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Decade Research Project�1900-1999

Decade Research Project

Show-Me StandardsPerformance

� Goal 1 -- Students in Missouri public schools will acquire the knowledge and skills to gather, analyze and apply information and ideas.

� Goal 2 -- Students in Missouri public schools will acquire the knowledge and skills to will acquire the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively within and beyond the classroom.

� Goal 4 -- Students in Missouri public schools will acquire the knowledge and skills to make decisions and act as responsible members of society.

Me StandardsPerformance

Students in Missouri public schools will acquire the knowledge and skills to gather, analyze and apply information and

Students in Missouri public schools will acquire the knowledge and skills to will acquire the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively within and beyond

Students in Missouri public schools will acquire the knowledge and skills to make decisions and act as responsible members of

Show-Me StandardsCommunication Arts

� Speaking and writing standard English (including grammar, usage, punctuation, spelling, capitalization)

� Reading and evaluating nonfiction works and material (such as biographies, newspapers, technical manuals) technical manuals)

� Writing formally (such as reports, narratives, essays) and informally (such as outlines, notes)

� Participating in formal and informal presentations and discussions of issues and ideas

Me StandardsCommunication Arts

Speaking and writing standard English (including grammar, usage, punctuation, spelling,

Reading and evaluating nonfiction works and material (such as biographies, newspapers,

Writing formally (such as reports, narratives, essays) and informally (such as outlines, notes)

Participating in formal and informal presentations and discussions of issues and ideas

Show-Me StandardsScience

� Impact of science, technology and human activity on resources and the environment

Me StandardsScience

Impact of science, technology and human activity on resources and the

Show-Me StandardsSocial Studies

� Continuity and change in the history of the United States and the world

� Principles and processes of governance systems

� The major elements of geographical study and � The major elements of geographical study and analysis (such as location, place, movement, regions) and their relationships to changes in society and environment

� Relationships of the individual and groups to institutions and cultural traditions

Me StandardsSocial Studies

Continuity and change in the history of the United

Principles and processes of governance systems

The major elements of geographical study and The major elements of geographical study and analysis (such as location, place, movement, regions) and their relationships to changes in society and environment

Relationships of the individual and groups to institutions and cultural traditions


� Know?

� Understand?

� Do?


• Students will identify important facts from a decade of their choice

• clothing/fashion/styles

• entertainment: music, dance, TV or radio, books (what did the people in your decade do for fun?)

• inventions/gadgets• leaders/national and international• events/national and international• slang

Students will identify important facts from a decade of their choice


entertainment: music, dance, TV or radio, books (what did the people in your decade do for fun?)

leaders/national and internationalevents/national and international


• summarize information from various sources• organize research into a meaningful

presentationidentify real-world relationships between their • identify real-world relationships between their decade to current times

• compare their decade findings to those from other decades

• explain the significance of the information they found

information from various sourcesresearch into a meaningful

world relationships between their world relationships between their decade to current times

their decade findings to those from

the significance of the information they


• read and take notes about their decade• make connections from their decade to others• organize and prepare a final • organize and prepare a final

project/presentation• demonstrate their research with a final

presentation (Choice Board)• complete additional assignments from the


read and take notes about their decademake connections from their decade to othersorganize and prepare a final organize and prepare a final

demonstrate their research with a final presentation (Choice Board)complete additional assignments from the

Presentation/Project Chart


















What would you like to order?

Check out the “Menu!”

What would you like to order?

Check out the “Menu!”

Decade Delicatessen

• Appetizer - pick one of the following• read the short story associated with your

decade from the book a summary of the story include things/events decade from the book a summary of the story include things/events which were significant to the time period

• write an editorial about a significant event from your decade

Decade Delicatessen

pick one of the followingread the short story associated with your decade from the book Time Capsule and write a summary of the story include things/events decade from the book Time Capsule and write a summary of the story include things/events which were significant to the time periodwrite an editorial about a significant event from



Nancy Shellburne, daughter of George and Martha Shellburne lives during the time of the Cold War. She is one who lives in a cold environment, created by her always serious father and obedient, overmother. Nancy describes the seriousness acquired as the years increase. They practice civil defense drills, and as for their tame games were at an ultimate end, play had lost its fun. At one such drill, Nancy meets Brenda Wompers whom she describes as carefree and one who represses the whole danger that they were supposedly in. At times of seriousness, the humorous girl would always connect it someway to something hilarious. This eased the intensity of the tensions between the Russians and Americans. Nancy would spend every Monday evening at the Wompers’ to watch every episode of the much anticipated T.V. show, “I Love Lucy.” The Wompers’ environment was much different than her own. They were warm and welcoming, and always had room for fun, fun, and more different than her own. They were warm and welcoming, and always had room for fun, fun, and more fun. One day at dinner in the Shellburnes’ house, George made an announcement. He announced that the Americans exploded the first H-Bomb over the Marshall Island, and how it doesn’t exist anymore. Her father concluded the announcement with the building proposal of a bomb shelter. After that he started his work. He would go out and dig all day. Nancy and her mother were encouraged to make a list of supplies they would need. No one was to know of George Shellburne’s obsessive work on the nuclear bomb shelter. Nancy had not even shared this bit of info. with Brenda. On one normal day, Nancy’s parents were discussing the Wompers’ and their irregularities. They think with company such as Brenda, Nancy wouldn’t keep her grades up. She protests, and in return her father tells her that they were going to a civil defense meetings for 6 weeks on miss Lucy! After intense work on the shelter, it was finally completed. One day Brenda came over, to return Nancy’s Math book on the card table, and after a rude encounter w/ her father, Nancy was embarrassed to talk to Brenda. Brenda understood, and after school dressed up as Nancy’s father and imitated him. And once again, it was back to good old times.


Nancy Shellburne, daughter of George and Martha Shellburne lives during the time of the Cold War. She is one who lives in a cold environment, created by her always serious father and obedient, over-clean mother. Nancy describes the seriousness acquired as the years increase. They practice civil defense drills, and as for their tame games were at an ultimate end, play had lost its fun. At one such drill, Nancy meets Brenda Wompers whom she describes as carefree and one who represses the whole danger that they were supposedly in. At times of seriousness, the humorous girl would always connect it someway to something hilarious. This eased the intensity of the tensions between the Russians and Americans. Nancy would spend every Monday evening at the Wompers’ to watch every episode of the much anticipated T.V. show, “I Love Lucy.” The Wompers’ environment was much different than her own. They were warm and welcoming, and always had room for fun, fun, and more different than her own. They were warm and welcoming, and always had room for fun, fun, and more fun. One day at dinner in the Shellburnes’ house, George made an announcement. He announced

Bomb over the Marshall Island, and how it doesn’t exist anymore. Her father concluded the announcement with the building proposal of a bomb shelter. After that he started his work. He would go out and dig all day. Nancy and her mother were encouraged to make a list of supplies they would need. No one was to know of George Shellburne’s obsessive work on the nuclear bomb shelter. Nancy had not even shared this bit of info. with Brenda. On one normal day, Nancy’s parents were discussing the Wompers’ and their irregularities. They think with company such as Brenda, Nancy wouldn’t keep her grades up. She protests, and in return her father tells her that they were going to a civil defense meetings for 6 weeks on MondayMonday nights! She would miss Lucy! After intense work on the shelter, it was finally completed. One day Brenda came over, to return Nancy’s Math book on the card table, and after a rude encounter w/ her father, Nancy was embarrassed to talk to Brenda. Brenda understood, and after school dressed up as Nancy’s father and imitated him. And once again, it was back to good old times.

Example of “Editorial”Example of “Editorial”

Another Editorial

Another Editorial

Decade Delicatessen

• The Main Dishinclude all of these in your final presentation• clothing/fashion/styles• entertainment: music, dance, TV or radio, books (what did

the people in your decade do for fun?• inventions/gadgets• leaders/national and international• events/ national and international• slang (optional)

Decade Delicatessen

The Main Dish –

include all of these in your final presentation

entertainment: music, dance, TV or radio, books (what did the people in your decade do for fun?

leaders/national and internationalevents/ national and international

Fashion of the Eighties

The Eighties fashion was very different than todays and included;

Adidas, British Nights, Jelliesbraceletsbracelets

Big earringsPunk rock

Collars raisedHigh socksBike shorts


Fashion of the Eighties

The Eighties fashion was very different than todays and included;

Adidas, British Nights, Jelliesbraceletsbracelets

Big earringsPunk rock

Collars raisedHigh socksBike shorts


1970s PowerPoint1970s PowerPoint

1980s PowerPoint1980s PowerPoint

Decade Delicatessen

• Side Dishes -

pick one of the following• pick someone from your decade to represent the

“person of the century” and prepare a small debate/persuasive speech which demonstrates debate/persuasive speech which demonstrates why they should be chosen to be the “person of the century”

• “broadcast” a story about a significant event from your decade

• interview someone from your decade


Decade Delicatessen

pick one of the followingpick someone from your decade to represent the “person of the century” and prepare a small debate/persuasive speech which demonstrates debate/persuasive speech which demonstrates why they should be chosen to be the “person of

“broadcast” a story about a significant event

interview someone from your decade


Decade Delicatessen

• Desserts (Optional/Extra Credit) day you presentday you present

• dress up like someone from your decade • bring in some artifacts• create a visual aid


Decade Delicatessen

(Optional/Extra Credit) - on the

dress up like someone from your decade bring in some artifacts


Examples of Artifacts

1920s Dress

Examples of Artifacts

1920sice cream maker

1960s Artifacts

1970s Artifacts

1990s Artifacts

Examples of CostumesExamples of Costumes

More Costumes

Choice Board pick one for your presentation

create a movie or music video

create a scrapbook

newspaperyour choice -

submitted in writing and agreed upon by both teacher and student

brochure poster(s)

create a scrapbook

powerpoint presentation

- must be submitted in writing and

agreed upon by both teacher and student

talk show



Multiple Intelligencescreate a movie or music



create a scrapbook

kinesthetic/ intrapersonal/



logical/ verbal your choice

submitted in writing and agreed upon by both teacher

logical/ verbal intrapersonal

agreed upon by both teacher and student


kinesthetic/ intrapersonal


kinesthetic/ visual

Multiple Intelligencescreate a scrapbook

kinesthetic/ intrapersonal/


PowerPoint presentation

interpersonal/ verbal

your choice - must be submitted in writing and

agreed upon by both teacher

talk show

interpersonal/ auditory/agreed upon by both teacher

and studentauditory/



kinesthetic/ visual

oral presentation

verbal/ interpersonal


These girls made a scrapbook!These girls made a scrapbook!

More Examples

Another scrapbook!Another scrapbook!

Example of MovieExample of Movie

Examples of PostersExamples of Posters

Example of a Talk Show/Drama

These two creative guys changed costume

to discussWomen’s Fashion

Example of a Talk Show/Drama

guys changed costume


Dustbowl (Continued)

� Nearly 100,000,000 acres of land were affected

Dustbowl (Continued)

Nearly 100,000,000 acres of land were

Presentation/Project Score Guide




has a great understanding and

has communicated it clearly and creatively

in a detailed way

has a good understanding has communicated it clearly and in a

detailed way






Presentation/project was

extremely neat, organized, and

detailed. Met time requirement.

Contained all info.

Presentation/project was neat, organized, and

detailed. Met time requirement.

Contained all info.

Presentation/Project Score Guide

3 2 1

understanding has presented this

information adequately and


presented this information but lacking in some

areas or not clearly

not clearly or adequately presented

detailed. Met time

Presentation/project was neat and organized.

Contained minimal info or did not meet time requirement.

Presentation/project was

somewhat neat and organized. Missing

key information. Did not meet time


Presentation/project was missing significant info and did not meet time


Presentation/Project Chart


















Picture of Chart AfterPicture of Chart After

Decade Wall