day 'n' nite - pitch

King J Artist pitch By James, Thomas, Ghanshyam and Jacob

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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King J Artist pitch

By James, Thomas, Ghanshyam and Jacob

Page 2: Day 'N' Nite - Pitch

BriefKing J is a new and upcoming artist who is releasing his first album in “Born ‘n’ Bred”. Born in Brooklyn in 1997, he came over to England in order to escape his troubled past. Despite this he remained part of the Tri-Angle record label in order to pursue his friends dream of being a successful artist. His first ever single “Day ‘n’ Nite” (which also features on his album) gets across his problems growing up. His style of music is inspired heavily by many of the big hip hop artists that are around today such as Drake, Kanye West, Jay Z and J Cole.

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Mood board

Our mood board consisted of 4 sides to a triangle. We were going to make it all into a triangular prism in order to create another intertextual reference between the artist and the record label. However, we struggled with the actual construction of the pyramid so decided to just keep it flat.

Each side of the pyramid consistedOf a different aspect to our artist. One side covered the typical clothing he might wear and props he might use, one showed settings he might be in, one covered other artists in the genre and the last was album covers from the genre.

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Audience profileAs you can see from thisPicture our primary target Audience would be males from the age of 15-25.

Average income for our targetAudience would be relatively Low especially considering Most of them would be Youngsters or students. However, those that are earning would probably only earn up to around £15,000 a year.

Some our audiences mainInterests include lots of Technology such as Apple,Social media and music Streaming services. As most of our target Audience would be youngThey would be more likelyTo buy designer clothes Which a lot of their Favourite artists wear.

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Artist logo

This is the logo for our artist. Because his record label is called Tri-Angle we decided to use an Intertextual reference in using a pair of hands shaped into a triangle. This makes our artist more recognisable as it is unique compared to other artists. Also, we will feature this logo in our actual video with the artist making the triangle with his hands. This increases the chance that our audience would recognise King J.

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Our music video idea

For our actual music video we wanted to try and make it very conventional to the genre. To do this we wanted to use the typical elements of the hip hop genre that feature in most hip hop videos. Settings such as a party, concert and an urban city area will feature in our video. In terms of costume and props, King J will wear designer clothes as well as wearing jewellery in order to portray his wealth. We will also feature an intertextual link towards the record label and the artist logo throughout the video. This will come in the form of King J making a triangle with his hands to represent his record label “Tri-Angle” which he has been a part of for his whole career so far. The overall narrative of this video is that King J is attempting to escape from his troubled past which included being a member of a gang. It also describes his loneliness and how his struggle to escape his past isolates him from the rest of the crowd.

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