day 22 - free network marketing tips: becoming a serving leader

Challenge -Day 22 Free Network Marketing Tips: Becoming A Serving Leader

Upload: kevin-lau

Post on 30-Nov-2014




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DESCRIPTION In today's post I share free network marketing tips on how you can grow your business that exceeds your wildest expectations. By being a servant and providing value to others, you will be surprised just how quickly you're able to develop a thriving organization and community. For more free network marketing tips, visit my blog at http://KevinKLau.coma


Page 1: Day 22 - Free Network Marketing Tips: Becoming A Serving Leader

Challenge -Day 22 Free Network Marketing Tips:

Becoming A Serving Leader

Page 2: Day 22 - Free Network Marketing Tips: Becoming A Serving Leader

We only have one week to go until day 30!

Today I want to talk about a book that I read recently called ‘The Serving leader’ by John Stalwart and Ken Jennings. If you have a chance to pick it up, I highly recommend it. It covers a lot of fundamentals and tips. It especially makes you think about how to build a community or business. It really involves people from different audiences or niches by showing how to grow.

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Today I was feeling a bit tired because I

had a lunch that wasn’t really the best for me

at Wing Stop. Basically I had fried food, with no

greens. I didn’t stick to my 90 day workout

routine. It just shows you that even I am

constantly struggling with trying to improve

myself. Sometimes this happens, but

tomorrow is a new day and I’m going to stick to

it and focus on my goals.

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The book that I was talking about is so great because it really goes over a lot of fundamentals that you will learn in social media marketing. You grow and develop a sustaining team that will flourish and develop into something that almost has a mind of its own. What I like about the book is that it talks about leadership at a grass roots level. That’s one of the reasons I love social media too. It’s a tool that utilizes different opinion, concepts and voices to draw people together and build a community.

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I like to think of it as a tribe. It brings

people together in a way that is collaborative.

It’s not just you barking order; it’s about

serving other people. That’s how I like to run

my business. It’s also how I teach other

people. The goal is to give value and insights

to the people you’re working with.

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Some people take this out of context

because they think that it just means helping

everyone and anyone. I’m not saying that; you

still want to be selective. There are only so

many hours in a day, and only so many people

you can help. You have to be strategic. You

need to think about who deserves your time.

You can’t work with everyone; pick people that

will have the biggest impact or potential. I

talked about Poor Hungry with Desire

yesterday. Look for those people.

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Think about how you want to structure

your business and develop it so that you can

continue to grow. It may even exceed your

wildest expectations. The way to do that is by

serving other people. You have probably

worked at organizations where we had bosses

that were just barking orders. They didn’t lead

by example; they just did their thing and told

us what to do. There was no feeling of

ownership. It wasn’t a feeling where we were

collectively working on a common cause.

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At the same time, I worked in a network

marketing business where we had great

leaders, but teams started to implode because

the leaders weren’t really doing the work; just

demanding things. They weren’t leading and

showing people what to do on a daily basis to

get the results.

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I think what happens often is that you

hit a certain point and you think that this is the

end result. Everything you have worked on up

to this point was just to get the money and

recognition. It’s seems artificial or sustainable.

There’s almost an emptiness. They talk about

all of these in the book. It’s one thing to have

all of those great things, but it’s different to

serve and impact the many.

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John F. Kennedy also said, “How can you serve your country rather than your country serving you?” In this country there’s this mentality of entitlement. Everyone should be doing something for you and you do nothing in return. I think that’s the wrong approach to business. It creates an atmosphere of distrust and greed. If you want to develop a thriving business, you want to focus on how you can impact and help other people along the road to help them develop themselves; more importantly, showcase those results.

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When I was going through this process,

I was at a junction in my life and I didn’t really

know how I could do this. I thought that maybe

I need to ultimately change the way that I’m

thinking or perceiving things. How can I have

better results and get the things I want, but

also be able to help other people? I came to

the conclusion that I needed to find mentors.

The real key to this is finding people that you

can relate to and that can help you. You need

to have the tools and resources to run with.

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I’m opening up to 5 people that I want to work with over the next couple months and show them how they can get results in their business. I want to show them what they need to do to transform where they’re currently at, to where they want to go in the next 6-8 months. So if that’s you, I’d like you to fill out the survey that I’ve attached at the bottom of this video. It doesn’t require anything else, only about 10 minutes of your time. If it’s a good fit, and compatible, my assistant will give you a call to talk.

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I challenge you to fill it out. I want to

help you grow and develop into whatever it is

you want to do. I want to help you achieve

financial success or even just personal

success. What I really love about this industry

is being able to impact and make some small

measure of success in someone’s life; to help

them transform their thinking. The first step is

to just start, do what you need to do, fill out

the information. I look forward to talking to you

very soon.