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IBM WebSphere DataStage and QualityStage Connectivity Guide for SAS Version 8 Release 1 LC18-9939-01

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IBM WebSphere DataStage and QualityStage

Connectivity Guide for SAS

Version 8 Release 1



IBM WebSphere DataStage and QualityStage

Connectivity Guide for SAS

Version 8 Release 1




Before using this information and the product that it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 61.

© Ascential Software Corporation 2002, 2005.

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2006, 2008. All rights reserved.

US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract

with IBM Corp.


Chapter 1. Using WebSphere DataStage

to Run SAS Code . . . . . . . . . . 1

Writing SAS Programs . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Using SAS on Sequential and Parallel Systems . . 1

Pipeline Parallelism and SAS . . . . . . . . . 2

Required SAS Environment . . . . . . . . . 3

SAS Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Installation Requirements . . . . . . . . . 3

Configuring Your System to Use the WebSphere

DataStage SAS Stage . . . . . . . . . . . 3

SAS Executables . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Long Name Support . . . . . . . . . . . 6

The SAS Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

A Data Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Representing SAS and Non-SAS Data in WebSphere

DataStage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

WebSphere DataStage Data Set Format . . . . 9

Sequential SAS Data Set Format . . . . . . . 9

Parallel SAS Data Set Format . . . . . . . . 9

Transitional SAS Data Set Format . . . . . . 10

Getting Input from a SAS Data Set . . . . . . 10

Getting Input from a Stage or a Transitional SAS

Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Converting between Data Set Types . . . . . . 12

Converting WebSphere DataStage Data to SAS

Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Converting SAS Data to WebSphere DataStage

Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

A WebSphere DataStage Example . . . . . . . 14

Making SAS Steps Parallel . . . . . . . . . 15

Executing DATA Steps in Parallel . . . . . . 15

Example Applications . . . . . . . . . . 15

Executing PROC Steps in Parallel . . . . . . . 23

Example Applications . . . . . . . . . . 23

Points to Consider in Parallelizing SAS Code . . . 29

Rules of Thumb . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Using SAS with European Languages . . . . . 31

Using WebSphere DataStage to Do ETL . . . . . 32

Running in NLS Mode . . . . . . . . . . 33

Parallel SAS Data Sets and SAS International . . . 33

Automatic Step Insertion . . . . . . . . . 33

Handling SAS CHAR Fields Containing

Multi-Byte Unicode Data . . . . . . . . . 34

Specifying an Output Schema . . . . . . . . 34

Controlling ustring Truncation . . . . . . . . 35

Inserted Partition and Sort Components . . . . . 35

Environment Variables . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Chapter 2. SAS Parallel Data Set Stage 39

Must Do’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Writing an SAS Data Set . . . . . . . . . 39

Reading an SAS Data Set . . . . . . . . . 39

Stage Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Advanced Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Inputs Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Input Link Properties Tab . . . . . . . . . 40

Partitioning Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Outputs Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Output Link Properties Tab . . . . . . . . 43

Chapter 3. SAS Stage . . . . . . . . 45

Example Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Must Do’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Using the SAS Stage on NLS Systems . . . . 47

Stage Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Properties Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Advanced Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Link Ordering Tab . . . . . . . . . . . 51

NLS Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Inputs Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Partitioning Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Outputs Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Mapping Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Product documentation . . . . . . . 55

Contacting IBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

How to read syntax diagrams . . . . . 57

Product accessibility . . . . . . . . 59

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2008 iii

iv Connectivity Guide for SAS

Chapter 1. Using WebSphere DataStage to Run SAS Code

IBM® WebSphere® DataStage® lets SAS users exploit the performance potential of

parallel relational database management systems (RDBMS) running on scalable

hardware platforms. WebSphere DataStage extends SAS by coupling the parallel

data transport facilities of WebSphere DataStage with the rich data access,

manipulation, and analysis functions of SAS.

While WebSphere DataStage allows you to execute your SAS code in parallel,

sequential SAS code can also take advantage of WebSphere DataStage to increase

system performance by making multiple connections to a parallel database for data

reads and writes, as well as through pipeline parallelism.

The SAS system consists of a powerful programming language and a collection of

ready-to-use programs called procedures (PROCS). This section introduces SAS

application development and explains the differences in execution and

performance of sequential and parallel SAS programs.

This chapter gives some guidance on using WebSphere DataStage to run SAS code,

including the SAS environment required. Chapter 2, “SAS Parallel Data Set Stage,”

on page 39 describes the SAS Parallel Data Set stage, which you use in parallel

jobs to read data from or write data to a parallel SAS data set in conjunction with

an SAS stage. Chapter 3, “SAS Stage,” on page 45 describes the SAS stage which

allows you to execute part or all of an SAS application in parallel.

Writing SAS Programs

You develop SAS applications by writing SAS programs. In the SAS programming

language, a group of statements is referred to as a SAS step. SAS steps fall into one

of two categories: DATA steps and PROC steps.

SAS DATA steps usually process data one row at a time and do not look at the

preceding or following records in the data stream. This makes it possible for the

SAS stage to process data steps in parallel. SAS PROC steps, however, are

precompiled routines which cannot always be parallelized.

Using SAS on Sequential and Parallel Systems

The SAS system is available for use on a variety of computing platforms, including

single-processor UNIX® workstations. Because SAS is written as a sequential

application, you can exploit the full power of scalable computing technology

within the traditional SAS programming environment.

For example, a sequential SAS application that reads its input from an RDBMS and

writes its output to the same database contains a number of sequential bottlenecks

that can negatively impact its performance.

Sequential Processing Model

In a typical client/server environment, a sequential application such as SAS

establishes a single connection to a parallel RDBMS in order to access the database.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2008 1

Therefore, while your database may be explicitly designed to support parallel

access, SAS requires that all input be combined into a single input stream.

One effect of single input is that often the SAS program can process data much

faster than it can access the data over the single connection, therefore the

performance of a SAS program may be bound by the rate at which it can access

data. In addition, while a parallel system, either cluster or SMP, contains multiple

CPUs, a single SAS job in SAS itself executes on only a single CPU; therefore,

much of the processing power of your system is unused by the SAS application.

Parallel Processing Model

In contrast, the parallel processing model allows the database reads and writes, as

well as the SAS program itself, to run simultaneously, reducing or eliminating the

performance bottlenecks that might otherwise occur when SAS is run on a parallel


You can:

v Access, for reading or writing, large volumes of data in parallel from parallel

relational databases, with much higher throughput than is possible using PROC


v Process parallel streams of data with parallel instances of SAS DATA and PROC

steps, enabling scoring or other data transformations to be done in parallel with

minimal changes to existing SAS code.

v Store large data sets in parallel, circumventing restrictions on dataset size

imposed by your file system or physical disk-size limitations. Parallel data sets

are accessed from SAS programs in the same way as conventional SAS data sets,

but at much higher data I/O rates.

v Realize the benefits of pipeline parallelism, in which some number of SAS stages

run at the same time, each receiving data from the previous process as it

becomes available.

Pipeline Parallelism and SAS

Pipeline Parallelism

Parallel jobs containing multiple occurrences of the SAS stage take advantage of

pipeline parallelism. With pipeline parallelism, all occurrences of the SAS stage in

your application run at the same time. An occurrence of the SAS stage may be

active, meaning it has input data available to be processed, or it may be blocked as

it waits to receive input data from a previous occurrence of the SAS stage or

another stage.

Steps that are processing on a per-record or per-group basis, such as a DATA step

or a PROC MEANS with a BY clause, can feed individual records or small groups

of records into downstream occurrences of the SAS stage for immediate

consumption, bypassing the usual write to disk.

Sort Limitations

Steps that process an entire data set at once, such as a PROC SORT, can provide no

output to downstream steps until the sort is complete. Pipeline parallelism allows

individual records to feed the sort as they become available. The sort is therefore

occurring at the same time as the upstream steps. However, pipeline parallelism is

broken between the sort and the downstream steps, since no records are output by

2 Connectivity Guide for SAS

the PROC SORT until all records have been processed. A new pipeline is initiated

following the sort.

Required SAS Environment

SAS Licenses

Utilizing the SAS stage requires a license for SAS on each physical node in the

configuration file that runs the SAS stage.

Installation Requirements

WebSphere DataStage supports SAS versions 612, 8.2, 9.1, and 9.1.3. At installation

time, WebSphere DataStage determines which version of SAS is installed by

looking at the values in $Path environment variable. An example directory path is


If WebSphere DataStage is unable to confirm which version is installed, you are

prompted to configure the SAS system.

Note: If you are running SAS 9.1 or 9.1.3 on Linux®, LD_LIBRARY_PATH must not

have /lib in the path. The presence of /lib causes SAS to produce a code dump

when called by the SAS engine.

To verify the SAS installation is correct for your environment and compatible with

WebSphere DataStage requirements, run the following command on the WebSphere

DataStage server:

osh -f $APT_ORCHHOME/examples/SAS/sanitytest

The log file tells you if your installation is correct.

If the SAS stage is running against SAS Basic, WebSphere DataStage always uses a

user ID of dsadm. Be sure that user dsadm has read permissions to all SAS data

files and libraries as well as write permissions to any SAS data set to be updated.

Configuring Your System to Use the WebSphere DataStage

SAS Stage

You must configure your system to use the SAS stage. For more detailed

information on configuration files and their contents and syntax, see Parallel Job

Developer Guide.

Configuration File Requirements

To enable use of the SAS stage, you or your WebSphere DataStage administrator

should specify several SAS-related resources in your configuration file. You need to

specify the following information:

v The location of the SAS executable

v Optionally, a SAS work disk, which is defined as the path of the SAS work


v Optionally, a disk pool specifically for parallel SAS data sets, called sasdataset

Chapter 1. Using WebSphere DataStage to Run SAS Code 3

An example of each of these declarations is below. The resource sas declaration

must be included; its path name can be empty. If the sas_cs option is specified, the

resource sasint line must be included.

resource sas "[/usr/sas612/]" { }

resource sasint "[/usr/sas8.2int/]" { }

resource sasworkdisk "/usr/sas/work/" { }

resource disk "/data/sas/" {pool "" "sasdataset"}

In a configuration file with multiple nodes, you can use any directory path for

each resource disk in order to obtain the SAS parallel data sets. Bold type is used

for illustration purposes only to highlight the resource directory paths.


node "elwood1"


fastname "elwood"

pools ""

resource sas "/usr/local/sas/sas8.2" { }

resource disk "/u1/dsadm/ibm/WDIIS/DataStage/Datasets/node"

{pools"" "sasdataset" }

resource scratchdisk "/u1/dsadm/ibm/WDIIS/DataStage/Scratch"

{pools ""}


node "solpxqa01-1"


fastname "solpxqa01"

pools ""

resource sas "/usr/local/sas/sas8.2" { }

resource disk "/u1/dsadm/ibm/WDIIS/DataStage/Datasets/node"

{pools "" "sasdataset" }

resource scratchdisk "/u1/dsadm/ibm/WDIIS/DataStage/Scratch"

{pools ""}



Note: In WebSphere DataStage Version 7.5.1 and earlier, the path for each resource

disk was required to be unique in order for the SAS parallel data sets to function.

For the SAS stage to behave as it did at Release 7.5.1 or earlier, use the

environment variable APT_SAS_OLD_UNIQUE_DIRECTORY (see


The resource names sas and sasworkdisk and the disk pool name sasdataset are

reserved words.

Configuring International SAS

If you want to run international SAS, you must specify the icu-character-set name

for each language you use under international SAS.

In $APT_ORCHHOME/apt/etc/platform/ there are platform-specific sascs.txt files

that show the default ICU character set for each DBCSLANG setting. The platform

directory names are: sun, aix, osf1 (Tru64), hpux , and lunix. For example,


When you specify a character setting, the sascs.txt file must be located in the

platform-specific directory for your operating system. WebSphere DataStage

accesses the setting that is equivalent to your sas_cs specification for your

operating system. ICU settings can differ between platforms.

DBCSLANG Settings and ICU Equivalents:

4 Connectivity Guide for SAS

For the DBCSLANG settings you use, enter your ICU equivalents.


ICU Character Set













SAS Executables

US SAS and International SAS

There are two versions of the SAS executable: International SAS and US SAS. At

installation time, you can install one or the other or both. However, a job runs

either International SAS or US SAS. If NLS is enabled, WebSphere DataStage looks

for International SAS. If NLS is not enabled, WebSphere DataStage looks for US


Use basic SAS to perform European-language data transformations, not

international SAS, which is designed for languages that require double-byte

character transformations. For additional information about using SAS with

European languages, see ″Using SAS with European Languages″ .

Finding the SAS Executable at Run Time

To find the SAS executable at run time, WebSphere DataStage does a hierarchical


1. The environment variable APT_SAS_COMMAND or APT_SASINT_COMMAND

(international SAS). WebSphere DataStage SAS-specific environment variables

are described in ″Environment Variables″ .

2. A path in the resource sas entry in your configuration file. For example,

resource sas "[/usr/sas8.2/]" { }

or, for international SAS,

resource sasint "[/usr/sas8.2int/]" { }

3. The $PATH environment variable. An example directory path is


See ″Installation Requirements″ .

Single SAS Executable

When only a single SAS executable is used, include its directory path in the $PATH

environment variable. An example directory path is

Chapter 1. Using WebSphere DataStage to Run SAS Code 5


Multiple SAS Executables

If both the US and International SAS executables are installed, include the primary

SAS executable directory path in the $PATH evnvironment variable, and specify the

secondary SAS executable using one of these environment variables:

v APT_SAS_COMMAND absolute_path

Overrides the $PATH directory for SAS with an absolute path to the US SAS

executable. An example path is


v APT_SASINT_COMMAND absolute_path

Overrides the $PATH directory for SAS with an absolute path to the

International SAS executable. An example path is


SAS Log Output

From the SAS log output you can determine whether a SAS executable is in

International mode or in US mode. Your SAS system is capable of running in

International mode if your SAS log output has this type of header:

NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software Release 8.2 (TS2MO DBCS2944)

When you have invokded SAS in standard mode, your SAS log output has this

type of header:

NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software Rlease 8.2 (TS2MO)

Long Name Support

For SAS 8.2, WebSphere DataStage handles SAS file and column names up to 32

characters. However, this functionality is dependent on your installing a SAS

patch. Obtain this patch from SAS:

SAS Hotfix 82BB40 for the SAS Toolkit

For SAS 6.12, WebSphere DataStage handles SAS file and column names up to 8


The SAS Stage

The SAS Stage is described in Chapter 3, “SAS Stage,” on page 45. The user

designs a job using the stage properties. The underlying operators are executed at

run time. You can see the operators by displaying the generated job using a text


The following table maps the stage properties to the options of the underlying


Table 1. Mapping Stage Properties to Underlying Operator Options

Stage Property Underlying Operator Options

NLS enabledxxx -sas_cs icu_character_set

SAS Source

Source Method = Explicit -source

6 Connectivity Guide for SAS

Table 1. Mapping Stage Properties to Underlying Operator Options (continued)

Stage Property Underlying Operator Options

Source = -sourceFile

Inputs -input

Input Link Number = n a variable

Input SAS Data Set Name = m a variable

Output -output

Output Link Number = n a variable

Output SAS Data Set Name = m a variable

Schema Source SAS Data Set Name = p -schemaFile variable

Set Schema From Columns = True -schema record (variable)


Convert Local = True -convertlocal

Debug Program = [No|Yes|Verbose] -debug [no | yes | verbose]

Disable Working Directory Warning = True -noworkingdirectory

SAS List File Location Type = File | Job Log

| None | Output

-listds file | dataset | none | display

SAS Log File Location Type = File | Job Log

| None | Output

-logds file | dataset | none| display

SAS Options = q... -options sas_options

Working Directory = r -workingdirectory variable

A Data Flow

The following is a visual depiction of the underlying data flow at execution.

Chapter 1. Using WebSphere DataStage to Run SAS Code 7

This example shows a SAS application reading data in parallel from DB2®.

The DB2 Enterprise stage streams data from DB2 in parallel and converts it

automatically into the standard WebSphere DataStage data set format. The sasin

Figure 1. SAS Application Reading Data in Parallel

8 Connectivity Guide for SAS

operator of the SAS stage then converts it, by default, into an internal SAS data set

usable by the SAS stage. Finally, the sasout operator of the SAS stage inputs the

SAS data set and outputs it as a standard WebSphere DataStage data set.

The SAS stage can also input and output data sets in parallel SAS data set format.

Descriptions of the data set formats are in the next section.

Representing SAS and Non-SAS Data in WebSphere DataStage

WebSphere DataStage Data Set Format

This is data in the normal WebSphere DataStage data set format. Stages, such as

the database read and write stages, process data sets in this format.

Sequential SAS Data Set Format

This is SAS data in its original SAS sequential format. The SAS stage reads a SAS

data set for processing. A SAS data set cannot be an input to any other stage

except through the SAS stage.

Parallel SAS Data Set Format

This is a WebSphere DataStage-provided data set format consisting of one or more

sequential SAS data sets. Each data set pointed to by the file corresponds to a

single partition of data flowing through WebSphere DataStage. The file name for

this data set is *.psds. It is analogous to a persistent *.ds data set.

On creation, fields of type ustring have names stored in a psds description file

along with the icu_map used. Reading of a SAS psds converts any appropriate SAS

CHAR fields to ustrings. You can override this behavior with the environment

variable APT_SAS_NO_PSDS_USTRING (see ″Environment Variables″ )

The header is an ASCII text file composed of a list of sequential SAS data set files.

By default, the header file lists the SAS CHAR fields that are to be converted to

ustring fields in WebSphere DataStage, making it unnecessary to use the Modify

stage to convert the data type of these fields.


DataStage SAS Dataset

UstringFields[icu_mapname]; field_name_1;field_name_2 ... field_name_n;



LFile: platform_2:filename_2... LFile: platform_n:filename_n


DataStage SAS Dataset



eartha-gbit 0:



Set the APT_SAS_NO_PSDS_USTRING environment variable to output a header file that

does not list ustring fields. This format is consistent with previous versions of

WebSphere DataStage:

DataStage SAS Dataset



Chapter 1. Using WebSphere DataStage to Run SAS Code 9





. . .

Note: The UstringFields line does not appear in the header file when any one of

these conditions is met:

v You are using a version of WebSphere DataStage that is prior to version 7.0.1.

v Your data has no ustring schema values.

v You have set the APT_SAS_NO_PSDS_USTRING environment variable.

If one of these conditions is met, but your data contains multi-byte Unicode data,

you must use the Modify stage to convert the data schema type to ustring. This

process is described in ″Handling SAS CHAR Fields Containing Multi-Byte

Unicode Data″ .

A persistent parallel SAS data set is automatically converted to a WebSphere

DataStage data set if the next stage in the flow is not an occurrence of the SAS


Transitional SAS Data Set Format

When data is being moved into or out of a parallel occurrence of the SAS stage,

the data must be in a format that allows WebSphere DataStage to partition it to

multiple processing nodes. For this reason, WebSphere DataStage provides an

internal data set representation called a transitional SAS data set, which is

specifically intended for capturing the record structure of a SAS data set for use by

WebSphere DataStage.

This is a non-persistent WebSphere DataStage version of the SAS data set format

that is the default output from the SAS stage. If the input data to be processed is in

a SAS data set or a WebSphere DataStage data set, the conversion to a transitional

SAS data set is done automatically by the SAS stage.

In this format, each SAS record is represented by a single WebSphere DataStage

raw field named SASdata:

record ( SASdata:raw; )

Getting Input from a SAS Data Set

Using a SAS data set the SAS stage entails reading it in from the library in which it

is stored using a SAS step, typically, a DATA step. The data is normally then

output to the liborch library in transitional SAS data set format.

liborch is the SAS engine provided by WebSphere DataStage that you use to

reference transitional SAS data sets as inputs to and outputs from your SAS code.

The SAS stage converts a SAS data set or a standard stage data set into the

WebSphere DataStage SAS data set format. The figure below is a schematic of this


10 Connectivity Guide for SAS

In this example,

v The code is provided through the Property tab on the Stage page of the SAS


v libname temp ’/tmp’ specifies the library name of the SAS input

v data liborch.p_out specifies the output transitional SAS data set

v temp.p_in is the input SAS data set

The output transitional SAS data set is named using the following syntax:


As part of writing the SAS code executed by the SAS stage, you must associate

each input and output data set with an input and output of the SAS code. In the

figure above, the SAS stage executes a DATA step with a single input and a single

output. Other SAS code to process the data would normally be included.

In this example, the output data set is prefixed by liborch, a SAS library name

corresponding to the WebSphere DataStage SAS engine, while the input data set

comes from another specified library; in this example the data set file would

normally be named /tmp/p_in.ssd01.

Getting Input from a Stage or a Transitional SAS Data Set

You may have data already formatted as a stage data set that you want to process

with SAS code, especially if there are other stages earlier in the data flow. In that

case, the SAS stage automatically converts a data set into a WebSphere DataStage

SAS data set. However, you still need to provide the SAS step that connects the

data to the inputs and outputs of the SAS stage.

For stage data sets (persistent data sets) or transitional SAS data sets the liborch

library is referenced. The SAS stage creates a transitional SAS data set as a

Figure 2. Conversion to the WebSphere DataStage SAS Format

Chapter 1. Using WebSphere DataStage to Run SAS Code 11

temporary output. Shown below is a SAS Stagewith one input and one output data


As part of writing the SAS code executed by the SAS stage, you must associate

each input and output data set with an input and output of the SAS code. In the

figure above, the SAS Stage executes a DATA step with a single input and a single

output. Other SAS code to process the data would normally be included.

To define the input data set connected to the DATA step input, you use the Inputs

property of the SAS Stage.

Converting between Data Set Types

You may have an existing WebSphere DataStage data set, which is the output of an

upstream stage or is the result of reading data from a database such as INFORMIX

or Oracle using a database stage. Also, the WebSphere DataStage database write

stages take as input standard WebSphere DataStage data sets. Therefore, the SAS

stage must convert WebSphere DataStage data to SAS data and also convert SAS

data to WebSphere DataStage data. These two kinds of data-set conversion are

covered in the following sections.

Converting WebSphere DataStage Data to SAS Data

Once you have provided the liborch statements to tell the SAS stage where to find

the input data set, as described in ″Getting Input from a WebSphere DataStage or a

Transitional SAS Data Set″ , the stage automatically converts theWebSphere

DataStage data set into a transitional SAS data set before executing your SAS code.

In order to do so, the SAS stage must convert both the field names and the field

data types in the input WebSphere DataStage data set.

Figure 3. SAS Stage with One Input and One Output

12 Connectivity Guide for SAS

Field and Data Set Names

WebSphere DataStage supports 32-character field and data set names for SAS

Version 8. However, SAS Version 6 accepts names of only up to eight characters.

Therefore, you must specify whether you are using SAS Version 6 or SAS Version 8

when you install WebSphere DataStage. When you specify SAS Version 6,

WebSphere DataStage automatically truncates names to eight characters when

converting a standard WebSphere DataStage data set to an transitional SAS data


Data Types

The SAS stage converts WebSphere DataStage data types to corresponding SAS

data types. All WebSphere DataStage numeric data types, including integer, float,

decimal, date, time, and timestamp, are converted to the SAS numeric data type.

WebSphere DataStage raw and string fields are converted to SAS string fields.

WebSphere DataStage raw and string fields longer than 200 bytes are truncated to

200 bytes, which is the maximum length of a SAS string.

The following table summarizes these data type conversions:

Table 2. Conversions to SAS Data Types

WebSphere DataStage Data Type SAS Data Type

date SAS numeric date value

decimal[p,s] (p is precision and s is scale) SAS numeric

int64 and uint64 not supported

int8, int16, int32, uint8, uint16, uint32, SAS numeric

sfloat, dfloat SAS numeric

fixed-length raw, in the form: raw[n] SAS string with length n

The maximum string length is 200 bytes;

strings longer than 200 bytes are truncated

to 200 bytes.

variable-length raw, in the form:


SAS string with a length of the actual string


The maximum string length is 200 bytes;

strings longer than 200 bytes are truncated

to 200 bytes.

variable-length raw in the form: raw not supported

fixed-length string or ustring, in the form:

string[n] or ustring[n]

SAS string with length n

The maximum string length is 200 bytes;

strings longer than 200 bytes are truncated

to 200 bytes.

variable-length string or ustring, in the form:

string[max=n] or ustring[max=n]

SAS string with a length of the actual string


The maximum string length is 200 bytes;

strings longer than 200 bytes are truncated

to 200 bytes.

variable-length string or ustring in the form:

string or ustring

not supported

time SAS numeric time value

Chapter 1. Using WebSphere DataStage to Run SAS Code 13

Table 2. Conversions to SAS Data Types (continued)

WebSphere DataStage Data Type SAS Data Type

timestamp SAS numeric datetime value

Note: The WebSphere DataStage Parallel Job Developer Guide contains a table that

maps SQL data types to the underlying data type.

Converting SAS Data to WebSphere DataStage Data

After your SAS code has run, it may be necessary for the SAS stage to convert an

output transitional SAS data set to the standard WebSphere DataStage data-set

format. This is required if you want to further process the data using the standard

stages, including writing to a database using a database write stage.

In order to do this, the SAS stage needs a record schema for the output data set.

You can provide a schema for the data set in one of two ways:

v Using the Set Schema from Columns option or the Schema Source SAS Data Set

Name option, you can define a schema definition for the output data set.

v A persistent parallel SAS data set is automatically converted to a WebSphere

DataStage data set if the next stage in the flow is not an SAS stage.

When converting a SAS numeric field to a WebSphere DataStage numeric, you can

get a numeric overflow or underflow if the destination data type is too small to

hold the value of the SAS field. You can avoid the error this causes by specifying

all fields as nullable so that the destination field is simply set to null and

processing continues.

A WebSphere DataStage Example

A Specialty Freight Carrier charges its customers based on distance, equipment,

packing, and license requirements. They need a report of distance traveled and

charges for the month of July grouped by license type.

The table below shows some representative input data:

Ship Date District Distance Equipment Packing License Charge


Jun 2 2000 1 1540 D M BUN 1300

Jul 12 2000 1 1320 D C SUM 4800

Aug 2 2000 1 1760 D C CUM 1300

Jun 22 2000 2 1540 D C CUN 13500

Jul 30 2000 2 1320 D M SUM 6000


Here is the SAS output:

The SAS System

17:39, October 26, 2002



14 Connectivity Guide for SAS

Variable Label N Mean Sum


DISTANCE DISTANCE 720 1563.93 1126030.00

CHARGE CHARGE 720 28371.39 20427400.00



Step execution finished with status = OK.

Making SAS Steps Parallel

This section describes how to write SAS applications for parallel execution. Parallel

execution allows your SAS application and data to be distributed to the multiple

processing nodes within a scalable system.

The first section describes how to execute SAS DATA steps in parallel; the second

section describes how to execute SAS PROC steps in parallel. A third section

provides rules of thumb that may be helpful for parallelizing SAS code.

Executing DATA Steps in Parallel

This section describes how to convert a sequential SAS DATA step into a parallel

DATA step. Characteristics of DATA steps that are candidates for parallelization

using the round-robin partitioning method include:

v Perform the same action for every record

v No RETAIN®, LAGN, SUM, or + statements

v Order does not need to be maintained.

Good Candidates for Parallelization of DATA Steps

Characteristics of DATA steps that are candidates for parallelization using hash

partitioning include:

v BY clause

v Summarization and/or accumulation in retained variables

v Sorting or ordering of inputs.

Often, steps with these characteristics require that you group records on a

processing node or sort your data as part of a preprocessing operation.

Poor Candidates for Parallelization of DATA Steps

Some DATA steps should not be parallelized. These include DATA steps that:

v Process small amounts of data (startup overhead outweighs parallel speed


v Perform sequential operations that cannot be parallelized (such as a SAS import

from a single file)

v Need to see every record to produce a result

Parallelizing these kinds of steps would offer little or no advantage to your code.

Steps of these kinds should be executed within a sequential SAS stage.

Example Applications

Three sample applications follow.

Chapter 1. Using WebSphere DataStage to Run SAS Code 15

Example 1

Parallelizing a SAS DATA Step

This section contains an example that executes a SAS DATA step in parallel. The

step takes a single SAS data set as input and writes its results to a single SAS data

set as output. The DATA step recodes the salary field of the input data to replace a

dollar amount with a salary-scale value.

Data Flow Diagram

Here is a figure describing this step:

Here is the original SAS code:

libname prod "/prod";

data prod.sal_scl;

set prod.sal;

Figure 4. Executing a SAS DATA Step in Parallel

16 Connectivity Guide for SAS

if (salary < 10000)

then salary = 1;

else if (salary < 25000)

then salary = 2;

else if (salary < 50000)

then salary = 3;

else if (salary < 100000)

then salary = 4;

else salary = 5;


This DATA step requires little effort to parallelize because it processes records

without regard to record order or relationship to any other record in the input.

Also, the step performs the same operation on every input record and contains no

BY clauses or RETAIN statements.

WebSphere DataStage Data Flow Diagram

The following figure shows the WebSphere DataStage data flow diagram for

executing this DATA step in parallel:

Chapter 1. Using WebSphere DataStage to Run SAS Code 17


In this example, you:

v Get the input from a SAS data set using a sequential SAS stage;

v Execute the DATA step in a parallel SAS stage;

Figure 5. Data Flow Diagram: Parallel Execution

18 Connectivity Guide for SAS

v Output the results as a standard WebSphere DataStage data set (you must

provide a schema for this) or as a parallel SAS data set. You may also pass the

output to another SAS stage for further processing. The schema required may be

generated by first outputting the data to a Parallel SAS data set, then referencing

that data set. WebSphere DataStage automatically generates the schema.

Comparison of SAS Code

The first sequential SAS stage executes the following SAS code as defined by the

SAS Source option:

libname prod "/prod";

data liborch.out;

set prod.sal;


This parallel SAS stage executes the following SAS code:

libname prod "/prod";

data liborch.p_sal;

set liborch.sal;

. . . (salary field code from previous page)


The next SAS Stage can then do one of three things:

v Output the results as a standard WebSphere DataStage data set using the

Schema definition

v Output the results as a parallel SAS data set

v Pass the output directly to another SAS Stage as a transitional SAS data set

The default output format is transitional SAS data set. When the output is to a

parallel SAS data set or to another SAS Stage, for example, as a

standardWebSphere DataStage data set, the liborch statement must be used.

Conversion of the output to a standard WebSphere DataStage data set or a Parallel

SAS data set is discussed in ″Transitional SAS Data Set Format″ and ″Parallel SAS

Data Set Format″ .

Example 2

Using the hash Partitioner

This example reads two INFORMIX tables as input, hash partitions on the workloc

field, then uses a SAS DATA step to merge the data and score it before writing it

out to a parallel SAS data set.

Chapter 1. Using WebSphere DataStage to Run SAS Code 19

WebSphere DataStage Data Flow Diagram

The SAS stage in this example runs the following DATA step to perform the merge

and score:

Figure 6. Data Flow Diagram: Two Input Tables

20 Connectivity Guide for SAS

data liborch.emptabd;

merge liborch.wltab liborch.emptab;

by workloc;

a_13 = (f1-f3)/2;

a_15 = (f1-f5)/2;





Records are hashed based on the workloc field. In order for the merge to work

correctly, all records with the same value for workloc must be sent to the same

processing node and the records must be ordered. The merge is followed by a

parallel SAS stage that scores the data, then writes it out to a parallel SAS data set.

Example 3

Using a SAS SUM Statement with a DATA Step

This section contains an example using the SUM clause with a DATA step. In this

example, the DATA step outputs a SAS data set where each record contains two

fields: an account number and a total transaction amount. The transaction amount

in the output is calculated by summing all the deposits and withdrawals for the

account in the input data where each input record contains one transaction.

Here is the SAS code for this example, as defined by the SAS Source option:

libname prod "/prod";

proc sort data=prod.trans;


by acctno;

data prod.up_trans (keep = acctno sum);

set prod.s_trans;

by acctno;

if first.acctno then sum=0;

if type = "D"

then sum + amt;

if type = "W"

then sum - amt;

if last.acctno then output;


The SUM variable is reset at the beginning of each group of records where the

record groups are determined by the account number field. Because this DATA

step uses the BY clause, you use the Hash stage with this step to make sure all

records from the same group are assigned to the same node.

Note that DATA steps using SUM without the BY clause view their input as one

large group. Therefore, if the step used SUM but not BY, you would execute the

step sequentially so that all records would be processed on a single node.

WebSphere DataStage Data Flow Diagram

Shown below is the data flow diagram for this example:

Chapter 1. Using WebSphere DataStage to Run SAS Code 21

The SAS DATA step executed by the second SAS stage, as defined by the SAS

Source option, is:

data liborch.nw_trans (keep = acctno sum);

set liborch.p_trans;

by acctno;

if first.acctno then sum=0;

if type = "D"

then sum + amt;

if type = "W"

then sum - amt;

if last.acctno then output;


Figure 7. Data Flow Diagram: Sum Statement

22 Connectivity Guide for SAS

Executing PROC Steps in Parallel

This section describes how to parallelize SAS PROC steps using WebSphere

DataStage. Before you parallelize a PROC step, you should first determine whether

the step is a candidate for parallelization.

When deciding whether to parallelize a SAS PROC step, you should look for those

steps that take a long time to execute relative to the other PROC steps in your

application. By parallelizing only those PROC steps that take the majority of your

application execution time, you can achieve significant performance improvements

without having to parallelize the entire application. Parallelizing steps with short

execution times may yield only marginal performance improvements.

Good Candidates for Parallelization of SAS PROC Steps

Many of the characteristics that mark a SAS DATA step as a good candidate for

parallelization are also true for SAS PROC steps. Thus PROC steps are likely

candidates if they:

v do not require sorted inputs

v perform the same operation on all records.

PROC steps that generate human-readable reports may also not be candidates for

parallel execution unless they have a BY clause. You may want to test this type of

PROC step to measure the performance improvement with parallel execution.

The following section contains two examples of running SAS PROC steps in


Example Applications

Two sample applications follow.

Example 1

Parallelizing PROC Steps

This example parallelizes a SAS application using PROC SORT and PROC

MEANS. In this example, you first sort the input to PROC MEANS, then calculate

the mean of all records with the same value for the acctno field.

Data Flow Diagram

The following figure illustrates this SAS application:

Chapter 1. Using WebSphere DataStage to Run SAS Code 23

Shown below is the original SAS code:

Figure 8. Data Flow Diagram: Using Proc Sort and Proc Means

24 Connectivity Guide for SAS

libname prod "/prod";

proc means data=prod.dhist;

BY acctno;


The BY clause in a SAS step signals that you want to hash partition the input to

the step. Hash partitioning guarantees that all records with the same value for

acctno are sent to the same processing node. The SAS PROC step executing on

each node is thus able to calculate the mean for all records with the same value for


WebSphere DataStage Data Flow Diagram

Shown below is the implementation of this example:

Chapter 1. Using WebSphere DataStage to Run SAS Code 25

PROC MEANS pipes its results to standard output, and the SAS stage sends the

results from each partition to standard output as well. Thus the list file created by

Figure 9. Data Flow Diagram: Hash and PROC Step

26 Connectivity Guide for SAS

the SAS stage, which you specify using the SAS List File Location Type option,

contains the results of the PROC MEANS sorted by processing node.

Shown below is the SAS PROC step for this application:

proc means data=liborch.p_dhist;

by acctno;



Parallelizing PROC Steps Using the CLASS Keyword

One type of SAS BY GROUP processing uses the SAS keyword CLASS. CLASS

allows a PROC step to perform BY GROUP processing without your having to first

sort the input data to the step. Note, however, that the grouping technique used by

the SAS CLASS option requires that all your input data fit in memory on the

processing node.

Note also that as your data size increases, you may want to replace CLASS and

NWAY with SORT and BY.


Whether you parallelize steps using CLASS depends on the following:

v If the step also uses the NWAY keyword, parallelize it.

When the step specifies both CLASS and NWAY, you parallelize it just like a

step using the BY keyword, except the step input doesn’t have to be sorted. This

means you hash partition the input data based on the fields specified to the

CLASS option. See the previous section for an example using the hash

partitioning method.

v If the CLASS clause does not use NWAY, execute it sequentially.

v If the PROC STEP generates a report, execute it sequentially, unless it has a BY


For example, the following SAS code uses PROC SUMMARY with both the CLASS

and NWAY keywords:

libname prod "/prod";

proc summary data=prod.txdlst

missing NWAY;

CLASS acctno lstrxd fpxd;

var xdamt xdcnt;

output out=prod.xnlstr(drop=_type_ _freq_) sum=;


In order to parallelize this example, you hash partition the data based on the fields

specified in the CLASS option. Note that you do not have to partition the data on

all of the fields, only to specify enough fields that your data is be correctly

distributed to the processing nodes.

For example, you can hash partition on acctno if it ensures that your records are

properly grouped. Or you can partition on two of the fields, or on all three. An

important consideration with hash partitioning is that you should specify as few

fields as necessary to the partitioner because every additional field requires

additional overhead to perform partitioning.

Chapter 1. Using WebSphere DataStage to Run SAS Code 27

WebSphere DataStage Data Flow Diagram

The following figure shows the application data flow for this example:

The SAS code (DATA step) for the first SAS stage, as defined by the SAS Source

option, is:

Figure 10. Data Flow Diagram: Hashing on acctno

28 Connectivity Guide for SAS

libname prod "/prod";

data liborch.p_txdlst

set prod.txdlst;


The SAS code for the second SAS stage, as defined by the SAS Source option, is:

proc summary data=liborch.p_txdlst

missing NWAY;

CLASS acctno lstrxd fpxd;

var xdamt xdcnt;

output out=liborch.p_xnlstr(drop=_type_ _freq_) sum=;


Points to Consider in Parallelizing SAS Code

There are four basic points you should consider when parallelizing your SAS code.

If your SAS application satisfies any of the following criteria it is probably a good

candidate for parallelization, provided the application is run against large volumes

of data. SAS applications that run quickly, against small volumes of data, do not


v Number of Records. Does your SAS application extract a large number of

records from a parallel relational database? A few million records or more is

usually sufficiently large to offset the cost of initializing parallelization.

v CPU Usage. Is your SAS program CPU intensive? CPU-intensive applications

typically perform multiple CPU-demanding operations on each record.

Operations that are CPU-demanding include arithmetic operations, conditional

statements, creation of new field values for each record, etc. For SMP users,

WebSphere DataStage provides you with the biggest performance gains if your

code is CPU-intensive.

v Size of Records. Does your SAS program pass large records of lengths greater

than 100 bytes? WebSphere DataStage introduces a small record-size

independent CPU overhead when passing records into and out of the SAS stage.

You may notice this overhead if you are passing small records that also perform

little or no CPU-intensive operations.

v Sorting. Does your SAS program perform sorts? Sorting is a memory-intensive

procedure. By performing the sort in parallel, you can reduce the overall amount

of required memory. This is always a win on an MPP platform and frequently a

win on an SMP.

Rules of Thumb

There are rules of thumb you can use to specify how a SAS program runs in

parallel. Once you have identified a program as a potential candidate for use in

WebSphere DataStage, you need to determine how to divide the SAS code itself

into WebSphere DataStage steps.

The SAS stage can be run either parallel or sequentially. Any converted SAS

program that satisfies one of the four criteria outlined above will contain at least

one parallel segment. How much of the program should be contained in this

segment? Are there portions of the program that need to be implemented in

sequential segments? When does a SAS program require multiple parallel

segments? Here are some guidelines you can use to answer such questions.

v Identify Slow-Running Steps. Identify the slow portions of the sequential SAS

program by inspecting the CPU and real-time values for each of the PROC and

DATA steps in your application. Typically, these are steps that manipulate

records (CPU-intensive) or that sort or merge (memory-intensive). You should be

Chapter 1. Using WebSphere DataStage to Run SAS Code 29

looking for times that are a relatively large fraction of the total run time of the

application and that are measured in units of many minutes to hours, not

seconds to minutes. You may need to set the SAS fullstimer option on in your

config.sas612 or in your SAS program itself to generate a log of these sequential

run times.

v Parallelize Slow-Running Steps First. Start by parallelizing only those slow

portions of the application that you have identified in guideline 1. As you

include more code within the parallel segment, remember that each parallel copy

of your code (referred to as a partition) sees only a fraction of the data. This

fraction is determined by the partitioning method you specify on the input or

inpipe lines of your SAS stage source code.

v Use Only One Pipe Between SAS Stages. Any two SAS stages should only be

connected by one pipe. This ensures that all pipes in the WebSphere DataStage

program are simultaneously flowing for the duration of the execution. If two

segments are connected by multiple pipes, each pipe must drain entirely before

the next one can start.

v Minimize Number of SAS Stages. Keep the number of SAS stages to a

minimum. There is a performance cost associated with each stage that is

included in the data flow. Guideline 3 takes precedence over this guideline. That

is, when reducing the number of stages means connecting any two stages with

more than one pipe, don’t do it.

v Input One Sequential File Per Stage. If you are reading or writing a sequential

file such as a flat ASCII text file or a SAS data set, you should include the SAS

code that does this in a sequential SAS stage. Use one sequential stage for each

such file. You will see better performance inputting one sequential file per stage

than if you lump many inputs into one segment followed by multiple pipes to

the next segment, in line with guideline 2 above.

v Give Each Partition Equal Amounts of Data. When you choose a partition key

or combination of keys for a parallel stage, you should keep in mind that the

best overall performance of the parallel application occurs if each of the

partitions is given approximately equal quantities of data. For instance, if you

are hash partitioning by the key field year (which has five values in your data)

into five parallel segments, you will end up with poor performance if there are

big differences in the quantities of data for each of the five years. The

application is held up by the partition that has the most data to process. If there

is no data at all for one of the years, the application will fail because the SAS

process that gets no data will issue an error statement. Furthermore, the failure

will occur only after the slowest partition has finished processing, which may be

well into your application. The solution may be to partition by multiple keys, for

example, year and storeNumber, to use round-robin partitioning where possible,

to use a partitioning key that has many more values than there are partitions in

your application, or to keep the same key field but reduce the number of

partitions. All of these methods should serve to balance the data distribution

over the partitions.

v Use Multiple Parallel Segments with Different Keys. Multiple parallel

segments in your WebSphere DataStage application are required when you need

to parallelize portions of code that are sorted by different key fields. For

instance, if one portion of the application performs a merge of two data sets

using the patientID field as the BY key, this PROC MERGE will need to be in a

parallel segment that is hash partitioned on the key field patientID. If another

portion of the application performs a PROC MEANS of a data set using the

procedureCode field as the CLASS key, this PROC MEANS will have to be in a

parallel SAS stage that is hash partitioned on the procedureCode key field.

30 Connectivity Guide for SAS

v Sort in Parallel. If you are running a query that includes an ORDER BY clause

against a relational database, you should remove it and do the sorting in

parallel, either using SAS PROC SORT or a WebSphere DataStage input line

order statement. Performing the sort in parallel outside of the database removes

the sequential bottleneck of sorting within the RDBMS.

v Resort when Required. A sort that has been performed in a parallel stage will

order the data only within that stage. If the data is then streamed into a

sequential stage, the sort order will be lost. You will need to sort again within

the sequential stage to guarantee order.

v Do Not Use Custom-Specified SAS Library. Within a parallel SAS stage you

may only use SAS work directories for intermediate writes to disk. SAS

generates unique names for the work directories of each of the parallel stages. In

an SMP environment this is necessary because it prevents the multiple CPUs

from writing to the same work file. Do not use a custom-specified SAS library

within a parallel stage.

v Use liborch Properly. Do not use a liborch directory within a parallel segment

unless it is connected to an inpipe or an outpipe. A liborch directory may not be

both written and read within the same parallel stage.

v Write Contents to Disk When Necessary. A liborch directory can be used only

once for an input, inpipe, output or outpipe. If you need to read or write the

contents of a liborch directory more than once, you should write the contents to

disk via a SAS work directory and copy this as needed.

v Use Pipes to Connect between Stages. Remember that all stages in a step run

simultaneously. This means that you cannot write to a custom-specified SAS

library as output from one stage and simultaneously read from it in a

subsequent stage. Connections between stages must be via WebSphere DataStage

pipes which are virtual data sets normally in transitional SAS data set format.

Using SAS with European Languages

Use basic SAS to perform European-language data transformations. Do not use

international SAS, which is designed for languages that require double-byte

character transformations.

The basic SAS executable sold in Europe may require you to create work-arounds

for handling some European characters. WebSphere DataStage has not made any

modifications to SAS that eliminate the need for this special character handling.

To use WebSphere DataStage with European languages:

1. At installation, specify the location of your basic SAS executable using one of

the methods below. The SAS international syntax in these methods directs

WebSphere DataStage to perform European-language transformations.

v Set the APT_SASINT_COMMAND environment variable to the absolute path name

of your basic SAS executable. For example:

APT_SASINT_COMMAND /usr/local/sas/sas8.2/sas

v Include a resource sas entry in your configuration file. For example:

resource sasint "[/usr/sas8.2/]" { }

2. At installation, in the table of your sascs.txt file enter the designations of the

ICU character sets you use in the right-hand columns of the table. There can be

multiple entries. Use the left-hand column of the table to enter a symbol that

describes the character sets. The symbol cannot contain space characters, and

both columns must be filled in. The platform-specific sascs.txt files are in:


Chapter 1. Using WebSphere DataStage to Run SAS Code 31

The platform directory names are: sun, aix, osf1 (Tru64), hpux, and lunix. For



Example table entries:





3. Using the NLS tab of the SAS-interface stages, specify an ICU character set to

be used by WebSphere DataStage to map between your ustring values and the

CHAR data stored in SAS files. For additional information, see ″Configuring

International SAS″ .

Using WebSphere DataStage to Do ETL

Only a simple SAS step is required to extract data from a SAS file. The Little SAS

Book from the SAS Institute provides a good introduction to the SAS step


In the following example, SAS is directed to read the SAS file cl_ship, and to

deliver that data as a WebSphere DataStage data stream to the next stage. In this

example, the next step consists of the Peek stage.

See ″Representing SAS and Non-SAS Data in WebSphere DataStage″ for

information on data-set formats, and ″Getting Input from a SAS Data Set″ for a

description of liborch.

The schemaFile option instructs WebSphere DataStage to generate the schema that

defines the WebSphere DataStage virtual data stream from the meta data in the

SAS file cl_ship.

The following code is generated from the SAS Source, Output, and Options

options of the GUI:

sas -source ’libname curr_dir \’.\’;

DATA liborch.out_data;

SET curr_dir.cl_ship;


-output 0 out_data -schemaFile ’cl_ship’

-workingdirectory ’.’;

If you know the fields contained in the SAS file and use the Set Schema From

Columns option, performance is improved. The generated code follows:

sas -source ’libname curr_dir \’.\’;

DATA liborch.out_data;

SET curr_dir.cl_ship;


-output 0 out_data

-schema record(SHIP_DATE:nullable string[50];

DISTRICT:nullable string[10];

DISTANCE:nullable sfloat;

EQUIPMENT:nullable string[10];

PACKAGING:nullable string[10];

LICENSE:nullable string[10];

CHARGE:nullable sfloat;)

32 Connectivity Guide for SAS

It is also easy to write a SAS file from a WebSphere DataStage virtual datastream.

Use the SAS Source and Input options of the SAS Stage to generate the SAS file

described above. The following code is generated:

sas -source ’libname curr_dir \’.\’;

DATA curr_dir.cl_ship;

SET liborch.in_data;


-input 0 in_data [seq] 0< DSLink2a.v;

Running in NLS Mode

If the client is running in NLS mode, international SAS is invoked. If NLS is off,

basic SAS is invoked. When you have invoked SAS in standard mode, your SAS

log output has this type of header:

NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software Release 8.2 (TS2MO)

When you have invoked SAS in international mode, your SAS log output has this

type of header:

NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software Release 8.2 (TS2MO DBCS2944)

If NLS is off for the SAS stage, SAS is invoked in standard mode. In standard

mode, SAS processes your string fields and step source code using single-byte

LATIN1 characters. SAS standard mode, is also called ″the basic US SAS product″.

If NLS is on and your WebSphere DataStage data includes ustring values, SAS

Stage use the current value in icu_char_set to determine which code conversion to

use. SAS Stage uses the environment variable settings (see ″Environment Variables″

) to detrmine what to do if a ustring is truncated when converted to a SAS

character fixed-length field. It also determines what to do if it encounters a ustring

value when NLS is not enabled.

Parallel SAS Data Sets and SAS International

Under certain circumstances, WebSphere DataStage automatically inserts a step in

the process and determines your character setting.

Automatic Step Insertion

When you save a .ds data set as a parallel SAS data set by using the [psds]

directive or adding a .psds suffix to the output file, WebSphere DataStage

automatically inserts a step in your data flow which contains the sasin, sas, and

sasout components. Using the SAS Source option, the SAS Stage specifies

specialized SAS code to be executed by SAS.

The SAS executable used is the one on your $PATH unless its path is overwritten by

the APT_SAS_COMMAND or APT_SASINT_COMMAND environment variable. WebSphere

DataStage SAS-specific variables are described in ″Environment Variables″ . The

DBCS, DBCSLANG, and DBCSTYPE environment variables are not set for the step.

If the WebSphere DataStage-inserted step fails, you can see the reason for its failure

by rerunning the job with the APT_SAS_SHOW_INFO environment variable set.

For more information on Parallel SAS Data Sets, see ″Parallel SAS Data Set

Format″ .

Chapter 1. Using WebSphere DataStage to Run SAS Code 33

Handling SAS CHAR Fields Containing Multi-Byte Unicode


When you set the APT_SAS_NO_PSDS_USTRING environment variable, WebSphere

DataStage imports all SAS CHAR fields as WebSphere DataStage string fields

when reading a .psds data set. Use the Modify stage to import those CHAR fields

that contain multi-byte Unicode characters as ustrings, and specify a character set

to be used for the ustring value. Use the Modify stage to convert each appropriate


When the APT_SAS_NO_PSDS_USTRING environment variable is not set, the .psds

header file lists the SAS CHAR fields that are to be converted to ustring fields in

WebSphere DataStage, making it unnecessary to use the Modify stage to convert

the data type of these fields. For more information, see ″Parallel SAS Data Set

Format″ .

Specifying an Output Schema

You must specify an output schema to the SAS stage when the downstream stage

is a standard stage such as Peek or Copy. WebSphere DataStage uses the schema to

convert the transitional SAS data used by the SAS stage to a WebSphere DataStage

data set suitable for processing by a standard stage.

There are two ways to specify the schema:

v Use the Set Schema from Columns option to supply a WebSphere DataStage

schema. By supplying an explicit schema, you obtain better job performance and

gain control over which SAS CHAR data is to be output as ustring values and

which SAS CHAR data is to be output as string values.

v Use the Schema Source SAS Data Set Name option to specify a SAS file that has

the same meta data description as the SAS output stream. WebSphere DataStage

generates the schema from that file.

Note: If both the Schema Source SAS Data Set Name option is set and NLS is

on, all of your SAS CHAR fields are converted to WebSphere DataStage ustring

values. If NLS is not on, all of your SAS CHAR values are converted to

WebSphere DataStage string values.

To obtain a mixture of string and ustring values, use the Set Schema from

Columns option.


You can use the APT_SAS_SCHEMASOURCE_DUMP environment variable to see the SAS

CONTENTS report used by the Schema Source SAS Data Set Name option. The

output also displays the command line given to SAS to produce the report and the

pathname of the report. The input file and output file created by SAS is not

deleted when this variable is set.

You can then fine tune the schema and specify it to the Set Schema from Columns

option to take advantage of performance improvements.

You can see the schema generated by Schema Source SAS Data Set Name by

setting Debug Program = Yes and looking at a INFO line in the log.

34 Connectivity Guide for SAS

Controlling ustring Truncation

Your ustring values may be truncated before the space pad characters and \0

because a ustring value of n characters does not fit into n bytes of a SAS CHAR

value. You can use the APT_SAS_TRUNCATION environment variable to specify how

the truncation is done. This variable is described in ″Environment Variables″ .

If the last character in a truncated value is a multi-byte character, the SAS CHAR

field is padded with C null (zero) characters. For all other values, including

non-truncated values, spaces are used for padding.

You can avoid truncation of your ustring values by specifying them in your

schema as variable-length strings with an upper bound. The syntax is:


Specify a value for n_codepoint_units that is 2.5 or 3 times larger than the number

of characters in the ustring. This forces the SAS CHAR fixed-length field size to be

the value of n_codepoint_units. The maximum value for n_codepoint_units is 200.

Inserted Partition and Sort Components

By default, WebSphere DataStage inserts partition and sort components to meet the

partitioning and sorting needs of the SAS-interface stages and other stages. For a

SAS-interface stage, WebSphere DataStage selects the appropriate component from

WebSphere DataStage or from SAS.

Environment Variables

Add or modify environment variables:

v In the Designer in the Choose Environment Variable dialog box. See WebSphere

DataStage Designer Client Guide for additional information.

v In the Administrator in the Environment Variables dialog box. See WebSphere

DataStageAdministrator Client Guide for additional information.

These are the SAS-specific environment variables:

v APT_SAS_COMMAND absolute_path

Overrides the $PATH directory for SAS and resource sas entry with an absolute

path to the US SAS executable. An example path is:


v APT_SASINT_COMMAND absolute_path

Overrides the $PATH directory for SAS and resource sasint entry with an absolute

path to the International SAS executable. An example path is:


v APT_SAS_CHARSET icu_character_set

When the NLS option is not selected and a SAS-interface stage encounters a

ustring, WebSphere DataStage interrogates this variable to determine what

character set to use. If this variable is not set, but APT_SAS_CHARSET_ABORT is set,

the stage aborts; otherwise WebSphere DataStage accesses the

APT_IMPEXP_CHARSET environment variable.


Chapter 1. Using WebSphere DataStage to Run SAS Code 35

Causes a SAS-interface stage to abort if WebSphere DataStage encounters a

ustring in the schema and the NLS option is not selected and the

APT_SAS_CHARSET environment variable is not set.


Allows you to add arguments to the SAS execution line. A sample argument is

-config filename

For a complete list of all arguments, see your SAS documentation.


Because a ustring of n characters does not fit into n bytes of a SAS CHAR value,

the ustring value may be truncated before the space pad characters and \0. The

SAS stage use this variable to determine how to truncate a ustring value to fit

into a SAS CHAR field. TRUNCATE, which is the default, causes the ustring to be

truncated; ABORT causes the stage to abort; and NULL exports a null field. For NULL

and TRUNCATE, the first five occurrences for each column cause an information

message to be issued to the log.


When a SAS procedure causes SAS to exit with an error, this variable prevents

the SAS-interface stage from terminating. The default behavior is for WebSphere

DataStage to terminate the stage with an error.


Specifies the level of debugging messages to output from the SAS driver. The

values of 0, 1, and 2 duplicate the output for the Debug Program option of the

Sas stage: no, yes, and verbose.


Specifies various debug messages which are found in the SAS Log.


The Hash stage partitioner contains support for hashing SAS data. In addition,

WebSphere DataStage provides the sashash partitioner for backward

compatibility which uses an alternative non-standard hashing algorithm. Setting

the APT_HASH_TO_SASHASH environment variable causes all appropriate instances

of hash to be replaced by sashash. If the APT_NO_SAS_TRANSFORMS environment

variable is set, APT_HASH_TO_SASHASH has no affect.


WebSphere DataStage automatically performs certain types of SAS-specific

component transformations, such as inserting a sasout component and

substituting sasRoundRobin for eRoundRobin. Setting the

APT_NO_SAS_TRANSFORMS variable prevents WebSphere DataStage from making

these transformations.


This variable selectively disables the sasout component insertions. It maintains

the other SAS-specific transformations.


Displays the standard SAS executable log from an import or export transaction

(the SAS Parallel Data Set stage). The SAS output is normally deleted since a

transaction is usually successful.


Displays the SAS CONTENTS report used by the Schema Source SAS Data Set

Name option. The output also displays the command line given to SAS to

produce the report and the pathname of the report. The input file and output

file created by SAS is not deleted when this variable is set.

36 Connectivity Guide for SAS

v APT_SAS_S_ARGUMENT number_of_characters

Overrides the value of the SAS s option which specifies how many characters

should be skipped from the beginning of the line when reading input SAS

source records. The s option is typically set to 0 indicating that records be read

starting with the first character on the line. This environment variable allows

you to change that offset.

For example, to skip the line numbers and the following space character in the

SAS code below, set the value of the APT_SAS_S_ARGUMENT variable to 6.

0001 data temp; x=1; run;

0002 proc print; run;


Outputs a header file that does not list ustring fields.


Overrides the message type and makes all -logds messages W(arnings). Use this

environment variable to regress to the behavior of the SAS stage in Version 7.5.1

and earlier.


Causes a psds to process only one row (from each SAS parallel data set) and the

SAS Stage to display the WebSphere DataStage schema for the psds.


Restricts the configuration file to having a unique SAS directory on each node of

the configuration file. Use this environment variable to regress to the behavior of

the SAS stage in Release 7.5.1 and earlier. (See “Configuration File

Requirements” on page 3.)

In addition to the SAS-specific debugging variables, you can set the

APT_DEBUG_SUBPROC environment variable to display debug information about each

subprocess component.

Each release of SAS also has an associated environment variable for storing SAS

system options specific to the release. The environment variable name includes the

version of SAS it applies to; for example, SAS612_OPTIONS andSASV8_OPTIONS. The

usage is the same regardless of release.

Any SAS option that can be specified in the configuration file or on the command

line at startup, can also be defined using the version-specific environment variable.

SAS looks for the environment variable in the current shell and then applies the

defined options to that session.

The environment variables are defined as any other shell environment variable. A

ksh example is:

export SASV8_OPTIONS=’-xwait -news SAS_news_file’

A option set using an environment variable overrides the same option set in the

configuration file; and an option set in SASx_OPTIONS is overridden by its setting on

the SAS startup command line or the OPTIONS statement in the SAS code (as

applicable to where options can be defined).

Chapter 1. Using WebSphere DataStage to Run SAS Code 37

38 Connectivity Guide for SAS

Chapter 2. SAS Parallel Data Set Stage

The SAS Parallel Data Set stage is a file stage. It allows you to read data from or

write data to a parallel SAS data set in conjunction with an SAS stage (described in

Chapter 3, “SAS Stage,” on page 45). The stage can have a single input link or a

single output link. It can be configured to execute in parallel or sequential mode.

WebSphere DataStage uses an SAS parallel data set to store data being operated on

by an SAS stage in a persistent form. An SAS parallel data set is a set of one or

more sequential SAS data sets, with a header file specifying the names and

locations of all the component files. By convention, the header file has the suffix


The stage editor has up to three pages, depending on whether you are reading or

writing a data set:

v Stage Page. This is always present and is used to specify general information

about the stage.

v Inputs Page. This is present when you are writing to a data set. This is where

you specify details about the data set being written to.

v Outputs Page. This is present when you are reading from a data set. This is

where you specify details about the data set being read from.

The stage uses the same generic editor as most other processing stages in parallel


Must Do’s

WebSphere DataStage has many defaults which means that it can be very easy to

include SAS Data Set stages in a job. This section specifies the minimum steps to

take to get a SAS Data Set stage functioning. WebSphere DataStage provides a

versatile user interface, and there are many shortcuts to achieving a particular end,

this section describes the basic method, you will learn where the shortcuts are

when you get familiar with the product.

The steps required depend on whether you are reading or writing SAS data sets.

Writing an SAS Data Set

v In the Input Link Properties Tab:

– Specify the name of the SAS data set you are writing to.

– Specify what happens if a data set with that name already exists (by default

this causes an error).v Ensure that column definitions have been specified for the data set (this can be

done in an earlier stage).

Reading an SAS Data Set

v In the Output Link Properties Tab:

– Specify the name of the SAS data set you are reading.v Ensure that column definitions have been specified for the data set (this can be

done in an earlier stage).

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2008 39

Stage Page

The General tab allows you to specify an optional description of the stage. The

Advanced tab allows you to specify how the stage executes.

Advanced Tab

This tab allows you to specify the following:

v Execution Mode. The stage can execute in parallel mode or sequential mode. In

parallel mode the input data is processed by the available nodes as specified in

the Configuration file, and by any node constraints specified on the Advanced

tab. In Sequential mode the entire data set is processed by the conductor node.

v Combinability mode. This is Auto by default, which allows WebSphere

DataStage to combine the operators that underlie parallel stages so that they run

in the same process if it is sensible for this type of stage.

v Preserve partitioning. This is Propagate by default. It adopts Set or Clear from

the previous stage. You can explicitly select Set or Clear. Select Set to request

that next stage in the job should attempt to maintain the partitioning.

v Node pool and resource constraints. Select this option to constrain parallel

execution to the node pool or pools and/or resource pool or pools specified in

the grid. The grid allows you to make choices from drop down lists populated

from the Configuration file.

v Node map constraint. Select this option to constrain parallel execution to the

nodes in a defined node map. You can define a node map by typing node

numbers into the text box or by clicking the browse button to open the

Available Nodes dialog box and selecting nodes from there. You are effectively

defining a new node pool for this stage (in addition to any node pools defined

in the Configuration file).

Inputs Page

The Inputs page allows you to specify details about how the SAS Data Set stage

writes data to a data set. The SAS Data Set stage can have only one input link.

The General tab allows you to specify an optional description of the input link.

The Properties tab allows you to specify details of exactly what the link does. The

Partitioning tab allows you to specify how incoming data is partitioned before

being written to the data set. The Columns tab specifies the column definitions of

the data. The Advanced tab allows you to change the default buffering settings for

the input link.

Details about SAS Data Set stage properties are given in the following sections. See

the WebSphere DataStage Parallel Job Developer Guide for a description of the editor.

for a general description of the other tabs.

Input Link Properties Tab

The Properties tab allows you to specify properties for the input link. These dictate

how incoming data is written and to what data set. Some of the properties are

mandatory, although many have default settings. Properties without default

settings appear in the warning color (red by default) and turn black when you

supply a value for them.

40 Connectivity Guide for SAS

The following table gives a quick reference list of the properties and their

attributes. A more detailed description of each property follows:

Table 3. Input Link Properties and their Attributes

Category/Property Values Default Mandatory? Repeats?



Target/File pathname N/A Y N N/A



Append/Create (Error



Create (Error

if exists)


Options Category


The name of the control file for the data set. You can browse for the file or enter a

job parameter. By convention the file has the suffix .psds.

Update Policy

Specifies what action will be taken if the data set you are writing to already exists.

Choose from:

v Append. Append to the existing data set

v Create (Error if exists). WebSphere DataStage reports an error if the data set

already exists

v Overwrite. Overwrite any existing file set

The default is Create (Error if exists).

Partitioning Tab

The Partitioning tab allows you to specify details about how the incoming data is

partitioned or collected before it is written to the data set. It also allows you to

specify that the data should be sorted before being written.

By default the stage partitions in Auto mode. This attempts to work out the best

partitioning method depending on execution modes of current and preceding

stages and how many nodes are specified in the Configuration file.

If the SAS Data Set stage is operating in sequential mode, it will first collect the

data before writing it to the file using the default Auto collection method.

The Partitioning tab allows you to override this default behavior. The exact

operation of this tab depends on:

v Whether the SAS Data Set stage is set to execute in parallel or sequential mode.

v Whether the preceding stage in the job is set to execute in parallel or sequential


If the SAS Data Set stage is set to execute in parallel, then you can set a

partitioning method by selecting from the Partition type drop-down list. This will

override any current partitioning.

Chapter 2. SAS Parallel Data Set Stage 41

If the SAS Data Set stage is set to execute in sequential mode, but the preceding

stage is executing in parallel, then you can set a collection method from the

Collector type drop-down list. This will override the default auto collection


The following partitioning methods are available:

v (Auto). WebSphere DataStage attempts to work out the best partitioning method

depending on execution modes of current and preceding stages and how many

nodes are specified in the Configuration file. This is the default partitioning

method for the Parallel SAS Data Set stage.

v Entire. Each file written to receives the entire data set.

v Hash. The records are hashed into partitions based on the value of a key column

or columns selected from the Available list.

v Modulus. The records are partitioned using a modulus function on the key

column selected from the Available list. This is commonly used to partition on

tag fields.

v Random. The records are partitioned randomly, based on the output of a

random number generator.

v Round Robin. The records are partitioned on a round robin basis as they enter

the stage.

v Same. Preserves the partitioning already in place.

v DB2. Replicates the DB2 partitioning method of a specific DB2 table. Requires

extra properties to be set. Access these properties by clicking the properties


v Range. Divides a data set into approximately equal size partitions based on one

or more partitioning keys. Range partitioning is often a preprocessing step to

performing a total sort on a data set. Requires extra properties to be set. Access

these properties by clicking the properties button.

The following Collection methods are available:

v (Auto). This is the default collection method for Parallel SAS Data Set stages.

Normally, when you are using Auto mode, WebSphere DataStage will read any

row from any input partition as it becomes available.

v Ordered. Reads all records from the first partition, then all records from the

second partition, and so on.

v Round Robin. Reads a record from the first input partition, then from the

second partition, and so on. After reaching the last partition, the operator starts


v Sort Merge. Reads records in an order based on one or more columns of the

record. This requires you to select a collecting key column from the Available


The Partitioning tab also allows you to specify that data arriving on the input link

should be sorted before being written to the data set. The sort is always carried out

within data partitions. If the stage is partitioning incoming data the sort occurs

after the partitioning. If the stage is collecting data, the sort occurs before the

collection. The availability of sorting depends on the partitioning or collecting

method chosen (it is not available with the default Auto methods).

Select the check boxes as follows:

v Perform Sort. Select this to specify that data coming in on the link should be

sorted. Select the column or columns to sort on from the Available list.

42 Connectivity Guide for SAS

v Stable. Select this if you want to preserve previously sorted data sets. This is the


v Unique. Select this to specify that, if multiple records have identical sorting key

values, only one record is retained. If stable sort is also set, the first record is


If NLS is enabled an additional button opens a dialog box allowing you to select a

locale specifying the collate convention for the sort.

You can also specify sort direction, case sensitivity, whether sorted as ASCII or

EBCDIC, and whether null columns will appear first or last for each column.

Where you are using a keyed partitioning method, you can also specify whether

the column is used as a key for sorting, for partitioning, or for both. Select the

column in the Selected list and right-click to invoke the shortcut menu.

Outputs Page

The Outputs page allows you to specify details about how the Parallel SAS Data

Set stage reads data from a data set. The Parallel SAS Data Set stage can have only

one output link.

The General tab allows you to specify an optional description of the output link.

The Properties tab allows you to specify details of exactly what the link does. The

Columns tab specifies the column definitions of incoming data. The Advanced tab

allows you to change the default buffering settings for the output link.

Details about Data Set stage properties and formatting are given in the following

sections. See the WebSphere DataStage Parallel Job Developer Guide for a description

of the editor. for a general description of the other tabs.

Output Link Properties Tab

The Properties tab allows you to specify properties for the output link. These

dictate how incoming data is read from the data set. The SAS Data Set stage only

has a single property.

Table 4. Output Links and their Attributes

Category/Property Values Default Mandatory? Repeats?



Source/File pathname N/A Y N N/A

Source Category


The name of the control file for the parallel SAS data set. You can browse for the

file or enter a job parameter. The file has the suffix .psds.

Chapter 2. SAS Parallel Data Set Stage 43

44 Connectivity Guide for SAS

Chapter 3. SAS Stage

The SAS stage is a processing stage. It can have multiple input links and multiple

output links.

The SAS stage allows you to execute part or all of an SAS application in parallel. It

reduces or eliminates the performance bottlenecks that might otherwise occur

when SAS is run on a parallel computer.

Before using the SAS stage, you need to set up your configuration file to allow the

system to interact with SAS, see the section on SAS resources in the configuration

file chapter of WebSphere DataStage Parallel Job Developer Guide.

With the SAS stage you can:

v Access, for reading or writing, large volumes of data in parallel from parallel

relational databases, with much higher throughput than is possible using PROC


v Process parallel streams of data with parallel instances of SAS DATA and PROC

steps, enabling scoring or other data transformations to be done in parallel with

minimal changes to existing SAS code.

v Store large data sets in parallel, eliminating restrictions on the size of a data set

imposed by your file system or physical disk-size limitations. Parallel data sets

are accessed from SAS programs in the same way as conventional SAS data sets,

but at much higher data I/O rates.

v Realize the benefits of pipeline parallelism, in which some number of SAS stages

run at the same time, each receiving data from the previous process as it

becomes available.

See also the SAS Data Set stage, described in Chapter 2, “SAS Parallel Data Set

Stage,” on page 39.

The stage editor has three pages:

v Stage Page. This is always present and is used to specify general information

about the stage.

v Inputs Page. This is where you specify the details about the single input set

from which you are selecting records.

v Outputs Page. This is where you specify details about the processed data being

output from the stage.

The stage uses the same generic editor as most other processing stages in parallel

jobs. See the WebSphere DataStage Parallel Job Developer Guide for a description of the

editor. This chapter describes those parts of the editor that are unique to the SAS


Example Job

This example job shows SAS stages reading in data, operating on it, then writing it


© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2008 45

The example data is from a freight carrier who charges customers based on

distance, equipment, packing, and license requirements. They need a report of

distance traveled and charges for the month of July grouped by License type.

The following table shows a sample of the data:

Table 5. Sample Freight Carrier Data

Ship Date District Distance Equipment Packing License Charge


Jun 2 2000 1 1540 D M BUN 1300

Jul 12 2000 1 1320 D C SUM 4800

Aug 2 2000 1 1760 D C CUM 1300

Jun 22 2000 2 1540 D C CUN 13500

Jul 30 2000 2 1320 D M SUM 6000


The first stage reads the rows from the freight database where the first three

characters of the Ship_date column = ″Jul″. You reference the data being input to

the this stage from inside the SAS code using the liborch library. Liborch is the SAS

engine provided by WebSphere DataStage that you use to reference the data input

to and output from your SAS code. This is the SAS Source code:

LIBNAME curr_dir ’.’;

DATA liborch.in_data;

SET curr_dir.cl_ship;

If substr(Ship_Date,1,3)="Jul";


The second stage sorts the data that has been extracted by the first stage. This is

the SAS Source code:

PROC SORT DATA=liborch.in_data

out=liborch.out_sort;by License;RUN;

Finally, the third stage outputs the mean and sum of the distances traveled and

charges for the month of July sorted by license type. This is the SAS Source code:

PROC SORT DATA=liborch.in_data

out=liborch.out_sort;by License;RUN;

The following shows the SAS output for license type SUM:

17:39, May 26, 2003



Variable Label N Mean Sum


DISTANCE DISTANCE 720 1563.93 1126030.00

CHARGE CHARGE 720 28371.39 20427400.00



Step execution finished with status = OK.

46 Connectivity Guide for SAS

Must Do’s

WebSphere DataStage has many defaults which means that it can be very easy to

include SAS stages in a job. This section specifies the minimum steps to take to get

a SAS stage functioning. WebSphere DataStage provides a versatile user interface,

and there are many shortcuts to achieving a particular end, this section describes

the basic method, you will learn where the shortcuts are when you get familiar

with the product.

To use an SAS stage:

v In the Stage page Properties tab, under the SAS Source category:

– Specify the SAS code the stage will execute. You can also choose a Source

Method of Source File and specify the name of a file containing the code. You

need to use the liborch library in order to connect the SAS code to the data

input to and/or output from the stage (see ″Example Job″ for guidance how

to do this).

Under the Inputs and Outputs categories:

– Specify the numbers of the input and output links the stage connects to, and

the name of the SAS data set associated with those links.v In the Stage page Link Ordering tab, specify which input and output link

numbers correspond to which actual input or output link.

v In the Output page Mapping tab, specify how the data being operated on maps

onto the output links.

Using the SAS Stage on NLS Systems

If your system is NLS enabled, and you are using English or European languages,

then you should set the environment variable APT_SASINT_COMMAND to point

to the basic SAS executable (rather than the international one). For example:

APT_SASINT_COMMAND /usr/local/sas/sas8.2/sas

Alternatively, you can include a resource sas entry in your configuration file. For


resource sasint "[/usr/sas82/]" { }

(See WebSphere DataStageWebSphere DataStage Parallel Job Developer Guide for details

about configuration files and the SAS resources.)

When using NLS with any map, you need to edit the file sascs.txt to identify the

maps that you are likely to use with the SAS stage. The file is platform-specific,

and is located in $APT_ORCHHOME/apt/etc/platform, where platform is one of sun,

aix, osf1 (Tru64), hpux, and linux.

The file comprises two columns: the left-hand column gives an identifier, typically

the name of the language. The right-hand column gives the name of the map. For

example, if you were in Canada, your sascs.txt file might be as follows:



Chapter 3. SAS Stage 47

Stage Page

The General tab allows you to specify an optional description of the stage. The

Properties tab lets you specify what the stage does. The Advanced tab allows you

to specify how the stage executes. The NLS Map tab appears if you have NLS

enabled on your system, it allows you to specify a character set map for the stage.

Properties Tab

The Properties tab allows you to specify properties which determine what the

stage actually does. Some of the properties are mandatory, although many have

default settings. Properties without default settings appear in the warning color

(red by default) and turn black when you supply a value for them.

The following table gives a quick reference list of the properties and their

attributes. A more detailed description of each property follows.

Table 6. Properties and their Attributes

Category/Property Values Default Mandatory? Repeats?






Explicit/Source File

Explicit Y N N/A



code N/A Y (if Source

Method =




Source/Source File

pathname N/A Y (if Source

Method =

Source File)



Link Number

number N/A N Y N/A


SAS Data Set


string N/A Y (if input

link number


N Input Link


Outputs/Output Link


number N/A N Y N/A

Outputs/Output SAS

Data Set


string N/A Y (if output

link number


N Output Link



Schema from


True/False False Y (if output

link number


N Output Link






True/False False Y N N/A

Options/Convert Local

True/False False Y N N/A

48 Connectivity Guide for SAS

Table 6. Properties and their Attributes (continued)

Category/Property Values Default Mandatory? Repeats?







No Y N N/A


List File

Location Type

File/Job Log/


Job Log Y N N/A


Log File

Location Type

File/Job Log/


Job Log Y N N/A



string N/A N N N/A



pathname N/A N N N/A

SAS Source Category

Source Method

Choose from Explicit (the default) or Source File. You then have to set either the

Source property or the Source File property to specify the actual source.


Specify the SAS code to be executed. This can contain both PROC and DATA steps.

Source File

Specify a file containing the SAS code to be executed by the stage.

Inputs Category

Input Link Number

Specifies inputs to the SAS code in terms of input link numbers. Repeat the

property to specify multiple links. This has a dependent property:

v Input SAS Data Set Name.

The name of the SAS data set receiving its input from the specified input link.

Outputs Category

Output Link Number

Specifies an output link to connect to the output of the SAS code. Repeat the

property to specify multiple links. This has a dependent property:

v Output SAS Data Set Name.

The name of the SAS data set sending its output to the specified output link.

v Set Schema from Columns.

Specify whether or not the columns specified on the Outputs tab are used for

generating the output schema. An output schema is not required if the eventual

destination stage is another SAS stage (there can be intermediate stages such as

Data Set or Copy stages).

Chapter 3. SAS Stage 49

Options Category

Disable Working Directory Warning

Disables the warning message generated by the stage when you omit the Working

Directory property. By default, if you omit the Working Directory property, the SAS

working directory is indeterminate and the stage generates a warning message.

Convert Local

Specify that the conversion phase of the SAS stage (from the input data set format

to the stage SAS data set format) should run on the same nodes as the SAS stage.

If this option is not set, the conversion runs by default with the previous stage’s

degree of parallelism and, if possible, on the same nodes as the previous stage.

Debug Program

A setting of Yes causes the stage to ignore errors in the SAS program and continue

execution of the application. This allows your application to generate output even

if an SAS step has an error. By default, the setting is No, which causes the stage to

abort when it detects an error in the SAS program.

Setting the property as Verbose is the same as Yes, but in addition it causes the

operator to echo the SAS source code executed by the stage.

SAS List File Location Type

Specifying File for this property causes the stage to write the SAS list file generated

by the executed SAS code to a plain text file located in the project directory. The

list is sorted before being written out. The name of the list file, which cannot be

modified, is dsident.lst, where ident is the name of the stage, including an index in

parentheses if there are more than one with the same name. For example,

dssas(1).lst is the list file from the second SAS stage in a data flow.

Specifying Job Log causes the list to be written to the WebSphere DataStage job


Specifying Output causes the list file to be written to an output data set of the

stage. The data set from a parallel SAS stage containing the list information will

not be sorted.

If you specify None no list will be generated.

SAS Log File Location Type

Specifying File for this property causes the stage to write the SAS list file generated

by the executed SAS code to a plain text file located in the project directory. The

list is sorted before being written out. The name of the list file, which cannot be

modified, is dsident.lst, where ident is the name of the stage, including an index in

parentheses if there are more than one with the same name. For example,

dssas(1).lst is the list file from the second SAS stage in a data flow.

Specifying Job Log causes the list to be written to the WebSphere DataStage job


50 Connectivity Guide for SAS

Specifying Output causes the list file to be written to an output data set of the

stage. The data set from a parallel SAS stage containing the list information will

not be sorted.

If you specify None no list will be generated.

SAS Options

Specify any options for the SAS code in a quoted string. These are the options that

you would specify to an SAS OPTIONS directive.

Working Directory

Name of the working directory on all the processing nodes executing the SAS

application. All relative path names in the SAS code are relative to this path name.

Advanced Tab

This tab allows you to specify the following:

v Execution Mode. The stage can execute in parallel mode or sequential mode. In

parallel mode the input data is processed by the available nodes as specified in

the Configuration file, and by any node constraints specified on the Advanced

tab. In Sequential mode the entire data set is processed by the conductor node.

v Combinability mode. This is Auto by default, which allows WebSphere

DataStage to combine the operators that underlie parallel stages so that they run

in the same process if it is sensible for this type of stage.

v Preserve partitioning. This is Propagate by default. It adopts Set or Clear from

the previous stage. You can explicitly select Set or Clear. Select Set to request

that next stage in the job should attempt to maintain the partitioning.

v Node pool and resource constraints. Select this option to constrain parallel

execution to the node pool or pools and/or resource pool or pools specified in

the grid. The grid allows you to make choices from drop down lists populated

from the Configuration file.

v Node map constraint. Select this option to constrain parallel execution to the

nodes in a defined node map. You can define a node map by typing node

numbers into the text box or by clicking the browse button to open the

Available Nodes dialog box and selecting nodes from there. You are effectively

defining a new node pool for this stage (in addition to any node pools defined

in the Configuration file).

Link Ordering Tab

This tab allows you to specify how input links and output links are numbered.

This is important when you are specifying Input Link Number and Output Link

Number properties. By default the first link added will be link 1, the second link 2

and so on. Select a link and use the arrow buttons to change its position.


The NLS Map tab allows you to define a character set map for the SAS stage. This

overrides the default character set map set for the project or the job. You can

specify that the map be supplied as a job parameter if required.

Chapter 3. SAS Stage 51

Inputs Page

The Inputs page allows you to specify details about the incoming data sets. There

can be multiple inputs to the SAS stage.

The General tab allows you to specify an optional description of the input link.

The Partitioning tab allows you to specify how incoming data is partitioned before

being passed to the SAS code. The Columns tab specifies the column definitions of

incoming data.The Advanced tab allows you to change the default buffering

settings for the input link.

Details about SAS stage partitioning are given in the following section. See the

Parallel Job Developer Guide for a general description of the other tabs.

Partitioning Tab

The Partitioning tab allows you to specify details about how the incoming data is

partitioned or collected before passed to the SAS code. It also allows you to specify

that the data should be sorted before being operated on.

By default the stage partitions in Auto mode. This attempts to work out the best

partitioning method depending on execution modes of current and preceding

stages and how many nodes are specified in the Configuration file.

If the SAS stage is operating in sequential mode, it will first collect the data using

the default Auto collection method.

The Partitioning tab allows you to override this default behavior. The exact

operation of this tab depends on:

v Whether the SAS stage is set to execute in parallel or sequential mode.

v Whether the preceding stage in the job is set to execute in parallel or sequential


If the SAS stage is set to execute in parallel, then you can set a partitioning method

by selecting from the Partition type drop-down list. This will override any current


If the SAS stage is set to execute in sequential mode, but the preceding stage is

executing in parallel, then you can set a collection method from the Collector type

drop-down list. This will override the default collection method.

The following partitioning methods are available:

v (Auto). WebSphere DataStage attempts to work out the best partitioning method

depending on execution modes of current and preceding stages and how many

nodes are specified in the Configuration file. This is the default partitioning

method for the SAS stage.

v Entire. Each file written to receives the entire data set.

v Hash. The records are hashed into partitions based on the value of a key column

or columns selected from the Available list.

v Modulus. The records are partitioned using a modulus function on the key

column selected from the Available list. This is commonly used to partition on

tag fields.

52 Connectivity Guide for SAS

v Random. The records are partitioned randomly, based on the output of a

random number generator.

v Round Robin. The records are partitioned on a round robin basis as they enter

the stage.

v Same. Preserves the partitioning already in place.

v DB2. Replicates the DB2 partitioning method of a specific DB2 table. Requires

extra properties to be set. Access these properties by clicking the properties


v Range. Divides a data set into approximately equal size partitions based on one

or more partitioning keys. Range partitioning is often a preprocessing step to

performing a total sort on a data set. Requires extra properties to be set. Access

these properties by clicking the properties button.

The following Collection methods are available:

v (Auto). This is the default collection method for SAS stages. Normally, when you

are using Auto mode, WebSphere DataStage will eagerly read any row from any

input partition as it becomes available.

v Ordered. Reads all records from the first partition, then all records from the

second partition, and so on.

v Round Robin. Reads a record from the first input partition, then from the

second partition, and so on. After reaching the last partition, the operator starts


v Sort Merge. Reads records in an order based on one or more columns of the

record. This requires you to select a collecting key column from the Available


The Partitioning tab also allows you to specify that data arriving on the input link

should be sorted before being passed to the SAS code. The sort is always carried

out within data partitions. If the stage is partitioning incoming data the sort occurs

after the partitioning. If the stage is collecting data, the sort occurs before the

collection. The availability of sorting depends on the partitioning or collecting

method chosen (it is not available with the default auto methods).

Select the check boxes as follows:

v Perform Sort. Select this to specify that data coming in on the link should be

sorted. Select the column or columns to sort on from the Available list.

v Stable. Select this if you want to preserve previously sorted data sets. This is the


v Unique. Select this to specify that, if multiple records have identical sorting key

values, only one record is retained. If stable sort is also set, the first record is


If NLS is enabled an additional button opens a dialog box allowing you to select a

locale specifying the collate convention for the sort.

You can also specify sort direction, case sensitivity, whether sorted as ASCII or

EBCDIC, and whether null columns will appear first or last for each column.

Where you are using a keyed partitioning method, you can also specify whether

the column is used as a key for sorting, for partitioning, or for both. Select the

column in the Selected list and right-click to invoke the shortcut menu.

Chapter 3. SAS Stage 53

Outputs Page

The Outputs page allows you to specify details about data output from the SAS

stage. The SAS stage can have multiple output links. Choose the link whose details

you are viewing from the Output Name drop-down list.

The General tab allows you to specify an optional description of the output link.

The Columns tab specifies the column definitions of the data. The Mapping tab

allows you to specify the relationship between the columns being input to the SAS

stage and the Output columns. The Advanced tab allows you to change the default

buffering settings for the output link.

Details about SAS stage mapping is given in the following section. See the

WebSphere DataStage Parallel Job Developer Guide for a general description of the

other tabs.

Mapping Tab

For the SAS stage the Mapping tab allows you to specify how the output columns

are derived and how SAS data maps onto them.

The left pane shows the data output from the SAS code. These are read only and

cannot be modified on this tab.

The right pane shows the output columns for each link. This has a Derivations

field where you can specify how the column is derived. You can fill it in by

dragging input columns over, or by using the Auto-match facility.

54 Connectivity Guide for SAS

Product documentation

Documentation is provided in a variety of locations and formats, including in help

that is opened directly from the product interface, in a suite-wide information

center, and in PDF file books.

The information center is installed as a common service with IBM Information

Server. The information center contains help for most of the product interfaces, as

well as complete documentation for all product modules in the suite.

A subset of the product documentation is also available online from the product

documentation library at

PDF file books are available through the IBM Information Server software installer

and the distribution media. A subset of the information center is also available

online and periodically refreshed at

You can also order IBM publications in hardcopy format online or through your

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To order publications online, go to the IBM Publications Center at

You can send your comments about documentation in the following ways:

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Contacting IBM

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Customer support

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You can open a support request by going to the software support service request

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You can manage links to IBM Web sites and information that meet your specific

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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2008 55

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General information

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Documentation feedback

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You can also send your comments about PDF file books, the information center, or

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56 Connectivity Guide for SAS

How to read syntax diagrams

The following rules apply to the syntax diagrams that are used in this information:

v Read the syntax diagrams from left to right, from top to bottom, following the

path of the line. The following conventions are used:

– The >>--- symbol indicates the beginning of a syntax diagram.

– The ---> symbol indicates that the syntax diagram is continued on the next


– The >--- symbol indicates that a syntax diagram is continued from the

previous line.

– The --->< symbol indicates the end of a syntax diagram.v Required items appear on the horizontal line (the main path).

�� required_item ��

v Optional items appear below the main path.

�� required_item

optional_item ��

If an optional item appears above the main path, that item has no effect on the

execution of the syntax element and is used only for readability.

�� optional_item



v If you can choose from two or more items, they appear vertically, in a stack.

If you must choose one of the items, one item of the stack appears on the main


�� required_item required_choice1

required_choice2 ��

If choosing one of the items is optional, the entire stack appears below the main


�� required_item




If one of the items is the default, it appears above the main path, and the

remaining choices are shown below.

�� default_choice





v An arrow returning to the left, above the main line, indicates an item that can be


© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2008 57





If the repeat arrow contains a comma, you must separate repeated items with a







A repeat arrow above a stack indicates that you can repeat the items in the


v Sometimes a diagram must be split into fragments. The syntax fragment is

shown separately from the main syntax diagram, but the contents of the

fragment should be read as if they are on the main path of the diagram.

�� required_item fragment-name ��




v Keywords, and their minimum abbreviations if applicable, appear in uppercase.

They must be spelled exactly as shown.

v Variables appear in all lowercase italic letters (for example, column-name). They

represent user-supplied names or values.

v Separate keywords and parameters by at least one space if no intervening

punctuation is shown in the diagram.

v Enter punctuation marks, parentheses, arithmetic operators, and other symbols,

exactly as shown in the diagram.

v Footnotes are shown by a number in parentheses, for example (1).

58 Connectivity Guide for SAS

Product accessibility

You can get information about the accessibility status of IBM products.

The IBM Information Server product modules and user interfaces are not fully

accessible. The installation program installs the following product modules and


v IBM Information Server Business Glossary Anywhere

v IBM Information Server FastTrack

v IBM Metadata Workbench

v IBM WebSphere Business Glossary

v IBM WebSphere DataStage and QualityStage™

v IBM WebSphere Information Analyzer

v IBM WebSphere Information Services Director

For more information about a product’s accessibility status, go to

Accessible documentation

Accessible documentation for IBM Information Server products is provided in an

information center. The information center presents the documentation in XHTML

1.0 format, which is viewable in most Web browsers. XHTML allows you to set

display preferences in your browser. It also allows you to use screen readers and

other assistive technologies to access the documentation.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2008 59

60 Connectivity Guide for SAS


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64 Connectivity Guide for SAS


Aaccessibility 55



















DUMP 34, 36




arguments in SAS execution line 36

Ccandidates for parallelization

using CLASS 23, 27

using DATA steps 15

using PROC steps 23

character sets 33


comparison of single and multiple

executions 1

componentssas 17

sasout 17

components, mapped to stage

properties 6

configuration file requirementsdescription 3

examples 4

configuring your system 3

considerations for parallelizing SAS codeCPU usage 29

number of records 29

size of records 29

sorting 29

Copy stage 34

customer support 55

Ddata representations 9

data set formatsparallel 9

sequential 9

DBCS 4, 33


DBCSLANG settings and ICU

equivalents 4


debug option 36

displaying the schema 37

documentationaccessible 55

double-byte character set 5, 6


configuring your system 3

determining SAS version 3

executables 5

licenses 3

long name support 6

verifying SAS version 3

environment variablesAPT_DEBUG_SUBPROC 37





















DUMP 34, 36







ETL 32

European languages 31

executables 5

multiple 6

single 5

Extract, Transform, and Load. See

ETL 32

Hhash partitioning 15, 19, 21, 22, 27, 36

hotfix 6

IIBM support 55

ICU character set 4, 32

international SAS 5, 33

Llegal notices 61

liborch 11, 12, 19, 31, 32

logds messages 37

long name support 6

Mmulti-byte Unicode 34

multiple nodes 4, 37

multiple parallel segmentsguidelines for 29

use with slow-running steps 29

multiple SAS executables 6


non-SAS data 9


Pparallel processing and sorting 2

parallel processing modeladvantages 2

description 2

parallel SAS data set 3, 9, 10, 14, 19

parallel SAS data set format 9

parallel systems 1

parallelization, good candidates 15, 23,


parallelizing PROC steps 23

parallelizing SAS DATA steps 16

Peek stage 32, 34

pipeline parallelism 2

pipes 31



PROC SORT 23, 31

product accessibilityaccessibility 59

propertiesSAS data set stage input 40

SASA data set stage output 43

psds. See parallel SAS data set 9

Rround-robin partitioning 30

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2008 65

SSAS code 1

sas component 17

SAS CONTENTS report 34, 36

SAS data 9

SAS DATAdescription 19

example 16

in data flow diagram 16

SAS data set stage 39

SAS data set stage input input

properties 40

SAS data set stage output properties 43

SAS DATA steps, executing in

parallel 15

SAS environment. See environment 6

SAS executables. See executables 5

SAS execution line, adding

arguments 36

SAS interface operatorsspecifying a character set 33

SAS licenses 3


SAS PROC steps, executing in

parallel 23

SAS programs 1

SAS stage 45

SAS Stageconfiguring your system 3

converting between WebSphere

DataStage and SAS data types 12

data representations 9

executing DATA steps in parallel 15

executing PROC steps in parallel 23

getting input from a SAS data set 10

getting input from a stage or

transitional SAS data set 11

parallel SAS data set format 9

parallelizing SAS coderules of thumb for

parallelizing 29

SAS programs that benefit from

parallelization 29

pipeline parallelism and SAS 2

sample data flow 7

sequential SAS data set format 9

transitional SAS data set format 10

using SAS on sequential and parallel

systems 1

WebSphere DataStage example 14

writing SAS programs 1

SAS stage componentscontrolling ustring truncation 35

environment variables 35

generating a Proc Contents report 35

specifying a character set 33

specifying an output schema 34


sas_cs option 36

sascs.txt file 31

sashash 36

sasout component 17

schema definition 19

schema option 14

schema, displaying 37

schemaFile option 14, 32, 34

screen readers 55

sequential processing model,

description 1

sequential SAS data set format 9

sequential systems 1

single SAS executable 5

software services 55

stage properties, mapped to underlying

components 6

stagesCopy 34

Peek 32, 34

support, customer 55

Ttrademarks 63

transitional SAS data set format 10

truncation, ustring 35


using pipes 31

ustring 35

ustring truncation 35

66 Connectivity Guide for SAS


Printed in USA
