our town august 13, 1927

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 13, 1927


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 13, 1927




    ARDMORE 1159-W

    General Contractor


    301 Haverford AvenueNARBERTH 1635

    Model M-5-2 On Display



    Having been appointed by the B o r ~ough Council and the School Board to' c o l ~lect taxes for the year 1927 and being f a miliar with the necessary procedure of thisimportant position, I am asking the s u p ~port of the men and women of Narberthat the primaries for election as Tax C o l ~lector.


    The Oldest Store in NarberthI n v i t e s You to Keep Coo l

    Cliquot Club, Canada Dry , S. and S. Ginger Ale.White Rock and Vichy water.Crane's Ice Cream i n th e Ar is toc rat package.

    BeModern-Preserve Your Foods in a

    DAVIS 'The Olde s t S to ?'e In N a,r be ?'th224 Haverford Avenue Narberth 4035

    WILLIAMEstimates Furnished for Grading and Excavation


    Drive Yourself!

    oOJ[{ ~ r ( ) W N

    Under the S u p e r v i ~ i o n of the Y. M. C A.

    Build a Home First




    . ' _ ~ - L - - -


    J. R. COOK'RADIO SERVICE-Phone Narberth 2656-W

    I 29 Bala Ave., Bala_CynwydI Cynwyd 662~ o ~ , ) : ( p ) : a : o ; l : c o : a : r o : o i l : @ : e : r o ~ : B : 8 : l ~ : a : e : l ~ : e : 8 : l : o O


    REMOVES FENCEMrs. Howard Davis and Mrs. ( ~ e n eH. Dav is . of Narberth, werc crashedi nto by a t ru ck a t O cc an C it y lasl

    \ ~ ' e d n e s d a v and in order t o avo id running over -a pedestrian at the s cene o fthe collision, fil l'S. Gene Davis dro','ehcr car through ]; j fect of C oas tGuard 's fence at F ou rt h a nd A sb ur ys tr ee ts . K ei th er o f t hc 11rs. Davis'wer e i nj u red by t he a cc id en t, whichwas c au sed bv a r ec kl es s t ur n i nt otheir right o f \ va y by thc driver o f t hetruck.

    ANNOUNCES SALEF r ede ri ck He rmann , of i\ arberth.wi th o ff iccs in Philadelphia. announccst hc s al e o f a residcnce at 64:! Ovcrhillroad, Havcrford township , for FrankCor adct ti , o f Narberth. De\Vitt C.Sup lce i s t he pu rcha s er of t he p ro pc rt y, whi ch i nc lnde s a two-car s toneg"arage. Thc consideration is rcportcdat $;;0,000.

    Dodge Sedans for Hireby t he Hour or DayNarberthFOR SALE OR RENT T 'c b' C"

    F ro m L ow er M er io n and Narberth 419-429.431 Church Lane aXl a o.Filed at Norristown. Yeadon, Delaware Co., Pa.Th e following rcal es ta te t r a n s f e r ~ Apartments with gaT- 215 Haverford Ave.from Lower Merion and Narberth ages, and s tores , su i t- I (Walter Roser)werc fie1d recen t1y at Nor ris town: able for millinery, hab- ! . ? - ~ ~ i 2 . S ' 2 . 5 i 2 . 5 i ! S C ~ 5 2 . S " 2 . ! i C . ! : i 2 . S ' 2 . 5 i 2 5 i ! S C ~ 1 . ; , ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; , ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ~IC. Foster Browning to Albert L erdasher, hardware or t bMul fo rd , l ot and building, \Vynne, tailor shops. New, ._ _ ..

    wood. prosperous location. 'R S TOUHILL 'John A. D il lm an to B ra ns on V U BAN REALTY , .. IScr al e, l ot a nd bui ld ing, Leedom ave- . R : Elect1'ical Contractor :l l l ~ t ~ s e p h P. White to .1. Bai rd Cal d- CORP. : 7 U ; S ~ ~ ' ~ ~ c ~ \ : . ~ : ~ ; ' . : ; ~ ' ~ ' ~ E :well, lot, Narberth. FREDK. HERMANN, Pres. I /.:.lilllllt,. F",,,iR',r.rl IMcrion T it le and Trust Company of 1632 Land Title Bldg., PhUa.,Pa. : 1 ' 1 1 0 ~ E ) l E I U O ~ lOS!! :A rdmore to J amcs J. I'inlcy, lot, NaI'- ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ : ~ ~ ; ; ~ ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ I ; - ~ . ~ . a :.. ..~ - ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ .. ..~ . .. ~ - ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ .. .. ... .. ... ..;;.. i:ej-berth, $:i800. 0Edward E. Harding to :Martha LHarding, lot, Bryn ),1 awl' avenue, CynNyd.Zen it h Bu il di ng and Loan Assoc ia t io n to John R. Greenhalgh. lot andhuildiugs, Narberth.Mary E. H il l t o L ew is J. Smith , lo t:lnd build ings, Conshohocken road,Bala-Cynwyd,Thomas G. Harris t o Zen it h Bui lu ; ng a nd L oa n A ss oc ia ti on , lot and:ntildings, Xarberth.vVilliam T. Harris to Zcni th Buildin g and Loan Association, lot andbuildings, Narberth.James J . F i nl ey to Robcrt J. Nash,lot and buildings, Narberth.John :\1. Ycdger to Narbrook Park1tilprove111cnt Association. lot, Narbcrth.Alcxander M unchweller to J oscphCaplan. t wo l ot s a nd buildings, Love'scourt, Vvynncwood.Donald ~ r Love to AlexandcrM unchweiler. two lots and buildingsLove's court, \Vynnewood. .Don Pcters to H en ry \V. Young".lots and build ings. \Vis tcr road.Louis Hanison to the Bryn MawrHospi ta l. l ot a nd buildings.

    Saturday, August 13, 1927

    published by theLIVINGSTON PUBLISHING CO.PHILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTON, EditorTHOMAS A. ELWOOD, Ass't EditorOffice, 258 Haverford AvenueNarberth 2545SUBSCRIPTION PRICEOne Dollar and Fifty Cents Per Year inAdvance

    ),liss Nancy M. LeFevre, of .Wilmington, Del. , is the gucst of h ~ SIster,11rs. Charlcs L. McKce , o f Narberthavcnue.

    Mr. Charles L. McKee, of 224 \Vayneavcnue, left with a party of f r iends foran extendcd motor t1'lP to l\Iontrcala nd Qucbec, t hi s week.

    :-1 iss h' y R. ) ' lcLcan. former ly ofN ar be rt h i nf or ms u s that she hastinalh' s ~ t t l e d in Glcndal e ! ns t ead o tl'asac1cna. "]t ' s a bcaut lf ul t ownnesthn" in betwecn such w o n d e ~ f u lf O O l b i l l . ~ , " shc writcs, " j u ~ t sev;n.11111esout of Los Angelcs, :!O mmutes rtde toHoilywood, half an hour t o Pa sadena ,l: j minntes to Burbank a nd a n hour ~ San ta : \l on ic a, whe re the. ocean IS.\\ 'cather wonderful. Enoymg eye.rything-including a sma ll , but thnlhn.geartbquake recently ." Miss McLean ISproprietress of the "3 Steps Up TeaRoom" in Glendale.


    :\11, a nd M rs . J. H. R. Roherts, of40:! Essex avenuc, are guests of theS ou th er n Hot el , O ce an City. 1frs,K. R. Dunne, of Narbcrth, is a guestat the Oxford H otcl.

    Entered as second class matter, October 15,1914, at the Post Office at Narberth, pa., underthe Act of March 3, 1819.

    The FIRESIDE-:-Irs. ),f. J. Cl af fe y, o f 1 0n a aVel!Ue,and her nieee and daughter Catharl l le ,made a t ri p u p t he Hudson last week.:-1 r. and 11rs. Albert \V. Fredcrick.s ,of Ha\'edord road, are ho mc agamaftcr enjoying scveral weeks at Pocono:\1 allOI- Inn.111'5. Charles E. Funk and family, of:!:!:l ]ona avcnue, are stayil.lg a t OceanC it y f or two wceks . Durtng .thc pa:t

    . \ \ " ( ~ e k they have had as thClr g u e ~ t1brit' ),lcG,lrry, of Old Gulph road.:\11', Funl, 1110tors down evc ry week-cnd,

    '\ Miss G race Moffatt, of Haverford~ UR '11'OWN avennt; , wa.s secn. on t h e boar dwa l k inIl:J1 .Jl. AtlantIc CI ty Fnday.A CO-OPERATIVE COMMUNITY, -- ,-. - . 'NEWSPAPER Mrs. Mary E. GIllIs and MISs Jean-nettc Gillis, of 246 Dudley avenue, haved d 1914 b t he N ar be rt h rcturned from a fortnight in theFoun e 1D y. PoconosCivic Association and publIshed every .Saturday at Narberth , Pa . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS

    11is5 A, C. Nespe r, o f 120 Merionavenue, has gone to Grand Isle, Vermont, f or t he r cs t o f t hc summer.

    cause mined furniture,

    MILLER. A.

    Cause andEffectLeaking skies cause leaking roofs.

    Tile, slate or asbestos shingles make attractive, durable, leak-proof and fireproofroofs when built by

    Leaking roofsrugs and walls.

    We cannot prevent the leaking skies, butwe can prevent the damage done by leakingroofs.

    Phone: Narberth 3684 :: 111 Forrest Ave., Narberth


    . '---"-- ----_.-I,

    DAV I S 'NARBERTH 4035

    SPECIAL-Writing Paper, 23ca BoxThe Oldest Store in Narberth

    YOUR NEW GARAGEwhere building restrictions permit, wi ll be constructed withless expense with lumber. We also carry other buildingmaterial which will g-ive you a fireproof building.

    has a ll k in ds of writing materials. Hig-hland WritingPaper i s 25c , 35e and 5 0c a box. Ingersoll Fountain Pensare $1 up.New style desk blotte rs . Come i n a nd l oo k t hem over.. Sanford ' s and Waterman' s Inks-a l l colors.

    JOSEPH;'MILES SONSLumbm' :: .MillwO?'k . . Coa,l.


    224 Haverford Avenue


    Estate of Elizabeth R. McCarter, late ofBorough of Narberth, deceased.Letters Testamentary on the above estateilav!llll been granted to The Merion Title andrrust Company of Ardmore , a ll persons In;Iebted to said estate al'e requested to m a k ~mmediate payment, and those having legal~ l a l 1 1 1 s . to present the same without delay atthe o ff ic e o f said company. No. 5 East Lancaster avenue, Ardmore , Pa.RICHARD J. HAMILTON,President.eara-M'GinleY 10UI 218 N . 1 3 i j \ S ~ P h i l a : l ~

    1 i ~ 1 I I'hu"e. ISpruce 3M-HJ and 3 8 - ~' K I ~ . 1 On" l'hono, Race 70-54

    CHAS. F. EBERTJobbing CarpenterREPAIRS and ALTERATIONS103 Dudley AvenuePHONE: NARBERTH 4129

    GARAnteed ,RoofsHUMPHRIES BROS.w. L. and C. R. HumphriesPAlNTING-GLAZINGPhone, Narberth 3779

    ESTATE NOTICEO F ~ ' F I C E S fo r r en t in Ardmore , $15 imd$20 a month. Phone Ardmore 3253. (tf.)

    Plt:NTING-Distlllctlve Job p r l n t i n ~ . Ticke tc , c ards, announcemenls . programs, etc.Dothard & Taylor. Call Narberth 2692. 9-24.FOR RENT-102 Merion avenue, Narberth,550 month. Eight rooms. electric light, steamneat. porch; ali In good order. Doyle. 2030uth Dewey street. Philadelphia, or localagents.

    111. a nd M rs. .I ohn J. Kelly and thei rtwo daughters, of :!ll Price avenue, arca t C ape M ay for t he r es t o f t he su mmer.Mr. A lb er t H. Nul ty , o f Mceti!lgHouse lane, s pen t t he week- end WIthhis family at Cape 1'1ay.Mr. and Mrs. \Vinthrup Derby, of\Vynl1cdale road; 1'1'11' and Mrs. Frankl in vVedg c, o f Iona avenue. and Mr.a nd M rs, L co n Mel ch er , o f Mee ti ngI louse lane, are c nj oy in g t he o ce anbreezes a t S to ne Harbor, N. J.fI! r, J ohn Magui rc , of Pittsburgh,1'a., is visiting his parents on Grayl ingavenuc for sevcral days .

    Miss Georgiana Hoffsten is visitingin Chicago and Miss Ruth Hoffs ten isvacat ioning in Stone Harbor.Miss Sophia Miesen and ElizabethMa!-\"uire are in Ncw York for theweek-end. .1\[r, a nd M rs . John Marsh, of Gray

    ling avenue, motored t o Wil dwood ,wllere they will remain unt il September 1.Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Griest, ofMeet ing House lane, are visi t iug Mr.Griest's parents in Phi lipsburg , Pa .Mr. T homa s H . Ritner, of EastOrange, N. J. was the guest o f M r.a ud M rs . A. Perry Re9.iel" .. o v ~ r ~ h eweek-end.

    Miss Ellen S haw, o f N ar be rt h, w asseen on thc beach a t C ap e :May lastweek.

    11 r, and :Mrs. F r ede ri ck Raker , o f11erion avenuc, are receiving congratutions upon the birth o f a s ~ b o ~ n-Monday, 'Mrs: Raker wasMISS MIld red Graham .

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 13, 1927





    CRANE'S DRUG STORENarberth and:ij&verford AvenuesN a r b ~ h 1 6 2 0



    By C. H. Crane


    By adding a "Coppus" Blower toyour heating equipment, withoutchange of grate, you can burnBuckwheat and effect a saving of$7.00 a ton in your coal bills.The "Coppus" Blower can, beseen and its advantages explained at our office NOW!

    Reduce Your Heating ExpenseBurn Buckwheat



    The Way to Use This Bankf][ REAL GROWTH fo r individuals, for communi-,ties, as well as the bank is the resul t of the spirit ofCo-operation and Helpfulness.f][ WE BELIEVE that our service can be a real factor in your financial growth. . We invite you to usethis bank as you would a strong and resourcefulfriend.



    The Merion Title S Trus t Co.OF ARDMORE

    Keepi ng baby well is t he surest way o f keepi ng h imhappy . The re are so many things in this shop that bringj oy t o everyone we couldn't list them in a page advertisemen t. Come and see.

    Fire Insurance-Best Companie!!.Phone 4049W 2111 Haverford Ave.

    ,'Phone, Narberth 3790. Hau li ng o f All Kinds

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 13, 1927



    ,P""""UMQlijftUMH IUI0tlil





    gross ton, chuted

    Branch Office and Show Boom:126 West Ohester Pike, LlanerchTelephone, Hilltop 1987.

    Egg $14.50Stove 15.00Nut 14.50Pea 11.50Buckwheat ~ . 8.00

    Pastry-made in the finest bakeryon the Main Line-you've noticed it,along the railroad, near the station.

    Candies-made right here in Narberth;in a delicious assortment of toothsome varieties.

    Discount of 50 cents a ton on cash deliveries.Charge customers, 50 cents a ton discount

    when paid within 30 days.

    To women who seek a place wheretheycap have their money keptwithassurance of absolute safety-tomatrons who desire a HouseholdAccount-to all women who desirebanking connections with a conservative institution, we offer the facilit ies of our Bank.

    ....-For Women

    Ice Cream-home made, 111 fifteendelicious flavors.

    Be it ice cream, cakes, pies, candies,or nuts, you will find WHITE'S SWEETSHOP has it.

    High Grade Coal at Low Prices

    RIGHT AT THE STATIONWhere the Apothecary Has Held Forth.For the Last Qua1tetr-CenturyTelephones: Narberth 28-38 and 28-39

    ....-Whatever You Want!

    219 HAVERFORD AVENUEFor Delivery-Phone Narberth 4005

    Advice on profitable investments foryourmoneyis yours for the askipg.Our courtesy is given to the individual and not to the size of her deposit.

    The Narberth National 'Bank


    CALLOWAY COAL CO.Clean coal screened over electric shaker screens

    Oeneral Office and Yard:8300 Lansdowne A.,e.Phones, H l l l t o p ~ 2i71-2172

    SHEA'S DRUG STORE IIti.iI OllUl1!l!!!Jllll!DJ11JUl!DJ!tilII.,IDIIPDlUUllumnUUlliDUlIIID_W1D1IDIIIIUUUbJ!!llllllU!lwnuuUIIUIIlDl1ll_

    11IIIIDIIIiIiIDBiiIIllUDlllDlJll1_lIJ1JI1J!IIIID!nnlllllllUJl!llllllJ1llll1Ul_UIDI_,ml ' Al INiM


    Five-passenger $1925Brougham, Series 128Seven-passenger Sedan, $1995Series 128

    Five-passengerSport 'Touring, Series 128

    Four-passenger SportRoadster,Series 128

    Five-passengerTown $1575Brougham, Series 120Five-passenger4-door 1-1495Sedan, Series120

    ,Four-passenger Country 1-1765ClubCoupe,Series128Five-passengerCoupe, $1850Series 128


    $10 For YourOLD RANGEAugust SpecialDuring August an allowance of $10 will be made onthe old coal, wood, oil or gas range which you tradein when buying a new

    PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN-COUNTIES GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANYArdmore 3500 Bryn Mawr 327 Wayne 47Hilltop 233 Upper Darby Boulevard 1600

    6912 Market Street

    CABINET GAS RANGEWith Oven Heat ControlAll ranges offered in thi s sale are brand new-thevery latest models of well-known manufacturers.Your old, worn-out range can now help you to own abeautiful new one with the wonderful oven-heat control feature-if you act quickly.This Offer Positively EndsWednesday, August 3112 MONTHLY PAYMENTSCall at a PhiladelphiaSuburban Counties Gas and Electric Co.Store or Send for a Representative

    ARDMORE 189C

    AU price. E. o. b. Flint, Mich.,Government Ta" to be . . tded.1928ALLAN C. HALE. Inc.MAINUNE DISTRIBUTORSTELEPHONES

    For the 24th "ear Buick has again fulfilled thi& promise'..When.better. automObiles4 ar e .bullt, Buickwill . build'them,

    Five-passengerTown 1-13'75Brougham, Series 115Four-passenger Coupe, $1465Series120 .

    Four-passenger SportRoadster, Series 115Two-passenger Coupe,Series 115

    F ive-pa ss enge r2 -door $1195Sedan ,Se ri es 115 $11951-1195

    Five-passengerSport $1225Touring, Series 115Four-passenger Country ;,1275Club Coupe, Series 115Five-passenger4-door $1295Sedan, Series115. .

    Ye Oddity Shoppe"The G i ft C en te r o f t he lIIaln Line"

    111 Narberth AvenueCHARLES B. WAFER

    Phone: Narbertll 2510 and 3771-W

    ( ) t J R ~ T O W N

    THE ESSEX KANDYKOUNTERThe Cool & Cozy StoreAROUND THE CORNERWhere Yo u Can Enjoy That

    GoodABBOTT'SICE CREAMNABISCO SUNDA,ES107 Essex Ave.Phone, Narberth 9971

    __eWorldhas never knownsuchValue IAll former standards of motor car value fell when Buickfor 1928 swept into view.

    Here are listed all 16 Buick models for 1928, with theirprices, so that you may see for yourself how little Buickcosts, when you consider howmuch Buick gives.

    Elm Gift andHemstitching ShopBeaded Bags and Bags ofAl l Kinds Repaired.Beads Restrung

    242 Haverford Avenue

    WAYNE 40 0

    Is always at your service withan a t t rac t ive an d un ique l ine ofGifts, Cards ,Tal lys an d Candles.Antiques an d Reproductions,Picture Framing an d Circulati ng L ib ra r y.O ~ Friday Evenings

    N. E. Cor ne rHaverford & Forest Ave.= = c = = = = c o o = = = = = ~JAMES R. COLER ea r o f 250 Haverford Ave.House and Decorative Painting

    Mail Order s and Jobb ing P romp tl yAttended tePhone, Narberth 3639-W

    Light HaulingLoads to Ocean CityEvery SaturdayReturn Trip MondayPhone. NARBERTH 4102-W

    HARRY H. HAMERJobbing CarpenterNARBERTH 2762

    ---HARRY B. WAU -Plumbing, Ga8 Fittingand HeatingNARBERTH, PA.,PHONE, NARBERTH 3652-1\1



    HIGHWAY REPORTCONTINUED FR'()ilTiIE FIRST PAGF.ally develop a t t ha t point in the winter. We estimate that t he c ost ofthese changes will not be mo re than$350. . d f"Yo ur c ha irma n h as receIVe romMulford and Dilks, of Bryn :Mawr , awri tt en p ro po sa l t o s up pl y t he Borough of Narberth one l at es t modelChevrolet coupe for $692, and to a11o\\'t he borough $100 f or our old Fordcoupe. If front and rear bl.!mpers andspare tire and tube are , : e q t l l r ~ d on ~ ? Chevrolet coupe, the pr ice Will be $ . ~ "additional. In view of the fact. thaIthe Ford coupe has reached a ponlt C?fage and deterioration at which repauand maint enance cha rges a re becoming el'cessive. we r e c o l 1 l l 1 l e l ~ d t ha t t heproposal of Mulford and Dil ks be accepted and act ed upon."During the month of July, .. theHighway D e p ~ r t m e n t spent . $ 1 \ ) ~ . 1 6for street c1eanmg: $171 for collcctmg186 cubic y ar ds o f a sh es : $:14.20 forcu tt i ng t he grass on the ,Playg:ound:$11.88 labor cost for I Il st al hng adr inking fountain at t he r ea r of theComn1t1nitv Building: $285.48 laborco st and $722 material C?s.t for patchi ng t he strects and repamng t hc h re housc sidewalk."Dur hig J uly , thc Maple avenues ewer was compl ct ed at a t ot al cos tof $!169.60, o f whi ch $a74.S4, was. forlabor and $594.76 was f or mat en al s.This makes total e x p e n d i t u r ~ s of theHighway Departmcnt. dUring themonth of July, for t h Items ~ n u l 1 1 c r :ated of $1081 f or l ab or an d $la48.8;>for ;naterials. ."The Ramsdel l Cons tr uc ti on Company on August 1, s ta r ted t he r e s ~ l r -facing of streets in accordance WIthth e c on tr ac t w hi ch w as a wa rd cd ~ them at the April meet ing of CouncIl." Du ri ng t he m on th of J u!y, the~ t r e e t Commissioner issued SIX per~ i t s for dumping mater ia lson the public streets. The fees f or t he se totaled$48, which amount was " tu rned ove rto thc borough treasurer.

    Sealed proposals will be received andopened at a special meeting of theCouncll of th e Borough of Narberth, tobe held i n t he Borough Hall on August29. 1927. at 7.30 P. M . standard time; tocover the furniShing and installation ofa domestic type oil burne r equipmen t toreplace the present gas burne r equip ment In the Community Build ing , lo ca ted on Windso ravenue west of Dudleyavenue, In th e Borough of Narberth.T he e qu ipmen t t o be of a type approved by th e Board of Fire Underwritersan d SUitable for bu rn ing d lstU la te o f aspecific gravity.' not less than 34.5 degrees Baume, and Is to be of adequatecapac ity fo r u se wIt h t h e p re se nt hotwater heater. .The proposal must include the Instal,lation of an 011 storage tank o f n ot lesstllan one thousand (1000) gallon capacIty and a thermostatIc control from three,points as directed.: 'The proposals submitted must coverePrPlficatlon of the proposed plant andof the complete installation.'The building and present equIpmentm ! l ~ - be Inspected by making arrangement s wi th .George B. Suplee, bUildinginspector. for., the Borough of Narberth.Council reserves the r Igh t to re ject anyor all bids. .CHARLES V. NOEL,(8-27-27) Borough Clerk.

    NEW STAMPS ARE HERETwo new two-cent stamps-oneCOl1ltnemoratinl! the Sesquicentennial

    o f t he Independence o f Vermont andthe o ther commemorating t he bat tl esof Fort Stanwix, B e n n i n g t o ~ l , Sarat oga and Or iskany , all of whIch tookplace in 1777-were placed on sale attIle Narber th post office Saturday, acc or di ng t o an announcement l ~ l a d eyesterday by Postmaster Nesper.

    PAGE FOURCOUNCIL DECLINES TOCONSIDER ZONE CHANGECONTINUED F I t O ~ 1 THE FIRST PAGEchange s can be made by Councilor.by the Board of Adjus tment withouta pub li c hearing."Vhen t he p ike is widened, accordingto some Councilmen, thematter of zoning changes can be threshed out better.Now, they assert, i s n o t imefor makingsweeping adjustments whi ch wor k o nthe pike wil l o nl y s ub je ct t o f ur th erchange. Therefore it is purposed t o l etthe ma tt e r r e st un ti l the pike paving iscompleted, some time this fall.T he p le a o f M rs . M ar y A. Flemingfor a p er mi t t o c ha ng e h er p r o p e r ~ yto a gasoline service station is sUllbeing considered by the NarberthBoard of Adju s tment , o f wh ich P. B.Krout is c ha irma n. Unt il s ome legaltechnicalities are ironed out, ' Mrs.Fleming's petition is hapging fir.e. Adecis ion is expected Without fall thefirst pa rt o f next week, and wil l be announced in all p ro ba bi li ty i n n ex tweek's issue o f O ur Town.