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  • 8/10/2019 Desarrollo embrionario - Pez monja- Gymnocorymbus ternetzi.PDF


    Embryonic and larval development of black skirt tetra

    (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi,Boulenger, 1895) under

    laboratory conditions

    Ihsan Celik1, Pnar Celik1, Sukran Cirik1, Mert Gurkan2 & Sibel Hayretdag2

    1 Department of Aquaculture, Fisheries Faculty, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Canakkale, Turkey2Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Canakkale, Turkey

    Correspondence: I Celik, Department of Aquaculture, Fisheries Faculty, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universi ty, Terzi oglu Campus,

    17100 Canakkale, Turkey. E-mail: celik_ihsan@


    The embryonic and larval development of black

    skirt tetra, Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, are described

    under controlled laboratory conditions. In addition,

    major histomorphological changes and the allomet-

    ric growth patterns during larval development have

    been described. The laboratory-reared broodstock,

    that is 1 year of age, were spawned. Hatching

    occurred 2021 h after spawning at 24 0.5C.

    The cleavage was finished in 2 h and the early blas-

    tula stage occurred at 2:04 hours after spawning.

    The gastrulation started at 3:20 hours and 30%

    epiboly was observed at 3:34 hours after spawning.

    Eight-somite stage was observed at 08:33 hours.And embryonic developmental stage was completed

    at 21 h after spawning. The newly hatched larvae

    were 1442 14.3 lm in mean total length (TL).

    The mouth opened at 3 days after hatching (DAH).

    The yolk sac had been totally absorbed and the

    larvae started to swim actively within 34 days.

    Notochord flexion began at 11 DAH. The metamor-

    phosis was completed and the larvae transformed

    into juveniles at 32 DAH. In this paper, the full

    developmental sequence from egg to juvenile of

    G. ternetziis described for the first time.

    Keywords: Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, embryonic

    development, larval development, morphological

    characteristics, allometric growth


    Characidae is a family of freshwater subtropical

    and tropical fish, found in southwestern Texas,

    Mexico, Central and South America and it is a

    large family that comprises about 152 genera and776 species (Nelson 1994). The black skirt tetra

    (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) is just one of many fish

    in the group of tetras, Characins, is traded in the

    ornamental fish industry. It is a popular species in

    the trade of freshwater ornamental fish, since it is

    attractive in appearance, undemanding in mainte-

    nance and easily bred (Frankel 2004; Uma &

    Chandran 2008). Information on embryonic and

    larval development of fish is a fundamental key

    which enables a closer approach to their biology

    and taxonomy (Reynalte-Tataje, Zaniboni-Filho &

    Esquivel 2004). Morphological features are very

    important as they furnish information of life his-tory of fish and they provide critical parameters to

    hatchery production (Martinez & Bolker 2003;

    Silva 2004). Early life history characters of fish

    can be used in assessing phylogenetic relationships

    (Richards & Leis 1984; Stiassny & Mezey 1993;

    Britz 1997; Meijide & Guerrero 2000)). In addi-

    tion, studies on embryonic and larval development

    of any fish species can be useful in directing the

    husbandry efforts of fish breeder to the specific

    state and requirements of each development

    stage (Marimuthu & Haniffa 2007). There is vast

    literature on embryonic and larval stages of fish,distributed among the fields of aquaculture,

    applied ecology, behavioural ecology, biological

    oceanography, comparative functional morphology

    and physiology, fisheries science, limnology and

    systematic ichthyology (Takeshita, Onikura,

    Matsui & Kimura 1997; Webb 1999; Arvedlund,

    McCormick & Ainsworth 2000; Borges, Faria, Gil,

    Goncalves & Almada 2003; Martell, Kieffer &

    2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd1260

    Aquaculture Research, 2012, 43, 12601275 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2109.2011.02930.x

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    Trippel 2005; Marimuthu & Haniffa 2007; Du,

    Wang, Jiang, Liu, Wang, Li & Zhang 2010). How-

    ever, detailed study about the embryonic and lar-

    val development of characins is scarce. In

    addition, information is lacking concerning ontog-

    eny of black skirt tetra from egg to juvenile. In thepresent study, the embryonic and larval develop-

    ment of laboratory-reared black skirt tetra (G.

    ternetzi) from egg to juvenile are described in

    detail for the first time. In addition, major histo-

    morphological changes and the allometric growth

    patterns during larval development have been


    Materials and methods

    Broodstock maintenance

    One-year-old black skirt tetras (G. ternetzi) were

    used as broodstock in the experiment. They were

    fed with commercial ornamental fish feeds (Tetr-

    amin Granulat, Tetra, Germany; Protein: 46%, Oil:

    12%, Fibre: 3%, Ash: 11%, Moisture: 8%), three

    times a day. During broodstock culture, water

    temperature, pH and conductivity were monitored

    daily at 24 0.5C, between 6.0 and 6.5 and

    between 100 and 200 lS respectively. Water

    temperature was controlled with additional sub-

    merged heaters. The photoperiod was maintained

    at 9L/15D by fluorescent lighting (lights on;


    18:00 hours). Broodstocks were kept in40 L glass aquariums. Three pairs (3 males/3

    females) were randomly selected from broodstock

    tank and were placed into a 15 L spawning tank

    late in the afternoon. Spawning was observed the

    next day around dawn and lasted 13 h. Eggs and

    larvae were obtained from three pairs of brood-


    Observations and measurements of embryos and


    Fertilized eggs were collected immediately after

    spawning and maintained at 24 0.5C. Some of

    them were transferred into a beaker (500 mL) forembryonic development observations. The others

    were maintained in 15 L aquaria at 24 0.5C.

    Eggs were observed from spawning to hatching

    under an Olympus BX51 research microscope

    (Hatagaya, Shibuya-ki, Tokyo, Japan) and photo-

    graphed using a colour video camera (Q Imaging,

    Micropublisher 3.3 RTV, Burnaby, BC, Canada).

    Embryonic development stages were identified

    according to Kimmel, Ballard, Kimmel, Ullman

    and Schilling (1995).

    Larvae were fed once a day with Artemia sp.

    (INVE Aquaculture Inc., Dendermonde, Belgium)

    until the end of the experiment at 32 days after

    hatching (DAH). They were randomly sampled

    (n = 5) daily from hatch to 18 DAH and at 1-day

    interval from 18 to 32 DAH. These specimens were

    observed under an Olympus SZX7 zoom stereomi-

    croscope, photographed by a colour video camera

    and measured using image analysis program (Q

    Capture Pro, version, Dendermonde, Can-

    ada). On the other hand, they were used for obser-

    vations on general morphology and for the

    following morphometric measurements (mm): body

    depth (BD), eye diameter (ED), head length (HL),

    pre-anal length (PAL), Pre-anal myomer length(PrAM), post-anal myomer length (PoAM), snout

    length (SnL), tail length, total length (TL), trunk

    length (Fig. 1) Larval developmental stages were

    identified according to Kendall, A.W., Ahlstrom

    and Moser (1984) and differentiated into four peri-

    ods I: yolk-sac larva, II: preflexion larva, III: flexion

    larva and IV: postflexion larva.

    Figure 1 Morphometric characters measured in the black skirt tetra larvae.

    2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 43, 12601275 1261

    Aquaculture Research, 2012, 43, 12601275 Embryonic and larval development of black skirt tetra I Celik et al.

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    Allometric growth patterns were calculated as a

    power function of TL (Fuiman 1983) with the

    exponent and intercept obtained from linear regres-

    sions on log-transformed data (Gisbert, Merino,

    Muguet, Bush, Piedrahita & Conklin 2002). The al-

    lometric equation Y = aXb

    of BD, ED, HL, PAL,PrAM, PoAM, SnL, tail length and trunk length on

    TL was estimated. Here Y is the dependent variable

    (measured character), X is the independent vari-

    able (TL), a is the intercept and b is the growth

    coefficient. When isometric growth occurred,

    b = 1, a positive allometric growth occurred when

    b > 1 and a negative one when b < 1.

    Histological observations

    For histological evaluations, larvae were randomlycollected (n = 10) daily from hatch (0 DAH) to 10

    and every 2 days from 10 to 32 DAH. These speci-

    mens were fixed in Bouins solution and 70% alco-

    hol, dehydrated through a series of alcohol

    concentrations, cleared in xylene and embedded in

    (a) (b) (c)

    (d) (e) (f)

    (g) (h) (i)

    (j) (k) (l)

    (m) (n) (o)

    (p) (r) (s)

    Figure 2 The stages of embryonic development Gymnocorymbus ternetzi: (a) 2-blastomere stage; (b) 4-blastomere

    stage; (c) 8-blastomere stage; (d) 16-blastomere stage; (e) 32-blastomere stage; (f) early blastula stage; (g) late blas-

    tula stage; (h) early gastrula stage; (i) 30% epiboly; (j) 50% epiboly; (k) 75% epiboly; (l) 8-somite stage; (m) 11-

    somite stage; (n) 13-somite stage; (o) otic capsule; (p) muscular effect; (q) otolith appearance; (r) hatching, 3 h after

    hatching. Developmental stages were determined by comparison with standard zebrafish embryonic stages as

    described by Kimmel et al. (1995). Scale bars, ar: 500 micron, s: 1mm.

    2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 43, 126012751262

    Embryonic and larval development of black skirt tetra I Celik et al. Aquaculture Research, 2012, 43, 12601275

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    paraffin wax. Wax blocks were cut using a micro-

    tome (Slee, Cut5062, Germany) at 5lm. Sagittal

    sections were stained with Gills haematoxylin/

    eosin (HE) procedures for general histology. Sec-

    tions were observed under a light microscope

    (Olympus BX50) to describe the larval developmentand photographed using a colour video camera.


    Embryonic development

    The eggs were adhesive, demersal and spherical in

    shape. The eggs ranged in diameter from 930.23

    to 1063.95 lm, with a mean of 977.36

    45.86 lm (n = 19). The egg capsule was transpar-

    ent, while the yolk was brownish. The cleavage

    of eggs was meroblastic and the first cleavage

    (two-celled stage) occurred within 0:30 hours after

    spawning (Fig. 2a). Blastodisc divided to form two

    equal cells. The second cleavage occurred 0:43

    hours and four blastomeres are clearly observed

    (Fig. 2b). Blastodisc divided via meridional cleav-

    age to form four equal cells The third and fourth

    cleavages define 8 and 16 respectively (Fig. 2c

    and d). The eggs cleaved into 8 and 16 cells

    respectively. The third cleavage is horizontal and

    results in a 2 9 4 array (Fig. 2c). The forth cleav-

    ages occur in two separate planes, cleavage furrow

    parallel to second cleavage plane and results in a

    4 9 4 array (Fig. 2d). Eight and 16 cell stages

    were observed at 0:50 hours and 1:04 hours

    respectively (Fig. 2c and d). The fifth cleavage

    took place after 1:10 hours from spawning

    (Fig. 2e). Blastoderm divided via meridional cleav-

    age into 32 cells and the 32 blastomeres arealready formed. The cells became smaller and were

    arranged irregularly. The early blastula stage

    occurred at the vegetal pole 2:04 hours after

    spawning (Fig. 2f). At this stage, the crowded cells

    expanded over the yolk and the blastomeres were

    divided asynchronously. The late blastula stage

    consists of a multicellular blastomere (Fig. 2g) and

    fully completed at approximately 2:303:00 hours.

    The gastrulation started at 3:20 hours after

    spawning (Fig. 2h). Blastoderm cells spread over

    the yolk and epibolic cells increased at this stage.

    The embryo reached 30% epiboly at 3:34 hours

    after spawning and the blastoderm covered 30% of

    the yolk (Fig. 2i). 50% and 75% epiboly stages

    were completed at 4:10 hours and 5:30 hours

    respectively (Fig. 2j and k). The segmentation

    stage was characterized by the sequential forma-

    tion of the somites and lasted till just prior to

    hatching. Eight-somite stage in black skirt tetra

    was observed in the central part of the embryo at

    08:33 hours (Fig. 2l). Eleven pairs of somites

    formed at 09:00 hours and the number of somites

    from stage 11 to stage 13 increased within 1 h

    (Fig. 2m and n). The formation of the otic capsule

    Table 1 Embryonic development stages of Gymnocorymbus ternetzi at 24 0.5C

    Main stages Substages Time (h:min) Description Figure

    Zygote 2 cells 0:30 First cleavage, blastodisc divided via meridional

    cleavage to form two equal cells


    4 cells 0:43 Second cleavage, dividing the blastodisc into 4 blastomeres 1b

    8 cells 0:50 Third cleavage 1c

    16 cells 1:04 Fourth cleavage, 16 blastomeres can be seen 1d

    32 cells 1:10 Fifth cleavage 1e

    Blastula Early Blastula 2:04 Blastomeres continued to divide but they were less



    Late Blastula 2:26 Epibolic cells increase 1g

    Gastrula Early Gastrula 3:20 Blastoderm cells begin to spread over the yolk 1h%30 Epiboly 3:34 Germ ring epiboled 1/3 of yolk sac 1i

    %50 Epiboly 4:10 Germ ring epiboled 1/2 of yolk sac 1j

    %75 Epiboly 5:30 75% coverage of the yolk cell by the blastoderm 1k

    Segmentation 8 Somite 8:33 1l

    11 Somite 9:00 1m

    13 Somite 10:01 1n

    Pharyngula Otic capsule 13:15 Otic capsule formed 1o

    Muscular effect 15:30 Embryo begins to spin 1p

    P re-hatching s tage 18:35 The embry o shows conspic uous m usc ular contract ions 1q

    Hatching 3 h after hatching 24:00 Pre-larva is 3 h after hatching 1r

    2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 43, 12601275 1263

    Aquaculture Research, 2012, 43, 12601275 Embryonic and larval development of black skirt tetra I Celik et al.

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    started at 13:15 hours and embryo began to spin

    at 15:30 hours after spawning (Fig. 2o and p).

    The eye development and brain differentiation

    (forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain) has taken

    place (Fig. 2q). Hatching rates were 8590% in

    aquarium at 20 h after spawning. The embryonicdevelopment completed at 21 h (Table 1).







    Figure 3 Larval development of Gymnocorymbus terne-

    tzi. (a) Post-hatching stage (7 h); (b) yolk-sac stage (1

    DAH); (c) yolk-sac stage, the gas bladder was formed but

    not completely filled (2 DAH); (d) opened-mouth stage

    (3 DAH); (e) preflexion larva, exogenous feeding (5

    DAH); (f) preflexion larva (7 DAH). Scale bars =1 mm.







    Figure 4 Larval development of Gymnocorymbus terne-

    tzi. (a) Flexion stage, Notochord flexion started (11

    DAH); (b) flexion stage, the notochord was completely

    flexed (12 DAH); (c) postflexion larva, swim bladder

    with two chambers was visible (17 DAH); (d) postflex-

    ion larva (19 DAH); (e) postflexion larva (26 DAH); (f)

    end of metamorphosis (30 DAH). Scale bars (fig. a, b,

    c, d, e) =1 mm; Scale bar (fig. f) = 500lm.

    2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 43, 126012751264

    Embryonic and larval development of black skirt tetra I Celik et al. Aquaculture Research, 2012, 43, 12601275

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    Larval Development

    Morphological observations

    Newly hatched larvae

    Newly hatched larvae in the post-hatching stagewere laterally compressed and initially elongated.

    The TL of newly hatched larvae was

    1442 14.3 lm. The mouth was closed and the

    yolk sac was 30% of the total body length

    (Fig. 3a). Two otoliths which were like black dots

    within the otic vesicles were visible (Fig. 3a). The

    body of the newly hatched larvae was transparent

    but pigmentation has started in the posterior part

    of the yolk sac (Fig. 3a). The eyes were still unpig-


    1DAH (TL: 3.03 0.02 mm)

    The mouth and anus were closed and the undiffer-

    entiated alimentary tract appeared as a straight

    tube (Fig. 3b). Eyes were not pigmented and sev-

    eral stellate melanophores were scattered over the

    surface of body and the yolk sac. The primordial

    fin fold was well developed in the sagittal plane

    but no fins were differentiated (Fig. 3b). The yolk

    sac was ovoid and 20% the total body length

    (Fig. 3b).

    2 DAH (TL: 3.50 0.09 mm)

    The yolk sac has become smaller (12% the TL)

    (Fig. 3c). Initial inflation was observed; the oval-

    shaped swim bladder was first seen in 2 DAH. Pig-

    mentation has increased over the eyes and the

    body but they are still translucent. Black melano-

    phores were scattered on the head region, ventral

    and dorsal side of the body (Fig. 3c). The urinary

    bladder is visible and seen near the anus. The pri-

    mordial fin was slightly differentiated but, no anal

    and dorsal fins were differentiated but pectoral fin

    bud was present (Fig. 3c). The larvae could not

    swim actively but short periods of swimming were


    34 DAH (TL: 3.64 0.124.03 0.06 mm)

    At 3 DAH, the mouth and anus opened (Fig. 3d).

    The yolk sac has been completely absorbed and

    Figure 5 The main events of larval development in black skirt tetra ( Gymnocorymbus ternetzi).

    y= 3.0053e0.0531x

    R2 = 0.9694, n= 112








    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34

    Age (DAH)


    Yolk sac Preflexion Postflexion



    Figure 6 Growth of black skirt tetra larvae from hatch to 32 DAH. Each point represents the mean total

    length SD.

    2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 43, 12601275 1265

    Aquaculture Research, 2012, 43, 12601275 Embryonic and larval development of black skirt tetra I Celik et al.

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    the larvae started to swim actively at 34 days.

    The larvae started to feed exogenously within

    3 days at 24 1C. The eyes were pigmented.

    The larvae have a one-chambered swim bladder.

    The notochord end is not flexed (Fig. 3d).

    57 DAH (TL: 4.29 0.074.37 0.05 mm).

    The eyes became very prominent and were fully

    pigmented (Fig. 3e). Second inflation of swim

    bladder did not occur. It formed as a single cham-

    ber, increased in size and extended posteriorly. The

    larvae have still primordial fins (Fig. 3e and f).

    The notochord end was not flexed (Fig. 3e and f).

    The larvae could swim very well. Pigmentation

    has increased on the head and lateral parts of the

    body, black pigments were dominant, but yellow

    pigments were also present (Fig. 3f).


    12 DAH (TL: 4.97 0.15

    5.78 0.23 mm).

    Primordial fin was still present (Fig. 4a). Pectoral

    fins were well developed. Dorsal and anal fins have

    begun early differentiation (Fig. 4a and b). The

    caudal-fin rays begin to form. At 11 DAH, the

    notochord end was slightly flexed but flexion is

    more obvious at 12 DAH. Swim bladder increased

    in size and extended posteriorly (Fig. 4b). The lar-

    vae could swim very well. There were clusters of

    pigment over the body but pigmentation was more

    concentrated on head region (Fig. 4b).

    1517 DAH (TL: 5.75 0.166.09 0.27 mm).

    Second inflation of swim bladder occurred between

    15 DAH and 17 DAH. Swim bladder with two

    chambers completely filled (Fig. 4c). Anal and dor-

    sal fins begin to develop but have no rays but cau-

    dal fin rays were more developed (Fig. 4c). Body

    shape and pigmentation pattern were not similar

    to the adult fish. The stomach of larvae contained

    food, ventral region of larvae was swollen and


    1926 DAH (TL: 7.83 0.8211.67 1.37 mm).

    At 1922 DAH, dorsal and anal fins have differen-

    tiated (Fig. 4d and e). Adipose fin began to form

    between the dorsal and caudal fins at 22 and 23

    DAH. Pigmentation has increased over the body

    but the ventral trunk region was still translucent

    and food particles (Artemia) could be seen in the

    digestive tract. The adipose fin was more obvious

    at 25 and 26 DAH (Fig. 4e). Dorsal and anal fins

    were more developed with the separated rays and

    caudal fin was forked (Fig. 4e). Body depth was

    more than triple that of the previous stage and the

    body shape of larvae has approached an adult


    3032 DAH (TL: 14.67 0.9220.40 1.30 mm).

    The body shape of larvae and pigmentation pat-tern were similar to those of the adult (Fig. 4f).

    The body was almost completely covered with pig-

    ment (Fig. 4f). Larvae have a dark grey to silver

    body with black vertical bars but black and grey

    pigments were dominant. Two characteristic black

    vertical bars were visible on posterior side of the

    gills (Fig. 4f). Morphological metamorphosis was

    completed and the larvae had completely trans-

    formed into juveniles. The main events during

    larval development of black skirt tetra are summa-

    rized inFig. 5.

    Figure 7 Growth coefficients of head, trunk and tail

    length during larval development stage. Each graph

    represents the growth coefficients during a total length

    (TL) interval.

    2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 43, 126012751266

    Embryonic and larval development of black skirt tetra I Celik et al. Aquaculture Research, 2012, 43, 12601275

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    y= 0.3783x1.1261

    R2= 0.9807, n= 107



    0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00

    0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.000.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00

    0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00

    Total length (mm)


    y= 0.6101x0.9197

    R2= 0.9808, n= 107



    Total length (mm)


    y= 0.3635x0.9329

    R2= 0.9611, n= 107







    Total length (mm)



    y= 0.0296x1.2008

    R2= 0.8903,n= 112


    Total length (mm)



    y= 0.4388x0.9477

    R2= 0.9732, n= 107



    Total length (mm)



    Figure 9 Allometric growth equations and relationship between five body segments and total length in black skirt

    tetra during larval development period (from hatch to 32 DAH). PAL, Pre-anal length; PrAM, Pre-anal myomer

    length; PoAM, Post-anal myomer length; SnL, snout length.

    y= 0.4333x0.8191

    R2= 0.9391, n= 107


    Total length (mm)


    y= 0.1644x1.1588

    R2= 0.9525, n= 112



    0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00

    0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00

    0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00

    Total length (mm)



    y = 0.0639x1.1215

    R2= 0.9737,n= 112







    Total length (mm)



    y= 0.1124x1.3751

    R2= 0.9584, n= 112







    Total length (mm)


    Figure 8 Allometric growth equations and relationship between four body segments and total length in black skirttetra during larval development period (from hatch to 32 DAH).

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    Aquaculture Research, 2012, 43, 12601275 Embryonic and larval development of black skirt tetra I Celik et al.

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    Allometric growth

    Growth of the black skirt tetra larvae followed an

    exponential curve during the larval stages and is

    represented by the equation y = 1.79e0.051x


    = 0.97, n = 112) where y is total length (TL)mm and x is DAH (Fig. 6). Four larval development

    stages were observed after hatching; yolk-sac

    larvae, preflexion larvae, flexion larvae and postflex-

    ion larvae. The yolk sac has been completely con-

    sumed at 4 DAH, when TL was 4.03 0.14 mm.

    Notochord has been flexed between 10 DAH and

    12 DAH, at 5.34 0.57 mm. All the meristic char-

    acters were completely developed and juvenile stage




    Figure 10 Sagittal sections of black skirt tetra larvae.

    (a) 2 DAH (Olympus BX51 1009), (b) 3 DAH (Olym-

    pus BX51 409), (c) 4 DAH (Olympus BX51 409). at,

    alimentary tract; e, eye; ga, gill arches; l, liver; n, noto-

    chord; oe, oesophagus; ph, pharynx; s, stomach; sb,

    swim bladder; t, teeth; ys, yolksac.




    Figure 11 Sagittal sections of black skirt tetra larvae.

    (a) 16 DAH (Olympus SZX7 zoom stereo microscope

    209), (b) 24 DAH (Olympus SZX7 zoom stereo micro-

    scope 12.5x), (c) 32 DAH (Olympus SZX7 zoom stereo

    microscope 89). df, dorsal fin rays; e, eye; g, gill; ga,

    gill arches; gl, gill lamellae; i, intestine; l, liver; m,

    mouth; n, notochord; oe, oesophagus; ph, pharynx; s,

    stomach; sb, swim bladder; sb1, first chamber of swim

    bladder; sb2, second chamber of swim bladder; t, teeth.

    2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 43, 126012751268

    Embryonic and larval development of black skirt tetra I Celik et al. Aquaculture Research, 2012, 43, 12601275

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    started at 32 DAH, TL was 20.40 2.25 mm at

    32 DAH.

    In the yolk-sac stage, the head, trunk and tail

    length had negative allometric growth in relation

    to TL (b = 0.41, b=0.02, b = 0.25 respectively)

    (Fig. 7). During the preflexion stage, they stillshowed negative allometric growth (b = 0.45,

    b = 0.39, b = 0.15 respectively) (Fig. 7). The head,

    trunk and tail length were positively allometric in

    the flexion stage (b = 2.43, b = 3.29, b = 2.21

    respectively) (Fig. 7). In the postflexion stage,

    growth of trunk length was negatively allometric

    (b = 0.87), while growth in the head and tail

    length were positively allometric (b = 1.16,

    b = 1.5 respectively) (Fig. 7).

    Allometric growth equations between nine mea-

    sured body segments and total length during lar-

    val development stage (032 DAH) are presented

    (Figs 8 and 9). Growth of trunk in length was

    negatively allometric from hatch to 32 DAH

    (a = 0.43, b = 0.82, R2 = 0.94, n = 107), while

    the growth coefficients of HL, ED and BD were pos-

    itively allometric (a = 0.16, b = 1.16, R2 = 0.95,

    n = 112; a = 0.06, b = 1.12, R2 = 0.97, n = 112

    and a = 0.11, b = 1.38, R2 = 0.96, n = 112

    respectively) (Fig. 8).

    The characters PAL and PrAM showed negative

    allometry (a = 0.61, b = 0.92, R2 = 0.98, n = 107

    and a = 0.36, b = 0.93, R2 = 0.96, n = 107

    respectively), while tail length and SnL exhibited

    positive allometric growth (a = 0.38, b = 1.13,R2= 0.98, n = 107 and a = 0.03, b = 1.20,

    R2 = 0.98, n = 112 respectively) (Fig. 9). PoAM

    showed isometric allometric growth (a = 0.44,

    b = 0.95, R2 = 0.97, n = 107).

    Histological observations

    At 2 DAH; the mouth was closed, the alimentary

    tract was distinct as a straight tube. The yolk sac

    has become smaller (Fig. 10a). The swim bladder

    was formed and initial inflation was observed at 2

    DAH (Fig. 10a). At 3 DAH; the yolk was not

    totally consumed. The mouth and anus were open

    (Fig. 10b). Gill lamellae were observed in filaments

    carried by gill arches (Fig. 10b). The swim bladder

    increased in size and extended posteriorly. Larvae

    began to feed exogenously before complete resorp-

    tion of the yolk sac (Fig. 10b). 4 DAH; yolk has

    been completely consumed (Fig. 10c). The larvae

    were capable of feeding on Artemia and there was

    presence of food material in the stomach. The

    swim bladder with one chamber increased in size.

    Eye pigment was concentrated and opaque. The

    liver could be seen on the ventral side of the swim

    bladder (Fig. 10c). Four pairs of gill arches with

    filaments were obvious (Fig. 10c). The swim blad-

    der increased in size and extended posteriorly andsecond inflation of swim bladder in larvae

    occurred between 15 and 18 DAH (Fig. 11a). No

    histological difference was observed between the

    anterior intestine and the posterior intestine

    (Fig. 11a). 24 DAH; the dorsal and anal fin rays

    formed. The swim bladder with two chambers

    could be seen (Fig. 11b). 3032 DAH; Metamor-

    phosis was completed and the larvae completely

    transformed into juveniles. Large sized food parti-

    cles were observed in the stomach and intestine

    (Fig. 11c). The body depth increased.


    In this study, the embryonic and larval develop-

    ment of the laboratory-reared black skirt tetra (G.

    ternetzi) are described. For the first time, the full

    developmental sequence from egg to juvenile in

    controlled aquarium conditions is also stated. In

    addition, allometric growth of some body parts

    was studied. Embryonic development lasted 21 h

    and larval development lasted about 3032 days

    at 24 0.5C.

    Egg size is an important consideration for egg

    and larval quality during incubation and rearingin aquaculture. The average diameter of most

    ornamental fish eggs are around 0.8 mm, how-

    ever, the size range is wide (Watson & Chapman

    2002). Egg diameters of some aquarium fish were

    reported as; 0.4 mm for gobies (Watson & Chap-

    man 2002), 0.740.90 mm for Hyphessobrycon ser-

    pae (Characidae) (Cole & Haring 1999), 0.9 mm

    for Microgeophagus ramirezi (Cichlidae) (Coleman &

    Galvani 1998), 1.1 mm for Symphysodon discus

    (Cichlidae) (Coleman & Galvani 1998), 1.01.6 mm

    for Symphysodon spp. (Celik 2008), 4.0 mm for

    Tropheus moori (Cichlidae) (Coleman & Galvani

    1998), 2.9 mm for Cyathopharynx fucifer (Cichli-

    dae) (Coleman & Galvani 1998), 1.65 0.5 for

    Cichlasoma dimerus (Cichlidae) (Meijide & Guerrero

    2000), 1.18 0.05 mm for Capoeta tetrazona (Cyp-

    rinidae) (Tamaru, Cole, Bailey & Brown 2001),

    1.41.6 mm for Carassius auratus (Cyprinidae)

    (Savas, Sener & Yldz 2006), 0.75 mm for Puntius

    conchonius (Cyprinidae) (Bhattacharya, Zhang &

    Wang 2005), 0.7 mm for Danio rerio (Cyprinidae)

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    (Kimmel et al. 1995), 1.47 0.20 mm for Corydo-

    ras aeneus (Callichthyidae) (Huysentruyt & Adria-

    ens 2005), 1.799 0.0214 mm for Corydoras

    paleatus (Callichthyidae) (Unal & Aral 2006), 1.5

    2.0 mm for some ornamental catfish (Watson &

    Chapman 2002) and from 0.89 0.97 mm to1.03 0.06 mm for Trichogaster pectoralis(Osphro-

    nemidae) (Morioka, Ito & Kitamura 2010). The egg

    size and fecundity depend on several factors, for

    example broodstock age, broodstock size, feed and

    water quality. The variety of reproductive strate-

    gies of fish can cause great differences among

    species in the number of eggs, egg size (Andrade-

    Talmelli, Kavamoto, Romagosa & Fenerich-Verani

    2001) but the eggs of a fish species are in a com-

    mon size range. The eggs of black skirt tetra are

    spherical, adhesive, demersal and have approxi-

    mately 0.98 0.05 mm average diameter. The

    number of eggs per spawn, per female was around

    150200 and fertilization rate was about 90%.

    In most fish species the blastomeres are regular

    in size and shape (Hall 2008). In the black skirt

    tetra, first five cleavages divided the blastodisc into

    32 equal-sized blastomeres at the animal pore and

    horizontal cleavage occurred between 64 and 128

    cell stages (after the fifth divison). In the zebrafish

    Danio (Brachydanio) rerio (Kimmel et al. 1995), in

    the Atlantic cod Gadus morhua (Hall, Smith &

    Johnston 2004; and in the Cichlasoma dimerus

    (Meijide & Guerrero 2000) the first horizontal

    cleavage occurs at the sixth cleavage, between the32 and the 64 cell stages. In the medaka Oryzias

    latipes, it occurs between the 16 and 32 cell stages

    (Iwamatsu 1994). It occurs even earlier in the

    Holostean fish Amia calva (between the 8 and the

    16 cell stages) (Ballard 1986; Nakatsuji, Kitano,

    Akiyama & Nakatsuji 1997). and in the ice goby

    Leucopsarion petersii (between the 4 and the 8 cell

    stages) (Nakatsuji et al. 1997). Theoretical knowl-

    edge of embryonic development stages might be

    useful for incubation management with regard to

    environmental variables, thus larvae malformation

    and low productivity in captivity can be prevented

    (Alves & Moura 1992). Furthermore, the studies

    on embryonic and early larval development are

    important to the successful rearing of larvae for

    large-scale seed production and aquaculture (Khan

    & Mollah 1998; Koumoundouros, Divanach &

    Kentouri 2001; Borcato, Bazzoli & Sato 2004;

    Rahman, Rahman, Khan & Hussain 2004). In

    addition, it was reported that information on egg

    characteristics was important for the fitness of lar-

    vae (Saillant, Chatain, Fostier, Przybyla & Fauvel


    Early blastula was observed 2:04 hours later.

    Teleost gastrulation was morphologically charac-

    terized by the presence of a germ ring (Arezo,

    Pereiro & Berois 2005). In this study, gastrulationwas observed at 3:20 hours and 30% epiboly

    began 3:34 h. G. ternetzi embryo reached the

    eight-somite stage at 8:33 hours and reached the

    pre-hatching stage at 18 h with the otic capsule,

    head, primordial fin, tail. All the embryos had

    hatched after 2122 h after the fertilization at

    24 0.5C. It was reported that small differences

    in temperature ( 2C) was important on larval

    survival of lemonpeel angelfish Centropyge flavissi-

    mus (Olivotto, Holt, Carnevali & Holt 2006). This

    rule is the same for G. ternetzi larvae and for many

    ornamental fish. G. ternetzi can spawn between

    23C and 30C, eggs were obtained from adult

    broodstock maintained at 24 0.5C in this

    study. So, the water temperature was kept con-

    stant during larval rearing (24 0.5C). Fish

    embryos and larvae are generally more sensitive

    to temperature change than older fish (Wood &

    Mc Donald 1996). It is known that temperature

    affects growth (Hunt von Herbing & Boutilier

    1996; Wood & Mc Donald 1996; Mommsen 2001;

    Martell et al. 2005), metabolic activity, embryonic

    and larval mortality (survival) (Hanel, Karjalainen

    & Wieser 1996; Bermudes & Ritar 1999; Martell

    et al. 2005), energy utilization (Finn, Rnnestad,van der Meeren & Fyhn 2002), yolk-sac consump-

    tion (Fukuhara 1990), enzyme activity (Papout-

    soglou & Lyndon 2005) on embryonic and larval

    development in fish. For example, while G. ternetzi

    eggs hatch within 2021h after fertilization at

    24 0.5C, the incubation time can be shorter at

    28C (1617 h). On the other hand, most of the

    eggs and larvae died under 22C and above 30C.

    Minimum, maximum and optimum temperature

    levels for growth and survival of G. ternetzi larvae

    must be determined by future studies.

    At hatching, the larva was 1.44 mm in total

    length. The larva reached a size of 1420 mm

    between 30 and 32 days and larval development

    had completed. Eggs and larvae are not guarded

    by the parents; within the first 3 days of hatching,

    the larvae were inactive but short periods of swim-

    ming were observed. They started swimming freely

    within 34 days. On the other hand, it was

    reported that G. ternetzi larvae hatched 2024 h

    after spawning and were free-swimming 4872 h

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    Embryonic and larval development of black skirt tetra I Celik et al. Aquaculture Research, 2012, 43, 12601275

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    after hatching at 24C (Frankel 2004). While

    many marine fish larvae had two kinds of energy

    reserves, yolk and oil globule (Bjelland & Skiftesvik

    2006), black skirt tetra has only yolk sac. The

    yolk sac is depleted within 34 days and the lar-

    vae start to feed exogenously before completeabsorption of the yolk sac. Mouth opening was

    formed on the third day. Compared to other fresh-

    water ornamental fish species (Nandini & Sarma

    2000), larvae ofG. ternetzi have small mouth and

    consume a small size range of prey. So, rotifer and

    infusoria must be preferred as first feed. In this

    study, infusoria that is the smallest of live foods

    for fish larvae was used for first food until 7 DAH.

    Black skirt tetra larvae can catch and eat Artemia

    at 5 DAH, so Artemia nauplii has been used from

    5 DAH to 32 DAH.

    There are two types of swim bladders, physost-

    omous and physoclistous (Moyle & Cech 2000;

    Trotter, Pankhurst & Battaglene 2004; Govoni &

    Forward 2008). According to Moyle and Cech

    (2000), characins that include black skirt tetras,

    cyprinids, salmonids, pike, catfish, mormyrids and

    eels are fish species with physostomous swim blad-

    der. Physostomous swim bladders are connected to

    the alimentary tract and physostomous larvae

    inflate their swim bladder with atmospheric air

    (Moyle & Cech 2000; Trotter et al. 2004; Govoni

    & Forward 2008; Perlberg, Diamant, Ofir & Zilberg

    2008). In this study, the swim bladder was first

    discernible at 2 DAH. Larvae could not start free-swimming and anus was closed at that time. Mor-

    phological and histological findings indicated that,

    the swim bladder was filled with a little air or

    fluid. It was reported that larvae inflate the swim

    bladder with gas from the digestion of organic

    material in the gut. Although this has been ruled

    out, it is possible (Pelster 2004). In larval culture,

    swim bladder inflation requires special attention as

    it affects feeding activity (Onal, Celik & Cirik

    2010). It was reported that swim bladder inflation

    coincided with yolk sac depletion and the start of

    feeding activity in most species such as discus

    (Symphysodonspp.,), Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus),

    Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus), Dover

    sole, Solea solea and striped trumpeter, Latris line-

    ata (Boulhic & Gabaudan 1992; Marty, Hinton &

    Summerfelt 1995; Trotter, Pankhurst & Hart

    2001; Onal et al. 2010). In contrast, it was

    reported that yolk depletion and the start of feed-

    ing activity did not appear to correlate distinctly

    with swimbladder inflation in some species such as

    freshwater angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) (Zilberg,

    Ofir, Rabinski & Diamant 2004), zebrafish (Danio

    rerio) (Kimmel et al. 1995) and black skirt tetra

    (present study). The timing of inflation in black

    skirt tetra larvae was earlier than in many other

    species; for example, in discus, D. Rerio, O. mos-sambicus, Stizostedion vitreum, Latris lineata, swim

    bladder inflates at 45 DAH, 5 DAH, 79 DAH,

    612 and 1120 DAH respectively (Boulhic &

    Gabaudan 1992; Marty et al. 1995; Trotter et al.

    2001; Onal et al. 2010). In contrast, inflation in

    freshwater angelfish occurred at 12 DAH (Zilberg

    et al. 2004).

    In the present study, the morphological develop-

    ment and allometric growth patterns in the black

    skirt tetra larvae were studied. The allometric

    growth formula is the most widely used method

    of analysis for relative growth during early

    larval development (Osse & van den Boogaart

    2004; Pena & Dumas 2009). Teleostean larval

    period was characterized by a high degree of allo-

    metric growth patterns (Fuiman 1983; Osse, van

    den Boogaart, van Snik & van der Sluys 1997;

    Geerinckx, Verhaegen & Adriaens 2008). These

    patterns can contribute to aquaculture and fisher-

    ies management by characterizing normal growth

    patterns (Pena & Dumas 2009). Allometric

    growth during larval development was studied in

    different teleost groups (Osse & van den Boogaart

    2004). But allometric growth of many ornamental

    fish has not been reported. We described the allo-metric growth patterns of G.ternetzi larvae from

    hatching to day 32. The growth coefficients of

    head, trunk and tail during larval periods (Period

    I: yolk-sac larva, period ii: preflexion larva, period

    iii: flexion larva, period iv: postflexion larva) were

    similar to results that have been reported in

    other teleosts (Osse & van den Boogaart 1999;

    Geerinckx et al. 2008; Huysentruyt, Moerkerke,

    Devaere & Adriaens 2009). The allometric changes

    chronology would be related to the chronology of

    important early life history events (Huysentruyt

    et al. 2009) and positive allometry of head and tail

    length during this period reflects the early priority

    to develop organs related to vital functions such as

    feeding and swimming (Osse & van den Boogaart


    In conclusion, our findings indicated that black

    skirt tetra eggs are demersal, adhesive and their

    larvae are altricial. Hatching occurred after an

    incubation period of 2022 h at 24 0.5C.

    The cleavage pattern of G.ternetzi is the same as

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