days lahr from europe. european...

Caa'lna ¦* frass» Pf» Pure. .To»» Hr-,«« |e»«gain* rA tes-sene, th<n man wvi aui <ia rat 'onirree*. ai d threat"** to anM-rii-a ti»* Omit ¦ Ma |.r> nM»a>' !*. . . «i« ' r*.>iii«l irfl electsvl. II-next Iaj|11 ul to tW htrvm *afJ ha Bn>wn ,u tUn-cr-F - rx. Ii>re'.e*d in Ih.- h'thI r^htof anni.p'r^lra«! twtng to fieo itself. Tho rowdv* i,.t*rrnpled ttVj fa **A*r my eriea of " Oixesstion ! O^oestton I" and 7r,«i-. < « . hurrah*. | Hr *onH »n"**" n aasvt>*>r- Waf John Br >* 11 in heaven T He wound rwtVrr t-i.o Ii* chance wftb J»bn Brown thrvti with Vrrf/tnia »LvehoMere, ro«t(iir<»n»>»iinc s»HtsN»lB>fT». of* a* >c a t »il« nt amwi BaflfTesse»*»« np011 "K"'. He ail an* juaiify Jol u Brow u hf »»ine rs«a*«>ue. Ha d.d not jnsfiix hir going xvith 17 »>eii instead..f 89) he thou.' H thrv onght »o have had at Usaet m oVien eows. Tlie Ilev. re< t'erean core1'"--"1 wi«h a tribute to tho nvm- heed and Üie Iwroisai mi John Brown. TLeKrv J. U. BtVoa 1I aaeefl forward, and in the «y-ar-eofbi-uddre- be WlCIBalt, by dee.-nb-njr the »-*-ar»irieriiiti«a i.fih-tnrbiiViit eb m. it' which hrvl <1'*- Hirtied tire roe*>tit*/. in aib-iieini» the ri -tecs, and, iu ftret, rauss-d inan> "f them to ban** thml henyli and V-ane «be room, lie a«*nni-J tha* J >'m Brown » a* ve»«eot hi V\rtfuim had »wen a tainnaw- It was b it t»y>a^rateoneei'tnitionof the work of »he Anü-S-aveey BsarrmrM for tears, info a greftt action. At Ii e roaeluaon of the *, e.-eirase, Mr. Hyatt pcrd a .otui I n.ei.t to Centra! S ii-> r iitrtKient Pdeburv, iK-p- .ix but enter, and the police for their efficient serv- Ljrim in preserving the nt/li' of the freedom of speech at lt.*' ii.r- . T) r bsiri Mrnct; up an-ititcr solemn tune, and ihe awd'socc depart"'. Mirny of the lades present expressed tbem*elv«vs fral fl'd with the atae-ce-a of the uweling, and it they bad the hum's. ene to go ibrouajh again, they would do « ao*t willingly. FOUR DAYS LAHR FROM EUROPE. -*>- BY THE BREMEN ANT) NOVA SCOTTAN. THE EUROPEAN C0NGÄE8& TOE MMaPCI «». ffCVrSAL ITALY THE SPANISH MOROCCO WAR. TTe .seurrvf r Brerren from >*f>nthxn.rj*on, Not. 29, arrive*) at this |u>rt last evening. Her news ie three days' bite than I.."'. -i 'vc -i. Ihe Ameriraarr ve<! it Liverpool, and the B-ivxria al Cower, on the %mm Nov. (JKEATBKITAIN. Tnr I»*- or tim Horti. Chxhtfr..Tho It strd a/Trsde infinity terminated on the 'J.'.th. Tie1 calumny wtvih miiiim ¦awr^auil |>ersons are st.ll circul-ittng an to i! e sobrtety nf Cap*. Tat lor is teendinted. Tif Gtnit >n\ <* thattlic I'riiice and I'rincess Frederick William intend to prolong their visit to her Majesty nntil the end of next week. Mi'Horit in rm tTttl r.t,.Htnry 0 (?onnell, third BuVeof the American rbip Fixing Hr-nd, hasjnHt Iwen e*>n>mit|ed by tie t or«,ner for Ci<rdift' fortriul, f>r the willful ij.urdcr of Autorj Tetiascher, auothcr sailor, ander circunirtai" M of vr*at atro< kri . KiroHirn I rum 01 Ntm Siittn.. Thr l^nion Tint* ( ah utU corresponde'it suys: "Be|ori, oue of theui official, annoancinir the death of Sana have tu et received in Calcutta, from Ea'nsndoo. ey am not »>e|iexed. Aceoriling to tto Hilett ar»roiinti«, be whs levying recrui's on our fiuntier, an . threatening to annihila'e Lacknow; he has a'-out b,(00 with hnu " A K. iM'ii I.o*"..The Rank of Barcelona has .Cered tie Sfwiiish (Jovernmeii'. an advance of 4,' 10,1 f reals, without interert for ail the time the War with Morocco unuht last. IVx Ki'fiorrx»i CosoKf-.. A correspondent to Tie l/frfon Mo< ning Pott «ny- Austria still \takm out ag it st the terms pro|Ki«ed by Franoe, and, supported hy ILnglan<", for K»'ng into Congreaa. ITALY. A letler from Fariia in the Milan (iine'te «tHtea thai niort pro* ably the Aveiublies of Central States will be eonvoktc. It aibU thut the people ure loud in tknianding the. return of Gen. OanbeJdi. PUUSSIA. BlMi l", Nov. 27. .Barons Wilkens-Hobonan, the If tester of K'eeloral He-re at He. I in, ha« receivod or¬ ders to pi deed to I»roden for the prevent. The I'ru*- tvian Minister at fusrel has gone on leave to Berlin. A call of the t«-n Ministera by their respective fjwveiiimeiits has not taken placet. According to iu- farn Mtiou recivnl h.-ie. the difficulties between Fruiiee aijd Aastrat. raided t>v the dvlegauou of the Beireuey af I entral Iialy 'o M. Bao*f.ipiisfni, are n'it xetre- taoved. The iflective force of the Wue*iaii army has laws again reduced. FRANCE. Pxais, Not. 27..A Mini-official, lithoirra|vhic Paria- atn e»irres|M aateare us-erts, tliat the leaters ol m\ llaviioa tall e Congress will be sent out on the'.lith, to thn diiTi ivi.t Powers, und that the ('ougrvs* will most like- hj arsemble toward the end ol Deoomber. Trikstk Nov. '.Hi..The t onnt de l*arie and tho Tlak* tta Cbattre* w ill embark u>-morrow, on board the Auauian lie) J « steamer, for AWxautitia. SPAIN. Madrid, Nov. 'Jt». .Yesterday more than '.(rW Moor* attacked, lor the third 'time, the redoubt Wore Herda, and were repulsed. Vheir tM tt was cs mpiete. The Kpauieh troops showed great ksavery during tins riigu*rement. The extmordinivry t»rp» «'dl .* rv it cr. esitiu the Ktruits. Freeh regiments Lave dia* mlarktd *t Centa. COM M FRIT A L 1N TKLLIG KNCE. The following is from tho money article of 7V / on- ?foa '/'.»c , of Nov. 9P; *' The Kiisilirh funds opened steadily this moming fVot dax '. »».d soon rxiwrienoed an improvement of aa |tb, which was well maintained to the close.. The hast baiganis in Consols were at *.<> »thi; for the in. ney at.d account. For the oiwiiinir in Januarv the,'. «V n it 9({x*%J or W| a ex div. Indian l^n t. van.eda quarter, the final price Isuiug 104}aMb4t. Th« foreign stock market is dull. American Securities war« firmer, <specially the bvmds of the Michigan Cential and Petinsvlvanian Central. Drand Trunk of Canada advanced to 37i; (Ircat Ship shares Hal;'. Thar* wss a fair demand for money on Moudav. and U rn saneral rate continirea at H cent. Londo*) Cot v MsaaxT, Nov. 2H..A verv mod- .eslr c'ruisi. J for Cottoa la-ds;. and lb* sale* 4b not *sc*rd 7 itX> tssias, I c*e tin 'pn uUi ivHi and for t«fort. rilcsjs uaaJtrrrd .ioc* ksst I; Idas. LoanÖN Coar* M «n s i. Nov. 2K. Market dull and vary Hole doutf. and 'a* sale* made a*i« 1 l*as than »b- noml aal rat», of Inet Mono*;. Indian Corn. W hit*, »I aM. , Y*e low I al) London- PanDl'ce *sn l'H 'Xisio.s MxHKtr, Nov. » . I h* u>aik*t renvaiaa nnaltarad. Tait.ow Mtaaii, Nov. 'Ä..To-day the rJaMital u- vary flat, at 17;, ht all th* year. THE LATEST. Pant.. Not. 06.- tt U ane»r»e.l that the lettersi of raavtscaiioa u the ('ongre*« will not be Mat out before *it-n.orniw. Count Walewski and Primw Kkbard Mrtiervici, had an iutertiew to day at 2 o'clock. 9:15 a. m . Fuuda cloee buoyant at the B mrx . The Wat price of Kentee it 7Cf. 85c., in advance of , »jiim Saturdat. TcKin, Nov. 2fJ.-- The PiednonteeeQoTerntaent ha* reerived no coinmunicat ion inlitnat'itg the opt^iuon of Aoatra to the Congre**, on accoont ol" tha cominati a erf M. Boc*aeoaipagi1i to ibe Regency af Central Italy. The diflrnldee »s ie by Tu» any in tha delaartiioa of tha R.gnx y to M. Baunccaipagni have sot yet been twtled. BiRti.n, Nov. i*.TTe Pnteeiao ageoo have left for England, in order to iae, art thoee pi ore on the .».'b coaat which sight I e t it .Me for H . Maja.ty. the Kin»j. to reeide at d inng the Winter | ontha and .o tnake inch preparati xj aa are requit e therefor, .fcr-idea the lale of Wiyhr, Ho. KUhire it a so to be U- «|>acted. THE TREATT OF ZURICH. Ptai., Nor. « -Tha lener, of invhatloa to the CoDfret* were diapatchad u>-aay to tae diferent Power*. The Coa^raat wiQ lattatli h the aariv part t4 .laatvary »eaU I'.m-, N.»v VO. IC N<>on. -Rr.nbes eonioic mjjm* pn re. at.d open at 7ff. Vr. 3:fi p n A hrth«* 4*4 hv taken phve i-. P-o-ve, wf«h r'..sü"'f YV.ari-enf |*, ye-o-rbif. BtattV Wo* fJ«»-hW»ulH thst t*v* Munster of War, <t»-« Pcnhi. his lervdeied his r.-signal on, and trat tie -ar.u' laii Ik»ti %».*:.ted. It ie a'«o »<.¦ neu that he it to be rephv<e*i by f»<». II« rnn m:i. THE PAPA I, STATE*. Mi) n II tie, N'ox. 'P..LeW-s rv^ivej hero fro-a Roto*' emifrtu the rumor thut Cardinal An one ,i »rill represent tle Pope ul the f'.-nirrosa. Tie ftffnal Jtmrnal of Rome, ef the 'Jlth rent,, says: "Certain jonantls etaggeruie trie reform* which " are to come into operation.'' The Pr»>i agnnda hu« retired reports from Cochin Chtni ihut j ..r<ernttoit« nn<t iH-»r.«tment of the iniseton- atlra have oiruin taken place there. THE TREATY M'trlM FRANCE AND .AUSTRIA. The Monitftr of the 2!Hh alt., in tjlaWM to the trratu-a already published, gives the text of »he tr»-a»y r..r,< ! d «n 11 i'r.nce :tnd Ausliia. Ii n a- fol¬ lows: " His Majesty the Emperor of the Frereh and he Mxiesty the Emperor of Austria, desirous of putting an «l.'lio'the calamities tlie wnr, and to prevent the rei ewnl of the eomplicntiot e winch gave ri«e to it, hy cot inhntiiif to erect on solid and «inrahle foundations the mteriial and external indejieridence of lOil*. hnre revolved t< convert ititoa definitive treaty mi \»we the preliminaries signed bv their hand at Vifl iff tncu. |IIeie f dl'-w the names und tiiles of the Zurich P'eni| .ifeiitiuriee | "ArticiiiI. Tlere shall be in future pe<te*» aid friendship between his Majesty the Emperor rsf trie French und bis Majesty the Krnpernr of Au-tria, as also between their heirs and fuccensors, their rcs'peet- ive Sinter and sahj ects, forever. " Art. All prisoneri of war shall be immediately retomeil on beth aide«. " Art. .'I. To attenuate the evils of war an excep¬ tion is n ade to the gent rel luw. and all Au«iriun ves¬ sels captured, not y et, condemned as priae-, shall be re- stor. d. '* Tlie Tesr-els and eartose« shall be restored in th" same state as when taken, after payment of ail ex- (?enres,, oVr., incurred by their capture, and on pat ii ent of the usiiiil allowHiice to tbe c.vtors fit -it urijMi* au r nijiit-ur*); no indemnity can he claine-d on uccount of prize sunk or destroyed, m.r for the lost of mer«hand;M", even not condeined as nriie property. " It is iilso understo-sl distinctly that all decisions given hold good. (Art. 4 deelares the cession of Lombardv HI his Maje-fy the Emperor .f the French, with tlie details given in the two treulies alrendv published.I " Art. 5. H;s Majestv the Kmperor of the French declares bis intention ol bunding over / rrm-tti-t I ut his Msje-iy the Kirn? of hardinm the terrilories ced«-d by the preceding urticle. "ART. H. The territories still oesnpied in virtue of tl * armistice of the Hth of July Inst stuill '»e recip-o- cally evacna'ed by the Isellii/eteiit Power«, tbe troops of whieb will retire immeduitely beyond the froutier line sfipnlnfed in art. 4. [Akt. 7 to 17 inclusive are v*/hatim the tone as il -«¦ already published in the treaty ln'tween Krance ai d Kardit 1st, relative to the settle nent of the ItkTseoJas I><. «r t. betweini tbo two tNrarau4a«\ as>d the aaotw* aa> denmity to he pai«! to Austria and FttMO]a Art.' I>*. His Majesty the Kinjieror of tbe French, and his Mnjesly the Emperor of Austria, engage ibe-i.- let s m fnvor w ih all their efforts the creittion of a Confedera'i' ii bei ween the Ituliati Sülles, to he placed under the honornry presitleiiey of the Holy Eather and tlie (>l ji at nf vtbicli would l»e lo maintain ihe indepen¬ dents Hiid the inviolability i>f the I 'mifederfitod State«, to assure the development of their moral and m ferial interests, mid to guarantee I lie internal ami external Mitel v of Paly bv the existence ef a Federal army. " Venetift, winch remains pltett .! aajSJOt the cmwn of his Imperial, Royal, and A|Mis»<die Majestv, will form one of the Hintes of this Confederation, and will par- tici) ate in the obligations as well its in the privileges fJrotl$J resnliing from the federal pact, Pie clauses of which s' .nil be deierin'med by an Hsseujldy ooDsitting of reprepertatives of till Italian States. "Art. 111. As the territorial delimitations (eirrn-i. §rrtj-tion'J ot the independent States of Italy which took no part in the lute war cannot be changed except w ith ti e sanction of tbe Powers that pit-sided at th»ir foimaiion ami aeknowledtied their existence, the rights of the (Irimd Puke of Tu«euny. of the Duke of Moilenx, and of the Duke of Parma, are oxpresely re¬ served between the high contracting parties. " Art. .f. Desirous of seeing the 'rampiillitv of the Siates of the Chnn h itnd ibtMK>« crof the H"jj Father assond; eontlnced ihat. »'ieh rfkfmt eoiibl noi Iss m->re efHcacii n.-h attulned than by the adop'ion of a st-stem suited to tbe wants uf the |s>pulati"iis and California- hie to the ueneroiis intentions already manifested by ti e Soveteiuii pot tin, b s Majerty the Empero» of ihe Fremh. und bis Majttty the Kmis ror of Au-tria, will unite their ettorts to obtain from his Holiness tlutl tbe necessity of ioirtsdueiiig into the Administration of bis Rlnles the reforms admitted ns indit|w>nsable shall be iaV« ii into serieut consideration by hir fSovernment. "Art. tl. With a view to contribute by every eft' >rt to nnu-t tbe pnhlie mind, the high contritcting parties declare and promise that in their respective territories, u d iu tbe lands restored or reded, no individual com- piomittd by ibe recent events in tbe Peninsula, no inalter w liest bis rank or |>osiiion in society, shall be jrosecuted, annoyed, or troubled, in person or prop¬ erty, on account of bis conduct or political opinions. '. Akt. -V. I be present treaty shall Is* ratified, and the ratifications excham-ed within one fortnight, et earlier if poesiMe. In faith of which the resjieclive p!eiii| oientiaries have sigued it and lixed their seals thereunto. ¦¦ Pmie tt /n'lcb on Ihe 10th tity cf the tn.inlli nf Norsm'sor ol tbe trtr of psee lös». m >r RQltRNe V. .. B tNlttZVILLX. « "KARDl.VI .MKV.xKNHL'O." "Ai)PiTio«t»t Article to tht Trtitv Siosik bi- TWakb France aJTO Ai'stria at ZmiCH tM the Irr« ok Not *mhxit, is/'. "The Hoverninent of his Mniesty the Kmoerorof the Fienrh engaties itself toward Ihe flovernment of bis Ini|»rial, Royal, and Apostolic Muj -stv lo initke, on eccoent of tlie new Government of fiomrsaray, which will guarantee its repayment, tn |»ay to it 4l',(W,r<iO florins (conrtntiont-miinz), stipulated by ibe <lb article ol the present treaty, in installments, ae billows: " Eight millions of florins shall be paid cash, by a bill ou Paris, with intet est, ou the expiration of the third month, dating from the day »n which ihe present ueatv was signed, and which will I.e handed to the Plenipotentiaries of his Imperial, Royal, and A[>ostolic Majesty when the exchange of ratifications takes plnce. " The peymet.t of ihe remaining :r»,iilJO,fRM) florins si all take lace at Vienna, rush, in ten sue*. «s,ve in¬ stallments, tn be made every two months, bv bills on Paris each of 3,'Jt'^,000 florin-. Tiie first of these pay- tients will be made two mouths a.fter the payment of ti e bill of 8,000,0110 florins above s'.ipula'.ed. ' For tbit date, as for the other following, the interest will he reckoned at 5 per cent, dating from the first d«y of the month which will follow tbe exchange of the ratiica- ti< n of the present treaty. " Tbe present additional article shall bare the same force and value as if inserted verbatim in the treaty of this day. " It shall be ratified in one single act, and the ratiä- catu ns exchanged at the same time. " In faith of which the respective Plenipotentiaries hat e signed the present additional article, and affixed tl air realslbereuuto. " Pone at Zurich on Us 10th say cf the month of Vorsraber, eflhetesj ofpare let*. Hot RV.I KNKY " hannf.v ILLK. " KAROI.YL '' MCYSr-NBl'n. " Art. '2..Onr Minister ansl Se.-reUrv .«f State in the Department of Foreign Arbors i- . barged with the exe utM.n nf the pre sen* decree. " l»oae st (< aiplsiuc. the r?lh ol NoTeuilH«r, 1859. " Seen, and sealed with the Seal of State '. fttPOLEOy. (I onnteraieued) "r»rL»N«»LE, .' KecpeSefthf Minister of Jostice." . -A. Wa'.K.W-M. _^Mlr,lwer of rerelra Affalra." ARRIVAL OF THE NOVA SCOTIAV. Portla.vd, Tburaday, Dec. Ii, l<ti£>. The screw-sis Hinship Nova Sco'ian, wbich left Liv- erysaol en tbeJf th nh., and Oneertstown on the even¬ ing of tbe 1st inst., arrived thisevenirg. Her news is mainly aatieipau-d by ths arrival of the Iltetnen at New-Yuik. but the avdvicee, via t^acyus- toan, are one day later. Tie steamship Vanderbilt, from llew-Tork, Not. 19, tuTiTed at Southampton on 30th. Th* eteemaliip City of Baltiaioe*, from New-York, Not. 19. arrived at Liverpool Dec. I*, Parh. Not. 30, 12:15 p. m.-Tbe fund* ecntinoe very bnoyant, and the Rea'ee are still im pro v Log in price, being now quoted at 70f. 65c. 3:15 p. tn..The rumors of the bombardment of Tan¬ gier* by the French caused a dec lino. The It* alee closed at 70f. 30c., or one quarter per com below Sat¬ urday's prices. LiTiiifovL, Dec. 1. .Arrived from New-York, PKmeuth lVkst fT.ri«m 't, in >V Clf* " Mcyne," st lUtrv; Excelsior, et Liverissal. Tl. ri i" Spntd l*i.«e f-u '»*. r h .-' . Tl e »! i|>Keth St ragur, ashore, at Hrvawitahavi .1, ,iu* fei «II gi.| .'tl. Ct.MMKKU IL IMI I U .FNCE. Littftixii. t'niTni Mtnari.-The aa'** of f'rrtion in ti- li.rrjool me'k.t for tl* three d<ys add»d np 19 **» ?...e- o* which * Van <>n »B. ratajion an t W rn o»t At the ch.«e there srs* hat Hit*- inqnirv. aod ar.r. « saaaj reibec wrak a'-ro fh i-i^lh «rU;! f ¦.¦*''¦ Si Aii ..I 1*UM i> Msm h»«ii k. -Tin- Man. hc-ir-r afhi esai* favorable. aed tnr uhiM tlused 6r:n at the j:^i<e*t , r, , . i r r<»ds ai d yarn* I.ntiiPi^it. Har*i KTt r»« M tRu t.. M<-*»r« EOT s*ri-r*e: ' » report Floor iloll and dr-flaaa] «rtlh Me-* al Tl' »7: a H'|e« tit II sir! declined *1 if3d f> rental: .l.l> a of re»l at .>*'.' I* .and of vt hit* at 'till . . t ui oecined I' Af .jisrfef. |.i\»Br<m.i l'n"Mi i: MtRKET. Hr***Mia - qi af 7* wn 3 Pft'ls du I at .> "'»«>' .'endy t ««Ter qilrt. Itier iusrtnr. vp, it-cf Tiirpen'in* steady at Ho- I cisTniM MaREET*..Fl"'K very dull. Wm it derlin. d Id <?2d < on* At 'lined Id.' " I -. ¦.»" «e*dy t ->r- laafrui T»i-Ani»i-r»t» Wli..--- i >!» I.le .hair*. Rica fum. T«lu.» Uttl* irsqio-r »n l (rW a aal i at H Mat? '». l.n-a«D Du. ?3/. Pia laus >. * in i s tl. . p-or-raaiiiy at msbs'ired 'iln t'orraa Ur n au.1 I; SVrtrs.e'or tan a eels. Tn» flat; ('"¦' m "i < "mo i q-ioted at 1 3. r-AL1l rtin twiner. Busiio-s* on 'Champ- yrstr-id if »» fill rases JilK.tWO b*le* soins-at fill! price*. 0,-caaitfaall*. i u' r«ft,T de*:» r l\on-o.» Ol bej« so I rvth r ras*-, pirtice larly for low qualities, ander 4/. Tin«« market q ,,. t*tS?< in ihe »| ol. ami v, for the year. A Mr iff l> Snt'RiTir*..Tie market for An,-r i*i rtörk.wi» firmer, ^alr* ef I |,u i' O n'ral -hare* at V\ li«r-»inr; I'Hini* t rniral** of lrWP *>\ Penr.rlT .rila l'*"t'al «liare. V. * t. r rir Kailn*d 3d Voilraje boudi *. Penn») I. au:a (eu'ral >. 'it Morltsr*. a-rftsU. Lowt'i v M'.sr y Market..("oneola clcrfied on Taea- d»j at y.'\ <l'Xi for lioth money aud account. I ITWV DTI i.i.i if.rvrp. I.ivf.Ri fiOL. Dec. 3f, 10 h. ui. flic Me'.nw, .in Nortb Ammnri fiom riirtlun',1 ha* jn»t urnvd. TLehLin ^oeen'.f the Wert, for M d.'le, hantm 'wt« k. LATER.rm Quit ¦i ''rrri. r>iKi«. Wednesday..It i* currently reported mtt the Flench rfinadn n had neither bonihardcd T>in»rier^ net Tettian. A amnll fort on the rue. of M »"wee i he vrtr tired at. a French rtewuier, the latter replieW, Mtnl )<u\iuir ftisina iiled lie foniiien'.ion, afier^Hrd re- joined the Sf)Uilf*r«i|i at Algesira*. I' - Oif<-d thn! tin i nimnt der of the French eijnadron mm informed 'he Morocco Government th*t thi* event does not ch-ne/e in any rerpert tl e relation* l>et ween the two cou itriee. Mv'kmf.ili N"v. .'to. . Advices have Irren received from t om-tantiiioj h-to the SN During the la-t six days u storm of tinpnralleled vi -lenc** hsd prevadeil in the Knxine Kea. All the vessels out at >e'i were diixen «.n si und ahout eighty have Iseeu lost. T'ie r-ratst's strewed with wrecks and dead »et li s. The it hitlntunis of thee inho«jiifahle shores h-tve sfnp|x-d tl e survivors of the wrecks ot their js-rsoual property. Tug stenu its 1 ine been sent to the If'ack S< i in order to rei der assirtmiee in the recovery of property. The flrnnd Virior had given a very food reception to Mi de I er-' l'xKis, Nov. 3<>..The Opinioni S-it'Otnlr has re- rcitnl a tirsl wiinni'L' fr«>m i'ie M ii.i-.t- r .¦' tl.i-hite- rior on accoutit of hnvinu pubh-hed an article on the trmi end power ..( 'he I'opt), which the warning stars* is rnroi'ercd so ontrrfpc on a foreign posver, to li e Church of which the 1'ope i* the bead. L'iNt.'iv, De". I..The steamer Finn iro-n Australia, with tl t; Octol er n a Is, Hrrived ut Aden on the «Hnh dt. The letters are expected to reach ihn city on Tf« «drv, Ihe fib insf. The Royal Mail sie.imship Shannon prrived Ah u.oriiing with the \\V»t India, Mexi-'üu, mid I'a muils. AH hopes of savinj; the I'armatta lire now (riven up. Tl e sihfl ergntied in the attempt have come home m tl e Shai noja. The 1'arrtp oorreopondent of Thr lx>i'i.>n Tmt' luys there is still some uncertainty us to whether the Knirl'sh (;<i\ f it,ii;ent baa yet nmde up its mind to t.tke I art in the Congress. In tl e recent i»tervi»w with I'rince Metternich, it is said llint Count Wnlewaki assured the Prince that the Juet <e of Fleuch diploioHcv will continue to be »-x- t-rci.ed in Central Italy in favor of the spontonejus recall by the |s>p*ilHfi<.n of the; llrniid Dukes. LATMT MAaUinW. By 11.'ry»<|..* Ui ly ttrntltv s. L'vtHFooi, D- v I. p. m The sales nf Ccirrni yra-rrday woie 7 fSSl tv«Je«, and of to day 8110. lucloilujf 7.000 lo .leiulators and eiporter«. I'rirm are pnrhanced tl ocsh inferior qo ,'ii;.. are cf i.le a' former rate«. Iu ports yciteiday, 7,ISU bahn; pisvioualy this werk, 15 in brl.e BsraiLTrrra are quiet, but ileady. Paonatrm qnirt, bat .leady. I Mint' r «iow of »sie. I.nt 's'sasr. ieirlianf-1 Mus u srirtqa'el * tt n tag. of Dste. sold st fo 9 Ru t it steady LlKi bap of Renfoon .old (lo arrive) at I I.omni Per. 1.p. at. 1 be I'noptrt n.ark.t. are |rn. rally un.-bans*d. ft nan rruukrt quist hnt .trady; common Coi.eou quoted at |A lowrr Ki< k biui. esitvkii k strady. Umiu ar» ,iiio'r,l a* "*d<rw| for money and 9fl n lfj-s; 13-16 fur account; Nr.w Thkrks. sa.l </ -.arvj. HOW TO SAVE THE üüiOIi. UtrCTÜRE R BEMMY VFAID BEECRR. A crowded uiidience asss-mhled last ijveniug m\ the Proafiwnv Tslornncle ('t.tircb, to beur tie Ree. Hemit Ward Oem hfr deliver his lc ture b-f -r« ihe Pitts Association. Mr. Bcecher preluded by a iy- tut/ that he projirsed to discuss in a plain iiimiier, and with an earnest wish to promote the welfare of the people, m'eetioi.-s that were L'.oving the thouirbts aud exciting the passions of the entire nation. Oor insti¬ tutions extract dauber trom excitement by giving lib- erty to expreririoii. The free air tn.ikes excitement beillihy. It was vood t<> nvn the community arnnsed. (My eBeh aetis.tiveuess will saxe a eonntrv. Nations ui»- not half s" much in danger of blowing up as of ro - ting down. Corruption commences al the sills, aru'd the daniprers an<l moisture of Vmt foiimuvions. He didiifttniuk any especial peril on hand.waa neither scared, startled, nor even uiimisv. Hut mime were; tonic desired a ditl'erent stale of things, and wished to distiiss the means of bringing uboitt the new order. Discussion educated the pubhc nund, and he, fcr one. would gladly Jota in it. Ti -niftht the f|ne>tion he pro|>o*ed to ur^'iie wan, " How shall this Cnion he preserved '" Au l, tiret. what are the reasons that make it worth while to keep the Union safe / It whs awkward to argue ihe qne.-tion to us, it sounded like the doubt whether a rich and happy man *i*nuid live or commit smcide. For nu n t" et tou' ther vvl en they uerr in the very hissLt of business prorj erity, and talk of diamdvug I uri.t-iihip, reemed ridiculous. Two hundred jca'.i llH'l j Ur-H-d »iliee the seed" of "iir success were -own; three qnarters of a r*ntury since tho tree had borne vigoious Iraki Were things woire uow than then ? Could ae lo longer cooi-erule ? Are o ir riche.-i fal'- ingawavT Are we dividing, plank f»y plunk, like s'iniidcif s* ips ' No ' the tiaii.m was never so we.dthy ai d iuti liigeut. To be-ure, a few religious r>M)ks weit banied the day before. It wua itrisin.'e, iudeci, lo see ant fire in a region so long opposed t" eXcile- nom. {Ijtughter und applause.) I*et as np- plv the etethoecope unrt the pnutitioner's knowl¬ edge to the fruma of the country. Was the heart ntioasitied I Were the lungs.the intelligence of Ihe |H-oplr.sound I Was the nervous system.the roinmerrtal hrulthy action .' "Yes, there w a- Do disease in theee \ ital organs. Whv. then was the touiitn so eagei to send for the attorney to unke its will' llut, since it was ro.-iuce so miny wise and die it tesiec citizens were meetiog, he, too, would have his say. First, one niicht well long for the c in- rummaiion of so sublime an object as the completion of this Republic to a roundneee worthy of the Divine itiepiiat'on that .. .;.-i.-I it. Soeond, if we hx>k back¬ ward we may well wi-h to preserve the I n for the sake ot thejast. Thud, tne I nion should be stvtsl for the sake ot religions freedom. Fourth, with all our im| trleclioi's ar a nation, here was vet more secular liberty ihun could be loiind any win-re».!¦*¦ inilie world. When le conside'ed what precious freight wit borr-e hv the Ship of Stale, he must believe it was guided by ilia who i-onirols iht« w inds ai d wavtrs. The family here hud obtained a gtxater uventge power thau els* where. The sthool catches what the parent torses it. The experiment of Frtedom was only ju*t begun. Time wns needed to show w but Hod meant. The co¬ ordination of civ.! and religious life was not >ct worked out. A Miti' tial minion w.u, better than a nntioual rhttrvb. Minuters were more needed than M Ihe' in ~'u>n whether Fn edom conldgain on Slnvery so thai the nation could slciia-h its evils waa still ut.M tllaxl; and for the sake of new Stales wh" w ould !'c!uf±. ;. ed.we m ist su-iiun thecompacL The States rouiiiig in vere tike sand-blown Kuvftian tem¬ ples, covered np, and needing continually the aid of out shovels. Hui when men talk nt disnn on. he said tl at if :!¦..> chore to go od, we should be to much the rtrotiver. Hut we could not afford te giv uj oar beiden-.the weak are our ministry. Partly by force, and mostly by love, as a mother rest rains her children, so he mu#t tell any State that chesooee iu a j passion to go off, '"No! wan a lit de, we rant*-A per¬ mit ft. jApph»"*e.] Next, How is the Cnion not to I.eaavefJ'' first It cannot he done bv a blind eff art made b) a few to hoodwink th. manv: tyjf cabals, col- I lusn-n. and *deeeit. Soctrnd: No DUttsl inovetueut could be suooeaalul which was ot*e-aided, and baaed on I arty polities. Third: h nmrt not apparentlv l< a nrcre >id for commrrcial internet*. [The fecturer comreriied eeverelv and aajvastictdlr on Ute l'nioo reeohjiiotie.elicruni. irreat applause.) 'Fourth: It must au vgrore the fundamental idea* ou which the Cnioo was but!: up. Fifth: It oust be in harmony w ith the west liberty of disccasion, and bv legitimate method*. ¦Mfci It must not be akepticml «f tne polier of bo dly d.splat Ain :ae truth. 8eventh: It maat not refuse to ifcognite tlie tnperivrty of Freedom over hiaverv, or the delusion of the rule that a niitiw. I prn'Mf rsr.ii.laee. Eighth V mU-t 0->» irvb H k* I to fi-franrhwe ptireru'as |niife.«.ion*. He ewferr*>l r»(*eiallx to I h i.n n. \'m when rroni MlM \vritc i| e gteui trn»h* «if Freedom on their tenner*, t*vi the flan I wt nl<! _i\p !tl holv - M.ffi-.n t" 'tea wnrt ¦¦. 0*1 all ,|.« would nee mi to i'..||i.«v th«vn. It the 1 tigU »> »,* tbn k'r «.<', I would i . I v th.- in< n :»' th ||iv, the riN.rn, arH ihf nnvil l,nt tiv :!:.. pi UV-O i- ow i rr«. And then woo'd it > e mir du y to *»» MB* to il e rail for a di**nlnM"n ' N i. never Sonte time s glnrtns day would yet cme. if there was anv oh in ] tu }-,-r\ /wren, one after another, tie KUve Slal.-s * < n'd j> in the new revival of lihertv. Rrwt ur.niUI whirl iu M'ssonn tie banner State; then Virgin-Hand Kn inrkt and Mary Lard. The child now l«im lU »ee fori\ or fifty States in fwifederu'i n. aud not we muI in horn'age iu ih« ir border*. And üiigh' <. -d e| eesl li e day ' Mr. lWri»r «pfite in hi* rno*t rrmi-acteristie vein, and was warmly applauded. THE CITY OF SEW-YOHK. USCTUK! BY W\f. HENRY FRY. Mr. Win. II Fry gave a k-t !me evening, be'ore the Men-ai.ii'e Library Association, «n ti e City of New- y>rl. He apoi.^17.'I for not b-rinring. is anr."nn ^!, oo Wieks betör-, »iure a'l the jug young men were ei.yag-d at the f'.*i|ier In-'it"te -%n ''.-if t ii* not eb-etiug a M*»rr, u w*ii« h ncy s.i>-- leederl. The Dutch be *aid. founded onr city, and it t«> < nly bv a mere rhanee that he waa not niw ed- die»«itiga Ilulrh aumenre in Di'eh. He <<id aot g;ve n iirh rrrttit to Hri driek Hudson fI r li-.<«iv»-.:iir ttM iebad. C.Jna.btie dirtovered the continent; iv^-euer ie l'l^eaj il * less, ai d to hiv» belon*?* I all the glo-v. Mr. Frv mm wed lie philosophical importance ot tV 11'Vie* of I olumbti». Before hn:i. 'he eirthwas turj <>i d to I e flat, and to lie the renter und ir>: iter I ..iti< n of the universe. Tlie new theory of Astr-.ll '- BT. wl ich CAT* Ba iirw idea* "f Infinity and philoeo- I by, ail nnrg upon ibe d'*eoverv of the new world. Tbeegl die« overed in Iii"'.1. New Y"i*. Wit* m>l much of * Hly niitd tl e close of the last century. In the of tl e K. v. I'll ion. I'll Hade! j.Iii i wit* ahead "fir, I frees Hit ugh organizing here having gone thither. New- York in I er emit ence differed from all other cities in I uvii g I e. r extemporized, and not hav ing i.rown, and aNo in i ot-terr-ing a populav.ioti so diversified tint that of L< i dop and Paris seemed narrow ami contracted in ii puriron. No monument in I/mdon nr P.i-i« mhIm our Ciiftlc flardcn in nmnil giundenr. N*'»- wleie lad history shown a nation hoepiU'dy reeei*- ing fall a t. illiou of »trangen» .1 year, protecting ihern fn m iini 01 it'ons, and assimiU'i'ig them lo 'taelf. l#t nr, ra:d Mr. Fry, proceed thence up Broadway, to r'ndy tie pc-ciilariti«,9 and attructioua of ourcitv. There were given bv the *t ..uler ;n desc-iptioti* <>f the v,ri< t-» rations, il e!r p... uli ritiee n d rontraa'*, f.»'m tl< CUsetoto ihe Krein b; bkewiae the mmtl *ho9*i tl eir rigns ;ird fjiecialtiee. Tlien we eorae to the I ity Hall, 'he ti'iode ol purity, ami the home of inmsence. (tn tl e character of the recent canduLiree for Chief Mng^tra'e, Mr. r'rv oilu't d. Vext he ar>o*ie of the vatioue establishmenis, Delinnnico's very par- tictlarly; of ir* rui<tns, the chef, their ni"de of roolerv, 11 lid the of the establishment. He also touched ut-nn Smart'*, aud l-dd auei-dotin of l id-' - 0009*1 there. Bf dearer* Mi Fry got ui) to Wulbu k'a Tficater. \\ > ii \\'alb'cfc iMiiie over I re, he wan the gliseof fashion aid the mold ol form. There wim no ne'ing OiQeiOQJ in Isiiid'in e'pinl t ilk] Ciiu.'|**ny there. The n nn w h" bad written t' c liest b irl. -<|iie« in ihe En¬ glish laiix'iiHge went there, John Mrough.i n. Tlien tie St. Nicholas, that mHgni*i"'ut expre-*i«>n of the I'en.t eraiic idea, there w.i* n. tUtej ri an'i iuity like if, BeMber in Kntoje, except >n I'ar!s, the Hotel de Lou- \ n , which waa copied from if. and th'U was so badly in luted that if paid only i5 |h>t ceiu. Laura K i Da>'l showed what w. re geriuin.' Womnn's rights. The change; 'n the si/e tl she Winter Harden re- *mi',f,ed ia of ibe change in dramatic art reducing the «./.'ol tl enters so thut actors conhi no a *js..-tk natu- ral't ; n I be heard, la art, the Whtfe Captive showed ns tl in the age nf Greek Goddesses gone. W; ne« di d sadly seme place in whir t to ¦basereat4ere0| ti e I lace in Tenth s'.reet u:us u' .'.it «ivd cn.ui.'li t.i e\lnli|t a leun ed pig in. l("*ton and l'lnlad. Iphui weie both in ativauce of us in this. il:ir lihr.iries were ahead of the demand for book*. We had as fine churches as any in the w orld though the re were not rnnnv picto*er as in tio*e of f.uieje, sliU chinches »ete hst{ pUees to show pic¬ tures in; one wt* taken np gerienilly with the archi- tec are. Our Academy of Music was the mo*' uneeo- i n...hiolding of its kind in '.he world; its mi 'taken form woidd seriously ilimre the I tuoii Savnig Veefug tis.M Momlay, w hen '.l.iMKl people would not be aide to see tbe stage. There was no t'ieei in Euro sa to com pate with tbe Fifth avenue, and that had been oiilt mostly uiibi te.i^ears. He was in a banquet-r x>m in M.i Jasen av OOMOO lately 00 the c diug of winch a 'i'sl'ti- guisl ed Dresden nnisr, had b-eu engaged all day f >r nf»en nn.tubs. He bail no time to sneak of oar won- d«rful Fire I)e| artmenf. tbir military rumia'i-m m --.led iiinily S,(H.l) men, and he hifl no where abroad seen m >re admiiahle driU th au lint of the Sev- eLtb Re^imspl. He hoped tint 'he new Cuvalry r-g- iii tut would be euually well rained. Font gre a deal ol manliness anil superiorit depended nn ability o ride a bWN well. The cavaliers altety»1 govi»rnecf, 1 he governing classe* in Kurop** wer*e rhoso who nsie on boi'tbuck, and tbe reason why th- South ruled thin c 'ltiiiy was that S'Ul' em men knew bow Ui ride wb**l ihe Noriberu men didn t. Henry l.'lav roJe one thousai.d miles <n horseback from Ashland to Wa«h- il lIon nearly eveiy Winter, and jn-ople culled him ¦ nllaiit; tbev calb d nobody gallant who did not ride. Mr. Km spokaof the Cehtral Park comprising m .re ihun nni -twentieth of the island in exteut, which was l-eing laid out with a splendor perha|>* no" here eis«' to Ise seen in a kindnd j lace, und paid a high compliment t.. t!< Hii hifeet ii -chief. Frederick Law Olinstea L In the r t u of bealih New-York stood very low. In the First Watd. where were the liest means of k-cimivj health, ibe deaths were 1 in every II, wbi'e in the Fif- t. cut) w here be lived, the deaths were 1 iu Ü). If he lived ia some other Ward- he would Ise very dead. T'li is- showed the d tie rente between those who feared Bo«J aid ufed eaga and those who didu't. In tbe Nineteenth Ward, t' e deaths were 1 in 13. Let no uioiLer select a bouse there. The ratio of life wns decreasing in duration in this eit.y. because our poveri.'tuen' was in tlie bauds of ignorance and iueom- iiletue. We allowed these men to control the me- »I lüde and fine srts of this coantry. If New-York would be at the bead of the wurld, she must shape the policy ol the Government so a* to foster her muiu'ac- inn s. SI.e mmi evol-e her own ideas, as well as d«al in ibe ideas of oiher people. We rosed more gold than any otberountsy iu ihe world, ba'. our gold weut to Krui ce in search of h*r manufactures. Poverty here was inereusing with terrinl.: rapidity. At the nite we were going on now, everv five rjersoct would st on have to sep.poit a Muper. t vert thing we sent abroad was bulky, and everything r ntriee sent to us was in a highly -concentrated form. We did not ihanxe on ciual t. nns. The average duty on mtnn- 1 netUred goods imported b. re w :t* per cent, while the avenue duty of mannfiietnred gne.ds imported into Europe was 30o"| er cent. This .vac culled fr"t -trade Au tnliiiliteLrd and reformed political economy w .nld snpply labor to the jioor. s\t present, things were groamg frigbifully wor-e. Mr. Fry delineated bis views ot rttorni. Äfier sp-eaking for nearly two hours, he closed, leaving, as he paid, many topi, s un'ouched. Dr. latAJtCIO, tM whs present, said Mr. Frv hil rniber nnderstiited than overstated tbe evils of this t it v ami Stan , growing out of our o-cailed free-trade. Tie midierce was art. n'ive, and loudJy applauded the speaker thron.:hoat bis discourse. JO HS BOLL AT HOME. A LF.CTI KK B1 LOLJ IIOlsTBf. At an early b'>nr last tveniug tiozart Hail s*. Gllei with au imp it rut au.^ence, auxmus to hear Lola Mi tjiei delivtr her le-ture cn'i'J.d "John Bull at. Home. Tl rre Wi re S"Uie Indus in.-en!, 'ml ihe :!.a j"n'j t.f tl.osst uesembled were ain..u-utJtably ravsrnline. Wht n tie le.-turer api^arvd upon tne etage not a seat in titber the body of tbe house or tbe gallaries was nn- ocrnpicd. She admitted the sterling worth of the En¬ glish i haracter, sud pn.ft seed a hearty affection for blulT, botest John Bail. Bat, like everybod» else, he hud bis weaknesses, and she claimed tbe privilege of taking a icep at the comic side of his character. Amrr ca rtill leveri ntially cnJls P!uirland " Miaher,' and[eat h may be pro-id of the n-latitiuahip. The two nations are too much alike to allow a traveler iu either make a bt-jk regHniing the difference* betw.-«n :\." j eople, hence tourist* are forced to look about tb?ra for eccentric |«enliari:ie-. Taking these for their illastra- tions, English people bsve formed some queer ide <* cf Americans. Dicken.* fonnu a sharp-nosed pig or a spitti-oji fit ml,j,.t-ir |oe phdo*o|ihical coatemplaii-.n. Tie Engliah arc an active, energetic. bu»xinee* pecple, and it is no metaphor to say tha'. .Engtaud ia tbe workshop of the world." An Eogli-hman'e walk and general bearing alwi.y s indica;. /oing some¬ where, and that he is going to da something w' gets Uiere. For trading, tr-oJrlrkiriv', schemir.g, and etwrgetie enterprise, Englishmen haTe never b<M;n surpassed, und never cqrnlled, except by Americana. ' hat " isms" and our " notions," ehe said, are not orig- irat Yankee institutions, but are irapn.veim.-ute upon English cUracterialic*. Tt* English called us a na¬ tion of quacks, bit in all her travels and exigence she never saw so much quackery as is to he found in Eng»aiid. She bud seen London placarded wit1. , . adyertiM-iaeoii vf "Love rowöV«," of preeortyLioa» rr tr«V;n»r »II «. >-t« of people, heanti.-il. Mil nf " \n«v ,"\rf i-eei litre*" for ehtldrfn en to riff teeth, f h# rr«e of" e huh wi»» i.l hfr-/ the- r*>«*th Ihrouirh w.'ho't» tr-xi'de er r*rr. f\W m&Ämt maUmm i Ml * Ifrt-ly und *1 /hr- I»-airnkiir st'.iir, tc i.ii' h RfaRi tha want folMteto If f.-ui d m lulu Hull - ....-,,-,r, '.. i.:; u.g a'. b>* g*l?«ntr>*, Ml phTiutbropv, -n bberv. an<l e m- rlu«V<l by «n vug thai. wn.Ii i.ll lue faul'«, MM w.u. a mm <:'-' earfed", kwy, jovial felb.w, f»i*«» of Hin i<>i*i I eel ai '1 '>>» Jol e. artl exceedingly «ocirtbh« w'imii ho I arl a mil <I to . aa* The lecture we* Wm\ r«»*»tved, and heartily in th« rieht plas-t«. TUTATPICAL. Ttir Wi»T»ri Gard»*... An orvnrr«>nr* which h.ipi eneri at tili» horse Tiitrfit before lust ha- «avtisior*»»! no Htile remark and excitement nmonar the profession ai*d the public. When the Winter (iardvn »m er« ced. Mr. Won B.'urci'-iin't and hi* wi'".- 'profe-ei o- ahy styled M,»« Awne* Rohrrteon' wer» engn*- d fi r tie leading hnsir.ese at $m*t per night, und ie as .fa*:* inatvMger at 11(H) per week, with the understand¬ ing ihat he was t<> p'ixluce certain pieces of hi* «wo eoitin»r for the benefit of the concern. The burx>iiu was for twelve weeks. For four or lice weeks money wa« made, etdtl» $"fO ou' left a small mirplus; hut ?or it e seven «>r eiuht lollowi'Uf weeks business fell offya aad thr re. rip's did not oi»e«. the expend*. Neverthe¬ less, the parties ntmed received all their money pn ii'ptly, and $8,400 were paid for the twelve) week's crifNgemsnt. At the close of this is-riod, a tew bu-r.'iin was made at Mr. R ion mult'* rPt'Hestien. whetehy himself and wife were to slare tl e wrekN protits equally with the management, af'i r eledartnrg $',s<'n per week for ordinary MBMaM ii which whs mclnded $H" 0 for bimseif as *Uge >can- axer). AH ex| ov. r this earn to be also shared e-paaily. Tins, although a bvavy druf* up-m the 'r»as- rjry. was paid lor two or three wesks, when "The Oc'oToen'' was put up for rehenrsul, and then sn etT.'it waa m'.d» to increase the »um to ne paid to Mr. B. nrui his w iff. The piece was played, however. '»nd iheti the an'hor, not ge'tiatt bis deuiand, sent a nor**, absolving b'xself fro ai all his engagement*. Toe min- Hpenient held to the original »> irguin, and promptly paid np. Then tiere was a plea that the amhor an I h's wife had lereived threstming let'ers in conse- ipnetue of the Shiver)- offensivem*- of the play, and tli-y wne not wiping to ri»k their lice* ijn e>s rhey wete well i aid for it. Th" last week'* share of pr ifu*, am»mi itig to $l,'b's't, wa-> sent to Mr. B. iu tro'd, and 1 e gave a rec» ipt for it; but on tt>e same day t VVVIik**- .'ny) hi- w i'>> ss-ii', a note, late in the afternoon, «wyi »g thi.t she r, nid tint play it night, on amount of the al- legid thieafs. and Mr. U. j. ined iu the declination, und f',in:ally withdrew the pietv?. On inqiiry it wa» f. nr.d tha'. the actors' ptrte und the mueie ha<i Veen tnken from tlie hou«e. Tb«' management was fortunate enough to ptMvide for the emer- irsrcv (laving a single e»py of the pl«v) in-tallii'g Mr. JcfTerr.?n aa Sfage-Msnager, and Mr*. Alleu in tlie pan <>f " 7.>>et" liefons pi tyed by M s* HoUrson. The play w ut on, and was very MMM* lily dotu Mi*. Albn winning erpec;al 'vmp'iment* iu her hastily arr« löie. Before ihe cmt tin ns»e, tbo autl or ai.d his wite appeare.1 at the staire do >r, appt- rmtly ready to »ro i n with the bu-ine**, but wero not admitted. ILft i.i»-S* the house was ags.n <len*el> crowded and the p'sy went off with grea' eclat. It was »»id that injom nous wer- oit and served upon th- actors, but if so, they bad no effect It U . Jaitne«! that the piece belong* to th" uinni^enieiit iwiiich is not Mis-Kobertson, at the bill* nave stated1, and will be pl«yed despite legul atremp'.a to the contrary, IM pi ice paid to the two artists who are now thrown out hps been a serious drawback upon the treasury, bit ui t 'l actual enguaenien's were prompt y met i' would sei m from present appe iran . s that i'iey are to bo ttie cl ief mtlerers. At ary rate, the "OMM" is op for an indefinite period; and ihne stands the cmente at tl e Wmfto r (.ardeu. I.xi KrrxE'« .There was no performance here last night. A new play, railed " MtMM Helut'ona," w ill le given this evening. Mr. fleorga Jordan, who was engaged for the leading business, has left the le use. «wing to some difficulty about his line of char¬ acters. Nint o's,..There was a very fair lion** at the opera hi ie h;«t night. The Havels come next week**, Wsi i si K -.. " Everybody * Friend" draws excel¬ lent audiences. It is one of the most enjoyable pieces of tin- -eu-oii. Messr*. Brougham, Wah ot, and Eeatcr have capital parts, and most capitally do they enact tht m. MA RISE AFFAIRS. We le.-un fiom recent advices from Panama that, the Pa<i6c Steam Navigation Company (Britiih) wilt soon place a »t» urn-tug in that bay to be employed in I.»/hr- erage hu-ine*s generally, as well as f«r their own pur- I eres. The tag ie to be hallt of ittel, M feet long and V0 feet wide. Sh.e is to have a d mble eagine, side wheel». and will measure 224 tons, drtwmg only three feet nf water whm hauled with j) tuns of cargo ant 56 laseetigeri and their luggage, with the usual ti'j of specie and mail*. Sbe is no * being built at Liverpool, and is to be ready in January; hut it i* nor yet determined whether to setid her around Cape Ho n. or via the Isthmus, in parts, to bo pnt up at Puns ma. Tho Pacific Steam Navigation Company is al*n build¬ ing two ssnew s'eamerti of iron, of abont 1,'JOO tuns register, lo be employed on the co-tat. between P-sTum* und Callao, and principally for fieighting purposes. They are expecting to reach the Pacific during the Winter, or e*rly in the Spring. The regiibtr ratess-nger rteutners of the Pacific Steam Navigation Company ply b-tween Panama and Vulparaia*', touching at ¦I at -ixteen intermediate ports. It has hem oecided by the Pacific Ma 1 Company not to send the Adriatic to the Pacific, and she will proba¬ bly take her place in the 'ine i'r«im New-York to Aspin- wail <>n the .bth Januaiy prox. loss or ihk brio rent. The brig 8eotJaiid, arrived on Thur.«lay from firuid Turk, briug* home the. first officer and crew <>f brig J. H. Ksm, of Boothbay, Caet. Heid, which v*a»el saded from Jecktsiuvilie, Nov. 11, hound to Kingston, Ja-n., and on the 90th at night, w.-»t.v-.- thick and s-iuatly, went ashore on Middle CaMM and vessel and c*'g<>, bon.e a t jUI Ivse Alt hands were saved. She was buip in lP5'2at B>«othbay, rated A '2,177 tons burden, a< d owied by YaUts, Porterlield A. Co., of this Ci' v, bound to Boston. Jlt«« MiEriNt, or the Pmho-Mahers..Lstft evening the piano-makeni held th«:ir second tneetin»;, M *h>- v»ial Reformers' Hali, in Oraad street, in order to assist their fellow-.'raftsmen who suffered from the rttM t conllagrutiou in Wooster stri ct. Mr. Gellman, 'le Piesidint of the Association, »»copied the chair. TLe Committee appointed et the last meeting to r tiae subscriptions reported tjie reenlt rf their labors. T*iey had collected abont $.00, of which $o0 we*e di-bursed tore'eral families who were in immediate wait of They also reported that the celebrated Arthni Napoleon, and a score of other renowied artists, will give a grand cencert at Palace Garden durii.grext week, tne proceeds of which will lie for il e hewtlt of the stiffeiers. The Committee then was enlarged again by the addition of several gentlemen, ai d instructed lo hold a meeting every evening at tho tame f ace, in order to receive subtx'nptiotia or funds or the benefit of the injured operative*. The meeting I en adjourned, to be called again by order of the President. There it much anxiefy in Virginia for the racwsage of tht t.ovemor eject, Mr. Leteber, wbo, it bsttasjsjjfcli will t-e able to take a common-senae view of the tin- it pj circumetances which have grown ont of the raid at ilarpVx's Ferry. The Virginia Legielatare it med- dbig with the doctrine* of pn'-lio economy in »ach a wi.j ae v threats-n and tax only ber iababitauU, aad that very oppres-ively. fit Ann's Chnrch for Deaf Mutee, thankfaliy ac ia-.aie-Jjes th* foUawlnf dotsattons. rseeised sine* the 1st af Tn» JokB CctA tM»i peoeedt fjroia tht Ortstvt.V of k " > I. -...»._ I . Jet* Hal-e*. A. r. .>««!, i.fce. a*7»3 . - r'<r erly r*.jrn**». (O . sew * i r.r^y. ,r T 1lf»f.y . ' » P. I BfZJ" C ^»>r...«,k)0*): ,,,,, r.r*,i^ie>ra ef St P^sÜi-W ill'.-..' I .., t « u7 la* ... Wr*,.««,!. I 5% Mtviri of KsVvsiS**-!. B I Joint' "'a -I Joserh . t»ir»-. ( ..nie. r?-r»'N.n\ JalBVlrM.Vr -ie ... . .'w-ut Ma* K*_ ... . «,,...«*. «n M 4. »».t»*. n-i «jjj; ".' ' i ' J Vl,ur..h- ?'* ' *.»"¦ Mm* Twaru» %V. A "a.ley f- H -i J.h*. W Iii,»-,, OeraiJ K M Martin Ms. V> .... 1. Orr e.rh Ol«: Mr.. L. T. H si". 1<knl yr,L\ u!> »' PeraAeaa e..r,ej »jrJ. H.z*.kl.a Kte*. Tlr..\iT;,| <_ Pf». J J. Ih.''. «i'r. T Ltd. Mr. 11 i Wvrk vt Wl2 kbi« left*** s-i-a ..r»l. Tsliosn ft1 K. Hps*,.*, j. V.i*_JJ! »i«. V. N. ^nai»ur I avid ¦..»'«, Mi. C. A. TraeV J i TV.r. A v..y. ,.,.. MIm U H ( ««.»eU. in Ah* tfca P.. 1 W J'o»rr. C. A. k'a-fon. C. Bi'k-r k IImi»-. Jofc, r«Va* Vi'wair. I n i"i.. f. Priaa*, lest* Vob VeW>r v>'m ^. s-ereaev Johu J. 1 homo, each *.>: cei«*>le-J lo *t\ a lioa.. #1*. rtiUMA» OALLAR.'r r l_l * A «Bf- lost, Dre. It. 1*3(1. - W ii it*nr..TV following special order* have bettt pet tve'tra-ed: rtaanjU H«ir>grnT»i». ."tit» nr V(« Ynu. » >¦«..: >a SB.* ( AtMtTABT OssBsai.'s »mr«. f v.> IT < IK» )«.( T l.c f. llew'r. r.n>rtl lea of the tOtS Reel i rl.aete rr-d ssiti* P4v4>tar. namely: .. Bp rV«arr..dnrB* <hr Ifrh Psvl .*aj» =H A|.trl.t. itk >p. a«m y, < «r' «" ''*.». ioaii ftonnrilT .. ft" f^..»y f^r* "'.taiitjj I i.i.ina. anil lum'r-rd i.iiKp M Bejlmetit aatj tlMrlct,' S rhi'lBf e-rd W I'oinpM-y Tipt II i I . ('.... iriao'lanl. or tfi»» romraair* »III la MBaaj ro <tt th» ir coo n «n^t for dirt» In ib» id Rpftmoat. to Hflj^.,, <p (b«#. P. »|>lr»r. f<Ytrm»nd\r.T tK# l.t Riiak wkv. «III w frr. m»kf wh r*iMnlidaiiona of* thr«* r»m|*tni*a mnk .«¦B f'lrr or «Ith "l»r ..rr»i,M rom^oira of tbo 7.1 K. tia>at aa h.ll »»ciirf to 'Yr td W»|rlD'eBf. >n mtw »hin t»a co apa'rU*. r I in that aart p. nifwny of too Id Rrrlnaant alial) hare a l*oä) I ir y p Bon e.'T'n I»»|nt.r4 oaTlpera and rcir.^a. "TV* roov |anir.of»h.- I<*l!i F«-«,iT»»n' ll»r» . MBaaBaViVoa and ..*<?*. T<ort,«a» ftlrn,r»*'» mat cn'olldalr w*:h tho pr. ^nt ..on.pajiie. af h* tJ B*fhrrn' hr .>'!. -Il»r*t »o report to tal. Uoarry ILubaa- O" romti.arx'in» ibeVo Petio>r:i(. II' I'-n rBi Jj ..<».. of l)-e /.! Bejirurnt. rap- relti D*t> a I rierr * loAr.1 f\.m t>*f. ?J "raiwot and duin?*. aid ir«a»> »ir»d to 'br t°»b H'riu^nl n.J,.». Car.' Ooiy w: I la *r...B at i rv rrpo't fci< roi: man.! lor dutj lo (ot fathör] Co'roran rou m*i.^1n# »ba» (ABth Benimm' IV. lot. Ri.Mnaor arfll. tv atana aa thai r*nao|laVail"a>a a*rata anil orlr. d.haP naae N-ea . ft. otr J trauaiult to thia ofSoo a Boar ro.'rrof bla Praiu aiit. \ He !"h Me,:u,rrfal Pl.lrict will be borrisafter JeaJ|'_u«aJ br the aim eialKi. Bt oader of the Cninmauiderlu-t'hief. KRrll'B; TUIVNSKND. AJiv'wit UeaMrai TT«? Company i>f XutimiKl Gray*, Bravtj'-Co'.. Jaouk Rayiirr, t-nnirnand, will form that Darier» of the m«t Rfgitrirpi, i'reiirnaft-H a* d e CM, and that th*v wiQ oigataize ae tbe I at Ba'talvm of Natinnai Gray*. DIED. VAN TINK-Cn Wednesday. I', r I tl.r , mrerl»» Jaroh i it 1 la* atad a> rear*. * Dtnntka and 4 d*»a. Dee relalivea and f ten.1. of the ftunl.'jr are -.-.oe :m y larKed ta ..i iBe oer«l fW>n. tf»r Rev. I»r. «»«arHBt'a Cb*reb. eor*«r rfffdfnid actl Hoartiiof a;-eet*. thl. I Kiidayi afteraooa a I o'rlei-k. 9§mtltr*r....Ji'rporti'4 *. Tf'fpvtipk. tfatmtk, Per. It-s'oTT.i* l*a*wot* aak* T,a*a l.oleo, wtlh aj iBipreaed den ai d. at ll'l't?I' f for Mt.MMne NrwOHIBtsa. |>e. II.form.*, ""till. t»dnT B SM iHlaaa irarkel Brrn. Kumt:«.« drrlined allfhtlv: to Llrorpool, \i l*J>»d. I n d to lUrrr. He. f ««rtr.T..*. Cor. 14 .< oTTO»r: Salca to-A*y I SO» baaha at up. rnoted price*. Pan »oei»i:i*. Pee. IS..Prora Brni at OS **|BSS RL H «nr adTaneed iirBr : aale* t two rm.h.; U hC.. Si mi + 11. Ped. e '?f*l 'O CnatartWe: near Yellow, T»s*Jla, Old v ar'ed at We IV Btaar Srm at SSiSJTl,-. t'l^rl*aI*Tl. Per. IS..Pint s eellre at V* fw irae^Sna. W>!.«! »deanced Je aale* at 7?lc. tVaa »r Ann. l>N*ate*d* Bl STr. Hn(.i e :c»edlDrl/ dull. Viitera holdltix ot a*ie* l.laf Sfl* OS: the markst cloainr. litit. Beeeipta to-dar. tS ur*. Ps«tirto*a i n.e"!*d: .VeaaPork. OI5.V»/t*|«. Balk M*U flv>C,- deliver,Me in PV-mary. lard '0('<f ve» ' sl*«it. I er II .i i,ttii* iiie-hanfed; aaie* U>aWf fs fa p hie.. Cos* advance.I in an,.rnta. iaa-kiaaaa, l»ee. IS.Ptorn nniet: Howard rtreet *)S M\ W>»*t nochanrajd aale« ISSa*fcaab PeiBS opcnoal aetlve atal r'ered t w Ule.l: «alra at TIVtrT'c. for Wh'te. PkUVlaio**.* declinini Icndrncy. Winaar firm at JTaftSc. PX4HAVOP-- Nsw-Csistva. Pec. 15..^itht -bu nss oa Now-Tort, ,9| «)> ceul ai.connt tiaiimtri, lire. IS.Sticht Krehanre on New York i s*T ret l preo 1. U) MaiTiaoas, Tsc 15..Sifht Kicbsaao oa Now-Yssk aettlsd. _____________ Fnaaesfrra Arristeat fa tUfmthip Krrmrn. fr*m» Hrrmra-Mr. and Mr*. W'tRtaaS T»ll at .I J». inter. P de Dantei and lady. H Maletta. K. tA Oerbrdlrs, W n- «ehrlu.( f. W Ainory, Mia* II. pihemuui. Id. tjiri.ud, ft Brauweiler. H. M. I oaky. Mrs Hneoaaad cloVl. as uto.i. Ifoa-Rkaea.T:1S sVta.. t:54 M ian aMkli.. - Nina waraa vat. oat. Soaetj Hook.. 11 Ml fe* l.lend.. 0 2U HaU-tlats.JsM MARINE JOURNAL PORT OP NF.W-TORK.Dae. U. aW.kfe St**_«hip*--MontBOBierv, Börry, Baritntiab, H. B. CromweJ A Co. t rarketabutf, Pew. I), Alexaadna. lt. U t rouiwall a Ca. *iilpa-< harter Oak, Cba«o, Mobile, w.lab. Carver A ( ha-); Ir R l'ee!. Larrat-e», Antwerp, C. Orinnell; Hellowood, Haas, Mobile, J A Mctlsw. l arks-R. A. Allm. Bobbin*. Pavannah. Roy.! A Htrack**| fiolden Era, Thorudike, Valparaiso. VV Rarttett; A/ileaasa, Pabcock, M. .Ispi. Cuba J. A T. A. R. U'eu-ter; Mon'ejuaw, H.u.u ond. I'oit Xpsii), T. T. Dwbjbt; Rosa, Calcatjno, St. Tas» ¦ II, Ar BT k Co. Hrlis'-ahhy * ri!tabotbl Pblneaa, Madeira, J. F. now; 8. P. Mnaton, t irker«, t.eiioa. Vt Uaou A Ursine Kcho. Rice, Port«*- I'rlwe: Oernstera iDnlcbl, VUsar. Auiaterdam (cloarsd Ink last.), ranch t >'siBckei Sea f.trk, MrParlaud, Kin*atot>. Ja, I k V. J. Petcra; Munto Park, Wood, Bueoo« Ayr**, JL Norton, jr. ¦rhooueta. »"ndt-ivor, McDonald. Bt. John'a. N. P C. A Da» wolf: 8. A. Falconer. Mmill:, Lavacca. MoCr. m'.J. Moll t Co j Kectlnainn. McUotira) f tWIeaton, C. M. Pry*;Tas?4Uas, VbbV on M. Maik'a C. T. Urong. l.lacuiu. Baltimore, Mailler, L*r4 ki Qi Breast Ma.zaret. Ileo.on. Poteralin/g. James Hunter: ft**. Tavia Farley Charleatou, Danham A Dl-non ; B. Pbcltab. Stlvae, ms.ler. Sloop.. K Brown, Carr, Britto!, master; Warrsa, BUnvvi, Ntrw hiven. meater. Arrired. t<leamibip Bremen (Prerneu), Weasels, Bremen No*. M, aaal r?oi:tbun ptnn 80th, mdse. and »9 pass, to («steck*, Ksettro A R Bat111 Pec. *, 1st. 40. Ion. «4 <ft, paaaed a lartr aersw .te*vm- ablp, bonad E.; name day, al Boon, saw a aus* aaddle-wiMs»! . teamal in hound K The Bremen ha> bad .tron- sale* frsin IBS we.'wuid fiom the M to tith lnat. | arrived off the Battery at Op. m. t*t>aii:ahlp Parkeraeurg, Powell, Balliuiorc and Norfol*. _d pats, to H. B. Cromwell Ate. Blif Scotland (ot Hartford), Prancla, Orated Tirk. T. L It day., .al' to P. F. Smith of Har ford, where .be la) hoaad. Boas "dajtN.vl Halteraa. wllh heavy woalber: lost fulil BBillaSt Nil. No date. lal. V>. loa TOW, fall m with a aMp*. reset, bottom i p; was painted bltrk; alto paaaed oars ar.d a* aOVar* ekair a.i.ted yellow, a d aeveral piecos broken boards sslidei wl.l'e. > rif Elvira, ( Isrk. Flliabetbport, ecsi] for Boston. Mr, t Helena (oft biciif* ). H»". Ardrostea OS davt. *M Psysl where »be pot In for renairs. Ae., 3"d»yt, pta frn«kS h I. btrd In. In. 1 ho Bt. Helens, preriout to puttius into Psy* had eipericnced heavy weather, daring wklcb aü* last mm, atsit Or. >cl.T Varth«. Lsaihert. Chsrleaten 6 dayt, ri.*, eoOoo, AcJ* orc.r Ler. 11, ( ape Ha'tera* bearing H. li Bale*.'tok a Saw ftom W. N W .; ipüt foresail and Jib. rrhr. llrariliorSUte, HaJivtt. Bovtoa I dayt, analse. to B. W. I I A ( o. _ .' . rtxr. fMo>rl*r.a(Br.|, BradfbH. Bt. Andrew's, M. B., Ilasy*. Istha to :smith k Boynton. 8< br Kutrrmlso (l.r I. 0ol14. Cornwaltl*. N. 8., M dsy-i po'a'oe. lo I). B Dewolf. Bcbr. hoasn R. iBr.t Mshon. Wla*fuw>r, N. 8., Mil*/*, and p.e:atoea to 4*. A. Dewolf. , Babi. P.. Roger«, AtUoia, Cslai* 10 day*, lumbef to J. 1 man A ( o. si. hr. V ation Baker. Ma-athliu. Norfolk, corn for BoaAoa. Polr. Prince te'soo. Stories, Norfolk, com for Bve'.ca. Bckr. J.... i-li Baker, Uaon, Rock laud, llrae. rVhr. Aun Oardaer, Lobst. New Haven 2 dayt. la btUatt- Bclir. Lacy Arne*. Am** Rock laud 4 dayt. line. Sehr. H. M. Jeakim- nodjr*, New Hsvea t o-yt, In taaJkwfc 8. br. Auglet. I'e,.re vt an-ham S daya, rudao. to mattST. 8ebr. J. h. .-miih. Briefs. New Bedford 4 day*. oU. t*cbr. Arpo. Bmiih, Licit Ka Ha/lsor t data, coai. Bcbr. < t uareas. MUcbeli. I Uiaba-liiport. coal tor Ho*teiO. bHraauer Ospray. Aeaocy, Providence, mdaa). ie lass* Uda*Tt. BPLOW- rtrlgCtrotiae, Oibba, Matansat day*, ks asstOoSa* at Sandy Hook. 8AILJCD..tesuuabkp* ColumMa, Chsrl«rtton ablp* Woa. Tat, Hovtti*! FHru Austin, Llroraool: Paiiick Heuirr, UoAssi I.Bllien, Now-Orla>t_, bark J. h. Kabn, Oalveaton,brlgfltttl*k Mobile. Ahoabip «lr Robert Pee!, Antwerp, berk Psllss. Bicbnvmd. rrom tiusiar.tiue.Ship- Lrsniaian*(Rretnsn). flsyaaiasaI mm* tfnl.nther New-Orleaa.: Jtme* Stewart -; barka LevaiVtaV <Br.). i.;«-<..w 'flora the clty>; A. H Bsdrer, C«pe Towsl Elinbe'b, kotaulo; brig Abby A KMiabe., MatWitt a**J otkssts W IftD. During the asy, from N. W. Bp Tetrarr «i»A. PORT f.APAYRTTK, Dec. 15. .uuaasv-Kolnwawdk-sssd« aela in tight. Bark Levanter I Br I. tcr UlatBOW paaaod mtmt »:M tkips radyu.heu, and K.leu Austin, for 1 l»erpo*L BB*t« I ouisUna (ht«u,eu), for .s«vaiusal>. at iljahlp Hs/rwt and J*** tor Ban PiancWo, arid ateaaesr Colombia, for Chvleaso», _ i .,tn.; aWa PattUk Henry, for 1M5; *blp Mar» 1 I ether for New-Orleant. at 12:«; bark Palata. for HKAoea^tl I .li,. eirktoisartPeel, for Aatwrrp, at I: ««».Sa. Wkadürs.I from S. W.; wasatber eJeor. , __ HlOKl. \AD8, Dee. It. aanaet -Noiawardbesnd vaitslskt tlgh« VI lud N. W., freab; weather cJeer. j LORO hRANCH, uec 1*. aausta*..UwaHkwaadvvassa latiehi. W Ind N. W., fro*h; weather clotur. SAMI1 DOOR. Dec. Ii. auna-t.No mward ls««a*l jsesakl n .:i.'... tMsomsr M*«igosuery passing out. V. In* N. N | rrah; westber cissr. A tyl.W ItiKT. Dec. 14.Air. a. bra. Eliza Asm IttaaS, OjSSs) Post on for Provtdeas*; Mary Oreenwo^l, Low, Sae u. lor Tas¬ ter AucTta. Karon rUltlmoro fir rlTa.isith Pair iHml**, Og etil. Banror for Philadaaphiai JoUn ft. Il'ggina. NswoataA. wl set for 11Agier A. O. Bmall, Ors-s, Boston for Itaea-T-' Prise Banner, Fr**>iie_, Provinceloa r for Tangier; Ulli' " Ha lt«., bo**, ei«*-New-York. rtril. Al)k Li IIIA, Dec It.Arr. sehr ***l«as W. Diastk rrtam 4 barieatoa for Bootan i wham two daya oat at*, spraaf a oak. tsot can be repalrod wk.oat e^kaugtaaj. HAM PI ON riiMiis, Dec IS -An. akin Joua Clark. C allso i aa* I* fcr.lored to Bait.norr. Oft (is,-. IA.Arr bark Btwllngtori, Ess-. Caafc. I sloa ...ii 11 srrlabtirs, fron. Savaanali. _. rysafceb, Nov. 14, off VVaartara lalaiaia, bark Asdltar C from fmjrrsa for Rooton. NEW-tJRLEAlW, Doe. lA-Arr. «Wp Piirftia, fr«a CafKiBsuvaaj. Not. 2*.-The bark "Ant" **Q_*LV(. sbaauBgaaiui a tlakiag state oa the Mtk, ia let tu .*»> "

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Post on 07-Sep-2019




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Caa'lna ¦* frass» Pf» Pure.

.To»» Hr-,«« |e»«gain* rA tes-sene, th<n M» man wvi

aui <ia rat 'onirree*. ai d threat"** to anM-rii-a ti»* Omit ¦

Ma |.r> nM»a>' !*. . . «i« ' r*.>iii«l irfl electsvl. II-next

Iaj|11 ul to tW htrvm *afJ ha Bn>wn ,u tUn-cr-F -

rx. Ii>re'.e*d in Ih.- h'thI r^htof anni.p'r^lra«!twtng to fieo itself. Tho rowdv* i,.t*rrnpled ttVjfa **A*r my eriea of " Oixesstion ! O^oestton I" and

7r,«i-. < « . hurrah*. | Hr *onH »n"**"

n aasvt>*>r- Waf John Br >* 11 in heaven T He woundrwtVrr t-i.o Ii* chance wftb J»bn Brown thrvti with

Vrrf/tnia »LvehoMere, ro«t(iir<»n»>»iinc s»HtsN»lB>fT». of*

a* >ca t r» »il« nt amwi BaflfTesse»*»« np011 "K"'. He ail

an* juaiify Jol u Brow u hf »»ine rs«a*«>ue. Ha d.d not

jnsfiix hir going xvith 17 »>eii instead..f 89) he thou.' H

thrv onght »o have had at Usaet m oVien eows. Tlie

Ilev. re< t'erean core1'"--"1 wi«h a tribute to tho nvm-

heed and Üie Iwroisai mi John Brown.TLeKrv J. U. BtVoa 1I aaeefl forward, and in the

«y-ar-eofbi-uddre- be WlCIBalt, by dee.-nb-njr the

»-*-ar»irieriiiti«a i.fih-tnrbiiViit eb m. it' which hrvl <1'*-

Hirtied tire roe*>tit*/. in aib-iieini» the ri -tecs, and, iu

ftret, rauss-d inan> "f them to ban** thml henyli andV-ane «be room, lie a«*nni-J tha* J >'m Brown »

a* ve»«eot hi V\rtfuim had »wen a tainnaw- It was b it

t»y>a^rateoneei'tnitionof the work of »he Anü-S-aveeyBsarrmrM for tears, info a greftt action.At Ii e roaeluaon of the *, e.-eirase, Mr. Hyatt pcrd a

.otui I n.ei.t to Centra! S ii-> r iitrtKient Pdeburv, iK-p-

.ix but enter, and the police for their efficient serv-

Ljrim in preserving the nt/li' of the freedom of speech at

lt.*' ii.r- .

T) r bsiri Mrnct; up an-ititcr solemn tune, and ihe

awd'socc depart"'.Mirny of the lades present expressed tbem*elv«vs

fral fl'd with the atae-ce-a of the uweling, and it theybad the hum's. ene to go ibrouajh again, they would do

« ao*t willingly.





TTe .seurrvf r Brerren from >*f>nthxn.rj*on, Not. 29,arrive*) at this |u>rt last evening. Her news ie three

days' bite than I.."'. -i 'vc -i.

Ihe Ameriraarr ve<! it Liverpool, and the B-ivxriaal Cower, on the %mm Nov.

(JKEATBKITAIN.Tnr I»*- or tim Horti. Chxhtfr..Tho It strd

a/Trsde infinity terminated on the 'J.'.th. Tie1 calumnywtvih miiiim ¦awr^auil |>ersons are st.ll circul-ittng an

to i! e sobrtety nf Cap*. Tat lor is teendinted.Tif Gtnit >n\ <* thattlic I'riiice and I'rincess

Frederick William intend to prolong their visit to herMajesty nntil the end of next week.

Mi'Horit in rm tTttl r.t,.Htnry 0 (?onnell, thirdBuVeof the American rbip Fixing Hr-nd, hasjnHt Iwene*>n>mit|ed by tie t or«,ner for Ci<rdift' fortriul, f>r thewillful ij.urdcr of Autorj Tetiascher, auothcr sailor,ander circunirtai" M of vr*at atro< kri .

KiroHirn I rum 01 Ntm Siittn.. Thr l^nionTint* ( ah utU corresponde'it suys:"Be|ori, oue of theui official, annoancinir the

death of Sana have tu et received in Calcutta, fromEa'nsndoo. T» ey am not »>e|iexed. Aceoriling to

tto Hilett ar»roiinti«, be whs levying recrui's on our

fiuntier, an . threatening to annihila'e Lacknow; hehas a'-out b,(00 with hnu "

A K. iM'ii I.o*"..The Rank of Barcelona has.Cered tie Sfwiiish (Jovernmeii'. an advance of

4,' 10,1f reals, without interert for ail the time theWar with Morocco unuht last.

IVx Ki'fiorrx»i CosoKf-.. A correspondent toTie l/frfon Mo< ning Pott «ny- Austria still \takm out

ag it st the terms pro|Ki«ed by Franoe, and, supportedhy ILnglan<", for K»'ng into Congreaa.

ITALY.A letler from Fariia in the Milan (iine'te «tHtea

thai niort pro* ably the Aveiublies of Central Stateswill be eonvoktc. It aibU thut the people ure loud intknianding the. return of Gen. OanbeJdi.

PUUSSIA.BlMi l", Nov. 27. .Barons Wilkens-Hobonan, the

If tester of K'eeloral He-re at He. I in, ha« receivod or¬

ders to pi deed to I»roden for the prevent. The I'ru*-tvian Minister at fusrel has gone on leave to Berlin.A call of the t«-n Ministera by their respectivefjwveiiimeiits has not taken placet. According to iu-farn Mtiou recivnl h.-ie. the difficulties between Fruiieeaijd Aastrat. raided t>v the dvlegauou of the Beireueyaf I entral Iialy 'o M. Bao*f.ipiisfni, are n'it xetre-taoved. The iflective force of the Wue*iaii army haslaws again reduced.

FRANCE.Pxais, Not. 27..A Mini-official, lithoirra|vhic Paria-

atn e»irres|M aateare us-erts, tliat the leaters ol m\ llaviioatall e Congress will be sent out on the'.lith, to thndiiTi ivi.t Powers, und that the ('ougrvs* will most like-hj arsemble toward the end ol Deoomber.Trikstk Nov. '.Hi..The t onnt de l*arie and tho

Tlak* tta Cbattre* w ill embark u>-morrow, on boardthe Auauian lie) J « steamer, for AWxautitia.

SPAIN.Madrid, Nov. 'Jt». .Yesterday more than '.(rW

Moor* attacked, lor the third 'time, the redoubtWore Herda, and were repulsed. Vheir tM ttwas cs mpiete. The Kpauieh troops showed greatksavery during tins riigu*rement. The extmordinivryt»rp» «'dl .* rv it cr. esitiu the Ktruits. Freeh regimentsLave dia* mlarktd *t Centa.

COMM FRITA L 1NTKLLIGKNCE.The following is from tho money article of 7V / on-

?foa '/'.»c , of Nov. 9P;*' The Kiisilirh funds opened steadily this moming

fVot dax '. »».d soon rxiwrienoed an improvement ofaa |tb, which was well maintained to the close.. Thehast baiganis in Consols were at *.<> »thi; for the in. neyat.d account. For the oiwiiinir in Januarv the,'.«V n it 9({x*%J or W| a ex div. Indian l^n t.

van.eda quarter, the final price Isuiug 104}aMb4t.Th« foreign stock market is dull. American Securitieswar« firmer, <specially the bvmds of the MichiganCential and Petinsvlvanian Central. Drand Trunk ofCanada advanced to 37i; (Ircat Ship shares Hal;'.Thar* wss a fair demand for money on Moudav. andU rn saneral rate continirea at H ?» cent.

Londo*) Cot v MsaaxT, Nov. 2H..A verv mod-.eslr c'ruisi. J for Cottoa la-ds;. and lb* sale* 4b not *sc*rd 7 itX>tssias, I c*e tin 'pn uUi ivHi and for t«fort. rilcsjs uaaJtrrrd .ioc*ksst I; Idas.LoanÖN Coar* M «n s i. Nov. 2K. Market dull and

vary Hole doutf. and 'a* sale* made a*i« 1 l*as than »b- nomlaal rat», of Inet Mono*;. Indian Corn. W hit*, »I aM. , Y*elow I al)

London- PanDl'ce *sn l'H 'Xisio.s MxHKtr, Nov.» .I h* u>aik*t renvaiaa nnaltarad.Tait.ow Mtaaii, Nov. 'Ä..To-day the rJaMital u-

vary flat, at 17;, ht all th* year.

THE LATEST.Pant.. Not. 06.- tt U ane»r»e.l that the lettersi of

raavtscaiioa u the ('ongre*« will not be Mat out before*it-n.orniw. Count Walewski and Primw KkbardMrtiervici, had an iutertiew to day at 2 o'clock.9:15 a. m . Fuuda cloee buoyant at the B mrx . The

Wat price of Kentee it 7Cf. 85c., in advance of , »jiim

Saturdat.TcKin, Nov. 2fJ.-- The PiednonteeeQoTerntaent ha*

reerived no coinmunicat ion inlitnat'itg the opt^iuon ofAoatra to the Congre**, on accoont ol" tha cominati a

erf M. Boc*aeoaipagi1i to ibe Regency af Central Italy.The diflrnldee »s ie by Tu» any in tha delaartiioa oftha R.gnx y to M. Baunccaipagni have sot yet beentwtled.

BiRti.n, Nov. i*.TTe Pnteeiao ageoo have leftfor England, in order to iae, art thoee pi ore on the.».'b coaat which sight I e t it .Me for H . Maja.ty.the Kin»j. to reeide at d inng the Winter | ontha and.o tnake inch preparati xj aa are requit e therefor,.fcr-idea the lale of Wiyhr, Ho. KUhire it a so to be U-«|>acted.

THE TREATT OF ZURICH.Ptai., Nor. « -Tha lener, of invhatloa to the

CoDfret* were diapatchad u>-aay to tae diferentPower*.The Coa^raat wiQ lattatli h the aariv part t4

.laatvary »eaU

I'.m-, N.»v VO. IC N<>on. -Rr.nbes eonioic mjjm*pn re. at.d open at 7ff. Vr.

3:fi p n A hrth«* 4*4 hv taken phve i-. P-o-ve,wf«h r'..sü"'f YV.ari-enf |*, ye-o-rbif.BtattV Wo* fJ«»-hW»ulH thst t*v* Munster of

War, <t»-« Pcnhi. his lervdeied his r.-signal on, and

trat tie -ar.u' laii Ik»ti %».*:.ted.It ie a'«o »<.¦ neu that he it to be rephv<e*i by f»<».

II« rnn m:i.

THE PAPA I, STATE*.Mi) n II tie, N'ox. 'P..LeW-s rv^ivej hero fro-a

Roto*' emifrtu the rumor thut Cardinal An one ,i »rill

represent tle Pope ul the f'.-nirrosa.Tie ftffnal Jtmrnal of Rome, ef the 'Jlth rent,,

says: "Certain jonantls etaggeruie trie reform* which" are to come into operation.''The Pr»>i agnnda hu« retired reports from Cochin

Chtni ihut j ..r<ernttoit« nn<t iH-»r.«tment of the iniseton-

atlra have oiruin taken place there.


The Monitftr of the 2!Hh alt., in tjlaWM to thetrratu-a already published, gives the text of »he tr»-a»yr..r,< ! d «n 11 i'r.nce :tnd Ausliia. Ii n a- fol¬

lows:" His Majesty the Emperor of the Frereh and he

Mxiesty the Emperor of Austria, desirous of putting an

«l.'lio'the calamities tlie wnr, and to prevent therei ewnl of the eomplicntiot e winch gave ri«e to it, hycot inhntiiif to erect on solid and «inrahle foundationsthe mteriial and external indejieridence of lOil*. hnrerevolved t< convert ititoa definitive treaty mi \»we thepreliminaries signed bv their hand at Vifl iff tncu.

|IIeie f dl'-w the names und tiiles of the ZurichP'eni| .ifeiitiuriee |"ArticiiiI. Tlere shall be in future pe<te*» aid

friendship between his Majesty the Emperor rsf trieFrench und bis Majesty the Krnpernr of Au-tria, as

also between their heirs and fuccensors, their rcs'peet-ive Sinter and sahj ects, forever." Art. All prisoneri of war shall be immediately

retomeil on beth aide«." Art. .'I. To attenuate the evils of war an excep¬

tion is n ade to the gent rel luw. and all Au«iriun ves¬

sels captured, not y et, condemned as priae-, shall be re-

stor. d.'* Tlie Tesr-els and eartose« shall be restored in th"

same state as when taken, after payment of ail ex-

(?enres,, oVr., incurred by their capture, and on

pat ii ent of the usiiiil allowHiice to tbe c.vtors fit -iturijMi* au r nijiit-ur*); no indemnity can he claine-d on

uccount of prize sunk or destroyed, m.r for the lost ofmer«hand;M", even not condeined as nriie property.

" It is iilso understo-sl distinctly that all decisionsgiven hold good.

(Art. 4 deelares the cession of Lombardv HI hisMaje-fy the Emperor .f the French, with tlie detailsgiven in the two treulies alrendv published.I

" Art. 5. H;s Majestv the Kmperor of the Frenchdeclares bis intention ol bunding over / rrm-tti-t I ut hisMsje-iy the Kirn? of hardinm the terrilories ced«-d bythe preceding urticle."ART. H. The territories still oesnpied in virtue of

tl * armistice ofthe Hth of July Inst stuill '»e recip-o-cally evacna'ed by the Isellii/eteiit Power«, tbe troopsof whieb will retire immeduitely beyond the froutierline sfipnlnfed in art. 4.

[Akt. 7 to 17 inclusive are v*/hatim the tone asil -«¦ already published in the treaty ln'tween Kranceai d Kardit 1st, relative to the settle nent of the ItkTseoJasI><. «r t. betweini tbo two tNrarau4a«\ as>d the aaotw* aa>

denmity to he pai«! to Austria and FttMO]aArt.' I>*. His Majesty the Kinjieror of tbe French,

and his Mnjesly the Emperor of Austria, engage ibe-i.-s» let s m fnvor w ih all their efforts the creittion of a

Confedera'i' ii bei ween the Ituliati Sülles, to he placedunder the honornry presitleiiey of the Holy Eather andtlie (>l ji at nf vtbicli would l»e lo maintain ihe indepen¬dents Hiid the inviolability i>f the I 'mifederfitod State«,to assure the development of their moral and m ferialinterests, mid to guarantee I lie internal ami externalMitel v of Paly bv the existence ef a Federal army.

" Venetift, winch remains pltett .! aajSJOt the cmwn ofhis Imperial, Royal, and A|Mis»<die Majestv, will formone of the Hintes of this Confederation, and will par-tici) ate in the obligations as well its in the privilegesfJrotl$J resnliing from the federal pact, Pie clauses ofwhich s' .nil be deierin'med by an Hsseujldy ooDsittingof reprepertatives of till Italian States."Art. 111. As the territorial delimitations (eirrn-i.

§rrtj-tion'J ot the independent States of Italy whichtook no part in the lute war cannot be changed exceptw ith ti e sanction of tbe Powers that pit-sided at th»irfoimaiion ami aeknowledtied their existence, the

rights of the (Irimd Puke of Tu«euny. of the Duke ofMoilenx, and of the Duke of Parma, are oxpresely re¬

served between the high contracting parties." Art. .f. Desirous of seeing the 'rampiillitv of the

Siates of the Chnn h itnd ibtMK>« crof the H"jj Fatherassond; eontlnced ihat. »'ieh rfkfmt eoiibl noi Iss m->re

efHcacii n.-h attulned than by the adop'ion of a st-stemsuited to tbe wants uf the |s>pulati"iis and California-hie to the ueneroiis intentions already manifested byti e Soveteiuii pot tin, b s Majerty the Empero» of iheFremh. und bis Majttty the Kmis ror of Au-tria, willunite their ettorts to obtain from his Holiness tlutl tbenecessity of ioirtsdueiiig into the Administration of bisRlnles the reforms admitted ns indit|w>nsable shall be

iaV« ii into serieut consideration by hir fSovernment."Art. tl. With a view to contribute by every eft' >rt

to nnu-t tbe pnhlie mind, the high contritcting partiesdeclare and promise that in their respective territories,u d iu tbe lands restored or reded, no individual com-

piomittd by ibe recent events in tbe Peninsula, no

inalter w liest bis rank or |>osiiion in society, shall bejrosecuted, annoyed, or troubled, in person or prop¬erty, on account of bis conduct or political opinions.

'. Akt. -V. I be present treaty shall Is* ratified, andthe ratifications excham-ed within one fortnight, etearlier if poesiMe. In faith of which the resjieclivep!eiii| oientiaries have sigued it and lixed their sealsthereunto.

¦¦ Pmie tt /n'lcb on Ihe 10th tity cf the tn.inlli nf Norsm'sorol tbe trtr of psee lös». m >r RQltRNe V.

.. B tNlttZVILLX.« "KARDl.VI

.MKV.xKNHL'O.""Ai)PiTio«t»t Article to tht Trtitv Siosik bi-

TWakb France aJTO Ai'stria at ZmiCH tM theIrr« ok Not *mhxit, is/'.

"The Hoverninent of his Mniesty the Kmoerorofthe Fienrh engaties itself toward Ihe flovernment ofbis Ini|»rial, Royal, and Apostolic Muj -stv lo initke,on eccoent of tlie new Government of fiomrsaray,which will guarantee its repayment, tn |»ay to it4l',(W,r<iO florins (conrtntiont-miinz), stipulated byibe <lb article ol the present treaty, in installments, ae

billows:" Eight millions of florins shall be paid cash, by a

bill ou Paris, with intet est, ou the expiration of thethird month, dating from the day »n which ihe presentueatv was signed, and which will I.e handed to thePlenipotentiaries of his Imperial, Royal, and A[>ostolicMajesty when the exchange of ratifications takes plnce." The peymet.t of ihe remaining :r»,iilJO,fRM) florins

si all take lace at Vienna, rush, in ten sue*. «s,ve in¬stallments, tn be made every two months, bv bills on

Paris each of 3,'Jt'^,000 florin-. Tiie first of these pay-tients will be made two mouths a.fter the payment ofti e bill of 8,000,0110 florins above s'.ipula'.ed.


For tbitdate, as for the other following, the interest will hereckoned at 5 per cent, dating from the first d«y of themonth which will follow tbe exchange of the ratiica-ti< n of the present treaty." Tbe present additional article shall bare the same

force and value as if inserted verbatim in the treaty ofthis day." It shall be ratified in one single act, and the ratiä-

catu ns exchanged at the same time." In faith of which the respective Plenipotentiaries

hat e signed the present additional article, and affixedtl air realslbereuuto." Pone at Zurich on Us 10th say cf the month of Vorsraber,

eflhetesj ofpare let*. Hot RV.I KNKY" hannf.v ILLK." KAROI.YL'' MCYSr-NBl'n.

" Art. '2..Onr Minister ansl Se.-reUrv .«f State inthe Department of Foreign Arbors i- . barged with theexe utM.n nf the presen* decree.

" l»oae st (< aiplsiuc. the r?lh ol NoTeuilH«r, 1859." Seen, and sealed with the Seal of State

'. fttPOLEOy.(I onnteraieued) "r»rL»N«»LE,

.' KecpeSefthf Minister of Jostice.".

-A. Wa'.K.W-M._^Mlr,lwer of rerelra Affalra."

ARRIVAL OF THE NOVA SCOTIAV.Portla.vd, Tburaday, Dec. Ii, l<ti£>.

The screw-sis Hinship Nova Sco'ian, wbich left Liv-erysaol en tbeJf th nh., and Oneertstown on the even¬ing of tbe 1st inst., arrived thisevenirg.Her news is mainly aatieipau-d by ths arrival of the

Iltetnen at New-Yuik. but the avdvicee, via t^acyus-toan, are one day later.Tie steamship Vanderbilt, from llew-Tork, Not.

19, tuTiTed at Southampton on 30th.Th* eteemaliip City of Baltiaioe*, from New-York,

Not. 19. arrived at Liverpool Dec. I*,Parh. Not. 30, 12:15 p. m.-Tbe fund* ecntinoe

very bnoyant, and the Rea'ee are still improvLog inprice, being now quoted at 70f. 65c.3:15 p. tn..The rumors of the bombardment of Tan¬

gier* by the French caused a declino. The It* aleeclosed at 70f. 30c., or one quarter per com below Sat¬urday's prices.LiTiiifovL, Dec. 1. .Arrived from New-York,

PKmeuth lVkst fT.ri«m 't, in >V Clf*" Mcyne," st lUtrv; Excelsior, et Liverissal.Tl. ri i" Spntd l*i.«e f-u '»*. r h .-' .

Tl e »! i|>Keth St ragur, ashore, at Hrvawitahavi .1, ,iu*

fei «II gi.| .'tl.

Ct.MMKKU IL IMI I U .FNCE.Littftixii. t'niTni Mtnari.-The aa'** of f'rrtion

in ti- li.rrjool me'k.t for tl* three d<ys add»d np 19 **»

?...e- o* which * Van <>n »B. ratajion an t W rn o»t At

the ch.«e there srs* hat Hit*- inqnirv. aod ar.r. « saaaj reibecwrak a'-ro fh i-i^lh «rU;! f ¦.¦*''¦

Si Aii ..I 1*UM i> Msm h»«ii k. -Tin- Man. hc-ir-rafhi esai* favorable. aed tnr uhiM tlused 6r:n at the j:^i<e*t, r, , . i r r<»ds ai d yarn*

I.ntiiPi^it. Har*i KTt r»« M tRu t.. M<-*»r« s*ri-r*e: ' » report Floor iloll and dr-flaaa] «rtlhMe-* al Tl' »7: a H'|e« tit II sir! declined *1 if3d f> rental:.l.l> a of re»l at .>*'.' I* .and of vt hit* at 'till . . t

ui oecined I' Af .jisrfef.|.i\»Br<m.i l'n"Mi i: MtRKET. Hr***Mia - qi af

7* wn 3 Pft'ls du I at .> "'»«>' .'endy t ««Ter qilrt.Itier iusrtnr. vp, it-cf Tiirpen'in* steady at X« Ho-

I cisTniM MaREET*..Fl"'K very dull. Wm it

derlin. d Id <?2d < on* At 'lined Id.' " I -. ¦.»" «e*dy t ->r-

laafrui T»i-Ani»i-r»t» Wli..--- i p¦ >!»

I.le .hair*. Rica fum. T«lu.» Uttl* irsqio-r »n l (rWa aal i at H Mat? '». l.n-a«D Du. ?3/. Pia laus >.* in i s tl. . p-or-raaiiiy at msbs'ired 'iln t'orraa Ur n au.1I; SVrtrs.e'or tan a eels. Tn» flat; ('"¦' m "i < "mo i q-iotedat 1 3. r-AL1l rtin twiner. Busiio-s* on 'Champ- yrstr-id if »»

fill rases JilK.tWO b*le* soins-at fill! price*. 0,-caaitfaall*.i u' r«ft,T de*:» r l\on-o.» Ol bej« so I rvth r ras*-, pirticelarly for low qualities, ander 4/. Tin«« market q ,,. t*tS?<in ihe »| ol. ami v, for the year.A Mr iff l> Snt'RiTir*..Tie market for An,-r i*i

rtörk.wi» firmer, ^alr* ef I |,u i'O n'ral -hare* at V\ li«r-»inr;I'Hini* t rniral** of lrWP *>\ Penr.rlT .rila l'*"t'al «liare. V. *

t. r rir Kailn*d 3d Voilraje boudi *. Penn») I. au:a (eu'ral>. 'it Morltsr*. a-rftsU.

Lowt'i v M'.sr y Market..("oneola clcrfied on Taea-d»j at y.'\ <l'Xi for lioth money aud account.

I ITWV DTI i.i.i if.rvrp.

I.ivf.Ri fiOL. Dec. 3f, 10 h. ui. flic Me'.nw, .in NortbAmmnri fiom riirtlun',1 ha* jn»t urnvd.TLehLin ^oeen'.f the Wert, for M d.'le, hantm 'wt« k.

LATER.rm Quit ¦i ''rrri.

r>iKi«. Wednesday..It i* currently reported mttthe Flench rfinadn n had neither bonihardcd T>in»rier^net Tettian. A amnll fort on the rue. of M »"wee i

he vrtr tired at. a French rtewuier, the latter replieW,Mtnl )<u\iuir ftisina iiled lie foniiien'.ion, afier^Hrd re-

joined the Sf)Uilf*r«i|i at Algesira*. I' - Oif<-d thn! tin

i nimnt der of the French eijnadron mm informed 'heMorocco Government th*t thi* event does not ch-ne/ein any rerpert tl e relation* l>et ween the two cou itriee.

Mv'kmf.ili N"v. .'to.. Advices have Irren receivedfrom t om-tantiiioj h-to the SN During the la-tsix days u storm of tinpnralleled vi -lenc** hsd prevadeilin the Knxine Kea. All the vessels out at >e'i were

diixen «.n si und ahout eighty have Iseeu lost. T'ier-ratst's strewed with wrecks and dead »et li s. Theit hitlntunis of thee inho«jiifahle shores h-tve sfnp|x-dtl e survivors of the wrecks ot their js-rsoual property.Tug stenu its 1 ine been sent to the If'ack S< i in orderto rei der assirtmiee in the recovery of property.

The flrnnd Virior had given a very food receptionto Mi de I er-'

l'xKis, Nov. 3<>..The Opinioni S-it'Otnlr has re-

rcitnl a tirsl wiinni'L' fr«>m i'ie M ii.i-.t- r .¦' tl.i-hite-rior on accoutit of hnvinu pubh-hed an article on thetrmi end power ..( 'he I'opt), which the warning stars*is rnroi'ercd so ontrrfpc on a foreign posver, toli e Church of which the 1'ope i* the bead.

L'iNt.'iv, De". I..The steamer Finn iro-n Australia,with tl t; Octol er n a Is, Hrrived ut Aden on the «Hnhdt. The letters are expected to reach ihn city on

Tf« «drv, Ihe fib insf.The Royal Mail sie.imship Shannon prrived Ah

u.oriiing with the \\V»t India, Mexi-'üu, mid I'amuils.AH hopes of savinj; the I'armatta lire now (riven up.

Tl e sihfl ergntied in the attempt have come home m

tl e Shai noja.The 1'arrtp oorreopondent of Thr lx>i'i.>n Tmt'luys there is still some uncertainty us to whether theKnirl'sh (;<i\ f it,ii;ent baa yet nmde up its mind to t.tkeI art in the Congress.

In tl e recent i»tervi»w with I'rince Metternich, it issaid llint Count Wnlewaki assured the Prince that the

Juet <e of Fleuch diploioHcv will continue to be »-x-

t-rci.ed in Central Italy in favor of the spontonejusrecall by the |s>p*ilHfi<.n of the; llrniid Dukes.

LATMT MAaUinW.By 11.'ry»<|..* Ui ly ttrntltv s.

L'vtHFooi, D- v I. p. mThe sales nf Ccirrni yra-rrday woie 7 fSSl tv«Je«, and of to day

8110. lucloilujf 7.000 lo .leiulators and eiporter«. I'rirm are

pnrhanced tl ocsh inferior qo ,'ii;.. are cf i.le a' formerrate«. Iu ports yciteiday, 7,ISU bahn; pisvioualy this werk,15 in brl.eBsraiLTrrra are quiet, but ileady. Paonatrm qnirt, bat

.leady. I Mint' r «iow of »sie. I.nt 's'sasr. ieirlianf-1 Musu srirtqa'el * tt n tag. of Dste. sold st fo 9 Ru t it steadyLlKi bap of Renfoon .old (lo arrive) at 9 ä I

I.omni Per. 1.p. at.1 be I'noptrt n.ark.t. are |rn. rally un.-bans*d. ft nan

rruukrt quist hnt .trady; common Coi.eou quoted at |A lowrrKi< k biui. esitvkii k strady.Umiu ar» ,iiio'r,l a* "*d<rw| for money and 9fl n lfj-s;

13-16 fur account; Nr.w Thkrks. sa.l </ -.arvj.


UtrCTÜRE R BEMMY VFAID BEECRR.A crowded uiidience asss-mhled last ijveniug m\ the

Proafiwnv Tslornncle ('t.tircb, to beur tie Ree.

Hemit Ward Oem hfr deliver his lc ture b-f -r«

ihe Pitts Association. Mr. Bcecher preluded by a iy-tut/ that he projirsed to discuss in a plain iiimiier, andwith an earnest wish to promote the welfare of the

people, m'eetioi.-s that were L'.oving the thouirbts audexciting the passions of the entire nation. Oor insti¬tutions extract dauber trom excitement by giving lib-erty to expreririoii. The free air tn.ikes excitementbeillihy. It was vood t<> nvn the community arnnsed.(My eBeh aetis.tiveuess will saxe a eonntrv. Nationsui»- not half s" much in danger of blowing up as of ro -

ting down. Corruption commences al the sills, aru'dthe daniprers an<l moisture of Vmt foiimuvions. Hedidiifttniuk any especial peril on hand.waa neitherscared, startled, nor even uiimisv. Hut mime were;tonic desired a ditl'erent stale of things, and wishedto distiiss the means of bringing uboitt thenew order. Discussion educated the pubhcnund, and he, fcr one. would gladly Jota in it.Ti -niftht the f|ne>tion he pro|>o*ed to ur^'iie wan," How shall this Cnion he preserved '" Au l, tiret.what are the reasons that make it worth while to

keep the Union safe / It whs awkward to argue iheqne.-tion to us, it sounded like the doubt whether a

rich and happy man *i*nuid live or commit smcide.For nu n t" et tou' ther vvl en they uerr in the veryhissLt of business prorj erity, and talk of diamdvugI uri.t-iihip, reemed ridiculous. Two hundred jca'.illH'l j Ur-H-d »iliee the seed" of "iir success were -own;three qnarters of a r*ntury since tho tree had bornevigoious Iraki Were things woire uow than then ?Could ae lo longer cooi-erule ? Are o ir riche.-i fal'-ingawavT Are we dividing, plank f»y plunk, likes'iniidcif s* ips ' No ' the tiaii.m was never so we.dthyai d iuti liigeut. To be-ure, a few religious r>M)ksweit banied the day before. It wua itrisin.'e, iudeci,lo see ant fire in a region so long opposed t" eXcile-nom. {Ijtughter und applause.) I*et as np-plv the etethoecope unrt the pnutitioner's knowl¬edge to the fruma of the country. Was the heartntioasitied I Were the lungs.the intelligence ofIhe |H-oplr.sound I Was the nervous system.theroinmerrtal hrulthy action .' "Yes, therew a- Do disease in theee \ ital organs. Whv. then was

the touiitn so eagei to send for the attorney to unkeits will' llut, since it was ro.-iuce so miny wiseand die it t» tesiec citizens were meetiog, he, too, wouldhave his say. First, one niicht well long for the c in-rummaiion of so sublime an object as the completionof this Republic to a roundneee worthy of the Divineitiepiiat'on that .. .;.-i.-I it. Soeond, if we hx>k back¬ward we may well wi-h to preserve the I n for thesake ot thejast. Thud, tne I nion should be stvtslfor the sake ot religions freedom. Fourth, with allour im| trleclioi's ar a nation, here was vet more secularliberty ihun could be loiind any win-re».!¦*¦ inilie world.When le conside'ed what precious freight wit borr-ehv the Ship of Stale, he must believe it was guided byilia who i-onirols iht« w inds ai d wavtrs. The familyhere hud obtained a gtxater uventge power thau els*where. The sthool catches what the parent torses it.The experiment of Frtedom was only ju*t begun.Time wns needed to show w but Hod meant. The co¬ordination of civ.! and religious life was not >ctworked out. A Miti' tial minion w.u, better than anntioual rhttrvb. Minuters were more needed thanM Ihe' in ~'u>n whether Fn edom conldgain on

Slnvery so thai the nation could slciia-h its evils waastill ut.M tllaxl; and for the sake of new Stales wh"w ould !'c!uf±. ,» ;. ed.we m ist su-iiun thecompacL TheStates rouiiiig in vere tike sand-blown Kuvftian tem¬ples, covered np, and needing continually the aid ofout shovels. Hui when men talk nt disnn on. he saidtl at if :!¦..> chore to go od, we should be to muchthe rtrotiver. Hut we could not afford te giv ujoar beiden-.the weak are our ministry. Partlyby force, and mostly by love, as a mother rest rainsher children, so he mu#t tell any State that chesooee iu a jpassion to go off, '"No! wan a litde, we rant*-A per¬mit ft. jApph»"*e.] Next, How is the Cnion not toI.eaavefJ'' first It cannot he done bv a blind eff artmade b) a few to hoodwink th. manv: tyjf cabals, col- Ilusn-n. and *deeeit. Soctrnd: No DUttsl inovetueutcould be suooeaalul which was ot*e-aided, and baaed onI arty polities. Third: h nmrt not apparentlv l< anrcre >id for commrrcial internet*. [The fecturercomreriied eeverelv and aajvastictdlr on Ute l'niooreeohjiiotie.elicruni. irreat applause.) 'Fourth: It mustau vgrore the fundamental idea* ou which the Cnioowas but!: up. Fifth: It oust be in harmony w ith thewest liberty of disccasion, and bv legitimate method*.¦Mfci It must not be akepticml «f tne polier of bo dlyd.splat Ain :ae truth. 8eventh: It maat not refuse toifcognite tlie tnperivrty of Freedom over hiaverv,or the delusion of the rule that a niitiw.

I prn'Mf rsr.ii.laee. Eighth V mU-t 0->» irvb H k* I

to fi-franrhwe ptireru'as |niife.«.ion*. He ewferr*>lr»(*eiallx to I h i.n n. \'m when rroni MlM \vritc

i| e gteui trn»h* «if Freedom on their tenner*, t*vi theflan I wt nl<! _i\p !tl holv - M.ffi-.n t" 'tea wnrt ¦¦. 0*1all ,|.« would nee mi to i'..||i.«v th«vn. It the 1 tigU»> »,* tbn k'r «.<', I would i . '» I v th.- in<n :»' th

||iv, the riN.rn, arH ihf nnvil l,nt tiv :!:.. pi UV-O i-

ow i rr«. And then woo'd it > e mir du y to *»» MB*to il e rail for a di**nlnM"n ' N i. never Sonte time

s glnrtns day would yet cme. if there was anv ohin ] tu }-,-r\ /wren, one after another, tie KUve Slal.-s* < n'd j> in the new revival of lihertv. Rrwt ur.niUIwhirl iu M'ssonn tie banner State; then Virgin-HandKn inrkt and Mary Lard. The child now l«im m» lU»ee fori\ or fifty States in fwifederu'i n. aud not we

muI in horn'age iu ih« ir border*. And üiigh' <. -d

e| eesl li e day '

Mr. lWri»r «pfite in hi* rno*t rrmi-acteristie vein,and was warmly applauded.


USCTUK! BY W\f. HENRY FRY.Mr. Win. II Fry gave a k-t !me evening, be'ore

the Men-ai.ii'e Library Association, «n ti e City of New-y>rl. He apoi.^17.'I for not b-rinring. is anr."nn ^!,oo Wieks betör-, »iure a'l the jug youngmen were ei.yag-d at the f'.*i|ier In-'it"te -%n ''.-if

t ii* not eb-etiug a M*»rr, u w*ii« h ncy s.i>--

leederl. The Dutch be *aid. founded onr city, and it

t«> < nly bv a mere rhanee that he waa not niw ed-die»«itiga Ilulrh aumenre in Di'eh. He <<id aot g;ven iirh rrrttit to Hri driek Hudson fI r li-.<«iv»-.:iir ttMiebad. C.Jna.btie dirtovered the continent; iv^-euerie l'l^eaj il * less, ai d to hiv» belon*?* I all the glo-v.Mr. Frv mmwed lie philosophical importance ot tV

11'Vie* of I olumbti». Before hn:i. 'he eirthwas

turj <>i d to I e flat, and to lie the renter und ir>: iter

I ..iti< n of the universe. Tlie new theory of Astr-.ll '-

BT. wl ich CAT* Ba iirw idea* "f Infinity and philoeo-I by, ail nnrg upon ibe d'*eoverv of the new world.Tbeegl die« overed in Iii"'.1. New Y"i*. Wit* m>l much of *

Hly niitd tl e close of the last century. In the oftl e K. v. I'll ion. I'll Hade! j.Iii i wit* ahead "fir, I freesHit ugh organizing here having gone thither. New-York in I er emit ence differed from all other cities inI uvii g I e. r extemporized, and not hav ing i.rown, andaNo in i ot-terr-ing a populav.ioti so diversified tint thatof L< i dop and Paris seemed narrow ami contractedin r« ii puriron. No monument in I/mdon nr P.i-i«mhIm our Ciiftlc flardcn in nmnil giundenr. N*'»-wleie lad history shown a nation hoepiU'dy reeei*-ing fall a t. illiou of »trangen» .1 year, protecting ihernfn m iini 01 it'ons, and assimiU'i'ig them lo 'taelf. l#tnr, ra:d Mr. Fry, proceed thence up Broadway,to r'ndy tie pc-ciilariti«,9 and attructioua of ourcitv.There were given bv the *t ..uler ;n desc-iptioti* <>f thev,ri< t-» rations, il e!r p... uli ritiee n d rontraa'*, f.»'mtl< CUsetoto ihe Krein b; bkewiae the mmtl *ho9*itl eir rigns ;ird fjiecialtiee. Tlien we eorae to the I ityHall, 'he ti'iode ol purity, ami the home of inmsence.(tn tl e character of the recent canduLiree for ChiefMng^tra'e, Mr. r'rv oilu't d. Vext he ar>o*ie of thevatioue establishmenis, Delinnnico's very par-tictlarly; of ir* rui<tns, the chef, their ni"de ofroolerv, 11 lid the of the establishment. Healso touched ut-nn Smart'*, aud l-dd auei-dotin ofl id-' - 0009*1 there.Bf dearer* Mi Fry got ui) to Wulbu k'a Tficater.

\\ > ii \\'alb'cfc iMiiie over I re, he wan the gliseoffashion aid the mold ol form. There wim no ne'ingOiQeiOQJ in Isiiid'in e'pinl t ilk] Ciiu.'|**ny there. Then nn w h" bad written t' c liest b irl. -<|iie« in ihe En¬glish laiix'iiHge went there, John Mrough.i n. Tlientie St. Nicholas, that mHgni*i"'ut expre-*i«>n of theI'en.t eraiic idea, there w.i* n. tUtej ri an'i iuity like if,BeMber in Kntoje, except >n I'ar!s, the Hotel de Lou-\ n , which waa copied from if. and th'U was so badlyin luted that if paid only i5 |h>t ceiu. LauraK i Da>'l showed what w. re geriuin.' Womnn's rights.The change; 'n the si/e tl she Winter Harden re-

*mi',f,ed ia of ibe change in dramatic art reducing the«./.'ol tl enters so thut actors conhi no a *js..-tk natu-ral't ; n I be heard, la art, the Whtfe Captive showedns tl in the age nf Greek Goddesses gone. W;ne« di d sadly seme place in whir t to ¦basereat4ere0|ti e I lace in Tenth s'.reet u:us u' .'.it «ivd cn.ui.'li t.i

e\lnli|t a leun ed pig in. l("*ton and l'lnlad. Iphuiweie both in ativauce of us in this. il:ir lihr.irieswere ahead of the demand for book*.We had as fine churches as any in thew orld though the re were not rnnnv picto*er as in tio*e of

f.uieje, sliU chinches »ete hst{ pUees to show pic¬tures in; one wt* taken np gerienilly with the archi-tec are. Our Academy of Music was the mo*' uneeo-i n...hiolding of its kind in '.he world; its mi 'takenform woidd seriously ilimre the I tuoii Savnig Veefugtis.M Momlay, w hen '.l.iMKl people would not be aide tosee tbe stage. There was no t'ieei in Euro sa to com

pate with tbe Fifth avenue, and that had been oiiltmostly uiibi te.i^ears. He was in a banquet-r x>m inM.i Jasen av OOMOO lately 00 the c diug of winch a 'i'sl'ti-guisl ed Dresden nnisr, had b-eu engaged all day f >r

nf»en nn.tubs. He bail no time to sneak of oar won-

d«rful Fire I)e| artmenf. tbir military rumia'i-m

m --.led iiinily S,(H.l) men, and he hifl no whereabroad seen m >re admiiahle driU th au lint of the Sev-eLtb Re^imspl. He hoped tint 'he new Cuvalry r-g-iii tut would be euually well rained. Font gre a dealol manliness anil superiorit depended nn abilityo ride a bWN well. The cavaliers altety»1 govi»rnecf,1 he governing classe* in Kurop** wer*e rhoso who nsieon boi'tbuck, and tbe reason why th- South ruled thinc 'ltiiiy was that S'Ul' em men knew bow Ui ridewb**l ihe Noriberu men didn t. Henry l.'lav roJe onethousai.d miles <n horseback from Ashland to Wa«h-il lIon nearly eveiy Winter, and jn-ople culled him¦ nllaiit; tbev calb d nobody gallant who did not ride.Mr. Km spokaof the Cehtral Park comprising m .re

ihun nni -twentieth of the island in exteut, which was

l-eing laid out with a splendor perha|>* no" here eis«' toIse seen in a kindnd j lace, und paid a high complimentt.. t!< Hii hifeet ii -chief. Frederick Law Olinstea L Inthe r t u of bealih New-York stood very low. In theFirst Watd. where were the liest means of k-cimivjhealth, ibe deaths were 1 in every II, wbi'e in the Fif-t. cut) w here be lived, the deaths were 1 iu Ü). If helived ia some other Ward- he would Ise very dead.T'li is- showed the d tie rente between those who fearedBo«J aid ufed eaga and those who didu't.

In tbe Nineteenth Ward, t' e deaths were 1 in 13.Let no uioiLer select a bouse there. The ratio of lifewns decreasing in duration in this eit.y. because our

poveri.'tuen' was in tlie bauds of ignorance and iueom-iiletue. We allowed these men to control the me-

»I lüde and fine srts of this coantry. If New-Yorkwould be at the bead of the wurld, she must shape thepolicy ol the Government so a* to foster her muiu'ac-inn s. SI.e mmi evol-e her own ideas, as well as d«alin ibe ideas of oiher people. We rosed more goldthan any otberountsy iu ihe world, ba'. our gold weutto Krui ce in search of h*r manufactures. Povertyhere was inereusing with terrinl.: rapidity. At thenite we were going on now, everv five rjersoct wouldst on have to sep.poit a Muper. tvert thing we sentabroad was bulky, and everything r ntriee sent to us

was in a highly -concentrated form. We did notihanxe on ciual t. nns. The average duty on mtnn-1 netUred goods imported b. re w :t* per cent, whilethe avenue duty of mannfiietnred gne.ds imported intoEurope was 30o"| er cent. This .vac culled fr"t -tradeAu tnliiiliteLrd and reformed political economy w .nldsnpply labor to the jioor. s\t present, things were

groamg frigbifully wor-e. Mr. Fry delineated bisviews ot rttorni. Äfier sp-eaking for nearly two hours,he closed, leaving, as he paid, many topi, s un'ouched.Dr. latAJtCIO,tM whs present, said Mr. Frv hilrniber nnderstiited than overstated tbe evils of thist it v ami Stan , growing out of our o-cailed free-trade.Tie midierce was art. n'ive, and loudJy applauded

the speaker thron.:hoat bis discourse.


A LF.CTI KK B1 LOLJ IIOlsTBf.At an early b'>nr last tveniug tiozart Hail s*. Gllei

with au imp it rut au.^ence, auxmus to hear LolaMi tjiei delivtr her le-ture cn'i'J.d "John Bull at.

Home. Tl rre Wi re S"Uie Indus in.-en!, 'ml ihe :!.a

j"n'j t.f tl.osst uesembled were ain..u-utJtably ravsrnline.Wht n tie le.-turer api^arvd upon tne etage not a seatin titber the body of tbe house or tbe gallaries was nn-

ocrnpicd. She admitted the sterling worth of the En¬glish i haracter, sud pn.ft seed a hearty affection forblulT, botest John Bail. Bat, like everybod» else, hehud bis weaknesses, and she claimed tbe privilege oftaking a icep at the comic side of his character.Amrr ca rtill leveri ntially cnJls P!uirland " Miaher,'and[eat h may be pro-id of the n-latitiuahip. The twonations are too much alike to allow a traveler iu eithert» make a bt-jk regHniing the difference* betw.-«n :\."j eople, hence tourist* are forced to look about tb?ra foreccentric |«enliari:ie-. Taking these for their illastra-tions, English people bsve formed some queer ide <*

cf Americans. Dicken.* fonnu a sharp-nosed pig or a

spitti-oji fit ml,j,.t-ir |oe phdo*o|ihical coatemplaii-.n.Tie Engliah arc an active, energetic. bu»xinee* pecple,and it is no metaphor to say tha'. .Engtaud ia tbeworkshop of the world." An Eogli-hman'e walk andgeneral bearing alwi.y s indica;. /oing some¬where, and that he is going to da something w'gets Uiere. For trading, tr-oJrlrkiriv', schemir.g, andetwrgetie enterprise, Englishmen haTe never b<M;nsurpassed, und never cqrnlled, except by Americana.' hat " isms" and our " notions," ehe said, are not orig-irat Yankee institutions, but are irapn.veim.-ute uponEnglish cUracterialic*. Tt* English called us a na¬tion of quacks, bit in all her travels and exigenceshe never saw so much quackery as is to he found inEng»aiid. She bud seen London placarded wit1. , .

adyertiM-iaeoii vf "Love rowöV«," of preeortyLioa»

rr tr«V;n»r »II «. >-t« of people, heanti.-il. Mil nf " \n«v,"\rf i-eei litre*" for ehtldrfn ento riff teeth, fh# rr«e of"

e huh wi»» i.l hfr-/ the- r*>«*th Ihrouirh w.'ho't» tr-xi'deer r*rr. f\W m&ÄmtmaUmm i Ml * Ifrt-ly und *1 /hr-I»-airnkiir st'.iir, tc i.ii' h RfaRi tha want folMtetoIf f.-ui d m lulu Hull - .»....-,,-,r, '.. i.:; u.g a'. b>*

g*l?«ntr>*, Ml phTiutbropv, -n bberv. an<l e m-

rlu«V<l by «nvug thai. wn.Ii i.ll lue faul'«, MM w.u. a

mm <:'-' earfed", kwy, jovial felb.w, f»i*«» of Hin i<>i*iI eel ai '1 '>>» Jol e. artl exceedingly «ocirtbh« w'imii hoI arl a mil <I to . aa* The lecture we* Wm\ r«»*»tved,and heartily in th« rieht plas-t«.


Ttir Wi»T»ri Gard»*... An orvnrr«>nr* which

h.ipi eneri at tili» horse Tiitrfit before lust ha- «avtisior*»»!no Htile remark and excitement nmonar the professionai*d the public. When the Winter (iardvn »m

er« ced. Mr. Won B.'urci'-iin't and hi* wi'".- 'profe-ei o-

ahy styled M,»« Awne* Rohrrteon' wer» engn*- d

fi r tie leading hnsir.ese at $m*t per night, und ie as

.fa*:* inatvMger at 11(H) per week, with the understand¬ing ihat he was t<> p'ixluce certain pieces of hi* «woeoitin»r for the benefit of the concern. The burx>iiuwas for twelve weeks. For four or lice weeks moneywa« made, etdtl» $"fO ou' left a small mirplus; hut

?or it e seven «>r eiuht lollowi'Uf weeks business fell offyaaad thr re. rip's did not oi»e«. the expend*. Neverthe¬less, the parties ntmed received all their moneypn ii'ptly, and $8,400 were paid for the twelve)week's crifNgemsnt. At the close of this is-riod,a tew bu-r.'iin was made at Mr. R ion mult'*

rPt'Hestien. whetehy himself and wife were to

slare tl e wrekN protits equally with the management,af'i r eledartnrg $',s<'n per week for ordinary MBMaM

ii which whs mclnded $H" 0 for bimseif as *Uge >can-

axer). AH ex| ov. r this earn to be also shared

e-paaily. Tins, although a bvavy druf* up-m the 'r»as-

rjry. was paid lor two or three wesks, when "TheOc'oToen'' was put up for rehenrsul, and then sn

etT.'it waa m'.d» to increase the »um to ne paid to Mr.B. nrui his w iff. The piece was played, however. '»ndiheti the an'hor, not ge'tiatt bis deuiand, sent a nor**,

absolving b'xself fro ai all his engagement*. Toe min-

Hpenient held to the original »> irguin, and promptlypaid np. Then tiere was a plea that the amhor an I

h's wife had lereived threstming let'ers in conse-

ipnetue of the Shiver)- offensivem*- of the play, andtli-y wne not wiping to ri»k their lice* ijn e>s rheywete well i aid for it. Th" last week'* share of pr ifu*,am»mi itig to $l,'b's't, wa-> sent to Mr. B. iu tro'd, and1 e gave a rec» ipt for it; but on tt>e same day t VVVIik**-.'ny) hi- w i'>> ss-ii', a note, late in the afternoon, «wyi »gthi.t she r, nid tint play it night, on amount of the al-

legid thieafs. and Mr. U. j. ined iu the declination, und

f',in:ally withdrew the pietv?. On inqiiry it wa»

f. nr.d tha'. the actors' ptrte und the mueie ha<iVeen tnken from tlie hou«e. Tb«' managementwas fortunate enough to ptMvide for the emer-

irsrcv (laving a single e»py of the pl«v)in-tallii'g Mr. JcfTerr.?n aa Sfage-Msnager, and Mr*.Alleu in tlie pan <>f " 7.>>et" liefons pi tyed by M s*

HoUrson. The play w ut on, and was very MMM*lily dotu Mi*. Albn winning erpec;al 'vmp'iment* iuher hastily arr« löie. Before ihe cmt tin ns»e, tboautl or ai.d his wite appeare.1 at the staire do >r, appt-rmtly ready to »ro i n with the bu-ine**, but wero not

admitted. ILft i.i»-S* the house was ags.n <len*el>crowded and the p'sy went off with grea' eclat. Itwas »»id that injom nous wer- oit and served upon th-actors, but if so, they bad no effect It U . Jaitne«! thatthe piece belong* to th" uinni^enieiit iwiiich is not

Mis-Kobertson, at the bill* nave stated1, and will bepl«yed despite legul atremp'.a to the contrary, IMpi ice paid to the two artists who are now thrown out

hps been a serious drawback upon the treasury, bitui t 'l actual enguaenien's were prompt y met i' wouldsei m from present appe iran . s that i'iey are to bo ttie

cl ief mtlerers. At ary rate, the "OMM" is opfor an indefinite period; and ihne stands the cmente at

tl e Wmfto r (.ardeu.

I.xi H» KrrxE'« .There was no performance herelast night. A new play, railed " MtMM Helut'ona,"w ill le given this evening. Mr. fleorga Jordan, whowas engaged for the leading business, has left thele use. «wing to some difficulty about his line of char¬acters.Nint o's,..There was a very fair lion** at the opera

hi ie h;«t night. The Havels come next week**,Wsi i si K -.. " Everybody * Friend" draws excel¬

lent audiences. It is one of the most enjoyable piecesof tin- -eu-oii. Messr*. Brougham, Wah ot, and Eeatcrhave capital parts, and most capitally do they enacttht m.


We le.-un fiom recent advices from Panama that, thePa<i6c Steam Navigation Company (Britiih) wilt soon

place a »t» urn-tug in that bay to be employed in I.»/hr-erage hu-ine*s generally, as well as f«r their own pur-I eres. The tag ie to be hallt of ittel, M feet long andV0 feet wide. Sh.e is to have a d mble eagine, sidewheel». and will measure 224 tons, drtwmg only threefeet nf water whm hauled with j) tuns of cargo ant56 laseetigeri and their luggage, with the usual'j of specie and mail*. Sbe is no * being built at

Liverpool, and is to be ready in January; hut it i* nor

yet determined whether to setid her around CapeHo n. or via the Isthmus, in parts, to bo pnt up at

Puns ma.Tho Pacific Steam Navigation Company is al*n build¬

ing two ssnew s'eamerti of iron, of abont 1,'JOO tuns

register, lo be employed on the co-tat. between P-sTum*und Callao, and principally for fieighting purposes.They are expecting to reach the Pacific during theWinter, or e*rly in the Spring. The regiibtr ratess-ngerrteutners of the Pacific Steam Navigation Companyply b-tween Panama and Vulparaia*', touching at

¦I at -ixteen intermediate ports.It has hem oecided by the Pacific Ma 1 Company not

to send the Adriatic to the Pacific, and she will proba¬bly take her place in the 'ine i'r«im New-York to Aspin-wail <>n the .bth Januaiy prox.

loss or ihk brio rent.The brig 8eotJaiid, arrived on Thur.«lay from firuid

Turk, briug* home the. first officer and crew <>f brig J.H. Ksm, of Boothbay, Caet. Heid, which v*a»el sadedfrom Jecktsiuvilie, Nov. 11, hound to Kingston, Ja-n.,and on the 90th at night, w.-»t.v-.- thick and s-iuatly,went ashore on Middle CaMM and vessel and c*'g<>,bon.e a t jUI Ivse Alt hands were saved. She was

buip in lP5'2at B>«othbay, rated A '2,177 tons burden,a< d owied by YaUts, Porterlield A. Co., of this Ci' v,bound to Boston.

Jlt«« MiEriNt, or the Pmho-Mahers..Lstftevening the piano-makeni held th«:ir second tneetin»;,M *h>- v»ial Reformers' Hali, in Oraad street, in orderto assist their fellow-.'raftsmen who suffered from therttM t conllagrutiou in Wooster stri ct. Mr. Gellman,'le Piesidint of the Association, »»copied the chair.TLe Committee appointed et the last meeting to r tiae

subscriptions reported tjie reenlt rf their labors. T*ieyhad collected abont $.00, of which $o0 we*e di-bursedtore'eral families who were in immediate wait They also reported that the celebratedArthni Napoleon, and a score of other renowiedartists, will give a grand cencert at Palace Gardendurii.grext week, tne proceeds of which will lie foril e hewtlt of the stiffeiers. The Committee then was

enlarged again by the addition of several gentlemen,ai d instructed lo hold a meeting every evening at thotame f ace, in order to receive subtx'nptiotia or fundsor the benefit of the injured operative*. The meetingI en adjourned, to be called again by order of thePresident.

There it much anxiefy in Virginia for the racwsageof tht t.ovemor eject, Mr. Leteber, wbo, it bsttasjsjjfcliwill t-e able to take a common-senae view of the tin-

it pj circumetances which have grown ont of the raidat ilarpVx's Ferry. The Virginia Legielatare it med-dbig with the doctrine* of pn'-lio economy in »ach a

wi.j ae v threats-n and tax only ber iababitauU, aadthat very oppres-ively.

fit Ann's Chnrch for Deaf Mutee, thankfaliy acia-.aie-Jjes th* foUawlnf dotsattons. rseeised sine* the 1st af

Tn» JokB CctA tM»i peoeedt fjroia tht Ortstvt.V of

k " > I. -...»._I . Jet* Hal-e*. A. r. .>««!, i.fce. a*7»3

f» . - r'<r erly r*.jrn**». (O. sew * r» i r.r^y. ,r T1lf»f.y . ' » P. I BfZJ"C ^»>r...«,k)0*): ,,,,, r.r*,i^ie>ra ef St P^sÜi-W

ill'.-..' I .., t « u7la* ... Wr*,.««,!. I 5% Mtviri of KsVvsiS**-!. B I

Joint' "'a -I Joserh . t»ir»-. ( ..nie. r?-r»'N.n\JalBVlrM.Vr -ie ... . .'w-ut Ma* K*_... . «,,...«*. «n M 4. »».t»*. n-i «jjj;

"¦ ".' ' i 'J Vl,ur..h- ?'* ' *.»"¦ Mm* Twaru» %V.A "a.ley f- H -i J.h*. W Iii,»-,, OeraiJ K M Martin Ms.V> .... 1. Orr e.rh Ol«: Mr.. L. T. H si". 1<knl yr,L\ u!>»' PeraAeaa e..r,ej »jrJ. H.z*.kl.a Kte*. Tlr..\iT;,| <_Pf». J J. Ih.''. «i'r. T Ltd. Mr. 11 i Wvrk vt Wl2kbi« left*** s-i-a ..r»l. Tsliosn ft1 K. Hps*,.*, j. V.i*_JJ!»i«. V. N. ^nai»ur I avid ¦..»'«, Mi. C. A. TraeV J i TV.r.A v..y. ,.,.. MIm U H ( ««.»eU. in Ah* tfcaP.. 1 W J'o»rr. C. A. k'a-fon. C. Bi'k-r k IImi»-. Jofc,r«Va* Vi'wair. I n i"i.. f. Priaa*, lest* Vob VeW>r v>'m ^.s-ereaev Johu J. 1 homo, each *.>: cei«*>le-J lo *t\ a -¦

lioa.. #1*. rtiUMA» OALLAR.'r r l_l *

A «Bf- lost, Dre. It. 1*3(1.-

W ii it*nr..TV following special order* have betttpet tve'tra-ed:rtaanjU H«ir>grnT»i». ."tit» nr V(« Ynu. »

>¦«..: >a SB.* ( AtMtTABT OssBsai.'s »mr«. fv.> IT < IK» )«.(

T l.c f. llew'r. r.n>rtl lea of the tOtS Reel

i rl.aete rr-d ssiti* P4v4>tar. namely: .. Bp

rV«arr..dnrB* <hr Ifrh Psvl .*aj» =H A|.trl.t. itk

>p. a«my, < «r'

«" ''*.». ioaii ftonnrilT .. ft" f^..»y f^r* "'.taiitjj

I i.i.ina. anil lum'r-rd i.iiKp M Bejlmetit aatj tlMrlct,' S

rhi'lBf e-rd W I'oinpM-y TiptII i I . ('.... iriao'lanl. or tfi»» romraair* »III la MBaaj ro

<tt th» ir coo n «n^t for dirt» In ib» id Rpftmoat. to Hflj^.,,<p (b«#. P. »|>lr»r. f<Ytrm»nd\r.T tK# l.t Riiak wkv. «III w

frr. m»kf wh r*iMnlidaiiona of* thr«* r»m|*tni*a mnk .«¦Bf'lrr or «Ith "l»r ..rr»i,M rom^oira of tbo 7.1 K. tia>at aah.ll »»ciirf to 'Yr td W»|rlD'eBf. >n mtw »hin t»a co apa'rU*.r I in that aart p. nifwny of too Id Rrrlnaant alial) hare a l*oä)I ir y l» p Bon e.'T'n I»»|nt.r4 oaTlpera and rcir.^a. "TV* roov|anir.of»h.- I<*l!i F«-«,iT»»n' ll»r» . MBaaBaViVoa and ..*<?*. T<ort,«a»ftlrn,r»*'» mat cn'olldalr w*:h tho pr. ^nt ..on.pajiie. afh* tJ B*fhrrn' hr .>'!. -Il»r*t »o report to tal. Uoarry ILubaa-O" romti.arx'in» ibeVo Petio>r:i(.II' I'-n rBi Jj ..<».. of l)-e /.! Bejirurnt. rap- relti D*t>

a I rierr * loAr.1 f\.m t>*f. ?J "raiwot and duin?*. aid ir«a»>»ir»d to 'br t°»b H'riu^nl n.J,.». Car.' Ooiy w: I la*r...B at i rv rrpo't fci< roi: man.! lor dutj lo (ot fathör]

Co'roran rou m*i.^1n# »ba» (ABth Benimm'IV. lot. Ri.Mnaor arfll. tv atana aa thai r*nao|laVail"a>a a*rata

anil orlr. d.haP naae N-ea . ft. otr J trauaiult to thia ofSoo a Boarro.'rrof bla Praiu aiit.

\ He !"h Me,:u,rrfal Pl.lrict will be borrisafter JeaJ|'_u«aJbr the aim eialKi.Bt oader of the Cninmauiderlu-t'hief.

KRrll'B; TUIVNSKND. AJiv'wit UeaMraiTT«? Company i>f XutimiKl Gray*, Bravtj'-Co'.. Jaouk

Rayiirr, t-nnirnand, will form that Darier» of the m«t

Rfgitrirpi, i'reiirnaft-H a* d e CM, and that th*v wiQoigataize ae tbe I at Ba'talvm of Natinnai Gray*.

DIED.VAN TINK-Cn Wednesday. I', r I tl.r , mrerl»»Jaroh i it 1 la* atad a> rear*.

* Dtnntka and 4 d*»a.Dee relalivea and f ten.1. of the ftunl.'jr are -.-.oe :m y larKed ta..i iBe oer«l fW>n. tf»r Rev. I»r. «»«arHBt'a Cb*reb. eor*«rrfffdfnid actl Hoartiiof a;-eet*. thl. I Kiidayi afteraooa a Io'rlei-k.

9§mtltr*r....Ji'rporti'4 *. Tf'fpvtipk.tfatmtk, Per. It-s'oTT.i* l*a*wot* aak* T,a*a l.oleo, wtlh aj

iBipreaed den ai d. at ll'l't?I' f for Mt.MMneNrwOHIBtsa. |>e. II.form.*, ""till. t»dnT B SM iHlaaa

irarkel Brrn. Kumt:«.« drrlined allfhtlv: to Llrorpool, \il*J>»d. I n d to lUrrr. He.f ««rtr.T..*. Cor. 14 .< oTTO»r: Salca to-A*y I SO» baaha at

up. rnoted price*.Pan »oei»i:i*. Pee. IS..Prora Brni at OS **|BSS RL

H «nr adTaneed iirBr : aale* t two rm.h.; U hC.. Si mi+ 11. Ped. e '?f*l 'O CnatartWe: near Yellow, T»s*Jla,Old v ar'ed at We IV Btaar Srm at SSiSJTl,-.

t'l^rl*aI*Tl. Per. IS..Pint s eellre at 0» V* fw irae^Sna.W>!.«! »deanced Je aale* at 7?lc. tVaa »r Ann. l>N*ate*d*Bl STr. Hn(.i e :c»edlDrl/ dull. Viitera holdltix ot a*ie* l.lafa« Sfl* OS: the markst cloainr. litit. Beeeipta to-dar. tS ur*.Ps«tirto*a i n.e"!*d: .VeaaPork. OI5.V»/t*|«. Balk M*Uflv>C,- deliver,Me in PV-mary. lard '0('<fve» ' sl*«it. I er II .i i,ttii* iiie-hanfed; aaie* U>aWf

fs fa p hie.. Cos* advance.I in an,.rnta.iaa-kiaaaa, l»ee. IS.Ptorn nniet: Howard rtreet *)S M\

W>»*t nochanrajd aale« ISSa*fcaab PeiBS opcnoal aetlve atalr'ered t w Ule.l: «alra at TIVtrT'c. for Wh'te. PkUVlaio**.*declinini Icndrncy. Winaar firm at JTaftSc.

PX4HAVOP--Nsw-Csistva. Pec. 15..^itht K» -bu nss oa Now-Tort, ,9|

«)> ceul ai.connttiaiimtri, lire. IS.Sticht Krehanre on New York i s*T

ret l preo 1. U)

MaiTiaoas, Tsc 15..Sifht Kicbsaao oa Now-Yssk a»aettlsd. _____________

Fnaaesfrra Arristeatfa tUfmthip Krrmrn. fr*m» Hrrmra-Mr. and Mr*. W'tRtaaS

T»ll at .I J». inter. P de Dantei and lady. H Maletta. K. tAOerbrdlrs, W n- «ehrlu.( f. W Ainory, Mia* II. pihemuui. Id.tjiri.ud, ft Brauweiler. H. M. I oaky. Mrs Hneoaaad cloVl.

as uto.i.

Ifoa-Rkaea.T:1S sVta.. t:54 M ian aMkli.. -

Nina waraa vat. oat.

Soaetj Hook.. 11 Ml fe* l.lend.. 0 2U HaU-tlats.JsM


aW.kfeSt**_«hip*--MontBOBierv, Börry, Baritntiab, H. B. CromweJ

A Co. t rarketabutf, Pew. I), Alexaadna. lt. U t rouiwall a Ca.*iilpa-< harter Oak, Cba«o, Mobile, w.lab. Carver A ( ha-);Ir R l'ee!. Larrat-e», Antwerp, C. Orinnell; Hellowood, Haas,

Mobile, J A Mctlsw.l arks-R. A. Allm. Bobbin*. Pavannah. Roy.! A Htrack**|

fiolden Era, Thorudike, Valparaiso. VV Rarttett; A/ileaasa,Pabcock, M. .Ispi. Cuba J. A T. A. R. U'eu-ter; Mon'ejuaw,H.u.u ond. I'oit Xpsii), T. T. Dwbjbt; Rosa, Calcatjno, St. Tas»¦ II, Ar BT k Co.Hrlis'-ahhy * ri!tabotbl Pblneaa, Madeira, J. F. now; 8. P.

Mnaton, t irker«, t.eiioa. Vt Uaou A Ursine Kcho. Rice, Port«*-I'rlwe: Oernstera iDnlcbl, VUsar. Auiaterdam (cloarsd Inklast.), ranch t >'siBckei Sea f.trk, MrParlaud, Kin*atot>. Ja,I k V. J. Petcra; Munto Park, Wood, Bueoo« Ayr**, JLNorton, jr.¦rhooueta. »"ndt-ivor, McDonald. Bt. John'a. N. P C. A Da»

wolf: 8. A. Falconer. Mmill:, Lavacca. MoCr. m'.J. Moll t Co jKectlnainn. McUotira) f tWIeaton, C. M. Pry*;Tas?4Uas, VbbVon M. Maik'a C. T. Urong. l.lacuiu. Baltimore, Mailler, L*r4

ki Qi Breast Ma.zaret. Ileo.on. Poteralin/g. James Hunter: ft**.Tavia Farley Charleatou, Danham A Dl-non ; B. Pbcltab. Stlvae, ms.ler.Sloop.. K Brown, Carr, Britto!, master; Warrsa, BUnvvi,

Ntrw hiven. meater.

Arrired.t<leamibip Bremen (Prerneu), Weasels, Bremen No*. M, aaal

r?oi:tbun ptnn 80th, mdse. and »9 pass, to («steck*, Ksettro AR Bat111 Pec. *, 1st. 40. Ion. «4 <ft, paaaed a lartr aersw .te*vm-

ablp, bonad E.; name day, al Boon, saw a aus* aaddle-wiMs»!. teamal in hound K The Bremen ha> bad .tron- sale* frsin IBS

we.'wuid fiom the M to tith lnat. | arrived off the Battery atOp. m.

t*t>aii:ahlp Parkeraeurg, Powell, Balliuiorc and Norfol*._d pats, to H. B. Cromwell Ate.

Blif Scotland (ot Hartford), Prancla, Orated Tirk. T. L Itday., .al' to P. F. Smith of Har ford, where .be la) hoaad. Boas"dajtN.vl Halteraa. wllh heavy woalber: lost fulil BBillaStNil. No date. lal. t» V>. loa TOW, fall m with a aMp*. reset,bottom i p; was painted bltrk; alto paaaed oars ar.d a* aOVar*ekair a.i.ted yellow, a d aeveral piecos broken boards sslideiwl.l'e.

> rif Elvira, ( Isrk. Flliabetbport, ecsi] for Boston.Mr, t Helena (oft biciif* ). H»". Ardrostea OS davt. *M

Psysl where »be pot In for renairs. Ae., 3"d»yt, pta frn«kSh I. btrd In. In. 1 ho Bt. Helens, preriout to puttius into Psy*had eipericnced heavy weather, daring wklcb aü* last mm,atsit Or.

>cl.T Varth«. Lsaihert. Chsrleaten 6 dayt, ri.*, eoOoo, AcJ*orc.r Ler. 11, ( ape Ha'tera* bearing H. li Bale*.'tok a Saw

ftom W. N W .; ipüt foresail and Jib.rrhr. llrariliorSUte, HaJivtt. Bovtoa I dayt, analse. to B. W.

I e» I A ( o. _ .' .

rtxr. fMo>rl*r.a(Br.|, BradfbH. Bt. Andrew's, M. B., Ilasy*.Istha to :smith k Boynton.

8< br Kutrrmlso (l.r I. 0ol14. Cornwaltl*. N. 8., M dsy-ipo'a'oe. lo I). B Dewolf.Bcbr. hoasn R. iBr.t Mshon. Wla*fuw>r, N. 8., Mil*/*,

and p.e:atoea to 4*. A. Dewolf. ,

Babi. P.. Roger«, AtUoia, Cslai* 10 day*, lumbef to J. 1man A ( o.

si. hr. V ation Baker. Ma-athliu. Norfolk, corn for BoaAoa.Polr. Prince te'soo. Stories, Norfolk, com for Bve'.ca.Bckr. J.... i-li Baker, V» Uaon, Rocklaud, llrae.rVhr. Aun Oardaer, Lobst. New Haven 2 dayt. la btUatt-Bclir. Lacy Arne*. Am** Rock laud 4 dayt. line.Sehr. H. M. Jeakim- nodjr*, New Hsvea t o-yt, In taaJkwfc8. br. Auglet. I'e,.re vt an-ham S daya, rudao. to mattST.

8ebr. J. h. .-miih. Briefs. New Bedford 4 day*. oU.t*cbr. Arpo. Bmiih, Licit Ka Ha/lsor t data, coai.Bcbr. < t uareas. MUcbeli. I Uiaba-liiport. coal tor Ho*teiO.bHraauer Ospray. Aeaocy, Providence, mdaa). ie lass* Uda*Tt.

BPLOW- rtrlgCtrotiae, Oibba, Matansat I« day*, ks asstOoSa*at Sandy Hook.8AILJCD..tesuuabkp* ColumMa, Chsrl«rtton ablp* Woa. Tat,

Hovtti*! FHru Austin, Llroraool: Paiiick Heuirr, UoAssiI.Bllien, Now-Orla>t_, bark J. h. Kabn, Oalveaton,brlgfltttl*kMobile.Ahoabip «lr Robert Pee!, Antwerp, berk Psllss. Bicbnvmd.rrom tiusiar.tiue.Ship- Lrsniaian*(Rretnsn). flsyaaiasaI mm*

tfnl.nther New-Orleaa.: Jtme* Stewart -; barka LevaiVtaV<Br.). i.;«-<..w 'flora the clty>; A. H Bsdrer, C«pe TowslElinbe'b, kotaulo; brig Abby A KMiabe., MatWitt a**J otksstsW IftD. During the asy, from N. W.

Bp Tetrarr «i»A.PORT f.APAYRTTK, Dec. 15. .uuaasv-Kolnwawdk-sssd«

aela in tight. Bark Levanter I Br I. tcr UlatBOW paaaod mtmt»:M tkips radyu.heu, and K.leu Austin, for 1 l»erpo*L BB*t«I ouisUna (ht«u,eu), for .s«vaiusal>. at iljahlp Hs/rwt and J***tor Ban PiancWo, arid ateaaesr Colombia, for Chvleaso», S»


.,tn.; aWa PattUk Henry, for 1M5; *blp Mar» 1

I ether for New-Orleant. at 12:«; bark Palata. for HKAoea^tlI .li,. eirktoisartPeel, for Aatwrrp, at I: ««».Sa. Wkadürs.Ifrom S. W.; wasatber eJeor. , __

HlOKl. \AD8, Dee. It. aanaet -Noiawardbesnd vaitslskttlgh« VI lud N. W., freab; weather cJeer. jLORO hRANCH, uec 1*. aausta*..UwaHkwaadvvassa

latiehi. W Ind N. W., fro*h; weather clotur.SAMI1 DOOR. Dec. Ii. auna-t.Nomward ls««a*l jsesakl

n .:i.'... tMsomsr M*«igosuery passing out. V. In* N. N |rrah; westber cissr. Atyl.W ItiKT. Dec. 14.Air. a. bra. Eliza Asm IttaaS, OjSSs)

Post on for Provtdeas*; Mary Oreenwo^l, Low, Sae u. lor Tas¬

ter AucTta. Karon rUltlmoro fir rlTa.isith Pair iHml**, Ogetil. Banror for Philadaaphiai JoUn ft. Il'ggina. NswoataA. wl

set for 11Agier A. O. Bmall, Ors-s, Boston for Itaea-T-'Prise Banner, Fr**>iie_, Provinceloa r for Tangier; Ulli' "

Ha lt«., bo**, ei«*-New-York.rtril. Al)k Li IIIA, Dec It.Arr. sehr ***l«as W. Diastk

rrtam 4 barieatoa for Bootan i wham two daya oat at*, spraaf a

oak. tsot can be repalrod wk.oat e^kaugtaaj.HAM PI ON riiMiis, Dec IS -An. akin Joua Clark.

C allso i aa* I* fcr.lored to Bait.norr.Oft (is,-. IA.Arr bark Btwllngtori, Ess-. Caafc.

I sloa ...ii 11 srrlabtirs, fron. Savaanali. _.

rysafceb, Nov. 14, off VVaartara lalaiaia, bark Asdltar Cfrom fmjrrsa for Rooton.NEW-tJRLEAlW, Doe. lA-Arr. «Wp Piirftia, fr«a

CafKiBsuvaaj. Not. 2*.-The bark "Ant" **Q_*LV(.sbaauBgaaiui a tlakiag state oa the Mtk, ia let tu .*»> "