decorah public opinion. (decorah, winneshiek county [iowa ... · ship, in the county- of...

12 HUN HIDES 4 YEARS Conceals Self in New Guinea Jun- gle During War. German Army Captain Risks Death Among Cannibals Until Armistice Is Signed. Konrad Detzler, a German army en- gineer who had been hiding In the New G*inea jungle since the beginning of the war, has come back to civilization and now is in an internment camp in Australia. Detzler’s Story is on a par with other romantic incidents of the war as it affected the Soutli sea. Detzler holds a captain’s commission. ¦When the war began lie was surveying the boundary line between the then Kaiser Willielmland, or German New Guinea, and Papua, or British New Guinea. He decamped into the bush. This was a risky act, for the bushmen prefer human flesh above all other kinds. When an Australian force oc- cupied Kaiser Wilkeliniaud Detzler was overlooked. For more than four years Detzler lived in the bush near Mismis. lie had a shotgun, but it was not long be- fore he ran out of cartridges. There- after he lived on yams, taro and kau <:w variety of sweet potato) in common with the natives, and upon birds and animals which he caught by meuns of snares. Several times the Australians search- ed for him, but Detzler managed to elude them. He might have stayed indefinitely in the jungle, but mission- aries told the Papuans of the armistice and they in turn told him. Thereupon he surrendered to the nearest Austra- lian officer. While living throughout the war at Mismis, Detzler wore only a lava lava (native kilt). The result is that he is utmost us brown as a Papuan. He now weurs a German uniform. HOW DEPTH BOMB STARTED British Admiral Responsible for Wea- pon That Revolutionized Anti- submarine Warfare. New York. —How the submarine depth bomb, familiarly referred to as “ash can," came into being to revolu- tionize antisubmarine warfare was re- lated here by Rear Admiral William S. Sims, commander during the war of the American naval forces overseas. Rear Admiral Sir Charles Edward Madden, chief of stalT to Admiral Jel- licoe, was the author of the Idea, Ad- miral Sims said, giving as his authority Admiral Jelllcoe. The Idea came to Admiral Madden, he continued, while the British officer was aboard a cruiser which sighted a submarine. The cruiser gave chase, he said, but as it drew near the submarine submerged. Admiral Madden, cha* grinned at the cruiser's failure to “get” the submarine, exclaimed: “Why wouldn’t It be a good idea to work up some of a device to drop on these HUns?” Other officers approving the plan, the cruiser put back to port, where the Idea was presented to Admiral Jellicoe. lie approved flie plan, and munition experts were put to work devising the “ash can.” The depth bombs evolved contained PvM) pounds of trinitrotoluol and were capnble of wrecking a submarine. SPOIL 0. HENRY’S SKETCHES Texas Workmen Tear Down Build- ing Where the Author Was Employed. Austin, Tex. —Sketches on the walls of the old land office building on the 1 cnpitol grounds, drawn by O. Henry the author, while he was a clerk in the statehouse here, are being destroy- ed. Workmen are tearing down the building. ! v O. Henry, In Ijis adolescence, pub- lished a little weekly, The Rolling Stone, worked In the land office as a clerk, and worked prodigiously on the stories that later were tp entertain an army of readers. llis real name was Sidney Porter, and he was then unknown to fame. No one seems to remember whether he was a good clerk, and those who have seen the sketches say that as an artist lie was a good story teller. Kaiser’s Youngest Son Hopes to Live in U. S. v Geneva.—The former Prince £ Joacliim of the Hohenzolleru X family hopes to emigrate to X America after peace Us signed, ij according to report. X Joachim, who is Ihc youngest X son of tlie former German era- v peror, has arrived here from $ Merlin, and expresses his Inten- tion of remaining in Switzerland until after the peace settlement. The Hohenzollerns have just bought a large estate near Lu- gano, where the former emper- or eventually hopes to reside in exile. ' Wa.tcd Forty Year# for Son's Return. Berwick, Pa. When Lawrence Boyd left here for Seattle, Wash., In 1879, his mother expressed the hope that she would live to see him return. Although she had to live to he eighty- six years old, she has enjoyed the fulfillment of tu*r wish; the son re- turned a few days ago on his first yhrit in forty years, OECORAH PUBLIC OPINION, DECORAH, IOWA. WANT COLUMN. Rates—One Cent per word Noth- ing leas than tern cents. FOR RENT—Modern roorfi on Day street. Enquire G. G. Bucknell. 20-4-pd. FOR SALE—Chicken Coop, 10x24. J. H. Hargreaves, Decorah, lowa. 20-3. pd. WANTED —Washing at home. Mrs. A. Nelson, Oak st. 1 2(fc-2-pd. FOR SALE —Good work mare 8 years old, weighs 1400 pounds. Will sell reasonable or trade for light team. Call or write, W. V P. Dow, Route 7, Decorah, lowa. 20-tf. FO.l RENT—Rooms, or lower flat in dwelling well situated. Enquire here. 20-1 -pd. WANTED —GirI for general -house- work. Exceptionally high wages. Enquire Mrs. S. L. McMasters, 308 Main street. 20-2. FOR SALE —Large coal stove in good repair. Enquire Decorah Coat & Suit Store. 20-3. DOST—Between Water and Main street $lO bill, around C or 7 o’- clock Monday evening. Reward. 110 Broadway. 20-l-pd. MEN WANTED —at the Brickyards. Highest wages paid. Phone 99-2. 18-2. LOST—Rat Terrier dog, white with black spot on hip. Collar on with name “Peggie.” Finder notify Edgar Arness, R. 1, Decorah, 19-2-pd. WANTED—GirIs at the Meritol factory. 17-tf. FOR SALE —Six room house, good cellar hnd w’ell, w ith barn. Enquire at this office. 17-tf. FOR SALE —Cheap to close estate, Water Street. Lot and residence residence Lots. Enquire of Marie Haugen. 17-tf. EGGS—for hatching from the Bean Strain Single Comb Rhode Island Reds; also Anacona eggs, sheppherd strain. Write or phone Ed Hanson or call at Hansen & Jansen’s store. Phone 61. Resi- FOR SALE—Soda fountain, cheap. For particulars enquire of E. J. Parma*, Decorah. 16-2. FOR HATCHING —Pure bred S. C. Buff Orpington eggs for hatching. Good laying strain, reasonable price. Write or phone, Mrs. John Seegmiller, Decorah, lowa. 19-2. FOR SALE—or rent subject to sale. Duplex residence on West Broad- way- Enquire at Marsh Music House. 19-tf. FOR RENT —Basement underneath Central Block Grocery. Good place for restaurant. Enquire Emil Rosenthal. 19-2. FOR SALK—My home in West De- corah, consisting of 7-room brick house and four lots. House has bath and toilet. Fine place for re- tired farmer. Price is a bargain. Phone or call at residence of E. J. Curtin. Mrs. N. S. Marsh. 19-tf. FOR SALFi—-White Rock eggs for hatching, $1.50 and $3.00 per set- ting of fifteen. Wm. Aders, De- corah, lowa. Phone White 518. 19- FOR SALE—I9IB Ford car in good running order. Enquire Chris Hoeg, Decorah, lowa. 19-tf. STRAYED—A red steer calf, weight about 300 pounds. Finder notify Gross Bros., Decorah. lowa. 20- BUSINESS CARDS. J. D. HEXOM, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Rooms 8 and 9. Office phone No. *OS. Residence 515. Office hour* 10 to 12; 2 to 6. Sundays 11 to 1. Citizens Bank Building Decorah, lowa. F. C. KOCHENDORFER Veternarian Night and day calls. Office o* Washington street, forraeriy occu- pied by Dr. C. P. Wilson. Phone 407. DR. O. HOEG, Diamonds and Diamond Jewelry LARGEST STOCK HIGHEST QUALITY LOWEST PRICES M. J. SOUKUP Decorah, lona. Physician and Surgeon Decorah, lowa. Office over Citizens Savings Bank. Office hours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Phone office 28-2; residence 28-3. A. E. CONRAD, M. D. Marlow Building Phone 241. Specializes in Surgery, diseases of women, and Obstetrics. URBAN & URBAN, Phone 380 Osteopathic Physicians Sulphur Steam Baths dence 250, Decorah, lowa. 14-tf. FOR SALE —Fine river sand. .In- quire H. Resnick, West Decorah, or at store on Washington street. LOST—One roan and white spotted heifer, dehorned, weight about 750 pounds. Notify Reum’s Market. 20-1. FOR RENT—FIat on Water street, six rooms. Enquire F. P. Adams or Citizens Savings Bank. .l£-tf. FOR SALE—At a bargain, a new 7- room house, centrally located. In- quire of R. Algyer. MONEY TO LOAN—on first real es- tate mortages. E. H. McMasters, 308 Main St.., Decorah, lowa. 40-tf. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS If you are interested la buying or selling land, write or come and see me. I have some gen- uine bargains in land and im- proved farms that are within the reach of everyone. J. C. BEARD H. ELDREDGE DECORAH, IOWA Men’s and Young Men’s fine Spring Hats Our Price From $1.40 $7 Offices over Decorah Bakery A. C. WOODWARD, M. D. Physician und Surgeon Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Office in Public Opinion Building. Upstairs. Telephones: Office 33-2 Residence 33-3 DR. H. H. THOMAS, Physician and Surgeon Office over New Marlow Building, Decorah, lowa. Phone 485-2. C. P. WILSON, D. V. M. Veterinarian Calls answered promptly day or night. Office in the Voiding barn on Washington street. Phone 90-2 BOICE & HOOK, Attorneys at Law Office on Winnebago Street W. M. STRAND, Attorney at Law Office in E. P. Johnson Bldg. Practice in all Courts. E. W. CUTTING, Attorney »t Law O. BOE, D. D. S., MRS. PHOEBE LINCOLN, Specialist C. L. TOPLIFF, Dentist L. M. ENGER, F. J. HELWIG, Manufacturer of Fine Domestic Cigars “SMOKE THE LINCOLN’* R. BUCKNELL, For First Class Barber Work Opposite Grand Opera House B. E. BUCKNELL, First Class Work DIXON Jfc LINZENMEYEU, Harness, Robes, Blankets, Whips, Etc. First Class Repairing, Washing. Oiling, Etc. Boys’ Confirmation Suiis a fine assortment to se- lect from. Special low prices. Blue Serge at sll sl2 sl7 sl9 $22 Tien’s and Young Men’s Fine Hand Tailored Suits Our showing of fine up-to-date Young Men’s Suits was never better, and our prices the lowest possible. We also show Men’s Suits in the plain, conservative models, at prices sl2, sl4 and sls. Special good values. Boys and Children’s Suits Fine Serge Suit at $5.50, $6 and SB. Fine stripe Worsted Suits at $6, $6.75 and $7. * " S. LARSEN One-Price Clothier ••• Office over Bromley & Co’s. Sho« Store. Specialty: Good work at rea- sonable prices. Dentist Telephone 358. Offices in Decor- ih State Bank Bldg. Superfluous Hair, Moles, Warts, Broken Veins, Lime Balls, and other facial blemishes permanently remov- ed by electricity. Best of Reference*. 603 River St., Decorah Office in Ben Bear Block, Decorah. Fire and Tornado Insurance £ast Main St. Telephone 104 Barber Rudolph Building. Decorah, lowa NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Notice of the appointment of an administratrix of the estate of Ole C. Pederson, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that the subscriber has been duly appointed administratrix of the estate of Ole C. Pederson, late of Hesper Town- ship, in the county- of Winneshiek, state of lowa,i deceased, intestate, and has taken upon herself that trust by giving bonds as the law di- rects. All persons having demands upon the estate of the said deceased are required to exhibit the same; and persons indebted to said estate are called upon to make pavment to EMELIA PEDERSON, Administratrix. Dated at Decorah, lowa, May sth, 1919. WILLETT & NELSON, Attorneys. 20-4 An oyster produces 400,000 eggs annually, but of these only 400 or less reach maturity. THE STANDARD BRED TROTTING STALLION ‘SPRINGVILLE RILL’ will stand at the Decorah Fair Grounds Daily. This horse'islreg- istered and also carries an lowa State Certificate as being a pure bred horse. Terms: sls to insure live Colt This horse is also for sale Jaw L ye T pi th

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Page 1: Decorah public opinion. (Decorah, Winneshiek County [Iowa ... · ship, in the county- of Winneshiek, state of lowa,i deceased, intestate, and has taken upon herself that trust by


HUN HIDES 4 YEARSConceals Self in New Guinea Jun-

gle During War.

German Army Captain Risks DeathAmong Cannibals Until Armistice

Is Signed.

Konrad Detzler, a German army en-gineer who had been hiding In the NewG*inea jungle since the beginning ofthe war, has come back to civilizationand now is in an internment camp inAustralia. Detzler’s Story is on a parwith other romantic incidents of thewar as it affected the Soutli sea.

Detzler holds a captain’s commission.¦When the war began lie was surveyingthe boundary line between the thenKaiser Willielmland, or German NewGuinea, and Papua, or British NewGuinea. He decamped into the bush.This was a risky act, for the bushmenprefer human flesh above all otherkinds. When an Australian force oc-cupied Kaiser Wilkeliniaud Detzlerwas overlooked.

For more than four years Detzlerlived in the bush near Mismis. liehad a shotgun, but it was not long be-fore he ran out of cartridges. There-after he lived on yams, taro and kau<:w variety of sweet potato) in commonwith the natives, and upon birds andanimals which he caught by meuns ofsnares.

Several times the Australians search-ed for him, but Detzler managed toelude them. He might have stayedindefinitely in the jungle, but mission-

aries told the Papuans of the armisticeand they in turn told him. Thereuponhe surrendered to the nearest Austra-

lian officer. While living throughoutthe war at Mismis, Detzler wore onlya lava lava (native kilt). The resultis that he is utmost us brown as aPapuan. He now weurs a Germanuniform.


British Admiral Responsible for Wea-pon That Revolutionized Anti-

submarine Warfare.

New York.—How the submarinedepth bomb, familiarly referred to as“ash can," came into being to revolu-tionize antisubmarine warfare was re-

lated here by Rear Admiral William S.Sims, commander during the war ofthe American naval forces overseas.

Rear Admiral Sir Charles EdwardMadden, chief of stalT to Admiral Jel-licoe, was the author of the Idea, Ad-miral Sims said, giving as his authority

Admiral Jelllcoe.The Idea came to Admiral Madden,

he continued, while the British officerwas aboard a cruiser which sighted asubmarine. The cruiser gave chase, hesaid, but as it drew near the submarinesubmerged. Admiral Madden, cha*grinned at the cruiser's failure to “get”the submarine, exclaimed:

“Why wouldn’t It be a good idea to

work up some of a device to

drop on these HUns?”Other officers approving the plan, the

cruiser put back to port, where theIdea was presented to Admiral Jellicoe.lie approved flie plan, and munitionexperts were put to work devising the“ash can.”

The depth bombs evolved containedPvM) pounds of trinitrotoluol and were

capnble of wrecking a submarine.


Texas Workmen Tear Down Build-ing Where the Author Was


Austin, Tex. —Sketches on the wallsof the old land office building on the

1 cnpitol grounds, drawn by O. Henrythe author, while he was a clerk inthe statehouse here, are being destroy-ed. Workmen are tearing down thebuilding.!v O. Henry, In Ijis adolescence, pub-lished a little weekly, The RollingStone, worked In the land office as a

clerk, and worked prodigiously on the

stories that later were tp entertain anarmy of readers.

llis real name was Sidney Porter,and he was then unknown to fame. Noone seems to remember whether hewas a good clerk, and those who haveseen the sketches say that as an artistlie was a good story teller.

Kaiser’s Youngest SonHopes to Live in U. S.

v Geneva.—The former Prince£ Joacliim of the Hohenzolleru

X family hopes to emigrate toX America after peace Us signed,ij according to report.X Joachim, who is Ihc youngest

X son of tlie former German era-v peror, has arrived here from$ Merlin, and expresses his Inten-

tion of remaining in Switzerlanduntil after the peace settlement.

The Hohenzollerns have justbought a large estate near Lu-gano, where the former emper-or eventually hopes to reside inexile. '

Wa.tcd Forty Year# for Son's Return.Berwick, Pa. When Lawrence

Boyd left here for Seattle, Wash., In1879, his mother expressed the hope

that she would live to see him return.

Although she had to live to he eighty-six years old, she has enjoyed thefulfillment of tu*r wish; the son re-turned a few days ago on his firstyhrit in forty years,


WANT COLUMN.Rates—One Cent per word Noth-

ing leas than tern cents.

FOR RENT—Modern roorfi on Daystreet. Enquire G. G. Bucknell.

20-4-pd.FOR SALE—Chicken Coop, 10x24.

J. H. Hargreaves, Decorah, lowa.20-3. pd.

WANTED—Washing at home. Mrs.A. Nelson, Oak st. 1 2(fc-2-pd.

FOR SALE—Good work mare 8years old, weighs 1400 pounds.Will sell reasonable or trade forlight team. Call or write, W. VP.Dow, Route 7, Decorah, lowa.

20-tf.FO.l RENT—Rooms, or lower flat

in dwelling well situated. Enquirehere. 20-1 -pd.

WANTED—GirI for general -house-work. Exceptionally high wages.Enquire Mrs. S. L. McMasters,308 Main street. 20-2.

FOR SALE—Large coal stove ingood repair. Enquire DecorahCoat & Suit Store. 20-3.

DOST—Between Water and Mainstreet $lO bill, around C or 7 o’-clock Monday evening. Reward.110 Broadway. 20-l-pd.

MEN WANTED —at the Brickyards.Highest wages paid. Phone 99-2.

18-2.LOST—Rat Terrier dog, white with

black spot on hip. Collar on withname “Peggie.” Finder notifyEdgar Arness, R. 1, Decorah,

19-2-pd.WANTED—GirIs at the Meritol

factory. 17-tf.FOR SALE—Six room house, good

cellar hnd w’ell, w ith barn. Enquireat this office. 17-tf.

FOR SALE—Cheap to close estate,Water Street. Lot and residenceresidence Lots. Enquire of MarieHaugen. 17-tf.

EGGS—for hatching from the BeanStrain Single Comb RhodeIsland Reds; also Anacona eggs,sheppherd strain. Write or phoneEd Hanson or call at Hansen &

Jansen’s store. Phone 61. Resi-

FOR SALE—Soda fountain, cheap.For particulars enquire of E. J.Parma*, Decorah. 16-2.

FOR HATCHING—Pure bred S. C.Buff Orpington eggs for hatching.Good laying strain, reasonableprice. Write or phone, Mrs. JohnSeegmiller, Decorah, lowa. 19-2.

FOR SALE—or rent subject to sale.Duplex residence on West Broad-

way- Enquire at Marsh MusicHouse. 19-tf.

FOR RENT —Basement underneathCentral Block Grocery. Good placefor restaurant. Enquire EmilRosenthal. 19-2.

FOR SALK—My home in West De-corah, consisting of 7-room brickhouse and four lots. House hasbath and toilet. Fine place for re-tired farmer. Price is a bargain.Phone or call at residence of E.J. Curtin. Mrs. N. S. Marsh. 19-tf.

FOR SALFi—-White Rock eggs forhatching, $1.50 and $3.00 per set-ting of fifteen. Wm. Aders, De-corah, lowa. Phone White 518.

19-FOR SALE—I9IB Ford car in good

running order. Enquire ChrisHoeg, Decorah, lowa. 19-tf.

STRAYED—A red steer calf, weightabout 300 pounds. Finder notifyGross Bros., Decorah. lowa.



J. D. HEXOM, M. D.Physician and Surgeon

Rooms 8 and 9. Office phone No.*OS. Residence 515. Office hour* 10to 12; 2 to 6. Sundays 11 to 1.

Citizens Bank BuildingDecorah, lowa.


Night and day calls. Office o*Washington street, forraeriy occu-pied by Dr. C. P. Wilson. Phone 407.


Diamondsand Diamond Jewelry



M. J. SOUKUPDecorah, lona.

Physician and SurgeonDecorah, lowa.

Office overCitizens Savings Bank. Office hours10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Phoneoffice 28-2; residence 28-3.


Marlow BuildingPhone 241.

Specializes in Surgery, diseases ofwomen, and Obstetrics.

URBAN & URBAN,Phone 380

Osteopathic PhysiciansSulphur Steam Baths

dence 250, Decorah, lowa. 14-tf.FOR SALE—Fine river sand. .In-

quire H. Resnick, West Decorah,or at store on Washington street.

LOST—One roan and white spottedheifer, dehorned, weight about750 pounds. Notify Reum’s Market.

20-1.FOR RENT—FIat on Water street,

six rooms. Enquire F. P. Adamsor Citizens Savings Bank. .l£-tf.

FOR SALE—At a bargain, a new 7-room house, centrally located. In-quire of R. Algyer.

MONEY TO LOAN—on first real es-tate mortages. E. H. McMasters,308 Main St.., Decorah, lowa.



If you are interested la buyingor selling land, write or comeand see me. I have some gen-

uine bargains in land and im-proved farms that are withinthe reach of everyone.


Men’s andYoung Men’sfine Spring

HatsOur Price From



Offices over Decorah Bakery


Physician und SurgeonSpecial attention given to diseases

of women and children. Office inPublic Opinion Building. Upstairs.

Telephones:Office 33-2 Residence 33-3


Physician and SurgeonOffice over New Marlow Building,

Decorah, lowa. Phone 485-2.

C. P. WILSON, D. V. M.

VeterinarianCalls answered promptly day or

night. Office in the Voiding barn onWashington street.

Phone 90-2


Attorneys at Law

Office on Winnebago Street


Attorney at LawOffice in E. P. Johnson Bldg.

Practice in all Courts.


Attorney »t Law

O. BOE, D. D. S.,







Manufacturer ofFine Domestic Cigars



For First ClassBarber Work

Opposite Grand Opera House


First Class Work


Harness, Robes, Blankets,Whips, Etc.

First Class Repairing, Washing.Oiling, Etc.


Suiisa fine assortment to se-lect from. Special lowprices. Blue Serge at

sll sl2sl7 sl9


Tien’s and Young Men’sFine Hand Tailored Suits

Our showing of fine up-to-date Young Men’s Suits wasnever better, and our prices the lowest possible. We alsoshow Men’s Suits in the plain, conservative models, at pricessl2, sl4 and sls. Special good values.

Boys and Children’s SuitsFine Serge Suit at $5.50, $6 and SB. Fine stripe Worsted

Suits at $6, $6.75 and $7.*


S. LARSENOne-Price Clothier


Office over Bromley & Co’s. Sho«Store. Specialty: Good work at rea-sonable prices.

DentistTelephone 358. Offices in Decor-

ih State Bank Bldg.

Superfluous Hair, Moles, Warts,

Broken Veins, Lime Balls, and otherfacial blemishes permanently remov-ed by electricity. Best of Reference*.

603 River St., Decorah

Office in Ben Bear Block, Decorah.

Fire and Tornado Insurance

£ast Main St. Telephone 104

BarberRudolph Building. Decorah, lowa


Notice of the appointment of anadministratrix of the estate of Ole C.Pederson, deceased.

Notice is hereby given, that thesubscriber has been duly appointedadministratrix of the estate of OleC. Pederson, late of Hesper Town-ship, in the county- of Winneshiek,state of lowa,i deceased, intestate,and has taken upon herself thattrust by giving bonds as the law di-rects. All persons having demandsupon the estate of the said deceasedare required to exhibit the same;and persons indebted to said estateare called upon to make pavment to

EMELIA PEDERSON,Administratrix.

Dated at Decorah, lowa, May sth,1919.WILLETT & NELSON, Attorneys.


An oyster produces 400,000 eggs

annually, but of these only 400 orless reach maturity.



will stand at the Decorah Fair

Grounds Daily. This horse'islreg-

istered and also carries an lowa

State Certificate as being a pure

bred horse.

Terms: sls to

insure live ColtThis horse is also for sale

• Jaw



T 1pith