diamond inclusion geology of diamond occurrences at ... · andesitic–dacitic facies association...

50 kilometres Paleoproterozoic Paleozoic 96° 94° 54° 55° Ontario Manitoba Oxford Lake Knee Lake Oxford Lake Knee Lake Cross Lake Molson Lake Island Lake Gods Lake Lake Winnipeg Sharpe Lake NCT NCT OSD OSD HBT HBT Oxford Lake–Knee Lake greenstone belt Oxford Lake–Knee Lake greenstone belt NKF NKF SWF SWF Hayes River group Oxford Lake group Mafic volcanic rocks (flows): Felsic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks Volcanic conglomerate, greywacke Ultramafic–mafic sills Intermediate–felsic intrusive rocks; feldspar-quartz porphyry aphyric / amphibolitic Volcanic conglomerate, greywacke Andesitic–dacitic facies association Basaltic andesite facies association Ultramafic facies association Volcanic subgroup Volcanic sedimentary rocks Volcanic, volcaniclastic and volcanic sedimentary rocks Synorogenic sedimentary rocks Polymictic conglomerate, greywacke, mudstone, iron formation Arkosic quartz-greywacke, mudstone Greywacke, quartz greywacke variolitic / porphyritic Intrusive rocks Bayly Lake pluton: granite / granodiorite Whitemud Lake pluton: granodiorite, granite Cinder Lake alkaline intrusive complex: syenite, monzogranite, pegmatite WLP CLAIC Sedimentary subgroup Geological contact Younging direction Shear zone, fault Fold axial trace Gold showing Diamond occurrence Taskipochikay Island Taskipochikay Island Omusinapis Point Omusinapis Point Trout Falls Trout Falls Hayes River Hayes River Knee Lake Knee Lake Cinder Lake Cinder Lake Michikanes Lake Michikanes Lake Long Island Long Island Pain Killer Bay Pain Killer Bay Opischikona Narrows Opischikona Narrows Opawakow Narrows Opawakow Narrows Opapuskitew Bay Opapuskitew Bay GF GF AF AF GF GF AF AF TISZ TISZ LISZ LISZ TISZ TISZ LISZ LISZ Serpentinite F 1 F 1 F 2 F 2 WLP CLAIC 0 5 Kilometres Trout Trout Lake Lake K2 K2 Celtic Celtic 363000E 6075000N 6090000N 390000E Hayes River group Oxford Lake group Mafic volcanic rocks Volcanic conglomerate, greywacke Andesitic–dacitic facies association Basaltic andesite facies association Ultramafic facies association Volcanic sedimentary rocks Volcanic, volcaniclastic and volcanic sedimentary rocks Younging direction Geological contact Fold axial trace (syncline, anticline) Fault, shear zone Mapping limit Y Taskipochikay Island Taskipochikay Island Knee Lake Knee Lake TISZ LISZ LX/KL-2 2722 ±3 Ma 2722 ±3 Ma Y 6080969N 371537E 6076444N 382259E LX/KL-3 ‘western bay’ ‘eastern bay’ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Figure 4 Figure 5 0 2 kilometres Knee Lake 376500E 6077500N 6080500N 381500E Fault-bounded wedge of Hayes River group Fault-bounded wedge of Hayes River group LISZ TISZ LISZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Aphyric basaltic flows, gabbro and quartz diorite Aphyric basaltic fragmental rocks, QFP and basalt dikes Hayes River group Oxford Lake group Basaltic andesite facies association (shoshonitic) Ultramafic facies association (lamprophyric) Andesitic–dacitic facies association (calcalkalic) Volcanic conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone and lapilli tuff Volcanic conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone, iron formation and porphyritic shoshonite flows Dacitic fragmental rocks Andesitic flows and fragmental rocks Volcanic conglomerate, sandstone, and mudstone 0 1000 metres Gold occurrence Microdiamond occurrence Ankerite veins or alteration Quartz-tourmaline veins or alteration Quartz-feldspar porphyry dike Bedding trendline Contact Shear zone/fault Fold axial trace (F ) 2 Stratigraphic younging Iron formation ‘western bay’ (Knee Lake) 6078700mN 6077900mN 376900mE 377800mE LX/KL-3 0 200 Metres Porphyritic andesite Dacitic crystal tuff and tuff breccia DVC Gabbro, pyroxenite Andesitic–dacitic facies association Heterolithic pebble conglomerate Volcanic conglomerate, sandstone (UFA) Volcanic sandstone, mudstone, lapilli tuff (UFA) Shear zone Contact 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 MS CS PC CC Metres LX/KL-2 (83) Station: 52-97-1052 NAD83 UTM 15N: 379904E, 6079883N 11406 (67) 11407 (95) 11408 (75) 11409 (112) 11410 (99) 11411 (120) 11412 (88) 11413 (101) Channel cut J LS RU F 2 F 2 F 1 F 1 S 0 S 0 S 1 F 2 S 0 L 2 0.5 mm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 K O (wt. %) 2 Basalt Basaltic- andesite Andesite Dacite Tholeiite series Calcalkaline series High-K calcalkaline series Shoshonitic series Tholeiite series Calcalkaline series High-K calcalkaline series Shoshonitic series 40 50 60 70 SiO (wt. %) 2 40 50 60 70 SiO (wt. %) 2 0 10 20 30 MgO (wt. %) 40 50 60 70 SiO (wt. %) 2 100 1000 10000 Cr+Ni (ppm) 0.1 1 10 100 (La/Yb) cn SiO (wt. %) 2 40 50 60 70 1 10 100 Rock/Chondrites 1 10 100 Rock/Primitive Mantle 1 10 100 Rock/Chondrites 1 10 100 Rock/Primitive Mantle 1 10 100 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Rock/Chondrites 1 10 100 Th Nb La Ce Pr Nd Zr Sm Eu Ti Dy Y Yb Lu Rock/Primitive Mantle 0.1 1 10 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 Th/Yb Nb/Yb NMORB NMORB EMORB EMORB OIB La/10 Nb/8 Y/15 * Back arc basin Calcalkaline VAT Continental Alkaline intercontinental rifts NMORB NMORB EMORB * Bedding, upright (n = 12) Bedding, tops unknown (n = 10) Macroscopic fold axis (n = 1) Foliation (n = 14) Stretching lineation (n = 2) Shear zone, dextral (n = 6) Bedding, upright (n = 2) Bedding, overturned (n = 3) Bedding, tops unknown (n = 2) Intersection lineation (n = 2) Foliation (n = 6) Stretching lineation (n = 4) Shear zone, dextral (n = 8) Shear zone, stretching lineation (n = 6) Eastern Bay Western Bay 0 10 20 30 40 50 0.01 0.1 1 10 TiO (wt. %) 2 Al O (wt. %) 2 3 LIP OIB MORB ARC SSZ peridotite MORB peridotite 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Cr/(Cr+Al) 2+ 2+ Fe /(Fe +Mg) Kimberlite groundmass spinel Major zoning trends of kimberlite spinel Komatiite spinel 0 5 10 15 20 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Cr O (wt. %) 2 3 MgO (wt. %) Diamond inclusion and intergrowth field Argyle lamproite Kimberlite KL-2 KL-3 HP 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 1 2 3 4 5 Cr O (wt.%) 2 3 Al O (wt.%) 2 3 Garnet peridotite Spinel peridotite and off-craton garnet peridotite Eclogite, megacryst and cognate Inclusion and intergrowth 1 10 100 1000 10000 0.1 1 Number of microdiamonds/Tonne Square Mesh Sieve Size (mm) 0 25 50 75 100 Cumulative percentile Microdiamond weight (mg) n = 144 0.0000 0.0500 0.1000 0.1500 0.2000 0.2500 Summary and guide to figures In 2016, bedrock mapping and sampling by the Manitoba Geological Survey resulted in the discovery of microdiamonds in shoreline outcrop at southern Knee Lake a discovery since confirmed and extended by Altius Minerals Corp. (press release, September 25, 2017). The microdiamonds are hosted by polymictic volcanic conglomerate and volcanic sandstone belonging to the Oxford Lake group (ca. 2.72 Ga) of the Oxford Lake–Knee Lake greenstone belt in the northwestern Superior province (Figures 1–5). Well-preserved primary features (Figures 6–8) indicate deposition as debris and turbidity flows in an alluvial or shallow-marine fan setting, whereas interlayers of lapilli tuff (Figure 9) record influxes of pyroclastic material. Whole-rock geochemical data (Figures 10 & 11) indicate primitive bulk compositions (16.7–18.7 wt. % MgO; >500 ppm Cr, Ni) and alkaline affinities (1.2–3.3 wt. % K₂O) for the volcanic sedimentary rocks and lapilli tuff, collectively referred to as the 'ultramafic facies association', and are comparable to primitive alkaline lamprophyre dikes in the Knee Lake area (Figure 12), suggesting an association with lamprophyric volcanism. Diverse clast types in the conglomerate include pyroxenite, gabbro and basalt, presumably derived from the ca. 2.83 Ga Hayes River group (Figure 13), representing the local basement. Distinctive cored clasts (Figure 14) in the diamondiferous conglomerate are interpreted to represent pelletal lapilli that formed during intensive degassing within a diatreme vent and were subsequently reworked by sedimentary processes. Multiphase ductile deformation fabrics (Figures 15 & 16), greenschist-facies metamorphic assemblages, and interstratification with dacitic volcanic rocks dated at 2722 ± 3 Ma (Figures 5 & 17) confirm the Archean emplacement age, placing this diamond occurrence amongst the oldest known on Earth. Indicator minerals in the conglomerate (MGS sample LX/KL-2) consist of chromite and Cr-spinel, whereas the lapilli tuff (MGS sample LX/KL-3) contains chromite, Cr- diopside, Cr-spinel and diamond-inclusion Cr-spinel, indicative of a mantle-derived magmatic precursor sourced from within the diamond stability field (>140 km depth). Indicator mineral compositions (Figures 18 & 19), coupled with the absence of garnet and ilmenite, suggest that the magmatic precursor was not kimberlitic. Microdiamonds (n = 144; Figures 20 & 21) obtained from a 15.8 kg sample of the volcanic conglomerate (sample LX/KL-2) are variable in colour, morphology and degree of resorption, with the largest stone weighing 0.2071 mg (0.00104 ct); a sample of the lapilli tuff did not yield diamonds, whereas lamprophyre dikes at Knee Lake have yet to be assessed for diamonds or indicator minerals. Unconventional diamond occurrences hosted by lamprophyre dikes, polymict volcaniclastic breccia and conglomerate in the Michipicoten greenstone belt (south- central Superior province) near Wawa, Ontario, provide a useful analog to the occurrence at southern Knee Lake, with implications for exploration. As is the case in the Wawa area, the types and compositions of indicator minerals hosted by the lamprophyric rocks at Knee Lake are distinctly different from those found in surficial sediments. The former are compatible with 'typical' mantle-derived rocks such as komatiite or primitive arc basalt, which are major constituents of greenstone belts in the Superior province, whereas the latter are indicative of diverse sources, possibly including kimberlite. Consequently, any exploration strategy that employs drift prospecting will require careful consideration of not only the complex surficial geology and ice-transport history in the Knee Lake region, but also the potentially diverse and extensive sources of indicator minerals. Figure 1: Regional geological setting of the Oxford Lake–Knee Lake greenstone belt in the northwestern Superior province (terminology after Stott et al., 2010). Significant gold deposits are indicated by red circles. Abbreviations: HBT, Hudson Bay terrane; NCT, North Caribou terrane; NKF, North Kenyon fault; OSD, Oxford–Stull domain; SWF, Stull-Wunnummin fault. Location of Figure 2 is outlined. Figure 2: Simplified geology of southern Knee Lake (after Anderson et al., 2015a), including diamond occurrences reported by Anderson (2017b) and Altius Minerals Corp. (press release, September 25, 2017). Geology outside the mapping limit is simplified from Gilbert (1985) and high-resolution aeromagnetic data. Hachure pattern indicates undivided tectonite. Abbreviations: AF and GF indicate structural boundaries between amphibolite facies and greenschist facies rocks; LISZ, Long Island shear zone; TISZ, Taskipochikay Island shear zone. Location of Figure 3 is outlined. Figure 3: Simplified geology of southeastern Knee Lake showing the distribution of the ultramafic facies association (UFA) and the locations of the western and eastern bays (type localities of the UFA). Also shown are the locations of MGS samples LX/KL-2 and LX/KL-3, and diamond occurrences reported by Altius Minerals Corp. Locations of Figure 4 and Figure 5 are outlined. Figure 5: Detailed map of the western bay (Anderson, 2017b) showing thick lenses of dacitic volcanic conglomerate (DVC) of the andesitic–dacitic facies association (2722 Ma; Corkery et al., 2000) interstratified with the ultramafic facies association (UFA). Diamond occurrence as reported by Altius Minerals Corp. Figure 6: Outcrop photographs of diamondiferous polymictic conglomerate of the UFA: a) boulder–cobble conglomerate, western bay; b) massive cobble–pebble conglomerate showing polymictic clast population and rounded clasts, eastern bay; c) cobble–pebble conglomerate beds at the discovery outcrop (MGS sample LX/KL-2 locality) showing size grading and deeply scoured basal contacts, eastern bay; d) detail of graded bed of polymictic conglomerate, discovery outcrop, eastern bay. Figure 7: Simplified stratigraphic column for bedded polymictic conglomerate at the discovery outcrop in the eastern bay. Normally-graded beds are capped by pebbly sandstone, consistent with sedimentation from high-density turbidity currents. Channel samples are from Altius Minerals Corp. (press release, September 25, 2017), following up on the original MGS sample (LX/KL-2). Numbers in parentheses indicate diamond counts in the +0.106 mm size fractions (note higher counts in sandy beds). Abbreviations: CC, cobble conglomerate; CS, coarse- grained sandstone; MS, medium-grained sandstone; PC, pebble conglomerate. Figure 14: Outcrop photographs of pelletal lapilli from diamondiferous conglomerate in the eastern bay: a) pebble conglomerate bed containing abundant pelletal lapilli (arrows); b) pelletal lapilli (arrow) and dark green clasts of juvenile lithic material (J); c) detail of lapillus (dashed outline), showing serpentinite core and lithic rim; d) large lapillus showing thin continuous rim of dark green lithic material around a pyroxenite core. Figure 17: Outcrop photographs of dacitic volcanic conglomerate (DVC; ca. 2722 Ma; Corkery et al., 2000) interstratified with the UFA in the western bay: a) massive to crudely stratified, clast- supported DVC; b) sharp basal contact of DVC (top), showing mudstone rip-ups derived from the underlying UFA (bottom); c) DVC containing a large angular block of pebble conglomerate (below hammer) derived from the UFA; d) thin lens of DVC interstratified with the UFA. Figure 8: Outcrop photographs of sandstone in the UFA: a) pebbly sandstone showing scour-and- fill channel at the base and convolute bedding at the top, eastern bay; b) turbiditic sandstone and mudstone, showing normal size-grading (black arrow), load structures (LS), ripples (arrow) and mudstone rip-ups (RU), western bay; bedding is overturned in this location; pencil points north; c) normally-graded sandstone bed with contorted rip-ups of mudstone, eastern bay; d) diffuse compound size-grading and cross-bedding in pebbly sandstone and conglomerate, eastern bay. Figure 9: Outcrop photographs of lapilli tuff (MGS sample LX/KL-3 locality) in the western bay: a) matrix-supported lapilli tuff showing the essentially monolithic character (gabbro clast indicated by arrow); b) detail of lapillus showing ragged margin and vesicular texture. Figure 10: Whole-rock geochemical data for various components of the UFA (sandstone, blue squares; lapilli tuff, green triangle; clasts in conglomerate, purple diamonds), including for comparison purposes examples of primitive lamprophyre dikes from Oxford Lake and Knee Lake (red circles; grey tie-lines indicate the most primitive dikes); a) SiO₂ vs. K₂O; fields for shoshonitic, high-K calcalkaline, calcalkaline and tholeiitic series are from Peccerillo and Taylor (1976); b) SiO₂ vs. MgO; c) SiO₂ vs. sum of Cr+Ni; d) SiO₂ vs. (La/Yb)cn (cn, chondrite normalized; values of Sun and McDonough, 1989). Diagrams illustrate the compositional similarity of the volcanic sandstone, lapilli tuff and the primitive lamprophyre dikes. Figure 11: Chondrite and primitive mantle–normalized trace-element diagrams for the various components of the UFA, including for comparison purposes examples of lamprophyre dikes from Oxford Lake and Knee Lake (symbols as in Figure 10); a) and b) sandstone and lapilli tuff; c) and d) clasts in conglomerate (different coloured tie- lines indicate the three different profiles evident in this sample set); e) and f) lamprophyre dikes (grey tie-lines indicate the most primitive dikes). Normalizing values are from Sun and McDonough (1989). Figure 13: Trace element discrimination diagrams for clasts in conglomerate of the UFA (purple diamonds), shown in comparison to mafic volcanic rocks of the HRG at Oxford Lake and Knee Lake, representing the local basement during alkaline volcanism (green triangles; unpublished data from Syme et al., 1997, 1998; Anderson et al., 2012, 2013): a) La/10 vs. Y/15 vs. Nb/8 (Cabanis and Lecolle, 1989); b) Log Nb/Yb vs. Log Th/Yb (Pearce and Peate, 1995). Abbreviations: EMORB, enriched mid-ocean–ridge basalt; NMORB, normal mid-ocean–ridge basalt; OIB, ocean-island basalt; VAT, volcanic-arc tholeiite. Figure 15: Outcrop photographs of deformation structures at southern Knee Lake, based on the deformation sequence of Anderson et al. (2015b) and Anderson (2016): a) isoclinal F₁ fold, defined by iron formation in greywacke ('S₀' indicates bedding), overprinted by F₂ folds (axial planes are indicated by dashed lines); b) steep L₂ stretching lineation in conglomerate; prolate fabric indicated by aspect ratios of clasts on the horizontal and vertical outcrop faces; c) bedding- parallel S₁ foliation and isoclinal F₂ fold in the UFA, western bay; d) vertical outcrop face showing steep stretching lineation (L₂) at a high-angle to bedding in the hinge of a mesoscopic F₂ fold in the UFA, western bay; e) shallow-plunging L₄ stretching lineation defined by deformed clasts in volcanic conglomerate; f) mylonitic S₄ foliation and F₄ Z-folds in the Long Island shear zone (asymmetric quartz boudins indicate dextral shear). Figure 16: Lower-hemisphere, equal-angle stereographic projections of structural data from the UFA: a) poles to bedding in the eastern bay; star represents pole to girdle (dashed line) defined by bedding orientations and indicates the plunge of a macroscopic F₂ fold (star); b) poles to bedding (S₀) in the western bay; stars indicate measured S₀-S₂ intersection lineations, corresponding to mesoscopic F₂ fold hinges; c) L₂ lineation and poles to planar fabrics (foliation is S₂; shear zones are S₄) in the eastern bay; d) L₂ (steep) and L₄ (shallow) lineations and poles to planar fabrics (foliation is S₂; shear zones are S₄) in the western bay. Figure 18: Bivariate plots for chromite and Cr-spinel grains recovered from MGS samples KL-2 and KL-3: a) MgO vs. Cr₂O₃; fields for diamond inclusions, Argyle lamproite and HP lamprophyre are from Fipke et al. (1995); field for kimberlite spinel is from Nowicki et al. (2007); b) Fe²⁺/(Fe²⁺+Mg) vs. Cr/(Cr+Al); compositional field for komatiite spinel is from Barnes and Roeder (2001); compositional field and principal zoning trends for kimberlite groundmass spinel are from Roeder and Schulze (2008); c) Al₂O₃ vs. TiO₂ (after Kamenetsky et al., 2001). Abbreviations: ARC, island-arc; LIP, large igneous province; OIB, ocean-island basalt; MORB, mid-ocean–ridge basalt; SSZ, supra-subduction zone. Spinel compositions are consistent with typical arc volcanic rocks (including lamprophyre) or komatiite. Figure 19: Bivariate plot (Al₂O₃ vs. Cr₂O₃) for Cr- diopside grains from MGS sample KL-3; compositional field for diamond-inclusion and diamond-intergrowth Cr- diopside is from Nimis (2002); other compositional fields are from Ramsay and Tompkins (1994). Figure 20: Microdiamonds (MD) recovered from MGS sample LX-2: a) MD from the +0.425 mm size fraction, showing minor inclusions; b) examples of clear, colourless MD from the +0.212 mm size fraction. Figure 21: Distribution plots for microdiamonds (MD) from MGS sample LX-2 (15.8 kg): a) cumulative percentile plot of MD size by weight, showing a continuous distribution up to the 95th percentile; b) square-mesh sieve size vs. number of MD/tonne (log-log) showing a linear, relatively steep distribution curve for sample LX-2 (blue line; dashed line indicates best-fit); shown for comparison purposes are MD distribution curves (grey lines) for samples of resedimented volcaniclastic kimberlite from the Misery complex of the Ekati mine (Krebs et al., 2016); data from a continuous channel sample (12.9 m, 128kg) collected by Altius Minerals Corp. (press release, September 25, 2017; see Figure 7 for channel location) across the discovery outcrop is indicated by the orange line (dashed line indicates best-fit); the conglomerate shows high concentrations of MD in the smaller size fractions, whereas the steep slopes of the best-fit lines suggest that the maximum stone size is likely to be ~2 mm. Figure 4: Revised geology of the southeastern portion of southern Knee Lake (Anderson, 2017a). Numbers (1–9) indicate major, fault-bounded, lithostructural panels. Abbreviations: LISZ, Long Island shear zone; QFP, quartz-feldspar porphyry; TISZ, Taskipochikay Island shear zone. Microdiamonds have been recovered from the ultramafic facies association in panels 2 and 7. Figure 12: Outcrop photographs of lamprophyre dikes at central Knee Lake: a) primitive (11 wt. % MgO) lamprophyre dike; b) flow-banded dike of more evolved lamprophyre (7.7 wt. % MgO); c) primitive (11.5 wt. % MgO) lamprophyre dike with thick chilled margins; d) coarse phenocrysts of phlogopite in primitive lamprophyre dike (same locality as previous photo). Exploration implications The southern Knee Lake microdiamond occurrence represents the first discovery of diamonds associated with alkaline volcanic rocks in Manitoba. Although diamonds are typically hosted by kimberlite intrusions (e.g., Kjarsgaard, 2007), significant deposits and occurrences are also associated with other types of mantle-derived intrusions, including lamproite and ultramafic lamprophyre, and calcalkaline lamprophyre (e.g., Gurney et al., 2005). Examples of the latter association in the Michipicoten belt near Wawa, Ontario (Lefebvre et al., 2005), are strongly analogous to the Knee Lake diamond occurrence and provide insight into the potential complexity of these systems, with relevance to exploration methodologies. As in the Michipicoten belt, discontinuous exposure and complex structure at Knee Lake hinder stratigraphic correlations of diamondiferous units. In addition, the type and chemistry of indicator minerals obtained from the diamondiferous rocks differ significantly from those recovered from surficial sediments (e.g., Fedikow et al., 2002), indicating derivation from different sources. At Knee Lake, drift prospecting is further complicated by a number of factors, including several directions of ice flow, widespread dilution of the local bedrock signature by far- travelled calcareous till, streamlined landforms that do not reflect the ice-flow transport direction, and a locally thick blanket of glaciolacustrine clay (Trommelen, 2015). For these reasons, the initial stages of follow-up exploration should focus on detailed mapping of volcaniclastic, sedimentary and intrusive rocks of the ultramafic facies association, and the collection of well-constrained bedrock samples for caustic fusion and heavy mineral separation in order to establish the spatial distribution of diamondiferous rocks and the nature of their indicator mineral populations. In addition, an orientation survey of surficial sediments inland from the eastern and western bays, including detailed characterization of the glacial till as per the recommendations of Trommelen (2015), as well as conventional geochemical analysis for elements known to be enriched in the diamondiferous rocks (e.g., Ba, Cr, Ni, Sr), may also prove valuable. References Anderson, S.D. 2016: Report of Activities 2016, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 1–15. Anderson, S.D. 2017a: Report of Activities 2017, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 1–11. Anderson, S.D. 2017b: Manitoba Geological Survey, Open File Report OF2017-3, 27 p. Anderson, S.D., Kremer, P.D. and Martins, T. 2012: Report of Activities 2012, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 6–22. Anderson, S.D., Kremer, P.D. and Martins, T. 2013: Report of Activities 2013, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 7–22. Anderson, S.D., Syme, E.C., Corkery, M.T., Bailes, A.H. and Lin, S. 2015a: Manitoba Geological Survey, Preliminary Map PMAP2015-1, 1:20 000 scale. Anderson, S.D., Syme, E.C., Corkery, M.T., Bailes, A.H. and Lin, S. 2015b: Report of Activities 2015, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 9–23. Barnes, S.J. and Roeder, P.L. 2001: Journal of Petrology, v. 42, p. 2279–2302. Cabanis, B. and Lecolle, M. 1989: Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, v. 309, p. 2023–2029. Corkery, M.T., Cameron, H.D.M., Lin, S., Skulski, T., Whalen, J.B. and Stern, R.A. 2000: Report of Activities 2000, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 129–136. Fedikow, M.A.F., Nielsen, E., Conley, G.G. and Lenton, P.G. 2002: Manitoba Geological Survey, Open File Report OF2002-1. Fipke, C.E., Gurney, J.J. and Moore, R.O. 1995: Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 423, 86 p. Gilbert, H.P. 1985: Geological Services, Geological Report GR83-1B, 76 p. Gurney, J.J., Helmstaedt, H.H., Le Roex, A.P., Nowicki, T.E., Richardson, S.H. and Westerlund, K.J. 2005: Economic Geology 100th Anniversary Volume, p. 143–177. Kamenetsky, V.S., Crawford, A.J. and Meffre, S. 2001: Journal of Petrology, v. 42, p. 655–671. Kjarsgaard, B.A. 2007: Geological Association of Canada, Mineral Deposits Division, Special Publication No. 5, p. 245–272. Krebs, M.Y., Pearson, D.G., Stachel, T., Stern, R.A., Nowicki, T. and Cairns, S. 2016: Economic Geology, v. 111, p. 503–525. Lefebvre, N., Kopylova, M. and Kivi, K. 2005: Precambrian Research, v. 138, p. 57–87. Nimis, P. 2002: The Canadian Mineralogist, v. 40, p. 871–884. Nowicki, T.E., Moore, R.O., Gurney, J.J. and Baumgartner, M.C. 2007: Developments in Sedimentology, v. 58, p. 1235–1267. Pearce, J.A. and Peate, D.W. 1995: Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, v. 23, p. 251–285. Peccerillo, A. and Taylor, S.R. 1976: Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 58, p. 63–81. Ramsay, R.R. and Tompkins, L.A. 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Kimberlite Conference, Araxá, Brazil, Special Publication, v. 2, p. 329–345. Roeder, P.L. and Schulze, D.J. 2008: Journal of Petrology, v. 49, p. 1473–1495. Stott, G.M., Corkery, M.T., Percival, J.A., Simard, M. and Goutier, J. 2010: Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6260, p. 20-1–20-10. Sun, S-s. and McDonough, W.F. 1989: Geological Society of London, Special Publications, v. 42, p. 313–345. Syme, E.C., Corkery, M.T., Bailes, A.H., Lin, S., Cameron, H.D.M. and Prouse, D. 1997: Report of Activities, 1997, Geological Services, p. 37–46. Syme, E.C., Corkery, M.T., Lin, S., Skulski, T. and Jiang, D. 1998: Report of Activities, 1998, Geological Services, p. 88–95. Trommelen, M.S. 2015: Manitoba Geological Survey, Geoscientific Paper GP2013-3, 30 p. plus 13 appendices. Acknowledgments J. Deyholos, D. Downie and M. Stocking (University of Manitoba) provided capable and enthusiastic assistance during the field mapping component of this study. The author benefited from discussions with R. Syme, T. Corkery and A. Chakhmouradian, and C. Böhm provided a thorough review of the manuscript. Mineral separation and analysis (microdiamonds and indicator minerals) was funded by Mount Morgan Resources Ltd. (M. Fedikow), Polaris Capital Ltd. (R. Day), Indicator Explorations Ltd. (J. Lee) and H. Westdal. Geology of diamond occurrences at southern Knee Lake, Oxford Lake–Knee Lake greenstone belt, Manitoba (NTS 53L14, 15) S.D. Anderson (Manitoba Geological Survey) MGS MGS o l g o i e c g a l a s b u o r t i v n e a y m 1 9 8 2 a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b a b a b a b c d a b c d a b c d a b b c a b c d e f e f a

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96° 94°







Oxford Lake

Knee Lake

Oxford Lake

Knee Lake

Cross Lake

Molson Lake

Island Lake

Gods Lake

Lake Winnipeg

Sharpe Lake




Oxford Lake–Knee Lakegreenstone belt

Oxford Lake–Knee Lakegreenstone belt



Hayes River groupOxford Lake group

Mafic volcanic rocks (flows):

Felsic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks

Volcanic conglomerate, greywacke

Ultramafic–mafic sills

Intermediate–felsic intrusive rocks; feldspar-quartz porphyry

aphyric / amphibolitic

Volcanic conglomerate, greywacke

Andesitic–dacitic facies association

Basaltic andesite facies association

Ultramafic facies association

Volcanic subgroupVolcanic sedimentary rocks

Volcanic, volcaniclastic and volcanic sedimentary rocks

Synorogenic sedimentary rocks

Polymictic conglomerate, greywacke, mudstone, iron formation

Arkosic quartz-greywacke, mudstone

Greywacke, quartz greywacke

variolitic / porphyritic

Intrusive rocks

Bayly Lake pluton: granite / granodiorite

Whitemud Lake pluton: granodiorite, granite

Cinder Lake alkaline intrusive complex: syenite, monzogranite, pegmatite



Sedimentary subgroup

Geological contact

Younging direction

Shear zone, fault

Fold axial trace

Gold showing

Diamond occurrence

Taskipochikay IslandTaskipochikay Island

Omusinapis PointOmusinapis Point

Trout FallsTrout Falls

Hayes RiverHayes River

Knee LakeKnee Lake

Cinder LakeCinder Lake

Michikanes LakeMichikanes Lake

Long IslandLong Island

Pain Killer BayPain Killer Bay

Opischikona NarrowsOpischikona Narrows

Opawakow NarrowsOpawakow Narrows

Opapuskitew BayOpapuskitew Bay GFGF














0 5
















Hayes River groupOxford Lake group

Mafic volcanic rocksVolcanic conglomerate, greywacke

Andesitic–dacitic facies association

Basaltic andesite facies association

Ultramafic facies association

Volcanic sedimentary rocks

Volcanic, volcaniclastic and volcanic sedimentary rocks

Younging direction

Geological contact

Fold axial trace

(syncline, anticline)

Fault, shear zone

Mapping limit


Taskipochikay Island

Taskipochikay Island

Knee Lake

Knee Lake



2722 ±3 Ma2722 ±3 MaY












‘western bay’

‘eastern bay’








Figure 4

Figure 5

0 2









6080500N 38




Fault-bounded wedgeof Hayes River groupFault-bounded wedgeof Hayes River group











Aphyric basaltic flows, gabbro and quartz diorite

Aphyric basaltic fragmental rocks, QFP and basalt dikes

Hayes River group

Oxford Lake group

Basaltic andesite facies association (shoshonitic)

Ultramafic facies association (lamprophyric)

Andesitic–dacitic facies association (calcalkalic)

Volcanic conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone and lapilli tuff

Volcanic conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone, iron formation and porphyritic shoshonite flows

Dacitic fragmental rocks

Andesitic flows and fragmental rocks

Volcanic conglomerate, sandstone, and mudstone

0 1000


Gold occurrence

Microdiamond occurrence

Ankerite veins or alteration

Quartz-tourmaline veins or alteration

Quartz-feldspar porphyry dike

Bedding trendline


Shear zone/fault

Fold axial trace (F )2

Stratigraphic younging

Iron formation

‘western bay’(Knee Lake)












0 200


Porphyritic andesite

Dacitic crystal tuff and tuff breccia

DVC Gabbro, pyroxenite

Andesitic–dacitic facies association

Heterolithic pebble conglomerate

Volcanic conglomerate, sandstone (UFA)

Volcanic sandstone, mudstone, lapilli tuff (UFA)

Shear zone












es LX/KL-2


Station: 52-97-1052NAD83 UTM 15N: 379904E, 6079883N













F1F1 S0S0





0.5 mm










t. %


Basalt Basaltic-andesite

Andesite Dacite

Tholeiite series

Calcalkaline series

High-K calcalkaline series

Shoshonitic series

Tholeiite series

Calcalkaline series

High-K calcalkaline series

Shoshonitic series

40 50 60 70SiO (wt. %)2

40 50 60 70SiO (wt. %)2






O (



40 50 60 70SiO (wt. %)2














) cn

SiO (wt. %)2

40 50 60 70

















e M



















e M






La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu










Th Nb La Ce Pr Nd Zr Sm Eu Ti Dy Y Yb Lu





e M



0.1 1 10 1000.01










La/10 Nb/8


* Back arcbasin












Bedding, upright (n = 12)Bedding, tops unknown (n = 10)Macroscopic fold axis (n = 1)

Foliation (n = 14)Stretching lineation (n = 2)Shear zone, dextral (n = 6)

Bedding, upright (n = 2)Bedding, overturned (n = 3)Bedding, tops unknown (n = 2)Intersection lineation (n = 2)

Foliation (n = 6)Stretching lineation (n = 4)Shear zone, dextral (n = 8)Shear zone, stretching lineation (n = 6)

Eastern Bay Western Bay

0 10 20 30 40 50







t. %


Al O (wt. %)2 3






0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00.0









2+ 2+Fe /(Fe +Mg)



Major zoningtrends ofkimberlitespinel


0 5 10 15 2020








O (




MgO (wt. %)

Diamond inclusionand intergrowth field





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 140







O (




Al O (wt.%)2 3


Spinel peridotiteand off-craton garnetperidotite

Eclogite,megacrystand cognate








0.1 1













Square Mesh Sieve Size (mm)0 25 50 75 100

Cumulative percentile





d w




) n = 144







Summary and guide to figures

In 2016, bedrock mapping and sampling by the Manitoba Geological Survey resulted in the discovery of microdiamonds in shoreline outcrop at southern Knee Lake – a discovery since confirmed and extended by Altius Minerals Corp. (press release, September 25, 2017). The microdiamonds are hosted by polymictic volcanic conglomerate and volcanic sandstone belonging to the Oxford Lake group (ca. 2.72 Ga) of the Oxford Lake–Knee Lake greenstone belt in the northwestern Superior province (Figures 1–5). Well-preserved primary features (Figures 6–8) indicate deposition as debris and turbidity flows in an alluvial or shallow-marine fan setting, whereas interlayers of lapilli tuff (Figure 9) record influxes of pyroclastic material.

Whole-rock geochemical data (Figures 10 & 11) indicate primitive bulk compositions (16.7–18.7 wt. % MgO; >500 ppm Cr, Ni) and alkaline affinities (1.2–3.3 wt. % K₂O) for the volcanic sedimentary rocks and lapilli tuff, collectively referred to as the 'ultramafic facies association', and are comparable to primitive alkaline lamprophyre dikes in the Knee Lake area (Figure 12), suggesting an association with lamprophyric volcanism.

Diverse clast types in the conglomerate include pyroxenite, gabbro and basalt, presumably derived from the ca. 2.83 Ga Hayes River group (Figure 13), representing the local basement. Distinctive cored clasts (Figure 14) in the diamondiferous conglomerate are interpreted to represent pelletal lapilli that formed during intensive degassing within a diatreme vent and were subsequently reworked by sedimentary processes.

Multiphase ductile deformation fabrics (Figures 15 & 16), greenschist-facies metamorphic assemblages, and interstratification with dacitic volcanic rocks dated at 2722 ± 3 Ma (Figures 5 & 17) confirm the Archean emplacement age, placing this diamond occurrence amongst the oldest known on Earth.

Indicator minerals in the conglomerate (MGS sample LX/KL-2) consist of chromite and Cr-spinel, whereas the lapilli tuff (MGS sample LX/KL-3) contains chromite, Cr-diopside, Cr-spinel and diamond-inclusion Cr-spinel, indicative of a mantle-derived magmatic precursor sourced from within the diamond stability field (>140 km depth). Indicator mineral compositions (Figures 18 & 19), coupled with the absence of garnet and ilmenite, suggest that the magmatic precursor was not kimberlitic.

Microdiamonds (n = 144; Figures 20 & 21) obtained from a 15.8 kg sample of the volcanic conglomerate (sample LX/KL-2) are variable in colour, morphology and degree of resorption, with the largest stone weighing 0.2071 mg (0.00104 ct); a sample of the lapilli tuff did not yield diamonds, whereas lamprophyre dikes at Knee Lake have yet to be assessed for diamonds or indicator minerals.

Unconventional diamond occurrences hosted by lamprophyre dikes, polymict volcaniclastic breccia and conglomerate in the Michipicoten greenstone belt (south-central Superior province) near Wawa, Ontario, provide a useful analog to the occurrence at southern Knee Lake, with implications for exploration.

As is the case in the Wawa area, the types and compositions of indicator minerals hosted by the lamprophyric rocks at Knee Lake are distinctly different from those found in surficial sediments. The former are compatible with 'typical' mantle-derived rocks such as komatiite or primitive arc basalt, which are major constituents of greenstone belts in the Superior province, whereas the latter are indicative of diverse sources, possibly including kimberlite. Consequently, any exploration strategy that employs drift prospecting will require careful consideration of not only the complex surficial geology and ice-transport history in the Knee Lake region, but also the potentially diverse and extensive sources of indicator minerals.

Figure 1: Regional geological setting of the Oxford Lake–Knee Lake greenstone belt in the northwestern Superior province (terminology after Stott et al., 2010). Significant gold deposits are indicated by red circles. Abbreviations: HBT, Hudson Bay terrane; NCT, North Caribou terrane; NKF, North Kenyon fault; OSD, Oxford–Stull domain; SWF, Stull-Wunnummin fault. Location of Figure 2 is outlined.

Figure 2: Simplified geology of southern Knee Lake (after Anderson et al., 2015a), including diamond occurrences reported by Anderson (2017b) and Altius Minerals Corp. (press release, September 25, 2017). Geology outside the mapping limit is simplified from Gilbert (1985) and high-resolution aeromagnetic data. Hachure pattern indicates undivided tectonite. Abbreviations: AF and GF indicate structural boundaries between amphibolite facies and greenschist facies rocks; LISZ, Long Island shear zone; TISZ, Taskipochikay Island shear zone. Location of Figure 3 is outlined.

Figure 3: Simplified geology of southeastern Knee Lake showing the distribution of the ultramafic facies association (UFA) and the locations of the western and eastern bays (type localities of the UFA). Also shown are the locations of MGS samples LX/KL-2 and LX/KL-3, and diamond occurrences reported by Altius Minerals Corp.

Locations of Figure 4 and Figure 5 are outlined.

Figure 5: Detailed map of the western bay (Anderson, 2017b) showing thick lenses of dacitic volcanic conglomerate (DVC) of the andesitic–dacitic facies association (2722 Ma; Corkery et al., 2000) interstratified with the ultramafic facies association (UFA). Diamond occurrence as reported by Altius Minerals Corp.

Figure 6: Outcrop photographs of diamondiferous polymictic conglomerate of the UFA: a) boulder–cobble conglomerate, western bay; b) massive cobble–pebble conglomerate showing polymictic clast population and rounded clasts, eastern bay; c) cobble–pebble conglomerate beds at the discovery outcrop (MGS sample LX/KL-2 locality) showing size grading and deeply scoured basal contacts, eastern bay; d) detail of graded bed of polymictic conglomerate, discovery outcrop, eastern bay.

Figure 7: Simplified stratigraphic column for bedded polymictic conglomerate at the discovery outcrop in the eastern bay. Normally-graded beds are capped by pebbly sandstone, consistent with sedimentation from high-density turbidity currents. Channel samples are from Altius Minerals Corp. (press release, September 25, 2017), following up on the original MGS sample (LX/KL-2). Numbers in parentheses indicate diamond counts in the +0.106 mm size fractions (note higher counts in sandy beds). Abbreviations: CC, cobble conglomerate; CS, coarse-grained sandstone; MS, medium-grained sandstone; PC, pebble conglomerate.

Figure 14: Outcrop photographs of pelletal lapilli from diamondiferous conglomerate in the eastern bay: a) pebble conglomerate bed containing abundant pelletal lapilli (arrows); b) pelletal lapilli (arrow) and dark green clasts of juvenile lithic material (J); c) detail of lapillus (dashed outline), showing serpentinite core and lithic rim; d) large lapillus showing thin continuous rim of dark green lithic material around a pyroxenite core.

Figure 17: Outcrop photographs of dacitic volcanic conglomerate (DVC; ca. 2722 Ma; Corkery et al., 2000) interstratified with the UFA in the western bay: a) massive to crudely stratified, clast-supported DVC; b) sharp basal contact of DVC (top), showing mudstone rip-ups derived from the underlying UFA (bottom); c) DVC containing a large angular block of pebble conglomerate (below hammer) derived from the UFA; d) thin lens of DVC interstratified with the UFA.

Figure 8: Outcrop photographs of sandstone in the UFA: a) pebbly sandstone showing scour-and-fill channel at the base and convolute bedding at the top, eastern bay; b) turbiditic sandstone and mudstone, showing normal size-grading (black arrow), load structures (LS), ripples (arrow) and mudstone rip-ups (RU), western bay; bedding is overturned in this location; pencil points north; c) normally-graded sandstone bed with contorted rip-ups of mudstone, eastern bay; d) diffuse compound size-grading and cross-bedding in pebbly sandstone and conglomerate, eastern bay.

Figure 9: Outcrop photographs of lapilli tuff (MGS sample LX/KL-3 locality) in the western bay: a) matrix-supported lapilli tuff showing the essentially monolithic character (gabbro clast indicated by arrow); b) detail of lapillus showing ragged margin and vesicular texture.

Figure 10: Whole-rock geochemical data for various components of the UFA (sandstone, blue squares; lapilli tuff, green triangle; clasts in conglomerate, purple diamonds), including for comparison purposes examples of primitive lamprophyre dikes from Oxford Lake and Knee Lake (red circles; grey tie-lines indicate the most primitive dikes); a) SiO₂ vs. K₂O; fields for shoshonitic, high-K calcalkaline, calcalkaline and tholeiitic series are from Peccerillo and Taylor (1976); b) SiO₂ vs. MgO; c) SiO₂ vs. sum of Cr+Ni; d) SiO₂ vs. (La/Yb)cn (cn, chondrite normalized; values of Sun and McDonough, 1989). Diagrams illustrate the compositional similarity of the volcanic sandstone, lapilli tuff and the primitive lamprophyre dikes.

Figure 11: Chondrite and primitive mantle–normalized trace-element diagrams for the various components of the UFA, including for comparison purposes examples of lamprophyre dikes from Oxford Lake and Knee Lake (symbols as in Figure 10); a) and b) sandstone and lapilli tuff; c) and d) clasts in conglomerate (different coloured tie-lines indicate the three different profiles evident in this sample set); e) and f) lamprophyre dikes (grey tie-lines indicate the most primitive dikes). Normalizing values are from Sun and McDonough (1989).

Figure 13: Trace element discrimination diagrams for clasts in conglomerate of the UFA (purple diamonds), shown in comparison to mafic volcanic rocks of the HRG at Oxford Lake and Knee Lake, representing the local basement during alkaline volcanism (green triangles; unpublished data from Syme et al., 1997, 1998; Anderson et al., 2012, 2013): a) La/10 vs. Y/15 vs. Nb/8 (Cabanis and Lecolle, 1989); b) Log Nb/Yb vs. Log Th/Yb (Pearce and Peate, 1995). Abbreviations: EMORB, enriched mid-ocean–ridge basalt; NMORB, normal mid-ocean–ridge basalt; OIB, ocean-island basalt; VAT, volcanic-arc tholeiite.

Figure 15: Outcrop photographs of deformation structures at southern Knee Lake, based on the deformation sequence of Anderson et al. (2015b) and Anderson (2016): a) isoclinal F₁ fold, defined by iron formation in greywacke ('S₀' indicates bedding), overprinted by F₂ folds (axial planes are indicated by dashed lines); b) steep L₂ stretching lineation in conglomerate; prolate fabric indicated by aspect ratios of clasts on the horizontal and vertical outcrop faces; c) bedding-parallel S₁ foliation and isoclinal F₂ fold in the UFA, western bay; d) vertical outcrop face showing steep stretching lineation (L₂) at a high-angle to bedding in the hinge of a mesoscopic F₂ fold in the UFA, western bay; e) shallow-plunging L₄ stretching lineation defined by deformed clasts in volcanic conglomerate; f) mylonitic S₄ foliation and F₄ Z-folds in the Long Island shear zone (asymmetric quartz boudins indicate dextral shear).

Figure 16: Lower-hemisphere, equal-angle stereographic projections of structural data from the UFA: a) poles to bedding in the eastern bay; star represents pole to girdle (dashed line) defined by bedding orientations and indicates the plunge of a macroscopic F₂ fold (star); b) poles to bedding (S₀) in the western bay; stars indicate measured S₀-S₂ intersection lineations, corresponding to mesoscopic F₂ fold hinges; c) L₂ lineation and poles to planar fabrics (foliation is S₂; shear zones are S₄) in the eastern bay; d) L₂ (steep) and L₄ (shallow) lineations and poles to planar fabrics (foliation is S₂; shear zones are S₄) in the western bay.

Figure 18: Bivariate plots for chromite and Cr-spinel grains recovered from MGS samples KL-2 and KL-3: a) MgO vs. Cr₂O₃; fields for diamond inclusions, Argyle lamproite and HP lamprophyre are from Fipke et al. (1995); field for kimberlite spinel is from Nowicki et al. (2007); b) Fe²⁺/(Fe²⁺+Mg) vs. Cr/(Cr+Al); compositional field for komatiite spinel is from Barnes and Roeder (2001); compositional field and principal zoning trends for kimberlite groundmass spinel are from Roeder and Schulze (2008); c) Al₂O₃ vs. TiO₂ (after Kamenetsky et al., 2001). Abbreviations: ARC, island-arc; LIP, large igneous province; OIB, ocean-island basalt; MORB, mid-ocean–ridge basalt; SSZ, supra-subduction zone. Spinel compositions are consistent with typical arc volcanic rocks (including lamprophyre) or komatiite.

Figure 19: Bivariate plot (Al₂O₃ vs. Cr₂O₃) for Cr-diopside grains from MGS sample KL-3; compositional field for diamond-inclusion and diamond-intergrowth Cr-diopside is from Nimis (2002); other compositional fields are from Ramsay and Tompkins (1994).

Figure 20: Microdiamonds (MD) recovered from MGS sample LX-2: a) MD from the +0.425 mm size fraction, showing minor inclusions; b) examples of clear, colourless MD from the +0.212 mm size fraction.

Figure 21: Distribution plots for microdiamonds (MD) from MGS sample LX-2 (15.8 kg): a) cumulative percentile plot of MD size by weight, showing a continuous distribution up to the 95th percentile; b) square-mesh sieve size vs. number of MD/tonne (log-log) showing a linear, relatively steep distribution curve for sample LX-2 (blue line; dashed line indicates best-fit); shown for comparison purposes are MD distribution curves (grey lines) for samples of resedimented volcaniclastic kimberlite from the Misery complex of the Ekati mine (Krebs et al., 2016); data from a continuous channel sample (12.9 m, 128kg) collected by Altius Minerals Corp. (press release, September 25, 2017; see Figure 7 for channel location) across the discovery outcrop is indicated by the orange line (dashed line indicates best-fit); the conglomerate shows high concentrations of MD in the smaller size fractions, whereas the steep slopes of the best-fit lines suggest that the maximum stone size is likely to be ~2 mm.

Figure 4: Revised geology of the southeastern portion of southern Knee Lake (Anderson, 2017a). Numbers (1–9) indicate major, fault-bounded, lithostructural panels. Abbreviations: LISZ, Long Island shear zone; QFP, quartz-feldspar porphyry; TISZ, Taskipochikay Island shear zone. Microdiamonds have been recovered from the ultramafic facies association in panels 2 and 7.

Figure 12: Outcrop photographs of lamprophyre dikes at central Knee Lake: a) primitive (11 wt. % MgO) lamprophyre dike; b) flow-banded dike of more evolved lamprophyre (7.7 wt. % MgO); c) primitive (11.5 wt. % MgO) lamprophyre dike with thick chilled margins; d) coarse phenocrysts of phlogopite in primitive lamprophyre dike (same locality as previous photo).

Exploration implications

The southern Knee Lake microdiamond occurrence represents the first discovery of diamonds associated with alkaline volcanic rocks in Manitoba.

Although diamonds are typically hosted by kimberlite intrusions (e.g., Kjarsgaard, 2007), significant deposits and occurrences are also associated with other types of mantle-derived intrusions, including lamproite and ultramafic lamprophyre, and calcalkaline lamprophyre (e.g., Gurney et al., 2005). Examples of the latter association in the Michipicoten belt near Wawa, Ontario (Lefebvre et al., 2005), are strongly analogous to the Knee Lake diamond occurrence and provide insight into the potential complexity of these systems, with relevance to exploration methodologies.

As in the Michipicoten belt, discontinuous exposure and complex structure at Knee Lake hinder stratigraphic correlations of diamondiferous units. In addition, the type and chemistry of indicator minerals obtained from the diamondiferous rocks differ significantly from those recovered from surficial sediments (e.g., Fedikow et al., 2002), indicating derivation from different sources. At Knee Lake, drift prospecting is further complicated by a number of factors, including several directions of ice flow, widespread dilution of the local bedrock signature by far-travelled calcareous till, streamlined landforms that do not reflect the ice-flow transport direction, and a locally thick blanket of glaciolacustrine clay (Trommelen, 2015).

For these reasons, the initial stages of follow-up exploration should focus on detailed mapping of volcaniclastic, sedimentary and intrusive rocks of the ultramafic facies association, and the collection of well-constrained bedrock samples for caustic fusion and heavy mineral separation in order to establish the spatial distribution of diamondiferous rocks and the nature of their indicator mineral populations. In addition, an orientation survey of surficial sediments inland from the eastern and western bays, including detailed characterization of the glacial till as per the recommendations of Trommelen (2015), as well as conventional geochemical analysis for elements known to be enriched in the diamondiferous rocks (e.g., Ba, Cr, Ni, Sr), may also prove valuable.

ReferencesAnderson, S.D. 2016: Report of Activities 2016, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 1–15.Anderson, S.D. 2017a: Report of Activities 2017, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 1–11.Anderson, S.D. 2017b: Manitoba Geological Survey, Open File Report OF2017-3, 27 p.Anderson, S.D., Kremer, P.D. and Martins, T. 2012: Report of Activities 2012, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 6–22.Anderson, S.D., Kremer, P.D. and Martins, T. 2013: Report of Activities 2013, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 7–22.Anderson, S.D., Syme, E.C., Corkery, M.T., Bailes, A.H. and Lin, S. 2015a: Manitoba Geological Survey, Preliminary Map PMAP2015-1, 1:20 000 scale.Anderson, S.D., Syme, E.C., Corkery, M.T., Bailes, A.H. and Lin, S. 2015b: Report of Activities 2015, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 9–23.Barnes, S.J. and Roeder, P.L. 2001: Journal of Petrology, v. 42, p. 2279–2302.Cabanis, B. and Lecolle, M. 1989: Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, v. 309, p. 2023–2029.Corkery, M.T., Cameron, H.D.M., Lin, S., Skulski, T., Whalen, J.B. and Stern, R.A. 2000: Report of Activities 2000, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 129–136.Fedikow, M.A.F., Nielsen, E., Conley, G.G. and Lenton, P.G. 2002: Manitoba Geological Survey, Open File Report OF2002-1.Fipke, C.E., Gurney, J.J. and Moore, R.O. 1995: Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 423, 86 p.Gilbert, H.P. 1985: Geological Services, Geological Report GR83-1B, 76 p.Gurney, J.J., Helmstaedt, H.H., Le Roex, A.P., Nowicki, T.E., Richardson, S.H. and Westerlund, K.J. 2005: Economic Geology 100th Anniversary Volume, p. 143–177.

Kamenetsky, V.S., Crawford, A.J. and Meffre, S. 2001: Journal of Petrology, v. 42, p. 655–671.Kjarsgaard, B.A. 2007: Geological Association of Canada, Mineral Deposits Division, Special Publication No. 5, p. 245–272.Krebs, M.Y., Pearson, D.G., Stachel, T., Stern, R.A., Nowicki, T. and Cairns, S. 2016: Economic Geology, v. 111, p. 503–525.Lefebvre, N., Kopylova, M. and Kivi, K. 2005: Precambrian Research, v. 138, p. 57–87.Nimis, P. 2002: The Canadian Mineralogist, v. 40, p. 871–884.Nowicki, T.E., Moore, R.O., Gurney, J.J. and Baumgartner, M.C. 2007: Developments in Sedimentology, v. 58, p. 1235–1267.Pearce, J.A. and Peate, D.W. 1995: Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, v. 23, p. 251–285.Peccerillo, A. and Taylor, S.R. 1976: Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 58, p. 63–81.Ramsay, R.R. and Tompkins, L.A. 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Kimberlite Conference, Araxá, Brazil, Special Publication, v. 2, p. 329–345.Roeder, P.L. and Schulze, D.J. 2008: Journal of Petrology, v. 49, p. 1473–1495.Stott, G.M., Corkery, M.T., Percival, J.A., Simard, M. and Goutier, J. 2010: Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6260, p. 20-1–20-10.Sun, S-s. and McDonough, W.F. 1989: Geological Society of London, Special Publications, v. 42, p. 313–345.Syme, E.C., Corkery, M.T., Bailes, A.H., Lin, S., Cameron, H.D.M. and Prouse, D. 1997: Report of Activities, 1997, Geological Services, p. 37–46.Syme, E.C., Corkery, M.T., Lin, S., Skulski, T. and Jiang, D. 1998: Report of Activities, 1998, Geological Services, p. 88–95.Trommelen, M.S. 2015: Manitoba Geological Survey, Geoscientific Paper GP2013-3, 30 p. plus 13 appendices.


J. Deyholos, D. Downie and M. Stocking (University of Manitoba) provided capable and enthusiastic assistance during the field mapping component of this study. The author benefited from discussions with R. Syme, T. Corkery and A. Chakhmouradian, and C. Böhm provided a thorough review of the manuscript. Mineral separation and analysis (microdiamonds and indicator minerals) was funded by Mount Morgan Resources Ltd. (M. Fedikow), Polaris Capital Ltd. (R. Day), Indicator Explorations Ltd. (J. Lee) and H. Westdal.

Geology of diamond occurrences at southern Knee Lake, Oxford Lake–Knee Lakegreenstone belt, Manitoba (NTS 53L14, 15)

S.D. Anderson (Manitoba Geological Survey)MGSMGS

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