de crossing the woodbridge leader must go ! 1 · 2014. 3. 3. · bri&e all records to win crown...

rKA DE CROSSING MUST GO ! 1 ^ m m ' '" *• ••••rill ' •, ••'. •••; |ps i ^'" | .. i ' r | i 'C-v;. P ! r -^ p '^v": ••'-,• T HE WOODBRIDGE LEADER AN INDKI'ENDKNT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF WOODBUIDC.E TOWNSHIP Scouts Receive Merit Badgfc at FIRECRACKERS AND BLANK CARTRIDGES INJURE THREE HERE Avenel Stage Elaborate wny g c 0 u t Executive Herbert Lunn Preijdw it Outdoor j Event. A ;„ iniidoor Court pf Honor wa» hl , |V ti,,. Boy BeoUU of Troop Si ^j Iii( .-u. cninp at) fl»|h Brjjlge last ,]^V\ jiftprDOon. ' TlM^-troop* had f"" l{ ,,.i,' quests Harold L.' Hall, ii.niiurii of the Troop OTf^niiatlon ^^muttfe and Scout' Executive „',,,,, i w. Lunn. •.•• l ... . " M ,„•. tluin thirty boys and leaderB ,,, m attendance at the ten, day j ,'„„,„. which ended fnesday. The' ,. wus in charge of' Howard. A,! i, chairman ot the troop com-' ,, :,nd Rev. B. .8. Abbott, muster of the Troop. ,i,ii<iot badges'were presented ,nui master Abbott, to Ray Keat- ntiviT Nllsen, Albert Outwater, luliuH Relsman. ', l(l i,l Claw badge* were pre- ,.il to Itmselj Baldwin, Jc-Jm Ep- -rintr aiid-BiBfrtUWhWter ,,,,KI Class-Mtrlt badge* ware nitcd to ScouU Hairy Arm- u . who received badges In .!< i uf t. woodwork, personal in, carpentry, bookbinding;! mond l'etersen received, the' per-1 I hralth badge. , hirst Class Scout badge was mnl to Scouts Ray yesterday, of personal ed und two Only Injury three were . *if;. rept ntoh a* 1'ollce Headquarters'." .Firecrackers were mno&stule for two accident* an d a pistol loaded with a blank, cartridge caused the thlrfl Injury, John Rlngwood, of Amboy avenue, .was cut an , j burned, about the chin when a fire- cracker thrown at the wall of the Woodbridge National Bank/ bounded «oft and struck hlfn in the face. Rene Schwarti and Camp- bell Aitaciation Receive I .i l i I .,, , of'Kleanr or place, *hl* -burned on the right leg- by a "blank" piitol In the hands of a bqy on Main street. Dr. J. $. \r ark treated Bulckerood, giving him an In- jection of fterum, , Clarence Weu..\, o f M«ln street, was stun-ne.i and his lefl hand was bruised when a large firecracker which he was hold- Ing, exploded. Rene Sehwart* won the ftrst'prlw for the bent float and the Wflliam |T. Campbell Association, of Avenel | won second prlie In the Avenel |»arade whlcft WaB part of the I r ourth of July, observance held yeg- .terday. The program was one of «yer held In the Township, lasting throughout the d»y. The float receiving first prize was i a huge globe, representing the ; world. The Cajmpbell Association ; Boat was a novel creation represent- ; ing a one ring circus. Children iw«re made up as clownii ond many I side-show attractions were repre- sented. i The single men won the baseball ! gam« with the married men, by an I 8-6 score, the game being called in I the fourth inning'to allow the spec- i tutors an opportuplty to view an ex- hibition, dog race staged by u group of D. Lockle'e whippets. 1 The -parad*. w u h i s a i - b y . Uw M1&- <K*f<e:c Kite Drum: and Bugle Corns. Many cmldrePTSniRirarew mu*ff favorable comment. 1 Mayor William A. Ryan, Township .Treasurer William Gardner'and, At- o. u n- —-- I torney James White spoke ot the falephen Iroslyi, 21. H laborer, of: exercises h^d. In the morning acted 98 Grove street, Perth Amboy, was'as judges of trie parade, v Jackson, fined »50 and court costs for allow-1 The day's program ended with a ,.| Leeiion,' Walter Levl, ^Alton Ing an unlicensed peraon to operate I dance in the Avenel school and nre- ,,in..y and Melvin Sherman, 'and Alex Cieto, 18. also a laborer,I works In the evening. Gardner's or- Kirm Class Merit badges were of I!98 Grove avenue, Perth Amboy. Jchestra furnished the music tor iir ded to the following: I was ordered held for the Grand dancing. David Balfour, Mr4 study, cainp- Jury In $1,000 bull on an atrocious j The commute* in charge of the r . nnnkbindteHtJuuHwU Demarest. assault and battery charge und a ! event Included the following: national—health, bu,glipg, chant^^ofoperiuliiK without" a II-J Mm. P. J. Dmtato, Mrs. M. Berry, Levl, cense wIFflTea wtietf TionrWeTe* "a'r- ] CBaTter^te»m, TUm Oauntm. Pt rained In police court here Tueit- Sotoman, Carl Nler, John Laraen, evening. They were arrested Warren Cline, Charles Meiera, Era ..... accident in which eat Nler, Loult Kromer, Charles Dominic Lal'ettta, it foreman fgr the Fiynn and members, dt the Avenel Middlesex Water Company, was in-'Kire Company, lured. | . Tll p jinners In the field day The "Accident- occurred on Wfaod- events WCTS: bridge uvenue, about 7:30 o'clock! Boys' 26 yard dash, (fi-10 years), Monday morning. LaPenta was M. Salevla, first; J. Berzonniski Tutiil badges awarded were tojir treuted by Dr. J. s. Mark, who or- second. *~* dered him taken ii» the Perth Am- UlrU' 25 yard dash,N6-10 years), boy City Hospital, Traffic Officer J. Catherine Buchanan, first; Kleanor Cl'Oltc sni Motorflvole Officer CaM-Kayser, tecowL.a . ' .Su>utqi:Ut lnveHtigutfd. : iioys' BO yard dash, (I?-12 years), Ruben Oreclo, first; George Klynn. Perth Amboy local Accident athletic*; Walter iraj, bookttln4lB(, cooking; Hay I'uteman, camping, pathnndlng;, day Kiiwmd RelBman, personal health, inlilic health, MholarslHp, pathflnd- ,:,. woodwork; Craig Senft, pion- ,,nn.. iiorsonal health, civics; Har- public health, bookblnd- woodwork, camping. budges awarded were to,ur nog,!; three Second Class; six Class and iblrty'-thrw Merit s represetnlng 17 subjects. ' ; the conclusion of th« Court of nenslon, Scout Executive U and lie eipfMsed his deep up- ,,',iiiin lor the'splendid time that :i! Mr. Hall had spent since ur-l i- at camp the day before. . He' wended the work Qf Mr Tappen : Hnniimaster ' Abbott and con- nhtted the boys of Trotop 31 fiir nn Kiifh worth-while leaders j vitial of the hoys of Ihe. Troop 11• ivv iilunmng to take advanced ii iniisre traUrlflf- f i»^ ' attending i ••••II |ierleds,at Camp liurton ; iii> a.nd Aiiguot. those who yi^lted j-iuday were; Mr. and mil Juckson, Mr. und Armstrong. Mr. ~ und stiiuffer and children, i;- Wolney, I. LuBtgarten. Mr. '•i: >. Hunsen, Jack Coupland, JC'-id. l'eter Schmidt, Mr. and college office. I K.-nim, Mr. and Mrs. James ed umong the Drummond Wins Honors at Missouri C o l l e g e toinL , Oirls' CO 'yatd flash,"(1D-T2 yearsr Virnliilii Manaker,.nrtit; Margie Dti Hois, second. Ilovs' 100 yard, dash, 112 -" l(i years'. Ned Pomeroy, lirst; Dan Shea, second. Girls' 10() yard dash, (12-16 years), Margie Greko, first; Kleanor .#..-..— iVoelker, second. Ma., July 4. Spencer! Boys' J00 ywd dash, lover H ) , W. Druminond, of "Wondhridce, NVToin Lockle, first; Lon Laniar, sec- J., wac among the students of West- und. Bri&e All Records to Win Crown Artists Begin Redecorating of New Floor and New ligKtinf Fixtures Will be Installed at St. JamtV Church. 8ti Lou Moore, lx*t AnReles dumlevil, bwke all existing halt mile (rack records to win the 1OO mile Eastern Ctauiptonship event at the WoodhrlitR* Board Sr*«)wiiy Iwt Sunday. Moore'* Milter Surcial roared arbtrnd the 200 taps in one hour, twenty luinfil^Tntr"Wia rro-<rfHin secondly , . .... ____ j _ _ 'color. Rounding Eait Curve \r Ihfi Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. minster Colh*si'. Fultim. who; Clrln' 200 yard dash, (over 1(>), placed on the lioniu roll for' Cecelia Obropta, lirst; Marie Suchy, of the second. One mile we re the Mr?' las,t, semester bocHiiai 1 grades he. made, the iisures on which have Just been 'released by President M. E. Melvin of the col- lege after being compiled from .the cluss records by the tdne at the Drunimotul was list- students who made Mr, and Mrs. Albert Out- above 90 it) all grades, his mark be- .nul children, Mrs. i-Vederlck inn !I5,5. Drummmul was a nn« student all year and Ur. .Melvin de- clared he stood high unions the pro- feBsors under whom he took subjects during the lajit semester. The rec- ords repeal that there were fifty boyu on the honor ro.ll. Tiikty-one made all grades above Si) and nine- , teen averaged above ninety. A large .percent ot them are from Missouri, i but the list BIBO included students ifrom Illinois, Arkansas, Okluhoma., .New Jpr- first; Mr. and Mr8. James Keating '•iiiUlren, , Mr. and Mrs. John < .union and children, Mr. and i ml Baldwin and children, Mr. Mrn John Donnelly, J. Wels- Itaymond, Demareirt, Edward HI and Miss Grace Quacken- Held for Assault vun, Duane Balilwln, Earl. Pomeroy, second; Chns. SleHsel, Jr., third. Fat Man's race won by Bill I'evna. ' Balloon blowing contest, Mra. Greco, first; Mrs. Shepard, second. Holtle emptying contest, Mrs. I. Obropta, first; Mrs. P. Donato, BBC- ond. Rolling pin tbjow.lng? Mary Mar- Kulin, first; Edua The work of redpcoratlnx | James' rhuro>\, which vtt r i en Monday, will, be completed In n))odt three months, according to aa I announcement-mad» • yesterday by : the iiTtiit, Louis R(>, uf Bast Oisnge, I The «.ntlri>. Interior Is l o b« ton« ' over, nnw iigiiiina fixture* are to be » n d n new flooring U to be laid. . . . T.• I A sketch of the. Interior of th« ;edmce. prepared by the contractor, indicaten that the chuceh will be one or the most beautiful In thtt • *frii<m when completed. The work will cunt abuit |l,000. The Gothic dfnUn will Und itself admirably to the urtMi • bruin, according to the rontraitom, in. Moulding It already In place und iiliiHUrers hart lorn out loose mortar and replaced all broken «ec- tlonn. Mr. Re, who will personally Miipeivine th« work, U ooKpletlng a uluillar task lit a Church in U w - 1 rence, Malis. . _ _ _ "*' ' " h'mii ffniti *lrj Oil patBt Mn ^o"\u ) " 1 * i n)i|i])e(l. ' The first will be a print- ' Ing (out to b«-followed by two coats 1 "I iftuii «pd all. The flnUh will then be applied. The »»S>eciflc*Ucns call for the use ol.oil color* In the work. The n«w door will be of a sound < piN»«<-«in>», Tlw altar » u i a » U g h t c d by indirect tight* placed behind th« plllurs of the ttnetuwy. Pendant. tUtureH will hang from the centers ! of the naves, eliminating the pres- ent ttyHtnm of exposed lights on the pillars. Tht- buckgrotind color will be a rlth a slmale. boxdej .iiL^ The twelve apostles will be pictured on the faces of the arches along the sldet of the center nave. The main and side altars will be re- ii f and the Stations ot the are to be done In colors. A panel over the' main altar will In- clude the figures ot twfrangeU In a kneeling position. The aide walls will be embellished with figures ot the Saints. The church, which was opened in 1888, still has the Initial decoru- ffti r • i « • I . -. lions. Water colon were used in ot Near-ratal Accident on me urinal work, - Rev. R, J. CWfrell, pastor of the NEWARK MAN ESCAPES W H E N TRAIN HITS CAR Factory Lane Crossing Scene of Near-I Tuesday. (he! (iiiriliier, Vriwiim "Cowboy", leading Rick Docker, of SljiU-n Islnti^ mound die east beml of the Woodbridife S|HM'ilwny In (h« 1OO mile Classir. lust Sunday. Hoth were driving Miller Ucckei- won thli-d (iri«> in the event. - ! Kobert Stone, uf 17 Irving ave- I iiuc, Newark, narrowly escaped j dentil of serloUB injury when the 1 cur In which he was jiding was ' struck by a Perth .\mbd'y l ""TOumi 1 train at the Factory Lane crossing of the l'ennsylvaniii, Unllroad here Tuead#y u-l'ternorti. H,\ wu^ning it im.miarded, a. light only acting us : . warning. ' Tho front of the carAvhli'h Slonn was driviiiu was liadly damancd by the trala Which had stopped at the Woodbrldgt' station at 4:,46 Daylight Tiine ' The Train, No. 3,76i, was in chargfc of Conductor William l'ailiy. mg e begun ttttl «**•* for some time. The call f o r b U * * * * BBUt out three yearn ago, but ttk* illness of the pastor neoestittted the postponed ot the work. * ' ' Fords Mail ior Grand Jury SCOUTS OF TROOP 32 WIN MANY AWARDS I Ni*. 32, of Woodbridge, ^ f the honorg ,„ an J of Bonor ses8 i o n h eld ; an thV Trinity i Inld in $600 in ball for the 'i Jury when arraigned in pfc~ Siunucl Blueuithali of Hah way., '-oiirt h<-re Tuesday on an as- was granted ^ ulumbera license by and buttery charge, C. A. the" Board of Health dn June 21, ac- -, of 1365 Florence avenue, I cording to thi? monthly report of iin-id, is tha complalilunt. I Ht'ttlth Inspector Peter.•I'ett'vson. 32 aud ESplMonal eliurch Fire Co. No. 1 to Hold Annual' Carnival July 17 The annual Woodbridge Fire-" men's Carnival will open' July 17th. and close 20th., at the School Nq. IN LOCAL ACCIDENTS An .elderly.^onian and a girl were injured in" two automobile ac- cidents here-last evening. L Miss Ruth Augustine, of Rahway avenue/ was bruised about the back and head when a car in which she I . ground^ opposite [Letters asking for the donations WILUAf I. Loukides, a member "'of Troop' •received four merit badge , awards. Rev. J. Benjamin Myers presented him with merit badges in personal hygiene, nubile health, cooklng\&nd music. Harold V- Havdon. chairman ot "SAYS" HE HAS CLAIRVOYANt POWER Lincoln of Block's Stuto m-' hue until ft closed for the • • * i a short time ago, told a •iii- reporter ot-having giving a '-iiftlri a "premonition" or waru- •i short time ago. Mr. Caster- ' lias many testimonials which lie 11ceived for feats which he has ' iioimed In helping to locate mlHS- •iiHoles and In giving warning : i ut ure events. . ' 1 Custerllne gave out the fol- •"- utatement soon after he 1 <! "! Ills connection with the lo- i want to state that It hua been fl"iisure for me- to have been in •"it,iid t e tor a period ot one I ami three months. I have '' i Kood many frlrfnds wt' ile 11 , friends whom I am,sorry to| '•'• and who I believe are sorry to'' " I|IK go. I want to tha»k the ' wnshlp- officials Mr th« help they "• siven me In my work »t " ie ''• Iheatre. , , , i have contemplated going back I "*" ctty r-tf AngeleB»j » eoatempUtlng; . . I w»nt to Summit. •" 1 visited friend*. On my re- II > mowed off at Newark where :l "' Hie manager of one of the •*iu'k hounB», with, a seating c*- ot 3,01)0 ueoolft. who offered •ht i-na n fl 17AT * me. , I have never have helped, received any te« of any kind for my never wurd or servlces. "A young WoodbrldBf -reeewtly and told 1 Herbert.W. Lunn, executive-of Rari- tsn Council. Mr. Lunn descnibed the scout camp at Allaire and spoke on the significance of merit badge 'awards. -L .... i Johu Tetley, »«outmaster of Troop made 33 aW arded the tenderfoot badges Albert Patrick. Barron McNulty. a though I have raem ber of Troop 33, presented, sec- pecunlary re- o n d c i a8 a .budges to Gqprge Arton, he carnival committee. The funds to be raised by dona-1 tion and carnival receipts will be' applied to civic work of the cum-! lany, such as a community Christ- mas lice, gifts to .poor children, and id to worthy cases. ing for any specific Slim, II whd feel .so inclined to- make me Jost and Thomas Currle. of Troop S3 and to Fradds Einhorn, of ;lrl came'Troop 32. Millard Bobghton, a raem- that her of Troop Committee No. Si, 'presented a first class award to , George Mornar, of Troop 32. I The chairman, Mr: Hayden, pre- isented v. five year service badge to George Washburn, aaBiBtanJt Scout- | muster of Troop 32. I John Tetley read ^b,e closing cere- jmony. Alexander Quekh, Scout- master of Troop 32, read the bene- \ dlctlpn. I Troop 3? won two preceded the meeting, and "Steal the Bacon". , Have Tonsils Removed Six school children, four from Woodbridge and two frojn SeWen, underwent operotlonB during June for the removal ot tonsils, according to the report ot Heattn Inspector i Peter Peterson. The operations iwere performed by Dr. B. W, «oag- at the Rahway whatever donation they see fit or Mark. can afford to make, All remittances hould be forwarded to Chief Will- am Allgaler,' Woodbridge Fire Com- pany No. 1. The committees in charge of the booths follow: Blanket booth. Captain, W. Prion; assistants, F, J. Jardo and Iity" WlHlam '""I" Kositlon at Mulltint manager.' Hlie had left her hand bag in one or, Kiven a wee* to think It over the cha j riJ 0 ( the theatre, v and that "» going; to go to : Summit tor B i lu had looked tor )t, but n '' rest befor# making a de-! gO i»e, OMe of> the patrons by »everai - «< - J, was of WL^, ...... ", who came to ttie Theatre, then* a preioQ&tt|oni or a pr«- glven the that ihe -' u «» by gtvln* nottca many tlm«s, as f imfe or tn- was had bag' to Wf, » very valu " I told tor *t the UW WffUld 10^-tt Mftl n >f be returned. neve 1 i ,he had l « t It to ( * »»T and of it. My We Wash Your Car YOU WAIT WASHING -r- POLISHING S1M0NIZINQ JOHN MARTIH AITTO LAUNDRY BIO MAPLE 8f KB. MABKBI Tel. Rose Galaida to Receive Degree at Rutgers College ' , ' ' , ' ordcrud held tor the Grand Jury on "CharceH of assuult and b'attery and resiHtiim' an inker and for violating his parole when arraigned In police court here Monday morning. Bnkuu was arrested on complaint of hlo wife, Elizabeth, whom he was al- legud to Unvo threatened. HaktiB has been before the local court several Uinee, H* w*s-held on similar charges aud was placed on ptotatlon after trial in the county court at New Bmnawlok recently. ' Mrs, Bakus told Recorder Vpgel Wood- that her husband picked up one ot , Miss Galaida. of was a passenger was in a collision bridge, whose activities In state ed- her four children and threw the at the corner of William and Second j. U catlonal work have won her state- child across the table .at her. Bf- streets about 7:30 o'clock. Tlje c a r i wWe ^ecogniation and "who is at forts to pacify him wWe fruitless, in which MIBB Augustine was riding' d j wWe ^ecogniation and who is a f s p y in which MIBB. Augustine was riding' preBent i u chaise of the educational she added and she finally ran from was driven by Harry Harris, of 292 department at the. State Home tor the house. Two young men In a Ol " llk l "" 1 D0-.1, i..,h n ,, Th«i~ . . .. -"renton^ will receive the parked ca,r called the police, but Bakus managed to slip away before Offi P L i d P Btreet, Perth Amboy. . 'car was driven by The Louts rpa, of 200 Caspian street. Eliza- beth. A.B. (MrlB, In degree-pf gust 2nd.' Miss Galaida, ^ will receive at Rutgers on Orange' o'clock avenue, Newark, ifrs, Mima was about taken to I cldent and treated hy Dr. Mrs. T. A. Mims, of Amboy ave- workers appointed by the State nue, was bruised and.shaken up wfment ot institutions and Agen- when she was struck by a car driven' C | 6B obtained the position on a by Jacob Gilbert, of 852- South Dag t a 0 [ proven, merit In vocational -._. .... »,_* ^-... °| BOhoo , W ork, and because of. her, keen interest In corrective educa- 1 juvenile deTKfqii^ntS™'*»•" "* "~'*t A reporter for the Leader was one of JI group ot people who visited the State Home for Plrls receutly. and inspected the various buildings ',on the spacious -grounds set iasidei (by the State for this Worthy and moBt necessary work. \ After vlHwing the *Gampus", ani it is tactfully called,' after Inspect- Au- J^otoftycle Officer P. Lewis and Pa- llke all social trolnian R. Kgan arrived. He was toufid hiding In the. home of a trlend who refused the officers a.11 entrance. It wiis necessary to breivk d(|wn the door to make the arrest. P. Witherldge. Whoopee .Hut booth. Captain, J. Zehrer; assistants, A. Kath und J. McCreery. Gift Shop booth.._ . Captain, A. Huut; asslstantB, N. Olsen and W. Treen. ! , Wheel Goods booth- Captain, F. Kath; assistantB, A. J. Thompson and C. Hansen. Linen booth. Captain E. Schreln- er; aaslssUuts,. Raiaen and Bjorn-j sen. • • . Toy booth: Captain, C. Farr. Candy booth. Captain, W. Gir- 1 Kobe booth. Captain, J. Catano; assistants, A. Slmousen and W. Smith. Ball .Game booth. Captain, R, HoUheliner; atislBtants, W. Heller and i, Melder. Ladies' booth. Ladles of Auxiliary ot Fire Company Nq. 1. . > Ladies' and Men's Hosiery booth. Captain, F. Zehrer; assistants, J, Vender and A. Aaroe, Bingo stand. Ouptain, W. Meslck; assistants, H. Whltaker, H. Cover, S. Osborn, £,. Sattkr and H. Sherman. booth. Captain, « • L H. Boynton Elected to Board of Reformatory ^ Sendee^ Will be Hffl During Summer E. H. Boynton, of Woodbridge, was elected vice-president of (hejpltal Union services will be held by tho Metliodlut Kptscoi^l, the First Con-' Ing the splc and span buildings, dor-; gregiitlomil and the First Presby- mltorleB, clussrooms, recreation- terliui cliurcheB ot Woodbridge, be- rooms, und the splendidly equipped ginning Sunday, July 14th., and hospital and the new maternity hos-| throughout" the summer months. buildiug, and alter meeting 1 new Board of Managers ot fhe New Jersey State Re.foiTftato(w here, at a re-organlzatlon , meeting held on Monday. Newton A. K. Monday. Newton A. u w former state controller, was elected president of the Board. Mr. Bugbee succeeds Decatur Sawyer, head,of the Board for more than twenty years, who recently re- signed along with oUj#r officials who gave up their poets because of frlc- it ! •* the fine, motherly type of women one this 0 many hundreds -of thousands ot dollars whlch hBg gt>ent -of thou«wds of vlce and crime, the young girls who are confined ther4. There in a spirit ot wholesome- ness, of cleanliness,, and of efficiency ,in the institution which may well serve as a model to -similar organ-' Serylces on the will he held In first three Sundayw the Congregational church, with Rev. W. V. 1>. Strong, as preacher. J Service* on the first three Sundays In August wlltt be held, In the Meth- odist Episcopal churgLwlth Rev- A. Boylan FltiGorald, ailteafeer. The summer program will close with services in the First Presbyterian church on the last Sunday In August and the fiist two weeks In Septem- &ifc Other offloers elected were: Percy 1 umer omcers eiecieq were; rurcy j . . , , • . L. Andersen* of Jersey City, s««re TraChCJU JOKC LaHQ8 tary; John O'Nell, of Jersey City, chairman of the'Board of Parole. The appointment ot Mark 0. Kim- berly, formerly deputy superlnten- Two in Local Court Anthony 1,'aune, 26. of 415 Eaat avenue, Perth Amboy and Thomas Silakowekt; assistanti H. Mundy, H. McCloskey and J> Fukus. Hot Dog'bopth. Oaptajn, E. Bin- hom; asslbtantB, J: 'Perraro and G MoCanu. ' Outdoor Dance hall. Gaptaln, H Brown; «Bsl«tant, OMSherman.", Publicity comm.ltl{M; . H. Brown, F, 2«hjer and W. Ijlio*, ' . uayr HOUS By young girl 'faring Bummer vacation. Apply B»H^tti,.», gtcaet dent'ot slate pollee, who was acting Mussollno, 28, of Augusta street, as superintendent ot the State In- South Amboy, both automobile nte- stltution, wa» confirmed by the chanlcs, were released when they Board. Mr. Kimberly replaces Dr. promised to make restitution for an Frank Moore, superintendent for alleged hold-up when, arraigned in more than SO years. Dr. Moore re- police «mrt here Tuesday evening, signed along with the old Board of 1 Nathan Delisher, jot New Managers fecently, his resignation wick avenue her with preacher. Rev. E. S. Abbott, as . Pined for Speeding James W. BeVerldge, 33, of 200 Union street, Clifton, waa fined tS and court costs when arraigned In police court here speeding charge. Wednesday on' a, becoming etfetclve ou lust Sunday. Mrs. Stanley Potter and children are spending the summer at Manaa- quan. FndtriekH. Turner Co, QJBNMBlAb WSCKANqH AND RBAli B8TATH $cwaren , N. J. lb Woodbfiige IS? Perth Amboy, dealer, rniurted that he bud bttenl held up uud robbed while in Fordu | on June 26tb. Two young men,| Dellsher mid, took twelve dollars from bi« pocket .and cut the harness on the horse which he was driving. Paune and Muesollno were brought in by \o&l police and eha/ged with tlgi ertoe. They de- nied taking an*: monfey but admit Wd that they u«A bet« fooling witi> the drlvw ot th» w»fpn. They ex- plained that they had' not cut the iharneaa but hid merely crossed the 1 driving rein*,,' HARDIMAN'S PHARMACY Kd. l v . Uardln>uu, formerly of Seaman's I'erth Amboy Prescriptions Called For and Deltar«4 Cor. Kahway Avenue and Green Btreet T«l. 185 Woodbrtdg*, 9.

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Page 1: DE CROSSING THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER MUST GO ! 1 · 2014. 3. 3. · Bri&e All Records to Win Crown Artists Begin Redecorating of New Floor and New ligKtinf Fixtures Will be Installed



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Scouts ReceiveMerit Badgfc at



Stage Elaboratewny

g c 0 u t Executive HerbertLunn Preijdw i t Outdoor jEvent. A;„ iniidoor Court pf Honor wa»

hl ,|V ti,,. Boy BeoUU of Troop Sij Iii(.-u. cninp at) fl»|h Brjjlge last

,] V\ jiftprDOon. ' TlM^-troop* hadf""l{,,.i,' quests Harold L.' Hall,ii.niiurii of the Troop OTf^niiatlon^^muttfe and Scout' Executive„',,,,, i w. Lunn. •.••l... . "

M,„•. tluin thirty boys and leaderB,,, m attendance at the ten, day j

,'„„,„. which ended fnesday. The',. wus in charge of' Howard. A,!

i, chairman ot the troop com-',, :,nd Rev. B. .8. Abbott,muster of the Troop.

,i,ii<iot badges'were presented,nui master Abbott, to Ray Keat-ntiviT Nllsen, Albert Outwater,luliuH Relsman.',l(li,l Claw badge* were pre-,.il to Itmselj Baldwin, Jc-Jm Ep--rintr aiid-BiBfrtUWhWter,,,,KI Class-Mtrlt badge* warenitcd to ScouU Hairy Arm-u . who received badges In.!< i uf t. woodwork, personal

in, carpentry, bookbinding;!mond l'etersen received, the' per-1I hralth badge. ,hirst Class Scout badge wasmnl to Scouts Ray

yesterday,of personal

ed und two


threewere .


reptntoha* 1'ollce Headquarters'."

.Firecrackers were mno&stulefor two accident* a n d a pistolloaded with a blank, cartridgecaused the thlrfl Injury,

John Rlngwood, of Amboyavenue, .was cut a n , j burned,about the chin when a fire-cracker thrown at the wall ofthe Woodbridge National Bank/bounded «oft and struck hlfn inthe face.

Rene Schwarti and Camp-bell Aitaciation Receive

I .i l i


.,, , of'Kleanror place, *hl* -burned on theright leg- by a "blank" piitolIn the hands of a bqy on Mainstreet. Dr. J. $. \ r a r k treatedBulckerood, giving him an In-jection of fterum, ,

Clarence Weu..\, of M«lnstreet, was stun-ne.i and his leflhand was bruised when a largefirecracker which he was hold-Ing, exploded.

Rene Sehwart* won the ftrst'prlwfor the bent float and the Wflliam

|T. Campbell Association, of Avenel| won second prlie In the Avenel|»arade whlcft WaB part of theI r ourth of July, observance held yeg-.terday. The program was one «yer held In the Township,lasting throughout the d»y.

The float receiving first prize wasi a huge globe, representing the; world. The Cajmpbell Association; Boat was a novel creation represent-; ing a one ring circus. Childreniw«re made up as clownii ond manyI side-show attractions were repre-sented.i The single men won the baseball! gam« with the married men, by anI 8-6 score, the game being called inI the fourth inning'to allow the spec-i tutors an opportuplty to view an ex-hibition, dog race staged by u groupof D. Lockle'e whippets.1 The -parad*. wuhisai-by. Uw M1&-<K*f<e:c Kite Drum: and Bugle Corns.Many cmldrePTSniRirarew mu*fffavorable comment.

1 Mayor William A. Ryan, Township.Treasurer William Gardner'and, At-

o. u n- — - - I torney James White spoke ot thefalephen Iroslyi, 21. H laborer, of: exercises h^d. In the morning acted

98 Grove street, Perth Amboy, was'as judges of trie parade, vJackson, fined »50 and court costs for allow-1 The day's program ended with a

,.| Leeiion,' Walter Levl, ^Alton Ing an unlicensed peraon to operate I dance in the Avenel school and nre-,,in..y and Melvin Sherman, 'and Alex Cieto, 18. also a laborer,I works In the evening. Gardner's or-Kirm Class Merit badges were of I!98 Grove avenue, Perth Amboy. Jchestra furnished the music tor•iirded to the following: I was ordered held for the Grand dancing.David Balfour, Mr4 study, cainp- Jury In $1,000 bull on an atrocious j The commute* in charge of ther. nnnkbindteHtJuuHwU Demarest. assault and battery charge und a! event Included the following:

national—health, bu,glipg, chant^^ofoperiuliiK without" a II-J Mm. P. J. Dmtato, Mrs. M. Berry,Levl, cense wIFflTea wtietf TionrWeTe* "a'r-] CBaTter^te»m, TUm Oauntm. Pt

rained In police court here Tueit- Sotoman, Carl Nler, John Laraen,evening. They were arrested Warren Cline, Charles Meiera, Era..... accident in which eat Nler, Loult Kromer, Charles

Dominic Lal'ettta, it foreman fgr the Fiynn and members, dt the AvenelMiddlesex Water Company, was in-'Kire Company,lured. | . Tl lp jinners In the field day

The "Accident- occurred on Wfaod- events WCTS:bridge uvenue, about 7:30 o'clock! Boys' 26 yard dash, (fi-10 years),Monday morning. LaPenta was M. Salevla, first; J. Berzonniski

Tutiil badges awarded were tojir treuted by Dr. J. s. Mark, who or- second. *~*dered him taken ii» the Perth Am- UlrU' 25 yard dash,N6-10 years),boy City Hospital, Traffic Officer J. Catherine Buchanan, first; KleanorCl'Oltc sni Motorflvole Officer CaM-Kayser, tecowL.a . '.Su>utqi:Ut lnveHtigutfd. : iioys' BO yard dash, (I?-12 years),

Ruben Oreclo, first; George Klynn.

Perth A m b o y

local Accident

athletic*; Walteri r a j , bookttln4lB(, cooking;

Hay I'uteman, camping, pathnndlng;, dayKiiwmd RelBman, personal health,inlilic health, MholarslHp, pathflnd-,:,. woodwork; Craig Senft, pion-,,nn.. iiorsonal health, civics; Har-

public health, bookblnd-woodwork, camping.

budges awarded were to,urnog,!; three Second Class; sixClass and iblrty'-thrw Merit

s represetnlng 17 subjects. ' ;

the conclusion of th« Court ofnenslon, Scout Executive

U and lie eipfMsed his deep up-,,',iiiin lor the'splendid time that:i! Mr. Hall had spent since ur-l

i- at camp the day before. . He'wended the work Qf Mr Tappen :

Hnniimaster ' Abbott and con-nhtted the boys of Trotop 31 fiirnn Kiifh worth-while leaders jvitial of the hoys of Ihe. Troop11• ivv iilunmng to take advancedii iniisre traUrlflf-fi»^ ' attending

i • ••••II |ierleds,at Camp liurton; iii> a.nd Aiiguot.

those who yi^ltedj-iuday were; Mr. and

mil Juckson, Mr. undArmstrong. Mr. ~ undstiiuffer and children,

i;- Wolney, I. LuBtgarten. Mr.'•i: >. Hunsen, Jack Coupland,• JC'-id. l'eter Schmidt, Mr. and college office.I K.-nim, Mr. and Mrs. James ed umong the

DrummondW i n s Honors atMissouri C o l l e g e

toinL ,Oirls' CO 'yatd flash,"(1D-T2 yearsr

Virnliilii Manaker,.nrtit; Margie DtiHois, second.

Ilovs' 100 yard, dash, 112 -" l(iyears'. Ned Pomeroy, lirst; DanShea, second.

Girls' 10() yard dash, (12-16years), Margie Greko, first; Kleanor

.#..-..— iVoelker, second.Ma., July 4. Spencer! Boys' J00 ywd dash, lover H ) ,

W. Druminond, of "Wondhridce, NVToin Lockle, first; Lon Laniar, sec-J., wac among the students of West- und.

Bri&e All Records to Win Crown Artists BeginRedecorating of

New Floor and New ligKtinfFixtures Will be Installedat St. JamtV Church.


Lou Moore, lx*t AnReles dumlevil, bwke all existing halt mile (rack records to win the 1OO mileEastern Ctauiptonship event at the WoodhrlitR* Board Sr*«)wiiy Iwt Sunday. Moore'* Milter Surcialroared arbtrnd the 200 taps in one hour, twenty luinfil^Tntr"Wia rro-<rfHin secondly

, . .... ____ j — — _ _ 'color.

Rounding Eait Curve

\r IhfiMrs.Mrs.Mrs.

minster Colh*si'. i» Fultim. who; Clrln' 200 yard dash, (over 1(>),placed on the lioniu roll for' Cecelia Obropta, lirst; Marie Suchy,

of the second.One mile

we rethe


las,t, semester bocHiiai1

grades he. made, the iisures onwhich have Just been 'released byPresident M. E. Melvin of the col-lege after being compiled from .thecluss records by the tdne at the

Drunimotul was list-students who made

Mr, and Mrs. Albert Out- above 90 it) all grades, his mark be-.nul children, Mrs. i-Vederlck inn !I5,5. Drummmul was a nn«

student all year and Ur. .Melvin de-clared he stood high unions the pro-feBsors under whom he took subjectsduring the lajit semester. The rec-ords repeal that there were fiftyboyu on the honor ro.ll. Tiikty-onemade all grades above Si) and nine-

, teen averaged above ninety. A large.percent ot them are from Missouri,i but the list BIBO included studentsifrom Illinois, Arkansas, Okluhoma.,

.New Jpr-


Mr. and Mr8. James Keating'•iiiUlren, , Mr. and Mrs. John

< .union and children, Mr. andi ml Baldwin and children, Mr.Mrn John Donnelly, J. Wels-

Itaymond, Demareirt, EdwardHI and Miss Grace Quacken-

Held for Assault

vun, Duane Balilwln,Earl. Pomeroy, second; Chns.

SleHsel, Jr., third.Fat Man's race won by Bill I'evna.

' Balloon blowing contest, Mra.Greco, first; Mrs. Shepard, second.

Holtle emptying contest, Mrs. I.Obropta, first; Mrs. P. Donato, BBC-ond.

Rolling pin tbjow.lng? Mary Mar-Kulin, first; Edua

The work of redpcoratlnx| James' rhuro>\, which vttri en Monday, will, be completed Inn))odt three months, according to aa

I announcement-mad» • yesterday by: the iiTtiit, Louis R(>, uf Bast Oisnge,I The «.ntlri>. Interior Is lo b« ton« 'over, nnw iigiiiina fixture* are to »nd n new flooring U to belaid. . . . T.•

I A sketch of the. Interior of th«;edmce. prepared by the contractor,indicaten that the chuceh will beone or the most beautiful In thtt •*frii<m when completed. The workwill cunt abuit | l ,000 . The GothicdfnUn will Und itself admirably tothe urtMi • bruin, according to therontraitom,

in. Moulding It already In placeund iiliiHUrers hart lorn out loosemortar and replaced all broken «ec-tlonn. Mr. Re, who will personallyMiipeivine th« work, U ooKpletlng auluillar task lit a Church in U w -

1 rence, Malis. . _ _ _ "*' '" h'mii ffniti *lrj Oil patBt Mn ^o"\u)"1*i n)i|i])e(l. ' The first will be a print-' Ing (out to b«-followed by two coats1 "I iftuii «pd all. The flnUh will thenbe applied. The »»S>eciflc*Ucns callfor the use ol.oil color* In the work.

The n«w door will be of a sound< piN»«<-«in>», Tlw altar »uia»Ughtcdby indirect tight* placed behind th«plllurs of the ttnetuwy. Pendant.tUtureH will hang from the centers

! of the naves, eliminating the pres-ent ttyHtnm of exposed lights on thepillars.

Tht- buckgrotind color will be arlth a slmale. boxdej .iiL^

The twelve apostles will be• pictured on the faces of the archesalong the sldet of the center nave.The main and side altars will be re-

iif and the Stations ot theare to be done In colors. A

panel over the' main altar will In-clude the figures ot twfrangeU In akneeling position. The aide wallswill be embellished with figures otthe Saints.

The church, which was opened in1888, still has the Initial decoru-

f f t i r • i « • I . -. lions. Water colon were used inot Near-ratal Accident on me urinal work,

- Rev. R, J. CWfrell, pastor of the


of Near-ITuesday.

(he! (iiiriliier, Vriwiim "Cowboy", leading Rick Docker, of SljiU-nIslnti^ mound die east beml of the Woodbridife S|HM'ilwny In (h«1OO mile Classir. lust Sunday. Hoth were driving MillerUcckei- won thli-d (iri«> in the event. -

! Kobert Stone, uf 17 Irving ave-I iiuc, Newark, narrowly escapedj dentil of serloUB injury when the1 cur In which he was jiding was' struck by a Perth .\mbd'yl""TOumi1 train at the Factory Lane crossingof the l'ennsylvaniii, Unllroad hereTuead#y u-l'ternorti. H,\ wu^ning itim.miarded, a. light only acting us :.warning.' Tho front of the carAvhli'h Slonn

was driviiiu was liadly damancd bythe trala Which had stopped at theWoodbrldgt' station at 4:,46 DaylightTiine '

The Train, No. 3,76i, was inchargfc of Conductor William l'ailiy.

m g ebegun ttttl «**•* for some time.

The call forbU**** BBUt out threeyearn ago, but ttk* illness of thepastor neoestittted the postponedot the work. * ' '

Fords Mailior Grand Jury

SCOUTS OF TROOP 32WIN MANY AWARDSI Ni*. 32, of Woodbridge,^ f the honorg ,„ an

J o f B o n o r s e s 8 i o n held;

an thV Trinity

i Inld in $600 in ball for the'i Jury when arraigned in pfc~ Siunucl Blueuithali of Hah way.,'-oiirt h<-re Tuesday on an as- was granted ^ ulumbera license by

and buttery charge, C. A. the" Board of Health dn June 21, ac--, of 1365 Florence avenue, I cording to thi? monthly report of

iin-id, is tha complalilunt. I Ht'ttlth Inspector Peter.•I'ett'vson.

32 audESplMonal eliurch

Fire Co. No. 1 toHold A n n u a l '

Carnival July 17The annual Woodbridge Fire-"

men's Carnival will open' July 17th.and close 20th., at the School Nq.

IN LOCAL ACCIDENTSAn .elderly.^onian and a girl

were injured in" two automobile ac-cidents here-last evening.

L Miss Ruth Augustine, of Rahwayavenue/ was bruised about the backand head when a car in which she I

. ground^ opposite[Letters asking for



Loukides, a member "'of Troop'•received four merit badge , awards.Rev. J. Benjamin Myers presentedhim with merit badges in personalhygiene, nubile health, cooklng\&ndmusic. •

Harold V- Havdon. chairman ot


Lincolnof Block's Stuto

• m-' hue until ft closed for the• • • * i a short time ago, told a

• i i i - reporter ot-having giving a'-iiftlri a "premonition" or waru-

•i short time ago. Mr. Caster-' lias many testimonials which lie

• 11ceived for feats which he has' iioimed In helping to locate mlHS-

•iiHoles and In giving warning: i ut ure events. . '

1 Custerllne gave out the fol-•"- utatement soon after he

1 <!"! Ills connection with the lo-

i want to state that It hua beenfl"iisure for me- to have been in•"it,iidte tor a period ot oneI ami three months. I have'' i Kood many frlrfnds wt' i l e

11, friends whom I am,sorry to|'•'• and who I believe are sorry to''

" I|IK go. I want to tha»k the' wnshlp- officials Mr th« help they"• siven me In my work »t " i e

• ''• Iheatre. , , ,i have contemplated going back I

"*" ctty r-tf AngeleB»j» eoatempUtlng;

. . I w»nt to Summit.•" 1 visited friend*. On my re-II > mowed off at Newark where:l"' Hie manager of one of the

•*iu'k hounB», with, a seating c*-ot 3,01)0 ueoolft. who offered

•ht i-na n fl 17AT *

me. , I have never

have helped,received any

te« of any kind for myneverwurd orservlces.

"A young WoodbrldBf-reeewtly and told

1 Herbert.W. Lunn, executive-of Rari-tsn Council. Mr. Lunn descnibedthe scout camp at Allaire and spokeon the significance of merit badge

'awards. -L .... •i Johu Tetley, »«outmaster of Troop

made 33 aWarded the tenderfoot badges

Albert Patrick. Barron McNulty. athough I have raember of Troop 33, presented, sec-pecunlary re- o n d cia8a .budges to Gqprge Arton,

he carnival committee.The funds to be raised by dona-1

tion and carnival receipts will be'applied to civic work of the cum-!lany, such as a community Christ-mas lice, gifts to .poor children, andid to worthy cases.

ing for any specific Slim,II whd feel .so inclined to- make


Jost and Thomas Currle. ofTroop S3 and to Fradds Einhorn, of

;lrl came'Troop 32. Millard Bobghton, a raem-that her of Troop Committee No. Si,

'presented a first class award to, George Mornar, of Troop 32.I The chairman, Mr: Hayden, pre-isented v. five year service badge toGeorge Washburn, aaBiBtanJt Scout-

| muster of Troop 32.I John Tetley read b,e closing cere-jmony. Alexander Quekh, Scout-master of Troop 32, read the bene-

\ dlctlpn.I Troop 3? won twopreceded the meeting,and "Steal the Bacon". ,

Have Tonsils Removed

Six school children, four fromWoodbridge and two frojn SeWen,underwent operotlonB during Junefor the removal ot tonsils, accordingto the report ot Heattn Inspector

i Peter Peterson. The operationsiwere performed by Dr. B. W, «oag-

at the Rahway

whatever donation they see fit or Mark.can afford to make, All remittanceshould be forwarded to Chief Will-am Allgaler,' Woodbridge Fire Com-

pany No. 1.The committees in charge of the

booths follow:Blanket booth. Captain, W.

Prion; assistants, F, J. Jardo and



' " " I "

Kositlon at Mulltint manager.'Hlie had left her hand bag in one or,Kiven a wee* to think It over t h e c h a j r i J 0 ( the theatre, vand that

"» going; to go to: Summit tor Bilu had looked tor )t, but n'' rest befor# making a de-!gOi»e, OMe of> the patrons

by »everai- «< -

J, wasof W L ^ , . . . . . .

", who came to ttie Theatre,then* a preioQ&tt|oni or a pr«-

glven the

that ihe

-'u«»by gtvln* nottca

many tlm«s, asf imfe

or tn-


bag' to Wf, » v e r y valu"I told tor *t the UW

WffUld 10^-tt M f t l n > fbe returned.neve1


,he had l « t Itto ( * »»T

andof it. My

We Wash Your CarYOU WAIT





Rose Galaidato Receive Degreeat Rutgers College

' , ' ' , 'ordcrud held tor the Grand Jury on"CharceH of assuult and b'attery andresiHtiim' an inker and for violatinghis parole when arraigned In policecourt here Monday morning. Bnkuuwas arrested on complaint of hlowife, Elizabeth, whom he was al-legud to Unvo threatened.

HaktiB has been before the localcourt several Uinee, H* w*s-held onsimilar charges aud was placed onptotatlon after trial in the countycourt at New Bmnawlok recently.' Mrs, Bakus told Recorder Vpgel

Wood- that her husband picked up one ot, Miss Galaida. ofwas a passenger was in a collision bridge, whose activities In state ed- her four children and threw theat the corner of William and Second j.Ucatlonal work have won her state- child across the table .at her. Bf-streets about 7:30 o'clock. Tlje c a r i w W e ^ecogniation and "who is at forts to pacify him wWe fruitless,in which MIBB Augustine was riding' d

j w W e ^ecogniation and who is a f s p yin which MIBB. Augustine was riding' p r e B e n t iu chaise of the educational she added and she finally ran fromwas driven by Harry Harris, of 292 department at the. State Home tor the house. Two young men In aO l " l l k • l " " 1 D0-.1, i..,hn,, Th«i~. . .. -"renton^ will receive the parked ca,r called the police, but

Bakus managed to slip away beforeOffi P L i d P

Btreet, Perth Amboy.. 'car was driven by


rpa, of 200 Caspian street. Eliza-beth.

A.B.(MrlB, Indegree-pfgust 2nd.'

Miss Galaida,

^ will receiveat Rutgers on


avenue, Newark,ifrs, Mima was

abouttaken to I

cldent and treated hy Dr.

Mrs. T. A. Mims, of Amboy ave- workers appointed by the Statenue, was bruised and.shaken up w f m e n t o t institutions and Agen-when she was struck by a car driven' C|6B obtained the position on aby Jacob Gilbert, of 852- South Dagta 0 [ proven, merit In vocational

- ._ . .... »,_* ^-... ° | B O h o o , Work, and because of. her,keen interest In corrective educa-1

juvenile deTKfqii ntS™'*»•" "* "~'*tA reporter for the Leader was

one of JI group ot people who visitedthe State Home for Plrls receutly.and inspected the various buildings

',on the spacious -grounds set iasidei(by the State for this Worthy andmoBt necessary work. \

After vlHwing the *Gampus", aniit is tactfully called,' after Inspect-

Au-J^otoftycle Officer P. Lewis and Pa-

llke all social trolnian R. Kgan arrived. He wastoufid hiding In the. home of atrlend who refused the officers a.11entrance. It wiis necessary to breivkd(|wn the door to make the arrest.

P. Witherldge.• Whoopee .Hut booth. Captain, J.Zehrer; assistants, A. Kath und J.McCreery.

Gift Shop booth.._ . Captain, A.Huut; asslstantB, N. Olsen and W.Treen. ! ,

Wheel Goods booth- Captain, F.Kath; assistantB, A. J. Thompsonand C. Hansen.

Linen booth. Captain E. Schreln-er; aaslssUuts,. Raiaen and Bjorn-js e n . • • . •

Toy booth: Captain, C. Farr.Candy booth. Captain, W. Gir-1

Kobe booth. Captain, J. Catano;assistants, A. Slmousen and W.Smith.

Ball .Game booth. Captain, R,HoUheliner; atislBtants, W. Hellerand i, Melder.

Ladies' booth. Ladles of Auxiliaryot Fire Company Nq. 1. . • >

Ladies' and Men's Hosiery booth.Captain, F. Zehrer; assistants, J,Vender and A. Aaroe,

Bingo stand. Ouptain, W. Meslck;assistants, H. Whltaker, H. Cover,

S. Osborn, £,. Sattkr and H.Sherman.

booth. Captain, «•

L H. BoyntonElected to Board

of Reformatory

^ Sendee^Will be Hffl

During Summer

E. H. Boynton, of Woodbridge,was elected vice-president of (hejpltal

Union services will be held by thoMetliodlut Kptscoi^l, the First Con-'

Ing the splc and span buildings, dor-; gregiitlomil and the First Presby-mltorleB, clussrooms, recreation- terliui cliurcheB ot Woodbridge, be-rooms, und the splendidly equipped ginning Sunday, July 14th., andhospital and the new maternity hos-| throughout" the summer months.

buildiug, and alter meeting1

new Board of Managers ot fhe NewJersey State Re.foiTftato(w here, at are-organlzatlon , meeting held onMonday. Newton A. K.Monday. Newton A. uw

former state controller, was electedpresident of the Board.

Mr. Bugbee succeeds DecaturSawyer, head,of the Board for morethan twenty years, who recently re-signed along with oUj#r officials whogave up their poets because of frlc-

it! • *

the fine, motherly type of womenonethis

0 manyhundreds -of thousands ot dollars

w h l c h hBg gt>ent

-of thou«wds ofvlce and crime, the young girls whoare confined ther4.

There in a spirit ot wholesome-ness, of cleanliness,, and of efficiency,in the institution which may wellserve as a model to -similar organ-'

Serylces on thewill he held In

first three Sundaywthe Congregational

church, with Rev. W. V. 1>. Strong,as preacher. J

Service* on the first three SundaysIn August wlltt be held, In the Meth-odist Episcopal churgLwlth Rev- A.Boylan FltiGorald, ailteafeer. Thesummer program will close withservices in the First Presbyterianchurch on the last Sunday In Augustand the fiist two weeks In Septem-

&ifcOther offloers elected were: Percy1 umer omcers eiecieq were; rurcy j . . , , • • .

L. Andersen* of Jersey City, s««re TraChCJU JOKC LaHQ8tary; John O'Nell, of Jersey City,chairman of the'Board of Parole.

The appointment ot Mark 0. Kim-berly, formerly deputy superlnten-

Two in Local CourtAnthony 1,'aune, 26. of 415 Eaat

avenue, Perth Amboy and Thomas

Silakowekt; assistanti H. Mundy, H.McCloskey and J> Fukus.

Hot Dog'bopth. Oaptajn, E. Bin-hom; asslbtantB, J: 'Perraro and GMoCanu. '

Outdoor Dance hall. Gaptaln, HBrown; «Bsl«tant, OMSherman.",

Publicity comm.ltl{M; . H. Brown,F, 2«hjer and W. Ijlio*, ' .

uayr HOUS

By young girl 'faring Bummervacation. Apply B»H^tti,.», gtcaet

dent'ot slate pollee, who was acting Mussollno, 28, of Augusta street,as superintendent ot the State In- South Amboy, both automobile nte-stltution, wa» confirmed by the chanlcs, were released when theyBoard. Mr. Kimberly replaces Dr. promised to make restitution for anFrank Moore, superintendent for alleged hold-up when, arraigned inmore than SO years. Dr. Moore re- police «mrt here Tuesday evening,signed along with the old Board of 1 Nathan Delisher, jot NewManagers fecently, his resignation wick avenue

her withpreacher.

Rev. E. S. Abbott, as

. Pined for Speeding

James W. BeVerldge, 33, of 200Union street, Clifton, waa fined tSand court costs when arraigned Inpolice court herespeeding charge.

Wednesday on' a,

becoming etfetclve ou lust Sunday.

Mrs. Stanley Potter and childrenare spending the summer at Manaa-quan.

FndtriekH. Turner Co,QJBNMBlAb WSCKANqH AND


$cwaren, N. J.l b Woodbfiige IS?

Perth Amboy,dealer, rniurted that he bud bttenlheld up uud robbed while in Fordu |on June 26tb. Two young men,|Dellsher mid, took twelve dollarsfrom bi« pocket .and cut the harnesson the horse which he was driving.

Paune and Muesollno werebrought in by \o&l police andeha/ged with tlgi ertoe. They de-nied taking an*: monfey but admitWd that they u«A bet« fooling witi>the drlvw ot th» w»fpn. They ex-plained that they had' not cut the

iharneaa but hid merely crossed the1 driving rein*,,'


Kd. lv. Uardln>uu, formerly ofSeaman's I'erth Amboy

PrescriptionsCalled For and Deltar«4

Cor. Kahway Avenueand Green Btreet

T«l. 185 Woodbrtdg*, 9.

Page 2: DE CROSSING THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER MUST GO ! 1 · 2014. 3. 3. · Bri&e All Records to Win Crown Artists Begin Redecorating of New Floor and New ligKtinf Fixtures Will be Installed


New TelephoneCabljMo Handle Vie Tale



«... fWr •" •l->1"4 ( " " ™o3»rtul» w, arf ««*i «• •«. •*•"•» * •

+4 M.



Whok HouseinJSpotlesstmditih

MinuietTan,Icx/nfhW.I &'lM«Jer**~t K i.


light colored nte>*ot fui-unously fumuhed rooroiand gait)' (tucd rig rugican be kept freih indbright by eltttrwny work-ing through the Hooverk

Adoption ofDeclaration

by Congress

In Coacrek, TrHThe delegatea f w »is obedienceconstituents. Oat thedeclare that these Cnittdare, and «f rlgfct ought to be.and Independent States, thai theabaotred from all aliegianc

' British crow*, and that allbetween tb^m and

i7ifVnwnfWH»tfmffniff{|any rights they poaaeased of Impoa- w " r « ™nan»s nnd turned the tot? „{1m tbem «nrt .that »i far our coanec- that Co!o«y In rmor of the rwniuti..,,,lion had been Federal only and w u Member. ,.f a different sentiment nt-

j DOW dissolved by tba- commencement I tending that morning from fennjyi-: . (M-rtUiti-. ' > • \ vanla«al»o, hef'rote was chansed. »o1 Thau as to (lie King, we bad been j that the -hole twej»e*colon|ps wh0

! bound to Mm by allegiance, bnt that I "era auihnrlned to rote at all *„,-»this bond was BOW dlsaohed b; bis their voices for It: and. within a f*.ajaent to the lam art of Parliament. <>»T«. 'be ronremton of New York

b, which he m £ £ » 'JT^lL^t ^protection, and by Us latjlng war onnk • fact which bad tone ago proved


b« o»efatea frota th«wlthdrawinj


State of Great Britain I* and oaghtto be. totally diwolTed: tbat meaa-area shonW br tanmediately taken for

ID Itw tbar allegianceaad protection are reciprocal, tba oneceasing when the other la withdraws.

• « •It appearing In the course «f these

debate* that ihe Ctlonlea of Newfork. New Jerset. Pennsylvania,Delaware, Maryland nnd South Caro-lina were not jet auftucd for fallingfrom tbe parent stem, but that theywere fast advancing t*)pjiat stale,' Itwas thought most prudent to wait a

W ronalderr tBe tWWfttrfttipendence, which bad bee'saad lain on the taWe tbe Fridayceding and on Manday referred to ieaararittee of tba whole. The qusU-lanlmoQS idea that we had/riends inEngland worth keeping terms with•UH haunted the nilarfa of many. F»rthis reaapn. Uuwr paaaagea which rnn.•eyed eensweaoB tba people of En*.land were struck <wt last they shoul'lgire. them offaasa. The Hau«e, t,,n,

powers,formeddoaeJy togetber. ' \

The Howe betaf pbllged to attend t prepa/e a Dedaratloa ofat that Haw t* aoaw other baatoeaa. ! ence. Tbe committee were John

restrain ibe Importation of slave*. fwho,' oo tba' coWrary, still wished to

<t» the propoaiflon was referred to tbe ; Adama, Dr. Franklin, Roger Sherman, continue it Onr Northern brethren*? « . « ita» aad tSa members were or-! Robert R. LIvlogsK* and myself.


Tim i ^ K i l n C<MB/TW >h«J« •* na» to

tTam/me/tt and3ridce over J7/& Chnoofti J&v&-

ppn*« day, tad tSi niembera«J*rWl U tttepd'«BDrtn»"o'clock.

Saturday. Jane 1 Toey proceeded

10 I Comnu^tees were alao appointed at' tbe name time to prepare r plan of

confederation for the Colonies and to

to ij i in becane pan ofI tbe Old Want* estate. In then oeea- ;

* . a ~ l _ i P*_n!' K e I - Dr- R'P'wy. t w * Pride In

I 1^

Laurie Invpanlei frua nany p . .mediiit-i? withdrew ribe brnlje, and apiu« <•? them begaa

.:< mea acrnaa

I\ *» be called It. When tbe town of| (.•oocort deienBlsed lo erect I mooa-! ment at tbe alte of tbe Kort* bridge,' tie retvnted tbe land to the avDicipat-; It; opoo tbe.oceaaion of tbe dedlca-' lion of to* shaft la 1836. la the|

patriots • from err*shouted to tbeta to <-;fired a few abate

to take tt tnto eotwldentlon and re-ferred It to a waamlttee of Uu wboJe,Into wUcb t»ey Immediately readied

es; akd. passed Aai day awlth. lwh. to.debatlMja tba

Buttriefc anbiect '- Tbe Britisb i It w u argued by Wilson. Robertrandom; « e j »- UffagXaa 8. Butledge, Dlckln-d<«; o n e . { t g

biiwerer. Bred at B a i r i L ml»ed him. ] aoo » d rther*—and wounded « • KW behind him. 1 Tliat. Tbo«b they vfere. friend* toParia. tbe ACJOB c.'iupaay » » i »be d fh


« b they vfere. friend*themselves and saw fhe

atate tbe terms prapef 4 o be pro-posed for foreign alliance. Tbe com-mittee for drawing the Declaration ofIndependence desired me to do it. Itwas accordingly done, and being ap-

Honse on Fridu?. the 28th of June,when It WAS read and ordered to lieon tbe table. On Monday, tbe 1st ofJuly, tbe House rewired itself into acommittee of the whole and resumed

DOWN5TAIRSDeep pi'.cJ rugs ;i>iiect ;htii\in ini v-nme, but theHoover through it* ipcoaifciturc P^-^tivt A ifeatmn1 •will !:->5jr. and eftnet the

e r ?<dM Sn aai-

i aprin; of MT5. open tbe one him- ; Bander, stepped asii* s« as not to i impossibmty that we shonld ever | the consideration of the original mo-drwtih annlTeraary of tbe Battle of be in line of are *i tte oirn sr.idiera ] again be united with Oreat Britain, i tinn marte by ihe delegates of Vlr-Ntmh Bridge, Daniel heater Frencfa'a . and prepared to give tjie necessary y 1 tliey. were agalns: adopting them , glnla, which, being again debatedmonument of Ute Minute Uan wta ' command, wbea tb^ BritUb M«d a \ at this lime; ' through tbe day, waa carried La the

alao. I beliere, fe l tk little tenderder thota cenanrea-, for tbeogh their1

people- had very lew il«Tea them-aelve*. yet Ibey bad been pretty con-alderable oarriera of them to othern.The debate*, harlng' taken np thegreater parta of the 2d. 8d and 4thiasf of. July, were, on the eretilng ofthe last, closed; the Declaration W»K

prorSTBy nfent, I rettofterf Irto-thg-l-repiirted hy the eommltta«.-a<tr<»e4 t»b.T the House, and Signed br everymember present, except llr. Dlokin-son

Redcoats on

j dedicated, and ftpon its base to ebb- rolley. Darts and woe of bis mes felle!ed one verse of Emersoc'a stirring ' woosded. Buttrick tbeo ras»- tbe

I bjm» I command and tbe protiacial fire rated. ' , - - • " • I I tbe British. They retreated.

To recwint a bit of hUtory may be !(He carrying coals t\ Newcastle

j However, here goes:

That tbe' conduct we had formerly ' affirmailve by the votes of" Newobserved was wise and proper now. j Hampshire, -Connecticut, Massachu

IGage, who waa In Britisb command

two dead open t * Sett.A moment for tbeae.two sofdier*

At the right of tb» (haft, as onewalks toward the bridge, la tlie bum-

of deferring to take any capita! step ] setts,. Rhode Islandtill the voice of tbe people drove ns_!. South Carolinainto It;

Tliat thev were onr p"«*r. aw!

and Geqrgia.snil Penngylvantu

Toted against It. Delaware had buttwo members: present, aurt they werey

without them our declarations could i divided. The delegates from Newf

In Boston, leaned tbat In Concord _ We tomb of these ipfcnown warriors.wan a coaaiderafile aoaDtlfj- "/ pa- • They have slept naaMleated in ibis

not be,carried Into effect:- That the p«ople of ihe- Middle Colo-nies I Maryland! Delaware, Pennsylwen a coaaidenfile aaanUty / pa They hare slept oiiaaalected in Utta n\e» (Mayand* D f l a a e , y

triot Mores, and be determined to take ? shaded spot whtre ttey were buried >Jtat)!a. the Jerseya and New tork>te i f biddi djBe sect » detach- j 154v yearn ago by Zacharlih . Brown

his o r - 1 and, Thooaa Davis.!tr*ttr>vf "•. ttfUemTOii the' ~

on early on tbe cmrtboose, efacppei] down tbe liberty

One of the most reneraird ahriaea| to ihe United Statea V«a at the re-

mote end of a (-u!-de-aa«.)eadiBg from' JiuDtiroeoi street and perbapa a trifle. mure' than a mile from tba center of ; r r i o t J

> .he «">•» of Cuuiord, Jiaaa,

i Wi under Cofanel Smith and Watnr Hi-

calm poawd oo to Concord." Pitcairntook Qpj.jbla beadqnarten at tbe

w l t a j^mfcrldge. Captain Unrie.

blU. and.

were not yet ripe fnr bidding a^iento British connection, bnt that they

time, wwnra

| New t"ork declared thej were for Itthemselves and were nssured theirconstituents were for it; hut tbattheir Instructions havins been drawnnear a twelve-montti hefore. whenreconciliation was still' the general

! object they were enjoined by, them' t o do n'oThtng which should Impedr

Time w u ^ben Ihla wks not a J ^ C«JL {hiBea Barrett orderedvul-de-sac. ^ut a blgbwajritbat a ; | b e l B ^ ^ 7 ^ M | 8 h b O r n o o a ^-ended trodi^t:ar-rt««-tn»t la la \ MaJ<,r BtrittricVa borne.I7TV-was caliMJ l i m t Ucadafra roa.d. '

a jofniSTBepole and did some other damage, bat < of America. ; that object They, therefore, thoughtthe arms and immonition they eonld \ • • • / : themselves not Justitiuhle in voting onnot Ibid, with t!.<- rxivtrfino of a few OB the other side. It was urged by {either side, and ask PI] leave to withcannon. And U* Minute Ufa were J- Adams, l i e . Wyihe and others. { draw from the question; wbicb w«sgathermg all ar nnd tf*m, at first < U»t no gentleman bad argued against j ptven them. The cmmUtee'rose anil

r •from tbe flelds «IM! ullages nearby. tb« policy or tbe right of separation | reported tbelr resolution toitlieUoase.In command, | itlooed his men adrao- then from those a little farther off, ' (nwi Britain, our had supposed It j Mr Edward Ruqed^e of S.iutb Caro-Ugeottsly. ai b* thought Tbe pa-1 then fjrOm stJll t"*\*t distances. For, pofaible we should ever renew our

w<r« laased on Pnokaium* { a time they*stood oo tba bill and ' connection; that they had only, op-! watcbetf the, trqor« In tbe towa. while ! P«*ed i u being now declared.reinforcements ar-

every mmnte tl.eir nnaber grew. ' Tbat the questtoc waa not whether.;Wb«b there were abopt 400 of them, • »j a Detlaratlon of IndepcnduK-e. jthey suddenly charged down ca tbe i we abould make oqraeltea what we '

the r i m . where it

V- .

f.rA:" "



& • ; • • -

•; - ' - 1

> " • • ' •

- j ....

FURNITUREAND HANGINGSThe HcGver'ttusring toolsut deigned to ckan up-holiteTed furniture, draper*m, mMtiniZi, evtfi yourwall* ind ih«lves. - .

TV.Y H.Ksvir modeU—No. '</) it $7?cAih md Na 543 at$^50 terra,** ire slicht-ry higher Con-venient Jut;ini;UxU miy K'bought at i aru'iaadiuonal a •<Lbcril reducxkn male ifan eld clean.cleaner is •


Captain- Lafrie, alarmed at this. • North' bridge. There wert 300 Brit- j «»• not.nt to Sinlthjfor reinforcement*. At Ish regulars tber». firing* and fired . ct"r* * '

Una then reijneyted the determinationmight be put 6fT to tlie next day, aahe "believed hl» rniieaniea. thoughthey disapproved of. the' resolution,would tbeo join in ii for the sake ofunanimity. The ultimate question.


soil tlief jther iBieraeftlaf the Lowedn«d near Coiunel Barrett's plae*.Tbe coonectug lick between the tweshores of the auggtfb stream w »

, Known as tbe Syr.b btittge, and ao iiI ta today. This ro«d'Whhoot-an-«ii

l» qof ioore than 440 feet in lengthi ami cbade<) frum end to and by tree*i »f dignify, tilt- >i.4 age.& 3 3 « i flea* «hj*««- tbat.alilbaa *ne'a

" Ii

^ ^but whether we should de | whether tbe House would agree To«« «*lch already exists.. , the- resolutibnof the committee wa.a

o the people'or P l j 1 d lmen to i tbe bridge,but cantibned tbem not to fire Irk:The. company from Acton, under tUerommaDd Of a Captain Dai is. was

npon, tbe Americana raafced tbe 1 That, as to the people'or Parljs 1 aa-ordinglybridge and droie tbes mto tbe town. ! a>ent 0' England, we hadm|wayi been

I l d h iStill the Ul&u.e Vea were coming.AM morning. wLIle tba troops,wereb l h ° b lU d

ItHlependem of.tbem, their rettnfBU«« «tr trade efficacy from

to tHe DCXIday, when It was again moved, andSh CSouth' Carolina concurred In votingfor it. In the mean time, a third

first j boay in the t<mr°tbe miUda tramped • • « acqnle&cence oply aad a * boa member had cone post from the Delsand this was'followed bj other coia- i flohg tbe road* and .trlcwed from ' —^ L « ; • . ' •


$ f D«wa• * •


' iiiartile. in*ip-fi'ar>t in tbaft days of• ma^ive th!n;& l>j<md ta a 'bridgei 'if oi'tiete fatMoLed a* though made, ••! «otoe primitive uuUder wbo songht

ntktr itaa beanty, a pateffort to <u£gen taa possible

ot Its remote predecessor,;.M1 on ibe jon side of tat bridge-!..r, is a laoDuineni to broaae, herokn *\ze. of a ilingte tlaa anaweriagu,t mil 0/ bis felU.w patrkta.

* • •

; U*re wu Ilred tba abet beardround tbe world,"' aa4 despite tbe

{fact H<at tbe first encounter* of Ueut.I <ul. Franda Smith'i mea wtlh the re-

b*rtloo$ Coknlau waa a? Lexington.] ibe Battle of the North fridge ti re-1 parted generally aa ihe tMVgaratioD: -f tbe War of tbe ReroMtta. and to! i bla saercd spot come tMaauds ofI eacb year.

enoutb. :bia waa net alwaj*1 • u*?f*- Jb're wa* a Hate when il

•a« a n*sle«fiHl bit of (from. 'TheJ highway ba« betn fbajigad, the oldI North brMju rm^.vejl aad tba thor|,.uKhfir» from tirwt Ueadowa road

mm m mt f*» <t Smtnt a/MSv

\ every farm.i • • *; Realiani bis i-nger t t laaiCaknei- Smith started t>*ck to Boston. Btat

there «r'ere, milu.j « • both side* of>!tbem. militia behind the* BillrJa jstationed at p!a<es whlcb they • sa t >pass on the ,r.\ij, rlaenea behind |etery bosh aoii ttiat. aaarpsbootetv,In every tree. Tbe British literally in.uid do nothir.4 hot ran, and m 'they did., until isey met Lord Perej.vith 1.-JW) men utd two caaaea. Jaatr»-jond Lexingtr.E. and fell ezbaHtedIn tbe hollow fvaare which faa drewDP to protect them.

AD tMur*a rest, and the whole farce. was on ibe way agaia, bat vbe. whole

country WM COW nraraiiBg withmilitia, and Percy, too. had to fightMi way. Seven mile* fjvn Boston, afresh force of triiitfaj Marly atopped

j him altogether and at anaaet beI reached Cbariestova aad (be shelter 1| of tba BriOih fleet; m tba dead ran; while TOO more militia wen marching '

ta iatercept bin.,Tbe Bridah low" 2 $ , tba Aaericaa*

« . And tba Bridal Md diacoveredthey -tad stirred up « boraeta' Beat

Tbat waa IM year* aga. The miU'da ctMlaacd to poar m antU, twodaye later. General Oaga b BonosfoniMl himself twdeged byasea. .Tba Rev<,iui|>« b*4 begaav


Fraunces' Tararo Relicof Revolutionary Dayi

fraunces" tavern. In New i'ork i-:-y,wus once a meeting place for Hevioi-tlontots, later a warehouse, and s: Ilater a saloon^ but new'-stands r,-stored to Ha aspect as a tavern. '!:••Sons of the Revolution in the .=t ;'.-of New York bought the-oldgafter It had descended to the staiuo t . i ralooo. It baa> been rectistracted, and Its interior and exterioconform aa nearly aa possible to n

-Frauncef' t&TetB ., o f ^daya. >

John Adama and tbe delegate 1 ••the second Continental c»n;:re^stopped OTemight there on the wto Philadelphia- T > Sons of liber yand the Vigilance ^committee n>:there 00 April 22. 1771, and piann-itbe attack 00 tbe London, New V""1- -"tea party." In August, 1TT5. a «ii"tfired from the British uhlp.Asio stru »the building. The New Tort provim dcongress assembled there from v <18 to June 3ft 177*1

During th* Revuiationary *>r <:,ttavera comrthuted It* lead wn.: •weights to the; manual lure of i>:- -Theae bullets irere.used with elf'-oi ..rFort. Montgomery and dintun. It -'w u the blrth|ilace nf fhe first rl r

' bar of commerce In America. In 1>





Page 3: DE CROSSING THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER MUST GO ! 1 · 2014. 3. 3. · Bri&e All Records to Win Crown Artists Begin Redecorating of New Floor and New ligKtinf Fixtures Will be Installed

liss MokftoikyBride of T. Nawrocki

Mi '


daughterand Mrs. losepti MokflngVy,

,,-tti street, Port Reading, be-n,i' bride of ThaddetiB-Naw-S(,II of Mrs. Tereea Nawrockl,

%> City,' In a ceremony per-,i hy Rev. .'Joseph, DJlados?.

of the Holy Family cHureh., niei-ft, Sunday. Ml(a Frances.'lllSkv, Hlater at the bride, wan

., ^,,,nitl Mid Joseph Murray, ofiilo, h. 1% wa« tl;e best man.reception WAS., held I* UJfe home

,„. ht'lde followtBg.;tWe ceremony., n,,|iie ttTfl- now on * weddlrm

ihrouMh tbe Gattkffli Mouu-On - their return they will

.. thplr home hi Jersey Cl ly>inmiK the guestf were: Mr. and

i\ w . Malanowskl, of Brook-Mr, and Mrs. 9. B, 9uemlnskl,

,,„,[ Mrs, H.?8. KeVleno and Mr. >Mrs. J. K". Ta'tur,' all «f J^ney

, Mi. and Mrs. Anthony DJer-KI Hiid Mr. and Mrs. John Djer-

:i,l of Camdeti; Mr. and Mrs.i,s<In, of Carteret;;Mr: and Mrs.jisld, of Carteret; Officer and

Joseph Moknnsky, of Pfcrtdm-; Charles Mokflnsky, of,,.,,.(, and Mr. and Mrs. Stevejinsky. of Soutti Arnboy.

Semi;Bungalow Stresses Value and-Comfort

Mex Beetle Menaceto Middleiex Gardens

;•],, Moxlrnn bean beetle, a seri-,, . gust of all varieties of beans,

,i ui.iilp itH appearance in variousMiddlesex County

M K \ I H I N 1


Whole Wheat T«I


Ittort to "Hold" MateDeemed Wasted Motion

< When He Is Worthiest<*nYr

7^ woiin in »uru,t

I H A V E D e*a «P t*^in- u•,champion, wMfch Is h.tter. the worui J refer to la womi«VrJ»ho' reeeivea

t d i "* H V

-"Sue haan't. but has found a

ltl«e (irlddl V kMUk



cOontant tdviee «*n "ho* t» hold frlittf Hurtjand;" It MRS alwaysMVrnp1l0 m e '"*' *"• •e.frort to "hold" many riuibaad* waa wasted motion, as

.tufy weren"*1 «p'th "hofalns." funeeniraMon on the problem of gettlna• hi|»i>i|y a)OQ« W h o m them M>#m..-rt to-me *»*•* vairtK while. New cam**'

. |a letter Irom'a cnftn who ha« arrived •( the earn* c«aeluslon. and •• he laisuffering (ton foe' iv»ults of his own mladeetf* and, a wife who got tired"t •rrtpa. tw"hetW him, his deductions are wMthy oCooaaideratlow,

"bpft VtntUNIA LEG:Bwry Pie , V 'Coffee ofr Tea

Here .Is a meatless menu thntwouW'tsste good aaV day In theyear> Plenty of ffeih vegetable*. Icooked nad 'raw,' ,a&4 fruits areserved. Wash the Mrawberrlm andiserve with th* h u f c ' o*V with""--powdered' mi^ar, pipping eaehin the auRur before eating.

THIS WKKK'g RETIPlWHcramblnl Kit* Atwl* desired number ef eKK*




»mall hntrjvery

types anpopular in

froh the diublr

jiiHiltHial Agent, Orley O. Bowen,.,, hi' on the lookout for this peat.

ilii' copper coUrejJj^dult beetletf!ij,h ran be found now la about a

i.iirr of an tnph In length and,., -1v 1.• •>n small black ipolu on the

V,,M.- It lays HRIIIII light cplorcd...... iii clusters on the dndersurfacai.[ iin' bean leavea and these hatch,MII mil) yellow or orange" coloredi.iv;li' or slugi wlilrh cau be foundmi the underildeS of. the leaves.•]),.•<!• slugK are covered with stiff

Minirifiu aplnea.Th° '"-°° »Mia>lft,Mn h > . . w . t o . ^ .

in spraying or •glutting'' with'matt-'ni'siiiiii uraenate *br' r&tclum araen-,,!.-. Magnesium arwnate Aould he:-.d nt the rate'of two pounds toPHI Kallonfc of WatCT for spraylnsm at the rate of one part to threeiurt» tot hydrated lime when dUHt-

iiiist. If calcium arsena^e Is used,(wo pound*, together jrUli"jfouiimiuls ot hydrated lime should be

ii il |UT 100 gallons. Calcium ar->^ilii8t should be used at htei,a.- (if one part to nine parts of1 >><ti-»t*-rt lime. , .

Further Information concern Inntin' Mexican bean beetle and Us con-AHA -in.-contained In Clfcqlar No,,216, imbllBhed by the N. J. Experi-ment Station. This ftircular can bt>

by *wrUing the County Ex-Service, Cbunty ' Hetord

liuililiiiK,' New Brunswick. .

j^ blrreason of their w*tVarffcenr« and

They appeal especially to the foimer apartment dweller who dot.,,nut find the ground floor desirabvfor every purpose of tlia htmic.And the added cost of the upperfloor sleeping rooms is surprisinglysmall. This design could b» easifyaltered to make the entire length

'of the lower floor ope big livir.i;room if the den,,now indicated, wasnot desired. Otherwise the pla>i

, could hardly be improved, unnn frt

a imall Tamil?; Built of commonbrick, slate roofer}, it offers per-manence, minimum cost of upkeep, to 'auure . *lre* t o o f jt- Meantime \tfbl- - - . - - . . . . . . u »> iv I

resale value,when the o\yur dt-'i'ie|wilt be a very comfortable horns.


. with one tablespoon cream or topmilk for each ess . and >eason wltfc 'salt and pepper. Pour the mixtureInto ft pan containing; one table-'spoon ot melted butter. Cook overhot water, stirring constantly uutllthickened., Remove and serve with

] crl«r> bacon. • I

Ulce «irlddli> ('«km -*- One level'cup flour, thrwe-fourtha. Clip Cookedrice, three level teaspoons bakingpowder, one ejyt well fceaten. onelevel teaspoonful salt, t#t> tevel ten-;Hpuonful suRar, one-half QUI> ofmilk. onf> lahlespoon melted butler.!Mix and sift flour, "Qaklitf' powder,salt and sugar. Add rice and meltedbutter, the egg (W«ll beaten I andmilk to make the batter. Beat well.;Cook lit once on. a hot, well-creasedgriddle. Serve hot With. butl«r- andsyrup. Tlie addition Of an extra'

make* these griddle cakes mi-.usually delicious. j

l i jS K K i K S T l O J i H j

The tluvor of eaalloped potatoes,or role alaw Is much Improved!

• -trr -trrr- "rtriiUoft ot a-AttM.. clmppedfgreen peppers.

. The peppers may be cut Inor just i&e top-removed

Dnu'rjrtfu ilnink It la about urn* to «lvethe' women tome consideration'one* In awhile* Herore \ WaifttarrkU I r«Uty tteUeved itV*rfe«lly- all Ttulit (or me Mo an-*my »tnl.oat»i but when i marrlertI expect** from my wire what •

berry I 'onld not ilire.' After brlnglntttwo sickly cMl«ien into (he worldfrntn my so-eslrp<l good limes, I

j did* apt wa** up. when 1 be-camt; mWdle-Med 1 though? Ittime to start out again, a*. Iwould have a good wife waitingfor m» when I got through. Iused to Mil her that I wouldcome back sooner or later. Sheasked me what I would rto If sheWfl»ld do th» Sfme thihg i t«l4her I would leave her.

marriage was ursctlosHj the onlyoccupation of we-man,' It, a

ADVENTURESMistress ot Hex Mansion !

CE Mrs, Spider had made'up jdor mind an to the sort of house

she wanted >,Sa 111 Spider Bet to workWith a Il I



Plan Card Party

fast to tt while you go for a , a v e n u e


"Well, my boy «pd girl threat-ened to le*vs-home and. my wlfoalso. 1 really believed at thetime I did nqt care, as the W,0ninnt was seeing had me go ftnteredI thought I. loved her. I reallywanted mt «if« tn leave. She drdand got a divorce. I married mylady friend. After she helped mef.o get rid of what my first wifehad, sacrificed to help me get astart, she gave me the same'thingI save my wife. I am divorcedfrom her now. Why ure'boyH andmen taught that wuy? Here I amnow. My children have no rn-spect fo'r me. I have begged mywife to come buck to me, butnow sb« bas got a cbanc« to mar-ry u better man t|ian me.

"And why preach that stuff towomen all-the time about bavin*

did not many She had .no mmn« otwas luppott ana wai fltlM and dssptsed.

Naturally, under those clrcumiUri«vishe could not be verjt "choosey."Anr kind, of « huabaad- waa betterthan none — better Ihsh being an"old maid.4 The • woman logicallydeveloped pA Inferiority' complexwhich I h«p«: and believe she 1*slowly shedding as* she rrallies thatshe la. after all. a human being,capable of self-support and self-re-spect, and that even the law ot theland no longer classes her with Idiots.Hereafter, I have a punch, men bet-ter get wise and realise that thesame «tandardi" govern Ing the con-duet and- morals of women are go*Ing to be applied to himself, andthe buslneea of. "holding a 'husband'Is going to be no more strenuoustitan that af^'holdlng a wife • AndmutualJov* and respect will be theonly basis Of continued matrimony.

Mn. Tappet* Will Be Hostesr |'* The Sunshine Class of the firstPresbyterian Church, will meet atthe homev6t their teacher, Mrs. H.A. Tappen; ot Sonoder avenue. Mon- : "!day evening. The regular meetingot the class was., held at the homeof MrH.MlusseH Thernenen, of Greenstreet, last Monday evening. Thir-teen members and three guests were

1 present,

hi dnUad all Itltue and. Wedding



J_-Flanaj;an, of Hahwaywill hold a public card.

, , - , . , - , V.IVJ tn her liomt' next Wednesday!You have earned a little a t t e r n o o n , o r th(1 b e n e f l t o t s t .Be sure, no fly or .bug; J a m e a . c h u r c h M U s J l>ne nsLmf.w

seeils taken out.

Pn|iular MoralistTeacher—"Why do they fall

instrument the French use forheading people?"

Bobby—"The QiHette, [ think."—Life.


Sm»i>pj S»Jw TaJkChurch pews never skid into a

telephone^ ___^_^^ .—— m t <

so It seemedto Peter wfio watcITedThim, 8am hud finished and had|stepped buck tQ, look upon what hehad dope. HJvldenily he found theresult much to his own liking.

"There, wife, wllat do you think

who walks Into our web' will get to"Tn"chargV"of the"arranVe"inentg' dlteh, smash against aaway Tom me! 1 shall know b y i G a m e 8 w U l s t a r t .„ '2 o . c l o c k and. Pole, or set_ tagged to.r

Double and Qoitv I of^ia.t." asked Mr! Spider. PeterLord liewar, as fajiious for hls'lennlnK over the edge of the web

wit ii» tor hft *hlak.y. was once in"tiuduced to a young lady named

li 4n tb« eonver-pq. l'.iuii he inadvertently' addrest her

-i Miss Moore.• Vmir lordship," shu'said crisply,,

is Moore-Moore—with a"my namehyphen."

"Ah, yes.. 'I'm »rry.- Ih-wur-Dewar, with aliosion Transcript.

Haw the basketiimcVe of soft closely woven allk.

"My but • that • Isy pretty, Mr.1Spider." cried Peter. ''And you -builtIt so swiftly., too." Although neither >of the Sp.lders had asked Peter for!

pleased 1IIIH opinion bothwhen they heard his

And mine '•[ am glad you like it air!" saidsiphon-,"— Sam with a satisfied Spidery smile

'that broadened as Mrs. Spider pat-ted him on his fnt back,

"Yen, Sam is a. goo's husband,'He

refreshments will f>e aervecT

Landscape Studieswas the acenery on

Heard the Angels Calling"What'If your partner did trump I "How

7our ace That's no excuse for kill- trip?" " :

ing him " ! "Well, the toothpaate ads"It wasn't only that. Ymir Honor, rather better done than the tobacco,

we found out afterwards that lie but there was more furniture thanreneged when he did it."—Judj;e. | any thins else,''—Boston Transcript.

, wait for'hubby to come back—; fonrt*r pngnterl l a l f ! Just be patient and sweet and he isn t it?

aud the ^ m c O t n e 'back? A really Intelli-gent woman wuuldn't stand forsuch, Men like to be flatteredand nplhtng else.. You never seea mant..#ulltng tluU Btunt on awoman that fell once from thestraight and narrow path. Andwhy would a woman marry suchai ntfin and take chances of bring-ing puny children Into the worldand suffering- on themselves? |Whenever the time comes that imen have to take what they give, !It will .straighten them out ft .lot. ]

| „ ll± MIORfi-MAKv" - |1 You see, Mere Man, for centuries*

tbe Dust-pan--"This Is your•pr in t ~ married,-

MacTight—"Ay: and our con-fetti's gettltT awfu' gritty." — An-sweru.

Out of th* IhiKDean-—"And where hnvc you been

tor the last week?"Stude—"Stop1 me it you've heard

thla one!"—Judge.




't ..ran. w nth« tu j at ,thjb line a ptrangerwhere hehas no business to be a

iswhere he,has no business to be and

Cost ofThe many friends of Miss Ruby after all," admitted Mrs. S$pider. . . . . . . . . . , K,

ci.'i) Maker, of N. Htckmatt St., had certainly can spin When he has a | shall nab him and make him nay]h.i right ankle sprained Sunday mind to. But'now that th&toojjae Is. for his stupid blunder, I promise|while engaged In "JUmplm; the all built. I am sdlni: to crawl into It. yottV'- ••• . - jHI |M' -Centralia (Mo.) paper* ' Hiuid me that line, Sum, and I will Mrs. Spider was a, lady of action;_. . .. 5 - —~ <-—;—r— — '—*'aud knew whal she wanted. Now

Regular Church ServicesSt James ' : St. Andrew's

l t a . R. J. O'Parpell, pastor

Sunday 8errh*»

Mu«»e:) at 7:30, 9;»0laud 10:30 [u'ciock. ". L

Sunday School after 9:00 o'clock fMuss. ' / ' i

Uaptliium at 3:00 P. !di . • •'Kvcnlng Devotions—t I1J0 o'cloct.

(AVENELXItev. 11. J. O'Fairell, pastor .

Services at Public School. Mas*at, 9 A. M. Sunday morning.



'The Better Service"PHONE 788

158 MAltiJ .STREET



K. d iJriffeu, |«stor

Kvfcnlng Devotions—-7p«) OCIOCJ. r c n u r f i , Op Oali True Eoad. MassWeek-day Services—.Masses 7:30. a l J O ' A . M. Sunday morning.Holy Day Services—Masses Jji:30 •

...d.: oo o'clock. . j ,.« .. A m 4 pm6yfVriflir

3 P. MYv- Sunday School at theAtenel School every,Sunday,

4:15 l \ M,~Junior Christian En-

Flrst Fridays—Maes 7; 30 o'clock.i»." i.'Yufusatons heard • on Saturday

ni'ernoun.a and evenings 3 to 6 and7 to 0 o'clock. Eves of Rrst Fridaysunil ull Holy Day* of ObllBUtlon as'JII Suiurdays. . ' deavor. , .

Parish Societies , 1-15 P. M.Hosary Society- Communion First Services. .

Kunday of month. j ' .8 •?• *'•Holy Name': Communion 8econU Services.

jjumiay of month,sodalliy of Blessed Virgin Mary.

Communion Third 8unduy of month.Ciils of t^e ParlBh: Communion

l'jurtii Buitflay of •"""*)i

. Christian tlm*e has- __ ... .take yourself off, ~boy,w buzzed she"frankly If not too politely. "I hate]dust and I see two dirty spots In myjweb you have niade with your feet.I shall have to tome out and cleanthe w«b up after you," .

Peteq was too wiae to stay wherehe wasn> wanted Besides he wasn'tBorry to leave his uncomfo'rtableperch. In addition to having a cricftin- his back, the boy was beginningto feel hungry. Peter making his*way cautiously. over the web lest he jshould .break a strand, reached a;Jumping-off pla«e and,found himselfgn the ground beside Mr. Spider.

,\V1u'ir (•<>od Runnles doj "Animals," says a naturalist,

"Won't know how lucky they are."Does a family of rabbits,-for in-stance, .realize that they.are runningabifcit in a beautiful sealskin Wu.t?

Opinion. , ' ••• •




Our C«,ndiea & Ice Cre,amREACH THE HEART



is a Prescription for

Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue,Bilious Fever and MalariaIt l« the most speedy remedy known


PresbyterianItev. Ernest Abbot, pastor

M A. M. - - Morning Worship.' I'. M. Young People's Church

Methodist Episcopal

•* A. lioylan Fit* WrjUd, pastor

i" A. Mj-sunday School. -I I \. M: — Morning Worship.

'I'. Curtln, of Newark,, will• i ' - i i c l i

B«v. A. I'app A Kev. A. Stim, jwistora

8 A. Mr—Sunday Morning Mass.4 P. M.—Vespers. '

tviniiiB aeivlc*i» will be dlacon"iMifii until the laat Sunday In Sep'' IUIHT. • / .

Congregational . 'v. Wm. V. to. Strong,

'-» -A a. A. M.—Sund»y Scho«l.11 A. M— Morning Worship.7 r\ M.—Christian Endeavor.' 4 5 p. M.—Evening WorshipWiidDeaday, » \F , M-. -7 Weekly

""!>' of the mm :

Cfcrirtian Smnce Society

A Branch Of The Mother Church,The First Church of Christ,

,Soientist, In Boston, Mass.Sunday Service—11:00 A. M.Sunday Scfcoo>>-9:30 A. MWednesday Teetlmon)' Meeting —

8:00 P. M.Thursday Reading R ° o m —

to 5:00 P. M.

St Antfony's(PORT READING)

Bev. C. Qrt»*sl> V*Church odvWOodyrldge Av»nue,

Masses at 6 :3* A. M.und 9:30 A.M.Sunday morning .-

Evening Servlpe, (:*•» V- « •

Itev. J. I). Myerf, pt*tor1 A. M.—Celebration it Holy

' l u i r l a t ,

By AFCireiner

• I A." l«\J-Il^t*^«™Wr5i;Stt*d'l«f'•' ««eh month) witbrotlon of Holy''•iH'huriat and sermpa; second >»na"""•ih Hundayi, iornl t t i pray«r and•>«nnoii; ftttb Sunday, morning

(ioiisrii'iiif 1» a»" Inlandwrtere a »""> '» aloae withbis IlKJusMa f w t s » Ihe

utiinces Of his «e>

hl one I=l3wf o | anfe^j.

Peisonul suJefVlBion ofthfe many detilW relievesyou of attention to ,any


THE FUNERAL HOMEA F Grelner •*- 8 . X. Hiraar

rjREEH St . 4 B A W ° * *VB.


ft will bp your own fault ifyou have Hay Fever this year





Ambojr Avehni»Phone 1158 Woodbrldge

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Absolute prop! of these statements is mailedto you upon request

Hayward9s PreparationDependable—Reliable—Effective

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DO NOT DELAY WRITE TODAYSend no money—full particular* will be moiled loyoit

Reliable references in your community are givenADDHESSi '

HAYWARD DRUG CO., INC.110-116 Nassau Street New York, N. Y,



Heating and Cooking Appliance*

Raad Automatic and StoratfWat*! Heaters

• flew Process Gas Ranges

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iFOR •



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Holland's ConfectioneryAtsortment of Flavort in Town


Page 4: DE CROSSING THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER MUST GO ! 1 · 2014. 3. 3. · Bri&e All Records to Win Crown Artists Begin Redecorating of New Floor and New ligKtinf Fixtures Will be Installed

lugeTHE.WOODBRIDGE LEADEfr/FRlDAY, 5, j .._-l,>m«»


, . l . . ,>UODBIUDOE PRINTER!,.tNCAt 104 Mala Street. WooiJbrldge, N. J

fi Office «l Woodbfjjf*, H. J.. •» Saeouti CUu



» « W

Republlcatlos « news «aS matur in thme col'umm Is permitted pro-'ded credit to firea to The WoM-bridfl Leader. ••*'»

_ _ Correstondeac* from reMef*. «*fr«Mlni opinions oncopies of Interest are* Invited, but no anonymous letters will W published.



Woodbridge, N. J., Friday Aftamoo*, July 5, 1929mTju

Every summer death takes needless toll of, human live*.It is customary for the front pages of the daily press to listthese deaths'and accidents as brought about by the " h e ^WUVCB"; The heat, as we all know, hai nothing to do wfth it.Negligence is the cause of this appallingj}*ath list. , j ''

It isn't the heat pr the humidity that causes deaths-by,drowning, it is the negligence of parents who allow chiWren'to go swiinming unattended. "Good" swimmers drown everyyear because they go into- the water overheated or after aheavy meal, are seized with,cramps, become panic stricken,and sink to the bottom. " .

Careless driving, carelessness in boats and canoes, care-lessnes* of children playing in the streets, careless eating inhot weather, those are the cause of accidents generally attrib*uted to "the heat wave.". . -o

Ztnm.'Oriinmet ActionIn taking the flrsTsteU towafVthe framing and passage

of a zoning ordinance by the appointment of an impartial sur-vey board, the Township Qornmhtee haa .tackled one of theKreatest and most ticklish problems in the history of the com-munity. .

The preparatory steps, the method of procedure, and theultimate framing of the completed ordinance, call for greatwisdom, foresight, and great, tact on the part of our officials.

Past performances have proved that they possess all these* quaMcafibns.T WeUeTiWe tire" Tuwuship is- fm-tunate- ffl-^ftV-j-^-nig, at this time, a group Of foresighted'officials, in whosehands the-procedure leading up to the matter of zoning"may besafely entrusted.

C. B. D. Charles H. Driscoll

Eleven Thousand Buggies

THE UnTEed siiiiien census tHUtcsteirttrat 1were manufactured in the United States last year.

-tnnl -carriage*Well, maybe It

lnn't the cenauK. A commerce report, perhaps. But It's one of thoseofficial things Unit you quote to clinch an argument or utuplfy an ad-

versary. Now, what I want to know Is, what happenedto IIis- eleven thousand buggies and carriages?

I may be all wrong, and evidently I am. Here InNew York, where I pound out these glowing lines, Iknow uf one buggy with one horse hitched to It. ItIH a fine, stout buggy, heavily and substantially made,with a handBOine toy on • It. I t belongs to the Cityof New York, and Is used by some subordinate officerot the department 'that looks after Hewers. He is ahusky man of middle age, with an pld-taahioned longmustache and a broad-brimmed felt "bar that has seenbetter days. Also, his single-breasted business coatiius a semi-cutaway style that exactly fits the buggy.

The borse Is rather store up from trotting on pavements and colliding•with motor bunea and gigantic trucks. «

This home and buggy putflt is often seen in Times Square,' quietlyJogging along, without apparent exeltement. while steel monsters), bleclvibg smoke and gas, roar by in continuous lines.

BUT that buggy wasn't made last year, nor yet the year before. Wholias seen a new buggy? What does u new buggy coat? Are bugglea

any better now than they were In 1900? Do they look different* Arethey ball-bearing, and do they have inflated tires? Have they windshieldsInatunrt nt riimhhnar^ pnri qr.f> HlL-lftJir_;yt1'"'.1° j h o Mnrnnjiltft^ Are they

i I ask tor Information., I really want to know. If any of my readersknows of anyone who haa' bought a brand new buggy and Is driving It.1 coglder it a great (aver to get a letter telling me all about It.

• • • •

WHEN I was, a boy In Kansas a good buggy used to cost from $50 to$90, and you. got a nice lap-robe thrown in. .The best single harness

we ever had coBt |3E, and lasted as long as I can remember.. The. fan-ciest driving horse belonged to a school teaching sister, who paid $60for the nag. That pacer In that harness, hitched to that buggy, or to ared-and-green road wagon, made a mighty rollsroycy appearance.

I'm tempted to buy a horse and buggy. I've never driven an auto-mobile, r ,

We understand from the advertisements that the collegelads are at least passing their cigaret tests with great successthis year.—Arkansas Gazette. , • " • *

There are so many automatic devices for the h6me now,any bride can go righ,t to housekeeping if she is an electricalengineer or master mechanic.—Kay Features.

A man is endeavoring to win fame- by rolling a peanutup Pike's Peak with his nose. They can be told apart by thefact that a peanut has no nose.—8an Diego Union.

A senior at1 the University of Chicago has discovered that1,015 motions are required to wash dishes, Those last fifteenmotions, of course, are used for picking up the pieces!—Judge.

Siar Gazing Couple Injured inBus - Auto Collision

[ \

. Club and the Ladies' Aid Society of' Avpnel. Mrs. Boyle leaves next• week for Dallas, Texas, where she

will make her home. Mrs. Charies

By Central Press

MEW YORK. July 3. ^~ The Will-" lam Fox organization in an-nouncing their 1929-1930 program,names p-lcturea which are to be re-leased In that period.

Will Rogers will be starred ln*l%o

withthey wer. Tiding collided:

a Public Service bug on St., ^ lin^rte

George Sedlak. of upper Greenfefttutes. George Jeasel in three, s t r e e t Woodbrld^e. was the driverLenore Ulrlc In two, Wilier CatTettTjf'"nrr^^v—»cfr:'.-nt--i:».:.-.-if.u-.


Barbers' Itch SufferersShould Take Every Care

not to Spread InfectionBy LCLC HUNT PKTKRH, M. D.

\utlMK.ot "Diet MM] Hfalth" «nd "DWt for

For -Men Only *hieh may break^ <JOwn t[nt\

ONff of toy '"»•»« correspondents fh*^*' ,accused me of writing too ex : . The treatment Is most

cliislvely for -women.The

It la true that but

to women, beflause most of myters come from women; hut practlcally all of




•to th« M X , and


to build up nor,";.


ected. it isected. it is v%ry cpj»t*Blou, osuffering from It should not go Id m

h dning the Infection andIK irom u m o u m nut * « ««» •> . • r"~ZT'•"",""> ' dram (l)

«hoi> dining the Infection and the ounce, and an ointment of ,,rbe extVelnely careful about clpltated sulphur of from to t, •>„

allowing othera to use any of nil P « cent strength. The lotion",toltat articles. Of course, a man thoroughly dabbed over the Off(,,,who !• unfortunate enough to con- region « d les . liberally ov,r >,!UMt Barbers Itch should go to a rest of the &»«ded region. ,Ut,rHkln specialist, it he can, I m l l « the lotion ha. drted the 0|nl,,,,,n,that some of you cannot do this, so h a t j o be w«U rubbed In. TIH- U1).I w l i r u u you briefly what Stell- pllcattoni i k w l d be made niorn '.wagon has to say oh the subject: m d evening, and In urgent aw\W l a ? b i ' Itch ( t h w m n * ) U three or « t t t a l « i dally K „reallv ringworm of the bearded re- «™r It » •» ' •» , the mertioaiion'ion" It ta d u r t o different types of should be applied every one. in .fun«l with Mk*ewundto5 family while, perhtfti for months,name' of tr lcSoOT-l* . There are'. Since 8tel wagon wrote his i,,inktwo general types, one whleh re- ' t j f u l trvv»wt r»y and radltm \\nlmains superflcar-«M the other » * f » m » * therapeutic electric iiKht. •deep-seated « r > ^ 6 l a r form. hafe been used a great deal ii. in

B a r ^ r ' s l t t S o s u a l l y begin, and fectlons and probably If you ,..oxtends in HIP s»me manner at ring- one of the small therapeutic u»mworm on long-hairy part., and this and take a » • « « • » « • of on«--hair ,„i» familiar to all of you. The nodu-,one hour a day, with this, it «„„,,,

the most severe type, ex- undoubtedly holp. Use thislar formtcndir.R down Into the tissues andtendir.s down Into theforming little InflamtnaMry nodules,

washing and before theof the medicine.

Local Pastor Preachel Iat Newark Funeral

High School Grad,Rev. A. Boylan FltzOerald, pastorof the Methodist Episcopal churchher*, was the speaker at the funeralservices held -In Newark. Tuendayafternoon for Honorary Police Cap-tuin Mathlas Stratton. The'deceasedwas a member of the Board-of Fi le | High School, Class of 192(1,

G e t s ScholarshipRichard L. Predmoro. of im!.

'.graduate of the Bajron \\.ni.

In, six, Paul Muni in four, Helen I snmirs lnvp»tluaipriChandler In six, William Collier. S r J S " * " l o y e g t l 3 a t e d -

Toffee CfiatilTeufTooT H



George Leonard, Mrs. Herbertnard, Mrs: William Kuzmlak, Mrs.

! Charles Plynn, Mrs. L. B. Dicker-son, Mrs. R. C. Benjamin, Mrs. D.P. DeYoung, Mrs. E. Grode, Mrs. A.Johnson. Mrs J. l.omax, Mrs, A.

•Mitchell, Mrs. H. Beldon, Mrs. J.Burnett Donogan, Mrs. L. B. Van Sylke,

Commissioners for many years. In-terment was In Evergreen cemetery.

Mr. HitzGerald was also thespeaker at ,the funeral services forA.'"€, Peak, held In the Peak home,on Yale street, Irvlngton, last eve-ning.

Will Attend"1 U £™ Summerat Columbia

A. Boylan FlUGerald, Jr., ofMain street, will attend tfie sum-mer session of Columbia University,

been ' awarded a State' Sctininr-iii;,by Rutgers Tnlverslty, accorJinu f,,an announcement yesterday of \\Slatrar Luther H. Martin, rndinnr-received one of six similar ituur.ual l ,of which are valued at t2M ,year for the four year period•—Those—waiving -aatarda. in . iiid

le'Bex County were: NaUunnvi H98, Perth Amboy High; Warr.'n

P. Rehfuss, Metuchen High; H;irryAlbert,* PeUr k. Chardonnn ;ind

E. Collins, New

A total of sUty scholaralu^tstreet, Avenel, was tlie guest at a Mrs. H. Tuttle, Mrs. Daniel Lockle, ] which opens on Monday. Mr. Fi ta-K l v e l 1 o u t m l n e ^t*te,

surprise farewell party given her in Gertrude and Edward Grode, Mrs.' G-erald Is working for an M. A. de- ~~l

her home recently by the Woman's William BoyUn, Mrs J. M. Holferty.! gree in Philosophy. ' Read The Leader Beg«larl>



Blessed are the poor. They can go to jail without beingannoyed by photographers.—Roanoke World Newfl.

lias now given ufl almost every household luxuryexcept a non-skid paper napkin.—St. Thomas Times-Journal.

Strange! Day breaks but never falls, while night fallsbut never breaks,—Glasgow Eastern Standard.

Anyway, the transportation facilities to air castles werenever better.—Arkansas Gazette. '.

How comforting to reflect that the ordinary car you haveis the wonderful one the ad describes.—-Birmingham News. .

One of the oddities of Wall Street is that it is the dealerand not the customer who i« called broker.—Dallas News.

And then there1* the flapper who thought "faster andMan" a book on the modern marriage relationship. — SanFrandsco ChVriii '

The up-and-coming young man is pretty likely to succeed,h i t f ^ junless he is up at four

Lumberman (Chicago).

yjust coming home; -— Arnerican

Remember when father uied' to swing Indian dubs an,draise dumb-bells 7 Well, he has quit swinging Indian Clubs.^-American Lu»b«rmaft (Chicago), • y'. • , -

In two. These are all stage celebr-ties who. have gone talkie.

The pictures to be released duringthe1 • next 12 months include:"Morals," Charles Farrell and MatyDuncan; "Sunny Side Up," JanetGaynor and Charles Farrell; "The.Cqck-Byed World," Victor McLag-len, Edmund Lowe and Lily Daraita;"New Orleans Minstrels," WilliamCollier and Walter Catlett; "SuchMen'Are Dangerous," Warner Bax-ter and Ma.ry Duncan "Lover ComeBack,"1 Paul Muni and MargueriteChurchill., "The Mad Musician," Louis Moran

and* Paul Muni; "Salute," GeorgeO'Brien and Helen Chandler; " T h eGirl From Havana," Lola Lane andPaul P^ge; "Why Leave Home?"Sue Carol and . Nick Stuartj "ItMight Have Happened," Paul Muniand Marguerite Churchill; "Play-mates," Janet Gaynor and CharlesFarrell; "The Holy Devil," withPaul Muni as Ranputln.

"The Cisco Kid," Warner Baxterand Helen Twelvetrees; "Cqnqulata-dor.i' Warner Baxter and Delia Ma-gana; "The Dollar Princess." opere-ta.; "The Sky Hawk," Lois Moran:"Listen to the Band," Lola Lane andWalter Cajlett; "The Well DressedMan," Victor iJcLaglen and SueCarol; "Big Time," Lee Tracy;"Budapest," no cast announced.

"Harmony at1 Home," Owen Davis,Jr., and Elliabeth Patterson; "TheMeal Ticket," Sue Carol; "Passingof the Third Floor Back," HelenChandler and Kenneth McKenna;"Black Diamond," Louise Dresser;"Cameo Klrby," Norma TerrJs;"They Had to See Paris," WillRogew; "American Beauty Revue,"no east announced; "Fox MovietoneFollies for 1930."

"The Power House," no caat an-nounced; "The Lost Wattt," WalterOatlett; "The Bella of Toledo,", noeast announced; "The Lone .StarRangerl" DO Oast announced; "Mar-ried In Hollywood," Walter Catlett;"Proien Justice." Lenbre Ulrlc;"Gringo Rote," Lenore Ulrlc; "TheHurdy Gurdy Man." George Jessel;"The Circus £*ng," peorge Jewel.

gM»l Trutk VuU

Axles and 'wheels were stolenft two hand trucks owned by Ru-

dolph and Delano, contractors onth, w highway, last Friday eve-ning, Meordlw to a report made t olocal police.- The small trucks werestored in » freight ear which w»»uted by the contractors as » toolstorage »he4, <

Mere advertising of service'will not suffice to obtain your GOOD WILL which we, u a new concern

are so awdou$ to deserve. When we say ''service", we Mean Service. And we shall try to make OUR

brand of coal and wood servicV just a bit better than the next man's. Prompt attention to orders, clean

delivery, lull weight art guaranteed wht» you order irom us. 1 __1 ;:

"Quality"The experienced householder knows only too well, sometimes through bitter experience, that

there's til the difference in the world between QUALITY (|OAL and just ordinary coal The kind of coal

we seU will prove iUeK best by test It contains the full maximum of best-producing anilf, and U fresh

and dean throughout. A telephone call will bring * reprcenitive to yoor home or offi«, to & * * * next

winter's Keating problem.





Fords, N. J. Phone I , A; 2920

Page 5: DE CROSSING THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER MUST GO ! 1 · 2014. 3. 3. · Bri&e All Records to Win Crown Artists Begin Redecorating of New Floor and New ligKtinf Fixtures Will be Installed


Raritan CouncilScout Camp to | city

Open on Sunday Woodbrtd^R Pout, American Le-sion Drum and Bugle. Corps received

ijl"" In Klsea at Ocean-City yester-mouncement made from *$'• Thirty-two memberi of the lo


oy ocuuiu vi » I » » M » I >y- the founding Of th« city and aA R McDowWl, chfirman, ot monument was dedicated- to com

' Camp Burton- • •»——'- '"



! band loAtnd they

o * the flip of thewere gWen leeond

" < ir the P»rt month Intensive coin tnd they were g eond

rL h*s been dori« at the camp Ih! award for best playing. The otheramtlon tor Afr lMge.nurf»» QtlPrlxe was awarded Mr coming the

^M^r^'ropoil'irBcW.'Bxeiu'," H e r b e r t W, LUltn, who « f

' „ frequent visitor to the eanfl)": "nt'y the coWltfcrar tt CampI r t o n ^ - A l t o l W W l a r t W f t o r t ohe old camn .at Adamston, N. J , .' kh has been .used V t h e Rarl-,,„ Counoll fotthe T«st two years.ju

T h e Allaire Camp was given to| h , ."B o y /Scouts!* A«fcjar Brisbane.'


Umgdrt distance.Tbe trip was spatial bus.

Bead The Iwader Rqralnrly


YofR Journalist, and

, CHAKTKK No. 11,088Reserve DiHtrtct Wo. il

Report of Conditionof The

' N O T I C E

T« Whom It May Concrn:Take notice, that the undersigned, Intersected

ny virtue ot an an "Act for the bet-1 Berkleyter protection of garage keepers and manholeAutomobile repair men," approved the enter-April 14,- l t l S . will fell at Public vard approximately 300 feet to a, niner matters 10 respect ot asm spur ot me naiAuction:- • I proposed manhole in the tenter line notes or bond* shall be determined Hewer, situatedOne Ftonteaftc (»V>rdJ Racine Car "( filnjhumt • — • • - —•• «-~- —>* •«• »•• P I - . I . - » «* •»»• Tn—.hin hrtn.. tn.niklntubject to this sale at Schwenter's' -"•"- '1r the Township of Wood-

State ot New Jersey, on10

manhole an

1)ridgeL Stats of New Jersey,Saturday, J«ly, gth., l » i t , ato'clock, in fhe "forenoon.

8chweaiers Oirtge,JOHN T. OKDNEY,

f .... . Constable,b« adverttoed June J«th:,

and July 6th.. 192B.

mately' 535-teefri also an 8" vitrified" " a manhole In

_. Green Streetwhere the same Is intersected ay thecenter Une of Chain O'RIIlS Roadand extending southerly

H V a IVKI *fJ **¥*4%EfW I VflT M l l i t

the Township Committee will hold .meeting at U»e Memorial MunicipalBuilding, Woodbrldge, N. J., onJuly 8th., 1129, at 3:30 o'clockin the afternoon; (Daylight SavingTime),' to consider, the final passageot the following ordinance, at which, . ,, .time and, place objections thereto | ™ B l l j £

:«ndtngIne of


ihoi* in the tenter line notes or bond* shall be determined Sewer, situated In AVenel, .Wood-Avenue and from ttid by the Chairman Ot the. Township brldire Townsnip, Middlesex Coanty,I" vitrlflpd sewer ex* Committee, the Township Clfrk and N. J.. made by C.iwge R Merrill,

hefty along the center ToWnihQHTnuunr. wno' are her*- Township Bn|ln«r. and- th* rtpeel-Arenlie sppro«1-

To*nshTp"Traa»i/r»r, wno' are her*- Township Kttglnpir, md- th* rtneel- Lots Nos. 1, t, and 3, on s "Sketchby authorised t* execute snl issue fictions therefor, which are now M of Property belonging to WeisttanJaM temporary, n i p r d r - t m d s . file wtili the-JCownsMn Clerk. * *R8$«? Co., Jltuated In Fords,

U T h e S M W to be constructed - 9, Said lotpfoveitient shall be Wo^TCrtdg* Townthlp, MMdleee*herewnder Is the same as described, and «O» Dieted under the su- Cotiity, Nv JL An»oit, m«.."In naranmiiii one hereof. luervlslon BM direction ot the,Town-! BEGINNING at the point ol

I, August, m . .NO at the polat of Inter-

o t h li f M i

i ,vrtir«» of Blks, and —i f f involving*an\xpwdlture of

niands of dollars, the buildtagshe camp hare been made over

, scouting purposes, *nd an tniit-i ,,r swimming jool BM been built,1 Waldo E; Holbrooke, ot Lake-

B.n0(i is to be the'eatnp director.„,, |» well known b,it scouts; he Will

C KnappArthurT

director, ajid

front dl !



addition to this senior staff of

ataff!«• aimUnnntuw-" ~ -council representativelirown, ot Troop 3.,„ ramp and will have Charge of,,f the

SJSSwho Is already c »» h , a n ( 1 dlll>

- BANK - ,of 'WootfbridKe, New Jersey

at the Close of Business

on June 29,19296U.flTl.55







may be, pretented by any taxpayeror the TowOshlp.

Objectors rosy file; a written ob-jection with the Township Clerkprior to that date.

B: J. DUNIOAN,Township Clerk.

a proposed maahoie approximatelyS' -southerly of, the to'utheftr line otpavement, and from said manholean 8 vitrified newer extendingwesterly Along Green Street on aUse approximately $• southerly oftn« soiHherlt.Mne of pavement, ap-proximately i,«00' to the center lineof Middlesex aad Eutx Turnpike,together with 'the neoessary man-holps and a0pvrtenances tnereto,

2. TJhe cost of said: improvementthe, Unds In


parayriiitii one hereof. ; luervlston IM direction ot th^Town-! BEOINNINO at the polat of Inter-%. All the work of said Improve- ship Committee and according, to section of the northerly line of Main

ment' Is to be. dt*e-<ln accordance the profMM* of aa tct entitled, Street with the westerly lino ot- - P 4 Aveaue, thence rMMnt, (1)

l l th l4 f d

and extending southerly across intent is to be deie~<tn accoraance me provuwBa oi aa sci emiuca,Green Street, approximately JO' totwttVnte plant a«4 profile of Oreen',"An Act Oeaeernlni MunMpalltW,„ nrnnnaarf minting •nnrA*4mB«alv 19ln>tt' flffwar ftilMiitnii Imnrnvr- herelnhaflM Heiltloned. -Street' 8»wer fciteoston Improve- herein

t h t f fllbd d | 10

Por4 Aveaue, thence rMMnt, (1)northerly, along the n l 4 ford Ave-

O Hntdred Slxtcet sod BevenStreet oewer EXteOSton improve- neremnworw ncmionmi.. - nonneny, aims me H N , jam » wimtht, u heretofore 9e«»lbed. made 10. Thtre ihsll b» Uken by- put- nue, One Hntdred Slxtfch sod Sevenby George R, M*rVlll. Township En- cha»e, comtlttiistion «r othenrtse, Hvadred Twenk? - FITP One - Thon-glneer, and the ^educations there-!for U\e wirtta Improvement, a right- sandtbs (111.116» feet to a point;tor", which ar> now on file with the of-way ten (If) f*et In width, orer thence (1) westerly. In a line paral-t>>_M.»ki. n>..L ' >ih> fnlinwlu jiMxrlhAil lindi and lor #llh uM Main Rtr»Ot ar nnrlr

bonds, „.„,, ,t U1. and securities ownedm e u Bank4ng houer, $68,7

Coleman.i "Mfc" FurnitureI and flxturen. $1$,-

122.13estate ownedthan hanking

with FederalReserve Bank

the vicinity .,. —, , . „ r-crea sed In value thereby to the ex-tent of the benefit or Increase.

3. The sum o( Ten Thousand($10,000.00) Dollars or so muchthereof as may be necessary Is here-by appropriated to meet the cost ofcarrying out Mid improvement. •

4.'Temporary notes or bond* arehereby authorised to be Issued from, ;—--—-.time to time In an amount not to; —MOO.Wi ADVKBTISKMKST—exceed the sum appropriated pursu-ant to the controlling provisions ofC imp ter 252 of tlie Laws of 191'8,as amended, which holes or bondsshall hear Interest at a rate not to

, wnich are now on me witn me nr-way ien «**> >rp> <n wiutn, mm invncv \*j >nwi i> . m • uur v»r>i-rublp Clerk. the foliowlag described Isndi and lerwlth said Main Rtreet. or nearly11. Said improvement shall be real estate In th« Township of so. One Hundred' Forty-Wne and

made and completed under the su-, Woodbrldie aad City ot Rahway: Two Hundred Five One-Thousandths(H$,J06) feet to a point, being thepervislon and direction . ot tne nirougn u»s 1 u a i i in mora u v > ' » « ) lvn "» • pomi, wmi

Township ComatHeV and aocordlng 775. as shown 6n the Township As- nottheast coVnsr of Lot No, 4,Township ComattW*'and aocordlng 775. aa shown 6n the Township As nocthto the provisions ot an act entttled, seaanwnt Map, revlxloa of 1917. as shown"An Act Concerning Municipalities aald rIght-jrf-Wsy is shown on the south

feet Immediately upon Its adoption 3f 1 tnd iota 87 & to 384 Inclusive feet to a point In the northerly lintand advertising a* required by law.,and lota 111. 188 and 370 as shown" of Main street; thence (4) easterly,

B, t. DUNIOAN, Ion Map NO. 12 of the-Realty * along the said Main Street, Elghty-Township Clerk Commercial Co whlcV map Is filed Nine (I t ) feet to the point or placet. DUNIOAN, Ion Map NO. 12 of the-Realty * along the said Main Street, Elghty-Township Clerk. Commercial Co.. whlcV map Is filed Nine (I t ) feet to the point or placeassed first read in the County Clerk's Office of ot BEGINNING.

exce<m six per cent per annum,other maȣerg .in respect to



,„, be under, .the " P ^ " ^ , l S h t o r ? X k . «°-outstanding

l be unde? tpetentr members o»




TOTAL : |U«9.680.91


" A STo PrwrM* for tbe Necmmiry(iraaing, Concrete Curb and.UutUr m/d (.'Inder Pavementand - the < Necessary < SortaceBrsiiMfe of Rlmhurst Avenue,Iselln, WMMlbrldge Township,and to PtoVWe for the Isnianceof Tefflporar)' Notes or Im-provement UoiidH nml to Pro-v i d e f o r theThereof.

u « 1 . t Ordained by the Township>C o l n m iW M i the Township Clerk andCommittee of the Township o t i - - • " - - • - - ^— «•*-•-Woodbrldge, In tlie County ofMiddlesex, '1. That Eimh'urst Avenue,.begin'

, ning at the southerly line of GreenI Street and extending southerly 650leet to the northerly line of Berk-ley Boulevard, be improved by theconstruction of concrete curb, gut-ter ajid cinder pavement and thenecessary surface drainage there-tor, under and by virtue of trje pfo-visions 01 an act "eritHle~a\'***Air"XWC o n c e r n i n g Municipalities"! ap-proved March 27, 1917, the amend-

jjnent . thereof and supplementsthereto anfl other laws ^Applicablethereto.

2.. Said improvement shall beknown as the Elmhurat Avenue, Ise-lln Section, Woodbrldge, Curb, Gut-ter, Grade .and Cinder PavementImprovement.

3. The sum of Fifty-live Hundred($6,600.00) Dollars or so muchthereof as mgy be necessary ishereHy appropriated to meet tliecost of carryiwg out said Improve-

To be advertised JunI92!t, and July 6th., 1929.

notes or bonds shall be determinedby the Chairman' of tbe TownshipCommittee, tlie Township Cler' "Township Treasurer, who areby authorised to execute and issuesaid temporary notes or bonds.

5. The sewer to be cAnstructedhereunder is the same as describedin the first patagraph' hereof.

6. All the work of said Improve-ment is to be done In accordancewith the plans anil profile of IsellnSeWer System Extension No. 1,Improvement, as heretofore de-

-M*4bfi*^Hiatffc.ta Ceorge^R^MerilU,Township Engineer, and the speci-fications therefor, which are now on

the#ftwn«hl|) Committee will hold ameeting at the Memorial Municipal!Building Woodbrldge, N. 'July 8th.. 1929. at 3:30

Introduced and passed first read- in mo u<mi>i v,..-, * •> v,.-vc — «, u u u . . . . . . . . . .K Juna 24th.. IMS. Union County and Ih the County Being part of the same premisesTo be advertised June 28th.,' Clerk's OflW In New Brunswick, conveying to tjhe said Slaa Welsnan

and through lot 1 in block 769 as by two deeds from myseil Potter,shawn on the Township • Assessment single, one bearing date Msreh I*,Map heretofore referred to. i m , and .recorded in Book 141,

—- 11, This ordinance shall take ef- .page 142, and one bearing date De-' reel Immediately upon Its adoption cember SO, 1926. and recorded In

—— and advertising as required by law. Book 870, pages S«. etr.NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVKN that; B. J. DUNIOAN, I Deoreje amounting to approii-eilbw

N O T 1 C K

J. DUNIOAN, I Deoreje amounTownsbip Clerk, mately U.100.00.

Introduced and passed flrat read-1 Together wltH^" ' " " I i iJ.. oti lng""Ju"n"e"Y4"thTri929.

o'clock To be advertised

and niaguUtr the'di d

In the afternoon,- (Daylight Saving 1929i and July 6th.. 1989.Time), to consider the final passage <• —•of the following ordinance, at which \ —JJSGAt ADVKHTI8I5MKNT—lime and place ob)eetlons theretomay be presented by any taxpayerof the Township.the Township.

Objectors may 'file a written ob-jection with the Township Clerklirior to that date.


{rights, privileges, hereditaments andJune 28th., appurtenances thereunto belonging

'or In anywise appertaining,WILLIAM S. HANNAH.

Sheriff.— ; LBO fiOLpBRRGER. ,

131*0 • Solicitor.• ' j Advertised June "list., 1029, June

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tliat 88th., 192*. July 5th,, 1929, and


the Township Committee will hold a July 12th., 1929.I meeting at the Memorial Municipal'nulldlng, Woodbrldge, N. J., on

lons therefor, whichrile with the Township Clerk.

7. Said shall be

' m l t S f w e i ^ S o wert period the above-named tank, do solemnlyl l' tB * 1 4 ' 0 0 i.P..u.*iuir« toMthcri f-ffr ihai. -toe. Jkbjae.._ statement ls!JIIUilli. _ _ _ _ _ ."' S"^nt A fS? tte campeTflrtTtrue; to the best ot my knowledge 4 , Temporary notes or ionol are

S ' ^ ^ S : 1 " bel'ef THOMAS B. MURRAYweek In eivaBee <"»etly with he, « Ca»hler.

Hoy Keout£flf^ASSKS5' N J o e " i Subscribed »nd sworn to before mejuiildlng. Per h AmboylnN, J., other g{ J u ) j . 1 9 2 9

tiie camp office on Snndays. Sunday^—,, ,„ ,.. y;1 "turn-over" b j , The oamp wet-k'hi'cins after 3un4ay dlwier. He-;!-nt»» cannot be , granted to those;H!H> arrive late or withdraw or are1

liiMinsBfd except ln cane of Illness.Kvory scout coming to.c&tun must

I'l'^ent a doctor's certificate beforeiH'int; accepted. This certificatemust not be more than four daysold upon arrival at camp. The doc-tor's certificate mu»t be attached!i/> implication form. ' '

Sundays have been set apart torall friends to visit the camp and;irt' the only days .when special uro-uratuB will be planned tor the1

and entertainment of



hereby authorized to be issued fromt t t

made and conipMtd uD,dgr the »u-pervision and direction of the Town-ihip Committee and according tohe provisions of an act entitled,'An Act Concerning Municipalities",erelnbefore mentioned.

8. This ordliUniH shall take ef-i'ect immediately upon Us adoptionand advertising us required by law.

. „ . ' . ' Ii. J. DUNIGAN,v Township Clerk.Introduced and imnaed first read»-lujia-241h.^ 12 ILTo be advertised June



CHAHTMl No. H,-2ttKlWwnre Distriit No. -

Report of Conditionof Uw

FIRST NATIONAL BANKof Woodbrldne, New Jersey

at the Clone of llusinenn

on June 29,1929rit^OCIKI-^

I.UIP .« . . » . , in an amount not toexceed the sum, above appropriated,pursuant to the controlling provi-sions of Chapter 252 of the Laws of1916, as amended- and supplement-ed, 'which notes or bonds shall bearan Interest rate not, to exceed sixper cent per annum. (All other matters ln respect to Bald notes or

"•-• i bonds shall be determined by thDirectors j chairman of the Towriahin Commit

tee, the Townsjilp Clerk and Town-dhip Treasurer, who are hereby authorhed to execute and issue; sai;

temporary notes or bonds.6. All the work of said .improve-

ment is to be done ln accordancewith the plans and profile ot theKlmlnirst Avenue, iselln Section,Woodbridge, Curb, Gutter, Gradeand.Cinder f'avement Improvement,us heretofore' described, made \ byO.forge/ R. Merrill, Township Engin-eer; and the specifications therefor,which are now on file with theFownisnip Clerk.

Township Clerk.jj^ily 8th., 1929, at .3:30



Provide |for a Spur Sewt-r

Hpur .of the Itahw»y Vn^fy'I'riink Sewer,- jiven^i, Wood-brlitgi' Township, Together withthe Xooensary Appurt«u»m-eN,and to I'rovlde for the Iwnuwru

. o( Trntporarj' NoteH or Ini-proveinrnt Ihinds and to I'ro-v l i l e f o r the AswMHinent

in the afternoon, (Daylight Saving1

Time), to Consider the final passage!of the following ordinance, at which [•"time and place oDTecTfoRTirteTno-;muy be presented by any taxpayerot the Township. .

Objectors' may (Tie a written ob-jection With the Township Clerkiiriof to that date*/" *"r-,-.

B. J. DUNIGAN.-Township1 Clerk.


1929, and July .Bth., 1929.

Be It Ordutned by the TownshipC ntmittee of the Township ofWoodbridse, in , the County* ofMiddlesex:

1. A sewer system aa herein-,.liter set out shall be constructed ana local lifiprovement. under and by j

u^J.jtlxtue._oL 111entitled, .'"Ancipalitles.",


Concerning MunP"Be « «rJ""„.,.„ ^ , approved March 27. • c , o m m '"® e

1917, thfc amendments thereof and Woodbriage,supplements itheretfj and other laws1 Blldfllesex;

AN ORDINANCETo Amend an Ordinance Kn-lltlwl, "An OriUtwiue to Au-thorise the A|i|>olnttaeiit of aHoard of ABW»S»P* IUMI to I'm-vWe lor thti (.'umptfiMtlotf- M(he Members Tliemif", AdoptedJune 18, 1097.

• O d u l d or- thf -TownHttt^Township of!

CfJTVIMON PI,BASHuyler E. Romond, AHslgnee otAaron Gross, ot I'laluitff, vs.Andrew Poporiu, .Dpfptdaot. FlFa tor sale of promises dated May10th., 1919.By virtue ot the above stated--wtlt.,.,

to me directed and delivered, I willexpose to sale at public vendue on

Wednendajr, July SeventeenthNineteen Hundred and *

Twenty-nineAt one o'clock Standard Time

(Two o'objek naj)ighl | u i u Time)ln the afternoon of the*Hd day atthe Sheriff's Office ln the City ofNew RrunBWlflk lM. .J-.

All tbe right, title and Interest of


NOTICE IS HEHEBY GIVEN thatthe Township' Committee will hold ameeting at the Memorial MunicipalBuilding, Woodbridge, N, J., onJuly 8tli., 1024, at 3:30 o'clockin the afternoon, (Daylight SavingTime), to consider the final passageof*the following ordinance, at whichlime and place objections theretomay be presented by any taxpayerof the Township.

Objectors may file a written ob-jection with the Township Clerkprior to that date,


supplements therej a ,applicable thereto, to provide for|

' d i l ' t

I 1. There shall be'uddett to

^^Z^^0^Z^^^^ «..•"* °h»»the . , - „.in ihnt part of Woodbrldge known

Avenel, to be_connected with

of tin* Township of; «•• —» ••!»» —In the County of the defendant, Andrew Popovlts, ot.

i In and to all the following described»ald! premise!, to wit:

FIRST TRACTPremises in Township of Rarltan,

lesex and State ofInning at the inter-

Uicrlv llae «t thaY to Woodbrldge

»u kSf follows:2. In addition lo the salary ubpve

i camp

Council of

ivrth Amboy; L. Lliri; A. D. 01MB, Carl"«t.WlMlam Wood, Fords.

#l,»nd C.

Friendi Fifht, U n d inCourt, Are Reconciled

40, otWalter Daniels!bridge and ArthurNtw Btroet,, were nned\|15 and court costswh«n arraisned \n police co«rt->««Monday morning on . d «°r«er'j<'liarBes. The f*o men B a i d

n l l .7 re| friends before the Quarrel

which brought 4«'ul U i e l r * 7 * r. . . . . *..ui«.. (nf» near-

securities ownedhouse, *14.-

750.0"0; Furnitureund fixtures; *5,-000JO0 - •

Henerve with FederalReserve Bank

CaBh aad "due frombanks ••

uinnd Outside checkB Ui"l,?.oot' other cash items

3»' °. 'Redemption fund withc01"' U. 9. Treasijlfer and




Township Clerk.

AS OKJHNANCKTo ProvUU> for th« cbiimmc-

Utlf>u ot a Sanitary Sewer to be

..IVQpwn as (Jreen Strwt °—••••»

ns tlie Avenel Spur of the RailwayValley Trunk Sewer.

3, The coHt of.^ald Imtirovementshall be assessed upon the lands in |the vicinity thereof benefited or in-1creased in value thereby^ In propor-tion to but not exceeding the ex-tent of the benefit.

4. The sum on Twenty-nineThousand 029,000.00) Dollars, orso ntuch thereof as may be neces-sary, Is hereby appropriated to meet

1 menu.I


duo from V.Treasurer •

TOTAI• • L L . . . .

Cariltul gtock'p&id.„.- .»- - ~ t Surplus

ins that they had become recon- ^ , j n d l v l d e d proflts

' '"uLels told Recorder Vdgelthati,.- had missed some money Satur•luy evening and that he wa» in al.»d mood when h'e'met Walker 8un--tiiy evening. Walter, he a t i d , . Wbrandished a good, died ' t t " * - * ^i lie two met on New street. Walker





two mei on pm» «• -— •;#- . ! .aid he knew Daniels was not teei

iiiK any too amiable when 'he called,,Tlme

TOTA^..-,.s u t e o ( N e w j ^

County of

\for Intfii'siCirculating notes out-

standing - • - •••Uue to banks, iueiml-

lnj> cei'litied n"ilcashiers' checks <>m-

„_ , ._ . . , Btandlng - -w Daniels was not ieei-! r>mand ^eponita

. _ _ amiable when, he'calleo l m e m w l t f „..lilm across the Street. ao-W D l c k e d

up the brick to defendA tuBBle followed in which

rauio oft second best."Are you Mendb again- now

iMifd the court."Sure , yo' honor, just like

••M-r wttB." answered tlie l)ftlr'Iioth were paroled to pay-

Drunk, Escapes Drowning.Pays $5JFine Jn CourtHerman Hoffman,'69, captain ptj

Hit barge "The Dea".- Inue iind court costs when - - r - - - iin notice court Monday.»°J l l t a8 ^a drunkenness clia.rgp. HoHman WMmilted that he had been drinkingJuj Sunday and that he had wi<t. red too close to the edge oi - - - ,i>arBe Sunday eventnB- He toppledinto the water near the »•dock,

Police were oalled to^the^ceneiiflur OOCUiuucuedl " Hie t , _ . .*aa unable w HKJM* 7 "'"•Dp hlb head above waterevening. ' •> 30,809.08




Ing mreels not beyond the1 propertyslae lines of Elinhursf Avenue asmay be determined by the TownshipCommittee to be necessary to pro-tect the improvement. '. 1. Said improvement shall bemade andi completed under the su-pervision and, direction1 of the Town-ahin Committee and according tothe provisions of an act entitled,"Au Act Concerning Municipalities",uereinbetore described."

I, Tb« coat 'of satd Improvementshall b« ataesued upon the lands inllie vicinity thereof benefited or. in-creased in vaige thereby to tne ex-tent Of the bt-ueflt or increase.

9. This ordinance 'shall take ef-fect immediately upon l(s adoptionand advertising its required by law.

B. J. DUNIOAN.Tpwnshlp Clerk

Introduced und passed first rend-ing June 24th., 1929,

advertised June 28th.,

the IMistfuctioit <*and Necessary * Appurtenancesto Said, Sewer and to Providefor the Issuance of TemporaryNote* or Improvement Uooilsand to Provide for the Atmem*-

the Townalilpthe Township olBe It


the cost of carrying out said Itii-provenjent.

8. "Temporary notes or bonds arehereby authorized to be Issued from:time to time In an amount not to

aboviB apgroprlated,'

mill IDD n m i i f . . » — . r, ^ ^ ^ ,

. „ . „ „ , . , .Avenue; thence (1) southerly along"' ™ u. '£ . \ the easterly line of Midland Avenue

Township Clerk . ' 2 g 2 6 9 t e e t t o ft p o l n t l n t h e n o r t n .Introduced and passed-Ural r e a d - | e r l y b o u n d a r y l l n e „( r | g h t 0 [ w a y

B June, 24th,. 1929. lot N. J. Short Line Railway; thence"To be advertised June 2 8 t h . , i , 2 ) northeasterly along said right

1929, and, July 5th., 1929. j 0 , w a y 8 8 . 4 0 ( e e t ; thence (3)

Woodbrldge; thence (4) westerlyalong southerly line of Road fromMetuchcn to Woodbrldge 80,36 teetto the point of beginning, , ..

Being known and. designated aslot No. 1 on Map of Little Farms


—Armour & Company, a corpora-tion, plaintiff, vs. Edmund H. Key-nUT, Impieaded, etc., . ilufVndant.

oflu the County of

). A sewer extension, to be. knownas the Green Street Sewer Exten-sion, or the portion, therqpt herein-after set eut, shall be constructedset em, mm.> u v

as a local improvement, under Andby virtue ot the provisions of an actentitled, "An Act Concerning Muni-cipalities", approved ' March ' 27,1917, the amendments thereof andsupplements thereto and other lawsapplicable thereto, to provide forthe sanitary dlBjfosat of sewerage inWoodbridge Township, as follows:

vitrified sewer beginning

tlon^Tr^of'^ha'ple/TM oniie'Xawii"ot 141$, as amended, which notesor bonds shall bear interest at arate not to exceed six per cent perannum. All other matters in re-spect of said notes or bonds shallbe determined by the Chairman ofthe Township Committee, the Town-ship Clerk and Township Treasurer,who are hereby authorized to exe-cute and issue said temporary notesor bonds. •

6. Said sewer system shall con-sist of a 15" vitrified sewer, begln-


and developed by Burke ABolger, Perth Amboy, Nr J.


By virtue of the above sluk'd "writto me directed and delivered I willexpose to sale at public vendue on

Wednesday, July Twuiity-Fautth, Nineteen Hundred

and' Twenty-nineat orfe o'clock standard time (twoo'clock daylight saving time), in theafternoon of Bald day at the Shftr-

lnj the City ot New

All the right, title • and interestof the defendant, Edmund H.. Rey-nler, Impieaded,. etc., or, In and to

WoodbrldKe," Middlesex County, New*Jersey, '

Being Lots 70 to 80 Inclusive; 83to 102 in Block 35OE3 on map "en-titled,' "Rev. 'Map- of LafayetteHeights," situate In WoodbrldgaTownship, N. J., property Of EastJersey Lumber and (Timber Co,Perth Amboy, N. J., made by Masonand Smith.

Beginning at a monument at the,Intersection of the' northwesterly

d ' Steet with the

•by the Rahway Valle} . J o i n t J W | t o wit:

easterly of the westerly line oflands now or formerly belonging tothe Realty ft Commercial Co., andf id b i l point extend-

Being known, designateddescribed on a map entitled ' mapof Rahway Heights,", filed • in the

A 12'' vmiuni^. . . „at a manhole located on the northerly aide ot the pavemeQt on GreenStreet and in the southerly exten-sion of the center line of LyuianAvenue and from said nunliole ex-

' •• - ' f l i .oan SI m e t

from said begiuniji£ point extend-fi «""»»; •—•=—,Ing southerly on a line parallel with Middlesex County CHerk's Offlee andthe said westerly line ot landa. ol'also on a, "Map ot thirteen hundredsaid Realty & Commercial Co., and land twelve (-13-12) lots in the Town-

-,!„.„.«i,, 1ft' «ast«riv there-!ship of Woodbridge, N. J., property

Avenue and from said nutending westerly ,along Green Street

pproxlmately 5 feet

Township C°2mUt91



<l no

line approximately 5 feetthe pavement, approxi-

July 11)29, at

i* f0Uowlng"oVdInan«rat which yltrlned

r rjsfsn? JSSS 5sewer ext

Street on a line ap


Woodbridge, appro yfeet to a proposed manhole the,

„.„, 321, 322, 323,32V, 328, 329, 330,

"" 337,


line ot Layden Street with the .northerly line of Lafayette Road ar •shown on said map and' from sal<beginning point running thence (1)westerly along the northerly line ot

I Lafayette Road' south 84 degrees 45 -| minutes west 130.09 feet to ajbend!ln saIiT'Lafayette Road; runningthence it) westerly still along then

northerly lino of said Road south84 degrees 5 minutes west '199.OSfeet to a point in outline of saidLafayette Heights tract) running,thence (3) northerly along outlineot said tract north It degrees 17minutes 30 seconds ,W»sV 187.02 feetto a point In the southerly line otKellyi Street; thence (4) easterlyalong] the southerly line .of Kelly

from said manhole a 12" vitrlnedsewer, extending westerly along thecenter line of Woodbine Avenue ap

, iit. . \ \ ^ 3 S 6 > 3 3 7 , 3 3 ,^ 0 b l o ck eighteen

flM l » 537 538,k e i g t e537, 538,

643. 544, 545,rS46, 547, 548, 540,

„_ ORDINANCEI'rwvtd? tor the "


Street'north 62 degrees 4B minutes48 seconds east 8<tt.8O fAet to theintersection ot the southerly line olKelly Street with the westerly line : s «of MeolP Avenue; running thenee(6.) south 27 degrees 14 minute* 1«seconds east along the westerly olsaid Menlo Avenue 300 feet to the

550!.551,* 552, 663, 554.The second map above . * „ . . . — , . . „,.„,

tn W a riitnltMta nf thn m m nf "Id MSBIO AVpnuu a\iv imv »« . „ .Rahwav H e t t n r s t referred to Intersection of the westerly line ot

NO DEMABE8T,V TlfftHEK HOWELL,D. A. BROWN, D i i v c l .

f o r tbe Donstmctlou ol, and KieewMry Appur-

leoancw «" s"*d * " r 6 r *"* ^

No. 26 ofa B v »ktrineij sewer

- Street "" • l l n* a D

900the . ._


ProBpuct Avenue


thereunto be-appertalnlngiHANNAH,

. < Sheriff.J W. & B. A. DE ¥0E.


To Whom It Hay Concern:iK-iB NOTICE that t

of K»r»«e Mrepair Ben,1915, I * l» M l 1

To be advertised June 28th., 1929,July 6th., i m , July '"" "1D"1

and July 17th.. 1929.


—Between Samuel Ellis Pdtter,Complainant, and Albert Welsmanand aina Weisman, his wlf«, de-fendants. ¥1 Fa tor sale of mort-

(fkted June 11,

corner ot lot 81;northerly along Uio » , ^ , , , . .lot Bl, 160 feet to tfie northeasterlycorner ot said lot 81; running thence(8) westerly along the .northerlyline ot lots 81-83, 100 feet to thenorthwesterly eomer ot lot 82; run-ning thence (9) southerly along- the. -westerly line ot lot 82, 160 teat tothe" northerly line ot Layden Street;running thence U0) westerly alongthe northerly line of Layden, Street .61-2^ feet to the place of begln-i

This deed being Intendud to con-vey all of said Block. 3 60S weepllots 81 and 82.

Judgment amounting to apprutvmately IWM. , '

Together with all and singular L...rights, privileges, hereditameata an4


tor No- 874,693,. h«'».iubjeet to thU'tal« *t,'rage, I»elH»- »» l h*.

l^ff i^nfetor-enoon,

1929By virtue ol the above stated writ

to we directed and delivered, I will

«»«•? j&' t i s s y a " &B > Attotue;


At one

^. ' • r f .

Tlm«i July

Page 6: DE CROSSING THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER MUST GO ! 1 · 2014. 3. 3. · Bri&e All Records to Win Crown Artists Begin Redecorating of New Floor and New ligKtinf Fixtures Will be Installed


Important CornerSold to Standard

O i l Company

r; ft ai . S f* DuBham-i •? E o r Ind T N. «4 Same lied «a av vk«%ow MaJn.Rd Ir Rpodbri'fzf to W Bfun«. at1 lUple R«aUy

In I.OUU F. W*tl»rf*rj*'i WwdhtMae Turaplk* „*.---- _ • , , r . ,8* 7'4 a tt "ft fr > W f o r Pearl 3- B. cor Wo' Wn Follertr>n,- Twp ftmaiarm. . Lots J i l t t" !115 »la|y8t! Twp WoodbriW WoantrWl* " " A w l h i t «• ' 4 T»p Wood-,

Perth Am boy Rty fc Loan Co to !}eott, Ann» •••> John WslW k wf. bridgeArnrlU Cooa>. I. •' 1- 0!

• • • • • • 5^xxxxm|zmx

Map Wood-,

Other Realtylntertfl in list ofDtt&x Filed.

NEW »RVK.-«W!fK. July 5, -

brdke Nail . Jl to t lE LJaiMI,

city MolȤ t'allatttc *tt

l lr:,[. Co I»f :,<) ft hy 100

:'» tt by 12S ft1','ivrilOQ Bwwrh


norMM*# ^oro»r lot at Amhoj ave-nue a i » Aaun strict. WoftdferM**,ha? beep lotd |o Kriii|«.R, ,V*len-I in- and wilt- to lti« !*tkti4kM OHCompany, of »'p 'J*"»J. accordingt» *. dwd AM ai th» CMmiy f W k >

H b . T p J p o Uit'trtb Ambor 11'if Co' to John

gA«**t»k> k mt. l."!» I - IU Bi TKBfv Map .WiMMoK^n H.'iihu. T > P

. ji ntl?:(Mber rMlty transfer*, of 4

In th« TWrwblp arf r ,Fnu^r. .Edwin G. * «f to Marry

1. Saindtra. Li $ Rev' Map W M -?:!<• Hflghtii. Twp Woodtorldfce. ,

Zllka. Michel ft wf to i o . BUo-pan « wf; U 4 He* Map Bl I S«-warm N. td Ferry 81. Twp Wood-

Jfnten. B m b r n l ' i »( t i als to4 Rotoer inc. s . »d Si-w

Brunt Aff. B. H* .» fr N E. corCortcltr,9t, Twp Wh'odbrtdif*.

P»rtel«y. r ' Lot f t •: IU » 5 >M, M - pAveMl Garten*, T«i> WoMbridt;.-.

MellMO Ge» f k *l to The Stateof N. J. f a r ;•*, Map N J- StateRlgh»»« Dept, T»i> Woodbtidg*. '

Klein'. J>lh • »t fo Anna Boyle.Lou l l t l - l l l T ' l B d Map Iseiln. Twp

.•Wl-herd, R. Rowden « al, Trus-' Metuchen Rtlr k Imp Co to Wmtrt TrutfeM of the Cathedral Banien. et.'ml. Plot* H8-184 Map

Kniindiitlon of tlw Dlocecr of N J. Boynton Beach Ht.s Twp Wood-3T-3I Nap PalrfteW Terraw, bridge. . •

_,, W«>dbrtdK<- • Plorenee Rty Co to StephenHudak. Alfiander k wf to Trua- Ctpna * wf. Lot* 1112 Bl 401-B

t>» of lhe Cathedral foundation oX Hip Boul«vartt. Park, twp Wood-the DIOMM of N. } . Lots 39-40 Map bridge. ;FatrflMd Ttmr*. Twp Wooikrldg^l DM. HeglnaM A. »( to The SUte

Belknwtkl.'Aiuon A wf to Stephen o( N J Par* 'tvii iAl M«t> K- J.ftirabos ft wf. Uot« 818 Io *M Stale Highway Dept. Twp Wood-,Map No. 10 R e * H j . i . ' f i p m h l j r t t e . . . T.. . iCo. T»ii WoiHlbridee. p Millet, G « J * vf to The 9t»te»

Darxbo*. Stephen k wf to Anton of N. J. Par 461.\ Map N. J. StaUTtvlkoviki & wf. "S- 10 ft Lot 159 HIKIIWIV Uept. TW;J Woodbridge.A N V- ft !•»! .'"» Map Maple Park/ Radio AwoCiaWs to Charlie Bo-T* j. Wooobrid> . 'back. Lota I »Q 7 Bl 4 42C«Mapt

Hurnii Holding Corp to Anton lteiin. T^p- Woodbndi;*;.Bflkowskl. Lots S18 to «24 Map R.dlo Asaotiates to .^ndrrw Ja-No lu Realty it Comm«fcial Co, worotjkL Lot 4 Bl 4 42C Map Is*- i

Woodbridge Ufa, Twp WooabridgeRealty Co to Harry " B.t Ruddy, Darld ¥. et als to Nteh-Lots 1»1* to 1922 19*9 ola» Lanian. Lob 3-4 Bl 24& Town-

(o 1S2S I'yM) to 1S38 Map ,Kip A«se«8raeiit May, Tvfp Wood-;W^npl Park S?c t, Twp W*od-'bridge.bridge. ' . - i • abertB l a Andrew Janick. E. sd

.Realty (;6 la Hi!ll|> Srhles- ] » . | i st . 8. « # ft fr 5.- - B. «w


^ Savings Bank has DO stock

holders ttriripf for personal profit



, irhe oldest bank In Perth Amboy

Krlttof,Hornyai.« . »Jonfm. Twp

> A»e. Twp W t nReglnu k lius to Jos

W. ad Fulton' Si. 309 ftIr N IK! Benj*iuln

P^rk S M 4. Twp Wood-hrldae. 'I*

Whit bread. O«-o J * wf to Oavid<!ros«nian. i-nu 1-J Bl Map Demo- r _ .rost In Hilltop Twp Woodbridife, : Biukie. Joa et ab to Kegtna Kris-[

Sp^nc*r: Wm A . to Dasmar Se- to( £ nua, Skine land a:- ab(Aft.t II inc. Lota $ tu 11 M»p .Wester-, . Dunham. Wm k wf >-i als to John!

_ & We*t^iiard K. sd Horns- feodoUky & wt. F'arl I/ft 44 Map;St, Twp Wi>odbrldkf. 'Green Hills, Fords. .T-wp Wood-

Tepper. Hym^n to ftosie Fos. iLot bridge.U-17 Bl 38 SI'P D*mor<*l on Hill-: Wallof. John k*! to Anca Scott.'tope, Twp Woodbrldce. . N, sd Rd fr*Woodbri<!i;e to New I

Kratuer, JOP i wi to Henry Gross Bruns. 75 ft <K> course in D*ed (rwf Lo'.s 2\-ii Bl 373E Ma* Howard Vatoatine & wf to WstW*•' ' • - " - - ~—"•-"•— ' 8 , DunhadTaaN. M dva 25. Bin E.Berkley



:2 Bl 3 E *Twp Woodbridg*.Rtv Cortf to Karli



We have beenioH by many of our customers that

we have the best used cars and trucks that can be had

anywhere in the city at the prices we are getting.*. "




Maple & Fayette Sts.


PHONE3 5 0 0 Perth Amboy

LJDCOID Sedan, low mileage and goodc o n d i t i o n . """ , ; "• .•"'., • :

545 Map 8ewar-n i'ark. Twp Wood-)bridge. ' •

Valkenaer, CrWvoffel J k w( I**,Wm Ulla «t alii Lots ti to 2?./$l•j-1 Map Colooia Hills. TwD W ood-bridge. , •••'

McKown, Wendell P. ft wt to EdwT. Walsh. Lots 17-lis Bl C MapColonla Hlllt, Twp Woodbridge.

SchneidM, • Frederick C t wf toThe SUte 61 N. J. Para No. 2B-JD-3E k U Haft N J. StateDept, Twp Woodbridge.

Whlt«, Sar> tt wl to Radio Asso-ciates. -Lotr"8-9 Bl 437E Map lee-lln. Twp- Woodbridge1.

Nielsen, Anders Soren * wf toOtto L. Peterseo A wf. LoU 8-9Bl 371F Map Berkley Terrace. TwrpWoodbridge.

New Bruns Holding Co to HattieColly t Lots 7-8 Bl 375BMap Rosalia Heights, Twp Wood-

^or(*n*on. Joafl U>v to JotUL 9L.Jensen. Lots 1-1 Bl 373L MapBerkley Terrace, Twp Woodbridge:

Smith Rty t Imp. Co to Roae MLois 59-60 Hap RariUn

tiuiyli. „Associates. Lots "5 to 19 21 to 31Bl 142B Map E. LlmolL Twp Wood-bridge. • '

Silk. Margaretto to Radio Asso-ciaits. Lou- 20-211/ Bl 437F Maplsclln, Twp Woodbridge.

Gordon. Evelyn P. 4 hu»- to Ken-luth -S. Mooning. Lots 1-I B1'&53LMap Cemfal I'ark, Twp Woodbridge.

Goldsmith, Jacob Philip k wf toSlev« wf. Lot »0 ft S.16.67 ft l^t »l Map Ideal Park,Twp Woodbridge. '

Pollack, Susane'* bus to Julius3«ucs k wf. Lot. n k w. H ut34 Map Penh Amboy HelghU, T»p

•Wooabridge,Brady. Maria to Ella i i . Harvey.

Lots 47 to 50 B(l 1 Map lselln Park,Twp Woodbridge. »

White * Hesa. Ine to Jos Strak&ei-ala. Lots 11-12 BtC Jlstp ilenloGarden*, Twp RariUn.

Pew, Schuyler C * w t to ,W,mDunham et als. N. sd Grove Are,W. 1ST ft fr W. sd Unden Ave, Twp

Performance Counts!Watch the new Fordon the hills, in traffic,and on the open road,

Diana Straight eight; motor in splendidcondition.

Cadillac Four Passenger Goupe, in A - 1condition.





Dodge Coach, reducoed, four ne\r tires.

Dodge Coupe, reducoed, motor in goodcondition.

Nash Coach, repaint; tires good as new.a 'r' ^

Chrysler, 70-Coach, in nice condition.

Reo T4 Ton Truck. .» !_!„

it is a t carTHE BMtmte you tee the newcar you wffllt* delighted wiA halow, moan fines and the arti*kcolor oombmatiooi. There, you


u, Wm k wf el als to Anna1'irint k hus. Lot 40 Map GreenHills, Twp Woodbridge. i

Uuth, Henry J. Trustee to Philip'H|Winers. LoU 687-JI8 1st Map)lb-lin. Twp Woodbridge.

Winter*. Philip H * w( to FrankP. Uwi i ft wf. Lota S31-628 1st.Mi;> Iseiin. Twp Woodbrtdge.

DuO. Nathan. Trustee to LottltKaUstein. Lots 1 to 6 Bl 3S4CNap Reservoir Park. Perth Amboy;

Duff, Nat tun, Trustee to LouisKalkstein. Lot I t Orove Manor,Twp Woodbridge, _•», .

Sauerbrunn. Philip Sr to PbtiM) fSaeurbrunn. Lots 33 to S8 Bl &78J Lot Ti HI 57»D Map WoodbridgePark. Twp Woodbridge.

Dunne. Florence A. et als. Ex'rs

Wm. F. MurphySHEET METAL WORKTin -- Capper - Sheet |roaBouflug Jk Hot Air H

99 WEDGEWOOO AVE.Tel. Wou^teidte 15T-W

w31 tsy, u « truly modern car.Bat « abO greater thrill xwat*

you'vhea yon tHp into the room*teat behind die wheel and Martaway for your first ride.',You wifl l i e the fedtag of

power that the new Ford gives you ,—die Comfortable, prideful feel-ing that cooc* from having a carworthy of any occasion and equalto evtry emergency. i• You Witt lite die tex&Hty and «afety of the new Ford or aa you weWin and out of traffic—its flashing pick-up as the light tunu green and theMgn«ay» "Go." You wOl like its smooth, quiet tteadinm on the open roadwhere yoo can lazy along according to your mood, ir do 55 and even65 miles m hour if you dak*. The new Ford hat unwual speed—oodoubt of that!

There are Hill ooSer reatonj why die new Ford car is a great car to ownand drive. Three important reasons dut mean a great deal toyou: fcft&



Two Ford Jiffy Dump Trucks.

Ford Open Express Truck.. . . . . . •; i

Ford Truck closed cab express body.

Ford Panel Delivery. : "

FordKckup.i "- R | > ^




; H. 4 .

hfe.The new Ford b mfcle to i

up under thmmrtA of milea «fsteady running over all kimb ofBpadt, aid save you many doBmin repair biila.

Come in and Me tiji* ptat acwcar. Inspect it carefuily—pot bypan. Then know the thrill of driv-ing it. By us performance you walrealize that dun a, nothing qoaaulte it anywhere in 'and price.

' • - - ' . -

Liberal time payments, one week exchangelege without loss. f J ^






Sport Compt, nat rawMr «M, £30 Fanlar S W ^ ^ 0 %

'... K.,,.,

• « .




U»UJ| » P. ML

MT H E T R A O t H A R K . ' A ' ' - • " • " t i

THAT GUARANTEES ' . ^ f j f • JJ




B^ " " ' " " TIITTTTTTTXIXTTTTT11 y ». y jj Tml

74-76 FAYETTt



Page 7: DE CROSSING THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER MUST GO ! 1 · 2014. 3. 3. · Bri&e All Records to Win Crown Artists Begin Redecorating of New Floor and New ligKtinf Fixtures Will be Installed



Next SpeedwayEvent Scheduled*(or J u l y 21st.



to he run* af*tho n " v p | drlva on thei,l,,. IJoard Speedway. will B e n t 'he "prettiest11 car onto,.,l under the- managementAdelines e t t r |y l n ihe 100

of the EMternJuly

el papt ln The yard, of abandoned paiwnper autus.Karnatt rucerl • • •

Bavins an eye for spare partB tln>youth looked about. Therq wac a

Keasbey Blueshirts Mme ffifaBlank Hopelawnsiii lft to 0 Battle



Inc:, on*advices received

i,,, sawders,,,, sp^-dways,, nefrdinK to

',', , ni the speed fiends who dia-\'~. ,1,,-ir stock in-trade here orf

,,1V were scheduled to taJte'part.;,;' Fourth of July rases ati , viiip,L Pa., y e t t e t t a t after-

',••.,„ there those Nrho still have

Tt« i» T h e W s on.the east and south ; * « °f, "» * £

tfh« Keasbey Fire riii-.,|Minycainn hack strong lit their thirdclash with the Hopelnv.n Klre Corn-puny aad handed their old rivalsshut-m* by a 10-0 sn'ra no theKeanbey sandlot last Sunday morn-i "Shag" Fullerti,:: turned in

Lou Moore, driving a Miller Spe-cial, broke th.. WoodbrWg* Speed*way track record for i ttu%\« lap laIlls gi^alKyln^ round Wore the raftSunday afternoon. Hit time for thecircuit was twenty-on« and one-Bfth Seconds.

.Bert Rarnali. drltln*. a Miller


AT SPEEDWAY OPENERfronl drive, made jlhV trip around [the oval In one-flfrh of * second;

.. , ! sl<1«s of the oval developed a de-the Jewish boy from De-! elded "list" after the boya w,ho re-

who learned to drive on the [served septs In them " clamberedproving Krounds of (ieneral Motors,; down. Admission was tree to all


twirled to down



] f , M I

was calm and ale,n In .the niomentol tragedy. \ .Leader scribe who

io keep going will hit out i ™* o n * °* * e flr»l «™ the spot saw!? . . - ! M - r n i i *tit J™"" [KarnoU jump from .hie car and

signal the oncomlnc speed mer-chants past1 the wreck. ,<

the' - • « • . . • .the' accident left Mm with


raceonVffiTle « r t trsek,Is set for Sunday,


Starter E. L. Miller, the "Impiesr Eaarlo" of last -year'* eVentis,"among those present".

bounder in the ninthi over Gloff's he*d.' Kaminsky wa* In the box for the

The Keasbey batters found

Gleason Second, Decker Third in Fittest Half-mile BoardRace Ever Run in U. S. Big Crowd Gets Plenty of

more. While taking tin qualifying Thrill* When Weather Man Relent* and Haiti Rain.r o u n d h i s c a r u l d e - s w l p e d t h e e a s t ' " ,

fivpr « J » r d ra i l , t h r o w i n g h i m t o w a r d , t l i « _ „ . „ „ , . , „ , . . . . . . ., • , . . , .i Bopeiawn to»>!tn**ld- H p covered flnickly b u t . E O R U N G . b i s Miller Special t o a speed approaching 100

~ hits. <^«PeT>1nt?ahtfantHhiTr tZ'wii.' m i l e a P w ^ - a t titnes, in order to'hold his lead over thewhich

J o e'Russell

foiiowinK Sunday, on,,,(11, will find most of


harlots In the cityM,I made- famous.smanhed that day when aacceleration expettt^ rOara

he famous Detrolt'one mile

• "

« « . •wtaged'wheel"

the entrants undHhas follows:

tou Moore, Miller -.J,Turgeon, Frontenac

MlHer ,_... Millar :.-.



021V: 12


rest of the field, Lou Moore, youthful ace of £he timber tracks,roared to victory in 1 hour, 20 minutes, and 50 apd 2, fifthsseconds, in the 100-mile race at the Woodbridge Speedwaylast Sunday afternoon . . . . and won the Eastern A. A.. A.board vchampk>nshit>.

an<J Chester Gardner ' Miller ...... 0 :22 2-5J , J » . - . r _ Bob Robinson, Dusenberx 0:22 2-5 .

^e-ifi*}"*'"?'"*.^!.'^.™"-*!? Billy Arnold, Miller _ ! jfcjI «i,1800; third, |600; fourth, |300; flftli, $200; sixth, %\M;'

d champfomihip.The prize money for the winners: ftrit, $1,500; second.

Mi him with o n l y W r g o r i V r p r t o e V t t o ^ ^ ^ ^ run was Blriy Arnold,l l e •"!"»«,.hU ear _to ceding the race WhM the little 8 M ! * f d ^ L B . i h i l w t o ^ f t . ™ . i - t h ^ - . ? . i r ! R.»«k » « » « .

Record! '"* e d g e o f t h e °°ardg with only the bu«gleg were taken out for adJUBt-l'J1 t h ? »« v e n t h - While the Hopelawn Bhorty Gantlon, Krontenac 0:20left wheel to guide the racer,

i- tliecity,

i i ic lr

ments. Mrs. John Krleger, wife ofthe driver of No. 82 drove the little

Krlefcev, driving u Krontenkc, nlno] truck on which her'husband's Fron-had his "grief. The little "Fron- tenac came to the track,

event at the auto-' |!e" I ^ m and was lined up with - - -of ihe'drivers will larger cars near the startlnn

buggies i""«l toward l l . n a t . . M M n a n l M a n i 1 P>tmen pushed


l 0

boys 'erred on several occalonx, S.Kaminsky and "T,. SWboy spl%nOld catches ot balls thai.' fteiie.marked for three bases'.

Keasbey touched Kmnlnnky foreleven hits, Orlapart, Fullerton and

Romer getting two apiece.

John Krleger, ftontenac ... 0:24


.,i,,iii-c. assured otKill return 'In tlnui,i, at the Woodbridge Seepd

.„-,- ,ml July 21st.

Those who saw her handle thelame triick, admitted tt)»t there arc"some" women drivers who arc h«t- Ev»ry. member of the. team collected

Officials lined ter than* "some" men, - - I with the exception Of S. Kutrausky. I

Charlesa.Fred Wlnnaif

(.,JW5.Fronlenac tl: 25-. Du'senberg D. N.

Krohtenac D. N.

{drivers failing to break into the money are paid mileage, baaedon place of residence.

A crowd of spaed worthippera eatimated «t seveaarrd-'twfield

Jon pli


loud speaker arrangement toto qualify .order him off before the pacemaker I One ot the photographers cover-

and the other eleven entrants foam!, Ing his first race for a New Yorkaround.

Fords MotorcycleClub Plans Events

I paper. Questioned this scribe regard-• * • ' ing the ^wthod of "pasning'. It wus

"Shorty" Cantlon, who halls from a shock to hi™ to find cars cutting

Hettiger andcredited withloaere.

The gcores:


yKnininsky were

two iiita for the

j the flivver city, derives atow car, which boasts tne vlntu^

|'2S. -Cannmi' towpd his racer ••>»over the road for the long srindhere. All'went well until the nenrs

"Ohftwlf"toutto tbj r4»W 4ovintage of i • •

make the

"Wh tho big Id

.Grlspart, rf. _,Kullerton, p „

1 P.lnff c

/1 .-,11-dn Motorcycle Club will,,,,,-rial mectlni? In tlic cltib-j

Sunilay afternoon, to (IISCURB

man from the Gotham sheet. "That Jim Homer, l b , -Buy they try to pass might force! JoeTRomer, If _r

fin the Chevrolet wore as smooth und th*" car passing into the guard!W. Romer, cfround'as a billiard ball. •„ , ; mil." iSMbo, 2b. ;.„....

! • • f • jJoe Katiausky, 3b, .,"And why not? Tl)4f9 the' 3. Kati^usky, fc. » . ,Even that wasn't so bad until a

hill loomed ahead. Shorty

'ViDiniminer. Among the ,, eventsuM:i 'lie fords club will try to at-,,,„! ;ir< tlie national champlotablp. ,-linih, the seotlona] hill climb.1;-..i- to be stay«4<j|| 4he East,

::,, . n(liininreN>Uft;i*tti«l»«tropolltann i ficiil meet and many other*.

'. r,..,i H..iinr »n i elected nfea|dent. „; ih, dub at -a ,ih*etlng held re-

,,I,T . other officers elected were:\m inn , MastrorUch, vlce-p«sl-;,!.i,i; suplien Hunyadl, secretary;I , Di.sitnyik, tour-master.

Th. nii'mbers of the club are:.1,,,. |,-ii fli'era, Michael Bluster, M.; iniikiin, l,e«ter- Cramer, Harryin, mini. Charles Leaneweskl, R.

\huiii., Louts Stoak, HarrySloneTotln, of Ne-w Bruns

but It didn't help. The "binders"refused to-hind unil the two car*rolled on down—-right into a Rravi>-

the'3.chance the guy takes that tiieR to!pass. On the road the fellow thatct]£a out to the left take» the iisk.Hpre |0H tltefellow who cuts out to r* **the right,", answered the Township Gresorls, c _scribbler. • j V. Kaminsky, 3b.

— Kanick, cf -j S. Kaminsky,

3. Bubo, SB,

All. It.4 15 1

. 4

.. 4- 4

.. a.. 4. a36

Iselin SenatorsWin Diamond



sixth victory when they trounced ftri"e rtntsn.

of American race drivers clip nine minutes off the local trackrecord and break the world's record for the half mile board.

The fans were unanimous in pronouncing the contest the.cleanest and best ever staged in the local winged-wheel srta-jctium. Moore was the center of an Admiring throng thatswarmed over the track and sur- --. ——rounded the car of the winner as M I V u g ; "Decker. 164; and Cant-soon aa the last ear had finished.' ' j o n ] ^ g

, Jtminy Gleason, of Philadelphia,! win, AVBUlsodrl f l i ig l i miler. wng only Half w u " n v e

a lap behind the LOH Angeles aceTire »• D«

miles to go, andl thetr fwt ii

t h e

10 11

Ml. IttUt



1 T., Sgboy, rk 3IGrewner. -2b •_; 3

l-ll ,J....^-:-.T-9-i A. Kaminsky, p. 3 0 1!

, Now You Tell One!"Harry the Hermit" returiu-d

fi;om hi* faniu at Hluh inidsc forthe week-end and droiiued in »t ouroffice the other night (or a non-stopflight ot,fflncy. He »i>oki> at length

below Pop Williams' deptirtm^ntstore at Stone Mill,.was recently at-tacked liy a large trout while Inbathing. Several tent poles, spadesand other instrumentsover the enraged fish's back before

1 •-.- 2 8 0 2! J ^ 6 j c o r e , byMnnlnRs: •

S u m m a r y . ^ o b M l . , l l ta K-ullel._r.rlspart. Bal-8 on'bklls, off

b Pullerton, 7; Kaiulnaky. 2

1 ; the WoodbiidB? Miners' nine to the O'eanon, In, a Uat second effort to third place and held on to It till the|'tune of an 11-5 score taat Sunday P a s s t n e California^, skidded on the fln,gU y n e ; Moore waa still two laps'afternoon. The gome ended lsj the •JSWS' ba«k*d/ north-east tnrn, \^'A 0 { Qiegkon; Uec\eV trailed11 sixth frame bv iirevlouB agreemen/. •3r"'W™ about la the patb of the on- . . . . ' „ ...° i Zilal "Miner" twirler, let tlie rushing field,Md headed for the- ea»t Oleaaon by three lw»; Robinson was- fI9ellniteskno<k him for twelve safe- end o f t h « pltline. With superb One bsh nd DeCkw; Oardnet was sU•Mtles and he struck out seven bat- »^". however, the Ihlladelphta laps behind • Robinson, and C

ters. Schmidt held the mound for driver steered his car backwards,He held the a n d c ' e a r of the Umber, at the same

six hits and t l m e avoiding a. crash into the steelwire fence enclosing the infield.Swinging about, he crowed the fin-ish line in second place. !

Decker, of Staten Maud, drivinga nickel-plated Mlll.r in darin.t'wtyle and at a consistt-iu Hpocd,cawHi- In third, with • UoWusua-clusi^.

a Perth ly following In tomtit phioe.

Of tlie sixteen entries .who. H'Ppeared, four fallWl to i|iiullfy. Theywere: Mike HlcKaotl, lint ywnr's fa-vorjte, George Wlngc'rter, of; Joe Baker; of I'itihhur^h, and

the winniti): combinn.Woodbrlflge boys tostruck^out live. Diibe chalked upthree safeties for the winners, wlijleO. Pochak and Toback rang up* two;each for the losers: \

The Iselin elan will play the Me-tuchen A. C. at Sletuchen tomorrowuflet'tioDii:—BlTuiti me belns-to arrange a contest withAmboy nine" for Sunday,

The scores:Millers

BIX laps behind Gardner,

Local FavoriteFails to Qualifyfor Opening Race

Dunlinn). cfHacsi, as; _.... 2

ank DTU»t, John Bruce, of upon the subject of fl?h and. flshlnS it released, Its tenpi-«uicken victim. ^ttcher, by Kaminsky, Sabo.Umpires, "Mike" I'arsler and Jo-seph PurHler.

fr..i,-i ,„.

Uiver1 Andrew Pale, John'and regaled the Kod and Heel editorii • Daldeyan Leiim-i, Frank and Jerry Monaghan, the a«sociat(>.i' Robert McOracken, of Perth Upd and Heel aditor, with tales unri,•- John Thompson, Hlshland' Ba^aa tha< made Major Hoople and hook. Thl.-. 'lied Haller,<*8teve Hunyadl. t I'op Williams seem liktj rank umu-liisatnyck, Frank Cyrus, John'tuers by comparison. 1

.ark, William WestWte, Loulsj "According to Brother IHntiy.vicli, Anthony Kobulya '

Instead of .the usual trout flies, iune a feath-1

j According t B r hand John 0 { t) i e veteran anglers' of Wood-,

ibrldge), the South Branch al HIKI\d

1'inlli.iuid-Loaa Account<:. ivborah to the play..iat.r to a line csfe-,

i»- .•at she promptly put away.,.[d.-r chicken'kalad;lot assorted vegetables;lobster.

its various und sundrytributaries and streams are so' fullOf W trout that the waters haverisen fully «lx feef., The fish are so

plentiful", it seems,get enough to eat, .and

.forced to crawl up

tin-—for her love I^yearn..n r did get in return:roguish gUnee;i>at on the arm; ,

the anjilers up (hat wayer duster uoncealinii a large shark j

alluring bait is fastenedto the eiui of an elevator cable W 4 - !iny ' through barrel hoop guides on Ione jif the taller trees near tlu>jstream. The 1'fly", if we may call1

It that, is sently' flicked ou%t over thedeep, water with the aid of fl trapsuch as is used in propelling clay

the nsli Is iiafely;

; R. AthleticsTrim Bluejayson Park Diamond

Sb _P

O. Vochftk, 2bToback, l b . :G. l'oclialf, c _..Tilsrl. If. :: •. .,Kolftma, rf.

•All ot them


O'Neill, 2b ::Dube, It -Boltzar,. BB. +..±.,,Lambert, lji :Hutteman, 3b.

27 5' 6

AH, It. H.3 1 %

.... 4 2

Locul fans who thj'mixt'd UicWoodbiidne Speedway ^randstaildand infield last Sunday regrettedthe fact that Mike Illrkao'n, o£PlttHbur.tli. favorite uf the local •1928 season, tailed., to qualify forthe 100 mile opening race. Lastminute efforts to correct steeringgear trouble proved futile.

•Kicd Winnal, of Philadelphia, an-other favorite, who finished' fifth atthe Indianapolis classic," w«« unableto nuallfy. The timing chain on hieKrontenac broke while he was

Detroit, driving w f t r m m K u p in preparation for the

that they can tThe Port Reading ^thle.tles1 nine Ohlinari", C.

• Raphael, • rf. ..-» ,..: 2

firi" 2' . out of range In the

' n u m e r o u s a i m ,_•_. . . . M . n .p ronp t h a t s t u n s l l — ,iee,, p u l l s . J ! 1 ^ ^ . , ^ *pl

iU\ defeated the, Bluejays, of Perth Am:| Wlssing. cf. 2liavt- been

,» t e a m w l n c h .boy, by a 6-3 score In a conflict on Schmidt, p.

'the'Wonderland Park diamond lastafternoon. Hutnick twirled



Charlie Cyr, of Boston,drove Frontenacs.

Three of the twelvehad Imid luck at the stun; Johnnie.Krieger, of Loa AiiHelea, more re-cently of Payton, Ohio, driving aKloiiteuuj;, could not got awtly fromthe starting line, and waa waved oilthe track. •-/, Bert Kurnatz, ofa front-drive Miller, struck the qualifying test run.guard rail at the south-east turn Inthe truck, qualified In 21.}" second^two-tenths more than MooiVs (juall-

1 tying time. He went back to the n t t V epit for inspection and lined up later B^nceat the starting line. Near the end

the first >lup, uQWever, a_ collarf i U i d

I •

jfon the wheel brolfe,»iUe driving rod] from the transmission

26 '11 .12

for the mysterioua'dlsaiipeaffinCTrtrseveral head of.Holiteln milch cow^jseveral head of.Hfrom the p u t u t n ot Callfor,.

U k e Solitude. They resperm or sulphur-bottom

'size. and.

mble' thewhale InThe other i



Barbato and Hiitnlckthe willow, niarking up

each for the Port Read-

one of the bte trout thought it wus|3, dry fly; it jumped for the aerial"tasect" anil just 'missed it by afoot "or" two'." ' * ""•" "

Aa. the adult High Bridge trout

Fatterello, 2b.McNutly, cf.Vernlllo, cf.

I fell back into the water, It threw up | stmione c .!a resultir geyser of spray and foam > M H '' {,,'which Inundated the tow-lying aec- "B b a t 0 ' 1{ 'tlona of Hisih -nrlilse; and the spray, ,_nmhflr^, oh_tlpna of Hish -Bridge; and the spray,blown wtBtwaid by the wind, cume

Uowu in what people thought watf a«loudbur»'t at Eaiston-r Pa-


A. A.H'uceell, cf.

tosser8v were; {tangle, 2b.

Lombardi, 3b.Byleckie, ss. ....McDonnell, rf.Hjitnick, ,p

The Fords ... ,swamped by'a it -1 score In il claeh j Currier, lbWith the lletui'heii nine on the Boro'Anderson, Ifsandlot last Saturday afternoon. • DeiU, 3b., pTen Byck hurled for the winners, Paiee, as _

|while Puny and Copperwatts shared S. Anderson, vf.the mound for the losers. j Chapman, c

the Boro nine took the lead in Posh, p . - :the first with three runs and held' it! Kazier,

•throughout the conflict, ringing up,ttwraora. in tin- fifth frame. TlW|Fords clan marked tip, theircounter in the first. I

The bos score:Metmhen


AU. ...... 3..:., t

tZ. a, . . 2

2_.. 3u._ 2




• 0



1. 1



H. K.1 00 01 0

'• 2 I)0 .p2 (I

Copperites SwampKeasbey Carbos in23-8 L a n d s l i d e

The first tripleson was' made in





play of the seaa County Indus-

trial League clash in which 'theRarltau Copper Works nine downedthe Keusbey Curbornndum- tossersby a 2S-8 score last Saturday after-iioon'. The onion rtvvnt t l>om 'birdto first, to the home iilate and bacKasaln to third to complulti the novel

to the rightfr<jnt wbetl snapped, und tragedywaa narrowly averted, when Bert'slow-built upeed chaflot slid lgno-

Hlckson's car, though'/* obviouslyoutclassed by the lcnposlqg array ofMiller Specials, nevertheless' might

placed' for the prlie-monoy.tftke's Intimate knowledge of

the Woodbridge track and his su-1

parlor drh'lng ability stood xtronglyIn his favor.

Hlckaon and his Frooty placedthird at the Altooiia races on Deco-ration Day, In spite of the fact thatMike waa forced to the pits twl«*e


toot of the boards, Juat out of the'the coast speed'demon'in Sunday'sway of the reHt-ot the field -which, ,.ace w e r e considerably lessened bycame. liurtlinB along1, Jockeying for;-yre trouble.' Twice he waa forcedposition. . ^o slow down and Btop for wheel

Billy Arnold, of Chicago, driving | changes, to replace torn rubber,a Miller, after qualifying In 22.4'Gleason had been warned not toseconds, was forced out because of use thn tires that gav^ Way becausemotor trouble, in the third lap. of their a«e, They were over a year

This leHthe-foHwlBg a»W iuloM ttfid h,«d_ seen plenty of Berv tee.the race: Lou iloore, -Miller; Jimmy Wllbert Balne^, Mlke% mechanic,

Miller, Bob Robinson. Uu-1 ••-••—••"-•.Ulu't Gardner, Miller;

Huniy. Turseon, Froflteu^c; HUBSSnowb«rtjer, Miller; Frank '-Fanner, .Hlckson's tank Sunday, bflld.-a mix-

p l a y . • 'Spataford twirled for the winners

'0 Iwhife Lund, Miller and I'arsler wereIn the box for the Keasuey tribe.

! The acbre:B. O. W.

00001 '1 Hrehowskl, SB . -

.4j,Mc<xUlre, rf.00

AB. U. H. 14.

3 5 222lone) The score by innlnga:

Athletics 0 Q { 1 Q 1 0 - 62 0 0 1 0 0 0—3

AB. It. H. K.Walker, ,cfRandolph, IfMOrria. TbDaniord, 2b

... 3 2... 5 0

5 1.„ a a

kff, rf. •-Rule, SBPotter, 3b -Ten Eyck, p. -

Bodner, «»• • •Wwren, .c *Fiillerton, 3b. .B)»ncli8rd, rf.


Glory_ "Who were electedand VIce-PresIdent in

Wallace, o. -„.Rogers, ct. .....UyHon, 3bCrefed, "I -Balio, lb. -Hikorakl, 2b.SpatBford, u,Smith, c. —

TeacherPresident1928 " ^p

Pupil—"Herbert Htpover andbrother ol Mrs. Gant(."-rLlfe,


Oomposlte PNADU of Lift*Man wants but little here belqw,

And you will win jtour b«ta,Jf you *1U wag^r money, bo,

8J. 9 10 I1 That thte Is all he g«ta.^ ' I — Clneloaatl .Enquirer

R. H. K.'(h 1 l 'The man who gets but tittle here0 i* l l .Upon this feuny earth.. ,r ,1 i; o'l»—Jl the truth were thread around


1 00 0tt 0

0 0 "E'en then avoiding.0 t) He taktts his weekly

— — And hands. It to h—Youngsi

ga-ve- the Leader Veoorter some d,opeou the! gas mixtures used by tin'racers! They all doctor their gas.

Miller; Sltorty Cantlon, Frohtedac; tuipe of. special Tydol and! Texaco,Balnea said. Some of the drivers onboard, track's use Dunsol to reducethe heat. .

Rick Decker, .Miller.The process, of. elimination and!

the survival of'the'*1 ttt -went right,along, however. ' Farmer went out.In: bis. twelfth lap;to tlul pita on bis twenty-third,stayed there. i

Taking 'nine by the Poredock"I say daiiliiK, I have ticket* for

''Splendid., ,1'U nturt dressing""Yea, d» dear. Theyhre for to-Thlis- left Moore, Robinson, Tur- .v U i _ # .„ .

geon, Gleuson, Gardner and Decker morrow." --Boston Transcript.In, poiweBKlon of the, 'track^- < ti&dr th« end of the first 25-mile


4 3 0, grind, Cileuxon had a bad break. He3 1 0 WM forced to the pit to change a0 1 0 right rear tire, which had been cut0 3 0 to ribbons during a skid. Eager2 4 1 mechanics shoved tbe jack on th»4 4 0' rear wheels, knocked oQ the wheel1 1 Oand substituted another ln 18 Bec-5 3 0 onds, and lite Fast Boy from I'hllly3 4 1 was oft und again while the stands1 2 0; roared thetr approval of the. Bueed

,. with which the change had been at-23 29 2 fected'. Before tne race ended Glea-

Faraler, u .Jacobs, c. ...Mlkulft. 2b. ~;Palocbko, lb.3bo, rf. — ,Loeaer, If. —Lund, 3b., sa.,Orlm, rl. ....^,Miller, B»,, p. .

p, „



. 1

adn was again forced to the pit be-|AB. K. H. K. cause of poor rubber.

Keibok D 3b. __ * 1 0 0 When Moore, leading the field* • ' ¥ - 2 0 had ticked off hla 60tb lap. the rest

2 olof toe field had the following l»i>a-0 OtW'tW credit; Deckar, 48; Hnhlnaoi),

1 »»8; Cantlou, 47) Oleason, 47; Tur.-44.


Jtf»t getting all he'« worth.—Los Angeles Express.

Man gets but little h«t» below,

of doughwife.


Moore stHI leading at the 100 lapmark, had Koplnson close behind

0 him, In his 99th lap, while GleaaouOiwaa 9g, Caption, 07, lacker, (jr>,0 and Gardner, \)'if Turgean, 89.

— I _ At the three-quarter mark, with21 twenty-five ntileu to gq, Gleason hud

I drawn jip liuo'secood place, two23 lap* behind Moore's 150; . with

Carbo »™~-^- 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 8— SiftoWason in eloae pursuit in hisThV summary. Three bas* hlta,lH5th lap; and the real of the fleid

Parsler. 2: Dallna 2. Two base hlLlattung out aa follows: Decker, 144-,Crwd.. l i « » w balii, off Aeybok, pJUtloa ,aod Gardner, 140,

The a w e by Inning*:1

Copper W - 0 B 1 0 3 0b l L

3 7 4

i; off PataMsr.J; off Sp»t»ford, S.Struck out oy.Beybok, 81 by Par-.


andin his

rt Main tomorrow.York Evenlog Pqtrt, | Moore

Turgeon out ot the' grindJSSrd. 1«J-

Gtewon tried valiantly to lapMoore, but the young ace of theapeedboards, one eye ou the trackai>d the other apparently cookedastern, Vept still twfl lap* ahead ftbj» Fast Boy of PWUy. The 170thUp found tbem strung out' In ord«r,

170; Gletmn, 16K; Robin-

10,000,000 BOWLERS

5,000,000 BILLIARD

players k e e pand mentally

physicallyfit through-

out the UnitedStates therebykeeping 1 nperfect phys-cal conditiont o ward offfiH, grip, etc.Your doctorwllr point outthe benefits ofthese t w ohealth- build-ers.

Afternoon SeasiODS tor

and InntrucUoa tor' Beginner*



Mwket St., Oor. Ate.

Page 8: DE CROSSING THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER MUST GO ! 1 · 2014. 3. 3. · Bri&e All Records to Win Crown Artists Begin Redecorating of New Floor and New ligKtinf Fixtures Will be Installed


Smaller BillsHave Always £??•;•;


And thepay n *clothing \easy.

You'llquaint«dmoney ifqua in ted';

i»U Are asked towmart lummerAffordable and

better »c-of the new

II become ac-

Fancy Neckweir — 1

Bathing Suits — Sammer Oodafwetr

Fancy Sweaters & Linen Knickers

C. CHR1STENSEN96 Main Street

"A Safe Place to fe

Cable TossersWin Postponed

League C1 a s B

bridce, N. J.


Reckless* Dmer Fined$5 After C

(.pubiFhwd total Corp Will-Yonkt lT Tfc f IKiiM p trick K«nw«gfc 9»,«ptaln °« V|»P«W M I Oft

—'• u ! 16* andgcourt co»U when arraigned ( j ^ Middlesex rite. DrumMichael Buchaay, 24. a *bor«r.; »n ^ ^ c o u r t here M .o n dA r m££. Bugle Corps will compete at atan iriuiia «»r«si Pprth Awooy, i inc mi a disorderly charfe. t,oii» IH T I M I . « »


• . n i E n a r i D u t u u ; , « • • - —• , m p o n c e *•«••• " ~ j ~ " . ^.' v * * - B u g l e C o r p s w i l l C o m p e t e a t a Kii'iiiI of 3SS Ketnt »treet, Perth Amooy , j l n g On a d l l 0 ™?jY 8unday evening Day to be held In Yonlter.. N Y

'•KM fined t& and court ewts when vanagh was ar -^ ^ w p o r j R e t 4 _ o n j , i , ifttl)-. u«4« . the *uinlc(>R f,f

View* alorin th* CMUullan-l'nitfd States boundary near Interna-nallimal Kails Mrnn., netne ot thf fa»«l thoottn* of Henry VlrlraWb> a r^deral itry a«*nt wimi he wan onlerwl to stop hl« car whilerhllnu with his wife and children. The trail almif thf lUiny Riverat this point Is known at "Liquor laat." Top photo* »n> vlewn oftUinj Klver, showing "hooae fords" and below: Lake or the Wood*.


Bodovance, 2 b. —PtTTJ, P — -Wagner, lb —

3 "Colored Citizens' Club» Plat Charter Nifbt

21 S 4 2 The CHarter WightKqqlpmrm Colored Cltiiena' Club, of Wood-

AB. R. H. E. bridge Township, will be held .In thePowers, If. —Stephen, M.Van Camp, cSheets, rfI'osaeroyfcJb

! Holland, ft.the Avenel rlan. _^,, IM_ „ __nded In tht- sfvt'nlh Collins c*Tenel hoys rlialking Gorlty,' jb. '~ZZ"..—

Inn a ijuartti of sate- Kara, p 3by IIM- opposition.1 ' . ;

alk and two pasBe«! 31 .4 9 0Undergrounds ttiuf[ 'ffie score by lmftn*gg: ' ' ' .WObamen Clrttt. PUJe Grove No-." c a D ' ° 'Steel Equip. - _ 6 2 0 0 1 0 1—4 io , will hold a bt» ride nftct month,

0 club rooms on,July 16th. Mrs. M.0 McCauley wlirnnveil the charter.0 The charter members of the club0 «re: Oliver Lose, Arthur C. Cheit-0 nut,, Albert Harris, Caspar Harris,

>«1OMPACTLY arr»nged thu lit-U . Uc bunfilow II unuiotl both

in deaitn and its fxceptionaleonvenicnec, while , adding ittrar-t inawa at tlw final touch to Hadwirtbility. Featdrts which willinirtantly ' appeal 'are the opengrates in both living and dtnlnf

0 Sr., and Daniel0 The officers cf4h<- <"lub are: Ar-0 thur C. Cheataut, president; Will-0

Plan Bos Trip

Tht Standard I'nili-rLround Cableni«f-. uf Perth Aniimv, il^ft-ated thf KSii-t'l K'|ul|iiiicnt tfj.-si'rs' ot, V e n d ,by a t>-4 acore in ;» poslponed Coun-ty Industrial I.c'istit- cia»h [ilayt-d Nt'Wso•in ih>- Rarltan <;<i\,\,-r Works' fii'ld, HauiulljTiii-siliiy evening, ivn-y lwirl»-d fur WiitsoiHit- winning comliii'i and Karu *;i> (lardndfe ili.




i'able 1 -^

io , wil hold a bt»0 2 0 4 x—6 according to plan?

'"tfuBWregs i " hdiscussed at a

AE!. \\. H. E. Contortionirts Baiwd men's Clpbi her* last Friday eve0; A' number of Evee, members of ning. Plans for Etvi-ral cara par-0 the LaSa'M^ county home bureau, ties to be held In tit*- (all were also0 who startled the community around discussed.0 Btreator last year by establishing Mrs. Thomas Co'ijiland save an0 themselves In a sylvan retreat-where interesting account of the recent1 the hand of man was not allowed to State Convention i.-;ii in Anbury1 set foot.—Chicago Dally News. Park.

"in any home that eventually winon* w*th« degree that a log firedocs in tin cool evening* ot lat«spring or early autumn. In otherm p t c t s tka plan is most attrac-tive. The open porch will becomea rttre«t' of delightful privacyonce the foliage of the clamberingvibes cover thf lattice-work, andits. ilM insures comfort for theentire family. The interior ar-rangement is excellent, a)l thesleeping rooms having ample light-ing Aid ventilation, and the hathbeing most conveniently placed.The enclosed sleeping ^orch in therear is attmejently large for twobeds if desired. The bungalow isbuilt of common brick and it shouldbe easily within the reach of theaverage man in any locality.

The Commoro brick conitructic;

on •prifk l!inufKtut»ra' Awoeintion, Cleveland, Ohio, c«n furnish tompltte ilr«»ings tor this dairn- ^etflUion Sent upon requcat. j

Announcing The Opening of Our Woodbridge StoreWe take pleasure|p announcing to the people of Woodbridge and vicinity the opening of our store at 90 Main street, in the heart

of Woodbridge, witecomplete line of Radio Sets, Accessories, Household Electric Appliances, and expert repair service which willgive you the utmost iif satisfaction. Easy Terms will prevail on all merchandise, enabling you to possess the very latest in electricaland radio e q u i p m e n t the home at the most reasonble terms. All merchandise is nationally advertised, has been proven superior,and has received unqualified endorsement in millions of American homes. We look forward with pleasurable anticipation to yourvalued patronge. *

ELECTRICALHousehold Appliances






f ,. r



Radio Sets





Radio Repairing Our Soec

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