dele exam level a1dele exam level a1 - las lilas · pdf filedele exam level a1dele exam level...

Dele Exam Level A1 Dele Exam Level A1 Dele Exam Level A1 Dele Exam Level A1 Reading comprehension ( Reading comprehension ( Reading comprehension ( Reading comprehension (40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes) Task 1. The candidate will select the appropriate answer, there are multiple choice questions with four answer choices and the questions are about informative texts. Task 2. The candidate must recognize names, words or phrases and get the general sense of informational material or instructions. They will also know have to extract specific information from a text, that is very common use. Writing ( Writing ( Writing ( Writing (25 minutes 25 minutes 25 minutes 25 minutes) Task The candidate must provide basic personal information after writing, writing sentences and simple sentences about their own identity or the immediate environment and exchange messages written courtesy, simple and basic personal information and so on. Listening comprehension Listening comprehension Listening comprehension Listening comprehension (20 minut 20 minut 20 minut 20 minutes es es es) Task Candidates must complete 4 assignments based on general ideas or statements to capture simple, passed slowly and clear articulation. They have to select the right answers. Speaking (15 minutes) Speaking (15 minutes) Speaking (15 minutes) Speaking (15 minutes) Task 1 and 2. The candidate must provide basic personal information. Task 3 and 4. The candidate will conduct various short exchanges with the interviewer, who was cooperative and slow and clearly communicated. The candidate will perform tasks from the corresponding graphic material and following the guidelines and instructions of the interviewer. DELE Examination Formats A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

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Dele Exam Level A1Dele Exam Level A1Dele Exam Level A1Dele Exam Level A1

Reading comprehension (Reading comprehension (Reading comprehension (Reading comprehension (40 minutes40 minutes40 minutes40 minutes))))

Task 1. The candidate will select the appropriate answer, there are multiple choice

questions with four answer choices and the questions are about informative texts.

Task 2. The candidate must recognize names, words or phrases and get the general sense

of informational material or instructions. They will also know have to extract specific

information from a text, that is very common use.

Writing (Writing (Writing (Writing (25 minutes25 minutes25 minutes25 minutes))))

Task The candidate must provide basic personal information after writing, writing

sentences and simple sentences about their own identity or the immediate environment

and exchange messages written courtesy, simple and basic personal information and so on.

Listening comprehension Listening comprehension Listening comprehension Listening comprehension ((((20 minut20 minut20 minut20 minuteseseses))))

Task Candidates must complete 4 assignments based on general ideas or statements to

capture simple, passed slowly and clear articulation. They have to select the right answers.

Speaking (15 minutes)Speaking (15 minutes)Speaking (15 minutes)Speaking (15 minutes)

Task 1 and 2. The candidate must provide basic personal information.

Task 3 and 4. The candidate will conduct various short exchanges with the interviewer, who

was cooperative and slow and clearly communicated. The candidate will perform tasks from

the corresponding graphic material and following the guidelines and instructions of the


DELE Examination Formats A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

Dele Exam Level A2Dele Exam Level A2Dele Exam Level A2Dele Exam Level A2

Reading comprehension Reading comprehension Reading comprehension Reading comprehension ((((50 minutes50 minutes50 minutes50 minutes))))

Task 1. The candidate must match texts with simple statements such as rules, instructions

or restaurant menus.

Task 2. The candidate must answer by selecting the appropriate response to the multiple-

choice questions with three response options to be developed on short texts.

Task 3. The candidate has to write a descriptive or narrative text based on some data that

will be provided in the exam.

WrWrWrWritingitingitingiting ((((50 minutes50 minutes50 minutes50 minutes))))

Task 1. Fill in forms with personal information appropriately.

Task 2. Writing a personal letter related on the environment and everyday affairs.

Task 3. Write a descriptive or narrative text based on some data that will be provided in

the exam.

Listening comprehensionListening comprehensionListening comprehensionListening comprehension ((((25 minutes25 minutes25 minutes25 minutes))))

Task 1.The candidate must complete 5 assignments based on general ideas set out to

capture simple, short radio or telephone conversations transmitted slowly and clear


SpeakingSpeakingSpeakingSpeaking ((((15 minutes15 minutes15 minutes15 minutes))))

Task 1 and 2.The candidate must provide basic information about the practical and

everyday life experiences.

Task 3.The candidate will participate in a brief conversation and the task.

Task 4. There will be an informal conversation from a simulated situation.

DELE Examination Formats A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

Dele Exam Level B1Dele Exam Level B1Dele Exam Level B1Dele Exam Level B1

Reading comprehensionReading comprehensionReading comprehensionReading comprehension ((((40 minutes40 minutes40 minutes40 minutes))))

Task 1. Candidates must answer by selecting the appropriate answer to multiple choice

questions on informative texts.

Task 2. Candidates must select information from a text, based on a series of questions.

WritingWritingWritingWriting ((((50 minutes50 minutes50 minutes50 minutes))))

Task Candidates must be able to produce brief, simple texts of a practical nature, such as

notes, notices, application forms, etc.

Listening comprehension (Listening comprehension (Listening comprehension (Listening comprehension (30 minutes30 minutes30 minutes30 minutes))))

Task Candidates must be able to understand short, simple dialogues and recorded

information by choosing the correct answers.

Grammar and VocabularyGrammar and VocabularyGrammar and VocabularyGrammar and Vocabulary ((((40 minutes40 minutes40 minutes40 minutes))))

Task 1. Candidates must match up different sentences with their corresponding situations.

Task 2. Candidates must locate, in several sentences, the words or expressions that are out

of context.

Task 3. Candidates must complete a text by selecting the correct options.

SpeakingSpeakingSpeakingSpeaking (10 minutes)(10 minutes)(10 minutes)(10 minutes)

Task Candidates must carry on a 10 to 15-minute conversation with the panel.

DELE Examination Formats A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 , C2

Dele Exam Level B2Dele Exam Level B2Dele Exam Level B2Dele Exam Level B2

Reading comprehesion Reading comprehesion Reading comprehesion Reading comprehesion ((((60 minutes60 minutes60 minutes60 minutes))))

Task Candidates will select the right answer to 12 multiple choice questions, on 4 texts, each

of which will be no longer than 450 words..

WritingWritingWritingWriting ((((60 minutes60 minutes60 minutes60 minutes))))

Task Candidates must carry out two tasks: writing a letter and a composition. Each

exercise should be between 150 and 200 words long.

Listening comprehension (Listening comprehension (Listening comprehension (Listening comprehension (30 minutes30 minutes30 minutes30 minutes))))

Task Candidates will answer 12 multiple choice questions on 4 oral texts (recordings). The

recordings will consist of notices, news, conversations or interviews.

Grammar and vocabularyGrammar and vocabularyGrammar and vocabularyGrammar and vocabulary ((((60 minutes60 minutes60 minutes60 minutes))))

Task 1. Fill in the gaps (20 spaces): candidates must choose the most appropriate option

from the three given for each space.

Task 2. They must fill in 40 short dialogues, each with a gap, with the best option.

SpeakingSpeakingSpeakingSpeaking (15 minutes)(15 minutes)(15 minutes)(15 minutes)

Task Candidates must carry on a 10 to 15-minute conversation with the panel.

DELE Examination Formats A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 , C2

Dele Exam Level C1Dele Exam Level C1Dele Exam Level C1Dele Exam Level C1

Reading comprehension (Reading comprehension (Reading comprehension (Reading comprehension (60 minutes60 minutes60 minutes60 minutes))))

Task 1. The candidate should understand the general idea and specific data and

professional public sphere (700-800 words), and answer by selecting the appropriate

response to the multiple-choice questions with three possible answers.

Task 2. The candidate should rebuild the structure and identify relationships between ideas

long texts (600-700 words), completing paragraphs contained extensive.

Task 3. The candidate shall identify the content and intent or point of view in news, articles

and reports (600-700 words), which deal with professional and academic issues, selecting

the appropriate answer to multiple choice questions with three possible answers.

Task 4. The candidate shall locate specific and relevant information in short texts (100-150

words), dealing with issues related to the academic world, linking the input text with short


Task 5. The candidate shall identify appropriate structures and vocabulary in a long text

with full linguistic repertoire (400-450 words).

WritingWritingWritingWriting ((((80 minutes80 minutes80 minutes80 minutes))))

Task In the first task, from the information on the contents of a text output with an oral

stimulus (lecture, speech or presentation) the candidate must write an argumentative text

and / or exhibition of long extension (between 220-250 words) exposing the main ideas in a

clear, detailed and well structured.

In the second task, from the information on the contents of the output text with writing

prompt (press releases, instructions, summaries of articles of opinion?) To help define and

contextualize the text, the candidate must write a formal text long extension (between

200 and 250 words) stating the grounds, the main points, secondary and details in a clear,

detailed and well structured.

Listening comprehension Listening comprehension Listening comprehension Listening comprehension ((((60 minutes60 minutes60 minutes60 minutes))))

Task The candidate will have to complete 5 tasks based on understanding the main points

and extract specific data from a text, short monologues identify the person speaking,

infer their attitude, mindset or intentions and to capture the gist of what is said,

removing the concrete and detailed.

The candidate must complete sentences with phrases or words and must answer by

selecting the appropriate response to the multiple-choice questions with three possible


SpeakingSpeakingSpeakingSpeaking (20 minutes)(20 minutes)(20 minutes)(20 minutes)

Task The candidate must weigh out 3 tasks. In the first, the candidate must make a

sustained monologue from a short text. In the second, there will be a formal debate from

the view that is expressed in the previous task. In Task 3, the candidate will participate in a

formal conversation with the interviewer from graphic or visual stimuli.

DELE Examination Formats A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 , C2

Dele Exam Level C2Dele Exam Level C2Dele Exam Level C2Dele Exam Level C2

Reading comprehensionReading comprehensionReading comprehensionReading comprehension ((((60 minutes60 minutes60 minutes60 minutes))))

Task 1. The candidates must select the correct answer to 9 multiple choice questions on 3

texts, each of which will be no longer than 800 words.

Task 2. The candidates must match up a maximum of 10 series of text fragments.

WritingWritingWritingWriting ((((60 minu60 minu60 minu60 minutestestestes))))

Task 1. Candidates will compose a formal letter on one topic taken from two choices, on a

number of given points.

Task 2. Candidates will compose a narrative, descriptive or discursive nature.

Each exercise should be between 150 and 200 words long.

LLLListening comprehensionistening comprehensionistening comprehensionistening comprehension ((((45 minutes45 minutes45 minutes45 minutes))))

Task 1. Candidates will answer 16 multiple choice questions on 4 oral texts (recordings). The

recordings will be conversations between two or more speakers, or comments or reports

broadcast in the media.

Grammar and voGrammar and voGrammar and voGrammar and vocabularycabularycabularycabulary (60 minutes)(60 minutes)(60 minutes)(60 minutes)

Task 1. The candidates must fill in the gaps (20 spaces): candidates must choose the most

appropriate option from the three given for each space.

Task 2. Multiple Choice Exercise: using one of the given options, candidates must fill in the

gaps in 35 sentences.

Task 3.The candidates must find 5 grammatical errors in one or several short texts.

Speaking (15 minutes) Speaking (15 minutes) Speaking (15 minutes) Speaking (15 minutes)

Task Candidates must carry on a 10 to 15-minute conversation with the panel.

DELE Examination Formats A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 , C2