daily practices from the book thrive (by arianna huffington)

Arianna Huffington’s new book THRIVE has the buzzwordy subtitle The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well Being, Wisdom, and Wonder. Basically it boils down to “how do you define success and create joy in life and at work?” This is a wide-ranging (from the ancient Greeks to Sheryl Sandberg) but personal book where Arianna shares anecdotes and life lessons from many, many famous names— but most often from her down-to-earth, irrepressible mother, Elli. THRIVE

Post on 21-Oct-2014




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While reading THRIVE: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder by Arianna Huffington I realized that in addition to her main message that we all would do better to get more sleep, Arianna had come up a series of “takeaways” about how we can start to improve our lives through tiny, daily changes. I highlighted them in my Kindle but then realized that I needed a better way to think about and be reminded of these daily new habits. Thus this infographic. It’s just the tip of the “third metric” iceberg—there’s so much more interesting stuff in the book about success, health, and happiness—but a good start for now.


Page 1: Daily Practices from the book THRIVE (by Arianna Huffington)

Arianna Huffington’s new book THRIVE has the buzzwordy subtitle The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well Being, Wisdom, and Wonder.

Basically it boils down to “how do you define success and create joy in life and at work?”

This is a wide-ranging (from the ancient Greeks to Sheryl Sandberg) but personal book where Arianna shares

anecdotes and life lessons from many, many famous names— but most often from her down-to-earth,

irrepressible mother, Elli.


Page 2: Daily Practices from the book THRIVE (by Arianna Huffington)

Aside from inspiring us, THRIVE is designed to “help us move from knowing

what to do to actually doing it.” So in that spirit i share here just a few of the things that Arianna says have made a

huge difference in her own life since she embraced The Third Metric.

Will they work for you? For me? Who knows? But here are some

Daily Practices from THRIVE…

Page 3: Daily Practices from the book THRIVE (by Arianna Huffington)

1.  Choose a quiet place

2.  Relax your body

3.  Let your breathing be full, filling your abdomen

4.  Simply observe your thoughts as they happen, then nudge your attention back to your breathing

5.  Think of a special word each time you inhale

6.  Do not stress out over doing (or not doing) your meditation

Introduce 5 minutes of MEDITATION into your day

Page 4: Daily Practices from the book THRIVE (by Arianna Huffington)

1.  Make small gestures of kindness and giving a habit. 2. Pay attention to how giving makes you feel. 3. Make a personal connection with people you usually pass by or take for granted.

4. Use a skill or talent you have to help someone who could benefit from it.

Transform yourself from a


Page 5: Daily Practices from the book THRIVE (by Arianna Huffington)

COMMITMENT • Join in and try to be part of the solution CONTROL • Maintain a sense of resolve as opposed to

resignation CHALLENGE • Find ways to use crises to build resilience

and grow

RESPONDING TO ADVERSITY Those who face crises yet make a transition to

success have


Page 6: Daily Practices from the book THRIVE (by Arianna Huffington)

a)  rapid b)  non conscious c)  used for decisions involving multiple

dimensions d)  based on vast stores of prior experience e)  characteristic of experts f)  not easily or accurately articulated

afterwards g)  often made with high confidence


Intuition-based decision making* is

(*from Martin Seligman and Michael Kahana’s paper “Unpacking Intuition,” 2009)

Page 7: Daily Practices from the book THRIVE (by Arianna Huffington)

~ Let go of something today that is draining your energy without benefiting you or anyone you love.

~ Start a gratitude list that you share with 2 or more friends.

~ Have a specific time each night you regularly disconnect from your devices.

~ Take one minute in the morning to breathe deeply or be grateful or get your intention for the day... before looking at your devices again.

To get moving in the direction you want to go


Page 8: Daily Practices from the book THRIVE (by Arianna Huffington)

~ Let go of something today that is draining your energy without benefiting you or anyone you love.

~ Start a gratitude list that you share with 2 or more friends.

~ Have a specific time each night you regularly disconnect from your devices.

~ Take one minute in the morning to breathe deeply or be grateful or get your intention for the day... before looking at your devices again.

To get moving in the direction you want to go


via Laura-e-Kelly.com @LectriceUSA