d.facdn.net  · web viewthis time, i'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance...

From dominance to maternal (RP) Camera, check! Good internet, check! A cereal box for advertisement, check! And 3 small cups filled with hundreds of humans, double check ! And now sta-...Wait, I should be looking good with my mane and whiskers. I move to a mirror near me and fix my mane. As for my whiskers...uhhh, Well I'll have set it around the bowl of cereal . Anyway back to my PC, and now start recording ! " Hello dragons and humans, welcome back to another live stream in 'Human delicacy'. This time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so ... " I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl, once done I say: "Let's enjoy some humans ! " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

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Post on 05-Mar-2021




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Page 1: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

From dominance to maternal (RP)

Camera, check! Good internet, check! A cereal box for advertisement, check! And 3 small cups filled with hundreds of humans, double check!

And now sta-...Wait, I should be looking good with my mane and whiskers. I move to a mirror near me and fix my mane. As for my whiskers...uhhh, Well I'll have set it around the bowl of cereal.

Anyway back to my PC, and now start recording!

"Hello dragons and humans, welcome back to another live stream in 'Human delicacy'. This time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so"...

I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl, once done I say: "Let's enjoy some humans"!


*One of the humans in the cups, a young lad with black hair, was trying his best to not have a panic attack as he listened to the gargantuan dragon preparing for his show, muttering to himself and even asking some other people if everything would be okay, which only prompted a chuckle from

them. It was clear this was his first time in this sort of situation*.

"Okay..." *He muttered to himself.* "This should be relatively safe, and it's way too late to back off now, so... Just relax, it shouldn't last too long... Darn it, I should have known living in the city was a

bad idea"...

*He watched as his soon-to-be predator picked up the cereal box and poured its contents into the bowl of milk. It wouldn't be long until he's dropped in there too... The thought made him shudder,

but he tried his best to stay calm, last thing he wanted to do is to hurt himself in a dumb way*.

My hand hovers over one of the 3 cups filled with humans and picks up the one with you on with just two fingers, I was meant to show even a casual hold is more than even to carry a cup heavier than hundreds of humans inside it.

Page 2: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

As usual, I zoom in the camera into the cup showing humans smiling at the camera ready for the show while saying: "Would you look at that! I don't know how many humans are there, but that

question is irrelevant. What is relevant is where all of them are going".

I zoom out the camera and soon enough I move the cup gently over the bowl and pour the masses of humans in. From far away, the camera couldn't capture humans unless they gathered in the cluster, so I zoomed back in and there they, swimming and waving at dragon and the camera....so amusing.

"Would you look at that! You'd need to be this close to be able to see them and differentiate them from a milk. And look at this...." I move the camera to single cereal and zoomed in to show that in its middle hole, it contained many humans, including you.

"If I had to guess dozens if not a hundred of humans would fit there, doesn't that sound wonderful?" It does to me....all of these thoughts never gets old, the rush of power over these tiny beings.....so good.


I let out a gasp of shock as you reached for the cup I was in, trying to keep my composure as it raised hundreds of feet over the table. I spent a split second looking at the giant fingers that held the cup. I had to admit that a being with such strength was undeniably admirable, but hearing cheers around me snapped me back to reality, and I realized we were facing the camera, which was zooming in.

Trying to ease down, I give an obviously forced smile and a weak wave to the best of my ability in the crammed space that was the interior of the cup, my fast breathing leaving a small cloud of condensation on the thick glass, invisible to the eye of such colossal creature. I wasn't ready for the cup to tilt over.

When I noticed it, I tried to grab onto the first thing that I could before realizing that would accomplish nothing, and I readied myself for the rough fall. Thankfully, the cereal wasn't too hard, and the fall wasn't bad enough to cause any damage, but when I looked around, I managed to get a full glimpse of the dragon who had poured me into the bowl.

I stared for several seconds at you, having never really gotten the chance to have a good look at you, and this would probably be one of the few, if not only times I'd get to do it. I was filled with a mixture of awe and terror, feeling powerless in comparison to you.

Your words managed to frighten me a little, but it was sadly common for many dragons to think that way of humans, so I just took another breath, and waited for the inevitable to happen.

Page 3: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

It was the first you saw a dragon in its full glory, so the sight that you had when you looked at me was nothing short of wonder: My muzzle was so far away into the sky above that it was somewhat blurry. And my fingers that held the cup were far too big....before it pulled far away to show more of my face. My whiskers from each side of my cheek runs down and down.....looking bigger the closer it gets....and still it gets closer until it goes under the bowl in which you can't see any more of


Meanwhile the dragon took another cup of humans using yet again two fingers and pours it on the bowl while saying: "Usually....a small cup full of human is enough for any meal, but since this is 'Human delicacy'. There's no limit to how many you want to put". Once I finish with the second cup I go for the third cup, holding it in the same manner as before.

Once I was done, I moved all the cups away and said: "There.....now I can zoom out to normal and you could see some clustered humans here and there. Now I'll record from different angle while

you folks watch the thousands of humans in my bowl looking eager to be eaten....as it should be".

As I finish my talk, I move the camera around the bowl, zooming in and out once in a while at several parts.


I stopped staring at you as I saw your hand reach out for the second cup, and then the third. It was still baffling to see how nimbly you could handle them, as the deed that felt like it took minutes the first time was done in almost no time. The bowl still was far from full, even with the massive number of humans inside, it felt as big as the sea, with the cereal floating inside serving as islands for us.

As I watched you record everything, I tried to use the time to calm down and ignore my rapidly accelerating pulse. After all, most people here seemed calm and even cheerful about the ordeal, so it ought to be safe, I thought to myself.

But, it still felt so surreal. I hadn't really interacted with dragons to this level in the past, and it felt... Kind of a honor? Even though I was nothing more than food to you? I shook my head. The stress is probably getting the best out of me and making me overthink this.

I smirk at the fact that the humans barely covers anything in the bowl....it's simply an intoxicating thought....one of the main reasons I agreed to do this....

Page 4: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

Eventually I grab a spoon and said: "Well time to eat breakfast!". I lowered the spoon as it got closer and closer....until it finally submerged into the milk. I was careful as I did not want to harm any human as my contract required me to keep all of them alive, not that I wanted to kill any of them anyway.

The spoon scooped a couple of cereals and some milk with it, then raised it out of the bowl. You happened to not be lifted by the spoon, phew. I lift the spoon up to the camera, showing the first of many to be swallowed by me.

And soon after a couple of seconds, I move to the really fun part: I zoomed in the camera until my lips covers the screen as I move the spoon closer and closer to lips....before opening slightly to allow entry for the spoon. Once in I closed my lips and with a *slurp*, the cereal and the milk and the humans are all in my mouth, then I pulled the now empty spoon....all while the camera didn't change its position, and still I did not swallow yet.


All of the calming down that I had managed to scramble together started to fall apart as I watched the giant spoon raise in the air, and with those mundane words, it scooped up dozens of humans in one fell swoop - that spoon's bowl must be at least the size of a lake! - and it rose up again, hovering in front of your massive jaws.

Even though this was scaring me to no end, I couldn't stop watching, as one would during a car crash. As you slightly opened your jaws and moved the spoon in, I could only imagine the sight that I was soon to be greeted with, and despite the fear it caused, I couldn't avoid but feel somewhat curious. Even if it was mostly out of necessity, I still was willing enough to enroll for this, after all.

Then, after a loud slurp, the spoon left your mouth with no trace of its contents. It was disempowering to watch, for sure, but it also felt like I was in front of something way greater and majestic than me, and that really was an indescribable feeling.

This experience was being a huge roller-coaster already, but I knew it hadn't even started just yet.

The camera hasn't moved yet.....not until I let out a *gulp*. Tiny bulges forms in my throat, not because of how many humans, but because of the total amount of cereals and milk.

I moved the camera away to show my esophagus and my stomach, and then used one claw to point at the bulges in case they weren't visible in the camera....all going down...until they reached my stomach where I rubbed over it in circular motions as I say: "Ahh~, and that was the first of many to

Page 5: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,


And so the process was repeated, dipping my spoon, raising it to my lips and into my mouth, *slurp* then *gulp*, claw tracing to my stomach. Again and again and again....And you were not picked up during any of this.

All the while I was trying to strike a conversation to spice up the stream: "Hmmm, I wonder if they made a pill with humans inside for swallowing? Let me know what you all think in the comments".

The dragon pauses after a while....the milk-level lowered and the cereal are few and far-fetched from each other, and once again I proceed to plunge the spoon.....before I stopped midway. "Wait...why am I still using the spoon?", and with a flick of my hand, I threw the spoon and grabbed the bowl with my hands lifted to my lips so that it touches the rim of the bowl, then slowly tilts to so that the milks enters my lips.


I watch you swallow with a shudder as I start to second guess if I really wanted to do this, but it was too late for that, so I just stared as you pointed out the bulges as you pointed them out, gaining another shudder from me as they reached your stomach.

During the next several minutes I kept watching the process repeat again and again, being lucky (or unlucky) enough for the spoon to miss the cereal piece where I was standing. Some of the people there seemed disappointed as the spoon missed us again and again, others seemed to enjoy watching the process... I didn't know how to feel. The conversation wasn't helping that much either, revolving mainly about swallowing humans.

As the cereal started to dwindle down and the spoon reached down for us, I got ready to hold onto the cereal, but it then stopped, and you put it down on the table, which confused me for a second. However, I felt the bowl move, and soon enough we were lifted up to your muzzle. The sight of your face up close was mesmerizing, but I didn't have much time to think about it before you tilted the bowl, ready to drink its contents, myself included.

All semblance of calmness shattered completely as my survival instinct took over I started running, then jumped into the milk to swim away, but it was futile. Every second that passed, I was brought closer and closer to your jaws.

And I keep gulping and gulping more....until all the contents of the bowl is slurped into my maw with you included.

Page 6: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

Darkness....coupled with some waves of milk moving the cereals and the humans here and there....until light seems to be coming from above. It appears I opened my mouth for the camera to see inside my cavernous maw.

On the screen, it showed a humongous fleshy cavern containing a white sea with floating cereal in them. And unless I zoom in....the camera will have a hard time to spot humans.

Once enough time passed, I slowly moved my tongue under the ocean of milk to move the contents left and right, and raise it above the milk-level, catching a few cereal and plenty of humans in my tongue which I temporary stick it out of my mouth to give a wonderful view to the camera, before I brought it back to my mouth.

And then I made a big *gulp* in an attempt to swallow the whole content....I failed twice so it ended in three gulps traveling down to my stomach which had the acids off.


I keep trying for a few seconds before giving up on trying to outlast the current of milk flowing into your mouth, and let myself get dragged inside, breathing heavily as I floated on the liquid. Thankfully, I didn't have to worry about your teeth, so there was at least a silver lining.

I try to look around your cavernous maw, but I don't get much more than a glance before you close your mouth, leaving us in complete darkness. It wasn't too long before you opened it again, and I soon realized the reason as I saw the camera in the distance.

It distracted me enough to not notice the ripples of the milk before it was too late, and I got scooped up by your tongue as you started to stir up the contents of your mouth. As you stuck your tongue out, I made the mistake of looking down, and once I saw the insane height I was at, I crawled back towards the center of the tongue as you pulled it back in. At least this was better than falling off from this height, I thought.

The thought didn't last long before I heard a loud *gulp*, and suddenly, I was pushed off your tongue into your slimy, awaiting throat without time to react. I was then slowly but surely pushed down along the stream of milk and the many other humans that were in the bowl with me, past the point of no return. It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected, the humid environment and soft tissue helping me slide down without trouble towards my destination.

I soon plopped down into your stomach, landing with a splash into the milk inside as I tried to gather any sense of direction in the dark depths of your gut. It felt so weird to be there, like if it was

a dream of sorts, but I knew this was really happening, and I couldn't help but wonder... Now what?

Page 7: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

In the stomach, there was surprisingly a luminescence marking along the stomach walls....lighting up the area you're in. It's a constantly trashing area, the contents goes up and down the waves. You can see people chatting on the cereal and even jumping and swimming in the ocean of white. The humidity however is a bit too much.

Meanwhile outside, I was rubbing my stomach as I zoom my camera in it and say: "There...I had a healthy breakfast....and a nice amount of humans now resides in my belly....right where they belong." I continue to rub for a few minute and say: "And remember folks, the cereal box is only 5 dollars each, and it comes with a small compartment of humans located at the bottom of the box" And indeed, the top part pours cereal while the bottom has 3 tiny bags of humans inside.....all recorded in the camera.

"And stay tone for the next stream in 'Human delicacy', and for any of you human viewers, I have one last thing to say to all of you" I bring the camera my lips and lick it before opening my maw with an 'Ahhhh~' and pushing the camera into my mouth....then I stopped the stream.

After pulling out the camera, I said to myself: "Whoa.....that was a really good stream, hope the company gives me extra for my efforts." I say as I rub my stomach which is only slightly bloated.....Hmmm, wonder how the humans are doing in my stomach anyway? Probably enjoying their time there....I'm not in a hurry anyway.


I shielded my eyes for a second as I fell into your stomach, the luminescence being a clear surprise to me. "So... This is how a dragon's stomach looks like..." I muttered to myself as I tried to approach one of the walls, though the constant sloshing and waves of the contents inside made it everything but an easy task. It took a while, but I finally reached it, putting a hand into the soft glowing flesh that surrounded me, which sank down a bit.

"I guess this isn't as bad as I thought..." I said as I moved away a bit, and eventually settled down on a small piece of cereal, which was still big enough to have at least twenty people on top of it, but it was empty at the moment. The humid environment - and more importantly, the fact that I was inside the stomach of a dragon - weren't easy things to get used to, so I decided to take it slow.

Glancing at the other people swimming, chatting, and basically having fun, it was obvious that they had a lot more experience on this than I did. I considered joining at first, but the humidity and the constant movement were making me a bit dizzy, so I ended up deciding against it, instead deciding to just wait until we are let out, however that's supposed to happen.

Page 8: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

Hopefully it wouldn't take too long.

I sigh happily as I leave my hand over my stomach and enjoy the thought that I basically have a small town worth of humans contained in my stomach, I always loved the idea of humans being eaten to live their lives in the stomach of a dragon.

I mean I would keep the humans inside of me but only if they have the right tools to stay in. Also, the humans are not mine, they belong to the sponsorship, and I had about 2 hours to give them back, so a small nap in my bed doesn't hurt.

With that I get to my feet and carefully walked towards my bed, as I didn't want to shake the contents of my stomach that bad, and lied down on it and place my head into the pillows and covered myself in blankets, my hand is once again place over my stomach. I grabbed the alarm clock to set it one and a half hour to ring.

Now that I'm ready, I closed my eyes to snooze away into the dreamland for a while.

In my dreams....as a vorephile dragon, I imagined towering above the tribes of humans....or at least according to the history I once read. Anyway, my form was big enough to cover a couple of tribes at once with my shadow. I could not see the people so I lowered my head down and lied it on the ground, moving my whiskers that that it surrounded three tribes to trap them....I let out a toothy smile at how my whiskers must be an immovable wall to them.


As you stood up and started heading towards your bedroom, everything inside your stomach started to tremble and stir, which didn't help my balance as I was sent down face first into the milk, resurfacing after a second with a sigh as I figured out I wasn't drying up any time soon.

I then tried to reach any solid ground, but both the cereal pieces and myself were being sloshed around, and after many attempts I decided to wait until the trembling died down, which brought a thought to my head. How was it for you to have us here? Could you feel us, or was it just for the

feeling of domination and superiority?

Assuming that I wouldn't get an answer to those questions I decided that maybe the less I think about it, the better, and instead focused in enduring the wavy movements of the contents of your stomach. As you laid down on your bed, I felt gravity shift just like it had done in the bowl before, and, thankfully, the sloshing seemed to die down.

Page 9: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

I hastily used the chance to swim up to the nearest cereal piece, and once I reached it and got on top of it, I realized just how tired I was, and the humid environment wasn't helping either. "I guess he... Is asleep?" I muttered to myself as I tried to make sense of the situation. If that was true, it

could take several hours for us to get out of here...

Between that and the exhaustion, it only made sense to try to get some sleep myself, and after a bit of moving around to try to find a spot comfortable enough to lay down, I managed to dooze off into a light sleep, still a bit nervous about the situation.

Still continuing in my dreams, I let my maw open and slide my tongue and lower it gently into the tribes surrounded by my whiskers. My goal was not to sniff off as many lives...no, it was how many lives I get inside of me.

And so with the three tribes stuck to my tongue, I retracted my tongue and swish it here and there in my maw. Very faintly I can feel dots struggling here and there, I let out a smirk as I swallowed them all, then lick my lips as I eye all the tribes around me....they will all be in my belly soon.

I use my hand to scoop up a handful of several tribes in it, then sit up while looking at them with my emerald eyes. I can barely see the masses in a cluster, I wouldn't be able to know what they are doing or saying unless I bring my eyes or ear even closer. But that won't matter soon, because now I lick my lips and open my maw wider than I needed to....my top maw blocking out the sun for them as I extend my tongue to put the land inside an-

*Ring* *Ring*

What the? With a startled surprise, I wake up and open my eyes....oh, it's that alarm clock....guess I have half an hour to give them back. Anyway, I get up on my feet and stand up, looking for the phone so I can view some of my favorite vore pictures for a while.


I was suddenly woken up when my entire world seemed to jump upwards, the piece of cereal I was laying on getting flipped and launching me yet again into the pool of milk in your stomach. At least the nap had helped me regain some energy, so it wasn't as hard to stay afloat as you started to move again.

I couldn't help but wonder what was going on in the outside world as I tried to get used to the movement of the fleshy chamber, which at least didn't seem to last as long this time. Looking at a

Page 10: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

distance, I saw the many groups of humans who were in the stomach with me, though they were quite far away and I realized that due to how I was sloshed around before going to sleep, it would be a very long swim to reach them.

I ultimately decided that I would stay in the position I was in, floating on a flake near one of the walls of the stomach. Now that I had my nerves mostly on check, I had to admit that this place was oddly fascinating, the glowing walls dimly illuminating the white sea that surrounded me, though I couldn't really imagine myself getting used to how uncanny it felt.

After all, I was in the belly of someone who could easily gobble thousands of humans without breaking a sweat.

I smirked at some vore pictures as I run through them, one of had an entire air-force fighting against a dragon that had a good portion of their fleet inside his maw. And another one had battleships sailing at the pool of water contained by a massive dragon's tongue that was suspended

in the air. Ohhh~.....these things never get old....

And then there's a picture of a grinning dragon's face looking at a castle with some villages at its hand.....heheh...OH! Would you look at the time, almost 10 minutes left.

And so I put my phone down and went to the kitchen and brought a bowl with soft cushions at the bottom, then began hacking to let the humans out. Now I have to remember, I have to hack at least 10 times after the last pile of humans to ensure I have none stuck inside in my body.....as much as I wished.

Anyway slowly but surely, my stomach compresses and expels its content to my esophagus to carry them to my mouth, which then I had my head tilted so that the humans slide down my tongue to the cushions in the bowl.


During those 20 minutes I didn't do anything too exciting, mainly just try to relax and think about the situation I was in, and, after pondering for a while, I came to the conclusion that, while it was certainly degrading, it probably wasn't too bad of a way to get an income. At least I was (supposedly) guaranteed to make it out of there sooner or later, and no physical harm had come my way just yet.

Speaking of the devil, just as I wondered when you would be letting us out, your stomach started to compress, forcing us all back through your throat and into your mouth. Being on the far edge of

Page 11: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

your stomach, I seemed to be one of the last humans that was pulled back up.

The travel through your esophagus was a bit rougher than the way in, but the thought of escaping the humid flesh cavern and finally getting some fresh air was exhilarating enough for me to overcome it.

I'm still hacking to get the humans out and eventually, I saw dots of humans spreading on the bowl. Alright just a bit more....

It's too bad I can't feel them in any part of me to tell where they are currently in my body, but that's ok....all I have to do is keep hacking. Hmm, I do wonder how the humans feel as they look up at my humongous mouth where they see more of their kind sliding on my long tongue. Heh, must be amusing really.

Anyway, seems like that's all of them here.....Gosh is that how much they cover? Heheh....they're still so small. Anyway, guess I should count my hackings now....one....two three...


I was still being pushed up your throat as you started hacking out the first humans that had reached your tongue. It was a weird thing to hear, muffled by the soft flesh surrounding me, but its meaning was clear. We were finally being sent back out, and while this had certainly been an experience, I felt like it was more than enough for the day.

I slowly but surely reached the entrance back to your mouth, a wave of somewhat fresh air hitting me, which felt so nice after being trapped in your humid stomach. There were barely any more humans inside your maw, and those few humans were being flung out into the bowl as you counted your last hackings.

I just had to wait until I was hacked out too, and then this strange endeavour would be finally over. Man, I really need to get myself clean after all of this...

Gatta admit I'm getting better at this compared to my first time. Anyway, I looked at the humans in the bowl and said: "Thank you for taking part in my stream, hope I get to eat you all again!" I smile at them as I pick up the bowl and carry it to the door.

Page 12: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

Once there, I open it and go outside to wait for the employer dragon to pick it their humans, which arrived in about 3 minutes. "Hello there fellow dragon, nice work on that stream, I enjoyed pretty much how you handled the humans...". And so what was supposed to be a simple pick up turned into 5 minutes of my and other dragons' performance on streams.....and the humans in the bowl heard it all and chuckled at our enthusiasm.

"Next week is a bit difficult, it'll be about a tea brand so it'll be hard to impress the audience without mawshots. But you look like you have just the right style and elegance for the job. Anyway here's your pay....", the dragon handed over 2200$....wow a 200$ extra! Guess I really did a great job.

"Thank you very much, and I'll try my best next week or this show 'Human delicacy' doesn't exist". I wave a good-bye at him and the humans in the bowl.....*sigh*...I really wish I had my own collection of humans.


As you finished your countdown and closed your mouth, I froze for a second, and then I was pressed against the roof of your mouth by your tongue. You then started to swallow the excess saliva that had built up as you hacked up the rest of the humans, and I broke out into a panic as the realization settled in.

"Wait no no no n-!" Was all I could yell before I got a mouthful of saliva slammed into me. I then struggled fruitlessly as I was flung backwards, landing into your awaiting throat as a loud *gulp* resonated around me, but this time, that was the last thing I wanted to hear. As I was pushed down into your throat I flailed wildly, trying to stop my descent, but it was all too late as its walls tightened around me, leaving no option but going down.

I eventually dropped into your stomach again, but the feeling of uncanny wonder I felt my first time here was replaced by utter terror. No one knew I was here, probably not even the creature I'm inside! What's going to happen to me now? Am I going to be trapped here? Or, worse... Am I going

to be digested like a regular meal?

I rushed towards the closest stomach wall, and tried to tackle it with my miniscule body in a desperate attempt to catch your attention.

It would require dozens of collective humans pounding at the walls to grab a dragon attention. How on earth are you going to escape this?

Page 13: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

Meanwhile outside, as the sight of the dragon disappear I head back home to check the internet for things to buy. And so once I entered my room and got to my PC table, I sat down and searched the online store for something to buy.....preferably something human-related.

There was a lot of interesting stuff that I have put in my wishlist and- Oh....is that an x-ray scanner with a human detector feature? Don't I have one from my sponsorship? I looked at my nightstand and...lo and behold....the x-ray was sitting there. I face-palmed myself for almost purchasing that device.

Anyway how does it work? Do I just press this butto- Oh, well this is cool....I can see my bones....heheh. Well let's see my ribcage look cool an- *BEEP* *BEEP* Huh? What was that? Wait,

it says here.....no way...

"There is a human in my stomach?". I take in the information before I smiled.....according to the contract....any runaway human would belong to the streamer should the total human returned to the employer isn't less than 99.9%.

I place my hand over my stomach for a minute then say: "I've been waiting for this...you'll be my first human to own" Then slowly rubbed my belly. Anyway, I'd have to send this human to my crop.

So with a little bit of force....I open up a hole that leads to the crop and....


Despite knowing that my poundings wouldn't give any results, I kept trying for several minutes, fueled by sheer desperation. However, it was becoming more and more obvious that this was clearly not working, and I couldn't keep doing this all day, as proven by my now heavy breathing.

Seeing as the situation was clearly hopeless, I put my back on the glowing wall, before sliding down into a sitting position, my knees bent as I almost rolled into a ball. Your stomach felt completely different when barren, and the chance that no one would even notice that I had disappeared made it even scarier.

I was too absorbed into my thoughts to notice you had stopped walking, and that you were now aware of my presence inside you, and, when the walls started to compress again, I started to breathe harder after yelping in a mixture of fear and hope. On one hand, I could be going back to your mouth, on the other... Better to not think about it.

The only way to know what destiny awaited me was to let the fleshy tunnel carry me... Which, even if I didn't want to, there was nothing I could do to stop it.

Page 14: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

After several moments, you plop into a somewhat different environment than the stomach, the crop of the dragon. It may look the same and it had dimmer lighting than the stomach but the atmosphere is much better! There is actually clean air in here! And the crop doesn't compact nor compress at all since it doesn't digest anything.

I however, didn't felt you at any point, but I know you were in my crop. And just to be sure, I hovered the device over the crop which then *BEEP*, gaining a smirk from me as I put the device away. I decided to let the human know I'm aware of his location, and so I tap my finger gently at my belly.

This is so exciting, to have a human in my crop.....ahhhh~ a dream come true....but wait, I'm not going to have the humans live here in this state....No!, it would be difficult to control the amount of food I'm sending to my crop without accidentally crushing them.

But I remember a website that offers a solution to this.....but first I'll let my human get used to my crop while I look for anything to hack him into.


As my body was pushed into the new environment and landed with a soft plof, I was more dumbfounded than anything else, as it looked almost identical to your stomach, but there were some glaringly obvious differences, like the air lacking the humid quality it had in your stomach, and the crop's walls not pulsating at all, which didn't make much sense to me.

"Wh-where am I?" I asked myself as I looked around, not knowing the fact that some dragons have crops where they can store food, and, in particular cases such as this one, humans. As I looked around, I noticed one of the walls bulged inwards, like if someone was pressing it from outside, and it clicked. You knew I was in here! That calmed me down, but an important question still


What are you going to do to me? I was clearly at your mercy being inside you, but you seemed to want to keep me alive for some reason... Were you planning on returning me to your sponsors? Or

were you just toying with me? Only time can tell...

Didn't find anything as good as that cushion bowl as it was not my property, but I still have a small cup from my sponsors. Anyway I put the device on its side so that it would detect the human when it reaches my mouth while I hack him out.

Now setting my head low....I start hacking once more....trying to get the human out of me and into

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the cup to have a proper introduction.

I don't know how long have I been hacking....but eventually I heard a *BEEP*, indicating the human is in my mouth. And so I moved my tongue and placed the tip into the cup and tilted my head so that the human slides upon my tongue into the cup. After a while I pull my tongue back to try to

look at the human.....

Damn, he's still small....I'd have to get a closer look, and so I leaned my slightly glowing emerald eyes close to him and tried to spot him....Oh there he is!

I smirked and got a little closer to see his features more clearly. I couldn't help but let out a whisper to him: "Hello....Human"....


Barely a few minutes after I was sent to your crop the walls suddenly started to violently compress as I was sent back into your throat. At first I was quite shaken up by this, but then I realized that I wasn't sliding down your throat like before, but I was being hacked up!

It took some time to make it back up, but eventually I was able to see the light pouring inside your mouth, and quickly made my way towards your tongue. There was a distant *BEEP* that seemed to come from an strange device, but I wasn't focused on that - instead, my attention was on your tongue, which was making its way out of your mouth with me on top.

Once it had finished leaving your mouth, I felt myself sliding away as you tilted your head down, but a quick glance towards the direction I was sliding towards revealed one of the cups where we had been before the show began, which wasn't the best, but at least it would break the fall.

When I finally fell into the cup accompanied by a blob of saliva, I instinctively moved away from you without even bothering to stand up first, eventually finding myself against the wall of the cup. When you inched closer, you could see that I had black hair, once spiky but the saliva it caught had made it flatten down. I was wearing a purple shirt and navy blue jeans, both soaked in saliva and milk, and black sport shoes.

The last thing I was expecting was you to speak to me, so I just stared at your face for a few seconds before realizing that I probably should reply. "H-h-h-hi..." I replied, trembling as I was afraid of breaking eye contact.

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I heard a faint quivering sound....not enough to know the contents though.

And judging by how much the human is trembling, he must be afraid that I may do harm to him or murder him.....Hmmm, time to change that....but not without a little bit of fun.

Still having my eyes on him, I whisper: "Look at you....small...weak....fragile....I can't even hear what you say unless I bring my ears to you. I can even bet that had I whispered in front of the cup, you'd be lifted into the air to be forgotten" I watch what he does or say at the moment, knowing full-well that I won't be able to hear him.

Alright, time to calm him down. I pulled my head away, still grinning and looking down at the speck in the cup, part of my whisker must be laying on top of the cup. Then I whisper above the cup....wouldn't want him to be blown away: "Look at me human, bask in my glory, tell yourself that

you feel lucky to have a dragon's attention solely upon a speck like you".

I pause for a bit to let him take in what I said then continued: "And you don't have to worry about me harming you. Oh no that's the opposite of what I want. What I want from you is to be mine, and to admire me and my beautiful appearance. And in return, I'll keep you safe and fed, and you'll

sleep in peace....because from now on human, I....am your god".

I couldn't help but grin wider and wider, eventually showing my tooth before lowering my ears to him in case he wanted to say something to me, then I say: "Now....is there anything you wish to

speak to me of.....mortal"?


Your first words matched exactly how I was feeling, staring up into the eyes of someone who could do whatever they wanted with me without needing to put any effort into it, while I laid defenseless and trapped inside a cup that once contained hundreds of humans, but now only served to keep me from attempting to flee.

When you paused, seemingly expecting a reply, I tried to give a quick nod even though I was trembling to no end and taking several breaths in a second, your words really getting into me.

I was a bit relieved when you moved your head back, but what you said shocked me, even though I had to admit it was true. I took several moments to glance at your features, which undeniably made you seem magnificent and powerful, specially compared to me, a "speck" as you had just said.

As you said that you had no intention to harm me in any way, my face lit up with hope and relief, as I now knew that I was safe, at least, as long as I didn't anger you, I thought to myself. The last thing I wanted was to offend you, so I did my best to remain respectful.

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I froze for a second as you exclaimed that you were my god, but it made perfect sense in this situation, after all, you had all the admirable traits and power, while I had nothing worth comparing to a dragon. The toothy grin and you inching your head closer did scare me a little, but as you spoke again, I did my best to keep calm.

I spent several seconds thinking of how to reply, but the only thing that came to my mind was a simple "T-thank you..." I then tried to add some more, but it came out as inaudible mumbling, even for myself.

I expected many things to be said, mostly negative....which then would lead me to discipline him. And while what the human said isn't outside the things I expected...I'm still a bit surprised at how fast he was accepting all of this. And what's this feeling I'm having? It sorta feels like...adoration...to this human for being so obedient.

The more I thought about it, the more sense it made, of course I should be happy that he's learning his new place this quick. And so I pulled back my head and wore a slight grin then say: "Your god is pleased to know you accepted your new place without any discipline needed. As a reward for being so obedient, your god shall find you a better land to live other than this barren wasteland of a glass.

You only need to wait".

And with that, I moved slowly away from him hoping for him to watch my graceful motions, and then I walked carefully as to not produce a loud noise or shake the cup on the table.

I only walked normally as I entered my room and sat on my PC and search for the items I needed to make the human live comfortably.....This will take time.


As soon as I noticed that I hadn't said everything that you expected me to say, I started to try to scramble together anything that would make sense for me to say, still trying my best to remain respectful and non-confrontational, but I didn't have time to speak my mind as you pulled back with a grin, which was a huge relief.

The thought of a better place to be than a glass was enticing, and I gave an eager nod of gratitude, a slight smile appearing on my face. I didn't know why, but it felt fulfilling to make someone as powerful proud with something as simple as mere obedience.

As you turned away to leave, I watched your motions in awe, and some of the fear that I originally felt started to turn into curiosity, both regarding your physique and your personality, which meant

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I'd have to spend more time with you to find out. Seeing as you hadn't gone too far from the cup I was in, I decided to try my luck and attempt to catch your attention.

"Wait!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, hoping that it would be loud enough for you to hear. "May I... Go with you?" I asked in a slightly lower tone, still trying to remain respectful even though I was pretty much shouting a request at you.

It was fortunate that I was intentionally walking slowly to show off, had I decided to walked normally then you wouldn't have been able to catch my attention. Add to the fact that my ear though far away, was the closest thing to you. And so I was able to hear a faint squeak. "Hmmm? Was that you mortal?". My voice carried no hint of annoyance to your relief.

I inched back to the cup and put my ears near you and say: "Speak again so that I may hear you....". Upon hearing his request to be with, I pulled my head and look at him with a puzzled expression. Go with me? That would be fantastic except......I lack the tools right now to do so, even if I somehow managed to pick him up with my hands, the drop from my finger to whatever surface would be deadly.

Now I could pull out my tongue and swallow him to my crop, but decided that I want to show him what I'm about to buy and see his reaction. So now I'm going to carefully pick up this cup with my and set it on my PC.

And so I used two fingers to carry the cup and say: "Of course you may and uhhh...." I was about to say that I lacked the tools to handle him at the moment, but that would imply....as his god....that I lack the power to safely handle him. I thought about fake-scolding for requesting something so

early but....

I bring the cup to my eyes to look at this human....this little speck....that is so obedient....I know I wouldn't find any other human as willing as him so I wouldn't want to cut his enthusiasm by scolding him, yet I need to send him the message that I can't do much at my current state. So I finally found the semi-right words and say: "...Though do be aware that I would be ignoring your

future requests until a foreseeable future". Would that do? I don't know, but for now....

I walk slowly so that my footsteps wouldn't produce loud noises for him and carry the cup to my room, I wonder how's the world below look like to him...maybe blurry. Anyway once I reach my PC, I sit down on the chair and set his cup on my left side...though this was going to be safer. Anyway, I

look up at the online store to order things to make his living better....


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As I noticed that you had managed to hear me and, more importantly, that you didn't seem annoyed by my interruption, I was both excited and relieved. As you inched closer, I spoke again, my tone slightly more confident now as I realizes that you were willing to listen to me.

That confidence was replaced by nervousness as I noticed your puzzled expression, and trying to ease up I let out an inaudible nervous chuckle.

Thankfully, it seemed as you had decided to accept my request as you carefully picked up the glass, and that was confirmed as you spoke.

When you struggled to continue your sentence, soon bringing me up to your eyes, I looked back with a worried expression. Was anything wrong? Did I ask for something that made you uncomfortable? I snapped out of those thoughts as you told me that I wouldn't be able to make more requests for now, which was a bit disheartening, but there probably was a reason I didn't know behind this.

As you started making your way towards your room, I gave a few glances around, but the thick glass surrounding me made it hard to tell any details, so I instead watched you walking through the opening of the glass. There was something undeniably fascinating about watching a gargantuan creature moving as nimbly as you were.

As I was finally put down on the table, I looked around my surroundings, quickly noticing the massive computer screen that loomed over me, and it displayed what seemed to be an online store with various products I wasn't familiar with. Giving a glance at your concentrated expression, I guessed that you were browsing for something, so I watched the screen, curious as to what you wanted to buy.

It took a while to add the item I needed into the 'cart menu', but I finally finished and showed you the items I'm planning to buy for you.

First, was a 'Human gripper pad-gloves', the description says that it forms artificial gravity to allow dragons to pick up humans individually and collectively safely and quickly. I resumed my superior,

confident voice: "With this.....transporting you anywhere would be simple and safe"....

Next was some sort of flare, it's called 'Dragonic flare'. Basically it's human-sized flare and when used, it emits a powerful light rays that would blind the human were it not invisible to their eyes,

but to us dragons we would see red blinking light. "With this.....god will answer to your prayers"....

And now the last item on the list, and I clicked on the page to show details of it. First it showed its

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picture which looks like a dragon's paw holding a circular glass thing in the center, I zoomed on it to make it clear for you.

It looks like a petri-dish that is split by a wall, separating two parts. One part is empty and exposed to the air, the other is covered by a glass. I zoom in on the part covered by a glass to reveal greenish landscape with trees, plants and farms as well as a couple of houses here and there.

And then I scrolled down and highlighted its various features: It can hold up to thousand humans, it uses sun-ray technology to charge its electricity, it has an smart-gravity that makes sure nothing is falling down in case the petri-dish is flipped upside down.

"And this my mortal....", I turn my face to look at the cup and continue to say: "Is the land god promised to you". Surely he must be happy from everything I'm buying to him.....after all, happy and well-fed humans means genuine worship to me....and I'd love a have mortal happily worshiping me as their god and express their gratitude.....and perhaps mortals that would be fine with my vore


Hmmm, maybe he has something to say to me. And so I leaned my ears close to him in order hear if he has anything to say about this....my muzzle may not be visible from his view but I'm excited of what he is going to say.


As you browsed the store to find the items you needed, I spent some time watching the screen, giving occasional glances at your face before admitting that I had no idea on what was going on in the screen and switching to watch you browsing the store. From this point of view it was easier to appreciate your gigantic size, even your whiskers must tower over me.

When you were done and started showing me the items, I was amazed by the first two devices. A way for you to move me around safely and an emergency flare to let you know where I was if anything bad happened sounded great, but when I saw the last item, my jaw dropped.

A land that could hold a thousand humans, with electricity, a lush environment, and what seemed like enough buildings to be considered a town inside? It was a thousand times better than where I had been living my whole life, that's for sure. However, while it felt like a dream land, it also sounded very expensive, and I didn't know how to describe it, but it felt like I didn't deserve something as luxurious as that just yet.

As you inched your ear closer, I tried to collect my thoughts together, and with a sigh, I decided to be honest with my feelings.

"That... Sounds amazing! But..." I broke eye contact to glance again at the last item for a split

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second, quickly turning back. "T-that must cost a l-lot of money, and... I-I don't know if I d-deserve something like t-that..." I replied. I knew you were buying them on your own accord, but I still felt like I wouldn't be able to repay you for them.

As you finish speaking, I let out a faint chuckle.....it lasted quite a bit long. Then pulled my head to face my muzzle to you and whisper: "You don't deserve anything like that? Heh, you are still humble for a speck. But just in case you didn't hear me before: I want you to look at my glorious form, I want you to willingly praise me and be in awe of my appearance.....I want you to wake every day and see my divine shadow covers everything you know and will ever know....and to see my

grinning face in the sky and happily worship me as your god"....

I then look at the PC and click on proceed to order, which takes me to the shipping options. After selecting same-day shipping and have taxed calculated based on the three items, the final price appeared to be 17,000$.....I clicked order anyway before saying: "And yes....I'm aware that I'm

spending a quarter-year allowance....but"...

I once again lean my eyes close to you and whisper: "If it means that I can have a collection of humans all happy and safe and obedient. Then I'm willing to spend that amount of money....and


I pull my face away from you and say once more: "...there's only one dish to be shipped on-day....your god isn't cruel to let you sleep in this barren cup, or is he??" I lowered my ears to you, I

assumed that you'd simply reply with a 'No, he isn't.'


I was quite nervous as you started to chuckle, and started to regret what I had just said, in fear that I had said something wrong. But as you started speaking, I couldn't avoid but blush a bit at your compliment as you continued speaking, I nodded again, though I wasn't sure if you'd be able to see it. At least my conscience was clean now that I had tried dissuading you.

As you turned back to your PC I gave a quick look, and was astonished by the price. It was indeed a lot, even when put in context, but you seemed to be sure of your decision and by this point I was powerless to stop you, so I just watched as you confirmed the order.

I then locked eye contact with you as you once again inched closer, most of the initial fear gone, though I was still a bit shaky and trying to remain as obedient and respectful as possible just in case. As you lowered your ear further, I took a deep breath, and said:

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"No, you wouldn't... And, I really a-appreciate it." I decided to keep it short, but my mind kept bringing back memories from the few previous interactions I had with other dragons, and while the prideful attitude was still present here - which I could not blame as it was well founded - you actually seemed to care about my well being, which was a first for me.

I murr in satisfaction as I hear your expected answers and say: "That's a good mortal....I can already feel you're getting used to me.....as you should be....". I pull my head and....well what am I to do now until the orders arrives? Maybe watch youtube with him?.....or....maybe just let my human

witness more of me....I dunno...

But eventually I decided to give him a show and say: "Eyes on me mortal....". Once I'm sure he's solely focused on me, I move my muzzle so that the whiskers move around the cup and loop a few times before using my hand to fiddle a bit with my thin whiskers.

And then I moved my muzzle so close in front of the cup so that it was all you could of me, my lips and my nostrils, as well as the blue scales. At both sides, my long whiskers could be seen going from my cheek to wherever your eyes could take you.

Once I was satisfied, I let out the gentlest breath I could muster....which could be a strong gale to you because of how close I were....not enough to lift you though. From the harsh breeze you could see my lips opening slightly....revealing the fleshy cavern that you were inside during the stream.

You could see an entity move in the horizon....you know what it is....but it's still a mind-blowing sight: The tongue that creeps ever closer and out of its habitat, snaking its way to your small cup. Its

glistening form gives it an alien sight....


Your murr eased me down a little as I let out a sigh of relief, and then nodded. I was starting to get used to your presence, and while I still couldn't get completely over your intimidating size and power, at least I knew I was safe from danger.

As you called for my attention, I quickly looked at your face, losing focus on anything else as, I had to admit, your figure was quite breathtaking. I then noticed that your whiskers had started to loop around the cup as you moved your muzzle forward, and... They were even bigger than I thought they were. I watched you fiddle with them for a few seconds, then you inched even closer.

The only thing I could see of you were your nostrils, more than big enough for me to fit into, along with your lips, everything covered by your blue scales. It was an imposing sight, that was certain,

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and even your gentlest breath was almost able to knock me down, making me slide a few inches back as I shielded my face with my arm.

As the gale ended, I lowered by arm, seeing the small opening between your lips that led to the fleshy cavern that was your maw, as well as a huge entity moving in the horizon, slowly snaking its way towards me. Your tongue, glistening with saliva as it slowly inched closer to the cup I was standing in. The sight was very strange and alien, even though I had already been inside your mouth... I didn't think I'd be able to ever get completely used to it.

The tongue creeps ever closer....almost seeming to touch the cup before pulling it back into my maw. The lips slowly closing soon after and then I pull my head away.

I move a paw over my light blue mane as I wonder how's your reaction to the show I just gave, pretty sure I did an excellent job...oh yes I did. So I asked you: "So what does my little mortal thinks of his god's show? Hmm~?" I let out an amused hum as I lowered my ear to him....or at least stopped midway before pulling my head back.

For some reason, I had fun showing off to him....evident by my smile, not a prideful smile, but a smile indicating happiness and joy. Anyway, I shook my head very slightly left and right to try and amuse the human with my swaying whiskers....I bet he loves those.....heheh, I think I'm spoiling

him. Also....is it alright to be this childish in front of my human?...Well....

I stopped my actions and said: "*Ahem*...Anyway, care to share your thoughts with me". I actually lowered my ear this time eager to hear his response before adding: "Or maybe you have no thoughts.....because you may be still too shocked to speak of my awesome performance....either

way is more than acceptable".


I was bracing myself for your tongue to eventually reach down for me, but it stopped a mere feet away from the cup before retreating, which was relieving, but strangely, not as much as I thought it would be at first. I decided to leave that thought aside as I watched you pull your head away.

As you moved a paw over your mane, I couldn't avoid but bend to the side a little to get a better angle to watch your lush hair, which looked like a jungle big enough for anyone my size to get lost in... I then looked back at your face as you asked my opinion on the show, and started to say an answer that went unheard as you pulled your head back.

I then watched as you slightly shook your head, your long whiskers flailing over the cup. If they had

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been lower, I was sure that even the wind they made would be able to fling me away like a speck of dust. The whole show was fascinating in a strange way, it seemed.

As you cleared your throat and asked for my thoughts, I was silent for a few seconds, but then, I managed to overcome the shock and muster the courage to speak up. "T-that... Was amazing!" I said, as a smile of admiration formed in my face, and I wondered if I would be able to get to be more of an observer when the items you ordered finally arrive.

I let out a purr as I hear your reply. The feeling when mortals are adoring my presence is simply great....I just can't wait until the human gripper arrives. I pull my head away and look down at you with the same happy smile and say: "Great!....Wait I mean, as expected from a merciful supreme

god such as myself" Err....think I got out of character....nevermind, it'll happen more often....

I then looked at my computer screen then thought about what to do....Hmmm, there was puzzle game that I liked, and maybe with the human's help I could finally progress in it....yea, we can play until the orders arrive. And so I turned back to face you and say: "How about we go from physical amusement to digital amusement? However, I ne-...I mean, I'd like to test your intelligence

capability by playing a puzzle game".

A look of worry covered my face as I look down away from you....I....I just realized that I may have insulted you....should have told you that I just need help.

I got rid of that expression then opened the game, and while waiting for it to load, I leaned my ear towards you and asked: "So do you accept your god's challenge?". I hope you don't feel down by what I said.


It felt great for me to hear you purr happily after the compliment, and I was glad that somehow I, someone clearly inferior than you, was making you feel better and enjoy yourself. I couldn't avoid but laugh as your eagerness took a front seat over your usually prideful personality, but I eventually managed to calm myself, and glanced at what you were doing.

I watched you for at the moment while you thought of what to do, trying to come up with some ideas on what to do next but failing. As you suggested switching to something digital I nodded, I didn't know much about the entertainment world of dragons, and I was curious to see how it was. However, as the words "test your intelligence" left your mouth, I raised an eyebrow. Sure, it sounded pretentious to make such claim, but it was far from the most offensive thing I've heard... Hell, being told that we were only good for food was common back in the workplace.

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What surprised me the most though was how you quickly looked away in what seemed to be... Worry? Shame? I couldn't tell due to the distance and you looking away from me, but if I had to make a guess, it must have been related to that last comment, and... It felt like you cared about how I felt, too, which was a wild thought. To my knowledge, most dragons don't care enough about humans to let their feelings worry them, and seeing one who does felt very strange, and... strangely


At the end, I decided to let it slide as I saw your expression shift back, not wanting to press on the topic and potentially anger you or make you feel worse, so I watched as you opened the game, and as the game loaded, I saw you inching closer, which had now turned into a gesture that meant you wanted to hear what I had to say.

"Yeah!" I replied eagerly. "By the looks of it, it sounds like it could be fun!" I continued. I hoped that my intuitions were true, as the last thing I wanted was to get frustrated and do something rash in front of you.

Your eagerness took me by surprise, so much so that I forgot about my insult from earlier and replied: "Such an eager soul you are....an idol for the many mortals to come". Wow, the more time I spend with this human, the more I'd like to cherish him....and...spoil him? I don't know....I just want

to make him happy, and that'll make me happy in return....

I pulled my head and waited until the game finally loaded, it was about two colored cubes with limbs, one blue and the other pink, wondered into a castle when the villain who looks like a vampire kidnapped the pink cube, and now the blue cube must rotate the room to navigate

through the room obtaining keys and avoiding traps. Pretty clever idea....

But then an awkward thought came to my mind, how are we suppose to communicate throughout the game? Lean my ears toward you every 10 seconds to hear your suggestion?......Well.....I'm afraid that's the only safest choice for you.

And so our embarrassing session begins, we enter the new room and each of us have 15 seconds to think and then I bring my ears to you to form a plan. Surprisingly....that actually worked fine! We actually went further than I had reached last time. You can clearly see my happy face up there as I see rooms that I had not reached before.

I don't know how much time passed, but eventually night came and I saved my game and stretch my body....wow would you look at that! 13 out 50 secrets.....and the best I could get alone was 6

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out of 50 secrets.....I can't tell him that....because that would be REALLY embarrassing....

Anyway, I looked at your cup and gave you a smile, then say: "13 out of 50....Not bad....but god knows with practice we could reach 50 one day!". That would take time....and maybe a guide once we lose our minds over the puzzles. I let out a relaxed sigh....away from him of course, then thought

about what we could do next.....hmmm, maybe some youtub- *Ding Dong*

"Hmm? Could it be....wait here mortal" I instructed him to stay in the cup as I got up and went to answer the door....not that he could get out if he tried to. Eagerness creep over me as I looked at the peephole and....there it is....the delivery dragon with the package in his hand. This is so exciting.


I couldn't avoid but blush again at the compliment, it still felt very weird to me to get any sort of praise by a dragon for doing something as mundane as wanting to play a puzzle game. Not that I didn't want to, I did like puzzles, but being with a dragon who was eager to spend time with me was almost alienating.

The first thing that surprised me about the game was that it wasn't all that different from a game you could find a human playing, but I guessed that it was due to the surreal nature of its setting. As the intro sequence was over and the room loaded, I realized... How would we collaborate, if I didn't have any way to interact with the game? Thankfully, you came up with a good enough solution.

The game was actually quite fun to play, and surprisingly you were eager to try out any ideas I came up with, even if they didn't seem to make much sense initially, like trying to rotate the room to fall towards a cracked wall - which to our surprise led to a secret room! While we played, I couldn't avoid but glance at you every now and then. It still felt surreal to be working together with such an awe-inspiring creature, even if it was just a game.

I tried my best to not let such thoughts distract me, and as time passed, I was getting more and more invested into the game. It was getting trickier and trickier to go forward, and there were some rooms that took a lot longer that I would like to admit. As we finally wrapped up one of those rooms and you saved the game, I sat down, satisfied by how far we had managed to go and how you were starting to get more and more excited as we progressed.

I nodded as you spoke, and then wondered what idea would pop in your mind next... Then, the doorbell rang, making me jump in surprise. Was that the delivery we had ordered before? As you told me to stay in the cup, I fought the urge to bring a hand to my face, and instead watched as you headed over to the door, really hoping that this would be the delivery.

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With a little pause to gather my excitement, I opened the door went outside to greet the dragon, who wanted me to sign a few papers and confirm some information. Once done, he handed over the package, at which I thanked him as he flew away for the next delivery.

Once that's done, I went back inside and went to my room, you could see it's a brown box with two smaller ones attached on top. I set it down on my nightstand and rip-open the box with my claws...temporary forgetting that it may not be a wise thing to do with you seeing it.

And finally here it is...the 'Human gripper padded-gloves', I wore it on my hands and it feel great and....Oh what this? A small red box that says....oh yeah, the 'Dragonic flare'....ganna test that glove now. I rip the small red box with one claw and hover a gloved finger over the hole and increase gravity, I couldn't see it, but the glove also amplified the touch feeling so that I can actually feel something on my finger....wow.

I brought the finger to my eyes, and....huh, it's a smaller red box....human-sized this time....what kind of packaging is this? Nevermind....I turn my eye to the last small box...the petri dish....

With a gentle claw cut, I cut off the surface and grabbed the dish....wow...it may be slightly smaller than my palm....but it's certainly way bigger than the cup my human had been in. And so with everything in my hands, I turn to my human with a smile plastered on my face, then walk back to the PC table.


As you walked back inside with the boxes, I let out a gasp of excitement. It was the delivery, and that meant that you could finally use that glove device to safely have me be outside the cup I was in! As you walked over to your nightstand and literally ripped into the box, I was surprised by how clean those cuts were, but I trusted you enough that I didn't worry that much about it. However, I noted down that I'd have to be even more careful around your claws.

I quickly ran towards the edge of the glass when you put the glove on, my hands against the glass. I couldn't see much other than you putting it on and moving your hand around, but your expression told me that whatever test you carried out actually worked, which excited me.

Lastly, I watched you gently slice open the last box, and looked at the huge glass environment held on your palm. I couldn't see much detail from afar, but it was clearly a lot bigger than the cup I was in - which still spanned twice the length of a bowling alley in diameter. The website clearly wasn't lying about how many humans it could hold comfortably.

As you finished inspecting everything and turned to face me, I gave a smile that, in scale, was as wide as yours, and beckoned you to come over with an excited arm gesture.

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As I sat down on my chair, I set the dish on the right side of the PC first then moved a finger over you. You feel some sort of gravity pulling you up....and finally you're out of the cup before you slammed into the pad....it's actually soft and comfortable....despite you being upside down right now.

Somewhere near you, you could see a red box at your size which reads 'Dragonic flare', it seems easy to open. I give you a few minutes to open the box, grab the flare and admire the view before I move the finger and....wow, you barely felt it and managed to hold on without falling to the ground. It's almost magical!

And then you see my happy face looking down at you. This seems more surreal than you were in the cup, because now...you are literally standing on the finger...that is in front of your god. I then spoke: "Wow, I can literally hold your life on the tip of my finger....I have more control over handling you.....heheh....how excited are you right now? Because we are not done yet.....we still

have your dish"!

And so I moved to the dish and....this is a weird feeling I'm experience. I'm about to lower my finger over a 'land', than have the human inhabit it....it really feel I'm some sort of a deity....it's all incredible. Snapping from my thoughts I start to move my hand over the part of the dish exposed to the air and said: "Welcome mortal, to the land that god promised you, a land that was formed with

your god's image to suit to your needs".

And at this moment, I lowered the gravity to allow my human....my first precious human to inhabit this land and thrive in it. Once he landed near the walls connecting to the greenish part of the dish, I say to him: "The empty section of the dish is for me to drop in food, drinks and gift to you mortal,

it may be a long walk, but I could consider this a good way to put you in shape...and now"....

I'm pretty sure he have something to say at this point so I brought my ear to him and say: "Anything you wish speak to me of? Also....you have the flare right"?


I watched as you set down the dish by the side of the computer and moved a gloved finger over the cup. Soon enough, I felt myself being lifted from the ground, and with a soft yelp, I landed on my back into the soft pad. As I slowly stood up, I realized that I was completely upside down, but gravity seemed to have magically shifted around the glove, which was quite disorientating.

I then noticed a small red box besides me, and recognized it as one of the items you had bought. Still trying to get used to the gravity shift, I picked up the box and opened it, finding what looked

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like a regular emergency flare, but I knew it was more than just a regular flare, but a tool to use if I needed to catch your attention.

With that in mind, I put the flare back into the box and saved it in my pocket, which thankfully had dried up during the time we spent playing the puzzle game. I then saw the world move around me, but, to my relief, I barely stumbled as you moved your finger, and I found myself staring right at your happy face.

From this distance I was able to appreciate the details that I would have missed otherwise. How smooth yet tough your scales looked, the slight glow of your emerald eyes, your whiskers that emerged from your cheeks and extended far from where I could see, and the pearly white teeth that lined up inside your maw. As you spoke, I felt like the gale coming from you would rip me off your finger, but the pad kept me in place as I flinched a bit.

As what you said settled in, I let out a nervous chuckle. It was true that you now held my life on your fingers, but it wasn't the first time I had been in a position where your mercy was the only thing between life and death, so I hoped that you wouldn't be too reckless with me. I didn't know how to answer your question, so I was greatly relieved when I realized it was rhetorical and I was brought over the dish.

From my vantage point I saw a dreamlike environment, filled with trees, farms, and even a group of houses, big enough to be considered a small town. It was also huge, and I guessed that it spanned around a hundred yards in diameter alone. As you spoke and let me down, I had started to breathe a bit harder, but I tried my best to keep my nerves in check, which wasn't all that easy in this situation.

As you brought your ear down to where I was, I started to think of what to say, but your question made me stop and forced me to improvise. "Oh, yeah, I have it on me." I then reached for my pocket, but realizing that it was probably a detail too small for you to see, I stopped. "And... I hope I

don't sound too repetitive, but... Thank you, again... For everything".

I stopped and took a deep breath, trying to ease down. "Now... Anything else you may want to do"?

I smile warmly as I hear your words and say: "And you have your god's thanks....as for what I want to do....well...". I pull my head and look at the PC and say: "Pretty sure the dish have plenty of computers inside and I....well would like if you could....No, I'll wait for you to take your time and get used to the environment, and then....please remember to get on the PC?" I didn't know how to word it out....I mean I spoke with little thoughts to the choices of words.

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Anyway, I had initially put the dish in an angle he wouldn't see my PC because....well I'm thinking of introducing him to...to vore uhhh....I hope it will all go will. Anyway I dig through my folders and fish out the contents, a smirk could be seen as I browse through the files.

I moved all the files I wanted in one folder, one which I'll show him once he gets in the PC. And I'm pretty sure every PC has a messenger installed in them and....oh I forgot to tell him my ID. I turn around to face the dish and whisper to him: "I forgot to mention that my messaging ID is: Human


I'm not sure how will he react to the username, it took a while to gain confidence and say it: "It's.....It's Human taster08.....". I...I hope he wouldn't take it the wrong. Anyway, I looked back at the PC and looked through my vore files while he takes his time.


I smiled back as you thanked me, rubbing the back of my head. It still felt a bit odd to get thanked by you, but I didn't let it stop me from accepting it. As you looked at your PC and mentioned that there'd be more in the dish, I nodded, figuring out that it shouldn't be hard to find them as they should be in the houses dotted around the glass disc.

When you stopped yourself to tell me to explore the dish first, I was put in a bit of a dilemma. Should I head straight to one of the houses, or spend some time exploring instead? Either way, I nodded as I saw you turn back, and headed inside the covered half of the dish.

As I walked inside, I was quite taken aback by the environment. Were it not for the glass walls, it felt like I was transported back to the countryside! I looked around while I kept making my way towards one of the houses that I had seen when I was held above the disk, which wasn't too far from the entrance, though I took my time doing some sightseeing.

When I finally arrived to the house and walked up to its door I couldn't avoid but feel... A bit out of place as had started to grow used to the huge environment that was your room. Not letting that distract me, I walked inside, looking into each room for a computer, and luckily, there was one inside the living room. While I was sitting down and booting the PC up, I was able to hear your voice loud and clear, and I couldn't avoid but worry a bit as you stuttered.

When I got your full ID, I was a bit weirded out, but I figured out that it made sense for someone who would record themselves eating humans for a living, so I just noted it down in my head as I opened messenger. I was familiar with the site, as I had tried to used it to stay in contact with some friends back in my hometown, however we eventually drifted away... but I digress.

When I logged in I was greeted by an empty notification tray, which made me sigh, but I hadn't

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logged in to check who had messaged me. I then wrote in your username in the direct messages section, and... *ding!* A notification should have popped up in your screen as a message was sent to you by the user Folly4Ollie, which read: "OK, finally found a computer.", followed by another

one, a simple: "Wanted anything"?

As I was still viewing my vore files, I eventually saw the notification and opened it. "Huh...Folly4Ollie....", it was followed by his two messages. Hmmm, how should I go through this? Maybe do a little warm up.

I started by typing: "Just wanted to check on my little mortal :)...Also do you do poetry? I'd love a poetry about my greatness and magnificence in your prospective". It's true...I do love some of the poems the humans have written about us dragon. Hmm, what should I type in next?....oh

vore....should I tell him now?

I take a deep breath before I typed in: "Well actually....I wanted to show you something....have you ever heard of 'vore'". I glance back at the folder I have prepared for him, and then to the dish and back to the PC. My heart pounds faster as I await his reply.


When I read your first message I started chuckling. It definitely matched your personality when you were showing off, and now that I wasn't within your sight, I knew that laughing wouldn't lead to any trouble. I was about to type in a reply, maybe a classic 'roses are red, violets are blue' joke poem when I notice you were already typing.

When I received your second message, I read it over a few times, curious as to what you wanted to show me. But what really confused me was the word vore, as I had never heard the term before. "Can't say I have, sorry." I replied, but quickly started to type a second message as I hadn't made my curiosity clear.

"What is it, if I may ask?" I hit enter as soon as I was done typing it out, genuinely curious about it. I could have looked it up, but that would have been a bit rude, wouldn't it?

Ummm, he doesn't know? Well....I start to type in: "Well vore is..". I stopped without sending a reply....perhaps sending the exact definition may be a bad idea. So I thought I may use my own term for vore. And so I added to the message: "Well vore is.....is when I ate you all at the stream

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and came out unharmed" and pressed enter. I hope that sent a positive image....maybe.

And then I quickly followed up with: "It's basically one person swallowing another person without harm". That was a lie I'd have to explain to him later, for now....I hope he'd believe it for now.

And now....I wait....and wait and....urgghh, I don't think I can wait without viewing more vore picture for comfort. And so I viewed pieces after pieces....hoping that he would reply to my messages quickly.


I noticed that it took you a bit to send your reply, but when I got it, my curiosity rose, as now I wondered not what vore was, but why you were telling me... Maybe you wanted to eat me again

and this was your way of asking for permission?I decided not to reach any hasty conclusions, but I had to ask why you were telling me in one way or another.

After some time trying to think up something, I typed in something that wasn't bad, but I felt it could be better. "Oh, yeah, the stream... I assume that's something you enjoy, right? Did you want

to ask me anything about it? I'm all ears".

Knowing that if I tried to write the perfect message I wouldn't be done until at least tomorrow, I decided to send it and hope that it wasn't an uncomfortable topic for you to speak about.

I got the reply and switched to the messenger window expecting the worst, and thankfully it's not as bad as I thought. However I smiled embarrassingly when he said it's something I enjoyed, but when I read that he's willing to listen to anything I would ask, I paused to think a bit.

After a minute of thinking, I thought about asking him a rhetoric question: "Well, what if I told you that....dragons have to ask permission from you to swallow you....and that whenever you want out of discomfort or simple whim, you can tell them to get you out and they would immediately, how

does sound in your opinion."?

As I read the sentence I sent again, I felt like it was missing something....like...oh yea. Slowly I typed in with worry in my mind: "Would you.....enjoy it?.....". After I typed enter I keep staring at the

screen, hoping that the reply that you give isn't negative...


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I sat on my computer for a while as you thought of an answer, and I was starting to worry that I had said something wrong, but as I was about to ask if everything was okay, I noticed you started to type and sighed in relief, but I was still a bit worried about what to expect from your reply.

It took a while to arrive, and when it finally did, the first thing I noticed was that it was quite bulky. I didn't really get its message until I almost reached the end of it, but when it did, I couldn't do anything but ponder about it. It was clear that you wanted to eat me again, but you were also

putting how I felt about it before your desires, which was heartwarming...

My thoughts were interrupted by your second message, and it took me even more by surprise. You weren't just asking me if I was willing to be swallowed, but you were asking if I would enjoy it! Thinking about it, it was an oddly fascinating experience, which could count as enjoyable? Besides, I would feel terrible giving a no for an answer, and I still felt like I owed you for everything you have done for me.

Between reading the message and thinking about it, it took me some time to start typing, but when I did, I wrote just one word: "Yes" I paused for a second to take a deep breath before finally hitting the enter button, and waiting.

I was waiting for your answer...and then your message arrived in the form of one word: "Yes". I whispered silently to myself, then type in another message quickly: "You....you mean it...?". I then looked at the dish and think....this human....willing to accept me as his god and is now accepting vore....I....I don't know how to describe this.

I mean normally I wouldn't care much for what humans feel in general, especially in my stream whether they wanted to be in or not, I just wanted to put a good power show. But then this all changes when a human is under my care....like....I'd have to look out for them and raise them properly and....love them....I guess

The more I look at the dish....the more I have thoughts of caressing my human into my hands....I just...*sigh*...I have to tell him how I feel. I look back at the PC and type in without seeing your new message: "Human, I have something to tell you....". And then I take another look at the chat to spot your recent messages as well as wait for the new ones.


Just after I had hit the send button I could already see you typing, and when your question appeared in my screen, I took yet another chance to consider this, but, this time, I decided to write down my thoughts, both to help me make sense of what I felt and to let you know what my thought

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process was.

"It was a strange experience, but..." I stopped typing for a second, trying to figure out how to word this. "I have to admit that it was oddly fascinating, and... Sure, maybe your stomach was a bit humid, but that second place I was in was... Oddly comfortable? I mean, both are fine by me, so that choice is yours, and... Hey, if you enjoy me being inside you, then that alone makes it worth

doing, don't you think"?

As I was sure that I had written down all my thoughts - although I decided to leave the fact that I felt like I had to repay you out of this to make sure you don't feel like you're forcing me - and made sure it had some semblance of order, I finally sent it, and waited for your reply.

When I saw your reply, I was slightly worried for a second, but I realized that such worries were unfounded, and as you weren't typing anymore, I decided to ask a question myself: "... Would you

want me to head out and... speak about it"?

As I read through his reply that I didn't read before, I felt my smile goes up and up...The more I read about it, the more I blushed. Hmm, maybe I would send him more to my crop or....maybe...and- Hmm? Oh a new message from him.

I read the message once....twice....and thrice....was he asking me to talk face to face? Hmmm, maybe that wouldn't be a bad idea. Quickly I type in: "Why yes, I'd like you to head outside the house....and use the flare" I got up from the chair and went to the petri dish and lowered my body until my head is above the table, I'd wait for your flare.

My facial expression was neutral at the moment, as I wait and prepare what I'm about to do to you soon enough.


I was a bit tense as I had no idea on what was it that you had to tell me, but as I read your reply, I slowly stood up, assuring myself that it would all be fine, and checking that the draconic flare was still in my pocket. To my relief it was there, and I quickly took it out of the box and left the house.

Just as I stepped out I noticed a huge shadow looming over the entire dish, and when I looked up, I was able to see that it was your head, looking down at the environment with a neutral expression. I spent a few seconds just watching you before remembering that you had asked me to use the flare, and I quickly pulled off the cap before pointing it upwards.

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At first I instinctively looked away from where the sparks would usually be, but I then remembered that these special flares were supposedly invisible to humans, so I dared to look up at your face.

I noticed a red light inside the dish and smiled warmly now that I know you're here outside and say: "You're outside....good....well umm remember how our first met ourselves? After the stream I mean....". Yea....I remember that well, I remember how I enjoyed his helpless form inside the cup....makes me feel bad right now.

And then I continue to add: "And remember how I established that you are my mortal and I am your god?" I let him take the time to remember all these....I want him to take in everything slow and steady.....for this will be an important point in our relation.

Once enough time passed, I finally spoke: "Well human, I thought that all might have changed....that our relationship is deeper than a god and his mortal. In fact, let me show you a glimpse". Right as I said this, I opened my jaws wide and push out my tongue. Slowly but surely, it is creeping its way to the dish.

And with excellent control of my tongue, I lick at the wall once....twice....and then raise my tongue over to the 'sky' of the dish and licked across the ceiling of the dish. And then pulled back my tongue into my mouth. You didn't notice it, but I had my right hand behind the dish, that pushes it gently....the dish's gravity should help you from falling to the ground.

I push it more and more until it is in front of my lips, after that I held my hand over the dish like I'm protecting it from something. And then, I commit an act you'd never thought I would do: I lean my lips close and....kiss the dish.

I give you enough time to recover before I speak: "Human, I love you...you're so accepting of me....and you're providing me with a source of happiness. You'd think you owe me for me for the things I've done to you, but in a matter of fact, I owe you for what you have brought to me....whether intentionally or accidentally. Being a god among you humans is something I carved for a long time, and now that I experienced it. I loved caring for my worshipers and help them, as

well as make them happy. Because then it would make me happy to see your smiling faces."

And with that I closed my eyes and leaned my muzzle to touch the walls, then lowered a finger from my hand to rub upon the dish.....all while I'm letting out a purr.


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When I saw you smile warmly in my general direction through the transparent glass, I was glad to see that the flare had actually worked, and smiled back, all my attention on you as you started speaking. I had the feeling that what you were going to say was going to be special.

I then nodded as I remembered the moment when I got to first speak with you, which... Was a lot more unsettling than anything we had done after it, now that I thought about it. I didn't fully know what had changed during our time together, but it was obvious that you now cared about my feelings, and not just my worship.

What you said after would both confirm the change that our relationship had undergone and fuel my curiosity, as I wondered what that glimpse would be. That question was answered almost immediately as I saw you open your mouth wide open, and I yelped in surprise as your tongue reached towards the dish I was in and carefully started to lick its walls.

I found myself dumbfounded as you continued licking the container. They definitely didn't look like hungry licks, instead, they were... Affectionate? Regardless, it was still awe inspiring to see how masterfully your tongue slid over the ceiling of the dish, leaving a trail of glistening saliva behind. While my brain was racing to free itself from the mixture of feelings that had overtook me, I didn't notice your hand slowly pushing the dish towards your muzzle until I was right next to you, and then you did something that surprised me so much I dropped backwards in shock. You leaned in and kissed the dish.

This quantity of affection wasn't one that I would find even among other humans, let alone dragons, and yet you were showing it to me. It was so overbearing that I had started to breathe faster, not knowing how to show my appreciation back, though that seemed to be the least of your concerns as you finally spoke after a minute.

What you said made my heart melt, so much so that the only thing I wished to do now was to show how much I appreciated you back, and even that felt underwhelming compared to your feelings. When I heard your purring reverberate across the dish and saw your muzzle pressed against one of the walls, I couldn't hold it anymore and ran towards said wall, pressing myself against the glass and hoping that I would be able to speak loudly enough for you to hear me.

"I... Should thank you too. Not just for what you've given me, but for listening to me, for becoming a beacon of hope that shines brightly over me... I'm so glad that someone as awe-inspiring as you has decided to take me under their care, and... If there's something I know, I owe you as much, if not more, than you owe me." By this point, I had also closed my eyes, and after a few seconds, I

said: "So, my lord, if there's anything I can do to please you, please, let me know".

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Thankfully, my proximity of my face towards the dish allowed me to pick up your words, they all made my heart explode of happiness. Soon I spoke back: "And this beacon of hope will always be happy to take care of you and watch you smile, no matter how minuscule you may be.......Also,

Lord? Please me? Heh you still want my godly personality on-going, very well."

I opened one eye and looked at you, then spoke in a mock-prideful tone trying to sound godly: "Well my speck of a mortal, god wants you to be happy and praise him....because in return for your praises, god will thank you by....'showing off'". Knowing that the dish keep its gravity held while being turned, I thought about giving you a closer look at my body.

I picked up the dish with the hand that protected from above and held it in my palm as I stand up fully. The dish is now level with my chest with my whisker dangling on each of the dish's side. As a start I moved my whiskers to have it brushed against the dish for a while, until the whisker slips into the expose part of the dish, which gave me an idea.

I lift and drop my whisker so that more of it lands on the exposed part and....would you look at that! Only half of the length of my whisker fills before it spills over....Heh, I love my whiskers. Anyway, I lift my whisker and moved the dish to my lips and....knowing that the human wouldn't be blown away, I let out a normal as I open my maw slightly....then breathe time and time again.

I wonder if the fog was wiped from the dish, because now I'm widening my maw to once again show the interior of this cavern, the pink 'snake' once again coming out of my lips. I attempt to have my tongue loom over you like it has found a live meal....occasionally it goes from one side to another before going back.

I think I've teased you long enough, and so I leaned my tongue and licked you....once...twice....and thrice. And after a while of licking, I slid my tongue underneath the dish before stopping midway, then slowly pull it out. "No...not yet....I have nether the permission nor does he have the tools" I said silently to myself.


I was so relieved and cheerful when you spoke back, as I had started to worry that you wouldn't be able to pick on my words. After you made it clear that I didn't need to follow up on your godly personality, I blushed bright red, rubbing the back of my head as I realized I had possibly overdone it.

I eagerly nodded when you told me you were going to show off again, and I soon saw your figure get closer and closer as you scooped up the dish with your hand and stood up. From this perspective, I had to crane by neck backwards just to see your face, your long whiskers brushing against the dish and even resting atop for a while. I was tempted to head out to the exposed area just to check how they felt, but I didn't want to miss on the show.

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You then lifted the dish up to your lips, and let out a breath far stronger than any other I had experienced so far, and I was glad I had chosen to remain inside the dish. The glass started to fill with condensation with each following breath, and it even started to feel warmer to the touch. When I stopped hearing your breathing, I pressed my eyes hard against the glass, and as the fog cleared away, I saw your mouth open white, pearly teeth lined up behind your scaled lips, and your tongue creeping outside and looming above me, as if it were looking for the perfect way to start licking a piece of candy.

After some more teasing, your tongue finally reached out for the dish, licking its walls and ceiling again and again, before finally sliding under the dish and... It then pulled back. Looking at your face through the saliva covered glass, I could tell that while this particular show may have ended, this was far from the end.

Despite this, the show had been even more awe-inspiring than any others, so when I saw your emerald eyes look at me, I started clapping. I knew the sound wouldn't be heard, but I felt like the gesture was appropriate.

My eyes wasn't close enough to see you clapping unfortunately.

I think for a bit for what I could do for you....and soon I pulled you away from my muzzle so you could see my entire face -lips, nostrils, eye, whiskers and my mane- very slowly to allow you to admire, I brought you to the right side of my muzzle and paused for a bit so you could appreciate the view.

Then slowly continued as I moved the dish further to the back of my head.....my jungle of a mane comes into view....and I brush the dish against it and wondered....how are you feeling right now? After a minute of this, I moved the dish over my head while having it brushed by my mane until the dish hover over my head and the mane....petty that the ground in the dish couldn't be turned transparent.

Anyway, I decided to end the show by moving the dish along the muzzle and put it in the middle where I can see it....albeit with little effort from my eyes....No matter. And then I spoke to him once I gave him enough time to regain composure: "So....how was god's performance? I tried to come up

with ways to impress you and I....hope I didn't disappointed you."

I think I need to come up with new ways to impress my human. Wouldn't want to bore him by using the same tricks....Also I should be able to hear his response from here right?

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I wasn't too dejected when I realized you weren't able to see my clapping, knowing that I would probably get a moment to give my opinion once you're done with tour. When you pulled back, I couldn't stop myself from admiring the sight once again. Even though I had already seen it a couple times already, it was still breathtaking to see a dragon as graceful as you in full glory.

I eagerly took my time to take in everything that I was seeing, from your emerald eyes to your long whiskers and dark nostrils. As you kept moving the dish around your face, I got a closer look into a part of you I hadn't been able to appreciate as much as I hoped: your lush, bright blue mane. As I noticed it get closer and closer, I was shocked to see just how dense it was, and how it was so vast that I could spend days in there and not find my way out.

When the dish was brushed against your mane, I noticed just how soft it looked, and I wondered if I'd ever be able to explore it, along with the various other features of your body, without being inside the petri dish. I knew it was safer for me to stay inside, and for that reason I haven't tried to step out yet, but my curiosity was only growing bigger and bigger.

When the dish started to ascend, I wondered what would come next, and as you rested it on top of your head, I was able to see through the glass just how lush and soft your mane seemed. I was sure that if the glass wall hadn't been there, I would have definitely reached out to try to get a feel for it.

Finally, the journey around your head ended as I slid down into your muzzle, just in front of your gigantic emerald eyes, which had all their focus put on the dish I was in. I'd be lying if I said that looking at your eyes didn't make me feel small and powerless. When you spoke, I was eager to tell you how much I enjoyed the performance, and when you implied that it could be disappointing, I gave you the warmest smile I could give.

"What do you mean 'disappointing'? It was amazing! Even better than the last one!" It was clear that I was being genuine about my thoughts, my cheerful tone unmistakable. "I'm so glad you enjoy

doing this as much as I do"...

I smiled and chuckled a bit as I was able to hear your voice and words...and rubbed the top of the dish as if I was rubbing a pet, and say: "Thank you mortal, I hope I come up with newer ways for me

to impress you".

I glance back from the dish to the PC and wonder if I could show you some vore pictures....well that will come later. First I have to show you two interesting things online. And so I looked back at the

dish and said: "Human, I would like you something that might catch your interest".

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I went to PC on the chair and face the monitor, from this view you could see things from my view....albeit at a larger scale....it's like....watching a cinema screen except it's hundreds times bigger.....or thousands? Not sure, it's hard to tell....all you know is that it's a dragon-sized monitor.

Once I clicked on the item, it showed you a golden ring worn by dragons, atop of it is diamond. When I zoomed in, it showed a very expensive mansion for humans....and also it turned out the diamond block view from the outside to provide privacy for the humans.

I then zoomed out and spoke: "This thing....well, it certainly peaked my interest when I first saw it. And the review claims that the ring could withstand force up to a foot-stomp from a dragon! Can

you imagine that? Because I barely can....". And I scrolled down at the price and....it's scary...

...."I'm...glad the petri dish is 10 times cheaper, I know....it's 150,000$ minus shipping and taxes....If say....I wanted to buy it *gulp*....uhhh, I'd basically need...more than two years of my life?.....". My voice became more quite as I continued to speak, and once done I sink a little bit into the chair. It's obviously a ring for rich-dragons with over-flowing money to provide first-class luxury and comfort for both the dragon and humans.

A minute passed through and I took a deep breath and look at the dish and smiled....I didn't need to say, I knew that with just a glance, we both agreed that this is something not worthwhile, especially when you take into account that it can hold as much people as the small glass cup from earlier.


I smiled back when I saw you affectionately rub the dish, wishing that I one day I could show my appreciation with more than just words and smiles, however, I couldn't come up with anything that wouldn't be needlessly reckless, so I ditched the idea for the time being.

When you told me about something they may catch my attention, I was immediately curious about it, and as I saw you look at your screen, I turned and let out a gasp. I already knew that the screen was huge, but seeing it from this vantage point made it at least a hundred times more fascinating. What you showed me made my eyes widen. A golden ring with an aristocratic mansion inside,

covered by a diamond dome? It was surely intriguing, but...

When you told me how resistant it was, I mouthed a "wow" to myself. If it could withstand a dragon stomping on it, then it must be tough as nails! However, all that intrigue fell flat as you scrolled down and I saw the price... If the dish I was in had made me feel bad, having you buy this for me would make me downright feel like a criminal, and I quickly shook my head side to side in shock.

It was clear that I wasn't the only one who was shaken by the price, as I could feel the confidence in

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your tone stopped to a halt when you saw the price. After a minute of silence, in which I had already come up with at least a dozen reasons not to buy this crazy expensive trinket, I turned back and saw you looking down with the same expression as mine. It was clear none of us wanted to even think about buying that ring.

Thus, with a silent agreement and a slight smile from my part, we decided that this wasn't worth buying. The dish already felt like a dreamland, and going for anything more than that would be a serious overkill.

Once again I raise my finger to rub the dish and purr, I'm more than satisfied to have my human living in here....we don't need to waste money on that ring. And the rubbing and purring session went on for a few minutes.

And then I stopped to speak: "Well then....I have one last thing to show you and....it's affordable ok? But uhhh.....it's weird....really weird....". Ok, how am I going to say this? Because the item in question is aimed toward dragons with vore interest and....I decided to just show him the item.

I typed in another website, different than the current online store, and clicked on the link to open the front page. The front page itself is fascinating to me no matter how many times I view it, it's just

so powerful and clearly shows the inferiority of humans toward dragons....

The front page loaded and....it showed a petri dish, laying on the tongue inside a dragon's mouth, with a gaping throat behind it that has a label: 'Home sweet home'....all of this coupled with breathing sound effects. What a breath-taking feeling! I'm still to this day getting excited seeing this....but now there is something more important to consider, you.

As if it wasn't clear, the big text says: "Into vore but afraid to harm your pets? Wanted to display more power over those humans? Well congratulations for getting here, with a new custom add-on to your dish filled with tools for humans to start their town in your stomach or crop, you are only a

GULP away"....

We both stared at the image in front of us for a few more moments before I spoke: "Umm, I hope you aren't weirded out by this.....if so....I'm sorry....". As a kid, I dreamed of having a town of humans in my crop living like that....but now with better control of myself, I found that such thing would ultimately destroy what we built so hard up to this point.


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I smiled as I heard you purr and noticed your finger rubbing against the glass ceiling of the dish, happy that we had reached a conclusion we were both happy with. Watching your cheerful expression made me feel great, but like all things, it couldn't last forever.

After you stopped and told me about something else that you wanted to show me, I was intrigued, and when you said that it was a very weird thing, I was hooked. I tried to give you an encouraging not, but I noticed that you had already gotten to work opening up the website, so I turned to watch, curious as if it was related to what you had told me about via text.

When the website loaded, I was quite taken aback, to say the least, by the contents of the screen, quickly realizing that this must be the reason you asked me if I would be okay with vore earlier. I squinted a bit as I read the text displayed next to the image, a bit unsettled by the sounds of breathing coming from your computer, but I couldn't be too harsh on you for this... I mean, I

literally said that I found it weirdly enjoyable earlier...

So, when you spoke, worry heavy in your tone, I sighed, and asked: "This vore thing is something you're really passionate about, huh? Well... I did say it was oddly fascinating, so... Just, uh... don't

have me there all day, please"?

I heard what you said and was surprised that you even considered it which led me to say: "Y-...you'd consider allowing me?". But still, I can't help but feel forceful in this matter so I said:

"Well uhhh...of course I wouldn't leave you there but....I think to confess something to you"...

I take a deep breath and say: "When I was a kid, I....really like how much power I had with humans.....as my food...uhhh....". I gulped at this and continued: "And I....really....really was into vore like...like these pictures..." I switched to a folder reserved for him to see.

A picture opened showing an entire air-force fighting against a dragon, it had a good portion of their fleet inside his maw. And another one had battleships sailing at the pool of water contained by a massive dragon's tongue that was suspended in the air. And then another about a dragon licking up the human landscape, houses, building and vehicles....everything was scooped up by the dragon's tongue.

"And...A-And..." I stammer trying to find the correct words. It took me a minute to do so and say: "And so when I found out that it's possible to have a town full of humans to live in my crop....I....I kinda wanted badly to have my own collection of humans display to my power over them and ultimately gulped them down and....I'm going to be honest with you, before I met you, I was.....going to forcefully eat them without seconds thoughts.....never to see the light of day or

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I felt like I said too much....I felt like your view about me had changed negatively, I felt like you saw me as a monster. And so I quickly said: "I'm so sorry....I promise I won't bring up any of this....I'm...I'm...". I can't take this, I need some time alone. I moved my hand and grabbed the dish, then slowly placed it on my desk and turned off the PC.

I stood staring at the blank screen, looking at my reflection for a while before standing to go to my bed and lie on it, my side was away from you.


When you asked me if I was really sure about letting you swallow me, I quickly replied with a "Y-yeah, it rea-" However, I stopped as you started speaking, it was obvious that I wouldn't be able to make myself heard over your voice, and so I listened closely to your confession.

As you opened up the images, I flinched a bit, but your honesty was making it hard for me to judge you for it... Hell, it even brought up memories of terrible pranks I used to play as a kid, which I really wasn't proud of, and had even ended up hurting some people... And, I knew far too well that

stammering tone you were using...

What you told me next was... Rough. Of course, trapping humans in your crop for weeks was a horrible thing to do, and it was terrifying to think that I could have been one of those unfortunate souls, yet... I couldn't picture you doing that, as you had even asked me if I was willing multiple times before even getting the equipment needed to do it.

As you started to apologize profusely, I quickly blurted out a reply: "I-It's okay! I-I... I know you wouldn't do that now, a-and..." I wasn't even sure if I had gotten my whole message across, but I couldn't do anything but watch as you picked up the dish and gently put it down on the desk. I couldn't do anything as I watched you turn off your PC and drop on your bed, looking away from me.

I felt terrible...I felt that I just destroyed something of great value to me....all because I insisted to share my....'interest'....with him. And now....I can't help but think that the poor human is in constant fear of living with a dragon that....enjoyed asserting dominance at humans....and eat them

whole casually....

And that I was one of those dragons that put humans beneath their desires and wants, to be toyed with despite all the protests. And I also used to mock those dragons that was more lenient to

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humans and call them 'Soft-hearted'....It appears I too, am soft-hearted.

What time is it anyway? 9 PM? Sounds like it's time to sleep. I get up from my bed and walk to the desk and lower my muzzle towards the dish, a sad expression could be seen from my face as I say: "It's....It's 9 PM so....I'll....I'll go to bed and....I'll be seeing you....t-tomorrow heh....". I let out a forced smile as I raise my hand and wave at you.


Contrary to what you believed, I wasn't afraid of you, or the fact that you enjoyed swallowing humans whole. That didn't matter to me anymore. Instead, I was worried about how you were feeling... I wanted to tell you that it was fine, that I didn't mind being eaten, or that you may have once thought doesn't define who you are in the present.

Sadly, I was unable to do any of these things, instead, I could only watch you laid on your bed, the constant regret of not being able to cheer up someone who I had quickly grown to care about loomed over me as I did, even drowning the awe that I would normally feel.

As I saw you finally get up and walk towards my direction, I was hopeful that we would be able to talk our way through this, but instead, you told me that you were going to sleep. Knowing that I couldn't just force you to talk, I sighed and said: "Good night, and... We'll, uh... talk in the morning." I tried giving a reassuring smile, but it was hard to keep up when faced by your forced smile.

I then waited until you went back to your bed, and once I was sure you had fallen asleep, I entered into the house I had picked for myself in the dish, laying in the bed inside and trying to get some sleep, telling myself that time would help fix this.

Once relaxed in my bed, I just fell asleep within minutes.

I had a dream where I'm pressured by my friends to step into the humans' town, I tried to tell them to stop it and that I did not enjoy it but the reply I got was: "What's wrong? You forgot how much fun we all had?". Eventually they themselves gave up and proceeded to step into the towns, crushing all the humans underneath them while I was helpless to do anything.

And then suddenly someone pushed me from behind and I fell on my front....and when I made contact with the earth, I hear a scream in my mind that sounded...it sounded....You!!!

With a gasp I woke up from my bed and sat up, taking deep breath to stabilize myself....what was that dream? I....Wait, Is the human safe? I jerk my head towards the computer desk and found the

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dish. I hope to any higher power that you're safe and nothing wrong happened to you.

Coming closer to the dish, my body was visibly shaking as I feared the worst. Even when I made it my muzzle was shaking and was filled with worry as I said: "Human? A-...Are you t-there? Please

use the f-flare...". And then I waited for any response from you....


Sadly for me, I wasn't able to sleep as well as you did. While I didn't remember any nightmares I may have gone through, I kept waking up worried about you, rushing outside to check if you were alright before walking back inside, struggling go get a grip on my sleep again.

Eventually I must have gotten some good sleep, because the next thing I remembered was being violently woken up by what seemed by a scream or gasp of sorts... I was still a bit drowsy to recognize it as yours, but when I walked outside and saw your worried face looming over the dish, any sleepiness I had in my system vanished.

Your tone worried me even further, and without even asking myself why you were asking me to use the flare, I ran inside, snatching it from the nightstand, and ran back out, pulling the cord as soon as I could. I wasn't able to see the strange sparks that it produced, so I had to hope that it was working properly.

I saw some red lights and smiled happily, it has been just a bad dream. "You're safe!" I said quickly, any worried I had was completely gone. And then I followed up with quick licks to the dish as if I haven't seen you in a long time....purring all the while.

And for some reason....I thought all that was not enough, because soon I pulled my face away and grabbed the dish and held between my two hands, continued to lick it. I don't know how long I've been doing this, but eventually I stopped and looked excitedly at the dish.

It was then I realized that the human may not be aware at all of what I was dreaming of, so I quickly said: "S-...sorry! I...uhhh...I had a b-bad dream and....you were in and...and...", my speech was cut as I realized how stupid it sounded. So I gave you a nervous smile and said: "Sorry...heh...my


I turned my head to see the clock, and in doing so my whisker brushed upon your dish without me realizing. I saw that it was 6:30 AM.....well sounds like a morning greeting is in order. So I turned to you and say: "Well....good morning human! How was your sleep?", you could see my excited face dominating your field.

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I was quite taken aback by how eagerly you exclaimed that I was safe, followed by a flurry of licks towards the dish. Did you have a bad dream last night? It would explain why you were so happy to see me, and nightmares tend to happen after emotionally taxing events... But that didn't matter, and I smiled, knowing that you had recovered from the state you had ended up yesterday.

I chuckled as I heard your purring, a bit weirded out by all the attention I was getting, but I wasn't going to complain. By now, you had already spent a few minutes licking the dish in your hands, and as I watched your tongue carefully slither across the glass surface, remembering how soft it felt back when I was inside your maw... We'd have to do that again some time.

When you finally ended licking the dish, I smiled warmly at you, holding a chuckle back as I saw you realize how sudden this was and try to explain what had happened. "Don't worry about it!" I said joyfully as I noticed one of your whiskers brush over the open part of the dish without you noticing, which gave me an idea.

I then started to walk over to the exposed area of the dish towards your whisker, turning as you asked me how my sleep was. "It wasn't the best, but, hey, at least you've woken me up the full way!" I chuckled as I said that, and then turned to look at the whisker which was now next to me. Even if it was thin by your standards, its diameter must have been at least three times my height.

"Speaking of shows, I was wondering..." I stopped for a second to think about how to word this, as it was quite the strange request, but at the end, I decided to just be honest about it. "Would it be okay for me to... Lead one of your shows? I mean, instead of you moving me around you, I could... move around you myself! I... I know it sounds very weird, but... I'm kinda curious as to how that would feel..." I fiddled with my fingers as I explained the idea to you and then waited for an answer. It wasn't the first time I thought about this, but I hadn't been able to gather the courage to ask until now.

I listened to all what you said and suggested, still blinking and reading this in my head in case I heard it wrong and said: "You....want me to....lie down....and put you on my body to move around?...gee I..." No other word came out of it as my mouth opened.

While this sounds like an idea that could go wrong, it was also interesting....would I be an endless blue desert for you? I mean I like the sound of that....Finally I answered after 10 seconds: "I think

that sounds exciting now that I think about it....just let me get the human-gripper and the x-ray"....

I hold the dish in one hand and set it down on the nightstand, then I take the gloves and wear it so

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that I may pick up the human and put him anywhere he wants....and put the x-ray nearby in case I failed to find him.

And so with the items set, I hovered my finger over the opening in the dish and said: "So mr. explorer....where would you like me to drop you?", you can see me smiling.....with a hint of worry in my face.


I started to blush as you went over my suggestion, realizing that it did sound really dumb, and quickly tried to backpedal. "I-I mean, if you don't want to, that's fine, we can-" However, you interrupted me before I could finish the sentence, and to my relief, you found the idea interesting!

I watched in excitement as you left the dish on your nightstand, and picked up the gripper gloves and the x-ray detector. I was then greeted by your finger hovering overhead, and your question made me realize that I hadn't put as much though into this as I believed.

"Well... There's a lot of things I wanted to see in no particular order, and it's your body, so... I guess the choice is yours." As I noticed a small hint of worry in your smile, I tried to muster as much confidence as I could and said with a small smile. "I believe I'll be fine... Even if I were to fall off, the

mattress should absorb the impact, wouldn't it"?

"Hmmm, I believe it would be soft enough to break cushion your fall." I say this as I lie down on my mattress....heh, wonder how it would feel for him though. Anyway I moved my finger and hover it

over my belly and said: "Well since you gave me the option to choose....I'd say my belly."

Right after I said that, you felt the gravity lowered you to rough blue wasteland....except without the harsh weather....and the scale you land on felt smooth....well smooth compared to the rest of my body that is.

"Oh and....hope you didn't forget about you flare" I just remembered to mention that, really hope he still has it with him. And now....I raise my head slightly and look at the spot that I left you an- There you are, gosh wonder how are you doing down there....walking on a blue desert with my face looming like the sun.


I watched as you carried me over to your belly, and, gosh, you were even bigger from this perspective than I imagined, going from here to any other part of your body would surely be a fairly long trek. I took a deep breath as I felt the gravity return to normal, and soon enough I landed upon

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the giant blue field that was your abdomen.

I was a bit surprised by how soft your scales were in this area of your body, having imagined them to be a lot harder than that. As you asked about the flare, I rummaged through my pocket and sighed in relief as I pulled it out, raising it up in the air so that you could see that I had it.

I then looked around, and the only things I could see were blue scales extending far into all directions, and your face looming in the distance. After a bit of internal pep talk, I took a step up towards your chest, and another, and soon enough, I was slowly trekking up your massive body, hoping that I wouldn't trip due to any sudden movements.

"Hmmm.....", I hum to myself as I look at your teeny tiny form walk up my body and....for some reason....I'm content on watching you walk upon my body like that. Like....as if you're in an entirely different blue world....and that you're a guest here....that must be one weird thought.

Minutes passed and I wondered if you're getting anywhere, I know dragons are huge but uhhh.....Hmmm, wonder if I could make this interesting. And so with head far away, I let out a gentle breathe.....long, but with how far it is, that whipping gale should only knock you on your


And when I finished, a toothy grin could be seen plastered on my face as I say: "Beware, this desert contains plenty of dangers....one of which is the wind you just experienced". My playful mood once again lightens up.


I wasn't paying attention to you as I was making my way up your body, so when the gale of wind that was your breath struck me, I let out a surprised yelp as I fell on my back, losing a bit of progress. Thankfully, your scales were soft enough so that my fall was mostly cushioned by them, so it didn't really hurt.

As I saw your toothy grin in the distance, I smiled, as I was sure that you weren't going to be making this an easy journey, but at least your worries seemed to have faded away, which made me feel better about the idea. However, I now was the one who had to worry about how you were planning to slow down my progress, and being that I was walking on top of your body, I didn't know what to expect.

However, I couldn't give up so close to my starting point, so I quickly pulled myself up and started walking again, now keeping an eye at your face and my arms held in front of me just in case you

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were to let out another breath in my direction. It shouldn't take me much longer to reach your chest.

I smirked as I see you continue on your journey, seems like you're not giving up easily. I let out a playful warning to you: "Go back, trust me~...you wouldn't want to see the horrible abomination on

my chest."

I had a fun idea this time, I intended to push him back a little, so I moved my snout closer and placed my hand with a human gripper behind him.....and then, I breathed normally.

Now because it is closer to him, much stronger and the angle of the wind hits more of him.....he should be flung off of me and my human gripper would catch him.

Once my breath is done, I look at the glove with a giddy smile on my face.


I would have replied with an equally playful response, but I knew that it would go unheard due to how far I still was from your head. With that in mind, I shook my head defiantly as I kept pushing

forward, however, I wasn't prepared for what was coming next...

I was able to see your head inching closer, but I didn't have time to react as you let out what felt like an entire windstorm hitting me at once, and I was flung backwards until I hit my back against your gloved hand, its gravitational pull causing me to stick to it instead of falling down.

By this point, I knew that no matter how much I tried, I wouldn't be reaching your face until you wanted me to, so I left out a chuckle as I imagined what was going to come next, and, judging by your giddy smile, it was nothing good for my progress, which I had already deemed a lost cause.

However, seeing as you were really enjoying this, I tried to get off the glove and back into your belly, just to start the journey again, deciding to take it with a sense of humor and see what wacky setbacks you would throw my way.

Seeing your determinant spirit makes me think up of news ways to set you back as I say: "I'm warning you...things will only get worse from here". As I say this, I bring my head closer until it

hovers over you and say: "I summon you my...my 'noodle' to dispose of this pest."

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I use my hand to grab my whiskers and move it slowly as it brushes against the blue landscape, I'm sure that even if my whisker happens to run over you, you'd just be pressed into my smooth scales.

After some time passed, I retracted my head back and looked at where you are.


This time, when I heard your warning I decided to be a bit more defiant, and as your warning finished, I bent my knees for a second before I started to sprint ahead, not too fast as to not burn all my energy in one go, but still considerably faster than in previous attempts.

When you called for your noodle, it took me a second to realize what it was, and then it hit me. Literally. I wasn't hurt by your whisker, but it did make me stumble down and pressed me against your scales. As I was getting up, I saw it come back towards me, and I had a wild idea... There wasn't much to lose other than being once again flattened against your scales, so I decided to go forth with it.

As soon as your whisker was close enough, I lunged towards it, trying to hold onto it as it brushed over the environment. The jump just gave me the height necessary to hold on without being flattened my it, and then it was a game of trying to climb up the whole way while it kept moving, which was a lot harder than I expected, and there were a few close calls, but I finally managed to secure my grip as you retreated your head back.

My breathing was a bit hard due to how arduous it was to keep my grip without being flung away, but now that I had an advantage, I couldn't throw it away, and I slowly started to scale your whisker, similar to how one would climb a thick tree.

20 seconds passed and I got worried that I haven't found you yet. "Ummm....human? You're...You're fine right? Uhhh....please use the flare while I try to locate you with the x-ray."

Right as I grabbed the device and moved it towards my belly, it passes by the side of the whisker you're on and *BEEP*. My hand froze as I heard a beep and looked at the device. It says, there's a human hanging on my whiskers.

Upon this realization, I grabbed the end of my whisker and held it to my eye and....there you are, held tightly upon my whisker. I breathed a sigh of relief as I say: "Ohh....don't scare me like that, thought I lost you...", you could hear my worry in the tone.

Page 51: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

After some time watching you climbing contently, I decided to speak and resume my act: "Hmm? What's this? No...It can't be.....impossible, no human has ever outwitted my 'noodle'....wh-...who are you human?". It was at this statement that made me realize....Oh my god, up to this point....we never shared our names!

Chuckling awkwardly, I got rid of that villain tone and said: "Umm, actually....we never introduce ourselves.....eheheh, so uhhh....what's your name? Mine is 'Thorth' thelm'.....errrr, just call me



When you started to call out for me, I started to panic a little, as I didn't want you to believe that something had gone wrong, and quickly tried to do my best to hold on to your whisker with one hand and reach for the flare with the other, but it turned out that there was no need as a stroke of

luck made it so the x-ray was able to detect me with a loud *BEEP.*

Soon, I felt the whisker shift as you grabbed its end and brought it up to your eyes, spotting me in the process. As I noticed the worry in your tone, I quickly apologized: "Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." I then started to move sideways, as the way you were holding your whisker caused me to be upside down, and after I noticed you were looking at me expectantly, I resumed my slow climb.

After hearing your awkward chuckle and the fact that we had never introduced ourselves I froze in shocked. How could I have forgotten that? Still clinging to your whisker, I replied awkwardly: "R-right, names... Mine's Oliver, but you can call me Ollie if you want. It's... A pleasure to finally know yours, Thorn." I decided to use your nickname instead of your regular name since I was a hundred percent sure I was going to butcher the pronunciation, even after just hearing it.

"Well Oliver.....it's a pleasure to finally know your name...heh...". A couple of silent moment passed before I resumed my evil acting: "*Ahem* anyway....Let me repeat: Hmm? What's this? No...It can't be.....impossible, no human has ever outwitted my 'noodle'....wh-...who are you human?" I gave a mock-surprised look at you before I let a fake growl.

"No matter, you are a fool to have reached here....because now you'll have to outrun my.....my....uhh....inescapable 'Abyss'!". Couldn't come up with a better name, for it was either this or take another minute to think.

With that said, I put the end of my whisker inside my mouth and sucked slowly to pull my whisker in. I'm aware that you cannot cross a great distance quickly so I tried to slowly pull my whisker at a

Page 52: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

speed in which you can manage to.....Come to think of it, I never put a whisker inside my mouth since I was a child.....heh heh.


I nodded again with a soft "Mhm" as we settled down the topic of presentations, and after a few seconds of silence, you resumed your act, which prompted me to start climbing once again, giggling a little bit to myself as you stared at me in mock surprise. "All you need to know is that I'm no ordinary explorer!" Was all that I replied to your question.

The next thing you said intrigued me. The inescapable 'Abyss'? I didn't recognize what you meant at first until I looked back, and my reaction was an audible "Oh, no" as I quickened my pace. Even though you were sucking it slowly, I was struggling a bit to keep my speed up to yours.

There was still a long distance to climb until I reached a point where I was safe from the abyss that was your mouth, and while I wasn't expecting to find myself sucked into said abyss for now, I was still curious on how you would handle it if I wasn't able to keep up my pace. Would you keep up and eventually reach me, or would you slow down? There was only way to find out.

As I kept climbing, I slightly slowed down how fast I was advancing, which should make it so if you kept your pace, I would eventually end up being sucked inside your mouth... It was strange, but I was kind of drawn to that experience, specially knowing that you enjoyed it too.

I kept sucking the whisker at the same pace, intending to not change anything about the game. My lips came and came to you slowly....closer and closer.....despite being a good distance away, regardless at your pace it'll catch up after 30 seconds.

And 30 seconds passed and that lips from close up.....gee, it looks soft...and squishy, like....you could be press against it and would sink against its softness. You only know this info because that's what just happened as the lips finally caught up to you, it's a strangely weird.....and feels good.

The next sucking motion pulled the whisker you were holding on further in....once again you are inside my maw, and I'm still sucking....I probably didn't even feel you. And so you took your time inside seeing the interior of my mouth, as well as that whisker in the great dark cavern fills the huge space in here.

Eventually I reached to the point where I can't pull anymore so I moved my finger with the glove to the beginning of my whisker and followed it to my lips, I then slowly move it around my lips just to be sure before I opened it so that I can I hover my finger inside of my expansive mouth.

Page 53: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

Eventually gravity managed to pick you up and I pulled the my finger away from the mouth and brought you to my green eye, spending a few moments to look for you before finally spotting you and purr, then say in a happy tone: "Well you lost heheh.....but that was so much fun! Like....you

were so adamant before me and that was...amusing heheh."


I looked back to see your lips had covered already half the distance, and I realized that you were really going all in for this, and with a slight smile I kept climbing, not upping my speed. Eventually, you sucked your whisker to the point where I was holding onto, and I sank against your squishy lips as I was pulled inside your mouth.

I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't at least a little bit excited as I let go of my grip to your whisker and landed on your soft tongue, my clothes sticking slightly to the saliva covering it. As your mouth was mostly closed there wasn't much light inside the inescapable 'Abyss', but I could still make out a few things in the dark environment, like your pearly teeth that loomed over me with the size of big houses, and the gaping hole that was your throat at the far end of your maw.

I stared at the latter for a bit while you kept sucking in your whisker. It really was an imposing sight, but I knew that if I were to go down there in the future, you would keep me safe... That reminded me of those vore add-ons you showed me yesterday, and while I flinched a bit at how badly it went, I had to admit that the idea interested me, and I noted down that I would eventually have to let you know that.

I hadn't noticed that you had stopped sucking in your whisker, too absorbed by my thoughts, but as you opened your jaws, I was blinded by the light that flooded the cavern. After getting used to the brightness, I saw your gloved finger hovering around your mouth, as if looking for me and I moved towards it, trying to keep my footing as your tongue sank with every step.

Eventually, I finally reached the area your finger was hovering around, and I felt gravity shift around me as I was pulled towards your finger, landing on my back. I scrambled to get up as you moved me to a position where you could see me clearly, and smiled as I heard you purring. With a similarly

happy tone, I replied: "I'm glad you enjoyed it! And, sometimes losing is part of the fun, haha"...

As my adrenaline wore out, I realized just how hungry I was, as the last time I had eaten anything was eating a chunk of cereal during the stream - thankfully, there was a water tank in the dish, so I could get some water last night - and so I sheepishly suggested: "Uh... Would you be up for some

breakfast? I'm starving, and... I haven't seen you eat anything for a while either".

Page 54: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

My purring increased as I heard you share my joy in this game, until you mentioned that you were hungry, which at the same my stomach let out a terrifying *groooowl*....it didn't shake you, but damn at your perspective it may have been a quake.

I placed my hand on my stomach and said: "Oh uhh....Well....I guess I'll be seeing you soon after breakfast....heheh", I say as I move out of the bed and towards your dish home and drop you there.

Now I could have gone to the kitchen, but my brain decided it would be more worth it to lower my eyes towards dish and watch you enter the greenish part....that or something in me


After a while I stand up and wave at you then go to the kitchen and....you didn't get to see this part of my body because I never showed it often, but you can see my barely visible folded wings as well as my tail swaying happily around.

After I grabbed myself a meal: Toast jam, I sat down and took a bite....love that flavor....it would certainly go so well with....uhhh....humans? I paused in my meal and think back to myself, it certainly feels uncomfortable to be....well eating humans....especially at restaurant where bags containing hundreds of human are served with a meal. I recall the many times where a few humans

were unwilling and let out pitches of scream as I casually ate.....

Gosh I feel bad right now....don't think I can eat all of this toast but uhhh...I'll try....at least with the stream almost all humans presented were willing so....that's a plus. And here I am wanting a petri dish of humans for my own. Well glad Oliver changed my view about them....Now all I want from

them is to be...be.....God, what is this feeling I'm having right now.......?


When your stomach growled with hunger I instantly tensed up, then took a step back and turned to look down at your belly... Thank goodness I wasn't standing there during the quake-like growl. "Yeah, sure sounds like a good idea..." I said, smiling reassuringly while you stood up and let me down in the glass environment.

Initially I planned to watch you as you left the room, but it seemed like you had a similar idea, leaning down towards the dish and watching me eagerly... Gosh, I still wasn't used to this level of attention. After a few seconds of just looking at you I started to head towards the living area, and sure it took some time to reach it, but you seemed to be enjoying yourself just watching me walk over there, which I didn't judge.

Not too far after I stepped inside, somewhat obscured by the vegetation, I was able to see you had moved away - your shadow clearing was a big giveaway - and I waved back as you turned back. I was about to resume my path when I noticed a detail of yours that I hadn't seen before: your

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folded wings and tail. I was almost daydreaming while I imagined ways in which you could show them off, but I snapped out of it I heard the door that led outside the room creek.

Shaking my head, I picked up speed, not wanting to make you wait once you were done, and went inside my h- the house I had settled in, searching around the kitchen to see what I could find to eat. There was a surprisingly large selection of stuff, and I settled down for some waffles. Once I had heated them up, I hungrily started eating, but I couldn't shake the thought of the dish add-on you seemed so eager to have.

I may have to interfere a bit to break down your insecurities about it... Now, how was that website called again?

I....don't know what's this feeling....somewhat like protectiveness but....I remember feeling it when I was reading about stories about dragons protecting humans from dangers.....whether bad

weathers or from other dragons, and the way they protect them is....

"Eat them and keep them safe...." I whispered to myself. Yes I remember know, dragons sometimes have protective instincts to protect their young by eating them and keeping them safe in their crop from harm. I realized that my time with Oliver developed that feeling of protectiveness and worry about his safety, especially after my bad dream.

I rub my belly as I imagined I had a collection of humans in there safe behind my soft scales....never to be harmed by any other dragon, for they are my humans....

I looked back at the living room and wondered how could I tell this to Oliver....about this....new instinct of mine. But I believe he already rejected the idea of vore.....but as a power-fuel. Maybe if I tell him about this....it'll convince him to allow me to swallow him....but only for my feeling for him.

And what's that thing on my hand?....Oh, the jam covered my fingers it seems.....well time to finish the toast...*Bite.*


I wasn't too fast of an eater, so I took my time with my breakfast, and my clouded mind, filled with thoughts about how to approach the topic wasn't helping with that. You were right when you claimed that it was a very weird topic, and I knew that I was far from a great negotiator, so trying to convince you that it was fine wasn't going to be easy.

Regardless, many said that knowing was half of the battle, so I should probably start there. I quickly

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finished my breakfast and went over to the living room of the house to start up the computer with the intention of finding the website you had shown me yesterday. It took me a few searches to find it, and once I did I muted the computer - as the breathing sound effect still unsettled me a little - and got to work.

I didn't know how much time I had, so I decided to skip some parts of the website altogether, instead trying to find out how the experience was for any humans involved, which... Seeing as it was a page made solely for dragons, it was hard. However, my perseverance proved worthwhile in the end as I skimmed through the Q&A section and found quite the interesting question. When I read it further, the answer made me smile wide.

The question had been asked by an anonymous user who claimed to be a human, and wanted to know how the dish's functionality would be affected by being in a dragon's stomach. The answer assured that it was barely noticeably except for, well, being inside an stomach. It even came with some device that was meant to counter the humid environment, and a signal repeater that would make sure that if the dragon who had swallowed the dish had access to the Internet, so would any humans inside them!

Satisfied by the results of my investigation, I closed the website, cleaned up the kitchen and headed outside, hoping that I hadn't made you wait for too long with my small research project.

*Bite* *Gulp*, Ahhh~...that hits the spot! Now to clean up the kitchen and....I think I'm almost out of jam here.....ganna need to buy some from the super-market next time.

Anyway after I finished cleaning up the mess I made, I reach for the living room and leaned my head besides the dish to spot my human......and there you are! I brought eyes close and said: "Well hope

you enjoyed breakfast and uhhh.....Oliver? I....I have something to tell you"....

I pulled my face away and you can see my tensed face as I tried to form any sentence, afraid that I may mess it up. Seeing that I couldn't bring anything up I just leaned my head back and let out a nervous chuckle: "Sorry about that eheh.....I forgot what I wanted to say heheh...". Way to go, Thorn.


You entered the room less than a minute after I had finished cleaning up, and I let out a sigh of relief, thankful that I hadn't made you wait a bit. As you leaned in and I was sure you could see me I waved and was about to ask you about breakfast when you spoke up. Oh well, I could always ask later.

Page 57: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

The thought was however pulled out of my mind as you struggled to tell me what was in your mind, as proven by your tense expression. As you had pulled your face back I was unsure if you would be

able to hear me, but I still went with a casual question: "What's wrong, Thorn"?

When you leaned back and told me that you had forgot what you wanted to say, I squinted my eyes slightly. As great and magnificent as you may be, you weren't that good of a liar, the tension and nervousness still clearly visible in your eyes.

I took a deep breath followed by a sigh, still a bit uncomfortable about confronting you, but I felt like it had to be done. I then looked up at you and said: "Hey, you can tell me what's in your mind, I promise I won't judge." I paused for a second and then decided to press on the matter. "I mean,

that's what friends are for, isn't it"?

My nervous smile was wiped out as you told me to say what's on my mind. I tried to come up with another excuse, but when you said your last sentence, my face stood blank for several moments.

And then....a smile slowly creeps up to my face as tears of joy wells up in my eyes while saying: "*Sniff*, thanks Oliver. You were *Sniff* always there for me, despite the glaring power difference between *Sniff*....between us. You're the best human a dragon could ever ask for....*Sniff*". I'm just amazed at how could a speck-human affect a gargantuan-dragon like this........simply amazing.

Once I clear up my tears, smile was still plastered on my face as I began to tell you about my protective instincts towards you: "Oliver....I know the concept vore still frightens you, but not all dragons enjoy it out of domination. For you see, it is known that dragons has crop in their anatomy, not only for storing food but....to keep their young safe....the dragon's crop is suitable for long-term safety of their youngs. And so, some dragons, rarely though, swallows humans not out of

malice.....but rather to protect them....be it from other dragons or harsh weather condition"...

And now comes your feelings thorn: "An-And....Lately I have similar feelings towards....you, I actually feel protective over your safety and well-being. I had thoughts were.....I wanted to swallow

you....and other humans to allow easier living in my crop....to make them happy."....

I leaned my smiling muzzle closer to the dish and hover a hand over it and said: "We may have not noticed it, but now I know that.....you Oliver....I consider you my young....". I closed my eye as I push my hand against the dish to have it pressed against my puckered lips, giving kisses and licks

while saying: "....My son."....

Page 58: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

There....I don't think I held anything this time....I love Oliver.....I love to make him happy. Because to me, Oliver is my child....


I was flabbergasted when I saw tears welling up under your eyes, but your smile was by far the truest I had seen for the entire time I've been with you. I was astonished by what you told me, I knew you had taken a liking to me but, being the best human a dragon could ask for? Just... How? The only thing I had ever done was respect you and treat you like a person. Yes, a crazy powerful could-crush-you-at-whim person, but a person nonetheless.

When you cleared your eyes and started telling me about how protective you felt towards me I realized why you were so self conscious about vore, and wanted to disprove you right away, but stopping you as you shared your feelings would be extremely rude.

Then, you explained that your crop - which I had eventually figured out was the second place I had been in inside you - was safe, and that it could even be used as protection... It was weird, at first, I was scared of being there, but as I spent more and more time with you, I was starting to... Like the idea, and want to spend time inside you? I couldn't deny that it was a bit unsettling, but those

thoughts barely stopped me from wanting to experience that again...

Then, you revealed what was worrying you. That you wanted to protect me over anything else, and that swallowing me was no longer a power move, but a way to ensure I was safe... And then you started to inch towards the dish. At first, I was afraid that you would just gobble it up, but what you did made me freeze in shock.

You revealed that you felt as if I was your young... Your son... I barely registered the fact that you were kissing and licking the dish as I made sense of what that meant for our relationship. The protectiveness and affection that came with it had already shown themselves, but, what else? Would you expect me to call you father and scold me if I did anything wrong? Gosh, that would be awkward

But now it was the time to uncover my own feelings. It was clear that I admired you and considered you my greatest friend, but there was something that took me a while to identify. I felt... Safe, whenever you were around. Like if you were some sort of... Guardian.

Through all of this, I remained silent, not knowing what to say. It was clear that I was still deep in thought about our relationship, maybe a little nudge may help?...

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I purr as I resumed licking the dish that held my dear human. This human....as long as I live....he will live a happy and safe life with me. And I will always be there for him.

It took at least a minute to stop myself from continuing to lick. As I once again look at you, I imagined myself somehow caressing your tiny form to my cheek....how I wish right now that you'd

have a stronger figure to allow me to do this....

I noticed that you weren't speaking, and thought that you be shocked from all of this revelation. Maybe I just needed to say something: "Speak Oliver.....if you have something to say...then let it bar us no longer..." the voice that came was rather confident in its tone....as if somehow I was sure of what I was doing......No! I know what I'm doing, and I knew that Oliver needed some encouragement.


As you spoke I was brought back from the rabbit hole that my thoughts had opened, and I realized that I had spent a long time silent, maybe a bit too long. I nodded to you, still a bit unsure of how to explain all of this, but... I couldn't stay silent any longer, so... I had to say what first came to my mind.

"Right... How do I say this... Uh... I... I'm... just so happy that you appreciate me that much, even though I'm just... A tiny, normal human in front of a magnificent creature such as you..." I chuckled nervously as I explained this. "And, gosh, I'd love to be one of your young, even if just on spirit! I-I... Don't know how to explain this, but I've always felt... Safer around you, like if you were... My protector, my guardian... You're the best dragon I could have ever hoped for, Thorn"

I stopped to let that sink in and smiled up at you, before trying to calm myself. I was basically trembling, this was being too much for me. Just, calm down, Oliver, this is going to be alright... With one deep breath, I continued. "And... I have to say, I've never been terrified about the thought of v-vore, I was just... Unsettled. But, I fee- I know that I have nothing to worry about with you, and... I was even hoping that you would b-buy that add-on you were speaking about..." I glanced at the faraway computer, and I had started to walk towards the exit of the dome while I kept talking.

"I've... Been doing some research about it, and... I would love to see it at work one day... But, for the time being..." I finally reached the open area of the dish, and I looked up at you, mustering all the courage I could find as I spoke: "I guess we can do without the dish." I stood there expectantly, my heart pounding so hard that I felt it would burst off my chest at any moment.

Page 60: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

My face beams with happiness as you let it all out....those feelings hidden in your chest.....as I let out mine. Each time you let out a new piece of info.....my purr intensified and I rubbed the dish with my smooth lips. Everything you said is exactly what I wanted to it to be and.....awww, best dragon? You're making my heart pound.

20 seconds of my nuzzling passed and I heard you speak about vore and how you had no quarrels with it as long as it was me and....my oh my! You're even ok with me buying the dish add-on?

My face freezes as I try to think of a way to thank you as I look at you walk outside of the dome, then look up and say something I never thought I'd hear it from you....It left me completely


In fact, so shocked I am that I pulled my face away quickly and covered my lips with one hand....I....I honestly don't know what to say except: "Oliver I.....I....". I shake my head and lean towards the dish.....with a glove in hand ready to pick you.

And so hovering over the dish was my beaming and my whiskers on each side of the dish, my finger soon came into view as I said: "Well in this case...Welcome Oliver......to my crop....". I let out a purr of happiness at wonderful sensation in my heart.


I smiled nervously as you pulled back in shock. I knew that you wanted this to happen, but I couldn't avoid worrying if I had worded it wrong, or if I sounded too eager. I didn't know how we had ended up reaching this mutual agreement when it hadn't even been a day since we met, but it

just feel so right to do so...

When you leaned towards the dish, my smile widened as I saw the gripper glove in your hand eagerly reaching for me and your beaming smile. It filled me with joy to see you as happy as you were, and I had even started to consider your original idea of having a town in your crop, but... How

would I be able to see your smile and your gracious movements from inside you?

When your finger floated over me and I felt the familiar sensation of gravity shifting around me, I smiled broadly, something about hearing you purr with pure happiness was all I needed for my heart to melt. I got a last glance at your light blue mane and your whiskers, knowing that it would be a while until I get a chance to see them again.

Once I'm sure that you touched my soft finger pad, I raised to my full height and....held you to my eye that watches you with adoration.....my purring still continues as I walk and sit down on my bed.

Page 61: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

Deciding that I'd give a little show before parting, I moved the finger to my slightly parted lips and had my tongue crawl out and.....give you an affectionate lick....with how well the pad are designed and how soft my tongue is.....you'd be safe from any harm. I was finally able to show affection directly without any restriction which made my heart soar with happiness.

I then pulled the finger away so you could have a last view of my face.....I already had my last view of you since I moved you to my eye. Once enough time has passed, I spoke to you: "Apologize for

the wait Oliver, but couldn't control my affection towards you....But now, we can really start"....

And so I moved you slowly to my lips, it's sight covering more and more of your vision....until it is all that you in front of you. And then, the lips opens....and with it the great tongue lies below.....tamed to be waiting to catch you. I moved my finger in and lowered the gravity, thus starting your second

adventure in my maw...


When I reached your padded finger I watched the dish get smaller and smaller as you stood up, giving me a look of adoration which matched with mine. Listening to your soothing purrs were enough to nullify any insecurities I may have had before, and I gave you a reassuring nod as you moved your finger towards your lips, your tongue creeping out towards me.

When your tongue reached out and gave me a lick, I was tossed to my back and pressed against the soft pad and even softer tongue. I was amazed that I didn't stick to the latter as it covered me in warm drool. As I was brought away from your mouth and you apologized, I giggled and replied: "No

need to apologize! As long as you're enjoying yourself, it's all fine"!

I smiled as you brought me back to where I was before, awaiting for your finger to halt its hold and drop me in the cavern that was your mouth, hiding a deep cave system in your guts... It was still amazing to me how something that's always brushed off as mundane and boring could be so amazingly breathtaking when scaled up a couple thousand times, but I digress.

As I finally felt the pad's gravity cease its grip, I got ready for my landing, which culminated with a soft splat against your tongue, which sank to accommodate my meager weight. Before even standing up I looked around, seeing the strands of saliva connecting the roof and bottom of your

mouth, and, at the far end, the hole that was my soon to be destination...

I know I couldn't feel you, but I know since I had the gravity lowered....you're already at my tongue. I pulled my finger away from your view and lowered my lips enough so that it lets in a little bit of

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light for you and purr.

I wonder how your view's like, bet it's something marvelous.....and I'm about to make it even more marvelous. I raised the tip of my tongue up, letting you slide to the middle of my tongue before I pressed the tip on you....squishing you against the soft surfaces.

Once I was done, I playfully opened my maw wide to allow you to see my gaping throat accepting your entry as I tilted my head lightly....allowing you to enjoy the sights while sliding to that throat

that soon accepts you with a *gulp*! And there you go....diving deep in my esophagus....


I slowly stood up while you pulled your finger out of your jaws, enjoying the squishiness of your tongue as the light inside your mouth dimmed, but never completely died down. When you purred, it felt like an earthquake coming from your throat, the reverberation causing me to fall back on your tilting tongue, sliding deeper into your maw and towards the center of your tongue

Before I could stand up I noticed a gigantic shadow looming over me, and when I turned around, I saw your tongue coiling back towards me! Even if I tried to run I wouldn't have been able to escape its embrace, and I was pushed down, getting a thick glob of saliva into my mouth when I let out a gasp. Even though it was rough, the softness of the surface made it quite enjoyable.

After some time you eventually stopped squishing me, and I sighed in relief before noticing the entire environment I was in tilt backwards and myself sliding down towards your throat. However, instead of trying to grab onto anything, I spun around so I was face down, able to watch your throat, hungrily pulsing as it awaited for its next meal.

I made sure to keep my mouth closed when I reached your throat, not wanting to get another mouthful of drool inside, and closed my eyes as it opened around me, soon enveloping me in darkness. Your esophagus felt like a soft, slimy hug, and while I was sliding down your throat, I muttered an inaudible thank you, closing my eyes and rubbing against the soft tissue.

He's there...Oliver is there sliding down and down my throat.....I may not feel him but I'm definitely feel my protective instincts over him fulfilled....I....I's simply an amazing feeling I...

I know you can feel my heartbeats at some point....that pounding piece of organ pumping life in my whole being....and it goes faster as I think about you. Oh Oliver, you make me so happy.

Eventually I grab my x-ray and hover it to my belly and there it is....a *BEEP* to confirm that you're

Page 63: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

in my crop. I purr happily at this as I whisper: "Thank you for letting me do this Oliver."

I don't know how it feels like at your prospective down there....I bet it feels warm, comfortable, coupled with fresh air....and it's certainly big enough that even my crop linings would be hills to you. And....it would certainly feel like a different world for you, a world that loves you back, a world where the threat of dragons and cold weather has no meaning here.

I lie on my back and continue to think to myself: "I promise Oliver, I promise that you will know of no sadness in here....only happiness and joy. And I promise it won't be only you who experience that joy, I'll buy myself humans to keep them safe and happy in my dish and I'll consider them all my youngs......But you.....you shall always have a special place in my heart Oliver." As I finish, I placed my hand over my belly and purr at the sensation.


I slowly reached the entrance to your crop, and dropped inside the warm environment with a smile covering my face from side to side. Not only was the environment comfortable to be in on its own, but knowing that I was inside someone far greater than me who had sworn to protect me and any other humans under your care, it felt like the safest place I could be.

Looking around the glowing environment, it was even bigger than I remembered, the fleshy landscape comparable in might to the blue desert that you were outside. As you laid down, I could feel gravity shift as I fell down towards another wall of your crop, which sank and melded around me to accommodate my miniscule frame

I kept thinking about the implications of what I had told you, and how we had gone from god and worshipper to guardian and young... Despite why it happened, it still filled me with joy to have someone like you care about me, and if seeing the walls of your crop around me every now and then would make you happy, then I would gladly spend as much time as you wish in here.

It may have just been a short day since we met, but it had been without doubt the best day of my life... I couldn't thank you enough for this new life, for all of the affection that you showed me, for being one of your young... I felt tears of joy slide down my face, and I quickly hugged the wall I was laying on. I knew you would not feel this, but... I still wanted to show my gratitude in as many ways as I could.

Because, you've given me a new life, a new purpose, and by far the best dragon I could have ever hoped for... And, I couldn't just thank you enough for this Thorn. But I could tell that you didn't want me to repay for your kindness, as it came from the bottom of your heart, and so I eventually drifted asleep, a smile plastered in my face.

Page 64: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

*One month later*

Much has changed since I swallowed you into my crop. Our relationship deepened and I began to look at you with a new responsibility in me. And I've started to dedicate more of my time to search the net of how to better take care of you and....to learn new tricks to show off to you.

And we finally got that dish add-on, as well as hundreds of humans. They weren't as willing as the humans given to streamers because they did not have the protection from sponsors, thus the dragons could do things more freely with them. But not I, for I wore my best smile to them told them there is nothing to fear about me, and that I bought them for their own safety.

They of course didn't believe it at first and thought it was a trick, but after they have seen my playful nature and me showing off to them, slowly one by one....each of them looked up to me with hope in their heart.

And of course....The human gripper allowed me to manually pick them and show affection and each and every one of them. Such cute creatures...Oh did I mention that some of them still referred to me as their god? I told them it wouldn't be necessary but they insisted and....well I think only you can convince them Oliver.

And of course, here comes the add-on part....And oh my it feels incredible, every time I want to head out, invite a friend over or right before I sleep. I give the whole people in the dish a quick affectionate session and a last look at me, then I put the whole dish in my mouth and swallow.....A whole town....down my esophagus to enter my loving crop....oh my, they are all safe and happy in


And today I just woke and yawned, then started me routine by going to my PC and checking on you and my people.

I opened the messaging program and typed: "*A gigantic shadow looms over your house as with a quake, something heavy drop in your yard, it looks like a....leash?* RAWR, me want walkies, RAWR". Heh, my messages have been quite silly these days. Anyway, I lay a hand on my belly and wait for your reply.....or maybe I'd just make breakfast and came back later.


The last month had been the happiest I had ever been, as our relation had only grown stronger and stronger since my willing visit to your crop. I always tried my best to show my gratitude in any ways I could, as I knew you were devoting a lot of your free time to me.

Page 65: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

And thus, when the now crop-prood petri dish I resided in finally became a community, I did my best to help you manage the huge community. Of course, I couldn't take the role of leader and guardian away from you, so I only focused on keeping track of what everyone wanted, eventually becoming the unofficial envoy of the town, though I encouraged others to talk to you directly if they had the chance.

As for the small group that still referred to you as their god, you knew damn well that if you couldn't convince them, no one could, and it was still very funny to watch your flustered expression when they kneel down in front of you. Besides, except for slight jabs, we all got along pretty well, all of us having a very strong thing in common: You had taken us in, and we all were graceful for it.

The add-on was unanimously considered one of the best things you had done for us by far, as it was common knowledge that even without the dish people would be safe and sound inside your crop, and... You even got a few people who built up the courage to asked you to swallow them, just to experience the softness of your insides. It was obvious when you saw me across the group that I

had hyped them up a little bit for it, hehe...

I was happily preparing a bowl of cereal - just where our story started, I thought with a chuckle - when I heard a *ding!* coming from my living room. I asked Holly, one of the people I shared the quite sizeable house with, to check who it was, and when I heard her giggle and say it was you, I hurried up, carrying the bowl of cereal with me as we both sat down in front of the computer.

The message made me chuckle as well, and after making a gesture saying that you were getting crazy, we both chuckled, and I got to work with the reply, a smile plastered in my face: "*I look down at the huge leash, before looking up at you and saying:* "Let's skip the leash for today, shall


As I was about to sit up and go make me breakfast. I saw the notification and smiled, then typed in: "*Whines and complains* No, we do walkies! RAWR.....ok then. No walkies *sighs and lays my head in your yard and looks at you*". Heheh, I loved doing these things from time to time.

Anyway moving on to the serious part, I typed my next: "Anyway jokes aside, how's my little wittle children in there *Heart symbol*? And how's molly my little girl"?

It feels really good to hear news of them, I always do from time to time. Anyway, I checked on my 'to-do list' on my PC and....oh, buy a jam from the mart....again.....seems like they will be spending a few more hours in there. Not that they mind it, but I always do let them know ahead of time.

Page 66: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

So once I received your reply and was satisfied with it, I typed in: "Well sorry kids but pa finish all the jam in the house and I'm going to get some soon, you all wouldn't mind being in here for a few more hours right?". I knew the answer to my question, as I could not bear think if I left them alone and something were to happen to them while I was away...such are my protective instincts towards you all.


We both chuckled as we read your wacky reply, and finally composed ourselves when you switched to a more serious question. "We're all fine and dandy in here, as always." Holly then pushed my

chair to the side as she took over and typed in her answer: "Holly here, good as always"(: !

She then typed another message: "Though Rose is still a bit salty about losing that match yesterday, lol." I chuckled as I remembered how it went: we had decided to play one of those 'battle royale' games you had gotten not too long ago, and as Rose was about to get the last hit in and win the

match, her character tripped, and you got an easy win. That was fun to watch...

Kyle walked into the room while you were typing your reply, a piece of toast in hand, and we waved as he picked up a chair and sat down behind us.

"Who ya chatting to? Big guy again?" He asked.

"Yeah." Holly replied as your message reached our screen, and she let out a chuckle. "Seems like we're getting a bit more gut time today".

"Come on, we spend like all day here." Kyle pouted, and I turned back with a slightly smug expression. "Hey, you were one of the first people who asked to be swallowed without the disk, don't you remember?" Holly chuckled as Kyle struggled to come up with an answer, and after a sigh, he said: "Fine, you got me there. Just, let me know whenever he starts up one of his shows,


"Alright!" Both Holly and I replied as Kyle fished up his own laptop, and I turned back to the screen to type again: "It's fine! By the way, could you grab some stuff for us too? One second, let me send you the list." *I then flipped through my notebook, slowly listing down the few stuff that we needed. One of the good things of being with a huge dragon such as you was that you weren't afraid of buying in bulk, and that sure came in handy when we were on the hundreds.

When I pressed enter, I waited for your reply and then minimized the window, opening up my game gallery and looking for any game to play during your trip to the supermarket. I then waved Holly off as she headed outside for a morning walk, and closed my eyes for a second... It had only been a month, and my life had taken a whole new meaning, thanks to you.

Page 67: d.facdn.net  · Web viewThis time, I'll be eating a bowl of cereal and add humans to enhance its flavors. And so..."I grabbed the box to slides its content into the milk-filled bowl,

I let out a smile as I read their messages and rub my belly happily. I'm glad Oliver got molly, kyle and rose.....Heh. Oh and what's this? Rose is still upset about our match? Awww poor rose, I quickly typed in to reply: "Awww, is my rosy still upset? Makes me feel bad for winning.....Maybe one of my

'Shows' will cheer her up."

Anyway, they replied my second message and told me they needed me to buy stuff for them. Why of course my little children, send the list! I'm sure even if the list was 10 times higher than mine, it would still not exceed 100$ in our currency.

And then I got your list and....as always, lots of items that will last a couple of weeks....not that my pocket can't handle. Anyway I typed in to reply: "These are everything? Alright then, have fun my

children and remember, papa love you all *Heart symbol"*

And with that, I left my PC and went outside of my house to reach the supermarket. On the road, I see dragons walking around and enjoying the quite life in this neighborhood. On rare occasion do I see a dragon holding a petri dish on his hand. A thought quickly came to me to advice him that the dish may fall out at any moment and that he should have a back-up plan.

But then I realized, he may not care at all about the inhabitants. I held my hand over my belly in a protective way, and think how lucky you all are that I managed to get you all away from them. And how lucky I am that I got to know you all. If there's one person my people should thank, it should be

you.....Oliver.....thank you for everything, friend.....