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  • 7/29/2019 D1105 Study Legal English I_I Acqui


    Eva ACQUI


    Suport de curs

    de limba engleza pentru drept

    Anul I, Semestrul I



  • 7/29/2019 D1105 Study Legal English I_I Acqui



  • 7/29/2019 D1105 Study Legal English I_I Acqui




    1. The Ancient City

    Self-assessment test no.1

    Word studyThe Ancient City- Reading

    Grammar and vocabulary exercisesTranslation English-Romanian, Romanian-English

    2.The Origins of Rome

    Self-assessment test no. 2Word study

    The Origins of RomeVocabulary exercises

    Writing assignment:Grammar exercises: word building, passives, derivation, negatives

    Texts from Thorton WildersIdes of March, describing the epoch

    3.Legal Education

    Self-assessment test no. 3

    Word Study

    Legal Education

    Vocabulary exercises

    Grammar: Negatives, Verbs and TensesVocabulary and word derivationMultiple choice exercises

    Sentence building

    4.The Notary

    Self-assessment test no. 4

    Word study

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    The Notary -Reading

    Vocabulary exercises

    5. Constitutions

    Self-assessment test no. 5

    Word study

    ReadingConstitutionsVocabulary exercises

    Re-telling facts


    - Obiective- Mod de concepere- Mod de abordare- Test de evaluare- Evaluare continua si finala- Studiu individual

    Obiectivele cursului sunt dezvoltarea aptitudinilor de nelegere, citire,redactare a textelor din domeniul juridic, cu nsuirea termenilor despecialitate din domeniu. Pentru realizarea acestora, este necesar i repetareastructurilor gramaticale de baz, ceea ce va duce la corectitudinea exprimriiscrise i orale. Odat cu nsuirea termenilor, se pune accent i pe traducereatextelor din limba englez n limba romn i din limba romn n limbaenglez, pentru a mbunti accesarea textelor din domeniu necesaredocumentrii i ntocmirii bibliografiei la lucrrile de specialitate.

    Textele i aplicaiile aferente au fost ntocmite dup instruciunile deconcepere i abordare ale cursurilor de limb englez pentru domeniul juridic,care apoi s permit abordarea testelor ILEC. Se abordeaz aplicaii conformcerinelor etapelor testelor de specialitate, cu aptitudinile de baz, scris, citit,

    vorbit nsoite de cele de traducere n limba romn.

    Testele de evaluare sunt concepute n aa fel nct studenii s poat urmrimaterialul din curs i s-i efectueze testele prin munc individual, care apoiva fi verificat prin rezolvrile date. Evaluarea continu se realizeaz prinurmrirea modului n care sunt efectuate aceste teste de evaluare/autoevaluare,iar testul final va conine teme i subiecte prezente n materialul de curs.Studiul individual se realizeaz prin parcurgerea materialului de studiu, prin

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    rezolvarea aplicaiilor, prin efectuarea testelor de autoevaluare, princonsultarea vocabularului de la sfritul materialului i prin abordarea temelorde redactare.

    Textele i aplicaiile sunt selectate n aa fel nct s abordeze diverse domeniiale dreptului, drept roman, drept internaional, drept comunitar, dreptulfamiliei, dreptul muncii etc. , pentru ca termenii de specialitate s aibsuficient varietate i s contribuie la abordarea textelor de specialitate nlimba englez.

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    The Ancient City

    Contents: Word study, The Ancient City, Grammar and vocabulary exercises,

    Translation English-Romanian, Romanian-English

    Objectives: The objectives of the course is to familiarize students with terms

    and phrases studied in the field of history and Roman law, to use these termsin sentences and in translation. The skills exercised are those of reading,

    understanding, language, translation from Romanian-English, English-


    Self-assessment test no. 1

    1. Translate into English:

    - Oraele greceti nu s-au unit ntr-un singur stat.- Pietrele sacre constituiau bariere ntre zeii oraelor.- Fiecare ora era preocupat de propria sa autonomie.- Oraul cucerit era distrus sau prsit.- i zeii erau implicai cnd dou orae erau n rzboi.- Pe cmpul de lupt se fceau sacrificii pentru zei.- Sracii i vindeau dreptul de vot.- Cei bogai suportau cheltuielile publice.

    2. Give the Past Tense of the verbs in brackets:

    The two cities (declare) war to each other. The armies (fight) in the battle field, but neither

    (win) the war. They (decide) to choose a warrior to represent them. The chosen ones (use)

    swords and spears in the confrontation. As neither of them was winning, the fight betweenthe two armies (start) again. It (go on) for days. Many warriors (be killed). The two

    commanders (decide) to give up hostilities and negotiate peace. Both armies (leave) thebattle field. They (bury) the dead and (go) back to their cities.

    3. Fill in the gaps with words from the list above:

    Each city had its own..

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    Marriage between citizens of different cities was considered A certain convention was necessary to . marriage legitimate.The, ., cities never formed a compact entity.Everything was to the ancient.There were . between the cities.

    The ancient used to mark borders.The.. of Delphi was famous in the ancient world.One city . another.They offered..Each house had an.There was a .. in each house.The were worshipped in each house.


    1. - The Greek cities did not unite in a single state.

    - The sacred stones constituted barriers among the gods of cities.- Each city was preoccupied by its own autonomy.- The conquered city was destroyed or deserted.

    - The gods were also involved when two cities were at war.

    - They made sacrifices for the gods on the battle field.

    - The poor used to sell their voting rights.- The rich supported public expenditure.

    2. Declared, fought, won, decided, used, started, went on, were killed, decided, left, buried,went.

    3. Coin, illegitimate, render, Samnite, Etruscan, Greek, sacred, boundary stones, stones,oracle, conquered, libations, altar, god, gods.

    Bibliography1. Acqui, E., Teste de vocabularEngleza pentrujuriti i oameni de afaceri, Risoprint, Cluj-

    Napoca, 20052.Brookes, M., Holden, D., Hutchinson, W.,Engleza pentru juriti, Teora, Bucureti, 19993.ILEC Course Design Guidelines,

    http://www.legalenglishtest.org/downloads.php/ilec_handbook.pdf, University of CambridgeESOL Examinations

    4.Cambridge Online Research Course,http://www.translegal.com/cup, 2011

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    The Ancient City

    Word Study

    Coin autonomy tyrant illegitimate

    Conquer do away with render battleGathering Latin libation expenditure

    Etruscan altar tax fine

    Fireplace asset relief deitySacred priest war prey barrier

    Treaty puppet boundary stone tomb

    Ancestor oracle fortune teller dream interpreter

    AfterThe Ancient City, by Foustel de Coulange

    Each city had its own code, as it had its own religion, and law resulted from this religion.The city had its own sovereign justice, religious holidays and its own calendar, its own coin

    marked with the religious emblem, its own system of measurements and weight. Marriage

    between the citizens of two different cities was hardly admitted: it was considered

    illegitimate, and a certain convention was necessary to render it legitimate. The mostshocking characteristic of Greek history was that they had never been able to form a single

    state like the Latin, Etruscan, and Samnite cities that never formed a compact entity either.

    This characteristic was explained by the relief, which was extremely varied, but such anexplanation cannot be valid as there were neighbouring cities very close to one another.

    The real reason was the series of sacred stones, the barrier among the gods of the city andthose of another city. Each city was concerned about its autonomy. It was much easier to

    conquer a city and turn the conquered into slaves than to unite with it and admit the peopleas citizens. The conquered city was either destroyed or left to itself.

    When two cities were at war, the gods were also involved. There was a strong belief

    according to which each army carried along its gods. People were convinced that gods alsofought, so the deities were carried out onto the battlefield. War was against everything in a

    city: men, women, children, slaves, houses, fields, animals, crops. Each peace treaty was

    followed by sacrifices and libations. Vergilius describes the perfecting of such a treaty.They erected an altar and a sacred fireplace between two armies in the honour of the deities

    they had in common. A priest dressed in white brought the victim, the two commandersoffered the libation, invoked the gods, uttered the promises, then the victim was killed, andthe flesh was placed on the altars fire. They be lieved that gods also convened over peacetreaties, therefore they offered everything to their process.

    The rich and the poor: democracy vanishes: tyrants are elected by the people

    Democracy did not do away with poverty, but strengthened it. The equality of political

    rights outlined the social inequality among people. The poor lived out of their voting right.

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    They asked to be paid for being part of the gathering, sold their vote, in broad daylight in

    Rome, but after dark in Athens. The rich were requested to support public expenditure and

    pay various taxes. Fines were increased and assets confiscated. Cities continuously

    oscillated between two revolutions, one depossessing the rich, and another returning theirbelongings. The rules vanished and democracy was dying out. The poor would elect a

    tyrant for war times to represent their interests in dividing war prey. The struggle wasalways won by the rich. The tyrant was a man for everything and nothing, a puppet.

    Translate into English:

    - Fiecare ora avea propria sa moned.- Cstoria dintre cetenii a dou orae diferite era considerat nelegitim.- Oraele greceti nu s-au unit ntr-un singur stat.- Pietrele sacre constituiau bariere ntre zeii oraelor.- Fiecare ora era preocupat de propria sa autonomie.- Oraul cucerit era distrus sau prsit.- i zeii erau implicai cnd dou orae erau n rzboi.- Pe cmpul de lupt se fceau sacrificii pentru zei.- Democraia nu a nlturat srcia, ci a ntrit-o.- Sracii i vindeau dreptul de vot.- Cei bogai suportau cheltuielile publice.

    Give the Past Tense of the verbs in brackets:

    The two cities (declare) war to each other. The armies (fight) in the battle field, but neither

    (win) the war. They (decide) to choose a warrior to represent them. The chosen ones (use)

    swords and spears in the confrontation. As neither of them was winning, the fight between

    the two armies (start) again. It (go on) for days. Many warriors (be killed). The twocommanders (decide) to give up hostilities and negotiate peace. Both armies (leave) the

    battle field. They (bury) the dead and (go) back to their cities.

    The Roman and the Athenian

    Religion was primordial in the life of the ancient. Everything surrounding the Roman had

    links to religion: the house was a temple with its center and gods. The fireplace was a god:walls, doors, threshold, boundary stones were gods; tombs were altars, and ancestors were

    divine creatures. Everything was sacred to him with its prayer and cult. There were more

    gods than citizens in Rome. In the morning and in the evening, the Roman citizens would

    invoke the sacred fireplace, the ancestors, when getting out of the house, they would prey tothem first. Each meal, birth, initiation, the putting on of the toga for the first time, marriage,

    anniversaries were religious and solemn. Every day he would carry out sacrifices in his

    own house. He would sacrifice to gods to soften their heart. If there were bad signs, hewould try to stop evil, either when leaving the house, or after searching the inner parts of

    the animals, or in the peoples gathering. When leaving the house, he would step first withthe right foot, he could cut hair only at full moon, he would wear amulets and cover the

    walls with magical inscriptions to protect them from fire. One would think about theordinary, limited citizen, living under permanent superstition, but the same behaviour

    would be displayed by the rich and the noble.

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    Romans fearing gods have become the masters of the whole earth said Horatius. Thefear of gods was also there in the heart of the Greeks. The main religion was that of the

    ancestors and heroes, but just like the Romans, they also had beliefs which are viewed assuperstitions today: unlucky days, unfavorable signs, etc. Athens had its own cycles of

    ancient oracles, priests, fortune tellers, and dream interpreters.

    The ancient did not know individual freedom. The state was all powerful, constituted like a

    church, with total power over its members. Religion has brought about the state, and the

    state entertained religion, supporting each other, creating a unity. There was no indifferenceadmitted regarding the interests of the state, regardless of the fact that the person was a

    philosopher or an ordinary citizen. Neutrality was not admitted in Athens. Education was

    also dependant. The belief of each citizen had to coincide with the religion of the city and

    be subject to it. They had the right to despise the gods of the neighbouring city, but todistrust the gods of their own city was a great sacrilege. Socrates was sentenced to death for

    such a crime. Thus, for the ancient, there was no freedom of private life, education or

    religion. They had actually no idea what freedom meant.

    Fill in the gaps with words from the list above:

    Each city had its own..Marriage between citizens of different cities was considered A certain convention was necessary to . marriage legitimate.The, ., cities never formed a compact entity.The.. was considered a cause of lack of unity.Everything was to the ancient.There were . between the cities.The ancient used to mark borders.The.. of Delphi was famous in the ancient world.Each city took pride in itsOne city . another.They offered..Each house had an.There was a .. in each house.The were worshipped in each house.The were held in high esteem.There was no peace after battles; they were only conquerors and the conquered.There are many ancient ..in the Valley of the Kings.In the ancient world, the. was a very important person. played an important role in times of war.The war preys poverty.The public .had a powerful impact on decisions.The was partly covered by taxes and fines.The of the rich were rarely divided.The rich were rarely depossessed of their .The were an important element of religious belief.People consultedwhenever they saw signs in their dreams.The real reason of separation among cities were the.

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    Each city was concerned about itsThe conquered city was either.. or Each peace treaty was followed by and .They believed that gods also ..over peace treaties.Democracy did not .. with poverty.

    The poor lived out of their..The rich were requested to support..Fines were andconfiscated.Cities continuously oscillated between ..The poor would elect a .. for war times.The struggle was always won.Everything surrounding the Roman had links to The fireplace wasThe ancestors were ..Everything was sacred to him with its .. and .There were more gods than ..in Rome.They would sacrifice to gods to their heart.The Romans would cut hair only .The . was also there in the heart of the Greeks.The main religion was that of . and ..Many belief are viewed as today.Athens had its own cycles of., ., .., and ..The ancient did not know ..The state was..In Athens was not admitted.He belief of each citizen had to coincide with the .They had the right to despise the .Distrusting the gods of their own city was a.Socrates was .. for such a crime.They had actually no idea what meant.

    Make a short comparison between ancient Athens and ancient Rome, grouping the

    elements in the text under the following headings:

    Ancient Rome Ancient Athens- -

    - -

    - -

    - -- -

    Write a paragraph about each city using the characteristics you have selected.

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    Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

    The log carriers were riding in the middle. They (hit) the gate twice, in full swing. Thethird blow (lay) it to the ground in a cloud of dust. The people (ride) into the yard. It (be)empty, but in front of the long stone building, several long-haired men dressed in black

    gowns (wait) in silence. Followed by the old man, Emese (dismount) and (walk) to the manstanding montionlessly in front of the others. His long, white hair and beard, his tall bodyand straight look (make) her push the sword back. She (pierce) the old man with a defiant


    You people (be) no warriors. You (not defend) your village.We (do).Standing in front of my horsemen like stones?Silence (have) meaning and power. I (have you behead) and (drag) your bodies all along our way back.That (be) not what you (be) here for.She (burst) into laughter. The men (join) her. The old monk (stand) still. His glance (be)

    firm and straight, it (not follow) Emeses movements.You (can/not) see, old man!I (can) see deep down your hidden soul, warrior.Only gods can see that deep. No man can.I see what humans cant.Who (give) you such gift?You (do). Some time ago, you (attack) the city of Kiev. I (run) but your horse (knock) measide, and I (fall) with my head to the wall. I (lie) there for days. People (take) care of

    meWhat people? Demons, maybe. We (burn) down that city and (kill) everybody. People (flee) into the woods. You (be) busy carrying the pray, (not look) for them. I(come) back to life, but (pay) with my eyesight. Now, I cant see the world around me, but Ican see the spirit in everything and everybody.

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    The Origins of Rome

    Contents: Word study, The Origins of Rome, Vocabulary exercises, Texts

    from Thorton Wilder describing the epoch, Grammar exercises: wordbuilding, the Indirect Speech, interrogatives.

    Objectives: The courses focuses on reading skills and vocabulary, as well ason the development of writing skills, by building a text around a topic

    provided. Language skills are also stimulated by grammar exercises, which are

    necessary in the writing assignments. Speaking skills are exercised byanswering questions based on the text and by finding the Romanian terms for

    terms and phrases selected as new for students.

    Self-assessment test no. 2

    1. Fill in the gaps with the words in bold:

    Found, league, asset, Greek, expansion, fall, uprising, rule, impact, carry, bridge,

    humble, Etruscan, rush .

    The Latins occupied Latium where they ancient cities.The small peoples grouped themselves in for defense.Latin was a common . of those cities.Latin has various loans: it spread along with RomanOn the of Troy, Aeneas cast anchor near Latium.Aeneas broke down the of the Ruritanians.Twelve kings .. over Alba Longa.Romulus .. the glory of founding the city of Rome.

    2. Translate into English:

    Romanii au ridicat un zid protectorn jurul cetii.Roma avea o poziie strategic favorabil comerului.Liga Celor apte Coline dateaz din aceast epoc.n acea perioad a istoriei sale, Roma ducea o via umil.

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    Oraul se afla sub influen greac i etrusc.Structura social i politic a cetii ridica probleme.Secolul V a fost unul de austeritate.

    Armata a fost reorganizat deoarece era nevoie de o infanterie puternic.Exist o strns legtur ntre lege i religie.

    3. Explain the meaning of the underlined phrases in the sentences below.

    Rome is standing on its head.Lady Julia Marcia called attention to it.

    Some women flew at him and tore off the turban.

    Others dashed about covering up the sacred things.

    There wasnt any other man within shouting distance.The guards dragged him off.

    Rumours are flying about.

    The Queen of Egypt had a hand in it.

    Clodia served as her instructress.They urged him to speak in her defense.

    Just a word in haste, my dear!


    1. Founded, leagues, asset, foreign, expansion, fall, uprising, ruled, carries.

    2. The Romans erected a protecting wall.Rome had a had a strategic position favorable for commerce.

    The League of the Seven Hills dates back to that epoch.In that period of its history, Rome led a humble life.

    The city was under Greek and Etruscan influence.The social and political structure of the city raised problems.

    The 5th

    century was one of austerity.

    The army was reorganized as they needed a powerful infantry.

    There was a tight link between law and religion.

    3. disorder, outlined, rushed at, ran around, distance to hear shouting from, took him awayby force, circulating, contributed to it, worked, for her, a quickly said word.

    Bibliography1. Acqui, E., Teste de vocabularEngleza pentru juriti i oameni de afaceri, Risoprint, Cluj-

    Napoca, 20052.Brookes, M., Holden, D., Hutchinson, W.,Engleza pentru juriti, Teora, Bucureti, 19993.ILEC Course Design Guidelines,

    http://www.legalenglishtest.org/downloads.php/ilec_handbook.pdf, University of CambridgeESOL Examinations

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    The Origins of Rome

    Word Study

    Peoples asset cast anchor leagueExpansion ally cult uprising

    Romance languages belief colonize rule

    Rush royalty divinize austerity

    Infantry utilitarianism pragmatism toga

    Latium and the Latins

    Latium is a narrow territory, on the lower valley of the river, an arid plain, dominated bythe volcanic masiff of the Albans. The Latins occupied this region where they founded

    ancient cities: Alba Longa, Lannuvium, Ardea, Praeneste, and Rome. The fate of the Latins

    was closely tied to that of Rome.

    Various small peoples grouped themselves in federal leagues enabling them to defend

    themselves. The Alban League united about forty such tribes, whose religious center was

    the sanctuary of Jupiter Latialis on Monte Cavo. Several ancient Latin cults and beliefswere carried on by Rome. Centers such as Lavinium, Lanuvium, or Tusculum played an

    important role in the early elaboration of Roman mentality.

    Latin was a common asset of those cities: it owes its surprising destiny as a language to

    Rome. The Latins preserved an archaic dialect with its semantic purity due to their early

    spirit of organization and an inborn tendency of conservation. There are though various

    Greek and Etruscan loans: the Romans used to adopt foreign words only of these belongedto a more developed civilization. Latin spread along with Roman expansion. At the end of

    the Empire, the unity of the spoken language disappeared, and various Romance languages

    started evolving from it.

    The legend of the origins

    The legend is double, and we distinguish two important moments: the first colonization ofLatium and the founding of Lavinium by Aeneas, then the founding of Rome by Romulus.

    On the fall of Troy, 1184 B.C., Aeneas cast anchor near Latium. He married Latinusdaughter, allied with Evandrus of Corinthus, and broke down the uprising of the

    Ruritanians. He founded Lavinium not farfrom the river. Aneas son, Julius, founded AlbaLonga. Twelve kings ruled over that city. The granddaughter of the latter, Rhea Sylvia,

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    gave birth to twins, Remus and Romulus. Romulus carries the glory of founding the city of


    The second moment of the legend is that the two twins were abandoned on the river , theybeing the illegitimate sons of god Mars, but were saved and nursed by a bitch-wolf, in the

    cave of Lupercal. After growing up, they leave Alba, fight against each other in 753 B.C>,in the moment of the founding of the seven-hill city of Rome. The taking of the auspices,Romulus divine destination, the erection of the protecting wall, Remus death are the mainepisodes of the founding legend. The character of Romulus conditor is one of the main

    elements of the Roman national spirit. Romulus becomes the symbol of the evolving gloryof Rome, rules, and then he is divinized.

    The city of Rome has a very strategic position, an exceptional one. It is the city of the first

    bridge, accessible to maritime navigation and placed at crossroads, favorable for commerce.

    Rome during the royal period

    Roman royalty had lasted for two centuries with successive civilization phases. PrimitiveRome led a humble life. The League of the Seven Hills dates back to this epoch, and it

    stands for the first real union of the Latin tribes.

    Up to 650, the Roman city, weak and tiny, cannot carry out the wars and expeditions

    attributed to it by the analystics wishing to date back the military glory of Rome to the

    earliest time. Alba, the federal center of the league carrying its name, falls under the rush of

    the Latin cities turned against it, not only under the Roman rush. From the middle of the 7th

    century to the 8th, Rome changes , giving the impression of a city widely open to Greek and

    Etruscan influence.

    During the last period, royal Rome meets the real presence of the Etruscans, and its

    civilization feels this impact, but only temporarily. The political and social structure of the

    city raises problems. The city is divided into three tribes of Etruscan origin. The political

    division of the city corresponds to military organization. The leaving of the Etruscansmarks a deep cleave in Romes life: it falls under the threat of those surrounding it. TheLatins need unity. The fifth century is one of austerity. The army is reorganized; they feel

    the need of a powerful infantry. The Roman analystics celebrates the leaving of the

    Tarquins and the beginnings of the Republic. Roman conscience finds a legitimate pride in

    these memories, and the Roman Republics logo ever since its beginnings has been:libertas.

    Law and religion in primitive Rome

    There are strong ties between religion and law and the origins of civilizations: law is

    penetrated by religious and magical characteristics. The oldest rules of Roman law bear areligious hue. Royal laws are called leges regiae. There are archaic prescriptions in which

    magis is present.

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    The authority of the father is present here, one of his roles being the maintenance of the

    specific cult of the gens. The first written code, The Laws of the Twelve Tables, from the


    century B.C., have a religious and magical character. Religious attitude is characterizedby magic also.

    The Etruscans: people and civilization

    The starting point of the Etruscans expansion, the vital center of their empire, wasTuscany. Their national name was Rasenna, but the Latins called them Etrusci, and thus,populus Tuscus left its name as inheritance to the province it had first civilized.

    The Etruscan civilization comes into being around the year 700 B.C. It follows thatvillanovian civilization which, in the 8th century B.C., in Tuscany and in the north of Italy ,

    was extremely flourishing. Changes take place, especially concerning tomb decoration,

    jewelry, construction etc. These unveil new techniques, rapid development of a great

    economic and commercial property. The beginning of this new civilization, which wasconventionally named orientalizing, after the Oriental richness of ornaments, indicates the

    beginning of the Etruscan civilization.

    Fill in the gaps with the words in bold:

    Found, league, asset, Greek, expansion, fall, uprising, rule, impact, carry, bridge,

    humble, Etruscan, rush .

    The Latins occupied Latium where they ancient cities.The small peoples grouped themselves in for defense.Latin was a common . of those cities.Latin has various loans: it spread along with RomanOn the of Troy, Aeneas cast anchor near Latium.Aeneas broke down the ofthe Ruritanians.Twelve kings .. over Alba Longa.Romulus .. the glory of founding the city of Rome.Rome is the city of the first Primitive Rome lead a .. life.Alba fell under the of the Latin cities.Rome was exposed to influence in the 8th century B.C.Romes civilization felt the . of the Etruscan influence.

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    Arrange the following events in the order they succeed in the text.

    The Alban League united 40 tribes. ..The Latins founded ancient cities. ..The first colonization of Latium, the founding of Lavinium ..

    Aeneas cast anchor near Latium ..Julius founds Alba Longa ..Rhea Sylvia gives birth to twins ..Twelve kings rule over the city ..The twins are nursed by the bitch-wolf. ..Romulus founds Rome ..The twins fight against each other. ..

    Answer the following questions:

    Why did small peoples group themselves in leagues?

    What centers played an important role in the elaboration of Roman mentality?Which language was a common asset of those cities?

    What languages evolved from Latin?

    How many kings ruled over Alba Longa?

    How long had Roman royalty lasted?Whose influence was important to Rome in the 8


    What event took place when Etruscans left Rome?

    What characteristics influenced law in those times?What was religious attitude marked by?

    What was Romes first written code of law?

    Translate into English:

    Romanii au ridicat un zid protector n jurul cetii.Roma avea o poziie strategic favorabil comerului.Liga Celor apte Coline dateaz din aceast epoc.n acea perioad a istoriei sale, Roma ducea o via umil.Oraul se afla sub influen greac i etrusc.Structura social i politic a cetii ridica probleme.Secolul V a fost unul de austeritate.

    Armata a fost reorganizat deoarece era nevoie de o infanterie puternic.Exist o strns legtur ntre lege i religie.Romulus era simbolul gloriei crescnde a Romei.Primul cod scris, Legile celor Dousprezece Table, din sec. V .e.n., aveau un caractermagic i religios.Autoritatea tatlui era foarte important, el avnd rolul de a menine cultura specific aginii.Romulus i Remus se luptau ntre ei n momentul fondrii oraului celor apte coline,Roma.

    Write a paragraph for each group of words with reference to the text.

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    Rome : strategic position, placed at crossroads, accessible to maritime navigation,

    favourable for commerce, humble life, weak, tiny, wars, expeditions.

    Etruscans: impact on Rome, three tribes, military organization, beginnings of theRepublic, rapid development, Oriental richness of ornaments, social and economic


    LIV Alina, wife of Cornelius Nepos, to her sister Postumia, wife of Publius Ceccinius

    of Verona (December 13)

    Just a word in haste, dearest Postumia. Rome is standing on its head. There has never been

    such an uproar. Public offices have been closed and most of the shopkeepers dont evenopen the shops. Word must have reached you before this: that Clodia Pulcher introducedher brother dressed as a votary into the Ceremonies of the Good Goddess. I was standing a

    few feet from him when he was discovered. They say it was the Lady Julia Marcia who

    called attention to it. Our singing had been going on for an hour, and the responses. Somewomen flew at him and tore off the turban and the bands. Such screaming you never heard.

    Soon women were striking him from all sides as hard as they could; others dashed about

    covering up the sacred things. Of course, there wasnt any other man within shoutingdistance; but presently some guards came and picked him up, bleeding and groaning, anddragged him off.

    This is the end; really, I dont know what to say. Everybody says, This is the end. Peopleare even saying, Now let Caesar move Rome to Byzantium. In a moment I must hurry

    down to the trial. Cicero made a terrible and wonderful speech against Clodius and Clodia

    yesterday. All sorts of people are being called to testify and rumors are flying about. Some

    think that the Queen of Egypt had a hand in it, because Clodia served as her instructress;but the Queen was indisposed and did not even go to the rites.

    . My husband has just come in. He says that Pompeias family-twenty of them- went toCaesar last night to urge him to speak in her defense. It seems that he was very quiet and

    listened to them for an hour. Then he rose and said he had no intention of appearing at the

    trial: that it was possible that Pompeia was not implicated in this matter, but that was not

    difficult for a woman in her position so to conduct her life that such a suspicion wouldnever fall upon her; that the suspicion was damaging enough, and that he was divorcing her

    the very next daythat is today.

    ( Thorton Wilder, The Ides of March, The Pulitzer Prize-winning authors superb novel ofthe last days of the Roman Republic , pg. 154-155)

    Explain the meaning of the underlined phrases in the sentences below.

    Rome is standing on its head.

    Lady Julia Marcia called attention to it.Some women flew at him and tore off the turban.

    Others dashed about covering up the sacred things.

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    There wasnt any other man within shouting distance.The guards dragged him off.

    Rumours are flying about.

    The Queen of Egypt had a hand in it.Clodia served as her instructress.

    They urged him to speak in her defense.Just a word in haste, my dear!

    Turn the following sentences into Indirect Speech:

    This is the end; really, I dont know what to say. She said.Let Caesar move Rome to Byzantium. People said . I must hurry down to the trial. She added My husband has just come in. She observedIt was possible that Pompeia was not implicated in this matter. Hestated.All sorts of people are being called to testify and rumours are flying about. Shewhispered.I have no intention of appearing at the trial. Caesar said..It was lady Julia Marcia who called attention to it. They said..I was standing a few feet from him when he was discovered. She narrated

    Read the following text and answer the questions below:

    Suetonius: The lives of the Caesars: Book One

    When he sat down, the conspirators thronged about him and Tillius Cimber, who had put

    himself at the head of them, came close to him as though he were about to ask a question.When Caesar with a gesture tried to hold him at a distance, Cimber seized hold of his toga

    at both shoulders. As Caesar exclaimed:Then this is violence! one of the Cascas, standingat his side, plunged a dagger into him, just below the throat. Caesar caught hold of Cascasarm and ran his pen through it: but as he tried to rise to his feet he was held down by

    another stab. When he saw that he was surrounded on all sides by drawn daggers, he

    wrapped his head in his robe at the same time drawing its folds about his feet with his left

    hand so that when he fell the lower part of his body would be decorously covered.In this manner then he was stabbed twenty-three times. He said no word, merely groaned at

    the first stroke, though certain writers have said that when Marcus Brutus fell upon him he

    said in Greek, You, too, my son!All the conspirators took themselves off and left him lying there dead for some time.Finally three common slaves put him on a litter and carried him home, one arm hanging

    down over the side.

    Antistius the physician said that of all those wounds only the second one in the breast hadproved fatal.

    ( Thorton Wilder, The Ides of March, The Pulitzer Prize-winning authors superb novel of the lastdays of the Roman Republic , pg. 190-191)

    - Who sat down?

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    - What did Tillius Cimber do?- How did Caesar react?- What did Caesar say?- What did one of the Casca brothers do?- What was Caesars reaction of defense?-

    Did Caesar wrap his head in his robe?- How many times was he stabbed?- What did he tell Marcus Brutus?- What did the conspirators do in the end?- Who took Caesars body home on a litter?- What was Antistius opinion about the stabs?

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    Legal Education

    Contents: Word Study, Legal Education, Vocabulary study, Vocabulary

    exercises, Grammar, Sentence building , Translation from Romanian intoEnglish

    Objectives: The course familiarizes students with terms and phrases in thefield of law, by providing a text for reading and translation, with vocabulary

    exercises. Language skills are exercised by applications requiring the correct

    use grammar structures. The writing skills are exercised by sentence buildingwith terms provided. Translation skills are also exercised.

    Self-assessment test no. 3

    1. Replace the phrase in brackets with a phrase containing the word LAW:

    - You know that what you are doing is (illegal).- Driving at such a speed is (doing something illegal).- (According to the law) you have to declare these items.- The land dispute will determine her (to go to court in order to settle a problem).- The people of this town are (people who respect and obey the law).- This guy has always been (someone whos done something illegal).- This (building where legal cases are judged) is very old.

    2. Give the Romanian version of the following words:

    Area of practice trademark employment

    Guidance labor law family lawCase immigration citation

    Intellectual property sample form community law

    Civil law real estate tax law

    Criminal law commercial law business law

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    3. Translate into English:

    Pentru reglementarea drepturilor studenilor de a domicilia ntr-un alt stat comunitar s-aadoptat o directiv special care condiioneaz acest drept de urmtoarele condiii:

    - semnarea unei declaraii din care s rezulte c studentul dispune de mijloacele financiare necesare ederii;

    - existena unei asigurri de sntate;- dovada nscrierii la o facultate aprobat de legislaia naional.


    1. domeniu de practic marc nregistrat angajarendrumare dreptul muncii dreptul familieiCaz imigrare citare

    Proprietate intelectual formular standard drept comunitarDrept civil proprietate imobiliar legea impozitriiDrept penal drept commercial dreptul afacerilor

    2. Against the law, breaking the law, under the law, turn to the law, law abiding,lawbreaker, court of law.

    3. For the reglementation of the rights of students to reside in another Member State, aspecial directive has been adopted conditioning this right by the following :

    - the signing of a declaration wherefrom it should result that the student has the financial

    means necessary for residence;- the availability of a health insurance;

    - the proof of registration at a faculty approved by national legislation.

    Bibliography1. Acqui, E., Teste de vocabularEngleza pentru juriti i oameni de afaceri, Risoprint, Cluj-

    Napoca, 20052.Brookes, M., Holden, D., Hutchinson, W.,Engleza pentru juriti, Teora, Bucureti, 19993..ILEC Course Design Guidelines,

    http://www.legalenglishtest.org/downloads.php/ilec_handbook.pdf, University of CambridgeESOL Examinations4. Computer forensics, http://www.us-cert.gov/reading_room/forensics.pdf,http://www.forensix.org/, 2009

    5.Legal English 500,http://www.translegal.com/online-courses/legal-english-500, 2011

    6.Cambridge Online Research Course,http://www.translegal.com/cup, 2011

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    Legal Education

    Word study

    Law banking legal education

    Bankruptcy continuing education computer lawStatute copyright regulationsArea of practice trademark employment

    Guidance labor law family law

    Case immigration citationIntellectual property sample form community law

    Civil law real estate tax law

    Criminal law commercial law business law

    Law is an undergraduate degree: those who want to become lawyers sit in for the countrys

    equivalent of a bar exam. Graduate programs in law allow students to pursue academic

    careers or specialize in a certain area of law. In the US, admission to the bar qualifies one

    for all types of legal work. The formal requirements are passing a state bar examination

    after graduating from law school. In Europe, the qualification to practice law depends on

    which of the various branches of the profession the graduate wishes to enter. Some

    countries place more emphasis on apprenticeship, and others on examination. For example,

    in France, a legal practitioner may be an advocate, a notary, or a judge. Each receives a

    different training, but all complete three, four-year courses.

    In Germany, those seeking a legal career, embark upon a period of practical training, as a

    referendar. It involves two years of practical work in the courts, in the office of a lawyer, in

    private practice, in the office of a public prosecutor, in the civil service, in the legal

    department of a commercial concern. After these stages, there comes a second state


    Continuing legal education is dedicated to providing the legal community and allied

    professionals with the most up-to-date information and techniques which are vital to the

    development of professionalism in the field of law. The training services supervised by

    specialists are backed up by seminars, interactive multimedia, publications, to offer a

    variety of information and learning sources. The major disciplines approached by these

    programs are:

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    Banking immigration business

    Intellectual property bankruptcy international law

    Computer law environmental law copyright, trademark

    Real estate tax law commercial lawLabor law employment family law

    The course handbooks are the most authoritative legal education materials available. They

    provide the most detailed information of statutes, rules and regulations, and cover all the

    areas of practice.

    There are also the Internet sites that provide immediate access to hundreds of pages of legal

    guidance, with legal citations and cases, with checklists, sample forms, documents and

    other legal aids, ready to be used in practice. The qualifications that can be obtained in the

    legal field are a degree in law (LLB), a masters degree in law (LLM) and a PhD in law.

    Study the word LAW:

    - against the law = illegal- break the law = do something illegal- become law = be officially made law- by law = according to the law- keep/stay/remain/operate within the law = keep sure that what is done is legal- under the law = within the law- law= police, be in trouble with the law- law and order = situation in which people respect the law- have the law on your side = be legally right in what you are doing- take the law into your own hands = do something illegal in order to put something


    - go to lawto go to court in order to settle a problem- law abiding = people who respect and obey the law- law breaker = someone who does something illegal- law court = building where legal cases are judged- law enforcement = the job of making sure that the law is obeyed- law firm = a company that provides legal services- lawful = legal and correct- lawless= not obeying the law, not controlled by law- law maker = official responsible for making laws- law suit = a complaint/charge/claim made against someone in a court of law- file a law suit = to forward a complaint to the court- lawyer = someone who advises people about laws, writes formal agreements or

    represents people in court

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    Study the word LAWYER :

    American English lawyer = counselor (counselor) OR attorney- if he/she speaks in

    courtBritish English lawyer = barristera lawyer who speaks in court

    = solicitorworks mainly form an office, but may appear inless important courts

    Study the following words and phrases and build sentences of your own according to

    the model provided:

    Against the law - Ivory smuggling is against the law.


    Break the law - Youll break the law with such speedy driving.-

    By law - By law, a company must have all the incorporation documents.-

    Keep within the law - Hunting must be kept within the law.


    Under the law - Under the law, you must have a visa for this country.-

    Be in trouble with

    The law - It seems she is in trouble with the law.-

    Law and order - Law and order must rule.


    Have the law on

    Your side - Our representative has the law on his side.


    Take the law into

    Your own hands - Dont take the law into your own hands! -

    Go to law - She threatens to go to law.

    -Lawbreaker - You dont want to be known as a lawbreaker, do you?


    Law court - Where is the law court in this city?


    Law enforcement - They are adamant about law enforcement.


    Law firm - After graduation, she wants to open a law firm.-

    Lawful - He is the lawful heir of this estate.


    Lawless - The gangs behave as if this were a lawless area.-

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    Lawmaker - New circumstances face lawmakers.


    Lawsuit - They will file a lawsuit against the supplier.


    Lawyer - These issues concern lawyers.

    -Counselor - I would like to speak to counselor Steel, is she in, please?-

    Attorney - We need the best attorney for this case.


    Barrister - The case will be judged in London with a barrister of their own.


    Solicitor - He works as a solicitor with this firm.

    Replace the phrase in brackets with a phrase containing the word LAW:

    - You know that what you are doing is (illegal).- Driving at such a speed is (doing something illegal).- Paying taxes on such income (is officially made law).- (According to the law) you have to declare these items.- Whatever you decide to do (keep sure that what is done is legal).- (The situation in which people respect the law) must prevail.- When you file such a claim, (be legally right in what you are doing).- As she has received no reply to her request for justice, she has decided to (do

    something illegal in order to put something right).

    - The land dispute will determine her (to go to court in order to settle a problem).- The people of this town are (people who respect and obey the law).- This guy has always been (someone whos done something illegal).- This (building where legal cases are judged) is very old.- (The job of making sure that law is obeyed) is a priority in this society.- The two lawyers opened a (company that provides legal services).- This document is (legal and correct).- Our (officials responsible for making laws) are busy with highways.- He will file (a claim against someone in a court of law) for damages.

    Translate into English:

    Use the following words and expressions:

    - protocol article deny exercise

    - ensure opinion debate settlement- reside directive statement stay

    - financial means health insurance registration national legislation

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    Dreptul la educaie

    Dreptul la educaie a fost introdus prin Protocolul nr.1. In articolul 2 al Protocolului sespune:

    Nici unei persoane nu i se poate nega dreptul la educaie. Statul, n exercitarea oricreifuncii pe care i le-ar asuma n legtur cu educaia i nvmntul, va respecta dreptulprinilor de a asigura c aceast educaie i acest nvmnt s fie conforme convingerilorlor religioase i filozofice.Acest text a dat natere la multe dezbateri i interpretri n faa tribunalelor naionalei nfaa CEDO.(Pavel SuianCurtea European a Drepturilor Omului, Ed. Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca)

    Pentru reglementarea drepturilor studenilor de a domicilia ntr-un alt stat comunitar s-aadoptat o directiv special care condiioneaz acest drept deurmtoarele condiii:

    - semnarea unei declaraii din care s rezulte c studentul dispune de mijloacelefinanciare necesare ederii;

    - existena unei asigurri de sntate;- dovada nscrierii la o facultate aprobat de legislaia naional.(Pavel SuianDreptul european al afacerilor, Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2008, pg. 64)

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    The Notary

    Contents: Word study, Vocabulary exercises, Multiple choice exercises,

    Grammar exercises, Translation exercises.

    Objectives: The course intends to familiarize students with terms and phrases

    in the field of law generally, necessary in their future activities. It exercisesthe reading and writing skills, with emphasis on vocabulary. The assignments

    follow the procedure of reading and translation.

    Self-assessment test no. 4

    1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Tense:

    When Constantine (become) emperor of Rome, he (make) Christianity the national religion.

    The church (develop) its own laws and practices, which (be modeled) after Rome. The

    church (have) the right to settle disputes. It (can) intercede for prisoners. The church (be)

    given grants of money and (become) rich. The church (do) both court and secular business.

    Many clergy (find) it convenient to become notaries.

    2. Complete the following sentences using the words in bold:

    To trace back, entrusted, authenticating, legal assistance, draft, seal illiteracy, signet

    ring, judicial function, prejudice, orator, legacy, property

    The origins of the notary can be .. to the Roman Empire.He was. with the Kings treasury.The notary was.. the documents in those times.The priests used to provide ..They also. legal documents.Documents without a . were valueless.In the Middle Ages .. was high.

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    The nobility used to wear a ..The church had . in certain areas.If you have , you cant work in an international community.He was an exceptional .Rome left a in the area of government administration.

    The Church has always had many ..

    3. Translate into English:

    Notarul roman era o persoan foarte educat.

    n acele vremuri, puini tiau s scrie i s citeasc.

    Notarul scria i legaliza documente.

    El inea i arhivele oficiale.

    Notarul era respectat pentru cunoaterea legii.

    El supraveghea tranzaciile pentrua proteja prile.

    Notarul pstra o copie a documentelor.

    Un document autentic trebuia scris i sigilat de notar.


    1. Became, made, developed, were modeled, had, could, was, became, did, found

    2. Traced back, entrusted, drafter, legal assistance, authenticated, seal, illiteracy, signetring, judicial function, prejudices, orator, legacy, properties.

    3.The Roman notary was a very educated person.In those times, few could write and read.The notary drafted and authenticated documents.

    He also kept the official archives.

    The notary was respected for knowing the law.

    He supervised transactions to protect the parties.The notary kept a copy of the documents.

    An original document had to be written and sealed by the notary.

    Bibliography1. Acqui, E., Teste de vocabularEngleza pentru juriti i oameni de afaceri, Risoprint, Cluj-

    Napoca, 20052.Brookes, M., Holden, D., Hutchinson, W.,Engleza pentru juriti, Teora, Bucureti, 19993.Riley, A.,English for Law, MaCMILLAN Professional English, Macmillan Publishers LTD, 1992

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    4.ILEC Course Design Guidelines,

    http://www.legalenglishtest.org/downloads.php/ilec_handbook.pdf, University of CambridgeESOL Examinations

    5.Legal English 500,http://www.translegal.com/online-courses/legal-english-500, 20116.Cambridge Online Research Course,http://www.translegal.com/cup, 2011

    The Notary

    Word Study

    Trace back public official provide assistance

    Draft authenticate keep archivesOversee safekeeping seal

    Illiteracy sealed secure

    Predate to witness precursorOrator procurator litigation

    Non-litigation encompass record keeping

    Chancery church court intercede

    Legacy secular clergyCollapse to spare missionary

    To convert tie resurgence

    Public recorder accountant literacyCivil law common law will

    The origin of the notary can be traced back to the ancient Roman Empire. The Roman

    notary was a highly educated person in a time when very few people could read and write.

    He was the public official entrusted with the duty of providing legal assistance, drafting andauthenticating documents and keeping the official archives. Parties wanting to formalize a

    particular undertaking would go to the notary. Notaries were respected for their knowledge

    of the law and trusted because of the professions high ethical standards. The notary wouldoffer any needed legal assistance. As an impartial public official, he would oversee the

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    transaction to ensure that both parties were equally protected The notary would then draft

    the required document and retain the original document for safekeeping. Notaries provided

    the officially recognized document authentications and archives for the Roman Empire.

    The seal has an important place in history. In a period of widespread illiteracy, the use of

    the seal took the place of the written signature. Hot wax was dripped on the document andthe seal was impressed on the wax. A document prepared by a notary and sealed wasconsidered authentic. Documents with more than one page had holes punched and a ribbon

    was run through the holes to join the pages. The notary would melt wax over the knot and

    impress the wax with the official seal so that the pages couldnt be added or deleted. Ourdefinition of the word seal is derived from this act. The word means to secure or enclose.

    Seals were used long before the Roman Empire. They predate the invention of writing.

    Seals were also used to show a grant of authority . Officials of the king carried the kingsseal. The earliest seals were stamp seals made of stone. They had various shapes. The

    Egyptians used a scarab-shaped seal. It was flat and inscribed on one side. The other was

    round and in form of a beetle. The signet ring was popular in Greek and Roman periods.People liked to wear their seals. To prevent the fraudulent use of the seal, someone came up

    with the idea of having the seal/signature witnessed.

    A distinct class of legal specialists other than judges emerged in the Roman period. As thelaw became more complex it was necessary to acquire greater legal knowledge. The

    aristocrats who were prominent in public life acquired this skill and later became writers

    and teachers of law. The new specialist did not receive a fee. Precursors of our modern

    lawyers didnt exist until the latter part of the Roman Empire when this legal field wasdivided into three areas. The first area included the orator who was comparable to our trial

    attorney. The second area included the procurator who handled the written documentary

    parts of litigation. The third area included the notary who was the expert in non-litigationtransactions. This was not a new position for the notary who had always been an intricate

    part of the Roman legal system, predating lawyers by centuries. Roman notaries had more

    prestige than the judges and were among the highest paid government officials.

    Besides its contribution to the area of law, Rome also left a legacy in the area of

    government administration. The Roman Empire was huge, encompassing much of Europe,

    Northern Africa, and southeast Asia. A huge bureaucracy follows a huge empire andrequires a huge number of documents and record keeping. The Empire set up writing

    offices called chanceries to draft the various formal government documents. Many drafters

    were notaries who also served as legal advisors to officials who held high government

    offices. Many served the emperor as personal secretaries. They were respected for theirknowledge and skill and they were trusted because of the high standards of office.

    Another important influence in the evolution of the notary was the Christian Church. WhenConstantine became Emperor of Rome, he made Christianity the national religion. The

    church developed its own laws, courts and administrative practices all of which were

    modeled after the Roman system. The church and state were in a close relationship for

    centuries. The church had the right to settle disputes between Christians in their own churchcourts and the decisions were supported by the Roman government. The church could

    intercede for prisoners being tried by the state. The church was given grants of money from

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    the state and allowed to receive legacies. It became very wealthy in land, houses and other

    property. The church did both court and secular business, using documents requiring the

    service of notaries. Many clergy found it convenient to become notaries.

    The Roman Empire had internal and external problems. Invasions by the Barbarians from

    the north came year after year, contributing to the Empires collapse. The invadingBarbarians respected the church and frequently spared church property. The Pope evenpersuaded Attila the Hun to spare the city of Rome. The Barbarians allowed the church to

    send missionaries who were successful in converting the Barbarians. The church became

    very influential in these governments. Many kings of this period were Christians with closeties to the Vatican. During the Middle Ages a notary, whether secular or clergy, was always

    appointed by the Vatican. The church was able to preserve ancient treasures and learning

    and perpetuated the Roman legal and bureaucratic system. The next important point in

    history was the Italian Renaissance. Medieval Italy was a land of powerful city states. Atthis time intellectual activity is confined to the clergy. In the Italian cities we have a

    resurgence on interest in literary culture by lay professionals, primarily the teachers,

    lawyers, and the ever present notaries. Notaries at this time were a combination ofaccountant, solicitor, and public recorder. This ushered in a period of growth in literacy and

    education. As the European countries came into their glory days, we had tow distinct legal

    systems that developed, the civil law system and the common law system. Civil law is

    based on Roman law. The common law system developed in England. In the European civillaw countries, the notary continued to be and I today an important public official. The civil

    law notary is a legal specialist who performs many of the same services as a common law

    lawyer, but does not appear in court. Common law England never developed the professionof the notary. As long as England was connected with the Roman Church, the Church

    courts required the services of notaries. In the secular world only documents involving

    international commerce required the services of a notary. All other types of important

    documents such as contracts, land transfers, wills did not require a notary. In 1534, HenryVIII broke away from the Catholic Church. Without the Church, there was no longer a

    need for notaries. Few notarial appointments were made, especially after Henry made the

    application to the Vatican for a notarial appointment a criminal offense. English notarialservices were confined to the area of international trade. Today English notaries are a small,

    almost invisible group of internationally respected legal specialists in the area of

    international commerce. Their work is internationally accepted. Even the common law

    couldnt do away with notaries entirely.

    Complete the following sentences using the words in bold:

    To trace back, entrusted, authenticating, legal assistance, draft, seal illiteracy, signet

    ring, judicial function, prejudice, orator, legacy, property

    The origins of the notary can be .. to the Roman Empire.He was. with the Kings treasury.The notary was.. the documents in those times.The priests used to provide ..They also. legal documents.Documents without a . were valueless.In the Middle Ages .. was high.

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    The nobility used to wear a ..The church had . in certain areas.If you have , you cant work in an international community.He was an exceptional .Rome left a in the area of government administration.

    The Church has always had many ..

    Underline the correct tense form:

    We will show you the documents as soon as everyone will arrive/arrives.They expect that we be/will be there in an hour.

    If you need/will need more information, call my assistant.

    The executive wont be able to return unless the weather has changed/will have changed.I doubt whether you are/will be able to buy that property with such little money.Does she think shell type the report when she is/will be at work?

    Choose the correct item, a,b,c, or d.

    The witness doesnt know when he..A testifies c is testifyingB will testify d will have testified

    By October, he .. law for four years.A is studying c will study

    B is going to study d will have been studying

    They have plans for tomorrow. They to Paris.A go c are going

    B will be going d will go

    She cantventure out there. She lost.A will get c will have been getting

    B gets d will be getting

    I am sure that the neighbors. over this evening.A come c are going to come

    B are coming d will come

    They their project by Thursday.A are finishing c will have finished

    B finish d will be finishing

    She .her graduation party in two weeks.A is having c will have

    B has d is going to have

    Youd better read that file thoroughly. You about it tomorrow.

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    A will talk c will have talked

    B are going to talk d talk

    We must pack carefully. We ..the office tomorrow.A are leaving c are going to leave

    B leave d will leave

    Fill in with words of your own:

    He assigned a lawyer as he couldnt afford one.She will..been gone by six oclock.The thieves will..passing around the corner. Seize them!.the end of this year, well have been working on this project for three years.Will the medical examiner..able to give us a report till tonight?We will be leaving the airport this..tomorrow morning.You can pick up the files.two oclock.They .having a little party at the house.They wont leaving tomorrow as they still have work to do.This seal. used to stamp the kings letters.You have to turn the computer.. when you finish.How .. have you studied this case?The police..watching each and every move...the time they called, we had already gone through the report.When she was a student she to work as a librarian.

    Complete the following sentences using elements of the text, according to the model


    The origin of the notary can be traced backto the Roman Empire.

    The Roman notary was a .He was entrusted with the duty of ,,.,...Notaries were respected for their of the law.He would . the transaction.They provided the officially recognized .. and The use of the seal took place of .Hot was dripped on the document.The seal was. on the wax.Seals predate the ofwriting.They were also used to show a Officials of the king carried the ..The earliest seals were made of .The Egyptians used a seal.The .. ring was popular in Greek and Roman periods.Precursors of our modern didnt exist until the latter part of the Empire.The legal field was divided into . areas.The first area included the ..The second area included the.The third area included the..

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    Rome also left a legacy in the area of .. A huge . follows a huge empire.Writing offices called were set up.The influenced the evolution of the notary.The church developed its own .,,

    All these were modeled after the .Many .found it convenient to become notaries.The Barbarian invasions contributed to the Empires ..The Pope persuaded to spare the city of Rome.During the Middle Ages, a notary, whether or.., was always appointed by theThe church perpetuated the Romanand..system.The next important point in history was the Italian..Notaries at this time were a combination of ..,., and ..Two distinct legal systems developed, the .. system and the ..system,.Civil law is based on The common law system was developed in..Few notarial .. were made.English notarial services were confined to the area of ..

    Writing assignment

    Select elements from the text to be grouped under the following headings.

    Notaries in Notaries and In the Middle Ages

    The Roman Empire the Christian Church

    During the Notaries in

    Italian Renaissance England

    Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Tense:

    When Constantine (become) emperor of Rome, he (make) Christianity the national religion.

    The church (develop) its own laws and practices, which (be modeled) after Rome. The

    church (have) the right to settle disputes. It (can) intercede for prisoners. The church (be)

    given grants of money and (become) rich. The church (do) both court and secular business.

    Many clergy (find) it convenient to become notaries.

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    That day Lucius (walk) to the chancery, thinking about the gifts he (find) in front of his

    gates. Who (put) them there? The slaves (not see) anybody . The three packages wrapped in

    goat skin (be placed) there before dawn. The slaves (bring) the packages into the yard. He

    (tell) them not to open any of them. His family (want) to know what (be) in the packages,

    but he (want) those to disappear. He (not want) to know what (be) inside. He (feel) bad

    about the incident. He (hope) that there (be) nothing harmful. He also (hope) that the people

    dividing their land, who (be) waiting for him at the chancery, (not resort) to bribery.

    Translate into English:

    Notarul roman era o persoan foarte educat.

    n acele vremuri, puini tiau s scrie i s citeasc.Notarul scria i legaliza documente.

    El inea i arhivele oficiale.

    Notarul era respectat pentru cunoaterea legii.

    El supraveghea tranzaciile pentrua proteja prile.

    Notarul pstra o copie a documentelor.

    Sigiliul era folosit n locul semnturii scrise ntr-o perioad de analfabetism.

    Un document autentic trebuia scris i sigilat de notar.

    Cele mai vechi sigilii erau fcute din piatr.

    Sigilarea/semnarea unui document se fcea n prezena notarilor.

    Aristocraii au devenit profesori de drept i scriitori de legi.

    Domeniul legal s-a mprit n trei: oratorii, comparabili cu avocaii pledani,

    administratorii care se ocupau de partea documentar i notarii care erau experi n

    tranzacii nelitigioase.

    Notarii romani aveau mai mult prestigiu dect judectorii i se situau printre cei mai bine

    pltii funcionari ai guvernului.

    Roma a lsat o motenire i n administraie guvernamental.

    n timpul Imperiului, s-au nfiinat cancelarii pentru redactarea documentelor oficiale.

    Legile, tribunalele i practicile administrative ale bisericii erau modelate dup sistemul


    Biserica s-a mbogit n pmnturi, cldiri i alte forme de proprietate.

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    Invaziile anuale ale barbarilor dinspre nord au contribuit la prbuirea Imperiului.

    Barbarii au respectat biserica: Papa l-a convins pe Attila, conductorul hun, s crue Roma.

    Notarii Italiei medievale erau o combinaie de contabili, avocai i arhivari publici.

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    Contents: Word study, ReadingConstitutions, Vocabulary exercises, Wordformation, Translation from English into Romanian, Re-telling facts.

    Objectives: The course intends to familiarize students with terms and phrases

    in the field of constitutional law. It exercises reading and understanding skills,specific vocabulary, provides a list of words found in constitutions. The

    speaking skills are exercised by providing texts with facts and exercises that

    require re-telling facts and formulating these in writing

    Self-assessment test no. 5

    1. Fill in with the words in bold to complete the sentences:

    Sovereign, oppression, want, chief judge, amnesty, disputes, land/sea/air, reject,

    peoples, slavery, threats, obedience, empire

    Japan is a state.

    The people were subjected to.. .

    We should live free from fear and ..

    He is the of the Supreme Court.The belligerent parties called for..

    There are no legal . between the communities.

    The army comprises of .. forces.

    The rebels .. any peace proposal.

    The.. of Asia have millenary cultures.

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    .. was abolished long time ago.

    They keep on issuing ..

    He doesnt want to hear about .

    An emperor rules an

    2. Which verbs do these nouns come from?











    3. Form nouns and adjectives from the following verbs:

    Verb Noun Adjective









    1. Sovereign, threats, want, chief judge, amnesty, disputes, land/sea/air , rejected, peoples,slavery, threats, obedience, empire.

    delegate threaten promulgate amend

    ratify restore dismiss elect

    punish proclaim commute convoke

    tolerate oppress banish

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    2. Banish, oppress, tolerate, convoke, commute, punish, proclame, elect, dismiss, restore,ratify, promulgate, amend

    3. Represent representation representativeBless blessing blessingProclaim proclamation proclaiming

    Reside residence residentEstablish establishment establishing

    Derive derivation deriving

    Found foundation founding

    Reject rejection rejectingStrive striving striving

    Bibliography1. Acqui, E., Teste de vocabularEngleza pentru juriti i oameni de afaceri, Risoprint, Cluj-

    Napoca, 2005

    2.Brookes, M., Holden, D., Hutchinson, W.,Engleza pentru juriti, Teora, Bucureti, 19993.Riley, A.,English for Law, MaCMILLAN Professional English, Macmillan Publishers LTD, 1992

    4.ILEC Course Design Guidelines,

    http://www.legalenglishtest.org/downloads.php/ilec_handbook.pdf, University of CambridgeESOL Examinations

    5.Legal English 500,http://www.translegal.com/online-courses/legal-english-500, 2011

    6.Cambridge Online Research Course,http://www.translegal.com/cup, 2011


    Word Study

    Representative sacred herewith National DietDerive conscious blessing power

    Justice peoples resolve proclaim

    Reject strive for sovereign revoke

    Banishment reside ordinance establishRescript slavery oppression incumbent upon

    Emperor intolerance sustain empire

    Want accomplish will obediencePurpose appoint designated Supreme Court

    Promulgation chief judge perform amendment

    Treaty convocation proclamation Minister of State

    Diet election officials attestationCredentials dismissal ambassador to amnesty

    Restoration therefrom commutation awarding

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    Renunciation punishment ratification threat

    Reprive use of force dispute dynastic

    Aim belligerency succeed to land forces

    Sea forces air forces Imperial House delegate

    Fill in with the words in bold to complete the sentences:

    Sovereign, oppression, want, chief judge, amnesty, disputes, land/sea/air, reject,

    peoples, slavery, threats, obedience, empire

    Japan is a state.

    The people were subjected to.. .

    We should live free from fear and ..

    He is the of the Supreme Court.

    The belligerent parties called for..

    There are no legal . between the communities.

    The army comprises of .. forces.

    The rebels .. any peace proposal.

    The.. of Asia have millenary cultures.

    .. was abolished long time ago.

    They keep on issuing ..

    He doesnt want to hear about .

    An emperor rules an

    Form nouns and adjectives from the following verbs:

    Verb Noun Adjective








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    Which verbs do these nouns come from?












    Sadako Sasakis 644th

    Paper Crane

    August 6, 1945, 8:15 JST The atomic bomb drops on Hiroshima; 80.000 people die

    instantly, 70.000 more die within one year. Although her mother dies, Sadako, two years

    old, survives.

    She grows up as an intelligent, energetic child, attracted to studies and athletics. While

    preparing for an important race, she gets dizzy, and falls to the ground. The doctors

    delegate threaten promulgate amendratify restore dismiss elect

    punish proclaim commute convoke

    tolerate oppress banish

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    diagnose her with leukaemia, the atom bomb disease. She is eleven years old. She can no

    longer go to school or run. She doesnt give up hope though.

    Her friend tells her about the crane supposed to live for 1000 years. In Japan, birds are

    associated with fidelity; they are symbols of longevity, often represented with pine trees,

    stones, bamboos, to suggest long life. Cranes are believed to represent good fortune and

    longevity. The belief is that anyone ill should make 1000 paper cranes and gods will answer

    the prayers of getting well.

    Sadako wishes she could run again. Her friend teaches her origami. Everybody starts

    bringing her paper, and the girls make the cranes. Her brother hangs the cranes on the

    ceiling of her hospital room.

    He hangs the 644th

    crane on October 25, 1955, when at the age of 12, Sadako passes into

    the world of the silentHer school friends make the rest of 356 cranes for her to be buried with all the 1000.

    Impressed by her case, the youth in Japan raise the money for a monument to her and the

    children killed by the bomb. In 1958, the Memorial is unveiled in the Hiroshima Peace

    Park. The children have their wish engraved at the bottom of the statue:

    This is our cry, this is our prayerPeace in the World.

    Read and translate into Romanian:

    The Constitution of Japan

    November 3, 1946


    We, the Japanese people, acting through our dully elected representatives in the National

    Diet, determined that we shall secure for ourselves and our posterity the fruits of peaceful

    cooperation with all nations and the blessings of liberty throughout this land, and resolved

    that never again shall we be visited with the horrors of war through the actions of

    government, do proclaim that sovereign power resides with the people and do firmly

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    establish this Constitution. Government is a sacred trust of the people, the authority of

    which is derived from the people, the powers of which are exercised by the representatives

    of the people, and the benefits of which are enjoyed by the people. This is a universal

    principle of mankind upon which this Constitution is founded. We reject and revoke all

    constitutions, laws, ordinances, and rescripts in conflict herewith. We, the Japanese people,

    desire peace for all time and are deeply conscious of the high ideals controlling human

    relationship and we have determined to reserve our security and existence, trusting in the

    justice of faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world. We desire to occupy an honored

    place in an international society striving for the reservation of peace, free from fear and

    want. We believe that no nation is responsible to itself alone, but that laws of political

    morality are universal and that obedience to such laws is incumbent upon all nations who

    would sustain their own sovereignty and justify their sovereign relationship with other

    nations. We, the Japanese people, pledge our national honor to accomplish these ideals and

    purposes with all our resources.


    Article 1:

    The Emperor shall be the symbol of the State and the unity of people, deriving his position

    from the will of the people with whom resides sovereign power.

    Article 2:

    The imperial throne shall be dynastic and succeeded to in accordance with the Imperial

    House Law passed by the Diet.

    Article 3:

    The advice and approval of the Emperor in matters of state, and the Cabinet shall be

    responsible therefore.

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    Article 4:

    The Emperor shall perform only such acts in matters of state as are provided for in this

    Constitution and he shall not have powers related to government. 2) The Emperor may

    delegate the performance of his acts in matters of state as may be provided for by law.


    Article 6:

    The Emperor shall appoint the Prime Minister as designated by the Emperor and shall

    appoint the Chief Judge of the Supreme Court as designated by the Cabinet.

    Article 7:

    The Emperor shall, with the advice and approval of the Cabinet, perform the following acts

    in matters of state on behalf of the people. 1) Promulgation of amendments of the

    constitution, laws, cabinet order and treaties. (2) Convocation of the Diet. (3) Dissolution of

    the House of Representatives. (4) Proclamation of general election of members of the Diet.

    (5) Attestation of the appointment and dismissal of Ministers of State and other officials as

    provided for by law, and full powers and credentials of Ambassadors and Ministers. (6)

    Attestation of general and special amnesty, commutation of punishment, reprive, and

    restoration of rights. (7) Awarding of honors. (8) Attestation of instruments of ratification

    and other diplomatic documents as provided for by law. (9) Receiving foreign ambassadors

    and ministers (10) Performance of ceremonial functions.



    Article 9:

    Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people

    forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as

    means of settling international disputes. 2) In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding

    paragraph land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained.

    The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.

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