december 2014 voice of chaim

Voice of Chaim Congregation Etz Chaim • 1190 Indian Hills Parkway • Marietta, GA 30068 • 770.973.0137 Creating Meaningful Jewish Experiences DECEMBER 2014 / KISLEV - TEVET 5775 / VOLUME 38, ISSUE 11 In this Issue: From Our Rabbis page 2 From Our President page 3 From Our Youth Director page 3 Education News Page 4 Our Etz Chaim Community page 7 B’nai Mitzvah page 9 Sisterhood Scoop page 10 Men’s Club Notes page 11 Chanukah pages 16 - 18 Religious Corner page 18 Calendar page 19 Yahrzeits page 20 Tzedakah page 30 Daily Minyan Times: Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. Sunday, 9:15 a.m. Sunday – Friday 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Services: Friday, 6:30 p.m. Saturday, 9:30 a.m. Community Chanukah Celebration at Etz Chaim Monday, December 22nd at 7:00 p.m.

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This is a monthly publication of Congregation Etz Chaim in Marietta, GA (East Cobb). We are a member of the USCJ.


Page 1: December 2014 Voice of Chaim

Voice of ChaimCongregation Etz Chaim • 1190 Indian Hills Parkway • Marietta, GA 30068 • 770.973.0137

Creating Meaningful Jewish Experiences

December 2014 / Kislev - TeveT 5775 / volume 38, issue 11

In this Issue: From Our Rabbis page 2

From Our President page 3

From Our Youth Director page 3

Education News Page 4

Our Etz Chaim Community page 7

B’nai Mitzvah page 9

Sisterhood Scoop page 10

Men’s Club Notes page 11

Chanukah pages 16 - 18

Religious Corner page 18

Calendar page 19

Yahrzeits page 20

Tzedakah page 30

Daily Minyan Times:

Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m.

Sunday, 9:15 a.m.

Sunday – Friday 6:30 p.m.

Shabbat Services:Friday, 6:30 p.m. Saturday, 9:30 a.m.

Community Chanukah Celebration at Etz ChaimMonday, December 22nd at 7:00 p.m.

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The Voice of Chaim | December 2014

I find it rather interesting how we change and evolve in the reformation of our passions. As a child, I couldn’t wait for the paper to be delivered so I could read the next installment of Steve Roper or chuckle along with The Wizard of Id. I went straight to the comics. Now, it’s the editorial page and the hard news. When I’d rip off the wrapping paper at my birthday party I would hope for a Tonka truck or a cap gun. Now, in celebration of my birthday, I’m happy with a family dinner. In those distant days I remember Brylcreem and a comb in every pocket of every jacket, shirt and pair of pants. Now, I’m happy if I simply have something to comb. As life progresses, our opinions, our desires, our values, our tastes – everything changes. Such revisions provide fodder for laughter and nostalgia, reminding us, happily, that as the years pass we are not static creatures. But such redefinitions of who we are is what makes us human in response to that which surrounds us. Thankfully, we move beyond comics, toys and combs to places more serious and substantial. A child dwells in a self-centered universe, but a healthy adult knows that there is more to life than narcissism in deed and in thought. We somehow go from goofy and infantile to mature and wise, grateful that we are not frozen in time. Finally, something snaps and we proudly declare ourselves to be adults. Our behavior changes and we reminisce, wistfully over past performances and past blunders, happy to now assume the mantle of maturity. There are countless episodes from our earlier days that we wish we could redo; though we can’t mend what was broken, we can indeed prevent new fractures.

December has become my favorite month of the year, though, for many, it is a time of religious exclusion and spiritual discomfort. Inundated as we are by bell-ringing Santas, fruit cakes, tree lightings, candy canes on every lamp post and Drummer Boy on every radio station, I am nonetheless enchanted by this season. Not so long ago, the obligatory adult education class offered by every synagogue, with the advent of winter, was ‘The Christmas Dilemma’. “What do we Jews do when we are surrounded, outflanked, trapped by Christmas?” “Do we pack up our children and send them to Brooklyn for the month?” “How do we interact with our neighbors?” “Should we avoid the mall till January?” “How do we get through this most Christian of holidays without surrendering to Jesus?” For many, it is a time of panic and a time for circling the wagons. I confess that there was a time when I too would be gripped by angst when November ended and eggnog appeared in Kroger. But, truthfully, no longer do I have a Christmas Dilemma. Music on the radio? Get Sirius XM. Nativity scenes in public parks? Look at the trees. Red and green sprinkled cookies at your bank? Gobble them up guiltlessly. A salesclerk wishes you merry Christmas? Wish them Merry Christmas back.

For years, I was a chauvinistic, belligerent protector of Chanukah and Judaism, but I have come to realize that they were never under attack. One’s celebration was not a call to arms and imminent assimilation. It was a rejoicing by the Christian faithful. I have changed and grown, respectful of December and of Christmas.

To us, I wish a Happy Chanukah and to our Christian friends I wish a very Merry Christmas.

– Rabbi Shalom Lewis

While Six Million Died – Part Two

One of the most important books to be published in the years following The Eichmann Trial in Jerusalem was Arthur D. Morse’s “While Six Million Died”, a scathing expose’ on what our government knew about the destruction of European Jewry and the extent to which our government hid what it knew, labeled as ‘alarmists, cranks and Zionists’ those who sought to cut through the inaction and as an institution was generally unmoved and unconcerned by the death of our people during World War II. Morse, who worked with Edward R. Murrow, wrote: “as Hitler moved systematically toward the total destruction of the Jews, the people of the United States remained bystanders….the bystanders to cruelty became the bystanders to genocide.”

“While Six Million Died”, followed by David Wyman’s “The Abandonment of the Jews”, has led to a new, deeply disturbing new analysis of what The State Department knew during the Holocaust. Gregory J. Wallace, a lawyer, has written “America’s Soul in the Balance: The Holocaust, The State Department and the Moral Disgrace of an American Aristocracy.” Wallace argues that most historians have minimized the anti-semitism in The State Department. Through careful study and meticulous research, Wallace has come to the conclusion that the State Department was ‘virulently anti-semitic’ and extraordinarily heartless in its reaction and response to the reports it was receiving with regard the systematic killing of Europe’s Jews.

Wallace studies the major figures that received, hid, deflected and delayed the sharing of knowledge of European Jewry. His research shows that the State Department was an incredibly dysfunctional bureaucracy with an often absent and insecure Secretary of State, Cordell Hull. Many of the under-secretaries of state were graduates of elite boarding schools and private schools, especially The Groton School, raised and groomed with, in Wallace’s words, “an elite, cloistered upbringing that cut them off from the ethnically divergent mainstream and imbued them with a deep-rooted sense of Anglo-Saxon superiority, a don’t rock the boat mentality, and disdain for Jews and other minorities.”

Wallace laments, “Whatever nerves transmit normal human empathy had simply atrophied in these officials. They were masters of the negative, the gentle objection, the postponement, the misplaced paper, the need for further consideration….the State Department was run by a cadre of diplomats who were callous toward Jewish suffering far beyond even the anti-semitic norms of the era.”

The heroes of this story are Jewish, Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jr. and a team of four middle-class Christian assistants in the Treasury Department who discover that the State Department had withheld several major reports on the Nazi plans to exterminate the Jewish people and uncover attempts to sabotage a rescue effort already approved by President Roosevelt to save 70,000 Romanian Jews. Morgenthau’s office protested to the President accusing the State Department officials of ‘a willful attempt to prevent action from being taken to rescue Jews from Hitler’ and effectively charging the State Department with complicity in genocide.

Wallace’s book reads like a thriller filled with secret meetings and courageous attempts to let the world know what was happening

From Rabbi Lewis From Rabbi Kerbel

Continues on page 6

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The Voice of Chaim | December 2014


Thank you, Sisterhood, for another fabulous, fun-filled evening. For so many reasons, it is always wonderful to be at Sisterhood events. This most recent event was Zumba and we filled the social hall with music, movement and lots of laughter. Every Sisterhood event is truly an opportunity to be among friends, both old and new. Over the years, the women of Sisterhood have been my mentors, my co-leaders, my traveling companions, my lunch buddies and mostly, my friends.

But, back to Zumba and why this was such a special night. I am sure I don’t need to remind everyone that we are celebrating our 40th anniversary year. On October 18th, we had our First Decade Shabbat celebration and had an amazing turnout of members who joined during our first decade. It was heart warming to see several generations of many of our founding families. And just a few nights later, we laced up our sneakers and came out to Zumba. It was quite remarkable to see so many of the same faces – first at Shabbat and then at Sisterhood Zumba.

I was greeted by so many bright, smiling faces when I entered the social hall, but what really hit me was the range of ladies who were together for this event. We represented not only the generations of time but, the decades of the shul. Joanie King, a founding member, was there dancing near Linda Weinroth, our education director of 31 years. And two of our newest members were there too – Beth Weiss and her mom, Barbara Mayer. Beth has jumped right in and was busy planning the event in her role as a Sisterhood VP. Her mom just jumped right in with the ladies of her generation, those who joined decades before she did, and was embraced in a new circle of sisters.

I must give credit where it is due…. the newest branch of our Sisterhood, which is known as the YaYas. They have taken root over the past year and are dedicated to programming for the 55+ ladies as well as the overall functioning of Sisterhood. They wanted additional things that Sisterhood might not usually do and started the ball rolling so that they could get re-engaged with all the ladies of Sisterhood. They came out in full force to join in the Zumba craze and we had a blast together, all the generations and decades of Sisterhood.

We should have taken the picture before the class left us all a little disheveled, but this is us…. the ladies of Sisterhood lined up according to the decade in which they joined Etz Chaim. This is what our Sisterhood and our synagogue are all about, this sense of friendship and community that spans the generations, that bridges from one decade to the next, uniting us all with one common denominator – our shul.

I look forward to seeing everyone over the next year as we continue to celebrate our 40th together – we all deserve to be celebrated and honored for the incredible community we have built together at Etz Chaim.

– Cheryl Cohen-Miller

From Our President From Our Youth Director Shalom Chaverim,

As we look back on November, we remember all of the fun times we spent together. USY (9th-12th grades) had a wonderful experience listening to Steve Koonin, CEO of the Atlanta Hawks, speak about basketball, Judaism, and what brings them together. Kadima (6th-8th grades) had an amazing time playing whirlyball and laser tag. Junior Kadima (3rd-5th grades) did a wonderful mitzvah by making blankets for the homeless. Gesher (K-2nd grades) made delicious sandwiches that helped feed the hungry at MUST Ministries.

We are looking for host homes for Post-Convention! We are hosting 30-40 teens from California and Canada, and need places for them to stay while they are in town. Help us show off our Southern Hospitality. For more information, contact Perry at [email protected].

Along with the cold weather (brrrrrrr!), December brings innovative and exciting programming, for all of our youth, including fun Chanukah programming, science experiments, and an exciting convention for our high schoolers!

December 6 K-2nd Grades: Make your own candy menorahs/dreidels from 7-8:30 p.m.

December 7 3rd-5th Grades: Make Your Own Science Experiments from 12:15-2 p.m.

December 7 8th-12th Grades: Amy’s Holiday Party

December 13 9th-12th Grades: Manhunt/Special Forces Event from 7-10 p.m.

December 14 6th-8th Grades: Choose Your Own Chanukah Adventure from 12:15-2:15 p.m.

December 21-25 9th-12th Grades: International Convention in Atlanta

December 25-28 Post-Convention with Canada/ California Chapters

Please be aware, the following dates and times are subject to change. Don’t forget to check our emails for the most current information!

We are so excited for all that December brings. May you have a wonderful winter break, and we look forward to seeing you all at all of our events!

– Perry Birbrager [email protected] 770-833-3227

Zumba with Decades of Sisterhood

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The Voice of Chaim | December 2014

in Hitler’s Europe. What we learn from this historical expose is the importance of vigilance, perseverance and the power of our voices to speak out when danger and evil penetrate our world.

In the 1940’s, due to the culture of our government, our American society and Jewish insecurity as a minority in our country, most of the Jewish community was afraid to speak out, to protest, to challenge our country to do more as we became more and more aware of the fate of our people. That is why we have AIPAC, the Conference of Presidents and organizations like the American Jewish Committee that keep us aware of dangers facing our people, monitor situations around the world (today: Ukraine, Venezuela and the rise of anti-semitism in Europe) and lobby our government on a wide range of issues affecting the Jewish people.

Henry Morgenthau, Jr. lived at a time where he had to be careful to express his concerns as a Jew; today, we have learned from the past and are not afraid to share our concerns and ask for action. Reading America’s Soul in the Balance reminds me how lucky we are to live in the America of today, if we would only take this opportunity and responsibility seriously.

– Rabbi Paul David Kerbel

Save the Date for These Amazing Programs at Etz Chaim

Coffee, Cake and Torah – Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.

Emory At the Etz: with Professor Eric Goldstein, Director, Tam Institute for Jewish Studies, Emory University. Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.

Men’s Club World Wide Wrap (Tallis and Tefillin experience for our 6th-7th grade students and their parents). Sunday, February 1, 2015.

Our Third Annual Chocolate Seder sponsored by Sisterhood. Wednesday, March 18th

Scholar-in-Residence Weekend with Professor Stephen M. Cohen sponsored by The Ramie A. Tritt Family Foundation. Friday – Sunday, March 20 -22, 2015

Continued from page 2

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The Voice of Chaim | December 2014


Save the Date:

Sunday, December 7Sisterhood Book Club at Cheryl Eppsteiner’s home 9:30 a.m

Sunday, December 7JF&CS Program on Healthy Aging 10:00 a.m

Tuesday, December 9 AIPAC Program 7:30 pm

Sunday, December 14Men’s Club Best Breakfast in Town™ featuring a Jewish Film Festival Preview9:30 a.m.

Monday, December 15 Shalom in the Home at Lisa Flagel’s home 12:00 noon

December 16 Sisterhood Chanukah party 7:00 pm

Mazal Tov to…Beth and Steve Mintz on the birth of grandson, Harrison Reid, born to Rhianna and Jason Shemper on October 15, 2014

Linda Ames on the birth of her granddaughter, Lily Ames

Arlene and Glenn La Vine on the birth of their first grandchild, Cairn Elijah La Vine, on October 25 to Diantha and David La Vine

Safa and Shahrokh Nooromid on the upcoming marriage of their son Bobby to Naz Shabanzadeh on December 28

Debby and Steve Dix on the birth of granddaughter, Isla Jaye, born on October 27, 2014

Our Condolemces to...Melissa Goodman on the passing of her mother, Thelma Donner

Kevin Robbins on the passing of his mother, Frances Robbins

Thank You to Our Office VolunteersHelen RosengartenLou RosengartenLinda Weinroth

Welcome! We are pleased to introduce these new members…Arlene and Murray Selman 999 Hood Road, Apt. 229 Marietta, GA 30068 678-903-8965 [email protected]

New Emails…Irwin Weitz [email protected]

New Phone Numbers…Sherry Hersh 678-525-1002

Mark Hersh 770-639-9778

Our Etz Chaim Community

Congregation Etz Chaim will host a

Sober Shabbat Dinner following Shabbat ServicesFor the Jewish Family & Career Services H.A.M.S.A. program

Friday, December 5, 2014Services in the Levine Chapel 6:30 p.m. • Shabbat Dinner 7:30 p.m.

Dinner by reservation only to Rachel Rabinowitz, H.A.M.S.A, program coordinator: 770-677-9346

This program is designed for members of the Jewish community and their families who are in recovery from substance abuse and addiction.

Congregation Etz Chaim is a proud partner working with JF&CS in creating an open, understanding and caring community.

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The Voice of Chaim | December 2014


Upcoming B’nai Mitzvah

The Voice of Chaim is featuring photos and biographical information on upcoming B’nai Mitzvah.

If your child has a Bar/Bat Mitzvah in the coming months, VOC would like to feature your child’s:

• Biographical information

• School information

• Photo

• D’var Torah Quote

To have your child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah information included, please email the material and a photo (if available) to Bernice at [email protected].

All materials must be received no later than the 1st of the preceding month. We will gladly accept material earlier.

Ethan Moore Trimbach will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on December 13, 2014 – 21 Kislev 5775. He is the son of Angie and Gabe Trimbach. Ethan’s Bar Mitzvah parasha is Vayeshev. He is a 7th Grader at Dean Rusk Middle School. Ethan has been a student in Etz Chaim’s Religious School for 6 years. His hobbies and interests include soccer, video games, reading and hanging out with friends.

Ethan’s D’var Torah quote is “And Reuben said unto them: ‘Shed no blood, cast him into this pit that is the wilderness, but lay no hand’ upon him – that he might deliver himout of their hand, to restore him to his father.” For his mitzvah project, Ethan is doing a book drive to provide books to adults and kids that might not have access to them or the funds.

Hannah Wittenstein will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on December 27, 2014 – 5 Tevet 5775. She is the daughter of Lois and Mike Wittenstein. Hannah’s Bat Mitzvah parasha is Vayigash. She is a 7th Grader at J.J. Daniell Middle School. Hannah has been a student in Etz Chaim’s Religious School for 6 years. Her hobbies and interests include technology, music and eating chocolate.

Hannah’s D’var Torah quote is “Forgiveness is not always easy. Sometimes people make big mistakes, but do feel sorry for what they’ve done. It is hard to give people another chance, but Joseph did it when he forgave his brothers for selling him into slavery.” For her mitzvah project, Hannah is donating a portion of her gift money and encouraging others to donate to the Hebrew Free Burial Association, an organization that ensures that every Jewish person receives a traditional dignified funeral and burial. They also maintain two cemeteries in New York, one of which is where Hannah’s great-great-grandmother is buried. She will also be volunteering her time at the Atlanta Food Bank and the William Breman Jewish Home.

A hearty Mazal Tov to these studentscelebrating their B’nai Mitzvah!

If you are seeking resources for ideas on writing a D’var Torah, the Etz Chaim Kazer-Lipson Library can help. Check out the book Text Messages: A Torah Commentary for Teens by Jeffrey Salkin, a rabbi, writer and editor.

This is the book that has been missing from the ever-expanding bookshelf of Torah commentaries—a collection of messages on each Torah portion, specifically for today’s teens. It shows them how each Torah portion contains worlds of meaning for them, for what they are going through in their lives, and how they can shape their Jewish identity as they enter adulthood. The book shows how the Torah can help teens deal with the issues that are of concern to them.

This is just one of the books your child can check out of the Etz Chaim Library to learn more about their Bar or Bat Mitzvah Torah portion.

Our library also includes a number of entertaining and informative Hanukkah books for children. Please stop by and browse at your leisure

Why not check out a book from the Etz Chaim Library in December to help us celebrate Jewish Book Month?

You may self-check out books from the library at any time. Directions are on the library wall next to the book return basket. Someone is usually on duty in the library on Sunday mornings when there is Religious School to assist you in finding books and with book check out.



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The Voice of Chaim | December 2014

The Sisterhood ScoopMinyan Makers – if you are available to help make minyan on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm, even if it is just once per year, please let us know. Contact Nancy Gorod for our schedule – [email protected].

Centerpiece Rental Consider using our beautiful new topiary centerpieces for your Friday night dinner, Kiddush luncheon or Saturday evening affair. For more information, contact the Gift Shop.

JNF Trees for Israel Honor someone special by purchasing a tree in the Etz Chaim Sisterhood grove. Contact the Judaica and Gift Shop, 770-973-0137 ext. 124 for more information.

For more information about Sisterhood please contact:

Erica Driver 678-643-1991 [email protected]


Linda Berch 678-357-1005 [email protected]

Don’t forget to check us out on Facebook or at

The cold weather is upon us but we’re staying warm with all of our wonderful Sisterhood events.

Want to curl up with a hot beverage and a good book? Join us for the next Book Club meeting on December 7th at 9:30 a.m., at the home of Cheryl Eppsteiner (3212 Powers Ford SE, Marietta). The book is “The World to Come: A Novel” by Dara Horn. Please RSVP to Melissa Kerbel at [email protected].

Are your kids searching for those last minute Chanukah gifts…cheap? They can visit our Chanukah Shuk during Religious School on Sunday, December 14th. Please send them with a few shekels (or dollars), so they can pick out something nice for Bubbe (or you).

Looking for a fun way to feed your kids on the first night of Chanukah? Join us for our annual Chanukah Party (a joint event with USY) on Tuesday, December 16th, immediately following Religious School. There will be games, crafts, food and more. See page 17 for more information.

The deadline for knitting caps, scarves etc., for Must Ministries and other charities is fast approaching. Please contact Grace Graiser at [email protected] to get your hand-knit items to her by Monday, December 15th.

Monday, December 15th is also the date for our next Shalom in the Home. Come participate in this thought provoking discussion led by Rabbi Lewis. See ad on page 8 or contact Beth Weiss at [email protected] for the order form.

Bam…Crack…Dot. It’s time to order your 2015 Mah Jongg Cards. The deadline for card orders is January 20th. See page 22 for order information.

Please keep our Judaica & Gifts Shop in mind for all your Chanukah, Bar/Bat Mitzvah and wedding gift needs (many are pre-wrapped for your convenience). You can even stop by and start a registry. The shop is now open during religious school hours, Tuesdays 4:30-6:30 p.m. and Sundays 10:30 am-12:30 p.m.

We are always looking for volunteers to get involved in Sisterhood. If you are interested, please contact Erica Driver 678-643-1991, [email protected] or Linda Berch 678-357-1005, [email protected]. If you want to feel connected, get involved, have fun and meet people, this is for you. We are always looking for people to volunteer for minyan and in the gift shop.

Please be aware that the $36 Sisterhood membership dues for 2014-2015 should have already appeared on your synagogue bill. We sincerely hope that all of our adult female members will support Sisterhood. Also, keep in mind that if you have un-affiliated friends, they are welcome to join our Sisterhood without being members of the synagogue.

Erica & Linda

Anyone wishing an Aliyah should contact Bob Frohlich at

[email protected] or 770-579-1752

ATTENTION ETZ CHAIM MEMBERSIf you are planning to be away for an extended amount of time, please inform the office.

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The Voice of Chaim | December 2014


Now that December is here, we’re nearing the end of the eight-week Jewish Holiday “dry spell” that begins at the end of Simchat Torah and ends when we kindle the first light of Chanukah. While there may not have been any actual holidays, we’ve tried to keep the chilly winds of November away with plenty of activities, beginning with the first-ever Men’s Club Mar-Cheshvan Monday Morning Minyan – an opportunity for our members to connect with the mitzvah of daily worship. (Okay, that was in late October. But it still counts!)

We also had our second Turkey Shoot. Despite the scary name, no actual turkeys were harmed, although plenty of paper targets met an untimely (and some might say hole-y) demise at the hands of our merry Men’s Club marksmen. As of this writing, the results were still being tabulated, but you winners know who you are.

We’re looking forward to several upcoming events. Sunday, December 14, we will host our popular Best Breakfast in Town™ featuring a preview of the Atlanta Jewish Film Festival. Over the past several years, this has been one of our most well-attended events – hardly a surprise, given the ever-increasing audience AJFF has drawn. You don’t want to miss this one: Great films, great food!

Coming up next on the Men’s Club calendar, we have:

• February 1 – The World Wide Wrap – giving children and their parents a chance to learn about the mitzvah of tefillin

• February 6-8 – The sixteenth annual Anshei Darom Regional Retreat at Camp Ramah Darom – a weekend of Shabbat that combines spirits, spirituality, and camaraderie with men from all around the southeast– see ad on page 14.

Please consider purchasing a Holocaust Memorial Garden brick in memory of a loved one or a Certificate to celebrate a simcha. Memorial bricks and certificates are available through the Men’s Club or online at

Your dues support our year-long activities, but what we really need is your participation. If you have an interest in running or participating on a committee, or in joining the Men’s Club Board of Trustees, please contact Andy Becker or Steve Krodman.

Look for your Men’s Club events and activities in the monthly Voice of Chaim, the Friday e-Blast, and on our website at

Best Wishes,Andy Becker, Co-President Steve Krodman, Co-President [email protected] [email protected]

Come out and enjoy Your Men’s Club!

Men’s Club NotesMEN’S CLUB is a vital part of our congregation. Our ongoing programs include:

• Supporting the synagogue’s daily minyan

• Sponsoring the annual Lag B’Omer Picnic and the Labor Day cookout

• Laying tefillin for the World Wide Wrap with our Hebrew School kids

• Providing scholarships to Etz Chaim teens through the Bob Goldman Fund

• Men’s Club Shabbat

• Sponsoring the Anshei Darom weekend retreat for members at Camp Ramah

• Greater Atlanta Synagogue Softball League

• Set-up and usher for High Holiday Services

• Supports the Holocaust Memorial Garden

Our goals are to provide our members with opportunities to meet other members and make new and lasting friendships, support our community, and have some fun in the process.

JOIN MEN’S CLUB and make a difference in our Etz Chaim community!

GET ON THE LIST! Contact Andy Becker at [email protected] or Steve Krodman at [email protected] for information.

Family Member in HospitalOur Rabbis have asked that you notify the office in the event of a family member’s hospital stay or

serious illness.


Sunday through Thursday at 6:30 p.m.

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The Voice of Chaim | December 2014

On each of the eight nights of Chanukah, candles are lit, adding one candle each subsequent night. One candle – the Shamash – is used to light the others. The first candle, for the first night, is placed on the far right side of the menorah. Starting on the second night, the candles are lit in order from left to right. The blessings are recited before candles are lit.

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The Voice of Chaim | December 2014

Bereavement Services Offered to Congregants

Etz Chaim’s Chesed Committee will offer to provide meals of consolation to members. This meal is traditionally a dairy meal eaten by mourners upon their return home from the funeral. It includes whole hard-boiled eggs, symbolizing the continuity of life. This service provided by the Chesed Committee allows the family and friends who normally provide the meal to attend the funeral themselves and give emotional support to the bereaved. Members attending out of town funerals, who sit shiva or hold a memorial service in Atlanta, will be offered a fruit tray.

In order to bring standardized, caring service to each member, Etz Chaim is modeling its procedures after those of Temple Sinai’s successful Kesher Committee. Contributions made to the Chesed Fund will help to fund these services. Teams are currently being formed for these purposes.

Anyone wanting more information, or wanting to assist in performing these mitzvot, please contact Cindy Lewis at 770-977-0240, Wendy Feinberg at 770-973-1217, or Julie Kleinman at 770-992-1231.

Your cooperation please!The disabled parking spots are reserved for the exclusive use of those with permits. These spaces are NOT to be used by ANYONE else at ANYTIME. There is NO parking under the Education Wing overhang. It is a fire code violation.

Family Member in HospitalOur rabbis have asked that you notify the office in the event of a family member’s hospital stay or serious illness.

December YahrzeitsMemorialize a loved one with a Brick in our Holocaust Garden or a Plaque on our Yahrzeit Wall.

For information, please contact the synagogue office.

December 1 Lazaro Sapoznik 9 Kislev*December 1 Frances Vexler 9 Kislev*December 1 Irving Funk 9 Kislev December 1 Esther Gersten 9 Kislev December 2 Isadore Cohn 10 Kislev*December 2 Stasya Kolina 10 Kislev December 2 Jordan Chefchis 10 Kislev December 3 Bella Greenberg 11 Kislev*December 3 Rose Weinstein 11 Kislev*December 3 Jack Zahn 11 Kislev December 3 Mildred Press 11 Kislev*December 4 Dov Cohen 12 Kislev December 4 Barbara Levy 12 Kislev December 4 Della Eisenman 12 Kislev December 4 Elizabeth Nicholls 12 Kislev December 4 Lorena Prager 12 Kislev*December 5 Hana Kramer 13 Kislev December 5 Emmanuel Dermer 13 Kislev December 5 Melvin Trager 13 Kislev*December 5 Ruth Diamond 13 Kislev December 5 Ruth Taylor 13 Kislev December 5 Edith Schwartz 13 Kislev December 5 Randi Phillips 13 Kislev December 5 Sondra Warshaw 13 Kislev December 6 Rachel Smith 14 Kislev December 6 Rubin Plotkin 14 Kislev December 6 Irving Marcus 14 Kislev December 6 Esther Cohen 14 Kislev December 7 Norman Bander 15 Kislev*December 7 Bennett Teitelman 15 Kislev December 7 Ruth Fassberg 16 Kislev December 7 Joseph Stock 15 Kislev December 8 Alex Becker 16 Kislev December 8 William Kaplowitz 16 Kislev December 8 Beatrice Rakusin 16 Kislev December 9 Iris Feuer 17 Kislev December 9 Belle Testa 17 Kislev December 9 Libby Crystal 17 Kislev December 10 Etta Davis 18 Kislev December 11 Frances Landerman 19 Kislev*December 11 Debbie Flamm 19 Kislev*December 12 Thelma Lehman 20 Kislev*December 12 David Levy 20 Kislev December 12 Cecil Moskowitz 20 Kislev December 12 Ralph Schwab 20 Kislev*December 12 Mollye Seiden 20 Kislev December 13 Henry Siegelman 21 Kislev December 13 Lillian Rosengarten 21 Kislev*December 13 Robert Coltman 21 Kislev December 13 Frances Schneider 21 Kislev December 13 Alan Givarz 21 Kislev December 13 Martin Flancer 21 Kislev December 14 Clara Gray 22 Kislev December 14 Salomon Kron 22 Kislev December 14 Esther Goldberg 22 Kislev December 15 Gizella Jacoby 23 Kislev December 15 Maurice Bernstein 23 Kislev

December 15 Dora Jafif 23 Kislev December 15 Terry Wilson 23 Kislev December 15 Shirley Udell 23 Kislev December 16 Bessie Plotkin 24 Kislev*December 17 Bernard Lehman 25 Kislev December 17 Norma Mador 25 Kislev*December 17 Phillip Bander 25 Kislev December 17 Saul Soloway 25 Kislev December 17 Leonard Berch 25 Kislev December 18 Murray Schor 26 Kislev December 18 Linda Aronstein 26 Kislev December 18 Ray Garron 26 Kislev December 18 Samuel Yucht 26 Kislev December 19 Zachary Rill 27 Kislev December 19 Martin R. Rappeport 27 Kislev*December 20 Walter Low 28 Kislev*December 20 Sam Saperstein 28 Kislev*December 20 Milton Chasin 28 Kislev December 20 Irving Green 28 Kislev December 21 Yitzchak Medaleion 29 Kislev*December 21 Zarin Aghajani 29 Kislev December 22 Pearl Israelton 30 Kislev December 23 David Canter 1 Tevet December 23 Lawrence Elman 1 Tevet December 23 Myra Schlosberg 1 Tevet December 23 Dora Berger 1 Tevet December 24 Edward Lemer 2 Tevet December 24 Don Brody 2 Tevet*December 24 Minnie Altholtz 2 Tevet December 25 Albert Sender 3 Tevet December 25 Claire Ross 3 Tevet December 25 Diana Regitsky 3 Tevet December 25 Elaine Sackett 3 Tevet December 26 Florence Goldfarb 4 Tevet*December 26 Samuel Rothstein 4 Tevet December 26 Morris Friedman 4 Tevet December 27 Audrey Cohen 5 Tevet December 27 Dan Wexler 5 Tevet December 27 Larry Price 5 Tevet December 27 Norma Friedman 5 Tevet December 28 Sylvia Siegel 6 Tevet December 29 Seymour Eslofsky 7 Tevet*December 29 Evelyn Ebel 7 Tevet December 29 Harry Smith 7 Tevet*December 29 Katie Greif 7 Tevet December 30 Bea Katz 8 Tevet December 30 Jennie Brown 8 Tevet December 31 Milton Ginsburg 9 Tevet December 31 Mamie Kerbel 9 Tevet*December 31 Rosandra Sampson 9 Tevet December 31 Doris Dermer 9 Tevet December 31 Beatrice Flancer 9 Tevet December 31 Shirley Rivchun 9 Tevet*December 31 Blanche Pollack 9 Tevet December 31 Alvin Levin 9 Tevet December 31 Steven Goldstein 9 Tevet*December 31 Rosandra Sampson 9 Tevet

*Denotes a memorial plaque in our sanctuary to be lit on the day of the Yahrzeit and on all Yizkor holidays.

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The Voice of Chaim | December 2014

Bam…Crack…Dot It’s time to order the

2015 Mah Jongg Card!

Let Etz Chaim Sisterhood send your order in!

It’s the SAME price as ordering through the National Mah Jongg League, but if you order through us, Sisterhood receives a $2.00

rebate to support Etz Chaim programs!  Price: $8.00 STANDARD SIZE $9.00 LARGE PRINT When: Now!! Order by January 20, 2015 How: 1. Fill out the form below.

2. If you are an established National Mah Jongg League member, when you receive your 2015 order booklet, include your UNPEELED address label.

2. Send CHECK payable to “Etz Chaim Sisterhood.” 3. Drop off at the synagogue office or mail to Lisa Flagel,

4519 Hampton Woods Drive, Marietta, GA 30068. Any Q’s: Ask Lisa Flagel at (678) 560-5820 or [email protected] - - - - - - - - - Don’t Delay…Order Today!! - - - - - - -

____NEW MEMBER ____CHANGE OF ADDRESS Name:__________________________________________________ e-mail:__________________ phone _________________________ Address:________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:____________________________________________ # of cards______ X $8.00 standard = ________ TOTAL # of cards______ X $9.00 large = ________ TOTAL

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Saturday evening, January 10, 2015 Bowling evening from 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. (will end early enough for a late meal at the Marietta Diner)

Sunday, March 15 Leo Frank Exhibit at The Breman Museum

Questions about Prime Timers: Roz Reiss [email protected] or call 770-685-1217

Get Prime Timers’ E-vites: Norman Marinoff [email protected] or call 770-401-4026 Arlene Brown [email protected] or call 770-953-3821

Prime Timers – A USCJ Chapter of Hazak Something fun for everyone!

Do you have a simcha you would like to share in the Atlanta Jewish Times? If so, here is the URL to go directly to the Tell & Kvell page:

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Questions about purchasing a cemetery plot??? Call Bob Bachrach 770.973.0137

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Questions about purchasing a cemetery plot??? Call Bob Bachrach 770.973.0137

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The Voice of Chaim | December 2014

Continues on page 31

GENERAL FUNDWishing Louis Kandel a speedy recovery

Arlene ManningIn memory of my dear mother, Rose Ginsburg

Arlene SelmanIn appreciation of Jamie and Jonathan Lyons. Thank you for your kindness during Yom Kippur. I enjoyed sitting with you and your family.

Denise TischlerFor the Chapel Renovation

Pam and Joe ZiskendIn appreciation for the High Holiday honor

Donna BiermanIn memory of our loved ones on their yahrzeit

Helen and Yuriy IskhakovIn honor of Jerry Bernstein. A hearty Mazal Tov on your 80th birthday and lots of good health

Irwin and Sydelle SilbermanA speedy recovery to Louis Kandel. Wishing you a return to full health and long life

Jeff and Amy SamuelsIn memory of Abe Grusin on his yahrzeit

Ken and Cindy SchickIn memory of Caren Greenberg

Lee and Debbie ElfenbeinHappy Birthday to Jerry Bernstein

Leslie and Doug IsenbergIn appreciation of my aliyah on Rosh Hashanah

Lew and Sandra CraineIn memory of David Green’s father, Louis Gerson Green

Marsha ShragoIn appreciation of my High Holiday honor

Rich KarolIn memory of my father, Sydney Hartnig

Richard HartnigIn memory of Elizabeth Bernstein on her yahrzeit

Rick BernsteinIn honor of Sharon and Marc Seltman, thanks for your hospitality! Happy, Healthy New Year to all of you!

In honor of the Labovitz Family, thank you so much for your hospitality

Ross Kooden and FamilyIn appreciation of my High Holiday aliyah

Sandy Bailey

RABBI LEWIS DISCRETIONARY FUNDIn honor of Sandy and Jordan’s wedding with sincere thanks to Rabbi Lewis for a beautiful and meaningful ceremony

Alan and Sue RothsteinIn memory of Hannah Rae Levine on her yahrzeit

Allan and Vivian LevineIn memory of Irving Weiss, beloved father and grandfather

Barbara and Jerry Mayer and FamilyTo the Pearlman Family in honor of Avi’s amazing Bar Mitzvah atop Masada

David and Myrna Garron

In memory of my beloved wife, Sydelle, on her yahrzeit

David KayeTo Rabbi Shalom Lewis, thank you for your courageous, non-fiction sermon on Rosh Hashanah

Elsa BiltonIn memory of Abraham Schwerd, a special friend. Your way of living according to Torah shapes and encourages us to be more loving, caring people and to be more sensitive.

Galina and Marat Barshay and FamilyIn honor of Rabbi Shalom Lewis. We are so grateful for your guidance and assistance during Shira Malka Brown’s recent Bat Mitzah. You did a great job for her Naming and her Bat Mitzvah. Please keep going to L.A. Fitness - We need you to hang in there for the Chasina! Lots of love.

Jeff and Jessica BrownWishing Bob Schultz a speedy recovery

Jerry and Iris SilverIn memory of Sylvia Schein

Jonathan and Maxine ScheinIn memory of Sara Moskowitz, loving mother and grandmother

Joey, Susie, Judy, Neal and Scott MoskowitzTo Rabbi Shalom Lewis, thank you, again, for your courage and integrity.

Larry MillerIn memory of Irving Simon

Lenny and Jane SimonIn memory of my beloved father, Charles Katz

Margie SonsheinIn appreciation of Rabbi Lewis’ Rosh Hashanah sermon

Mitchell BerlinerTo Rabbi Shalom Lewis, in appreciation of your Rosh Hashanah sermon, Ehr Daw

Rob Wolf

RABBI LEWIS ENDOWMENT FUNDIn celebration of Jerry Bernstein’s 80th birthday. May you enjoy many, many more.

Rhea Negrin

RABBI KERBEL DISCRETIONARY FUNDIn memory of John Thalhimer. We love and miss you every day. You are forever in our hearts. Much love.

Ellen, Jacob and Melanie ThalhimerIn honor of Rabbi Paul Kerbel. Sincere thanks for your steady assistance during Shira Malka Brown’s recent Bat Mitzvah. Shira told us she found it very reassuring to have you with her on the Bimah. It was your guidance and support that helped make her shine! Lots of love,

Jeff and Jessica BrownIn memory of Daniel Douenias

In memory of Joseph DoueniasJudith Algranati

In loving memory of Mordechai Becker, Ben Kalman and Netty Becker

Sophia Becker

LINDA H. WEINROTH EDUCATION FUNDIn memory of Dolly Brown, beloved mother of Connie Glaser

Connie GlaserIn honor of our Yom Kippur aliyot

Glenn and Arlene La VineTo Linda and Michael Weinroth, Mazal Tov on your new home

To Linda and Michael Weinroth, thank you for being such wonderful hosts and friends

To Bob Schultz for a very, very speedy recoveryRon and Iris Bachenheimer

ROBERT KLEIN MEMORIAL CHESED FUNDIn memory of my mother, Pauline Teitelman

Barry and Joyce TeitelmanIn loving memory of Dave Green’s father, Louis Gerson Green

David and Myrna GarronIn memory of my mother, Susan Hassey

Barry and Joyce Teitelman

YOUTH FUNDIn appreciation of our aliyot on Shabbat

To Linda Ames, first time grandmother. Mazal Tov on the birth of your granddaughter, Lily Ames

Ken and Eileen Schlenker

YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUNDTo Jessica and Rob Miller, Mazal Tov on your new baby boy

To Vivian and Allan Levine, thank you for being such wonderful friends

Ron and Iris Bachenheimer


Norman Radow

PRESCHOOL FUNDIn honor of Sheri and Bob Frohlich for all of the wonderful things you do for Etz Chaim

Denise TischlerIn memory of my dear mother, Anna Rill

Myra FinemanIn memory of Mildred Levith, mother and Bobe, missed every day

Paul and Jan Wachter and Family

PRESCHOOL PLAYGROUND FUNDIn memory of my dear mother, Deborah Goldstein, on her yahrzeit

Chelo SarukTo Ruth and Ken Lewis, Mazal Tov on the birth of your twin great granddaughters

Jerry and Selma BernsteinIn memory of Henry Mendel

Lenny and Jane Simon

Tzedakah | vesmContributions received from October 2 – November 6, 2014

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Continued from page 30

Tzedakah | vesmContributions received from October 2 – November 6, 2014

To Debby and Steve Dix, Mazal Tov on the birth of your granddaughter, Isla Jaye.

Mishpocha ChavurahIn honor of Vivian and Allan Levine, thank you for your hospitality. Wishing you and yours a very happy and healthy new year.

The Kings, the Thalers, and the Colemans

COLLEGE CONNECTION FUNDIn loving memory of my father, Joseph Louis Reiter

Saundi Shapiro


Mr. and Mrs. Richard JacobsonIn memory of Simon Cooper, loving father and grandfather

Bernard and Faye Ellen SlutskyIn memory of our mother, Anna J. Fields, and brother, Jerry H. Fields, on their yahrzeits. You are always in our thoughts and in our hearts.

Bob and Eileen SilvermanIn honor of Barbara Buckner, Happy 90th Birthday to you! Mazel Tov, Nona Buckner! We love you.

To the Kandel Family, sending positive thoughts, hugs and love to the whole family.

To Randy Padawer and Family, in memory of Randy’s mother, Evelyn Padawer. Our deepest sympathy and love to you and your family.

In honor of David Wilson. Thank you for your countless hours organizing and monitoring the volunteers during the high holidays.

In honor of Michael Kahn. We could not have had The PMS Endowment Fund in service so quickly without your generous heart. Michael, we don’t see you often, but know you are so dear to us.

In honor of Stephen Friedman, for chanting a wonderfully beautiful Kol Nidre service. We appreciate all of your hard work in preparing in order to give us a heartfelt and moving service.

To Gina Boyle in memory of Irene Palmisano. Sending you all of our love. May your mom’s memories be a comfort to you always.

To Melissa Goodman in loving memory of Thelma Donner. May your mom’s memories comfort you always.

Bonnie, Alan and Laura SilvermanIn memory of Arnold Goldberg, one of the greatest men on earth. Always in our hearts.

Susan, David, Zachary and Dani RifkinIn memory of my wonderful father, Alex David

Robin BrillTo Bonnie and Alan Silverman in memory of Phillip Silverman. Thank you for your efforts to educate our youth against drinking and driving.

Sandra and Charles Stephens

CYNTHIA R. FREEMAN MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUNDIn loving memory of Leonard Joel Ross, always in our hearts.

Brad and Jana Ross and FamilyIn loving memory of my mother, Edythe Steiner, on her yahrzeit

Lisa Freeman

KAZER-LIPSON LIBRARY FUNDIn appreciation of our aliyah honoring our membership in the first decade of Etz Chaim

Brian and Carol Sacks


David and Ilene Levin

SOCIAL ACTION FUNDIn memory of Helen Goldman

Art and Liz CohenIn memory of a wonderful daddy, Rufus Shelkoff, a fun papa and great-grandpa and father-in-law. We miss you so much!

Bruce and Bernice Mellman

BOB GOLDMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn appreciation for my Rosh Hashanah aliyah

Paul Wachter

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Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, corporate, weddings, school events, and holiday parties.

For contact information: Cathy Schwartz 404-931-5779 Joy Hoffmann 770-855-6682

This advertising space can be yours!

For more information, contact Bernice Isaac at

the synagogue office: 770-973-0137.

For Rent!

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Robert L. Bachrach Executive Director & COO Debbie Deutsch Director of Education Perry Birbrager Youth Director Aram Blankenship Facilities ManagerSu BerlandNewsletter Production

OfficersCheryl Cohen-Miller PresidentTodd Surden Executive VPJohn Flagel Chief Financial OfficerRobin D. Brill Fundraising VP Allison Saffran Religion Co-VP David Wilson Religion Co-VP Jamie Lyons Education Co-VPDavid Levin Education Co-VP and SecretaryStacy Efrat Engagement Co-VPJoe Freeman Engagement Co-VPScott Rittenberg Immediate Past President and Parliamentarian

TrusteesNanci AronsteinSheldon BerchMarsha BernsteinLarry BrownAdam BuxbaumAmy CharlesJoe CohenMark DavisonLinda DiamondDarin DubovyRandy FigurSteven FlackHarris FogelStephanie FosterBarry GangNancy GardnerDenise GelernterMitchell GreyDavid LandauLauren LevetanLeslie LubellNorman MarinoffFrank MobilioDani OrenGary PragerRay SonsheinEllen SpandorferJosh VexlerBeth WeissTom Zack

Past PresidentsScott RittenbergStephen Friedman Irwin BermanBob BachrachJudy FinemanNorman RadowDebbie MilsteinSue RothsteinDavid WittKen SchlenkerGeorge PristachRichard SmithAllen ShulmanNoah LevineBarry Forrest z”lDavid TinkelmanEllis AbramsStephen King

OrganizationsErica Driver Linda Berch Sisterhood Co-PresidentsAndy Becker Steve Krodman Men’s Club Co-PresidentsAvi Lyons USY President

Congregation Etz Chaim1190 Indian Hills Parkway

Marietta, GA 30068 Phone 770.973.0137 • Fax 770.977.0829

Religious School 770.977.4148Preschool 770.977.3384

visit our website for the e-mails of our professional staff and lay leaders

Shalom J. Lewis, RabbiPaul D. Kerbel, Rabbi

Non-Profit Org.U.S. Postage

PAIDPermit #433Marietta, GA