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DentistryDentistry is a dynamic health profession that provides a rewarding

career especially since currently there are insufficient dentists available in

Malaysia to provide adequate oral healthcare to its population. Dentistry is

concerned with taking care of all health and aesthetic problems pertainingto the mouth, teeth, gums and other hard and soft tissues of the oral

cavity and the upper and lower jaws. Dentists are both artists as well as

scientists as not only are they required to have the scientific knowledge

and technology available to diagnose, prevent and treat oral diseases and

various oro-facial anomalies but also need to be skillful in handling a wide

variety of materials, instruments and equipment to execute treatment.

Dentists’ work is not confined to filling and pulling out teeth. The care

that dentists are trained to provide greatly improves the quality of their

patients’ lives. Oral diseases like tooth decay, gum diseases and oral

cancer, malocclusion (when teeth in the upper and lower jaws do not fit

properly), genetic deformities and anomalies affecting the oro-facial

complex, and other oral problems can cause a great deal of discomfort,

pain and adversely affect oral functions such as chewing food, talking or

playing of musical instruments. A patient’s appearance, self esteem andconfidence can also be greatly enhanced through various types of dental


Dentists are usually not required to be on call at night nor to make house

calls. Thus it is easier for dentists to achieve a perfect balance between

their professional and personal lives.

“The dental programme in IMU isinnovatively designed to provide earlyclinical exposure and various forms of learning activities to promote critical

reasoning, develop professionalism and

lifelong learning.”

PROF TOH CHOOI GAITDean, School of Dentistry

BDS Hons (Singapore), MSc (London),FDSRCPS (Glasgow), DRDRCS (Edinburgh),

FDSRCS (Edinburgh)

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01 | Why choose this programme? 

The dental programme focused on excellence committed to meeting international standards. The

education programme is planned to provide a choice of 2 pathways for the dental student. The first

path is implemented jointly by the IMU, Malaysia, in collaboration with English speaking overseas

universities (Partner Universities), with the students spending the first phase (5 semesters) in Malaysia

and the later years in the partner universities. On successful completion, the students will receive the

degree from the respective Partner University. The second path is the student will spend the full 5

years of the undergraduate programme in IMU and receive the Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)

degree from IMU.

A student-centred approach is adopted in which the needs of the individual students are met,

and they are supported by the use of study guides. Active learning methods are used including

problem-based learning, e-learning, role play, self-directed learning and community-based



Bachelor of DentalSurgery (IMU) orDentistry Degree fromPartner Dental Schools(PDS)


5 - 5½ years




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“I would describe dentistryin IMU as exclusive,

challenging, self-directedbut most of all enjoyable.The lecturers are not only

knowledgeable andexperienced but they arealso dedicated and confidentin delivering their best fortheir students. The facilities

are also well-prepared,complete and are of thehighest quality. I have

immense faith that doingdentistry in IMU will lead

me on to greater heightsin my future career as a

dental surgeon and help mesucceed in the world

of professional healthcare.”

Vincent Lee Han Hing1st year

Dental student


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05 | What is the duration of the programme?

The duration of the Phase 1 of the dental programme in IMU is 2 ½

years. The total period of study is dependent on the university selected

for completion of Phase II as provided in the following table.

The duration of the BDS (IMU) programme is 5 years.

DURATION OF DENTISTRY PROGRAMMEFull duration of study: 5 to 5½ years

(depending on the University)

Phase 1(IMU)

Phase 2 TOTAL

MALAYSIAInternational Medical

University2½ years 2½ years 5 years


University of Adelaide,AustraliaUniversity of

Queensland, AustraliaUniversity of Sydney,Australia

University of WesternAustralia, AustraliaUniversity of Otago,

New Zealand

2½ years

2½ years

2½ years

2½ years

2½ years

3 years

3 years

2½ years

3 years

2½ years

5½ years

5½ years

5 years

5½ years

5 years


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06 | What are the teaching-learning approaches used?

A wide variety of teaching-learning approaches are employed in the dental programme to provide

a stimulating environment for learning. These include lectures, problem-based learning (PBL),

practical classes, patient simulation practicals, clinical skills sessions, e-learning, independentlearning, clinical dental t reatment of patients and postings to various hospitals and clinics.

The students will be learning together with the medical students for common subjects such as

Foundation and Medical Science courses which will promote interprofessional understanding

and working relationships.

07 | When do students get clinical exposure? 

The students will have early exposure to the clinical environment right from Year 1 and will

start treating patients from Year 2.

08 | How do students select a Partner Dental School (PDS) and when is the

selection made?

At the beginning of Semester 5, students will provide their choices of dental schools

in order of preference. A matching exercise will be carried out through a computer

matching programme specially designed to take into primary consideration t he

students’ choices as well as requirements set by the PDS to provide the closest match

to the students’ choice of PDS.

09 | What is the medium of instruction? 

The medium of instruction is English. Students who come from a system of

education in which the medium of instruction is not English are strongly

recommended to improve their proficiency in English by making their own

arrangements to attend additional English Language classes before entering

the IMU. 6

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Basic Dental Degree(BDS, BDSc, BD, BOH)

Postgraduat e Degree(Master, MDSRCS, FDSRCS, PhD, etc)in one of the specialty fields

e.g. orthodontics, endodontics,prosthodontics, periodontics,

prosthetics, restorative dentistry,paediatric dentistry,

oral & maxillofacial surgery,oral pathology, oral medicine,

oral and maxillofacial radiologist,forensic dentistry,

dental public health

Dental Public HealthAdministrator/Clinical

Consultant(Min. of Health / Min. of Defence)

Lecturer (Academic)Dental Specialist Practitioner 


Dental Off icer(Min. of 

Health / Min.of Defence)

Tutor / TraineeLecturer 







Career Paths for Dentists in Malaysia

11 | What sort of jobs/careers can be undertaken with this degree?

10 | Who will award the dental degree? 

The Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) degree is awarded by IMU to students who

have successfully completed the full dental programme of 5 years in IMU.

The Partner Dental Schools will award their respective degrees to students who

transfer to their schools. Degrees from these schools are recognised internationally

as well as locally by the Malaysian Dental Council for f ull registration.


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12 | What personality traits

are best suited for a career in


Dentists should have good health,

manual dexterity, a methodical and

scientific approach, abilit y to establish

easy relationships quickly with people

of all ages, ability to infuse confidence

in nervous patients, especially children,

organising ability and ability to work in a


13 | When do I at tend a studentinterview?

All students applying for the dental programme

and have pre-university qualifications that meet

IMU’s minimum requirements have to attend an

interview. The interview is to gauge the students’

aptitude and motivation for pursuing a career in

Dentistry as well as communication skills in English.

Students will be informed of the date and time of

interview after the application form and all other

necessary documents are received by the IMU.


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The International Medical University began in 1992 as the International Medical College, or IMC, Malaysia’s

first private medical college. IMC became a University in 1999, but the University has remained true to key

elements of the IMC vision, which are to widen access to professional healthcare education, and to use

innovative, integrated and student-centred means in providing that education.

This vision required strong links to be forged, from the outset, with reputable Partner Medical Schools

committed to excellence and who share our educational philosophy. It was our progressive, systems

based, integrated medical curriculum that first caught the imagination of our Partner MedicalSchools, and today we collaborate with such Schools in Australasia, North America, Ireland and

the United Kingdom. We have a Partner Pharmacy School in Scotland and in Australia and are

establishing more partnerships in Australia.

Since 1999, the University’s growth and development has been in developing clinical schools

in Seremban and Batu Pahat, our own Honours degree courses in Pharmacy and Nursing,

and in establishing research as a core activity, together with development of postgraduate

research Masters and PhD programmes. We are already the preferred private school for

medicine and pharmacy in Malaysia. Our growth has been supported by heavy investment

in infrastructure development and expansion at Bukit Jalil and Seremban, and in the

recruitment of staff of high calibre. In 2008, we have introduced Honours degree courses

in Dentistry, Nutrition & Dietetics, Medical Biotechnology, Psychology, Biomedical Science

and in Pharmaceutical Chemistry. In common with our MBBS, BPharm and BNursing,

these courses have been designed from first principles by our faculty. Bachelor of

Nursing Science (Hons) was introduced in 2009, a programme targeted solely for

registered nurses to upgrade their qualification from diploma level to a degree

level. In 2010, we introduced Chiropractic programme, the first of its kind and

only complete educational programme in Malaysia as well as in all of Southeast

Asia. In future, t he university is planning to of fer an undergraduate programme in

Chinese Medicine. We believe our courses to be progressive and innovative, and

we strive to use best practice in their delivery and assessment.

I M U  C l i n i c a l  S c h o o l, S e r e m b a n 

 I M U  C li ni c al S c ho o l , B at u  P ahat 

IMU Bukit Jalil Campus 

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Main Campus, Kuala Lumpur126, Jalan 19/155B, Bukit Jalil,

57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Tel : 603-8656 7228Fax : 603-8656 7229

Clinical School, SerembanJalan Rasah, 70300 Seremban,

Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus, Malaysia.Tel : 606-767 7798Fax : 606-767 7709

Clinical School, Batu Pahat12, Jalan Indah, Taman Sri Kenangan,

83000 Batu Pahat,Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia.

Tel : 607-432 2787, 607-432 0580Fax : 607-432 5575

Clinical School, Kuala PilahLot No. 1743, Tingkat 1,

Bangunan Persatuan Hainan Kuala Pilah,

Jalan Wira 2/1, Taman Wira Jaya,72000 Kuala Pilah,

Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus, Malaysia.Tel : 606-481 9635Fax : 606-481 9639

[email protected]

The IMU has been certified w ith M SISO 9001:2000

for the provision of t ertiary education in medicine,pharmacy and health sciences.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the informationgiven in this brochure but it is subject to alteration w ithout notice.The University reserves the right to alter or delete any of theinformation included at any time and it shall not be bound by anyerrors or omissions and cannot accept liability in respect thereof.Please consult the Department of Student Services and Marketingfor the most up-to-date information.

Printed in January 2010.

Published by The Marketing & Communications Department, IMU.

Programmes Available:

• Medicine  KP/JPS(A1223)10/09

• Dentistry  KPT/JPS(KA8358)12/2012

• PharmacyKP/JPS(KR6707)10/ 2010 , KPT/JPS(A1746)7/ 2014

• Pharmaceutical ChemistryKPT/JPS(KA8229)12/2012

• NursingKP/JPS(A4675)4/2014

• Nursing Science (for registered nurses)KPT/JPS(KA9377)01/2013

• Medical BiotechnologyKPT/JPS(KA8228)8/2012

• Nutrition & DieteticsKPT/JPS(KA8176)8/2012

• PsychologyKPT/JPS(KA8177)8/2012

• Biomedical Science

KPT/JPS(KA8230)11/2012• Chiropractic


• Postgraduate (MSc & PhD by research)KP/JPS(A1468)12/2010, KP/JPS(KN3767)5/2010

All enquiries regarding student admissionsshould be directed to:

Department of

Student Services and Marketing


57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Tel : 603-2731 7272Fax : 603-8656 1018

KP/JPS/5195/US/2, KP(JPS)/DFT/US/W03

Obtain latest information on the IMUprogrammes (including tuition fees),

submit an online application or downloadapplication forms via