diacom - rinda mefi-5 quickstart.pdf · diacom ® mefi-5 can sof t ware up date quick start guide...

DIACOM ® MEFI-5 CAN Software Update Quick Start Guide Rinda Technologies Inc. EFI DIAGNOS TIC SOFT WARE for Windows 98, XP and 2000 Version 1.5

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Page 1: DIACOM - Rinda MEFI-5 QuickStart.pdf · DIACOM ® MEFI-5 CAN Sof t ware Up date Quick Start Guide Rinda T ech nol ogies Inc. EFI DI A G NOS TIC SOFT W ARE for Win dows 98, XP and


MEFI-5 CANSoft ware Up date

Quick Start Guide

Rinda Tech nol ogies Inc.


for Win dows 98, XP and 2000

Version 1.5

Page 2: DIACOM - Rinda MEFI-5 QuickStart.pdf · DIACOM ® MEFI-5 CAN Sof t ware Up date Quick Start Guide Rinda T ech nol ogies Inc. EFI DI A G NOS TIC SOFT W ARE for Win dows 98, XP and

Page 2

Limited War ranty

Hard ware:To the orig i nal pur chaser only, Rinda Tech nol ogies, Inc. war rants the sup plied hard ware com -po nents to be free from de fects in ma te ri als and work man ship un der nor mal use for a pe riod ofone (1) year from date of pur chase as ev i denced by a copy of the sales re ceipt. Rinda Tech nol -ogies, Inc. makes no other ex press war ran ties on the hard ware com po nents.

The pur chaser’s sole rem edy in the event of a breach of war ranty is ex pressly lim ited to re pair ofthe hard ware com po nents. Re pair parts and re place ment prod ucts will be pro vided on an ex -change ba sis and will be ei ther re con di tioned or new. All re placed parts be come prop erty ofRinda Tech nol ogies, Inc. This lim ited war ranty does not cover dam age to the prod ucts re sult ing from mis use, ac ci dent, di sas ter, abuse, neg li gence, im proper main te nance, or mod i fi ca tionand/or re pair of the prod uct other than by Rinda Tech nol ogies, Inc.

Soft ware:By in stall ing or us ing the sup plied PC soft ware, you agree that Rinda Tech nol ogies, Inc. hasmade no ex press war ran ties to you re gard ing the PC soft ware or firm ware con tained in hard -ware prod ucts. The soft ware/firmware is be ing pro vided to you “as is” with out war ranty of anykind. Rinda Tech nol ogies dis claims all war ran ties with re gard to the soft ware and firmware,ex press or im plied, in clud ing, with out lim i ta tion, any im plied war ran ties of fit ness for a par tic u -lar pur pose, mer chant abil ity, mer chant able qual ity, or noninfringement of third-party rights.

Lim i ta tion of Li a bil ity

Nei ther Rinda Tech nol ogies, Inc. nor its au tho rized dealer shall be li a ble for any de fect, in di rect, in ci den tal, spe cial, or con se quen tial dam ages, whether in an ac tion in con tract or tort (in clud ing neg li gence and strict li a bil ity), such as, but not lim ited to, loss of an tic i pated prof its or ben e fitsre sult ing from the use of this prod uct ( in clud ing its hard ware, soft ware and firm ware) or anybreach of any war ranty, even if Rinda Tech nol ogies or its au tho rized dealer has been ad vised ofthe pos si bil ity of such dam ages. In no event will Rinda Tech nol ogies, Inc. or its au tho rizeddealer’s li a bil ity ex ceed the price paid for the prod uct.

Some states or ju ris dic tions do not al low the ex clu sion or lim i ta tion of in ci den tal or con se quen -tial dam ages, so the above lim i ta tion or ex clu sion may not ap ply to you.

The in for ma tion pre sented in this man ual is be lieved to be ac cu rate. Re spon si bil ity for er rors,omis sion of in for ma tion, or con se quences re sult ing from the use of this in for ma tion can not beas sumed by Rinda Tech nol ogies, Inc. Rinda Tech nol ogies, Inc. re tains all rights to makechanges to spec i fi ca tions at any time with out no tice.

Re pro duc tion of this man ual, in whole or in part, is for bid den with out the ex press writ ten per -mis sion of Rinda Tech nol ogies Inc. Man ual con tents in clud ing pho to graphs Copy right (C) 2005Rinda Tech nol ogies Inc. All rights re served world wide.

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Soft ware Li cense Agree ment

This soft ware end user Li cense Agree ment is a le gal agree ment be tween you and Rinda Tech nol -ogies, Inc. Read it care fully be fore us ing the soft ware. By in stall ing and us ing the soft ware, youare con firm ing your ac cep tance of the soft ware and agree ing to be come bound by the terms ofthis agree ment. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms, then uninstall the soft ware fromyour com puter.

1. Li cense Grants

(a) You may in stall and use the Diacom soft ware on a sin gle desk top com puter that has a Win -dows PC op er at ing system (in clud ing Win dows 98, 2000, NT, Me and XP); A li cense for theDiacom soft ware may not be shared, in stalled or used con cur rently on dif fer ent com put ers. (b) You may make one copy of the Diacom soft ware in ma chine-read able form solely for backuppur poses. You must re pro duce on any such copy all copy right no tices and any other pro pri etaryleg ends on the orig i nal copy of the soft ware.

(c) Your li cense rights un der this Li cense Agreement are non-ex clu sive.

2. Li cense Re stric tions

(a) Other than as set forth in Sec tion 1, you may not make or dis trib ute cop ies of the Diacom soft -ware or elec tron i cally trans fer the Diacom soft ware from one com puter to an other or over a net -work.

(b) You may not al ter, merge, mod ify, adapt or trans late the Diacom soft ware, or decompile,re verse en gi neer, dis as sem ble, or oth er wise re duce the Diacom soft ware to a hu man-per ceiv able form. (c) You may not sell, rent, lease, or sublicense the Diacom soft ware. (d) You may not mod ify the Diacom software or cre ate de riv a tive works based upon the Diacomsoftware.

(e) In the event that you fail to com ply with this Li cense Agree ment, Rinda Tech nol ogies, Inc.shall ter mi nate the li cense and you must de stroy all cop ies of the Diacom software (with all other rights of both par ties and all other pro vi sions of this Li cense Agreement sur viv ing any such ter -mi na tion).

3. Own er ship

The fore go ing Li cense Agreement gives you lim ited li cense to use the Diacom soft ware. Rinda Tech nol ogies,Inc. and its sup pli ers re tain all right, ti tle and in ter est, in clud ing all copy right and in tel lec tual prop erty rights, inand to, the Diacom software and all cop ies thereof. All rights not spe cif i cally granted in this Li censeAgreement, in clud ing Fed eral and In ter na tional Copy rights, are re served by Rinda Tech nol ogies, Inc. and itssup pli ers.

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1. Safety Pre cau tions

1) Al ways re fer to and fol low the en gine man u fac turer’s safetyand ser vice pro ce dures to pre vent per sonal in jury and equip -ment dam age.

2) Never con nect or dis con nect the Diacom ca bles with the ve -hi cle’s ig ni tion turned ON or while the en gine is run ning.

3) Al ways stay clear of any mov ing or mov able en gine com po -nents when con nect ing and us ing the Diacom ca bles.

4) When work ing near bat ter ies never use any de vice that is ca -pa ble of pro duc ing a spark, high tem per a ture or open flame.Bat teries con tain sul fu ric acid and pro duce highly ex plo sivegas ses that may ig nite. To pre vent se ri ous in jury al ways ob -serve this pre cau tion along with the safety pre cau tions pro -vided by the en gine and bat tery man u fac tur ers.

5) Al ways test and ser vice a run ning en gine in a well ven ti lated area.

6) Al ways wear ap proved eye pro tec tion.

Be fore at tempt ing to use the Diacom soft ware please readand ob serve the fol low ing safety pre cau tions:

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Page 5

Congratulation on your new Diacom marine

software update purchase! We hope you’ll enjoy

the new look and features of Diacom Marine for

Windows. This new Diacom edition offers an

extensive array of new features and also takes

advantage of the power of the Windows operating


This quick start guide contains an overview of

Diacom’s main features and will assist you with the

installation process.

For more detailed information on each program

feature please refer to Diacom’s extensive Help


2. Wel come

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3. Con tents at a Glance

1. Safety Precautions Page 4

2. Welcome Page 5

3. Table of Contents Page 6

4. What’s included in the Update Package Page 7

5. Minimum System Requirements Page 8

6. Installing the software Page 9

7. Connecting the cables Page 10

8. Running Diacom Software Page 13

9. Program Feature Highlights Page 18

10. Service Manual Features Page 28

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Page 7

4. The Con tents of your Up date Pack age

Diacom In stal la tion CD

P/N 94023 CAN Net work In ter face

The Diacom in stal la tion CD con -tains the main setup pro gram andDiacom ma rine soft ware.

The Diacom MEFI-5 up date kit alsoin cludes a CAN net work adapterplug as shown be low. Ad di tionaladapt ers may be avail able for pur -chase which sup port new sys temtypes. Please con tact Rinda Tech -nol ogies for spe cific de tails.

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5. Min i mum Sys tem Re quire ments

• Windows 98se, XP or 2000 operating system

• 400 MHz or higher Pentium class processor

• 128 MB of RAM (Windows 98se)

• 256 MB RAM (Windows ME, XP, 2000)

• 50 MB hard disk space

• VGA display system or better

• CD-ROM drive

• Internet Access (optional but recommended)

• One serial COM or USB port

(Diacom USB cable is for Window XP and 2000 only)

In or der for Diacom to func tion cor rectly please be sure that your PC meets or ex ceeds the fol low ingspec i fi ca tions:


Some operating systems such as Windows XP Professional and

Windows 2000 have security features which can prevent new softwarefrom being installed on a PC as well as prevent certain program optionsfrom being selected. Be sure that your PC’s operating system has beenset up to allow full access during the Diacom marine installation and setup

procedure. This may require that you log on to your PC as a System

Administrator. Consult your operating system instructions for details onthis topic.

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6. In stalling the DiacomSoft ware

1. Insert your installation CD

into your PC’s CD drive then

select the RUN option in the

Window’s Start menu. In the

RUN w indow press the

Browse bu t ton . A f i l e

explorer window will open.

Locate and execute the

“setup.exe” file in the root

directory of the Diacom

installation CD.

2. Follow the Setup directions

and res ta r t you r PC i f

needed. On some Windows

ve rs ions , t he D iacom

installation program may

need to update a few system


3. The Diacom software

should now be installed.

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7. Con necting the DiacomCa bles

Before connectingDiacom’s communicationcable to an engine, verify that the engine’s ignitionswitch is in the OFFposition. Plug theDiacom communicationcable (serial or USB) into the respective connectoron your laptop.

You may start the Diacommarine software from theWindows Start Menu bydouble clicking on theDiacom program entry.

Choose a cable adaptercompatible with the engineyou intend to troubleshootand connect it to theengine’s diagnosticconnector. For exampleGM MEFI-5 systems willrequire the included 94023CAN Network adapter.

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Set ting the COM Port

After Diacom’s initialinstallation on your PCyou must select thecorrect communicationport that the Diacomcommunication cable will be connected to. Clickon the Options menu asshown at right.

Select the Comm tabfrom the Diacom Options window, then choosethe appropriate COMport from the list shownat right. If you needadditional assistanceclick on the HELP button located at the bottom ofthe Options window.


Some operating systems such as Windows XP Professional and

Windows 2000 have security features which can prevent new softwarefrom being installed on a PC as well as prevent certain program optionsfrom being selected. Be sure that your PC’s operating system has beenset up to allow full access during the Diacom marine installation and setup

procedure. This may require that you log on to your PC as a System

Administrator. Consult your operating system instructions for details onthis topic.

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8. Run ning DiacomBrief Over view

To better understand how Diacom works, it will be helpful to note that the

program is comprised of four main sections: ECM DATA, GRAPH , CODES

and TEST sections. Each section is identified by a separate folder tab (see

the illustration below). The ECM Data section is the starting point from which

main functions like ECM selection, Linking and Data Recording are

performed (see Fig. 2 on next page). The ECM Data screen is also the

default view that Diacom will display. The Graph, Codes and Test sections

contain additional tools which will help you in the troubleshooting process.

Main func tion toolbar fromwhich func tions like ECM selection, Linking, Re cord ing, Data

En large ment are per formed(Fig. 2 on next page)

Four main folder tabs used to switchbe tween the Diacom’s screens

Fig. 1

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8. Run ning Diacom Brief Over view

The Main Toolbar

ECM Se lec tion Icon

Link Icon

Open Re cord File Icon

Start Re cord ing Icon

Pa ram e ter Help Icon

Data En large Icon

Pa ram e ter Se lec tion

Exit Icon

Fig. 2

Opens the ECM se lec tion win dow fromwhere an ECM can be se lected.

Af ter se lect ing the ECM, press this icon to es -tab lish a com mu ni ca tion link with the en gine.

Press this icon to open a pre vi ously saveddata file.

This icon is used for start ing a re cord ing ses sion. (Diacom must be linked to an en gine)

Af ter press ing this icon, just dou ble click on an en -gine pa ram e ter to see a brief ex pla na tion.

Press this icon if you would like to en large apar tic u lar en gine data pa ram e ter.

This func tion will ex change the po si tion oftwo data pa ram e ters in the main data

The Main Toolbar pro vides quick ac cess to the most im por tant Diacom func tions. The icons inthis toolbar will change ac cord ing to the mode in which Diacom will be run ning (see next page).The toolbar pre sented be low cor re sponds to Diacom run ning in data ac qui si tion mode (also thede fault mode at startup).

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8. Run ning Diacom Brief Over view

The Main Toolbar in Data Pre view Mode

In the Data Pre view Re cord ing Mode some icons from the toolbar will as sume new func tions.For ex am ple the first two icons will be used to scroll through the re corded data.

Move Back

Dis plays pre vi ous re corded data screen.

Move For ward

Dis plays next re corded data screen.

Open Re cord File Icon

Press this icon to open a pre vi ously saveddata file.

View Real Time Data

Press this icon to go back to the Diacom’s mainECM data ac qui si tion screen.

Pa ram e ter Help Icon

Af ter press ing this icon, just dou ble click on an en gine pa ram e ter to see a brief ex pla na tion.

Data En large IconPress this icon if you would like to en large a par tic u lar en gine data pa ram e ter.

Pa ram e ter Se lec tionUse this func tion to con fig ure the list of dis played en -gine pa ram e ters..

Exit Icon

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8. Run ning DiacomA Guided Tour

Turn the engine’s ignitionswitch on. From Diacom’smain Data Screen click theECM selection icon (Fig. 4).A pop up Window will appear instructing you to select anECM system type.

Select the ECM systemtype matching the oneinstalled on the engine you intend to troubleshoot andthen press the OK button(Fig. 5).

Step 2

Step 3

Step 1Be certain that you haveselected the correct COM portfor the Diacom communication cable. This setting is locatedin the Options menu as shown at right. The setting onlyneed to be set when theprogram is first installed. See page 11 for details.

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

ECM Se lec tion But ton

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Diacom will now display an array of engine parameters on its data display grid.To start displaying liveengine data, press the Link icon located under theECM selection icon (Fig.8).

8. Run ning DiacomA Guided Tour

After selecting certain ECM types, Diacom may attempt to briefly communicate with the ECM to determine itsversion (Fig. 7).

Step 5

Step 6

Step 4

Fig. 6

Fig. 7

Fig. 8

For GM MEFI 3 ECMsonly, Diacom will displayan additional window thatlets the user select one ofseveral ECM datamessages (Fig. 6).

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Page 18

8. Run ning Diacom

Typ i cal Diacom Dis play Screen for GM Ma rine EFI

The ECM Data screen displays an array of engine parameters.

The first column of the each item contains the data parameter

description, the second column shows the parameter’s value

and the last column shows the unit of measure (VDC, °F, RPM,


Pa ram e ters Values Units

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Page 19

9. Pro gram Fea ture High lights

Diacom Marine for Win dows

ECM Spe cial Tests

Real Time Graphing Data Re cord ing

En larged Data View with Quick Graph

Page 22Page 20

Page 23Page 25

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Page 20

9. En larged Data View

The Enlarged View feature allows you to select a data item and

display it in a larger format. This feature is enabled by clicking

on the Magnify icon and then selecting the parameters you

would like to enlarge.

ECM Se lec tion Link to En gine En large Pa ram e ter

Quick Step Se quence

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9. Quick Graph

Right Clickon en largedwin dow then se lect Show

The Quick Graph feature allows you to graphically view an item

shown in an enlargement window. This graph is smaller in size than

the normal graph screen and it’s intended purpose is to visually track

parameter changes. A Quick Graph screen can be displayed by right

clicking on an enlarged window and then selecting Show Graph from

the fly-out menu that appears.

ECM Se lec tion Link to En gine En large Pa ram e ter

Quick Step Se quence

Right-click on anen larged win dow todis play the fly-outmenu, then se lect

Show Graph

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Page 22

9. ECM Tests

The ECM Test menu will allow you to access special ECM

functions. The contents of this menu will change with each

ECM type and may not always be available. To access the Test

Screen just press on the Test tab then select any of the

available tests.

ECM Se lec tion

Quick Step Se quence


Folder Tab


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Page 23

9. Real TimeGraphing

When communicating with an engine, Diacom allows you to

plot simultaneous graphs of up to 3 engine parameters in the

graph view. To switch to the graph screen, press the

.............. folder tab. In the Graph screen press the Parameter

Selection icon and, from the parameter selection window,

select any three parameters and press OK.



Folder Tab

ECM Se lec tion Link to En gine Se lect Pa ram e ters

Quick Step Se quence

X Axis Res o lu tion


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Page 24

9. Real Time GraphingToolbars

Graph Toolbar in Real Time Mode

Graph Toolbar when view ing re corded files

Pa ram e ter Se lec tion

Stop Graphing

In crease X Res o lu tion

De crease X Res o lu tion

Res o lu tion of the X axis can be set to 32, 64, 128, 256 or 512 points

The Con text Help Icon will open the Diacom Help file at the page con tain ing re lated help in for ma tion.

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Page 25

9. Data Re cord ing

When a deeper analysis of an engine fault is required,

D iacom’s record capab i l i t y w i l l p rove a va luab le

troubleshooting tool. To start recording, first establish a

communication link with the engine’s ECM, then from the main

Diacom ECM screen, press the Record icon. The Record icon

will change its image to a Stop icon after the start of recording.

Pressing the Stop icon will bring up the File Save dialog where

the user can specify a file name for the recorded file.

ECM Se lec tion Link to En gine Start Re cord ing

Quick Step Se quence

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Page 26

9. Se lect and Sort Data

The Parameter Selection window allows you to change the position

of the displayed data parameters in the main data list, to deselect the

items that you wouldn’t like Diacom to display in the main data grid

and to sort the items in alphabetical order. The benefit of this function

is mainly to facilitate the tracking of the parameters by grouping them

in sets that interest you the most.

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Page 27

9. Se lect and Sort DataGroup and Sort Func tions

The Group Button

Pressing this button will group the items in the list in checked or unchecked

sets and move the checked items to the top of the list. To group any items, first

select the items that interest you the most by left clicking in the check boxes

next to the desired parameters and then press the group button.

Moving List ItemsRigh t c l i ck ing and

HOLDING t he r i gh t

mouse bu t ton down

allows you to move items

up or down in the list. Left

clicking in the check box

corresponding to a list

item selects or deselect


The Sort Button

Th is f unc t i on w i l l

alphabetically sort all

items in the list.

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Page 28

10. Trou ble Code ViewView and Erase Trou ble Codes

This screen will automatically display any diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs)

that Diacom detects after it establishes communication with an ECM or when a

saved Record File is loaded.

To erase the trouble codes, click on the erase trouble code button.

Erase Trouble

Codes Button

Man u fac turer’sSer vice Man ual Ac cess

But ton

Quick Step Se quence

Click on the Erase Trou ble Code but ton. A popup win dowwill ask you if you wish to con tinue, se lect Yes and thetrou ble codes will be erased. The per sis tence of trou blecodes on the screen in di cates that the ECM still de tects afault.

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Page 29

11. Ser vice Man ual Op tion

Diacom provides a feature which allows engine manufacturer’s service

information to be accessed from Diacom’s trouble code display. By clicking on

the Book icon or double-clicking on any displayed trouble code a menu will

appear allowing you to choose the proper manufacturer and then access their

electronic service information. This feature requires manufacturer’s service

information to be installed on your PC.

Quick Step Se quence

Click on the Man u fac turers Ser vice Man ual but ton. In thewin dow that will open, se lect the man u fac turer that has the man u als al ready in stalled on your com puter and click theOK but ton.

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Rinda Tech nol ogies Inc.