december 21 1927

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  • 8/10/2019 December 21 1927


  • 8/10/2019 December 21 1927


    aVin g s a r e S a f e

    N.w Hom . for Main Orrico

    ;AbsoluteS A F E T Y

    CompoundedAnd . 6%S .mi AnnuallyFirst Mortgage on Real Estate Security. The best Security . NothingSafer -Nothing Rr tt r.

    . ASSETS OVER $12 ,000,000More t h a n 2,20 0 Member.

    One of the largest and . t rongest 8880-ciation in t he state. . .Why take Chances on Get-Rich-QuIckScheme. and lose all.We re.pectful ly .olicit your p t l 'ona . e



    E.tabli.h"d 1887



    F .. . . . . . . . . . . . ~ aD Ida", plea . i u. a eaJl. Reuoaab1. prle .


    , ~ . , ;(In tbem by p ubli cation.


    town ship.S ot t Osborn unt Mllry_ A,. Rborn

    ERt r Daly vs. Hlln'iet Only, dl. to Mary Little , two town lots I I I out hvorllc. Lebanon.

    OIll1 Hougham , , ~ .Howard W. 1;1. nook to Edward Snook, G

    , .

    J, Ph i." Il l h l . l t Ta l o n . lor J a y , ...

    Oop"yr1&ht. Mlc:ha.el V . Ph, h p .RAI . . . ." t h ru l'Wolu.he.. S . rv l ~


    The ase aga im.t Eddie ]I . on \Vilaset for hellrlllg Frida)", Dece mbe r n.

    Sentenc e WIIS dcfel"l'crl to u Iut uret ime in the elise uguinst . BI'ml\eyGrill'on.

    Twentyfive persons wer madepnrtie s defent11lllt in the c n . ~ eor Ma lvi I I Stucy VS. S ~ n e c uCornell.= ~ ~ i . ourl directed Bert Elm er Espy toappeu l In court on December 1 ) top l ~ n dhis cnse brought by Mollie Es.

    name nnd add re ss were printed on p),.HAPTER XLX........."

    the sack in black lette rs. He whls SU 5 1p Bu chanan was grnnte d n di.tied when their significance came to VOI'C( from J ohn T . Buc han un on the

    J u . t D ..... t him with the others. He wa s, the grounds of ext reme crue l ty.A light .ruck was standing ncar the slic k one . u director of the bank, E,I Hnrry H . Pene filed hi s n1lltion

    cilr on the s ide of the mOllnd - the ~ mi l M. Runyan .

    ==-=--====-=- --_..

    The last will und testnment of Wil .liam P. Vand er voort Will i admitted toprobate .

    1I111'I'y ~ . Sch nell flled first nnd final lIcc()unt I I~ nd mini strato l tie boni,nOli of t h l ' ~ l u l e of HnUIe CS ch1Il'lI.

    W. 11. Allen. tru stee, filed t he lIinl.1acco un t .of the estute o f E izobtltbHaine s, benctlciury.

    Annn M. Snid er filed fir st and finalnecount as administratrix of th o estate of Mary J . Roat.


    Tuesday, 9 a.l)'l. 4 p.rnSaturday 9 a .m 8 p.rn

    CarYl Jewelry Shop"The Homo of Giflo ."

    H'WEYOUREYES EXAMINED- Ca therine M. Bodley and Dollie M.

    J ackson filed their tlr st and final at:- - = ~ ~ ~ ~ = = = = ~ =count as admiuistratrices of the es. 't a l ~of Th omas B. Bod ley. DR C W HENDERSONRal ph Whitacr e filed Becond a nd fina l account of tho ('slute of Walter Off ice - A m e n I i d g .

    . Wh itner ..Emma A . DcGnrmo file d first am'

    linn l account us executrix of tl>e ca.tllte of Harry . DeGarmo.

    H. B. Thompson flied fir st and /In .nal IIccount 115 IIdmin is .rato r oi thee ~ t l \ t eo f F'in lry Th ompso n:

    Th e Leba n, n.Ci ti ze ns NationalBanI; f:lcl l ncr on cl und final accounta8 administrator de boni s non of theestute of Jo 'ep h H. Wild.

    O . FICe: HOURI

    l t.. II II . m . :j I .. Ii (J . m 'i ' " l P m.

    Tel e phonesl"nice . aoReeldence eel"",

    Waynesville, Ohio

    A w n . r ~ n tfor the . conveya'l cc oj L.M .H ENOFRSO NRose Haug to t he Dayton State hos-pital was issued.

    Walter Kenr ick flied his state mentof indebtedneS8 and expe nses : \ 8 orl.minjstrator of t he estate of Sam h


    N n n a l Baniaing on under your own n ose," wns voice ro se to a shout. You k n ~ w howthe contemptuous retort. Old Brow - I hate boo ze, b ut you brought It here.~ ~~ ~ ; ; ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ == = = = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = = = =er died sudden ly, and the fa mily d o e ~I suppose yo u Jagur ed on a sp ree yournot care about t h is northern Michi- self. l ~ e~ notion to g ive ) o.u wha tgan estate idea of his. All hi s tax I gave him. . He advanced, hIS arms

    Ann Foster. " .10 D r a w . .,.,.. Mu' Appraisers were appoi nt ed for tbr

    set tlement ot t he estate of John F. W ~ y n e.. l le . O h i o


    W.F.tMadden & CO.Wayne.viI1e, Ohio


    ~ - - - - - - - -. - - - - - -

    , rk .e raplne and ahovellne th" aour-Two m . n war.\Y a ~ 1'h0 they loaded onto th" truck..mel l inr . a r t h in to .a = a w e

    Fashions fads and fancies rna,come aad go, but n othing ' can take

    the place of the slI\artly and semi.tailored dre.. In the wel\-dressedwoman's wardrobe. Tbil particularlycffectlvt model makes we of any ofthe new fall fabrics and colorsBlack satin would be Munning madeup with a white crcpc vestee and

    . cuffs with a rhin estone buckle andh k t I got swingmg . '11'

    h h dtitles were put on t e mar e . "Well, m a y l ~ eyou cnn, but you IlUttons to se t it 011 . e new s a ethis. So, rea lly I liave moro right get so methinl', in return," .snapped of ' chestnut brqwn In faille silk o r

    ~ . crepe would go' well with clUm colhere than you. d Edd ' Eddi e. "You won't be beati ng up a o r ~d f . e o r g ~ t t evestee and eulh,"LI ste n, kid," commande Ie, drunk en squalehead if you ..... any f th

    Conover.. The Fifth-T hird Un ion Trust Co.,

    ",as nam ed executor 01 the will IIIWilliam P. Vandervoort.

    Catherine M. Bodley was appointedguardian of Elizabet h G. Bodley,Cathe rin e G. Bodl ey nnd Alfred J.Bodley, the appoin tme nt was accep ted.

    The l ast win and testa men t ofLinnie J. Reeves wa s admitted to pro.bate. .

    A p p r a l~ er s 'I\'ore appointed tor the. settlement of t he estate ot Artbur

    TmeY.Court co nfirm ed t h e - - r e ~ t ' l c e

    IJ'hompson as executrix of the estateof Ralph G . Th ompson .

    Jobn Goddard was appointed to reoplace Ed S.- Conklin as appraiser ofthe estate of Emil M. Runyan

    Fred S. Ertel flIed ' a finding anaorder tba t the estate and lucceBllionatherein of Sopbfa C . Ertel areempt from Inherjtance tax.

    The defendants having voluntarUyentered tbelr appearance, the plain.tiff, Merrin Jroctor Ball, waive s alltime in which to an swe r or file otherplllnding and con se nted that theprayer ' of said pet ition be granted.Merril1 Proctor Ball was then nuthor.ized to carry out t he contract as ex.ecutrjx of the est.ate of Ma )' V . Wi -son.



    LOA-Nfl on Chtlttell,Stocka, Securl tiel and Second , Mortgages. Nom

    lo ug ht . John Harblne Jr., Xenia,Oblo. mSO'2t1

    F ~ m e r s ,AttentionFarme1'll of W . ren ' and adJoin n.c o u n t l e ~may obtain money on Ion.time I\lana, . at 6 per cent In t tNl l t :Cost Of lecurlne tbe u m e I. '7 easonable ,tbrourb Tb" Federal Lan.Bank. For further InformatioD ealon or addreu M .C. DRAKE, Tr ..urer. phone SISX, Lebanon. Obfo.

    FOR RENT '

    FOR RENT-HoUle of S UOIDI, ODeacre of &'fOund, at Dodds. R, E. SIJn -:kin.. See Everett Gustin ,for par..ticdlars. ;4121

    WANTEDI You "'." while or Rally rOIl)' 'Wea er, wequietly." You're off -away 0 funny bu siness with me. I'll leave suggest wool crepe jersey. . Ihaven ' t any right here until aft er yo u a few marks, anyway." No dressmaking eJqlrnence J MARRIAGE LICENSES NOTICEthe ft-t da" of next month . Then "Get oil' my place," shouted 'Dav needed to make D esign No . 1226. May . [ AM now 10cated . lIi tbe Ibop form-.q ( J ' '" ' 't If I fall to 48. S Charle s Hugb Smith, Middletown, b Lo Le.ou Only have a rl6U . enant, more furiously than before. be obtained in sizes _36 to . Ill .. er t - oecupled by Jo D 111' W U It'll Lrll 3 1/3 d f 40 h laborer, and Opal Beatrice ManlUlU, Y d 1 Tedeem the property. e But hiB advance ceased, Eddie came IV requir es 'yar I 0 . me me help you keep the 110 e run-redeemed. So right noyw ,you rtee la out to loa" his pOll8ell8ions in the car, material and * ards of material for Franklin. H k d f nln.. f rank W. Crew, pbone 8aFIIl.

    b' f u re B a eSlee. Hllrvey J. ac mon, ra litman, .d21 ....,..trespasser and a t I e . 0 the OW11,er wars nowhere to be seen, v Patterns will be delivered to an)' Foster and Alberta Barber Wri,ht,ing my pr6perlY." - - Bull the forelman, WBII, and be was t\ddress upon receipt of ,25c. in c ~ sb a ~ n o g r a p h e r ,Kings Hilla. W A N T E D - , . . f . m b l t # oman betweea

    The leanjjawed e x p r e s a m e ~r u ~ r e g r ~ t f u land lIympatheth;. . or U. s. rostage. Alway_ menti on the . . . of . 25' and 110 to JUak" col; -bed his bristles nervously. Ddlld

    t(To 1 e. ..; c.. n..i _ n _ u _ e _ d~) _ . ir e wanted. ,Address, Patkrn Dept, REAL ESTATE P R O C ~ E D I N GS nectlon wi o ~ deatabllah"d ~ I D p a.

    blame me, Mr. Forbes," he plea e . .. tWa Dew.paper, r _ ..... 'lbJa op""'rtullitJ is open In ' ,our"He said he owned this when he hlr Sut. ._-- f"r the IIJamJ Gaiette. Eleanor Van TreBII .Smlth and , ..., r. 1_. _ _ _ . . . d~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ = ~ ~ ~ = ~ = = == ~= ~ ~ ~ = = = ~ ~ = ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ = ~ = = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ qYou'ro using pretty l'Ough lan pencil OD ftaulta. P ~ t oat.clOOl

    a e Forbes," commented the work caUlQ 011 faimen with ' co. .~ u ~ :coolly. "Thief, eh? I'll ahow S'MATTER POP lIDof hoaaehold necel l iU. ,YOU the firs t of the month. Where of , a p t c e l f ,tqtletwould you get three hundred and fifo IMnDe reinedt., pollltr;ty dol lan to take car .e of that ~ x - '~ o ~ An oPO.title?'" ~ e laughed ironically. Ev M'I-:?o'i:> , Bfe tim" for a hlllUer.cryone know s you're broke, that your + \ A N J " ~ h e ~ lbut not ,MGeI . . .wife hns left you and you're just stall ..,.. c' i .A N U - ring here because you don't dare show ~ ,., . . . uo Tlyour face in Scottdale. Why you es- O ~ ~ I \ . ~ Q : 1eaped being a jailbird becau se tba t O ~ + 4 ~R ... J>IO, ..... 6old erook of " g o v ~ r n ~ rp a r ~ ? n e dyou, A ............ R ..... ..., _ TOSo don't. get; fresh With me. , . , T .. .

    "SO that's it eh?" was Eddie's com- M.e. tment." Well, 'I don't think t'hose fewsacks of eartb are worth much. Butyou'll leave them, juab the sa me. Un10ad. 1I . d h '

    The youth's reply waa to rop ISshovel a nd .rus h , n scowl on. his weak,dark face. Eddie met him with astra , ght right hnnder thst puft'ed theloose lipe. As a fight it did nO, c o ~ ~par e with the fierce battle against themotor -tra mp, This 'adversary hadneither the courage, the strength northe reaolution of tbe wanderer. . Hiseyes were b1a:ckened and hill nose wasbleeding, though he had scarcely lefta mark on Eddie, when ' he turned hisback and clamored onto the truck,

    "All right, you big bully I" he complained. "I'll have . the laugh whim .the sherif throws you . off. You P'Jtyour foot on here and I'll shoot y o ~like a dog. Y Oil, I willi" he raved,u the expre i sman started ' the truck. '"And 'rou kee.p .awaY from Nance EnceD, or I'll drill you anyway,"

    "So that's i t?" mused Eddie. "Iremember he alWays did like her :Of COUJlll be wl'uldn't have been 10nut) ' .if it hadn't been for booze. Hisbreath wu like a distil.l. 1fl He gotaway with , tha t dirt, after all" Oh, .well, r guell8 he paid for it." Hearmned ,

    Absentmindedly be picked up ansack, one whlch had been le f t

    lJhIch' hacl been overlooked. A

    . ,'.

    FOR S A ~ T w oJ e m , col'}; .Jen." ....d BoJatelll co"" ifraali;

    1 . Guem " , ,belt ." aJ1 T, B. tested,w. ~ . s e ~phon. 79.

    , FOR SALE-Bul l , ' 15 o n ~'old, . - dark lersey. ,IDqu&. ot A. ~ Cor.- :. ~ e l 1 ,~ D. ' 6; W.,DeivUJej .Ohlo.

    ~ , . /. , 'd28* . , . ' '" , yqu N E ~'l'BE ~ O W . . . . . e , o \I ~"

    . avoy .... tnraW:. flue .and rOof,~ e I D e D t ,patobblr pIM- .>~ D e r Uqlllc1 .fw , topPlq

    1ft b e ~P ~ ' " , . . p i , . ,I d . ~ t i t r . 'l'lDJ BOOKtLE'l'. KING

    .111. W; .Katp Striet, Xe. .,Phon" aeo . ,

  • 8/10/2019 December 21 1927


  • 8/10/2019 December 21 1927
