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Deployment Architecture Guide Version 8.x January 2018

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Deployment ArchitectureGuideVersion 8.x

January 2018

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Introduction.................................................................................................................7Challenges...........................................................................................................8Deploying ThingWorx to Your Specifications ...........................................................8

ThingWorx Foundation Deployments .......................................................................... 11

Components .............................................................................................................15User/Client Components .....................................................................................16Thing/Device Components ..................................................................................16Platform Components .........................................................................................16Database Layer ..................................................................................................17High-Availability Components ..............................................................................21

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures .........................................................................23Deployment Options ...........................................................................................24ThingWorx Foundation Reference Architectures ...................................................24ThingWorx Foundation on AWS...........................................................................32ThingWorx Authentication Deployment.................................................................38ThingWorx Analytics Deployment.........................................................................43ThingWorx Studio Deployment ............................................................................46ThingWorx AWS IoT Connector Deployment.........................................................52ThingWorx Azure IoT Connector Deployment .......................................................55Distributed ThingWorx Deployment ......................................................................59PTC Navigate Deployments ................................................................................61



Challenges .................................................................................................................8Deploying ThingWorx to Your Specifications..................................................................8

This guide introduces the components and practices that make up ThingWorxdeployment. It describes the basic components found in every ThingWorxenvironment and discusses common deployment concerns and challenges. Theguide provides common ThingWorx reference architectures for you to considerwhile you plan your deployment.


ChallengesPlatforms for the IoT (Internet of Things) must meet some challengingrequirements, such as the following:• Manage the throughput of content from thousands of devices at a rapid pace.• Provide real-time visibility into the performance of the assets, which can be

anything from production lines to smart-connected products.• Provide remote monitoring and diagnostic services to end users, including

remote troubleshooting and automatic creation of alerts and trouble tickets.• Predict failures before they occur, integrate with knowledge-based systems,

and integrate augmented-reality technology into the field service processes.A poor architecture results in a difficult deployment, costly integration betweencomponents with each upgrade, and mixed technologies that limit futureflexibility and introduce multiple points of failure. Instead, a connected anddistributed architecture is required.

• Connected—a good connection with assets enables the platform to coordinatedata monitoring, health monitoring, proactive maintenance, softwaremanagement, and remote service.

• Distributed—a distributed architecture allows for global management whereconsolidated statistics and KPIs across all locations are desired and provideslocal managers with focused and real-time information.

Deploying ThingWorx to YourSpecificationsWhen you choose ThingWorx to support your company’s IoT business processes,the deployment architecture has to meet your company’s requirements for security,scalability, performance, interoperability, flexibility, and maintainability.You might ask the following:• What are the deployment options that can meet those requirements?• How can you combine the necessary elements that address your company’s

requirements into a coherent system?• How can you be sure that the architecture you deploy can be expanded to

support future needs?The first critical step toward developing a ThingWorx deployment architecture isto gain an understanding of the following:

8 Deployment Architecture Guide

• The structural organization, the elements and their roles, and the interfaces ofthe ThingWorx architecture.

• The configuration options that combine the necessary elements to support yourcompany’s requirements.

• Some ThingWorx configurations that have been proven to work.

Introduction 9

2ThingWorx Foundation

DeploymentsThingWorx deployments can involve each of the tiers mentioned below. Thefollowing images show basic solutions or starting points for a ThingWorxsolution.


• Things/Devices—this layer contains the things, devices, agents, and otherassets that will connect with, send data to, and receive content from theThingWorx platform.

• Users/Clients—this layer contains the products (primarily Web browsers) thatpeople use to access the ThingWorx platform.

• Platform—the platform layer (or application tier) is where ThingWorxFoundation resides, which serves as the hub of the ThingWorx environment.The content from the things/devices layer is ingested, user requests from theclient layer are answered, and content is analyzed to generate alerts, etc.

• Database—the database layer maintains the following forms of data:○ ThingWorx runtime model definitions and their persisted properties.

12 Deployment Architecture Guide

○ Tabular-type data that is persisted by the runtime model as rows of contentin blogs, wikis, streams, value streams, and data tables.

As the ThingWorx solution grows in capability and complexity, so do thearchitectural needs within each tier. Typical reference architectures are discussedin the ThingWorx Deployment Options chapter.

ThingWorx Foundation Deployments 13


User/Client Components............................................................................................16Thing/Device Components .........................................................................................16Platform Components ................................................................................................16Database Layer.........................................................................................................17High-Availability Components.....................................................................................21

This chapter introduces each component of a ThingWorx solution within the tieror layer in which the component operates.


User/Client ComponentsThe user or client accessing the ThingWorx platform through ThingWorxComposer or through runtime mashups is required to have a modern browser thatsupports HTML/HTML5 (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome).

Thing/Device ComponentsThingWorx WebSocket-based Edge MicroserverThe ThingWorx WebSocket-based Edge MicroServer (WS EMS) works with edgedevices or data stores that need to connect to the ThingWorx server over theinternet. It enables devices and data stores that are behind firewalls to securelycommunicate with the ThingWorx server and be full participants in the solutionlandscape. ThingWorx WS EMS is not a simple connector but allows intelligenceand pre-processing of data to be moved to the edge.

ThingWorx Edge SDKsThingWorx Edge SDKs are collections of classes, objects, functions, methods, andvariables that provide a framework for creating applications that can send datasecurely from edge devices to the ThingWorx platform. ThingWorx Edge SDKsprovide tools for developers experienced in C, .NET, Java, and Androidprogramming languages.ThingWorx WS EMS and ThingWorx Edge SDKs support connections throughproxies. The process of managing the proxy configuration and associated changemanagement varies by customer and/or project. ThingWorx Edge SDKs provideultimate flexibility because the SDK libraries can be included or referenced byany custom edge component—and therefore can be updated based on the designof the solution.

Platform ComponentsThingWorx Connection ServerThe ThingWorx Connection Server is a server application that facilitates theconnection of remote devices and handles all message routing to and from thedevices. The ThingWorx Connection Server provides functionality, such asscalable connectivity over WebSockets using the ThingWorx CommunicationProtocol.As a starting point, PTC recommends adding a connection server for every 50,000simultaneous connections to the ThingWorx platform. This ratio of devices-to-connection server may change depending on many factors, such as the following:

16 Deployment Architecture Guide

• The number of devices• The frequency of write submissions from the devices• The number of WebSockets that the connection server can support

TomcatApache Tomcat is an open-source servlet container developed by the ApacheSoftware Foundation (ASF). Tomcat implements the Java Servlet and the JavaServer Pages (JSP) specifications from Sun Microsystems, and provides a pureJava HTTP Web server environment for Java code to run.

ThingWorx Foundation ServerThingWorx Foundation provides a complete design, runtime, andintelligence environment for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and IoT applications.ThingWorx Foundation is designed to efficiently build, run, and grow applicationsthat control and report data from remote assets, such as connected devices,machines, sensors, and industrial equipment.ThingWorx Foundation serves as the hub of your ThingWorx environment.It includes tool sets that help you develop applications to define the behavior ofremote assets (or devices) deployed in your environment and relationshipsbetween the assets.Once the assets have been modelled, they can register and communicatewith ThingWorx Foundation, allowing you to monitor and manage the physicaldevices and collect data from them.

Database LayerThe ThingWorx platform offers a pluggable data store model, which allows everycustomer to choose the database that best suits their requirements—from smallimplementations for demo and training environments to highly-available, high-volume databases that support thousands of transactions per second.Value streams, streams, data tables, blogs, and wikis are defined as data providersfor ThingWorx. Data providers are considered databases that store runtime data.Runtime data is data that is persisted once the Things are composed and are usedby connected devices to store their data (such as temperature, humidity, orposition). Model providers are used to store metadata about the Things.Persistence Providers can contain a data provider, a model provider, or both.ThingWorx data providers have two primary functions:

1. To maintain the ThingWorx model. Specific database systems are supported toact as model providers.

Components 17

• H2 and PostgreSQL are supported in all versions of ThingWorx 7 and 8.• SAP HANA is supported in ThingWorx 7.3 and higher.• SQL Server is supported in ThingWorx 7.4 and higher.

2. To contain content written to the ThingWorx value stream.

• Any supported database can also (simultaneously) contain value streamcontent.

• For high rates of data ingestion, the DataStax Enterprise system issupported.

H2H2 is an open-source relational database with a low-disk footprint. It isa relational database management system written in Java that can be embedded inJava applications or run in the client-server mode. H2 fulfills both model and dataprovider requirements for ThingWorx and is embedded within the ThingWorxinstallation.

PostgreSQLPostgreSQL is an open source object-relational database managementsystem (ORDBMS) with an emphasis on extensibility and compliance tostandards. As a database server, its primary function is to store data securely andallow for retrieval at the request of other software applications. It can handleworkloads ranging from small single-machine applications to large Internet-facingapplications with many concurrent users.PostgreSQL allows for high-availability capability at the database level. It can beset up with a master and multiple slave nodes in the same or different availabilityzones.PostgreSQL, via its Persistence Provider, supports both model and data providers.For more information on ThingWorx and PostgreSQL deployments, please refer tothe following documents:• ThingWorx PostgreSQL Administrator's Guide• ThingWorx 8 High Availability Administrator’s Guide

Microsoft SQL ServerMicrosoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed byMicrosoft. As a database server, it is a software product with the primary functionof storing and retrieving data as requested by other software applications, whichmay run on the same computer or on another computer across a network(including the Internet). For more information on ThingWorx and Microsoft SQLServer deployments, please refer to Getting Started with MS SQL Server andThingWorx.

18 Deployment Architecture Guide

SAP HANASAP HANA is an in-memory relational database management system (RDBMS)that is scalable and performs massive parallel processing with data that is storedin-memory. The system processes high-speed transactions and analytics andmanages large data volumes using multi-tenant database containers and dynamictiering across multi-tier storage. The system fulfills ACID (Atomicity,Consistency, Isolation, Durability) requirements. SAP HANA is also adevelopment platform and application server within the same environment. SAPHANA implements larger databases through scaling out (also referred to as adistributed system), meaning that the database spans multiple physical servers in amulti-host system.SAP HANA has the following deployment options (

• On Premise:

○ Appliance offering: The appliance is a bundle of SAP software,preinstalled on certified pieces of hardware from one of SAP HANA’scertified hardware vendors.

○ Tailored Data Center Integration: adds ability to reuse existing data centercomponents for on-premise installation of SAP HANA.

• In the Cloud:

○ Private Cloud:

◆ Managed Service with SAP HANA Cloud Platform (HCP).

NoteThingWorx may not be able to be deployed into an HCPenvironment.

○ Public Cloud:

◆ Infrastructure-as-a-Service in Amazon Web Services (AWS) orMicrosoft Azure clouds.

◆ Pay-as-you-go with SAP HANA One in third-party clouds likeAmazon Web Services (AWS) or Alibaba.

For more information on ThingWorx and SAP HANA deployments, please referto Getting Started with SAP HANA and ThingWorx. For more information aboutSAP HANA, please refer to the SAP documentation.

Components 19

DataStax Enterprise (DSE)ThingWorx also uses a high-volume Runtime Data Store provider, DataStaxEnterprise (DSE), powered by Apache Cassandra. DSE allows for the customer tointake a higher availability of data that their assets are generating and in return,allows them to scale seamlessly when additional devices (or other load) are added.Using DSE as the runtime data store delivers a database platform built for theperformance and availability demands of IoT, Web, and Mobile applications.While relational databases may struggle under modern and dynamic workloads,high-volume data, and new business requirements, Cassandra’s modernarchitecture makes it massively scalable.DSE offers a fully tested and validated Cassandra deployment with advancedadministration and monitoring tools, built-in integration with Solr for indexingand search, and a mechanism for support and patches. This coincides directly withthe pluggable data store model that allows for customers to have multiple datarepositories to store configuration, model, and high-volume data. Customers willbe able to choose which data repository meets their requirements for anyparticular function.DSE is an integrated always-on multi-model database system with real-time andbatch analytics using Apache Spark, in-memory technology, continuouslyavailable search, and graph database computing. It offers advanced tools fordevelopment and production system operations, flexible features such as tieredstorage for short-term and long-term data access, multitenancy to run severaldatabase clusters within the same system, and advanced security to meetenterprise requirements.ThingWorx platforms that require a data store for higher volumes and velocitydata than what is currently available with H2 or PostgreSQL can have thefollowing benefits with DSE:

• Higher rate of ingestion of data• More than one data repository for runtime data (maintaining the model data in

H2 or PostgreSQL and using DSE for high-volume stream data)• Elastic scaling properties. You can add more nodes to a DSE ring for higher

transaction rates.• Ability to separate data processes from platform processes• Cloud-friendly architectureFor more information, please refer to Getting Started with DataStax Enterpriseand ThingWorx.

20 Deployment Architecture Guide

High-Availability ComponentsHigh-availability solutions are important considerations for business continuity.High-availability components need to be applied at the application layer anddatabase layer to be complete. For ThingWorx high availability, ApacheZooKeeper is an additional required component. For the database layer, the needfor additional components depends on the need of the data provider.

ZooKeeperApache ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configurationinformation, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing groupservices. It is a coordination service for distributed application that enablessynchronization across a cluster. Specific to ThingWorx, ZooKeeper is used tocoordinate the shift from the active ThingWorx platform to the passive platform. Itmonitors the active server availability and will elect a new ThingWorx Foundationleader during a system failure.

Database HA features• PostgreSQL: ThingWorx provides the option to use PostgreSQL high

availability as part of the data solution. High availability offers the option toset up separate servers to capture reads and writes for data in the case of afailure on the primary server. For more information, refer to the ThingWorxHigh Availability Administrator's Guide.

• SQL Server: Generally, the SQL Standard Edition is suitable for productionenvironments, as it supports most of the features required. For productionenvironments that require high-availability features such as AlwaysOn andother features such as In-Memory OLTP, and table and index partitioning,SQL Enterprise Edition is recommended. For more information, please refer toGetting Started with MS SQL Server and ThingWorx.

Components 21

4ThingWorx Deployment

ArchitecturesDeployment Options ..................................................................................................24ThingWorx Foundation Reference Architectures ..........................................................24ThingWorx Foundation on AWS..................................................................................32ThingWorx Authentication Deployment .......................................................................38ThingWorx Analytics Deployment ...............................................................................43ThingWorx Studio Deployment ...................................................................................46ThingWorx AWS IoT Connector Deployment ...............................................................52ThingWorx Azure IoT Connector Deployment ..............................................................55Distributed ThingWorx Deployment.............................................................................59PTC Navigate Deployments .......................................................................................61


Deployment OptionsOn-Premise DeploymentUsing an on-premise deployment means hosting and managing the ThingWorxsoftware on your servers. You are responsible for maintaining infrastructure andapplication support and performance.With an on-premise deployment, you can perform the deployment yourself orengage PTC Global Services (or a PTC-certified partner) to manage thedeployment on company servers. This option is suitable for companies with arobust IT organization and a strong desire to maintain in-house control.

PTC Cloud ServicesIn a managed-services deployment, the ThingWorx application is deployed,hosted, and managed on a third-party server, usually in a private cloud. An outsideorganization is responsible for managing the necessary infrastructure and ensuringapplication performance.For companies concerned with the IT burden and expertise required to manageThingWorx, PTC provides a managed-services deployment option. With PTCCloud Services, companies purchasing ThingWorx can accelerate deployment,minimize IT cost and requirements, and ensure ongoing performance. PTC CloudServices hosts your ThingWorx solution in a secure environment withincommercial cloud services that has ongoing application management,performance tuning, and updates. For additional information about PTC CloudServices, see

ThingWorx Foundation ReferenceArchitecturesThe following architecture diagrams depict typical ThingWorx deployments. Thearchitectures range from simple development systems to global federatedproduction systems.

ComponentsThingWorx components are listed and defined in the Components chapter of thisguide.

24 Deployment Architecture Guide

ReferencesThingWorx Foundation• Installing ThingWorx Foundation 8.1• ThingWorx Foundation 8.1 System Requirements• ThingWorx Foundation Docker Installation Guide

ThingWorx Persistence Providers• ThingWorx PostgreSQL Administrator's Guide• Getting Started with MS SQL Server and ThingWorx• Getting Started with SAP HANA and ThingWorx• Getting Started with DataStax Enterprise and ThingWorx

ThingWorx High Availability• ThingWorx 8 High Availability Administrator's Guide

ThingWorx Foundation Monolithic SystemThe following diagram shows a typical local system for development, training,proof-of-concept, functional QA testing, or sandbox purposes. All of thecomponents are deployed on a single server.While this deployment option is acceptable for simple scenarios, it must not beconsidered for most production systems. The provided H2 database does not scalewell beyond small systems, and the system is at risk of performance issues whenall components compete for the same server resources.

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 25

List of Components Number of ComponentsThingWorx Foundation Server 1

ThingWorx Foundation Basic Production SystemFor a basic production system, it is recommended to operate the database on aseparate server. This is a good small-to-medium-sized enterprise system, or amedium-to-large manufacturing system.

26 Deployment Architecture Guide

List of Components Number of ComponentsThingWorx Foundation Server 1Database 1

ThingWorx Foundation Large Production SystemA large production system, also referred to as a ThingWorx Enterprise system,incorporates components to meet a large number of connected devices and highdata ingestion rates.Among other components, a large production system includes ThingWorxConnection Servers and a DataStax ring.

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 27

The DataStax system will intake the data coming from the assets into its time-series type database. For ThingWorx, that data is managed as logged value streamcontent. The PostgreSQL server is still required to maintain the ThingWorxmodel.Here are a few points to consider when designing an Enterprise system for use byThingWorx using DataStax:

• The minimum number of Cassandra nodes within a DataStax ring is three.More Cassandra nodes would be required to meet any disaster recoveryrequirements.

• The replication strategy NetworkTopologyStrategy is recommended,as it supports operation across multiple data centers.

• Replication factor should be set to three.• Consistency Level should be set to LOCAL_QUORUM.• Solr nodes are only required if data tables are used. In theory, this could mean

the use of Solr nodes is optional.

28 Deployment Architecture Guide

List of Components Number of ComponentsThingWorx Connection Server Not required (the general

recommendation is 1 connection serverper 50,000 assets)

ThingWorx Foundation Server 1Database 1

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 29

List of Components Number of ComponentsDataStax Enterprise Not required (minimum of 5 nodes: 3

Cassandra and 2 Solr nodes)Load Balancer 1

ThingWorx Foundation High-Availability SystemFor a high-availability (HA) deployment, additional components are added toremove single points of failure for the ThingWorx Foundation and its databasesystems.For the ThingWorx platform, the required components are the following:

• A high-availability load balancer to direct traffic to the active ThingWorxplatform.

• A lead ThingWorx platform. This platform will be the primary server, mostlyactive, and would only be offline for maintenance windows and unplanneddowntime.

• A standby ThingWorx platform. This platform is the secondary server, readyto take over the ThingWorx-based load when the lead platform is offline.

• ThingWorxStorage is on-disk storage that is equally accessible by lead andstandby platforms.

• Three Apache ZooKeeper nodes. These nodes monitor the active ThingWorxplatform and constantly check and decide whether it is responsive andfunctioning as expected. The ZooKeeper nodes form a quorum and decidewhen the active ThingWorx platform is offline and then activate the switch tothe standby system. If the active ThingWorx platform goes offline, theZooKeeper nodes will perform two tasks:

○ Activate the standby ThingWorx server to become the active instance.○ Reconfigure the ThingWorx load balancer to direct traffic to the now-

active platform.For the PostgreSQL database, the required components are the following:

• Two or three PostgreSQL server nodes. A minimum of two nodes, ideallythree nodes, are used. All three nodes are online and able to perform queriesand replication tasks.

• Two or three pgpool-II nodes. A minimum of two, ideally three nodes, thatperform middleware tasks between the PostgreSQL servers and its clients (inthis case, the ThingWorx platform). These nodes maintain connectionsbetween client and servers, manage replication of content among PostgreSQLserver nodes, and load balance queries to the nodes.

30 Deployment Architecture Guide

For the DataStax Enterprise system, the required components are the following:

• Cassandra nodes to contain value stream content. To avoid a single point offailure and always maintain a majority vote, an odd number of Cassandraservers should be deployed. A minimum of three Cassandra nodes isrecommended.

• Solr nodes provide an indexing service to the content stored within theCassandra nodes.

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 31

List of Components Number of ComponentsThingWorx Connection Server Not required. The general

recommendation is 1 connection serverper 50,000 active WebSocketconnections.

Load Balancer 1 for multiple connection servers (if inuse) and 1 for ThingWorx Foundationdistribution.

ThingWorx Foundation Server Minimum of 2: one active, one passive.There can be additional passiveFoundation servers.

Networked/Enterprise Storage Disk space for ThingWorxStoragerepositories shared to all ThingWorxFoundation servers.

ZooKeeper Minimum of 3. Should be in odd-numbered allotments.

Database Depends on database:• PostgreSQL: 3 nodes.• MS SQL Server (not pictured):

minimum of 2 as part of an MSfailover configuration.

pgpool 2 (for PostgreSQL only).DataStax Enterprise Not required. Minimum of 5 nodes: 3

Cassandra and 2 Solr nodes.

Details for deploying ThingWorx in a high-availability environment can be foundin the ThingWorx High Availability Administrator’s Guide.

ThingWorx Foundation on AWSThingWorx can be deployed in cloud platforms, such as Amazon Web Services(AWS). Many AWS services are available to help with deploying ThingWorx andmanaging it over time.

AWS Components and ServicesElastic Load BalancingElastic Load Balancing automatically distributes incoming application trafficacross multiple Amazon EC2 instances. It enables you to achieve fault tolerancein your applications, providing the required amount of load balancing capacityneeded to route application traffic.

32 Deployment Architecture Guide

EC2 Computing instancesEC2 computing instances are used to host key software components of theThingWorx platform: ThingWorx Connection Server (if needed) and ThingWorxplatform (main application).

RDS databaseAWS RDS capability is used to provide highly-available and fault-tolerantdatabase service. AWS PostgreSQL RDS is the supported option for ThingWorx.

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)VPC is used for configuring logical network topology, defining sub networks,configuring routing tables, and assigning private IP ranges. Additionally, VPCallows for defining hardware VPNs between AWS VPC and on-premise ITinfrastructure.

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 33

Reference ArchitecturesProduction Deployment

34 Deployment Architecture Guide

List of Components Number of ComponentsThingWorx Foundation Server 1PostgreSQL RDS 1

Enterprise Deployment

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 35

List of Components Number of ComponentsApplication Load Balancer Needed when Connection Servers are

part of deployment. Distributes deviceloads to Connection Servers and directsuser traffic to ThingWorx FoundationServer.

ThingWorx Connection Server Not required. General recommendationis 1 connection server per 50,000 activeWebSocket connections. Spread outacross multiple availability zones.

ThingWorx Foundation Server 1PostgreSQL RDS Instance 1DataStax Enterprise Not required. Minimum of 5 notes: 3

Cassandra and 2 Solr nodes spreadacross multiple availability zones.

36 Deployment Architecture Guide

High-Availability Deployment

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 37

List of Components Number of ComponentsApplication Load Balancer 2. One is needed when Connection

Servers are part of the deployment, inorder to distribute device loads toConnection Servers and direct usertraffic to ThingWorx FoundationServer. Another application loadbalancer is needed to direct ConnectionServer traffic to active ThingWorxFoundation Server.

ThingWorx Connection Server Not required. General recommendationis 1 connection server per 50,000 activeWebSocket connections. Spread outacross multiple availability zones.

ThingWorx Foundation Server Minimum of 2: one active, one passive.There can be additional passiveFoundation servers.

ZooKeeper Minimum of 3. Should be in odd-numbered allotments spread acrossmultiple availability zones.

Database PostgreSQL RDS Master and Standbyspread across multiple availabilityzones.

ThingWorx Authentication DeploymentIn this section we review authentication solutions available to ThingWorximplementations. The solutions include out-of-the-box authentication,authentication through corporate LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)or Active Directory, and authentication through an SSO (Single Sign-On)configuration.

ComponentsDirectory ServiceA directory service maintains a company's list of users and their authenticationand authorization credentials. Microsoft's Active Directory, OpenLDAP, andApache Directory Server are common implementations of directory services.

38 Deployment Architecture Guide

Central Authentication Server (CAS)A CAS is a third-party tool that manages the authentication of users across afederation to allow users to access data from multiple applications by signing inonly once. PTC supports a configuration of PingFederate in this role.PingFederate is a third-party product provided by PTC as part of its Single Sign-On (SSO) solution. PingFederate acts as an authorization server that facilitates theexchange of SAML assertions and OAuth access tokens.

Identity Provider (IdP)An IdP is a third-party tool that manages user identity data and supplies userinformation. An IdP can be a user-management system or an active directory thatstores user names, passwords, and other credentials. The CAS references the IdPwhen authenticating a user.

Service ProviderAWeb server from which you want to access information.

Resource ProviderAn application within the SSO federation that contains protected data.

ReferencesPTC Documents• PTC Single Sign-On Architecture and Configuration Overview

ThingWorx Help Center Links• Authenticators - Authentication mechanisms within ThingWorx• Directory Services Authentication - configuring ThingWorx to authenticate

through a directory service• Single Sign-On Authentication - configuring ThingWorx to use SAML

authentication and OAuth delegated authorization.

Basic Authentication ArchitectureBasic Authentication for ThingWorx uses the authentication scheme within theTomcat Application Server. From a deployment perspective, there are noadditional requirements for hardware or software components.

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 39

List of Components Number of ComponentsThingWorx Foundation Server 1Database 1

Architecture for Authentication Through LDAPAnother common authentication deployment is to use a company's corporateLDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) as the authentication source. Inthis case, ThingWorx is configured to connect to the corporate LDAP forauthentication and authorization tasks.

40 Deployment Architecture Guide

List of Components Number of ComponentsThingWorx Foundation Server 1Database 1LDAP server 1

Architecture for SSO Authentication usingPingFederateThingWorx 8 provides an integration with PingFederate, which can then beconfigured to operate with one or more Single Sign-On authentication systems.The diagram below describes a PingFederate system in a high-availabilityconfiguration.

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 41

List of Components Number of ComponentsThingWorx Foundation Server 1ThingWorx Database 1Load Balancer for PingFederate cluster 1PingFederate Identity ManagementRuntime


PingFederate Identity ManagementConsole


Database for PingFederate system(cluster only)


42 Deployment Architecture Guide

List of Components Number of ComponentsIdentity Provider (IdP) 1Directory Server (LDAP) 1

ThingWorx Analytics DeploymentAs part of the ThingWorx IoT technology platform, ThingWorxAnalytics provides tools for embedding advanced analytics capabilities into smart,connected solutions. These tools can help analyze and understand the datacollected from connected devices. They can analyze what is happening right nowand why, what might happen next, and what can be done to change the outcomes.

ComponentsThingWorx Analytics ServerThe ThingWorx Analytics Server is an application that provides the analyticcapabilities to understand the collected data and offer predictions.

ThingWorx Analytics ExtensionThe ThingWorx Analytics Extension contains a zipped archive of software,extension, and documentation files. This ZIP file must be downloaded andextracted before the extension can be imported into ThingWorx Foundation.

Deployment ConsiderationsThingWorx Analytics 8.0 is offered as a standalone server through a set of Dockerimages that contain all necessary ThingWorx Analytics Server libraries andsettings. This offering provides a simple installation process, low maintenancerequirements, and is easy to scale by adding CPU and memory as needed.However, there are some limitations: this configuration cannot be scaled byadding additional servers.ThingWorx Analytics 8.0 can also be deployed in a distributed environment. Thisdeployment model (with a minimum of six servers) provides greater capacity butis more complex to configure and maintain.For either deployment choice, a separate PostgreSQL database should be used toavoid performance lags for both ThingWorx Foundation and ThingWorxAnalytics.Hard drive space for Analytics data should be maintained on external volumes forease of backup and recovery as well as ease of upgrading to a new version ofThingWorx Analytics.

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 43

Once the ThingWorx Analytics server is established, the ThingWorx AnalyticsExtension should be deployed onto the ThingWorx Foundation server to completethe configuration.

ReferencesThingWorx Analytics Deployment Mode DecisionThingWorx Analytics Docker Installation GuideThingWorx Analytics Extension Installation Guide

Reference ArchitectureThe following diagram depicts a basic ThingWorx Analytics productiondeployment. You can use any ThingWorx Foundation reference architecture in thisguide for ThingWorx Analytics Server deployment.

44 Deployment Architecture Guide

List of Components Number of ComponentsThingWorx Foundation Server 1ThingWorx Foundation Database 1ThingWorx Analytics Server 1ThingWorx Analytics Database 1

Anomaly DetectionAnomaly Detection uses a machine-learning algorithm to model sensor data andcompare the current sensor data against the baseline in order to identify and reportanomalies.

Components• Results Microservice: This service stores Predictive Markup Model Language

(PMML) models. It communicates with the Training Microservice but is anoptional component for ThingWatcher.

• Training Microservice: This service trains new models with data collected byThingWatcher. It outputs PMML models which can be used for scoring.

Deployment Considerations• If you plan to use the Results Microservice, it must be installed and

operational before the Training Microservice is deployed.• The Results and Training Microservices can be deployed on the same host or

on different hosts.• The Results and Training Microservices can be deployed either directly on a

host (as Java applications) or through Docker containers.

References• ThingWorx Analytics ThingWatcher Deployment Guide• Anomaly Detection Sizing Guide

Production Deployment for Anomaly DetectionThe following diagram depicts a possible ThingWorx Analytics-ThingWatcher-Anomaly Detection deployment, illustrating the deployment considerations listedabove.

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 45

List of Components Number of ComponentsThingWorx Foundation Server 1ThingWorx Foundation Database 1ThingWorx Analytics AnomalyDetection


ThingWorx Studio DeploymentThe deployments discussed here are focused on the server-side aspects ofThingWorx Studio, the components that store and distribute ThingWorx Studioexperiences.

46 Deployment Architecture Guide

ComponentsThingWorx ViewThingWorx View delivers Experiences rich with 2D and 3D graphics,augmented reality (AR), and real-time product data. ThingWorx View usesspecialized markers called ThingMarks, that once scanned, immediately deliverrelevant 2D, 3D, and AR Experiences. Experiences augment the view of yourimmediate surroundings with context-sensitive information and graphics, enablingyou to interact directly with the things around you.

ThingWorx StudioThingWorx Studio is a Web-native, easy-to-use tool for authoring domainand task-specific Experiences that provide an integrated view of digital andphysical product data, dashboards, and alerts with 2D, 3D, and augmented reality.

ThingWorx Experience ServiceThingWorx Experience Service is an enterprise-class, secure, and scalable serverthat publishes, updates, and deletes Experience content generated throughThingWorx Studio. It also identifies and delivers Experience content requestedthrough ThingWorx View.

ThingWorx Global Experience Index (GXI)The GXI allows for multiple Experience Servers to be queried by the ThingWorxView application. The GXI creates and maintains an index of all Experiences thatare maintained within the associated Experience server. When the GXI receivesa ThingMark query, it identifies the ThingWorx Experience Service that hosts thedesired Experience and redirects the query to that specific ThingWorx ExperienceService. By default, ThingWorx View uses the GXI, but it can also be manuallyconfigured to reference a different Experience Service.

Deployment Considerations• ThingWorx Foundation must be installed and established before installing the

ThingWorx Experience Service.• For production systems, it is recommended to run ThingWorx Foundation and

ThingWorx Experience Services on separate servers.• For production systems, it is recommended to use PostgreSQL as the database

associated to the ThingWorx Experience Service.• To avoid performance lag, it is recommended to have separate PostgreSQL

servers for ThingWorx Foundation and Experience Service.

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 47

References• Getting Started with ThingWorx Studio• Installing and Deploying ThingWorx Studio Experience Service

Reference ArchitecturesThe following diagrams offer simplified reference architectures. Any ThingWorxFoundation architecture shown in this guide may be used instead.

Production DeploymentThe following diagram depicts a production deployment of the ThingWorxExperience Service. It includes the following features:

• One ThingWorx Experience Service• Hard disk space to store Experiences• PostgreSQL database to maintain Experience metadata• Access to ThingWorx Foundation Server to manage authentication and


48 Deployment Architecture Guide

List of Components Number of ComponentsThingWorx Studio Experience Server 1ThingWorx Foundation Server 1Enterprise NFS Repository 1ThingWorx Studio Database 1

Experience Server Cloud DeploymentExperience Server deployments for ThingWorx Studio within Cloud services suchas AWS and Azure:

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 49

50 Deployment Architecture Guide

List of Components AWS Components Azure ComponentsThingWorx StudioExperience Server

1 EC2 instance 1 virtual machine

Storage Solution 1 storage repositoryattached to theExperience Server EC2

1 storage repositoryattached to theExperience Server virtual

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 51

List of Components AWS Components Azure Componentsinstance machine

PostgreSQL 1 (either PostgreSQL onEC2 or PostgreSQL RDS)

1 (either PostgreSQL on avirtual machineor PostgreSQL RDS)

ThingWorx FoundationServer

1 EC2 instance 1 virtual machine

ThingWorx AWS IoT ConnectorDeploymentThe ThingWorx AWS IoT Connector offers connectivity between ThingWorxFoundation and remote devices that communicate through the AWS device cloud.Once device data is available on ThingWorx Foundation, developers can use theThingWorx Composer and Mashup Builder tools to build applicationsthat monitor their devices, collect data through the connector, and use that data forbusiness purposes.

ComponentsAWS IoT ComponentsAWS IoT provides secure, bidirectional communication between Internet-connected things (such as sensors, actuators, embedded devices, or smartappliances) and the AWS cloud. This allows you to collect, store, and analyzetelemetry data from multiple devices.

• IoT MQTT Broker—Provides a secure mechanism for things and AWS IoTapplications to publish and receive messages from each other. You can useeither the MQTT protocol directly or MQTT over WebSocket to publish andsubscribe. You can use the HTTP REST interface to publish.

• IoT Rule Engine—Provides message processing and integration with otherAWS services. You can use a SQL-based language to select data from messagepayloads, process, and send the data to other services, such as ThingWorx.

• Amazon Kinesis—Allows you to collect, process, and analyze real-time,streaming data to get timely insights and react quickly to new information.Amazon Kinesis offers key capabilities to cost-effectively process streamingdata at any scale, along with the flexibility to choose the tools that best suitapplication requirements. Amazon Kinesis can ingest real-time data such as

52 Deployment Architecture Guide

application logs, Website clickstreams, IoT telemetry data, and more intodatabases, data lakes, and data warehouses.

• Device Shadow—A JSON document used to store and retrieve current stateinformation for a thing (device, application, and so on).

ThingWorx AWS IoT Components• ThingWorx AWS IoT Connector—The ThingWorx AWS IoT Connector

consists of the ThingWorx Foundation connection server, the AWS IoTAdapter, and an AWS IoTAdapter Extension. This package enables remotedevices that are running an AWS IoT application to connect to ThingWorxFoundation. The AWS IoT Connector handles message routing for the devicesthat communicate through the AWS IoT system. It also handlesmessage routing from the ThingWorx Foundation to devices via the deviceshadow and MQTT Broker of the AWS IoT system.

Deployment ConsiderationsThe number of ThingWorx AWS IoT Connectors should be at most equal to thenumber of Kinesis shards. If there is only one Kinesis shard, then there shouldonly be one EC2 instance running the AWS IoT Connector. For high-availabilityconfigurations, it should instead be two ThingWorx AWS IoT Connectors. Referto the Deploying an AWS IoT Connector chapter of ThingWorx AWS IoTConnector Installation and Operations Guide for detailed deployment discussions.

References• ThingWorx AWS IoT Connector Installation and Operations Guide• ThingWorx Connection Services Help Center

Reference ArchitectureThe following diagram is a high-availability deployment of ThingWorxFoundation, utilizing ThingWorx AWS IoT Connectors to access AWS IoT.

• Devices are sending content to AWS IoT.• The ThingWorx AWS IoT Connectors are connected with the Kinesis shard(s)

within AWS IoT to read messages from the devices and store the content.• The ThingWorx AWS IoT Connectors submit the content to the active

ThingWorx Foundation server through the Elastic Load Balancer (ELB).

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 53

• User interactions bypass AWS IoT, accessing ThingWorx Foundation throughthe ELB.

• The ThingWorx AWS IoT Connectors are established in different AvailabilityZones as part of the high-availability deployment.

54 Deployment Architecture Guide

List of Components Number of ComponentsAWS IoT implementation Consists of the following:

• IoT MQTT Broker• IoT Rules Engine• IoT Shadow

AWS Services AWS Kinesis Streams (with 1 or moreKinesis shards)

ThingWorx AWS IoT Connectors • Minimum of 1 connector foroperation

• Minimum of 2 connectors for highavailability

AWS Elastic Load Balancer 1 application-type elastic load balancerto direct traffic to the active ThingWorxFoundation

ThingWorx Foundation Server Minimum of 2: one active, one passive.There can be additional passiveThingWorx Foundation servers.

ZooKeeper Minimum of 3, deployed in oddnumber allotments and spread among 2or more availability zones

PostgreSQL RDS 2 nodes: 1 master and 1 standby

ThingWorx Azure IoT ConnectorDeploymentThe ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector consists of a connection server,the Azure IoT Hub Adapter, and an Azure IoT Hub Adapter Extension. Thispackage enables remote devices that are running an application developed usinga Microsoft Azure SDK to connect to the ThingWorx platform. The Azure IoTHub Connector handles message routing for the devices that communicate throughthe Azure system. It also handles message routing from the ThingWorx platformto devices.

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 55

ComponentsAzure IoT Components• Azure IoT Hub—a fully-managed service that enables reliable and secure

bidirectional communications between millions of IoT devices and a solutionback end, such as ThingWorx.

• Azure Data Lake Storage—includes all the capabilities required to make iteasy for developers, data scientists, and analysts to store data of any size,shape, and speed, and do all types of processing and analytics across platformsand languages. It removes the complexities of ingesting and storing all of yourdata while making it faster to get up and running with batch, streaming, andinteractive analytics. Azure Data Lake works with existing IT investments foridentity, management, and security for simplified data management andgovernance. It also integrates seamlessly with operational stores and datawarehouses so you can extend current data applications.

ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub ConnectorThe ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector integrates devices that use aMicrosoft Azure IoT SDK with ThingWorx Foundation. An installation of theThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector consists of the following components:

• The ThingWorx Connection Server with its Azure IoT Hub Adapter, whichhandles translation of messages and communication with an Azure IoT Huband the ThingWorx Foundation.

• An Azure IoT Hub Adapter Extension that supports Azure entitiesin ThingWorx.

• The ThingWorx Connection Services Extension, which providesthe Connection Services Hub.

Once you have installed, configured, and started the Azure IoT HubConnector, you can add Azure IoT entities using ThingWorx Composer torepresent your devices. Alternatively, you can import device data into ThingWorxfrom an Azure IoT Hub. Once you configure devices to connect with the AzureIoT Hub, the Azure IoT Hub Connector detects the data and pushes it to theThingWorx Foundation. By pushing data to ThingWorx, you can take advantageof its features for developing applications quickly and easily.

Deployment ConsiderationsAn Azure IoT Hub and Azure Blob Storage account and a Blob Storage Containershould be established before configuring the ThingWorx Azure IoT Connector.

56 Deployment Architecture Guide

Production deployments should have a minimum of two ThingWorx Azure IoTHub Connectors to support high availability. More Connectors may be required,depending on the device load and partition count within your Azure IoT hubaccount.

References• Connect your device to your IoT hub using Java• ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector Installation and Operations Guide• ThingWorx Connection Services Help Center

Reference ArchitectureThe following diagram shows a high-availability deployment of ThingWorxFoundation that utilizes ThingWorx Azure IoT Connectors to access an Azure IoTHub. This deployment has the following features:

• Devices are sending content to Azure IoT Hub.• The ThingWorx Azure IoT Connectors are communicating with the Azure IoT

Hub to read messages from the devices and store the content.• The ThingWorx Azure IoT Connectors submit the content to the active

ThingWorx Foundation server through the Azure Load Balancer.• User interactions bypass Azure IoT Hub, accessing ThingWorx Foundation

through the Azure Load Balancer.• The ThingWorx Azure IoT Connectors are established in different Fault

Domains as part of the high-availability deployment.

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 57

List of Components Number of ComponentsAzure IoT Hub 1Azure Data Lake 1ThingWorx Azure IoT Connectors Minimum of 2Azure Load Balancer 1—to route user traffic and ThingWorx

IoT Connectors traffic to the activeThingWorx Foundation server

58 Deployment Architecture Guide

List of Components Number of ComponentsThingWorx Foundation Server Minimum of 2: one active and one

standby. There may be additionalThingWorx Foundation servers onstandby.

ZooKeeper Minimum of 3, spread among two ormore fault domains

SQL Server Database 2: one master, one standbyFile Share Witness 1, as part of the SQL Server high-

availability deploymentDomain Controller (not pictured) As part of the SQL Server high-

availability deployment

Distributed ThingWorx DeploymentThingWorx is designed for federated deployment where the components of anenterprise application can run where it is the most appropriate for performanceand autonomy. This design feature makes it easy to provide a distributed andtiered data storage and analysis capability.For example, a central ThingWorx server can connect to each of the plant-levelThingWorx servers to pull information together and aggregate it for display ofregional or corporate-level views. Then, as users drill down into the data, theplant-level server can propagate the details to the central server.There are multiple deployment scenarios supported by ThingWorx, includingcloud (PTC or third-party) and on premise (on-site or in a corporate data center).If the customer solution is deployed globally, PTC recommends that servers begeolocated for optimal performance.Federation is composed of multiple elements:

• ThingWorx request servers—where all incoming requests are routed. Arequest may be initiated by a user accessing a Mashup or devicescommunicating with the Things. These servers scale based on number ofconnections and volume of data requests.

• Thing servers—where the Things are actually running in memory andcommunicating with the request servers. These are memory-intensive serverssince all of the actual logic is running on them. They can also be scaledhorizontally based on memory and CPU limitations.

• Data servers—where the actual application data is stored. These servers canalso be scaled based on the amount of storage access that is required.

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 59

These different capabilities can be rolled up into one server or delegated acrossmany servers to achieve the desired performance with the existing number ofdevices.Federation can be used in many scenarios, such as handling large workloads (forexample, high frequency stream writes) or connecting independent regionalservers or server clusters. Federation is used to aggregate data to another system tomake all relevant data accessible through one system.In the diagram below, federation is used to aggregate data from localmanufacturing sites as well as geographically-separated Enterprise platforms.

60 Deployment Architecture Guide

ThingWorx Federated Example: Connected Factories

List of Components (Per Factory) Number of ComponentsAnomaly Detection Server 1ThingWorx Foundation Server 1ThingWorx Database 1

List of Components (Corporate) Number of ComponentsThingWorx Analytics Database 1ThingWorx Analytics Server 1ThingWorx Foundation Server 1ThingWorx Database 1

PTC Navigate DeploymentsThe PTC Navigate product family combines a ThingWorx Platform server withone or more resource providers to provide simplified, role-based applications.Within this product family, the PTC Navigate View PLM App Extension offers

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 61

several applications for viewing PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) data fromWindchill. The applications are easier to use than Windchill alone and areexpected to be adopted by a larger number of users.

ComponentsPTC Navigate View PLM App ExtensionThe PTC Navigate View PLM App Extension uses a resource provider(Windchill) for PLM information and an optional external identity provider (IdP)for authentication. The identity provider can also be Windchill to consolidate usermaintenance.

Windchill Product Family• Windchill: PTC's Product Lifecycle Management application.• Windchill Directory Server: A directory server that is a required piece of the

Windchill deployment.• Creo CAD Worker: An optional service for Windchill, which produces Creo

View content from recently-added CAD content.

Deployment ConsiderationsThe PTC Navigate View PLM App Extension uses the ThingWorx platform as aserver. It can be deployed in the following ways:

• Monolithic deployment—combines the Windchill application, the ThingWorxplatform, and the Navigate extension on one host. Databases for theapplications may still be on separate hosts. This deployment is recommendedfor non-production environments or small deployments.

• Distributed deployment—uses separate hosts for the ThingWorx platform(PTC Navigate server) and the Windchill application, allowing horizontalscaling of Windchill. Communication between the applications uses either acertificate-based SSL connection or a trusted non-SSL connection (non-production). This deployment is recommended for production systems.

References• PTC Navigate Platform Sizing Guide• Windchill Architecture Overview

62 Deployment Architecture Guide

Reference ArchitecturesPTC Navigate Production DeploymentThe following diagram depicts a straightforward deployment of PTC Navigate,which includes the following features:

• The user accesses Windchill content through PTC Navigate. In this design,Windchill is not accessible outside the firewall.

• Windchill has access to additional tools it may need—Windchill DirectoryServer (required) and a Creo View CAD worker (optional).

List of Components Number of ComponentsThingWorx Foundation Server 1ThingWorx PostgreSQL Database 1Windchill CAD Worker 1Windchill Database 1

ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 63

List of Components Number of ComponentsWindchill Directory Server 1 (separated here but is commonly

installed on Windchill Server)Windchill Server 1

PTC Navigate High-Availability DeploymentThe following diagram depicts a high-availability deployment for four combinedproducts: Windchill, PTC Navigate, PostgreSQL (for PTC Navigate solution), andPingFederate. It includes the following features:

• Load balancers to direct to either the Windchill cluster, the PTC Navigatecluster, or the PingFederate cluster

• Multiple Windchill nodes for a Windchill cluster configuration• Multiple CAD worker nodes• Two PTC Navigate servers—one as the primary server and the other in

standby• Three ZooKeeper nodes to monitor the PTC Navigate servers and select a new

active server as needed• Two pgpool II nodes to distribute database requests to the available

PostgreSQL servers• Three PostgreSQL servers—one actively writing new content, one serving

read requests, and one on standby. All three remain in sync.• Two PingFederate runtime nodes to receive and respond to SSO requests• PingFederate manages Windchill and PTC Navigate's access to Identity


64 Deployment Architecture Guide

List of Components Number of ComponentsLoad Balancer 3 (1 for Windchill, 1 for ThingWorx, 1

for PingFederate)ThingWorx Foundation Server 2 (1 active, 1 passive)Enterprise NFS Repository 1 (HA capability managed at NFS

server level, not depicted here)ZooKeeper Nodes Minimum of 3pgpool II 2 nodesThingWorx PostgreSQL Database 3 nodesWindchill Server Minimum of 2Windchill Database 2 (HA for database not accurately

depicted)Windchill CAD Worker 2PingFederate Runtime 2PingFederate Console 1PingFederate Database 2 (HA for database not accurately


ThingWorx Deployment Architectures 65

List of Components Number of ComponentsIdP 1 + n (HA not depicted, depends on IdP

product and customer deployment)LDAP 1 + n (HA not depicted, depends on

LDAP product and customerdeployment)

66 Deployment Architecture Guide