dario fasino university of udine rome, feb. 19, 2019 · notations a: adjacency matrix of...

So, what is the random walk centrality? Dario Fasino University of Udine Rome, Feb. 19, 2019 D. Fasino 2ggALN@RM 1/ 16

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Page 1: Dario Fasino University of Udine Rome, Feb. 19, 2019 · Notations A: adjacency matrix of undirected, connected graph. P = D 1A: (row stochastic) transition matrix of the associated

So, what is the random walk centrality?

Dario FasinoUniversity of Udine

Rome, Feb. 19, 2019

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Page 2: Dario Fasino University of Udine Rome, Feb. 19, 2019 · Notations A: adjacency matrix of undirected, connected graph. P = D 1A: (row stochastic) transition matrix of the associated

An influential paper

J. D. Noh, H. Rieger.Random walks on complex networks.Phys. Rev. Letters 92 (2004), 118701 (4pp.).

Introduces the RWC for nodes of an undirected graph

Citations in Scopus: 600+Citations from items in MathRev: 12Occurrences of this ‘RWC’ in MathRev: 1

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Page 3: Dario Fasino University of Udine Rome, Feb. 19, 2019 · Notations A: adjacency matrix of undirected, connected graph. P = D 1A: (row stochastic) transition matrix of the associated


A: adjacency matrix of undirected, connected graph.

P = D−1A: (row stochastic) transition matrix of theassociated random walk.Pij is the probability of the i → j transition.

τi→j : first hitting time of node j starting from i .τi→i = 0 and, for i 6= j ,

τi→j = 1 +∑n

k=1 Pikτk→j .

The first step takes us to a neighbor k of i , and then we haveto reach j from there. In matrix form,

(I − P)T = 11T −Diag(τ↪→1, . . . , τ↪→n)

where T = (τi→j) and τ↪→i is the return time of node i .

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Page 4: Dario Fasino University of Udine Rome, Feb. 19, 2019 · Notations A: adjacency matrix of undirected, connected graph. P = D 1A: (row stochastic) transition matrix of the associated

By Perron–Frobenius theory. . .

. . . there exists exactly one stationary probability vector π suchthat πT = πT P and 1T π = 1.Owing to A = AT it holds π = d/1T d where d = A1. Now,

0 = πT (I − P)T = πT 11T − πT Diag(τ↪→1, . . . , τ↪→n).

From πT 1 = 1 we get τ↪→i = 1/πi . Moreover,

(I − P)Tπ = 11T π −Diag(τ↪→1, . . . , τ↪→n)π = 0.

Then Tπ ∈ Ker(I − P) = 〈1〉, that is,

Random target lemma

(Tπ)i =n∑


πjτi→j = κ,

where κ is the Kemeny’s constant.

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Page 5: Dario Fasino University of Udine Rome, Feb. 19, 2019 · Notations A: adjacency matrix of undirected, connected graph. P = D 1A: (row stochastic) transition matrix of the associated

Computing T

Let X1,X2 be any two solutions of (I − P)X = 11T −Diag(π)−1. Then,

(I − P)(X1 − X2) = O X1 − X2 = 1vT , v ∈ Rn.

Hence, given any solution X we have T = X − 1diag(X )T .The matrix L = D1/2(I − P)D−1/2 is the normalized Laplacian. It holdsKer(L) = 〈diag(D1/2)〉 and

LD1/2XD1/2 = D1/2(I − P)XD1/2

= D1/2(11T −Diag(π)−1)D1/2

= D1/211T D1/2 − (1T d)I = −(1T d)LL+.

We can set D1/2XD1/2 = −(1T d)L+ and we obtainX = −(1T d)D−1/2L+D−1/2. In conclusion,

T = (1T d)[1vT −∆L+∆

], ∆ = D−1/2, vi = L+

ii /di .

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Page 6: Dario Fasino University of Udine Rome, Feb. 19, 2019 · Notations A: adjacency matrix of undirected, connected graph. P = D 1A: (row stochastic) transition matrix of the associated

The symmetric and skew-symmetric parts of T

The symmetric part of T gives us the commute time of i and j ,

Sij = (T + TT )ij = τi→j + τj→i .

We have S = (1T d)R where R is the resistance matrix,

Rij = (ei − ej)T ∆L+∆(ei − ej).

Rij is a distance taking into account the availability of multiple pathsfrom i to j . The number

ri = 1n

∑nj=1 Rij = . . . = 1


[tr(∆L+∆) +


]is the average resistance distance of node i .

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Page 7: Dario Fasino University of Udine Rome, Feb. 19, 2019 · Notations A: adjacency matrix of undirected, connected graph. P = D 1A: (row stochastic) transition matrix of the associated

The symmetric and skew-symmetric parts of T

The symmetric part of T gives us the commute time of i and j ,

Sij = (T + TT )ij = τi→j + τj→i .

We have S = (1T d)R where R is the resistance matrix,

Rij = (ei − ej)T ∆L+∆(ei − ej).

On the other hand, rk(T − TT ) = 2. Indeed,

T − TT = (1T d)[1vT − v1T


Here v = diag(∆L+∆) but the substituition v → v + α1 withα ∈ R gives another solution.

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Page 8: Dario Fasino University of Udine Rome, Feb. 19, 2019 · Notations A: adjacency matrix of undirected, connected graph. P = D 1A: (row stochastic) transition matrix of the associated


Using very different notations and arguments,Noh and Rieger (2004) proved the identity T − TT = 1kT − k1T,found a special solution k ∈ Rn and defined the Random WalkCentrality of node i as

RWC (i) = 1/ki .

From τi→j − τj→i = kj − kiwe get τi→j ≶ τj→i iff RWC (i) ≶ RWC (j).That is, RWC ranks nodes according to their accessibility.

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Page 9: Dario Fasino University of Udine Rome, Feb. 19, 2019 · Notations A: adjacency matrix of undirected, connected graph. P = D 1A: (row stochastic) transition matrix of the associated


From T = (1T d)[1vT −∆L+∆

]we have

T − TT = (1T d)[1vT − v1T

]with vi = L+ii /di . Owing to π = d/(1T d) we get

τi→j − τj→i =L+jjπj−L+iiπi.

This gives us one possibile explicit formula for RWC:

RWC (i) = πi/L+ii .

But what is the significance of that number?

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Page 10: Dario Fasino University of Udine Rome, Feb. 19, 2019 · Notations A: adjacency matrix of undirected, connected graph. P = D 1A: (row stochastic) transition matrix of the associated

Quantifying accessibility


L+ii /πi =∑

j πjτj→i .


πT T = (1T d)πT[1vT −∆L+∆]

= (1T d)vT − dT∆L+︸ ︷︷ ︸=0

∆ = (1T d)vT .

Then, L+ii /πi = (1T d)vi = (πT T )i =∑

j πjτj→i .

Equivalently, (1T d) diag(∆L+∆) = TT π.

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Page 11: Dario Fasino University of Udine Rome, Feb. 19, 2019 · Notations A: adjacency matrix of undirected, connected graph. P = D 1A: (row stochastic) transition matrix of the associated

Quantifying accessibility


L+ii /πi =∑

j πjτj→i .


Every solution k ∈ Rn to T − TT = 1kT − k1T has the form

ki =∑

j πjτj→i + α, α ∈ R.

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Page 12: Dario Fasino University of Udine Rome, Feb. 19, 2019 · Notations A: adjacency matrix of undirected, connected graph. P = D 1A: (row stochastic) transition matrix of the associated

Quantifying accessibility


L+ii /πi =∑

j πjτj→i .


Every solution k ∈ Rn to T − TT = 1kT − k1T has the form

ki =∑

j πjτj→i + α, α ∈ R.

Choose α = κ, the Kemeny’s constant. Then,

ki =∑

j πj(τi→j + τj→i ).

This formula has a clear probabilistic interpretation.

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Page 13: Dario Fasino University of Udine Rome, Feb. 19, 2019 · Notations A: adjacency matrix of undirected, connected graph. P = D 1A: (row stochastic) transition matrix of the associated

Structures in complex networks

Interesting sub-structures in complex networks: commmunities,(almost-)bipartite subgraphs, and core-periphery

Random walks are powerful tools to discover them.

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Page 14: Dario Fasino University of Udine Rome, Feb. 19, 2019 · Notations A: adjacency matrix of undirected, connected graph. P = D 1A: (row stochastic) transition matrix of the associated

An experiment: A yeast PPI network

Left to right: adjacency matrix; cumulative degree distribution;ki vs. ri .

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Page 15: Dario Fasino University of Udine Rome, Feb. 19, 2019 · Notations A: adjacency matrix of undirected, connected graph. P = D 1A: (row stochastic) transition matrix of the associated

An experiment: A yeast PPI network

Left: permuted adjacency matrix (nodes renumbered by increasingv -values). Right: 2D layout (colors represent v -values).

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Page 16: Dario Fasino University of Udine Rome, Feb. 19, 2019 · Notations A: adjacency matrix of undirected, connected graph. P = D 1A: (row stochastic) transition matrix of the associated

When connectivity is high


Let 1 = λ1 > λ2 ≥ . . . ≥ λn be the eigenvalues of ∆A∆. Then


1− λn≤ L+ii ≤


1− λ2.

Non-bipartite, well connected networks, having many differentpaths joining any node pair, have |λi | ≤ ε < 1 for i = 2 . . . n.In that case ki ≈ 1/πi +O(ε).

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Page 17: Dario Fasino University of Udine Rome, Feb. 19, 2019 · Notations A: adjacency matrix of undirected, connected graph. P = D 1A: (row stochastic) transition matrix of the associated

In conclusion

The (reciprocated) RWC

quantifies node acessibility from the stationary distribution

is the average resistance distance in disguise

is able to detect ‘peripheral’ nodes in a C-P network

is close to degree, if connectivity is large.

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Page 18: Dario Fasino University of Udine Rome, Feb. 19, 2019 · Notations A: adjacency matrix of undirected, connected graph. P = D 1A: (row stochastic) transition matrix of the associated


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J. D. Noh, H. Rieger. Random walks on complex networks. Phys.Rev. Letters 92 (2004), 118701 (4pp.).

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Page 19: Dario Fasino University of Udine Rome, Feb. 19, 2019 · Notations A: adjacency matrix of undirected, connected graph. P = D 1A: (row stochastic) transition matrix of the associated


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