declaración de apoyo al movimiento estudiantil chileno

Statement of Support Global Students Statement 2 May 2012 Page 2 of 3 Statement of Support for the Chilean Student Movement We believe in the public responsibility of education, equal access to higher education for all members of society and the right of students to participate in the governance of their institutions. We support the rights of students to speak, debate, and protest for their own beliefs, rights, and ambitions, and the existence of high quality public education for all. These rights have been denied to students in Chile. We request the immediate reinstatement of these rights. The demands of the student movement have been sensible and conducive to the advancement of a democratic and peaceful society. These include sufficient public support and financing for public higher education institutions, elimination of the burden of tuition fees, equitable admission processes for all institutions, the creation of a government agency to implement laws against profiteering in higher education, the elimination of public support for private higher education institutions, quality assurance and accreditation processes to improve the quality of higher education, intercultural university environments, and the inclusion of students in the governance of higher education institutions. These demands are agreeable to the values of our Student Movement and the Chilean Student Movement has our support in their struggle. In the past months, Chilean students have protested, debated, and negotiated in order to achieve what rightfully should be theirs. Throughout their persistent effort they have faced threats, intimidation, and violence. We are shocked that the government is participating in the unjust actions that we are currently observing in Chile. We believe in the rights of students to shape their future without being pressured, threatened or targeted with violence. We urge the Chilean government to protect their citizens and ensure these rights. The methods used by the Chilean Police during the demonstrations of students, are unacceptable. There is clear evidence of students` rights being violated as the official report of The Humans Right’s Institute of Chile states. The report was sent to the High Commissioner for Human Rights of the United Nations, in Chile in October 2010. The terrible events have led to a law proposal by the government, called “Law Hinzpeter”, which aims to criminalize the student movement. This law would endanger all social movements in Chile. The government allowed the expulsion of students from higher education institutions as well as professors. Thus we representatives of students from all over the world give our strongest support and our solidarity to the Chilean Students.

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FEDERACIONES ESTUDIANTILES DEL MUNDO ENTERO DENUNCIAN LA POLITICA EDUCATIVA DEL PRESIDENTE PINERA: Mas de 20 millones de estudiantes firman una solidariadad mundial con chile. (21 de Mayo 2012) “Con la llamada de la Union Estudiantes Europeos (ESU), las federaciones de estudiantes de la Oceanía, Asia, EE.UU., África y América Latina denuncian la situación de la educación en Chile. También protestan contra la represión a los estudiantes decidida por el gobierno chileno"


Page 1: Declaración de Apoyo al Movimiento Estudiantil Chileno

Statement of Support

Global Students Statement 2 May 2012 Page 2 of 3

Statement of Support for the Chilean Student Movement

We believe in the public responsibility of education, equal access to higher education for all

members of society and the right of students to participate in the governance of their institutions.

We support the rights of students to speak, debate, and protest for their own beliefs, rights, and

ambitions, and the existence of high quality public education for all. These rights have been denied

to students in Chile. We request the immediate reinstatement of these rights.

The demands of the student movement have been sensible and conducive to the

advancement of a democratic and peaceful society. These include sufficient public support and

financing for public higher education institutions, elimination of the burden of tuition fees,

equitable admission processes for all institutions, the creation of a government agency to

implement laws against profiteering in higher education, the elimination of public support for

private higher education institutions, quality assurance and accreditation processes to improve the

quality of higher education, intercultural university environments, and the inclusion of students in

the governance of higher education institutions. These demands are agreeable to the values of our

Student Movement and the Chilean Student Movement has our support in their struggle.

In the past months, Chilean students have protested, debated, and negotiated in order to

achieve what rightfully should be theirs. Throughout their persistent effort they have faced threats,

intimidation, and violence. We are shocked that the government is participating in the unjust

actions that we are currently observing in Chile. We believe in the rights of students to shape their

future without being pressured, threatened or targeted with violence. We urge the Chilean

government to protect their citizens and ensure these rights.

The methods used by the Chilean Police during the demonstrations of students, are unacceptable.

There is clear evidence of students` rights being violated as the official report of The Humans

Right’s Institute of Chile states. The report was sent to the High Commissioner for Human Rights of

the United Nations, in Chile in October 2010. The terrible events have led to a law proposal by the

government, called “Law Hinzpeter”, which aims to criminalize the student movement. This law

would endanger all social movements in Chile. The government allowed the expulsion of students

from higher education institutions as well as professors.

Thus we representatives of students from all over the world give our strongest support and our

solidarity to the Chilean Students.

Page 2: Declaración de Apoyo al Movimiento Estudiantil Chileno

Statement of Support

Global Students Statement 2 May 2012 Page 2 of 3

Declaración de Apoyo al Movimiento Estudiantil Chileno

Nosotros creemos en la educación como una responsabilidad pública, la igualdad de acceso a la

educación superior para todos los miembros de la sociedad y el derecho de los estudiantes a participar en

la gobernanza de sus instituciones de educación superior. Apoyamos los derechos de los estudiantes a la

libertad de expresión, a debatir y manifestarse por sus propios ideales, derechos y demandas; y a la

existencia de una educación pública de alta calidad como una opción real para todo el mundo. Estos

derechos han sido denegados a los estudiantes en Chile. Exigimos la inmediata restitución de estos


Las demandas del movimiento estudiantil son sensatas y están en la línea del avance para una

sociedad pacífica y democrática. Estás incluyen el apoyo público y la financiación para las instituciones

públicas de educación superior; la eliminación de las altas tasas en concepto de matrícula; unos procesos

de admisión equitativos para todas las instituciones; la creación de una agencia gubernamental para aplicar

las leyes contra el lucro en la educación superior; la eliminación del apoyo público a las instituciones

privadas de educación superior; unos procesos de garantía de la calidad y de acreditación para mejorar la

calidad de la educación superior; entorno universitario intercultural; y la inclusión de los estudiantes en la

gobernanza de las instituciones de educación superior. Estas demandas están de acuerdo con los valores de

nuestro movimiento estudiantil, por lo que el Movimiento Estudiantil Chileno cuenta con nuestro apoyo en

su lucha.

En los últimos meses, los estudiantes chilenos se han manifestado, debatido y negociado con el fin

de lograr lo que por derecho les corresponde. A través de su esfuerzo persistente se han enfrentado a

amenazas, intimidación y violencia. Estamos conmocionados de que el gobierno esté participando en estas

acciones injustas que actualmente estamos observando en Chile. Creemos en los derechos de los

estudiantes para dar forma a su futuro sin ser presionados, amenazados o el blanco de violencia. Instamos

al Gobierno de Chile a proteger a sus ciudadanos y garantizar estos derechos.

Los medios utilizados por la policía de Chile durante las manifestaciones de los estudiantes, son

inaceptables. Existe una clara evidencia que los derechos de los estudiantes están siendo violados, como

muestra el informe oficial realizado por el Instituto de Derecho Humanos de Chile. El informe fue enviado al

Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas, en Chile en octubre de 2010. Los terribles eventos han

provocado una nueva propuesta de ley por el gobierno, denominada "Ley de Hinzpeter”, que pretende

criminalizar el movimiento estudiantil. Esta ley pone en peligro todos los movimientos sociales en Chile. El

gobierno ha permitido la expulsión de estudiantes de instituciones de educación superior, así como la de


Por todo ello nosotros, representantes de los estudiantes de todo el mundo damos nuestro apoyo

más fuerte y toda nuestra solidaridad a los estudiantes chilenos.

Page 3: Declaración de Apoyo al Movimiento Estudiantil Chileno

Statement of Support

Global Students Statement 2 May 2012 Page 2 of 3

Signed by / Firmado por:

Asian Pacific Students and Youth Association

European Students Union

All-African Student Union

Union Panafricaine des Etudiants

Organizacion Continental Latinoamericana y

Caribena de Estudiantes

Organização Continental

Latinoamericana e Caribenha de Estudantes

New Zealand Union of Students' Associations

Te Roopu Ākonga o ngā Whare Wānanga o


Russian Students Union


United States Students


National Student Union in Brazil

Unión Nacional de los


Turkish Student Council

Türkiye Öğrenci Konseyi