany visited William Sinith Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bach Sr. of Long Island were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hoch- holzer. Robert Boggs of East Meadoi^s, L. L, spent the weekend at the Elwood h(nne. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Cook and four children of Belnrare, L. I., were weekend guests of his father, Phil Cook. Marybell Elwood sknd Harriette Cary and William IH- wood and Bobby Boggs spent Sat- urday at Cooperstown. Commencing this c(xning Sun- day, June 1, the time of services the Methodist church have been changed. The morning wor- ship services will in the future be held at 9:45 and it is believed thi^ will meet with the a^prov^ of most of the Pleasant Valley ftuni- Ues. The church school will be held at 10:45 following the morn- ing worship service. Mrs. Lloyd Terry is the superintendent DELUXE WALL & BASE CABINETS 0PB4 STOCK - MIX 'EM AND MATCH 'EM &nith’s Plumbing & Electrical Suppfies^ nffARflAmpr vif.t.lR, ir. Y. PHONE ISOl Uoyd Ir^rry Is Legion Leader • Andes, May 26. — The annual election of officers of the Ameri- can Legion was held at the May meeting. The following were elected for the coming year: Commander, Uoyd Teny; fu^t vice-commander, Go^on Mat- thews; second vice-commander, John Roney; third vice-command- er, Richard Cole; <^plain, Law- rence Emerson; finance officer, Lawrence TweeJdie; Americanism chairman, George Redden; histor- ian, Dewey Hombeck; service officer, Don Dickson; sergeant-at- arms, William T. Roney; member- ship chairman, John Roney; athletic officer, Lloyd ^ohns. Mr. and Mrs. Peter All spent last week vacationing at Lake George. Mr. an4 Mrs. Robert Kirkby of Norwich were guests of her father, James McAvoy, on Sunday. Rob- ert McAvoy of Itortwick collet spent the weekend with his father and brothers. Mrs. Ray Marks of Margaret- ville vras a guest of Mrs. Mural Miller on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Estus, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Matthews and son, Bobby, William Carey and family, Ttai Dorsett and Dick Fo- land spent the weekend up north fishing. A l/c and Mrs. Charles Estus Jr. were Monday evening dinner gu^ts of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Estus Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bell and daughter, Laiu:a Ann, of Oneonta were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Olin Van Steenburgh. Kim Cargill of Oneonta is spending 10, days wdth Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Van Steenburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rowell and Mrs. Ella I^throp of Franldin were Sunday dinner guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Oles, and family. Graham Frisbee made a busi- ness trip to Albany Tuesday. Mr. and .Mrs. Irving C. Burrell of Rochester spent several days with their son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aitkens. Lawrence Emerson, Bruce Champlin and Donald Dickson attended the county Legion meet- ing at Stamford Wednesday eve- ning. Bir, and Mrs. Earle Woolheater were IWday and Saturday jfUiMts rtf Iwr brother-in-law' sisteri Mrs. Hfis^ if lli£4iawk. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Binghamton were Sunday guests of his mother, Mrs. Alice S ^ er. Mr. and Mins. Robert Howell and childrra, Roger and Linda, were weekend gutets of their' parents in Dryden. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mitkiewicz, who have spent the winter in New York dty, returned Saturday to their home in Andes for the sinn- mer. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bramley spent Sunday with her mother at Beach. Robert Olsen of Brooklyn spent the past weekend at the Ed Cowan h(»ne. The Legion Auxiliary will meet at the Legion hall Wednesday evming, June 4, at 8 p. m. Mrs. Jane Coulter is spending a few days with Mr. and -Mrs. Fted JBller at Margaretville. The WSCS of the Methodist chordi will meet with Mrs. James J. I£lbert a t the parsonage Tues- day, June 3, at 2 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zeleniak of Albany visited her imde and aimi, Mr. and Mrs. R epaid Ruff, and family Saturday. BIr. Mrs. Lawrence Tweedie and children, Jo Ann, Betsy and Lairy, were Sunday dinner guests of her unde and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Taylor, at DaVenport. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dzurissin of Sidney and John Durkee of L^ie Delaware were Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Jakszewski. Tlie planting of white allysum in the cross at the cemetery was presented by the m ^’s group of the United Presbyterian church in memory of Mitch W ri^t Girl Scouts, Troop 1, helped'the Brownies sell Girl Scout candy last Saturday. Girl Scouts, TVoop 2, met Fri- day with Mrs. Weldon Morse, act- ing leader in the absence of Mrs. Mrs. Morse gave the gn*ls instruction on making figurines with molds. The girls also candy, after whidi a short pro- pam was held, with each gn*l tak- ing part by giving recitations, readings, singing or playing a musical instrument. 1 Margaretville, N. Y., Friday, May 30, 1958 Halcottville By E. Griffin Halcottville, May 26 Loren H. Hubbell was employed for a few days last week at the local (^etery getting it into shape for the influx of visitors during the MemoriaU^y holiday. Installs New/ Furnace Marion J. Morse of Halcott Cen- ter is installing a new central heating, oil-buming furnace in the Harvey Slauson house. Ridiard Finch is also employed at the Slauson home helping with the al- terations made necessary by the installation of the heating plant. Albert Mead Dead Mr. and IV&s. Stanley C. Mead, Chester M e a d '^ d Mrs. Mable Faulkner were among those from here that attended the funeral of Alfred Mead at West Conesville last w e^ Thursday. Mr. Mead died suddenly last Monday at his home after a loiig illne^. lie is survived by his wife, the former Effie Harringtoni of ^ locality. Mrs. Jennie E. Stahl retumed to her home here last Sunday af- ter spending several days with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William C. VaUc, in K dly Comers, where she was ill. Firemen Held Dinner The annual banquet for the members of the local fire depart- ment and their wives was held at Bryden’s last Saturday evening. About 30 people attended. ' Ten ladies, attended a peurty last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Oayton B. Kelly. Mrs. Harold Morse of Hobart was dem- onstrator of the products. The roof on the bam at the for- mer Frank H. Dean home, occu- pied by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eig- nor, was replac^ with an asbestos roof last week by Frank E. Con- stable. hete at tl cue at the Grange hall on Sunday aftemoon,, June 1. The serving start at 12:30 p. m. It is for tiie benefit of ttie local Grange. Mrs. Edward Allen is spending several days at Windham at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emest Blodgett. ' Mrs. Nelson B. Kelly has been spending several days in Green- wich as a guest at the h(Hne of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George S. Kelly, and famQy. to . and Mrs. Raymond Slauson and daughter of Kingston were weekend guests of their, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Slauson in Halcottville and Mr. and ito. J t^ Fbaekia Vegki Miss ilutit Ann Griffin of One- auta STC last weekrad at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Griffin. Kindergarten-First Interinr Class Set' The Margaretville central school board of education has voted to establish a i»e-first grade dass and to discontinue the pie-Second grade dass. Ilie change will be- come ^ective witb tlie (^lening of school in September. Oliverea Oliverea, May 27 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tantillo, son, Joseph, and daughter, Maiy Ann, were at their Cold Spring lodge "getting the place in shape for the summer. Beady Po<rf for Sominer A group of ifcen of the Big In- dian Mt. dub, under the direc- tion of William Cliisholm, made a thorough job of deaning the club swimming pool last weekend. Op«a for Snmmer Mrs. Julie Moroney has opened h » house at the Big Indian Mt. dub for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grennie, Arthm: Ldnd- strom, Ray Connors, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brunelli and Mr. and Mis. Karl Dolge spent the we^end at their cottages. Beady for Bn^ess Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Steinbom of the Cafe Moose lodge "Sight of the Catskills,” have retumed from Florida and are pr^>aring for “Kaffee Klatsch” business for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bolin have opened their house in Oliverea for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Laine aro spending a short vacation at Be- dells cottages. Mr. and Mrs. John Rossitz Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heinreut were Simday guests ^at the trailer of Mr. and Mrs. John Roi^tz Jk Hilly Levine emd son, Sidney, of Middle Village were weekend guests of Sid Levine. Mrs. Richard Gavette is recup- erating at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Be- dell, in Oliverea. Mrs. Gavette recently retiuned frMii thie Al- bany hospitaL Ira Beadle has arrived home after spending some time visiting his son, Floyd, and family in California. . • A Sncoeasful Dinner The Board of Trade turkey din- ner which was held last week at the Slide Mt. Forest house,, was a success. Through the generous efforts of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Combe the net proceeds were $125. Thanks also to the Board of Trade members who helped in the serving and smooth running of the dinner. The regular June meeting of the Board of Trade wlil be hdd Tuesday evening at the Krickhahn Valley A^ew house in Oliverea. The razeed fliers have been printed by the Catskill Mountain News and ai« in the hands of the secretary. i M A m m f T viuEi £. Douglass , don YOUCAttaOlD ^ D0U6LAS KEUY Farh Equipment New International 46-T Pick Up Bafers with power take-off of gas engine drive. GeW Folrage Harvester and Forage Blowers Cunningham Crushers English Built Hay Tedder Answers to a car-buyer’s questions (and prayers) Question: ia this the fastest selling Mercury? A n sw er: it’s priced dose to the “low-price 3”—in fact, you can own it for less than any of 42 models of the “low-price 3.” Q: Is it expensive to equip? A : No! And for a limited time only we’ll give you a special low price on a complete equipment package including: AUTOMATIC TRANS- MISSION, RADIO, HEATER, DELUXE INTERIOR. Q: How does this Mercury stack up against As “low-price 3” in size? A: It’s up to 34 inches wider, 8.6 inches longv, 369 poimds heavier. In fact, it even leads A s medixmi-priced field for aU-around bigness. Q: Is it economical to operate? A: This Big M has a special gas-saving V-< engine. I t squeezes two-fistM power out of ^ e q r drop of gas. Q: When and where can it be seen? A: Right now at our Mercury showroom. HMERCURY ’5 8 PERFORMANCE CHAMPtON 234*238 Main Street' Margaretville, N. Y.

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Post on 28-May-2019




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leitditicHi of “Anastasia” Pa- tH da Numann for “Mary

Second p riz » were awarded to Antha Munseli for “Ghandi, Man of God” and Constance Meade, who gave “Our Town.”

Third prize went to the only boy of the group, P eter Fusscas, who gave “The Big Parade."

Roxbury PTA Elects,Holds Prize Speaking:

Roxbury, May 26.— ITie final P aren t - TeachCTS association of the s e ^ n featured election of officers and the annual student p rize-m aking contest.

Officers are: President, Linden ^ G ^ o iy ; vice-president, W infidd Gilham; secretary, Mrs. Jam es Sweeney; tre u u re r, Kenneth Kel- lethouse.

The junior prom was announced for May 30 and two student teadi-

IVBss Nancy Kinney in fifth grade and Miss K atherine Connol- ley, in second, introduced.

Two first prizes were awarded: Graham, Mrs. Gwrge lUieder and To H eather McDonald for her | Mrs. Kenneth Preston. '


Mfeuiy Students Received MoiiOrs At Amual MCS Activities Dinner

By Carol Fredenburgh The ninth annual MCS activity

The ju d g ^ were James | ^jjmer wjis held last week Wednes­day night a t 6:30 in the cafeteria.BostockSweeney, Rev. Gerald

and William Luhrs.While the judges were out,

there were two musical selections.TTie m e^ was prepared by the cafeteria staff. Mrs. Sawyer

an alto clarinet solo by Sylvia, supervised th e serving, which was Lutz and a trum pet solo by Joan Rettmeier.

Following the program, <^p- cakes and orffee were served in the cafeteria by Mrs. W ^ a m

P h e a s a n t s - M a l l a r d D u c k s

Capons - Fryers

AKNUSn GAME FARMPhone 8-2611 Lake Delaware Delhi, N. T


D e c o r a t i o n D a y , M a y 3 0



done. by junior and senior high school girls. Dr. Huggins gave a speech to tell how important extra-curricular activities are.

Miss Hawkins entertained with color slides she took while in Europe. Since there was not time to show all of them, we saw the ones from- Yugoslavia and the Netherlands.

Awards for activities were given out following the color slides. They were as follows: Dramatics, Lmiis Hamway and Regis Sulli­van; I&yhole, N athalie Duboveck; Megaphone, Muriel Scott, Justine Sullivan and Ann Glendening; Log, Carolyn Davis and Janet Taylor; cheerleading, Ann Glen­dening, Justine Sullivan and Liz LaPorte; music, K atherine Terry and Carolyn Fau-baim; F F A M ary E31en Scudder.

The following seniors i;eceived certificates: D arrell Atkin, Caro­lyn Davis, Frank Duggan, Carolyn Fairbaim , Lee Fix, Louis Ham­way, Gene Snyder, Regis Sullivan, Janet Taylor, K atherine Terry and Richard Vining.

Athletic awards w ent to the following: Soccer, D arrell Atkin, A rthur Ballard, Frank Duggan, F rank DiDonato, Lee Fix, Norman Maender, Charles Shultis and Wyliis Van Keuren; basketball, D arrell Atkin, FVank Duggan, F red Fairbaim , Roy George, Nor­man M aeM er, Steve Miller, Charles Shultis, Gene . Snyder, Wyliis Van Keuren and Richard Vining: baseball, D arrell Atkin, A rthur B aU a^, F rank Duggan, B>«d Fairbaim ', Lee Norman M adder, Willis Van keuren.

school golf, next year.

We hope to continue


l i t * V

- t i; > jn p


Adults $1.75 Children $1.00


s ta ffEditor: N athalie Duboveck Typists: Ruth Barber, Barbara

Ackerly, E sther Hillriegel Advisor: Mrs. Ilai^fey Laywence


DeLuxe Super-Cushions

c o ^ t i io m di*e t h a n s t a n d a r d t i r e s a n d tu b e s

Events of In terest By* P a t F rey

May 29—Junior prtrni, 9 to 1, Ray Kelly’s orchestra.

May 30—No school. Memorial day.Jim e 6—12:30, Moving Up day in

auditorium. The public is in­vited.

Jim e 6 — Sophomore round and square dance, 8 to 12.

F ar ^ year ’round peifonnance, cfaaage over to tubeless now. Chedc your size . . . diedc the price . . . and con le in todayl

Siz* Tubeless*BlodcwaU


6 7 0 X 15 $18.S5 122.75

7 .1 0 x 1 5 a 0 3 5 25.20

7.40 X 15 . 22.55 ir .6 o

8 .0 0 x 1 5 25.05 30.75

diaftor- The L o ^ have arrived antf. were {daced on sale Monday. The senior nam e cards and announce­ments for graduation also came this week. The seniors will end up w ith w riters’ cram p signing yearbooks and w riting m es^ges on senior cards for a m ultitude of friends.

The jimiors had their share of ^citem ent. Their class rings arrived. Tlie commercial stu ­dents were pleasantly surprised this week when they discovered a new adding machine in the typing room. I t has been placed there on trial.

We are happy to welcome Mr. Bailey back after his con­valescence. He certainly was missed.

*AII Prices Plus Tax ond Recoppoble Tke



Fhone l i$ l

Golfers Lose f i r s t M atchBy Lee Fix

T^e MCS golf team was defeat­ed by Roscoe CS a t Roscoe May 13 by the score of 8% to 6% The team consisted of Regis SuU iv^, Lee PTx, Gene Snyder, Joe Dug­gan and F rank Duggan. The scoring of a golf m atch is one point for m atch play on each nine holes and one point for low total score. M argaretville’s scoring is as follows: F. Duggan, 2%; Sulli­van, 2; Fix, 2; Snyder, 0; J . Dug­gan, 0.

M argaretville played Roscoe a t K ^ Country club May 27 in a retum m atch. This is. M argaret­ville’s firs t year in competitive

MranJune 2-6

Monday: Macaroni and tomatoes, Vienna bread and butter, fru it salad, cookies and milk. Cream of chicken soup.

Tuesday: Sliced ham, candied sweet potatoes, buttered peas, choice of fru it, and milk. Vege­table soup.

Wednesday: H ot m eat ball sand­wich, tossed vegetable salad, buttered green beans, cherry cobbler w ith whiK>ed cream, and milk. Beef noodle soup.

Thursday: Creamed dried beef on biscuit, pineapple salad, buttered vegetable, chocolate cake with white idng, milk. C ^cken rice soup.

Friday: Tunafish saleid sandwicdi, fru it jello salad, potato chips or pickles, ice cream, and milk. Tomato o r d am chowder soup.

Pleasant ValleyBy Mrs. -EUen VanSteCTbarg

Pleasant Valley, May 26Mr. and Mrs. Ed VanDeusen of

W alton were in town Sunday.

Carl Brannen visited in Bing­hamton, Ithaca and Poughkeepsie last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Morse were business callers a t Cannons- ville Monday.

Leo Morse of Roxbury spent the weekend w ith Mr. and Mrs. Wel­don Morse.

P<nne On ForloaghSgt. Gerald DeSilva of West-

over Air Force base, Mass., speiit a 15-day furlough w ith his family here.

M arcus Christian and son, John, were a t W alton S u n d ^ .

Mr. and Mrs. W alter Burrage of W hite Plains spent a few days a t their summer home here.

Mr. and Mrs. George Terry spent Saturday w ith their children in Sidney.

Mr. and Mrs. John E ckert and two daughters of Scotch mountain visited Mr. and Mrs. George Fir- m ent Sunday.

M argareta Farrow of Astoria, L. I., spent over the weekrad w ith her father and brother.

Mr. and Mrs. William D a r l^ of Fall.C love wi^.cftH& rs in

Aiyert- Shaver of W alton lq>eat Sunday in town.

Mr. and Mrs. T honas lidd le, Andy emd Shirle^ 'lid d le and L oretta F leury spent S a tu i^ y a t C ranbeny lake in the Adiron­d ack . /

Miss Nancy Sm ith of Roxbury and Edward-X>iscoe J r . . of Albany visited William Sinith Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bach Sr. of Long Island were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hoch- holzer.

Robert Boggs of E ast Meadoi^s, L. L, spent the weekend a t the Elwood h(nne.

Mr. and Mrs. Phil Cook and four children of Belnrare, L. I., were weekend guests of his father, Phil Cook.

Marybell Elwood sknd H arrie tte Cary and William IH- wood and Bobby Boggs spent Sat­urday a t Cooperstown.

Commencing this c(xning Sun­day, June 1, the tim e of services

the M ethodist church have been changed. The morning wor­ship services will in the future be held a t 9:45 and it is believed thi^ will m eet w ith the a^prov^ of most of the Pleasant Valley ftuni- Ues. The church school will be held a t 10:45 following the morn­ing worship service. Mrs. Lloyd Terry is the superintendent


&nith’sPlumbing & Electrical Suppfies

nffARflAmpr vif.t.lR, ir . Y.PHONE ISOl

Uoyd Ir^rry Is Legion Leader• Andes, May 26. — The annual election of officers of the Ameri­can Legion was held a t the May meeting. The following were elected for the coming year: Commander, Uoyd T en y ; fu^t vice-commander, G o^on M at­thews; second vice-commander, John Roney; th ird vice-command­er, Richard Cole; < ^p lain , Law­rence Emerson; finance officer, Lawrence TweeJdie; Americanism chairman, George Redden; histor­ian, Dewey Hombeck; service officer, Don Dickson; sergeant-at- arms, William T. Roney; member­ship chairman, John Roney; athletic officer, Lloyd ^ohns.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter All spent last week vacationing a t Lake George.

Mr. an4 Mrs. Robert K irkby of Norwich were guests of her father, Jam es McAvoy, on Sunday. Rob­e rt McAvoy of Itortw ick c o lle t spent the weekend with his father and brothers.

Mrs. Ray M arks of M argaret­ville vras a guest of Mrs. Mural Miller on Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Estus, Mr. and Mrs. Donald M atthews and son, Bobby, William Carey and family, T tai D orsett and Dick Fo- land spent the weekend up north fishing.

A l/c and Mrs. Charles Estus Jr. were Monday evening dinner g u ^ ts of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Estus Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bell and daughter, Laiu:a Ann, of Oneonta were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Olin Van Steenburgh.

Kim Cargill of Oneonta is spending 10, days wdth Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Van Steenburgh.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rowell and Mrs. E lla I^ th ro p of Franldin were Sunday dinner guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F ranklin Oles, and family.

Graham Frisbee made a busi­ness trip to Albany Tuesday.

Mr. and .Mrs. Irving C. Burrell of Rochester spent several days w ith their son-in-law and daugh­ter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aitkens.

Lawrence E m e r s o n , Bruce Champlin and Donald Dickson attended the county Legion m eet­ing a t Stam ford Wednesday eve­ning.

Bir, and Mrs. E arle W oolheater w ere IW day and Saturday jfUiMts rtf Iwr brother-in-law ' sisteri

Mrs. Hfis iflli£4iawk.

Mr. and Mrs. George M iller of Binghamton w ere Sunday guests of his mother, Mrs. Alice S ^ e r . Mr. and Mins. Robert Howell and childrra, Roger and Linda, were weekend gu tets of their' parents in Dryden.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mitkiewicz, who have spent the w inter in New York d ty , returned Saturday to their home in Andes for the sinn- mer. ^

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bramley spent Sunday w ith her m other a t


Robert Olsen of Brooklyn spent the past weekend a t the Ed Cowan h(»ne.

The Legion Auxiliary w ill m eet a t the Legion hall Wednesday evm ing, June 4, a t 8 p. m.

Mrs. Jane Coulter is spending a few days w ith Mr. and -Mrs. F ted JB ller a t M argaretville.

The WSCS of the Methodist chordi will m eet w ith Mrs. James J. I£ lb ert a t the parsonage Tues­day, June 3, a t 2 p. m.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zeleniak of Albany visited her im de and aimi, Mr. and Mrs. R e p a id Ruff, and fam ily Saturday.

BIr. Mrs. Lawrence Tweedie and children, Jo Ann, Betsy and Lairy, were Sunday dinner guests of her unde and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Taylor, a t DaVenport.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dzurissin of Sidney and John D urkee of L ^ ie Delaware were Sunday din­ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Jakszewski.

Tlie planting of white allysum in the cross a t the cem etery was presented by the m ^ ’s group of the United Presbyterian church in memory of M itch W r i^ t

Girl Scouts, Troop 1, helped'the Brownies sell G irl Scout candy las t Saturday.

G irl Scouts, TVoop 2, m et F ri­day w ith Mrs. Weldon Morse, act­ing leader in the absence of Mrs.

Mrs. Morse gave the gn*ls instruction on making figurines w ith molds. The girls also candy, a fte r w hidi a short pro- p a m was held, w ith each gn*l tak ­ing p art by giving recitations, readings, singing or playing a musical instrum ent.


Margaretville, N. Y., Friday, May 30, 1958

HalcottvilleBy E. Griffin

Halcottville, May 26 Loren H. Hubbell was employed

for a few days last week a t the local ( ^ e te r y getting it into shape for the influx of visitors during the M em oriaU ^y holiday.

Installs New/ Furnace Marion J . Morse of H alcott Cen­

te r is installing a new central heating, oil-buming furnace in the Harvey Slauson house. R idiard Finch is also employed a t the Slauson home helping w ith the al­terations made necessary by the installation of the heating plant.

A lbert Mead Dead Mr. and IV&s. Stanley C. Mead,

Chester M e a d '^ d Mrs. Mable Faulkner were among those from here th a t attended the funeral of Alfred Mead a t W est Conesville last w e ^ Thursday. Mr. Mead died suddenly last Monday a t his home after a loiig illne^ . lie is survived by his wife, the form er Effie Harringtoni of ^ locality.

Mrs. Jennie E. S tahl retum ed to her home here last Sunday af­te r spending several days with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William C. VaUc, in K dly Comers, where she was ill.

Firemen Held DinnerThe annual banquet for the

members of the local fire depart­m ent and their wives was held at Bryden’s last Saturday evening. About 30 people attended.

' Ten ladies, attended a peurty last Wednesday afternoon a t the home of Mrs. O ayton B. Kelly. Mrs. H arold Morse of H obart was dem­onstrator of the products.

The roof on the bam a t the for­m er F rank H. Dean home, occu­pied by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eig- nor, was re p la c ^ with an asbestos roof last week by F rank E. Con­stable.

hete a t tlcue a t the Grange hall on Sunday

aftem oon,, June 1. The serving s ta rt a t 12:30 p. m. I t is for

tiie benefit of ttie local Grange.

Mrs. Edward Allen is spending several days a t Windham a t the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E m est Blodgett. '

Mrs. Nelson B. Kelly has been spending several days in Green­wich as a guest a t the h(Hne of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George S. Kelly, and famQy.

t o . and Mrs. Raymond Slauson and daughter of Kingston were weekend guests of their, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Slauson in Halcottville and Mr. and i t o . Jt^ Fbaek ia Vegki

Miss ilu tit Ann Griffin of One- au ta STC la s t w eekrad a t the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Griffin.

Kindergarten-First Interinr Class Set'

The M argaretville central school board of education has voted to establish a i»e-first grade dass and to discontinue the pie-Second grade dass. I lie change will be­come ^ e c tiv e w itb tlie (^lening of school in September.

OlivereaOliverea, May 27

Mr. and Mrs. F rank Tantillo, son, Joseph, and daughter, M aiy Ann, were a t their Cold Spring lodge "getting the place in shape for the summer.

Beady Po<rf for SominerA group of ifcen of the Big In­

dian Mt. dub, under the direc­tion of William Cliisholm, made a thorough job of deaning the club swimming pool last weekend.

Op«a for SnmmerMrs. Julie Moroney has opened

h » house a t the Big Indian Mt. d ub for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. F rank Grennie, Arthm: Ldnd- strom, Ray Connors, Mr. and Mrs. A lbert Brunelli and Mr. and M is. K arl Dolge spent the w e^en d a t their cottages.

Beady for B n ^ e s sMr. and Mrs. Bruno Steinbom

of the Cafe Moose lodge "Sight of the Catskills,” have retum ed from Florida and are pr^>aring for “Kaffee K latsch” business for the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bolin have opened their house in Oliverea for the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Laine aro spending a short vacation a t Be­dells cottages.

Mr. and Mrs. John Rossitz Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heinreut were Simday guests at the tra iler of Mr. and Mrs. John R oi^ tz Jk

H illy Levine emd son, Sidney, of Middle Village were weekend guests of Sid Levine.

Mrs. Richard Gavette is recup­erating a t the home of her par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Be­dell, in Oliverea. Mrs. Gavette recently retiuned frMii thie Al­bany hospitaL

Ira Beadle has arrived home after spending some tim e visiting his son, Floyd, and family in California. . •

A Sncoeasful DinnerThe Board of Trade turkey din­

ner which was held last week a t the Slide Mt. Forest house,, was a success. Through the generous efforts of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Combe the net proceeds were $125. Thanks also to the Board of Trade members who helped in the serving and smooth running of the dinner. The regular June meeting of the Board of Trade wlil be h d d Tuesday evening a t the Krickhahn Valley A^ew house in Oliverea. The r a z e e d fliers have been printed by the Catskill Mountain News and ai« in the hands of the secretary. i

M A m m f T viu E i £. Douglass, d o n

YOUCAttaOlD ^D0U6LAS KEUY F a r h E quipm ent

New International 46-T Pick Up Bafers with power take-off of gas engine drive.GeW Folrage Harvester and Forage

Blowers Cunningham Crushers

English Built Hay Tedder

Answers to acar-buyer’squestions

( a n d p r a y e r s )

Q u es tio n : ia this the fastest selling Mercury?

A n sw e r: i t ’s priced dose to the “low-price 3”—in fact, you can own it for less than any of 42 models of the “low-price 3.”

Q : Is it expensive to equip?

A : No! And for a limited time only we’ll give you a special low price on a complete equipment package including: AUTOMATIC TRANS­M ISSION, RADIO, HEATER, DELUXE INTERIOR.

Q : How does this Mercury stack up against As “low-price 3” in size?A: I t’s up to 34 inches wider, 8.6 inches longv, 369 poimds heavier. In fact, it even leads A s medixmi-priced field for aU-around bigness.

Q : Is it economical to operate?

A: This Big M has a special gas-saving V-< engine. I t squeezes two-fistM power out of e q r drop of gas.

Q : When and where can it be seen?

A : Right now at our Mercury showroom.


234*238 Main S treet' Margaretville, N. Y.