difference between plants and animals

Difference between Plants and Animals Introduction: The surface of the earth is covered with plants and animals, and we cover many of them in this category. Starting with plants, we explore agriculture and horticulture. Agriculture is the science of producing plants and livestock from the natural resources of the earth. This usually happens on a large scale. Horticulture usually means small-scale gardening and cultivating fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants. Both grew from early man’s need to feed and clothe themselves, and agriculture and the domestication of wild animals made it possible for civilizations to be created. Today, modern agriculture feeds most of the people on the planet and is made easier by developments like irrigation, genetic engineering, and the combine harvester. People who made important contributions to the advancement of agriculture as a science. Plant: Plants are one of the five big groups (kingdoms) of living things. They are autotrophic eukaryotes, which mean they have complex cells, and make their own food. Usually they cannot move (not counting growth). Animal: Animals are eukaryotic organisms with many cells. They do not use light to get energy and grow, as plants do. The study of animals is called zoology. Animals use different ways to get energy from other living things. They usually eat other living things, but some are parasites, or have photosynthetic protists as symbionts. Differences between plants and animals: Locomotion: Page | 1

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Page 1: Difference between plants and animals

Difference between Plants and Animals


The surface of the earth is covered with plants and animals, and we cover many of them in this category. Starting with plants, we explore agriculture and horticulture. Agriculture is the science of producing plants and livestock from the natural resources of the earth. This usually happens on a large scale. Horticulture usually means small-scale gardening and cultivating fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants.

Both grew from early man’s need to feed and clothe themselves, and agriculture and the domestication of wild animals made it possible for civilizations to be created. Today, modern agriculture feeds most of the people on the planet and is made easier by developments like irrigation, genetic engineering, and the combine harvester. People who made important contributions to the advancement of agriculture as a science.


Plants are one of the five big groups (kingdoms) of living things. They are autotrophic eukaryotes, which mean they have complex cells, and make their own food. Usually they cannot move (not counting growth).


Animals are eukaryotic organisms with many cells. They do not use light to get energy and grow, as plants do. The study of animals is called zoology. Animals use different ways to get energy from other living things. They usually eat other living things, but some are parasites, or have photosynthetic protists as symbionts.

Differences between plants and animals:


Plants generally are rooted in one place and do not move on their own (locomotion), whereas most animals have the ability to move fairly freely.


Plants contain chlorophyll and can make their own food, this is called Photosynthesis. Animals cannot make their own food and are dependent on plants and other animals for food.


Plants breathe using a system called respiration. Plants give off oxygen and take in carbon dioxide given off by animals. Animals give off carbon dioxide which plants need to make food and take in oxygen which they need to breathe.

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A plant cell has a cell wall made of cellulose. However, an animal cell will lack a cell wall. Another difference is their organelles, which are the tiny specialized structures in a cell that perform a certain function. Plant cells have chloroplasts, but animal cells don't. The reason for this is because chloroplasts help with photosynthesis. Since animals do not use photosynthesis, they don't require chloroplasts.


Plants have either no or very basic ability to sense. Animals have a much more highly developed sensory and nervous system.

Circulatory system:

Plants have a very rudimentary circulatory system based on pressure and potential differences; the majority of "higher" animals have closed circulatory systems.

Feed intake:

Plants intake simple food but animals can intake complex food.

The chart below summarizes some of these differences.

PLANTS ANIMALSPlants generally are rooted in one place an do not move on their own

Most animals have the ability to move fairly freely.

Plants contain chlorophyll and can make their own food

Animals cannot make their own food and are dependent on plants and other animals for food.

Plants give off oxygen and take in carbon dioxide given off by animals.

Animals give off carbon dioxide which plants need to make food and take in oxygen which they need to breathe.

Plants cells have cell walls and other structures differ from those of animals.

Animal cells do not have cell walls and have different structures than plant cells

Plants have either no or very basic ability to sense.

Animals have a much more highly developed sensory and nervous system.

Plants are autotrophic Animals are heterotrophic.


The differences between plants and animals begin at the cellular level and come to include aspects such as mobility. While both types of cells have plasma membranes, a plant cell includes a dividing wall while the animal cell does not.

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