design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - qspace

DESIGN AND CALIBRATION OF SEVEN HOLE PROBES FOR FLOW MEASUREMENT by James Douglas Crawford A thesis submitted to the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering In conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Applied Science Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario, Canada April 2011 Copyright ©James Douglas Crawford, 2011

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James Douglas Crawford

A thesis submitted to the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

In conformity with the requirements for

the degree of Master of Applied Science

Queen’s University

Kingston, Ontario, Canada

April 2011

Copyright ©James Douglas Crawford, 2011

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The calibration and use of seven hole pressure probes for hot flow measurement was studied

extensively, and guidelines were developed for the calibration and use of these probes. The

influence of tip shape, Reynolds number, calibration grid density, and curve fit were studied and

reported. Calibration was done using the well established polynomial curve fit method of

Gallington. An improvement to this method was proposed that improved the uniformity and

magnitude of measurement error.

A hemispherical tip was found to be less sensitive to manufacturing defects, and less sensitive to

changes in tip Reynolds number than a conical tip.

The response of the probes was found to be Reynolds number independent over a tip Reynolds

number of 6000 for the entire calibrated range. For flows with an angle of attack less than

approximately 20°, the response of the probe was found to be independent above Re = 3000.

A minimum calibration grid density of 5° was recommended. Error in the measurement of high

angle flows was found to increase significantly when the calibration grid was sparser than this.

The response of the probe was found to contain features that were not properly represented by

third order polynomial terms, and it was found that it was necessary to include fourth order terms

in the polynomial curve fit.

The uniformity of calibration error was found to improve significantly when the high angle

sectors were calibrated using a small number of additional points from adjacent sectors. The

calibration data sorting algorithm was modified to include a calibration point in a given sector if

that sector’s port read the highest pressure, or if that port read within a specified tolerance

(“overlap pressure”) of the highest pressure. An overlap pressure of 15-20% of the calibration

flow dynamic pressure was found to decrease the maximum calibration errors by 10-15%.

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I would like to first thank Dr. A.M. Birk of the Department of Mechanical and Materials

Engineering for the opportunity to perform this work, and for his guidance and support.

I would like to thank the technical staff at McLaughlin Hall for machining and

assembling the probes used in this study. The contributions of Dr. Mark Cunningham, Dave

Poirier, and Dr. Qi Chen, who wrote and modified the original codes and programs that formed

the basis of this study are also acknowledged and appreciated.

The support of my friends and family is greatly appreciated. I am greatly indebted to my

parents, Anne and George, and my brother Stephen for supporting my pursuit of higher

education. I would also like to thank my labmates, especially Nathon Begg and Grant Armitage

for their help throughout the duration of this program.

This project has been jointly funded by Queen’s University, the Natural Sciences and

Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC), and W.R.Davis Engineering Ltd as a part of a

Collaborative Research and Development initiative.

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Table of Contents



Table of Contents............................................................................................................................ iv

List of Figures................................................................................................................................. ix

List of Tables .................................................................................................................................xii

Chapter 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Multi-Hole Pressure Probe Concept ...................................................................................... 1

1.2 Rationale ................................................................................................................................ 2

1.3 Motivation and Prior Work.................................................................................................... 4

1.4 Contribution and Scope of Work ........................................................................................... 4

Chapter 2 Theory and Literature Review......................................................................................... 6

2.1 Definitions and Conventions.................................................................................................. 7

2.2 Governing Parameters............................................................................................................ 9

2.2.1 Low Angle Coefficients ................................................................................................ 10

2.2.2 High Angle Coefficients ............................................................................................... 12

2.3 Inviscid Flow Solutions and Limitations ............................................................................. 15

2.4 Calibration Techniques ........................................................................................................ 16

2.4.1 Multi-Variable Polynomial Curve Fits ......................................................................... 16

2.4.2 Direct Interpolation....................................................................................................... 20

2.4.3 Hybrid Models .............................................................................................................. 21

2.5 Reynolds Number Effects .................................................................................................... 22

2.5.1 Flow over a Backward Facing Step .............................................................................. 24

2.5.2 Crossflow over a Cylinder ............................................................................................ 25

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2.5.3 Effects of Reynolds Number on Pitot Tube Performance............................................. 27

2.5.4 Effects of Reynolds Number on Seven Hole Probe Response...................................... 27

2.6 Mach Number Effects .......................................................................................................... 28

2.7 Flow Turbulence Effects...................................................................................................... 29

2.8 Velocity Gradient Effects .................................................................................................... 31

Chapter 3 Apparatus and Instrumentation ..................................................................................... 32

3.1 Probe Design........................................................................................................................ 32

3.2 Experimental Apparatus....................................................................................................... 35

3.2.1 Calibration Wind Tunnel .............................................................................................. 35

3.2.2 Rotary Traverse............................................................................................................. 37

3.3 Data Acquisition .................................................................................................................. 39

Chapter 4 Procedures ..................................................................................................................... 40

4.1 Data Collection .................................................................................................................... 40

4.1.1 Alignment and Connection to DAQ.............................................................................. 40

4.1.2 Calibration Grid Requirements and Generation............................................................ 41

4.1.3 Wind Tunnel Operation and Automated Data Collection Setup................................... 44

4.2 Generation of Calibration Curves ........................................................................................ 44

4.2.1 Calibration Data Sorting ............................................................................................... 44 Sorting Criteria....................................................................................................... 46 Overlap Pressure and the Extent of Calibration Sector Domains .......................... 47 Determination of Reference Flow Conditions ....................................................... 49

4.2.2 Calculation of Calibration Coefficients ........................................................................ 50

4.3 Conversion of Measured Probe Pressures from an Arbitrary Flow to Flow Velocity,

Direction, and Pressure .............................................................................................................. 51

4.4 Calibration Verification ....................................................................................................... 53

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4.4.1 Verification of Flow Separation.................................................................................... 53

4.5 Calibration Validation.......................................................................................................... 56

Chapter 5 Results and Analysis ..................................................................................................... 58

5.1 Data Verification.................................................................................................................. 59

5.2 Factors Affecting Probe Response....................................................................................... 62

5.2.1 Geometry Effects on Pressure Coefficient Distributions .............................................. 62 Tip Separation........................................................................................................ 63 Downstream Separation ......................................................................................... 67

5.2.2 Reynolds Number Effects ............................................................................................. 71 Reynolds Number Effects on Pressure Coefficient Distribution ........................... 71 Reynolds Number Effects on Calibration Accuracy.............................................. 76 Reynolds Number Effects in Previous Works ....................................................... 79

5.3 Variables Affecting the Representation of Probe Response Using a Curve Fit................... 79

5.3.1 Calibration Grid Independence ..................................................................................... 80

5.3.2 Overlap Pressure ........................................................................................................... 84 Proof of Concept .................................................................................................... 85 Overlap Pressure in Dense Calibration Grids ........................................................ 93 Overlap Pressure in Alternative Tip Geometries ................................................... 95

5.3.3 Order of Polynomial Curve Fit ..................................................................................... 95 Grid Independence ................................................................................................. 96 Overlap Pressure .................................................................................................. 100

5.4 Method of Lowest Error..................................................................................................... 101

5.5 Summary and Discussion of Findings ............................................................................... 104

Chapter 6 Error Analysis and Propagation .................................................................................. 108

6.1 Sources of Error During Calibration.................................................................................. 108

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6.2 Sources of Error in an Arbitrary Flow ............................................................................... 110

6.2.1 Low Angle Flows........................................................................................................ 112

6.2.2 High Angle Flows ....................................................................................................... 114

6.3 Calculation of Total Error in an Arbitrary Flow................................................................ 116

6.4 Example of Transducer Uncertainty Plots ......................................................................... 117

Chapter 7 Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 120

7.1 Tip Geometry..................................................................................................................... 120

7.2 Reynolds Number Effects .................................................................................................. 121

7.3 Order of Polynomial Curve Fit .......................................................................................... 122

7.4 Calibration Grid Requirements .......................................................................................... 122

7.5 Overlap Pressure ................................................................................................................ 122

7.6 Quantification of Error in Previous Works ........................................................................ 123

Chapter 8 Recommendations and Limitations ............................................................................. 124

References.................................................................................................................................... 126

Appendix A Experimental Apparatus and Calibration ................................................................ 130

A.1 Pressure Transducers......................................................................................................... 130

A.2 X-Y Traverse Tables......................................................................................................... 132

A.3 Sampling Period Sensitivity.............................................................................................. 134

Appendix B Using Seven Hole Probes in the Gas Turbine Lab .................................................. 136

B.1 Assembly and Manufacture............................................................................................... 137

B.2 Storage and Handling ........................................................................................................ 138

B.3 Calibration......................................................................................................................... 139

B.4 Processing of Flow Data ................................................................................................... 142

Appendix C Shop Drawings ........................................................................................................ 143

Appendix D Measurement and Characterization of Calibration Wind Tunnel Outlet Flow ....... 151

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D.1 Swirl Characterization....................................................................................................... 151

D.1.1 Direct Port Pressure Comparison ............................................................................... 153

D.2 Static Pressure Profile Uniformity .................................................................................... 154

D.3 Flow Development............................................................................................................ 154

D.4 Wind Tunnel Drift and Unsteadiness................................................................................ 155

D.5 Turbulence Effects ............................................................................................................ 157

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List of Figures

Figure 1-1: Typical Seven Hole Probe Tip ...................................................................................... 2

Figure 2-1: Probe Numbering and Angle Conventions................................................................... 7

Figure 2-2: Flow Angle and Coordinate System Conventions [2]................................................... 8

Figure 2-3: Pressure Coefficients on the Surface of a Circular Cylinder in Crossflow ................ 14

Figure 2-4: Downwind Separation at Moderate Angles of Attack ............................................... 23

Figure 2-5: Downwind Separation at High Angles of Attack....................................................... 23

Figure 2-6: Characteristic Lengths of a 7 Hole Probe and a Backward Facing Step.................... 24

Figure 2-7: Flow Structures Downstream of a Cylinder in Laminar and Turbulent Crossflow ... 26

Figure 3-1: Schematic Layout Drawing Showing the Parts of the Seven Hole Probe.................. 33

Figure 3-2: Schematic Drawing of Probe Tip Designs .................................................................. 34

Figure 3-3: Photograph of Tip Shapes as Built.............................................................................. 34

Figure 3-4: Variable Speed Calibration Wind Tunnel ................................................................... 36

Figure 3-5: Position of Probe and Reference Pitot Tube During Calibration ................................ 37

Figure 3-6: Rotary Traverse.......................................................................................................... 38

Figure 4-1: Sample Calibration Grid ............................................................................................ 43

Figure 4-2: Data Sectoring for a Typical Probe............................................................................ 45

Figure 4-3: Data Extracted for Yaw Meter Performance Evaluation ........................................... 54

Figure 4-4: Response of 7 Hole Probe as a Yaw Meter................................................................ 55

Figure 5-1: RMS Average Error Comparison for Low Angle Sector........................................... 60

Figure 5-2: RMS Average Error Comparison for High Angle Sector ........................................... 60

Figure 5-3: Reynolds Number Effect Comparison for all Sectors................................................ 61

Figure 5-4: Yaw Meter Performance of a Seven Hole Probe with a Chamfered Tip ................... 64

Figure 5-5: Yaw Meter Performance of a Seven Hole Probe with a Hemispherical Tip.............. 64

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Figure 5-6: Burr Upstream of Port 2............................................................................................. 66

Figure 5-7: Scratched Tip Surface ................................................................................................ 66

Figure 5-8: Pressure Coefficient Distributions around Probe Tip and a Circular Cylinder........... 68

Figure 5-9: High Angle Flow Requiring Attached flow 90° from the Stagnation Point .............. 69

Figure 5-10: Pressure Coefficient Distributions with Data from Three Ports............................... 70

Figure 5-11: Reynolds Number Effects on Conical Tip Yaw Meter Performance........................ 73

Figure 5-12: Reynolds Number Effects on Conical Tip Pressure Coefficient Distribution at 50°

Cone Angle .................................................................................................................................... 73

Figure 5-13: Reynolds Number Effects on Hemispherical Tip Yaw Meter Performance ............ 74

Figure 5-14: Reynolds Number Effects on Hemispherical Tip Pressure Coefficient Distribution at

50° Cone Angle.............................................................................................................................. 74

Figure 5-15: Average Errors in the High and Low Angle Regions for a Conical Tipped Probe..77

Figure 5-16: Average Errors in the High and Low Angle Regions for a Hemispherical Tipped

Probe .............................................................................................................................................. 77

Figure 5-17: Average Errors for Both Tip Shapes........................................................................ 79

Figure 5-18: Effects of Grid Density on Conical Tipped Probe Error........................................... 81

Figure 5-19: Effects of Grid Density on Hemispherical Tipped Probe Error ................................ 81

Figure 5-20: Effect of Overlap on High Angle Probe Error ......................................................... 86

Figure 5-21: Error in Calculated Dynamic Pressure with 0 Overlap Pressure.............................. 89

Figure 5-22: Error in Calculated Dynamic Pressure with 15% Overlap Pressure ........................ 89

Figure 5-23: Effects of Grid Density on Probe Error with a 4th Order Polynomial Fit.................. 96

Figure 5-24: Dynamic Pressure Error Distribution with a 3rd Order Curve Fit from 3° Grid

Spacing, 0 Overlap......................................................................................................................... 99

Figure 5-25: Dynamic Pressure Error Distribution with a 4th Order Curve Fit from 3° Grid

Spacing, 0 Overlap......................................................................................................................... 99

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Figure 5-26: Error Contours for the Optimum Calibration Case ................................................ 103

Figure 6-1: Velocity and Temperature Contours for Sample Mixing Tube Outlet Traverse...... 117

Figure 6-2: Flow Property Uncertainty Resulting from Transducer Uncertainty ....................... 118

Figure A-1: Typical Transducer Casing Arrangement ................................................................ 130

Figure A-2: Pressure Transducer Calibration Arrangement ........................................................ 131

Figure A-3: XY-Positioning Traverse Rig.................................................................................. 133

Figure A-4: Transient Pressure Response to a 45 Degree Change in Flow Angle ..................... 135

Figure D-1: Wind Tunnel Outlet Secondary Flow Vectors ......................................................... 152

Figure D-2: Unbiased Wind Tunnel Outlet Secondary Flow Vectors ........................................ 152

Figure D-3: Wind Tunnel Outlet Static Pressure Contours ......................................................... 154

Figure D-4: Validation of Flow Development............................................................................ 155

Figure D-5: Variation of Measured Pressure over an 8 Hour Period.......................................... 156

Figure D-6: Suction-type Wind Tunnel for Turbulence Testing ................................................. 157

Figure D-7: Test Chamber Bellmouth Inlet ................................................................................ 158

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List of Tables

Table 2-1: Flow Angle Conventions................................................................................................ 8

Table 4-1: Error Code Descriptions .............................................................................................. 52

Table 5-1: Calibration Point Distribution for a Conical Tipped Probe......................................... 83

Table 5-2: Calibration Point Distribution for a Hemispherical Tipped Probe ............................... 83

Table 5-3: Total Number of Points in each High Angle Calibration Sector with Overlap ........... 87

Table 5-4: RMS Average High Angle Errors ............................................................................... 92

Table 5-5: Absolute Maximum High Angle Errors ....................................................................... 92

Table 5-6: Changes in High Angle RMS Average Error with the Application of 15% Overlap... 93

Table 5-7: Changes in High Angle Absolute Maximum Error with the Application of 15%

Overlap........................................................................................................................................... 94

Table 5-8: Effects of Increasing Order of Curve fit on Overall RMS Average Error................... 97

Table 5-9: Effects of Increasing Order of Curve fit on Overall Absolute Maximum Error.......... 97

Table 5-10: Average and Maximum Calibration Errors (All Sectors)........................................ 102

Table 5-11: Effects of Overlap Pressure and Direct Interpolation on Calibration Accuracy...... 106

Table 6-1: Calibration Uncertainty for a Sample Probe............................................................... 110

Table D-1: Effect of Stem Position on Probe Response ............................................................. 153

Table D-2: Dimensions of Turbulence Screens ........................................................................... 159

Table D-3: RMS Average Errors at Different Turbulence Levels .............................................. 160

Table D-4: Absolute Maximum Errors at Different Turbulence Levels...................................... 160

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Chapter 1


The concept of measuring flow velocity using a tube with a hole facing the oncoming flow was

introduced by Henri Pitot in the 1730’s, when he was tasked with measuring water speeds in the

Seine River in France. Multi-hole pressure probes were an extension of the pitot tube concept –

the known relative position of each pressure port allowed calculation of both a flow direction and

a flow magnitude. Three hole probes are capable of measuring a single flow angle – that is,

measuring a two dimensional flow. Five and seven hole probes are capable of determining two

flow angles – allowing a fully three dimensional velocity field to be measured. The two

additional holes allow seven hole probes to measure higher angles of attack than five hole probes.

The seven hole probe is the subject of the current work. Seven hole probes have been widely

shown to be capable of measuring mean flow angles to within 1° and mean flow velocity to

within 1%. The main challenge surrounding these probes is calibration – the response is very

sensitive to small changes in tip geometry, so care must be taken to ensure that the tips are not

damaged or impacted. The present work develops codes and procedures based on the principles

and governing equations from the literature and makes incremental contributions that improve the

accuracy and uniformity of calibration curves.

1.1 Multi-Hole Pressure Probe Concept

A seven hole pressure probe is constructed by surrounding a central pressure port with 6 equally

spaced ports. The central port is on the axis of the probe. The frustal face from which the six

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peripheral ports are drilled is typically angled between 25° and 35° to the central port. A typical

probe tip is shown in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1: Typical Seven Hole Probe Tip

When a seven hole probe is used to measure an arbitrary flow, the pressures in the seven ports are

measured simultaneously. Using the known relative positions of the seven holes, dimensionless

pressure coefficients that represent the direction of flow can be defined based on the difference in

measured pressure across diametrically opposite holes. These directional coefficients can then be

correlated to exact flow angles, and the direction of flow can be established. The flow magnitude

and pressure can be approximated using the dimensionless coefficients derived from the raw

pressure data. The dimensionless directional coefficients are then correlated to a correction factor

which is applied to the pressure magnitude coefficients, and the exact flow pressure and

magnitude can be calculated.

1.2 Rationale

The Queen’s University Gas Turbine lab (GTL) performs experiments on auxiliary gas turbine

exhaust components using a Hot Gas Wind Tunnel (HGWT) to simulate a gas turbine exhaust.

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This wind tunnel can produce flows of up to 2.5 kg/s of hot air at temperatures up to 600°C. The

flows in the components that are tested are typically highly three dimensional, and have high

velocity and temperature gradients. There is a desire to take velocity, pressure, and temperature

measurements of these flows – both inside the devices and at the device exit plane.

Local velocity measurement is typically performed in one of three main ways – optical, hot

wire/film, and pitot-tube. Optical techniques include laser Doppler anemometry (LDA) and

particle image velocimetry (PIV). These techniques use lasers to locally illuminate the flow, and

the behavior of seeding particles that pass through the area if interest is recorded using either a

high speed camera or a doppler phase shift. Laser techniques are difficult to implement in the

HGWT, however, as the high primary mass flow rates would require enormous amounts of

seeding materials, and the seeding of secondary ejector flows is difficult. Hot wire techniques

measure the current flow through a heated wire and correlate the heat loss from the wire to flow

velocities over the wire. High temperature hot wire and hot film type probes are available,

however they are quite expensive, and the probe tips themselves can be quite fragile. Given the

scale of devices tested in the HGWT, and the manufacturing tolerances in some of the bent and

welded sheet metal ducts, there is a risk of probes colliding with the walls and edges of these


The multi-hole pressure probe is the most attractive option for flow measurement in the HGWT

mainly because of its mechanical durability and relative low cost. Hot wire and laser systems can

cost upwards of $30,000, where a seven hole probe can be manufactured in house for less than

$1000. Seven hole probes can be made from stainless steel, which resists corrosion and

degradation due to heating. They are also capable of providing a full 3D velocity and pressure

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measurement in a single reading – something that would not be possible with optical or hot wire

techniques. Pressure data would have to be taken in a separate traverse and would be subject to

pitot tube error due to a non-axial angle of attack. The scale of flow that can be measured with a

seven hole probe is, however, limited to scales larger than the probe tip, which is around 3mm.

Conventional seven hole probes are also limited to taking time averaged measurements. These

limitations are acceptable, however, for purposes of the GTL.

1.3 Motivation and Prior Work

Seven hole probes have been used in the GTL to measure both hot and cold flows since 2000.

Cunningham [1] wrote the original FORTRAN codes that were used as the basis of the present

study. The probes were first used in hot flow by Chen [2] and Maqsood [3]. The measured flow

angles and total pressures were quite good in their work, however there was concern that there

may have been some error associated with the calculation of static pressure. One purpose of this

work was therefore to investigate and mitigate the causes of this error.

A significant amount of the code that was used in this work was originally written by Dr. Mark

Cunningham, and later revised by David Poirier and Dr. Qi Chen. Their significant contributions

to this work are acknowledged and appreciated.

1.4 Contribution and Scope of Work

This work presents a method, termed “overlap pressure”, which improves the polynomial curve

fit calibration approach by using certain calibration points in multiple probe sectors. This work

also presents a detailed method of error analysis that considers the effects of flow magnitude and

direction on uncertainty.

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This work also provides a detailed introduction to the calibration and use of seven hole probes

that is valuable to new graduate students and researchers in the GTL. Software for calibration,

flow measurement, and error analysis has also been developed and validated and is available

internally. A section on low level implementation is included, with detailed instructions for the

use of these software tools.

The scope of this work was to study and quantify the key factors that affect the use of seven hole

probes in hot flow. Reynolds number is an important factor, so the design of the tip was studied

to assess its affect on Reynolds number sensitivity. The key variables affecting calibration

accuracy are also studied, and guidance is given for their selection. This study was limited to

time averaged measurements in subsonic, incompressible flow.

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Chapter 2

Theory and Literature Review

Multi-hole pressure probes have been extensively studied in literature, and standard methods of

calibration and implementation exist and are well documented. The earliest multi-hole probes

were used in a nulling mode. A pitot-static tube was mounted in a flow, and the pressure on

diametrically opposite static pressure ports was measured individually. The probe was

mechanically rotated until the error signal (the difference between the diametrically opposite

ports) reached 0. The inclination angle of the probe was then the flow direction, and the flow

magnitude was captured by the pitot tube. Such an apparatus was described and patented in 1972

by Maiden et al. [4]

Properly implementing a nulled-probe apparatus required a great deal of equipment and

instrumentation. Pressure transducers were required to read all of the individual port pressures.

Motors were required to rotate the probe, and position sensors needed to measure the angle of

attack. The expense and complexity of implementing a nulling setup created a demand for a

method of using a seven hole probe in a non-nulling mode. The accepted approach that is widely

in use today was proposed by Gallington [5] in 1980. His work introduced the concept of

dimensionless directional pressure coefficients that could be used to represent the angularity of a

flow over a large range of flows. The specifics of his methods are reviewed in detail in section


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2.1 Definitions and Conventions

The hole numbering convention is the first that must be established. Figure 2-1 shows a front

view of a 7 hole probe. The probe stem is shown in the view, and the holes numbered relative to

this orientation. The sign conventions of three angles are also defined in this view – pitch, yaw,

and roll.

Figure 2-1: Probe Numbering and Angle Conventions

The flow angle relative to the probe tip can be defined using two coordinate systems. The pitch

and yaw coordinate system defines two flow angles that are referenced to the probe’s X and Y

axis. The cone and roll coordinate system is a polar coordinate system. The cone angle is the

total angle of attack to the probe axis, and the roll angle is a rotation angle that is referenced to a

fixed probe axis. The definition of these angles, as well as the coordinate system that is assumed

is shown schematically in Figure 2-2 and the definitions of each angle are tabulated in Table 2-1.

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Angles with a subscript T are tangent angles, which are measured between projections of the

velocity vector.

Figure 2-2: Flow Angle and Coordinate System Conventions [2]

Table 2-1: Flow Angle Conventions

Angle Term Regime Definition

α Pitch Low Angle Angle between w and Y-Z projection of velocity

β Yaw Low Angle Angle between velocity vector and Y-Z projection of velocity

θ Cone High Angle Angle between w and the velocity vector

γ Roll High Angle Angle between –v and X-Y projection of velocity

Table 2-1 introduces the concept of a flow regime. The response equations are different for

different angles of attack. At low angles of attack, the flow remains attached over the entire

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probe tip. As the angle of attack is increased, the flow on the downwind side of the probe

eventually separates. Pressure data in the separated region is unsteady and is not representative of

the flow that is being measured. For this reason, at high angles of attack, data from ports that are

measuring a separated region of the flow are ignored and the flow was calculated based only on

the ports measuring in attached flow. The Low Angle flow regime is therefore the regime in

which the flow is attached over all seven holes, and the High Angle flow regime is the regime in

which flow is attached over only some of the holes. The pitch and yaw coordinate system was

used in the low angle regime, while the cone and roll coordinate system was used in the high

angle regime. Details of the formulation of the governing equations, as well as an explanation of

the choice of different coordinate systems can be found in section 2.2.

2.2 Governing Parameters

Gallington [5] deduced the concept of directional pressure coefficients in 1980, and his definition

remains the preferred method for reducing and non-dimensionalizing seven hole data. The first

step in processing data using the Gallington method is to determine whether the measured flow

falls into the Low or High Angle regime. This was done by indentifying the port reading the

highest pressure – the port reading the highest pressure was indicative of the general direction of

the flow. If port 1, the centre port read the highest pressure, the flow was deemed to be a Low

Angle flow, and the data from all seven pressure ports was used in the calculation. If a peripheral

port (ports 2-7) read the highest pressure, then the flow was deemed to be a High Angle flow, and

there was a significant probability of flow separation over the ports on the downwind side of the

probe. In a high angle flow, the flow was therefore calculated based only on the port with highest

pressure and the three adjacent ports, where the flow was known to be attached. The equations

shown in sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 were taken from Gallington [5].

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The structure and form of the governing parameters is the same in the high and low angle flow

regimes. In both cases, two directional pressure coefficients are defined – this allows the

direction of the flow to be determined directly through various correlation methods, described in

section 2.4. The flow magnitude and pressure is also determined through the use of

dimensionless coefficients.

The total pressure under any flow condition is equal to the sum of the static pressure and the

dynamic pressure. The highest pressure read by any single port on the probe is the best available

approximation of the flow total pressure. The average of the remainder of the peripheral pressure

ports that read in attached flow is the best available approximation of the flow static pressure.

Taking the difference of these two pressures allows the calculation of an approximate flow

dynamic pressure. The error in these approximations is directly related to the angularity of the

flow. As described by Gerner [6], the dimensionless coefficients that are used to define total and

dynamic pressure essentially become correction factors to the approximations of total and

dynamic pressure that are calculated from the pressure data.

2.2.1 Low Angle Coefficients

In a low angle flow, the highest pressure was read in port 1. P1 was therefore the approximate

flow total pressure. In low angle flow, the flow was assumed to be attached over all of the

peripheral pressure ports, so the approximate static pressure was therefore calculated as shown in

Equation (2-1)

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iPP (2-1)

The directional pressure coefficients for the low angle regime are shown in Equation (2-2). The

pressure differences were normalized by the approximate dynamic pressure of the flow.





23 , PP




74 , PP




56 (2-2)

These coefficients were weighted according to their relative positions on the probe tip and used to

generate a further pair of coefficients that are representative of the pitch and yaw. The

calculation of the pitch and yaw coefficients is shown in Equations (2-3) and (2-4). The relative

weighting of the terms in the pitch and yaw coefficients was based solely on the geometry of the

probe tip.


2 cba CCCC

++=α (2-3)


cb CCC

+=β (2-4)

The formulation of the total and dynamic pressure coefficients are shown in Equations (2-5) and

(2-6), respectively. Pt and Pq represent the flow’s true total and dynamic pressure, respectively.






1 (2-5)




−= 1 (2-6)

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2.2.2 High Angle Coefficients

In a high angle flow, the highest pressure was read in one of the peripheral ports, and this port

was referred to as port n. Pn was therefore taken to be the approximate flow total pressure. As

mentioned, there was a high probability in high angle flow that the downwind side of the probe

would be measuring in separated flow, so only pressures from hole n, the two immediately

adjacent peripheral ports, and the centre port were considered. The pressure in the two adjacent

peripheral ports was termed P+ and P-. The approximate static pressure of the flow was therefore

calculated using Equation (2-7).

2−+ +


Pn (2-7)

Directional coefficients in the high angle regime were defined based on the polar coordinate

system. This was convenient because it allowed only a single pair of coefficients to be defined,

and that pair of coefficients was applicable to all six of the peripheral ports. Formulating yaw and

pitch coefficients for the peripheral holes would have involved using unique scalar weightings for

the pressure difference terms at each port. The cone and roll coefficients are introduced in

Equations (2-8) and (2-9). Again, the terms were normalized by the approximate dynamic

pressure of the flow.





−= 1

θ (2-8)

nn PP


−= +−

γ (2-9)

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The total and dynamic pressure coefficients were formulated in a way very similar to those in the

low angle regime. The expressions are shown in Equations (2-10) and (2-11).





−= (2-10)





−= (2-11)

It should be reiterated that the equations of flow in the high angle regime are only valid if four

ports were reading in attached flow. As discussed in section 2.3, the assumption that the two

adjacent peripheral ports are in attached flow was very reasonable, and it was highly unlikely that

this assumption could ever be violated. As discussed by Zilliac [7], however, it was possible that

the flow over port 1 could become separated, leading to the possibility of double-valued

directional pressure coefficients, which would render the measurement invalid. The possibility of

double-valued coefficients is illustrated in Figure 2-3, which shows pressure coefficients on the

surface of a cylinder in crossflow as a function of angle of attack. The pressure distribution

around a cylinder is often approximated using equations of flow around a 2-D circular cylinder

[6], [7]. The data for this plot was reproduced from White [8].

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Angle of Attack (°)


0 45 90 135 180­3







Figure 2-3: Pressure Coefficients on the Surface of a Circular Cylinder in Crossflow

This plot shows characteristic pressure coefficients for a cylinder in inviscid, laminar, and

turbulent flow. The flow on the downwind side of the cylinder separates in both laminar and

turbulent flow. What is important about these curves is not the separation point, but rather that in

both regimes the flow recovers some pressure before separating. This pressure recovery was

what led to the possibility of double-valued pressure coefficients. The seven hole probe had a

similar characteristic response to changes in angle of attack as the cylinder shown above, but the

angle of attack was not known. In the above case, if all that was known was that the flow was

turbulent and that the Cp value at a port was -1, it would have been impossible to know if the

flow’s angle of attack was 50° or 110°.

A step was added to the data processing procedure to check for this possibility. The

implementation of this step was discussed in detail in section 4.3.

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2.3 Inviscid Flow Solutions and Limitations

The distribution of pressure around the probe tip can be calculated analytically using inviscid

flow equations. Huffman [9] used slender body theory to define a set of response equations that

would analytically predict the distribution of pressure around the probe tip at an arbitrary angle of

attack. Given the fixed location of the pressure ports, a set of response equations, different from

those outlined in section 2.2 were proposed. The reasoning behind this alternative approach was

that when the governing equations were based on inviscid theory, the equations were more

physically significant. The curve fitting and interpolation process that relates flow properties to

the directional coefficients of the Gallington method was used simply because it produced an

acceptable result – it was not grounded in an expected physical response. It was acknowledged

by Huffman, however, that the inability of inviscid flow theory to predict flow separation, and the

sensitivity of probe response to manufacturing tolerance meant that calibration was still


The work of Huffman was continued by Pisdale [10] and Zilliac [7] who both showed that the

response of probes with a simple geometry could be relatively well modeled using potential flow

theory. Pisdale expanded on the potential flow solution approach for a five hole probe by

generating a set of response equations that could be graphically or numerically interpolated.

Again, the justification for this approach was that it was grounded in a potential flow approach

that was physically significant. The implication was that if a polynomial curve fit or a direct

interpolation scheme with directional pressure coefficients was used, it must be proven that the

physical response of the probe was accurately modeled – not simply that the calibration curve fit

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the data well over the entire response domain, but that all of the physical trends of the probe

response were accurately captured.

2.4 Calibration Techniques

Ultimately, the goal of calibration was to establish a correlation between the directional pressure

coefficients and the flow angles and total and dynamic pressure coefficients. This was done by

placing the probe in a known, axial flow, and moving the probe to a number of known angles.

The independent variables (directional pressure coefficients) could then be related to the

dependant variables (flow angles and total and dynamic pressure coefficients). The method that

was used to relate the independent and dependent variables was extensively studied in literature.

A description of some of these methods is given in the following sections. The present work used

use the multi-variable polynomial curve fit method, so the mathematics of this approach are

presented extensively in section 2.4.1. The detailed mathematics of the other approaches were

omitted for brevity. It should be noted that all of the methods described herein used the same

governing parameters to define the probe response. The methods described below only dealt with

the way in which the dependant and independent variables were related to each other.

2.4.1 Multi-Variable Polynomial Curve Fits

The concept of a polynomial power series fit was first proposed in literature by Gallington [5].

This approach used a bivariant surface polynomial to relate directional pressure coefficients to the

four desired flow properties. The output of the calibration was a set of coefficients that allowed a

flow property to be determined using simple matrix multiplication. Gerner [6] used a similar

approach, but added an additional degree of freedom by defining a compressibility coefficient

that was also included in the calibration. Gerner’s work therefore used a trivariant surface

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polynomial to relate the directional and compressibility coefficients to the four desired flow

properties. The present study deals with incompressible flows, so the compressibility coefficient

was omitted.

The main advantage of the polynomial surface method is that the number of calibration

coefficients that are required is relatively small. The seven sectors of the probe are calibrated

independently, and each of the four dependant variables requires their own correlation to the

directional coefficients. A fourth order, bivariant polynomial, with 15 terms, therefore requires a

total of 420 calibration coefficients. A similar bivariant polynomial of third order requires 280

calibration coefficients.

The optimal choice of power series is not something that has been studied in the literature.

Gallington [5] used a fourth order expansion. Sumner [11] used a third order expansion. Gerner

[6] used a third order expansion of his trivariant polynomial, as did Everett [12]. Ultimately the

order of power series must be high enough that physical phenomena occurring within the solution

domain are captured. A power series that is too high order, however, is susceptible to noise in the

calibration data, and may generate curves with unphysical peaks and valleys, especially near the

boundaries of the domain [13].

The number of points that are used to calibrate a sector is a very important factor in determining

the appropriate order of fit. Everett [12] and Gerner [6] showed that for a given grid density, as

maximum cone angle considered during calibration was decreased, the standard error in the

calibration was also reduced. The standard error was measured by feeding the calibration data

back through its own calibration curve – a good measure of the quality of the fit to a given set of

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data. Reducing the maximum cone angle reduces the number of points in a given sector, however

in Everett the number of degrees of freedom in the curve fit was not reduced – so the observed

reduction of standard error could be considered an expected result. When calculating standard

errors, it is therefore important to consider the ratio of the size of the data set to the number of

degrees of freedom in the curve fit to ensure that reductions in error are not due to the effective

increase in the order of polynomial fit.

The mathematics of the polynomial curve fit method are shown in Equations (2-12) and (2-13)

with fourth order terms included. The extension of the method to higher or lower order

polynomials is intuitive, and would be achieved simply by omitting or adding terms that are of

the same form as those shown below. As discussed in sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2, the high and low

angle regimes are based on different directional coefficients. The exact formulation of the

polynomials is therefore slightly different for the high and low angle regimes. Equations (2-12)

and (2-13) show the exact expressions that are used to calculate a flow property, X, given the two

angular coefficients and a set of probe-dependant calibration coefficients. X represents each of

the dependent variables – two flow angles, and total and dynamic pressure coefficients. All four

of these properties are calculated in the same way.









































































































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These complete expansions can also be expressed in matrix form. Only the matrix form of the

low angle expression is shown, for brevity. Equation (2-14) shows that once the calibration

coefficients are known, any number of points (m) can be converted to flow properties quickly and

efficiently using simple matrix multiplication.













































This matrix can be further simplified in its expression. The independent variable array is a

function only of the angular pressure coefficients, and hence can be calculated directly from

probe data. The dependent variable vector is known during calibration, but unknown when the

probe is used to measure an arbitrary flow. Similarly, the calibration vector is unknown during

calibration, but must be known when measuring an arbitrary flow. The matrix is expressed in a

simplified form in Equation (2-15).

{ } [ ]{ }KTMX = (2-15)

From this expression, it is clear that relatively simple matrix algebra can be used to calculate the

calibration vector, K, given that the flow properties are known during calibration. Conversely, it

is clear that the only data required to calculate the flow properties in an arbitrary flow is the

calibration vector. This leads to the main advantage of the polynomial surface method – once the

expressions are formulated, the implementation time and computational expense to calibrate

probes and solve arbitrary flows is quite low.

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The polynomial surface method has been shown [6], [11] to be capable of measuring flow angles

to within 1° and flow pressures to within 2%. The accuracy of the calibration is of course

dependent on the density of the calibration grid. Accuracy is also somewhat dependant on cone

angle – at high angles of attack, errors tend to be higher. That said, the approach is simple to

implement and has been shown to be capable of producing accurate measurements of flow, which

is why it was selected for the present study.

2.4.2 Direct Interpolation

The direct interpolation method was first proposed by Zilliac [7], and has been shown to improve

the accuracy of flow property calculation, especially at high angles of attack [11],[7], compared

to the polynomial curve method. The increased error in the polynomial curve method was

explained physically in two ways. At high angles of attack, small changes or errors in the

directional coefficient caused large changes in the calculated flow angle. Secondly, the noise in a

polynomial curve is highest near its extents – exacerbating the problem.

There were two main drawbacks to the direct interpolation method. The computational expense

was higher, because the response of the probe could not be represented by a single expression.

The amount of storage required for the calibration data was also much higher, as the complete

calibration data set must be stored.

The actual interpolation procedure was complicated by the non-uniform grid. The spacing of the

pitch and yaw or cone and roll coefficients was non-uniform, meaning that defining the nearest

neighbours could be somewhat complicated. One common solution was to adopt the Akima [14]

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interpolation scheme, which is capable of interpolating non-uniform grids of multiple

independent variables. This scheme fits a local polynomial to at least five points in each

direction, and uses geometric conditions to ensure local continuity of the function and its


Sumner [11] performed a direct comparison of the direct interpolation method and the polynomial

surface method. The two calibration methods were applied to the same data set, and then a

different, larger data set was processed using each method. In the low angle regime, the

difference in standard error was shown to be negligible. In the high angle regime, there was an

improvement in the on the order of 0.5° in the error in flow angle, but this improvement was only

seen when the calibration grids were quite coarse. Similar improvements were shown by Silva

[15], who compared the polynomial curve method with a simple linear interpolation. This

suggests that the interpolation method (Akima vs linear) may not be responsible for the improved

response – the improvement may simply be due to the nature of the direct interpolation technique.

These results were compared with the present work and discussed in greater detail in section 5.5.

2.4.3 Hybrid Models

A number of hybrid and alternative models have been proposed over the years in an attempt to

reduce the intrinsic error associated with curve fitting. Wenger [16] proposed a combination of

the global polynomial curve fit approach with a local direct interpolation of an error table that

was also output from the calibration. The rationale behind this approach was that the high order

global curve fit would damp out any unsteadiness or noise in the high order derivatives, while the

low order, interpolated error term would allow for local variation of the low order derivatives.

The results were shown to be quite good, reducing interpolation error to approximately 1 order of

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magnitude below other sources of experimental error. The downside of this approach, however,

was that the accuracy and precision of the calibrator setup become critical. If the transducers

used for calibration were not more accurate than the transducers used for data collection, then the

effect of noise in the calibration data could be significant.

A neural network approach was proposed by Rediniotis [17]. The neural network approach

created a library of nodes at which calibration data (inputs and outputs) are stored. A number of

layers were then created, with each node using a weighting factor on adjacent nodes to determine

its influence. A number of optimization cycles were completed, where the network calculated

expected values and compared with the known, measured values, improving its weighting factors

each time through until errors were minimized.

The issue with this approach was that the architecture of the network – that is, the number and

arrangement of nodes, as well as the definition of the layers, had a significant effect on the

accuracy of the result. Further, the network architecture was highly user defined – meaning that

the user was required to work through a significant number of combinations and network designs

before the optimal design was reached. The advantage of the approach, however, was that

additional calibration data could be quickly and easily added to the network.

2.5 Reynolds Number Effects

As discussed, when the flow attacks the probe at a high angle, the flow separates from the

downwind side of the probe tip. Flow separation is typically highly dependant on Reynolds

number, so understanding the mechanisms of separation and finding representative problems for

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comparison purposes is important. Figure 2-4 and Figure 2-5 show diagrams of the two main

types of flow separation that were expected.

Figure 2-4: Downwind Separation at Moderate Angles of Attack

Figure 2-5: Downwind Separation at High Angles of Attack

The separation shown in Figure 2-4 is similar to the separation seen downstream of a backward

facing step, which is a problem that has been studied extensively in literature. Similarly, the

separation shown in Figure 2-5 is similar to the separation seen downstream of a cylinder in

crossflow, another well-studied problem. The Reynolds number dependence of separation in

these classic flows was therefore likely to provide some insight into the Reynolds number

dependence of the probes in the present study.

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2.5.1 Flow over a Backward Facing Step

Separation over a backward facing step is classically studied in a two dimensional test section,

and the flow is classically studied as an internal flow. The problem can still be considered

analogous to separation over the probe tip, however, as long as the step is relatively small – on

the same order of magnitude as the height of the incoming channel. The definition of the length

scale of the Reynolds number is also important. The Reynolds number of the flow over a 7 hole

probe is typically reported in terms of the probe tip diameter [11]. In order to make reasonable

comparisons with data from a backward facing step, the upstream height of the channel was

chosen as the characteristic length. This is shown schematically in Figure 2-6.

Figure 2-6: Characteristic Lengths of a 7 Hole Probe and a Backward Facing Step

Armaly [18] experimentally studied separation downstream of a backward facing step in a

channel with an expansion ratio of 1.94. Data was collected using LDA, and it was found that

there were significant changes in the downstream reattachment length at two critical Reynolds

numbers. Below a Reynolds number of 1200, flow was laminar, and the reattachment length

varied linearly with Reynolds number. Above a Reynolds number of 6600, when the flow was

characterized as fully turbulent, the reattachment length was constant. In the transition region,

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where Reynolds numbers were between 1200 and 6600, there was a non-linear variation of

approximately 50% in the reattachment length. These results suggest that the 7 hole probe

response could be quite sensitive to Reynolds number in this range of Reynolds numbers. The

choice of transition criteria from the low angle to high angle regime will be critical to mitigating

this potential source of error, as this phenomenon occurs at angles of attack that are very close to

this expected transition.

2.5.2 Crossflow over a Cylinder

When the flow attacks the probe at a very high angle of attack, the flow will separate on the

downwind side of the probe very much in the same way as a cylinder in crossflow. The transition

from laminar to turbulent flow around a cylinder is characterized by a sudden change in the

location of separation. Laminar flows are characterized by a separation that occurs approximately

82° from the stagnation point, while turbulent flows are characterized by a separation that occurs

approximately 110° from the stagnation point. These modes are shown schematically in Figure


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Figure 2-7: Flow Structures Downstream of a Cylinder in Laminar and Turbulent


It has been experimentally shown by Cantwell [19] for a smooth cylinder that this transition to

turbulent flow was expected around a Reynolds number of 2x105, based on the cylinder diameter.

It has also been shown, however, that the transition to turbulence is triggered by surface

roughness or dimples on the surface. This is important to the present work because the pressure

ports themselves act as vortex generators, and trigger an earlier transition to turbulent flow than

would a smooth surface. The transition Reynolds number for a rough surface has been shown to

be as low as 5x104 [20]. It is difficult to characterize a characteristic roughness height of the

pressure ports, so it is possible that Reynolds number effects could affect probe response

anywhere between these two Reynolds numbers in the present work.

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2.5.3 Effects of Reynolds Number on Pitot Tube Performance

It has been shown in the literature that the pressure measured in the stagnation port of small pitot

tubes can be sensitive to Reynolds number. In low speed flows, the deceleration of the flow may

not be isentropic, and the resulting measured pressure may therefore not truly represent the

stagnation pressure of the flow. Chue [21] related this loss to Reynolds number, and found that it

only had an effect on probe response below Reynolds numbers of about 1000, with the error

diminishing with increasing Reynolds number.. This result was confirmed by Leland [22], who

found that pitot-tube calibrations were Reynolds number independent over 1x105. The Reynolds

numbers considered in the present work were on the order of 103, so the measurements were not

corrected for viscous losses due to Reynolds number.

2.5.4 Effects of Reynolds Number on Seven Hole Probe Response

The net effect of the Reynolds number dependent phenomenon described in the previous sections

could ultimately only be determined through an experimental investigation of seven hole probe

Reynolds number sensitivity. Wenger [16] found Reynolds number independence above 5000.

Wenger observed that an error of 1% in axial velocity and a small offset in flow angle was

introduced when a calibration taken at Re = 3.9x103 was applied to flow data taken at Re =

2.5x103. These observed errors are within the range of experimental error. Sumner [11]

performed a similar study, where a probe was calibrated at Re = 6.5x103. This calibration was

then applied to data from a number of flows ranging from Re = 1x103 to Re = 6.5x103. Error was

found to increase with decreasing Reynolds number. The maximum increase in observed error in

calculated flow angle was 1°, and the maximum increase in the observed error in velocity

magnitude was 4% of the range of Reynolds numbers tested.

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The literature concludes that Reynolds number effects on seven hole probes can be significant.

The range of Reynolds numbers for which there is dependence is consistent with those of flow

over a backward facing step and crossflow over a cylinder, which suggests there may be some

insight gained through comparison with these flows.

2.6 Mach Number Effects

The Mach number has long been understood and acknowledged as having a significant effect on

the performance of a seven hole probe. Gallington’s [5] original work was deliberately

formulated in a way that would allow an extension to compressible flow. This extension was

proposed by Gerner [6] through the introduction of a compressibility coefficient. This coefficient

is defined for the low angle regime in Equation (2-16) and for the high angle regime in Equation

(2-17). Physically, these terms represent the ratio of approximate dynamic pressure to

approximate total pressure.





−= (2-16)





−=, (2-17)

This compressibility coefficient was defined in such a way that it was essentially independent of

flow direction, so its response isolated compressibility effects. In terms of data processing, the

compressibility coefficient simply became a third independent variable, along with the two flow

direction coefficients. The polynomial curve fit then became a function of three variables, which

for a fourth order curve, would result in 35 degrees of freedom instead of 15. The order of fit was

therefore typically reduced to third order [6], which includes only 20 terms. Using a higher order

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curve was possible, but would require a significantly larger number of calibration points to ensure

that standard errors in the curve fit were reasonable.

The main challenge of adding a third independent variable was to maintain a reasonable size of

calibration grid without losing resolution in any of the three variables. Gerner adopted the

method of Latin Squares to select calibration points, and found that this was an economical way

of selecting grid points in three variables.

The flows studied in the HGWT were all subsonic, with maximum Mach numbers on the order of

0.3, the limit of incompressible flow. For this reason, a compressibility coefficient was not

incorporated into the present work. The influence of Mach number is acknowledged in the

general case, but was ignored for subsonic, incompressible flow.

2.7 Flow Turbulence Effects

Turbulence has long been known to affect the accuracy of pitot tube pressure measurements.

Following Bernoulli’s law, an increase or decrease of the same magnitude in flow velocity will

result in a different magnitude of increase or decrease in pressure, because pressure is

proportional to the square of velocity. Consequently, error can be introduced through the time-

averaging of pitot data in a highly turbulent flow. Further to this, changes in the flow angle due

to local large scale turbulence will result in non-linear probe response, which again, will bias the

time-averaged probe response.

The effect of turbulence on pitot tube response was studied extensively by Becker [23], and it was

found that the pitot tube should be selected to match the flow that was being measured. Four

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conditions for “ideal” probe response were given. Turbulence must be large scale, with a mean

scale roughly 5 times the probe diameter. The Reynolds number must be large, the Mach number

small, and velocity gradients should be low. It was also noted that many of the detrimental

effects of turbulence could be mitigated through the installation of small flow obstructions inside

the tube itself – effectively damping any oscillations within the pressure lines, without affecting

the mean pressure observed in the stagnant air inside the probe tip. Christiansen [24] performed a

similar study, however this study included yaw meter (3 hole) probes. The results were similar in

terms of pitot tubes. Yaw meters were found to be sensitive to turbulence intensity; however this

sensitivity was less than that of a simple pitot tube’s, especially in terms of the sensitivity to eddy

size – the averaging of pressure over multiple ports suppressed the effect of small scale

turbulence more than a pitot tube.

Developments in pressure transducer technology have led to the development of pressure probes

with transducers that are embedded in the probe tip. This eliminated the need for long pressure

lines, and significantly improved frequency response. It has been shown with total pressure

probes [25], [26] that a frequency response in the kHz scale was possible using these embedded

sensors. At this level of frequency resolution, viscous damping and resonance within the air

cavity in front of the pressure transducer became significant. Care must be taken to design the

probe in such a way that the resonant frequencies of the chamber are above the data acquisition

frequency. The sensor also cannot be installed too close to the tip, or the assumption that the flow

stagnates within the chamber fails.

The potential of such high frequency probes for the measurement of transient flows, even those

on a turbulent length and time scale has been shown. The main limiting factor presently is the

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pressure transducers – both in terms of the frequency response in micro-scale probes, and in terms

of temperature and environmental limits. This is an area of study however, and transducers

capable of producing a frequency response of up to 20 kHz at temperatures up to 600°C are

currently commercially available and have been successfully implemented in 7 hole probes [27].

Similar high-frequency response transducers have also been implemented in 3 hole probes [28]

for measuring unsteady flows in turbomachines.

2.8 Velocity Gradient Effects

The governing equations for seven hole data reduction were predicated on the assumption that the

flow over the probe tip is uniform. Boundary and shear layer flows have significant gradients,

and thus data collected at points in these regions will not properly represent the flow at that point.

The effect of velocity and pressure gradient on three hole probe response was studied by Sevilla

[29], who used a non dimensional measure of a velocity gradient that was based on a streamline

projection to create a correction factor for velocity measurements. The reduction in error was

found to be on the order of 3° in flow angle in highly shearing flows. The implementation of this

correction was difficult with a seven hole probe because the streamline must be defined in two

dimensions, and the resulting correction factor became a function of two flow angles.

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Chapter 3

Apparatus and Instrumentation

The study of seven hole probes requires several pieces of equipment, as well as a computerized

Data Acquisition System (DAQ). The following sections describe the detailed design of the

probes themselves, the construction and calibration of the experimental apparatus that was used,

and the setup and verification of the DAQ system.

3.1 Probe Design

The probes considered in the present study were seven hole probes with a tip diameter of

3.87mm. Each individual pressure port had a diameter of 0.406 mm. Stainless steel tubes were

silver soldered to each port, and the tubes were contained in a 6.35 mm diameter tube. This tube

formed the structure of the probe neck. It was bent in an L-shape, with the tip about 100mm from

the bend. This tube was then inserted into a ½” diameter stem that allowed the probe to be

mounted in a rotary or X-Y traverse. A schematic of a typical seven hole probe that was used in

the present work is shown in Figure 3-1.

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Figure 3-1: Schematic Layout Drawing Showing the Parts of the Seven Hole Probe

The probes used in this study were made in house in the McLaughlin Hall machine shop. The tip

was fabricated by drilling seven holes in a piece of stainless steel rod. Two different tip shapes

were tested – a straight 30° chamfer, and a hemisphere. The straight chamfered tip was turned in

a lathe, while the hemispherical tip was formed by hand filing and sanding a conical tipped probe

by hand. The probe was hand filed because a number of conical tipped probes were available in

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the lab, and modifying an existing probe was preferred over building a new probe. The tip

shapes are shown schematically in Figure 3-2. The tip shapes are shown as constructed in Figure

3-3. Detailed shop drawings and specifications can be found in Appendix C.

Figure 3-2: Schematic Drawing of Probe Tip Designs

Figure 3-3: Photograph of Tip Shapes as Built

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3.2 Experimental Apparatus

The two main pieces of equipment that were used in the present study were a wind tunnel and a

rotary traverse. The wind tunnel was used to generate the calibration flow, and the rotary traverse

was used to position the probe tip at known angles to this flow. An X-Y traversing table was also

used briefly. Its setup and calibration is discussed in Appendix A.2.

3.2.1 Calibration Wind Tunnel

The calibration wind tunnel was designed so that the Reynolds and Mach numbers of the

calibration flows would match those that are studied in the HGWT. Flows in the HGWT have

velocities on the order of 50 - 200 m/s at temperatures up to 550°C. The Reynolds number based

on tip diameter was therefore between about 3 x 103 and 8 x 103, and the maximum Mach number

was around 0.35. Achieving tip Reynolds numbers in this range with a room temperature flow

required velocities on the order of 30 m/s. Compressibility effects were ignored.

A Reliance Electric variable speed motor controller was used to drive a 5hp motor, turning a 16

inch centrifugal blower. The blower was connected to a 5” diameter pipe with a length of 13’, for

a length ratio of approximately 30D. This setup was capable of providing velocities up to 60 m/s,

for a maximum tip Reynolds number of 1.1 x 104. Swirl was suppressed by installing an 8” long

section of flow straightener with 1/4” vanes in the middle of the pipe. The wind tunnel is shown

in Figure 3-4.

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Figure 3-4: Variable Speed Calibration Wind Tunnel

The wind tunnel was instrumented with a 1/8” diameter pitot static tube that was used to record

reference flow conditions during calibration. This pitot tube was mounted opposite the seven

hole probe during calibration, as shown in Figure 3-5.

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Figure 3-5: Position of Probe and Reference Pitot Tube During Calibration

The fact that reference flow measurements were taken a distance away from the location of the

probe, as well as the fact that the wind tunnel did not have a settling chamber meant that there

was a need to characterize the outlet flow. The requirements, verification, and characterization of

the outlet flow is discussed in Appendix D.

3.2.2 Rotary Traverse

A rotary traverse that was capable of positioning the probe at known flow angles was constructed

for this work. Two stepper motors with a resolution of 1.8° per step were used to rotate the

probe. A gear reduction system was used to increase the torque of the pitch rotation, and the yaw

rotation was connected directly to the stepper motor. The angular resolution of the calibrator was

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therefore 1.8° per step in pitch angle and 0.32° per step in yaw angle. The assembled rotary

traverse is pictured in Figure 3-6.

Figure 3-6: Rotary Traverse

The probe was installed in the traverse as shown in the figure. The traverse was adjusted so that

the probe tip was located at the intersection of the yaw and pitch axes of rotation. This was done

so that the probe tip would not translate as it was rotated. This ensured that the probe position

relative to the wind tunnel was constant, and any non-uniformity in the exit velocity profile was

mitigated. It should be noted that since the probe was held horizontally, the pitch and yaw angles

were reversed. Changing the yaw angle of the traverse changed the pitch angle seen by the probe,

Page 51: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


and visa-versa. The convention adopted in this work will be to refer to pitch and yaw in terms of

the angles seen by the probe.

The traverse was able to position the probe at flow angles up to 60° in all directions. At angles

higher than this, the frame of the traverse interfered with the wind tunnel. The calibrator did not

cause any blockage of the outlet in any position.

3.3 Data Acquisition

Dell Optiplex GX620 computers with Pentium 4 processors, running at 3.2 GHz with 3 GB of

RAM were used for data acquisition. LabView was used for data parsing and motor control.

Instrumentation was connected to the PC using Data Translation Inc DT3003-PGL DAQ boards

and DT730-T terminal blocks. These DAQ cards were capable of accepting 32 differential

analog inputs, each with 12 bit resolution. Unused channels were grounded when they were not

in use to reduce noise and cross-talk.

Additional details about other instrumentation, including the selection and calibration of pressure

transducers, can be found in Appendix A. This appendix also details the tests that were

performed to establish sampling periods for time-averaging. Tests showed that a 1.5 second

settling time was sufficient to reposition the probe and damp pressure fluctuations that occur as a

result of the motion, and that a 1 second data acquisition period at 900 Hz was sufficient to

acquire representative time-averaged pressure data.

Page 52: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


Chapter 4


This section outlines the methods and procedures that were followed for each step of the data

collection and analysis. This includes experimental procedures, computational sequences, and

methods of error checking and verification. A discussion of sources and estimates of

experimental error is also included. The discussion in this section is of methods used in

collecting and analyzing data for the present work. A more detailed description and low-level

discussion of the use of the codes and equipment developed in this work is included in Appendix

B. This appendix is intended as a primer for new students and researchers on the specifics of the

implementation of seven hole probes in the Gas Turbine Lab.

4.1 Data Collection

The collection of experimental data required several steps. The following sections detail the

procedures that were followed when collecting raw calibration data.

4.1.1 Alignment and Connection to DAQ

The seven hole probe was installed in the calibrator as shown previously in Figure 3-6. Several

adjustment features of the rotary traverse allowed the location of the probe tip to be adjusted so

that it was at the intersection of the pitch and yaw axis of rotation – and so that the probe tip

would not translate as it was rotated. Error in the probe tip location was estimated as +/- 1mm in

the X and Y directions. The effect of this error was ignored, however, as its effect would be to

Page 53: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


move the probe to a slightly different position on the outlet. The velocity gradient at the probe

location was small enough that the associated error was neglected.

Once the probe was installed in the traverse, the traverse was aligned with the wind tunnel. The

traverse was positioned so that the probe tip was within 3mm of the exit plane. The axis of the

wind tunnel had been leveled during construction, so the traverse was also leveled using a level

and small wedges. This brought the pitch axis of the probe parallel to the outlet plane. A flat

plate was then placed against the outlet plane of the wind tunnel, and the traverse was rotated

until the yaw axis was parallel with the outlet plane. Once the traverse was aligned, it was

secured with concrete blocks. The error in this alignment procedure was estimated to be +/- 0.5°

in both directions.

With the traverse aligned, the probe was connected to the DAQ system. Silicon tubing was used

to connect the stainless pressure tubes on the probe side to the pressure transducers. The tubing

was connected to the probe, and compressed air was then used to blow any condensation out of

the lines. An eighth pressure line was connected to the static pressure ports on the pitot-static

tube so that reference static pressure data could be collected. Once the probe and the static tube

were connected to the pressure transducers, the pressure transducers were read, and the reported

pressures were taken to be zero offsets for the transducers. All subsequent measurements were

corrected by that amount.

4.1.2 Calibration Grid Requirements and Generation

The LABView program that controlled the position of the traverse was programmed to accept a

sequentially ordered list of pairs of pitch and yaw angles that would define the calibration grid. A

Page 54: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


FORTRAN code was developed to generate these grids. The calibration grids were uniform in

cone and roll. The grids were a function of two parameters – grid spacing and maximum cone

angle. Grids were generated by moving through cone angles from 0° to the defined maximum,

stepping in the specified increment. At each cone angle, the roll angle was varied from 0° to

360°, again stepping in the specified increment. Each pair of cone and roll angles were converted

to a pitch and yaw angle. Resolution error due to the traverse’s limited resolution was mitigated

by converting the desired pitch and yaw angles to a number of steps, rounding that number of

steps to the nearest whole number, and finally outputting the resulting pitch and yaw angle, which

was necessarily an exact multiple of the traverse’s smallest step size.

Once the list of points to be measured had been generated, the list was sorted to minimize the

number of movements performed by the traverse. The incremental nature of the movement of the

calibrator meant that at low flow angles, a number of points were duplicated. Duplicate points

occurred when a desired incremental change in roll angle translated to less than a full step change

in pitch and yaw. These duplicate points were removed from the calibration grid during the

sorting process.

In light of the removal of a number of points at low angles of attack, the grid resolution was

increased at low cone angles. For cone angles up to 15°, the spacing was halved in cone angle,

and doubled in roll angle. This altered grid density increased the number of unique points that the

traverse was capable of measuring and compensated for the duplicate points that were omitted.

The final step in generating a calibration grid was to add a number of points where the traverse

would return to 0, 0. These reference measurements were needed for two reasons. They were

Page 55: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


used as a reference for position during the calibration procedure to visually confirm that no steps

had been skipped, and that the traverse was returning to exactly 0, 0 each time. They were also

used to establish the reference total pressure of the flow. With the probe at 0, 0, the probe was

aligned with the flow, and the pressure measured by port 1 was the flow total pressure. Repeating

this measurement multiple times during the course of calibration ensured that the flow was

steady, and also mitigated random transducer error associated with the reference measurement.

The result of this process was a grid that was uniform in cone and roll. A sample grid, with a

maximum cone angle of 55° and a grid spacing of 5° is shown in Figure 4-1.

Yaw (°)




­40 ­20 0 20 40






Figure 4-1: Sample Calibration Grid

Page 56: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


4.1.3 Wind Tunnel Operation and Automated Data Collection Setup

The wind tunnel was run for at least 10 minutes before data was collected. This ensured that

transient startup effects, including the mild aerodynamic heating of internal components, did not

affect the flow. The traverse was initialized by moving it a single step in each direction. This

ensured the polarity of the rotor was set correctly for the first calibration step. With the wind

tunnel warmed up and the traverse initialized, the automated data collection process was started.

The calibration grid was read into memory, and the traverse was moved to the first calibration

point. The probe was held in position for 1.5 seconds to allow the damping of transient pressure

effects as well as mechanical vibration caused by the motion of the traverse. The 7 pressure ports

and reference static pressure measurement were then measured simultaneously at 900 Hz for a

period of 1 second. The pitch and yaw angles, and the 8 pressures were then written to a text file.

The traverse then moved to the next calibration point, and the process was repeated.

4.2 Generation of Calibration Curves

Two FORTRAN codes were used to generate the calibration curves. The first code was used to

sort the calibration data, and output a text file for each sector containing the calibration data for

all of the points that fell into that sector. The second code used the data in those text files to

generate a unique set of polynomial coefficients for each sector. The method and approach used

in these codes is described in the following sections.

4.2.1 Calibration Data Sorting

The raw calibration data was read line by line, and a set of sorting criteria was applied to

determine the sectors that the calibration point would fall into. In general, a point would be

Page 57: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


included in a given sector if that pressure port read the highest pressure. The caveat was that a set

of checks must be performed on the data to ensure that in low angle flow, the flow was attached

over all of the peripheral ports, and in high angle flow, that the flow was attached over the centre

port. The specifics of the implementation of the sorting criteria are discussed in section

The sectoring of data is best represented by the port with the highest pressure plotted against yaw

and pitch angles. This is shown in Figure 4-2 for one of the tested probes. The noise along the

sector boundaries was a result of pressure transducer error – as the pressures measured in adjacent

ports became equal, transducer uncertainty or slight flow unsteadiness could cause a point to

appear to fall in either sector. This noise shows that there was a need to ensure that the

calibration for each sector continued to be valid slightly beyond its expected extents. The method

that was used to extend the extent of each calibration sector’s validity is discussed in section

Yaw (°)




-40 -20 0 20 40 60













Figure 4-2: Data Sectoring for a Typical Probe

Page 58: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace

46 Sorting Criteria

The first step in sorting the calibration data was to identify the port reading the maximum

pressure. This identified the sector into which the data point should be added. Before the point

could be added, however, an additional check was performed to ensure that the data point did not

violate the assumptions made in the definition of the flow coefficients for that sector.

The low angle flow equations, which were applied to the data in sector 1, were predicated on the

assumption that all seven of the holes on the tip of the probe lay in attached flow. A point could

therefore only be added to sector 1 if it could be shown that the six peripheral ports all lay in

attached flow. An analysis of probe data (see section 5.2.1), and previous work [7] has shown

that it was acceptable to assume that if port 1 was reading the highest pressure, flow over the

peripheral ports would remain reliably attached.

The high angle flow equations, which were applied to the data in sectors 2-7, were predicated on

the assumption that at least 4 ports lay in attached flow. The three peripheral ports that were used

in the calculation would always be in attached flow, because the spacing of the peripheral ports

was such that the ports adjacent to the port of maximum pressure could never be on the

downwind side of the probe. There was a possibility of separation over the centre port, however,

so a test was performed to confirm that the flow over port 1 was not separated. The test that was

implemented was the test described by Zilliac [7]. The pressure at port 1 was compared with the

measured pressure in the separated flow on the downstream side of the tip. If the pressure at port

1 was less than the pressure in the separated flow, port 1 was considered to be measuring

separated flow, and the point was not included in the calibration. No points were rejected in the

Page 59: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


present work as a result of this check – the present study was limited to a 60° cone angle, which

was well below the seven hole probe’s working limit of 80°. Overlap Pressure and the Extent of Calibration Sector Domains

There are two main reasons that it was desirable to ensure that each sector’s calibration was valid

slightly beyond its expected necessary extents. The first was that when an arbitrary flow was

studied, if the flow angle was such that the point would be very close to a sector boundary,

transducer error may have caused the point to fall into either sector. The second was that if only

calibration points inside a sector were considered, then it was possible that there would be some

parts of the sector’s edge that did not have a near-boundary calibration point. Extrapolated

polynomials tend to infinity outside of their fitted domain, and their derivatives are unbounded, so

high slopes and sudden changes are possible. Significant error could have been introduced in the

regions that were beyond the last calibration point in a sector, but still within the applicable extent

of the sector, in this extrapolated polynomial region. The inclusion of a few points from adjacent

sectors helped to improve the response of the surface in these regions of high slope. This was

especially important when coarse calibration grids were used - both because the resolution near

sector boundaries was poor, and because coarser grids have less points, and were therefore more

susceptible to over and undershoot for a given order of polynomial fit.

Including a specific number of additional (overlap) points along a sector boundary was not

straightforward because sectors were not necessarily bounded by lines of constant cone or roll

angle, and even if they were, the specific values of these boundary angles would not be known

until after calibration. The concept of overlap pressure was therefore introduced as an

approximation that would allow a variable number of additional points to be included. There was

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no analytical relationship that would allow a specific number of additional points to be expressed

as an overlap pressure, rather, the relationship would be empirically determined.

Overlap pressure was defined as a tolerance that was applied when determining the port of

maximum pressure, and thus the sector(s) in which to include a calibration point. A calibration

point was included in a sector if that port was reading either the maximum pressure, or within

overlap of maximum pressure. This meant that points near sector boundaries could be included in

multiple sectors. The relationship between overlap pressure and the actual number of additional

points that are included was unknown, but could be determined during data sorting. The

inclusion of a specific number of points was then possible through iteration. The final criteria that

were used to determine if a point was included in a given sector are shown below in pseudo-code.

Low Angle Sector (Sector 1):

[ ])( 711 −≥+ PMAXPPIF Overlap

High Angle Sectors (Sectors 2-7):

[ ]

[ ])(








These criteria were of course applied with the caveat that only points which passed the separation

criteria for that sector could be added to that sector’s calibration. It was expected that increasing

overlap pressure would improve the calibration only up until a certain point – increasing the

Page 61: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


overlap beyond this ideal value would only begin to consider points that did not meet the

separation criteria. Determination of Reference Flow Conditions

The calibration process correlated the response of the probe to the actual flow conditions, so it

was necessary to measure the freestream flow conditions in the wind tunnel. The flow reference

static pressure was measured with a pitot-static tube, and this value was recorded at each

calibration point. As discussed in section 4.1.2, the probe was returned to (0, 0) periodically

during calibration, and the pressure in port 1 at this point was taken to be the flow total pressure.

The data sorting procedure included identifying (0, 0) points in the calibration, and taking and

averaging the pressure at port 1 over all the times that the traverse moved to (0, 0). This resulted

in an average flow total pressure over the duration of the calibration process. These reference

flow conditions were then written to a file and stored for use in the generation of the calibration


The use of static pressure as a reference measurement was a change from the procedures followed

by previous students in the Gas Turbine Lab. Two methods had been used previously, and both

methods were found to introduce significant error. The first, the method of Chen [2] and

Masqood [3] was to use a pitot tube traverse of the wind tunnel outlet to collect average static and

dynamic pressure. This introduced error by averaging the flow dynamic pressure, which varied

significantly with position in the outlet plane, over a range of positions that may not have felt the

same flow conditions as the point at which the probe tip was held. The error introduced was on

the order of 5% Q. The second was to mount a fixed pitot tube and measure the flow dynamic

pressure as a reference condition. The total pressure was then taken as the pressure in the centre

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port when the probe was at (0,0), as described above. This introduced two types of error – firstly,

the direct measurement of dynamic pressure, which was highly spatially varying, introduced error

in the estimate of dynamic pressure. Secondly, when static pressure, which was approximately 0,

was calculated from the difference in total and dynamic pressure, a significant error in static

pressure was introduced. Total and dynamic pressures were approximately equal in this case, and

the combined transducer error in those two measurements led to a significant percentage error in

the calculation of static pressure. When the probe was then used in an arbitrary flow with a

different (non-atmospheric) static pressure, this percentage error in static pressure could have led

to significant absolute error.

4.2.2 Calculation of Calibration Coefficients

Once the data was sorted, and files containing the calibration data had been generated, the

generation of the calibration curves was relatively straightforward. The reference flow total and

static pressure were read into FORTRAN. Raw pressure data for all of the points in each sector

was then read into the program. This data was substituted into the equations of section 2.2, which

calculated all of the terms in the transfer matrix and the dependant variable vector of Equation

(2-15). A multiple linear regression was then performed, which generated the calibration vector

for each of the four flow descriptors (two flow angles, and total and dynamic pressure). This

process was repeated for each of the seven sectors.

It was found during initial testing that the use of single precision floating point numbers during

the regression process led to some error in the resulting curve fit. For this reason, double

precision floating point numbers were used for all floating point numbers. Calibration

coefficients were output and stored with 8 significant digits.

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4.3 Conversion of Measured Probe Pressures from an Arbitrary Flow to

Flow Velocity, Direction, and Pressure

The first step in converting arbitrary flow data was to read in calibration coefficients for the probe

that was used. Once calibration coefficients were stored, the raw pressure data was processed

line by line. A single data point contained 10 pieces of information – two for the X-Y position of

the point, seven port pressures, and a temperature measurement. From this information, the flow

pressure, direction, density, and velocity was determined.

The sector that would be used to convert the data point was selected using the same criteria that

were applied during the calibration process – the port reading the maximum pressure was

identified, and that sector’s calibration was used to compute the flow properties. A check was

also performed on data points falling into the high angle sectors to ensure that the flow over the

probe tip was not separated – if the separation test was failed, the data point was ignored and an

error code was returned. As during calibration, this test was to compare the pressure at port 1

with the pressure in the separated flow – if port 1 was found to read a lower pressure than the

lowest of the peripheral port pressures, the separation criteria were failed and an error code was


As during calibration, the directional pressure coefficients were calculated, and all of the terms in

the transfer matrix in Equation (2-15) were computed. The calibration vector was known, so the

dependant variables were calculated directly. This process was repeated for each of the four

dependant variables.

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Once the flow total and static pressure were known, the measured temperature and the ideal gas

law were used to calculate air density. Compressibility effects on density were ignored. Density

and the flow dynamic pressure were then used to calculate the flow velocity, using the definition

of dynamic pressure. This again assumed incompressible flow. Once the velocity magnitude was

known, geometric relations were used to calculate the vector components of velocity from the

overall magnitude and the flow angles.

Once the flow parameters were calculated and the validity of the raw data was confirmed, the

data was written to an output file. The X-Y coordinate of the data point, the velocity vector, total

and static pressure, density, and temperature were written. There were several error codes,

however, that were output in place of calculated values if an error occurred. The velocity vector

components, total, and static pressures were replaced with the error code if an error occurred.

The error codes are shown in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1: Error Code Descriptions

Error Code Description

-1 Static pressure higher than total pressure

-2 Cone angle exceeds maximum calibrated cone angle

-3 Negative axial velocity – recirculating flow

-4 Tip separation criteria failed

Page 65: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


4.4 Calibration Verification

Calibration verification was achieved by first generating calibration coefficients for a set of data,

and then processing that same raw data using those coefficients. The calculated flow pressures

and angles were then compared to the known flow pressures and angles. Errors were reported in

three ways. The root mean square (RMS) average error was computed for each flow parameter

individually as shown in Equation (4-1). The maximum error for each parameter was also found.

Finally, the error was presented graphically in the form of a contour plot, with the X and Y axes

representing pitch and yaw angles. Displaying and analyzing error as a function of flow angle

was particularly instructive, as it allowed for the evaluation of the calibration response at the

boundaries of each sector domain, and aided in choosing optimum overlap pressures.

( )∑=



knowncalculatedi xxn 1



1δ (4-1)

The verification step, though similar to the validation step, was important because it isolated the

effects of the curve fit. The dataset that was used to generate the curves was the same as the

dataset that was processed using those curves, so there were no sources of error other than error in

the curve fitting. The verification step was particularly important for verifying that a sufficient

number of degrees of freedom had been included.

4.4.1 Verification of Flow Separation

An additional check was performed to verify that the predicate flow assumptions regarding flow

separation had not been violated. The peripheral ports were nominally spaced 60° apart. The

calibration data was processed to extract points along the 3 diameters of constant roll on which

the pressure ports were located. The pressures from the three ports (two peripheral, and the

Page 66: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


centre port) were converted to pressure coefficients, and output as a function of the angle of

attack of the flow on the probe tip. This essentially evaluated the performance of the seven hole

probe as a three hole probe (yaw meter) for each of its three pairs of holes. A cutaway schematic

of a seven hole probe, showing how data was extracted is shown in Figure 4-3. Holes a and b are

the diametrically opposite holes that are located on the line of constant roll along which data was


Figure 4-3: Data Extracted for Yaw Meter Performance Evaluation

Page 67: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


This data was evaluated graphically to ensure that fundamental assumptions about tip separation

had not been violated. An example of this plot for one of the tested probes is shown in Figure

4-4. Only data for ports 2 and 3 (Roll Angle = 0°/180°) is shown for clarity.

Angle of Attack (°)

Cp =



t / 1



­45 ­30 ­15 0 15 30 45




1Port 3

Port 2Port 1

Figure 4-4: Response of 7 Hole Probe as a Yaw Meter

The useful extent of each of the calibration sectors is represented as the domain over which that

port reads the highest pressure. Sector 1, for example, was applicable for angles of attack

between approximately -30° and 20°.

This plot was also used to identify the angle after which the double valued pressure coefficients

discussed in section 2.2 were possible. The pressure data from port 2, for example, showed a

response around an angle of attack of 47° that was characteristic of the onset of flow separation –

pressure was recovered slightly, but was leveling off to a sub-atmospheric stagnation pressure. It

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was observed graphically that using pressure data from port 2 beyond an angle of attack of

approximately 30° could lead to double-valued coefficients. Port 3 showed a similar characteristic

shape, though the separation had not occurred within the range of angles of attack shown.

Assuming the profile is similar to that of port 2, however, suggests that the limit for port 3 was

around -35°.

Identifying both of the aforementioned types of critical points was the important result of this test.

Following the limit of the sector 1 calibration extent downward, for example, showed that the

flow at the downwind peripheral port was still attached and was not close to reaching the double-

valued region. It was also seen from this plot that the flow over port 1 in the high angle sectors

was not separated and was still moving through the linear decay in pressure with angle of attack

that is characteristic of external flows over bluff bodies.

4.5 Calibration Validation

Validation of the probe calibration was done using the same code that was used for verification,

because the process of error calculation and presentation was the same. Calibration validation

involved creating a new data set, under the same flow conditions, and then using the original set

of calibration coefficients to process that data. This gave a measure of the net effects of all of the

errors associated with the calibration error, including positional uncertainty in the traverse,

pressure transducer error, wind tunnel instability, and of course curve fit error. Again, as during

verification, error was analyzed in terms of the average and maximum magnitudes of error, as

well as the angular distribution.

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An additional validation step was taken to give a measure of Reynolds number effects. The

rotary traverse was used to collect additional data with the blower speed changed to give different

Reynolds numbers. The effect of Reynolds number on calibration accuracy was then determined

using the same techniques previously described.

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Chapter 5

Results and Analysis

Several sets of data were collected using different probe tip shapes, different calibration grid

densities, and different calibration flow velocities. These datasets were combined and parsed in

several ways, depending on the type of analysis that was performed. The findings of these

analyses are described in the following sections.

The parametric studies described in this chapter were structured in such a way that each studied

factor could be optimized or analyzed independently. The most important factors were then

identified, and those variables were studied in combination. The factors studied in this work were

broken into two broad categories – parameters affecting the physical response of a probe to

different flows, and parameters affecting the accuracy of curve fitting. The shape of the tip and

Reynolds number of the flow were the parameters affecting the physical response of the probe.

The spacing of the calibration grid, amount of overlap pressure used in data sorting, and order of

polynomial curve fit were parameters that affected the accuracy of curve fitting – changing these

parameters affected the way that the calculated curve fit represented the probe’s physical

response. These two types of parameters were studied virtually independently of each other –

changing the shape of the tip, for example, did not introduce a step physical change in the

response of the probe that required additional degrees of freedom to properly represent.

In terms of measuring the accuracy of a seven hole probe, there were two main goals. The first

was of course, to increase the overall average accuracy of the probe response. The second was to

Page 71: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


reduce the variation in error with varying angles of attack and flow velocity. Even if the average

error if the probe was low, having large errors at certain angles of attack or flow velocities would

have made measurements of arbitrary flows unreliable. For this reason, error was measured and

presented in three main ways. Average errors were used to represent the overall accuracy of the

probe. Absolute maximum errors were used to show the highest possible error. Contour plots of

error as a function of pitch and yaw angle were used to represent distributions of error. An ideal

calibration had low overall error, a small absolute maximum error, and a uniform distribution of

error. The contour plots were especially important because they captured edge effects –

polynomial extrapolation at sector boundaries could have led to tremendous localized error.

Eliminating these errors was critical, especially for measurement of swirling or shear layer flows.

5.1 Data Verification

The data collected in the present work was verified through a comparison with results in the

literature. Sumner [11] studied the effect of calibration grid density study and of the Reynolds

number of the calibration flow, using third order polynomial curve fits and conical probe tips.

These studies were repeated in the present work and compared with the results of Sumner to give

a degree of confidence in the quality of the data collected. The main difference between the

present work and the work of Sumner was that the present study only considered flow angles up

to 55°, while Sumner calibrated probes to a 72° angle of attack.

The data from the present work was processed in the same way as in Sumner, and the results are

presented below. Figure 5-1 compares the RMS average errors for the low angle sector, while

Figure 5-2 compares the RMS average errors for the high angle sectors.

Page 72: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


Grid Spacing (°)












2 4 6 8 10 12 140






Yaw AnglePitch Angle



SumnerPresent Study

Figure 5-1: RMS Average Error Comparison for Low Angle Sector

Grid Spacing (°)












2 4 6 8 10 12 140












Yaw AnglePitch Angle



SumnerPresent Study

Figure 5-2: RMS Average Error Comparison for High Angle Sector

Page 73: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


The average errors in the low angle sector were very similar to Sumner, both in terms of

magnitude and trend. The average errors in the high angle sectors were also very similar to

Sumner, when the calibration grids were relatively dense. The smaller range of angle of attack

that was used in the present work reduced the total number of calibration points, especially in

sparse grids, in each of the high angle sectors, and thus adversely affected the calibrations in the

present work in a way that would not have been observed by Sumner.

Sumner also studied the effects of Reynolds number on calibration accuracy. The results

presented in his work were limited, however, to the effect of Reynolds number on the overall

error (all sectors) of the calculation of pitch angle and on dynamic pressure. The results of his

work are compared to data from the present work in Figure 5-3.

Reynolds Number












0 2000 4000 6000 80000


















Present Work

Figure 5-3: Reynolds Number Effect Comparison for all Sectors

Page 74: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


The trends in the data were very similar. Sumner declared overall Reynolds number

independence at Re = 5000, which was consistent with the results of the present work for the

parameters shown.

These comparisons demonstrated that the data collected for the present study was reasonable, and

gave a degree of confidence that the codes were working as desired. These comparisons also

represent the limit of what quantitative results were presented in the literature. Distributions of

error as an angle of attack, for example, or analysis of pressure coefficient distributions, were not

typically presented. In those papers that did address these topics, the analysis was typically

limited to qualitative observation.

5.2 Factors Affecting Probe Response

This section presents results that deal with the physical response of the probe to changes in

velocity or angle of attack. The ideas in this section are independent of the interpolation scheme

– even if a direct interpolation or neural network calibration scheme were used instead of the

polynomial curve fit, the results presented herein would be instructive.

5.2.1 Geometry Effects on Pressure Coefficient Distributions

The first analysis that was performed was an analysis of the raw pressure data. Simply plotting

raw pressure data was a good first step in ensuring that the dataset is reliable. Qualitative

comparisons were also made between the response of the probe and the characteristic response of

simple shapes, such as circular cylinders. This was important because it isolated the response of

the probe from the response of the calibration scheme – the dynamics of the flow around the

probe tip were investigated directly in this section.

Page 75: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace

63 Tip Separation

The cases of flow over a cylinder and flow over a backward facing step were discussed in section

2.5. The similarities and differences between these cases and the measured flows over the probe

tip were plotted and discussed here. Figure 5-4 shows the yaw-meter performance curves

described in section 4.4.1 for a probe with a chamfered tip. Figure 5-5 shows the same curves for

a probe with a hemispherical tip.

Page 76: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


Angle of Attack (°)

Cp =



t / 1



­45 ­30 ­15 0 15 30 45








CP1, 2_3



CP1, 5_6



CP1, 7_4

Figure 5-4: Yaw Meter Performance of a Seven Hole Probe with a Chamfered Tip

Angle of Attack (°)

Cp =



t / 1



­45 ­30 ­15 0 15 30 45








CP1, 2_3



CP1, 5_6



CP1, 7_4

Figure 5-5: Yaw Meter Performance of a Seven Hole Probe with a Hemispherical Tip

Page 77: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


It should be noted that these figures show the centre port pressure plotted as a function of three

different angles of attack. This is because the centre port was not located directly in the centre of

the probe – manufacturing tolerances mean that it may have been slightly offset from the probe

axis. The centre port pressure coefficient therefore varied as a function of the reference roll

angle, so it was presented separately for each of the three reference angles.

Using the analysis techniques described in section 4.4.1, it was observed that none of the

governing equation assumptions had been violated. The peripheral ports were reading in reliably

attached flow through the entire low angle domain. The centre port was also reading in reliably

attached flow through the high angle sectors for the angles of attack tested. No comment could

be made about probe response at angles of attack higher than the limit of these calibration grids,

which was 55°.

There are three curves on Figure 5-4 (chamfered tip) that show a non-linear drop in measured

pressure with increasing angle of attack. The response of the pressure at ports 2, 4, and 7 all

showed separation significantly before the other ports, or step deviations from the linear change

in pressure. The fact that these deviations were not observed in the hemispherical tip’s response

suggests that the cause was probably related to burrs or other physical manufacturing

imperfections. An inspection of the conical probe tip yielded two main defects. There was a

small dimple on the top lip of the probe directly upstream of ports 2 and 7, shown in Figure 5-6.

This dimple was thought to be the cause of the unexpected response of those ports. There was

also a scratch along the side of the probe, next to port 4. The scratch is shown in Figure 5-7, and

was thought to be the cause of the uncharacteristic response of port 4.

Page 78: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


Figure 5-6: Burr Upstream of Port 2

Figure 5-7: Scratched Tip Surface

Port 2

Port 7

Port 4



Page 79: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


The response of the hemispherical tip was significantly less symmetrical than the response of the

conical tip. While the characteristic shape of each of the three response curves was very similar

for all three pairs of holes, the angle of attack at which the pressure coefficients peak was quite

different. This was a result of asymmetry in the making of the hemispherical tip. As discussed in

section 3.1, the hemispherical tip was made by hand with a file and sandpaper. The resulting

asymmetry in the tip was clear in these plots. Furthermore, the polishing and deburring that was

the natural result of this modification was also evident – none of the response curves showed the

previously mentioned step changes in the conical-tipped probe’s response. Downstream Separation

It was known that at high angles of attack, the flow would separate on the downwind side of the

probe tip. The number of holes lying in reliably attached flow was determined by plotting

pressure as a function of the angle around the tip surface. The calibration data was filtered and

points of a given cone angle were identified and extracted. The roll angle of the probe was

known, so the position of each of the six peripheral ports relative to the stagnation point was

known. Pressure coefficients were then extracted as a function of the tangential position of the


There was some variation in the pressure coefficient measured at a given tangential position by

each hole because of the tolerances on the location of the ports and the different defects up or

downstream of the ports. Figure 5-8 shows pressure distributions measured by a single hole for

several cases. The distributions are shown over a half cylinder for both the conical and

Page 80: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


hemispherical tips, and for two different cone angles. The data is compared with data from White

[8] for pressure coefficients around a circular cylinder in different regimes of crossflow.

θ (°)

Cp =



t / 1



0 30 60 90 120 150 180­3






Conical Tip, 32°Conical Tip, 52°Round Tip, 32°Round Tip, 52°

Figure 5-8: Pressure Coefficient Distributions around Probe Tip and a Circular Cylinder

The pressure coefficient distribution around the probe tip is similar in form to that of the

distribution around a cylinder, though separation occurred further around the probe tip than the

cylinder. This delay in separation occured because the flow around the probe tip was not two

dimensional – the addition of high pressure air flowing over the top of the probe tip aided in

maintaining attached flow as pressure was recovered on the downstream side of the tip.

It was also evident that the distribution of pressure was affected mainly by the tip geometry. At a

52° cone angle the hemispherical tip did not show signs of flow separation, where the flow over

the conical tip separated at about 160°. The cone angle of the flow only affected the magnitude

of the pressure change on the downwind side of the probe. The separation point on the conical tip

Page 81: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


did not change with the flow angle of attack, and the distribution of pressures around the round

tip inflected at the same point, about 110°, for both angles of attack.

In terms of the calibration, this plot was used to verify that in high angle flows, the two peripheral

ports that neighbour the port reading the highest pressure were measuring in reliably attached

flow. Figure 5-9 shows a flow that impinges on the probe tip at a roll angle that is directly

between two of the peripheral ports. Calculating the flow properties for this roll angle required

pressure data from a port that was nominally 90° from the stagnation point. This was the highest

angular position around the probe tip from which pressure data could be required. Figure 5-8

showed that both probe geometries had attached flow at 90°around the cylinder, for both of the

angles of attack that were shown. This confirmed that the high angle equations would be valid

for both probe geometries.

Figure 5-9: High Angle Flow Requiring Attached flow 90° from the Stagnation Point

Figure 5-8 only showed pressure distributions measured by a single port, for clarity. Figure 5-10

shows the same data, but displays the distributions measured by three of the ports for each probe.

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This plot shows the effects of asymmetries in the probe tip, as well as the effect of imperfections

and sharp edges.

θ (°)

Cp =



t / 1



0 30 60 90 120 150 180­2




Conical Tip, 52°Round Tip, 52°

Figure 5-10: Pressure Coefficient Distributions with Data from Three Ports

The asymmetry in the hemispherical probe was evident – the differences in the slope of the three

curves showed that the flow was accelerating around the tip differently, depending on the

reference roll angle. None of the ports showed any flow separation, however, so the

characteristic response was the same for all of the ports – the differences in slope were simply

accounted for during calibration. The conical tipped probe had a more symmetric response over

the range of angles for which flow was attached. It showed different performance with respect to

flow separation at each port, however, suggesting that the conical tip was more sensitive to

defects that will trigger separation. These types of step changes can be more difficult to deal with

during calibration, however these pressures measured in the separated regions were not actually

be used in the calculation of any flows. Defects in the conical tip would only affect probe

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performance in the high angle sectors if they were large enough to trigger separation at or before

90°around the probe tip.

5.2.2 Reynolds Number Effects

Section 2.5 discussed several papers that have studied the effects of Reynolds number on seven

hole probe calibrations, and section 5.1 presented some of these results. These authors have all

followed almost the exact same methodology – calibration data was collected at two or more

Reynolds numbers, calibration curves were calculated based on both sets of data, and then one or

more calibrations were applied to the other sets of data, and errors were calculated. Errors were

typically found to be on the order of 1-5% in pressure and 1°-3° in flow angles. While these

types of results were helpful, they did not paint a complete picture. Typically only average errors

were reported, and there was no discussion of the physical phenomena that were leading to the

dependence. A better understanding of how the flow Reynolds number affected the response of

the probe, especially at different flow angles, would improve the quality of experimental error

analysis. Reynolds Number Effects on Pressure Coefficient Distribution

The pressure coefficient distribution over a body subjected to an external flow was a measure of

local flow acceleration. The local gauge pressure was normalized by the flow dynamic pressure,

so in the absence of viscous effects, a pressure coefficient distribution was only a function of

geometry. Real flows, such as those over a seven hole probe tip, were viscous. The pressure

coefficient distribution over the tip would therefore be a function of both the tip geometry and of

the viscous forces in the flow - hence the flow Reynolds number. When the flow over the probe

became independent of Reynolds number, pressure coefficient curves collapsed on a single line.

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The dependence of low angle flows on Reynolds number was shown by plotting the yaw-meter

response of the probe to flows of different velocities. The dependence of high angle flows on

Reynolds number was shown by plotting the distribution of pressure coefficients around the

circumference of the probe tip.

Figure 5-11 and Figure 5-13 show the yaw meter response of the conical and hemispherical

tipped probes, respectively, with the response plotted for several Reynolds numbers. Curves from

peripheral ports 2 and 3 are shown – the response of the other pairs of ports is similar. Figure

5-12 and Figure 5-14 show pressure coefficient distributions around the probe tip for the conical

and hemispherical tipped probes. The effects of Reynolds number appear on these plots as the

difference between the distributions for flows at different Reynolds numbers. The difference in

response of the two tip shapes can also be seen by comparing the same plots for the two tip


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Angle of Attack

Cp =



t / 1



­40 ­20 0 20 40­1.5






Re = 7300Re = 6000Re = 5300Re = 4500Re = 3800Re = 3100Re = 2100

Figure 5-11: Reynolds Number Effects on Conical Tip Yaw Meter Performance

θ (°)

Cp =



t / 1



0 30 60 90 120 150 180­1.5






Re = 7300Re = 6000

Re = 5300Re = 4500

Re = 3800Re = 3100

Re = 2100

Figure 5-12: Reynolds Number Effects on Conical Tip Pressure Coefficient Distribution at

50° Cone Angle

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Angle of Attack (°)

Cp =



t / 1



­45 ­30 ­15 0 15 30 45­1.5






Re = 7300Re = 6000Re = 5300Re = 4500Re = 3800Re = 3100Re = 2100

Figure 5-13: Reynolds Number Effects on Hemispherical Tip Yaw Meter Performance

θ (°)

Cp =



t / 1



0 30 60 90 120 150 180­1.5






Re = 7300Re = 6000

Re = 5300Re = 4500

Re = 3800Re = 3100

Re = 2100

Figure 5-14: Reynolds Number Effects on Hemispherical Tip Pressure Coefficient

Distribution at 50° Cone Angle

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The yaw meter response plots show that the main Reynolds number effect was to increase the

measured pressure at a port when the port was aligned with the flow – effectively acting as a pitot

tube. The magnitude of this effect was on the order of 2%. This was consistent with the

published experimental data for pitot-tube Reynolds number dependence discussed in section

2.5.3. The curves began to collapse on each other as the yaw angle was varied, up until the point

where the flow began to separate over the downstream peripheral port. The separation, and

therefore the response in this region, was very Reynolds number dependant, although the effects

of separation occurred beyond the limits of where pressure data from that port would be used –

meaning that this Reynolds number effect was of little consequence to probe performance.

In terms of each individual port, the Reynolds number sensitivity was as high as 2% over the

range of flow angles tested. Directional coefficients were calculated based on the difference in

pressure coefficients, however, and there was not a single angle of attack where the response of

all three holes was Reynolds number independent. When the error in the difference was

considered, errors ranged from 2-3%. This gave an indication of the expected error associated

with Reynolds number effects in the low angle flow regime.

The pressure coefficient distribution plots showed that the hemispherical tip was significantly less

Reynolds number dependant than the conical tip. The pressure on the downstream side of the

conical tip showed significant dependence on Reynolds number, while the distribution curves for

the hemispherical tip virtually collapsed to a single line. The consequence of this was somewhat

mitigated by the fact that the affected ports were mostly on the downstream side of the probe in a

high angle flow, so the pressure data from these ports would not be used - as discussed in section, only pressure data from a maximum of 90° to the stagnation point could be used in the

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flow calculation. The conical tip response showed a dependency of about 15% associated with

the pressure at the 90° port, meaning that high angle flows measured with the conical tipped

probe were likely to show a Reynolds number dependence on the order of 15%. The effect on the

hemispherical tip was much smaller – the observed dependence was approximately 5%. Reynolds Number Effects on Calibration Accuracy

While observing the effects of Reynolds number on pressure coefficient gave good insight into

the reasons and the characteristics of the probe’s response to changing Reynolds numbers, it

could not provide a single, quantifiable measure of the associated error. The effect was

quantified by calibrating a probe at Re = 6000, and then applying this calibration to data collected

at five lower Reynolds numbers, and one higher Reynolds number. 200 data points were

collected at each Reynolds number at cone angles up to 55°. A third order polynomial expansion

was used for calibration. No overlap pressure was used during calibration. The calibrations that

were used were verified to be grid independent in section 5.3.1.

The results are presented in two ways. Average errors in the high and low angle regions are

plotted for each of the tip types in Figure 5-15 and Figure 5-16. This shows the relative

sensitivities of the high and low angle regions for each probe.

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Reynolds Number












3000 4000 5000 6000 70000
















Low AngleHigh Angle

Figure 5-15: Average Errors in the High and Low Angle Regions for a Conical Tipped


Reynolds Number












3000 4000 5000 6000 70000
















Low AngleHigh Angle

Figure 5-16: Average Errors in the High and Low Angle Regions for a Hemispherical

Tipped Probe

Page 90: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


The results showed that the low angle sector was much less sensitive to Reynolds number than

the high angle sectors. Both types of tips were quite insensitive to Reynolds number above 3000

in the low angle sector, while they were only insensitive in the high angle sectors over 6000. This

was consistent with the findings of Sumner [11], who concluded that the response was Reynolds

number insensitive over 5500. It was a useful extension, however, to understand that low angle

sector was still useful at relatively low Reynolds numbers, especially when collecting data from

the HGWT, where many of the flows tested were approximately axial.

The relative sensitivity of the two tip shapes is compared in Figure 5-17. The average error over

the entire calibration range is plotted against Reynolds number. The results show that the

hemispherical tip was slightly less Reynolds number dependant than the conical tip. The

calculation of dynamic pressure showed the most error, and the most sensitivity to Reynolds

number. Static pressure was derived from a calculated total and dynamic pressure, so it also

showed significant error.

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Reynolds Number












3000 4000 5000 6000 70000
















Figure 5-17: Average Errors for Both Tip Shapes Reynolds Number Effects in Previous Works

Chen [2] and Maqsood [3] reported that they calibrated their probes at a Reynolds number of

2x105. Their hot flow measurements were taken at Reynolds numbers between 2000 and 8000,

which led to an uncertainty on the order of 5-10% for the conical tipped probes used in their


5.3 Variables Affecting the Representation of Probe Response Using a

Curve Fit

The results described in this section deal only with how well the fitted curve represents the

physical response of the probe to changes in velocity and angle of attack, and are virtually

independent of the actual physical response. Changes to the physical response will only affect the

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accuracy of the curve fitting scheme if there are significant changes to the slopes of the

directional pressure coefficients with respect to angle of attack and flow velocity. Provided that

the response follows a relatively consistent characteristic shape, the effect of the interpolation and

curve fitting scheme can be studied virtually independently of the probe response parameters.

This section demonstrates this independence and then carries out a parametric study of the

variables affecting the curve fit.

5.3.1 Calibration Grid Independence

The effect of grid density was studied by collecting calibration data for the conical tipped and the

hemispherical tipped probe, using different angular spacing of the calibration points. Calibration

grids were generated using the methodology described in section 4.1.2. Nominal angular

spacings of 3°, 5°, 6.5°, 8°, and 10° were tested for cone angles up to 55°.

The data from all five of these grids was aggregated to form a dataset of 3822 points that could be

used to validate the calibrations. The data from each different grid density was used to generate

calibration curves. Each of these calibrations was then used to convert the entire dataset, and

standard errors were calculated. Errors are reported for the entire dataset, and then separately for

the high and low angle regimes. A third-order polynomial curve was fit to the data. An overlap

pressure of 0 was used for each of the curve fits. Figure 5-18 shows the effect of the calibration

grid on solution accuracy for a conical tipped probe, while Figure 5-19 shows the same curves for

the hemispherical tipped probe.

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Grid Spacing (°)












2 4 6 8 100












Yaw AnglePitch Angle




OverallLow Angle

High Angle

Figure 5-18: Effects of Grid Density on Conical Tipped Probe Error

Grid Spacing (°)












2 4 6 8 100












Yaw AnglePitch Angle




OverallLow Angle

High Angle

Figure 5-19: Effects of Grid Density on Hemispherical Tipped Probe Error

Page 94: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


Considering first only the overall grid sensitivity, the plots show that the conical tipped probe

calibration could be considered grid independent at 6.5°spacing, while the hemispherical tipped

probe was independent at a 5° spacing. The hemispherical tipped probe’s need for additional

calibration points was attributed to the asymmetry in the probe tip – because the tip was hand-

filed, the response was less predictable, and more calibration points were required.

The calibration of the low angle sector was quite insensitive to grid density – there was very little

increase in error with increasing grid density. The overall error was primarily driven by the high

angle error, which was consistent with the findings of Sumner [11]. The magnitude of the

observed errors was also consistent with his findings for grid densities up to 6.5°.

Above 6.5° grid spacings there was a very significant increase in high angle error, higher than

was observed in the literature. This was a result of the relatively small range of cone angle that

was used in the present work. Seven hole probes were typically calibrated to at least a 70° cone

angle. The probes in the present study were calibrated to a maximum cone angle of 55°, which

was the mechanical limit of the rotary traverse. This reduced the number of calibration points

that fall into the high angle calibration sectors. When the grid was sparse, the number of degrees

of freedom in the polynomial curve fit became significant compared to the number of calibration

points. The number of calibration points in each sector is tabulated against grid density for each

tip shape in Table 5-1 and Table 5-2.

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Table 5-1: Calibration Point Distribution for a Conical Tipped Probe

Sector 3° 5° 6.5° 8° 10°

1 883 371 215 149 98

2 170 61 37 21 17

3 249 92 50 35 20

4 193 70 40 25 17

5 206 78 42 27 17

6 160 60 33 21 17

7 194 71 39 24 20

Total 2055 803 456 302 206

Approximate Duration 2:45 1:15 0:45 0:30 0:20

Table 5-2: Calibration Point Distribution for a Hemispherical Tipped Probe

Sector 3° 5° 6.5° 8° 10°

1 698 296 181 120 79

2 288 111 61 40 29

3 192 70 34 25 18

4 190 70 40 27 17

5 209 80 44 29 17

6 262 98 52 33 24

7 216 78 44 28 22

Total 2055 803 456 302 206

Approximate Duration 2:45 1:15 0:45 0:30 0:20

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A third order polynomial fit was used in this study, which meant there were 10 degrees of

freedom in each sector. The massive errors observed at high angles were a result of fitting 10

degrees of freedom to as few as 17 points – the calibration became very sensitive to error in the

raw data at small numbers of points. The points were also unlikely to be near the sector

boundaries, so unphysical edge effects were expected to influence near-boundary regions. At

6.5° spacing, the conical tipped probe had between 30 and 50 points in each of the high angle

sectors, while the hemispherical tipped probe had between 35 and 60. The hemispherical tipped

probe showed significantly less error in the high angle sectors, and this difference was attributed

to the larger number of calibration points.

The approximate time to complete each traverse was also tabulated, in hours. There was a

significant reduction in the time to calibrate when a 5° grid is chosen over a 3° grid. The time

savings associated with moving to a 6.5° grid were much less significant. The 5° grid was

therefore recommended, as the results showed that the resulting calibration was grid independent,

and the time to complete data collection was reasonable.

5.3.2 Overlap Pressure

The concept of overlap pressure was introduced in section as a method for improving the

near-boundary response of the calibration curves, especially with sparse grids. When there was

not a calibration point near a sector boundary, a significant portion of the sector could have been

calibrated with an extrapolated curve, rather than with an interpolated curve. Extrapolated

polynomial curves tend to infinity, and their derivatives in the extrapolated regions are

uncontrolled – meaning that significant, sudden, unphysical changes in response are possible.

The concept of overlap pressure was therefore introduced as a controlled method of including a

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small number of points from an adjacent calibration region, so that the response would continue

to be interpolated, rather than extrapolated, through the entire calibration domain.

The results presented in this section are based on third order polynomial fits, which have 10

degrees of freedom. The tip Reynolds number is 6000, and the flow total pressure is

approximately 335 Pa in all cases. Proof of Concept

The viability of using overlap pressure as a method of improving calibration accuracy was first

investigated with the 8° grid for the conical tipped probe. This calibration spacing was shown in

section 5.3.1 to have a significant increase in error compared to the 6.5° grid, especially in the

high angle sectors. Overlap pressure was presented as a percentage of the flow dynamic pressure.

Based on the pressure coefficient distributions in Figure 5-4 and Figure 5-8, it was estimated that

an overlap pressure of up to approximately 25% would include adjacent calibration points that

would satisfy the separation criteria. Errors were calculated and compared for overlap pressures

of 0, 3%, 7.5%, 15%, 22.5%, and 30% of the known flow dynamic pressure.

The results showed that no amount of overlap improved the low angle calibration. The low angle

region contained enough points, and sufficiently few degrees of freedom that there was no

improvement in the response of the low angle sector through the use of additional calibration

points. For this reason, only the effects of overlap pressure on high angle probe response were


Page 98: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


The effect of overlap pressure is shown in terms of changes to the average high angle RMS error

and to the maximum error in Figure 5-20. Table 5-3 shows how changes in the overlap pressure

affected the number of data points used in the calibration of each sector. The data that is

presented is from the conical tip, 8° grid density case.

Overlap Pressure












0 10 20 30 400












Yaw AnglePitch AngleP




RMS AverageAbsolute Maximum

Figure 5-20: Effect of Overlap on High Angle Probe Error

Page 99: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


Table 5-3: Total Number of Points in each High Angle Calibration Sector with Overlap

Overlap 0.0% 3.0% 7.5% 15.0% 22.5% 30.0%

Sector 2 21 22 22 30 34 38

Sector 3 35 36 37 43 50 58

Sector 4 25 28 31 35 39 46

Sector 5 27 28 31 34 41 50

Sector 6 21 21 22 28 33 38

Sector 7 24 28 29 34 37 41

The results show that the application of a small amount of overlap quickly reduced the average

error in all five parameters. The response of the yaw, pitch, and total pressure calibration showed

dramatic decreases in their maximum error through the inclusion of only two or three additional

calibration points. This was an expected result – the first adjacent points to be included as the

overlap pressure was increased were those closest to the sector boundaries, and the highest errors

were expected at sector boundaries where there was not a calibration point near the boundary.

The RMS error was minimized at a 15% overlap pressure in this case. Increasing the overlap

pressure beyond this forced unphysical trends that increased error by considering data points that

were too far into adjacent sectors.

Dynamic pressure showed the highest error, both in average and in its maximum error, of the four

flow properties that were directly calculated. Static pressure was derived from the difference in

Page 100: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


total and dynamic pressure, so the error in static pressure was of course higher. The effect of

overlap pressure on the spatial distribution of error was therefore seen most easily on a contour

plot of the error in dynamic pressure. Figure 5-21 shows percentage error in dynamic pressure as

a function of pitch and yaw. Figure 5-22 shows the same plot of error, but with an overlap

pressure of 15%. The locus of points that was used to calibrate sector 7 in each case is also

shown for reference. The solid black squares represent the points that actually lie inside sector 7,

while the outlined squares represent the points that were included by the overlap process.

Page 101: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


Yaw (°)




-40 -20 0 20 40





40 PDynamic Error











Figure 5-21: Error in Calculated Dynamic Pressure with 0 Overlap Pressure

Yaw (°)




-40 -20 0 20 40





40 PDynamic Error











Figure 5-22: Error in Calculated Dynamic Pressure with 15% Overlap Pressure

Page 102: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


These plots clearly showed the effect of overlap pressure. The sharp increases in error around the

sector boundaries were largely eliminated through the inclusion of the overlap points. The effect

on sector 7 was quite dramatic – with no overlap, there was clearly a significant polynomial

extrapolation effect at the low-cone boundary. This error was effectively eliminated by the

inclusion of a line of points from sector 1.

The spatial representation of error in the above figures showed that error was not uniform across

the functional range of the probe. Uniform error was desirable, especially when measuring

swirling flows that impinged on the probe at a variety of angles of attack. These results showed

that overlap pressure was able to achieve this goal as well.

The previous figures showed that the use of additional overlap calibration points improved the

accuracy of the calibration generated by a coarse calibration grid – a grid sparser than the grid

independent calibration. These figures have not, however, compared the resulting calibration

with one generated by a denser grid with no overlap.

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Table 5-4 and Table 5-5 compare the RMS and absolute maximum errors for the 8° grid with

overlap to the 6.5° grid with no overlap. The 6.5° grid had a total of 456 points, while the 8° grid

had a total of 302 points. In terms of the high angle sectors only, the 6.5° grid with no overlap

used 241 points for calibration. The 8° grid with overlap used 204 calibration points in the high

angle sectors, and some of those points were actually the same data point, but used in more than

one sector.

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Table 5-4: RMS Average High Angle Errors

6.5°Grid 8° Grid

0 Overlap 15% Overlap

Yaw (°) 0.96 0.92

Pitch (°) 0.73 0.75

PTotal (%) 2.4 2.2

PDynamic (%) 3.9 3.6

PStatic (%) 4.7 4.2

Table 5-5: Absolute Maximum High Angle Errors

6.5°Grid 8° Grid

0 Overlap 15% Overlap

Yaw (°) 6.8 6.1

Pitch (°) 4.3 4.4

PTotal (%) 11 7.6

PDynamic (%) 33 18

PStatic (%) 34 20

The results showed that the RMS average error was virtually the same for the two grids, but that

the coarse grid with overlap had lower maximum error, especially in dynamic pressure. This

suggested that while grid density is important to calibration accuracy, an equivalently accurate,

but more uniform calibration could be obtained by using fewer points in the core of the sector,

and including extra points near or across sector boundaries. The reduced absolute maximum

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error also confirmed that the main source of non-uniformity in probe error was sector edge effects

caused by polynomial extrapolation. Overlap Pressure in Dense Calibration Grids

The previous section showed that overlap pressure can be used to improve the calibration

generated by a coarse grid. The next step was to determine the effect of overlap pressure on

denser calibration grids. If it could be shown that applying overlap to dense calibration grids did

not negatively affect the resulting calibration, then it could be recommended that overlap always

be used, no matter what the grid spacing.

The effect of 15% overlap is presented in Table 5-6 and Table 5-7. These tables show the

difference in high angle error between a no-overlap calibration and a 15% overlap calibration.

The effects on RMS average and absolute maximum are shown, respectively. A negative value

indicates that the error has been reduced, while a positive value indicates that the value has

increased through the application of overlap. Data was from a conical tipped probe.

Table 5-6: Changes in High Angle RMS Average Error with the Application of 15%


3° 5° 6.5° 8° 10°

Yaw (°) 0.04 0.07 0.03 -2.4 -8.7

Pitch (°) 0.08 0.08 0.07 -0.83 -9.2

PTotal (%) 0.01 0.05 0.06 -3.2 -18

PDynamic (%) 0.1 0.13 -0.40 -47 -93

PStatic (%) 0.02 0.11 -0.31 -46 -93

Page 106: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


Table 5-7: Changes in High Angle Absolute Maximum Error with the Application of 15%


3° 5° 6.5° 8° 10°

Yaw (°) -0.16 0.11 -0.04 -62 -66

Pitch (°) 0.77 1.1 0.79 -30 -64

PTotal (%) 0.48 -0.38 -0.33 -92 -92

PDynamic (%) -14 -15 -18 -81 -9.7

PStatic (%) -6.3 -8.8 -13 -80 -11

The results showed that the average error of dense grids was statistically insensitive to the

application of a small amount of overlap pressure. Although some of the errors increased slightly

when overlap was used, the increase in error was not statistically significant. For most properties,

especially dynamic pressure, which showed the most spatial variation of error, the maximum

error was reduced significantly. This was a significant finding, as the maximum errors were

typically on the boundary of the high angle sectors, which coincided approximately with the 25°-

30°cone angle line, which was right in the middle of the probe’s useful range. Errors at these

angles of attacks may not be apparent in experimental investigations of highly swirling flows, so

minimizing these errors to obtain a uniform spatial distribution of error was desirable.

It was concluded, based on this significant reduction in absolute maximum high angle error, that

the application of 15% overlap in the high angle was always beneficial for the present case.

Without additional data this conclusion could not, however, be extended to calibration flows

having a different total pressure, or to calibrations at a different Reynolds number. Furthermore,

Page 107: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


simply analyzing the current dataset could not demonstrate that normalizing the overlap pressure

by the flow dynamic pressure was the most appropriate guidance. Overlap Pressure in Alternative Tip Geometries

The data analysis that was performed in the proceeding two sections on the conical tipped probe

was repeated for the hemispherical tipped probe, and the results were very similar. The

application of overlap pressure decreased the absolute maximum error on all grids, had virtually

no effect on the RMS average error of dense grids, and improved the RMS average error of

coarse grids. The numerical results were omitted for brevity as very little additional insight is

gained from their inclusion.

5.3.3 Order of Polynomial Curve Fit

The order of polynomial curve fit affected the accuracy of calibration in a number of ways.

Increasing the order of fit allowed for more variation in the shape of the surface, which was

beneficial if there were characteristics of the response with varying high order derivatives. It

could also introduce unphysical error, however – if the physical response of the probe was

smooth, then introducing additional degrees of freedom increased the noise in the calibration.

The effect of a fourth order polynomial curve fit was tested by repeating the data analysis

procedures followed in the previous sections. A grid independence study was carried out using

no overlap pressure. The effect of overlap pressure was then studied again to see whether the

same improvement could be found by applying overlap to a non-grid independent grid density.

Only the data from the conical tipped probe was presented, as the hemispherical tipped probe

showed an almost identical response.

Page 108: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace

96 Grid Independence

The grid independence study was repeated on the conical tipped probe, and the results are

presented in Figure 5-23 in the same way that they were presented for a 3rd order polynomial fit in

Figure 5-18.

Figure 5-23: Effects of Grid Density on Probe Error with a 4th

Order Polynomial Fit

The trends in this figure were virtually the same as those for the 3rd order calibration, suggesting

that the 4th order terms did not improve probe calibration on sparse grids. The difference in

overall error (high and low angle sectors) using third and fourth order fits are shown in Table 5-8

and Table 5-9. The effects on RMS average and absolute maximum are shown, respectively. A

negative value indicates that the error has been reduced, while a positive value indicates that the

value has increased through the increase in the order of curve fit.

Page 109: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


Table 5-8: Effects of Increasing Order of Curve fit on Overall RMS Average Error

3° 5° 6.5° 8° 10°

Yaw (°) -0.06 -0.05 -0.02 0.95 0.02

Pitch (°) -0.05 -0.02 -0.05 0.55 -1.4

PTotal (%) -0.13 -0.09 0.17 11 -0.83

PDynamic (%) -0.74 -0.66 -0.42 -17 -31

PStatic (%) -0.65 -0.53 -0.54 -18 -32

Table 5-9: Effects of Increasing Order of Curve fit on Overall Absolute Maximum Error

3° 5° 6.5° 8° 10°

Yaw (°) -0.59 -1.7 -0.38 1.8 1.8

Pitch (°) -0.49 -0.4 -1.4 -13 -18

PTotal (%) 0.80 0.3 3.9 N/A N/A

PDynamic (%) -12 0.03 6.3 N/A N/A

PStatic (%) -10 -2.3 0.26 N/A N/A

The results show that there was a reduction in average error and a significant reduction in

absolute maximum error when a higher order polynomial curve was used on a dense calibration

grid. The reduction in maximum error on a dense grid suggested that there may have been

characteristics of the probe response that were fourth order – which in itself justified the inclusion

of fourth order terms. Comparing Table 5-9 with Table 5-7 (pg 94) , which showed changes in

absolute maximum error when overlap was applied to a 3rd order fit, showed that using a 4th order

Page 110: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


fit decreased the absolute maximum error approximately the same amount as applying 15%

overlap to a 3rd order fit., while also decreasing average error.

The effect of the order of fit on the distribution of error was best shown on a contour plot of error.

Dynamic pressure showed the highest sensitivity to angle of attack, so contours of dynamic

pressure error are shown in Figure 5-24 and Figure 5-25 for 3rd and 4th order fits, respectively.

Page 111: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


Yaw (°)




-40 -20 0 20 40







Error (%)










Figure 5-24: Dynamic Pressure Error Distribution with a 3rd

Order Curve Fit from 3° Grid

Spacing, 0 Overlap

Yaw (°)




-40 -20 0 20 40







Error (%)











Figure 5-25: Dynamic Pressure Error Distribution with a 4th

Order Curve Fit from 3° Grid

Spacing, 0 Overlap

Page 112: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


The contour plots clearly show that increasing the number of degrees of freedom significantly

improved the uniformity of error in the curve fit. The large spikes just beyond the low angle

sector boundary were greatly reduced. The 3rd order curve showed an over-calculation of velocity

in the centre of the high angle sectors and an under-calculation of velocity at some of the high

angle sector boundaries. This was indicative of a higher order physical response that was not

properly captured with a 3rd order curve – especially since these errors were not observed in the

4th order plot.

In terms of declaring grid independence, the fact that the effect of grid density on average error

followed the same trend for the 4th order curve and the 3rd order curve meant that there was no

reason to think that grid density affected a 4th order fit any differently than it did a 3rd order fit.

As in section 5.3.1 then, a minimum of 5°grid spacing was recommended for a 4th order curve fit

as well. Overlap Pressure

The effect of overlap pressure was found to be the same as for the third order fit, but the optimum

overlap pressure was slightly different. The analysis of the effect of overlap pressure for the

fourth order fit was carried out in the same way as the analysis of the third order fit – the 8 degree

grid calibration was repeated using incrementally higher amounts of overlap pressure. As overlap

was increased, the RMS average error decreased to a point, and then began to rise again as points

that were very far outside the sector domain were included. The optimum overlap was found to

be 22.5% for the fourth order fit, which is more than the 15% that was found to be optimal for the

third order fit. This 7.5% increase in overlap caused 4-7 additional points per sector to be

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included, which was reasonable given that the increased order of curve fit resulted in an

additional 5 degrees of freedom in the fit.

The 22.5% overlap was then applied to all of the calibration grids, and the result was found to be

the same as that found or the third order fit. The average error in denser calibration grids was

statistically insensitive to overlap, but the absolute maximum error was reduced through the

inclusion of overlap points in each case. Again, the inclusion of overlap points did not reduce the

accuracy of the calibration in any case.

The results presented in this section showed that fourth order terms were not negligible. The

spatial distributions of error showed that there were features of the probe response that required

fourth order terms to properly represent. The results also showed, however, that the order of

curve fit was largely independent of other calibration variables – that is, regardless of the order of

curve fit used, a minimum of 5°calibration grid spacing and an overlap pressure on the order of

15-20% was recommended.

5.4 Method of Lowest Error

The results have shown that the best calibration was obtained using a 3° calibration grid density,

15-20% overlap, and a fourth order polynomial curve fit. The errors arising from this optimum

calibration are presented in the following figures. Table 5-10 shows the magnitude of the average

and maximum errors. Figure 5-26 shows error contours for the four directly calculated flow

properties, as well as for static pressure, which was derived from total and dynamic pressure.

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Table 5-10: Average and Maximum Calibration Errors (All Sectors)

RMS Average Absolute Maximum

Yaw (°) 0.59 4.1

Pitch (°) 0.48 4.1

PTotal (%) 1.7 10

PDynamic (%) 2.3 12

PStatic (%) 2.7 16

Page 115: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


Yaw (°)




-40 -20 0 20 40






Yaw Error (°)







Yaw (°)




-40 -20 0 20 40






Pitch Error (°)







Yaw (°)




-40 -20 0 20 40






PTotal Error (%)






Yaw (°)




-40 -20 0 20 40






PDynamic Error (%)






Yaw (°)




-40 -20 0 20 40






PStatic Error (%)






Figure 5-26: Error Contours for the Optimum Calibration Case

Page 116: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


The distributions of error showed that the use of a fourth order curve fit and the application of

high angle overlap gave very good uniformity in error, and the tabulated average and maximum

errors showed that the magnitude of the error was very reasonable. The highest errors were

concentrated in sector 3, and a substantial amount of noise was observed in the error plots in this

region. During data collection, the traverse was moved from low pitch to high pitch, stopping at

each desired pitch angle to traverse all of the corresponding yaw angles. The data in sector 3 was

therefore collected towards the end of the traverse. It is possible that there was some transient

effect that caused additional noise towards the end of data collection. Given that this was the

greatest source of error, and that the contour plots are free of polynomial extrapolation edge

effects, the results showed that the proposed calibration method was reasonable and gave good

accuracy across the entire calibrated range.

5.5 Summary and Discussion of Findings

As discussed in section 5.1, the results of the present study agreed quite well with results

available in the literature. The results that were presented in the following sections have provided

a great deal more data than was available in literature – especially in terms of the level of detail in

the presented data.

In terms of probe geometry effects, the study of Reynolds number influence on seven hole probe

error at different angles of attack provided a level of detail that was not available in the literature.

The closest available results were presented by Lee [30], who found that Reynolds number effects

on five hole probes were more significant at higher angles of attack. The findings of the present

work were consistent with this trend, although the magnitude of the effect was different for the

five and seven hole probes.

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In terms of curve fitting schemes, the study of the influence of the order of curve fit provided

data and supported conclusions on the required number of degrees of freedom that were not

available in the literature. The concept of overlap pressure was a novel concept, and introduced a

significant reduction in the absolute maximum calibration errors and a corresponding

improvement in uniformity.

Sumner [11] and Silva [15] compared the accuracy of the polynomial curve fit and direct

interpolation data reduction schemes. Sumner used the Zilliac [7] direct interpolation method,

while Silva used a simple linear interpolation. In both cases, the direct interpolation scheme was

found to improve calibration accuracy in high angle sectors, and to have no effect on calibration

accuracy in the low angle sector. In the present work, a similar improvement in high angle

calibration accuracy was obtained through the application of overlap pressure in data sorting.

The findings of these previous works are shown and compared with the improvements seen

through the use of overlap pressure in Table 5-11. For Sumner and Silva, the values shown were

the reported reduction in high angle RMS average error from using the direct interpolation

scheme. For the present work, the values shown are the reduction in high angle RMS average

error from applying overlap pressure. A negative value indicated that the direct interpolation

scheme was actually less accurate than the polynomial curve fit. The observed reduction in error

associated with the use of direct interpolation is similar in magnitude to the reduction in error

associated with the use of overlap pressure.

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Table 5-11: Effects of Overlap Pressure and Direct Interpolation on Calibration Accuracy

Pitch Angle (°) Yaw Angle (°) PTotal (%Q) PDynamic (%Q)

Sumner 0.3 0.4 -0.3 -0.3

Silva -0.1 0.7 0.3 1.6

Present Work 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.02

Silva also reported that the direct interpolation scheme reduced the standard deviation, and thus

improved the uniformity of the response error as a func tion of angle of attack. As mentioned, the

application of overlap pressure also improved the uniformity of response error, mainly due to the

elimination of polynomial extrapolation at sector boundaries. No detail is given in any of

Sumner, Silva, or Zilliac of how near-sector boundary points were interpolated – that is, whether

the points nearest the sector boundary were simply extrapolated, or whether points in an adjacent

sector were considered and interpolated.

The present work showed that points near sector boundaries were a significant source of error.

The choice of calibration data near sector boundaries (overlap pressure) was shown to reduce the

overall error of the calibration by the same magnitude as the reduction achieved by Sumner and

Silva by using a direct interpolation scheme. None of Sumner, Silva, or Zilliac gave specific

details of their treatment of points near sector boundaries. Given the lack of detail about this

important aspect of calibration, there may not be evidence to support the conclusion that the

direct interpolation method improves calibration accuracy. If in the direct interpolation schemes,

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near-boundary points were calculated by interpolating points from adjacent sectors, then the

reduction in error may simply be due to the inadvertent elimination of edge effects.

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Chapter 6

Error Analysis and Propagation

The error analyses presented in the previous chapter were calculated by taking the difference

between the measured magnitudes and direction of the calibration flow and the calculated

magnitudes and directions using the calibration curve. These errors dealt only with the

calibration side, and did not account for certain types of bias errors. While the effects of random

transducer error and very low frequency (oscillations on the order of minutes and hours) wind

tunnel unsteadiness were accounted for in this calculation, errors in the alignment and positioning

of the probe were ignored, because the probe was not removed and the rotary traverse was not

adjusted between tests. These bias errors must be considered.

Error must also be considered on the experimental data collection side. When data is collected

from an arbitrary flow there is not a reference measurement that allows the error to be directly

calculated, so the error must be propagated through the governing equations from first principles.

The procedure and mathematics of this propagation are presented in this section.

6.1 Sources of Error During Calibration

The four main sources of error on the calibration side were unsteadiness and non-uniformity in

the calibration flow, uncertainty in the angle of the probe in the rotary traverse, random

transducer error, and residual error in curve fitting. As mentioned, three of these sources of error

were accounted for when the quality of the curve fit was calculated, because the effects of those

errors appeared as noise in the calibration data. If the calibration grid and order of curve fit were

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sufficient to represent all of the phenomenon that are physically present, then the residual in the

curve fit was only a function of noise in the data, which was only a function of measurement and

flow uncertainty.

The nature of the calibration did, however, make it sensitive to errors in the alignment and motion

of the probe during calibration. There was no feedback from the rotary traverse to the DAQ, so it

was simply assumed that when the probe was moved to a desired position that it was actually in

that position. The largest error in a stepper motor, by nature, is cyclical – the error in a complete

revolution is zero, because the position of the shaft at a given step is controlled by the relative

location of each magnet and winding. This means that while some steps may be larger and some

may be smaller, over the entire rotation, the motor will return to exactly where it started. This

assumes, of course, that steps were not skipped. This was confirmed during each calibration by

periodically returning the traverse to (0,0) and visually confirming that it was physically in the

same location.

The uncertainty associated with the exact size of each step was small, especially when compared

to the error associated with the positioning of the tip of the probe in the calibrator. The error in a

single step was therefore ignored, and the only source of bias error that was considered was the

misalignment during installation.

The probe tip was positioned based on setting it a fixed distance in space from surfaces of the

rotary traverse. Based on the uncertainty in the distance measurements, a total bias error of +/-

0.6° in yaw and +/- 0.15° in pitch was possible. This error would manifest itself as an offset to all

of the flow angles – the probe would be calibrated to return (0°,0°) when the position of the probe

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was actually (+/- 0.6°, +/- 0.15°). A similar DC offset bias would be applied to flows at all

angles. The total error in the flow angle was therefore the sum of these two components of error

– the worst case scenario being that noise was biasing the flow angle in the same direction as the

alignment offset bias.

Considering this offset error, the error in the calibration that was reported in Table 5-10 of section

5.4 was refined. The refined estimate of error is shown in Table 6-1. These uncertainties

represent the error associated with the curve fit – they represent the average error associated with

the calculated flow properties for a data point where the seven pressures were known exactly.

Table 6-1: Calibration Uncertainty for a Sample Probe

RMS Average

Yaw (°) 1.2

Pitch (°) 0.63

PTotal (%) 1.7

PDynamic (%) 2.3

PStatic (%) 2.7

6.2 Sources of Error in an Arbitrary Flow

The calculation of error for data that is collected in an arbitrary flow is somewhat more involved,

because the actual flow conditions are not known for comparison purposes. Uncertainty must

therefore be computed from first principles. There are three sources of error when collecting data

in an arbitrary flow – probe misalignment and mislocation, transducer uncertainty, and calibration

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uncertainty. Calibration uncertainty is dependant on the calibration scheme, and its calculation

has been discussed extensively in previous sections.

Probe misalignment and mislocation is highly application dependant, so it is difficult to quantify

in the general case. In the Gas Turbine Lab, probes are typically mounted in an X-Y traverse

table, and the traverse moves the probe across a plane, recording data periodically. Misalignment

of the probe would lead to a uniform offset bias across all measured points, much the same way

that misalignment in the rotary traverse led to a uniform bias during calibration. The degree of

misalignment is dependant on the technique used to align the probe, and cannot be quantified

here, because that technique is left up to the end user. The mislocation of the probe is a function

of the accuracy of the origin of the traverse and of the precision of the traverse’s movements.

The error that is introduced as a result of mislocation is then a function of the velocity and angle

gradients in the flow – in a highly swirling flow, or one with significant shear layers, the partial

derivative of angle or velocity with respect to X-Y position is very high, and small errors in the

probe location will lead to large uncertainties in measured angles and velocities. Again, this error

is highly application dependant and cannot be quantified in the present work.

Pressure transducer uncertainty can, however, be propagated analytically with a constant odd

combination. In the general case, Moffat [31] uses a root-sum-square of the product of the

uncertainty in each constituent term, X, with the partial derivative of the calculated property, R,

with respect to X. The general equation is shown as (6-1) for a governing equation of N variables.











δδ (6-1)

Page 124: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


The response equations are known, so they can be differentiated directly with respect to pressure

to obtain an estimate of uncertainty in the ultimate output with uncertainty in measured pressure.

The response equations are non-linear with respect to the directional pressure coefficients,

however, so the uncertainty at a data point depends on the value of these coefficients. It also

depends on the derivative of the calibration surface with respect to these coefficients, which

means that the uncertainty is not constant at all flow angles – at flow angles near sector

boundaries, where the slope of the calibration curve is higher, the uncertainty will also be higher.

6.2.1 Low Angle Flows

The equations used in the calculation of uncertainty at low angles are presented below. The

equations are processed in the same order as they are during data conversion. Equations (6-2)

through (6-5) through are partial derivatives of the governing equations described in section 2.2.1.













i i


i i


i i












These equations are the basic directional pressure coefficients. The uncertainty in each measured

pressure is just the transducer error. The partial derivatives of these terms depend on the

magnitude of the measured pressures, so the error in these terms is a function of flow velocity and


Page 125: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace









Ai i



Ai i











These equations are the pitch and yaw coefficients, and they are calculated directly from the

directional pressure coefficients. Their magnitude depends only on the uncertainty in the

directional pressure coefficients, and not on their magnitude.





δδi i





This equation is the most labour intensive to derive, because it involves a 15 term polynomial

expression. The calculation of the partial derivatives is straightforward, but time consuming.

The uncertainty in the flow property X is a function of the magnitude of the errors in the pitch and

yaw coefficients, as well as the magnitude of those coefficients. It is also scaled by the

magnitude of each calibration coefficient, which means that the slope of the surface is important.

This equation is solved 4 times – once for each of the two flow angles and the two pressure






∂= ∑

= T


i i





PPP δδδ





∂= ∑

= q


i i




QPQ δδδ


Page 126: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


Finally, since total and dynamic pressures are calculated from total and dynamic pressure

coefficients that are obtained through calibration, a final derivative step is required to calculate

their uncertainty. These equations depend on the magnitude of the measured pressures, as well as

the value of the pressure coefficient – so the uncertainty of these terms varies with the velocity

and angle of attack of the oncoming flow.

6.2.2 High Angle Flows

The equations used in the calculation of uncertainty in high angle flows are virtually the same as

the low angle flow equations, except that an additional step is needed to convert cone and roll

uncertainties to pitch and yaw uncertainties. Equations (6-6) through (6-9) are the partial

derivatives of the governing equations in section 2.2.2.









i i


i i












These equations are the cone and roll coefficients, which are calculated directly from pressure

data. The uncertainty in these terms depends on the uncertainty in pressure transducer readings,

as well as the magnitudes of the measured pressures.





δδi i





Page 127: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


This equation is of the exact same form as the low angle flow equation. It is labour intensive but

simple to derive. Uncertainties in roll and cone angles, and total and dynamic pressure

coefficients are returned.





∂= ∑

= T


i i





PPP δδδ





∂= ∑

= q


i i




QPQ δδδ


As with low angle flows, these equations are used to relate uncertainties in total and dynamic

pressure coefficients to uncertainties in calculated total and dynamic pressure. These equations

depend on the measured pressures, so the uncertainty will vary with the velocity and angle of

attack of the oncoming flow.


















These equations relate the uncertainty in cone and roll to the uncertainty in pitch and yaw. The

partial derivatives also depend on the actual cone and roll angle, so the response of these

equations varies with cone and roll.

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6.3 Calculation of Total Error in an Arbitrary Flow

The calculation of the overall uncertainty in the measurement of an arbitrary can be somewhat

involved, because there are a number of different approaches, depending on the desired accuracy.

As discussed in the previous section, the three main sources of error are probe misalignment in

the traverse, pressure transducer uncertainty, and calibration uncertainty. The overall uncertainty

at a data point would be the sum of all of these components of error.

The highest level of accuracy in uncertainty estimation is obtained using the following procedure:

1. Calculate the uncertainty resulting from transducer at each data point

2. Based on the angle of attack of the flow, interpolate the calibration error plots to calculate

the contribution of calibration uncertainty at that flow angle

3. Estimate the uncertainty in probe alignment based on the process through which it was


4. Sum the above uncertainties at each measured data point to obtain a distribution of error

across the traverse plane

A lower level of accuracy, but perhaps a more concise estimate of uncertainty can be obtained

more quickly using the following procedure:

1. Average the uncertainties resulting from transducer error at all points

2. Average the calibration uncertainty of the probe across all angles of attack

3. Estimate the uncertainty in probe alignment based on the process through which it was


4. Sum the above uncertainties to obtain an overall average uncertainty for the entire exit


Page 129: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


While this second method neglects the fact that uncertainty is not constant with angle of attack

the result still may be a good estimate of uncertainty if there are no significant secondary flows.

The method that is chosen is again application dependant, and depends on both the nature of the

flow and the desired accuracy of the uncertainty estimate.

6.4 Example of Transducer Uncertainty Plots

The form and use of calibration uncertainty plots has been shown throughout Chapter 5, so

examples of those plots are not shown here. This section shows an example of transducer

uncertainty plots for a flow at the exit plane of an ejector system. In this flow, a hot primary jet

passively entrains, and then mixes with, a cool secondary supply of air to reduce the overall

exhaust plume temperature and velocity. The flow is axial. Data is taken from the preliminary

work of Begg [32]. Figure 6-1 shows velocity and temperature contours for this flow. Secondary

flow vectors are not shown because they are not significant.

w, m/s
















Temp, °C
















Figure 6-1: Velocity and Temperature Contours for Sample Mixing Tube Outlet Traverse

Page 130: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


In this flow, the spatial variation in uncertainty in flow properties that results from transducer

uncertainty is primarily a function of velocity and temperature gradients – the hot, high velocity

core flow results in very high port pressures, which minimizes the effect of transducer

uncertainty. The error increases in the regions of cooler, slower moving flow that occur away

from the jet core. Figure 6-2 shows the spatial variation of uncertainties for each of the four

calculated flow properties.

Yaw (°)












Pitch (°)





































Figure 6-2: Flow Property Uncertainty Resulting from Transducer Uncertainty

Page 131: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


The uncertainty is highest around the perimeter of the mixing tube, where data has been collected

in a boundary layer. The velocity gradient across the tip of the probe is significant in this region,

and causes an apparent flow that is at an extremely high angle. This is an unphysical result,

which is typically ignored during testing.

The majority of the flow, however, is relatively unaffected by transducer error. In this particular

case, because the flow angles are all very similar, a uniform calibration uncertainty could be

applied to this result to give an indication of the total error.

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Chapter 7


The goal of the present work was to study the calibration and use of seven hole probes to

establish guidelines for their use in a hot flow wind tunnel. To this end, several parameters that

were known to affect probe response were studied and their effects were quantified. The effects

of each parameter are discussed individually in the following sections. The parameters that affect

hot flow measurements differently from cold flow measurements are then discussed again, in the

context of the results of Chen [2] and Maqsood [3], who were the first in the Gas Turbine Lab to

use seven hole probes in hot flow. The findings of the present work are used to explain

anomalies and suspected errors in their results.

7.1 Tip Geometry

The main effect of tip geometry was to change the uniformity of response across the sectors. The

response of the hemispherical tip was much more uniform than the conical tip – that is, the angle

of attack at which flow began to separate, and the manner in which it separated on the downwind

side of the probe was much more consistent across the 6 peripheral holes. The hemispherical tip,

or at least a conical tip with the sharp edges rounded, was therefore recommended, as the range of

angles of attack for which the calibration is valid is more uniform for a rounded tip.

The response of the conical tip was very sensitive to burrs and detents. If a conical tip is used, the

sharp edges should be broken with very fine sandpaper, and the pressure ports should be carefully

deburred and cleaned. A cap is recommended to protect the tip from damage.

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Changes in the tip geometry did not affect the characteristic shape of the calibration curves to the

point that additional degrees of freedom or different numbers of calibration points were required

to properly capture and model the response. The requirements for a good curve fit were

unaffected by changes to tip geometry.

7.2 Reynolds Number Effects

Reynolds number effects were found to be significant. Both the hemispherical and chamfered

tips showed Reynolds number independence above Reynolds numbers of 6000 for the entire

calibrated range. The low angle sector was much less sensitive, showing Reynolds number

independence above a Reynolds number of 3000 for both tip shapes. The user must be aware of

Reynolds number effects and possibly perform additional calibrations when studying flows at or

below these observed limits.

The error associated with the use of the hemispherical probe beyond its Reynolds number limit

was significantly less than the error associated with using the conical tip beyond its limit,

especially in the calculation of dynamic pressure, which was found to be the most sensitive flow

property to Reynolds number. An additional error of 1.5° in angle measurements and 3% in total

pressure was introduced by using both probe shapes at a Reynolds number of 2000. For the same

Reynolds number however, the conical tip showed a 15% increase in dynamic pressure error,

while the hemispherical tip only showed a 5% increase in error. For this reason, the

hemispherical tip is recommended for measuring flows in this range of Reynolds numbers.

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7.3 Order of Polynomial Curve Fit

A fourth order bivariant polynomial surface model, with 15 degrees of freedom, was able to

accurately capture the important features of the probe’s response curve. Residual plots showed

no trend when a fourth order fit was applied, indicating that the only source of error was noise in

the calibration data. A third order polynomial fit with 10 terms was observed to leave a residual

with a parabolic shape, indicating that there were physical features of the response that were not

adequately modeled with a third order surface fit. For this reason, the fourth order terms were not

found to be negligible, and a fourth order curve is recommended.

7.4 Calibration Grid Requirements

A calibration grid with points spaced at 5° in cone and roll was found to sufficiently resolve the

response curve across all sectors. With grid spacing greater than 5°, the resolution in the middle

of the sectors was not sufficient to resolve and represent the important features of the probe

response, and the resulting curve fits were therefore not properly modeling the physical response.

7.5 Overlap Pressure

An overlap pressure of between 15 and 20% in the high angle sectors was found to give the most

uniform response, with the lowest absolute maximum errors. The application of overlap pressure

in the high angle sectors was shown to reduce absolute maximum errors by up to 4% of the flow

dynamic pressure. There was virtually no effect on the RMS average error. Overlap pressure

was not shown to improve the accuracy of low-angle sector calibrations.

Page 135: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


7.6 Quantification of Error in Previous Works

It was found that the uncertainty in static pressure reported in the works of Chen [2]and Maqsood

[3] appears to be understated. Errors of up to 5% in the determination of calibration flow

reference pressures and of 5-10% due to Reynolds number effects were not acknowledged. These

additional uncertainties explain the static pressure readings in previous works.

Page 136: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


Chapter 8

Recommendations and Limitations

There are a few limitations of the present work, and of seven hole probes that are recognized and

acknowledged in this section. Recommendations for improvements to the calibration process and

equipment are also discussed in this section.

The study of overlap pressure considered only a single speed of calibration flow. The conclusion

that 15-20% overlap pressure is ideal is therefore only demonstrated for a calibration jet flow

issuing to atmosphere with a 330 Pa total pressure. Measured pressures scale with the flow

dynamic pressure, however, so it is reasonable to assume that this recommended value will

remain valid for a wide range of calibration flows. Care must still be taken, however, through

examination of plots of the points included in each calibration region, to ensure that an

unreasonable number of additional points are being included.

The results presented are only applicable to calibrations and testing in subsonic flow. The effects

of compressibility were ignored in the present work, and can be significant at Mach numbers

greater than 0.3. Compressible flows must be tested and modeled with additional coefficients and

additional tip geometry considerations.

The effect of flow turbulence was not considered or quantified in the present work. Significant

turbulence is known to affect the accuracy of pressure measurements, but those effects were not

measured or quantified. The agreement between observed errors and repeatability of calibration

Page 137: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


with the literature suggests that freestream turbulence did not significantly affect the results. It is

recommended, however, that a settling chamber be added to the calibration wind tunnel for the

purposes of turbulence suppression so that this can be verified.

In terms of seven hole probes, it is important to recognize that the probes themselves are limited

in their capability. The 3.87mm size of the probe means that small scale flow structures on the

order of the probe size cannot be measured accurately. Seven hole probes also cannot be used to

accurately measure boundary layers or significant shear layers. Any gradient large enough that

the change in the flow across the thickness of the probe is significant cannot be accurately

measured, as the seven measured pressures do not represent the flow at a particular point. The

frequency response of the probes in the current work is very low, so transient data is unreliable –

these probes in their current state may only be used for the measurement of time-averaged mean


Page 138: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace



[1] Cunningham, M.H. “Flow in Non-Symmetric Gas Turbine Exhaust Ducts”. PhD Thesis,

Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston,

Ontario. 2002.

[2] Chen, Q. “Performance of Air-Air Ejectors with Multi-Ring Entraining Diffusers”. PhD

Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston,

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[3] Maqsood, A. “A Study of Subsonic Air-Air Ejectors with Short Bent Mixing Tubes”.

PhD Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Queen’s University,

Kingston, Ontario. 2008.

[4] Maiden, D., Monteith, J., Carpini, T. “Flow Velocity and Direction Measurement”. U.S.

Patent 3,699,811. October 24, 1972.

[5] Gallington, R.W. “Measurement of Very Large Flow Angles with Non-Nulling Seven-

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[6] Gerner, A.A., Maurer, C.L., Gallington, R.W. “Non-Nulling Seven Hole Probes for High

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[7] Zilliac, G.G. “Modelling, Calibration, and Error Analysis of Seven Hole Pressure

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[8] White, F.M. “Fluid Mechanics: 5th Edition”. McGraw Hill, New York, NY. 2003

[9] Huffman, G.D., Rabe, D.C., Poti, N.D. “Flow Direction Probes from a Theoretical and

Experimental Point of View”. Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instrumentation. Vol 13 pp

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[10] Pisdale, A.J., Ahmed, N.A. “Development of a Functional Relationship between Port

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[13] Cheney, W., Kincaid, D. “Numerical Mathematics and Computing, 4th Edition”.

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[15] Silva, M.C.G., Pereira, C.A.C., Cruz, J.M.S. “On the Use of a Linear Interpolation

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[16] Wenger, C.W., Devenport, W.J. “Seven Hole Pressure Probe Calibration Method

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[19] Cantwell, B., Coles, D. “An Experimental Study of Entrainment and Transport in the

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[21] Chue, S.H. “Pressure Probes for Fluid Measurement”. Progress in Aerospace Sciences,

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[22] Leland, B.J., Hall, J.L., Joensen, A.W., Carroll, J.M. “Correction of S-Type Pitot-Static

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[29] Sevilla, E. “Experimental Investigation of the Systematic Errors of Pneumatic Pressure

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[30] Lee, S.W., Jun, S.B. “Reynolds Number Effects on the Non-Nulling Calibration of a

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Page 142: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


Appendix A

Experimental Apparatus and Calibration

A.1 Pressure Transducers

Two types of transducers were used for collecting pressure data – the Omega PX139-001D4V

and the Omega PX143-2.5BD5V. These models are both differential transducers, with +/- 1 psi

and +/- 2.5 psi ranges, respectively. The transducer that was used for each measurement was

chosen based on the magnitude of the pressure that was being measured.

Transducers were arranged in boxes of eight transducers with a 25-pin connector to attach the

unit to the data acquisition system. A typical transducer box is shown in Figure A-1.

Figure A-1: Typical Transducer Casing Arrangement

Page 143: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


The transducers were calibrated using a water manometer, shown in Figure A-2. One end of the

manometer was left open to atmosphere, while the other was connected to all eight of the

transducers in each box. The tube was pressurized and the pressure and output voltage were

measured and recorded. The transducers were calibrated through their entire rated operating

range with 14 data points, including three readings at zero pressure to confirm repeatability. A

linear curve fit was then applied to the transducer output.

Figure A-2: Pressure Transducer Calibration Arrangement

A linear fit was chosen over a higher order polynomial curve fit for two main reasons. The first is

that the non-linearity of the transducer is rated at 0.75% of full scale, so the error in a linear fit is

well quantified. The second is that applying a higher-order curve fit to a data set that is expected

to be linear results in unnecessary degrees of freedom in the fit, which makes the result highly

susceptible to outlier data points. The higher order curve fits were found to be sensitive to small

errors in manometer reading during calibration. It was also found that the difference between a

Page 144: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


linear and a cubic fit for the worst transducer was less than the rated hysteresis error of the

transducer – meaning that the choice of curve fit was not significant.

The error in the transducer output was taken to be the manufacturer’s reported value for non-

linearity, which was 0.75% of the full scale output. A hysteresis error was also provided,

however this error was ignored because several thousand data points were averaged each time a

pressure was measured. The number of points that were averaged was studied for independence,

and was increased until the result was independent of the number of points – that is, until the net

effect of random error was negligible. The hysteresis error was therefore systemically

suppressed, and the error in the transducer output is only due to the non-linearity of the

calibration. Error due to atmospheric conditions was controlled by recalibration when there were

significant changes in ambient temperature and humidity.

A.2 X-Y Traverse Tables

An XY traverse table manufactured by Arrick robotics was used to position the 7-hole probe in

the flow. The unit is pictured in Figure A-3.

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Figure A-3: XY-Positioning Traverse Rig

The X and Y position of the probe was controlled with VEXPA 12V stepper motors with a 1.8°

step size. A pulley reducer was used on the motor controlling Y-position to increase torque. The

motors were controlled with a Salem Controls A200SMC stepper motor controller and a

LabView program.

The traverse was calibrated by moving the motor a set number of steps and measuring the

resulting displacement of the probe. The constants were found to be 0.000254m/step in the X-

Page 146: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


direction and 0.0000635m/step in the Y-direction. The movements of the motor were found to be

repeatable to within 1mm/1000 steps in both directions.

The repeatability was confirmed by traversing the outlet of a 30 cm x 40 cm duct in a square 1 cm

x 1 cm pattern. This required over 375,000 steps in the Y-direction. When the probe was

returned to 0, it was within 3 mm of its original position. It required over 3000 steps in the X-

direction to complete this traverse, and the probe returned to within 0.5mm of its original


A.3 Sampling Period Sensitivity

The appropriate sampling period was determined by taking transient pressure data at 900 Hz, the

maximum sampling rate of the data acquisition system, and measuring the response of the seven

pressures to a significant change in flow angle. The seven transient pressure profiles were then

plotted and a settling time was determined qualitatively. The settling time is the length of time

that is allowed after the probe moves, but before sampling is started. The sampling period was

then determined by plotting the change in the moving average of the seven pressures. This plot is

shown in Figure A-4.

Page 147: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


Time (s)







g A



e P



re (



0 1 2 3 4 5













Figure A-4: Transient Pressure Response to a 45 Degree Change in Flow Angle

A settling time of 1.5 seconds was chosen because the plot shows that the most significant peaks

and fluctuations have ended by this time. A sampling period of 1 second was chosen because the

change in moving average has decreased to less than 0.005% per additional sample by this time.

Page 148: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


Appendix B

Using Seven Hole Probes in the Gas Turbine Lab

This appendix is intended as a primer for new students and researchers in the Gas Turbine Lab.

The intent of this section is to introduce the specifics of the use of the computer codes and probes

that are used in the lab.

There are several sections of the body of this thesis that should be reviewed and fully understood

before taking data or calibrating probes. Sections 2.1 through 2.4.1 of the theory and literature

review chapter introduce all of the governing equations and formulations that are used in the

calibration and processing of seven hole data. Understanding these equations and parameters is

critical to understanding the way that the seven hole probe deals with data, and thus

troubleshooting and interpreting experimental data. Sections 2.6 through 2.8 should also be

reviewed, as they deal with the effects of parameters that were not studied or included in this

work – Mach number, flow turbulence, and velocity gradients.

In terms of using seven hole probes in the HGWT, the most important effect that heating the

probe has on probe response is to drop the Reynolds number significantly. The Reynolds number

of the hot flow will typically be an order of magnitude lower than the cold flow generated by the

same inlet restriction and exhaust device. Knowing the Reynolds number of the flow under test,

and knowing the Reynolds number that was used during calibration are therefore paramount.

Section 5.2.2 of this work should be reviewed for a discussion of how Reynolds number affects

probe response at different angles of attack.

Page 149: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


It is recommended that all of the aforementioned reading is completed before using seven hole

probes – those readings are applicable to everyone using seven hole probes. The following

subsections describe or reference more specific tasks to do with seven hole probe use and


B.1 Assembly and Manufacture

Part drawings and a high level assembly drawing for the probes used in the GTL are provided in

Appendix C. These drawings are nearly complete; they do not, however, describe the process of

installing the pressure tubes and bending the probe neck.

The probe tip must be machined. The machining of the tip is very difficult, because stainless is a

difficult material to cut, and small diameter drill bits are quite delicate. The lead time on probe

tips is therefore quite significant. The only other machining that must be done is to make the

collars, and to ream the probe stem to accept the collars.

Once the probe tip is machined, small diameter stainless tubes are inserted into each of the seven

counterbored holes on the backside of the probe tip. These tubes must be carefully brazed to the

probe tip, using Braze 380 and the appropriate flux. Care must be taken to ensure that the

connection is airtight, but at the same time, that the tubes do not become plugged with solder.

The probe tip is then inserted into the Tip Holder, and the resulting joint is again sealed with

Braze 380. Any step or bulge that results from the soldering should be carefully filed and sanded

away. The Tip Holder is then soldered to the Probe Neck, again filling the resulting shoulder to a

smooth chamfer.

Page 150: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


A tubing bender is then used to bend the Probe Neck. Care must be taken during this step to

ensure that the pressure tubes inside the probe do not crack. It may be necessary to use a torch to

heat the bend.

Once the neck is bent, the probe can be installed in the stem. The neck of the probe should be

polished at the stem end so that the collars slide relatively smoothly over the neck. The slit collar

is installed first. The bottom set of setscrews is then installed in the probe stem, protruding very

slightly into the inside face. The probe neck is inserted into the probe stem until the bottom collar

contacts the setscrews. Ensure that the slit collar does not enter the probe stem yet. The neck can

then be pushed into the probe stem to the desired depth. When the neck is at the desired depth,

the slit collar is pushed into the stem until it is underneath the first set of setscrews. The first set

of setscrews are then installed and tightened, followed by the bottom set of setscrews. The slit

collar should be captured by the setscrews, and pinned from sliding axially. The second collar is

held in place between the slit collar and the bottom setscrews. It may have up to 1/8” of axial

slop, but this is acceptable.

Once the probe is assembled, the tubes should be labeled with their corresponding hole number.

The holes can be identified by putting the tip in a dish of water and blowing gently through each


B.2 Storage and Handling

Seven hole probes are very sensitive to damage, and damage to probe tips is often difficult to

diagnose or recognize because it will not cause step changes in response. Rather, a slight offset

Page 151: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


or a slowly varying error will be introduced, and these errors may not be immediately apparent

from contour plots.

The tip should be protected from marring or chipping when not in use. Small scratches and

abrasions can cause changes in the nature of downstream flow separation, which can cause errors

at high angles of attack. Larger chips and defects can trigger sudden separation over peripheral

holes, which will render the data meaningless. It is recommended that a soft cap, such as a

silicone tube, is placed over the probe tip when not in use.

The probe neck must also be handled carefully, as it can be bent. Bending the probe neck will

cause a bias error in the calculation of the pitch angle. This type of error is difficult to detect,

because the probe neck bend angle is not typically consistent between probes. Seven hole probes

should be handled by gripping the mounting stem, and should not be hung from the probe neck

when stored.

B.3 Calibration

The procedure for mounting a probe in the rotary traverse is described in detail in section 4.1.

Note that there are two sets of arms for the traverse, one is for short probes, and one is for longer

probes. Following the procedures for the mechanical alignment of the probe in the rotary

traverse, and the alignment of the rotary traverse with the wind tunnel is critical, as the accuracy

of the calibration depends on aligning the probe tip with the flow, and on minimizing translation

of the tip during rotation.

Page 152: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


The generation of a calibration grid is done using two programs. “CalGrid.exe” generates a text

file containing all of the calibration points within the specified limit, and at the specified grid

spacing. The output of this program is “xy.txt”, which must be imported into excel and sorted to

minimize the number of traverse movements. This file should be sorted by pitch angle, then by

yaw angle. Once the sorted list of points is saved, “AddZeros.exe” should be run to add (0,0)

points to the file periodically. As outlined in section, these (0,0) points are necessary to

determine the average flow total pressure during the calibration.

Once the probe is aligned and the calibration grid is established, LABView is used to run the

rotary traverse, and to collect pressure data at each calibration point. The LABView programs

will generate text files that contain the pitch and yaw angles of each calibration point, along with

the corresponding seven port pressures, and an eighth reference static pressure. Once data is

collected, a calibration is generated using the following procedure:

1. Run PressureCoefficients.exe. This program generates data files that characterize the

performance of each pair of holes on the probe as a yaw meter. These data files are

formatted for direct import to Tecplot 360, though they can also be loaded into excel for

visualization. Plot the data generated by this program to ensure that burrs or defects in

the tip are not tripping flow separation – see section 5.2.1.

2. Run MakeCorrelateData.exe. This program sorts the raw calibration data into data files

for each individual sector. The sorting and rejection criteria discussed in section 4.2.1 are

implemented here.

3. Run CorrelateM3.exe. This program generates the calibration coefficients for each


Page 153: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


4. Run ConverteM3.exe, using the calibration data the input pressure data. This program

calculates flow properties from the raw pressure data.

5. Run AngleConvert.exe, using the results file as the input. This program calculates the

error in the calculated flow properties. The error files that are generated are formatted for

direct import to Tecplot 360.

6. Examine the average and maximum errors in the calibration, and plot the calibration

errors in terms of pitch and yaw angle on a 2-D contour plot. Look for spikes in error

around the sector boundaries. Large increases in error around sector boundaries may

indicate discontinuities in neighbouring calibration surfaces. Adjusting the overlap

pressure may improve calibration accuracy.

7. For improved confidence in calibration accuracy, validate the calibration by collecting

additional pressure data and repeating steps 4 through 6.

MakeCorrelateData.exe is the only program that interfaces with the Labview generated files. If a

different DAQ system or a different Labview interface is used, the output should be formatted as


• No header lines

• 10 columns, tab-delimited

• YawT, Pitch, Pressures 1-7, reference flow static pressure

The formatting of the files that are passed between the executable programs described above is

controlled by those programs and is independent of the data collection interface.

Page 154: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


B.4 Processing of Flow Data

Seven hole data from measurements of an arbitrary flow can be converted to flow properties

simply by running ConverteM3.exe. This program requires that the files containing the

calibration coefficients for the probe that was used are in the same folder as the raw pressure data.

Programs are also available to generate traverse grids, and to perform useful integrations of the

converted pressure data. “OutletTraverse.exe” generates a set of points that will traverse a

specified size of circular or rectangular outlet at a specified uniform grid interval.

“ExtensiveProperties.exe” will process a results file and compute useful bulk flow properties,

such as total mass flow, and mass averaged velocity and temperature.

Page 155: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


Appendix C

Shop Drawings

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°0 PL± 0.1 1 PL± 0. 2PL ±0.0

5 3 PL ±0.0








's U




Gas T


ine L




e Assemb








E: PROBE-101 - Probe Assemb











ing Notes:

1) Connect all Inserted Parts with Braze 380



te Flux

2) Use 10-24UNC Setscrew

s to retain colla

rs3) Perform Bending of Probe Neck after Soldering

of Pressure Tubes

4) 7 x Stainless Steel Tubes are Silver Soldered in

the Back of the Probe Tip and Passed Thru Other


5) File Brazed Connectio

ns Smo

oth and Clean Aw


ual F




Align Holes as Shown

when Solderin






Slit Colla


s - One Set

contacts the slit collar, the

other is below the colla


g it from




1 12 1

3 1

4 1 6 1









Probe Tip



Tip Holder



Probe Neck



Slit Colla






Probe Stem


Page 157: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace











°0 PL± 0.1 1 PL± 0. 2PL ±0.0

5 3 PL ±0.0








's U




Gas T


ine L




e Tip





1REV 1


E: PROBE-001 - Probe Tip.d











ing Notes:

1) Ma


l: Stainless Steel

2) Break Sharp Edges

3) Ha

nd File Chamfer Edges and Polish


Surfaces on Lathe with Eme

ry Cloth





7 x


c O 0.03550 ` 0.10









Polish These Faces

Round These Edges

Page 158: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace











°0 PL± 0.1 1 PL± 0. 2PL ±0.0

5 3 PL ±0.0








's U




Gas T


ine L



Tip Ho






2REV 1


E: PROBE-002 - Tip Holder.dft










ing Notes:

1) Ma


l: Stainless Steel

2) Make from

COTS 3/16" OD x 1/8" ID Tubing

3) Break Sharp Edges

4) Leave no Burrs or Flashing




Page 159: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace











°0 PL± 0.1 1 PL± 0. 2PL ±0.0

5 3 PL ±0.0








's U




Gas T


ine L




e Ne






3REV 1


E: PROBE-003 - Probe Neck.dft










ing Notes:

1) Ma


l: Stainless Steel

2) Make from

COTS 1/4

" OD x 0.03

5" W

all T


3) Break Sharp Edges

4) Leave no Burrs or Flashing

5) Bend After Assemb

ly6) Unbent length 10"







Sand and Polish


least 3" Length to

Sliding Fit with

0.250/0.255 ID


Page 160: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace











°0 PL± 0.1 1 PL± 0. 2PL ±0.0

5 3 PL ±0.0








's U




Gas T


ine L










4REV 1


E: PROBE-004 - Slit Colla











ing Notes:

1) Ma


l: Stainless Steel

2) Make from

PROBE-005 - Collar - See PROBE-005 for



ns3) Break Sharp Edges

4) Leave no Burrs or Flashing

5) Slit can be hand-cut




Page 161: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace











°0 PL± 0.1 1 PL± 0. 2PL ±0.0

5 3 PL ±0.0








's U




Gas T


ine L









5REV 1


E: PROBE-005 - Colla











ing Notes:

1) Ma


l: Stainless Steel

2) Break Sharp Edges

3) Leave no Burrs or Flashing






Page 162: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace











°0 PL± 0.1 1 PL± 0. 2PL ±0.0

5 3 PL ±0.0








's U




Gas T


ine L




e Stem





6REV 1


E: PROBE-006 - Probe Stem











ing Notes:

1) Ma


l: Stainless Steel

2) Make from

COTS 1/2

" OD x 3/8" ID Tubing

3) Break Sharp Edges

4) Leave no Burrs or Flashing

O.500 O








#10-24 UNC




to 0.3

75to at least 2"

Depth after

Tapping Holes



Page 163: design and calibration of seven hole probes for flow - QSpace


Appendix D

Measurement and Characterization of Calibration Wind

Tunnel Outlet Flow

The wind tunnel that was used for the present study was constructed specifically for this project,

so there was a need to characterize the outlet flow – its uniformity, swirl, and steadiness.

Equipment for measuring flow turbulence was n\ot available, so the blower was reconfigured to

generate a jet on the suction side that would have inherently low turbulence, and the results were

compared with the high turbulence calibration flow that was used during data collection.

D.1 Swirl Characterization

The simplest way to characterize flow swirl was to simply traverse the outlet plane and analyze

the results. This was not straightforward, however, as the results of the traverse depended on the

probe calibration. An existing wind tunnel with known axial outlet flow [33] was used to obtain a

calibration for verification purposes. This wind tunnel was much larger, however, providing a

calibration flow with a Reynolds number of 33000. The Reynolds number of the new wind

tunnel’s outlet flow during the traverse was 5500– an order of magnitude lower. As discussed in

section 7.2, however, both of these Reynolds numbers were sufficiently high that both flows were

Reynolds number independent.

The results of the traverse are shown in Figure D-1. The vectors are normalized by the axial

velocity, so the vectors represent a total flow angle.

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10 % Axial Velocity

Figure D-1: Wind Tunnel Outlet Secondary Flow Vectors

The vector fields were very uniform, and the offset in velocity was the same direction. This

indicated that the error was likely due to misalignment of the probe in the traversing apparatus,

rather than due to a swirling outlet flow. If the outlet flow were swirling, the vector fields would

have been larger on one side than the other, and they are not. The bias error resulting from probe

misalignment was removed from the dataset by subtracting the mean secondary vector from each

point. The resulting vector field, shown in Figure D-2, shows no indication of significant swirl or

asymmetry in the calibration flow.

1 % Axial Velocity

Figure D-2: Unbiased Wind Tunnel Outlet Secondary Flow Vectors

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D.1.1 Direct Port Pressure Comparison

Another check to verify that the oncoming flow was axial was to directly compare 7-hole

pressure data taken from the same point in the exit plane, but with the stem held in two different

orientations. For a perfectly axial flow, the response of the probe was independent of the stem

orientation – the pressure at each of the seven ports was the same with the stem left of the tip and

the stem above the tip. The measured response of the probe with the stem held in these two

positions was shown in Table D-1. Pressures were normalized by the flow dynamic pressure,

which was 333 Pa.

Table D-1: Effect of Stem Position on Probe Response

Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 Port 5 Port 6 Port 7

Stem Left (%) 100% 22% 36% 32% 32% 28% 25%

Stem Above (%) 99% 24% 36% 29% 38% 32% 29%

Difference (%) 1% -2% 0% 3% -6% -2% -4%

There was very little change in the measured pressures. A change in apparent flow direction

would have manifested itself in these results as a change in the difference between diametrically

opposite pressure port pairs - ports 2 and 3, 6 and 5, and 4 and 7. There was not a significant

trend here – the difference between 6 and 5 and 4 and 7, which were both indicators of yaw angle,

changes in opposite directions – indicating that there is no discernable change in yaw angle.. The

changes are also within transducer error, which is 20 Pa. This further confirms that the flow over

the probe tip can be considered axial for the present study.

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D.2 Static Pressure Profile Uniformity

The uniformity of the outlet static pressure profiles was investigated using traverse data. The

uniformity of the static pressure profile was important because reference measurements were

taken at a different point on the outlet plane from the probe tip, and thus there was a possibility of

error. Figure D-3 shows static pressure contours taken from the outlet traverse

Ps, Pa








Figure D-3: Wind Tunnel Outlet Static Pressure Contours

The contours of static pressure show that the flow static pressure is quite uniform, and thus that

there was very little streamline curvature at the jet exit. A small variation in space was observed,

but this variation was random and thus attributed to noise.

D.3 Flow Development

The flow was driven by a centrifugal blower, which is known to produce a non-uniform outlet

flow. It was therefore necessary to investigate the development of the flow at the pipe exit to

ensure that these asymmetries were not significantly affecting the flow. This was investigated by

comparing velocity data with data from Sharan [34] for pipe flow development after 27

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diameters. Velocity profiles on horizontal and vertical rakes were compared with Sharan in

Figure D-4. The wind tunnel in the present study had a length of 30 diameters.








0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1






Exp ­ Vertical Rake

Exp ­ Horizontal RakeSharan

Figure D-4: Validation of Flow Development

The results show good agreement between the expected and observed velocity profile. There was

a slight asymmetry observed in the vertical rake of the wind tunnel, but the horizontal rake was

quite symmetrical. The flow was developing as expected, and the assumption that the outlet flow

was developing normally was reasonable.

D.4 Wind Tunnel Drift and Unsteadiness

Extremely low frequency flow unsteadiness was quantified using a subset of calibration data.

The traverse returns to a zero pitch, zero yaw position periodically during calibration to take flow

reference measurements. These measurements were extracted from a calibration that was

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performed over an 8 hour period. The measured pressure at each port is plotted against time in

Figure D-5.




d P



re (



















Figure D-5: Variation of Measured Pressure over an 8 Hour Period

The spike that appears was the result of a significant change in temperature in the lab. A door

was opened and the HGWT was started, which changed the temperature of the room from about

20°C to about 5°C. This temperature change causes a zero-offset error. The transducers were re-

zeroed at the new ambient temperature, and the tests were continued. The results show no

discernable time-based variation in the observed flow pressure – that is, the unsteadiness in the

flow is random. The maximum large scale unsteadiness of the flow was calculated to be 1.72%

on a 95% confidence interval. It should be noted that this 1.72% includes the effects of random

transducer error - the actual unsteadiness of the flow is lower.

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D.5 Turbulence Effects

While it was not possible to measure the turbulence in the calibration flow directly, the effect of

turbulence was investigated by using wires and screens to trip additional turbulence in the

calibration flow. A suction-type wind tunnel was constructed for this test, and different screens

were installed over the inlet to introduce various levels of turbulence. The test chamber is shown

in Figure D-6. The inlet with no screens attached is shown in Figure D-7.

Figure D-6: Suction-type Wind Tunnel for Turbulence Testing

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Figure D-7: Test Chamber Bellmouth Inlet

Turbulence was generated using three different types of mesh. The details of each mesh are

given in Table D-2. The coarse chicken wire mesh was folded three times to increase wire


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Table D-2: Dimensions of Turbulence Screens

Wire Size (mm) Gap Dimensions

(mm) Picture

Chicken Wire


0.7 27

Chicken Wire


0.8 5.7

Expanded Metal 2.25 8.5 - 22

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The probe was calibrated using a data set that was collected with no screen on the inlet. An

additional 206 data points that were spaced a uniform 10° in cone and roll were then collected

with no screen, and with each of the screens shown. The RMS average and absolute maximum

errors in each of the data sets was calculated and is presented in Table D-3 and Table D-4. The

same errors were also calculated for a set of data that was collected from the blown wind tunnel,

and these errors are shown for comparison purposes. Pressure errors are normalized by the flow

dynamic pressure.

Table D-3: RMS Average Errors at Different Turbulence Levels

No Screen Chicken Wire


Chicken Wire




Blown Wind


Yaw (°) 1.7 1.6 6.9 8.4 2.0

Pitch (°) 1.9 1.7 1.4 1.3 0.86

PTotal (%) 2.0 2.3 7.6 5.7 2.2

PDynamic (%) 3.9 3.6 9.0 7.4 4.4

PStatic (%) 3.2 3.2 4.4 4.8 3.5

Table D-4: Absolute Maximum Errors at Different Turbulence Levels

No Screen Chicken Wire


Chicken Wire




Blown Wind


Yaw (°) 5.4 5.0 9.6 12 4.9

Pitch (°) 6.0 5.0 4.3 3.8 2.6

PTotal (%) 12 14 15 13 6.2

PDynamic (%) 14 13 27 24 14

PStatic (%) 13 17 26 26 12

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The results showed that increasing turbulence by using larger, denser screens, reduces the

accuracy of the calibration. Based on the observed RMS error, the turbulence level in the blown

wind tunnel was approximated to be equal to the turbulence generated by the coarse chicken wire

grid. No measurements were performed on turbulence level, scale, or energy distribution.

Though it was difficult to quantify the turbulence generated by a grid, there were a number of

design guidance points for the implementation of turbulence generating grids available in the

literature. The installation of a screen had two main effects – firstly, to limit the scale of the

largest eddies in the flow to the largest gap diameter, and secondly, to generate eddies on the

scale of the screen wire diameter. The inlet flow was stagnant, so the effect of the gap size was

minimal in this case – there were no large scale eddies in the inlet flow. The most important

feature of the screens was therefore the wire diameter.

In terms of the wire diameter, the transition from laminar to turbulent wakes from the wires

occurred when the Reynolds number based on wire diameter was between 40 and 80 [35],[36].

The Reynolds number was much greater than 80 for all of the screens in the present study. The

turbulence generated by a grid has also been shown to become isotropic at between 20 and 40 gap

lengths downstream of the grid [35],[36]. The coarse chicken wire, which had the largest gaps,

was 23 grid diameters upstream of the calibrator, which means that the turbulence at the probe tip

could be considered virtually isotropic for all test cases. Beyond the point at which the

turbulence became isotropic, the decay has been found to be linear [35], and the exponent of the

standard power law decay rate for axial turbulence can be taken as approximately 1. The

turbulence intensity would then be given by an equation of the form of Equation (D-1) [35].

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The coefficients C and n can then be determined from empirical data, such as that found in Gad-

el-Hak [37]. The difficulty with this was that the value of the coefficient C was a function of the

geometrical solidity, and of the Reynolds number of the flow through the grid gaps. The

coefficient C was very sensitive to variations in both the solidity and the Reynolds number, and it

was not possible to find empirical data at the solidities and Reynolds numbers of the flows

described in this section.