development trust scholarships

Development Trust Scholarships Celebrating the first cohort of scholars graduating

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Celebrating the first cohort of scholars graduating


Oliver originally comes from North Yorkshire and studied Sport and Exercise Science at Loughborough. He graduated with Second Class: Upper Division Honours. Dear Sir or Madam,

As I reflect on my time as a Loughborough University undergraduate, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the support that I have been given as a result of your generous donation towards my Development Trust Scholarship. I’d also like to share some of my experiences to demonstrate how I have benefitted from being fortunate enough to have received the scholarship.

One of the best things about studying Sport and Exercise Science is the breadth of content available to study. As an aspiring teacher, I have had a lot of opportunities to pursue teaching and pedagogy modules centred on the issues within education, allowing me to begin to develop a teaching philosophy of my own.

Another aspect of my degree which I have particularly enjoyed is the opportunity to choose modules involving laboratory based sessions throughout my degree. My final year physiology research project enabled me to independently lead exercise testing in an environmental chamber, an interesting experience in which I could fully engage with the research I was carrying out.

Receiving a scholarship has given me a lot of much appreciated financial assistance, which I have found particularly useful for course books and academic resources. It has also allowed me to obtain coaching qualifications in cricket, handball and basketball which will help me achieve my dream job as a PE teacher.

As an aspiring PE teacher I decided to spend a lot of time involved in the Loughborough Intra-Mural Sport programme, playing various sports for my hall, and also managing the hall’s male and female football teams during my second and third year. My dedication and commitment to this role saw my hall, Cayley, win four football trophies in the two years I was involved in managing the team. This team success also led to some personal achievements, in which I was named runner up ‘Loughborough IMS Sportsman of the Year’ in 2015 and also nominated and shortlisted for a ‘Loughborough Experience Award’ for the impact I had on the ‘Loughborough Experience’ of my peers.

Knowing that I was being supported by alumni, staff and friends of the University, gave me the inspiration and motivation to give as much back as I could. I feel that these accolades are indicators that I had a positive effect on the people I came into contact whilst at Loughborough.

Overall, I’m extremely appreciative and grateful for the generous support I have received throughout my time at Loughborough. It has allowed me to fully immerse myself in the ‘Loughborough Experience’ and get involved in many of the opportunities on offer, and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here. I will certainly look back on my university years very fondly, and hopefully the experiences I have been involved in will help me to achieve my aims in the future.

If anyone is considering becoming a donor I would definitely encourage them to get involved as it has been a great help throughout my studies and enabled me to get the most out of my time in Loughborough. I certainly hope that I will find myself in a position where I can repay my scholarship in the future.

Thank you once again.

Yours faithfully,

Oliver Gilbank

—“I’m extremely

appreciative and grateful for the

generous support I have received throughout my

time at Loughborough.”

Oliver Gilbank I would like to personally thank you for your support of the Development Trust Scholars. The Scholarships have been instrumental in enabling high achieving students from disadvantaged backgrounds to study at Loughborough University.

Since 2012, we have been able to fund 49 scholarships for students from all over the United Kingdom. This year we are celebrating three of the scholars, Oliver, Ciara and Hayley, who graduated in the summer. They have written personal letters to you with their sincere thanks for supporting them through their years at Loughborough.

Thank you for helping us provide a gateway to education, allowing Oliver, Ciara, Hayley and other students, irrespective of their background, to be part of the Loughborough Experience.

Professor Robert AllisonVice-Chancellor and President of Loughborough University



Ciara, from London, studied Architectural Engineering and Design Management in the School of Civil and Building Engineering.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to thank you for donating to the Development Trust Scholarships. I was very happy and appreciative to learn that I was selected as the recipient of a scholarship.

During my three years of studying, I have gained knowledge to become a Design Manager. I also have had a chance to study the area that I was interested in, which was related to nursing homes, during my spare time. Your scholarship has allowed me to focus my attention during holidays pursuing relevant work experience and working on a nursing home project rather than getting a part time job and worry about living costs.

After graduation, I enrolled at Loughborough University’s new London campus to earn a Master’s degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management. I am pleased that I received an offer for that course, and I would like to thank you for your support as it has definitely helped me to be one step closer to my goal.

I was encouraged and inspired to discover that my Scholarship was funded by former students and friends of the University. I would like to become someone like you, who is caring and helping others and give back to the community. I hope one day I will be able to support students from a lower income family once I have a stable income foundation.This is because I know how crucial the fund is to students like me as I did not come from a privileged family. My qualification for funding of my education through the assistance of the scholarship funds were of vital importance to my education and future.

Once again, please accept my appreciation; thank you for your support both financially and mentally.

Yours faithfully,

Ciara Wang

Ciara Wang

—“The scholarship has

allowed me to focus my attention during holidays pursuing relevant work experience and working

on a nursing home project rather than getting a part time

job and worry about living costs.”

Hayley graduated in Sport and Exercise Science with Second Class: Upper Division Honours. Hayley is originally from County Durham.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you so much for supporting the Development Trust Scholarships. Without your kind support I would not have been able to purchase specialist equipment for my course or take part in an Athletic Union Club, and my Loughborough Experience would have been very different. I’m very grateful for the scholarship, it has hugely contributed to the incredible time that I have had here in Loughborough.

The thing I have enjoyed most about my course is writing my dissertation. Although it has been challenging I feel that it has developed many skills that I possess and has given me the freedom to independently gain knowledge about something I am really interested in.

I am now doing a Master’s in Public Health, which will hopefully lead to a career as a Public Health Practitioner or Policy Maker.

Gaining the scholarship has really motivated me to strive for my full academic potential. The money from the scholarship has allowed me to purchase books and equipment that I would not have been able to had I not received the scholarship. I feel that having these extra resources has inspired me to utilise them as much as possible to get the best out of myself and achieve the most from my degree.

Knowing that some of the donors who have contributed to my Scholarship are former students, friends or former members of staff of the University, has motivated me to make the most of the Loughborough Experience! The fact that you loved the University so much that you’re willing to help out students like myself was very humbling and gave me a sense of purpose to make sure I got involved with the University and Union activities.

A huge number of things have contributed to my Loughborough Experience. Having a financial burden removed enabled me to pursue my passion for ballet by joining the Students’ Union Dance Club, alongside my degree. Being able to be involved with one of the biggest clubs in the Athletic Union has equipped me with many skills that I will be able to use throughout my life as well as giving me so many lovely memories that I will hold close to my heart. Scholarships provide a student with a means to further their academic achievement and experience and give them an opportunity that they would not have had access to. Giving monetary aid to a student takes away any financial worry and gives them access to specialist equipment and resources that they would not have been able to purchase, contributing to their academic success. It really does help us to fulfil our potential and make the most of our educational experience at Loughborough.

Thank you for everything.

Yours faithfully,

Hayley Johnson

—“Scholarships provide

a student with a means to further their academic achievement

and give them an opportunity that they

would not have had access to.”

Hayley Johnson


“The town that I live in has been ranked number two in Wales for deprivation in 2014, previously number one in 2011. This

has had an obvious impact on what is available for young people in my town and facilities open to us.

I am an avid hockey player but in order to play for my home town I have to travel six miles to another town to play on their

hockey pitch; this is due to the lack of and standard of facilities that in other areas young people think nothing of. There is a marked lack of financial support for young people to access sporting facilities and also the underutilisation of the green

space and leisure land that is available to us.

My family are keen to ensure that their children get a good education and employment but within North Wales this is difficult due to the financial restraints within the area and

seasonal work. Currently my two siblings live at home who are both older than me. My brother is currently unemployed

and my parents are supporting him. My sister works part time and started university this September. I will be funding my education at Loughborough for the next three years and I

believe this scholarship is very beneficial for me in that I know that it will take a marked burden off my parents and will give me the freedom to apply myself to my studies and not worry

about the financial impact on both myself and my family.

Thank you for supporting me and the other scholars.”

LAURA DAVIES Development Trust Scholar 2015

Some of the other scholars would like to thank you too…

“I want to say thank you for donating towards the Development Trust Scholarships. I believe that by donating to the scholarships you are giving students a tremendous vote of confidence in their

potential to excel as a Loughborough University student. I personally feel it has done a lot to boost my confidence and enthusiasm to study in Higher Education and I couldn’t be more grateful.

Consequently, I intend to honour you, a donor to the fund, by ensuring that my levels of effort and achievement remain consistently high throughout my entire course of study. I want to achieve a First Class Honours degree so that I can be an ambassador for promoting how great it is for

students from disadvantaged backgrounds to receive a scholarship such as this one.

Thank you for supporting the scholarships and students, like me.”

CHRISTINA BAILEYDevelopment Trust Scholar 2014

“Coming from a one parent family with a low income, I have found it hard to fund opportunities and activities throughout my childhood, and have worked part-time since I was 13 to try to do so. One dream of mine was to go to university and I have been determined to do so all through my college and sixth form. Sadly however, I thought I would be unable to

achieve this dream.

When I heard about the Development Trust Scholarships, I knew there could be an opportunity for me if I continued to work hard and achieve the grades I needed to secure a scholarship. With thanks to your generosity, I am so happy to say that I started at Loughborough in September 2015.

I truly would not have been able to come to university without your support. The scholarship won’t only help me, but it will help my family too and I am so grateful to you for that. I plan to use the scholarship to enhance my course and take extra coaching qualifications to fulfil my

ultimate dream of becoming a gymnastics coach.

Thank you once again and I look forward to updating you on how your support has made such a difference to me, my family and my future.”

CHARLOTTE*Development Trust Scholar 2015

*At the request of the Scholar, we have changed their name to protect their identity






Loughborough University Development Trust (LUDT)Development and Alumni Relations OfficeHazlerigg, Loughborough UniversityLeicestershire LE11 3TU

T: +44 (0)1509 223447 F: +44 (0)1509 223983 E: [email protected]

