digital catapult centre brighton february breakfast drop-in with special guest bill harpley

Welcome! Breakfast Drop-in With special guest; Bill Harpley Brighton ‘Internet of Things’ Meetup Organiser @IoT_Brighton

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Breakfast Drop-inWith special guest; Bill HarpleyBrighton ‘Internet of Things’ Meetup Organiser@IoT_Brighton

Upcoming events

17 Feb Tech Beyond the Screen: UX & Design for Connected Products

22 Feb An introduction to Blockchain

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Welcome to Brighton IoT ForumIt's time to engage with the Internet of Things

Bill Harpley 4

• A presentation given at Brighton Digital Catapulton February 5th 2016

• Bill Harpley

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A polite introduction

• founder and Principal consultant• Astius Technology•

• Bill Harpley

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What we will talk about1) Role of IoT in UK Digital Strategy2) Centres of IoT activity in the UK3) Why we need the stimulus of

emerging technologies4) Introduction to the Brighton IoT

Forum5) IoT for Artists and Designers6) The Everynet: an IoT network for


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Role of IoT in UK Digital Strategy● IoT is a central part of

Government strategy for developing the UK digital economy

● Funding for projects allocated via:

–Innovate UK–ESPRC–Catapult network● Additional funding from

EU Horizon 2020 programme

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The Global Market for IoT (1)

• Huge market – worth trillions of dollars by 2020

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Centres of IoT activity in UK● Major centres are:–London, Cambridge, Bristol, Milton Keynes, Manchester, Thames Valley–growth fuelled by availability of Government funding and / or plenty of private sector capital

● Aspiring centres include:–Birmingham, Brighton, Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, York–tend to lack the necessary business ecosystems to support development of IoT and other emerging technologies

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● The digital boom of the last two decades was fuelled by growth of content

–email, video, web, social media, voice–but signs of maturity in this sector–innovation mainly incremental (but can still be disruptive)–many people have done very well of this boom!● Prime source of innovation over the next decade will be fuelled by

mining of raw data – examples:–Sensor networks–Data Analytics–Machine Learning–Data Visualisation

Why we need emerging technologies (1)

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Why we need emerging technologies (2)● Tech scene in Greater Brighton area needs to broaden its base and

embrace emerging technologies–IoT, 3D Printing, Blockchain, 5G, Business Model design● Why do this?–graduates need jobs (possible “brain-drain”)–these technologies offer best hope for long term business growth and employment–develop skills in wireless / mobile technologies–provide jobs for people displaced by “white collar” automation–attract inward investment from big industry players–need to compete for talent with other tech hubs (e.g. London)

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Brighton IoT Forum● Launched in June 2016 and membership currently stands at

390+ (largest tech group in Brighton)● Aims of the Forum are:1) develop IoT capability within Greater Brighton and mid-Sussex area (complementary to DigiCat)2) foster collaboration between business and academia3) encourage more participation by women in tech sector4) build bridges between the artistic, design and technology communities5) long-term construction of a business eco-system which supports innovation and risk-taking

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Example: Connected Cars● Meetup No. 4 was devoted to 'Connected Cars and Autonomous Vehicles'● Pattern of convergence between "information businesses"

(e.g. Google) and "automotive businesses" (e.g. BMW).● What makes this significant is that in the Brighton and mid-Sussex area, we

have all of the skills to capitalise on this trend:– talented academic researchers in the universities–good companies in the automotive sector (Continental, Tesla, Ricardo)–communities of practice in Product Design, UX, Service Design, Software Development–a major insurance company (RSA in Horsham)● Meetup brought people from these diverse groups together to meet and talk

to each other (possibly for the first time!)● Potential for collaboration and new business opportunities

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What you can get out of IoT Forum● You can join via our meetup page:

•● We meet at the Fusebox about every 5-6 weeks● Meetings are FREE to attend● Benefits of attending a Forum meetup:–learn about a specific topic or application area of IoT–promote your own projects and events–it's not just for geeks! Aim to be inclusive and welcoming to people of all backgrounds–network with other attendees, share ideas and create opportunties for collaboration–deliver presention at a future meetup (if you have relevant expertise)● Be part of a vibrant community!

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IoT for Artists and Designers (1)


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IoT for Artists and Designers (2)● IoT is not just for geeks!● Early websites of two decades ago looked ugly–it took people a while to figure out that the Web was not the same as print media–it was artists and designers who tamed the early web and made it usable●typography●graphics●layout–UX became a fusion of ergonomics and aesthetics● There is a role for artists and designers to shape

the Social Internet of Things ( 'Thingbook' )

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IoT for Artists and Designers (3)


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Everynet: a network for IoT● Work has started on the Everynet project–aim is to build a dedicated city-wide network of sensors and actuators (switches )–inspired by the global Things Network●open network for innovation●open source hardware and software●crowdfunded and crowdsourced● Public workshops will be organised in the near future● Everyone invited to get involved!● Everynet should be operational by September

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IoT the unanswered questions● How can we build secure connected products and

services?● How can we monetize IoT and build a profitable

business?● How can we design connected products and services

which are a pleasure to use?● How can we scale IoT networks so they become


• These challenges will be addressed in future sessions of the IoT Forum

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Forthcoming events● February 17th, University of Brighton, talk on

“Building an IoT cluster in Brighton”● February ??, Brighton IoT Forum, theme will be “IoT Security” -

excellent speakers!● March 2cnd, Brighton DigiCat, theme of “Connectivity and

Infrastructure” - I will be talking about the Everynet project

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Conclusions1) IoT scene in Greater Brighton & mid-Sussex is finally

gaining momentum2) A lot of hard work lies ahead if we are to catch up with

centres like London, MK and Bristol3) We need to build an inclusive community of artists,

designers and technologists4) The Everynet will be a huge catalyst for innovation and

change5) Get involved! Join IoT Forum, come to DigiCat events,

support the Everynet project.6) Emerging technologies present us with an opportunity to

revitalise the local tech scene and compete with the very best!

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• Any Questions?

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Contact me• [email protected]• 07476 944338• @billharpley

Upcoming events

17 Feb Tech Beyond the Screen: UX & Design for Connected Products

22 Feb An introduction to Blockchain

2 Mar Tech Beyond the Screen: Connectivity & Infrastructure

For more information and to join our mailing