deo promotion ratio

- - - --- .1 ... i', ..' " :.' --\' ",1 \ \i .. .. .' ." ". ", .,;..~ "~;'.:' .." ,.. ~'. ., .;:i:,;'~ ,..( ...:.".!:::-,:~'. " ". . :c," ',.- .-'"" : . Rules)~' lamd Nadu ~~hoot t:~~at1~fUI' ServICes ,. .-P ost ot Dlstnct ECJucati onai Officet F~~:q ul~1~ ,ri~. ,p'~~ "ppr~ ~~~..91a$$ V of- servi ce - f'eder Post ~ Promdti~ f~c~' ~.e;~,c~aagr l. ~e ;dmasteror oHe~dmistre$s. f Government High S~di In Ciass\~of th:e.~!Wvipend appointment by recruitment by transfer I from tf te(:posf of He~ttb1a~ ~r Qf1 4ea dmi trt res s of Gov ernment Higher Secondary Scho 6Vfi ~\ ~la~i;; Qr Jh,e' Tamil Nedu H~gherSecondaay Educ at iQoa' Servicts - Revlsto'n";o(rano::a..rr{O)19 t1~feeder categories Am'endment to Spe ial f<ules - Or ders i$Sued . . -. . '. : §9JJ90I.f;..Q~catio~ 1)J~,tI!~l1mem '. . GO (Ms) NO.155 "'j".,.. r;'. '.'j"~~rurir(~*Cb12040 " J)J,ouR, 19. i . ". "'. ", ,". 1. . ,.,:.. . Read::'. GO (Ms fNo.528, School Education Oepartment. dat ecl 31. 12.1997. ' Director of Schoo! Education's letter Rc.No. S94111JA1/E1107 ciated24.10.2007,16.12.20Q8, '. Secretary Tamit Nadu Public Service Commission's Letter No.3029/RND-A2/200S- dated 14.10.2008. Government letter No.33362iA'ii07;.-1", School Eciucation Departmeri(da ed 25.3.2009. ,. . Secretary. Tamil Nadu Public Service. Commission's tetter No.3029/RND-A2i08-5, ated 19.5.2009. 2. 3. 4. 5. ORDER: In the Government Order first read above, the post of Headmasteror Headmistress of Government Higher Secondary School borne on Class I of Tamil Na du Higher Secondar y Educ at iona l Service was made as a feeder post for the post of District Educational Officer I Equivalent posts borne on class IV of the Tamil Nadu Sch ool Edu C"C itional Ser vic es besides tile post of Headmasleror Hea dmi stress of Gov ern ment HighSchool borne on Class V of tne TamilNadu SchoolEducatlonalServices. . 2. At present the post of District Educational' Officeri,Equivatent PostS borne on Class tV of the Tamil Nadu School Educational Services is filled up other than by dir ect recruitme nt, from the feeder categ orie s ofGovernmentHigh School Hea dmaster or Headmistff ~sSborne en Class V of the said service- by ,. --

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Page 1: DEO Promotion Ratio

8/3/2019 DEO Promotion Ratio 1/5

-- - ---





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. :c," ',.- .-'"" : .

Rules)~' lamd Nadu ~~hoot t:~~at1~fUI'ServICes,..-Post ot Dlstnct ECJucationaiOfficet F~~:qul~1~,ri~.,p'~~"ppr~~~~..91a$$V of- service - f'eder Post ~

Promdti~ f~c~' ~.e;~,c~aagrl.~e;dmasteror oHe~dmistre$s.f GovernmentHigh S~di InCiass\~of th:e.~!Wvipend appointment by recruitmentby transfer I

from tfte(:posf of He~ttb1a~~r Qf14eadmitrtress of Government Higher SecondaryScho6Vfi~\~la~i;;Qr Jh,e' TamilNedu H~gherSecondaay EducatiQoa' Servicts -Revlsto'n";o(rano::a..rr{O)19t1~feeder categories Am'endment to Special f<ules -Orders i$Sued. . -. . '.

: §9JJ90I.f;..Q~catio~ 1)J~,tI!~l1mem'. .

GO (Ms) NO.155

"'j".,.. r;'.


" J)J,ouR,19.i . ". "'. ", ,".

1.. ,.,:.. . Read::'.

GO (MsfNo.528, School Education Oepartment. datecl31.12.1997. '

Director of Schoo! Education's letter Rc.No. S94111JA1/E1107ciated24.10.2007,16.12.20Q8, '.

Secretary Tamit Nadu Public Service Commission's LetterNo.3029/RND-A2/200S-dated14.10.2008.Government letter No.33362iA'ii07;.-1", School EciucationDepartmeri(dated 25.3.2009. ,. .

Secretary. Tamil Nadu Public Service. Commission's tetterNo.3029/RND-A2i08-5,ated 19.5.2009.






In the Government Order first read above, the post of HeadmasterorHeadmistress of Government Higher Secondary School borne on Class I of

Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary Educational Service was made as a feeder postfor the post of District Educational OfficerIEquivalentposts borne on class IV ofthe Tamil Nadu School EduC"CitionalServices besides tile post of HeadmaslerorHeadmistress of Government HighSchool borne on Class V of tne TamilNaduSchoolEducatlonalServices. .

2. At present the post of District Educational' Officeri,Equivatent PostSborne on Class tV of the Tamil Nadu School Educational Services is filled upotherthan by direct recruitment,fromthe feedercategories ofGovernmentHighSchool Headmaster or Headmistff~sSborne en Class V of the said service- by

,. --

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promotion and Government Higher Sec°'1dary School Headmaster orHo':'lrlm;~c: b~m e 0" ~Iass I of +hjQ Tam

",' II.I!:tdu 'l-li"hjQ,. Sftl'-"'~"'J ErfUC":)+il'\"~/, , , ,. , . . ''.I"" , "::1/' "'vVI""-':J ... , .-.

Service by appointment by recruitment by transierin the ratio of 50% and 25%th


t " I ,I<,

L,,::,tween . .em respecJye y ",:7."", ' ';", , .' "

3" The Director of Scft6'ohEoucationin his letter second read above has" ' ,

stated that the ratio so' tar fixed~,~~~een ~$ ,:feedercategories of High SchoolH::J.<::>d""'~c:+o" 0 ,. Ht::J.~,; m ic:tress ""'n~:' High e r' ~ eco "d~ry S"h- I H::J.~mac:to r 0 ,.

'., , '.~. ""GI.'"",,,,,,,, ..- -.VIf"""- ' ~ .

Headmistressjor the po~t~ofjjjstriCt't;.duc~~0n(li~cer J't.qu~vaient posts-m theGovernment Order first read' abov~ ,'ar~ based on the num~ of High! Higher'S~cor,dafY Schools ~xistootherl., However, the number ofHi9h~f Secun<:rcirySchools have .now been increase<;i.~ndthe respedl\i~ service' ~s6Ciations havedem""...rlorl to o"''''''''' nr-o. tho. rati" <;!r;f ar Tixerl for", tho,' H

.lgho r<' Se~ondary ~ Ch",,,,1

., w.,"'''' ~, '"v, ,I ;"', v", ~ '''' . ..,~ ...,v , . II ' , v, , ... ""', .,,"", ",1

Headmaster or..Headmistress for the po~t,of District'Educational OfficerI

Equiva!ent post cO!1sideringthe increase in the number of Higher SecondarySchools, HEl:oqe"thrt,ii"ectofofSchoolEducationhas recommendedto revisethe ratio. ' " '

.. ", ',\;

4. The Government. after careful examinationand in consultationwith

Tami!Nadu Public S~rviceCommission, have decided to accept the proposal ofthe Director of School Education. Accordingly the ratio between the feedercategories fQr:,tl;wP0stiofDistrict Educational Officer! Equivalent post borne onCiass IV of the Tamii Nadu School"Educational Sellvices is ;evised as foiiows:-

I-~-\-=--.:=-~-=-~-~---~~- ~'~',~:~~~--~~~~r---'--~'~'-~'-- --I: : I rrOr:lv~IVf.:J,Jrvnlhtu,;~~~gv'Ypo,~Headm~~~r r-::-~~-'+-i i or HeadmiStress of Government Hiah Schools I H,' " Ii 1:... ,...,--;. \f :n",l, ,-I: U s '"'dm 4-"' r 0: I I! I III >.JIQO:>-:>v I 1'-'!\"j~II:~ II Q, IIQ';)~~ I I '.':~": I

I Headm.~tres'S OiGovernment Higher .: ! ,40% I,I c:o, ,n...i.,...,c:,.h,.,,.,I~~nn"' I

'n+od hy rc"'ru/.'mer-f- I ~


' ..., '''''''''1 ''''',:",'W'"'1"","" ,~ OJ' "', U,', ." I

\ by transT§r;irom the post or Headmaster or I\Headmjs~ressof Government HighSchoots I! who opt-JQ-.ot::o appokited as Headl,ilasler Of i1 Headmistress of Government High Schools II


i R"''''.';''--''''''.\-'''''''~~_.~''''' th ,.." t -. ~ I

2 I "1;;'-'1UILIII\;;m U1 Lro.n~I\;;1 .. urn I e "'0. egolY o.I Headmaster or,Headmistress of Goven'iment !I U' I" hor ~;";;,,,,,:~,.}~:,,,;C:,..hO"I S h,.,rnc "'.,i,,: CI""C'"" I


I I '. ~ .~ v :'''",'''',' ,,,,,v,: i ..,~" :;::11' ':':~... I

I OTI amI! Nadu Higner ~econaary t:ducatlonal "

I Service!nc!ud!ngHeadmasteror ,- ", ,I

! Headmistressof Government HigherI Second.a.ry' School$ who, by exercising'1h~irI optioii,hav€:beeiiappointedto that postbyI recruitment by transfer from the post ofIH"'''''dm' '' '' '' ''' '' "'r U""'~ d-is"r"""'" ~ ~ overnmA n.I ...~ II U':>L,":' v I , 1111 L ",,,,;,:, VI v I I '¥ IL

i High Scno611n Class V



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'.I'" <",-"J'?2 hiy;:o,


;, ,~



.- ', ,- , " .'. .' . .

Page 3: DEO Promotion Ratio

8/3/2019 DEO Promotion Ratio 3/5


5. The appended notifICationwilt be published in the Tamil Nadu~""'ar"'""u"n+ G~" ette~ .

(ByOrder of the Governor)


Principal Secretary to Govemm~t.

A~e Qirectorf SchoorEaucatioff,c;hennar:6UO06 -

Th~ \1\/"'rv~ J\JI?"~n cr t:: uor nmo ntCon t"""'1 Pr i"LC>i:'I ... II"",..,... I", ~ " ""V"..., II - -or'~ ."'..-v,

Chennai 600 079 (forpublication of the notificationinthe TamiiNaduGovernmentGazette)TheSecretary,TamilNaduPublicSefViceCommission,CtJf:nnai-2

The Directorof Elementary Education. Chennai-6Th'" niro,..+"r"f ~"\for nmal"\t EV~ m!n a.t

'lons Ch""' n"""' I


6.. ,""'Ii.. " .v.""'-

The State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Chennai-6The Director of Non Formal and Adult Education, Chenna; -6

The Diledol of Mallicuiation Schoois, Chennai-6

The Director of ACliDravidar Welfare Department. Chennai -5The Director of Back'NardClass & Most Back\vardClass,Channa;-5The Director of iviunicipaiAdministration.Chennai -5The Commi~s!onerof C?rporation,Chennai. M1!durai.Coimbatore, Salem, Tri9hyTiruneivl:ili,Tirupur,and Vellore '

Copy to

The Personnel :and,A.dministrativeReforms Department, Chenna; -9The LawDepartment, Chennai -9 -Th~ A.diDravida'ANelfare Department, Chennai -9The Environmentand Forests Department,Chennai-9The Municipai Administration andWater Supply Department, Chennai -9Thif!'>C "n~omt:!t. d Sor"' ICO 6~ so ,..i'-1l": cns""' . .- 1" ... I ."" ""...~I

The Secretary to Chief Minister, Chennai -9The Senior Personal Assistant to Minister for School Education, Chennai -9

The Private Secretary to Principal Secretary,

School Education Department. Chennai -9All Officers/Sections, School Education Department,Channa;-9

I/Forwarded byOrder/I

.R.l'~\'\ck, K.."" .shV\c."""





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8/3/2019 DEO Promotion Ratio 4/5

{ .

In~,9f.tnepowers conferred by the provtsO to Article 309 of the0'_




.ution of~. the C,





'.. the,


of Tamil NadU




herebY makes the fC>!,!Owins.met'Jdmentsothec~Ruies fOrthe Tamil NaduSchooiEducationai..Service

, , o:;'~ SAin VOktmeIIof1he TamilNaduServic~ Manual,1969)'

. <~<> ...'


Ii -



.<"{, "'(~::'''''-r'

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Theamehdments.herebyinade shan~. intotorceon01.01.2009..


~theosaid special Rules, in r~le (2.>, .'..,j, '

. (1) in sub rule (c) -

(a) in item ii. for the expression "50%" the expressIOn "40%'"shail be<::ubst ~ .ted '

ow ow..u ,

(b) in i~~.mIIi for the expression "25%" the expression "35%>1shail be~u~~~~~. . -


,', .. (2) in sutHute (d), for the Table under item (iii) the foliowing Tabie shali be. ,-I''''''''''''''''''''' ~I"

'~~. K<fi ;""1'..'"


-" .--


-.- .

Vacancy ! CategoryfA'

i (2) .) ---- ------.., ---I !Headma$ter or Headmistress, Government High

ISchoolII I Headmaster or Headmistress. Government Higher

I Secondary School .


! Headmaster or Headmistress, Government HighISchool

IIV j Headrr.asteror Headmistress, Government HigherI


Secondary &."hoolI

V ! Headmaster or Headmistress, Government Highi School

Vi ! Headmaster or Headmistress, Government HigherI SecQndarySchool

Vii Headmaster or Headmistress, Government HighSchool

\1m I Headrnaster OfHeadmisbess, Government Higher, I Secondary School

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- - -- ~ ----



px ! H?adrriaster~~~~?d~$trti~i,--C3"overnm$nti9h--\, ' $...11001 --" '.'..' ," . ,"~ , ",

,I X " ~dmaster' MJi~~~mistre$$IGovemrn~,ntigher 1

"L., ,",' ''''~ ondary ~"'"' O'

01 --" '..- .-, ,,~. ,"', , .

'r" ,_:c., 't ~' ,,-~, ,/: ':.0"'::"1"; . ' " , - ":,>I-;~~:"

:;1<XI,C',::.;tHeadmaster-of Headmistt-ess;'Govern1nent Higb . I ! :,- ,;~: 1!t':..

Cl)"':~o.2. <'r,:,"f~oot :.':,., :,/;:,' ",,' <y: ~;:',.-- '.;, -<..".,.>;:,.,,~'-:r \'; :~~::>':"

\ i Seconda.Schoof ' ," ' ,'" , ~ I

i Xiii' ':' , !H~dma~t$r db' eadmistress, Government High!i ! School .' I

I XiV i Headmaster orHe~mistres$, ,GovernmentHigher \

I' ' I: !SecondarySchool '



Headma$teror Headmistress"GovernmentHigh. 1I ' !S~~ It I

,-, t

".\.' <, ,,',',',,'" 1';,"

M. Kutrallngam,

Principal Secretary to ,G~yernmsnt.':;","; ,.'-,-.

IITrue Copy /I

. V\t(;(\N.\6',J~v\~kr::~':"K., ' ., ", ',' ..", ..

~ectton Ottlcer. ' .





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