our town december 24, 1927

DECORATED P RI C E, T H R EE C EN TS Midnight Caroling an d Music by Choirs Feature Season. BAROMETER DROPS Fa ll s to Lowestp;)lnt Since 1924 Temperature on Main Line Varies. When the barometer sank to 29.19 last Friday, it fell to t h e l o w es t p o i nl since March I I, 1924, when a read ing of 29.06 was observed, accord i ng t o C ha rl es J. A . D ec ke r, Main Line Weather b ser ve r, in his weekly report. It w as high at 30.15 during the middle of l a st w e ek , but s in ce t he n it has continued rather l ow , o nl y t wi ce r i si n g s li gh tly above the normal. Temperature variation of 45 de grees was noted. with a high tem· perature of 64 degrees last Wednes day, and a low of 19 degrees Mon day, of t hi s w ee k. Th e high and l ow t em pe ra tu re s f or t he w ee k f ol lows: Wednesday, 64-40; Thurs day, 40-33; Friday, 50-34; Satur clay, 3 4- 25 ; S un da y, 3 0- 23 ; M on day, 27-19; 1'uesday, 41-22. In spite of l o w t e mp e ra t ur e s, a n excess of 47 d eg re es is reported since Decembe r I, as compared with a 'defi ciency of 1 8 0 d e gr e es for the same t im e l as t y ea r. P re ci pi ta ti on .47 inch for the week, and 3.20 II1ches for the month to dat!l. I SPECIAL SERVICES IN lOCAL CHURCHES I BUILDINGS THE CANDLE GREETING SLOWS GI VE PARTY F or m or e than a doz en y ea rs . Narberth h om es h av e p la ce d can dIes In the windows on Chrlstma.s eve as a sign of good wm and good cheer on Christmas eve. Bingle c an d le s, or flames In designs, ar e se t In Windows from which the curtain s hav e been care f ully d rawn lest tire spaU the hoUdays. A smaIl electric candle Is used by the more modern home. Walking the stre ets, or carollIng, tonight, one w1l1 be g r ee te d by h un dr ed s o f t he Ut t le U gh ts . L et no home fail to s et out Its greet Ing! FIRE SIDE EDI TOR REPORTS HOLIDAYS Homecomings an d Parties M a rk C h r is t m as S ea s on i n B o ro u gh . Christmas cve will find the churches of Narberth prepared to c el eb ra te t hi s f es ti va l in a c ol or fu l 1 ---...: 1 manner. Extra ser vice s, speci al music a nd Ch ri st mas p ro gr am s f ea tu re t he ir o bs er va nc es . A ll t he places of worship arc appropriately , .e eo ra te d w it h g re en s, l au re l a nd h ol ly . C hr is tm as t re es wi ll g lo w in s p l en d o r f o r t h e s p ec i a l ben ef it of the On Christmas eve there will be a harking back to the fine traditions of M e rr i e E n gl a nd w hen t he Young OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE People's Fell o w sh i p of A ll S ai nt s Church sally forth dressed as carolers of old to sing Christmas melodies in Narberth a nd W y nn e wood. ~ o t h i n g see ms to arouse bet ter t he s pi ri t of " pe ac e o n earth g oo d wi ll t ow ar d m en " t ha n s o n or o u s o ld Latin hymns and the r ol li ck in g E ng li sh c ar ol s. Aftcr s p r ea d i n g the m e ss a g e of g o o d c h e er t he c ar ol er s wiII r etur n to their p a ri s h hou se for refrcshments at 1 0· 30 . They will then join the con g r eg a ti o n in the s pe ci al m i dn i gh t carol and c o m mu n i on s e rv i ce to be held at the church at I I P. M. At Saint .Margaret's Church four m a ss c s wi ll be cel e b r at e d C h r i st m a s m or ni ng b eg in ni ng w it h S ol em n High M as s a t 6. Low Mass es wi ll be h el d at 7.30, 9 and 10.30, with benediction following t he last. Father Thomas C on ro y, D . D. , of t he O v er b ro o k S c mina ry, will assist the local p ri est , l{ev. Ro ber t F Hayes. The church is d e co r a te d i n the u su al C h ri s tm a s f as hi on. At t h e P r e s by t e r ia n Church there wi ll bea specialmus ica l f e at u ! '. ,'( '11- sisting of a sclection by a chorus of 50 c h il d re n of the junior hmch at . . -0 •. 1_...... ,("\. .. _; ... '-'......... ,"'''''. . . t l j ~ evening service at 745 a ch' J r us of 16 trained voices will sing the Christ: mas cantata "The :Manger Throne," The offerings for the day will go to t he P re sb yt er ia n Orp'' Philadelpl!id' The services at t he M et ho di st Ep is co pa l C hu rc h o pe n w it h an e a rl y ser v i ce at 6 A. M. in charge of the Epworth Leaguc. An aug mented choir will render a c a nt a ta , "The S to ry of Christmas," at the r e gu l ar m o rn i ng s er vi ce. A p a ge a nt given by the Bible school wiII take the place of t h e e v en i n g s e rv i c e. C ar ol er s f ro m t he H ol y Trinity L ut he ra n C hu rc h w il l a ss em bl e C h r i st m a s eve at the home of John I-I. Weigel, Gilpin road, and will go forth at midnight. At the Christ nms morning ser vic e of the Church the Bi ble s ch oo l will have its tree and distribution of presents. .'\. collection of t oy s a nd c an dy is b ei ng t ak en for the Kensington Settlement House. , The headliner of the Baptist Church's C h r i st m a s o b s er v a nc e s is a C h r is t m as M o r al i t y p l ay to be pre sented at the eve n i ng s er vi ce . This p la y is a s ta ge g ui ld play-"Dltst of the Road"-and is b ei ng produced by s pe ci al arrangement with the Fol· CON' l 'I N UE D ON THE FIFl'H PAGE than tomorrow. Invite All to Christma s Dance, lowing Reu nion . A r ra n ge m e nt s are b ei ng ade by t he M ai n L in e C ha pt er of the S lo w C lu b f or i ts grand reunion ancl C h ri s tm a s p a rt y, ::'Ilonday. Present a nd p as t m em be rs will join in the festivities and friends will a tt cn d a s g ue st s. D in ne r will be served at 7.30 P. M. in the au ditorium of the Y. M. C. A. Following the d in ne r t he re will be s in gi ng a nd g am e s u nt il 9.:lO o'clock, when there will be a dance in the g ymna sium , wh er e the m em be rs a nd th eir g ue st s wiII step ou t in t un e t o m us ic furnish ed by the orchestra, composed of members o f t he i r o wn g ro up . S ev eral novel arrangements have been p re pa r ed by the committee in charge. An u nu su al o pp or tu ni ty for young p e op l e t o become acquaint ed w it h t he Slow Club. its mem bers a nd t he ir a ct iv it ie s i s a ff o rd ed by the dance, which will be open to non-members at a s ma ll admission charge. Th e Slow Club invites all young folks to at tend. Plates may be r e se r ve d for the dinner, bu t r e s er v a ti o ns m u s t reach the Y. M. C. A. n ot later Board Hears of Excellent At tendance Record an d Work. Narberth, Pa., Saturday, December 24,1927 L. M. Five Bowls Over Two Rivals; Shows Pro mis e lor Championship Hundreds 01 Trees Planted by 'REPORT CARDS OF Wahlert on Playground Field PUPILS ARE HIGH N u r s er y m a n' s Gift Adds P e rm a n en t B e a ut y to L oc al P ar k. F l o we r in g C r ab s to Give Color to Planting in Spring. GIFTS E T Horner, 303 N. Narberth Ave., Narberth, Pa. BETTER BUSINESS IS ROTARY TOPIC Vol. XI V, N um be r 1 2 Ralph S. Dunne Advises More Advertising an d Better Methods. MEMBERS "Now is a g ood t im e to p ond er on t h e e x p er i c nc e s of 1927, so as to p la n p ro pe rl y f or t he d ev el op ment of b us in es s i n 1928." Thai w as t he topic of R al ph S . D un ne , chairman of t h e b us in es s m e th o ds committee of the B al a -C y nw y d Narberth Rotary Club, at the club's lunc heon, given in the C y n wy d Club Tuesday. "What are y ou t ry in g to do" is a q ue st io n e ve ry b usi ne ss m an s ho ul d a sk h im se lf , a cc or di ng to Mr. Dunne. "Consc iously or uncon s ci ou sl y. " h e s ai d, "we a re t ry in g to d o m or e b us in es s, w hi ch m ea ns greater profits. B ut w ha t is m or e important is to have a definite goal , and t ha t a im s ho ul d b e t he p er fe ct mg o f a n o rg an iz at io n a nd m et ho d of doing busi ness that wi ll m e a su r e up to the finest s t an d ar d s o f busi ness procedur e. " C om b in e d w i th i m pr o ve d m et h ods of d oi n g b us in es s," s ai d Mr. Dunne, "there s ho u ld b e goo d p r od ucts, and w el l p l an ne d p ub li ci ty t o d e ve l op more s al es . More advertis i ng by l oc al m er ch an ts i s n ee de d, " he w en t o n to say, "in o rd er t o o ff s et t he a d ve r ti s in g of Philadelphia s to re s, w ho a re v er y p er si st en t in their e ff or t to g et bu si ne ss in the Main Line communiti es. "The o p po r tu n it i es for pub li ci ty are many-any p u r ch a s e m e a n s t h r e e c on ta ct s w it h t he customer: when the order is placed, when delivery is m ad e, a nd w he n the bill is paid, Three addi tional forms of advertis ing-in t he l ocal p ap er , by d ire ct mail, and i n a t tr a ct i ve w in do w d is · plays-are v e ry import ant anci neces sarv." th e b us in es s m en w er e u rg ed t o us e the m a n u f a c t t ~ r e r ' s name and t h e n am e o f t he product in their ad vertisements, and to s e nd cop ies of the ads to the c o mp a ni e s who se lin es they carr y. This point was str ess ed as important in the building up of a properand closer r el at io n b et we en m a nu f a ct u r er a n d dealer. Mr. Dunne c on cl ud ed b y g i vi ng a list of s om e out sta n di n g b oo ks w hi ch he s ai d are of b en ef it i n e n a bl in g o ne t o r ea ch t he t ho ug ht s of certain suc ces s f ul bus iness men . His l is t w as a s f ol lo ws : "My L if e a nd ,"Vork," a nd " To da y a nd T om or row," by Henry Ford; "Life and Letters of J o se p h P u li t ze r ," b y D on Seitz; "John H. Patterson," by Samuel Protherow ; "Your Money's Worth," by Chase and Schlink; " Di st ri bu ti on A ge ," b y R al ph B or dodi; and "Life of B ar n um ," by Werner. A f ea tu re of t he l un ch eo n w as the distribution of Chris tmas gifts to each member of t he cl ub, D r. E, S. Deubler,.lJresident of t he c lu b and head of Penshurst Farm, was given a toy cow; R al ph S . D un ne , president of the Narberth Coal C om pa ny , r ec ei ve d a c oa l s cu tt le ; Philip A. Livi ngston, publisher and head of publicity committee of the c lu b, w as g iv en a drum; fishermen among the Rotarians, including Bill Decker, of Bala, w e re g iv en i m pe r ishable fis h. The Reverend John Van Ness, pastor of the Narberth Presbyterian C hu rc h, wi ll b e t he s pe ak er a t next week's mee ting of the club. The citizens of Narberth have Over 5 0 l om ba rd y p op la rs h av e F IR E BUS C ON TR AC TO R just been made a gift-a C hr is tm as b een p la nt ed i n a close r ow a lo ng ." p r es en t w hi ch w il l g r ow greater as t he east en d of the field. When High s c ho l as t ic s t a n di n g a n d ex- t h e y e a rs pas s. This past w ee k s aw t he y grow t al le r t he y w il l s er ve to c el l ent attendance have marked the the compl e t io n of t he p la nt in g o fl h id e t he b ac k y ar ds of the C o n wa y a c ti v i tie s o f t he s t ud e nt s i n t he Nar s ev er al h un dr ed trees on the com- a ve nu e h om es at t h at point, hiding munity f ie ld , t he gift of A nt on E. also the Monday wash and the gar- b e rt h S ch oo ls d ur in ' g the past week. \Vohlert, owner of the Garden ages, which are a part of back This was r ev ea le d l as t Friday night Nurseries. yards. In front of t he p op la rs is in t he m on th ly r ep or t of Principal Not only is this a timely gift, but a row of flowering crabs. George H. Wilson. it wi ll p r ac t ic a ll y c o mp l et e the b e au - Throughout t he p la nt in g t he re ti fying of six acres wh ch a few are over a hundred of these beau- T he q ua rt er l y r ep o rt s r ec en tl y y ea rs a go w ~ r e a no isom e w ast e, t if ul o ma me nt al s, i nc lu di ng m or e i ss ued , M r. \ Vi ls on said. we re th e dotted by WISpS of smoke arising t h an 20 v ar ie ti es o f t he f a mo u s Jap- best that have g on e o ut 111 years. f r om r ub bi sh b u mi ng a mo ng the anese stock. Th e trees a re seven The p up il s h av e m ad e e xc el le nt a s h ~ s . . . years old. and in about two .years progress particularly in arithmetic 1he pla nt m g s ch em e IS comp o se d s h ou l d produce a gor geo u s d ls pl av I I' '.' . h' I of silver m.aples, lombardy poplars of blooms in the spring. . 1 a ne r ea e 111g; two s u uJ ec t s. o n w IC 1 a nd f lo we rm g c ra bs , arranged to Back of the war m em or ia l s to ne ' t he t ea ch er s h av e e sp ec ia ll y c on - \Vith so many of t h e y o un g er ~ J e a l ~ t i f y the t r a c ~ w ~ t h o u t interfer- two of the f l ow e ri n g t r ee s h a v e b e e n I centrated. s et h om e from schools and col- 111& III a ny w ay WIth Its u se f or ath- set. to form a b ac kg ro un d f or t he Freedom f ro m e pi de mi cs a nd a l eg es , dances and parties are letlc purposes. monument, and to beautify the generally high average of health in O l d f . h crowding fast upon each other, ne mn r e d t w en t y- f iv e maples : ~ o n t el.ltr.anceway 01 t e c o n J l ~ l l 1 - the s tu de nt b od y h av e c om bi ne d t o sturdy trees of t en to t we lv e y ea rs l1Ity blllldmg. A group plantmg I . m ak in g t he time for merriment growth. have been planted in a has been made at the western end produce a v er y h ig h a ve ra ge ?f at- seem so m uc h s ho rt er . A mo ng d ou bl e r ow On thc \ Vi ndso r and of t h c f ie ld . I t en da nc e. t he r ep or t contll1ues. t h os e not ed about town a re H el e n \ Vy nn ew oo :1 a ve nu e s id es . The The inclusion of Japanese flower- This f act a ls o c on tr ib ut ed to t he Hoff m an , who is home from the r ow s a re so spaced that if a run- i ng t re es i n the gift w il l p ro ba bl y' s ch ol ar sh ip l ev el . National Park Seminary at \Vash- ning b l! il t a bo ut t he field m ak e Narberth's civic work one of P ro gr es s in t he m usi c d ep ar tm en t at any tune, It WIll be fl an ked b y t he t he . s ub ur ba n show p l a ~ e s each has a ls o b ee n p le as in g. S ev er al stu- i ng to n, a nd M on a Lyle. a student shade tre es. 1 sprlllg. ~ v e n I.llore beautiful than dent teachers fr om the Combs at Mt. H o ly o ke , who will return . Other m ap l es h a ve b ~ e n planted I the c h ~ r r t e s w h! c h h a ve b e c ~ m e f a- C on se rv at or y h av e be en a id in g t he to college a f te r N ew Y ea r' s, m center of th,e. , " ~ I ~ d s ~ r a ve - m ou s 111 \Vashlllgton. the s l g l ~ t of re ular s ta ff t hi s f all . T he s up er - Esther Keim is s p en di ng t he nue Side so as t o . t ie 111' WIth a h un d .r ed of t he crab ~ r e e s 111 a v i ~ o r o f t he c on se rv at or y, w ho r e- holidays w ith h er p ar en ts , :\Jr. grove of , ? l de r t r e ~ s now s t ~ n d 1 l 1 g successIOn of blooms wJ11 form a centl laid a visit, ex l ressed the and Mrs. Lewis M. Keim, of there. 1111S grove IS the locatIO n of m ec ca ?f b e a ~ l t y f or p e op le through- o p i n i ~ n l that Narberth,i m us ic de- N o rt h N a r b er t h avenue. She is a th : play. apparatus the y o u n ge r out thIS sectIon. Jartment was one of the best he had student at Bucknell. William chIldren III s u m m er t u ne . CON'fINUED ON THE FIFTH P A ( ; l ~ I Park e r , J r ., from Princeton, is one seen. f I I I' 1 An offer was received by the 0 t le a Je assistants at t le post office. COMMUNITY TRE E TO BE PLAY PROGRESSING h oa rd f rom .-\. E. W oh le rt , w ho LIGHTED THIS A - - - p ro po se s t o c on tr ib ut e t re es t o i m- D or ot hy S pe ck has returned YE R Sho p Girl " to Be Produced by p r ov e t h e s ch oo l pla y gr o un d. The from Hood College, Frederick, d I ff I Md., and is the guest of her par- No Carol Service at Tree Is Planned, Church Thespians. boar voted .to accept t le 0 er ane ents on \Voodbme avenue. J 0- Though. "The Shop Girl," a musical I to c O ~ l S U I t \":Ith ~ 1 r . W oh le rt o n t he s e, lh Snyder, son of D r. a nd :Mrs. 1 1 C . CI' " d' '11 I j practical POl11ts mvolved. 0 J S d . I CI . le 0111l11umty lnstmas 1 ree come y m two acts, WI Je pn - An im Jortant decision was . . .. ny er, IS lOme on lrtSt- '11' f h' I' l t d \\ ' d d' I mas leave from t he U n it ed S ta te s WI ag am. cast ort ItS rae la. nce s. en e on , e nes ay. e v e n l 1 1 ~ . , .r.,':ached 4y the b oa rd when it was I -...-... .:1f N:Tv,:JI A c a c l " I I I , ) ' . _ . a l _ · ~ n " " I , .. \1i" dunng t 11S huliday season. This' January 4:, by t t l c ' ~ ' k m < 1 q ; ; ; a ( e ~ < " : 1 VOIeO lo'rcrnJ1narc· L111: l;unU<1\:l. W 1<11 O n e o f t h e l a rg e s t' p a rt i es of the b ri ll ia nt a nd b ea ut if ul sp ec ta cl e, Dramatic Society. Th e i n t e n ~ i v e i ~ i n c e n t M a ~ i a n i f or t he t r ~ n s p o r t a - holidays is the bridge which M i ss I .I 1. I I 11", work of the I Ja st f ew weeks owes tlon of t he s tu de nt s t o L o\ \ e r Mcr- l\K ildred Odl'or lle l!a,'e at Iler IlOlne \V llC 1 can ue enJovec )y a , IS ue- '" ' . C I ' f' t 'I . f . promise of a verv fine perform- lOll. omp amts 0 1l1compe ency on Graylin g a v en u e y e st er d ay . Her c o m ~ l ~ g 0 t he m os t. p l e a ; ~ n g ance replete with g.ood music, fine and. unsatisfactory .transpor tation guests, which included many out Irae1JtlOns of the cOl11mUl1lty. I h e d an c in r r and keen humor. Th e COl111l1g to the at t en tI On of t he a u- of-town girls, were the ~ l i s s e s t re e w as p la nt ed a n d e qu ip pe d w it h cast i ~ c 1 u i : I e s Helene O'Keefe, t h or i ti es b r ou g ht t h em to t he d ec i- Margaretta Gibbons, Betty Car l i gh t i ng systcm at C h r is t m as t im e Kathryn Burgess, Sara Burgess. sion of making an immediate c h a ng e lis le, J a ne K no wl to n, D et ty Sel- two years ago. Mary Binns, Jack O'Keefe, David !n the best i n t e r ~ s t s of the . s ~ u d e n t s . lers, Hope B ur li ng am e, B et ty D I ' . . . and Ben L a na ha n, J oh n Claffy fhe Lower Menon authOrities took Kempton, Evelyn Patterson, ue to a mu tlphclty of dutIes. the and Joseph ~ r c C o u r t : b e s i d e s se\'- l s i mi l ar s t ep r e ce n t ly. E d it h O r t on , Patty SeJlers, Polly members of the \\'omen's Com- eral choruses. The M o nt g om e ry B u s C om p an y P al mq ui st , E lm a Reese, Ellen l11unity Club will not be ab le to hold Th e Lower Merion Junior was g iv en t he c on tr ac t f or t he Shaw, Anne Speed, B et ty H ub their usua l cele brat ion of carol sing - High School a ud i to r iu m , w i th i ts mainder of t he s ch oo l y ea r. With bel, Cynthia Metzger, Virginia ing around i t. Its use is thercfore capacity of appr?ximately 1 2 ~ ) O , the feeling that t h ei r l ar ge f le et of Denman, Ella Ross, Rosalie ff d f I I has been secured 111 order to g l\ 'e m od er n c ar s. m an ne d by se le ct ed S ha w, P a ti en c e \ Vo hl er t, Louise o . ree y to c lurch or- everyone a c ha nc e t o s ee the c' om - d ri ve rs , w il l be wel l a bl e t o h an dl e Smedley, Betty Jone s, Betty g a 1 1 l Z ~ t l O n s .f r I SOCla I g r ou f s. t7 at edy. Th e same club ga"e the the problem in a s at is fa ct or y w ay . C oo k, H o n o ra S n y de r and Gladys carel 0 a ~ a l t l ~ m s . e ves b lit 0d plav "Kathleen." last ycar. 'V. R u ss e ll Green, l oc al a t t orney, Grover. caro. serVIces. t .IS to elope I w as elected t o t he p os t of solicitor M P J f that Its fragrance ~ v I I I not bewasted BUY P O LI CE H O R SE S : to the board for 19 28 . Mr. Green r... Newman, a ormer tl d Narberth resident, but now living li pon :le es er t a.lr. "Fire B o y " b r ou g ht $100, an .d w il l s uc ce ed Lar z el e re Wright and· \\ ' h' D C 'd ., CI t i t I bill· as mgton, . ., pal a VISh ms n ~ a s c larl y las ever een ,. Buddy" a nd "Ba be" toge the r Larzelerc, of N or ri st ow n. p re se nt to several friends here last week. f o ~ e m o s t 111 t 1 : ~ w,ork of Wom- brought $202, when the Township solicitors. Th e compensation for Stanton Nickerson, who also is en s Commul1lty C l u ~ at thiS season P o li c e Committce accepted b i d ~ the position is nominal. a f o rm e r resi dent of N ar be rt h, of the year and as 111 the past the V'edllesday 11I'ght for t i le s al e of . 1 I I, d ' I .\ s t o p pe d overl llg 1t here on his way c Uu IS oll1g s om e v er y wort 1- tllree llorses wllose rel'gl l as traffic NEW SHOP OPE NE D p' h'l tl ' I 1 I' to Ittsburgh, to s p en d t he holi- w Tie sr gs ; ong ft l ~ s e biller '11 cop mounts r ec en tl y e nd ed . P ro · A no th er a dd it io n to Narberth's d ay s w it h h is p ar en ts . He is a I. le k lUt- ns fO " ar ert1 WI osals were advertised fo r, b ut group of s to r es w as m a de t hi s w ee k student at Brown Unive r s i ty . ue ta ' en ca re 0 ; I he Crossnore I t I 'd . d ft ' '' I 't il t i le 01>elll'llg of t he P at ri ci a SCllool I ll til e Soutl lerll 1\ ,f ountal'lls on y w o II s were receIve a el. In two weeks' publication. Elizabeth Shop in the Narberth rON'1'INUIW 0:'< THE SECO:,<D PAGE has received t w o l ar ge boxes; four F G' . I ' d d children in need on t he M ai n Li ne Charles . Barker, of .Iad· 1 h ea ter buil dmg. t IS evote to wyne. offered $100 for "Fire B o y, " w o me n' s l i ng er ie and hosiery, and hav e beenoutfitt ed wit h c l ot h i ng and and H. R. Hillegas, of Narberth, t o c h il d r en ' s c l ot h in g , b o th b oy s and s h oe s; a nd i nd iv id ua l m em b er s are '11' o ff er ed $2 02 f or " Bu dd y" a nd girls. Its proprietress is Mrs. L I Jan sOldi ng p ac ka ge s to t he c hi l dr en a t "Babe" together. F . H u tc h in s on , o f M er io n. South Mounta in Sanitorium. C o us i n M ol ly F l y nn wiII conduct the entertainment at the Chi ldre n's C h ri s t mas p a rt y at 2 .3 0 o 'c lo ck, Tuesda y, Deccmber 27. She is a m e m be r of Swarthmore C h a u ta u q u a PLAN COSTUME SI NGI NG and ~ i I l b ri ng h cr t al en t w it h h er . - - A busy new year is p lan ned by Al l m em be rs a re ask ed t o b ri ng n ot D ur i ng t he p as t week the basket- s co re le ss e x ce p t for one lucky two Narberth s in ge rs , M r. and o nl y t h ei r o wn c hi ld re n b u t b oy s a n d b al l f ive o f L ow er M er io n H ig h goal when Cook was at t he o t he r Mrs. Burton Piersol, of R oc ka vo n g ir ls so t ha t a s m an y in t he b or ou gh S ch oo l added two more g am es to end of the floor. Incidentally, road. This winter they are depart- as p os si bl e can e n jo y t h is treat . t he r ig ht s id e of t h e l e dg e r. while t aki ng c ar e of B on ne r 111 ing from their usual policy in con- Mrs. C. :'\.. Farmer, assisted by On last Friday afternoon, onthe s up er b fashion Cookalso did some cert work, to devote t he ms el ve s a l- I t he Ex ec ut iv e B oa rd , will be the home floor, Alan Cook and his m os t ex lusively to c os tu me re - ho st esse s a t t he p ar ty . m a te s d ef ea te d t he M o nt go m er y s c or in g himself, tying his team· citals. S c ho o l b y th e overwhelming score m a te K oh lh as w it h t en p oi nt s for T he se p ro gr al 11 s c o mp r is e we ll TO FETE MINISTER of 58-12. Montgomery School the a f te r no o n' s pastime. kn ow n scenes f ro m th e extensive As an exp ressio n of appreciation I never had a chance. Ca;1tain Cook To K o h lh a s . a n d Cook g-o the o p e r at i c r e p er t o ir e of Mr . a nd M rs . f or the Rev. R ob er t E. Keighton's m a de s ix te e n points, e no ug h to m aj or s ha re o f the honors for this Piersol, as we ll a s g r ou ps of c h ar - s pl en di d s er vi ce s, a nd t o c om m em o- beat his rivals single-handed. Th e victory, but t he r es t of t he t ea m acter s on gs a n d a m us ic al ski t c al l ed rate t he t hi rd a nn iv er sa ry of his play of L oc kw oo d a nd K oh lh as a ls o played great basketball. "The L ov e D re am ," a ll b ei ng s ta ge d p as to ra te in N ar be rt h, a P :I :i y i s t o a l so f e at u red this win. As things are no w s h a ~ 1 i n g up, in period costumes. bc given him by the entire Baptist Then on Wednesday a ft er no on it looks as thQugh Coach Ander- M r. a nd M rs . P ie rs ol h av e been C hu rc h f am il y on D ec em ber 27, at Coach Anderson's boys-won a b r il . i s m o ld i ng - together a power e n ga g ed t o g iv e r ec it al s at the Phi- 8.15. This is to be followed by a the s t r on g H a v er f or d High team ful combination ou t of the green l om us ia n C lu b, P hi la de lp hi a, on r ec ep ti on in t he l ow er r oo m at 9.3 0 liant, h a r d- f o ug h t cont est from material left him from last season. J an ur ay 2 4; Beaver Col lege, Jen- The c hu rc h h op es t ha t 19 28 will hy a 34-:clU score. H a ve r fo r d P e rh a ps the present team ma y 'kintown, January II , and by the afford an opportunity to s ho w it s . ;p or te d a veteran team that won duplic ate th e wor k of Coach ' Gr ap hi c S ke tc h C lu b f or a r ec ita l g ra ti tu de t o M r. K ei gh to n, but in t he c ha m pi on sh ip in th e "c" Adam's team of two years ago. at Woodbine, N. J., Febntary 19. lieu of that, t h is i mm ed ia te o p po r - League last year. Their individual That q ui nt et w on th e suburban . They secured a c co m pa n is t t l 1l1ity is welcomed by all its mem- star, Conny just wasn't championship. It is yet early the well-known pianis t, Mary Mil-, ;ers. Mrs. Walter B. Taitt is in when he we.nt up against Cook. of to predict an y stich thing bu t the lerMount. I charge of t he a rr an ge me nt s. - Lower Merion. Cook held Bonner team shows great possibilities. w. s. .... ., .; 6 -.

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!- . . . ' • • ,?:;.-., ,


.-W ish i n g ou r customers an d

the enti re c:ommunity a

..........-.The Sign 0/ the Best Meats


lHlOME is where the heart i s, t he c en te r of our joy s,ambit ions, a ffec tions and hopes. In it is c reatedthat atsomphere of good will and good cheer which

we cal l the SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS!At Christmas time our fondest memories are o f t he

old Home and our happiest thoughts of today 's Home andloved ones in it.

Our best wishes for a Merry Christmas! May comfort,happiness, peace and plenty abide in every Home in thissplendid Community of Homes!

DURBIN & HOWARDSi t b u r b a n Home s

Robe rt E lmor e, o f C ynwyd. halfback on the L ow er M er io n H ig hS ch oo l f oo tb al l t ea m. who waselected captain for 1928 o n S a tu rday. He Is president o f h is Jun:orclass an d played on th e varsitybaseball t e am l a st spring.

GIVEubHshed b:v the



THOMAS A. ELWOOD, Ass't Editor

Olllce, 258 Haverford Avenue

Narberth 2545


.Merry Christmasan d a

..Happy New Year

BRADLEY'S MEATS2106 MARKET STREETOpposite Erlanger Theatre

Rittenhouse 7070




,. ,.









219 Haverford Avenue, Narberth


Open Friday Evenings from 7 unti l 9 o'Clock

Come to White's

White's is convenient to all-and here youwill find a pleasant atmosphe'1'e and a spi1'itof courtesy which wil l make you want tocome back fo1' good things-many timesafter the holidays are past.

In the last minute of preparat ion for the biggestholiday-when a few remembrances have beenforgotten; when delicacies for the table are neededcome to White's

Folks know that here they will find absolutely fresh,always delicious pastry; ice cream which has homemade excellence because it is home-made; candy forg if t s or for the table.

TOO OFTEN theJ'e are three

g en era t ion s from Shirt

SlecvcN to ShiJ"t Sleeves. The

!ii't;! :-: a v e s - the second

:;pt.··fil'-";, ..· -the thiJ"d has noth

ing to Save OJ" Spend.







The Narberth National Bank

White's Sweet Shop

o~ 1 ' I " P ' "

Phone Hilltop 1062-WMAIN LINE PIANO

SERVICEPlano Tunlnl!Repairing ofuprights .Players an dGrands.ExpertReproducingPlanoan d AmplcoService

22 East Marthart AvenueSOUTH ARDMORE, PA.

"We Tune fo r t he Wor ld 'sGreatest Artists."



241 Haverford Avenue, NarberthPHONE NARBERTH 4182

Th e EL;.,RA Twins for Electrical and

Radio Satisfaction

Also ABC Washer and Utenco Ironer.

And don' t forget the EL-RA Twins. who awa it y ou r callto give prompt and efficient ELectrical and RAdio satisfaction.

Monthly radio inspection service, $1 0 pe r year.


-and they will be app reciated all the more


Conover d ish washer, formerly $ 14 0, n ow $100.

washes, dries an d sterilizes.

ON TIME You Can BuySteinite electric radio, t he h it of the Philadelphia

Rodeo, for 35c a day.

General Electric Refrigerator-36c a day.

We have a complete assortment of electrical and

radio gif ts-]us t come in and look them over.



Radiola I 7, working direc t f rom the h ou se current, for

43c a day.


KTREE LIGHT SETS .... $1.25 IElectric TREE STANDS. $4.50


n SET $16.50 TABLE COOKER $5.85n:tl Table Lamps, wonderful value-$14.50, complete


% with shade

.. 10% 011 on all Lionel electric trains

8/7/2019 Our Town December 24, 1927

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-december-24-1927 3/6



Ardmore 510-J



MILK and CREAMWalker-GordonAcidophilus Milk

MAIN LINE BRANCHTelephone: Bryn Mawr 88£

758 Lancaster Ave.

Bryn Mawr. ,.. .

1"-·,- - - -_. - ..---';

- James Edgar Hungerford.

Authorized Dealers

Local Representative


The Link Between F01'est and Home

29 Bala Avenue, Bala-Cynwyd






Majestic A and 8 Eliminators

310 Dudley Ave. Phone, Nar. 3868.M

Metal Radiator FUJ"niture of Enduring


Shull Lumber Company

Oregon 0463

CHRISTMAS I I t 's coming to wipe away care again

Blotting out memories tragic and drea r ;

Bringing rich BLESSINGS for mankind to share again

Filling our hearts with the magic of CHEERI

CHRISTMAS I To some it means COURAGE to start again;

Help for the helpless. and strength for the strong!

Giving the hopeless a chance to take HEART again

God's loving gifts to humanity's tlirong!

CHRISTMAS I We all love th esound and the sing of it;

Sinner and saint, a nd t he godless and good;

Hearts of the world all respond to the ring of it

Bringing mankind in to one BROTHERHOOD I

CHRISTMAS! All nations rejoice to t heTHRILL of itl

Paupers and peasants; the rich and renowned;

Spirit of Love--may we bow t o t he WILL of it -

Then we'll have CHRISTMAS the whole year around I

Christmas! The magical, musical ring of it -

No finer word in the world can be found I

Molded a nd made for we mortals to sing of it;

Full of the "tingle" that makes pulses pound I

CHRISTMAS I The lilt an d the rhythm and THRILL of itl

Dear, loving word t ha t w as made to impart

HAPPINESS, friends-may you all have yourFILL of it

Feeling the t h rob of it deep in your HEARTI

Just imagine how much more attractive your home wouldbe with harmonious beautiful cabinets, instead of unsightly bareradiators I

Imagine the satisfaction of seeing walls and draperies freshand clean. instead ofsmudged by the dust carried by air currentsrising upward f rom uncovered radiators .

Add to these advantage, the healthful benefits of improvedcirculation of the heat and you will see why your home sh.ouIqbe equipped with Bohem Radiator furniture. . ...

Bohem Radiator Shields and Cabinets are obtainable incream, walnut or mahogany grained finishes. It will pay yout o g et o ur estimate.

A. & G. BOHEM, Inc.18th & Washington Ave. Philadelphia

~ HMade in Philadelphia"

Most men f ind i t eas ier to take two

steps backward than to take one forward.


Among the Lower Merion andNarbe rth con tr ibu tors l is ted byt he Republi can County Commit t ee i n i ts report this week for i tsrecent election, expenses, were

Eats and more eats, fo llowed byannouncenients of the election of a George F leming , $25 ; Peter C.new fQotball captain, of the sched- Hess, $50; Albert Lee, $50; Stormule f?r nex t year, o f a .cup for the Pat te rson, $50: Franklin Kromer,Nornstown football sertes and thenspeeches gal ore. T hi s a nd mo re $10; J. B. Nesper, ~ 2 5 ; Howardw as t he program for the an nua l R os hon g, . $20; Da vId S ea sh ol ts ,Lower Me ri on H ig h S chool foot- $ 20 ; Melvm Tyson, $36; Florenceball banquet given S a t u r d ~ y n i ~ h t Tyson, $38; John ~ u e s ~ ! ~ r . , $36:in the caf eter ia at the semor hIgh George Huff, $50, V. Il ham G.school in Ardmore. Hower, $40; Marga re t Towne,

1 ' $15 and Edgar Matthews $75.Nearly 20 0 attended the (mner ' ,and 60 of thi s number was madeup of members of the past season 'sg ridi ron squad , who turned out enmasSe . The r es t was compr ised offathers of t h se nior boys on t hevarsity , o ld grads, school and township off icials and off icers of thealumni association.The most important feature, even

if i t w as n ot t he fi rst , was t he an-nouncement of the cap ta in for nex tvear who had beenchosen at a meeting of the lettermen previous to thebanquet. This information, following tradition was given by.the outgoi ng leader, and C aptam Al anCook, when he was cal led upon tospeak announced that Bob Elmore,of Cynwyd, junior class presidentand a halfback on this season's eleven , had been chosenleader for 1928.

Elmore was given an ovation andin acknowledging i t thanked h ist eammat es fo r t he ho no r t hey h adgiven him. He also expressed thehope tha t nex t year' s e leven mightgo through i ts season in o ld -t imeLower Me ri on style-undefeated

and tha t it might w in the f irs t leg onthe Norristown cup.An no un cement had been mad e

ear lier dur ing the d inner by Principal C. B. Pennypacker, who actedas toastmaster, of the schedule forn ex t y ea r. I n t hi s he call ed a tt ention to the fact that relations wouldbe resumed w i t ~ l Norristown High,an old rival, a nd tha t for t he series of games with Nor ri stown, aI...cup had been o ff er ed by Harry AFerreira, of Cynwyd. This trophyis to go to the school which winst he be st o ut of three games. Thefirst game will be on November 10 ijand a cQntract ha s a lr eady been tls igned for a r eturn con test the folhJwing year.Among the speakers at the dinnet

was Frank H . Elmore, president ofthe Bala-Cynwyd Neighbo rhoodClub and father of the captain-electAsked by Principal Pennypacker totell how it felt to be the father ofa captain , Mr. Elmore admitted thati t was a rgiht p roud sen sa tion .Chester L. Cook, of Merion and Nar,

berth, father of Captain Alan Cook, wasanother speaker. He praised footbal las a character builder.Coach Alber t Adam, introduced as

" thebig chief," expressed some trepidat ion ove r t he term because it soundedsomething like "big cheese.' '"I have been called that, you know,"

he s ai d referring t o s ome early seasoncriticism from alumni quarters, "and Iam particularly glad t ha t t he s ea so nturned out as well as it c1id, for the sakeof those who supported me during thiscriticism."The s e a ~ o n was a big s t ra in," he

continued, "but the team played wellfrom start to finish. I wan t t o thankthe boys and the men who back us ."H e t he n went o n to p ay t ri bu te to

Cap ta in Cook and Quar te rb ack Oss ieSmi th . C oo k defeated Smi th b y onevote fo r t he c ap ta in cy l as t y ea r b uthoth worked unceasingly for the success of the team. "I never saw betterspirit ," Coach Adam said.Coach Harvey Harmon, of the

Haverford College team, who is also aninstructor at the junior high, was int roduced and acknowledged his debtt o L ow er Merion High . Curt Dohanand Eg Morris, who played on hiseleven last faU an d who he r at ed "as

t wo o f the hest collegiate tackles bar110ne," came from Lower Merion High.There wer e a ls o t hr ee o th er L . M.grads on his team.Dr. Frank P. K. Barker, township

commiss ioner f rom Gladwyne and aformer head of the Alumni who playedfootball a t Lowe r Merion 47 years ago,recalled the Scull brothers, Gene Kuenand some other L. M. s ta rs who havematriculated to Penn. He concludedby promising the team that the Alumniwould r ai se f un ds f or gold footballsnext year, if the e leven would ~ u r n invictories over Radnor and NorristownFathers of the senior boys on t h(

vars i ty who were a lso cal led upon andresponded briefly we re J . P. Baker,George W. Bottoms, Herbert CrossWalter S. Dothard, Edward AbellJohn C. Mears, J. FrazierPurse, GeorgeRichardson, Thomas D. Smith , RobertG. Kessler, Dr. Ezra S. Deubler andJames L. Smith.The dinner which was served was

prepared b y t he g ir ls of the domesticscience class. The y w er e asked int hanked by Toastmaster Pennypackerand g iv en a cheer b y t he t eam.Boxes of chocolates, donated by Wil

liam J. McIntyre, caterer, were pre·s en t a s souvenirs to the d iners .

Announcements, Speakers and Eats

Feature Annual Football Dinner

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< - I





___ ::z::_


Fo r Gift Packages




New designs, beautifully


Then Decorations - bu t

come an d see. You have

n o i de a of the effectiveness of Dennison 's CrepePaper s and Decorations.

Electric Irons

Fo r a very limited time only we ar e

offering th e famous Universal Waffle Iron

on very special terms. Only $1.25 down

and $1.25 each mon th w it h y ou r electric

light bill.


M e r i o n R e s i d e n t s W e l c o m e dn d

Call at any office of the Company



The Merion Title] 928 Calendars are

and secure yours.




The Oldest Stm'e in Narberth224 HAVERFORD AVENUE


Electric Toaster

The Merion Title S Trust Co.


Agency for Whitman's and Shellenberger's Candies



B a J a - C y n w y d

Suggestions!Christmas Tree Light Outfits

Tree Ornaments

Toys, Chil dr en' s Book and Games

Cigars, Tobacco in Gift Packages

Galoshes-latest s t y l e - a fine gift

Christmas Cards-Fine Display

Candy of Al l Kinds

A very convenient and economical wa yo f p ro cu ri ng t he b es t coffee is with aWesti nghouse Au tomat ic ' Perco la t or . Wehave a very large assortment of styles on

ou r sales floors that range in price from

$8.50 to $56.00.

Other suggestions ar e Electric Heating Pads , Tabl e S toves , Cozy Glow Heaters, Grills,

Curling Irons, immersion type water hea te rs•




IPhila. Suburban-Counties Gas&Electric Co. .. Ardmore 3500 Bryn Mawr 327 W a y ~ ~

. Upper Darby Blvd. 1600 ;

.ARDMORE ~ 8 9 0 U ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 f i f ..n m ~ m ~ .. ~ .. _ ~ . , _ r i i . ~ r i f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



Cleaners and Dyers

. . ,


' ' ' ' ;" ' , , : , ~ " ....•..: ' . ..•. -~ . '." " .. ~ " ',.




There's a way to make tbia aloag-rememberedChristmas

for your family-

Surprise themwitha wonderfulnewBuickfor1928. Noth

ing you could choosewould give them greater happiness

and nothing could more fully express the spirit of th e


Come in today and learn howeasy it is to payfor a Buick

onthe liberalG. M. A. C. time payment plan.

Make this Christmas last for thousands of miles. Give.

Buickfor 1928.

SEDANS .1195 to .1995 t COUPES .1195 to . 1 8 ~SPOR.TMODELS .1195 to .U25

• ~ { . o . " " " ' . MicIt.._ " ., .. . . . dtIM. on.G.MJLc.Ja-itq,,. .. 1M _ _ iNlII. u. . . . . . .

Make this Cluistmos lastfor thousands ofmiles



WAYNE:;"OO ...: ..•.' •• ' " " ' :•••••• ". 0' ., •• . ••••••• . '"

Fund Collected to Care for Poor

Families on Christmas.

Th e Lower Merion police wil l

d is tr ib ut e Chr is tmas b as ke ts o f

food an d money t o p oo r families

it! the township tomorrow after

noon in accordance with their an

nua l custom. A f un d o f s e\ 'e ra l

hundred dol la rs has been raised

for the purpose and the Ardmore IChamber o f COI:lInerce has offer-I . NARBERTH 2602

ed to help out if it i s found that 102 FOREST AVE.more money is needed.

Th e Chr is tmas b as ke ts f un d We Serve the Bestwas r ai sed on dona tions f rom ,members o f the police force. Men I '

and off ic er s a like contributed. [ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~8 C InIt Schedule of Montgomery· us 0. , c. =

It M o ~ g o m e r y A f t n ~ ~ e L ~ ~ n g P ~ n Q ~ ~ ~ & & M ~ u ~ i l l U O ~ M . ! . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~tion in Narberth 7 minutes later Then 10.50 and every 20 min. untilTGlW Eastbound than the above-mentioned times. 12.30 A. M.

Leaving 54th Street and City Line Then 1.00, 2.00 and 3.00 A. 1\1. ..e.tLeaving Anderson and Montgomery 21 minutes later than the above. Leaving 54th and City Line 5 min·

W Avenues mentioned times utes later than the above-men'TGl~ ..e.tl.9J. lVEEKD, \" '" Westbound Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta.TGlW Starting at 5 .30 A. M. . . N b th 19 . t I t ..e.t

Then every 15 mln. untl'l 9.00 A. M. L A tlOn In ar er mmu es a el TGll.9J. Lellvinlt 62d and aneaster venue th th b m n fone d t im sW Then 9.20 and every 20 min. until an e a ove- e Ie.


l.9J. T h 3 ~ ~ 0 3.i5 ~ n every IF: min. until Start ing at 6.00 A. 1\1 Narberth Short Line ..e.tW Theil every 15 min. until 9.30 A. \W. E . TGll0.a. 10.00 P. 1\1. . Th 9· 0 A ~ · d ve y 20 mIn astbound ..e.tW Then 10.20 and every ZO min. untIl en .. . . I,. an e r . 'IlO4.l.9J. until 3.30 P. 1\1. Leaving Pennsylvania R.R. Station ..Glw 12.00 P. M. rhen 3.45 ~ M. and every 15 min. Narberth ore119s. Then 12.30, 1.30 and 2 .3 0 A . M . '" .W until 10.30 P . n l.~ SATURDAYS Then 10.50 and every 20 min. until WEEKIIAYS AS D ~ V N D A Y S j ]

Starting at 5 .3 0 A . M. Thl'n 12.aO A. 1\1. Starting at 5.50 A. M. TGlThen every 15 win. until 9.00 A. 1\1. Then 1.00, 2.00 and 3.08 A. M. fhen 6.30, 7.10, 7 .50, 8.30, 9.10,

l.9J. Then 9.20 and every 20 min. until 9.50, 10.30, .11.10 and 11.50 A. M.,., \ T l ' l t11,\ ,."12.00 A. M. Starting at 1i.00 A. 1\1. fhen 12.30, 1.10, 1.50, 2.30, 3.10,

taT Then 12.15 and every 15 min. until l 'hen everv 15 min. until 9.30 A. M. 3.50, 4.30, 5.10, 5.50, 6.30, 7.10,

10.00 P. M. Then 9.50'A. 1\1. and every 20 min. 7.50, 8.30, 9.10, 9.50, 10.30, 11.10 ..e.tl.9J. Then 10.20 and every ~ min. until until 12.:UI P. M. and 11.50 P. M.

W 12.110 P. M. Then 12.45 1'. M. and every 15 min. Leaving 54th and City Line TGlThen 12.30, 1.30 and 2.30 A. M. until 10.:iO P. M.

SUNDAYS rrl'n .10.50 1. M. unci every 20 min. Westboundl.9J. Starting at 5 .30 A. M. untl1 12.30 A. M. WEEKI IAYl !! AND SUNDAYS ..e.tW Then every ¥.a-hour until 9.00 A. M. Then 1.00, 2.00 and 4 .0 0 A .M.. TGll0.a. Then 9.20 and every 20 min. until Startmg at 6 .10 A . M. ..e.tI t 1.00 P. M. ~ V S I J . . \ Y l ! ! fhen 6 .50, 7 .30, 8.10, 8.50, 9.30, TGlW Then 1.15 and every 15 min. until Start ing at 6 .00 A. M. 10.10, 10.50 and 11.30 A. M.

10.00 P. M. Then every %-houruntil 9.31l A. M. Then 12.10, 12.50, 1.30, 2.10, 2.50. & t

Then 10.20 P. M. and every 20 min. Then 9.50 A. M. and every 20 min. 3 .30, 4 .10, 4 .50, 5.30, 6 .10, 6 .50,until 12.00 P. M. until 1.30 P. 1\1. 7.30, 8.10, 8.50, 9.30, 10.10, 10.50

'l'hen 12.30,1.30 and 2 .30 A. M. Then 1.45 P. M. and every 15 min. and 11.30 P. M. and 12.30 A. M.

Narberth Bala-CynwydI r o R m r o ~ m ~ ~ m ~ R s r n I D u l l ~ f f i o ~ n m ~ ~ l ~ ~ l O O ! ~ - ~ - ~ ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ · . ~ - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ . 6 . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ ~ ~ f t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f t ~ ~ 6 6 f t f i ~ · ~ ~ · ~ · · ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~..e-! .r"••

j I


II.:" I ~ '.

.... Wit h a n electr ic toaster , toast can be.. right at th e ta ble. T he toast is made just

r i g h t - N o t too fast, no burning or scorch- A very p rac t ica l and economical gift

i n g - n o t t oo s low, drying ou t th e bread. that will b e app re ci at ed each i ro ni ng d ay~ Automatic turning d ev ic e f in is he d in

l_n_i_c_ke_l_h_i_g_h_IY_P_OI_is_h_e_d_' _$3_,_7_5_$_8_.5_0_. ~ _ f O _ r _ y _ e a _ r _ s _ t _ o _ c _ o _ m _ e _ . _ S _ t a _ n _ d _ a _ r _ d _ . _

i Electric Percolators Wa/lle Irons


iiI1~ - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - -i LAMPS~ o p p o ~ t ~ r n i ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ = ~ : ~ ~ ~ f l ~ t ~ ~ ~ t e B ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e . a ~ ~ m ~ B ; ~ ~ A I ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ : n Y ~ ~ ~ : r = p ~ e r ~ ~ ~ ~

from $1.95 up..

8/7/2019 Our Town December 24, 1927

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-december-24-1927 5/6



Bring the children to


Vote wi th e ve ry p ur-

see. Lindy at our s tore ,

chase, large or small.


ToolsTree Lights


Sidewalk BikesBaby CoachesRifles




...I-Iewit 's



Buddy "L" To)'s

Golf GoodsBlackboards


La1'ges t










Fit 11>.\\' A:\'n SATUltIlAY, IJECE:\JUlm :!:l Ax n 2-1


"SINCED"with Warner Baxter and Mary MaeAlllster

THR\Tlm =--EWS ( 'O;\mIlY AESOP'SSpecial Children's ChrIslrnas Par!>' Sa-turd:!,}' at 2 P. :U.

C o m e d y : : Faull'S :: Xarberth S e w ~ •• NO\'rUI)' Slide

Chorus of ;)n Voices


SHOWS: 7 and 9 P. M. : MATINEES: Wednesday and Saturday at 2.30

Program-Week of December 26Monday alld Tuesday

"MOON OF ISRAEL"with a cast of 50,000 featuring' Ma!'ie Corda and Arlette MarchalThe " r p · t " , ~ t . .. theme In the history of mankind. brought i.e the screen In

a mlguty tipectacle that wlll llve forever.


An up- to-date Adam tames his Eve In an oldl-fashloned way.COl\1EDY-"THERE A IN 'T NO S ANTA CLAUS" SPO RTL IGHT


F,.iday and Satu,.day




Wednesday alldThu"sday



The thrll1s aren't a ll . Fou r of the world's greatest comedy stars willkeep you hOWling with laughter.





Buy Dad 01· Mother a Good Tool

Carpenter ToolsSavory Roasters


Waffle Irons

Carving Sets


It /s Our Get-Acquainted Gift to Narberth People



Every Article Purchased for Cash Until Christmas


Ca1'penter and Builder

Lionel Electric TrainsAthletic GoodsFlashlights




and f re e froll1 the standard

ized hotel look o f met a l fix-t u re s . We make t hem a partof the window sill and tightto the wall. Less expensivethan metal, they can bep ai nt ed t o mat ch t he room.

We Wish You Al l a

Very Me,."y Christmas



" T he G if t Cen t er o f the Mai n L in e "

extends to i ts many friends andnei ghbors s in ce re and cordi al

greetings for




Haverford Ave. at Forrest Ave.



Built to Order of

Seasolled Lumber

Narberth Hardware Co., Inc.

Lumber :: Millwork : : Coal

Belmont Ave., West Manayunk



17 Schiller Avenue, Narberth, Pa.

Screens and Weather St ripping

This means the Discount will apply to every item in our stock, l ar ge o r small-no s tr ing o r

condition to this proposition

230·232 HAVERFORD AVENUENarber th ' s



o Q C C O C C : : : ~ c : : : Q o QI

Ye Oddity Shoppe

All Our Merchandise is High-ClasS and Reasonably Priced, This issimply an opportunityfor you to save andforus to give ourNewFriends

a useful personal gift.

FREE-Live Pony will

be given away to some-

one Christmas Eve.


121 North Narberth Avenue

Special iz ing in Women's andChildren's Hair-Cutting

Stricti)' Sanitary Shop

Elm Gift andHemstitching Shop


FANNY H. LOOSPiano TeacherStudio Over Garage at



Plumbing, Gas Fittingand Heating


For Permanent

Satis/actionB U Y A


Built Home

I'hone: Narberth 2510 and 3771-W

Beaded Bags and Bags of

Al l Kinds Repai,.ed.Beads Restrung

242 Haverford Avenue

S il ve r-Pl at es . Use It as a PolishLOOK LIKE NEWl ",I, -,-------- - - - - = ~ ~ : : . ~ . . . : : : = _ . _ = . - .--.::._-----

P O R l I ~ : ' ; , ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . .s INARBERTH HARDWARE CO., Inc.Hansell Bros. Service Station I

l\lontgomer)' A\·e. hel. Narberth A\'t!. . I Offers



Dea r Dona to rs and Patrons:

The Kun ek i C amp F ir e Gir ls wish

to express thei r thanks to you for

y ou r s en 'i ce s a t t he hazaar which the

gir ls held on Decem,ber 17. Camp is

nearer to us than it w as h efo re t hebazaar and wc havc you to thank forit.

\Ve apprceiate t o t he f ul le st extentt he Cou rt cons hel p g iven hy you .

Sincerely,"The Camp Fire Bug."


BRASSY WORN-OFFBath Room Faucets

Br as sy Au to Parts, Reflectors,

With Pure SilverUSE


In the Orphans' Courtof Montgomery County. Pennsylvanta

Estate of ALFRED P. DEVEREUX, deceased.

Notice Is hereby given that Grace 'r.

Devereux. widow ofthe

satd decedent,h as fi le d In t Il e s at d cour t her petitionclatmlng $500 Incash of the decedent, asprovldcd tn Sect!on 12 of the FiduciariesAct of 1917; and that the s ame may be IIIapproved by the court on Wednesday,January 11, 1928. unless exceptions there-to be filed befor e that time.

STEVENS HECKSCHER,Attorney for Petitioner.

C I L \ I ~ T E R :\,OTlCE

I n t he C:OUlt of Common Pleasof Montgomery County. Pa.

lT o ' ; r p Is hpl 'eb" given that an "poll

. otlon wlJl be made t o t he above courtnn the 30th day of December, 1927. atten o'clock a. m., under the CorporationAct o f 1874. of the Commonwealth ofPennsvlvnnla. and supplements thereto.for the ( 'har ter of an Intended corporat ion to be cal led Narher th Tennis Association, t he c ha ra ct er a nd obj ec t o fwhich Is to acqutre places and facilitiesfor athletic. recreational and social activi ty of the members. The p l ' o P o ~ e d charter Is now on f ile In the Prothonotary'soffice.

FLETCHER W. STITES. Solicitor.(12-31) 1420 Chestnut st., Phlladelphta


Rear of 250 Haverford Ave.HouBe and Decorative Painting

Mail Orders and Jobbing Prompt lyAttended t9

Phone, Narberth 3639-W


Residence, Station,Narberth 4031 Narberth 4007Baggage Called for and Delivered





a ut ho r a nd publishers. A quartet

singing " th e Chr is t Child" is the

l11us!cal feature of the morning

service.Chri stmas s er vi ce s f or t h e young

people of t he P re s by te ri an Chur ch

will take place Sunday night. Th e

Senior Endeavors meet f o r s uppe r

at 6 a nd t he n adjourn to a Christ

mas service to b e led by Miss Helen

Caldwell. Th e J uni o r Ende avo r s

meet at 6.45 for a special Christ

ma s p rog ram.

As a spec iaI fea ture 0 fi t s Chris t- CC;S2.!i2525ii!5i:!.S2.52.!S2.!i2525ii!5i:!.S2.52.!;an.mas weck p ro gr am t he B ap tis t !S'",J

Church is giving a p ar ty o n 'fues- T A X Iday e\'ening, December 27, at 8.15o'clock for the Rev. R ob ert E .

K ei gh to n a nd his mother. This

Ch ri stmas commemora te s t he t hi rd

anniversary of 1\1 r. Keighton's

pastorate here.

Th e Merion Fr iends Meeting ob

served the Christmas season last

S un da y w he n t he first day school

pupi l s presented various programs .

A generous o f fe r ing was a ls o made

f o r t h e needy in t heshape of money,

clothing an d toys.

Church NotesMethodist Episcopal Church

(U1'O'1'11I:UI';D 1"IW: \1 ' l 'HE FI HST !'AGERev. W. Sher idan Dawson. Minis ter.Sunday, Deccmher ~ ; ; : . . No one coul d mo re t it ti ng ly g iv e

6 A. M.-Early Chnstmas scrvlce 10 these flowerin!! trees than A, E.c ha rg e o f t he E pwor th League.11.4; A. ~ d . - B i h l e school, Hon. F. \Voldert, for he i s . Am er ic a' s

\V. Stites, superintendent. .. I' . f I11 A. M.-1Iorning wor sh ip . A spe - )lloneer 111 tI c 1I11portatlOn 0 t le

cial Christmas cantata, entitled "The J a F a n c ~ e l lower ing f ru it s. Fo r

Story of Chris tmas," hy Matthews, wil1 ) ' e a r ~ his nurscrics on l\lontgomeryhe rendered h y a n augmented choir..At 7.4;; P, M. the Bihle school WIll a \' cn uc h as i mp or te d, g ro wn a nd

present a Christmas pageant. "\Vhite shilJIJed thousands oi t he t re es toGif ts f or t he K ing, " prepared hy JesseBrown Pounds. all pa rt s o f t he coun t ry .

Business anel social meeting of thc ] n ] l)26. when t he Japanese GO\' -Epworth League on Tuesday, Decem-ber :!7, at 8 P. M. crnmcnt made a gift of 1500 of

Pr ay er and p ra is e s er vi ce on them to t he c it y o f Ph il ad e lph ia in\Vedneselay at 8 P. ~ 1 On Sunday e\'Clling. January 1, i t s sesquiccntcnnial ycar , they chose

Gloria Cherrv. a l it tle gir l of 1:: years. :\1 r. \\ 'ahlert to supply an d plant thewill preach.' S he is spoken of as. achild wonder. Comc and hea r the IIl- stock. H is fa me a s an expert in

tIc g irl w it h t he hig message. . this Jield of nursery work has

Thursdav. 21lth. :!.::O P. ~ r . - C h n s t - s pr ea d f ar b cy on d tIle confincs oftllas \Jart ' · ·for heO'inners and P rimary l' f tl t

• 0 b t 11S part 0 'lC coun ry .Department. 1 '1 ' I . I I ' ,I ' ICommunion and r ec ep ti on o f mem- le I dea \\. HC 1 cu mlIlatec III t Ie

hers on Sunday morning, January 1. gift occur red last July 4, when 1\1r.Eqngelistic s er vi ce s heg in on Jan-I 'v\Tohlert a t tended the celebration at

uan' 'N with Rev E L Hvde D D., . 11 . . I C' 'I. -"'. . . . . - ,. , the hc C 111 C011l1lany \\'It 1 n u n c -'IS c\'anO'e),st I _

,. , , , ' . iman Robe r t Fe ll ows ·Wood. It wa s

St. Margaret's R. C. Church I seen t ha t t he s ur fa cc of the tr:lci

Solcmn High ~ l a s ; ; . Ii :\ . ,\1., De-; had becn made smooth a nd g re en .cemher :!;;. 1!t!7. : that the iew trees surviv ing were in

Orp;an p r c 1 u d ~ ~ . . excellent shal1e, bu t t h at the bordersProccsslOnal- SIl en t NIght , Holy

Ki/.{ht," by Franz Gruber. Iof t he playground were bare.Mass i n uF," No.2, by Alber t H. 1\lr. \\'ohlcrt mad e th e offer (11

Rosewig. . . I ?\I r. \Voad at that t imc, a nd t hc lat-OfT.ertory-Adeste F l d e 1 t ~ , by John i tel' transmitted it t o Counc il . But

Rea rhng ( ar rano 'ed hy VlI lc en t No-, . .vel1o). " . I what WIth the commltte.es to be con-Rt ' cess ional-"O Holy Night!" by ' suIted, a nd t he RecreatIOn Board to

.Adolphe Adam (ar ranged by \Vi ll iam; take action, the wheels of govcrn-

Dressler). ,ment moved ve ry slowly.s ( ) p r a n o s - M ~ ~ O m w a r d Morell, ! :\ s f ; ~ l l \raned,. a nd w it h t hc fear

),lisscs Florence III iller, Dorothy Mul- that wlllter would s oo n b lo ck the

ligan, Elizabeth Sexton. work. ?\l r. \Vohlert urged haste. ~ ~ ~ ~ = = = ~ ~ = = = = ~ ~C o n t r a l t o s - - : l ~ r s . John A. Borden, Th e a g- re emen t w as t o c al l for co- NARBERTH THEATER

Miss Ann Phtlhps. : 1 1 1 I ' I' .

• Tcnors--11:essrs. Howard Morell, operatIOn Jy, t, le Joroug 111 C Igglllg BARBER SHOPHen ry P . C ar r. the holes. Lhe supplYlIlg of the

Basses-Messrs. Fred J. Hipkiss, trees and t he p la n ti ng i ts el f woul d

Samuel ~ I c C a r . t o n , ~ I b e r t ~ I u m . b e t ak en c ar e of by the nurser ies .Orgalllst-MIss Ahce Halhgan. Finaly the gift was accepted , an d

Baptist Church of the Evangel :\ I r. Supplee' s workmen assigned to

Robert E. Keighton, Minis ter. the hole digging. T he w ork pro-

Sunday, December 25: gressed rapid ly . once started. and!lA;; A. M.-Church sc ho ol . A s pe - the whole project is now completed.

da l wh it e g ift service of the wh ole Pennsvlyania H.ailroad officialss ch oo l i n t he church auditorium. .

11 A. M.-Morning worship. Ser- have s tat ed that the improvement of

mon, "The Soul o f the Christmas t h e p la ygr ound and its transform<l

II! essage." . t io n f rom a dump to a park i s t he7 P. M .- Young people's devotlO!1al greatest ci\'ic stel1 o n t h e M ai n L in e

service. Topic, "The Best GIft: . .-Christmas." IAs thc y ea rs p as s a nd t he p la ntmg

745 P. IlL-Evening worship. I n b ec omcs a great grove , t r ave ler s

accordance with our a n n ~ a l custom may well point to t he p la ygr ound

the Christmas message WIll be pre- an d its improvements as the finest

sented in.dramatization. This y e ~ r we t hi ng t o be s ee n f rom t he IJassin<T Itare offermg "Dust of the Road, one . too

·of the stage guild plays and produced trams.by s pe ci al arrangement with theau tho r and publishers.Tuesday, December :!7, 8.1;' P. M .-

'Church par ty and reception. CO=---rl=--UI;D ~ ' H ( ) ) l '1' lm I,'IUST PAGE\Vednesday. Decembcr :!8, 8 P. M .-

Prayer s er vi ce . Top ic , "A ChurchMotto for 1!l:!8.'·\Va tch f or t he speci al s er ie s o f s er

mons to be preached in January.

The Presbyterian Church

Rev. J oh n Van Ness, M. A.. Minister.11,45 A. !\I.-Bible school. Christmas

,greetings.11 A. M.-!\Iorning wor sh ip . Spe

c ia l mus ic bv the church quartette.The children of the junior church willw or sh ip w it h us a nd will h av e a s pe cial part in the service. The sermonto the junior church wil l b e on thetheme, "Glory t o God in the Highest,"and to the senior church the themewi ll b e "Peace on Earth, Good Willto men."The Sen io r Endeavo re rs will meet

at Ii P. M. and have supper togethera nd l at er will adjourn to thc upperroom for a Christmas service to beled by Miss Helen Caldwell. Therewill be Christmas carols and recitat ions f ol 1owed by an address by Mr.Van Ness on "The Little Town ofBethlehem."The Junior Endea\'orers will meet at

·6.45 P. M. and wil1 h av e a sp ec ialChristmas program.7,4;; P. M.-Evening worship. A

·chorus of 16 trained voices wil l s ingthe beautiful Christmas cantata,' entitled "The Manger Throne." Brief.address on "Water f ro m t he We ll ofBethlehem." All invited.

Next vVednesday, prayer meeting.Looking forward i nt o t he New Yea r.

All Saints' Church Ardmore Grade Children Visit TrustCompany-Others to Follow.

Wynnewood, Pa.Rec to r, Rev . G ib son Bel l. Twent y- f ou r c hi ld re n f rom t he

Christmas eve: s ix th a nd s ev en th g ra de s of the11 P. M.-Carol sing with the ful1 A rdmo re a vc nu e school were

choir, "0 Litt le Town of Bethlehem," s hown t h e wo rk in gs of a banking"Hark, t he Her al d Angel s Sing," etc. TAI1 familiar carols. s ys tem l as t hursday when the11.30 P. M.-Holy Communion. Mer io n T it le a n d Trust CompanyChris tmas Day: instituted its f i rs t school visitation8 A. M.-Holy Communion. day.

s e ~ ~ o t ~ ' b y M t h e ~ ~ ~ ~ o r ~ o m m u n i o n and Th e students were th e first of

Anthems-"AII Hail the Virgin'!l a number t h roughou t the townSon," Clarence Dickinson, wi th violin, s hip w ho w ill b e conducted by

piano and organ accompaniment. their teachers to the A rdm ore"Angels \Ve Have Heard on High, " I 1 f I 1\/1" T' dChristmas song- of the thirteenth een- )an \: 0 t l e J . e n o n Itle antury, arranged b y D r. E. ]. Biederman. Trust Com pany, w he re th eirSanctus in t he K ey o f B-Rat, Stan- school s av in gs a c co un ts a r c de-

ford. posited. They w il l b e s ho wn b y

Holy Trini ty Lutheran Church an officer of the c om pa ny h owth ei r money is handled,

Cletus A. Senft, Pastor. ,Sunday, December 25, 1927: '1 hose who went a 'banking!lA5 A. M.-Bible school. were: Juanita Beat ty , R o se Dav-11 A. M.-The service. Theme, "No is, Be tt y McCoy , F r an c es Kenn e -

Room for Jesus." dv , Flora Amad io , M a ri an Col-liA5 P. M.-Senior a nd Ju nio r lopy, C la ra M an ki n, L il y Frat

Leagues.7.45 P. M.-The vesper service. tone, Eleanor 1\1armora, Robert

Theme, "The First Chris tmas Night." Matheys, Joseph Haughney , Ha r -

.0!l Christmas eve those g<?ing carol ry Lu t z, Rache l Reyno lds , BettyStngl!!g wJ11 meet , at the Weigel h0!Ue Davis, Jack Baer, John Heisler,a!!y ttme.after 8 c!ock. The carohng D ix on S pe as Billy SherwoodWII1 begm at mtd11lght. Th ' "FridaY-4.15, junior choir rehearsal; . elma Law, . Jun e .Shaplro, Ad -

4,45j:catedusm class; '8, seniorchoil'j dm e R. DaVIS, DIna P aol on e,Tehear.sal. ," Mary Rizzo, Mar ian Brown.

8/7/2019 Our Town December 24, 1927

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-december-24-1927 6/6



NOTICEThe annual meeting of the stockhold

e rs o f The Narbe rt h Na ti onal Bank forthe election of directors and such otherbusiness as may properly come beforethe meeting w11l be held at the bankinghouse on Tuesday. January 10. 1928. at5 P. M.





, ......





This year again finds Crane'8 Drug Storewith a spl endi d g if t assortment of articles ofgood taste and realvalue.

A large table of Christmas Cards in avariety of styles and at different prices. Specialgif t boxes of Candy, Cigars, Cigarettes andTobaccos. Perfume, Toi le t Set s, e tc. , all a ttractively displayed.



Justice flf the Peace




CALL BARING 0924628 Nortb May St., West Plllla.


ofi t!-old friends


newfriendsgrown old-a joyous revival of customs never grown stale!


The zest of it! With its hurrying, scurrying crowds on shoppingstreets, i ts hustle, bustle of tying up packages, i ts ramble, scramblefor Greeting Cards t ha t mus t be sen t off post-haste!

T HE warmth o f it I-with i ts cheery red hollie berries, i ts cracklinglog fires, i ts steaming plum puddings!

So-with warmth-with zest-and for remembrance' sake, toour good friends, old and new-we bid the' time-mellowed greeting"Merrie Christmas!"

GEORGE A. WITTEPaperhanging and



FireJnsurance-Best Companie&Pbo"l COCI-W II I .......r. A.... ,

t : S : : l ~ c t : = : 1 t : : ~ ; 1 l : : t ~ : ~ I Crane's Drug StoreHarry H. Hamer I Narberth an d Haverford Aves . Narberth 3920~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ] . - .....



N. R. PEACOCKInterior and Exterior PaintingWILL BE GLAD TO ESTIMATE

407 Essex Ave., Narberth, Pa.Phone , Na r ber t h :l:83f

F re ne h d ry e1eaning of

Men's Suit s and Overeoats,Ladies' Suits, Coats and

Woolen Dresses.


$1 Cleaning


Elsewhere it eosts $1.50.

(Extra charge for SilkDresses.)

We guarantee our work,

and eall and deliver anywhere on the Main Line.

I}.•••••••• • ••• • • ••••• • •••· .The General Drafting Co. •: 1935 Chestnut Street :: S. G. Coates :• Registered Architect •: Bell Phone: :• Rittenhouse 0/128

Phone: Narberth 2666



Result However Pleases Even SlickSleuth.

C aesa r, t he S li ck S leuth, d isgu is ed

as a reporter from "Our Town," cal1edu pon Bill S om me r, s ec re ta ry o f theNarberth Tennis Club, and questionedhim about the rumors of new developmen ts i n t he c lub. Bil l r e fused to talk,b ut g av e Caesar a let ter , whic h, hesai d, c on ta in ed important news.Caesar, feeling that he had at last'solve.d the mystery of the Tennis Club,.nervously hurr ied away with the letter.When he had r eached the p ri vacy ofhis secret chamber he began to tearopen the env elop e with t remb lin ghands. Even his heart began to thumpas he imagined the pride he wouldfeel when the resul ts of his scienti ficinvestigat ions could be made public.

The l et te r re ad as fo no ws : "TheNarbe rt h T enni s A ssoc ia ti on w ishesyou and a ll i ts f ri en ds a very Mer ryChris.tmas and a Happy New Year."This was indeed a surprise to

Caesar, but was not t he surpr is e heexpected Undaunted, however , he willcontinuc his investigations and reporthis results i n t hi s column nex t week.

At the TheaterA pic tu re which has f or i ts t heme

what is undoubtedly the mightiest lovestory ever f ilmed wil l appear Mondayand Tuesday at the Narberth Theater.The s to ry deals wit h th e love of anEgyptian prince for an Israelite slavegi rl . a g ir l who is wi ll in g t o g iv e u phe r pe op le an d risk her happiness,

merely to be n ea r t he man she loves.The g lo ri es and scenes of ancient

Egypt were reproduced in detail, and inm id st o f s ome of t he mos t colossalsets ever f ilmed the romance betweenthe price and the slave gir l progresses."Moon of Israel" is a film with manyclimaxes. From t he scenes wherc thetoiling Israelites are struggling beneatht he l as he s of th e o ve rs ee rs , throughthe Ten Plagucs.

* . = JF

thons.Mon., Fcb. 6-Pep Boys vs. Boosters.Thurs., Fcb. 9-Marathons vs. Mules.Mon., Feb. 13-Boos ter s vs. Mules. . 'Thurs., Feb. 16-Marathons vs. Pcp

Boys.Mon., Feb. 2o-Mules vs. Pep Boys.Thurs. , Feb. 23-Boosters vs. Mara-

thons.Mon., Feb. 27-Pep Boys vs. Boosters.Thurs., Mar. I-Marathons vs. Mules.Mon., Mar. 5-Boosters vs. Mules.




Li br ary Books on Lin dbe rg h Arepopular.

The young girls and bo ys of thelibrary t he boys especially, have beens o e ag er to read Lindbergh's "We"a nd h av e b ee n so impatient with thelong l is t of r .eserves o n t he ~ o o k thatthe l ibrary has purchascd thIS monthfor t he u se of the children alone twobooks about Lindbergh, wri t ten especially for children. The two booksa re I rv ing Crump's "Boys' Bo ok ofAirmcn" and James E. West's "LoncSc ou t o f t he Sky. "Thc "Boys' B ook of A irmcn" has

for a frontispicce the familiar pictureof Lindbergh. that introduces a,ny discus si on of a Ir cr af t, and con ta ll ls t hestory of h is grcat decd told in a thr il !ing manncr. Other h er oe s of t he a! ra re a lso men ti oned , b ut t he b oo k IS

concerned chief ly with Lindbergh.Ordered b ut no t yct del iver ed on

account of the Christmas rush is "TheLone SCOllt of the Sky." publ ished byt he Boy Sc ou ts of America. This "Pajamas," Olive Borden's newbook c ar ri es a sp ec ia l me ss ag e f rom starring vehicle for Fox Films, whichLindbergh himsclf and gives compl.ete begins a two-day run at thc Narbcrthi ns tr uc ti on s on h ow t o make a flYlllg Theater next \Vednesday, is said to

I f• IS " f S L ." be o ne o f t he mo st a pp ea li ng produc-

mode 0 't 1e plrlt 0 t. OUIS. . . . h I' I V' ..Tn add 1(\ th( ' Avdtcllll'nt the chil- tams 111 ~ l l I c th e Itt e Irgllllan has

dren a re b ~ i l l g - ~ i \ e I 1 11(' pri, iiege .of a p p e a r e ~ III r ~ ~ ~ n t m . o n t ~ s . ..,. .placing theIr l 1 ~ , m c s "11 ;, rescrvc Itst I ,I t I.S . ~ l l u ~ l g l l l a l , s t o ~ y . h) " l l ~ ~ a mior the;e bouks. Conse1nl.l 11 , al1d the aclwl1. .el1t '1l11g______ ,.') ,r,lll Long Islaud and the Wilds of

ICal1a:la. is said to !; . " , ,; . :••. ,' "noughI 1Ul. The producliol1 \\I;," directed hyJ. C Illystol1e. The ~ u p p o r t : n ~ castinclules Lawrence Gray, Jerry Miley

Final Standing of Division "A " Is and John J. Clark.* * *Announced. Twelve motor maniacs, burning up

The Methodi st Met eo rs have car- the track at the speedway bowl in Venr ied o ff t he honor s for t he f ir st s er ie s. t ur a, and r isking l if e and l imb in aThe Meteors won 27 poi nt s a nd l os t c ro ss -c ou nt ry a ut o ra ce , s up pl y t he9, making an ave rage o f .75. t hr il li ng c limax to the b reath- taking

T he n ew s ch ed ul e ,fo r the second scenes of "Thc Racing Romeo," com-

s er ie s o f m at ch es is g iven below.. i ng nex t F ri day and S aturday.Bow le rs wi ll p lease p re se rve thi s for Although the audience anticipatesrefercnce. thrills because of the previous sensa-There is a big night coming for an ti on c re at ed by R ed G ra ng e, star of

b owler s of t he Interchurch League this picture, in his f irst screen appearwho have bowled in any match game ance, "One Minute to Play," i t is qui ted tl ri ng the f ir st s er ie s just ended on apparent that the exci ting and breatheither "A" Section or "B" Sec ti on t ak ing momen ts in "The Racingteams. The· b ig n ight is Friday eve- Romeo" will exceed their anticipations.ning, December 30, at the Manufac-t ur er s' C lub a ll eys, i .30 sha rp . Twop ri ze s t o b e awarded f or h ighest i ndividual scores.December 9-

PRESBYTERIAN P ~ T SHarris 148 128 276Follette 198 134 119 451Haws 155 160 144 459Laughlin 120 98 218Hause .. , 138 119 257Riddle .. . . . . .. 122 140 143 405

-. -










Requires a deposit of $2.00 eaeh week forthe next 50 weks. In December, 1928, youwill reeeive a check for $100.00 plulSinterest.


Requires a deposit of $1.00 each week fort he nex t 50 weks. In December, 1928, youwil l reeeive n eheek for $50.00, plusinterest.


Requires a deposit of 50 cent s each weekfor t he next 50 weeks. In December, 1928,you will r eceive a eheck for $25.00, plusinterest.


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Requires a deposit of $5.00 e aeh week f orthe next 50 weeks. In December, 1928, youwill reeeive n check for $250.00 plus


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is opening a new modernly

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'107 ESSEX AVENUE- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ll"'!'b+hi"iH:Li)i:iWEATHEIi" S T R I P P I N G ' I ~ T Z ! J . r " ~ ~ . ! ~ I ~ '(; That Will Giv. Satisfaction t:!. Let u s Weather S ~ r i p .your doors and windows now and keep :i';, out all drafts. ThiS Will not only make your home eomfortable I;j, during the cold winter months, but will help considerable toward Ii: reducing the coal bill. We guarantee best workmanship, high- ri. g rade mat er ia l a nd per fe ct s at is fa ct ion. Ou r low o v e r h e a d ·,

makes possible a saving f rom 10 to 30 per eent. Estimates ;!eheerful1y given. : ~

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, . R 1527-J OR 0 EPRES 'j

.,'++3g,Lt"""'d"¥t:tl!,ft;.il""!"ll!.lliii'''b·! : l A ' · ! ~ . . . : L J ; : ~ ~ ~ : L I : ! U ! t!2!,n ~ ! ~ . ~ 1 t t t ! L l ! : :




Pet .•750.657.500.086

'105 2254






7 46 2 27 8

154 494 . . o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O C ~ ~ ~ G 1 : l ~ # # ~ # ~135 456152 292144 286


8 08 2 38 4


665 678

799 733


Section "A"

Meteors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . IgLions 20 12Battlers 16 16Pilots 5 31

Schedules for Second Series .

CLASS ATues., Jan. 3-Pilots vs. Battlers.Fri., Ja.n. 6-Meteors vs. Lions.Tues., Jan. lo--Battlers vs. Meteors.fri., Jan. l3-Lions vs. Pilots.fu.cs.• Jan. Ii-Meteors vs. Pilots.Fri., Jan. 2o-Lions vs. Battlers.

T u ~ s .• Jan. 24-Pilots vs. Battlers.Fri., Jan. 27-Meteors vs. L ions.Tu.es .• Jan. 31-Battlers vs. Meteors.Fri., Feb. 3-Lions vs. Pilots.Tu.es.• Feb. i-Meteors vs. Pilots.FrI .• Feb. lo-Lions vs. Battlers.Tu.es., Feb. 14-Pilots vs. Rattlers.Fri.. Feb. l i -Meteors VS. Lions.Tu.es.• Feb. :.!1-Battlers vs. Meteors.FrI., Feb. 24-Lions vs. Pilots.Tues.• Feb. 28-Meteors vs P il ot sF ri ., Mar. 2-Lions vs. B at tl er s. .


Thurs., Jan. 5-Marathons vs. PepBoys.Mon., Jan. 9-Mules vs. Pep Boys.Thurs., Jan. l2-Boosters vs. Mara-

thons. .Mon., Jan. l6-Pep Boys vs. Boosters.Thurs., Jan. 19-Marathons vs. Mules.Mon., Jan. 23-Boosters vs. Mules.Thurs., Jan. 26-Marathons vs. Pep

Boys.Mon., Jan. ao-Mules vs. Pep Boys. . I f : l { r i 9 * ~ i f W ; l I M ~ ••~ A 9 . : I l l t ( l l A a * ~ 1 f : . 8 A 1 ~ I f _ ~ A ~ . : I l l I l f i . h A l ~ C _ l I A ~ . ~Thurs ., F eb . 2-Boosters vs .Mara- ~ · l I i i l i i i i i . i i i i i l i i l i i . i i I• • •IIi"••ii I•••l l i i i l l " " I i I•• i i i i l i i ~ 1--


Ripper .. . .. . . . . 123 101

Murray 132 155Weiss 154 14'1Richardson 102 120Blind 135 126Albert ..

December 21:M' .."olson 158KelJn 146t lmel il ey . W . D 155Durbin 135Smedle:v 197

279157 479134 292146 459181 524111 251

'199 756 729 2284PRESBYTERIAN PILOTS

Mason . . . . . . . . 175 114 289Laughlin 111 131 242Follette 121 111 152 384Hause • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 175 132 431Haws 134 140 164 436McConnell . . . . • .. .. .... 138 156 294

7 35 2 07 8


Reger 168 111Reiss 172 150Purring 158BaileY • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 144Jenkins. Ed. 150 193Miller 140


Nicholson 178 162Keirn 164 157Marsh 140Smedley, W. D " 144Durbin , . . . . . • . . 143 128Smedl ey , H . T 174 142


Humphries . . . . . . . .. 169 153we, 143 169Haist 140

Richardson . . . . .. 200 129A'bert 140 193Mur ray . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . 140Ripper ..