danger rating for avalanches caused by intense snowfall

EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL RESEARCH GROUP 土砂管理研究グループ 土砂管理研究グループ 土砂管理研究グループ 国立研究開発法人  土木研究所 土砂管理研究グループ 雪崩・地すべり研究センター Snow Avalanche and Landslide Research Center 寒地道路研究グループ 雪氷チーム 寒地道路研究グループ 雪氷チーム Snow and Ice Reserch Team 雪崩・地すべり研究センター 雪崩・地すべり研究センター Snow Avalanche and Landslide Research Center 0 (m) 1 2 3 4 5 When intense snowfall occurs, the snowpack on the slope becomes unstable before the strength of the snowpack becomes sufficiently great to hold the snowpack on the slope. A surface avalanche occurs even when there is no obviously weak layer. Based on the viscous compression theory of snowpack, we are conducting surveys on the meteorological and snowpack conditions that promote avalanche occurrence during intense snowfall by examining the conditions for avalanche occurrence and by using indexes such as snowfall intensity and air temperature. The danger rating for avalanche occurrence in Japan uses numerical scores based on slope gradient, vegetation, and max. snow depth. Avalanches caused by intense snowfall tend to occur even when the snow depth is small and even in forests. The danger ratings for small snow depth and forest are thought to be low. This study investigate the characteristics (e.g., vegetation, topography) of locations where intense snowfall caused avalanches. 斜面積雪の安定性に関する検討例 Example of examination on the stability of the snowpack on the slope 短時間多量降雪による雪崩の 簡便な発生危険度指標 (イメージ) Simple index of danger rating for avalanches caused by intense snowfall (conceptual diagram) 短時間多量降雪による 雪崩発生頻度分布 (イメージ) Distribution of avalanches caused by intense snowfall (conceptual diagram) 短時間多量降雪による 雪崩事例 The site of an avalanche caused by intense snowfall 既存シミュレーションによる雪崩の解析例 An example of an avalanche analyzed by the conventional simulation program 降雪強度と気温を指標にした 雪崩発生条件(イメージ) Avalanche occurrence conditions when the snowfall intensity and temperature are used as indexes (conceptual diagram) 樹林帯の雪崩発生箇所の例 Example of avalanche in a forest 既往の雪崩危険度判定の階級別評価得点 Rating by classification of the conventional method for rating of avalanche risk 雪崩発生の気象・積雪条件の検討 Examination of meteorological and snowpack conditions that promote avalanches 短時間に多量に雪が積もる場合、雪の強度が十分大きくなる前に斜面積雪が不安定 となり、明確な弱層がない状況でも表層雪崩が発生します。積雪の圧縮粘性理論等に基 づき、降雪強度や気温などを指標にした雪崩発生条件を検討して、短時間多量降雪によ る雪崩発生の気象および積雪条件を調査しています。 雪崩発生の地形・植生条件の検討 Examination of topographic and vegetation conditions that promote avalanches 国内の雪崩発生危険度評価は、斜面勾配、植生、最大積雪深を点数化する評点法を用 いています。しかし、短時間多量降雪による雪崩は、評点が低いと考えられる積雪深が小 さい場合や樹林帯でも発生する傾向にあります。この研究では、短時間多量降雪による 雪崩発生場における植生や地形等の特徴を調査しています。 Based on the survey of conditions under which avalanches tend to occur, a danger rating method for avalanches caused by intense snowfall is developed. Development is done on a simple index for the occurrence of avalanches caused by intense snowfall and on the distribution of occurrence frequency by using the case of an avalanche and existing meteorological observation data. Based on a survey on the conditions of avalanche occurrence, the applicability of the parameters of the existing simulation program to intense snowfall is examined. By using the results of the above, examination on a calculation method for the range and impact force of avalanches caused by intense snowfall is done by using the existing simulation program. 雪崩発生に関する評価技術の検討 Examination of the evaluation method for avalanche occurrence 雪崩発生条件の調査結果に基づいて、短時間多量降雪による雪崩 危険度評価技術を検討します。雪崩発生事例と既存気象観測データ等 を用いて、短時間多量降雪時の雪崩発生に関わる簡便な発生危険度 指標や発生頻度分布等について検討を行います。 雪崩発生による危険度評価技術の検討 Examination of the danger rating method for avalanche occurrence 雪崩発生条件の調査結果に基づいて、短時間多量降雪時の雪崩に対する既存シミュレーションのパラ メータ等の適用性について検討します。これにより、既存シミュレーションを用いた短時間多量降雪時の雪 崩の到達範囲や衝撃力の算出手法を検討する予定です。 短時間多量降雪による雪崩事例 The site of an avalanche caused by intense snowfall 短時間多量降雪による雪崩事例 The site of an avalanche caused by intense snowfall 短時間の多量降雪による雪崩危険度評価に関する研究 短時間の多量降雪による雪崩危険度評価に関する研究 短時間の多量降雪による雪崩危険度評価に関する研究 短時間の多量降雪による雪崩危険度評価に関する研究 Danger Rating for Avalanches Caused by Intense Snowfall 59豪雪から平成17年までは暖冬少雪傾向でしたが、平成18年豪雪以降、23年の中国地方、24年の北海 道、25年の東北地方と豪雪が続きました。また、平成26年2月は雪の少ない関東甲信などの地域で短時間の 多量降雪により記録的な大雪となり、雪崩による被害発生や集落の孤立など社会的に大きな問題となりました。 短時間多量降雪時は、広域における雪崩の多発につながる恐れがあり、豪雪地帯はもとより豪雪地帯以外の 地域でも突発的に雪崩が発生する可能性が高くなります。土木研究所では、短時間多量降雪による雪崩発生の 危険度評価技術に関する研究に取り組んでいます。 Winters in Japan after the heavy snowfall of 1984 were warm, with scant snowfall until 2005. After the heavy snowfall of 2005, heavy snowfall events successively occurred. In 2006, a heavy snowfall that affected many parts of Japan occurred, and heavy snowfall events occurred in the Chugoku region in 2011, in Hokkaido in 2012, and in the Tohoku region in 2013. In February 2014, intense snowfall occurred in the regions including the Kanto and Koshin areas, which normally have little snow, and it resulted in record heavy snowfall. The areas experienced great social problems caused by avalanche damage and communities being isolated. At times of intense snowfall, it is feared that multiple avalanches will occur in a wide area. The possibility of unexpected avalanches becomes high not only in areas of heavy snowfall, but also in other areas. The Public Works Research Institute has been conducting research on danger ratings for avalanches caused by intense snowfall. θ θ cos sin i s Q SI Σ = Σ s : 積雪せん断強度 Q i sinθcosθ: せん断応力 ※安定度SIが小さいほど不安定。 (安定度SIの式) (Equation of stability SI) Shear strength of the snowpack Shear stress The snowpack becomes unstable with decrease in stability SI. 積雪安定度 SI Snowpack stability SI 雪が降り始めてからの時間 (h) Duration (h) from the start of snowfall 3cm/h(-3℃) 3cm/h(-7℃) 3cm/h(-10℃) 0 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 降雪強度 Snowfall intensity Low High 気温 Air temperature Low High 短時間多量降雪による雪崩発生 Avalanche occurrence caused by intense snowfall ①傾斜 ②植生 ③積雪深 危険度の 分級基準 (①+②+③) 1. 30°未満 2. 30°~40° 3. 40°以上 1. 高木 ( 疎密度 50% 以上 ) 2. 高木 ( 疎密度 20 ~ 50%) 中木 ( 疎密度 50% 以上 ) 3. 中木 ( 疎密度 20 ~ 50%) 低木 ( 疎密度 20 ~ 100%) 4. 裸地、草地、樹高2m未満の灌木 (樹冠疎密度 20% 未満) 1. 100cm 未満 2. 100cm ~ 200cm 3. 200cm ~ 300cm 4. 300cm 以上 A B C 4 7 10 4 7 9 10 0 6 7 9 27 点以上 23 ~ 26 点 20 ~ 22 点 要因 階級 雪崩発生? 雪崩発生? 雪崩発生? Avalanche occurs? Avalanche occurs? Avalanche occurs? 評価得点 1) Slope 2) Vegetation 3) Snow depth Classification standard for risk rating (1) + 2) + 3)) 1. Less than 30° 2. 30°~40° 3. 40° or greater 1.Tall trees (Density 50% or greater) 2.Tall trees (Density 20 ~ 50%) Medium-height trees (Density 50% or greater) 3.Medium-height trees (Density 20 ~ 50%) Shrubs (Density 20 ~ 100%) 4. Bare ground, Grass, Shrubs less than 2m in height (Tree crown density of less than 20%) 1. Less than 100cm 2. 100cm ~ 200cm 3. 200cm ~ 300cm 4. 300cm or steeper A B C 4 7 10 4 7 9 10 0 6 7 9 27 or greater 23 ~ 26 20 ~ 22 Factors Classification Score 平成26年2月山梨県早川町 Hayakawa Town, Yamanashi Prefecture, February, 2014 平成26年2月山梨県早川町 Hayakawa Town, Yamanashi Prefecture, February, 2014 平成15年12月長野県安曇村 Azumi Village, Nagano Prefecture, December, 2003 平成15年12月長野県安曇村 Azumi Village, Nagano Prefecture, December, 2003 雪崩高さ Avalanche height 雪崩発生危険度を把握 短時間多量降雪に適したパラメータの検討 (1次元シミュレーション) 短時間多量降雪への適用性の検討 (3次元シミュレーション) 雪崩危険エリアを把握 Understanding the risk of avalanche occurrence Understanding the areas at risk of avalanche occurrence Low Low Medium Low Medium High Medium High High 気温 (℃) Air temp. 降雪量 (cm/h) Snowfall depth Low High 低 Low Low 高 High High 1150 1100 1050 1000 950 900 850 0 100 200 300 400 500 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 標高 (m) Elevation 雪崩の速度 (m/s) Avalanche velocity 雪崩衝撃力 (hPa) Avalanche impact force 水平距離 (m) Horizontal distance 発生点 Start position 発生点 Start position 被災箇所 Damage location 被災箇所 Damage location 雪崩の速度 (m/s) Avalanche velocity 雪崩の速度 (m/s) Avalanche velocity 雪崩衝撃力 (hPa) Avalanche impact force 雪崩衝撃力 (hPa) Avalanche impact force 縦断地形 Longitudinal profile of the area 縦断地形 Longitudinal profile of the area Examination of the applicability of the parameters of the existing simulation program to intense snowfall (one-dimensional simulation) Examination of the applicability of the parameters of the existing simulation program to intense snowfall (three-dimensional simulation) A16-1509

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Page 1: Danger Rating for Avalanches Caused by Intense Snowfall



国立研究開発法人 土木研究所 土砂管理研究グループ雪崩・地すべり研究センターSnow Avalanche and Landslide Research Center

寒地道路研究グループ雪氷チーム寒地道路研究グループ雪氷チームSnow and Ice Reserch Team

雪崩・地すべり研究センター雪崩・地すべり研究センターSnow Avalanche and Landslide Research Center

0 (m)12345

When intense snowfall occurs, the snowpack on the slope becomes unstable before the strength of the snowpack becomes sufficiently great to hold the snowpack on the slope. A surface avalanche occurs even when there is no obviously weak layer. Based on the viscous compression theory of snowpack, we are conducting surveys on the meteorological and snowpack conditions that promote avalanche occurrence during intense snowfall by examining the conditions for avalanche occurrence and by using indexes such as snowfall intensity and air temperature.

The danger rating for avalanche occurrence in Japan uses numerical scores based on slope gradient, vegetation, and max. snow depth. Avalanches caused by intense snowfall tend to occur even when the snow depth is small and even in forests. The danger ratings for small snow depth and forest are thought to be low. This study investigate the characteristics (e.g., vegetation, topography) of locations where intense snowfall caused avalanches.

▲斜面積雪の安定性に関する検討例 Example of examination on the stability of the snowpack on the slope

▲短時間多量降雪による雪崩の 簡便な発生危険度指標(イメージ) Simple index of danger rating for avalanches caused by intense snowfall (conceptual diagram)

▲短時間多量降雪による 雪崩発生頻度分布(イメージ) Distribution of avalanches caused by intense snowfall (conceptual diagram)

▲短時間多量降雪による 雪崩事例 The site of an avalanche caused by intense snowfall

▲既存シミュレーションによる雪崩の解析例 An example of an avalanche analyzed by the conventional simulation program

▲降雪強度と気温を指標にした 雪崩発生条件(イメージ) Avalanche occurrence conditions when the snowfall intensity and temperature are used as indexes (conceptual diagram)

▲樹林帯の雪崩発生箇所の例 Example of avalanche in a forest

▲既往の雪崩危険度判定の階級別評価得点 Rating by classification of the conventional method for rating of avalanche risk

雪崩発生の気象・積雪条件の検討Examination of meteorological and snowpack conditions that promote avalanches


雪崩発生の地形・植生条件の検討Examination of topographic and vegetation conditions that promote avalanches


Based on the survey of conditions under which avalanches tend to occur, a danger rating method for avalanches caused by intense snowfall is developed. Development is done on a simple index for the occurrence of avalanches caused by intense snowfall and on the distribution of occurrence frequency by using the case of an avalanche and existing meteorological observation data.

Based on a survey on the conditions of avalanche occurrence, the applicability of the parameters of the existing simulation program to intense snowfall is examined. By using the results of the above, examination on a calculation method for the range and impact force of avalanches caused by intense snowfall is done by using the existing simulation program.

雪崩発生に関する評価技術の検討Examination of the evaluation method for avalanche occurrence


雪崩発生による危険度評価技術の検討Examination of the danger rating method for avalanche occurrence


短時間多量降雪による雪崩事例The site of an avalanche caused by intense snowfall短時間多量降雪による雪崩事例The site of an avalanche caused by intense snowfall

短時間の多量降雪による雪崩危険度評価に関する研究短時間の多量降雪による雪崩危険度評価に関する研究短時間の多量降雪による雪崩危険度評価に関する研究短時間の多量降雪による雪崩危険度評価に関する研究Danger Rating for Avalanches Caused by Intense Snowfall

 59豪雪から平成17年までは暖冬少雪傾向でしたが、平成18年豪雪以降、23年の中国地方、24年の北海道、25年の東北地方と豪雪が続きました。また、平成26年2月は雪の少ない関東甲信などの地域で短時間の多量降雪により記録的な大雪となり、雪崩による被害発生や集落の孤立など社会的に大きな問題となりました。 短時間多量降雪時は、広域における雪崩の多発につながる恐れがあり、豪雪地帯はもとより豪雪地帯以外の地域でも突発的に雪崩が発生する可能性が高くなります。土木研究所では、短時間多量降雪による雪崩発生の危険度評価技術に関する研究に取り組んでいます。Winters in Japan after the heavy snowfall of 1984 were warm, with scant snowfall until 2005. After the heavy snowfall of 2005, heavy snowfall events successively occurred. In 2006, a heavy snowfall that affected many parts of Japan occurred, and heavy snowfall events occurred in the Chugoku region in 2011, in Hokkaido in 2012, and in the Tohoku region in 2013. In February 2014, intense snowfall occurred in the regions including the Kanto and Koshin areas, which normally have little snow, and it resulted in record heavy snowfall. The areas experienced great social problems caused by avalanche damage and communities being isolated.At times of intense snowfall, it is feared that multiple avalanches will occur in a wide area. The possibility of unexpected avalanches becomes high not only in areas of heavy snowfall, but also in other areas. The Public Works Research Institute has been conducting research on danger ratings for avalanches caused by intense snowfall.

θθ cossini



Σs : 積雪せん断強度

Qi sinθcosθ: せん断応力


(安定度SIの式)(Equation of stability SI)Shear strength of the snowpack

Shear stress

The snowpack becomes unstable with decrease in stability SI.







雪が降り始めてからの時間 (h)Duration (h) from the start of snowfall




00 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48










小 Low

大 Hig


気温Air temperature



短時間多量降雪による雪崩発生Avalanche occurrence caused by intense snowfall





1. 30°未満2. 30°~ 40°3. 40°以上

1. 高木 (疎密度50%以上 )2. 高木 (疎密度20~ 50%) 中木 (疎密度50%以上 )3. 中木 (疎密度20~ 50%) 低木 (疎密度20~ 100%)4. 裸地、草地、樹高2m未満の灌木 (樹冠疎密度20%未満)

1. 100cm未満2. 100cm~ 200cm3. 200cm~ 300cm4. 300cm以上







27点以上23~ 26点20~ 22点

要因 階級




Avalanche occurs?

Avalanche occurs?

Avalanche occurs?


1) Slope

2) Vegetation

3) Snow depth

Classification standard for risk rating (1) + 2) + 3))

1. Less than 30°2. 30°~ 40°3. 40° or greater

1.Tall trees (Density 50% or greater)2.Tall trees (Density 20 ~ 50%) Medium-height trees (Density 50% or greater)3.Medium-height trees (Density 20 ~ 50%) Shrubs (Density 20 ~ 100%)4. Bare ground, Grass, Shrubs less than 2m in height (Tree crown density of less than 20%)

1. Less than 100cm2. 100cm~ 200cm3. 200cm~ 300cm4. 300cm or steeper







27 or greater23~ 2620~ 22

Factors Classification Score

平成26年2月山梨県早川町Hayakawa Town, Yamanashi Prefecture,

February, 2014

平成26年2月山梨県早川町Hayakawa Town, Yamanashi Prefecture,

February, 2014

平成15年12月長野県安曇村Azumi Village, Nagano Prefecture,

December, 2003

平成15年12月長野県安曇村Azumi Village, Nagano Prefecture,

December, 2003

雪崩高さ Avalanche height





Understanding the risk of avalanche occurrence

Understanding the areas at risk of avalanche occurrence低 低 中

低 中 高

中 高 高

Low Low Medium

Low Medium High

Medium High High


Air temp.

降雪量 (cm/h)Snowfall depth



低 Low低Low

高 High








8500 100 200 300 400 500











Avalanche velocity


Avalanche impact force

水平距離 (m) Horizontal distance

発生点 Start position発生点 Start position

被災箇所 Damage location被災箇所 Damage location

雪崩の速度 (m/s) Avalanche velocity 雪崩の速度 (m/s) Avalanche velocity

雪崩衝撃力 (hPa) Avalanche impact force雪崩衝撃力 (hPa) Avalanche impact force

縦断地形 Longitudinal profile of the area縦断地形 Longitudinal profile of the area

Examination of the applicability of the parameters of the existing simulation program to intense snowfall

(one-dimensional simulation)

Examination of the applicability of the parameters of the existing simulation program to intense snowfall

(three-dimensional simulation)
