detection of inhomogeneities in daily climate records to study trends in extreme weather detection...

Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks, and in Real Data Ralf Lindau

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Page 1: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather

Detection of Breaks in Random Data,

in Data Containing True Breaks, and in Real Data

Ralf Lindau

Page 2: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Internal and External Variance

Consider the differences of one station compared to a neighbour or a reference.

Breaks are defined by abrupt changes in the station-reference time series.

Internal variancewithin the subperiods

External variancebetween the means of different


Criterion:Maximum external variance attained bya minimum number of breaks

Page 3: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Decomposition of Variance

n total number of yearsN subperiodsni years within a subperiod

The sum of external and internal variance is constant.

Page 4: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Three Questions

How do random data behave?

Needed as a stop criterion for the number of significant breaks.

How do real breaks behave theoretically?

How do real data behave?

Page 5: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Segment averages

with stddev = 1

Segment averages xi scatter randomly

mean : 0

stddev: 1/

Because any deviation from zero can beseen as inaccuracy due to the limited number of members.


Page 6: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012


The external varianceis equal to the mean square sumof a random standard normal distributed variable.

Weighted measure for thevariability of the subperiods‘means

Page 7: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

From 2 to distribution

n = 21 yearsk = 7 breaks


X ~ 2(a) and Y ~ 2(b)

X / (X+Y) ~ (a/2, b/2)

If we normalize a chi2-distributed variable by the sum of itself and another chi2-distributed variable, the result will be -distributed.














Page 8: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Incomplete Beta Function









External variance v is -distributedand depends on n (years) and k (breaks):







lml vvl


Solvable for even k and odd n:




The exceeding probability P gives thebest (maximum) solution for v

Incomplete Beta Function




We are interested in the best solution, with the highest external variance.We need the exceeding probability for high varext

Page 9: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

P(v) for different k

Can we give a formula for

in order to derive v(k)?




Increasing the break number from k to k+1 has two consequences:

1. The probability function changes.

2. The number combinations increase.

Page 10: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

dv/dk sketch

P(v) is a complicated function and hard to invert into v(P).

Thus, dv is concluded from dP / slope.

And the solution is:

k breaks

k+1 breaks





lml vvl















Page 11: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012































1)5ln(2* 1




Page 12: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Constance of Solution

101 ye

ars21 yea


The solution for the exponent is constant for different length oftime series (21 and 101 years).

Page 13: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

The extisting algorithm Prodige

Original formulation of Caussinus and Mestre for the penalty term in Prodige

Translation into terms used by us.

Normalisation by k* = k / (n -1)

Derivation to get the minimum

In Prodige it is postulated that the relative gain of external variance is a constant for given n.

minln21ln * nkv





































Page 14: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Our Results vs Prodige

We know the function for the relative gain of external variance.

Its uncertainty as given by isolines of exceeding probabilities for 2-i are characterised by constant distances.

Prodige propose a constant of 2 ln(n) ≈ 9

Exceeding probability1/1281/641/321/161/81/4

Page 15: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Wrong Direction

n = 101 years n = 21 years

Page 16: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

True Breaks

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Page 17: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Only true for constant lengths

True breaks with fixed distances behave identical to random data.

For realistic random lengths the exponent is slightly increased.

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Sub-periods withrandom lengths

Sub-periods withconstant lengths





Page 18: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Distribution of Lengths

The distribution of the sub-periods’ lengths as obtained by randomly inserted breaks is known.

If necessary, it could be taken into account.

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Page 19: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Break vs Scatter Regime

The two governing parameters are:

1) The relative amount of break variance compared to the scatter variance

2) The quotient

The latter defines how much faster the internal variance decreases in the “true break regime” compared to the “scatter regime”

If the relative scatter is low (10%) the transition between the regimes is clearly visible at 15 from 19 breaks.

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Time series lengthNumber of true breaks

Page 20: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Real Data

1050 Climate Stations exist in Germany.

For each station the next eastward (to avoid identical pairs) neighbour between 10 km and 30 km is searched.

443 stations pairs remain.

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

All Stations Neighbouring pairs

Page 21: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Data Focus

This project deals with daily climate data.

Findings about their extremes are in the focus.

At least statements about the

•distribution (moments)


•indices (number of wet days per month)

should be possible.

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Page 22: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,


Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Interesting for break detection:

Problem parameters PP

Expected physical problems

Temperature at high sun shine duration

Temperature at high pressure

Temperature at high diurnal cycle

Temperature during snow cover

Temperature depending on general

weather situation

Temperature during rain

Rain at high wind speed

Expected technical problems

Frequency of rainy days below 1 mm

Tenth of precipitation report

Difference between Tmean and (Tmax-Tmin)

Per se interesting parameters P

Monthly means


Precipitation, etc.

Breaks are moresensitive to problem parameters. Breaks in PP may help to find breaks in P

Distribution and extremes

Standard deviationSkewnessKurtosisMaximumMinimum90 percentile

project focus(more sensitive?)

Page 23: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Two Parameter Pairs

1a. Monthly mean temperature

1b. Monthly maximum temperature

2a. Monthly precipitation sum

2b. Frequency of rainy days below 1 mm

Can the sensitive parameter help to find breaks in the mean?

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

(Project focus)

(Problem parameter)

“Drizzle days” are often excluded from rainy days to calculate the interesting indices:

•Monthly Rain Frequency •Consecutive Dry Days

“Drizzle frequency” is not only a technical problem parameter, but also a per se interesting one.

Page 24: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Monthly Mean Temperature

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Temperature differencebetween Ellwangen-RindelbachandCrailsheim-Alexandersreutshows 1 strong and 3 further significant breaks.

The statistical signature confirms it:The first break contains much variance.2, 3 and 4 are only slightly larger than the Mestre penalty.

Page 25: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Break Statistics

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Individual pair All pairs

r = 0.937

Page 26: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Monthly Maximum

For the monthly temperature maximum, only the largest breaks are detectable, probably due to the reduced correlation.

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

r = 0.865

Page 27: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Additional Breaks?In maximum temperature there are less breaks. Are they nevertheless new compared to those in mean temperature?

Enhance the penalty from about 12 (i.e. 2 ln(n)) to 60.)

With n = 600, it means that 10% of the remaining internal variance has to be explained by each additional break. Otherwise the search is stopped.

For such increased requirements 297 breaks are found in the mean and 67 in the maximum.

Nearly all breaks in tmax exist also in tmean.

The “stddev” of temporal distance is 1.75 years.

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Page 28: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Answer: No

Nearly no new break is found by the sensitive parameter Monthly Maximum Temperature.

The lower correlation (0.865 vs. 0.937 doubled rms) hamper obviously the break finding capability of the sensitive parameter.

However, the high correlation of break positions may the opposite direction become possible: To find break positions in the maximum temperature by considering the mean temperature.

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Page 29: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

“Drizzle Days”

Monthly frequency of rainy days below 1mm.

This parameter is highly inhomogeneous.

Even for individual stations the break is evident.

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Page 30: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Drizzle vs. Mean Precip.

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

In the drizzle parameter moresignificant breaks are found (index 43.3 compared to 28.8),although the correlation is low,(0.339 compared to 0.855).

Are the break positions againcorrelated?

Page 31: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Correlation of break positions

Many new breaks are found. Only 12 breaks of the drizzle parameter are found at all somewhere the corresponding time series of mean precipitation, but mostly far away.

In 93 time series pairs one or more breaks are found for drizzle, but even not a single in mean precipitation.

Are these new breaks also included, but hidden in mean precipitation?

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012


Page 32: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Forced Breaks (1)

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Page 33: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Forced Breaks (2)

Also in average, the external variance decreases only by about 1%, if “drizzle breaks” are inserted into the time series of mean precipitation.

1% is the mean decrease of a random n=100 time series and it is beta-distributed.

However, here n is equal to 600. Is the result then a bit better than random?

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Page 34: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Simulated Data

1. Blind try of 3 breaks in a 21 years random time series

2. Blind try of 3 breaks in a 21 years constant time series with 6 true breaks.

3. Blind try 3 breaks in a 21 years time series with 6 true breaks plus random scatter.

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

1. Purely random 2. Pure true breaks 3. Realistic mix

Page 35: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Realistic Mixed Data

Real data is expected to be similar to a realistic mix, rather than to random scatter.

As it then includes also real breaks, the Null Hypothesis is not random scatter, but a realistic mix.

Here the blindly found external variance is again -distributed, but generally larger. How much is difficult to quantify in advance . It depends on the signal to noise ratio.

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Page 36: Detection of inhomogeneities in Daily climate records to Study Trends in Extreme Weather Detection of Breaks in Random Data, in Data Containing True Breaks,

Daily Stew Meeting, Bonn – 14. June 2012

Conclusions• The analysis of random data shows that the external variance is -distributed,

which leads to a new formulation for the penalty term.

• True breaks are also -distributed. Their external variance increases faster by a factor of n/nk compared to random scatter.

• Are sensitive parameters helpful to find additional breaks?Monthly maximum temperature:

Due to the reduced spatial correlation Tmax “finds” less breaks.

Those identified are even better visible in Tmean.Drizzle parameter:

Highly inhomogeneous Many breaks found.But they do not coincide with breaks in mean precipitation.

• Vice versa we expect that Tmean breaks are helpful to find breaks in Tmax. But the prove of significance will be difficult.