daniel boone by: wyatt. where and when daniel was born: daniel boone was born in the year of 1734 in...

Daniel Boone By: Wyatt

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Daniel Boone

By: Wyatt

Where and when Daniel was born:

Daniel boone was born in the year of 1734 in a log cabin in Berks county near Reading, Pennsylvania.


• Daniel Boone had nine brothers• His mother was Sara• His father was a squire • He married Rebecca Boone • He was the father of nine children

Important events

An important event in his life is when he went hunting for some bear. He followed a bear into the mountain. He camped out and followed the bear for three days. In the mountains, by a fire, under eating meat.

Then his mother sent a search party to find him.


Daniel Boone had no education. His fathers brother who was a teacher and tried to teach him how to write but it would work. When his parents returned his uncle was yelling and said that Daniel was “unteachable.”

Grown up life

Grown up life continued

• Daniel Boone, and his wife, Rebecca, had nine children.

• He was first a sergeant for the American army.• Then he was a general for the army. • Next he was a major general for the army.

Important events

• An important event in Daniel Boone’s life was when he fought in the war at Boonesborough.

• He fought to make Kentucky safe for settlers.• The long handshake in the war was suppose

to be a truce, but it turned into an ambush! When Boone escaped he got hit in the head with a tomahawk.


• Daniel Boone died of old age in his 70s. • Daniel boone died in the year of 1820.

Why was he remembered

Daniel Boone was remembered because he fought wars to help settlers be safe and settle in Kentucky. He also became a prisoner of war and a Indian son of a great Indian leader. He was captured at the Salt Licks and was kept prisoner for months.

Interesting facts

• Hunted for a living• Thought of as the “Father of Kentucky”• could not write or read well• could not handle money

Important lessons

• One important lesson that I learned from Daniel Boone is to never give up.

• Another is to always try even if you think there is no chance.

Why is Daniel Boone a Hero?

• Daniel Boone is a hero because he helped settle Kentucky and kept settlers safe.

• He was also a frontiersmen who knew the wild just as well as the Indians.


• Lofaro, Michael A. "Boone, Daniel." World Book Student. 2008. [Place of access.] 5 Dec. 2008 <http://www.worldbookonline.com/student/article?id=ar070020>.