digital asset management report

G-SAM Global Society for Asset Management Digital Asset Management Report 2005 Interviews with 26 DAM Executives A concise summary of market trends, recent announcements, future product directions and executive views on the DAM industry – present and future

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G-SAMGlobal Society for Asset Management

Digital AssetManagement Report


Interviews with 26 DAM Executives

A concise summary of market trends,recent announcements, future product directions

and executive views on the DAM industry –present and future

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About this report

Publisher: Global Society for Asset Management (G-SAM), All Rights Reserved 2005No part of this document may be taken out of context for reproduction and distribution in any form or byany means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written consent of G-SAM.

Author: Cynthia Francis, Principal, the DMM Group, Inc., and Membership Coordinator G-SAM, SanFrancisco Chapter

Contributing Editor: Katherine Parker, Global Business Development Manager, Media & Entertainmentfor Sun Microsystems, and VP Chapter Development G-SAM, [email protected]

G-SAM Accredited Research: The G-SAM DAM Report is part of a series. To maintain G-SAMstandards of industry neutrality, every effort is made to exclude company propaganda from the editorial,and report sponsors relinquish editorial rights.Interviews for the next G-SAM DAM report will be scheduled September 8 – 13th at IBC2005.To request an interview, contact the author at [email protected]

For press inquiries, contact [email protected]

This report is available at or by contacting G-SAMat [email protected] or +1 323-254-6545.

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This report is distributed to the industry thanks to thegenerous sponsorship of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

About Sun Microsystems, Inc. A singular vision -- "The Network Is The Computer" -- guides Sun in thedevelopment of technologies that power the world's most important markets. Sun's philosophy of sharinginnovation and building communities is at the forefront of the next wave of computing: the ParticipationAge. Sun can be found in more than 100 countries and on the Web at Sun Partner Advantage The Sun Partner Advantage Program delivers everything you need to fast track your development and growyour business. The program offers, to eligible partners, substantial discounts on Sun hardware, software,and support; improved company and product visibility via Sun marketing programs; increased salesopportunities to Sun customers; and access to valuable customized information via our private partnerportals.Sun Authorized iForce Center at WGBH, Boston, Massachusetts (USA)In partnership with WGBH-Boston, Sun created a media technology lab and iForce customer visit center. Tolearn more and request a visit, see: request a visit to the Sun Authorized iForce Center at WGBH, Boston, you may also complete the formlocated at:

Sun Premier Digital Asset Management Partners include:

See back cover to learn more about Sun and our partners at NAB, andSun’s Award-winning Media Asset Management Reference Architecture

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Table of Contents

About this Report............................................................................... 2Sponsorship ....................................................................................... 3Table of Contents............................................................................... 5Overview .....................................................................................6 - 10Interviews and Company Profiles...............................................11- 40About the Global Society for Asset Management.............................41About the Authors..............................................................................41

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OverviewDigital Asset Management (DAM), Media Asset Management (MAM), andcontent technologies in general are increasingly mainstream. Take as anexample the International Broadcast Conference (IBC), which is held inAmsterdam every September. Over the past couple of years IBC have re-positioned their brand, reflected in their logo, to proclaim “Content” – with“IBC” fading into the background.The Global Society for Asset Management (G-SAM) interviewed 26 companiesin the DAM industry beginning at NAB2005 and throughout Q2 2005. In talkingwith senior executives and product strategists of these companies, weidentified a set of trends, pain points, and future directions in DAM that areinstructive for anyone with an interest in media management technologies andmarket directions.• Our report looks across a diverse set of DAM products and approaches,

providing a concise summary appropriate for management and operationsalike.

• If you missed NAB2005, the report is your one-stop resource for markettrends, product research, and company contacts.

• For attendees to IBC2005, both this report and last years’ G-SAM DAMReport from IBC provide valuable insights to help you plan your agenda atthe event.

We share our observations below, followed by the complete report.

Evolution of a MarketplaceConsolidation. Consolidation is increasing and “improving the market” (EMC).Pending acquisitions include:

• Pinnacle by Avid• Macromedia by Adobe• StorageTek by Sun, and• eMotion by Corbis

We hear concerns about the “disappearance of DAM as a category, subsumedby larger Content Management vendors” (Extensis). Strangely, the benefit is notapparent in the market, as we haven’t seen the infusion of resources result in aDAM marketing push by the parent companies (Savvis). The industry has beenable to create a “great vision” for DAM – the challenge now is to bring solutionsfurther in the processing of assets into derivatives (HP).Emerging Players. At the same time, new legitimate media sectors – such asmobile computing – will foster new opportunities to support alternative formsof electronic media (Adobe) as will IPTV (The Platform). There are some “moresophisticated competition” (Adobe) and concern by small, specialized playersabout competing with larger consolidated players (BlueOrder). There are newways of solving the same old problems, ways that are cheaper and moreflexible (Exanet). And, there is a sense that the “old guard” is moving on andnew companies are moving in (Konan).

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Growth Areas. The market is starting to shift to medium and small sizeopportunities – this is the next area of growth for the industry (Telestream).More companies are exploding with more digital assets and growth will comefrom solving hundreds of companies’ needs (Extensis). Another approach toaddressing the low-end is the concept of “snap-in” modules (Konan) andinterchangeable components (OnStream, Ascent).Business Drivers. It’s exciting to finally see companies successfully deploybusinesses built on repurposing and re-licensing of content. That thesebusinesses are based on DAM capabilities is no longer a theory but a practice(North Plains). Customers are finally using DAM systems to handle content thatis the product as opposed to just handling the marketing of the product.(Savvis) Rather than just building large collections, customers are turning theirattention to the “processing and automated repurposing of assets” (HP).There is renewed interest in internet distribution and delivery of new media vianew channels – cable and broadband. Newer mediums are driving most of thebig opportunities for DAM (Savvis). DAM vendors are seeing new opportunitiesfrom shifts in distribution channels but also by expanding beyond broadcast.“We want to leverage our M&E experience into bigger markets, but theknowledge of video and audio drops off significantly and the channel hastrouble selling into non-media markets” (TeleStream).Broader Application Space. Increasingly we see a dialog that begins with DAMlead to a wide range of related requirements. Each customer’s strategy for fileformats, file management and transport are different. It’s a green field wherewe are helping customers by marrying IT technology and practices with mediaexpertise (Sun). Some vendors describe themselves as evolving from a pure ISVto a “solutions provider of software, hardware and services” (Front Porch).DAM becomes richer as it sits with other related technologies (eMotion).Of Note: Sadly, we heard close to publication date Siemens Business Services(formerly BBC Technology) has shut down its North American operations. Thisputs a team -- talented and experienced in Broadcast and rich mediainfrastructure deployments, on the market.

Major Trends in DAM/ MAM Technology:Consolidated Architectures. Vendors are responding to customerrequirements for integrated, end-to-end workflows. DAM is central andsurrounded by a number of applications and services that must be harmonizedin order to enable new business models. Nowhere is the move to architecturalapproach more apparent than in the television sector, where manybroadcasters are funded to implement but grappling with how to deploy.Enterprise scale deployments are on the rise, so we see greater interest inconsolidated architectures (Sun).Customers are calling for componentized architectures so they can focus on theirgreatest needs without paying for unneeded components (Konan). DAM is shiftingto more modular software and CMS strategies shifting to a platform(HP).I.T. players have taken the end-to-end concept a step further and are “bringingout conceptually-based plays” (Dalet). Some see the entry of Microsoft (withConnected Services Framework for Broadcast) and OpenText (with the Artesiaacquisition) as adding legitimacy to the field (OnStream). Sun’s DAM Reference

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Architecture (DAM RA) and Hewlett-Packard’s Digital Media Platform (DMP)seem to embody a view of “DAM as an integral system” (Artesia). NABannouncements include adoption by WGBH, MLB, TV4, Comcast (Sun, ArtesiaDAM RA); Ascent (HP DMP); and Sony Pictures (Microsoft CSF).Cooperation. Cooperation between vendors for interoperability is taking off intheory with a greater sense of community and interdependence: “to play in thisnew world you have to play nice” (thePlatform). In practice, there are a greaternumber of effective partnerships and tighter integrations (Exanet), and vendorsare increasingly adopting interoperable web services / J2EE-based platforms(Artesia, Arkemedia, ClearStory, EMC, North Plains); some go further with“platform and database agnostic solutions” (Konan). Partnerships areincreasing, but video is complicated and still in it’s infancy (TeleStream).Integration. Many are either using open interfaces (Artesia) and/or building aportfolio of vendor specific integrations (North Plains, with The Platform andTelestream; Sun’s DAM RA, with integration to Telestream and multiple videoservers; BlueOrder, with integration to Avid Unity and Media Manager). HP isbeginning the DMP development process with a few as-yet-unnamed partners,Microsoft demonstrated CSF with five partners, and Sun is far along with over adozen platform and integration partners in DAM RA 2.0. In the traditionalbroadcast space, the goal of Harris’ “H-Class” Content Delivery Platform is tounify disparate Harris applications and also provide a way for others to accessHarris systems.Workflow. The workflow discussion is integral to DAM and sometimes theterms are used interchangeably. Readers will find workflow references woventhroughout this report. There is a desire for rigorous workflow control in thesoftware (Exanet), but at the same time users want their assets available toother applications and other workflows (HP). The shift to enabling platformsputs DAM in the role of creating and supporting critical workflows (eMotion).Professional Services. On the topic of professional services, opinions aremixed. Outspoken and visionary, North Plains sees a decreasing need forprofessional services – a minority viewpoint among the executives weinterviewed.In the MAM space, there is low repeatability due to many customer-specificimplementation issues (like defining metadata and formats), and therefore anincrease in professional services (Front Porch). Broadcast workflow requirescustom mapping and is therefore professional services-oriented (Harris). BothAvid and Sun Microsystems are playing a “General Contractor” role. Therequirements of each content owner are different, and they want to leverageexisting systems and pre-built applications (Sun). Some vendors are workingclosely with resellers who provide integration and customization (Cinegy).Managed Services. SBS and Ascent Media are each taking a different approachto helping customers manage complexity. The handling of long-form involveshuge engineering problems for content owners, which Ascent proposes tosolve with a services platform that automates management of delivery tomultiple outlets. SBS sees outsourcing or managed services as a major industrydirection, allowing broadcasters to return to their core editorial focus.Utility Model. The utility computing model also changes things – in the legacymodel customers had to deploy for their peak, utility computing models allowthem to scale up and down, eliminating the need to invest in capex (Savvis).

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Major Trends for DAM/ MAM Users:Maturing. Current adopters are maturing: they are looking at upgrade paths,second and third deployments, interoperability with key business systems, andtaking their DAM strategy across the enterprise (Artesia). DAM is being seenmore strategically, not just as a repository for content, and there is increasedfocus on the strategic value vs. cost savings or budget alone (EMC, SBS). Themost successful content owners will create and program seamlessly frombroadcast to broadband from a common repository, workflow andinterdisciplinary business model (North Plains).Users are no longer confused about what DAM is. Now it’s about how to applyDAM (Adobe). Customers have caught up with DAM vendors and are fairly wiseabout the market (HP). Customers are seen as embracing DAM processes, notjust technology (Adobe) and the answers are not being found in point productsany longer (SBS).Usability. Usability becomes paramount: customers want smoother integrationbetween systems, better user interfaces, and more intuitive workflows (Adobe).There is a need for easy-to-deploy and easy-to-use software, particularly forworkgroups that create assets (Extensis). IT wants to provide access to mediaacross the board, but creative teams want desktop tools and collaboration(TeleStream). There is concern that vendors are not moving quickly enough toprovide what customers want (Konan).Corporate Adopters. Many customers know they want DAM, but cannotreadily scope their needs as workgroup vs. enterprise (ClearStory). ASP DAM issaid to be popular, especially with new adopters who may want to shop aroundbefore committing to a single DAM vendor relationship (OnStream) and it isopportunistic in regard to price and technology (eMotion). There may behesitancy on the part of corporate customers to move ahead with broadimplementations where they might drive out cost and explore new revenuestreams; instead they opt for small projects to prove ROI (Savvis).Big Bets. We are seeing the first big bets in Broadcast Operations andProduction that will fundamentally change workflow. We are in the early days ofradical change (Artesia). Studios are naturally cautious – fifty percent of theconversation is about security. Flexibility to support any DRM, watermarking ortranscoding technology is key (Ascent). Management of metadata is requisite(Sun) and “DAM is a necessity” (Exanet) in production of new value from assetsand derivates (HP). We are seeing a 3-fold increase in demand for well-articulated metadata; secure access and, rights (TeleStream).Next Big Thing? MAM – is it the next big thing? Media Asset Management inthis instance refers to handling and storage management of the actual files.There are a complex set of file management and transport problems to besolved at the design and architectural level for rich media. “We get asked aboutdifferent revenue streams (i.e. internet, cable, mobile) to enable businessmodels. We help users define what their metadata fields should be, and weadvise on selection of master storage formats and conversion” (Front Porch).Enterprise DAM brings with it the need for a comprehensive storage strategyspanning from digitization and ingest to disaster recovery (Sun). Storagestrategy is one of the most overlooked areas when beginning to plan for DAM(Front Porch).

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The need for repurposing means the opportunities to use different formats aregrowing and becoming more and more interesting (TeleStream). HD changeseverything – it adds a layer of complexity to how files get moved, in whichformats, on which media, and when – between online, nearline, offline anddisaster recovery (Sun). New physical media such as High Definition are drivingdemand (Savvis).Need for Standards. There was almost unanimous agreement on a seriousneed for standards and formal practices. No one is using standards like DublinCore in exactly the same way (thePlatform). The industry needs to “pulltogether and advance standards that the community can build upon” (Adobe).G-SAM helps, but many customers are still confused and don’t know where togo to get information (Exanet). There’s an increasing focus around standardterminology, but the language – DAM vs. MAM – is still confusing (Cinegy). Wecan’t educate a whole market and need to find good partners who can help useducate and expand the market (TeleStream).

Interviews and Company ProfilesThe 26 companies in this report represent a significant sampling of DAMvendors present at NAB in April and Henry Stewart DAM in May 2005, and over20% of the DAM-focused offerings worldwide. Some vendors in this reporthave products in multiple sectors; our report focuses on their DAM/MAMofferings.Each G-SAM interview is distilled into a profile of the company. We posed thesame questions to each executive, time permitting. Output from the interviewswas then fact-checked and supplemented with online research. To maintainG-SAM standards of industry neutrality, every effort has been made to excludecompany propaganda, and the report sponsor relinquishes editorial rights.Profiles include:

• Company Summary• DAM Product set• News• Target Markets• Key customers• Competitive Landscape• Customer Requirements for Deployment• Concerns/ excitement about the DAM Industry

Cynthia FrancisMembership Coordinator, Global Society for Asset ManagementPrincipal, The DMM Group, Inc.CEO, Reality DigitalKatherine ParkerVP Chapter Development, Global Society for Asset ManagementGlobal Business Development Manager, Media & Entertainment Industry Sales,Sun Microsystems

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Adobe SystemsG-SAM Principle andFounding Andrew SalopDigital Asset ManagementTechnologies408 [email protected]


SummaryAdobe is a leading provider of software solutions to create,manage and deliver high-impact, reliable digital content.Headquartered in San Jose, California, Adobe has announcedits intention to acquire Macromedia.Products:

Adobe Creative Suite 2 – Unified design environmentthat combines new versions of Adobe Photoshop®CS2, Adobe Illustrator® CS2, Adobe InDesign® CS2,and Adobe GoLive® CS2. Creative Suite 2 alsoincludes Adobe Acrobat® 7 Professional, AdobeVersion Cue® CS2 and Adobe Bridge.

Adobe Bridge -- Visual file browser that lets designersbrowse, organize, edit and search for Adobe XMPmetadata, and process design assets within AdobeCreative Suite 2 applications. Bridge also providesaccess to Adobe Stock Photos.

Adobe Version Cue CS2 -- File-version manager andcollaboration tool that lets users visually preview,track and access historical versions of files in AdobeCreative Suite 2 projects.

Adobe XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) –Standards-based XML metadata framework used todescribe the content or characteristics of a file

Adobe LiveCycle™ Policy Server – Multiplatformsolution that lets organizations apply dynamic,persistent and robust security policies to electronicdocuments for the control of confidentiality, privacyand accountability.

What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?

Creative Suite 2 Alignment with industry leaders to deliver OpenHD

Turnkey Desktop SolutionsWhat are your primary target markets or customer types?Creative professionals, Publishers, Media Studios and AgenciesWho are your key customers in DAM?Creative professionals, media studios, creative agenciesworldwide.How do you see the DAM competitive landscape changing?

Continued consolidation More sophisticated competition Better-integrated solutions New opportunities to support alternative forms of

electronic media.

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What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?A few years back, the conversation was about “what is DAM”and “why.” Now it’s about “how” to apply DAM. Usability is ofincreasing importance -- customers want smootherintegration between systems, better user interfaces, and moreintuitive workflows. It’s all about efficiency, productivity,flexibility.What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?It’s exciting to see the growing customer interest in embracingDAM technologies and processes. We're also seeing morewillingness of stakeholders to partner to provide bettersolutions.A concern is the continuing inability of the industry to pulltogether to advance standards that the community can buildupon. Market momentum will increase when we have aconsistent industry-level story around DAM technologyinfrastructure and business processes that speaks to diverseconstituencies.

Artesia / OpenTextG-SAM Principle andFounding Scott Bowen, [email protected] Mike BarrosVP Business [email protected]

Artesia Digital Media, a Division of Open Text

SummaryArtesia is headquartered just outside Washington DC with asales office in London. Since being acquired by OpenText;Artesia has maintained their own R&D, sales, and marketing oftheir DAM solution internationally.Products in the DAM sector:

Artesia DAM, the flagship product formerly known asTEAMS, a market leading Digital Asset Managementsolution.

Artesia Creative Desktop and other modules.What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005? with the Sun Digital Asset Management ReferenceArchitecture. Also, a video integration use case with IPV, GVG,Telestream.What are your primary target markets or customer types?Broadcast/ Entertainment, Traditional Media & Publishing,Corporate Marketing, Federal/ Gov’t/ Non-ProfitWho are a couple of your key customers in DAM?GM, Discovery, HBO, Fox, Dreamworks, Channel 4 (UK),Scholastic, Whirlpool, and 20th Century FoxHow do you see the DAM competitive landscape changing?The DAM landscape is evolving rapidly. There has beenconsolidation over the last 1-1/2 years, and the emergence oftraditional CMS players (Documentum, Interwoven, Stellent,IBM, OpenText) in DAM. Now we see the same interest inextending the DAM value chain from the Broadcast sector(Harris, Avid).

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What are you competing on? Do you see differentcompetitors? Vendors are responding with open APIs, webservices-based and publicly-defined interfaces. DAM today isdefined as an integral system.What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?Current DAM adopters are characterized as maturing – theyare looking at upgrade paths, 2nd and 3rd deployments,interoperability with key business systems, and taking theirDAM strategy across the enterprise.As the role of DAM becomes better understood, it can beviewed as a center point of management and movement ofassets around the enterprise. Artesia is working to ensure wehave an architecture to acquire metadata and essence toincorporate it into a logical view across disparate repositories.What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?“My biggest excitement is in seeing demand and adoptionaccelerate across industries – Pharmaceuticals, BioTech, Retail– the recognition of ROI and the fundamental value of DAM.“Within the media sector we are seeing the first big bets inBroadcast Operations and Production that will fundamentallychange workflow. We are in the early days of radical change.”

Ascent MediaG-SAM Principle andFounding Clark PettitSenior Vice PresidentGlobal Digital Media Center323 [email protected]

Ascent Media Group (AMG)

SummaryOwned by Liberty. Global with offices in DC, Singapore, andLos Angeles. Ascent has a global network in place.Products:Ascent hosts DAM libraries, receiving files from any posthouse, repurposing from the high-resolution master for eachdistribution mode or device.

HUB - service for short-form: near-line video, audio,print.

ATLAS – Handles long-form requirements of studiosand networks and enables online collaboration.

What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?Sony/ Ascent/ HP DMP announcement: Sony is using ourservice to move assets into a digital file world.What are your primary target markets or customer types?Studios, NetworksHow do you see the DAM competitive landscape changing?The 4th generation of DAM is addressing customers’requirements for great features without large upfront capitalexpenditures. The ability to handle long-form involves hugeengineering problems. It is “doable” but massively complex.Customers realize it’s not a core competency. The contentbusiness is driven by ownership of your distribution channel –now there are too many channels to manage.

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business is driven by ownership of your distribution channel –now there are too many channels to manage.What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?Studios are naturally cautious – fifty percent of theconversation is about security. Ascent is a known supplier.Now we are an end-to-end secure facilities supplier ofmultiple services. We are flexible; we can support any DRM,watermarking or transcoding.What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?Consumers are now in the same place with film as they werewith music. The problems to be solved aren’t conceptual, theyare heavy engineering tasks.

Avid Technology Inc.G-SAM Principle andFounding Memberwww.avid.comDavid Schleifer, DirectorAvid Broadcast+1 978 640 [email protected]


SummaryAvid is well established in digital video and broadcast news,with a growing presence in media management. Avid seethemselves as solving the hard problems: first video - nowworkflow and integration. Avid solutions manage multipleasset types including 3D, audio, video, web, animation/CG,film and broadcast. Their primary advantage, according toAvid, is the capability for tight integration across theworkflow.Products:

Media Manager - Broadcast DAM; access, tracking andpreviewing of assets, integrating with editing,production and media management.

Productivity tools – Transfer Manager, Transcoding NXN Alienbrain – DAM for CG (character generation)

and animation-based workflows. ActiveContent Manager – DAM for web publishing.

What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005? Media Manager has been enhanced to include the ability to

log media – you can open a clip and add metadata andalso send it to playback – within Media Manager.

Announced iNews Instinct, a new product in the iNews linethat provides a consolidated view of assets across sharedstorage. The product is an efficiency tool for newsrooms.

Continued to enhance products, announcing new versionsof everything, as well as support for MXF import andexport across products.

What are your primary target markets or customer types?Broadcast, Post, Animation/CG and Web publishing.Who are a couple of your key customers in DAM?NBC, ABC, Gannett, Sinclair, Disney, ZDF, Reuters, TBV HongKong and many others.

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How do you see the DAM competitive landscape changing?We’ve seen competitors come and go. Our focus is deliveringDAM that is tightly integrated with Avid systems plus allowingcustomers to leverage outside systems. For example, weintegrate with AnyStream and Telestream for encoding. Andwe resell SGL and StorageTek for archive. We have a rich APIprogram with continued acceptance by third parties. We seean increasing need to integrate with third parties.What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?Customers fall into 2 categories: either they see the off-shelfproducts as a good fit, or they are looking to solve largerproblems. Services is a growing business for Avid. We can actas a general contractor and have done so with FranceTV andCanadian Broadcasting (CBC).What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?The industry hasn’t been viable for standalone companies;they have been slow in meeting customer demands. Avid isfilling a void left by companies going out of business. There’sstill the need for greater awareness of the value of DAM, butI’m excited about our product directions going forward inmeeting customer needs.


Serena Brinkman, PartnerManager Europe+44 (0) 1 1483 [email protected]

Blue Order

SummaryBlue Order, a techMath AG Company, specializes in DAMSolutions based on hybrid software and services for broadcastworkflow. They have offices in UK, Germany, and New Yorkand claim 30 installations worldwide.Products

• Media Archive Enterprise – fully customizable withhooks into typical broadcast equipment.

• Media Archive Professional – workgroup offerWhat is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?

Announced integration with Avid Unity, CaptureManager, and Media Manager.

Developed a data model with customers – GVDM(Generalized Video Data Model)

Workflow support announcement.What are your primary target markets or customer types?Blue Order are 100% focused on BroadcastWho are a couple of your key customers in DAM?NBC Olympics, NOB in Holland, Swiss RadioHow do you see the DAM competitive landscape changing?Continuing consolidation – for example Harris, OpenTextacquiring DAM software. We see Omnibus pushing their MAMand Veneca in the US.

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What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?Customers are more educated at this point – and not just ontechnology. They are asking about the value proposition forDAM. Also, DAM is no longer silo’d in the environment; I.T. isnow part of the audience.What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?As a small, specialized player we are now competing withlarger consolidated players. It’s exciting that more people areseeing the value of DAM.

Jason BrightCEO, Brightech212 3rd Avenue N, Suite 555Minneapolis, MN 55401Phone (612) 317-0737FAX (612) 373-0763


SummaryBrightech was founded in Minneapolis, MN in 1989 and hasbeen providing DAM via their MediaBeacon product since1996. MediaBeacon Video was released in 2004 to providemore robust transcoding capability for all audio and videoformats.Products: MediaBeacon®What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?

• Partnership with Telestream and their FlipFactoryproduct.

• MediaBeacon Revolution released for Mac OS XWhat are your primary target markets or customer types?Corporate MarCom, communications, publishing, mediacompaniesHow is the DAM Landscape Changing (competitors,partners, etc.): The field has begun to utterly change. Stand-alone desktop tools will be consumed by platform providers(MediaBeacon is protected because it is all about the web). TheOS is awakening and DAM will begin to move moreaggressively into the OS. Brightech’s partnership with Applepositions the company well in this regard.What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?Asset management via the web is needed. No longer is themarket focused on enterprise DAM at the full (high) cost butwithout full capability. Customers are demanding a workgroupoption and/or much more scalable and complete capabilitywhen they DO opt for an enterprise solution. The industry isgetting much better for the consumer.What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?

Concern: No standards for writing metadata into the files.Excitement: Dynamic publishing will finally be facilitated byeffective DAM, as will the ability to extract intelligentinformation and create better web sites.Good innovation is happening again.

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Daniella Weigner, ManagingDirectorKlenzestr. 1480469 MunichGermanyPhone 49 89 238853-65Fax 49 89 238853-69


SummaryCinegy is a world-leading R&D company, developing andengineering video, broadcast and OEM solutions forinternational broadcasters and equipment vendors. Cinegy LLChas offices in the United States and is headquartered inWashington, DC. Cinegy GmbH has offices in Germany and isheadquartered in Munich, Germany.Products

• Cinegy Media Framework• Cinegy Enterprise Platform

What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?

Partnership with Siemens (BBC Technologies)Dogan Media Group – largest Broadcaster in TurkeyCustomers:Home Shopping 24, German Reality TV, US GovernmentTarget Markets:All forms of Media and Entertainment (long form, play to air,newsrooms, live ingest from satellite, etc.)How is the DAM Landscape Changing ?

We see that there are many opportunities to work withresellers – we are heavily involved with resellers who provideintegration and customization for customers. Cinegy is thefirst truly integrated end-to-end media workgroup solution. Itis designed to meet the challenges of 21st century televisionand media production. We do that best by working closely withour partners.What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?

The language is still confusing. Is it DAM or MAM? We changedfrom providing “asset management” to “collaboration” andback to DAM, all to maintain the market standard, but theterminology keeps shifting. There is a bigger focus now onstandards around terminology, and this is needed.What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?

Everyone purports to provide asset management, but whatthat means changes dramatically depending on the vendor.This is a complication for the customer, but also for thevendor. We believe our offering is unique but the broadcastershave a difficulty even hearing our value with so much noise inthe market.

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ClearStoryG-SAM Member

Joshua DuhlVice President,Product Management508 [email protected]



ClearStory was formed in late 2004 by the merger of WebWareCorporation, a leading provider of DAM solutions since theearly 1990s, and INSCI, founded in 1989. The company retainsoffices in both Boston, MA, and Sausalito, CA.Products:

• Radiant Enterprise Media Server Platform (Radiant EMS)• Radiant EMS is a platform. The first application is

DAM, represented by our ActiveMedia 6 product. Thenext application is Media Content Management,followed by a specific video solution.

What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?

• ClearStory is shifting from an application/end userproduct position to providing an affective platform forDAM services.

Customers: Ascent Media, Sony, Scripps, AGFA, MarthaStewart LivingTarget Markets: Media and Entertainment, Marketing/Corporate media asset and brand asset management,pharmaceutical, education, governmentHow is the DAM Landscape Changing (competitors,partners, etc.): ClearStory is changing application customersinto application creators by offering a compelling platform forDAM.What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?Customers are not sure what they want. Because of this,vendors are often offer enterprise solutions when thecustomer needs a workgroup or personal DAM solution.What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?The DAM market is going through massive changes. The shiftfrom providing applications to providing platforms for servicesis a tremendous change in how DAM is architected, marketedand implemented. Ultimately, the vendors who survive will beproviding a platform and will push DAM to the delivery point.

Nicolas HANSProduct Strategy Director+33 (0) 1 40 38 65 [email protected]


SummaryDalet was founded in 1990 and initially focused on the radiomarket where they are a leading supplier of DAM and play-outsystems. In the late ‘90s, Dalet acquired German newsroomand automation vendor “A.N.N.” With primary offices in Paris,New York, and Munich, the company today claims 1700customers in 60 countries. Dalet is a public company withlinks to revenue figures available on their website.

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customers in 60 countries. Dalet is a public company withlinks to revenue figures available on their website.Products: Dalet provides software products for newsproduction and management of audio and video assets.

DaletPlus News Suite – end-to-end solution formanaging broadcast news, including desktop videoediting, over an IP network.

DaletPlus Media Library - full-featured, turnkey DAMsystem

DaletPlus Interweb – distributed approval workflowsfor remote bureaus, enabling news push over IPnetworks for multi-location MAM.

News Library – turnkey newsroom archive - both MOSand MXF compliant - providing a unified view acrossstorage environments.

What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005? Omneon integration in the news environment fromingest to playout, utilizing GIG-Ethernet style storage. Also, anew integration with the M-Series Profile. We also announcedthe News Library and Interweb products.What are your primary target markets or customer types?Broadcast and radio. We are seeing a lot of activity with largepublic broadcasters in Europe and Asia; and, with radio in US.We also offer turnkey solutions targeted to 15-20 seatnewsrooms in regional stations and affiliates.Who are a couple of your key customers in DAM?Al Majd TV, Sky TV (New Zealand), The Weather ChannelHow do you see the DAM competitive landscape changing?I.T. players are coming out with conceptually-based plays.They sound more like ERP solutions. There is increasing needfor turnkey solutions that connect existing systems vs.undertaking profound organizational changes.What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?I see a variety of maturity levels in broadcasters with regard toIT. For example, the overall upgrade at Denmark Radio wasexceptional in that they are IT-savvy and IT financed. The keyword for broadcasters is “mission-critical” I.T. The I.T.department may not have SLA-level support. There’s aneducation curve. The industry has a lot to learn aboutmission-critical IT, similar to the supply chain/ back office inthe banking industry.What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?The technology is maturing. The enthusiasm now is over whatcould come from the dramatic changes in the distributionmodel. For example, WiFi networks will drastically changeinteractive distribution – making it bi-directional and loweringthe cost of entry. Profound changes to the economic modelare coming with the IP/ WiFi/ G3 and Telco play. The next bigthing is to accelerate the ability to access assets.

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Documentum – EMCG-SAM Member

Patrick Cian, Group ProductMarketing Manager184 Front Street, EastSuite 600Toronto, Ontario, CanadaM5A [email protected] m 800 382 4345

Documentum - EMC


EMC Documentum enterprise content management (ECM)platform is a complete family of products that providecapabilities to create, manage, deliver and archive all yourcontentProducts

• EMC Documentum 5.3 – the industry’s first unifiedECM platform

What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?

Documentum 5.3 includes transformation andanalysis, UI advancement for media and DAMproducts.

Documentum 5.3 has a common repository, API andobject model, and simplifies some key functions,providing a single way of searching multiple systems.

Customers:Cadence, Wharton School of Business, Modine EnterprisesTarget Markets: Market Resource Management, CorporateMarkets, Enterprise Publishing, Education, MediaHow is the DAM Landscape Changing (competitors,partners, etc.):Consolidation is increasing and improving the market. Thepure-play DAM vendors are becoming part of largertechnology offerings (EMC-Documentum began this trendback in the late 1990s). Providers are focusing on corecompetencies and markets. The next generation of productwill be Information Lifecycle Management (ILM), andDocumentum will be a strong player here.What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?More customers are using DAM as a productivity tool. DAM isexpanding from a tool with collaboration capabilities tobecome more of a productivity tool. Not just a repository forcontent, DAM is being seen more strategically. Customers arenow focusing on this strategic play less on cost savings alone.What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?DAM is becoming more mainstream. This is reflected in therevenue and sustainable sales growth with DAM solutions.DAM deals keep coming and are no longer niche anddepartmental.

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eMotionG-SAM Principle andFounding Member

Jon SchuppSVP, Sales & Client ServiceseMotion, Inc.t: +1-703-207-4943m: +1-301-693-9979



eMotion is the leading provider of hosted businessapplications for managing digital media assets and marketingcontent.Products:The eMotion Platform for:

• DAM• Marketing Extranets• Marketing Automation

What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?

• eMotion acquired by Corbis (July, 2005)What are your primary target markets or customer types?Marketing, Corporate Marketing Resource ManagementCustomers:Discovery, Exxon, Universal, AFLAC, PrimediaTarget Markets:Broadcast & Entertainment, Publishing, Corporate Marketing,Communications, AdvertisingHow is the DAM Landscape Changing (competitors,partners, etc.): There is a significant market change fromstandalone products to the creation of enabling infrastructuresor platforms. This strategy has DAM create and support criticalworkflows, rather than seeing DAM for the sake of DAM. Thisalso provides more partnership opportunities, as the vendorscomponentized services to sit on top of a platform likeeMotions’.

What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?Customers are requiring that DAM solve specific problemsrather than meet arbitrary ROI or hoped-for productivity gains.The eMotion tag is “Making Digital Media Perform” which isreally what we hear customers asking for. Customers aredriving the move to ASP solutions like eMotion because it isopportunistic (both in regard to price and technology).

What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?The consolidation trend is both a concern and exciting. Theimpact is that DAM becomes richer as it sits with other relatedtechnologies. The question remains as to what services andcapabilities are going to be flexible enough to adapt to thisnew market and opportunity.

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Per Sjofors, Vice President ofBusiness Development410 Park Avenue, 15th Fl.New York, New York [email protected]


SummaryExanet is a worldwide developer of Network AttachedSolutions (NAS). The company was founded in 2000, isheadquartered in New York and has offices in England andIsrael.Products:ExaStore – The ultimate in scalable, high performance, highcapacity NAS solutions.What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?Partnerships with Dalet, Ardendo (BBC), Telestream, SGLWhat are your primary target markets or customer types?Pre-Press and Media & EntertainmentWho are a couple of your key customers in DAM?NY Times, Newsweek, Martha Stewart Living, BurdaHow do you see the DAM competitive landscape changing?The consolidation continues! And more interestingly there arenew players in the market using new technologies that aremore flexible and cost effective to solve typical DAMproblems. There are also a greater number of effectivepartnerships and tighter integrations.What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?More and more, DAM is a necessity. The customers are stilltremendously confused and don’t know where to go to getinformation. G-SAM helps with that, but middle and smallersized broadcasters are hungry for information.What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?There is a much greater sense of community, in part becauseof a simplification of what is seen as possible for vendors.There are new ways of solving the same old problems, waysthat are cheaper and more flexible. Flexibility is key in thisnew DAM community.

ExtensisG-SAM Founding Kevin Hurst,VP Marketing1 [email protected]


SummaryExtensis, based in Portland, OR since 1993, provides softwareto asset creators to manage their rich media files and fonts.Our solutions are used by millions of individuals andthousands of corporations world wide. A key differentiator forExtensis is our deep knowledge of the asset creator’sworkflow.Products:

• Portfolio Suite – focused on DAM for individualcreative professionals and workgroups

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• Font Management – Font Reserve and Suitcase – forindividual creative professionals and workgroups

What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?

• Portfolio Server bundled with Apple XServe serverproduct

• Significant product will be made later this year.

What are your primary target markets or customer types?Creative Professionals, Corporate Marketing, Asset Creationdepartments across industries

Who are a couple of your key customers in DAM?Hallmark, MTV Networks, Bureau of Land Management, TurnerBroadcasting

How do you see the DAM competitive landscape changing?Extensis competes on both the high and low end of thespectrum (from Canto to EMC). There is still a great deal ofconfusion regarding DAM needs, pricing, etc. We still feel themajority of DAM vendors are offering big, expensive solutionsthat often miss the mark when they hit the creative usersdesktop. This is a big differentiator for Extensis. We want toconnect with other content management repositories, but wefocus first on the workgroups that create the assets.

What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?The need for easy to deploy and easy to use software. What wehear is a desire to have a rigorous workflow control in thesoftware. But sometimes customers come to us afterdeploying an Enterprise solution and realize they don’t wantthat. Flexibility of configuration of a DAM solution is reallywhat is ultimately the most important so that the solution willreally be used by the asset creators.What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?Our greatest concern is the disappearance of DAM as aseparate category. It is not a good thing to have it subsumedby Content Management as a general market. I am not abeliever in the unified repository theory. ECM is a strategy andnot really a solution. On the positive side, the mostencouraging thing is more realization that more companiesare exploding with more digital assets than will never be ableto implement an enterprise solution. Extensis is seeing a 50%growth in sales year after year. Instead of focusing on only afew high-end customers we will continue to grow and solvehundreds of companies needs.

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Front Porch Nikesh KalraExecutive Director310 274 [email protected]

Front Porch Digital (FPD)

SummaryBased in Boulder, CO with R&D in New Jersey and a new HongKong sales office, FPD sells direct and indirect. FPD hasevolved from a pure ISV to a solutions provider, packaginghardware, software and services. Incentra Solutions, the parentcompany of FPD, recently acquired 2 I.T. system integrators tosupport the move to solutions.Incorporated 2000, the company has 75-80 installations forstorage management and claim a 50% US, 90% Europe marketshare for storage management software. In 2002, FPDacquired DIVArchive, a France-based spin-off of StorageTek.In 2004, Front Porch Digital was itself acquired by IncentraSolutions - another spin off from StorageTek.Products

DIVArchive - Archive management BitScream – Transcoding DIVADirector – web-based search and retrieval. DIVAWorks – an entry-level archive in a box Consulting services – helping users with storage and

file migration strategies.What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?Showing DIVA Director CMS - web-based search and retrieval,with logging and EDL generation from the archive. This issignificant because the broadcaster can get it all from onevendor and make one call for support.What are your primary target markets or customer types?Broadcast and Post-productionWho are a couple of your key customers in DAM?Ascent Media, Discovery Communications, BBC, Sony Pictures,ComcastHow do you see the DAM competitive landscape changing?The market is changing at the high-end and the low-end. Atthe high-end, deals and workflows are more complex, andcompetition is based on functionality and reliability. The low-end is changing because the business is growing. There ismore entry or first-time spending. Here the competition isbased on price-performance and packaged support – theability to support one-stop-shopping – for smaller stations, asan example. Responsiveness to these requirements willdetermine who survives in the vendor landscape, in terms ofability to adapt. FPD is in the middle – DAM vendors should bethinking about server and storage platforms, storage strategy.What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?“There is a lot of debate over what should be the centralized,i.e. the master storage format. Because of the FPD backgroundin format conversion and video, we advise on this issue. Theanswer is not the same for all customers.

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“The primary purpose of DAM is the desire to repurpose assetsfor multiple revenue streams. You must be able to find assetsand create a new package. We help users define what theirmetadata fields should be. We also get asked about differentrevenue streams i.e. internet, cable, mobile.”What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?Customers are ready to buy now but they are confused abouthow to deploy. There are many customer-specific issues likedefining metadata and formats, and therefore lowrepeatability. Storage strategy is one of the most overlookedareas when beginning to plan for DAM.

HarrisG-SAM Principle andFounding

Rod Fairweather, DirectorDigital Asset ManagementBroadcast CommunicationsDivision+44 (0) 1256 869 [email protected]

Harris Corporation


Harris is a global broadcast equipment supplier, established asa leader in the transmission and broadcast automationsectors. Harris is based in Melbourne Florida, with CA, NY, UK,and Asia Pacific offices.Harris is entering the DAM market via a software acquisitionsstrategy. Last year’s Encoda acquisition netted Arkemedia’sDAM, which Harris adds to their Invenio MAM offering.Products:

Invenio - Harris’ MAM solution for rich media Arkemedia Enterprise – Harris’ enterprise DAM solution for

full-scale deployments Arkemedia Starter Pack – entry-level ingest and archive

solution which integrates with archive managers fromSony, Front Porch Digital, EMC, MassTech, and SGL.

What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?The Weather Channel will deploy Invenio, integrated withHarris’ ADC automation to streamline media flow betweenmultiple systems, and eliminate manual handling. TWCproduces continuous, 24-hour video programming and isviewed by over 88 million households.

What are your primary target markets or customer types?Broadcast, Government, Public Safety

Who are a couple of your key customers in DAM? Rainbow Media, a high-volume ingest environment for

high-quality media in a large facility. Granada Television, now part of ITN, the world’s largest

independent news organization The British Film Institute’s “Screenline Online” portal

providing analysis and streaming video to the public. Corinthian TV, a UK broadcast services provider.

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How do you see the DAM competitive landscape changing?“Harris will compete on our ability to have commonframeworks through the Broadcast value chain, for examplescheduling, ad sales, ingest, DAM and automation all managedas “H-Class” applications. The H-Class Content DeliveryPlatform, announced at NAB, unifies Harris applications nowand also provides ways for others to access our applications.”What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?DAM has become an essential infrastructure.Workflow is key. Many people are looking for workflowcontrol, something Arkemedia has in it’s ability to defineworkflows across the enterprise and externally. There is anexception-based reporting system to warn you about anythingthat’s not working. Workflow requires custom mapping and istherefore professional services-oriented. Harris’ ProfessionalServices Division provides it.What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?There are hundreds of start-ups claiming to do DAM. Theymay not survive. This creates confusion in the market andmakes it hard for customers to decipher what is “real”.

Hewlett-Packard Kurt Kyle, Office of Strategyand Technology2060-D Avenue Los Arboles#373Thousand Oaks, CA [email protected]



Hewlett-Packard Digital Media Platform (DMP) Program iscreating new technology, incubating it, and bringing it tomarket, forming the underlying platform for contentmanagement behind a number of HP offerings in the future.This new, high value proposition provides opportunities forpartnerships with ISVs and traditional DAM vendors, ratherthan recreating existing applications.Products:

HP is moving the DMP through a process of incubation withlimited partners, service delivery through HP Services andother consulting organizations, and finally “off the shelf”product that HP and our partners will deliver.What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?Through a partnership with HP, Ascent Media Groupannounced that it offers HP DMP functionality as part of theirmanaged service called ATLAS. As a platform, the HP DMPoffers automated workflow and the management of mediaassets. DMP integrates 3rd party content applications to theDMP application integration engine and the DMP MediaRepository. Ascent Media is processing Standard and HighDefinition assets on the DMP system and constantly designingnew workflows for the transformation of content. AscentMedia currently vaults, repurposes, and distributes content forSony Pictures Entertainment.

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What are your primary target markets or customer types?

Broadcast & Cinema markets, currently handling assets fromStandard Definition through High Definition (HD). Movingforward we will add post production workflows upstream aswell as other types of assets and markets downstream.

Who are a couple of your key customers in DAM?

Ascent Media is our first customer. We will have additionalcustomers to announce soon.

How do you see the DAM competitive landscape changing?

The movement of DAM to more modular software and contentmanagement strategies shifting to a platform rather than amonolithic Enterprise Content Management (ECM). Historically,the handling of the content was through a single DAMapplication. If you were going to process or distribute an assetyou would integrate applications to the DAM. In a modularDAM and platform world, people want DAM to be the metadataand workflow engine but they want their assets available toother applications in other workflows.

What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?Customers have caught up with DAM vendors and are fairlywise about the market. We hear “prove to me that it works,and that you have done this work previously.” The customersare turning their attention to the processing and automatedrepurposing of assets rather than just the building of largecollections of assets and metadata.The focus now is production of new value from assets andderivates rather than researching to find an asset within yourlibrary. Media customers know what assets exist in their world– they just want to manage transactions effectively.

What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?Our focus today is in delighting the customer by executing onour vision and making them really happy with the delivery ofour solutions. HP and the rest of the DAM vendors have allbeen able to create a great vision for DAM - the concern nowis to create and implement really great solutions and takingthem farther in the processing of assets into derivatives.The biggest delight for HP is to take a customer need, create asolution, and provide a quantifiable value to the customer.Clearly, our focus on creating an effective platform isresonating with customers. We are now finding just what newopportunities exist for our customers and their assets.

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Konan Digital, Inc.G-SAM Richard EberhardtG-SAM FounderVP of Americas and [email protected] N. Central Avenue17th FloorGlendale, CA 91203818.649.8655

Konan Digital

SummaryKonan Digital has hit the radar this year in with its expansioninto the North American and European regions with dedicatedlocal offices and resources. This Korean company, -founded in1998, is the dominant market leader in the Asia region. Theirsolutions power the largest broadcasters and blue chipcompanies in the region. By implementing a fullycomponentized architecture, the company offers customersthree distinct paths:

• Start small and grow over time;• Enhance an existing system and snap in only the

components you need; or,• Full Enterprise implementation

Products:Konan DigitalArc addresses three distinct market areas:

1. Konan DigitalArc for News2. Konan DigitalArc for Production3. Konan DigitalArc for Archive

The model is to provide a fully componentized architecture sothat customers may focus on capabilities of greatest interestor need, without paying for components that are not needed.The product is fully database and platform agnostic.

What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?

Establishment of the US offices in January 2005. Next Generation of Media Asset Management (MAM) SBS (major Korean broadcaster) project for end-to-

end broadcast journalism workflow. The mostadvanced implementation in the world today.

Customers:SBS, EMPASS (Korea’s largest portal site), Korean Telecom,MBC, CNET and many othersTarget Markets: Broadcast news, film studios, postproduction, Federal, video-intensive corporate environments.How is the DAM Landscape Changing?There is significant change: the “old guard” is moving on andnew companies are moving in with more advanced and timelysolutions. Companies in the DAM space are getting better atidentifying strengths and not selling themselves as providingall things to all people. For example, Konan is very strong invideo management and search and we will remain focused onproviding solutions for high resolution, time-based media. Wewill never purport to provide solutions for Brand AssetManagement. Similarly, those vendors that are strong atmanaging marketing workflows should are beginning to focuson their core capabilities. This helps to clearly define whodoes what.

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What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?You have to have a management philosophy of openness andinteroperability to integrate effectively. Customers are callingfor standards based and open systems, especially webservices, to ensure complete integration of the entire workflowenvironment. Those vendors that do not support this willcontinue to struggle.What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?Concern: The industry is still trying to find its way and there isstill a need for standards and education in order to acceleratemass adoption.Excitement: There is a groundswell in the industry that we areabout to reach the next evolutionary phase. Konan representsthis next generation of asset management as a flexible andcomponentized solution with a clear value proposition andcritical path to return on investment.

MicrosoftNancy NarrawaySr. Marketing Mngr, WWMedia & Entertainment+1 425 705 [email protected]


SummaryWith a connected-systems approach, Microsoft and itspartners can help media and entertainment businesses fullysupport a digital environment. Solutions built with Microsoftproducts and technologies are changing operating strategiesfor the media and entertainment industry by providing asecure, effective system for storing and handling digitalcontent.Products:Microsoft Connected Services Framework for Media andEntertainment is a flexible and customizable solution that usesa service-oriented architecture (SOA) approach to helpbusinesses streamline the creation, management, and deliveryof digital content.What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?Microsoft Connected Services Framework for Broadcast andFilm launched at NAB in April, 2005 with Sony PicturesEntertainment as the first broadcast and film customer toadopt and deploy Microsoft Connected Services Framework.What are your primary target markets or customer types?Microsoft’s primary target markets include Telco, Broadcastand Film while at the same time recognizing that many of ourpartners have extended this solution into other markets(health care, insurance, automotive, etc.) and into everycompany where digital assets exist.Who are a couple of your key customers in DAM?Sony Pictures Entertainment for the Broadcast and Filmindustry. BT, Bell Canada and Celcum Malaysia for the Telcoindustry.

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How do you see the DAM competitive landscape changing?Microsoft sees growing opportunities for digital assetmanagement customers and the MS partner ecosystem acrossmany industries. We are committed to supporting our ISVpartners and customers and have enjoyed broad industrysupport with leading partners choosing to build solutions onthe Microsoft platform.What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?Customers have a growing need to be able to speed contentcreation, improve content management and streamline contentdistribution to increase their business efficiency andopportunities.What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?We are excited by the rapid adoption by both partners andcustomer. Our DAM ecosystem of partners include Avid,Konan, NorthPlains, SBS, Telestream, Chuckwalla, AgnosticMedia, Omnibus, Panasonic, Sony, Accenture, Avanade,Rightsline, Xytech, ScheduALL and thePlatform. Customerswho deploy a solution built on MS CSF are realizing strong ROIand are seeing improvement in efficiencies.

North Plains

Carlos MontalvoChief Marketing Officer+1 650 [email protected]

North Plains

SummaryNorth Plains Systems is a software provider with a DAMapplication suite. NPS is based in Toronto Canada with salesoffice in NP, Chicago, and San Francisco. They sell direct andOEM through partners almost exclusively in North America.Products: TelescopeTM Enterprise – NPS’ flagship product Telescope Media Distribution Platform – departmental

solution Telescope workgroup products:

o Video Manager – announced at NAB withthePlatform, for end-to-end video management

o Powerpoint Studio and Creative Studio –announced at Henry Stewart DAM Symposium(NYC, May 2005), for corporate departments aswell as small and medium-sized creativeorganizations that need to manage how richmedia files are created and distributed.

What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?Telescope has been selected as Microsoft’s preferred DAMapplication to showcase Microsoft’s end-to-end ConnectedServices Framework for Broadcast and Film. To date it is theonly DAM integrated into CSF – we are demonstrating it in theMicrosoft booth and we can take orders on the show floor.In another significant announcement, Playboy Enterprises hasselected Telescope for enterprise DAM for the PlayboyChannel, Playboy magazine properties, and Thisrepresents an end-to-end digital production supply chainfrom ingest, to play-to-air, and play-to-web.

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Channel, Playboy magazine properties, and Thisrepresents an end-to-end digital production supply chainfrom ingest, to play-to-air, and play-to-web.What are your primary target markets or customer types?NPS’ largest market is media and entertainment. We are alsovery focused on Advertising, Print and Print Services. At NABwe showcased our broadcast strategy for the first time. Wenow offer a complete compliment with Telestream, Front PorchDigital, Omnibus, and FinalCut Pro as integrated tools.Who are a couple of your key customers in DAM?Warner Brothers, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Viacom, AOLHow do you see the DAM competitive landscape changing?Traditional competitors continue to consolidate into genericCMS companies. New players find it necessary to build oracquire DAM (for example, Avid with AlienBrain, Harris withmultiple acquisitions, etc.) Clearly what we are seeing is a newlist of entrants into the Broadcast space – such as Artesia,BlueOrder, NPS - who are very different than the traditionalplayers.What’s different about NPS’ approach is our tight integrationbetween the edit suite, the newsroom, and the rest of theenterprise. This approach opens up the workflow and enablesrepurposing required for multi-channel, multi-productbusiness imperatives like those Warner Brothers or Playboy aretrying to achieve. So, the lines are drawn over whethercontent and information management for Broadcast is goingto be defined by web services and enterprise frameworks, orremain vendor-specific.What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?The amount of Professional Services continues to decreasecompared to years past. The number of referenceable andreplicable broadcast deployments is increasing – much as wesaw in ECM three years ago. A host of broadcast, cable andmedia companies are now looking to replace first generationsystems with more scalable, configurable, component-basedtechnologies.

What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?It’s exciting that we’re finally seeing companies successfullydeploy businesses built on repurposing and re-licensing ofcontent. That these businesses are based on DAM capabilitiesis no longer a theory but a practice. The most successfulcontent owners will easily create and program contentseamlessly from broadcast to broadband from a commonrepository, workflow, and interdisciplinary business model.A tangible fear is that the rebound in advertising revenuescould stall and reduce capital spending back to 01-02 levels.The road to the digital economy is cap-ex dependent.Innovation could stall without the capital spend.

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OnStreamG-SAM [email protected] Michael Castle, VicePresident, Strategic Alliances1291 SW 29th AvenuePompano Beach, FL 33069Phone (954) 917-6655Fax (954) 917-6660Toll Free (866) 857-1960


SummaryOnStream is a Digital Services Platform provider based inPompano Beach, Florida. The company was founded in 1993and provides both a product and a hosted (ASP) service forDAM. The goal is for OnStream users to be able to create,input, manage, monetize and access any of their mediathrough the OnStream Dashboard.


• Digital Media Services Platform (DMSP) – providesmultiple media services including webcasting, webconferencing, content distribution and traditional DAMservices.

• Data ExchangeWhat is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?

• Per-project billing – a unique value proposition forcustomers not offered elsewhere in the DAM market.

Customers:Thomson Financial, ACT Teleconferencing, Proctor & Gamble

Target Markets:Fortune 100 (78% use for webcasting), Marketing DAM forcorporate customers, any webcast/live production needHow is the DAM Landscape Changing (competitors,partners, etc.): There has been a great deal of vendor flipping(moving to a new vendor at will) due to the desire for “thelatest and greatest.” Onstream offers a range of services, withDAM as one or many tools available. This next generationplatform gives users more flexibility and the ability to staywith one vendor and change the service.What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?DAM as a repository does not enable a customer to monetizetheir assets effectively. Customers are looking to DAM as away to turn their assets into strategic weapons. ASP DAM isbecoming extremely popular with customers, and facilitates“vendor flipping.”What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?The consolidation of the past 24 months is both good andbad. DAM as a category has taken off and is poised for evenmore growth, and the emergence of Interwoven, Microsoft andOpen Text all add legitimacy to the field. What is trulyinteresting is the rise of a new enterprise class of businesssystems that validate the space for smaller vendors.

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Tom MoranSenior Director, Media &Entertainment+1 [email protected]


SummarySavvis, Inc. (NASDAQ:SVVS) is a global IT utility servicesprovider that leads the industry in delivering secure, reliable,and scalable hosting, network and application services. TheWam!Net brand (in existence since 1997) is attached to theproducts for content management and distribution.Products:

• Wam!Net Content Studio – applies to all privatenetwork and DAM services

• Wam!Net Direct family of products – contentdistribution services

• Wam!Net Workspace – globally accessible storage andapplication service

• Wam!Net Review Studio – secure review and approvalof sensitive content

What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?Release of WAM!NET Review Studio SM to their Digital ContentServices portfolioWhat are your primary target markets or customer types?Savvis targets legacy financial services and media &entertainment. These have the strongest legacy presence. Thecompany is also focused on retail, federal and healthcare.Who are a couple of your key customers in DAM?Reuters, Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, C-SPAN,Virgin Entertainment GroupHow do you see the DAM competitive landscape changing?The majority of the leading vendors in the space have beenacquired and as a result the companies tend to have a broaderfocus and in most cases they have more resources. Strangely,this is not apparent in the market, as we haven’t seen theinfusion of resources result in a DAM marketing push by theparent companies.We are still seeing hesitancy on the part of corporatecustomers to move ahead with large, broad implementations,they still want small projects to prove ROI. Savvis is growingwell, but new customers remain quite conservative. Theirconservative nature is not a good thing for the customers aswell as for the vendors. The customers are missing out onopportunities to drive out cost and explore new revenuestreams.What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?The biggest issue for us has been a big renewed interest ininternet distribution and new media opportunities. This comesfrom customers all across our market – music, movies, etc. Allare positioning for expansion into delivery of media via newchannels, cable and broadband; newer mediums are drivingalmost all of the big opportunities for DAM. Part of it is thatthere is real money there, customers focus on the newworkflows and let go of improving legacy. New physical mediaformats such as High Definition are driving demand more thananything.

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workflows and let go of improving legacy. New physical mediaformats such as High Definition are driving demand more thananything.What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?The greatest excitement is that as large scale projects getdeployed the value we have around managing and maintainingan infrastructure for DAM distribution is able to realized.Utility computing is a Savvis strength.In the legacy model customers had to deploy for their peak.With Utility computing Savvis provides on-demand computingto scale both up and down. We are able to be more nimble inresponding to customer realities and customer requirements.We are eliminating the need to invest in hardware, softwareand proving ASP as the better model.People are finally using DAM systems to handle content that isthe product as opposed to just handling the marketing of theproduct. Savvis has always managed the content music, video,etc. and drives the need for storage, bandwidth, etc. not justmarketing content, all the content. Now all content is beingsold and repurposed in online environment broadbandinternet.

Siemens Business ServicesG-SAM

Juergen [email protected]

Siemens Business Services (SBS)(formerly BBC Technology)SummarySBS US is based in San Francisco with offices in Atlanta, NewYork and LA, development in San Jose and datacenter inNewark.ProductsSiemens Business Services delivers consulting, services andworkflow solutions for Media and Entertainment, Network -Fixed and Mobile companies.Siemens Media Lifecycle Management products and servicesinclude Colledia™ Workflow and ContentFactory for end-to-end content management, production and distribution.Colledia is a solutions kernel for acquisition, manipulation,storage, archive, aggregation and distribution of digitalcontent.What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?Siemens is bringing together multiple capabilities andsignificant resources as a combined offering to address theneeds of the media and entertainment market.What are your primary target markets or customer types?Broadcast, media and entertainmentWho are a couple of your key customers in DAM?ESPN, NPR, BBC Motion Gallery, Canal 13 Chile

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How do you see the DAM competitive landscape changing?Long-term, broadcast will see the kinds of IT transitions otherindustries have. The BBC model of outsourcing technology isindicative of future industry direction. Differentiation will shiftback to editorial/ content-based. As content owners realizesavings through utilizing managed services and outsourcing ofnon-core infrastructure, the savings will be folded back intothe content.In the past broadcasters gravitated to product. They now seethey can get more value by replacing dedicated devices withcommodity and hosted services. BBC has already realized$20m in savings. Technology refresh is accelerated with IT-based systems (every 3 years vs 7 years).What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?We work with our customers to look at relevant standards,tools, technologies, and we are always looking for best ofbreed partners that address customer requirements.Discussions are becoming more strategic – companies arelearning they need to look at their technology plans morebroadly than just from a budget/ refresh point of view.Business drivers are advertising share, ad budget. Theadvertising model must change. A seachange will occur in thebusiness models with P2P and other challenges.What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?The industry has come to realize the importance of metadatato enable realizing greater value. SBS has made a commitmentto workflows that help customers unlock that value.Companies are looking for a transformation partner – theanswers are not being found in point products any longer.

SmartjogG-SAM MemberThomas BremondSenior Vice President +33 (0) 14996 6310+1 310 315 9300 [email protected]



SmartJog is a leader in fast, secure digital delivery of mediabetween television distributors and their international clients,and between movie studios and post facilities worldwide.SmartJog is a privately held company based in Paris, Francewith U.S. headquarters in Santa Monica, CA.Products:Turnkey, pay-as-you go service lines include:

Store and Forward, which utilizes the DAM archive fordelivery of screeners and broadcast quality material

Pass-thru / secure transfer without long-term storage “Tape Free Market” for TV and film markets including

MIPCOM, MIPTV, NATPE and others. SmartTools service: a suite of applications enabling

visible watermarking and file transcoding End-to-end logistical management of rush deliveries

around the world, including file delivery plus physicaltape layback and delivery.

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What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?

Delivery of long form broadcast quality material for20th Century Fox to international broadcasters

SmartExpress service launched, providing manageddigital delivery plus physical output and delivery

2K film trailer deliveries sent via SmartJog by 3 majorUS studios to international post houses

Who are a couple of your key customers in DAM?NBC Universal, 20th Century Fox International TV, Sony PicturesEntertainment, CBS, Playboy, RTL, BBC WWSmartJog’s clients include all motion picture studios and over300 international TV networks, TV distribution companies andpost-production facilities worldwide.What are your primary target markets or customer types?Broadcasters, Distributors, Post Production Companies, FilmStudios, Movie Exhibitors, Industry Trade Shows, AdvertisingAgenciesWhat are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?

Need for advanced content processing includingMPEG4, MPEG2, HD, watermarking & runs trackingtechnology

Digital dailies and Digital Cinema distribution services Greater implementation of broadcast quality file

MPEG2 delivery with implementation of value-addedservices including seamless interfacing with digitalbroadcast environments

What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?

More content platforms Need for Asset Management solutions that create

value to unused catalog Need for versatile Asset Management and flexible

delivery applications Interfacing and integration with legacy systems is key

to short and medium term solution Need for end to end reliable bandwidth management


Sun Microsystems, Inc.G-SAM MemberKatherine Parker,Global Business DevelopmentManager, Media &Entertainment [email protected]

Sun Microsystems

SummarySun is a leader in network computing with global headquartersin Santa Clara, CA. The company maintains both a direct salesforce and channel partners. Recent acquisitions of relevance toDAM include SeeBeyond for SOA and StorageTek, whichrounds out an integral media storage platform from Sun.Products (relevant to DAM):

• The Sun Media Asset Management ReferenceArchitecture, known as MAM RA.

• DAM solution partners of enterprise class DAM, wherepartners develop and deploy on the Sun platform

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partners develop and deploy on the Sun platform• Full line of storage products for SAN, NAS, LTO, and

SAM-FS software, used for Archive Management.• Opteron 64-bit servers supporting Solaris, Linux and

Windows OS.What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?Media Asset Management Reference Architecture (MAM RA),Sun’s reference architecture for DAM, has been adopted bymajor media companies, including MLB (Major League BaseballAdvanced Media), WGBH Boston and TV4 in Sweden.Release of MAM RA 2.0 version of the reference architecture,a documented, performance-optimized integration of open ITtechnologies with traditional video and broadcast systems.Enhancements include:

• More media file type support (mxf and dv)• Expanded video server (i.e., Grass Valley, Omneon,

Pinnacle) and broadcast automation systems (Harris,Myers) integrations.

• VITA, a Java-based application that accommodates alarge number of standards based ingest tools.

What are your primary target markets or customer types?Media & Entertainment (broadcast, cable, filmedentertainment, online media, publishing and gaming);Education, GovernmentWho are a couple of your key customers in DAM?HBO, Scripps, WarnerBros, Discovery, RCS (Rizzoli)How do you see the DAM competitive landscape changing?Clearly, enterprise scale deployments are on the rise, so wesee greater interest in consolidated architectures. HP, MS andSun have legitimized this approach with their various platformarchitectures for DAM. Sun is ahead of the game with the MAMRA. The product strength is visible with the release of version2.0, with over a dozen integration partners and several majordeployments. MAM RA offers content owners the provenintegration and performance optimization across an end-to-end broadcast architecture.What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?The requirements of each content owner are different, andthey want to leverage existing systems and pre-builtapplications. Whether based on the reference architecture ornot, Sun works to accommodate the diverse needs of contentowners. Increasingly we see a dialog that begins with DAMlead to a wide range of related projects.Content owners value the pre-tested, performance optimizedintegrations available with Sun’s MAM RA, as opposed to themore generic “media bus” approach targeted to serviceproviders. We see an increased need for advice, design,architectural strategy, and general contracting.

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What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?

There is so much momentum that any concerns we have aremitigated by excitement. The understanding of DAM hasmatured – a plan for metadata management is requisite. Nowmanagement of the actual files themselves is at the forefront.Enterprise DAM brings with it the need for a comprehensivestorage strategy spanning from digitization and ingest todisaster recovery. Customers are grappling with “What is ourmaster format and distribution formats? How long will theingest process take? Where do we use disk and where tape?Tape has re-entered the picture due to HD. Content ownersare faced with this complex matrix of storage and filetransport issues. And there is no model for this – it is a greenfield where we are helping customers by marrying ITtechnology and practices with media expertise.

Telestream, Inc.G-SAM

David Heppe, Sr. VP of Salesand Marketing848 Gold Flat RoadNevada City, CA [email protected]


SummaryTelestream is focused on media encoding workflows and filebased media transfer, media ingest and media repurposing forDAM. Telestream is totally focused on video and audio. Theirproducts get the content in and create metadata – otherservices are through their third party asset managementpartners.Products (relevant to DAM):

• FlipFactory – integrated by 2 dozen customers• Media Application Platform (MAP) - integrated with

Microsoft Share point to provide a low cost mediaaccess application (this won the Frost & Sullivan 2005Digital Media Applications Product of the year Award(Q1 award)

What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?

• Partnership - NorthPlains Telescope integration withFlipFactory.

• Integration of FlipFactory and MAP into MicrosoftConnected Services Framework in conjunction withSony

• HP integration into the Digital Media Platform inconjunction with Wildscreen Trust (ARKive) (requests from museum facilities topresent media to kiosks and cell phones)

What are your primary target markets or customer types?Media & Entertainment: Broadcast and Advertising, generallymedia production companies (Film, post house, ProductionWho are a couple of your key customers in DAM?BBDO (with Artesia), Ogilvy and Mather (IBM), WGBH (SunIForce), Sony, Ascent Media, BBC

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How do you see the DAM competitive landscape changing?Consolidation of the vendors (enterprise CM companiesswallowing up DAM companies). Many DAM companieswanting to add media to their DAM solutions using theFlipFactory SDK. From Telestream’s perspective marketdemand has not begun in earnest. The partnerships areincreasing, but video is complicated and it is still in it’sinfancy. There are very few off the shelf tools that can helppush that (which led to the development of MAP). Also, cost isan issue. The market is starting to shift down to medium andsmall size opportunities. This is the next area of growth forthe industry.What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?It is interesting; IT wants to provide access to media across theboard, but the creative teams want desktop tools right in frontof them. How do you provide the middle ground and help thedeployment but make it valuable for the core media group inthe company? Also, collaboration is a big issue. Our challengeis to make workgroups more effective – with tools and portals,we are providing the right media in the right places.What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?One of the interesting conundrums is we want to leverage ourM&E experience into bigger markets. The potential is there,but when you step outside our space the knowledge of videoand audio drops off significantly. It is difficult on the channelside to sell into non-media markets. It is exciting but reallychallenging because it is new space and we can’t educate awhole market and need to find good partners who can help usdo this. Finally, the need for repurposing content means theopportunities to use different formats is growing and is moreand more interesting.

The Ian Blaine, CEO308 Occidental Ave S, Ste 205Seattle, WA 98104206.839.0600 x 217

The Platform

SummaryThe Platform is a leading provider of digital audio and videopublishing solutions, founded in 2000 and headquartered inSeattle, WA.Products

• Media Publishing System (MPS) version 5.0What is your significant DAM announcement in Q1/Q22005?

• Release of version 5.0 of MPS• Partnership with VitalStream• Partnership with NorthPlains

Customers:Microsoft, Comcast, Scripps, Bank of America, VerizonTarget Markets:Content owners, content aggregators, enterprise, mobile andwireless

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How is the DAM Landscape Changing (competitors,partners, etc.): There is a greater opportunity now for co-opetition. To play in this new world you have to play nice! Ineach market, 2-3 competitors are necessary for legitimacy ofDAM and the Platform’s model of providing focused audio andvideo capabilities (incomplete thought?). There is moreacceptance of letting go of some deals in order to focus onwhat you do well. As we move into new markets (IPTV forexample) there are a whole new set of partners.What are you hearing from customers with regard todeployment of DAM?There is a serious need for standards and formal practices.One big customer concern today is metadata. No one is usingany of the standards (Dublin Core, etc) in exactly the sameway. There is a big need for “tried and true” ways of movingcontent.What is your greatest concern or excitement regarding thecurrent DAM industry?Concern: The DAM market always seems 2 years out, but nowit is much more real. The convergence is happening rapidly,not sporadically. Web services and interoperability are going toemerge as the critical factors for success for vendors.

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About the Global Society for AssetManagementG-SAM, a member-supported trade association, is dedicated to accelerating momentum in theDigital Asset Management and related content technology fields. The organization does this byfacilitating open dialog across industry sectors and through the capture and dissemination ofindustry knowledge and best practices, including this report. Since it’s founding less than 18months ago, G-SAM has grown to over 700 members spanning the supplier and customer sectorsof the market. G-SAM industry initiatives and services are made possible by the membership,especially the Principle and Founding members Adobe Systems, Ascent Media, Avid Technology,Harris Broadcast, IBM, OpenText/Artesia, Quark, and WAM!NET.For membership information, or to find out about local chapters, workshops or events in yourarea, go to the website at:

About the AuthorCynthia Francis, Principal and Founder of the DMM Group, Inc.,( ) as been aleader in the field of Digital Asset Management for over a decade. Through the DMM Group, Ms.Francis leads a team of seasoned professionals in providing consulting services to corporationsevaluating or launching DAM initiatives. Current customers include major technology, oil and gasand consumer products companies throughout the U.S. Ms Francis is a frequent speaker at DAMindustry events, including NAB, the Henry Stewart DAM Conference, Content World, StreamingMedia and Digital Hollywood. More recently, she has launched an exciting new mediamanagement venture; an online consumer portal for video management called ClipShack( ). Her past DAM experience includes serving as Chief Marketing Officer and VPof Business Development for eMotion, Inc. (previously Cinebase), and developing new strategiesand DAM methodologies as a founding member of the Content Group. She has been a member ofG-SAM for the past two years, and presently serves as the Membership Coordinator for the SanFrancisco Bay Area Chapter.Ms. Francis may be contacted at [email protected] or at (415) 760-4717.

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