david j. lepoire

David J. LePoire ([email protected]; 630-888-4826) Short Bio: David J. LePoire is an Environmental Systems Analyst at Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago IL. He analyzes and applies new technologies for environmental, energy, and homeland security issues resulting in reports, software, and collaborative websites. He develops environmental software, such as RESRAD, including aspects of analyses, training, models, and information systems. He has developed training materials and has traveled throughout the U.S. as a trainer for topics in radiation detection, environmental analysis and software application. He also develops scientific models and training for uncertainty analysis, international radiological threat, data fusion, and environmental contamination issues. He participated as a monitor in the Russian-US HEU Transparency Program and as a scientist in the DOE Radiological Assistance Program. He has also researched nuclear and optical diagnostic tools. His current research interests include understanding the coupled transitions of energy, environment, and social organization. He has a PhD and MS in Computer Science from DePaul, a BS in Physics from CalTech, and is a founding member of the International Big History Association. Author or Co-Author of 10 book chapters, 38 refereed papers, and over 100 technical reports and conference papers. Education: Ph.D. DePaul University, Computer Science, Chicago IL, 2003 M.S. DePaul University, Computer Science, Chicago IL, 1993 B.S. California Institute of Technology, Physics, Pasadena CA, 1983

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Page 1: David J. LePoire

David J. LePoire

([email protected]; 630-888-4826)

Short Bio:

David J. LePoire is an Environmental Systems Analyst at Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago IL. He analyzes and applies new technologies for environmental, energy, and homeland security issues resulting in reports, software, and collaborative websites. He develops environmental software, such as RESRAD, including aspects of analyses, training, models, and information systems. He has developed training materials and has traveled throughout the U.S. as a trainer for topics in radiation detection, environmental analysis and software application. He also develops scientific models and training for uncertainty analysis, international radiological threat, data fusion, and environmental contamination issues. He participated as a monitor in the Russian-US HEU Transparency Program and as a scientist in the DOE Radiological Assistance Program. He has also researched nuclear and optical diagnostic tools. His current research interests include understanding the coupled transitions of energy, environment, and social organization. He has a PhD and MS in Computer Science from DePaul, a BS in Physics from CalTech, and is a founding member of the International Big History Association. Author or Co-Author of 10 book chapters, 38 refereed papers, and over 100 technical reports and conference papers.



DePaul University, Computer Science, Chicago IL, 2003

M.S. DePaul University, Computer Science, Chicago IL, 1993


California Institute of Technology, Physics, Pasadena CA, 1983

Page 2: David J. LePoire

Professional Experience

September 1990 - Present

Radiological Health Risk Section, EVS Argonne National Laboratory

Environmental Systems Analyst Develops analyses and tools for various environmental and energy issues including the RESRAD Family of Codes and MILDOS. The issues have included nuclear power, nuclear waste, ecological systems, emergency response, international radiological threats, nonproliferation, environmental sampling, and environmental transport modeling. Participated as a monitor in the Russian-US HEU Transparency Program and as a scientist in the DOE Radiological Assistance Program. These activities include involvement in detector setup, deployment, and analysis, field exercises and field measurements along with working with DNDO on their Mobile Detection Deployment Unit (MDDU). Conducts training for use of radiological transport pathways, cleanup, and detection for the DOE, NRC, IAEA and Civil Support Teams. Software tools include applications in environmental transport, uncertainty analysis, Bayesian sampling analysis, collaborative web sites, and GIS applications. Developed graphical user interfaces, object oriented programming, and web-based communication tools for a series of environmental information systems and models. Developed and used software quality assurance methods.

August 1987 - August 1990

Intense Pulsed Neutron Source

Argonne National Laboratory

Scientific Assistant: Supported material research projects using inelastic scattering of neutrons. Responsible for maintaining and developing two neutron scattering instruments and data analysis software. Responsible for working with outside user in conducting experiments and measurements.

July 1983 - July 1987

Nuclear Sciences Department

Schlumberger-Doll Research, Ridgefield, CT

Associate Member of the Professional Staff: Responsible for researching tools for oil exploration with neutron sources with laboratory experiments and theoretical models. These studies included the neutron moderation timing studies involving pulsed fusion-generated neutrons; statistical model generation, testing and subsequent model inversion; Markov chain modeling of moderation using multiple vibrational molecular excitation cross sections; bore-hole modeling including boron-epoxy pad design incorporating position sensitive He-3 detectors clad in various amounts of Cd and Gd to achieve epithermal spectral measurements; and computer modeling utilizing Monte Carlo techniques, analytical matrix techniques, and empirical correlation techniques. Awarded patent for nuclear tool to determine molecular properties and standoff in oil wells.

Page 3: David J. LePoire

Bibliography Refereed Journal Articles:

1. LePoire, DJ, An Exploration of Historical Transitions with Simple Analogies and Empirical Event Rates,

International Journal of Big History, Vol 3 No 2, 2019, pgs 1-16.

2. LePoire, DJ, Rocketing to Energy Sustainability, International Journal of Big History, Vol 2 No 2, 2018, pgs 103-


3. LePoire, D.J., Peeling the Layers of Physics Understanding, Inference: International Review of Science , October


4. J. Vives i Batlle, N.A.Beresford, K. Beaugelin-Seiller, R. Bezhenar, J. Brown, J.-J. Cheng, M. Ćujić, S. Dragović,

C. Duffa, B. Fiévet, A. Hosseini, K.T. Jung, S. Kamboj, D.-K. Keum, T. Kobayashi, A. Kryshev, D. LePoire, V.

Maderich, B.-I. Min, R. Periáñez, T. Sazykina, K.-S. Suh, C. Yu, C. Wang, R. Heling, Inter-comparison of

dynamic models for radionuclide transfer to marine biota in a Fukushima accident scenario, Journal of

Environmental Radioactivity, 2016.

5. LePoire, D.J., Exploring Temporal Patterns in Big History Dynamics, KronoScope: Journal for the Study of

Time, Vol 16, Issue 2, 2016, pgs 229-249.


6. LePoire, D.J., Uchitel Publishing, Potential nested accelerating returns logistic growth in Big History,

Evolution, Volgograd Russia, 2015. https://www.sociostudies.org/books/files/evolution_en_4/pdf/046-060.pdf

7. LePoire, D.J., Gaining Understanding with Recent Inter-generational and Developmental Models, Middle

Ground Journal, No. 11, Fall 2015. http://www2.css.edu/app/depts/his/historyjournal/index.cfm?cat=7&art=330

8. LePoire, D.J., Interpreting Big History as Complex Adaptive System Dynamics with Nested Logistic

Transitions in Energy Flow and Organization. Emergence: Complexity & Organization, March 31 2015.



9. LePoire, David J., 2014. "Review of Potential Characterization Techniques in Approaching Energy and

Sustainability." Sustainability 6, no. 3: 1489-1503. Available at: http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/6/3/1489

10. LePoire, D.J., “The Entanglement and Opportunities of Science in Public Issues,” submitted to World Future

Review 2012, July 2012

11. D. LePoire, From a Victorian Pump to the Planet’s Biosphere: Historical Trends in Environmental

Leadership, World History Connected, Volume 8, No. 3, October 2011. Available at:


12. D. LePoire, Long-term Population, Productivity, and Energy Use Trends in the Sequence of Leading

Capitalist Nations, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 77 (2010), pp. 1303-1310 September 2010.

13. D. LePoire, P. Richmond, J.-J. Cheng, S. Kamboj, J. Arnish, S.Y. Chen, C. Barr and C. McKenney, Web-Based

Training Course for Evaluating Radiological Dose Assessment in NRC’s License Termination Process,

Operational Radiation Safety Journal, August 2008.

14. Devezas, T., D. LePoire, J. Matias, and A. Silva, “Energy Scenarios: Toward a New Energy Paradigm,” Futures,

40 (1), p.1-16, Feb 2008.

15. LePoire, D. and G. Marx, “Ben Franklin: Early Futurist and Model for the Future,” Futures Research Quarterly,

Spring 2007, Volume 23, Number 1.

16. LePoire, D.J., “An Approach to Facilitating Communication of Expert Arguments through Visualization,”

The Journal of Information, Communications and Ethics Society (ICES), submitted July 2005.

17. Anthony B. Wolbarst, Bruce M. Biwer, Ralph Cady, Shih-Yew Chen, Stephen Domotor, Philip Egidi, David J.

LePoire, Tin Mo, Julie Peterson, and Stuart Walker “ISCORS Catalog of References to Parameter Values and

Distributions Used in Environmental Pathway Modeling for Cleanup of Sites Contaminated with

Radioactivity”, Operational Radiation Safety, (November 2005).

18. LePoire, D.J. and J.C. Glenn, Technology and the Terrorism Hydra?, Technological Forecasting and Social

Change, Volume 74, Issue 2, February 2007, Pages 139-147..

19. LePoire, D.J., Logistic Analysis of Recent Environmental Interest, Technological Forecasting and Social Change,

73:153-167, (2006)..

Page 4: David J. LePoire

20. LePoire, D.J. Exploring Ethical Approaches to Evaluate Future Technology Scenarios, The Journal of

Information, Communications and Ethics in Society (ICES), Vol. 3 Issue: 3, pp.143-150,


21. LePoire, D.J., Application of Logistic Analysis to the History of Physics, Technological Forecasting and Social

Change, Volume 72(4), pgs 471-479, 2005.

22. LePoire, D.J., J.J. Arnish, T. Klett, R.L. Johnson, & S.Y. Chen, Pathways to Enhance Environmental Assessment

Information Systems, Informing Science Journal, Vol. 7, 2004.

23. LePoire, D.J., Possible Lessons from a Recent Technology (Nuclear) for an Emerging (Ubiquitous Embedded

Systems) Technology, The Journal of Information, Communications and Ethics Society (ICES), Volume 2, Issue 4,

October 2004.

24. LePoire, D.J., A ‘Perfect Storm’ of Social and Technological Transitions, Futures Research Quarterly, Fall 2004.

25. Cheng, J.-J., B. Kassas, C. Yu, J. Arnish, D. LePoire, S.Y. Chen, W. A. Williams, A. Wallo, and H. Peterson,

RESRAD-RECYCLE: A Computer Model for Analyzing Radiation Exposures Resulting from the Recycling

of Radioactively Contaminated Scrap Metals and the Reuse of Radioactively Surface-Contaminated

Materials and Equipment, Health Physics Journal, 87(5) November 2004.

26. Yu, C., D. LePoire, E. Gnanapragasam, J. Arnish, S. Kamboj, B. M. Biwer, J.-J. Cheng, A. J. Zielen, S. Y. Chen,

T. Mo, R. Abu-Eid, M. Thaggard, A. Wallo III, H. Peterson, Jr., and W. A. Williams, Development of

Probabilistic Multimedia Multipathway Computer Codes, ASCE Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and

Radioactive Waste Management, January 2002, Vol.6, No. 1.

27. Kamboj, S., E. Gnanapragasam, D. LePoire, B.M. Biwer, J. Cheng, J. Arnish, C. Yu, S.Y. Chen, T. Mo, R. Abu-Eid,

and M. Thaggard, Probabilistic Approach to Identify Sensitive Parameter Distributions in Multimedia

Pathway Analysis, ASCE Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, January

2002, Vol.6, No. 1.

28. Kamboj, S., C.Yu, and D. LePoire, Dose Assessment for Process Water Tunnels at Hanford Site, Remediation,

Winter 2000.

29. LePoire, D.J., J.J. Arnish, S.Y. Chen, E.R. Faillace, Y.C. Yuan, and D. Schmidt, MILDOS Uranium Mining Dose

Assessment Code Update, Operational Radiation Safety, Vol. 81, No. 5, November 2001.

30. Kamboj, S., D. LePoire, and C. Yu, External Exposure Model for Various Planar Geometries of Contaminated

Media, Health Physics Journal.

31. C.Andreani, V.Merlo, M.A.Ricci, D. LePoire, On the Multiple Scattering Corrections in an Inelastic Neutron

Scattering Experiment, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B61,123, 1991.

32. Dejus, R.J., D.J. LePoire, S.Susman, K.J. Volin, and D.L. Price, Dynamics of Vitreous Ag-Ge-Se, Physical Review

B, Vol 44, No 21, Dec 1991.

33. Dejus, R.J., D.J. LePoire, D.L. Price, S.Susman, and K.J. Volin, Effect of Alloying with Silver on Intermediate-

Range Order in Bulk Germanium Diselenide Glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solid, 114, (1989), pg 37-39.

34. C. K. Loong, L. Soderholm, D. G. Hinks, D. LePoire, and P. E. Sokol, Spin and Lattice Dynamics of PrxY1-

xBa2Cu3O7-y., ,Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 34, 329 (1988).

35. Nelligan, W., D. LePoire, C. Loong, T.O. Brun, and S.H. Chen, Molecular Spectroscopy of n-Butane by

Incoherent Inelastic Neutron Scattering, Nuclear Instruments oand Methods B, Vol 254, pg 563, 1987.

36. Nelligan, W. and D.J. LePoire, Inelastic Neutron Scattering Study of the Torsional and CCC Bend Frequencies

in the Solid n-Alkanes, Ethane-Hexane, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol 87, Pg 2447, 1987.

37. LePoire, D.J., B.H. Cooper, C.L. Melcher, and T.A. Tombrello, Sputtering of SO2 by High Energy Ions,

Radiation Effects, Vol. 71, pg 245-249, 1983.

38. Melcher, C.L., D.J. LePoire, B.H. Cooper, and T.A. Tombrello, Erosion of Frozen Sulfur Dioxide by Ion

Bombardment, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol 9, No 10, pg 1151-1154, 1982.

Refereed Book Chapters:

1. LePoire, D.J., Energy Options in the Coming Years, in Global Models of Urban Planning: Best Practices Outside

the United States, edited by Roger L. Kemp, Carl J. Stephani, McFarland & Company,2014, ISBN 978-0-7864-

6852-2, pg 213-217.

2. LePoire, D.J., Potential Economic and Energy Indicators of Inflection in Complexity. Evolution, Uchitel

Publishing, Volgograd Russia, 2013.

Page 5: David J. LePoire

3. LePoire, D., Chapter 9: Vulnerability of Solar Energy Resources under Climate Variability, in Volume 3:

Energy Resources of the series CLIMATE VULNERABILITY, editors: Roger Pielke & George Kallos, Elsevier

2013. (Available at: http://books.google.com/books?id=U7u5X-


4. LePoire, David J., Beyond (Conventional) Renewable Energy?, in Moving from Vision to Action, Cynthia G.

Wagner editor, World Future Society, Bethesda MD, 2011.

5. LePoire, David J.," Threading the Environmental Needle: Applying New Tools to Reduce Uncertainty in

Environmental Foresight," in Sustainable Futures, Strategies and Techniques, Cynthia G. Wagner editor, World

Future Society, Bethesda MD, 2010.

6. LePoire, David J.,"Sailing and Surfing through Complexity:Emerging Contexts for Energy, Environmental

and Society Transitions," in Innovation and Creativity in a Complex World, Cynthia G. Wagner editor, World

Future Society, Bethesda MD, 2009.

7. LePoire, D.J., Exploration of Connections Between Energy Use and Leadership Transitions, accepted for book

formed from the Systemic Transitions Conference, William Thompson editor, 2008.

Formal Argonne Reports:

1. Yu, C., E.K. Gnanapragasam, J.-J. Cheng, S. Kamboj, B.M. Biwer, and D.J. LePoire, Verification of RESRAD-

OFFSITE, NUREG/CR-7038; ANL-10/27, Feb 2011.

2. Kamboj et.al, Verification of MILDOS Report, 2008.

3. Yu, C., E. Gnanapragasam, B.Biwer, S. Kamboj. J.-J. Cheng, T. Klett, D. LePoire, and S.Y.Chen , 2007, User's

Manual for RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 2, ANL/EVS/TM/07-1; DOE/HS-0005; NUREG/CR-6937.

4. Chen, S.Y., D. LePoire, J. Arnish, E. Faillace, S. Kamboj, B. Wharry, MILDOS-AREA User’s Guide, December


5. Pfingston, M., D. LePoire, J. Arnish, S.Y. Chen, C. Ma, T. Wheeler, and M. Shannon, TSD-DOSE Manual, March

1997, ANL/EAD/LD-4. (54 pages) (Developed algorithms and integrated model; design, implement, and test both

the user interface and calculational models)

6. Nabelssi,B.K., C.Yu, E.S. Dovel, D. LePoire, and S.Y. Chen, RESRAD-RECYCLE Manual, April 1996, Draft.

(150 pages) (Developed algorithms for radon and external model; consulted on user interface)

7. Yuan, Y.C., S.Y. Chen, B.M. Biwer, and D.J. LePoire, RISKIND Manual, Nov. 1995, ANL/EAD-1. (150 pages)

(Design, implement, & test both the user interface and calculational modules)

8. Yu, C., D.J. LePoire, C.O. Loureiro, L.G. Jones, and S.Y. Chen, RESRAD-BUILD Manual, Nov. 1994,

ANL/EAD/LD-3. (110 pages). (Developed algorithms for air flow, external groundshine, and ingestion; design,

implement, and test both the user interface and calculational models)

9. Yu, C., A.J. Zielen, J.J Cheng, Y.C. Yuan, L.G. Jones, D.J. LePoire, Y.Y. Wang, C.O. Loureiro, E. Gnanapragasam,

E. Faillace, A. Wallo III, W.A. Williams, and H. Peterson, RESRAD 5.0 Manual, September 1993, ANL/EAD/LD-

2. (334 pages)

10. Yuan, Y.C., S.Y. Chen, D.J. LePoire, and R. Rothman, RISKIND – A Computer Program for Calculating

Radiological Consequences and Health Risks from Transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel, ANL/EAIS-6, Feb.


Formal Industry Reports:

1. Loomis, W., D.J. LePoire, and W.B. Nelligan, Methods and Apparatus for Epithermal Neutron Logging,

Schlumberger-Doll Research, Patent Application, 1987.

2. LePoire, D.J., Calculation of Infinite Media Neutron Slowing Down Time Distributions, Schlumberger Doll

Research Note, Dec 1986. (25 pages)

3. LePoire, D.J. and W.B. Nelligan, Neutron Slowing Down Time Measurements of Molecular Effects in Borehole

Geometry, Schlumberger-Doll Research Note, Dec 1986. (50 Pages)

4. LePoire, D.J., Deconvolution with Knowledge of Bed Boundaries and Its Applications to Neutron Slowing

Down Measurements, Schlumberger-Doll Research Note, Dec 1986. (20 pages)

5. LePoire, D.J., W.B. Nelligan, T.O. Brun, and R.Kleb, Compilation of Inelastic Neutron Scattering Spectra of

Low Lying Vibrational Modes of Selected Hydrocarbons, Schlumberger-Doll Research Note, Nov 1986. (50


6. LePoire, D.J. and W.B. Nelligan, Neutron Slowing Down Times in Hydrogenous Fluids, Schluberger-Doll

Page 6: David J. LePoire

Research Note, Oct 1986. (40 pages)

7. LePoire, D.J. Understanding Molecular Effects on the Time Dependence of Neutron Fluxes, Schlumberger-Doll

Research Note, Aug. 1986. (26 pages)

8. LePoire, D.J., J.M. Chiaramonte, and J. Sage, MCNP Particle Tracking Using the IRIS System, Schlumberger-

Doll Research Note, Jan 1986. (20 pages)

Technical Memoranda:

1. Yu, C., and D. LePoire, 2015, Integrating RAMS Interior Surface Data Into RESRAD-BUILD For Dose

Assessment, Final Report, Technology Integration Project: ANL 14-CM-011, September 29, 2015

2. Cheng, J.-J., P. Flood, D. LePoire, and C. Yu, 2015, Verification of RESRAD-RDD Version 2.01, ANL/EVS/TM-

15/3, Environmental Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, September 2015

3. Johnson, et. al, 2005, Bayesian Approaches for Adaptive Spatial Sampling: An Example Application,

ANL/EAD/TM-05-01, prepared by the Environmental Assessment Division, Argonne National Laboratory,

Argonne, Illinois, April [D. LePoire, A. Huttenga, and J. Quinn]


4. C. Yu, et al. ANL/EAD-5, User’s Manual for RESRAD-BUILD Version 3. Argonne National Laboratory,

Argonne, IL, June 2003

5. C.Yu et al. ANL/EAD-x, User’s Guide for RESRAD-BIOTA Version 1, Draft, Argonne National Laboratory,

September 30, 2003.

6. J. Arnish et. al., ANL/EAD-TMxx, RESRAD-COMPASS Connection for Facilitating MARSSIM Analysis,

Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, September 2002.

7. LePoire DJ, Arnish JJ, Gnanapragasam E, Klett T, Johnson RL, Chen SY, Biwer BM, Yu C., OpenLink: A flexible

integration system for environmental risk analysis and management. ANL/EAD/TM-114; Argonne, IL:

Argonne National Laboratory; October 2001.

8. Yu, C., D.J. LePoire, E. Gnanapragasam, J. Arnish, S. Kamboj, B.M. Biwer, J.-J. Cheng, A. Zielen, and S.Y. Chen,

Development of Probabilistic RESRAD and RESRAD-BUILD Computer Codes, NUREG/CR-,

ANL/EAD/TM-, September 2000.

9. LePoire, D.J. , J. Arnish, E. Gnanapragasam, S. Kamboj, B.M. Biwer, J.-J. Cheng, C. Yu, A. Zielen, and S.Y. Chen,

Probabilistic Modules for the RESRAD and RESRAD-BUILD Computer Codes, NUREG/CR-,

ANL/EAD/TM-, June 2000.

10. Kamboj, S., D. LePoire, E. Gnanapragasam, B.M. Biwer, J. Cheng, J. Arnish, C. Yu, and S.Y. Chen, Probabilistic

Dose Analysis Using Parameter Distributions Developed for RESRAD and RESRAD-BUILD Codes,

NUREG/CR-, ANL/EAD/TM-89, May 2000.

11. Monette, F.A., B.M. Biwer, D.J. LePoire, and S.Y. Chen, Supplemental Information Related to Risk Assessment

for the Off-Site Transportation of Transuranic Waste for the U.S. Department of Energy Environmental

Management Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, ANL/EAD/TM-27, December 1996. (Developed

code and calculational support)

12. Monette, F.A., B.M. Biwer, D.J. LePoire, and S.Y. Chen, Supplemental Information Related to Risk Assessment

for the Off-Site Transportation of Low-Level Waste for the U.S. Department of Energy Environmental

Management Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, ANL/EAD/TM-23, December 1996. (Developed

code and calculational support)

13. Monette, F.A., B.M. Biwer, D.J. LePoire, M.A. Lazaro, A.A. Antonopoulos, H.M. Hartmann, A.J. Policastro, and

S.Y. Chen, Supplemental Information Related to Risk Assessment for the Off-Site Transportation of Low-

Level Mixed Waste for the U.S. Department of Energy Environmental Management Programmatic

Environmental Impact Statement, ANL/EAD/TM-35, December 1996. (Developed code and calculational


14. Hong, K.J., D.J. LePoire, S. Yin, and B.M. Biwer, Selected Impacts of Postulated Severe Accidents at New

Production Reactors,ANL/EAIS/TM-74, July 1992. (Supported risk computation and analysis)

15. Hong, K.J., B.M Biwer, D.J. LePoire, and K.Evans Jr., Radiological Impacts from Severe New Production

Reactor Accidents, ANL Technical Memorandum, Jan. 1991. (Supported risk computation and analysis)

Other Reports (39):

1. C. Yu, D. LePoire, and S. Kamboj, An Approach to Standard Operating Procedures for Recording Interior

Building Contamination Surveys, Prepared for National Nuclear Security Administration (NA-84), March 2018.

Page 7: David J. LePoire

2. Biwer, B. M.; LePoire, D. J.; Kamboj, S.; Chang, Y.-S., “MILDOS-AREA Version 4 Computational Verification

Report”, NUREG/CR-7213, 2016.

3. Biwer, B. M.; LePoire, D. J.; Kamboj, S.; Chang, Y.-S., “Technical Manual and User's Guide for MILDOS-

AREA Version 4”, NUREG/CR-7212, 2016.

4. B.M. Biwer, D.J. LePoire, S. Kamboj, and Y.-S. Chang, MILDOS-AREA Version 4, draft technical and users’

manual prepared by the Environmental Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory for the Office of Federal

and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, December

18, 2013. (sponsor report)

5. Bruch, Vicki,, et. al., Special Monitoring Visit to The Siberian Chemical Enterprise, Seversk, Russia, March

2013, Consolidated Report of Foreign Travel for the U.S. Department of Energy Highly Enriched Uranium

Transparency Program, NNSA NA-24 12-xx, 2013

6. Bruch, Vicki,, et. al., Special Monitoring Visit to The Siberian Chemical Enterprise, Seversk, Russia,

November 2012, Consolidated Report of Foreign Travel for the U.S. Department of Energy Highly Enriched

Uranium Transparency Program, NNSA NA-24 12-xx, 2012

7. Wanderer, William, et. al., Special Monitoring Visit to The Siberian Chemical Enterprise, Seversk, Russia,

March 2012, Consolidated Report of Foreign Travel for the U.S. Department of Energy Highly Enriched Uranium

Transparency Program, NNSA NA-24 12-xx, 2012

8. Wall, David, et. al., Special Monitoring Visit to The Siberian Chemical Enterprise, Seversk, Russia, November

2011, Consolidated Report of Foreign Travel for the U.S. Department of Energy Highly Enriched Uranium

Transparency Program, NNSA NA-24 10-xx, 2010

9. Dwyer, Gregory, et. al., Special Monitoring Visit to The Siberian Chemical Enterprise, Seversk, Russia,

January 2011, Consolidated Report of Foreign Travel for the U.S. Department of Energy Highly Enriched Uranium

Transparency Program, NNSA NA-24 11-xx, 2011

10. Strosinski, Michael, et. al., Special Monitoring Visit to The Siberian Chemical Enterprise, Seversk, Russia,

May 2011, Consolidated Report of Foreign Travel for the U.S. Department of Energy Highly Enriched Uranium

Transparency Program, NNSA NA-24 11-xx, 2011

11. Bruch, Vicki, et. al., Special Monitoring Visit to The Siberian Chemical Enterprise, Seversk, Russia, August 9-

20, 2010, Consolidated Report of Foreign Travel for the U.S. Department of Energy Highly Enriched Uranium

Transparency Program, NNSA NA-24 10-xx, 2010

12. Wellbaum, Steven, et. al., Special Monitoring Visit to The Siberian Chemical Enterprise, Seversk, Russia,

December 7-11, 2009, Consolidated Report of Foreign Travel for the U.S. Department of Energy Highly Enriched

Uranium Transparency Program, NNSA NA-24 09-xx, 2009

13. David LePoire, Joseph Adduci, Robert Johnson, and Paul Moskowitz, Malicious Use of Radioactive Materials as

Radiological Dispersion or Radiological Exposure Devices: A Historical Review, NNSA NA-21, September


14. DeVault, Randall, et. al., Special Monitoring Visit to The Ural Electrochemical Integrated Enterprise,

Novouralsk, Russia, March 23-26, 2009, Consolidated Report of Foreign Travel for the U.S. Department of

Energy Highly Enriched Uranium Transparency Program, NNSA NA-24 09-xx, 2009

15. 2006 THADIAS Case Analysis Summary (September 2007)

16. Wall, David, et. al., Special Monitoring Visit to The Siberian Chemical Enterprise, Seversk, Russia, April 14-

25, 2008, Consolidated Report of Foreign Travel for the U.S. Department of Energy Highly Enriched Uranium

Transparency Program, NNSA NA-24 08-xx, 2008

17. Monette, Frederick, et. al., Special Monitoring Visit to The Siberian Chemical Enterprise, Seversk, Russia,

April 16-20, 2007, Consolidated Report of Foreign Travel for the U.S. Department of Energy Highly Enriched

Uranium Transparency Program, NNSA NA-24 07-31, 2007

18. Brittain, Ray, et. al., Special Monitoring Visit to The Siberian Chemical Enterprise, Seversk, Russia,

December 11-15, 2006, Consolidated Report of Foreign Travel for the U.S. Department of Energy Highly Enriched

Uranium Transparency Program, NNSA NA-24 06-87, 2007

19. Croatto, Paul, et. al., Special Monitoring Visit to The Siberian Chemical Enterprise, Seversk, Russia, October

11-15, 2006, Consolidated Report of Foreign Travel for the U.S. Department of Energy Highly Enriched Uranium

Transparency Program, NNSA NA-24 06-72, 2007

20. Thomas, Elena, et. al., Special Monitoring Visit to The Siberian Chemical Enterprise, Seversk, Russia, August

6-10, 2007, Consolidated Report of Foreign Travel for the U.S. Department of Energy Highly Enriched Uranium

Page 8: David J. LePoire

Transparency Program, NNSA NA-24 07-xx, 2007

21. Kamboj, S., D. LePoire, T. Klett, C. Yu, and S.Y. Chen, Letter Report on Completion of Task 1: Adding Bi-

210m to the RESRAD and RESRAD-BUILD Codes, submitted DOE Mound, October 2003.

22. Kamboj, S., E. Gnanapragasam, J.-J. Cheng, B. Biwer, D. LePoire, C. Yu, and S.Y. Chen, Letter Report on

Parameters and Parameter Types in RESRAD-OFFSITE Code, submitted to NRC, November 2003.

23. USDOE, “Construction and Operation of a Depleted Uranium Hexafluoride Conversion Facility at the

Paducah, Kentucky Site”, DOE/EIS-0359, December 2003.

24. USDOE, “Construction and Operation of a Depleted Uranium Hexafluoride Conversion Facility at the

Portsmouth, Ohio Site”, DOE/EIS-0360, December 2003.

25. Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards, “RESRAD-BIOTA: A Tool for Implementing a

Graded Approach to Biota Dose Evaluation”, DOE/EH-0676, January 2004.

26. R.L. Johnson, R. Sullivan, F. Monette, D. LePoire, K. Smith, and J. Adduci, “Decision Support for Prioritizing

Radionuclide Threats”, EAD, Dec 2002.

27. B.M. Biwer, S. Kamboj, D. LePoire, J. Arnish, E. Emry, and S.Y. Chen, The ISCORS Parameter Source

Catalog: Lessons Learned, System Improvements, and System Testing, Letter Report to Ralph Cady, USNRC,

September 2003.

28. LePoire, D.J. , J. Arnish, E. Gnanapragasam, S. Kamboj, B.M. Biwer, J.-J. Cheng, C. Yu, A. Zielen, and S.Y. Chen,

Testing of the RESRAD Probabilistic Modules, letter report for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,

September 2000.

29. Biwer, B.M., S. Kamboj, J.-J. Cheng, E. Gnanapragasam, C. Yu, J. Arnish, D. LePoire, Y.-Y. Wang, J.P. Butler, H.

Hartmann, and S.Y. Chen, Parameter Distributions for Use in RESRAD and RESRAD-BUILD Computer

Codes, letter report prepared for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, March 2000.

30. Cheng, J.-J., S. Kamboj, C. Yu, B. Biwer, J. Arnish, D. LePoire, E. Gnanapragasam, and S.Y. Chen, Selection of

RESRAD and RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters for Detailed Distribution Analysis, letter report prepared for

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, October 1999.

31. Kamboj, S., C. Yu, J.-J. Cheng, E. Gnanapragasam, B. Biwer, D. LePoire, J. Arnish, and S.Y. Chen, Parameters

and Parameter Types in RESRAD and RESRAD-BUILD Codes, letter report prepared for U.S. Nuclear

Regulatory Commission, September 1999.

32. Faillace, E.R., D.J. LePoire, S.Y. Chen, and Y.Yuan, MILDOS-AREA: An Update with Incorporation of In Situ

Leach Uranium Recovery Technology, submitted to US DOE, June 1997.

33. Policastro, A.J., Y.-S. Chang, B.N. Nabelssi, and D.J. LePoire, Facilty Accident Impact Analyses in Support of

the DUF6 Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, ANL Informal Letter Report, April 1997.

(Performed radiological facility accident analysis calculations)

34. LePoire, D.J., and Dovel, E.S., Software Quality Assurance Plan for the RESRAD Computer Programs,

RESRAD Configuration Document, May 1995.

35. LePoire, D.J. , Riskind Software Design, Development and Implementation, Riskind Configuration Document,

Nov 1994.

36. LePoire, D.J. , Riskind Software Procedures, Riskind Configuration Document, Nov 1994.

37. Biwer, B.M. and D.J. LePoire, Software Quality Assurance Plan for the RISKIND Computer Program, Riskind

Configuration Document, Nov 1994.

38. LePoire, D.J., C.O Loureiro, Appendix I: Radioactive Decay Product Transfer Function, RESRAD Manual,

October 1992.

39. Chen, S. Y., Y.C. Yuan, A.J. Zielen, and D.J. LePoire, Modules for Enhancements of RADTRAN for

Calculating Radiological Risks from the Transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuels, Draft Manual for RADSF,

June 1992.

40. Loureiro C., D. Tomasko, D. LePoire, G.Williams, and C. Montemagno, Computer Simulation of the SNLL Fuel

Oil Spill: Phase II, Oct. 1991.

Conference Papers (44):

1. Yu, C., S. Kamboj, D. LePoire, E. Gnanapragasam, and J.-J. Cheng, 2014, RESRAD Probabilistic Analysis Input

Distributions — PDFs vs. CDFs, Presented at IAEA MODARIA WG 5 meeting, November 12, 2014, Vienna,


Page 9: David J. LePoire

2. LePoire, D.J., Exploring communication techniques across a wide spectrum of groups, Waste Management

Conference, Phoenix AZ, March 2015.

3. LePoire, D.J. Revisiting Options Analysis for Long-Term Energy Projects, World Sustainability Forum, November


4. S. Giebel, D. Schmidt, and B. Watson, B. Biwer, D. LePoire, and S. Kamboj, Estimation of Radon Dose from

Uranium Recovery Operations, Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, 2015, Indianapolis.

5. Biwer, B., LePoire, D., Kamboj, S., Chang, Y., Giebel, S., Watson, B MILDOS-AREA Verification, 59th Annual

Health Physics Society Meeting, Baltimore MD 7/13-17/2014.

6. BIOTA-RR Kamboj, S., D. LePoire, C. Wang, J.-J. Cheng, C. Yu, “Enhanced Capability of the RESRAD-

BIOTA Code Used for the IAEA MODARIA Biota Working Group's Fukushima Dynamic Modeling

Scenario”, 59th Annual Health Physics Society Meeting, Baltimore MD 7/13-17/2014.

7. Yu, C., Corredor, C., Cheng, J.-J., Kamboj, S., LePoire, D., Flood, P., Upgrading RESRAD-RDD and Planning

for Improvised Nuclear Device Incidents- The RESRAD-RDD&IND, 59th Annual Health Physics Society

Meeting, Baltimore MD 7/13-17/2014.

8. Flood, P., Yu, C., LePoire, D.J., Conversion of the Spreadsheet-Based RESRAD-RDD Model to a Database-

Driven Computer Code, 23rd Annual Argonne Symposium, Lemont IL 11/1/2013.

9. David J. LePoire, S.K., and Charley Yu, Balancing Realism and Conservatism in Risk Assessment for LLW

Repositories, in 2013 ANS Winter Meeting. 2013, American Nuclear Society: Washington DC

10. LePoire, D. J., Exploration of Energy and Environment Roles in Driving Large-Scale Historical System

Transitions. Integrating Complexity: Environment and History, University of Western Ontario, 7-10 October 2010.

11. Biwer, B., D.J. LePoire, S.Y. Chen, Systematic Decontamination and Recovery Following a Radiological

Dispersal Device Event, WM2011, Phoenix AZ, Feb 2011.

12. David J. LePoire, Exploring Connections of Potential 21st Century Leadership-Transition Trajectories, Final

Report of the 76th MORSS provided to the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), 2009.

13. Dyment, S., R. Howe, D. LePoire, S. Novotny, C. Pachon, T. Purucker, “Employing Best Management and

Technical Practices In Site Cleanup Programs”, ConSoil June 2008, Milan Italy.



14. David J. LePoire, Exploring a Framework of Nanotechnology Research and Applications in Addressing

Global Climate Change Issues, International Environmental Nanotechnology Conference Proceedings, Chicago

IL, Oct. 2008.

15. David J. LePoire & Tessaleno Devezas, Exploring Connections of Potential 21st Century Leadership-Transition

Trajectories with Energy Transitions, Military Operations Research Society, June 10-12, 2008, New London,


16. Weber, C., D. LePoire, J. Adduci, R. Sullivan, Increasing Communication with Virtual Globe Tools, Interlab

2007, October 1-3, 2007, Las Alamos NMD.

17. LePoire, J.-J. Cheng, S. Kamboj, J. Arnish, P. Richmond, S.Y. Chen, C. Barr and C. McKenney, Web-Based

Training for Dose Modeling Aspects of NRC Decommissioning Plans, American Nuclear Society Topical

Conference on Decommissioning, Decontamination & Reutilization (DD&R 2007), Chattanooga TN, Sept 16-19,


18. D. LePoire, J. Arnish, J.-J. Cheng, S. Kamboj, P. Richmond, S.Y. Chen, C. Barr and C. McKenney, Web-based

Training Related to NRC Staff Review of Dose Modeling Aspects of License Termination and

Decommissioning Plans, Waste Management ’07, Tucson AZ, Feb 25- Mar 1, 2007.

19. D. LePoire, J. Arnish, J.-J. Cheng, S. Kamboj, P. Richmond, S.Y. Chen, C. Barr and C. McKenney, Development

of Web-Based Training to Support NRC Review of Dose Modeling Aspects in License Termination and

Decommissioning Plans, Health Physics Society Midyear Meeting, Knoxville TN, Jan 21-24, 2007.

20. LePoire, D.J., Exploration of Connections Between Energy Use and Leadership Transitions, Systemic Transitions

Conference (May 2007).

21. Lindley,Roy A., Joseph J. Adduci, Robert L. Johnson and David J. LePoire, "Perspectives on International

Radiological Trafficking," NATO Workshop on Prevention, Detection, and Response to Nuclear and Radiological

Threat, Yerevan Armenia, May 4, 2007 .

22. J. Adduci, R. Johnson, D. LePoire, R. Lindley, F. Monette, and R. Sullivan, “World-Wide Theft, Diversion, Loss,

Page 10: David J. LePoire

and Recovery Radionuclide Incident Analysis Based on Non-Classified Information Sources,” INMM 47th

Annual Meeting, July 16-20, 2006, Nashville TN.

23. Chen, S.Y., C. Yu, S. Kamboj, T. Allison, D. LePoire, and T. Mo, Evaluating Land Use Scenarios in

Environmental Cleanup Decisions, Waste Management Conference. Tuscon, AZ, February 26 – March 2, (2006).

24. Johnson, R.L, D.J. LePoire, and T. Klett, “Bayesian/Geostatistical Approach to hazard Footprint Delineation,”

Idaho Section of the American Nuclear Society 2006 International Joint Topical Meeting: Sharing Solution for

Emergencies and Hazardous Environments, Salt Lake City, UT, Feb 12-15, 2006.

25. LePoire, D.J. Exploring Ethical Approaches to Evaluate Future Technology Scenarios, Ethics and Technology

Conference, St. Louis MO, June 2005.

26. B.M. Biwer, D.J. LePoire, M.A. Lazaro, T. Allison, S. Kamboj, and S.Y. Chen, “Emergency Response Planning

for Radiological Releases,” Waste Management (WM’06), Tuscon AZ, Feb 2006.

27. D. J. LePoire, B. M. Biwer, J. J. Arnish, S. Kamboj, S. Y. Chen, A. Wolbarst, S. Domotor, R. Cady, “A

Collaborative Web Site for Facilitating Environmental Parameter Communications”, Waste Management

(WM’05), Tucson AZ, February 27-March 3, 2005.

28. LePoire, D.J., Possible Lessons from a Recent Technology (Nuclear) for an Emerging (Ubiquitous Embedded

Systems) Technology, Seventh Annual Ethics & Technology Conference, June, 2004, Loyola University, Chicago,

www.ethicstechconference.org .

29. LePoire, D.J., Beyond the Bubble: Information Technology Education, Experience and Innovation after the

Burst, Midwest Computer Conference, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, March 2003.

30. Yu, C., D. LePoire, J. Arnish, J.-J. Cheng, I. Hlohowskij, S. Kamboj, T. Klett, S. Domotor, K. Higley, R. Graham,

P. Newkirk, T. Harris, The RESRAD-BIOTA Code for Application in Biota Dose Evaluation: Providing

Screening and Organism-Specific Assessment Capabilities for Use Within an Environmental Protection

Framework, SPEIR 3, Darwin, Australia, July 22-26, 2002.

31. S.Y. Chen, D.J. LePoire, D.J., J.A. Arnish, E.G. Gnanapragasam, T. Klett, B.M. Biwer, R.L. Johnson, and C.Yu,

Developing a Flexible System to Address Multifaceted Long-Term Risk Issues, Spectrum 2002, Reno NV, Aug


32. LePoire, D.J., J.A. Arnish, E.G. Gnanapragasam, T. Klett, R.L. Johnson, S.Y. Chen, B.M. Biwer, and C.Yu,

OPENLINK: A Flexible Integration System for Environmental Risk Analysis and Management, WM02,

Tucson AZ, Feb 2002.

33. LePoire, D.J., The Need for Multiple Approaches in Collaborative Software Development, Midwest Computer

Conference, Roosevelt University, Schaumburg, IL, March 2002.

34. Biwer, B.M., D.J. LePoire, J.A. Kuiper, and S.Y. Chen, “The Incorporation of GIS in Radiological

Transportation Accident Consequence Assessments,” presented at the 2001 American Nuclear Society Winter

Meeting, Nov. 11-15, 2001, Reno.

35. LePoire, D.J., P. Richmond, R.L. Johnson, A. Huttenga, and J. Veil, Development of Simplified GIS Web-Based

Environmental Emergency Response Systems, Eco-Informa Conference, Argonne IL, May 2001.

36. LePoire, D.J., J.J. Arnish, B.M. Biwer, and R.L. Johnson, Pathways to Shared Environmental Models, Data,

and Visualization, Eco-Informa Conference, Argonne IL, May 2001.

37. Biwer, B.M., D.J. LePoire, J.A. Kuiper, and S.Y. Chen, Integration of GIS with a Radiological Transportation

Accident Consequence Health Risk Model, Waste Management ’01.

38. LePoire, D.J., Exploratory Models of Extreme Programming and Knowledge Transfer Processes, DeKalb IL,

Midwest Computer Conference, March 2001

39. LePoire, D. J., The Effect of Different Distance Learning Techniques on Adoption of Educational Software

Components, DePaul CTI Research Symposium, November 2000.

40. LePoire, D. J., Groupware Diffusion/Adoption: Literature Review and Case Studies, DePaul CTI Research

Symposium, November 1999.

41. LePoire, D. J., The Development of an Ecological Metaphor for Tracking Adoption and Diffusion of

Groupware in Organizations, Americas Conference on Information Systems, August 1999.

42. LePoire, D.J., Development, Use, and Diffusion of Discussion Forums in a Learning Organization, Midwest

Computer Conference, March 1999.

43. LePoire, D. J., Introducing Graphical Elements into Environmental Assessment Software Tools, 12th Midwest

Page 11: David J. LePoire

Computer Conference, Purdue-Calumet, March 1998.

44. LePoire, D.J., Intelligent User Interface Research Review, 12th Midwest Computer Conference, Purdue-Calumet,

March 1998.

Conference Proceedings:

1. LePoire, DJ, Using Analogies to Gain Insights into Major Historical Transitions, 4th International Big History

Association Conference, Philadelphia PA, 2018.

2. LePoire, DJ, Interpreting trends in big history towards convergence and inflection, 4th International Big

History Association Conference, Philadelphia PA, 2018.

3. LePoire, DJ, Long-term trends in Big History, 4th International Big History Association Conference, Philadelphia

PA, 2018.

4. D. LePoire, E. Gnanapragasam, C. Yu, Using Approximations to Guide Understanding of New RESRAD-

OFFSITE Source Terms, Releases, and Pathways, HPS Annual Meeting, Cleveland OH, July 2018.

5. C. Yu, D. LePoire, E. Gnanapragasam, J.-J. Cheng, S. Kamboj, C. Wang, K. Beckman, D. Favret, A. Anderson, A.

Szilagyi, C. Corredor, A. Wallo, T. Oxenberg, S. Bush-Goddard, R. Tadesse, C. Barr, and B. Abu-Eid,

Modernization and Enhancement of RESRAD Family of Codes, HPS Annual Meeting, Cleveland OH, July


6. B. Biwer, D. LePoire, S. Kamboj, Y.-S. Chang, C. Sun and J. Webb, MILDOS-AREA Evolution, HPS Annual

Meeting, Cleveland OH, July 2018.

7. LePoire, DJ, Big History Cone Dynamics, Third international Symposium Big History and Global Evolution

Moscow, September 26-28, 2017.

8. LePoire, D.J., The Anthropic Principle Meets Big History, International Big History Conference, University of

Amsterdam, Amsterdam, July 2016.

9. Sunita Kamboj, Cheng Wang, David J. LePoire, Charley Yu, and D. Favret, Methodology for Calculating External

Dose Coefficients for Multiple Exposure Geometries for IND Radionuclides, Health Physics Society Annual

Meeting, 17-21 July 2016, Spokane. WA.

10. LePoire, D.J., “Social Change in National Laboratory Science Groups: From Discipline Silos to Organizational

Collections,” SKAT-25 Conference, Science, Knowledge, and Technology Section of the American Sociological

Association, Northwestern University, Chicago IL, August 21, 2015.

11. LePoire, D.J., “To Compete or Collaborate?: Example in Current Science and Technology,” SKAT-25 Conference,

Science, Knowledge, and Technology Section of the American Sociological Association, Northwestern University,

Chicago IL, August 21, 2015.

12. LePoire, D.J., Gaining Understanding with Recent Inter-generational and Developmental Models, Midwest World

History Association Conference, Governors State University, University Park Il, Sept 2014.

13. LePoire, D.J., Comparison of 18th and 21st Century Challenges of Reinterpretation, Infrastructures of Creativity: a

conference on institutions and innovation in the 18th & 21st centuries, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago IL,

April 10-11, 2014.

14. LePoire, D.J., Two Contrasting Views of Energy and Time Scales, International Big History Conference,

Dominican College, San Rafael, CA, Aug 2014.

15. LePoire, D.J., Knowledge/Value in Energy and Environment Roles of Large-Scale Historical System

Transitions, Knowledge/Value Workshop, University of Chicago, Feb 7, 2012, Eric Hirsch org.

16. LePoire, D., J. Adduci, R. Johnson, and J. Arnish, Analysis of Historical Malicious Radiological Incidents,

Second INTERPOL Radiological and Nuclear Trafficking and Terrorism Analysis Conference, FOI (Swedish

Defence Research Agency), Umeå, Sweden, 25-26 April 2012

17. LePoire, D., An Exploration of Historical Transitions with Simple System Dynamics Models. First International

Big History Conference, Grand Rapids MI, Aug 2-5, 2012

18. LePoire, D., An Energy, Environment and Social Organization in Major Historical Transitions . 3rd Midwest

World History Association Annual Conference: The Reshaping of Planet Earth , Grand Rapids MI, Aug 2-5, 2012

19. LePoire, D. J., Exploration of Energy and Environment Roles in Driving Large-Scale Historical System

Transitions. INTEGRATING COMPLEXITY: ENVIRONMENT AND HISTORY, University of Western Ontario,

7-10 October 2010

20. Sunita Kamboj, Dave LePoire, Jing-Jy Cheng, and Charley Yu, Little Forest Scenario, EMRAS II Workshop,

Page 12: David J. LePoire

September 2010, IAEA Vienna Austria.

21. S.Y. Chen, S. Kamboj, D.J. LePoire, T. Klett, J.J. Arnish, B. Watson, and A. Schwartzman, Update and Review of

the MILDOS-AREA software for Radiological Dose Estimation of Uranium Mining Activities, presented at the

54th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, Minneapolis, MN. July 12-16, 2009.

22. Kamboj, S., D. LePoire, C. Yu, Determination of Internal and External Dose Conversion Coefficient, IAEA

EMRAS II WG4, July 20, 2009.

23. D. LePoire, J. Adduci, R. Johnson, DOE-Argonne-SNM Tracking Capabilities, FBI Counter-Proliferation

Conference, Albuquerque NM, November 19, 2008.

24. LePoire, D.J. , “Exploration of a Real Options Analysis of the Nuclear Waste Issue,” SETAC/SRA Midwest

Regional Conference, March 2007.

25. LePoire, D.J. , “Society as a Learning System: Indications and Implications,” WorldFuture 2006 Conference,

July 29, 2006.

26. Yu, C., J. Cheng, S. Kamboj, A. Miron, D. LePoire, B. Biwer, C.R. Yuen, T. Klett, S.Y. Chen, S. Domotor, and A.

Wallo III, “Modeling of RDD Scenarios and Derivation of Operational Guidelines for RDD Consequence

Management” 50th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, Spokane, WA, July 10-14, 2005.

27. Domotor, S.L., K.A. Higley, C. Yu, D. LePoire, T. Klett and S. Kamboj, “Enhanced Capabilities of RESRAD-

BIOTA: A Computer Program Providing a Graded Approach for Assessing Radiological Impact to

Nonhuman Biota,” 50th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, Spokane, WA, July 10-14, 2005

28. D.J. LePoire and K. Bradley, “Nanotechnology: Science, Technology, Commerce, and the Environment,”

WorldFuture 2005, July 39, 2005.

29. C. Yu, S.L. Domotor, D. LePoire, T. Klett, S. Kamboj, and K. Higley, “RESRAD-BIOTA: A Computer Program

for Nonhuman Biota Dose Assessment,” Second International Conference on Radioactivity in the Environment,

Nice, France, October 4, 2005.

30. Sullivan, R.; F. Monette; R. Johnson; R. Lindley; J. Adduci; and D. LePoire Radiological Theft and Diversion

Incidents: Analysis of World-Wide Events Occurring in Calendar Year 2003 - ,” 50th Annual Meeting of the

Health Physics Society, Spokane, WA, July 10-14, 2005.

31. D.J. LePoire, “Nanotechnology and Health Physics,” Continuing Education Lecture, Mid-Year Health Physics

Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Feb. 2005.

32. Biwer, B.M., D.J. LePoire, M.A. Lazaro, T. Allison, S. Kamboj and S.Y. Chen, “RISK-RDD, a Radiological

Incident Risk Management Tool,” 50th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, Spokane, WA, July 10-14,


33. S. Kamboj, D. LePoire, C. Yu, S.L. Domotor, and K. Higley, Derivation of Dose Conversion Factors for Specific

Organism Geometries in the RESRAD-BIOTA Code, Health Physics 2004, Washington DC.

34. Domotor, S.L., C. Yu, K.A. Higley, D. LePoire, S. Kamboj, T. Klett, and J.-J. Cheng, “The RESRAD-BIOTA

CODE: A Tool for Implementing a Graded Approach to Biota Dose Evaluation,” 49th Annual Meeting of the

Health Physics Society, Washington, D.C., July 11-15, 2004.

35. Domotor, S., K. Higley, C. Yu, LePoire, T. Klett, S. Kamboj, J.-J. Cheng, I. Hlohowski, R. Graham, P. Newkirk, M.

Boyd, T. Harris, T. Mo, E. Antonio, D. Jones, and R. Morris, The RESRAD-BIOTA Code for Application in Biota

Dose Assessment, International Conference on the Protection of the Environment from the Effects of Ionizing

Radiation, Stockholm, Sweden, October 6-10, 2003.

36. Chen, S.Y., J. Arnish, and D. J. LePoire, RESRAD-MARSSIM: Bridging the Gap of Dose Assessment and Field

Surveillance, ANS04, Pittsburgh PA, June 2004.

37. D. LePoire, Integrating MARSSIM into RESRAD, SADA Conference, Spring 2004, Rockville MD.

38. R. Sullivan, R. Johnson, and D. LePoire, “Using Handheld Devices and Wireless Technologies for

Environmental Data Collection and Dissemination”, Groundwater Protection Council Conference, Houston, TX,

January 2004.

39. S.Y. Chen, J. Arnish, and D.J. LePoire, “RESRAD-MARSSIM: Bridging the Gap of Dose Assessment and Field

Surveillance”, submitted to the ANS 2004 conference.

40. D. LePoire, T. Klett, J. Arnish, and C.Yu, Documentation, Technical Support, and Web Resources for the

RESRAD Family of Codes, Health Physics Society Meeting, July 2003

41. Yu, C., D. LePoire, S. Kamboj, T. Klett, J. Arnish, J.J. Cheng, I. Hlohowskij, S. Domotor, K. Higley, R. Graham, P.

Newkirk, M. Boyd, and T. Harris, RESRAD-BIOTA: A New Code for Evaluating Environmental Radiation

Page 13: David J. LePoire

Doses to Ecological Receptors, 48th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics of Society, San Diego, CA. July 20-24,


42. Arnish, J.J., D. LePoire, J.J Cheng, S. Kamboj, T. Klett, and C. Yu, Current Developments in the RESRAD-BUILD

Computer Code, 48th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics of Society, San Diego, CA. July 20-24, 2003.

43. J. Arnish, S.Y. Chen, R. Johnson, D. LePoire, E. Abelquist, T. Bauer, Extending RESRAD to Support MARSSIM

through COMPASS: An Application of the Openlink System, 48th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics of

Society, San Diego, CA. July 20-24, 2003.

44. Robert Johnson, Charles Wick, David LePoire, Andrew Huttenga, and John Ditmars, Web-Based Tools for NBC

Warning Dissemination, paper presented at the First Joint Conference on Battle Management for Nuclear,

Chemical, Biological and Radiological Defense, 4-8 November, 2002, Williamsburg, VA.

45. LePoire, D. J., Evaluating Proposed Extensions of Moore’s Law: Evidence for Logistic Development of Ideas

from the History of Physics, DePaul CTI Research Symposium, November 2002.

46. LePoire, D. J., The Adoption/Implementation Process of Educational Software Components Facilitated with

Distance Learning Techniques, DePaul CTI Research Symposium, November 2001.

47. J.A. Arnish, LePoire, D.J., E.G. Gnanapragasam, T. Klett, R.L. Johnson, C.Yu, and S.Y. Chen, Development of

Flexible Model Integration for Multi-Pathway Environmental Risk Analysis, TIE’01, Albuquerque NM, Nov


48. LePoire, D.J., J.J. Arnish, B.M. Biwer, and S.Y. Chen, Development of an Open Platform System for

Environmental Pathway Analysis, ANS Winter Meeting, Reno NV, Nov. 2001.

49. LePoire, D.J., J.A. Arnish, E.G. Gnanapragasam, T. Klett, R.L. Johnson, B.M. Biwer, S.Y. Chen, and C.Yu,

Developing a Flexible Model Integration for Multi-Pathway Environmental Risk Analysis, HPS 2002 Midyear

meeting, Orlando FL, Feb 2002.

50. Veil, J.A., D. J. LePoire, P.D. Richmond, K.G. Roloff, J.R. Gasper, and R.L. Johnson, Innovative Oil Field

Emergency Response Web Site, 8th International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Houston, TX, November

6-9, 2001. [invited]

51. J.A. Kuiper, Biwer, B.M., and D.J. LePoire, Integration of GIS with a Radiological Transportation Accident

Consequence Health Risk Model, Eco-Informa Conference, Argonne IL, May 2001.

52. Jiang, Z., R.L. Johnson, D.J. LePoire, and P. Richmond, Web-Enabled Dissemination of CBD Sensor

Information, Joint Conference on Point Detection for Chemical and Biological Defense, Williamsburg VA, Oct


53. LePoire, D., R.L. Johnson, P. Richmond, L. Durham, H Avci, C. Yu, D. Pflug, T. Sydelko, D. Miller, Using the

Internet to Support Collaboration and Communication in Environmental Cleanup, Health Physics Society

Meeting, June 2000.

54. Cheng J.-J., S. Kamboj, C. Yu, B.M. Biwer, J. Arnish, D. LePoire, E. Gnanapragasam, S.Y. Chen, T. Mo, T.J.

Nicholson, P.R. Reed, R. Abu-Eid, M. Thaggard, T.E. Harris, and D.W. Schmidt, Selection of RESRAD and

RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters for Detailed Probabilistic Distribution Analysis, Health Physics Society

Meeting, June 2000.

55. LePoire, D.J., E. Gnanapragasam, , J. Arnish, B.M. Biwer, J.-J. Cheng, S. Kamboj, C. Yu, S.Y. Chen, A. Wallo, A.

Williams, H. Peterson, T. Mo, T.J. Nicholson, R. Abu-Eid, M. Thaggard, T.E. Harris, R.B. Codell, D.W. Schmidt,

and J. Danna, Uncertainty Analysis Module for RESRAD and RESRAD-BUILD Radiological Dose

Assessment Software Packages, Health Physics Society Meeting, June 2000.

56. Biwer, B.M., S. Kamboj, J.-J. Cheng, E. Gnanapragasam, J. Arnish, D. LePoire, C. Yu, S.Y. Chen, T. Mo, T.J.

Nicholson, R. Abu-Eid, M. Thaggard, T.E. Harris, D.W. Schmidt, R.B. Codell, D.W. Schmidt, and J. Danna, Input

Parameter Probability Distribution Assignments for Uncertainty Analysis Using the RESRAD and

RESRAD-BUILD Radiological Dose Assessment Software Packages, Health Physics Society Meeting, June


57. Kamboj, S., D.J. LePoire, E. Gnanapragasam, , B.M. Biwer, J.-J. Cheng, J. Arnish, C. Yu, S.Y. Chen, T. Mo, T.J.

Nicholson, R. Abu-Eid, M. Thaggard, R.B. Codell, T.E. Harris, D.W. Schmidt, and J. Danna, Effects of Parameter

Distributions on the Estimated Dose for the Residential Scenario in RESRAD and Building Occupancy

Scenario in RESRAD-BUILD, Health Physics Society Meeting, June 2000.

58. Arnish J.J., B. Biwer, J.-J. Cheng, S. Kamboj, D.J. LePoire, C. Yu, S.Y. Chen, Derivation of Parameter

Distributions for the RESRAD and RESRAD-BUILD Computer Codes Using Bayesian Techniques, Health

Physics Society Meeting, June 2000.

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59. LePoire, D., R.L. Johnson, P. Richmond, A. Huttenga, Using Collaborative Internet-based Geographic

Information Systems and Multimedia in Education Projects, I-KAN Technology Conference, August 2000.

60. Veil, J., D. LePoire, P. Richmond, K. Roloff, J. Gasper, R. Johnson, Innovative Interactive Website Provides

Powerful Oil Field Emergency Response Resources, SPE/EPA/DOE Exploration and Production Environmental

Conference, Feb. 2001.

61. Veil, J., D. LePoire, P. Richmond, K. Roloff, J. Gasper, R. Johnson, Interactive Oil Field Emergency Response

Website, IOGCC Meeting, Sept. 2000.

62. LePoire, D., Using and Exploring Internet-enabled Collaboration, Argonne Web Forum, Feb. 2000.

63. Smith, K.P., P. Richmond, D. LePoire, J.J. Arnish, R. Johnson, The NORM Technology Website: Streamlined

Access to NORM-Related Service Company and Regulatory Information, 7th International Petroleum

Environmental Conference, Nov 2000.

64. LePoire, D., F. Monette, G. Anast, E. Stull, H. Avci, H. Hartmann, and M. Goldberg, Development, Use and

Diffusion of a Web-based Workflow System for the Comment-Response Phase of a Federal Environmental

Impact Statement, INFORMS Conference, Nov. 1999.

65. C. Yu, S. Kamboj , J.-J. Cheng, D. LePoire, E. Gnanapragasam, A. Zielen, W.A. Williams, A. Wallo, and H.

Peterson, RESRAD Family of Codes and Their Applications to Sites Contaminated with Radioactive

Residues, IAEA Symposium on Restoration of Environments with Radioactive Residues, October 1999.

66. LePoire, D.J., J. Arnish, E. Faillace, S. Kamboj, and S.Y. Chen, Updating the MILDOS-AREA Software System,

Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, June, 1999.

67. Gnanapragasam, E.K., D. LePoire, and C. Yu, Ground Water Transport Models in RESRAD-OFFSITE,

Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, June, 1999.

68. Kamboj, S., E. Faillace, D. LePoire, and C. Yu, Dose Comparison of RESRAD-BUILD and DandD Computer

Codes for Building Contamination, Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, June, 1999.

69. Hlohowskyj, I., D. LePoire, J.-J. Cheng, J.W. Hayse, and M.R. Pfingston, A Systems Dynamics Model Using a

Bioenergetics Approach for Evaluating Sublethal Contaminant Effects on Fish Growth, 1999 American

Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 1999.

70. LePoire, D.J., E. Gnanapragasam, and C. Yu, Transport Model of Radionuclide Through Saturated and

Unsaturated Zones in the RESRAD Code, Joint Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology

and Chemistry & Society for Risk Analysis, April 1998.

71. Cheng, J.-J., D. LePoire, C.Yu, and S. Kamboj, A Methodology for Estimating Radiation Exposures to Tritium

in Buildings, 1998 Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, 1998.

72. Kamboj, S., D. LePoire, and C. Yu, Comparison of External Exposure Model in RESRAD Family of Codes

with MCNP Computations, 1998 Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, 1998.

73. Faillace, E.R., D. LePoire, and C. Yu, Derivation of Generic Surface Contamination Guidelines for Radium-

226, Thorium-230, thorium-232, and Natural Uranium for Building Renovation Scenarios, 1996 Annual

Meeting of the Health Physics Society, 1996.

74. LePoire, D.J., S. Kamboj, and C.Yu, External Exposure Model for Various Geometries of Contaminated

Materials, 1996 Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, 1996.

75. Faillace, E.R., D. LePoire, and C. Yu, Use of the RESRAD-BUILD Code to Calculate Building Surface

Contamination Limits, 1996 Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, 1996.

76. Arnish, J.J. F. Monette, D. LePoire, and B.M. Biwer, Estimated Consequences from Severe Spent Nuclear Fuel

Transportation Accidents, 1996 Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, 1996.

77. Chen, S.Y., M. Pfingston, and D. LePoire, A Waste-Clearance Strategy for DOE Waste Processed at

Commercial Facilities, 1996 Annual Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, Reno NV, July 1996.

78. Biwer, B.M., D.J. LePoire, and S.Y. Chen, RISKIND: An Enhanced Computer Code for National

Environmental Policy Act Transportation Consequence Analysis, submitted to WM'96, 1996.

79. Stevens, L.E., S.Y. Chen, M. Nimmagadda, D. LePoire, C.W. Ma, T. Wheeler, and M. Shannon, Potential Waste-

Clearance Strategy for U.S. Dpeartment of Energy Waste Processed at Treatment, Storage, and Disposal

Facilities, WM’96, 1996.

80. Monette, F.A., B.M. Biwer, D.J. LePoire, M.A. Lazaro, A.A. Antonopoulos, H.M. Hartmann, A.J. Policastro, and

S.Y. Chen, Supplemental Information Related to Risk Assessment for the Off-Site Transportation of Low-

Level Mixed Waste for the U.S. Department of Energy Environmental Management Programmatic

Page 15: David J. LePoire

Environmental Impact Statement, WM'95 Conference, 1995.

81. Stevens, L.E., M. Nimmagadda, D. LePoire, S.Y. Chen, C.W. Ma, T. Wheeler, and K.W. Owens, Issues Related to

Estimating Potential Radiological Doses from Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities Handling Waste

Containing Trace Amounts of Radioactive Material, Environmental Restoration 1995, Denver CO, 1995.

82. Stevens, L.E., C.W. Ma, T. Wheeler, M. Nimmagadda, D. LePoire, S.Y. Chen, and K.W. Owens, A Simplified

Model to Estimate Radiological Doses from Incineration of Radioactive Waste, International Incineration

Conference, Bellevue, Washington, May 1995.

83. Biwer, B.M., F.A. Monette, D.J. LePoire, and S.Y. Chen, Assessment of Risks to Individuals from the

Transportation of Radioactive Materials, WM'95 Conference, 1995.

84. Nabelssi, B., C.Yu, E. Dovel, D. LePoire, and D. Swider, RESRAD-RECYCLE: A Computer Code for Dose

Assessment form the Recycle and Reuse of Contaminated Material, Health Physics Society Annual Meeting,


85. Kamboj, S., D. LePoire, and C.Yu, External Exposure Model for Various Geometries of Contaminated Soil,

Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, 1995.

86. LePoire, D.J. and S.Y. Chen, Calculated Radon Doses from Radioactive Scrap Metal Handling Options, Health

Physics Society Annual Meeting, June 1994.

87. Chen, S.Y., L. Nieves, D.J. LePoire, and B. Nabelssi, Issues Related to Standards for Unrestricted Release of

Radioactive Scrap Metals, Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, June 1994.

88. Yu, C., D. LePoire, E. Dovel, B. Biwer, B. Nabelssi, and A.J. Zielen, Development of the Stochastic RESRAD

Code, Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, June 1994.

89. Biwer, B.M., F.A. Monette, D.J. LePoire, and S.Y. Chen, Radioactive Waste Transportation Risk Analysis with

Unit-Consequence Factors, Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, June 1994.

90. Chen, S.Y., L.A. Nieves, B.K. Nabelssi, and D.J. LePoire, Approach and Issues Toward Development of Risk-

Based Standards for Radioactive Scrap metal Recycle and Reuse, International D&D Symposium, April, 1994.

91. Monette,F.M. B.M. Biwer, D.J. LePoire, and S.Y. Chen, Transportation Radiological Risk Assessment for the

Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement: An overview of Methodologies, Assumptions, and Input

Parameters, Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, June 1994.

92. Monette, F.A, B. Biwer, D. LePoire, and S.Y. Chen, Transportation Radiological Risk Assessment for the

Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement: An Overview of Methodologies, Assumptions, and Input

Parameters, WM'94 Symposium, 1994.

93. Biwer, B.M., F.A. Monette, D.J. LePoire, and S.Y. Chen, A Comprehensive Transportation Risk Assessment

System Based Isotopic Unit-Consequence Factors, WM'94 Symposium, 1994.

94. Yu, C., J.J. Cheng, A.J. Zielen, L.G. Jones, D.J. LePoire, Y.Y. Wang, Y.C. yuan, C.O. Loureiro, A. Wallo, W.A.

Williams, and H. Peterson, Jr., RESRAD Update, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol 68, Part A,

June 1993.

95. Yu, C., J.J. Cheng, L.G. Jones, A.J. Zielen, D.J. LePoire, Y.Y. Wang, E.R. Faillace, A. Wallo, W.A. Williams, and

H. Peterson, Jr., RESRAD Update, Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, 1993.

96. Yu, C., A.J. Zielen, J.J. Cheng, Y.C. Yuan, L.G. Jones, D.J. LePoire, Y.Y. Wang, C.O. Loureiro, E.

Gnanapragasam, E. Faillace, A. Wallo III, W.A. Williams, and H. Peterson, Jr., RESRAD- A Computer Code for

Evaluating Radioactively Contaminated Sites, DOE EM PEIS Risk Assessment Model Review Workshop, 1993.

97. Chen, S.Y., and D.J. LePoire, Uncertainty in Assessing Risks from Current Radioactive Surface

Contamination, ANS Winter Meeting, 1993.

98. LePoire, D.J., Development of RESRAD-Uncertainty and RESRAD-Build, 5th Risk-Based Standards Working

Group Meeting, Oct 1993.

99. Chen, S.Y., D. LePoire, S.Schefetz, P Mehta, and C.Yu, SOILD: A Computer Model for Calculating the

Effective Dose Equivalent from External Exposure to Distributed Gamma Sources in Soil, presented at

Environmental Remediation '91, Pasco WA, Sept 1991.

100. Chen, S.Y., D.LePoire, and C. Yu, Calculating External Doses from Contaminated Soil with the Computer

Model SOILD, presented at the American Nuclear Society 1991 Winter Meeting, San Francisco CA, Nov. 1991.

101. D. LePoire and W. Nelligan, Neutron Single Scattering from n-alkanes, APS Annual Meeting, Detroit MI, 1984.

102. D. LePoire, Sputtering studies of SO2 using high energy ions, SURF Conference, Fall 1981, California Institute

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of Technology, Pasadena, CA.

103. D. LePoire, Analysis of 4-Jet Signature in Mark IV Data from DESY, SURF Conference, Fall 1982, California

Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA.