dbq 3 middle ages

John Michoian 1/22/15 The middle Ages in Europe, a time period from 500 to 1400 A.D. have been called a variety of labels: The Dark Ages, The age of faith, the age of feudalism, and even the golden age of Europe. The three labels that best describe the Middle Ages are the dark ages, the age of faith and the age of feudalism, because of its collapsed government and feudal based social classes. In the middle ages one label that best describes itself is the Dark Age. The middle ages can be described as dark because of the fall of Rome and their lack of a strong government. Trade was greatly abandoned and most people isolated to high mountains or forests to escape from the chaos of an empty government (Doc.1). Invasions were part of daily life, which led to the burning of churches and cities and just plain disorder (Doc. 1). During the middle ages there were wars left and right and destruction took place in every city and town (Doc.3). The middle ages during 500 to 1400 A.D. could not be a darker place.

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DBQ 3 Middle Ages


Page 1: DBQ 3 Middle Ages

John Michoian 1/22/15

The middle Ages in Europe, a time period from 500 to 1400 A.D. have been called a variety of

labels: The Dark Ages, The age of faith, the age of feudalism, and even the golden age of

Europe. The three labels that best describe the Middle Ages are the dark ages, the age of faith

and the age of feudalism, because of its collapsed government and feudal based social classes.

In the middle ages one label that best describes itself is the Dark Age. The middle ages can be

described as dark because of the fall of Rome and their lack of a strong government. Trade was

greatly abandoned and most people isolated to high mountains or forests to escape from the

chaos of an empty government (Doc.1). Invasions were part of daily life, which led to the

burning of churches and cities and just plain disorder (Doc. 1). During the middle ages there

were wars left and right and destruction took place in every city and town (Doc.3). The middle

ages during 500 to 1400 A.D. could not be a darker place. 

Another label that best describes the middle ages is the age of feudalism. It was commonly called

the age of feudalism because there was no central government and the land was controlled by the

Lords and Nobles. The way of life in the middle ages was based on the feudal system which was

when people exchanged services in repeating manner. During the feudal system the Lords and

Nobles would pay respect and also give land to the knights in exchange for protection (Doc.2).

Another important exchange in the feudal system is when the Vassals give their Lord Loyalty,

military service, and ransom for protection and land from the Lord. Feudalism was the

government, economy, and the way of life for people during the middle ages.

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The last label that best describes the middle ages is the age of faith. Faith was the one thing that

medieval folks had more of than anything else. They believed mostly because it gave them a

purpose, something to look forward to. Christianity was, and still is a religion that appeals to

people of all classes and backgrounds. It used the basic principle that everyone was eligible for

salvation, as long as you apologized for your sins. In no other time were the people so in touch

with God and their religious side. For this reason, the Church was able to exercise a great amount

of influence over the people. For example, it was able to order and lead the people into battle

against the Muslims in the "holy wars" called the Crusades. The early Crusades were huge

examples of the Church's amazing power. In the long run, it weakened the power of the Pope;

however, it did nothing to lessen the great "religious passion" that had formed. In this time, the

Roman Catholic Church was the major unifying force. Another example that the church had a

great influence on people is that The Truce of God allowed people to handle and carry weapons

but not use them to injure anyone during certain days of the year. The Truce of God called for,

"every Sunday, Friday, and Saturday, and on fast days of the four seasons... this decree of peace

shall be observed... so that no injury shall be done in any way to any one" (Doc. 5). The Church

had so much influence that it controlled when people fought and banned fighting on weekends,

feasts, and fasts. Although the life of a monk or nun was extremely strict (Doc. 8), many choose

to be one because of their devotion to the church. Popes even had the power to start wars. In

1095, Pope Urban II called for the crusade the recapture Jerusalem (Doc. 9). The Pope was so

powerful that he could call for a war easier than most politicians could, and people didn’t seem

to mind even though it was thousands of miles away. Another example of how powerful the

church was, are the Cathedrals that were erected. Cathedrals took years and years to build, and

they were structural masterpieces (Doc. 10), especially Gothic Cathedrals. These are some of

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their most beautiful architecture, and it is built for the Christian religion, and dedicated to their


From the 6th to 15th centuries in Europe, there was a time widely regarded as The Middle Ages.

This period of time also goes by many other names. Some of these are The Age of Faith, The

Dark Ages, The Age of Feudalism, and The Golden Age. The chaos and disorder during this

time, sparked by the fall of the Roman Empire, called for a new type of localized government,

feudalism. The church acted as the main way for one to learn and make advancements in life.

This is what leads one to believe the proper label for the Middle Ages is The Age of Faith.